Presidential Debate Reactions, Carla's Reality Update, Sheryl Underwood, Usher, Kevin Hart and more.

Published Oct 1, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We definitely ain't voting for Trump! Ridin' with Biden baby!!! The Chief Love Officer is having a rough time bringing peace to the Who Dat Nation. NBC and Gabrielle Union have reached a settlement stemming from her release from America's Got Talent. Many celebrities had their opinions about the presidential debate, however, Kelly Rowland's took the cake. Steve and Junior tell us what they love about fall and it will have you runnin' ten miles. Our Girl from The Talk had nothing but praise for what she witnessed at the debate. It went down in Real Housewives of Potomac and Miss Carla covers it here in Reality Update. Congratulations to Kevin Hart and Usher as they both welcome baby girls. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve explains how voting brings about change.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all all suit back down, giving them like the million bucks things in the true good it listening to the movie together. Please, I don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn you go, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your bad I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only. Steve Harvey got a radio shop. Yeah, man, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Trying to do something with it too. Man. Uh you know, um, I was having a conversation the other day with a young person and they were telling me how they felt that their life was stuck, that their life was in a rut, that they didn't know what to do next. And one of the things that was causing them this sadness or this depression. I mean, they really really into something right now. One of the things that was causing it was the fact that they had made a list of things they wanted to accomplish by a certain age, and that age they just had a birthday recently, and they were looking at the list, and the list hadn't been fulfilled, and because that list hadn't been fulfilled, they were really really sad about it, you know. Um one of the things that they had on the list was marriage, kids, and I don't know everything else that was on the list, but that was one of them. And because she had reached a certain age and she wasn't married, and she didn't have the kids, and she had just celebrated her birthday, she's gone into this uh mode of sadness, whereas really really taking a toll on her and us. As I was learning about her situation, I was thinking about it, and I just wanted to share this with you all this morning that one of the things about making a list about what you want, which I happen to be a proponent of, I do it myself. I have people have dream boards, I have a gold sheet I have. I've been doing it for years. It's a It's a wonderful way to set goals and to keep it in front of you as a constant reminder. And I always go over this goal list every day, you know. I mean I go of it all the time, every day. Sometimes I miss a day here and there, but mostly every day I pulled my gold sheet out and I look at it, I read it. So I was going to these rallies and I was learning about, you know, people who were successful in how they kept their mind writing positive. And one of the things I learned was to make these dream boards, these lists, these gold sheets. And in making a gold sheet, and you make the sheet according to what you want, think about one thing when you made your gold sheet, about what you want it? Does your goal sheet have on it what God wants from you? Did you ask in any of this what was His will in your life? You know? Look, man, what we want oftentimes is not what He wants for us. And you know, if you're fighting against what you were created for, if you're fighting against his will, I mean, what do you want to happen? See? Don't be so hard on yourself when you look at your goal sheet and you look at what you've not become what you thought was a great idea. Don't be so hard on yourself because you just made a minded mistake. As do most people, we oftentimes make our goals and set our goals up without ever considering what is it that God wants from us? We keep talking about what we want without ever finding out and knowing what it is God wants for us. Well, guess what, man, Maybe you're fighting against the grain. Maybe you're just a salmon heading upstream. That's a tough fight upstream. Not all salmons get up to the spawning grounds, you know. Some of them don't make it upstream, you know. But all of them, nearly all of them, except the ones that's killed by prey. When they're spawned, they go out to the ocean. That's cool, because you're going because you're going with the grain. You're going downstream. You're going with the flow. That's but when it's time to go against the grain, it's tough. And a lot of us have just been going against the grain for all of these years. But you know what, listen, man, I did it. I know a lot of people who did it. Very few people get it right from the very beginning. Man, you got to stumble through life sometimes sometimes you got to fall through life. You gotta make a lot of mistakes, man, But these mistakes are not failures. You know, when you fail at something, don't look at it as a failure. Don't look at yourself as a failure, because you're thirty and and your goals ain't reach that you had on your list. That was your list. What about the things that's going right? Stop looking at what you're not, take some time out and thank God for what you are. How about the fact that you keep waking up to be thirty? You know you get there. As about these birthdays? You really want to throw yourself in some depression. Miss a birthday, You really got a problem. Now look at where you are. You keep reaching birthdays. That's a glorious blessing. You keep waking up. You got your health, You've accomplished something. Something on your list is done. People spend too much time on the negative side, and you're just throwing yourself into depression. So what, you wanted to be married by a certain age and you wanted to have kids, Okay, cool, You could have done all that with the wrong person. There's a blessing in not being married to the wrong person. There's a blessing in not having kids and nobody to help you raise them. There's a blessing in that man. You're talking to somebody who can tell it to you. You can marry the wrong person if you want to. I'm telling you you're gonna be up in some mess you can't count on. So instead of being angry because you're not married, you don't have kids, why don't you thank God demand Maybe he spared you from some misery here. Maybe you could have married the wrong person. Maybe you have kids and you're not really ready to be a mother or a father. You gotta look at the upside, man, Quit looking at what you don't have. Take some time to thank God for what you do have. When you do that, you make more room for