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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know y'all bag at all, suit looking back to back down, giving them just like the molking buck bus things. And it's to y'all to be true. Good to tea. Steve Hoy guy listening to me together for still far quickly by, Why don't you joy? Yeah? Yeah, joint me honey said dot turn hurt, Yeah you are you gotta turn to turn turn lobby, got the turn out to turn water wan go come come on your back at it. Uh. I don't know a good out of everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, I got a radio show, yeah, man, real grateful for that. You know, it's funny man. I remember when I um first started out in radio. A lot of my peers laughed at me. It was, you know, some of it was being mean spirited. Some of it was just you know, marking me. I'm used to stuff like that, but I UM I learned something from that. And I just had as a special guest on my show, Joel Oldstein on my talk show. And you know something man, he he said something that was I can't remember exactly how he said it, but I got the gist of what he was saying, and he was saying, you know, never be upset about where you are right now, especially with the small things that you have. Don't be upset with the small things you have now, because you at least you have something, and that small thing is just temporary. It's just where you are now. That thing could grow into something enormous, beyond your wildest dreams, So don't be I can't remember the scripture. I don't know exactly how I ware like we were having a long conversation, but the gist of it was, don't be upset with where you are now, and don't be upset with the small things in your life. Be grateful for the small things and the small position that you have right now, because you don't know where that's going. You don't know what that's gonna be one day. You don't know what that's gonna lead to. And that was very uh warming to hear him say that today if and I mean, I mean, I mean the other day on the show. But it also reminded me of when I started in radio, how small it was. It reminded me of when I started in stand up making twenty five dollars a show. It reminded me of the cause I used to drive and the cause I didn't have. It reminds me of not having a home at a period in my life and what God has allowed me to live in now. So don't be distraught over your position now, and don't be ungrateful or unappreciative for the things you have now because you don't know what that's gonna grow into. And that's really the gist of what he got that that I got from what he was saying. I just wanted to share that with you, that where you are now is so temporary because now, like I've said before, now is a fleeting moment. As soon as you say now, right after you finished saying now, that moment that you claimed as now, that's gone. So the where you are now it's a very fleeting process. Now. You can change where you are now, and you can change how you feel about where you're at now, and you can change about where you're going by simply changing your mind. It is no difference. I'm telling you, folks. The thing that I've learned about successful people is not um so much of what they do, it's not what they have is not how I see them functioning. The biggest thing I've learned about successful people is how they think. That's the thing that's different. It's how they think. And I'm telling you that you can change the way you think on any subject and because start becoming successful towards that starting now, and that you have to understand that. Man, that the biggest difference I've noticed between successful people and non success else for people is how they think. I was reading What is God said that he was taught all wrong about money. He said that his father was very negative about money. He all throughout his life he heard his father say, you know, people who got money have walked on somebody to get it, or cheated somebody to get it. People who have money, money is the root of all evil. Money is money is this And people who got money, you know, don't deserve it. They've done something wrong to get it, y'all. Y'all. So he said he grew up the whole time thinking that having money or something was wrong with that. He discovered that it wasn't you know. And there's a book I gotta go get because um I never heard of this book, but there's a book out there and I gotta get it. I haven't researched it, so I'm just telling you what goes through my head sometimes. There there's a book out there somebody told me about and I haven't got it yet. I haven't looked it up on Innynet, but I'm gonna do as soon as we get through talking. This is a book out that I believe is called Millionaires of the Bible. Now you look, you can choose to be successful anywhere you want to. I've chosen several ways to be successful. I want to be a very, very successful father. I think that's one of the things that's paramount in my life that I really am working hard right now to become a successful father. Not a successful father in terms of money, but a successful father in terms of offering the amount of love and guidance and leadership and the example that my children need to look at. That's what I'm really really working hard at now. I want to be successful as a father, but also I want to be successful as a husband. You know, I want Marjorie to always know that she can count on me, to not have to wonder about me, a look for me, you know. I want her to feel secure in the fact that I really have gotten it right, that I really am focused on being a good husband to her, because it means so much to me, having gone through everything I've gone through and then having God to have at this stage of my life giving me such a wonderful gift. I want to want to show her how much I appreciate it. Uh, you know. So I'm working hard on a lot of levels. I'm working hard. I'm trying very strong to be a successful motivator of people. I want to be a sharer of information to people that will uplift others and give others the same things that I've learned through the trials and tribulations of my life. But at the same time, share that information and use the power this microphone to uplift people, you know, not to destroy. My show is not about guess what's going so said? Guess what's going so dead? You know, we got entertainment news segment that ain't mine. You know, it is what it is. But I don't like mean spirited things about people. You know. I joke with people calling the thing. That's another thing. But I don't destroying people with the power to microphone. So working very hard on being successful in a lot of areas of my life now. Also, I do care about being financially successful too, because my father the one one of the gifts he gave me was very simple gift. He told me a long time ago. He said, son, the best thing you can do for poor people is not be one of them. And that stuck with me. And this was a hard working man who was a coal miner, who worked construction his entire life. My father didn't have an easy life man. My father didn't sit behind the microphone. My father didn't come to work and people cheered for him. My father wasn't famous. My father was just a go get it dude. That he instilled that in me. And I've taken that and applied it to my craft and I thank God for him for that. But I do try to be financially successful so that I can do some things with it to help some other people. Now, am I am I opposed to having nice things? No? And I do I apologize for having nice things? No? And why should I I