Good morning and welcome to the ride! 'Bout to have some bounce. It's a lituation on this Friday. The Chief Love Officer feels for a man whose son betrayed his trust. Nephew Tommy aka Thomas Miles is back with Season 3 of Ready To Love. Will Packer also discusses his new show Put A Ring On It. Tonight 9p EST on OWN. Uncle Joe looked much better than 45 last night in Nashville. Pimpin' with his cabbage coat on gave us his week 7 NFL picks. In Closing Remarks, Steve tells us that all we have to do is vote and he (45) got to G-O!
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things, and it's to be true. Good to mother. I don't join jo turning you're going to do? You are? You gotta turn to turn them out? Turn you got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water go. Come, come on your thad huh I sure, well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now a one and only It is Steve Harvey. Yeah, I got a radio show. Okay, this is timely for everybody. I'm sure I want to offer you all or some encouragement because everybody needed. Let me tell you something. You strike out on your goals, you strike out on your aspirations, and so you strike out, as it happens to all of us. Here it comes life. Life just hits one of them bad notes as it always does, as it always does for all of us, for everybody. Now, when those bad notes happen, when the haters come out of nowhere, when the setback comes up, when when the out of nowhere appears, when I didn't see that coming comes, Here's here's what you have to do. Here is the thing that I have been teaching myself for years that I used to not always understand. So I'm trying to give it to you. You have to be encouraged anyway. Now that's difficult, Okay, Steve, what you're talking about? You just told me all this discouraging stuff that can happen, and you said you got to be encouraged anyway. Yeah, man, you have to because what's happening to you right now, the thing that you're going through right now, the thing that everybody's going through right now. Ain't nobody don't smooth sailing? Man. Everybody got something and if they if they don't smooth sailing, just notice is coming. There's nothing I'm wishing on anybody. It's just that this is life. This is how it happens everybody, So please stop stop getting on the old woe is Me bandwagon? Old Lord? Why met old Lord? Something always happened to me, something always happens to everybody. But here's what you got to do. When you get in moments like this, you got to be encouraged. You got to remember in those times, in those times when it's going wrong, you got to remember all that you've been through. You got to remember all that you've come through. You have to remember those other times when you felt like this, and somehow unexplainably you don't even really stop to say nothing about it. It just changed for you. And the problem that walls is no more. And the situation that seems so insurmountable, you got over it, You got around it, you got over it. Sometimes you just got to slide right under it. Sometimes you got to plow through it. But in those times when it's discouraging for you, when you feel like giving up, those are the test. Those are the moments that will determine whether we make it or not. I'll tell you one thing for sure. If you give up in these moments, right here here is a foreshow you'll never make it. That that's unquestionably the deal. If you give up in these dark times, if you give up in these what you think is insurmountable moments, if you turn back now here is the one thousand percent for shore. You ain't gonna make it. But there's a bright side to this situation. If you keep your head down, if you keep forging, if you keep pressing on. Sometimes if you just stand there and sometimes get knocked to your knees. But if you stay in that place, if you just stay there and ride the storm out, my head is bloodied but unbowed. If you can just stay there, if you consider in that moment and ride it out, you will win. You will pass the test, and you will get to move on to the next level. But there is no next level without a test. You can't get to grade six without passing grade five. You can't be your senior without first being a junior. You can't graduate without fulfilling the hours and requirements. You see, I don't care what you do in life. Look at it. It's all set up on levels. H You've got to accomplish the thing before in order to get to the next level. And when you've made those level accomplishments, you get to graduate. Now you can go on and get the masters in a PhD. You can go on and become rich. You can go become wealthy, or you can go or you can go somewhere and think yourself in another set of circumstances. But you got to go through something to get to something. There ain't nothing free. So you can stop that notion about being successful. That is easy come on, man, if it was easy, what we what we're talking about. It is not easy. Stop thinking it is. It is difficult. But I'll tell you what's even more difficult than becoming successful. You want to know what that is, Try not being successful your whole life. That's hard. You are listening to a person who has done them both been successful and really really been not successful. And I got news for you. Both of them hard. But I would rather deal with what it is to be something, to make something out of myself, to force myself to go to work when I don't feel like it. This morning was a rough get up for me, but I got up and I said thank you anyway. Never give up. And I don't watch this dude too. He even mess around and got close to me because he just never gave up. You can never ever give up. Never. It's not an option. Giving up cannot be an option for you. You cannot do that. It's out of the question. It's ain't conceivable in your mind to quit, because to quit, it's to what you get when you quit nothing. That is a reward for those who hang in there, who never give up, who forged through, who see it through, who get knocked down and get back up. Who gets trampled but somehow gathers themselves and get back to your knees. But stay in that place, man, don't ever give up. Don't let go be encouraged. Think of all you've been through, Think of all you come through. Think of all he's done for you. Think of all the times you thought you wasn't gonna make it, but somehow, without you ever even saying thank you, he got through. He got you through it. Anyway. That's that thing called grace. Now we kind of need that in our life. All I need is a little more grace. You can't give God no money for grace, man. Grace is absolutely free. It's available to everybody, but you can't get none if you quit. Don't give up. I'll just tell you that flat out. Don't ever give up. You're listening show, ladies and gentlemen, let me have it. That's your attention that I'm asking for. Why I'm I asking for it because it's about to go down. It's about to pop off, it's about to drop fitting, getting lit, getting jiggy with it, about to have some bounce on it in my favorite, about to get funking. Make it funking ladies and gentlemen. Steve Harvey Morning Show, Shery, Hey, good morning. It's a literation on this Friday, Steve, Good morning, Carlin for rel how were you saying? Oh, wonderful, wonderful, Hey, Junior man, morning morning everybody, Friday. Don't go to hear lady Jimmy Jemny Brown. After a hard week of work, baby, it is Fridday day, baby, nephew, top time, Friday morning. You're not entertaining the foolishness, Steve. Oh good no, no, not right now. If that's what I'm telling you. After being in the fields all week, it's good to see Friday. What what feels? My back is killing me from the world. You don't have to negotiate with me, but just want to share something with him. He is not good renegotiation technician, ain't the waiting man. It just ain't in your best interest. This joke gonna come back and bite you. I'm working out so hard for the people. I'm like, who's me talking? Certainly not us. How are you feeling today, Steve? You last night already voted. I don't give a damn what he says. But your president was a little more low key. He wasn't so, but he's still man. You know, the statement he made about Black Lives Matter just did it for me. I'm just you know, you know, it's a Marxist group, is anti American, you know, because he's a you know, because the first thing I saw they were talking about pigs in the blanket fry him. Those are police officers, women, man, you know, good in hair. Well, that ain't what Black Lives Matter movement is about. But he keeps trying to minimize it, to turn it into something. They're talking about frying, pigs in the blanket. Those are police man. That ain't gotta boy. But when he but when he said he didn't know what Black Lives Matter movement was about. What it's your job as the president to know what it's about. It's your job to be the president of all people, not just the police. Exactly. You're supposed to be the president. So learn about this organization and what is upsetting for black people. He gets on my nerves. That's about everything. Every time a lot challenged with one with a question like that, he says, I don't know them. I hardly know that this prison reform bill for black people. First, of all. I'm gonna say this one more time. The majority of black people I know ain't never been to prison. Talk quick talking about you did that for us? Yeah, that's racist. It is I want to be happy. Let all y'all out of jail. Thousand people got out of the bumble. All right, We're gonna switch gears here and get to the clo coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, Chief Love Officer in the building. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up next hour. We're gonna talk more about the debate last night in Nashville. But right now it is time for the clo, the cloth, the Chief Love Officer. Are you ready, sir? Here we go all right. This one is from Derek and Louisiana. Derek says, I'm a truck driver and I make good money, so I have a very nice home. I have two grown children that don't live with me, but they have access to my home. I was out on the road and finished early, so I came home early. I pulled up to my house and I saw my son's car and my girlfriend's car both were there. They were nowhere to be found inside, So I looked out back. It looked like they were in the pol having sex. I threw my keys toward the pool, and she jumped out and ran past me and out the gate. I'm more upset with my son than my girlfriend. How do I handle this? Lot? Hello? Can you go look at your face? Though? Boom one in. Let's get a couple of things straight. Let's take away of thing you said this letter. No one should have access to your home. Oh she's not your girlfriend no more, and he is still your son. Now you have a problem because your son has betrayed his father's trust. That's a violation. I don't know how or what that is. I don't I honored my father too, he left this world. I would hope that my sons would honor me that same way. I can't imagine how you must have felt to see your son in this position. The girl, to hell with her? That's your girlfriend? Ain't your girlfriend? You can get another one of them. She jumped out of the pool and ran right past Yeah. I don't know how you just gonna get I don't know where you ran past me at, but obviously you know she knew what they was doing. Your son, though, man and they grown. Yes, this has been going on for a while. That's low bro. You out working, so put everybody out your house. Explained to your son how you felt, what it, what it did to you, speak your mind. You ain't got to hurt him, and then you know, see how he come around. Good luck with you. Maybe y'all can work through it. No, I mean, you know his son has grown. You might get your assa holders asked down in there for him. That's all right, Leah and Charlotte. Oh, that's the first thing. You got to clean the pool, Leah and Charlotte. Cielo says, I'm twenty seven and I worked for a very wealthy man that has helped me out a lot financially. He's just a good guy that does not expect anything in return. I used my corporate credit card last month to get two tires for my car, and I've already paid the bill. I totally account what happened. When she questioned the child che I told her it would never happen again, but she still reported it to my boss's wife because she's part owner. His wife has been so upset and raising hell because she thinks I get special treatment. I don't want her husband at all? Why can't he control his wife? No, no, it ain't controlling his wife. You do get special treatment. And the reason you use the company card to get you two ties was because you know you what's gonna get special treatment. But the wife then busted your ass. That's what the deal is. And she part owner of the company and she ain't having it. How can he control his wife? He got he ain't got to control the wife. He got to control the damn employees. Go in now to your wife defending this helfer that dembarties, damn ties and see how that go? Baby, baby, baby? She needed ties? And when is it our job to pay for ties? Don't we pay her salary? Oh? This is so lady? What you talking about? You out? You lucky? You have a job. Yeah yeah, because you take a company card and you buy some personal items with it that can cost you your job. And then you think he should control his wife over you. He should put you over his wife. It's what you really say, girl, Miss still working. Bye. Felicia Same in Oakland says, I'm a thirty year old single man and I met a thirty year old woman with beautiful hazel eyes, and that's all I could see because of our masks. I got to know her over the phone, and I'm a big fan of FaceTime, but she's not. I was dying to see her face, so I convinced her to do it. I was so turned off when I saw her big grin and two big front teeth sticking out of her mouth. I love pretty teeth and smiles. But we clicked, and she's funny and smart. She's a pediatrician, so I know she can afford to get her teeth fixed. This is her only flaw. So would I be wrong to suggest a little dental work. Well, I don't know if you could suggest it, but you know, obviously she was winning with the mask. Obviously the loss of mask has been a major mouth kiss hanging out her raggedy mouth. See don't this mask? This this COVID is dangerous times for players. Be careful players. It's so many people with pretty eyes, nice eyebrows. You gotta says, you got to see. Why does she talk all the time? Does she hang over? Does the mouth hang open? You know a lot of stuff mask hide? You know? Does she speak proper? You can't even really tell about diction with deep mask on you know everybody sound mawful. Do you gotta do your better homework than this? Now, she's probably a wonderful person, like you say. You get along, y'all. Click now pediatrician, What is that that's for kids? Ye? So you she should have been an author, dantist. You hit her? Damn mouth fix? We got to go. Thank you all this, get your mouth fixed? Yeah all right, listen. Coming up next, nephew Tommy's Run that prank back. You're listening show coming up at the top of the hour. We have in the building super producer Will Packer will be our special guest. He's gonna tell us about the third season Already to Love, hosted by a very own nephew, Tommy and thinking of the nephew, he's here right now with run that frank back? What you got for us? Nev y'all. I'm actually scared to run this back. I got so many calls yesterday saying be finally about to get your ass with it. It's about the YEA, yeah, right here, Jake, you need to back out on this with Jack. You're not on team Tommy, but this one Jock, Jake. But I appreciate the support though. Stand by your boy. I appreciate it. Yeah, it's so Jake, and see how he feels after. Okay, come on, come on the team, Tommy, come on, catch hello, sweet Jeane. My name Vernon brother was playing. I'll let you for a minute, my man, I want to how let you about your wife? So you got a minute. Yeah, I'm I don't even know how to bractice till your dog. I just want to be straight up with you, man, Me and your wife have been kind of seeing each other, and really she want to let you go. But she ain't. You know, she really ain't got it got it up in it to say she want to let you go. So I'm coming to you like a man and letting you know, you know that she really wanted to shut it down with you. We've been seeing each other for a minute now, so I don't know how we can. You know, I'm just coming at you like a man, brother, trying to let you know she don't even really want you no more. You know, we've ben't talked about it, talked about it, and I'm just trying to get it all. I know. I'm tired. I'm tired of hiding with it. Really, Okay, Okay, well, you know, it's a lot smoother than I expected. Player, man, it is what it is. It is what it is. I mean long a long? Was you as long as you cool? I thought? You know, I just want to be a man called? And how I let you let you know? Have you seen her to day? And where are you from? From Jersey? I'm up around Newark. I mean you said it's a lot smooder than you thought I was gonna be. Well, you know, anytime i'm another man from the call, another man by his wife, I mean, yeah, you don't expect it to be nothing. You