Prince, MTH, Superbowl LV, Kimye and more.

Published Feb 5, 2021, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve talks about being unsold out and it's not what you think. The Chief Love Officer has advice for a college student on how to deal with a parental situation. Nick Cannon has tested positive for COVID-19. Niecey Nash has stepped in for 'Masked Singer' and we are praying for his recovery. The crew is divided and this sparks the G.O.A.T. conversation in regards to Tom Brady. Fool #2 murders another one in the spirit of Michael Jackson. The countdown to Superbowl LV is on and we talk about Brady or Mahomes. Who ya got? Inside Comedy Roulette, we have the things people say about the fight they lost. Kanye West and Kim Kardashian have reached the let me pack it up and leave stage. Today the show wraps up with talks of NFL Honors, corned beef sandwiches, dairy, Superbowl LV and more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit looking like the don giving them like the million bucks things and the stubbings be true. Good it. Steve listening to the movie together for stum, Please, I don't join joining me. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, you got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your thing. Uh huh, I sure will come on everybody, y'all listen to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey. Uh got a radio show. Yep, yep sometimes saw all I can say yelp, Man, how far I've come is really unbelievable. But you know I finally figured it out. Man. God allowed me to have the life I've had so that I can become experienced at so many different things. And then this experience when I'm talking and sharing with people, I will be able to relate to a lot of different circumstances, not exact, but just the circumstances. You know. You know if a person comes to men, they say, man, I've been down and out. Okay, Well I know what that is. Man, I didn't. I didn't have any direction. Okay, got that been there, man at one point time, Man, I just kept piling mistake on top of mistakes. Okay. So you know, I think what I'm trying to say to everybody is when you're going through life and life is dealing the cards that it deals, I want you to understand that life deals everybody these cards. The disappointment card, the setback card, the failure card, the mishap card, the unexpected misery card. Everybody gonna get, the grief card, everybody gonna get, the rash of bad decision card, everybody gonna get them. Understand that going in that everybody is gonna get these cards. It's how you play them, though, you know, from time to time, one more time, it's how you play them, you know, from time to time. On watching TV, I love to watch the World Series of Poker. I like watching poker tournaments on TV because it's it's really weird, what's happened to a sport? To a poker they're actually trying to call it a sport, you know. And as the everyday guy that doesn't have to be athletically inclined to anything, who has a shot of winning a title if they play their cards right. The best poker players in the world don't have the best hands, They just make the best plays. I've seen guys win a hand with nine two in their hand as nothing and win their hand because they knew the bluff, they knew the odds, they calculated risks, they made the stakes higher than the other person was willing to pay. They gave off the illusion that they had something with an actuality. They had nothing thing. So what I what I enjoy about poker and watching it is that these people, these people here, played the hand they dealt and it ain't always a good hand. But it ain't whether your hand is good, And it ain't whether you're gonna get dealt bad cards or not. Because you're gonna get dealt some bad cards. Everybody ain't finna get two bullets in their hand. You ain't gonna get two aces when you get dealt. Uh. You know, when you play a draw poker, some of your cards gonna be nothing. But you got to turn that nothing into something. So when you get dealt these cards in life, it ain't the fact that you're getting keep getting them dealt. I was talking with a young person yesterday and we were talking, and we keep having the same conversation over and over and over, and they could not understand why they were not moving forward. But I said, you don't understand. Every time we talk we have the exact same conversation. It is simply because you keep getting your cards and you playing them the same one. He see, until you make a conscientious different, the conscious decision to do something different, the results will continue to be the same. See here's the way this works. When you're dealt to disappointments in life, it's how you handle the disappointments that determine the outcome and who you are. Because everybody gonna be disappointment, everybody gonna lose a love one, everybody gonna make a bad decision, everybody gonna end wake up one morning they have done something they regretted. Everybody gonna get caught at the wrong time, every everybody gonna make a mistake. It ain't just you. That is how you play your cards when they get dealt to you, that determine who you are. Na how do I play my cards better? First of all, it's a mindset. Quit looking at everything as just the end when it happens to you. Oh lord, woe is me? Nah, everybody got your circumstances somewhere. It ain't old. Woe is me. It's hold on, man, Okay, let me play this out to see how God then connected this to something else. See. As soon as a person have a set back, what's the first thing A lot of people do, they go straight negative. I can't see him to get a break. I can't see him move forward. Hold on, man, do you realize this could be connected to something? See you got to understand, man, that this thing is all connected. That you're not having these mishaps and these spills and accidents and falls for no reason. It's so you can become experienced at them. So when he takes you to the next level, when it happens again, you have no how and how to handle it. If you keep throwing yourself off the cliff every time something happened, you're just gonna be a cliff diver. Man, Stop tripping yourself out. I was talking to this young person, I kept saying, and you know what they try to tell me. I'm trying to stay positive. But the people around here, they're just killing that. Oh I see. So when you learn something that and you know something, you don't take ownership of it. You allow other people to come into what you know and believe and shake it loose from you. I don't care who you are. You're not doing me like that. Here's a deal. I have a gift that was given to me from God. That is the gift of comedy. That's what I've done. I've made the bulk of my living on that skill set. Right there. That are comedians who are supposedly friends of mine, who I've worked with, who get around in huddles with one another and they say, man, Steve really ain't funny. I don't see what they'd be laughing at. He ain't funny to me. He wasn't the funniest king to me. Excuse me, you're irrelevant in this conversation, because it regardless as to how you feel about me. That are people think that I'm knocked down kill over funny. But more importantly, I own the gift that God gave to me. I take ownership of his blessing. Because you don't think it's so, You ain't taking that from me. Stop letting people steal your joy. Stop letting people take what you're supposed to know. Look, I'm a I'm a I'm a I'm a kind person at heart. Man. You ain't nothing now, you said, if here going? Man, I guess I ain't what you're tripping for. You are a kind person, own that take ownership of it. Stop letting things God has given you be taken away from others. The devil is a cold player, and he got cold players working for him, just shaking, just taking stuff from you. You know, I'm a hard worker. I really am intelligent. You stupid man. I thought I was a hard worker. Man. They came in here and said I was stupid. Man, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. What excuse me? You're a very bright person. Hey, y'all take ownership. When God gives you something, blesses you would have gifted talent, a skill set, a mindset. Own it. Don't let people come in here and take it from you. Man, Okay, I probably shouldn't do with that. You're listening to morning show. This is the Steve Harmer. Let me know you any day, Well, it's here another day. The voice is raspy, but I'm still here, Ladies and gentlemen, The Steve Harvey Morning Show I would say that I'm gonna take it easy this morning, but I don't know how. So let's bring it. Slang it, bang it. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Surely Strawberry. Happy Friday, Steve, Happy Friday. Yeah, calin Forrell. Hey, it's Friday. Never mad on a Friday. What's up? Crew? What's up? Junior? Morning? Up? Morning everybody? Friday, Janthony Brown, It is Friday. We put in a four weeks work. Yeah, yeah, great, great, I'm not finishing and we all we work so hard. Whoa, whoa, Nephew, Tommy, don't blanging and banging. Baby, it's Friday. You must be exhausted. Oh, Shirley, when I tell you I'm looking forward to when we get off. Oh my god, I've had full motor though than no mo, Ain't you Jesus anything more ridiculous? Man, I'm gonna let it off. I'm gonna let it all hang out. I'm gonna sleep. Oho, I'm gonna sleep. I'm gonna sleep so good because you exhausted ny NFL man, Tomorrow night, Tomorrow Night on CBS, tune in tune and yourself, because I wasn't working without the audience. How was that man. That wow. And you know it's really hard audience in a you got no audience in a stadium. Yeah, the stadium. The U can't feel more unshold out. Yeah, people ask them where you look? Chill? They had they got twenty five people off to the side, but they were spread out so far at no point because I see all of them, and then and they didn't end zone. Hey, you ever heard twenty five people laughing the end zone? You know they ever heard it because you can't hear them. I was out there, man, I was out there just laughing at my damn self. What am I feel? Oh? I look like I had a good damn But boy we got I don't know how much it had. Cousin, they're gonna have to edit out of that. Oh yeah, tomorrow night on cbl O. So check you. I'm sure you pulled it off. I was so mad, man, Cousin, what I bought for it and what nobody see it? Always gonna see what I told him. I'm wearing this again because ain't nobody to see this? All right? Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, get ready for the Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey clo in the building. Right after this, you're listening Steve Show time. Now we're asked the CLO, the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey, Are you ready, sir? Ye? All right, here we go this one. It's from Michelle and Boston. She says, Uncle Steve, I'm recent college graduate that it is not interested in working a nine to five, and my parents are giving me grief about not using my degree. I've heard you say that your success is tied to your gift or something like that, and I don't want to be in a dead end job wasting my brain power. I want to travel the world and figure out what I'm passionate about. I don't need my parents' money to do it. I've found a program to finance at all. How should I approach the subject with my parents so they won't disown me? Well, the problem is you needed their money to go to school. Now, it doesn't sound right if you say I don't need y'all's money because I found a program, but when you probably needed their money and assistance to even get to college and complete it. I think nobody goes to college on their own completely. Very few people can do that. So don't go at your parents like that, But just do tell them that you have interest because whatever, you gotta degree, and obviously it's not what you're happy about. Because, like I always say about college, the biggest mistake we make with our children in colleges we ask them to declare a degree while the eighteen nineteen years old and they don't even know why. Yeah, man, and you declare and you don't even know. And then you get this degree because you have the power to stick to it and you're smart and you educate yourself. And then you look up and you go, Okay, I have a degree in something that I don't want to do, and you don't want to get stuck in the dead end job and you only live once. And I'm still a proponent of pursuing your dreams, but I think you gotta get your parents on board with that, because they say and don't waste the college education. To what they really mean is, don't waste the money we paid for this college education. And that's a fair assessment. So you got a little battle on your hands, but you gotta you gotta talk to them. And then now you're old enough where you can just make the decision. They're not going to disown you, though, then they're gonna be a little disappointed, as we all get in our children's decisions. Once y'all's ass Thanks you grown who all right? Thank you? Du Cielo Jerry and Georgia says, I've been married for seven years and my husband might be cheating on me. Monday evening, after work, he got comfy, and as usual, I went and picked his clothes up off the floor. His ring and watch were in his pants pocket, so I took them and hid them in my drawer. I waited till the following morning, and I watched him panic when he couldn't find them. I gave them to him, accused him of cheating, and he claims he's got a good excuse for taking them off, but he won't tell me because he said I won't believe him anyway. How can he shut me down like that? What's my next move? Well, I mean, you found his ring and watch in his pocket. How the hell is that cheating? I don't get this. I don't really understand that you think he cheating because you found his ring and watch in his pocket. Now you you watched him panic. I would panic too if I can't find my watching, my ring. But when you give it to him and then you ask him for it, he had an excuse for taking it off. You didn't want to hear that. Well, what would be an excuse for taking off your ring? I went to the gym. It was, I went to the gym. I was washing my hands at the job. You know it's COVID. You gotta watch twenty seconds time. I didn't want to mess up my watching. I took it off. You know that right there? You know sometimes you know you do get ye, Shannon, I don't believe any of it. You know you don't believe him. I was checking my prostate and I had to take this damn ring. Yeah, n ring. But for finding his ring and watching his pocket does not mean cheating. I don't know how you jumped all the way with the cheating. So what's her next movie to apologize? Why is it a more situation? What I mean? What you didn't even want? Let the man tell you what it was a you're gonna hear one of the laws. We just gave you one of those lives, all right. This is from my meg an online listener. She said, I met a great guy and we hit it off instantly. On our first date, I invited him to dinner and I paid for everything since I invited him. Our second date was at his mom's house for a seafood boil and I was excited to meet his family. The third date, he cooked for me at his house. Fourth date, dinner at my house. He hasn't He hasn't asked me on a real date yet or spent any real money on taking me out? Is this a red flag or being shallow? Okay? Hold up, Hold lady, You jumped out, invited this man to dinner and paid for everything, and anybody told you to do that. He didn't ask you to do it. The next time he invites you to his parents house for a crab ball boom. The next time, y'all whose house they go to? After that? Over to his house? And then next time you had him back over your house? Right, okay, what's wrong? He ain't took me on the reel, y'all eating your ass off? You just couldn't by the house man? Just tell him excuse the next time we eat, can we go out? I think it's a big step that he introduced you to his mama. Now I don't know how early, but that's big you ain't even looking at the its side, right, really, you man, because he ain't take you noe and spending no money? Why did you do it? Yeah? See, here's the rue thing about doing stuff. If you're doing something, if you expect a man to treat you exactly the way you treat him, you are in for a huge disappointment in life. That's because we have two different species. You should have just did it because you wanted to date the man. Now he went, hey, come meet my mama. Why ain't nobody never done nothing like that for me? Then hey, come on over my house, let's go eat, and then you won't get man in date. That's great, right right before we run out of time. Now the problem is what is you doing it? All these houses? That's what we did eating? Okay, okay, all right, listen. Coming up next it is the nephew to run that prank back right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna standing by with National News and entertainment news. Nick can And has tested positive for COVID nineteen blessing other entertainment news. Some sad news. Princess White Dove has passed away. I'm going to talk about all of these stories. Yeah, yeah, cry yeah. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. But right now the nephew is here. We'll run that prank back. What you got, nef. They ain't move, big Mama, So dramatic move big Mama. Not let's go, okay, cleaning services. I'm trying to Can I speak to the owner of the company. This is he It's just Robert. The owner is Robert. It's just Robert. Yes, sir, this is mister Robert. How can I help you? My name is Carruthers. Y'all y'all clean, y'all clean? Uh my my house last week? Okay? And when y'all moved the furniture, the queen in the carpet, somebody, somebody moved my grandmother off the coffee table. She not in there, no more. Hold one, sir, do you know what what data we clean your house on, sir? Last Wednesday? Y'all cleaner. We came to your house on Wednesday of last week. But what's your address, sir? Bring mama, it's it's sir. Hello. You said your name is Corrupts and we came to your house on Wednesday if you don't mind, can I have your address? Sleep yo bing Okay, mister Carruthers, listen, if if if we if your grandmother now with your grandmother laying on the carpet, I mean, my guys don't move people, sir, uh, we would not have food grandmother, my grandma see was on the see was on the coffee table, her urn was on the coffee tables. Oh ever, my mother pats Bete late y'all if somebody moved it and now the vase is still there, but dassude, okay, okay, okay, I'm sorry. So you're saying that you're may mom mister, mister Cruthers, I am so sorry. Um, I just longed my grandmother not too long ago, sir, I know how you feel. Now I'm now, I'm listen. My guys would not have knocked over a vase or something like that. They would have told me if they knocked over so they Are you sure that it was my cleaning service? Yeah? I ain't have No. Nobody had no two different carpet cleaning services to come by in the same week. Man, y'all the only ones came by there, y'all, the ones that did it y'all the one more my grandmama and now my grandmama. Go, mister CRUs I'm a girl man. Mister Caruthers, I'm sorry about it, but if you would give me your address, I confirmed that that's actually was my company that came by you. I apologize, sir. Uh, I'm sorry. I up. Oh, I'm so sorry, sir. Now, if can you please just give me your address, sir, let me let me full some information up in my system and we can we can straighten all this out. Hold on for more second, please say go and ask Wayne and Robert. You need to come in here for a second. They had to be the ones to clean that man carpet on last week. Hold sir, Grandma now keeping on that corfee table, but we're keeping on that coffee table. It's go, mister brothers. I'm sorry. I'm trying to find out this. When I give myself together, I'm gonna come down there and I'm gonna kick some and the damn place. Do you hear me? Listen, Caruthers, and I'm just not listen. I'm gonna do everything that I can to help you. But now don't don't uh, You're not gonna freend me on this phone. Tell you you move my grandmama. I'm gonna move you. No, you hear me, I'm gonna, I promise, I'm gonna tell everybody not to use this damn carp and clean the service because y'all don't know what y'all know. Holy hell on, now let's listen. Nah, Now, it took me a long time to get my services together. Certain we do a real good job. Now you're not gonna threaten me. Y'all moveship for grandmama. That's what y'all do. You move people's grandmama. We sir, we have never had this kind of incidence. A matter of fact, we haven't had any incidence at all. So I'm gonna everybody I'm home. I'm sorry about your grandmother. Sir. I'm gonna get everything right away from home, gonna get a man in the newspaper and tell everybody not to use this damn service. I promise you that I have told you once. Now you're not gonna trepn me about my damn company no more. You understand me. But putting on added no newspaper and you're not gonna ship there. Tell me what you're gonna do how to call my sons in here, how to calling that you did the owner ones that clean that got dog gonna coffee? Now, I'm gonna find out what happened. But you're not gonna threaten my company. You understanding, It's how I make my living. Now, I don't know how you make your living, but it's how I make. Don't make y'all learn my moving people. Grandmama's man. You move my grandma with my grandmama. Ain't on the coffee table no more, sir, sir, it's I'm sorry that you're grandma not on your coffee table no more. Look, I'll try to find out what happens. We're gonna get this fix for you, but you gotta work for me. Yeah. Well, I'm coming y'all now, riding down to do damn iwas, and start kicking some how your boys. Now you too, Oh you should have come down here, come bring you, come on down here right now. I'm not scaring you and you look, I'm trying to help you. And you want to go off on me like that. I don't give a miss a call down here right now. You an't getting even your entrance. I don't even know where you are, and I don't even know if we're seen. I promise you I'm whooping your boys ain't yo because y'all to move my grandmo. You move my grandmother? Man, something bro, Miss Caruthers. Don't threaten me or don't threaten me by my boys my son. I don't take that too lightly. I will come personally to your house right now, beach up and then come back to clean your house for free. Do you understand me? Don't you talk to my children? And don't you trick me? Let me count my damn fun out. One more thing I want to tell you, man, is you listening? What is it? Nephew tim me from the Steve Harby Money Show. You just got plagued by your wife dog Hello, hey s man define define um. I don't anybody that that wasn't that wasn't nobody else timeing Man, You ain't right down, You di't right You called me coming now You got my son into looking like like they did some bump up a fast head. Man, you will tell me what you're gonna do with my coming. Man, you know how long it's been? Say? Am I coming to thought? To man? You're rough for that ro man, Hey, man, Robert, I got one more thing, ask you, man, what is what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harmy Morning Show Player. Man, I listen to y'all every morning. Man, y'all every more. Look here, why don't you tell doctor Steve Man, y'all need to put a corper cleaning the war over in the hood Awards. Man, we need cleaning. You mean a corper cleaning in the category corper cleaning category. Man, y'all need to go and put one in there. Yeah, home run ahead of that, you go, They move big Mama out the part. You played too much talent on this side of the show. We keep telling this, Tell Jay, tell killing it. We don't have a earn and our family. We don't have nobody that's passing in the earth. Oh no, my lot of black pep who don't do that? Yeah, I mean, do they think they're gonna get up? Yeah? Just cheaper just coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and national news right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show and Today's entertainment News. According to People magazine, Nick Cannon has tested positive for COVID nineteen and he will temporarily step down from his hosting duties of the mass Singer My Favorite Show, and Nissy Nash will reportedly fill in his hostet well, so we can do another drum wow, I mean right, but I can't do it without him. You said that first. What's the chance of drum line two coming out after thirty years? Already had drum line too, you know, lighted a bumblebee. Let's go for some sadness out of Paisley park Um. Prince's White Dove Divinity has passed away because of death was a decline in her health and old age. Now, according to Paisley Park Estate, Divinity surpassed a lifespan of doves and she was one of the last of Princess o G White doves. She was twenty eight years about a dove, we're talking about eight real years now, we're talking about it, one of princess doves, Princess Dove divinity. Yeah that in the video he had all those doves that Yeah, purpain came out of eighty something. You're trying to tell me that dove been round since then? The dove is twenty eight years old. Yeah, we were just asking, I can't do the rest of yourself. I can't. I got this. I can't do the rest of the stamps some more personal time. I'm needed weak? When when is the We were just talking talking, but I think we'll be disrespectful to fly in for it though. That's timing right there, baby, that's quick, come quickly it disrespect Well, how old is Mike Tyson's pigeon? Because we need to keep tracking it. Look out my well, they're still alive so far. Yeah, can do pigeons and doves? Get a loan that they about the same thing. You know. It's that black it's that black white thing. Damn that bubble. I know. I think bubbles passed away. I'm sorry. Did you see Shirley? Do you know you