blessings to flow into your life. I'm not saying how God thinks, because I really don't know, but I'm telling you, if a person comes to me and I always give a person something and they never appear grateful, or they never say thank you, please, no, you can quit coming to me now. I don't know that's how God works because I've gone back to him several times without being grateful of thanking him, and he's feeling my basket up again. So I really think he's not like that, But I can't make the call for sure. But I think at one point in time, me, just just me talking, i'd be a little ticked off at somebody who was always taken taking, taking, and never showing any gratitude. At one point in time, I would just stop the flow of the take. You know, you just you can't take no more from me. That's what I do now. I'm not calling it like that because I ain't him, but I know he's merciful, He's full of goodness and here and there, and he'll forgive you again. And thank God he does that because he's shown enough done it for me. But wow, man, take some time out today and be grateful for what you have. Stop complaining about where you're not, and think about where you are, and then take it from there. And then next time you make a list, make sure on that list you have God's will? What does he want for you? Does God create give everybody a gift and a talent? Some of us never apply gifts and talents. We head off in another direction. Then you wonder why your life ain't where its supposed to be. Have you ever thought about what God gifted you to do? Have you ever thought about doing that? And stip skip what you want. I wanted to play in the NBA, but I gotta tell you something at dribbling and shooting and running all at one time, throwing me off a little bit. You know. It's so I'm doing what I do. It's pretty cool. You can look at it that way. Okay, you're listening morning ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Today we're doing the normal Steve Harvey Morning Show. The debate is over. We've all came to the same conclusion about it. We definitely ain't voting for Trump. So now that we got that out the way, let's move on with the show. Shirley Strawberry riding Good morning. He gave me every reason I could think. Donald Trump gave me new reasons not to want his ass as president nor more. I had a lot, but he gave me at least six more. Colin for Rell. That's right, Biden and Harris, that's it. Kire scraps, Hey, I'm telling you right now, straight Democrat ticket. That's it. King of Prak's nephew Thomas. I'm with Joe Baby, I'm riding with Biden. I'm with anybody who named ain't Trump. Ye, I vote for Pelosi, Shoom. I vote for that weak ass Tad Cruisect man. You see him last night on This Guy Man. But you know, man, this is the guy who talked about he Trump talked about Ted Cruise, his father talked about the way his wife looked, and Ted Cruise is crammed so far up his behind that it's like it's got to be hot where he had. You gotta be seeing them hamburgers. I know you're seeing some of them hamburgers. Oh, guys, too early, No, I was, I was, mine was good? Wrong with man? Don't let Timmy talk talking about seeing hamburgers and mess up mind? He add the judgment go up there, it's gone right there? Not everybody said you all that fall? Well? How far up is? Well? You can still see Teds hands stiff. Okay, you know a fourth of the way in, he's a fourth of the way and then you know he up there. You know you can see his mouth. He made your point, guys, because he isn't there talking so you can see his mouth. Let just have a great show today, guy, Yeah, let's do that. Let's do it. Let's entertain the people today. Give him a break from politics for a minute. We still want you to vote. We still have to vote. That's how man, It's not a problem. But today let's do a little entertaining. I dedicate myself to being a damn I'm an embarrassed early today? Whoa Okay, those are my favorite. I'm embarrassed sureley today and I'm gonna make call and say, oh no we not on a regular Yeah, this is National black Dog Day just so you black dog? Yeah, I think that. However you want to take I have a black dog dopen pitch your name Bear and coming up. Steve's favorite segment, asked the clo the cloth chief Love Officer in the building. Right after this, you're listening to time Nopera asked the scene. What was that I'm gonna lift the helicopter? Was that in the fan? To be ignorant to day? Let's go there any time for asked the cello. You can go to Steve HARVEYFM dot com if you have any love questions for our chief Love Officer. Are you ready? Absolutely? This one is from Serena and Mobile. She says, I'm married to a diehard Saints fan, Carlo. You guys had there and yeah and a sore loser. A week ago, we had my brother and his wife over to watch a game, and my husband was upset and tense most of the time. My brother isn't a big fan of any team, but he liked certain players. The Saints made a bad play or was it a bad call? I wasn't really paying attention, but my brother made a joke about it. Next thing I knew, my husband lunged at my brother and they started fighting, fighting. Found anything any of this sound familiar, Carlo. Yes, my husband put him out and said they are no longer welcome at our house. How can I fix this and keep peace in our family? What see? Your husband? Something wrong with him? Yeah, jumping on people over football game and he can't even play in Listen to me, fans, I'm a fan myself. Don't let these players ruin your sundays. Destroy They don't know you. No, they don't know. The players don't know y'all. They don't care that y'all telling y'all house up, all lost your money. They're getting the same check and then and then and then and then, and they go into practice. Don't don't lose. In the words of Shaquille O'Neil, thank y'all was waiting for you to say that we lose the game, we get on our fantoms and we drive to our mansions. Would say the same that I'm married too. He shouldn't have been saying that in my house, right, He ain't a saints man. Why is he talking all right? Nyla Yeah. Nyla in the Bay Area says, I'm twenty seven and I landed my dream job after the pandemic. It's an entry level position, and my fiance told me not to take the job because it doesn't pay well. He said, since it barely is enough to cover my gas and the daycare expenses for a two year old, I should stay at home. I agree that my salary is terrible, but I see myself advancing quickly in my field. I just want him to believe in me and to support my dream and be an art teacher. To be an art teacher, this has turned into a big issue, and our wedding is coming up. What should I do well? I don't know if you know how much art teachers make, but if it's your dream to teach, then that's your gift. You know, you're probably not going to be an art teacher to be rich. You do it. You become a teacher because that's your gift and your calling. You have to answer that that's your dream job, to be an art teacher. You gotta go do