know, pretty simple, that's for sure. I didn't contemplate it a long time by calling you saw, you know, the day I just said to him, whether I get my number? So I've been hand your number. I had your number a long time. All right, Now you say you're looking, um, there's a lot smoother than you thought it was gonna be. It ain't that smooth, But you know you don't want to know. Like the thing is, you got one up on it because you know my information. Now I was gonna come find you. Okay, wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up? Now good, you feel like I'm gonna need to hold up. Okay, you feel like you need to be looking for me or something. Brother, Look look ahead, let's check this out. This is a decision that the wife has made. You understand what I'm saying. So you have no reason to be mad at me about anything. You have no reason to be coming looking for me or any information on me, because see, when that happens, then it's gonna really get stinky up in here. And I'm trying not to let that happen. That's why I'm calling you like a man. Brother, Trust me. Ain't that I'm never worried about. Okay, Well, I'm just letting you know, man, I'm letting you know up front sheet with me and how contemplated a long time, y'all to y'alla, So now you know here we are. So I said, you know, what the hell with it I'm calling today, y'a should have did this on the phone together out of expect to both of y'all. Lot more. Okay, Well, you know, and then you know, if that's what it's got to be, we be face to face together whatever it's gotta be. Man. Okay, So, but but let me ask you this here where it's going in once we're both staying flat footed and tell you how it is. Then what I ain't gonna be flat footed? Okay? What the flat footed? Or upside down? Ain't way you want to look at it? Bro, I'm trying not to get into this physical part, but it seemed like you're leaning that way with me. It could be without you. No, it could be on this side of the dirt the other side, and don't make a difference. It never does, brother, It never does. When two bulls come together, one of them got to go down. No, guess what we are doing too much talking? You've got my information. Guess what now I'm don hunting for you. There's no need for you to say. There's no need for us discussing anymore. Okay, cool? You know why we at it? Man, Let me go and drop it all on you then, because it's it seemed like we need to go and get it all out the way you cool? You know what I'm saying. I think you need you know, a matter of fact, if you want to just keep it all the way real, you might want to go take a blood test about a lina and make sure you to Papa to that. All right? Feel me? Got it? So I'm gonna have your wife getting your car man because we didn't contemplate it or too long and it's time. Yeah, you do that. You know my information. Like I said, you said enough, you're hit enough bones yet hunting for somebody so you know us? I mean somebody got to go? What you mean? Wait? What was all this? Somebody got to go? What you're saying? Somebody got to go? Okay, you're trying about either me or you. One of us got to go because you're saying the wrong thing. Because what you must understand is if I've given you as much information as I already have, that means I have enough information to know where you are. Brother. You know nothing about me norway I reside. So if you're gonna talk about locking load and somebody got to go, then you're saying it to the wrong person because I'm already up on you. Player. You got a first off, you ain't really annoyed because it's got a country action. So second off, like you've done them on the real street. So however you want to handle it, you know my information. Guess what I don't reside did the more I ain't doing the more that's what Now you got to start from scratch like me. He'll go to math. Man, you're ready for that, You're ready for this, math, You're ready to play. He'll go to math. This nephew, Timmy from the Steve Harvey mart And Show. You've been pranked by your wife m killer. Yeah, black man until but you kind of had me scared for a minute because you really wasn't flinching. You whatever you eating over there, you never did stop eating on it. Oh, I ain't gonna stop here. I'm gonna keep eat. Listen to you every morning. What's the baddest radio morning show in the land, Steve Harvey showing you might This is the first time I'm gonna have to not not only not only that, I'm gonna show him where you live. I'm gonna bring him to your house and say the inward live right there. And you're gonna make it easy. Yeah, I make him. You have to look for you, partner. I know where he lived. Chilling. Give me some of that whatever you eating sound like? What did that sound like? I don't know what it was. I don't I don't know, but he didn't stop. It was some kind of meat, some kind of meat was to pick it up, like what kind of meat it would like a show to say with your son, like one of them. It's like you had to chew it. But it's a bone in it. Though it's a bone in it. Whatever it is, somebody got to leave. Don't understand it though. I'm a real street heat. That's what you Wand he called your country already your country country. He just thought size of it all. Thank you that you coming up at the top of the hour. Super producer Will Packer will be our special guest right after this. You're listening stew All right, if I'm doing this, I need a drum roll for this, I really do. I have to have a drum roll. And it is that's what I want to hear. Joining us now is a billion dollar movie producer with too many number one hits the name Oh my God. This hit TV series Ready to Love, kicks off its third season tonight, hosted by Yours Truly. Following that premier, Oh check him out again, here comes another one. Put a ring on it. Both shows kick off tonight on the Own network. Sounds like a great Friday night lineup. This is my boy. He hails from Saint Petersburg, Florida, your Florida A and M University. This is health us HUS but this is Miss Bryce, this Miss Bryce. Something you understand what I'm saying straight up out of Saint Petersburg High School, the one it only my boss, mister will back of stop me? How much would you charging me to walk around with me and do that? When I would you get on the night and say that again? How much ball party figure? How much be talking about on a year? Anything for me? Here? The thing for my other boss? Whatever you want, you got it? What a family? How y'all doing? Hey yo yo? Oprah gave me my own night, y'all? How crazy is that? I got a night? I got two shows back to back, Friday night to night. It's going down. She doesn't mess up. I gotta make this work, y'all, because I don't know if she gonna take it back. I don't know if I get if I messed up the night, I don't know if I get to keep it a night. So I'm just running with it. I'm going crazy because I got my own night on home. Congratulation, Congratulations Will, Congratulations to both of us on the third season. Are ready to love? And you know listen, first of all, shout out to my dog, Thomas Miles holding it down. SHOs don't get to a second season, much less a third, going on three seasons in a row. And listen, y'all, y'all know he made me, made me take it this thing to Houston. This time, I'm bringing in twenty singles from Houston, from the great state of Texas, taking them on a resort. So you know, listen, we got Texas folks, we got Thomas Miles, We got him on a resort, locked away from everybody else. You can't tell me foolish, this ain't going on on this show tonight, hey man, tell them the difference about just these twenty characters that are out of h town, man, from the difference of the past shows that we've had. You know what, They're real. I'm not gonna like see. We got real people, and it's I've been very happy with the cast that we've had in the past. But it's something a little bit different about these eighth sounds. For Houston is definitely in the building, and you know it, it's no pretense, right, it's no superficiality with Houston folks. They come in. What you see is what you get. We got nurses, doctors, cowboys, physical trainers, account we got it off. We got it. We got all shapes and sizes, and we locked them off getting resort. We shot it of course during the pandemic, so we wanted to remove everybody, put them in a bubble, just like the NBA, And we said, what would it be like for these people trying to find love when you don't have all the distractions that you normally have in the real world. And that's what we're gonna have tonight. Wow, can't wait to watch heard. And here's a thing. I don't know