Presidential Fart, Paper Goods, Astroworld Development, Church Complaints and more.

Published Nov 15, 2021, 11:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Someone murdered Prince! The loss of breath only means one thing. Plus too many Black Bastards marched in Georgia. The CLO helped a young lady with low self-esteem out and he also answers the question about who pays for the first date. Someone got escorted off the stage in Duval. Bitterman aka "The Darkness" of The Steve Harvey Morning Show sees something bright for the holidays. The lawsuits from Astroworld are coming. Pimpin' is back to say, "called it" and his picks are in. Today, Would You Rather is answered by the ladies of the show. Comedy Roulette takes us to place where the truth will not do. A royal from across the pond had something to say about Biden. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve plays something 3 times in a row for anyone that is going through it.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all all suit the don giving them like the milking bu bu things and it's to be true. Good Steve listening to go together for stuy don't join. You gotta use that turn you burn. You gotta turn to turn out, got to turn out to turn the water to the water. Got me come come on your baby now, Uh huh, I shall well, good morning everybody. Excuse me, you're listening to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Arvey got a radio show. Man o man o man something going on real good today. You ought to feel blessed today. The fact that God woke you up and gave you another opportunity. You know, every day you wake up, it's another chance. It's a chance for all of us to get better, to get it right, to get on the right path, to stop heading the wrong way. Every day you wake up, that's your opportunity. See, because he's gonna keep waking you up because he has a plan for you. You know, I don't know, uh you know, I don't. I don't. I don't know when he makes his call and you know who gets called home when I can't explain it, I don't have that answer. I'm not him, I'm not God. I don't claim to be. I don't. I don't understand it all something times. But God has an amazing way. But as long as he's waking you up, I do know this, God ain't through with you yet. God has a plan for you. Your job is to identify identify the plan. You know. That's that's clearly what I need for you to do. You know, um oftentimes the thing that you're looking for, it's right there inside of you. You know. I can't tell you how many people I meet, mister Harvey, mister can't speak to you for a many year. Man, what's up with you? Man? I was just wondering. Man, I've been trying to and I want to know, man, can you give me a good agent? Can you give me a good lawyer? Can you give me a good Now? Look, if you got some legal problems, I understand you're gonna need some help right there. But the majority of questions I get asked is about their future, about their place in this world, about their mission, about what they're trying to do, how they're trying to figure out and then how to go about doing it. But the answer I'm must remind all of you is always within yourself. It starts right there. See a lot of people burn up a lot of time looking around trying to find someone. If I could just meet them, if I could just get on her show. Man, if all, if I could just get to his show, I beating made It's not That's not necessarily the case. Because see, just like every time you put your put your faith in a person or an event or currens or some type of thing that you imagine yourself being and in that'll do it for you. Imagine of all the people who've made it without you know, I look at everybody telling man, if I could get on so and so show, that will do it for me. Man, somebody else got on that show and they blew up. Man, if I could just make it to that show, do you know how many people have made it without that? So see, when you start focusing in on what your idea of how to make it is, and your idea of how to make it does not include your relationship with God, you're spending your wills. Man, it's a vicious cycle you in now, And I'm asking everybody to get out of that cycle, get out of looking for someone and something. The answer is within you. God resides in you. That burning thing that you have that you just can't get out your head. That's a seed. God planet that that that's a seed. It needs watering, nurturing, fertilizing, and that's what it needs. It didn't it. Don't ever say, man, I need that other person right there now. Now, people you will meet. That a compliment you, and I can assure you that God will put you in the right place at the right time. I'm almost certain that God will introduce you to everybody you need to be introduced to to make it to wherever it is. You all are trying to get to them talking about you and God now. But the moment you're taken into your own hands and you make the decision as to who you got to get to, you just clouded and muddied the waters. See God's plan for you don't really need your help. It needs your attention, It needs your focus, it needs your faith, and it needs your hard work. But it needs you to listen. It needs you to listen more than anything. Listen, keep the faith and be willing to work your tail off. I don't know how you think it can happen any other way, But then again I do because I try to make it another way. So I had to come to the conclusion, Hey man, listen here, dog, this ain't working for you. You gotta get some more God, here, man, listen to me. The answer was always within me, the moment I sat down with myself and told myself the truth that a partner you ain't really all that they a partner, regardless as to what people are seeing and stuff. You ain't happy. Hey Pardner, this really ain't about you. Hey Pardner, you really ain't all that good at this. God is keeping you for a reason. Okay, hold of Steve, quit tripping what I need to do. I just started talking to myself and then I heard Bishop Jake's say a couple of things. Then I was watching TV. I heard Joel Oldstein say a couple of things, and I went wild, man, Okay, cool, that's pretty slick. I'm gonna try that. And when I did it, it changed my life. I am telling you, man, it has been God this whole time, and the God has been residing inside of me, just like the God resides on the inside of you. That's him talking to you, telling you, man, you are to get it together. Man making you feel bad, it's sending you on guilt trips, you knowing you wrong and you out there wrong, and something telling you you all not do it. Here's how you know. It's God. And Bishop Olmer taught me this in his book He's Got Again't think of the name of it right now, but it's a really good book. But it says in there man. Bishop Alma was talking in this book and he was saying, the way you know is not God's voice. It's if it ain't no sin in it. See how many times have you made up in your mind, I'm gonna show this person or I'm gonna show that person. I'm gonna get this person back. You hurt me, I'm gonna hurt you. You know the Lord don't like ugly. I'll show you well, the Lord don't like ugly. But no way in that doesn't safe for you to go show them. It doesn't say that. See, so when you strike out on that mission, you know the God knows in my heart I loved you, but I got to do this because you did me. Whoa, whoa ain't got nothing to do with God right there, you can take him out of it. If it's God, has no sin in it. So anytime somebody come to me talking about the Lord told me to do this to you, and that's the only reason, and now I'm doing it, you need to get yourself right with God. I heard all them threats right there. That ain't God talking to me through you. What are you crazy? If it's God, it has no sin in it. So you got to be careful, man, when you're talking to people and we're gonna go down here and we're gonna do this because this is the right thing to do. If it has something wrong going on, then it can't be the right thing to do. Took me a minute to learn that one. But please get that through your head so you can quit spinning yourself around and remember everything you're looking for is within you. It's all right there. Quit wasting your time looking around all the time. Go to your God, man, talk to him. Go to that spirit that's on the inside of you that's calling you. Stop letting people shake your treat. At the end of the day, somebody gonna be right, somebody gonna be wrong. All right, y'all, we're gonna help going day, tripping a little bit, going through something. You're listening show, Ladies and gentlemen, it is upon us the beginning of a new day. Ladies and gentlemen, introducing