that now that now you said the salary is terrible you can't negotiate it or that's just it for entry level. But if you're not entry level, what's top level art teachers? Mate? That's what you need to look at. And if you're still gonna be misserable and think it's a sucky salary, you got to decide, you know, what you want to do. Maybe it's another form of art you should get into. I mean, you know, I mean, you gotta look at the pros and cons of it. It has to be worth your time. But if you're doing it to move up quickly, then listen. Listen to me. I used to make twenty five dollars a joke a show? What is it? For? God? What is it? What is it? That last show, that last show as though, all right, the one in Vegas, y boy, you made a k farewell to Fairwell by a back. Yeah, y'all was down the farewell show. Yeah, when he had a diamond shown hard breaking moments from me boy, we all cried, Well, it wasn't hard. In the next day you were I drive my face right away one. All right? Moving on, So what were your what was your advice to her to find out what the top level salary is. Yeah, you know, I decide if that's what you really want to do. You know, your dream position should almost coordinate with your dream lifestyle because your position has to accommodate them both. Eventually, great advice, all right. Michael in Salisbury, Maryland says I'm thirty two and I was interested in dating a woman I met at the gym. She used to run track and she's got a banging body. I finally asked her out to dinner. She showed up in a sun dress and heels, and I was sick to my stomach when I saw her feet. Her toes were all jumbled up, clenched up, and so ashy that it looked like she had foot powder on them. I asked her if she gets pedicures, and I offered to pay for one for her. She told me that I'm rude and she can't help it because she's an athlete. I didn't mean to offend her, but how can I get her to fix her feet? Though? See right, dad, dog, Now, if that's what you said on the first date, it's gonna be hard to come back for that. I understand what you're saying, I like foottupid. You're on corn up. But see that's that she attract girl. She owned them, putting pressure on them. But late answer. Let me just say this now, if you're gonna wear a sun dress, spaghetti strap shoes, you know you gotta take care of yourself head to toe. Feet are important. It is nothing for you. Here's a trick. Get you some vasoline intensive care baby or the thick can and before you go out, just rub your feet with the oil. That's all. It helps it out. A great deal. You need to try something on your feet since you don't know what to do. Thank you your feet pretty and your face. Now you tell me that Frank back right after this It's ignorant day. You're listening show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss and will be here. She's standing by with today's national news and in entertainment news, Gabrielle Union has reached a settlement with NBC plus n R. Tell me something good, yeah, yeah, yeah, some good news for former Cleveland Cavalier basketball star. Will tell you who that is. And we'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. But right now, the nephew you heard him. He's in the building with run that prank back? What you got for us, nev. You know it comes a time in life. Well, your relationship needs to have some breaks in, and this right here is called the four three relationships four three relationship calling? Call it what that is is? You know four days with two three days with me? You see what I'm saying. You get your wife for phot days and then she comes stay with me for three days. You see what I'm saying. Let hey, it's a phot three relationship. Yeah, let's go cat down. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach my reas. Yeah, this him? Hey, my reason. My name is Devin Man. How you doing this evening? Brother? Oh man, I'm kind of sleeping man working? Nice bro? What's going on? Who is game? This is Devin Man. I talked to your wife, Kesha the other day. That's that's your wife, right, Yeah, that's my wife. Yeah, I talked to you. Whif she in right now? No? Shent worked, bro, Okay, okay, I probably got I ain't me to wake you up. You work at night or something. Yeah, I'm a crane operated at night, bro, North. People don't call me. That's three o'clock. What's this? What is it? What is a big collect or something? No? No, no, no, no, no, no no no. I talked to your wife, man. She's interested in um this thing we got man called a four three relationship. She told me she wanted me called back and talked to her husband about it, and she gave me the number to hit you up at the house, man and let you know all about the four three relationship because she's really interested in it. For three relationship. You say you talked to my wife about it, Yeah, I talked to Keisha a couple of days ago. She gave me the number. She said, called him back. He'll be at home at this time. You can hit him up and see if he likes she said. But she definitely likes it, man, And she wanted to see if you would be interested in the four to three relationship too. You know, I want to get your approval on it before we went in it further. But your wife was very excited about it, man. She was wanted to get started as soon as possible, and I wanted to see about contacting you and making sure that you agreed and approved on everything. But she definitely wanted to get your blessing and get your approval on it. Yeah. I'll try to do anything to make her happy, though, but I got to get some some information about this. What is said again? Three three? No, No, it's a four to three. A four to three relationship is what it is. Okay, Well, if it makes her happy, you know, I'm willing to listen. Okay, Well listen, man, we're probably gonna get started right away, probably Monday. We'll get started on Monday. You'll go through Monday through Thursday, and then uh, and then i'll pick up you know, Friday through Sunday, man, and we'll go ahead and get this thing started. I think after a month you'll pretty much catch on everything. You know, there's something's gonna be shipped to the house. Uh, you say pick up? What you mean pick up? She shouldn't have mentioned any of this to you. No, Man, she's nothing that's to me. Okay, all right, Well what this is man? A four three relationship, Maurice? Is this? You know, you spend four days with Keisha and she comes over to my place and she spend the other three days with me. That's what a four three relationship? So see this kind of frees you up, man on anything you might want to do on those other three days, man, when she might be tying you down. You know, So four them days, you know you would her, but the other three days you kind of have some free time to yourself. But she'll be over with my place on the other three days. That's what. That's what. Basically, a four three relationship is part of me? Say what now, I say part of me? You say she will spend four days with me, three days