why. I don't know what they're doing to the water down in Houston. But everybody fine. Everybody we got, we got every size and shape, but they all fine. Everybody, just like every Feller had an eight pack, not a back of a back. I say, Tommy, where did you find these brothers? Good? Lloyd And I don't know what. I don't know what. Jim. They go to Will because I haven't I don't have that. Miles. He wants the Fiji water with the caps already unscrewed. You don't want to, so I have to have a PA come in unscrew his cap for him because all he wanted to do is just lifted so he can drink. He talking about that he needs a foot massager, and I'm not talking about a masque. I'd be the actual person to come in and rubbed them. Miles sos is that we're talking about. I don't know which which thing he going to first? I don't know, but but let me say this car carler. Being you know, we're on a resort. One thing Will did make sure I had, you know, being a country boy, he got me a barbecue pit. I was able to grill twenty four seven, so I appreciate. And y'all, boy Thomas was grilling the whole time. Every day. I just kept hearing about how every night they said, you know, nephew taught me on that grill. I say, he'll last night he on it again. It was a good time. And y'all, y'all know, after Ready to Love, I got a new show that this is the first season, brand new show. Right Raby Love is a lead in. And then I got this new show Why. I tried something different. It's literally a social experiment. It's called put a Ring on It, and we took these couples who've been together but are not married. Right, we all know couples like this, Some us might be in these relationships. You've been with your significant other, you have not across that final line to say we're going to get married, We're gonna be together forever. We are allowing these couples to date other people. Would you let your significant other date somebody else to see whether or not your relationship is real? Now give us the line up for the night? Will let's go all right tonight? You got it? You already know. Nine o'clock Eastern, eighth Central, Ready to Love, the third season, hosted by my guy, Thomas Miles. It's gonna be bigger, better than ever. Houston's in the house. We took everybody to a resort, then followed by at ten o'clock my brand new show, Put a Ring on It. We take these couples who've been together but aren't married, and they start dating other people to see if their love can survive overgave me my whole night. I got two shows in a row. I need y'all to go watch it because I don't know how long I'm gonna have this night. But Friday nights are lit. Starting right now, will packer, ladies and congratulations. Well y'all all right, coming up in twenty minutes after the hour debate talk right after this you're listening to show. Last night was the final presidential debate between Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald trumpet went down in Nashville. This was a new rule of muting microphones that came from Steve. Steve Harvey are very own and it was just a rule that while one person was talking, the other person's mike was muted. Okay, you couldn't interrupt that person. Like what happened the debate. Yeah, it was definitely yeah, and we knew that was gonna go down. Yeah. So here's what Trump had to say on race. Take a listen. I am the least racist person. I can't even see the audience because it's so dark, but I don't care who's in the audience. I'm the least racist person in this room. Okay, Vice President, by let me ask you very quickly, and then I have a follow up question for you. Abraham Lincoln here is one of the most racist presidents we've had in modern history. He pours fuel on every single racist fire, every single one started off his campaign coming down the escut saying he's gettet rid of those Mexican rapists. He's banned Muslims because they're Muslims. He has moved around and made everything worse across the board. He says to them about the poor boys. Last time we were on stage here, he said, I told him to stand down and stand ready. Come on, This guy is a dog whistle about as big as a foghorn. Wow, I was referring to the proud boys. Yeah, we don't care when Donald says, yeah, if we I am the least racist person in this room, if that were a fact, we are in serious trouble. Oh yeah, rast dog man does he does it well, it's dog and y'all can't see if it is some black people. Okay, see because I went there with it a little bit. But I said, I know the least racist. If you're the only one in the room, down Trump, if you're the only person in the room, you're still not the least rish I love it. I love it. He doesn't know what Black Lives Matter is about. Well, he knows, he knows, he got he knows. The first time he heard it was who they was what marching talking about pigs in the blanket Friday pigs those are policemen. Oh, hold on the you know goodn't hear what? Just like you hijack the Colin kaepernickneeling on the ground you tried to hire you hijacking black lives matter to strengthen your base so that the proud boys can love you even more. That's what The black lives don't matter to you, then that then our vote ain't gonna matter either. But you got you gonna see it seems like it does because they sure have tried to suppress it, right exactly, so President beg for it at the same time. Yeah, all right. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll talk more about last night's presidentially date debate. It was the fun one. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, well, thank goodness, it is over. The final debate between President Trump and Joe Biden, our former vice president. Now this time around, the debate was moderated by Christian Welker. She's an UH White House correspondent. She works for NBC News. She also co anchors NBC's Weekend Today. So that's who that was, and I like the way she handled it. What did you guys think? I thought, fantastic job. I think she really Yeah, she really did. She really was. Steve, I thought so too. Yeah, cut off. Yes, it won't work if you do talk. Yeah, it would have been out of there was gonna be another debate. I say, shot the ass who go over to or something? Everybody they talked about a lot of things. Of course, here's Joe Biden. Here's them talking about to the president to release its taxes. Check this out, take a listen. Not taking a penny from any foreign source ever in my life. We learned that this president paid fifty times the tax in China as a secret bank account with China, does business in China, and in fact is talking about me taking money. I have not taken a single penny from any country whatsoever. Ever. Number one, number two, this is a president. I have released all of my tax returns twenty two years. Go look at them. Twenty two years of my tax return. You have not released a single solitary year of your tax return. What are you hiding? Why are you unwilling? The foreign countries are paying you a lot, Rush is paying you a lot China's hanging a lot on your hotels and all your businesses all around the country, all around the world, and China is building a new road to a new golf course you have overseas. So what's going on here? Why don't release your tax return or stop talking about corruption? Bo? Yeah, and Joe Biden didn't stop there. Well, but he but you know what Donald Trump said to that, We're going to release him as soon as we as soon as my accounts tell me they're available. Yeah, them don't. Who's been getting their taxes together for four years? Right? I wish we could all use that excuse. Yeah, So what the hell have you been doing if they ain't ready yet? Who's working on your taxes? Here's what Joe Biden had to say on COVID nineteen responses. He is enophobic, but not because he shut down access from China, and he did it late after forty countries had already done that. In addition to that, what he did he made sure that we had forty four people that were in there in China trying to get to Wuhan to determine what exactly the sourceful was. What did the president say in January? He said no, he said, this is he's being transparent. The President of China's being transparent. We owe m dead and gratitude. We have to thank him. And then what happened was we started talking about using the Defense Act to make sure we go out and get whatever is needed out there to protect people. And again I go back to this. He had nothing, He did virtually nothing. And then he gets out of the hospital and he talks about where this is all, don't worry, all be over soon. Come on, there's not another serious scientist in the world who thinks it's going to be over