willing to kill anybody? Now? You're killing monkeys? No, double will do it now? Bubbles is gone, Steve, what bubbles? Divinity? All right, it's time for headlines. That's the name of the due let's go. Divinity was the name of the Oh yeah, go back and look at the video when divinity Now I can't watch it now, I'm just saying, oh well, all right, all right, Steve, time for headlines. If you can do it, if you're okay, really can't. Somebody else introduced somebody else, June La Jay, go ahead, because I know you probably I've got to up to what I'm gonna do my best, lady and gentleman and trip No, okay, he passed me the tissue, Tito. Anyway, good mooring. This is entered with the news everybody out there. The House of Representatives voted yesterday to remove controversial Republican congress from Marjorie Taylor Green from her committee assignments because of her history of trafficking racist, anti Semitic, and basis conspiracy theories. The Republicans took no action, so the Democrats took Taylor Green off the important Education and Budget committees. Taylor Green tried to plead her case before the vote was taken by claiming that, for instance, she no longer thinks that these Sandy Hook massacre and the World Trade Centers were staged. Nine to eleven absolutely happened. I remember that day, crying all day long watching it on the news. Later in twenty eighteen, when I started finding misinformation, lies, things that were not true in these que and on posts, I stopped but she even tried to play the victim later on, a victim of the media. Any source of information that is a mix of truth and a mix of lies is dangerous, no matter what it is saying, what party it is helping, anything, or any country it's about, It's dangerous. Well, now, Taylor Green did not mention any specific network. However, the voting technology company smart Magic Smartmadock rather has followed two point seven billion with a b dollar lawsuit against Fox News, some of that network's host and Trump attorneys Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani. Smartmadic claims that the group worked in concert to wage a disinformation campaign in the days after the election that has jeopardized it's very survival. Smart Madox accusing Giuliani, Powell, and Fox host Luke Dobbs, Maria Bartarromo and Jeane Piero Jeanine Pierro of intentionally lying about Smart maddocks, saying it wasn't wasn't good, didn't work, and was doing all sorts of in an effort to mislead the publican to the false belief that Donald Trump had actually won the election. Smart Madock is the second vote technology company to Sue Powell and Giuliani. By the way, meanwhile, sag after that's The union representing radio, TV and movie actors had scheduled a disciplinary hearing yesterday for Donald Trump with the aim of revoking his membership for a leisurely inciting last month's Capitol Hill riot. So Trump decided to quit first, the union issued a two word response to his resignation. It was simply thank you. Donald Trump's second impeachment trial starts next Tuesday. By the way, He's already turned down the House Impeachment Manager's request to provide some sworn testimony. In other words, show up and testify under oath. House prosecutors say that the written answers followed by the ex president's legal team ahead of the trial denied factual allegations, so they wanted to talk to him, but he says he's not coming. As a Biden administration's vaccination effort picks up, city and states under increased pressure to ensure that doses of the vaccine being distributed fairly to those who need it most. And finally, this is Super Bowl weekend, the weekend when the whole nation runs out of chicken wings and recipe you We're going to do some other roasted chicken wings. Got some soy song smells. Don't yell, by the way, just clap. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, time for you to introduce Jay. Ladies and gentlemen. Here Jay Anthony Brown. I thought i'd do something different today and write a song, and after the song we might have a little discussion. It's up back in the days. If you like it, hit it hitting. Do you remember back in the day when you went outside if you wanted to play your hand to be back home before it got nicer. You kept your eyes on the street light, grinding on the girl. The girl grind back saying that you hit it, but you talked a smack. You used to put your mouth on a window fan, eating frablone right on the pan, yes, ma'am, No, ma'am. How we talked. No ride in school, You had to walk. I've been the morning eating frost the place, but you got no serve for your pancakes. Clean kitchen like Mama said, or she gonna get your butt up out the bed. We used to hide the belt when we did wrong. But you still got a whipper when your daddy got home. You remember. Don't act like you forgot hide and sick. We used to play for hours. Nobody had a toy. What you unwrap your gifts? You open it up. It's a pack of pencils, hot bread and butter. Come and get your supper. You remember, Oh my god, you remember. Don't act like you kill eating rice and gravy. A man aate sandwich sometimes just a sandwich. Serve sandwich, catch up the sandwich. Black and white TV or no kV on punishment or you calling me a lie eating cereal and reading the box. Don't act like y'all remember you're in a little football game. You had to set up. It went like eat and it would spin around and didn't go no damn well candle like the Cowboys. I love it, Jade. That was fire run back. You got to be a baby boomer to remember all of that. If you're a baby boomer, you remember everything. Nothing I remember left out, but I had to clean up the kitchen and clean it up right. And clean up the kitchen, me wash the dishes, dry the dishes, put the dishes up, you know, empty the trash and sweep the flow. I mean that's clean up the kitchen and mom and and mom, yeah, and mom. And if you had a dishwasher you couldn't use yeah, sh wake you up, wall covers back and Saturday morning, we're gonna clean this whole house. You hear me? Get them base boards, baby, I want them base boards clean. One. I can't some old cartoons. This this is crew punishment. Man. What old underwear you clean in the house? All right? Thank you, Jake Always. I just can't laugh this morning. Coming up at thirty that do man? Oh god, I'm mighty. We'll talk about the big game coming up, super Bowl fifty five right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Super Bowl fifty five is this Sunday. I'm sure you guys know that it's going to be at the Raymond James Stadium in Tampa Bay. Tom Brady and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers versus Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs. Tim Who you got? Time me? Who you got? I gotta go with the young boy. I'm going to kill you. Who you got? Chief Jay? Who you got? Oh? He's coming to answer. What you got to ask me? Yo? I'm old, old old Brady. I'm Brady, I'm Brady. I'm gonna go with the Kansas City Chiefs. But I'm doing it reluctantly because I am so scared or going against that. Damn Tom Brady. He can do it. If anybody can do it, it's him. I think he got these boys in a mindset. But then you know what, Kansas City, man, you know, they don't care about that. They don't care, man. They go out there the ball. So if Tom Brady wins this, then is he the greatest of all stick out? He's the greatest quarterbasketball time already. Yeah. Yeah, But I'm saying bowl right, Yeah, that's it, And it's gonna be hard to catch him. It's gonna be hard for my homes to catch you. Yeah, you know, but my homes had he gotta win to be If he don't win, he's not the greatest. He's still great. He's still no, no, no, Tom Brady. It's the greatest quarterback to ever play this game period right now? Really? Really ten super bowls? Ten super bowls. He'd been to ten super Bowls? It won six or seven? Six? Wow? Whatever? Yeah? Yeah. The official attendance figure says there will be twenty five thousand fans in the stands and another thirty thousand cutouts. Also, out of the twenty five thousand fans in attendance, seventy five hundred of those will be vaccinated healthcare workers. Yeah, so that's really Did you know they asked the cutouts the social distance so they don't spread them. No, we hadn't heard that, Jad, thank you to the street. Yes, So what the what's what's every year we talk about chicken wings? What's the story on chicken wings this year? Well, okay, so this is according to the National Chicken Council, Steve, they're saying we're gonna devour a record this year of one point forty two billion chicken wings. That's billion with a be chicken wings. I