work? I work? You know, I'm done. I'm not and I'm not on the radio asking to give me money, you know, so I can go buy a car. I'm working, so I don't feel how you want to feel, and other people do feel that way about it. But if if finance success is success in terms of finance, it's what you're lacking, you can go about the business of doing that. I'm writing a book right now, which would be my third book, and that whole book is about teaching people how to become successful. And man, I'm breaking it down in a way where everybody can get it, man, because I want the college student to get it, you know, I want I want the working mom to get it, the single mom to get it, the the the hard working father that has been trying to hold his family together can get it. The father that ain't ever got it together and feel that because of that reason, he can't be the father he needs to be. I'm writing something, man, to put it into words, to let you know that God is a forgiving God, and that God is a merciful God, and that God can get you out of any situation you find yourself in. You just can't beat yourself up every time you make a mistake. I make mistakes all the time, man, I just got to remind myself to get up. I ask God for forgiveness. I call on his mercy and his grace and I get up and I go again. But it's coming, man. And if finance success is what you want, you got to change your mind. You got to start thinking about how to produce it. You got what you gotta just this is not what you do first. The first thing you do is you gotta ask. You gotta ask ask to have a life and have a life more abundantly. That's a scripture that he comes to you to give you life and to give you life more abundantly. That's a scripture. That ain't a joke, that ain't a theory. That's a fact, and the fact that if you don't have a life of abundance, you can get that by asking. Now follow the rest of it, But it starts by asking. Then it starts by believing, and how to don't even worry about that. He takes care of at himself. He'll send the stuff your way. But you gotta be willing to put some effort in this thing now, and you can do it. Okay. I know I was a little around the place today, but that's what it was. So you know, let's go get it all right. You're listening. Eighteen minutes after that, eighteen minutes after that, it's gonna be different. That's mounted as soon as I pulled myself together. I'm not I'm not discussing this, but I'm just for you. Do Yeah, you know you don't want to briefly just no doubt. See I want briefly nothing, because what I'm gonna do if it don't go down. Just know this, it's going down. You and your idol threads. Please, the question ain't here Do I have it? You're worried it's biggie weed, got it? That's where your problem gonna start, really, Steve, Yeah, that's all I got to say. No, No, I don't say nothing else. Congratulations and all that. But hey m I'm fitting to give it to you. Here's some motivation. This would always make me feel good. I'm trying to send something out to make this happen. Ladies and gentlemen. This goes out. Oh you switch the morning of, man, Yeah, I'm switching the morning of because we gotta get to it all to play. Marvin Seth he saw the best in me before I do, so maybe I like that, though I ain't gonna like to play something. Yeah, maybe I have to play. I don't want to bang that up. First of all, I'm gonna play this goes I'm playing. First of all, he saw the best in me. Gonna play that. Now, try to get everybody in the right juicy frame of mind so I can get my mind right about this Morning Show. We'll see y'all in a minute. Everyone else, all right? Coming up next, we have some little known Black History Month facts for you on this President's Day. I hope you're enjoying your holiday. You're listening Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right, we're back thirty four minutes after that. Let's get it to it. Or when we come back. I guess the ignis is gonna continue. Ladies and gentlemen, guess what little no Black History moments that you did not know? Once again, you can cut on BT and watch Roots all you want. This month, they're gonna have it all right. So we have some facts coming up. Don't forgetting stuff you need to know, you need to stuff, all right? Who got one? I got one? Tommy. I want to tell y'all, shirty car. I want to tell you all the story of Brevin Bowman Brookwood back in seventeen Bowman Brookwood. M hm. Uh. He was a man who really didn't do much but sit on the porch and was nose. He knew everything about everybody. If you borrowed some money over there, he knew about that. If you was late on a payment, he knew, boy that. So Brevin Bowman Brookwood really was h the first Better Business Bureau that we've ever had. What, yeah, that's how we got the b b B. Yeah, yeah, yeah, bren I wouldn't loan no money over there. The Mr Charles, I'm telling you now, he had all the all in Selly didn't make her payment on time. I'm telling you better be careful Bowman Brookwood, though, all right, we got time for nothing. Yes, all right, looking here, eighteen, all right, that's the year. This is a ruthless wad. Gay hurt his knee real bad, and uh, he said every time it being it hurt. Now Rufe has come up with some type of apintment. He concocted and put it on his knee. He started calling it being gay. He met Watch where I'm going now. He let his boy Jericho Mars use it, all right, Jericho Mars was using it and actually at a roof of WHI they are gay? Died, but Jericho put it on the market. Jericho Mars did as being gay been making all the money. Now watch me now the Marvin gay family, oh is kin to rufe for WHI they are gay? And then found out by this uintment that belonged to their relative. All right, and and and they now calling the Mars family about this problem. Bruno Mars then got a car. Now here go, what's gonna flip it? Now? Robin Thick called Bruno marsa let me tell you something you about the dog on gay family. You better set all out of court or promise you you're gonna be bake rock man. So this right now it's on the table with the Mars and the Gay family. That right there is some little known Black history that you did not know nothing bout. Wow man, Yeah, yeah, that's pretty good at that, Thomas. So that all how to do it for this week's edition, today's edition of Little Known Black History? Man, I can't look at being gay the same gay boy, alright, Bruno. More, that wraps up another edition a little old Black history facts. Things to keep y'all going throughout the day. We're back tomorrow with mote. Oh that you didn't know it, buff folks. He'll we go. That's ready. Oh yeah, all right, when we come back from the brag, nephew, what you guys run that prank back? E n B f U. Hey I talked about FU two. No, No, he doesn't mean like, no blacks for you. You need to start with that. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're back coming up at the top of the hour. We got miss saying, and then we'll have all run that prank back right after this. Not for you? What you got running that prank back? N B L FU. I was told by Junior. I need to say all that first. All right, no blacks for you, hiddie. Hello, I'm trying to reach uh Nicoble. Please, how you're doing. Listen, I'm giving you a call. You you happen to be um in a relationship with a with a black man? Am I? I'm all right? I'm sorry? Who is this? I'm sorry? My name is Brian Well. I don't want to give my full name, but it's Jia Daya, Jia Daya Malcolm okay, and and I'm sorry why are you calling? Okay? You know you you you are a Caucasian woman. Correct? Okay, why I'm I'm still trying to get to why are you calling? What's going on is, um, I'm with an organization and we're calling people who are in interracial relationships, and for my understanding, you are in a interracial relationship. Correct. Yes, okay, I'm would n b FU and that's uh NBFU is no blacks for you. And what we're doing is we're trying to get uh racist to go back to dating each other, you know, which means Caucasians going back. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. At first, I don't know who do you think you are calling my house? But that's just not gonna happen. And I don't know where this organization is based out of. I mean, you must be some country bumpkin or something and you have just really called the wrong house. Okay, Well no when uh n bf you ma'am. It's been around since uh the early nineteen forties. Yes, I can imagine. I can imagine that. I'm sure at some points you guys have to shut down because this is just ridict this do you know what I mean? Obama's mother was white? Are you gonna go knock on his door to what the hell are you? I'm not gonna have time to knock on Obama's door. He's busy to. Whatever I'm trying to do is get the rest of the country the stand back. And that's what I'm saying. What I'm trying to tell us we can't be together because you're black and I'm white. He's coin y know what's up? Who is uh? Okay? Who? Whoo? Who is this? This is a I'm a man? Who this Okay? This is Jadaria Malcolm. And what I'm doing, man, is well you know, I'm with an organization called n b f U and n b f U Man, there's no Blacks for you, which what we're trying to do is we're trying to get all racists to go back to each Other's what you're talking to man? You are what what? What kind of organization is that y'all are tripping? Okay? Brother, let me ask you don't feel empty with have to sister on your side. You don't feel empty without loving black woman on your side. That's what I'm asking you. Brother. I got I got plenty of black women on my side, but that don't mean that I had to be in a relationship with a black woman. I'm in the relationship with a woman I loved, So that's what it's about. Now, I don't feel empty. That's the first problem with your organization right there, that the premise is wrong. Okay, okay, okay, but brother, what we're trying to do, man, we don't want to lose our rate. We don't want the blacks to lose the strength that we have. And if blacks continued to date and mate with blacks, then we would be as powerful and stronger than any other race in the world. Where do you get this number from? Man? Excuse me, I can get this nothing in the first Like, dude, I mean, I ain't got time for all this. Man, it's a no offense. Bro. How you Why are you calling that? Hey? Man? Because all y'all all interracial or couple. Yeah, but what doesn't does that? Man? That ain't not in your business? Hey, but it is my business. Is I'm with If I'm with n b lu nothing? You you're black person that integrated within another race. And what we're trying to do, man, get you to understand to come back to your race and be comfortable and happy in your race. Oh you know really? Now, do come back to my race? I never left my racey, dog, you are trip him yo, and be you you you'll get off our phone. Man, don't call here no more with that? Do you think that you are happier with a Caucasian woman than you would be with a black woman? Man, I don't even I don't want to entertain it. Don't call here no more. Don't call here no more. Do you be a man and answer the question? Oh, dog, you know what you're goot to get you up with? Dog? You know you really, you really gonna get you up? Be a man, a man? You know what if you bring it over here, you'll find out how much of a grown man I am. Hey, man, don't get your don't man while I'm in the middle of asking you these questions, because I ain't got no problem coming over there. I got your phone number, I got your address to bring your thwe over and see what you're trying. I'm asking you a about these relationships? Man, Are you more comfortable in a relationship with a Caucasian woman than you are with a black woman? Dog? I told you Land it ain't even about that, And we ain't even going into that. So look, just please, brother, can you stop calling him? Don't call my girl. We're calling all interracial people around the country. That's what n b F you does. We call all of y'all and we try to talk some sense into you and see if you can change the world and go back to the racist from which is you came. You're tripping, You're really chipping man. You know what. Obviously you you just a mental institution you're calling from because there's something wrong with you. So look, don't call him no more. And we ain't got no more problems. I say this, I say this to you. I'm going to your your girl's job and I'm talking to her face to face tomorrow about this whole situation. You know what, and you're gonna get you know, I ain't getting my I'm going tomorrow and I'm talking. A matter of fact, they ain't even call to talk you. You put her back on the fall tail with you back on the show at a job to mass he would happen. I'm showing up at her job. Put her back on the phone, show up at her job, toms he would happen. You haven't change, man, You change on me from the beginning to how he's gonna come down and change. You don't know me. I know how your brothers get. I'm as black as I ever was. You can't messing my blackness because of who I'm dating. You show up at a job tomorrow, you gonna get your You ain't gonna sit and threaten me. Man. I am with you. You don't work him up, and now I'm work that here. You're done. You're done, so you can stop calling the house to your job. Do you want to say I'm coming again? All you need to matter fact, you can have your man at your job at lunch time. Not only am I gonna talk to you at lunchtime, I'm a whooping. There gonna be any talking. You show up, there's not gonna be any talking. Yea, it's gonna be back. Then you have at the becusions to uphold you know what that's in saying? Are you on with the fool? Makes you a fool? So this conversation is over. Could I say one more thing to you? What this is nephew tim me from the Steve Hobby And Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriends. Wow, Okay, he's about to take his bloody nephew, tomm me, I ain't never like knowing. I gotta ask y'all before I leave, and I need to hear this from both of y'all. What is the baddest radio show in the land? How do I do? Do I make you feel right? When I do it? No? Do I make you feel right? No? I gotta drop in a little date if y'all don't mind which All right, I'm March fourth. That's the Saturday, Lake Charles, Louisiana at the Civic Semmer. That's me, that's Oatmeal, that's Eugene. Has anybody in my head? We're going to Lake Charles. See everybody in Lake Charles. Somebody bring me some booty and I'll be there on the fourth Saturday. Whoa jenness, Louisiana. You're listening to the Steve Harday morning shown, Ladies and gentlemen. She's here, the one and only, the lovely Miss Anne Trill. Okay, Steve, thank you anyway? This is answer Prison News. Well. A remark made by President Trump during his campaign rally Saturday night has people in a certain European country scratching their heads. Trump was talking about terrorist attacks, mentioning Brussels and Nice and Paris friends. But he also suggested that one had recently taken place in Sweden. You look at what's happening last night in Sweden, Sweden. Who would believe this? Sweden? However, Swedish I thought he said there was no terrorist attack in their