to you the man who has involved in the three trillion dollars lawsuit against the music industry claiming to have back pay royalties for publishers and writing and performing rights. Ladies and gentlemen, here to tell us a little bit more about the story raw Scold Wallace. Yeah, Yeah, we're going on. We're going to lose everybody, everybody sharing the colin Tommy, Juli Gee or everybody listening. Here we go. Here's another song, another song that I am old rawalties on two uh to Here we go Helpolorad, Purple Red, Oh Long Bullade, pur Parade, I have Rain, Rainad, purple rain night. Yea you wrote purple rain. All I have woded was to be out of the rain. What color was the rain? Rain? Was called it purple? They would saying, someone just another hit I wrote, never got raw Chi's from just what y'all new, the vast diversity and just clear out of abilities out over here. Thank you to you someone for allowing me explain my lawsuit. Just get it out there, y'all have a great day. Another hit purplate Lord Rock see y'all maw all right, Yeah, that boy right there, Boy he wrote purple rain. Jay don't say nothing because he came here. But well he didn't write purple rain. So it was that's where you're wrong. I heard you here. Yeah, I wrote perpor rain. She was, y'all don't know. I was friends when Prince Daddy and his name was what you think purple rain one. You know, we lived, you know literally there. You know Minnesota, come down Chicago one time, going to Minuter and you know, a lot of factors up back then, you know a lot of factors and a lot of smoking and everything. One night they got red head outside and rain was coming down, and rain picking up cumicle and coming up through coming through the cloud picking the ball and the factory smoke. And then all of a sudden the sun came out and then the shot the shot the rage through it, and I'll be damned, look purple purple rain. So I drove up Daddy King. I told King, I said, man, you know what I just saw, purp rate need come here, pre come here, chill the last in that studio. Come on, rocks here the prime rate. But as you know, my no peak rain, He's had prep rain. If you're right, peak rain will be chain coming up next sea coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour. We'll have the pastors and church complaints right after this. You're listening morning show, all right? It is Monday day after Sunday, so you know what that means. Time for the pastors and church complaints. We gabble most aubidaciously for the more or earqunew it. The sounds you here in the background only means that death jail is not him. The snoring, the goggling, then haling, the loss of breaths, the asthmatic, the bron titus, all the breathing difficulties wrapped up into one man, my older brother, the river ad No, and it's time for the church complain about. Have a question to ask you. The question is are you not sick of what he's doing by not showing up? Because if you, if it's okay with you, then it's okay with me not showing up. Not call it. If it's okay with you, I'm telling you the truth. This is not gonna work. Out the way you wanted to. I'm the sick of both of y'all. There's gonna be what you're sick of more you more. Okay, that's where I am is most sick of him. Okay, Okay, here I am most sick of him. We'll get to the bottom of this about what it is today that's caused that absent tie is. But we're gonna put up stop to all and this hill sugar hunted iced tea san little kids, that's listening to the rain at all. A lot of spelling. You gotta be. You gotta be a parent to understand that you got to spell out in front of them kids. But my daddy used to try spelling in front of us, but he couldn't spell good, and so my mama just made him say it all right, here we go. We had a bit of a problem. This has nothing to do with our church, but we had a problem in Brunswick, Georgia. Would have had a hundred black pastors march in Brunswick, Georgia over the weekend. A hundred. They were calling for a hundred. Now, the problem was a lot of wives and mothers and girlfriends were calling the church to volunteer their boyfriends and their husbands, and we were not looking. We're looking for black pastors, and they got it all mixed up. We're looking for black pastors. It will volunteer. So what happened was a lot of black bastards. Yeah, yes, way too many. We had way too many. An accommodating Yeah, that had to be a huge misunderstanding. The women who look real fine from behind, but when you get up on them, they're not. It's fine. We'll meet in meeting room five insteady thing you'd like to say about that or in the missing room. We're asking that everyone faced the south wall because the dough is on the north wall. That's all our only request. Thank you so much, thank you, thank you. Now, we've had some problems with the church program that we'll put it on this year. None of the larger members wanna be Santa Claus. They think its fat shaming. So we don't have anybody to be Santa Claus School. We're gonna go with Skinny Rickett. Now what we're asking you is will you paid for the alterations on the song? Gonna stop this here. I'm tired of the large membership always gathering together to form some type of organization for facts. Let me ask you something. If we because that's all we got at this church. Now, if we allow Skinny Rickett to be saying it clause, how is we gonna explain to the babies all the fat ass elves help me? You see the problem? I see the problem. Yeah, the elves raindeers is all bigger than the boss who has saying it, Claus. Thank you, thank you, thank you. None of them want to be saying we do have a problem. And you have said that you're not going to pay for the alterations for Skinny. Yeah, you'll stop h yourself into the role. Thank you very much, Thank you very much. Moving on, thank you. Okay, wait wait wait wait wait we used to babies. Yeah, we using the less fact babies as the eggs. Uh huh. Now the mom and daddy gonna have to be in Santa Claus unless we're gonna change the story. Somebody who had to win the suit, somebody who had to win somebody, listen and let we change. We're gonna have to change his name. This is how big our church here, from Chris Queen to Krispy Kreen. Okay, moving over the weekend, I noticed last Sunday. You really enjoyed yourself at the water balloon baptisma. And I want to know if you like to continue that. We filled the balloons up with the Holy water and you were allowed to throw them at the members. You still want to continue that? Kill you? That's an absolute must. Yeah. I like the baptize and people busting them in the head. Called listen to them that I ain't got to get down in the water. I ain't got to get the deep water. Yeah, I ain't got to change my clothes. No, I didn't know your arm was that good. I was surprised that the way was throwing them. Oh my god, it was so fun. Boy. Did you see the way I baptized that drug dealer? Yes? Boy, I tried to kill him with the balloon carter. He got my little nephew question strung out right now. And I know that you got him right in the back of the head. It was it was amazing, righting the back of the heading in the back. It is amazing. You want to continue that? Okay, we've had to cut back on the Christmas program. Here's what we cut it down to just save some money. We got one while we out of time. Ain't we out of time? Time? Okay to come, you to speak up, get your nasal passages, your head, yes, but look him though, that's crazy. All right, thank you, basts. Coming up next, asked the CLO. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll talk about the Astro World Festival. There's a criminal investigation going on right now. We'll talk about that. And right now, though, it is time for ask the CLO. The Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey is in the building ready for your love questions. Erica and Southfield, Michigan rights. I am a married man. Oh, I'm married a man that I went to high school with and he's the best husband and father in the world. We didn't date in high school because I was a nerd and he played football. I am thirty and he's thirty one, and we've been married for three years. But I never felt good enough for him. I finally talked to his mother about how I felt, and she admitted that she felt the same way. I was hurt to the core, and she tried to fix it by saying, but you're a great mom and a God, fairy woman, what of my husband? And why did he marry you? Why you need to you know, you need to stop. You've blossomed from this nerd into this really incredible woman, and he recognizes it. And let me help you understand something. A man gets the baddest chick he can get. Period. If your husband could get better, he would have better. But he doesn't qualify for better, and he can't get better. He's married the baddest chick he can get. Now, you need to pick up your self esteem and quit treating yourself like you used to be in high school and go on and beat and blossom into the woman that you are. And the hell with his mama. She probably ain't got nobodyhood to look at her. She looked like she all after you probably not Quit asking people their opinion of you. Don't do that, and pick up a better opinion of yourself. Pick up your self esteem. You actually fine, don't worry about it. And great advice to clo. All right, Cynthia, and Saint Louis says, I've been divorced for a few years and I am dating casually. I had two free passes to a wine tasting and I invited a guy I met online. We had advertisers, and we're having a great time until the check came and he didn't make a move to pay for it. I got it, got a little awkward, and I was ready to go, so I asked if he was ready to pay. He said, go ahead. I invited him out, so I gotta pay. I didn't really ask him out. But is this a new rule of dating? It's a new rule by a lot of guys. I was just watching online a video fifty cent and he was on a Stephen Colbert show drinking champagne, and he said, let me ask you a question, fifty whose responsibility is it to pay on the first date? And he said, the person that invited him. That's a general ration or other things that these cats is doing. Now. It's not the right thing to do. It's not the proper thing to do. Um And so you know you have your answer. Go ahead. These dudes nowadays they don't even get it. But they don't get it because a lot of y'all women don't make them get it. So you pay for the tab and then just walk away, leave him alone. What do you mean this is not your guy? Women don't make them. No, you all don't. You all don't have a set of standards. You know you sit there, you know you don't expect a man to pay. Then when you do expect him and he said, now, go ahead, you pay. You invited me. You've learned your lesson. It cost you some time and some money. Buy your food and going out. A man that won't buy a woman a plate of food, who is this guy? Yeah, you got some bigger trouble up the road if you if I don't see you worthy of a plate of food for some appetizers. See if she scared me when she said that for something. Now just think that's that's for the act time. This ain't for nothing else. So his his value system is off. And a lot of young guys this way to day, a lot of young guys old school is simple. You ask a woman out, you pay. That's what it is. The man pays for the date. Now, if you are have an agreement, that's okay, Hey, let me get this when it's okay. Yeah, But for the man to assume that you're going to pay, you're doing what a different kind of dude. Now cut your losses, Bye bye, I'm glad even if there's some women who are at If you had a dinner and it's a party of people and the women who don't have dates, I think a dude should pick they check up too. If you just think, yeah, it's just a gentleman thing to do, I mean, you may have a date and you don't have a date, you have my table, hold on, there's nothing wrong with it at all. But now if a guy has a date at the table and all the women are at the table, I don't know who asked for this date, but the guy is responsible for the woman that he's responsible for. He's not responsible for all of her friends. But if it's a nice gesture, if you can afford to do it, it's a nice gesture, you do it. But it's fourteen people at the table, eating and drinking, and the dude was there for one. Ye. Well, I'm just saying it's a gentleman right, But that's that's not an obligation for this guy to pick up the tab for everybody at the table. I think his obligation is to his date. Juniors never let us pay for a meal, and we're well, you all never reach I'm not gonna let you pay either. Because that's just our way. But we old school cats, you know, I mean, we old school cats. So we're not gonna ladies. That's with us. You're you're under our care. If we go somewhere, if I invite y'all out somewhere, if we seen somewhere, you all are under our care. Because if y'all's husbands are not there, then I would expect I would expect y'all's husband to treat my wife the same way because now you know, because I know Tash, because I know Nesto. You know, these dudes got wise. I know them. So now when they wife with me, they under my care. That's that's the gentleman and a man way to do it. And I would expect the same thing. If Margie was with y'all, the neighbor was there, if something pop off, dog and somebody somebody get to swing it, and you don't cover my girl, You let the dude beat her. You was there, No Yah and me and you we've ever crossed up whatever. All right, So we're moving on. Thanks for clearing all of that up. Celo Shasta and Charlotte says, my husband is overly protective of one of his co workers, and it makes me suspicious. He came home about a month ago and told me that his co worker's husband is verbally abusive. Then she started calling him after work and would talk to him until he got home. I told him it was inappropriate and I didn't like it. My husband maintains that he is only offering emotional support to her, and I need to relax. How do I put an end to this? Wow? Well, dog, Now see, you got a problem man. If you got a wife and you protected another woman, you boy, you got a problem man. You know you know why you that's all women gonna say. Why you got to be the one. She ain't got no brother, she ain't got no dad, he ain't no other co workers in it? Who a single man? And added like now all of a sudden, you got to talk to and help her out, you finn mess, your crebo bro trying to save another one, you stupid thane. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news for you. Right after this. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. Comedian Afion Crockett was on stage Friday night at the Comedy Zone in Jacksonville, Florida. Duval We had an encounter with a white woman that stormed the stage during his show Okay. During his show he was performing, the woman made a comment about his jokes about sex being too offensive, and Afian told her he is referring to consenting adults and describing his own experiences. Then he took a poll from the audience and no one no one was offended. Afian called the lady a Karen and told her to get off his stage. Security escorted the lady off stage while the crowd heckled her. Afian yelled by Karen as she left, and later Afian posted a picture of the lady on stage with him with the caption, so tonight I had my first Karen to storm the stage like the Capitol. I can't make this sugar honey iced tea up when I perform, I said what I said. If you don't like it, don't come. Okay, cancel anyway. I mean, have you guys ever had that experience? Oh yeah, cancel, Jake, stop lying. Well, I had a fight one time. That's a whole show. Oh okay, great, I thought you never had anyone wasn't storm the stage? How he well, he didn't quite get up on this stage. No, women cannot explain what happened. If you let me tell it, you can explain it. Just let it tell. So this food in Memphis guy helps Jay Jay tell him. Now Jay Jay wanted The drunk hillbilly comes and tries to climb up on the stage because the stage was elevated the mic with the base of the mic stand. Jay Anthony Brown picks up the microphone stand the bass and bust him dead in the head. Now, go ahead and explain it. Please explain the reason the hillbilly came on the stag. I was at the reason because the guy before me, that particular knife, was having a better set. And the hillbilly said, bring the other black guy up there, and I took offense to that, and he, I guess he came on stage to remove me from the stage and put the other black guy up there. And that wasn't having it. And you know I hit him in here. Ye knocked his ass smooth, Sharlotte. Was he all right? Sureley? You get hit in the here with the bass of the microphone, so the thing that holds a thing from falling over. No, he wasn't all right. Flashing lights outside up Jason Manner though I would never think about him. Man. I know he cusses a lot of stuff, but Jake got you'all food. He doesn't seem like a fighter to me. No, No, I'm not. I'm not. That's right. Surely I'm not a fighter. I'm not all right runner, not as fast as I used to be. But I'm gonna I'm gonna get out of there. Yeah, okay, but you canna get some licks in first. These carrons, man, they're taking over. I mean, they're gonna kill comedy in it minute. The way they're going, comedy will be dead because you won't be able to say anything. Yeah, that was some