believe it. Yeah, And they say people about the shortage, Yeah, they don't have to worry about the shortage of wings this year because chicken production was steady during the pandemic and all of twenty twenty. So what are the chickens, sir? What are you billions of chickens? Were you chicken going half a billion? Yeah? Yeah, you need five hundred million chickens? Yeah, each one of them have two wings. And if you and if you let Kentucky make the chickens, and you probably don't need but a hunding and eighty no judges. If you let churches make them, see, you just have a wing growing out of every area the US man. Yeah, ur steroids chicken out of churches. Yeah. So how many are you guys gonna consumer? You still gonna eat chicken wings? Can you eat chicken wings on your on your programs? Well, Sunday's my cheat day. So Sunday I'll be able to have cheap meals. You know, my trainer said, the whole day is a cheap day. Might nutritionally says one meal. I'm act like I ain't here from her, You're going forward? What's she talking about? How many wings can you yourself down in one sitting? How many? I really just like the flats? Me too, I love it. I really just like the flats, And I do about by the eighteen eighteen You can put that minute downs over the course of the game. Okay, huh okay, all right, all right, and don't figure to check out Steve Harvey hosting the NFL Honors tomorrow night. Nineties. That's what you bs coming up the nephew with the prank phone call. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject why is your mama always drunk at Yeah, we'll get into that in a little while. Right now, the nephew is in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got for is nev This right here is super Bowl party, super Bowl party. Earlier this week, got the super Bowl trip. This is super Bowl party. All right, let's go, kat Dog, take a listen. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Gerd. Yeah, this is Let's call. Hey, this is this It's Curtis Man. I'm I'm one of your neighbors in the neighborhood. I'm about three I think about three streets over from you. I'm reaching out to you, man, I know the super Bowl coming up? Are you are you? Are you playing on throwing your your annual super Bowl party this year? Man? How you get you? Said you in the neighborhood. Yeah, y'all live in the neighborhood. I'm I'm three streets over from you. Oh, Okay, Yeah, how'd you hear about the Super Bowl party? Man? I mean, I mean everybody knows about it. I mean, you know, it's it's it's it's pretty big. Every year you got you know, I mean it's it's it's cars everywhere. I mean, you guys be be rocking for all through the NiFe on Super Bowl Night. So I'm calling to see if are you Are you throwing it this year? Um? Yes? And you I do it every year, man, I do it every year. A neighbors come over, everybody comes over, We have a good time. So yeah, we're gonna be doing it again this year. While what's up? Okay? So here here what I want to tell you, man, Every year your party too loud, and here's people parking all in front of other people's houses. You know, I'm three streets old. It's people parking in my driveway to get to your house, and to be honest with you, is too loud. And I'm just telling you this year, if that is loud this year, I'm calling the police this year. Man, this is what you really called me for. You really called me to threaten me, to tell me you're gonna call the police shut down my party broad too loud. Man, we've met everybody, and everybody in the neighborhood. Come to my party. Man, ain't know everybody in the neighhood. Don't come because I damn show ain't been there. That's because you ain't get an invite. Because hater. That's why you ain't getting no invite. You, I said, you hater. That's why I'm not No, I ain't no hater. I'm just telling you your stuff is out of control. Man. You gotta tone it. You gotta get control of your party. You don't have control of it. Man, you're telling me how to control my control your mouth. Start it. Let's start right there. All right. You ain't calling No, you ain't doing none of that. We ain't doing Oh yeah, hold on, you ain't telling me what I'm not gonna do. All right. I just you the one. You, you the one on the last party. You're the one got people parking and people driveway and yeah, that's right. If it happens this year, I'm calling the police. You ain't calling nobody. You ain't calling it person. I'm gonna tell you that right now. Okay, So how are you fee to stop me? How are you finna stop me from making sure I got peace and on my street at my house. I'm gonna stop you with a size twelve right up, y'all. Okay, okay, hey, I'm gonna tell you. I'm gonna tell you again. Control your party, get the noise level where it ain't disturbing everybody in the neighborhood, and stop people from parking in people's driveway. And I'm gonna tell you again, I'm about to have a party with my size twelve right up in your Hey, dude, it is what it is, then, it is what a look for the police to be at your party, all right, look for the people to look for the police to be at your damn party, because evidently you don't respect your neighbors. It's what it is. You know what I do respect. My name is because all the neighbors in the neighborhood come except for you, because we already know you're on y'ar on that list. Yet I hate that's a neighbor that'd be calling tow trucks and you know, complaining about leaves and people's yard and all that. I know you, I know exactly who you are. That's why you never got an invite to the party because you do not even know me. Dude, you use the idea who I am use a buster? Use that, But I'm gonna be the buster that's calling popos to be over there on Sunday. Listen to snitch snitching. That's a that's not snitching. No, it's controlling the atmosphere and stopping it from being out of control. You atmospher. Let me ask you something. So so you think people that's going to your party are to be able to park in my driveway? Listen, man, I'm gonna be real with you. I'm sorry if anybody man parked in your driveway, but nothing for you to just knock on the door and say, hey, excuse me. You know I'm trying to get out, you know whatever. Whatever. I make sure I put it on the flyers that we don't want people blocking driveways. But you know, obviously it happened, and I apologize for that. But that's no reason for you to be going on extra crazy and going to extra mount talking about I'm calling the police. You know what are you're calling nobody? Man? Shut up? That right there is what's wrong with black people today. Instead of coming to me like a man you're coming to me like a coward instead of coming to me like a man and saying, listen, man, you because the first thing you're talking about, oh, I'm gonna call the police, and then when the police come and beat your black pass up, you're gonna be on the other line complaining, talking about to be you want to be sure, and doing this and that. Don't you know, that's how you get up, man. So as black people, we gotta learn how to stick together and come together. If you want to come to the party, it sounds like you're a silent hater on the loaf for real, like you really want to come to the party, but because you're the only person in the neighborhood that hasn't been invited. Now you're talking about calling the police. I know exactly who you are. Who am I You? That dude that live up two three streets over and you drive that that red pickup truck with the flannel shirts and all of that. You're the only person in the hood driving a red pickup truck and the flannel It's wrong with you, man, that's why you ain't getting no invite. And on top of that, all those dogs you got running around in your backyard. You need to clean them up. They'd be back there and everything, and then the other neighbors can't even have barbecues because your big, rusty gass dogs running around. You got a nerve to be talking about you calling the police when we need to be calling the city on you. All that trash and you got in front of your house. Man, get out of here. I'm gonna call the cops on you right now if you ain't. You're wearing the flannel shirts with red pickup truck and the dogs running around with fall in the front yard, in the backyard and fall over the place. Who the are you that tell me say no more? I'm gonna tell you who I am. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your next dough neighbor, Brian. That's who I am. You know what? You know what? You know what now I'm definitely gonna kick you in his man. You had me going, Man, I hold when I run this prank. I hope the man with the red pickup truck and the flanner shirt ain't listening to it. All right, man, I got one more thing you gotta tell me, what's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Man, you already know it's the Steam Harvey Morning Show. As a party, man, that was good. Yeah, yeah, mouthful to say to you. Ye dogs, you got truck. I won't nobody want food with you. I hope your red truck man no show up to the party. I really he wasn't listening. You're right talking about me. He was not getting not shut up all. You're having a super Bowl party this year. I'm having a few fellas over It will be a social distance Yeah, okay, doctor fouch, She says, super spread Tommy, Timmy, Oh oh that's right, My bad. I got ready to say, how y'all going to social distance at your house? But you don't live in the house. You live in the shot to my bad. Come on, guy, stop now you know who you know could throw a house party as social distance in the house. You got big at you. I ain't having nobody over here for Junior. Y'all gonna be social distance? Hell no, I'll be right up on him. I know Junior ain't got it. Look, how do you know that hug and everything everything in quarantine for real? Then we're gonna be smoking your goals. Yeah, you have fun. All right. For today's frank phone call, be Safe, Be Safe Coming up Strawberry Letters subject why is your Mama Always dunk? We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is a strong, very letter voted best subject why is your Mama Always drunk? Yes, and the award goes too. All right, Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm married to a man that can't control his mother. We've been married for two years. For two years, and I've dealt with this since I met him. His mother went through a late life crisis and has started shopping at Forever twenty one and hanging out at cafes at night. I have warned her about COVID, but she says alcohol kills the virus. If that's the case, she won't need the vaccination because she is always a little tipsy when we see her. She's always got a yetti cup full of wine with her, and she rambles on and repeats herself a lot. My husband and I live in a nice enough neighborhood and there's an older man that lives with his daughter next door to us. He sits in the yard in the evenings, and my husband's mom has made it her business to get all in his business. She told us that he's single and he just broke up with his girlfriend, so she's ready to make a move on him. I told her to leave that man alone. Two days later, I noticed her car was in our driveway, but I didn't see her. I went next door and looked in the front window window, and I saw her with the neighbor and it looked like they were having sex. I told my husband, and he wanted to go next door, but I told him not to. The next thing we know, there's a knock on the door from the man and he said that my husband's mom was passed out drunk in his living room. My husband was embarrassed, and he quickly went next door to get his mom. He still won't tell his mom to cut it out and act her age. Should I intervene and talk to her or should I mind my business and let my husband handle it? Please advise? I mean, what do you think you can do at this point? Your husband hasn't done anything. Let your husband handle it, He hasn't handled it. This is a grown woman who has a drinking problem. She drinks, That's why she's always drunk. Right, You said yourself that you have dealt with this for two years. Two years and that's how long you've been married to your husband, so you knew this was going on before you guys got married. I mean, you even warned her about COVID, but she had a clap back for that, saying alcohol kills the virus. What mama? So right there, she's not trying to hear anything you have to say to her. And as far as your husband, her son, you see, he can't control her. He can't say anything. He's not going to say anything. He might be afraid to say anything to his mom. You know how that is. She's definitely an embarrassment. I get that, but you're gonna have to let this play out because you guys can't do anything, and she's already out of control. She's doing whatever she wants to do. And the last time I checked, passing out drunk over a man's house that you're trying to get with. That's not sexy and that doesn't get you in. So maybe you could tell her that, maybe that'll help, But I don't think anything's gonna help. She wants to drink and do whatever she wants to do, hang out at cafes? Did you say at night? All right, Steve, go ahead, Well, I don't know. You've been married to a man that you say can't control is mama? Who can control a mama? Right? That's that's a tough one right there now. And you've been dealing with this since you met her. Now here's a problem. His mother went through a life, midlife crisis and has started shopping at Forever one and hang out at cafes at night Forever twenty one. Now the reason. See, when you when you're old and you shop at Forever twenty one, you have to drink so you can think you look good in that outfit. See the reason they named the stove forever twenty one. It's so they can attract the younger crowd. Yes, they didn't mean that if you put this on, you will always look like you twenty one. It's just an advertising slogan. It's not a damn fact. A matter of fact. When you put clothes on that you ain't got no business putting on, you look like a food. This is how I know she old. So you've warned her about it. She hang out of cafes and night. She said that you warned her about COVID. But she says alcohol kills the virus. Now, if that ain't an old ass remedy, I don't know who it is. You got to be old to come up with that, all right now, So she don't need the fascination. And then she's always high when you see it. She got it now. This is this is when you really high. She ain't got a solo cup. She don't have a paper cup. This old heffergot a YETI cup full of knickel, but yetti cup. That means it can stay the same temperature for hours. Yeah, she a professional drinker. She got the same feeling the whole way through that damn YETI cup. Yeah, even rappers ain't moved to YETI cups yet. She's an advanced alcoholic. My husband and I, y'all live in a nice neighborhood. And as an older man that lives with his daughter, next daughter, y'all, and he sits in yard in the evening that my husband's mom has made it her business to get all up in his business. Well, you, you made that statement, but what you really didn't know was what she was really trying to get all up in. And it wasn't just his business, it was his house. And then she told us he's single and broke up with his girlfriend, so she ready to make up, moved And when we come back, I'll explain to you everything else that happened in this lattitude. All right, Steve, all right, we can't wait. Part two of Steve's response is coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour subject it's our favorite, why is your mama Always drunk? We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letter, the subject why is your mama always drunk? Why? Well, this man's mama you've been married to him for two years and you'redn't dealt with the drink. And since you met him is mother went through a late life crisis and then started shopping at father twenty one. You didn't say how old she was, but he's probably doubled at so she should probably be shopping at Forever Senior Citizens. But no, she's at Forever when it wont that's a new store I'm thinking about opening. Quit acting at your age, not your shoe side. You know she don't care nothing about COVID because she drink enough. She said alcohol kills the vibrus. She's a professional drinker. Because we found out she don't have it in a solo cover. It ain't in the style phone cover. This woman carries her look around in a damn Yetti She's invested. Yetti cups are expensive. She's invested in keeping her alcohol at premium temperature. That's to be. That's an alcoholic when you got to keep it right at the same damn temperature. She don't want to water down na na showing the ice in it or nothing. Thirty three degrees. Yeah, Now that's a man next door that she'd have made it her business to get to know him. Because he'd have told her she broke up with his girlfriend. He broke up with a girlfriend, so now she gonna make a move on it. You told her to lead that man alone? Who are you? Old? People need love to lead that man alone? Maybe that man don't want to be left alone? How would you like it when you get old somebody tell you leave you alone? You're just sitting over there by your damn self. See that. I think she was doing a Christian thing. Really, just