soon. Did he say what happened was come on, Joe Biden. I love it because he attacked I mean, the president attacked anth doctor Anthony Fauci this week you called him and an idiot. Yeah, he really did, and a disaster. Then he said, well, you know, I think he's a nice guy. You know, I think he's Democrat. To do with it, yeah, he has to politicize every single thing. I'm glad everyone on the Steve Harvey Morning Show has voted. Please you still have time to vote early eleven days now, eleven days until election day, November third. Yeah, you can go to your vote early. Get your go to vote dot org and get your early voting information in your state. Okay, please vote early. We want you to vote early. Okay, get it out of the way, out of the way. Eleven days. Remember when it was one hundred and something and then yeah, and here we are. Let's go. It is not this is real, okay, baby. Coming up next, it is the nephew with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening, coming up at the top of the We're right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject he can do it, but I can't. All right, we'll get into that, but first the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got for us? Nep are your lights? Yeah? Are your lights? Let's go? Kid? Hello, Hello, uh Is I'm trying to reach us. Who's calling this? This? They call me Pepper? I love h I think I actually live in an apartment behind you. I think my my apartments are up against each other. But you are you in um in Uni? Who want to know? Actually? I want to know. I'm calling you. I got a little bit of a problem. I actually live in uh which is the apartment. That that's our powers are backed back with each other. And I don't harm man, but you are so right, yes, okay, And here's here's what's going on. It took me a long time to figure this out. But when you come home in the evening and you turn your life stone, my my oven and stove come on, and I'm talking about every out on my stove is on and burning hot. How do you know that's because when I turned my lights home, I just I mean, I didn't figure that out. It just seemed like every time, I mean, I hear you when you close your door, and every evening, I'm like, why it is my oven and my stove coming on? And I'm talking about my whole kitchen just hunting degrees in there. But I understove being on like that? Okay, did you call maintenance? From my understanding, I'm only listen. They're not gonna get to me for a couple of days now, so I'm not I'm asking you, miss you're on mind to not have your lights on until they come get this pace. Okay. So you asking me not to turn on my lights for three or four days and you know, to sit in the dark. Well, I'm just saying it's it's only gonna be for a couple of days. I know it's a little bit of an inconvenience, but I mean, I can't be over here in the house. You know, damn about to burn down. Are you listening to what you're saying? You're asking me to sit in the dark. You know, I got a baby. I can't sit in the dark, Okay. I mean, y'all have any camels or something y'all can work with or something like that. Um, I have to give my baby food milk. I mean, really, you want me to sit in the dark, and you don't want me to turn anything on. You know, I gotta feed my baby. I understand, and and and much respect to you in your child, much respect. But what I'm trying to explain to you is, I mean, we have to look at the big hazard here. The bigger hazard is is that I'm over here with fire on. Okay, First of all, where are you getting this wee from? How am I involved in your situation? I am nothing. The woman's going on in your house is patched in some kind of way to my oven and stole. Okay, but I still I don't have anything to do with that. You know, you need to call management whatever, But I don't have anything to any with that. And I want to know, how do you know when I get home and turn on my lights? I mean, like, are you looking at my window or something? Are you a peeping tone? Do I need to call nine one one? You don't need to call nobody on me. Now what we need to get somebody over here and fix this other than the stove, that's what we got to get dun But until then, right now, you can't turn them lights off. Oh I'm turning on my life. I mean, I know you ain't trying to regulate what I do in my house. Listen, I'm gonna tell you just like this here, I'm gonna need you to keep them lights off until meeting this get over here in two days now. If if I see this stove come on and all these our eyes on this on this stove come on, that, I'm gonna come over there and we're gonna have to di rectify the problem. But I cannot have this coming on. I'm not no, I'm not no, I'm not. I'm telling you not to turn the lights off. That's what I'm asking you to do. Well, I can't sit in the dark, and I'm gonna turn on my lights, so you know you're gonna have to deal with it. No, I'm not gonna deal with it. You're gonna have to actually turn the lights off. Now, I understand. Do you have somewhere you can go? Stay me? Do you have somewhere you can go stay? I'm not leaving my house. I don't have a problem. You know one of the problem. I'm not trying to leave here and then you turn it on, and then and then you come over here and knock on my door. You think you see firing. Your solve, you're gonna see some fire. I can show you some five Okay, listen, I'm trying with you as calmly as I can. Okay, I'm trying to work with me calmly. Okay. The only thing you're doing right now is you're trying to tell me what to do and run my household. Okay. If you're not gonna work with me, then that's what I'm gonna do it. I already found out where the break is. I just go and just turn all the power off so you don't have your powerwa off. Wait a minute, what, No, you can't turn my break off? Are you crazy? I got to do what I got to do. I can't start no fire, right. Don't you get my phone number anyway? I mean, how you know my name? My number? Artist? You know what my about to come home and he gonna put the foot up, y'all. I don't care if he put your in the of it and we set you on fire. What you're talking about, you're gonna damn turn the break off. Let me. I'm trying to tell me and prevent a fire for the whole complex, and you're up in your trying to commit Uh, this is like arsen for you to turn that on. I don't give a you don't want you already got a problem, So I'm just gonna ask fuel to the fire. You called me, and again I want to know how you got my num. Look, I'm not gonna sity didn't go on in this little small turns is that we got a problem with your switch when you turn it on. Don't have a problem. Who got on the stove? The problem? It's about to be a bigger problem when my man come over there put a foot up, y'all. I don't know who you thank you, but it's about to be on home. I don't know how you got my number, but you called the wrong today. Okay, five, I got one more saying else I need to say? Tis you listen? You got to say? Because I'm tired of listening to you? Are you listening? You ain't saying I wanted here today? You calling me without this still is nephew tire me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your husband? Are you wait a minute? Hold up? This is who? This is? Nephew tire me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your husband got me the prank phone call? You? Are you serious? It's for real, lady. I can't believe. I'm know I was ready to put a foot up in somebody. I don't believe I just got pumped like this. Okay, I gotta ask you one more thing. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvard Morning Show. You got it? Wow? The whole problem. May Well, we got a problem. You got a bigger who happened you to pick the wrong one? To day? You picked the wrong one to day? She was with the rude though when you look at the whole thing. She was, Oh, now you're back on back on the dame last too long? Now he don't, he don't run on that long. But she was, I mean, just take it was a jump from the beginning, but that taking that out of contact, she was just rude. All you asked it wasn't that much. But Jay, it was a joke last hour too to prank. I didn't go with that. That last one was asked flipping. He was everybody everything funny. That's all I got. But did you feel the brilliance as you was listening to Did you feel that? That's all I wanted? Thank you, Jay? From when the phone rings and when it just goes when it Hello, what Tommy? Are you excited tonight? I am. I'm excited. Last I'm excited. Pac Man gave us a call. We're doing it Ready to Love on the own Network. This is the last Resort and it is Houston at its best. Baby. This eight Towns is the contestants UH twenty singles, ten men and ten women, beautiful out of age town on a resort, all looking for one thing. They are looking for love and of course who's the best to hostess thing. Huh come on now, yes, me thanks to Timmy, but I just figure out something sick. Yeah. Well, well, Steve, we'll mention that all the guys on the show have eight packs. They're really in great shake. So now we know why Tommy was working out and you know he got no he got He said he didn't have worse. He didn't know what jim they worked at it, so he admitted to it. You got a sexy right there. Do you think Tommy's six says? He said you damn right? He said you. All rightee, we gotta go. Coming up next the Strawberry letter subject he can do it, but I can't. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, guys, eleven days until election day, November three, go to vote dot org vote dot org to get your early voting information for your state, and please vote early. That's what we're doing on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Voting early, that's what we have done. We're encouraging you to vote early. Yeah, last one, look, presidential one. Did already know that? The first one or the last one? All right? Yeah, switching gears. Time now for my Strawberry Letter for today. The subject is he can do it, but I can't. We'll get to that in a minute, but listen. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on parenting, on sex, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. That's for you, Jay, Bugle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is a Strawberry letter subject he can do it, but I can't. Dear Stephen Shirley, my husband and I were on vacation and strolling along the beach one night and discovered a portion of the beach that was for nudice. My husband thought it would be fun to experience it, so we walked over to a cabana like entrance. There was a greeter that told us to take our clothes off and place them in the cubby holes along the walls. I was reluctant, but my husband was eager to experience it. We walked through the cabana area and on and out onto the beach filled with other naked people, mostly couples. Nice looking younger couple came over to us and said they had a lounge area in the distance and we were welcome to join them. We didn't have our own chairs or towels to sit on, so we went with them. We relaxed, had some wine, and enjoyed the breeze, but it was a weird vibe for me. Then the man said his wife wanted to pleasure my husband. I stepped in and before I cursed the guy out, I asked how she planned to do it. He explained that she has a way of working with her hands to bring a rousal and satisfaction without touching him. I knew then that they were weirdos, but of course my husband wanted to try it. I let him try it, and I watched for about five minutes while the woman put some kind of spell on his private parts and he lost control. He was so relaxed after it he fell asleep. The guy offered to show me how it was done, and as I laid back to do it, my husband rolled rose up and had a fit. He said, there is no way I'm doing it, and we had to leave. He said it would be too much for me. So he didn't want me to try it. What does she do to him? What does she do to him? Why is it that he can do it but I can't? Please advise? Wow, what a wild story that was, What a wild story. I'm sure a lot of people are thinking, where is this naked vacation getaway? I must have had you in mind, Tommy, and I think this story is very telling about the both of you. I mean, I think your husband wants his cake and to eat it too. He sounds like a swinger or something. He might have some of those tendencies. He wants an open marriage of something. I don't know. Something's going on with your man. You you were down with all of it, not at first, but you got into it. Um you know, you let your husband try try it, and then you watched, and then you wanted to try it too. So you might be a closets when you're a wife swapper or something too. You never know. But you did forget this one thing that there is a double standard and your husband will share himself, but he does not want to share you. What did he say? It might be too It would be too much for you, So he didn't want you to try it. But it was okay for him. Okay, that's what a double standard is. I think you all should have discussed this as soon as he decided that going over there with the nudist would be fun, because you just kind of reluctantly went along. I don't think either of you needs to do anything like this with anyone, with anyone else but each other, because your husband is territorial, as you found out, and obviously can't handle you being with another man, even if there's no touching involved. So I just think you need you two need to go on a regular vacation, keep your clothes on, especially when you're around other people. Period. That's it, Steve, Oh, this letter is complete damn ignorance. Yes, you and your husband on a vacation, y'all walking one night and a portion of the beach was for nudice and all the place. I know this all the place I noticed that's like that proceive Jamaica got some pieces, but Anguilla they have a couple of new nudice beach spots. So now I don't know where you was, but anyway, y'all walked over to this naked section. Yes, and y'all walking to this cabana, and that was a greeder that told y'all take your clothes off and put them in these cub holes on the wall where my number at, where my locker where, Keith, I'm just too hood for this. Who watching these curby holes? Can I give you a little extra to keep mind at the front where you can see it all the time? Who was the whose clothes was in the cuby hole? It's just too much for me. And then the greeta told us take your clothes off and put them in the cubby holes. I was reluctant, but my husband was eager to experience, so y'all walked through the cabana. I got out on the beach, filled with other naked people, mostly couples. A nice looking younger couple came up and said they had a lounge area in the distance and we was welcome to join them. Hold up, what you ain't nothing? What you over here? Fault? All right? Hold on, Steve, hold it right there. Okay, we're gonna have yeah right there. Else we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour of subjects. He can do it, but I can't. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject he can do it, but I can't couple of it. On a vacation, they're walking on the beach one night and then notice a newest section. A husband wanted to try it, so they go in this cabana, roll the clothes up, put it in a cubby hole. Oh, this is enda right here. I don't know what happened. Who in charge of my clothes? But when I take my damn clothes off to go on this beach, when it's time for me to go back to the boat on my hotel, where's my damn closing? See it's too much. Can I have a bag? A shop bag? Were the black people on the beach? We don't have our stuff in a sack. Give us some plastic bags they have like the grocery store. But I got to keep my damn clothes with me case we got to get the hell out of him. And y'all walk out on the beach and everything, and a nice looking couple came over to them and said they had a lounge area in the distance. And we was welcome to join them. That ain't sound strange to you. All of a sudden, you asked, niken, here comes two more ass niket people and invite y'all on the other side where they got a lounge. Jack, y'all, dumb ass gold there. We didn't have our own chairs of twels to sit on, and then't had that and it come downded next to the cuby holes. See, you got all these couvering holes on my clothes. The way we're gonna sit on y'all just walking because the day right now you can't sit your ass naked in the sand. Why you ain't gonna understand that you're gonna be washing saying out of cracks you didn't know you had for weeks. That's saying wash up on you getting them quiet places. So we relaxed, had some wine, enjoyed the breeze. You know, it's it's always windy when your naked, even if it's stifling ass high because you used to having areas exposed that ain't used to as it was a weird vibe for me. Oh really, yeah, you think you know walking on this dogheads beach naked that wasn't weird, And then the two people came up to you. Still wasn't weird. Uh, but it was a weird vibe for me. Then the man said that his wife wanted to pleasure my husband. I stepped in before I cuts the guy out, and I asked, well, how she playing on doing that. He explained that she has a way of working with her hands to bring arousal and satisfaction without touching him. I knew then they was