country, saying that a man had sent himself on fire a couple of weeks. A week ago, there have been some car crashes and some problems with snow. Reporters in Sweden think that President Trump may have been referring to a Fox News segment that aired last Friday on crime trends in Sweden. They said there was no terrorist attack. Later on, the President said, yeah, he was referring to that report on Fox. Oh, by the way, last night's NBA All Star Game, the West beat the East two, Anthony Davis racking up fifty two points, winning m VP and beating Will Chamberlain's forty two point record. Since it's both Black History Month and President's Day, let's take a look back at the black president. We pay tribute to Barack Obama. I don't think the Bush administration understands what ordinary Americans are going through, but I do, and That's why I'm running for president United States of America. I ran to stand up for all those who have been invisible to their government for eight long years. Those are the reasons I ran for president, and those are the reasons I support Barack Obama for a president. The work begins to know the whole rises again, and the train lives on. Who is Barack Obama? He says, our troops in Afghanistan are Don't you dare suggest that I'm less patriotic than you or that I've got political motivations in taking the positions that I've taken. When I opposed this war, seventy percent of the country was in favor of Don't tell me I was doing it for politics. After I whip his you know what we're gonna be going out. Jumny did not answer the question about deregulation, did not answer the question of defending John McCain, and I may not answer the questions the way that needed the moderator you want to hear, but I'm gonna talk straight to the American people and let him know my track record. I wish god speed to the man who was my former opponent and will be my president, and I called on miss Bristophy of United States. It's been a long time coming, but tonight because of what we did on this day in this election at this is the fighting moment. Change has come to America. Thank you, God, bless you me. I met God. Bless the United States of American Barack Hussein Obama, first African American President of the United States. This is a trip back to Steve Harvey Horner Show. All right, thank you, Missan and you know what we gotta I got. We got some highlights that I want us to play from this weekend from Ostar. I know your husband st you can't come home. I don't know you can hear bring you both home, but let's run somehow. You gotta hear this. There's some good ones. Man. I know you're tied in things you didn't work anyway, and you're probably getting flights to Russia. But listen, uh, listen to these. Holle all right, keep flaying here. You started that on Friday. No, I know, I know, all right, chake out these highlights. The referend Jesse Jackson, Russell Westbrook courtside here for the All Star Game. I'm a I'm a I'm a religious man. Russell. Don't beat the hell out of Kevin Durant in front of all these people. That's what That's what Jesse was saying to him. That's another line. It's another line of black Wow. It's a superstar Errod wo Larton than like it was blow time and showtime. The players wouldn't like to what's the say all asmatic and bird what iconic bi Harold's the first We had Parkley in neat place in the trail for Dark King of mail Man and Kevin McHale. We bike picking roll where we bike burning cutting eighties ef we player kept that one part by y'all my lord to by anytime you can't assue what you got them well, he brought out the chill lead this line. He's bringing them out over it. So time it's over all away up and you can say yup. Pyo said, I can't keep flying in the haven. Got the wedding. What you say all away out come all away up. I don't know who's gonna kiss you? Wanna go now? I can sa we don't kill it. I don't want to see you about and without further ado, The winner of this year's m v P Trophy is of course, Anthony Davis from New Year. You're in New Orleans, Pelicans. That's amazing. That's what I want to do it for. For the city of New Orleans and the Pelicans organization. You know, I love this city. These guys support us each and every night, and so I wanted to get this and for them. Man, I know they had a good time in New Orleans. Yes, I know one guy in particular. Yet you're about to start putting you on the back of milk cartons if you don't get home. Have you seen this guy far from out? Yeah, Butterfly coming up next, right shirt? You want to know is he here? I just don't know to know what you keep your butterfly. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Are y'all coming up next? He's here. Butterfly got the blog or whatever he called it. And uh, I don't know what he's gonna talk about. Don't worry about the black history mom. No, he don't need to talk about black Just leave that to me. All. He really don't know. He don't need to talk. Thank you, Thank you so much. Good morning to everyone. It is a beautiful what President's Day. So let me be the First, let me be the first to say it. Happy President's Day that President Barack Obama. That's what I'm saying. But that's the one I'm celebrating. That's why I'm barbecue on the day. President bar Rock Obama got my flag up and get what he owned my flag? Thank you. That's what we're doing. So Happy President's Day, the President of Rock. Let me tell what I keep you know what I keep playing on my DVR? What the inauguration from oh nine? I keep running president for Rock inauguration because it was two. I got both of them back to back with popcorn if you just want to just you know, feel bad in life anyway. Yeah, and then Happy President's Day the President Um, Lincoln else I Liken and Washington. Yeah, okay, so Lincoln, President mom u in now rose up. I like Clinton Kennedy of course, call the call um. I think that's about it for me. I think that's it. Any of the Bushes. I like Buss wife Bus Jr. First lady, she's very cute to very class. Superway back when we had a first lady. Wow, we don't even we hardly have a first leg. Any other president don't have a first leg. Well, I mean, we have one a name entitled but we never heard. Yeah, she kind of in and that's kind of weird. Yeah, after the presidents, we just you know, understand, she may understand she first do. She understand she the first lady. She knows she did. So anyway, that's all I have. I just want to say Happy President's Day to those particular presidents. Okay, once again, Lincoln, Eisenhower, Rose, Ald Clinton, Kennedy Carter, and the one and only President of Rock Obama. I'm through. That's my list, that's my top whatever number it is to those by Biden said, you're listening, Steve Harvey morning, coming up. Next, we're going to the phone. Call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, we'll be down. All right, we're back. Uh, let's go to the phone. Shirley. Who you got Allen out of Texas? Steve Alan? Hey, Hey, what's uping man? What's up with you? Boy? I don't Steve Harvey, dog, I'm just up in here, just doing what I do. Man, I'm just making it happen, man, make it happen. Then and Allan Allan, I I fear no man, but God, hey, hey, I feel you, man. I feel you. God bless you. Man. I feel the man and God myself. Man, but I swear I don't. Hey man, you're getting a refund check. Man, that's what they tell me. You got to see it first, They tell me. I don't know. You know what, I'm still a lous man. If you stinking up for you, man, I don't never play it for nothing, but do give me something. Man, I'm gonna pay. How