for now, just for now, right, find out in a couple of lines that this wasn't real churchy after all. Two days later you noticed her car was in y'all's driveway, but you didn't see her. Now, this is the part of the letter I want to focus on. I went next door and looked in the front wind dough. What what your your busy body? Has you so damn nosy? You went next door, walked up on this man's damn porch and looked in their front window. Do you not know that's illegal? Peeping? Tom is illegal? Neighborhood man, you can't do that. Who is she the neighborhood watch? All right? So now let me take you. Then, she said, I looked in saw her with the neighbor, and it looked like they were having sex. Let's stop right here for right. What do you mean it looked like they were having sex? Right? How you having sex and it don't look like it. You know, I've had some sex. Every time I've had it, it looked like I was having it. It just ain't no way. It ain't no way. You can be performing and don't look like you performing. Sex is an activity. It's not a reading suggestion. Yeah, you ain't over that suggestion thing. It's an activity. So you know, gonna hear well what you saw or you lying one of the two. It looked like they was having sex. Here you go. Now you got to be tied now because now you got to climb down off the porch, go all the way back across the driveway, go up to step and tell your husband. And he won't to go next door, but I told him not to. Why not. You've been over there, She over there, he over there. You've been over there. But now the boy can't go over there. Boy, I told him not to. Next thing, we know, there's a knock on the door from the man and he said that my husband mom was passed out drunk in his living room. Look, which goes to prove right there he was having sex and old man, old man was in there putting in work. Old man was in there putting in hard work. And she didn't passed out. Yeah, so he thought he had killed her, so that he came over this this silly he tried to stay out of jail, Jeanma gene oh claudetto over here land on his little room. And she didn't passed out because she drunk. He'd left out the part of what he was doing to her because he don't know you was in the window watching it. So he just came and told you she drunk. He put her out. Okay, my husband was embarrassing. He quick quickly went next door to get his mom. Let go ahead and get her drunk heads. He still won't telling his mama to cut it out in that day. Should I intervene to tell yeah, yeah, go ahead, take your nose, asswer, you would he would nose the ass woman, gone get in her barsad you over there looking in windows, climbing up on porch and getting ladders, looking in and stuff. Gott a telescope dissecting sexual movements. Hell, yeah, in a field. All right, she gonna knock your ass out because drunk people slap people real quick. Poster comments on today's Strubberry letters. Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Coming up Sports Talk with Junior right after this. You're listening, Steve? All right, guys, time now for Sports Talk with Junior. What you got Junior? Al right? Sureley to count down the Super Bowl with fifty five? Is this Sunday in Tampa Bay, Florida. I saw this post on espns i G page just just to tell you and look into the mind of Tom Brady. After the NFC Championship game, someone was crying in the Tampa Bay locker room and Tom Brady was like, what the f you crying for? We ain't done yet. We got a whole other game. Would you cry? You got him? Because he got six of them? He don't when the crime. You ain't seen me fry yet, man. We also trending sports fans are saying that Patrick Mahomes is to the Kansas City Chiefs what Michael Jordan was to the Chicago bull doing the early days of his career. So is that a true statement? You think that's too early to see how could it not be? I mean, this dude is he is right? He's the highest paid person in pro pro sports? Yeah? What are half a billion? Dog? It ain't and ain't. I don't know no baseball player making that money. No, No, ain't nobody making that type of He got a half a billion dollars? Wow? Yeah? How much money the guy made? Who he throw the ball to? I mean his salaries? Nah? Now, ain't gonna get that now because nah, we throw it to a lot of people. Hell no people. Yeah, and we just throw it to somebody else. Man, you want to half a billion? We can't throw it to somebody because somebody will catch this ball for two million? Yea will yes? Stay will man? So Sunday man, I know where everybody got the Chiefs except Jay going with the Bucks. Wow, you ain't say it like that. Well, I mean you ain't listening to me. Hey, hey man, But let me tell you something though. I'm I'm I'm going with the Chiefs because I like Patrick mahone and I like the Chiefs. If I had to bet on what I think experience is gonna do, it's it's the bucking neers, man, it's the bucket needs. I think they have an overall better team, more better defensive players and great, you know, but I ain't got a little dog. Oh yeah, Oh, Brady can do it because they got a football team. And what Brady is saying to them in that locker room is gonna be affective. But mahone talking to them too, because they just won or they ain't forgot and they ain't no chump sah and they defended right now. Their favorite you know, Chiefs is favored by three. So that's here. How close is gonna be? Right there? Jack, You're supposed to be that tight. It's gonna be that tight man. It's gonna be a good game. I can't wait. Oh all right, you heard it from Junior coming up at the top of the hour. Comedy Roulette coming up right after this. You're listening to. All right, guys, time now for comedy roulette. Jay, please explain quickly. It's very simple. You take three subjects. You put it on the wheels, fund the wheel, weird stop because we're good at this, we'll make it funny. Put them up, sirly, spin it what you got, all right. Today's categories are things people believe will happen to you if you take the vaccine. Things they who have been locked uh huh. Things people uh say who have been locked up for a long time. And then things people say about the fight they lost. Things people say about the fight they lost. Those are the subjects. Spend the wheel. Guys like spending. See what we got? Oh it stopped on Things people say about the fight they lost. Yeah, I love people say, but these people say about the fight they lost. She was a girl. What was I supposed to do? Huh? Things people say about the fight they lost? Hey, man, why you ain't help me? You was fighting, not me. People say things people say about the fight that they lost. You know, if I wouldn't have been eating that popeyed chicken, I wouldn't have had that season in my eyes. And that's really why I I. I couldn't stay. Okay, I couldn't. It's the three piece. It was spicy, not the mind. I'm doing. Things people say about the fight they low I was kicking his ass to he threw me over that garbage can. All right, we're doing comedy roulette. Things people say about the fight they lost, right, okay, okay, okay, two out of three, two out of three, let's do two out of three. All right, you wasn't the first one fighting about the fight they lost. Hey, man, I had my good shoes on. I was sliding everywhere. I had no bat whatever. Things saying about the fight they love. Why you ain't telling me that with sugar Ray litter son. Why you ain't say that? Come on, man, you're supposed to say that, though, dog, Come on, man, right, I'm doing things. Things people say about the fight they lost. Say, man, you keep bringing it up. I'm gonna beat your ass. Bring it up one more time, dog. Yeah. Yeah. Things people say about the fight they love. Oh, man, I'm gonna get another beat. All of blood all over my damn bloody ridiculous. Man. Things people say about the fight they lost. Listen, the carters is nine of them. It's too many. I can't fight all them. Come on, man. Things people say about the fight they love. Man, you know you can't whoop ugly people. Ugly people ain't got nothing to lose. Yeah about the look yeah people. Things people say about the fight day lost. Oh that ain't nothing, man. I've been hit way harder than that before. I didn't know you. All right, Well, anybody can jump in on this one. These people say about the fight day lost. You got another one. People say fight day when you saw his kids. I couldn't up his hand in front of his kids. Man, I can't do it. Yeah, all right, thank you guys. That was comedy roulette. We'll have more of today's trending news stories and trending stories coming up in twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, Hey