weird old. But of course my husband wanted to try because you know, he hood, Oh, so you're gonna rouse me, but you ain't gonna touch me. Well, then I know, I'll tell you whatever she got in his ear, she said something. She was putting his hand on his neck and his chest, and she was drawing a line with her finger nail down his side. That's it. Wait, wait one more time. She was hawking in his ear, rubbing his neck. Took her finger, read it down his side, down the middle of his stomach, down that towards or the promises. Yes, but that that's light touching, she said. She meant she wasn't gonna, you know, use her hands physically, but she was in his ear though she said, and and and it got the best of them. And then this is how she put him out. My husband wanted to try. I let him try, and I watched for about five minutes. Five minutes. You sitting there, you know, your husband, you seeing what's going on while a woman put some kind of spell on his private part. There wasn't no damn spell, thank you. Somebody said you were concerned about like she over there doing this here. Course, pose that ain't what she was doing. She was in his ear, saying some things to him that got him exciting. And then she said and he loved control. Oh so, na, your man, this should have been here. Just why y'all naked at these other people's cabana and he had lost control. Now his stupid ass is asleep over some people. He don't know if he get chopped up and put in some bags and drug out in that damn motion with this wild Oh gosh. Then the guy offered to show me how it was done, and Jesse I laid back to do it both, y'all stupid. Now you feel to get your ass knocked out, both of y'all. For dinner, y'all gonna be on the naked menu. Tomorrow night, asked for Titus and all of this. Husband jumped up saying, it ain't no way I'm doing it. We got to leave. He said it would be too much for me, so he didn't want me to try. He would it be too much for him. If if he watched this happened to you by this other man, he know he can't do that. When y'all get right, so, ain't no need to you learn in this hill? Oh oh, he can do it. What did she do to him? You was there to hear? You mean, what does she do to him? You weren't watching? All right, we gotta go here? Where was she did to him? And you don't know how to do it? They just need to keep their clothes on. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, on Instagram and Facebook. Please don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, Pempin will be in the building with his NFL picks. That's coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well time now for pimping with his NFL picks. Let's go what's hampy? What's hampy? What's happening? What's up that body's going on? Pemp ain't nothing in here? You know what I'm saying? Doing my thing? What's up? Shop? Hello? Pimping? That's right up? She's smiling at me. What's up? Trying? What's going on? Me? That wasn't going on? You know what's up? Jay? Jake? You're saying, Junior Jay? I didn't damn dog Jay, you ain't Junior. I didn't hear you pimping out? What's up? Trying to time on to me? And you know to be strong? Iunderstand I got such a stay all on them gowns. You know what's up? Tommy? What's up? Pepper? And how you doing that? Ain't nothing in my man? A little pitt. What's happening with you? What's happening? Pimping? Pimp in training? Ain't nothing? Then? That's gone with these football games? You know what I'm well, Pepper, You ain't gonna tell what you're wearing a day or nothing? Oh, I ain't on you was interested? You seeing it? You ain't never? You ain't never seen this before? What's this? The whole coat is cabbage? You feel it, so I don't produce so much over pip. All right, man, I want to thank everybody down in Kroger for Chippy on. They see the Brussels brown buttons and everything is nice. Man, Yeah, I love it. Man. All right, let's gonna get to these picks, Pepper. It is the first first game. Pittsburgh Stillers at the Tennessee Titans. Oh that's the undefeated man, you know what, No, uh huh, because they're in the same division as the Browns. Titans. Okay, them Steelers, get him out of the first place. Give us some kind of help. Baker came through, all right. Dallas Cowboys at the Washington Football Team. Oh damn, it's gonna be hard because they ain't neither one of them nothing right now. I don't even con feel so bad for dollars, the attitude. They don't look good man. Right now, then this array, I'm gonna go with Washington. Here you go, pe yeah, Washington. Okay, there you go, all right. Buffalo Bills at the New York Chits Buffaloes. Buffalo, let them know, alright. The Carolina Panthers at the New Orleans Saints. Saints, Baby, go out with the Saints struggling. All right, people, we get the rest of these picks. Man, I ain't nice talking right up to this at the top of the hour you're listening show, all right, let's go to and here with part two of pimping and its NFL picks. Pimping picks. He it is pimping. I don't know, man, it's gonna hurt me to say this for man. Oh, come on, hurt Green Bay Packers after Houston Texas. Come on, God, I ain't gonna hurt that. Man. I'm fitting surprise you, Okay, you know who's gonna win the game? Come on, man, the Texas back surprise. You thought I was gonna say Texas pimping the way they playing. I was going with the Green Bay Packers as well, so I can't be mad about that. All right, Detroit lies after Atlanta Falcons. Here we go. Oh man, Fox made a come back Land. Yeah they got the first here. But you know, I'm Detroit dude myself. You know what I'm saying. A Detroit d is Detroit, Okay. Pimping Seattle Seahawks at the Arizona Cardinals. Oh yeah, that's it. I like little Kyler Mary too. He boded. Well he ain't know. Damn Russell Wilson got his money just out showing out. You know, he strong, strong like he strong like strunk older. Alright, pimpt Jacksonville Jaguars at the Los Angeles Charges. Oh this ain't no good. I'm gonna have to go with it. I don't want to pick up Jacksonville struggling, but we're on the radio now now I've better gonna go with Jacksonville trying to keep something here? You go, all right? This yeah, okay. San Francisco forty nine is at the New England Patriots who pimping they're getting harder, man, Yeah it's hard. I'm Cam. Them hurt me last week and I'm such a Cam fan, and now what looks like San Francisco then woke up. I won't Cam to one it, come on Cam, but Frisco as all it is? Okay, all right, Pepper, Kansas City Chiefs at the different Brocos Kansas City. That wasn't gonna be hard for you, Pamper, Yeah, I already do that. Tampa Bay bucking is and the Las Vegas Raiders ugly to go with the Raiders, Okay, shocking on TV I'm set of the week Raiders, Okay, Pippy Mother, and they football the Chicago Baths and the Los Angeles Rams. Oh, Chicago, man, I'm gonna go with the bass. Okay, Chicago. When I go with the Baths too, that's good. Okay, now here we go, Pemper, he is right. I have a week for the Browns, the Cleveland Browns, sensing natty bankers. You already know whys we even bringing this up. I just want to talk about the just talk about the rock gad Off and they draws. You know what I'm saying. We've been whip their stripes off of their the bungles, the bunkles. No good to him? Win who the bungles? The Yeah they called it's the Brownie. So we're playing with the Brownie. Your answer is the Bungle. Do y'all go down there to Cincinnati when y'all play them on the road like that? Na, Na, they'd be tripping nine Cinnati. Can't go down, No, no, we stay home for that game. Did not bring your ass to the dog. We don't go go the stadium in a bad part of town, and it's hard to get that. Come on, ain't got a good traffic called. Yes, just weball team, ain't none. We're gonna take on either hand woman. Okay throw kitchen town. Yeah, that's the football team. It ain't to see it. Don't get it confused. What Indians pipping? Week seven? We got the picks man. We're going to see half turned out man, Thanks Pip, Thank you for having me. All right, prison, thank you, thank you. Junior two coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, we'll have some more trending news, some topics, more more music, and more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Tell me something good. Uh, it is time for that some good news. Here's some Steve Harvey Morning Show good news. Okay, this was on Good Morning America. Guys. Did you hear about the twelve year old prodigy. His name is Caleb Anderson. He recently started his souphomore year of college. His salphomore year of college, twelve years old. Okay, he's a MENSA member. He's enrolled at Chattahoochee