with you. That's it, sir, that's the four three relationship right there. Maurice, You know you're you're really gonna like this man, Like I say, she was excited about it. Hold are you serious? Yeah? I'm there serious man, Like I said, Keisha was excited. Hold the name. I know, ain't discuss you about relationships. Finished fol days with me? Three days with man? So you're talking about my wife? No, yeah, I know she's a meal. Hold up, what name again? My name's Devin. Devin, say bro, I don't play change, man. I don't know how got my numba? What's supposed to? I mean my reache? What's wrong? I mean a lot of couples are doing what's wrong? That's my wife. What you're talking to you ain't talking to no part lookout, you're talking to due. Okay, Well, listen, man, A lot of couples are doing the four three man. Give what other couples is doing with the harm But my wife and me ain't interested in no photo three relationship. I can't be I can't believe you WoT my for this. Man. Oh you're saving You're calling me talking about all three relationships. I know I told you I work in name. Why I didn't know you worked that night? Man? Like I said, see when I came over last week? Man, hold on, you came over well last week. I know you ain't said a set without thank you for the thing you bet not said, you bet not said. Go ahead, go ahead saying go ahead, go ahead. Player, you've been talking. Don't stop now go ahead, Murice Holder just get you know I'm a player. I'm up now. Don't want to say it. Go ahead. I damn all I'm saying. I came by there last week. Many, Wow, I came by your house. You come by my house? Okay? Are you at eighteen four? Brill get boy? Been here for the last two years, so you may hear about your house? Okay, dug because because she said, Okay, she said, I call you should write because this first man. First of all, you the walk, so he's gonna taken you've been in my house? Okay, player, okay, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. Okay. If you're not interested in the four three man, then I won't. I won't be wasting no more no more time? You really are you wait? Time calling me with my little wife gonna tell you about she want to go? Three? She never told me nothing about you got the wrong homeball and nothing wrong my relationship? Okay, okay, So why would she tell me she interested in the four three man? Give up what she told you? I know I take care of my dead room, all right? Three? I wish she willie is three days. I wish she would anyway. I know you how you know it? I don't know you for many I don't mind taking off one tonight to sell what's going on my house when my cleaning night, working off night. Now I'm gonna ask you again, how do you know us? Man? I know y'all through Tommy Man. Who is Tommy Tommy who Tommy Man, Maurice nephew Tommy, This is nephew Timmy Man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Dog, your wife Keisha got me to break phone call you man, you're talking about the Steam Harvey Show. Man. Then you told the little ball head man, I know y'all ain't with me, man, I know with me today? Man said next, you tell him now why you watch Steve? You need to be over him? Slept that's your ball head. But you ain't got nothing that puper Man. You know I got to go to you got to go to work. You work at night. Man. All right, all right, my reason, I'm gonna let you go back and sleep. Man, But one more thing, Dog, tell me this man, what is the what's the baddest that I mean, the bad that's been cute that you ain't you got? I wish I was there, I wish I was there. You you hey, man, what's the baddest radio show in the land? Man? Steve Harvey Morty show? Y'all mad at me about this? About enough time? Do you know how many people would love this? What? Nope? All right, have a seat, nephew. Coming out the time of the hour, nothing entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to the morning show, an entertainment news NBC has reached a settlement with Gabrielle Union over her claims of a toxic workplace on the set of America's Got Talent. We all remember that to review, she was let go out as a judge on the competition show after she complained of racism, health violations in the form of Simon Cowell's on set smoking, and her being labeled as difficult when she asked for a functioning and dignified work environment. The network and Gabrielle's spokesperson's released a joint statement, We've reached an amicable resolution. NBC Entertainment appreciates the importan and concerns raised by Gabrielle and remains committed to ensuring an inclusive and supportive working environment where people of all backgrounds can be treated with respect. And an internal investigation that was never completed, NBC and Fremantle Media found no evidence of systemic racism. There you go. However, they made significant changes to the human resources reporting process for employees for those involved in the show. I didn't even know Simon smoke. I ain't known nothing. Wow, well, yeah, we may not have ever known that if Gabrielle hadn't sued Yeah, that's a lot, Stuke. I mean, I don't know anything about that. The guy that they said they got rid of at NBC was Paul Taglady. Oh so you know who knows. I mean, he was a guy that got rid of the Steve Harvey talk show. So I don't really give a damn. Okay, okay, I'm embarrassed now officially, thank you, Steve. Yes, all right, so yeah, time now for tell me something good. And here's some good news. Former NBA Cleveland Cavalier player Delante West is turning his life around. He's got some help from Davers Mavericks owner Mark Cuban. Steve It's been challenging few years for West, who is bipolar disorder in battles with drug addiction. Delante was recently captured on camera panhandling on the side of the road in Dallas. We all saw that. Since the footage surface, Cuban has connected with him and helped check him into a rehab facility in Florida. He also reunited with his mother, Delfina Addison, and apparently the NBA Players Association, Doc Rivers and former NBA baller Jamir else have all tried to get West and help over the last few years. So that is good news. Glad he's getting the much needed A great job of Mark Cuban too. Yeah, I never made him. I don't know him. Oh, Delonte West. Yeah that's sad. That's good though. Yeah it is Cuban. Yeah, sad story. Everybody needs a chance, man to get it right. Everybody needs a chance to recover deem themself. That's why I'm I'm okay with people. Get another chance, man. I thank God for the second third. Yes, I'm I'm I'm on my boss. What do you think? Probably about about seven hundred and thirty eight you think so? Yeah, subject to air, that's how it goes. And I'm just trying to get out of here without needing a thousand. Yeah. Yeah, Well, congratulations to him. That that is really good news, A good news story from today. Are you going on to day? Oh no, not to date eighteen years ago when you join the show? Oh yeah what what? All right? Look, it's time to move on, figure