you fight them. You're listening morning show and trending divorce news that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West divorce has reached the let me pick my stuff up and let me pack it up and leave stage. Okay, how close they are right now? Yeah, that's how close they are right now? First priority for Kanye. Kanye had five hundred pair of Yeezy of sneakers, an entire walk in to his yeezys. Okay, M a whole walk in. A week ago we returned m seven years I think seven year? Seven years? What you got to say? A week ago he returned to Los Angeles. No, no, any man they could do seven him, you know what I mean? Yeahs he's a soldier, he's drown any man can hang in there for seven years. Hat's awful. Whatever that is on your head. It might be a hat. I don't know what it is, but that's absolutely How long were you married? Man? How long we pick a marriage? Which times what I'm saying, pick a marriage the first I never double I've never double figured, and I'm it's been single digits on all of them. Jay, I should have asked Steve that question about you anyway, Campbell three years in, Max, three years, Max, we gotta talk about all right, Well, yeah, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning thirty three minutes after. Right after you're listening to morning show. All right, Steve, time for you to introduce Jay, ladies and gentlemen. Anthony Brown. I thought I'd do something different today and write a song, and after the song we might have a little discussion. It's a kind of back in the days. See, if you like it, hit it, hit it. Do you remember back in the day when you went outside if you wanted to play, it had to be back home before it got nicer. You kept your eyes on the street light, grinding on the girl. The girl grind back saying that you hit it. But you talking small. You used to put your mouth on a window fan, eating frabalone right out the pan. Yes, ma'am, No, ma'am. How we talked. No ride to school. You had to walk up in the money eating frost the place, but you got no serve for your pancakes. Slean the kitchen like Mama said, or she gonna get your butt up out the bed. We used to hide the belt when we did wrong, but you still got a whipper when your daddy got home. You remember. Don't act like you've forgot hide and sick. We used to play for hours. Nobody had a toy. What you're unwrapping your gifts? You open it up. There's a pack of pencils, hot bread and butter. Come and get your supper. You remember, Oh my god, you remember? Don't that like you eating rice and gravy, a mannad sandwich sometimes just a sandwich, serve sandwich, catch up the sandwich? Black and white, keV or no TV on punishment? Are you calling me a lie? Eating cereal and reading the box? Don't act like y'all. Remember you're in a little football game. You had to set up. It went like eat and it would spin around and didn't go No damn well, cann of late the Cowboys, I love it. Jay, that was fire home run. That was not. You gotta be a baby boomer to remember all of that. If you're a baby boomer, you remember everything. Nothing I remember was left out. But I had to clean up the kitchen was clean it up, right, And clean up the kitchen. Me wash the dishes, dry the dishes, put the dishes up, you know, empty the trash, and sweep the flow. I mean that's clean up the kitchen. And mom and mom and mom. Yeah, and mom. And if you had a dishwasher, you couldn't use yeah, she wake you up, wall covers back, and Saturday morning, we're gonna clean this whole house. You hear me. Get them base boards, Baker. I want them baseboards clean. When I can't stole some old underwash cartoons. This was. This is grew punishment with old underwear. You cleaning the house? All right? Thank you, Jake. Always coming up. It is our last break of the day of the week. It is Friday, last break of the day, coming up. Closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show here we are last break of the day for this Friday. It's been a good day. Super Bowl weekend, Steve. Your NFL Honors show is tomorrow night nine, eighth Central on CBS. Gonna be pretty good. We will be watching, Boss will be watching. We will and I shout out too much you have on, Yeah, we gotta tell us what it is. Also, none of you rise. I really disappointed because I wore for nothing when nobody in that big air stadium, I say you wore for nothing. Yeah, I hate to wasting outfit. I feel you on that to wasting outfit. I want to send a shout out to my grandson h b J. I call him Buddha BJ. He's got a great dad man being as a great father. He really invest time in that boy. But they sent me a video the other day and he caught ten. He's four years old. He caught ten football passes in the garage in a row. WHOA really proud moment for him. Man, I ain't gonna b really. Yeah, he caught ten in a row, and he was counting them because all he wanted to do was catch three in a row. And then he said give me four, and then he threw forward and then he kept counting. Got to ten it. It's funny. He caught the ten fo it counted, threw it behind him, but we counted it as a ten. So that was my Yeah, yeah, that was my proud grandfather moment. I didn't watching the video about seventy five times the cowboys ain't caught ten passes. He doing great, future Cleveland Brown. Be careful with your Brown's comments. Okay, what a future Cleveland Brown. That wasn't a good comment. You didn't like that? What's wrong with that? Tell me? That's kind of how you said, Shelly. You know he think you putting shade on the future Cleveland Brown. I did not, Well, she didn't know. I did see his daddy. His daddy is a Packer fan and and he make VJ. Webb package jerseys all the time. Yeah that kind of makes me throw up a little bit. It's his boy, So what can I say, you know, packless packer. Well, this is the same grandson that his parents feed him vegan food, and when he comes to your house, you're giving barbecue. So barbecue and cheetos. You better be a granddad. That's what grandparents are supposed to do. Spoil their That's cool. See Yeah, so all right, so NFL honors tomorrow night, and then you guys, the big game is Sunday, of course, Tampa Bay. I'm gonna tell you something else I did to him too. He was over one time and I was eating the corn beef sandwich. Yeah, I just gonna I let him bite into it, and boy, the joy that was on his face from corn beef. I said, Boy, one day, Papa gonna take you to Cleveland to Sliming's corn Beef on forty if it's Saint Clair, and I'm gonna take you in there with your granddad. I'm gonna let you eat the whole corn beef sandwich. You're gonna be sick as hell after that. Oh yes, the parents are gonna be mad. Yea. I take what I did. One time. You know, I was doing a cleans you know, I had did the de Herbs cleans and I was feeling great, losing weight, and to break it. We were in New York shooting something for my talk show. And it was the day I was breaking it, and I went to the Carnegie Delhi and they're famous for corn beef, and I bought the super corn beef and took it to my room that night, and ate a corn beef sandwich and then went to sleep. Boy the nightmares, the Tolson, but turned it. I flipped myself all night long. I've never done that. I ain't had corn beef since heartburns, heartburn, stomach burn, acid reflux, lactose, everything happened. Yeah, yeah, I think with some milk in the bread that Oh god. Wow, you if you ever ate something that was so enjoyable but you ended up regretting it? Or cream? You know, man, I found out that I can't have dairy anymore. Right, Uh, it's just against my sister always has. Yeah, I can't have any dairy cream nothing. And I've noticed, man becau you can I see a lot more veins in my hands and feet and stuff because the inflammation has gone down tremendously because of that. Right, And so I found this woman in Atlanta that makes U a non dairy ice cream. Oh my god, it's absolutely delicious. Absolutely what's it in it? I mean we don't know. It ain't no dairy and I can eat it with no effects and I don't feel bloated, and it's delicious. I'm I'm oh man, they have all the old delicious. You won't know that you're not that you're not eating non dairy ice cream. Okay, yeah, so I can't. I'm gonna give you her. She's in Atlanta. Please, Okay, love ice cream. I can't have none of that on this program. I'm own, No boy, I got thirty days. I gotta get it up because Monday, well, Sunday's my cheat day, but Monday is my fast day, so I gotta get it on in. So you're gonna be in a mood on Monday morning that work after Super Bowl. See y'all Monday, right after Super Bowl. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.