these feels though? All right? Yeah, man, I ain't mad at you. Man, I try to see nephew. Tell me this ticket is too high? You know what I'm saying? How much? How much his tickets? Man? This ticket? His ticket? Was that man? The scalpell trying to get you. Man, That wasn't me. That was a scalpel. No, I ain't done that. I ain't. I wouldn't do that. Why why time of tickets so high? I guess that's he got to pay all the people you gave. But I mean like they're the same people. I don't know. That's funny. Everybody want to get the cut, you know how? Yeah, yeah, tell me how much this ticket put man? The dude told me seven. Well, you live at Alan. I'm an Austin Texas. Okay, so come on back, come on back, Steve High try the last time, but they actually, okay, you've got a lot of information. Alan, Hello, I know, thank you? All right. Coming up next, it's run that frank back more ignorance from the nephew. It just keeps coming on this show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alight your fort Eight minutes after that, our coming up at the top of the hour. We got to straw band at it. But up next a food Uh what's your playing? Phone call? Gut it for you? Listening right here is the vacation the vacation Hold on it is you were bumped to get this six Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Mr. And Mrs. Yeah, this is Trent, Trent. How are you this James with Hospitality from the uh Palms Resort. I'm doing good, by Stef, I'm good, I'm good. Listen, Um, what we're doing. We're doing a follow up on people who have visited our resort and we wanted to uh make sure you guys had a great time last weekend. Uh what's the what's the name of the hotel again, Palms Palms Resort. As long as resort. Man, we've been the time of probably got drown a number. No, we we have a is your is your wife? Valerie? Uh yeah, I know where she was at work all last week and I was out on business, so you probably got drow another man. Sorry, all right, Valerie and not drive. Is that your address? Yeah? Yeah, okay, we have it that Mr and Mrs. Last Friday through Sunday, we're here at Palms Resort and definitely had a had a great time. We're finally to see if if you guys in Georgia stay hold on, want man, you gotta to stop. Mr and Mrs came and stage. You guys had the SPA treatment for two. Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on for us that let me let me let me get a list of everything we did that night that weekend. I want to list everything we did. Go ahead, okay, you guys had the SPA treatment for two where we also had a bottle of wine for you all. Do you remember that by treatment? Okay, okay, alright, Saturday, you guys had the breakfast in bed. We wanted to see how that went. Okay, all right, okay, and right after the carriage ride, you guys had dinner about the pool side on Friday night. Okay, yeah, yeah, we had about okay, okay, who side? Alright, alright, you know, how did you enjoy the How did you enjoy the golf? Lessons for two? Was that good? I don't listen. I don't even play no golf, but okay, we played golf. Yea, yeah, we had fun. That was nice. Go ahead, Yeah, golf less night too. And we also had let's see that you guys, we have pictures for you guys that we wanted to melt out that your hot tup picture. Everybody has a nice hot tup picture. Pictures of of me and my wife at the pool at the in the hot hot tub on late Saturday night after dinner. You remember that? Okay, yeah, you got my actress. I want you to send them pictures to this actress so I can see you on als on them. Pitch m I'm sorry. It wasn't me and it was her. I want to see you in the hell she was weird. Send me them pictures that let's try. Wait wait a minute, wait a minute, it's now am I speaking to Mr? Yeah? Yeah, this is true and this is me. Okay, by Treatment for two, then about the pool sat Hey, man, what's your name? Sir? This this, this doesn't seem to be going well. I'm I'm I'm real hesitant if I have the right person or not. I do apologize for the call. No no, no, no no. Okay, you just you just gave me this and everything me and my wife did, and you just gave me the name of the hotel song what what is your name? Nor its Palms Palms? Okay, um, okay, now what is your name? So I'm not at liberty to give give my name at this point, I'm not certain if I'm talking to the actual right person. Listen, you was that living to tell me everything we did this fast weekend, so you had living it. Now to tell me your name. I want your name, give me your name. I'm not gonna go. I'm not gonna do this, sir. All right, evidently I've made a mistake on the actual call. I do apologize. I am with hospitality with Palms Resort. I I just called to actually recap and make sure everyone had a great time. Okay, So Mr Hospitality, and let me tell you something. You ain't doing really good hospitality at work right now. I'm gonna need your name, so I can verify who you is when I can find my wife with these uh, with this spot achievement in pools and golfings. Yeah, ok so you just at them good time in so that's what you're telling me. Evidently it was a good time. We do have you guys signed up for a lot of part of July to come back again. Hold on, hold on one more, man, do that. I'm not here busting up, and she is out here and joining herself with carriage rides and the pool ride and the and the champagne by the bay, the jacuzza. Hold on one, and and and and and and the spy treatment and treating. Okay, don't forget about the spy treatment and the pictures. Tell me your name, man, tell me your name. What is your name? Sir? I'm not at liberty to give my name. The only thing is I'm supposed to call them represent hospitality. Okay, you was that living in to tell me all that we just did five treatment the pool side, the pictures. I'm sure you know by now, I'm not the mystic you're talking about. I'm starting to gather that, sir, Yeah, gather that, and and when you gather that. Gather your name and tell me your name, because, sir, what does my name have to do with what's going on? What I mean, I did your name? You were telling me all this that we did. I want to know who verified all this that went on? What's your name? Sir? I don't want to get in the middle of a domestic You already in and you're in the midst you in the middle, you're on the side, you are all in between this. We're gonna get it straight. What's your name? Uh, sir? Is miss Valerie there right now? No, Miss Valerie ain't here. Valerie at church right now. But I tell you this. I hope she and I hope she praying. I hope she paying her ties. I hope she ended up praying for the both of us. So when she gets home, the Lord gonna be necessary and here tonight. But that what show? Now, don't worry about Valerie voice at me telling me all this. What is your name? We're gonna get to the bottom of this, Sir. I don't. I don't really want to. I don't want to get involved in the middle of this. Listen to him. I'm tired of going back with all this back and forth of what eating did this week? And tell me your name? What is your name? Okay? I will tell you my name if you quit screaming at me. Okay, go ahead, name, tell me your name. Hey man, this is nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey More. This your your wife. Valerie got me to break phone call you. I'd be all the time you play too, was saying up in here with bad mcgawn. You hear me, Well you you're gonna get somebody, all right, Man, I gotta ask you one more thing, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the Latin Steve Harvest Morning Show. That's how I do it. That's how I do it. So crazy, Hey, let talk Louisiana, Marge fourth the Nephews coming to Town Civic Center. I will be there and everybody in my head that's Eugene. That's old Mill. Y'all ain't meant nothing to people. I ain't never brought him out to y'all before. It's been by four val years since I've been down there Lake, y'all. So here I come. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's that time. I'm sorry, had my button down. Buckle up, hold on tight. Here it is Strawberry lettas subject. I want to know if she is my daughter. Good morning, Stephen Shirley. I recently came back in contact with a female that I was dealing with and found out that she had a daughter that's twenty one. So I started asking her questions and she got real defensive. So I just came out and asked, why was she my I just came out and asked, was she my daughter? And she said no? So I asked could I see a picture of her, and again she said no, but she did tell me her name. So I went on Facebook and there she was, and I know she is mine. I wrote her and I explained the situation to her and said that I might be her father. She approached her mom and she denied ever having sex with me and told her daughter not to talk to me anymore. And she is doing just what her mom told her to do. I just want to know if she is mine. If so, If so, then I missed twenty one years of her life, and she has two kids that can be my grandkids. My family and friends are telling me just to leave it alone, but I can't. Can you all give me some advice please? Well, first of all, is your dad, Yeah, this is this is a really tough situation here, And if you are her dad, I do think you have every right to know. If you have a daughter, I think you have you have that right to know that. The problem is why the mother doesn't want you to know. Is she currently married? Does her husband think the child is his? There's obviously a lot writing on this lie or this situation, whatever it is. Um, your friends and family are right to this degree. Uh, leave it alone in the sense that don't bother the daughter. This is a situation between you and her mom. I mean, if you want to know just that you're her, that you're her dad, that's one thing. But if you want to be active in her life, this woman has grown now, so it's really kind of her decision. So it sounds to me like the mom doesn't want to have anything you to have anything to do with this because maybe she's married, even though you didn't say that, but maybe she's married right now and she doesn't want her husband to know because all these twenty one years, her husband is thinking that this daughter is his. I think you know that could very well be a problem. And that's why maybe the family and friends are telling you to leave a situation alone, but um, the daughter is respecting her mom. But then again, the daughter is grown. So maybe later on down the line, you guys can take a DNA test, But right now, UM, let the situation die down a little bit until the um, I guess, until the daughter gets a little bit older, because right now she's still dealing with her mom and what her mom says. Steve, Uh, it's a very simple thing right here, you know, I want to know if she's my daughter. The problem in all of this letter is with all of this fighting you on it and wanting you to stay out of her life and not giving you information, and that baby ain't talking to you and your friends telling you leave alone. I only have one question that's not answered in this letter. Who has the daughter grew up believing her father to be? Because the mother has had to tell this daughter something about a father somewhere. You need to find out who the daughter grew up believing her father to be. Without DNA testing or paternity tests. You are out on this one so far that you can take some other actions. But so far you are, but you really need to find out who this daughter has believed her father to be all these years, and obviously it's not you. It would come back and discuss the more, all right after the break at eighteen after the hour, Part two Steve's response to today's Strawberry letter. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I got part to this letter coming up, so don't go away, alright, Steve. Part two of your response, Well, see, brother, um, here's I want to share something with this man. Sometimes, man, when you do something that's casual and meaningless and then you revisit it and the people remember that it was casual and meaningless. You said that I recently came back in contact with the female that I was dealing with, not that I was in love with. Are we just dealing with? So I'm assuming it was just casual little thing. Found out that she had a daughter that's twin t one. So you started asking a question. She got real defensive, so you just came out and asked what she your daughter? She said no, So I asked could I see a picture of and again she said no, but she told your name. So you went on Facebook and now she was, and I know she's mine because she looks that. I guess. I wrote and explained the situation to her and said that I might be her father. Okay, my man, First of all, can I tell you how stupid that was? You contact a girl on Facebook as old as you are to tell her you her daddy. I mean, damn dog that that that didn't think that didn't come across your head. That's stupid. So Pardoner, since you did it like that, then let me tell you what's happening. Maybe the woman who has his daughter twenty one years old, and after running back up into you and talking, you realize that you're still stupid, and then maybe this ain't the best thing. So then she tries to she tries to protect her daughter. She because then she to her mom mom, this man said he might be my father. Her mom says she did not ever having sex with me and told her daughter not to talk to me anymore. And she's doing just what her mom told her to do. Okay, bro, what she wanted to do. She don't even know you. You ain't been in her life. You come on a Facebook page and say I'm your daddy, bro. The worst way you could have done this the great intentions. Brother, appreciate you want to and take responsibility, but we take responsibility. How child sport days old? And where you're being now, guess what? Who has this girl grown up thinking her father was? And now you ain't even considering that I'm your daddy. Hold on, man, who this little girl been thinking her father was? You can't come in there like that. Man, I'm sorry, Bro, that's really the wrong way to do it. Great intentions. Good to see men when they want to step up and say, hey, that's my baby. Beautiful as might at. But I was just watching Bishop TV Jake's on TV last night. He said, you know what temptation is. Temptation is fulfilling a need, but going about it the wrong way. And sometimes, man, you may you you got the right idea, you just went about it the wrong way. You're so gone. Hold you want to show her you his I saw a picture she might she looked like you. Come on, don't stop that. You know what I mean black people look like. Have you talked to anybody on your job that thinks that we look alike? So, bro, until you get a blood test and some DNA downe a paternity test you really kind of out on this one right here, and you really need to apologize to this girl about how you want about it, because that had to be some shocking news. You know. I've just gotten some information on my Facebook about somebody say they just a damn relative. I'm a cousin and I don't like that. All right, Today's letter is posted on Steve Harvey dot com. You can also tweet or instagram meet your thoughts