it out and trip. Thank you, Thank you, Good morning everybody. This is entered with the news. Okay. Now, post debate, President Trump is under criticism by lawmakers from both sides of the aisle actually for what looked to be his clear avoidance of condemning white supremacists. When pushed during the debate, he said the right wing grove the Proud Boys should quote stand down and stand by. He's now trying to come out stronger. I've always announced any form, any form, any form of any of that you have to denounce. Yeah, he still didn't say white supremacy. He said any of that trumps his claiming, by the way, that he doesn't know anything about the Proud Boys, even though he's the one who brought the group up during the debate. And of course, Trump's critics say that he spends more time attacking left wing causes and leaning causes than right wing ones, even violent right wing groups. In Battle, Kentucky, Attorney General David Cameron asked for more time yesterday to turn over the grand jury recordings of the Brianna Taylor case. He got it a circuit judges ordered the ag to turn over the recordings of what went on during that closed door proceeding tomorrow by noon. One of the jurors filed a motion accusing Cameron of failing to offer the pallety option loving dying. The two other Louisville copps who actually fatally shot the young first responder. In fact, Kentucky's very first black attorney that's the Cameron actually admits the black Attorney General rather admits it in the case of the unprovoked police killing of an innocent young black woman, that he never even recommended that the Grand juris return homicide charges against the white cops who killed her. The only charges the panel issued, you know, were wanting enterdangement charges for shooting into a white neighborous apartment. By the way, one of the white cops involved in Brehanna's killer's murder is currently raising crowdfunding money so he can retire. The state of California is about to develop a detailed plan for reparations under new measures signs to law yesterday by Governor Gavin Newsom, making it the first estate to mandate a study and too how it can make amends for its role in the oppression of American blacks, that is, to those people who are the descendants of enslaved blacks in this country. Two months ago, the city Council in Nashville, North Carolina, approved a former reparations involving making investments in areas where African Americans face racist blow roadblocks and disparities. The airline industry hurting industry leaders stays on the financial skids. They're going to have American airlines say they might have to begin laying off nineteen thousand people united about twelve thousand jobs. Finally, sad news. Singer Helen Ready has died at seventy eight, best known for her song that served as a sort of feminist and the I am a woman here land in the stupia to ignore anyway. Ready was from Australia. She had another big hit called Delta Don Delta Dawn. What's up anyway? I liked her. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show well is everybody still processing Tuesday Nights debate? We know Cardie b John Legend, Kelly Rowland, Carrie Washington, Steph Curry and Lebron James are just some of the celebrities that reacted to the debate. Our favorite is from Kelly Rowland. She just posted WTF Yes, I love that. Lebron James just posted please vote Yeah so Steve yesterday? Yeah well? Um out on the campaign trail during a train tour in Ohio. Vice President Biden said that Trump's debate performance was a national embarrassment, and he has no plans and no ideas. So basically he's agreeing with you, Steve that I've been saying that the whole time, not everybody. I was listening to Trevor Nor and he was saying very very funny addition he did of it. But everybody's trying to come up with a format to fix the debate. Yeah, I have thought about it, and I have come up with it. Okay, when they have the two minute round, all they have to do is for two minutes. Whoever who's ever turned it's not turned their mic off for exactly two minutes. Oh yeah, they said that yesterday they turn their off, And that's right. They got that from me, Junior, and you got it from me. But if we number one, they listen. But at first I would think that, you know, being who they are and the moderator and everything, would be a little tentative about turning the present and the end of the United States Mike off. But in this case, let me work the buttons. Unless Samuel Jackson, Samuel El Yeah, between the two of you guys, who really, I've seen all that. Who do you know that they say Trump thinks he did really well in the debate. Yeah, well, of course he does. We knew that, We knew he was gonna walk away thinking, yeah, well, I'm really glad though Chris Wallace was a moderator because he was from Fox News, because if the moderator had been from another news network, oh, they would have been like they did that on purpose. Even Chris Wallace struggled with the president, even he struggled trying to stop him from interrupting and you know, staying on message and answering the question. Even Chris Wallace struggled, you know, everybody was in popped open a bottles catch and said, down, I ain't doing anything. I think they need another debate. Yeah, I'm done. I've seeing all I need to see. Yeah, it's not gonna change nobody's vote. I don't give a damn if a Biden fall asleep up and I'm still voting for Well, here's the sad parts. Forty four million people were round about twelve percent of the voting population of the entire country's population. Forty four million people are going to vote for Donald Trump. That's very very sad. Well, we got to vote to thirty four days left and coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll talk about the season of fall right after this. You're listening to show. All right, we're taking a break from all this political talk. The debate is over. We'll give ourselves a break. Okay, sure, surely, I don't know what you're getting ready to say. Whatever you say. Yeah, I'm gonna say something, isn't it? Go ahead? Oh? All right, So here's a question. We're just talking about fall, about autumn, the season, and see we can start with you. What's your favorite part about it? What do you like about it? I don't wear drawls in the Okay, thank you for my seat, un zoomed, thank you? All right, Come on, Junior, what you guy? What do you love about the fall? Thanksgiving coming? That's what I'm physical be doing. I want no Thanksgiving because that's your favorite holiday journey. Oh yeah, thanks? Oh yeah? Over Christmas? Oh yeah, because you know the family get together on Thanksgiving and it'd just be a bunch of characters coming in there. Oh your family, Junior. Yeah, I got out of jail this year. We ain't even seen we don't know who's gonna walk in surprise here about because when you get out, that's got Yeah, but you know what it gonna be. It. But you say that everything's giving somebody. I've