nerve, some privilege, I should say, for her to think she could just do that interrupt his happened to just leave it. If you don't just leave, why you gotta do all that? Yeah, you're on stage interrupting his performance. That is so crazy. All right, So moving on, Steve, you'll be happy to know that Britney Spears is free. In Los Angeles Superior Court, on Friday, Judge Brenda Penney terminated Brendy's legal Britney's legal conservatorship after long battle over whether or not Brittany was mentally stable enough to control her sixty million dollars. State Judge Penney stated the court finds a conservatorship of the person and a state of Britney spears is no longer required. Hundreds of supporters outside of the courthouse cheered and danced as they heard the great news that Britney is free. Britney posted to Instagram. Good God, I love my fans so much it's crazy. I think I'm gonna cry the rest of the day. M Brittany thirty nine years old now popeyicon and she added a new hashtag freed Freed Brittany. So good for her. Yeah, yeah, a lot of people wanted that. Yeah, one woman I did with all that damn opportunity. That's herman, No, none at all, but just just knowing as I did, all right, And Steve, you'll you'll love this. Dj Kala's latest business venture is a sprawling chicken wing delivery service with more than one hundred and fifty kitchens in five countries on three continents, and it plans to offer boat side jet ski delivery. You can be chilling on your yacht, Steve and order wings from another Wing. That is the name of his business. Another Wing and a jet ski will pull up next to your boat with your delivery. If you don't live on water, so the wings can also be delivered to your house. Another Wing will service in New York, Atlanta, Houston, Miami, Los Angeles, Toronto, and Vancouver, as well as the UK and Canada, France and the United Airates Emirates. And another Wing will operate in a ghost kitchen. That's a new delivery only concept that is floating right now. It's real popular right now. Yeah, so can you imagine I love it? Instead of another one, another wing, another wing, another wing, Alert and another one another wings. Congratulations DJ Khaled, Yes what you think, Steve on your yacht Chicken wings, hot wings. Uh yeah, that won't happen, but yeah, the concepts great. Coming up. In about twenty minutes, we're gonna look into the mind of the one and only Jay Anthony Brown. Right after this, you're listening to show, all right, come on, Steve, it's time for you to introduce your friend, ladies and gentlemen. Here he is the Darkness, Jay Anthony Brown. Darkness. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you very much. Mister Harvey. As you know from last week, I'm giving out holiday tips. Holiday tips today we're gonna focus on paper goods. Paper goods for your parties. That would meaning cups, napkins, paper plates, tilet paper. Let me go over the list again. Case you don't know you got a party coming up, you don't know what to have. You're gonna need paper cups, paper plates, napkins, and tarlet paper. Here we go. You want your eight ounce cups? Do not go and have a party with them, tin of ass cups. Okay, well, you can only put one damn icicle in the cup. You gotta stand right there and drink it up and fill it up again. Get the eight ounce Dixie cups. You want the Dixie plates plates, Dixie, I know your races out out of none of them DIXI plates. You want to be able to put meatball on the plate and damn meatball on falling the floor and bounce up and hit you in your damn You want strong ass plates. Okay, yeah, you don't want them, love flim. If you put gravy on the plate and then the plate just flip over and gravy just drip off, you got a weak ass plate. Okay, you don't know right away. You want big ass napkins. You got big people eating. Don't come up with the little ast tight ass napkins. The little tight You wanna fall back a sheet, they got him. You wanna full cover. You want to be in a pop it open like a bed, like a fittedge sheet. You gotta look for him there out there, the biggest napkin you can find, because you got big ass eaters in there. Okay, get a lot of them. Now, this is the most important thing about your holiday gathering. Oh my god, I can't stretch this enough. Toilet lit paper. Let me say it again, tall lit paper. Put several rolls in the restroom. Several rolls. Don't embrass people take the plunger. Stack them on top of that. That means you got your fall deep. Don't put them behind people on that low tank back there. That's uncomfortable. Try to reach back there when you need it. And you can't. You can't. You you cannot get that. You wan't bounty bounty. It's your strongest, your strongest. Okay. If you got a tilet paper, you can blow a hole in it. It's weak, weak ass tilet paper. If you got a toilet paper, you can read the paper through the tilet paper. That's a weak ass tilet paper. If you got a tilet paper that the paper is wrapped in over the toilet paper is soft than the toilet paper is the paper that's wrapping the toilet paper is soft than the toilet paper. You got a week as the toilet paper, just one little session. You can't work with that. Okay, all right, thank you Jay, being a holiday till I have more when I come back. Thank you. All right, coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Fans injured in the Astra World tragedy, along with the families of some of the deceased, have filed more than one hundred lawsuits against Travis Scott and Live Nation. Tragically, nine people died and more than three hundred were hurt when chaos broke out on the first night of Travis's Astra World Festival festival in Houston. Fifty thousand fans packed into the concert and reportedly rushed the stage and crushed and trampled victims over a period of forty minutes while the concert continued. The total number of lawsuits against the events producer Live Nation reached one hundred and eight by the time Harris County District Court closed on Friday. The lawsuits not only target Live Nation and Scott, but also Drake as well. Drake, of course, appeared on stage with Travis during the concerts, so there you go, and stuff was going on. They just didn't know on stage. Well, you know it's our legal system now that the wheels of that sometimes turned just for the money while y'all dragging Drake into this at all because he appeared on the stage. But now it's just about you know, you gotta you gotta, you gotta pointed that anybody you think has something to lose. You know, the tragedy is that there was nine people who lost their lives and three hundred people hurt. Now that's going to have to be some form of compensation that's going to happen. You can believe that. And Live Nation, as a lawyer told me, Live Nations lawyers ain't been to bed, yeah, he since this happened, he said, trust me, they ain't been to bed. And now you're telling me that a hundred and eight suits have been filed at close of day. That's a lot, and it's going to be more to come. And it's tragedy for the families that lost loved ones, the ten year old boy, the mothers, the fathers, the sisters, the brothers, the friends. It's a horrible situation. It's going to be a while. Know that this story is going to get drug out. That's what all both lawyers do that and so the lawyers who are pressing are going to act like not nothing you can do can fix this and then live nation lawyers have got to go, well, this is what we're doing, this is what we're willing to do. But to get to that number right there, to even start this, it will be a long time before they get to a number. But when you have general admission concerts, you you're asking for a problem like that. You really people standing right, yeah, I mean yeah, there's no way to predict this. I'm pretty sure if they would have thought this could happen, precautions would have been taken. But now you know some of the blame, some of the blame is on not the victims, but the party, the people who rush and charge and only have concern for themselves. I want to get to the front. Were you in the back? And that's usually how stampede is from when the pressure keeps coming from the back. The stampede doesn't isn't drastic from the front. It's when it starts. People in the front start falling into people in the back, keep coming. Some of this blame has to go to the way people behave. Yeah, and it's sad that people aren't considerate. And then there are people who, let me tell you something, there are people who saw them victims on the ground, didn't do nothing to help them. Yeah, that's very trust that I'm going to the front. Stepped on people, you know, you stepped on somebody that ain't no coat? Yeah, you know that, you know. And then there were some people who were trying to stop stop pushing the people on the ground. You better believe a lot of good people in that trying to get that under control. But the show all stop, the show trying to get to the production officials to show as well, really really sad. Travis Scott is still in his home in Houston and just they say he's just really depressed and sad. Some people trying to protest outside his home. Yeah, it's a lot, Yeah, it's a lot. Yeah, But you know, y'all feel somewhat responsible. Well yeah sure, as an artist, well you don't want anything to happen. But y'all outside Travis Scott's house for what. Yeah, Travis Scott didn't ask for any of this to happen. I'm almost certain he didn't and wishes this never had to happen. You protesting outside of Travis scott house. I got you on to direct your anger somewhere, but it really ain't at him. Yeah, So all right, we're gonna move on. Coming up next it is the prank phone call. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, well about four minutes after the hour, it's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject he's for the streets. Okay, we'll get into that in just a bit. Huh's for the streets. But right now, Junior is in for the nephew with today's frank phone call. What you got for its Junior for the YEA, yeah, exactly sure, I'm in for the next it's money he worked this weekend now I'm in for the next Y don't know what's happening. I know I know, so what I do have for the nift Mike will just be there. Look a here, Sherty hitt here, Okay, okay, Sherty he hitty today, pray funk hitty h gene. I got your girl walks again? Gee, I got your girl credit kit? Hello? Need the gene? Is my name? Vernon? Brother was playing what's going on? I need to high let you for a minute, my man? What I want to how let you about your wife? So you got a minute. Yeah, I'm listening. I don't even know how to breaktice to your dog. I just want to be straight up with you, man. Me and your wife have been kind of seeing each other, and uh, really she want to let you go. But she ain't, you know, she really ain't got it got it up in her to say she want to let you go. So I'm coming to you like a man and letting you know. You know that, Uh, she really wanted to shut it down with you. We've been seeing each other for a minute now, so I don't know how we can, you know, I'm just coming at you like a man, brother, trying to let you know, she don't even really want you no more. You know, we didn't talked about it, talked about it, and I'm just trying to get it all. I know. I'm tired. I'm tired of hiding with it. Really, okay, okay, Well you know it's a lot smoother than I expected. Player, I man, it is what it is. It is what it is. I mean, long as long as you as long as you cool, I thought, you know, I just want to be a man called and how I let you let you know? Have you seen her today? And where are you from? From Jersey? I'm up around Newark. I mean you said it's a lot smootherer than you thought it was going. Ba. Well, you know anytime i'm another man from to call another man about his wife, I mean, yeah, you don't expect it to be nothing. You know, pretty simple, that's for sure. I didn't contemplate it a long time by calling you saw you know, the day I just said to head whatever, I will get my number. So I've been here at your number. I had your number a long time. All right. Now you say you're looking, Uh, there's a lot smoother than you thought us gonna be. It ain't that smooth, but you know you don't want You know, the thing is, you got one up on it because you know my information. Now I's gonna come find you. Okay, wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up? Now good. You feel like I'm gonna need to hold up? Okay, you feel like you need to be looking for me or something. Brother, Look look ahead, let's check this out. This is a decision that the wife has made. You understand what I'm saying. So you have no reason to be mad at me about anything. You have no reason to be coming looking for me or any information on me, because see, when that happens, then it's gonna really get stinky up in here. And I'm trying not to let that happen. That's why I'm calling you like a man. Brother, Trust me, Man, ain't nothing that I'm never worried about. Okay, Well, I'm just letting you know, man, I'm letting you know up front sheet with me and how contemplated a long time, y'all to y'alla, so now you know here we are. So I said, you know, what the hell with it? I'm calling to day y'all should have did this on the phone together out of respect to both of y'all a lot more. Okay, well you know, and then you know, if that's what it's got to be, we be face to face together whatever it's gotta be, man, you know, okay, so, but but let me ask you this here where it's going in. Once we're both staying flat footed and tell you how it is, then what I ain't gonna never be flat footed? Okay? What the flat footed? Or upside down? Ain't the way you want to look at it, bro, I'm trying not to get into this physical part, but it seemed like you're leaning that way with me. It could be with uver. You know, it could be on this side of the dirt or the other side. And don't make it difference. It never does, brother, it never does. When two bulls come together, one of them got to go down. No, guess what we are doing? Too much talking? You've got my information. Guess what now I'm bought loaded the hunter for you. You lock and loaded. There's no need for you to say. There's no need for us discussing anymore. Okay, cool? You know why? Well at it, man, let me go and drop it all on you then, because it's it seemed like we need to go and get it all out the way. You cool, you know what I'm saying. I think you need you know, a matter of fact, if you want to just keep it all the way real, you might want to go take a blood test about a lina and make sure you to Papa to that. All right? Feel me? Got it? So I'm gonna have your wife getting your car man because we didn't contemplate it or too long and it's time. Yeah, you do that. You know my information? Like I said, you said enough, you had enough balls yet now I'm really hunter for somebody. So you know what I mean, somebody's got to go. What you mean? Wait, wait, what was all this? Somebody got to go? What you're saying, somebody got to go. Okay, you're trying about either me or you. One of us got to go, see because you're saying the wrong thing. Because what you must understand is if I've given you as much information as I already have, that means I have enough information to know where you are. Brother. You know nothing about me norway I reside. So if you're gonna talk about locking lower, then somebody got to go. Then you're saying it to the wrong person, because I'm already up on you player that. First off, they ain't really annoyed because it got a country action. So second off, like you've done them on the real street. So however you want to handle it, you know my information. Guess what. I don't reside did the more. I ain't doing the more. That's what. Now you've got to start from the scratch like me. He'll go to math. Man, you're ready for that. You're ready for this, math, You're ready to play. He'll go to math. This nephew, Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You've been pranked by your wife. I'm kill yeah black man. Until I but you you kind of had me scared for a minute because you really wasn't flinting you whatever you eating over there, you never did stop eating on it. Oh I ain't gonna stop eating. I'm gonna keep hearing. I listened to you every morning. What's the baddest radio morning show in the land, Steve Harvey Show. Praise you? What? Yes, honor you. Oh you're the greatest man. Oh my god, you're great out enough Yeah I know you don't please let me step in here. Oh my god, you're the greatest, Come on, rider to love, Come on me because we gotta do it everything. Oh my God, the greatest. I've never seen more talent than you, Oh my God. And the and the way we have to praise and worship you after each prank. I believe it actually replaces going to church, the praise of worship service that we have to do after each prank. It's amazing. God appreciate it. Let me let me go, Ready to love, Roden separate what and and you know about love? Wow? Come on now, come on, guys, don't keep Tommy and Hey and also hey Tommy. Yeah, I saw your amazing YouTube video with all of the little bit as baby weights on it. You better, you better? Huh whatn' not living? Them? What not living? I could not believe that you were doing that bar with no plates on it and then went over in the cable cross. You did one stack, didn't you see it? Twelve pounds on each side? Oh my god, God, whoa, Lindon, whoa? I'm laughing? What and you all have we've seeing my YouTube exercise video? Oh my god? What what's the whole ball? Did it? Did it up? Junior? Hold on? Hold on my name Tommy. Oh okay, how stupid? Will you be stupid? Take something? I'm gonna be so stupid everybody I know, go just hold me all right? Thank you, Junior in for the nephew coming up next hit in the Strawberry Letter, the subject is he's for the streets. We'll get into it right after this. What you're listening to the morning show? All right time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationship, sex, work, dating, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey fem dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Because guess what, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here right now. You never know it could be your Well i'ma for a niff, so buckle up, hold on tight, we got it for you, Strawberry. Let all right, subject, thank you you and your subject He's for the streets. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a thirty three year old single woman and my older sister just married a man that's for the streets. I know you're going to say I need to mind my business, but my brother in law is a whore. When I graduated from college ten years ago, I went to a party and he was one of my classmate's boyfriends at the time. I was annoyed by him flirting and staring at me all night. I had way too much tequila and he followed me into the bathroom and I had sex with him in the tub. All I remember was trying to get out of that bathroom before his old friend caught us. Then I ran into him at a game and he asked if we could exchange numbers and meet up some time for dinner. I didn't give him my number, and I told him it was a one night stand that shouldn't have happened. A few days later, my cousin called me and asked me to be a third wheel on a date because she was nervous. I showed up and saw she was on a date with the same guy, and I didn't go in. I didn't say anything to her about the guy. I called her two weeks later to see if she and the guy hit it off, and she said he gave her an STI, so she dumped him. I was disgusted, but relieved because I had gotten a clean bill of health after my encounter with him. Now, the tricky part is how he met my nerdy sister. My sister is very naive to be thirty five years old, so he latched on to her and moved into her nice house within weeks. When she showed me a picture, I didn't recognize him, bald head and sunglasses. She calls him Stephen, and everyone else calls him by his middle name. My cousin, and I want to tell her that she eloped with the devil, but we don't know how. Do I let him use her and cheat on her? Or do I tell him? Do I tell her she's married a whore? All right? Not your place, not your business? Okay, seriously, I mean you're right when you said that we would tell you to mind your own business. Normally would we would definitely say that. My question to you is, why, all of a sudden do you want to tell her after she's already married the guy. I do think this is different because A, it's your sister, and be both you and your cousin have had dealings with him. You both slept with him. You because you said you were drunk off to quila her. I don't know why, but anyway, it's the whole timing thing that's off here. I do get why you're concerned it's sister, But did you not tell her because she eloped and you didn't get a chance to initially because you didn't mention that in a letter? But what about when they started dating and he was living with her and her nice home as you put it, where were you then? Where were you then? Why couldn't you if you wanted to say someone, if you cared so much, why couldn't you say something then? I mean, you had that window to bring it up, but you didn't. So I just think now it's best to let the situation play out. He is her husband, and I can almost guarantee you that she's not going to take very kindly to you telling her that you and your cousin slept with him and what happened after that. She'll get matt, she'll get defensive because she loves him. This is her husband, and she's gonna think you're jealous. I mean, that's just how the game goes. So it's nice if you want to save your sister, but I just think it's too much, too late. Now. You got to let this from play out and just be there to catch her win or if she finds out that's it. That's all you can do. Steve, Yeah, he's for the lady. This letter is so confusing to me because I don't know what your angle is here, and I don't know what you want. You're thirty three year old single woman. Your oldest sister just married a man that's fur the streets. Now you don't say in all of this letter, okay, but yes she does. So let me help you. I know you're going to say I need to mind my own business, and Shirley is exactly right. That's exactly what we're going to say. You knew it because none of this is your business. And I got news for you. I'm not really fond of the timing of it, and I have some conflicting information. But my brother in law is a horror. W h O r E. My brother in law is a horror. Very important line. When I graduated from college ten years ago, I went to a party and he was one of my classmate's boyfriends at the time. Ten years ago. Ten he was my classmate's boyfriend at the time. I was annoyed by him flirting and staring at me all night. She made she's annoyed. But listen to the next line. I had way too much tequila. He followed me into the bathroom and I had sex with him in the tub. Wait a minute, I thought you said your brother in law was a whore. See that's what you said. You said your brother in law was a whore. Now we allow this type of thing on this show because of determinology. But you call your brother in law whore and you say you are annoyed by him flirting and stead at you all night. Then you said I had too much a keyla. He followed me into the bathroom, we had sex in the tub. I'm confused. So why are your brother why he got to be the one? Why he gets a bad name because she was a drunk after the killers? Girl by I have more? All right, Look, we'll have part two and gather yourself, Steve. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour Strawberry letters, subject He's for the streets. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to morning show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject is He's for the streets. This very conflicting letter of this thirty three year old single woman who oldest sister just married a man. That's for the streets. But like I said earlier, I don't appreciate the timing of this and the conflicting information. So here we go. I know before that you were surely gonna need to say I need to mind my own business. You do. You do need to mind your own business because none of this is yours, and I'll tell you why. First of all, let's start with the timing of it. My brother in law is a whore billy, Okay. When I graduated from college ten years ago. Ten years ago, they were at a party and one of your classmate's boyfriend was this guy right here now. You were annoyed by him flirting and staring at you all night long. Then you said I had way too much to mkula. He followed me into the bathroom and I had sex with him in the table. You just said he was a whore. I'm just so confused right now, I promise you I am, but I'm gonna let them gonna read you a letter like you wrote it. He is a whore, okay, all I remember I listened to this line. I was trying to get out of that bathroom, and you know while he was getting out, trying to get out of the bathroom before his girlfriend calls. So now not only is he a whore, you probably think he real conniving and tricky too, because it's probably not you, but you trying to get out of that for His girlfriend called it. She was your classmate, invited you to the party, then you took her boyfriend in a bathroom and had sex with the whore in the bathtub. That's what you're saying, little girl. I'm just reading your letter. Then I ran into him at a game and he asked me could we exchange numbers and meet up sometime for dinner. I didn't give him my number, and I told him it was a one night stand that should not have happened. A few days later, days later, now we're talking ten years ago, y'all, my cousin called me and asked me to be a third wheel on the day because she was nervous. I showed up and saw she was on the date with the same guy, so I didn't go in. I didn't say anything to her about the guy. I called it. Two weeks later to see she and the guy hit it off. She said he gave her STI, so she dumped him. I was