at My Girls Shirley. Now coming up after the break at thirty or four after the hour, Um more highlights from the NBA All Star Game. We'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right. Coming up next, we're going to the phone's people, and then we'll have some more highlights from the NBA All Star Game. What a great game it was. Huh big big, big lazy express. You know what we gotta I got some We got some highlights that I want us to play from this weekend from All Star. I know your husband still now, you can come home. I don't know you can hear both home, but let's run somehow. You gotta hear this. There's some good ones. Man. I know you're tired. Anything. You didn't work anyway, and you probably getting flights to Russia. But listen, uh, listen to these all right, keep on here. You started that all Friday. No I know, I know, all right, take out these high in the referend Jesse Jackson, Russell Westbrook courtside here for the All Star Game. I'm a i'm a I'm a religious man, Russell. Don't beat the hell out of Kevin Durant in front of all these people. That's what That's what Jesse was saying to him. That's another line. It's another line of black Wow. If the superstar Errod Wi Larton Inn it was blow time and show time. The players would night to what the book say, all is magic and bird what iconic Pi harolds the birds. We had Parkley in Neat plays in the trail for Dark King of the Old Man and Kevin Mikhail. We might pick and roll where we might punting cunning in the eighties, every player captain one punting p by y'all, my lord to by anytime you can't see what you got them? Well, he brought out the chilly this line. He's bringing them out. Oh it's so time, it's over. He's all away up and you can say yu he yo said, I can't get flipped in the hell? Got the what you say? Come all away up, Come all away up. I don't know who's gonna kiss you want to go now, dude, I can, I don't. We don't kill me. I don't want to think about what you look now, come on and without further ado, the winner of this year's m v P Trophy is, of course Anthony Davis from New Year. You're in New Orleans, Pelicans. It was amazing and that's what I wanted to do it for, for the city of New Orleans and the Pelicans organization. You know, I love this city. These got support us each and every night, and so I wanted to get this one for them. Okay, let's go Adam out of Pennsylvania, Steven Adam hey Man. Who's the greatest basketball play off all time? In your opinion? At him? My opinion? Uh? Like I said, it's tough, but I have to go with Urban Magic Johnson for what he displayed on the field, but it's off field accomplishments as well. Wow, like that, that's my boy. He just up. He revolutionized the way the game was played. Uh, he did six nine point guard Michigan State, Lord him messing Man and law this boy's court vision that Steel has never been a better passing in the game that could do it all. I mean snatched your rebounding in he come and everybody head to the wing. It will showtime baby. Then his overall presence after the game, He's probably been I would think the most influential basketball player in terms of all example, motivation, business, uh, just all around. He's a bad boy man. Well you're listening, Steven show all right, don't forget next hour it's weekend confessions with the next come. So if you want to confess, get on the phones. Call us eight seven seven Steven. Yes, you are here, Steve for the foolishness and remember what, nephew, I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. Help me call and confess eight something coming up next We're going to the phone. Who do you think is the greatest NBA player of all time? Call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. We'll be back with all right, we're back. Let's go to the phone, Shirley, who you got all right, let's go to line too and talk to don out of Illinois. Hey don Yes, sir, are you getting a tax return? Yes, sir? All right, So what you're gonna do with your money downe? Well, I have kids, they have two kids, one boy, one girl, and I like to spending all that I can if I can to try to see you. They're having what they don't have, So I see you. I just spend it on my keys. Nice. Hey man, that ain't bad. I all ot the kids. Dont one boy, one girl? Okay, slow to don't on spending with the boy. He'd be honest, you know that. Yeah, But that little girl just gonna keep on spoiling the dog that has set the pattern for the boys to come into her life because then they don't know how they dad have treated them, and then they expect that from a boy then and they get treated better that way. Alright, alright, now let me ask you this here, question, don the greatest basketball playoff all time? In your opinion? What city are you calling from that that would definitely have something to do with this? What all basketball player do you think is the greatest basketball play off all time? So well, actually, Mr Harvey, if I had to go back in time, I would say the fools in the in the later days when they had Bob Love and Girl the Pearl. But then I had to bring it back to this time. Well as before Jordan left the game, I had to say, even before Mike, it was always Dr Jay Wow, Okay, this is a basketball connoisseur because he said Earl the Pearl, the Knicks man, Lord Jesus, Dave Bushell, Dollar, Bill brad Field Jackson. Then they had Kassie Russell, Willis Reid, Dick Barnett, Clyde Frasier, walk damn man, that boy Walt Frasier. Y'all. Don't even y'all, y'all you know what Junior see you young h see y'all think these teams today is so great. But if they played them boys back then and now they got their laundry handed tool. Alright, we can confessions coming up next. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time for weekend confessions. Call us up and tell us what you did over the weekend that you need to confess about. Because what, nephew, what what is the point of men to help you. I'm not here to help you, I'm here to heal what you're going through. You just want you just nosy, just want to be in people's personal lives. No, I just wanted to be able to event. You know, I used to do things back in the day's shirt, and so now I used to be used to want to vent. I had nobody to vent. Two people want to be an event. You don't want to really give up your name. You just want to say what you did and keep it moving. And you got it off your chests. Ain'tthing. It don't mean you ain't gonna go back and do it again next weekend, because you probably are. But you just want to say it sometimes. Just say what you did. Say it eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve eight seven seven and from the looks of a toash, Mike call in here because he ate where your I'm just saying, don't let me go to the phones in this line one Tosh from Houston slash Louisiana. Let me see if I can get him on the phone. All right, so it's time for weekend confessions. We just had a weekend. What a crazy weekend it was. Confess him well, anyway, call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, if you want to confess Victoria Line one. Okay, we've got to Victoria. I'll tell you all later on. I ain't scared to say what I did. Victoria. Good morning. You're still at you still you still have from last Yah, it's been a long when y'all be a little bit. What's your confession? Well, I just want you to know that I'm freshly twenty one and in school. So this weekend I decided to take the whole weekend and treat myself and a few other people as well. And I've been taught into this dude for about three three months to the three