seen so many kids I was ten. I love your family, Junior, I love it. Someone. What's been up with you? Free? You know, going to the store much where? I man? Tell the story? Can you tell the story about when you told what you told your grandmother about who you were going to vote for? Can you tell that? As my grandmother out besting with it? I called it. She said, so you know we gotta go vote everything. You got your selection. I remade, I know you do. I said, how kind of torn? She said, what the I beat? Walk your ass in here with what a Trump vote? Hey? He tells him, no, he's gonna vote. Fuck. She was actually a little more graphic. Yeah all right, so all right, thank you, Junior. Now tell me what do you like best about fall. I'll do a sex no mosquitoes or anything. It's very it's the best time to do it, the best time to do it. No mosquitoes, no bugs, no, you know what I mean. It's it's if you want to do it and do it right. Ball is the time. That's the time to make it happen. Okay, So we went from no underwear from your own like some other things I like about fall, Come on, we have time. I like fall because I like watching kids rake the leaves up, yeah, and dive into pile but don't have enough leaves. That's always fun to watch. The leaves ain't as boying as that pile. Look, that's a shot. I've done that many times. Okay. Leaves ain't like a mattress. They don't just they don't go down and bounce back up. They didn't go down. Yeah, not like a snow angel or anything like that. No, all right, Junior, what else? You guy? What do you What are some of the best things you like about fall? Oh? Man, you know one thing about that? He ain't here, man, I'm from Texas. You know you need it break Okay, all right, nephew, what you got? Yeah? Well, you know the best thing about this fall, to be honest with, the best thing about this fall we fenced to vote and get this crazy food up out of that. That's the best thing about this fall. Hello to the Poles, Baby to the Pole. Thirty four days left? All right, back around to the uncle. This is like a Fall cipher almost what you like, Steve, what about the Oh? I tell you what I like about the Fall? Oh? What all new TV shows making up Paris in the fall? Yeah? Yeah, eighty five percent of be back after the spree. Right. It ain't that I like that, but it keeps everybody hopefully working in Hollywood. That's the gal of it. I don't wish it, but that's the ratio of all new shows. Don't make it. That's cold. All right, Well, we're off politics and we're talking about one of the best things you like about Fall, and coming up we're gonna switch gears again. The nephew is here with today's prank phone call. We'll be back right after this you're listening to coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject my husband's big brother. Okay, yeah, we'll get into it. We'll get into it, but right now we got it. Okay, But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Now? Uh? My til okay, was reasonable? Yeah? Restaurant about filming a restaurant let's do it. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach mister mister Kenney's Yeah, this is how you doing. I'm actually calling you from the seafood house. You you you came and had you I waited on you. You came and had dinner over here the other night. Yeah, I'm about two nights ago. Yeah. I was your food. I was a service. Um, everything was good. Um, I don't. I don't have any complaints. I always enjoy when I come there. Um, I don't. I never got a phone call from you. Got everything all right? Yeah? Yeah, everything. So I'm actually, uh, I don't know if you're remembering me waiting on you, but I actually waited on you. Okay, okay, how you doing? I'm good with Would you say, would you say that my service was was was pretty good enough to par Yeah? Like I said, man, everything was excellent every time I come there. The food is right, the service is good. Um, I have no complaints. Everything is is good. Okay, good good deal, A good deal, mister Kenney. Listen you you if you don't mind me asking, man, if you really thoroughly enjoyed the service as well as the food, and I'm assuming you you come here a lot. So I'm assuming you you really like the food that we put out, if you don't mind, because if I can ask you a question, if you don't mind, sure, okay. If the service was so good and you enjoyed everything, why why you why you took me the way you did? Excuse me? Why did I do? Well? You know you you you you didn't even even close to ten percent? You know I would just I just you call. First of all, let me ask you something because I don't remember giving my phone number, writing my phone number down on any survey. I didn't. I've never taken a survey, nor have I gotten a call from you guys. So how did you get my phone number? Well, I'm just giving a courtesy call and I'm just curious about you know, hey, that's fine, but how did you You didn't answer my question? How did you get my phone number? Because I didn't give it to anybody there. So you you you've done something to to when I went on it, I went on and the research and whether it took to get a number, So yeah, I did. I you know, it was just a bother to me that that you took me the way you did. Well, it's bothering me that you calling me, uh in the middle of the day asking me about a tip. First of all, uh, you said, how much did you say I took you? Yeah? I got five dollars tip and your your meal was at least eight is something plus dollars. You you've done all this research and you got the wrong number. You got the wrong damn number because, first of all, I took more than five damn dollars. I used to work for Chills, bro, So let me explain that to you. I used to work for Chills, and I know what it's like. And then five dollars is No, you got the wrong tyy. You haven't done all this research for no, no, no, you you mister kiddies. I waited on you. I'm kidded, but but den you an't got the wrong kiddings because chillis I don't chiplal damn five dollars. When I go, I balled, baby. I go to the people out because I want to entertain my people. You know what I'm saying, so I don't have to see the problem I'm having. You know, you you you you're bringing your people and you want a ball and everything. But you you know you're balling with them, but you shot changing the waystam, I ain't short change it, damn for Look you complaining about five dollars. I give you five dollars. Get off the damn phone. Now, would I give you five dollars for I don't chip? Look damn five dollars. But I got plenty of money. I got plenty of money. I don't need you to call me tell me how to damn kill. I told you man, I used to work for Temps. I don't need you to call me. You would think you would think that if you would, you would think that if you were somebody that worked for until that you would know how to come in and took somebody leading at least fifteen percent. Man, I can't even understand how how you come in you balling? You know you didn't brought a couple