Technical College in Marietta, Georgia. He has plans to attend Georgia Tech next year. The story caught the attention of a very own Steve Harvey. Yeah, and Steve wants to ensure that Caleb completes his college dreams debt free. This is awesome, Steve. The family announced that the Steve and Marjorie Harvey Foundation will cover the remaining tuition, fees and books. With the Steve Harvey Foundation's help, Caleb Anderson, our twelve year old prodigy, can continue his education at Georgia Tech to study aerospace engineering. What were you doing at twelve years old? Thank you, Steve. Yeah, I was dealing the whole maiden fight for grocery car and I was so ashamed. That's why I'm just trying to make off for some of the rolls you're gonna take. You. Just a little boy got a chance of being so hey. Nobody ever told me I was going to be nothing when our toilet. But that's great, though, Steve, that you're taking that on. Ye all right, coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, we'll have more music on some trending topics on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up next hour, We're gonna talk more about the debate last night in Nashville, but right now it is time for the clo, the Cloe, the chief love Officer. Are you ready, sir? Here we go, all right? This one is from Derek and Louisiana. Derek says, I'm a truck driver and I make good money, so I have a very nice home. I have two grown children that don't live with me, but they have access to my home. I was out on the road and finished early, so I came home early. I pulled up to my house and I saw my son's car and my girlfriend's car both were there. They were nowhere to be found inside, so I looked out back. It looked like they were in the pole having sex. I threw my keys towards the pool, and she jumped out and ran past me and out the gate. I'm more upset with my son than my girlfriend. How do I handle this? Lot? Hello? Can you go look at your face? Though? In Let's get a couple of things straight. Let's take away everything you see. It is that no one should have access to your home. Oh she's not your girlfriend and no more, and he is steal your son. Now you have a problem because your son has betrayed his father's trust. That's a violation. I don't know how or what that is. I don't I honored my father till he left this world. Come on, I would hope that my sons would honor me that same way. I can't imagine how you must have felt to see your son in this position. The girl, to hell with her, that's your girlfriend, ain't your girlfriend? You can get another one of them. She jumped out the pool and ran right past him. Yeah. I don't know how you just gonna get I don't know where you ran past me at. But obviously you know she knew what they was doing. Your son though, man, and they've grown. Yeah, this has been going on for that's low bro. You out working, so put everybody out your house. Explained to your son how you felt, what it, what it did to you, speak your mind. You ain't got to hurt him, and then you know see how he come around. Good luck with you. Maybe y'all can work through it. No, I mean, you know his son has grown. You might get your ass holds in there for men, That's what I'm all right, Leah. And that's the first thing. You got to clean the pool up, coming up into our last break of the day. It is the last break of the day. Happy birthday to my daughter Keisha. Happy birthday. Daddy loves you. Nothing's coming into mail. You're too old for that. You're too old for that. I might see some flowers, but that somebody had happened. You have very vacation to send your baby. You are and coming up in forty nine minutes after the hour Steve Harvey and his closing remark, So one and only right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Eleven days, count them, eleven days until election day? All right, yes, seven old days. Yeah, November third is election day. People. We want you to vote early, though, while there's still time. Go to vote dot org and find out when you can vote early in your state. Okay, yeah, wow, we're losing. Vote like we losing. Yeah yeah, yeah. This is an important election, very very important. We got what we gotta do it. Yep, my man, let's move on. Please. Yeah, all right, Steve, you're ready, but you're closing. Okay, let's go. It's on you now, take it away. Look it's the same thing. It's the same drum. I'm beating it with the same stinks. It's go time. It is not time to stay home. It's not time to be passive complacent. It's time for action. It is time to send a clear message to this administration that black lives do matter. They may not matter to you, but they will after the election because you're gonna find out. Where we show up and vote, we move the needle, that we determine who stays and who goals. Once you learned that about us, you're gonna understand that black lives matter, whether you don't want them to or not. Black lives matter where we make them realize who we really are. I'll vote counts, I'll vote matters. Look, we're not saying we better than an anybody else. That's not what we're saying. But we are completely letting you know that we are not less than anybody. I don't care who you are. You are not better than us, and we're not saying we're better than you. But we show ain't less. We sure are not less. And you can tell us to shut up and dribble. You can call us looters because a handful of people in it, in all of the millions of peaceful protesters, you now want to make the whole movement of violin, looting, and pillaging. That ain't what's happening here. That's not what's happening. So, like I said, y'all, it's the same drums, same sticks. I'm just beating it over and over. But at one point in time, we got to stop talking and we got to do it. Shirley has said it. Every day early vote, go down to these poles. Poles are open right now. I've found a lot of times in the afternoons. It's just when it's least crowded times in the afternoons in Georgia it is anyway, That's what I've been hearing from a lot of people. Somewhere between two and four seems to be really, really calm at these places. So that's just to our listeners. Just go down there between two and four and the early vote. You know, avoid the last minute long lines that's gonna be on election day. But if you choose to wait till election day because you tied up until the end, go get that line. Do not let them stop you vote. Vote, vote or vote or vote. This is important. President Obama was on the other day hitting the campaign trail for Joe Biden what he was saying about this president. Do you know that Fox News had the nerve to say it is unheard of for a former president to come out and speak about the current administration. Well, Fox, let me ask you something. Don't you also know that it is historic that a sitting president has ever discussed the former president and any other president at the length that the detail that Donald Trump has, the attack he has made on President Obama? Have you ever heard that man? No Republican president ever has attacked their predecessor the way this man has attacked Obama. But I don't know if y'all notice it. He ain't said nothing back to Obama. Trump ain't opened his mouth, man, now where we can hear him. He ain't opened his mouth because Obama was lacing him, letting him have it. Were tired, Michelle, tide the rock tide. You got to be tired. We're not gonna do four more years with this man at the helm of this country. No, because this is our country too. We built this country. We all major major weezer. America is as wealthy as it is. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna go so far as to tell you this our ancestors are solely responsible, solely responsible for the wealth that this country was able to build. And you can't prove that that's not a true statement when you bring over all the millions of African our ancestors that they bought over here against their will and forced them into slavery, and they didn't have to pay the salaries to none of them for four hundred years. You understand what that says. Four hundred years of slavery, forced unpaid labor. And that's not even the atrocity is the treatment of the people. Slavery was one of the most vile institutions ever created. Do you know how evil of a person you have to be to enslave another person and then go to church and pray that it's okay and and talk to a god. Man. Get out of here, miss me. We vote. That's it, same drum, same sticks. Yeah, he got to g o go and all we got to do is vote, and he got to go go. For all. Steve every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM. Dot com. You're listening to