disgusted, but relieved because I'd gotten a clean bill of health after my encounter with him. Now the tricky part is now he's met my nerdy sister. Your sisters very naive to be thirty five years old. So he latched on to her, moved into a nice house within weeks. When she showed me a picture, I didn't recognize him with a ball hid and sunglasses. She calls him Stephen, and everyone else calls him by his middle name, My cousin, and I want to tell her that she's eloped with the devil, but we don't know how Do I let him use her and cheat on her? Or do I tell her she's married to Oh? Now, let's go over a couple of things. The first one to inform your sister that she's married to a whore. You're gonna have to tell her why you know this. Then you're gonna have to go ten years ago, while he was a whore, he took me into a bathroom at a party over my girlfriend's house. That invited me bad and I was annoyed by him, but he took me in the bathroom, and since I was annoyed, I had sex in the bathtoob with the whore. Okay, okay, then you're gonna have to move up to y'all's cousin who ran up into the same whore and just in a matter of less than two weeks had sex with that whore again. All y'all in the same family. Obviously, y'all don't know a whore when you see one, nor do you know the definition of one. So now she got an STI and now they felt relieved. Ten years later, this is a different man, could be a totally different man. He even got a ball head, and you didn't recognize him at all. Now y'all want to go in there and bust bubble why you don't know this man. All this that you had to happen was ten years ago. This could be a totally different man right now. I can assure you all of us have some things in our past that are no longer a part of us anymore, all of us, so you're going back there to point this out is wrong. Secondly, how many times have men been one way and then some woman ends up with a better finished product. How many times have you dated a man and it didn't work out with y'all? And you look up and he married somewhere now with a family. Now you looking at him. She don't know him, Yes, she do. She knows who he is now, y'all wasn't good together then, but now he married somebody. He's a different guy, so she got a better finished product. What you need to do do? I let him use her and she don't hurt. No, you don't know what he's going to do. You need to mind your damn business and stop calling him a whore, you and your cousin, because it seems like in this letter the whorey was consensual between more than one at the time. Now, if you don't want to be one, stop calling him one. All right, he was the one in the bathtub, Thank you. It ends up at Steve Harvey FM with your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand as well. Coming up next, Junior and Sports Talk right after that. You're listening, all right, guys, Junior is here with Sports Talk. When you got Junior, Oh my gosh, Week ten in the NFL Pipper, What was going on yesterday. Man, No, I don't know. I didn't get as pimped around as bad as I did last week. But I ain't used to getting slapped though. I just ain't. Man, let's just run through so I picked a couple of them, but go ahead, don't Yeah, okay, man, let's get it man. The Cowboys beat the Brakes off the Falcons forty three to three. Anybody surprised? No, I just didn't know if they knew it was a football game. I just all Then we got the Titans over the Saints twenty three to twenty one. I know Tosha's hurt. Who you saw? All right? Tis? I just told you you did, Pepper, you picked out, you did. Just this was a good game. Though. The Coats eased by the Jaguars twenty three the seventeen. I thought that was gonna be my upset game. I picked the jag wise, Yeah, but then this this hurt right here, man, I don't know how you feeling about this, pimpers. The Patriots beat the Brows forty five to seven. Why why are we talking about it? Oh? You don't want to talk. You didn't know how I feel want talking about it? And my voice. Don't you man understand pipers, ain't man, that's man. The Bills beat the Gets forty five seventeen. You sure did hit a game I didn't even understand. Nobody could give it away. The Steelers and the Lions sixteen a piece. Stay tired. I feel good about it because I wanted the Lions to win, and any time the Steelers don't, it's a joyous day at the at the Pimple House home. I mean, they was giving the ball away. Man. I never seen the game like it was crazy. Nobody wanted that. But he goo want to upset Pippo. I don't know what they're doing down there, DC. But shut out to the Washington football team. They beat the Buccaneers twenty nine to nine. Ain't nobody see that coming, But I'm sure hurt. Though my boy Chase young Man might be out for the seat. I saw that man praying for him, praying for him. Bro, all right, he go on, Pip, come on man thirty four to ten. The Panthers over the Cardinals. Shut out to Cam Newton Camp. Shout out to Cam Cam, Oh, Cam Cam jam for me, and I called it. I called you back, Junior, She did you did, Pippo, I got the text and everything. Here we go. Man, I don't know how this happened, man, but let's shout out the feeling. The eagles, the eagles out of the brocko, Pippo, your call did thirty to thirteen? They did it? Got it? The heg one. Man, I understand, Pimp, but chiefs over the rate is forty one to fourteen. Man. Yeah, all right, thank you, junior, Thank you, Pimpin coming up next, comedy Roulette at the top of the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here we go with comedy Roulette. Um, these are your choices, these are your subjects. Things you tell your girl if your phone rings at two thirty in the morning, Things white kids say to their parents that black kids won't. And here's the last one. Things a coach says when he's lost all his games. All right, you got it, love it. Let's spin it, let's spin the wheel. Oh all right, guys, I can't wait to hear these. It stopped on. Things you tell your girl if your phone rings at two thirty in the morning. Let's go, Jay, didn't you tell your girl if your phone rings at two thirty in the morning. I told Mama I was gonna take up to the doctor when I wake up. Damn, you got his call? Hit his time at night? Play it off, pay it off one all right. Things you tell your girl if your phone rings at two thirty in the morning, Junior, I can't believe Amazon are trying to find me to deliver package tonight. What I see. Things you tell your girl if your phone rings at two thirty in the morning. Yeah, man, I saw the game. I know I owe you the money. I call it your phone. We're playing comedy roulette. Things you tell your girl if your phone rings at two thirty in the morning. Let's go, Jay, you showed as my phone? Yeah yeah, what are your phone? Uh yeah. Things you tell your girl if your phone rings at two thirty in the morning, bait, Listen, I told them I'm moving in the morning. I ain't moving the night calling him. Things you tell your girl if your phone rings at two thirty in the morning, Tommy, what do your drunk ass? Won't now? Down pour yourself together? Pat Damn, Tommy, Man, I just him talk to him about that on that. All right? You're right. Things things should tell your girl if your phone rings at two thirty in the morning. See, sometimes when you make a phone call earlier in the day, the phone will call you back to let you know that you're trying to call that first. That's what's happening. What what she confused? That's all all right, junior. Things you tell your girl if your phone rings at two thirty in the morning. Baby, I'm gonna change churches, so I'm not doing this midnight prayer call all the time. I'm not doing it. That's Things you tell your girl if your phone rings at two thirty in the morning, Steve, Yes, yes, bring the pizza right up, thank you. Oh really, going down here and get this pizza. This new companies twenty four hours, all right. Things you tell your girl if your phone rings at two thirty in the morning. He must have found my wallet. That's what. That is not your holiday? Really, they couldn't wait till the morning, huh. Things you tell your girl if your phone rings at two thirty a m. Who is that? We both shot? Just a shot? All right, here we go. Things you tell your girls Steve, come on and close it out. If your phone rings at two thirty in the morning, Oh, baby, I always put my phone out the window like that fault. That a fault scared the hell out of me about the full phone out and threw out the wind to light all right. That Ladies and gentlemen's comedy Roulette for it today. Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour, right after this department you're listening to show Well the Duchess of Cornwall we know here as Camilla Parker Bulls hasn't stopped talking about President Biden um he passed gas in front of her at the United Nations Climate Change Conference recently. This is according to the Mail on Sunday newspaper. Camilla, of course, is the wife of Britain's Prince Charles, and is said to have described the President's flatulence as long and impossible to ignore. And she was so stunned by Biden's gassiness that she's been talking about it for days. We can't get I have, I have, I'm coming here for Claren. Where's my music? Dave that way, all that way? Thank you for having me, all of acting habits right now, the rella dubious matap. First of all, thank you for having me call, I shall like welcome. You're welcome on a Cockay, I am here to straighten it out. Listen to me. Okay, every last one of these people in the palace past gast so damn saying that they got to blame this old bite. Now I stuck next to the queen herself. She's blown the handles off of her birken bag. How dare you'll sit here act like this is new? Sorry, earl, we gotta run. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Showing thirty three minutes after. Right after this. You're listening. She's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, so it's time for would you rather? Guys? And uh so, Junior, I understand you guys wanted to switch it up and ask carlinism would you rather question? Yeah, because y'all always laughing at us. Let's just see how y'all because you got a comedian, not forget that he go on right now? Huh be drop dead gorgeous and clueless or kind of cute and brilliant. I'm brilliant every time. So you really had a cute huh? Kind of cute works though all the time. Hold on, hold on, you're gonna you gotta go with ugly this for the girl. We don't want to say it, you know. Okay, Okay, so cause their girls, you're gonna throw some soft questions. Well I don't we all need the questions Monica gave me anyway. No, now you do no, no, no. You have the ability to rewrite this thing? Do you write? I do it? Okay, he just guideline. Here we go, Okay, here we go, Shirley, this is specifically for sure, cook like a chef or sing like Whitney Houston. Cooking like a chef. It's not it could be chef Boyard you be. I got news for you. Neither one of them. It is possible or likely, and we've had both and they're the exact same. Hit it, hit it, and we always love. Yeah, it's not gonna happen. Yeah, it's not happen. Think you got to taste that steak in that croc pup. We're almost divorced over that, all right, Here we go, carl It. Okay, would you date Indress Elba yes? Or Mary Bill Gates? Yes? I would rather do both of those. Yes, I'm doing am b ok just the one. Yeah, car Gate up just for both of y'all. Here we go, give up brawls forever. Yeah, b give up lashes forever. Oh, I'm gonna answer that for y'all. Be It's no way they can give up. Bro. You take them damn lashes off right now, I'm telling you right now. And it would be funny if they gave up. Bro. You talking about laughing anyway, both of you. All right, tomorrow we're going back to a regularly scheduled programming. Okay, I'm giving up that, bra, I guess a mess. All right, coming up next, we'll close out the show and got some closing remarks at forty nine minutes after from the one and Only Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening to show. All right, guys, here we are our last break of the day on this Monday countdown. Do you realize that Thanksgiving Thanksgiving? Yeah? Wow, I didn't realize that. Yeah, that's something right. Wow. The kids get out on vacation on Friday. But Thanksgiving, it's crazy. This is crazy. This year's well, this was the year. This was the recur starting to come out of the year, right, So everybody had been hustling getting back balanced and focused again, you know. I mean, I go, I go places, man, and don't see no mask. I don't know what what's going on, you know, But the hospitals are their hospitals are slowing up a bit. It seems to be some more people have gotten vaccinated, you know, coming down a lot of people and had it and they got anybody's now so you can get it again, but it may not be as rough. So I just appreciative of all the hospital stuff. Hey, here we go, guys. I got a closer remark for you today. And this song closing remark that I'm going to do is something I found on the internet by Bishop td Jake's and I'll tell you, man, when I found this, I started playing it and I played it so many times till till it just made me cry. I was just sitting up by myself at my desk and I just played it and until it made me cry, man, because I was just feeling what he was saying so much. And it's I thought it would be great to play for my audience because I want you all to hear something. And the reason that it affected me so much is because I was having a conversation with a young person about. They were going through some things, and you know, the guy kept telling me, man, I don't want to go through this. Man, I don't want to go through this. What I've learned in my life is to get to it. The only way to get to it is through. Listen to what I'm saying. The only way to get to it is through. I've tried everything, y'all. I promise you I've tried. I've tried to go around it. I've tried to go under it. I've tried to get over it. See when you try to get over something but you don't go through it, it resurfaces. If you try to get around something you mean avoid it, It's gonna risk gonna resurface. It's gonna show itself again. If you try to get under it, go up under, circumvent it. When you pop up, you're gonna see it again. The only way to get through it is through. And this young guy kept telling me, I don't like this. Man, this is uncomfortable. I said, I got it, But young man, you gotta go through it now, I said, I said, man, and you remember the other week I was talking about. I said, I just learned to embrace the suffer I don't know. I ain't been to suffer. Now, hold on, Parking, hold on, You're not gonna suffer. I was listening. I saw this online with Bishop Jakes. Now I'm gonna play this for you on the radio right now what I heard, and I'm going to play it three times in a row. And the reason I'm gonna play it three times in a row is because in case you don't quite get it the first time, and then if you sort of get it the second time. But I'm only gonna play it three times. I've listened to this thing, I'm telling you over twenty times. At every time I hear it is most impactful. This is for anybody that's going through it right now. This is for anybody that's questioning what's happening to them on your journey. I'm gonna play this. This is my buddy, Bishop T. D. Jake's go Dad. I have never met anybody who became incredibly successful in any area of their life until they have suffered a sweat it and sacrifice and kept their focus and fucked through tears and trials and tests, and if you have a dream and you commit to it it Grell, I have never met anybody who became incredibly successful in any area of their life until they have suffered a sweat it and sacrifice and kept their focus and fucked through tears and trials and tests. And if you have a dream and you commit to it, it grew. I have never met anybody who became incredibly successful in any area of their life until they have suffered and sweated at sacrifice and kept their focus and fucked through tears and childs and tests. And if you have a dream and you commit to it, it led to man. See that was so powerful to me because after Bishop Jake's described what happens that, he said he had no he don't know nobody, nobody man that ain't fought through tears and suffered and sacrifice and kept the focus. But then after describing all this heartship, he said, but if you stay committed to your dream, it will come to pass. See that's the part man, which gets me to the part while I was saying, man, but I got this from Bishop Jake's and I text him. I told him, I said, bro he I send him. I sent him the clip. I said, I saw this about you. This really he said, wild, Thank you man. But let me tell you something, y'all. I said that to say this, in order to get to it, the only way to get to it is through it. You're gonna have to go through something. It's it's you're not exempt. And it ain't just you bishops saying. I've never met anybody, anybody that became successful and they didn't go through it. That's it. You gotta go through it. But if you stay committed your dream. Our closing remarks today, I hope y'all got somebody that like I did. Wow, I have a great day. We'll see y'all tomorrow. Here. That's no purchase necessary void ware prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.