of people with you, and you leave me with five dollars. Look here, man, I ain't leave you. I told your stupids. I ain't leave you with no five dollars. Man, I left that at least twenty five dollars up in that thing called we're hosting some people, and I want to show my gratitude or something and you calling me about the wrong damn tip of mount and the wrong person. You have gotten the wrong person and calling got the wrong you, mister Kenned. I remember waiting on you and two other people when you came in there. What when youre in there with two other people? Man? Who the hell are you? How do you know my damn business anyway? Cool? Who the hell are you? Because I'm because I'm the one that way that I don't didn't tell yourself the only way, the only way, the only way we could really rectify it. Won't you do this? Man? Won't you come back up here and bring me the tip that I deserve. I ain't coming no damn where I told you. A matter of fact, when I come up there again, I'm gonna look for your you give me your name, and you give me your managing name, because matter of fact, I'm gonna call up there and come up there to day because I don't appreciate you calling my damn fall about some still and I know food, damn well, I kill good money. Okay, we'll do this for me. You want this for miney? When you do come up here to day, when you bringing me my damn clip money I'm gonna give you a till. I'm gonna give you a till. Quit causing people about it tip and maybe make some better service and you will get up better tip. I'm gonna bringing your tip. I'm bringing you the tip of my shoe up, y'all that one of my brain because you got im get into the job today, a barba Clark. I ain't look here, man, It ain't no problem. That's perfect. Because I get off at five, I'm gonna come down there. I'm gonna thirst. I'm gonna talk to your manager. Then i'm gonna hand you the little that's your money, tip money you won't tell. I'm gonna whoop you'all in the tarking like. That's what I'm gonna do. You know what I ain't worried about to get I want to tip. I'm gonna get you a till. Quit talking people by the damn tip. That's what you stopped doing. That's your till. You see. You know I'm tissing me off. Now, Jo, I'm gonna come down there and I'm gonna whoops. That's what I'm gonna do. Okay, Then I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna put what the one need to do? The you want my time? Hey, what ain't man? I ain't worried about nothing, because let me tell you something. If you whip the same way you timp, I ain't worried about a damn thing. No, check this out. You got the wrong number, but you got the right. But I'm gonna come down there and I'm gonna let you see what it is plaim. See how I try to conduct myself in a nice matter and be for fashional, but you don't about it, and you're gonna get it. I got your till when I'm bobbed, you better weed. Come come down then beat you. That's what I'm gonna do. You're gonna get the real I'm coming down there soon as I get off from work. You bet not bring you down now, your bet whatever. But you ain't got to worry about me. He ain't. What's your name? What's your name? Y'all? You you? You you gotta be in the paper? I remember your name? What's your name? My name? Tommy? Tell me what because I'm I don't tell me who nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey and Morning Show. You just got right? What? Hey, man, this is a nephew timming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your boy Richard got me to pray for call you God. You know what, y'all, you're gonna got my damn pressure up. Man, y'all some steak. I'm gonna I'm gonna get. I'm gonna get both of y'all time, y'all be cause y'all ain't right. Man. You got me hollering in the dawn building. My employees looking at me. Man, he ain't gonna be me at like if I'm up hill talking about a meeting so we can get out of coming to Christmas party together. Man. And you got me fo real kid, y'all. Man, Hey, kiddy, Man, I gotta I gotta ask you though, baby, Come on, man, what is what's the baddest that, I mean, the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvid Morning Show. Man, Hey, man, Hey, listen, take all of the employees to the seafood house. Man. Hey, I'm scared to go down, and now they might they might be scared to go with me. It might be a good thing over. They're gonna be pulling out they kills nine, They're gonna they're gonna got the boss. We got it man, y'all got me, y'all got me? Yeah, yeah yeah. The thing I like about him is you can tell he's doing better in life now, but he got that piece of him that he didn't go back to. He bring him out in needed moments like this. See you haven't got me, man. I tell you what I'm from. I'm coming down there with your ass. How about that. I'm gonna give you the money. I'm gonna take your outside in the part. You better be ducking because I'm gonna show will be throwing, better be bomping and we playing. That was funny. Yeah, it's keeping it stupid, shirty. That's all I'm trying to do. Shure, that's it. It's that's hard. It's hard. It's now yeah, okay, no, it ain't like you know, I don't know why you want applause every time you stupid, because it's greatness and they see that's the problem is you you don't see the greatness in my stupidity, And that's what bids the right problem, is you see greatness in your stupidity. That to think your nephew coming up an accident to my strawberry letters. Subject my husband's big brother. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, only thirty four days left until November third. Please go to vote dot org and get registered, and that is vote dot org. Find out when you can early vote. All right, switching gears. Here, time now for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and klick submit Strawberry letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is a strawberry letter, all right, Subject my husband's big brother. Dear Stephen Shirley. I was a faithful and committed wife to an undeserving man for three years before I decided to flip the script on him. My soon to be ex husband and I dated back when we were in college, and we reconnected five years ago. We got married three years ago, and a few months after our wedding, I found that he had a girlfriend and a newborn baby. He admitted it after the girl came to our house. We started arguing a lot, and he decided that he needed a break from our marriage, so he moved in with his older brother. I was willing to fight for my marriage, so I would go by his brother's house to beg him to come home. About a month ago, we had a heated discussion and I decided to go see him. He wasn't there, but his brother could tell I was upset, so he invited me in. I started crying uncontrollably, and his brother hugged me tightly and rubbed my back and shoulders. He kept whispering, Relax, Relax, Relax. His body felt so good against mine, and I could feel him getting excited from all of the closeness and rubbing. I tried to pull away