months now. He's a twin and the only distance between him and his brother is a small beauty mark on his neck that you have to kind of look kind of hard for. So he text me, you know, let's get together this evening. Go out for a few trains and see what's going on. Okay, I go to his place and him and his brother do stay together. So I go there and he um, friend, my friend is not there. His brother is there. So he opened the door and we're just chilling. He said he's gonna be right back. He went and got some cordials for his liquor. For the night. Apparently we're not going out and that it is ever gonna have some friends over nicely Victoria come on little gatherings. So you know, a few minutes passed five minutes turning about forty five minutes. So we decided to start drinking, just waiting, and as soon as we start thinking drinking, things get a little clozy and comfortable, and we decided to go to his room. Now I should have known something was up with I look over the door, still in the state he be are. I ain't asked about it until it kind of hit me that be beyond stands for the boom boom moon. So I'm doing now, just laying down and going on about my business. And next thing you know, we get a little hot in heaven and there's a knock on the door. To knock in the door turn and it's exactly who I'm talking to, the brother. Do I tell y'all that I wrapped my shelfs in the sheet and who out the window and never heard from him since? Wow, that's a confession right there. Now, you didn't see the beauty mark on the nick when y'all started. He has and she's still You're done she's so young, and we knew what was going to happen, and the drink until late. I can tell that with you. Come on, let's go to line three and talk to Monica first out of North Carolina. Okay, Monica is Monica, Nephew, what do good morning to you? Nephew, guess what I did this weekend? Um? I have a current boyfriend. But when he went out of town and everything, I was experimental and I stopped with his sister. Wait what they thought, Well, you just scared me half to death. Okay, so let's back up, Monica. So your man, your man went out of town, her slapboard his sister. Oh yes, and I enjoyed every minute, every minute. But now, nephew, I'm just in between on which one I want to be with because Nashal was to be with me. So now you're torn between two siblings like luck. Yes, okay, yeah, the song was just torn? Yeah yeah, so damn thing what you're talking about right there? That ain't just torn. It wasn't even told. It still wasn't what you're talking back this segment right here, we can confessions. If you have one, call us eight seven seven Steve, because what nephew, No, they know what how my segments get the hell out of me today? I know what is it? Though? I ain't here to hippy. I just want to hear what you're going through. But damn you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go with part two. We're in the middle of this weekend confessions. Whoa some crazy stuff this weekend? One more time? Nephew. People call in, they confess because but why do we do this segment? Because what? Because you know what people want to release. People want to just say with they did you want to confess it? That don't mean you you know you're gonna stop. You just want to say it to somebody. Just get off you. That's why you don't call and hear with your real name. You know what I mean. You don't call and hear with your real name. You know, Toyota Jones. You see what I'm saying. Names like that, sir, Apple South Wheel. You see what I'm saying. You know what I mean. I know we'll take part to coming up, big big, big, big, big, big, big big Bunyan Jenkins. You see what I'm saying. Okay, Yeah, Frederick Douglas Trump things he's living. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, call us with your weekend confessions for the nephew. Yamn, just sit there all right, back to the phones. Week go eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, it's the nephew. Give me a call. This is weekend confessions. I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. Y'all. Scare me today though, ain't well. I don't know if this one won't scare you. Line for Marie out of Tennessee Marie him, good baby, good morning to you, Good morning. Give me your confession. What happened? Okay, Well, my husband is suppoy. He's in Kuwait and so he has been going for about a month. So this past weekend I went to an adult story and I bought some things. Okay, I'm okay. You went to the adult store. Um, how about you bought a lot of stuff? Yeah? I did. Yeah, we don't know what. I don't really see nothing wrong with this boy, Marie. Cool, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna stay on this side of the say again, I say, compared to some other things I've heard, this nat it's bad. Oh this morning on your segment means exactly now how many towards you all? But I thought about four? Oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, that'll hold you down. Call them toy friends, not boyfriends, but toy friends to friends. You like them? Um, they worked pretty well. Yeah, you are wrapped this call. That's getting good. I want to unveil this call. How much more holity to you? Uh? How can I say this him? You're gonna make me hit you? How often? I can't say it like that? You're getting a lot of usage out of them. Yeah, send some moles on him? Yeah, mile baby just got him miles really? Okay? When when? When? When do when do hubby come back? Um? He come back in December. You gonna need some batches. Okay, But but you know what, I ain't mad at you. I ain't mad at your your your decision, your option. That was a good option. I ain't man, I ain't trying to thank you, dear. Don't like them, you know, I hate you. Just get a walk away, just tired and it frustrates him, completely disrespect. Some people don't want to jump. Some people want to just say what's going on? And they like everybody don't want to jump, just jump off and don't know what the hell is going on. Now we're jumping off. Here's forty ft below, and you didn't jump jump into your confession and say what's on your man? Jumping over here ain't gonna hurt you. I got you all right. Back to back jam's coming up. If you throw a rock in a pack of dogs, what we do the thing you see the pack of dog. You're listening alright, thirty four minutes after that, let's get to these back to back jails. Come on, cat, let's go. Hey, coming up next year, all we bought it. Then we got time for just one more thing. We'll tell you about it after the break. You're listening, all right, coming up next, we got just one more thing. Hey, it'd be like that time stopped in the airport and feel out the form wrong. They are booming custom for four hours. See they told boom range. They say, sir, okay, you don't have any explosive. You had checked that block. You don't have explosive. But what we cannot find find it's where is the chicken to check the paltry box. You're on the floor. You don't have any explosion. What we came find out where is He's chicken. A black dude worked there and came up and said, sir, are you the guy that was in the Kings of Comedy movie? You Steve Harvey body guard? He said yeah, He said, come here, bro, let me talk to you. I don't know how you feel this farm out, but you know you're posted to check no boom answering it like it's true and false test true true, true false true. He didn't fill out the custom for black true and false. And uh, hey, y'all. That's it for the day. Y'all have a great weekend, oh well at all. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.