from him, and he started kissing me on my neck. Then we ended up naked and all tangled up on his couch. This man is huge and he knows how to please a woman. We made love for at least an hour. I stopped begging my husband to come home, and I filed for divorce. His big brother all caps be ig. His big brother has helped me adjust to being single, and I've moved on with my life. But I still want my husband to know that I got my sweet revenge. By the way, they are stepbrothers, so it's not so bad. I'm thinking of dropping hints so my husband will know what I've been doing. Should I do it or not? Now, you know you shouldn't be doing that, and you know letting us know that their stepbrothers, So it is not so bad. Well, I'm sure your husband still thinks of him as his brother, so you know you basically did it with his brother, the man who he considers his brother. I'm assuming, but no, I definitely wouldn't tell him. I definitely wouldn't get my revenge. You want to tell somebody you got revenge? No, you don't have to do that. Let's be adult. You want everyone to know, you want your husband you wrote in to Steve and I you know millions of listeners are hearing this strawberry letter. Okay, you do know that, so everybody is gonna know in a minute, the brother everybody. I mean, haven't you heard the saying don't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing. I think that applies here, and I know you've heard that. I just think some things are best left, unseid, best better left unseid is what I'm trying to say, and this is just one of them. I think you got your revenge, you were satisfied, so there's no reason for you to take this any farther. I mean, you know, you're the big brother, help you adjust to being single. Now you've moved on with your life. I just think, you know, you don't know what your husband might do or how he might react. What if he goes over to his brother slash step brother's house and one of them gets badly hurt or something. Did you think about that? I just think, you know, let this go. Take this to your grave. You'll be divorced soon anyway. Steve, Uh, I see a woman that's saying real conflict and it is really doing several things that has nothing to do with what she's actually saying. Let me show you what I'm talking about. Yeah, I was a faithful and committed wife. Okay, Now this show changes somewhere in this letter. I am a faithful and committed wife. Okay, Oh you mean sure? Okay, you said show, Okay, I got you, I'm with you. Go ahead, No, no, no, this show changes. I said what I said exactly what I mean. No, this show gonna change exactly. No, No, no, no, that's not sure. This show gonna change. I'm gonna show you where I change at sho this for show. I got to this undeserved man. I decided to flip the script. My soon to be ex husband, y'all dating when y'all was in college, and five years ago you got there. We got married three years ago, and a few months after I wedding, I found out he had a girlfriend and a newborn baby. He admitted it. After the girl came to our house. We started arguing a lot, and he decided he needed to break from our marriage, so we moved in with his older brother. Here's the next statement. I was willing to fight for my marriage. Okay, So I go to his brother's house beg him come home. After about a month ago, we had another heated discussion. You went to see him. He wasn't now, but his brother could tell you that, so he invited you in. I started crying uncontrollably. I don't think he was crying controllably, I really don't. That's a different kind of cry, that's a nasty cry. I don't think he was crying uncontrollably. I think you might have had some tears, but I think you knew what she was doing. And his brother hugged me, tightening, rubbed my back and shoulders. He kept switchman, relaxlax. His body felt so good against mine. I could feel him getting excited from all the closest and rubbing. I tried to pull away from him. Oh really, really, really, how hard was you trying? All right? Hold that thought, Steve, Hold that thought. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. My Strawberry letter for today's subject my husband's big brother. All right, capital B I G. All right, we'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right, Come on, Steve looks recap today's Strawberry letter the my husband's big brother. You know, Shelly you okay, baby, but it's emphasized. I mean this. Anybody said this big is b I G? This that you doing this? Capting no, no, no, no, no, breathing, heavy breathing. I was a faithful and committed wife, okay, lady to an undeserved man. Y'all got married. Found out he had a girlfriend and a newborn and where you find out? When she came by the out, y'all started arguing. He fell out, decided the marriage needed to break. Mood in with his older brother. I was willing to fight for my marriage? Well how hard? How hard was you willing to fight for Well, let's try to find out. So you go with his brother, big him come home. A month ago, y'all had another hot one. I decided to go see. But he wasn't now, but his brother could tell I was upset, so he invited me in. I started crying, uncontrolling, blah blah, no, no fighting. Who shirley her for her marriage? Her marriage ain't there? He was gone, He wasn't never have her marriage? Ain't there? Her marriage? Brother was there. He hugged me and he rubbed my back, and he ken't whisper relax. His body felt so good against mine. I could. I could feel him getting excited from all the closest rubb. I tried to pull away from him. Oh yeah, I bet you did. Oh get off? Stopped stop you you kissing him up? You stop kissing you kiss This woman is but just my nick She's hurts my neck. You go down, you nibbling on my shoulder. I don't know, go down, you own my chest? What you what you're doing? Okay, stuff happened, but let me tell you what happened. Sure, they ended up naked and tangled up on his couch. That's another word for entanglement. We all for me with that. You ended up tangle up on the couch. That ain't okay. Now you own that tangle up for a couch. You're on the couch. This man was huge and knows how to please a woman. We may love for at least an hour and then let me play something. You gonna love it somebody for an hour? What a lot of times to pull away in our Yeah, right, I stopped begging my husband to come home, and I filed for divorce. Now now he go to line. His big brother has helped me adjust to being single. Help you adjust to being single? You know what that really mean. He's been in that. Just tune in your pipe, yep. And I moved on with my life. But I still want my husband to know how I got my sweet revenge. Lady. This was way molded revenge because you kept going back over there. Okay, but okay, but I'm just telling you what she doing her husband got the baby. But this wasn't just sweet revenge because she kept going back over there. She was enjoying herself. Absolutely she was. They ain't got nothing to do with revenge, this lust at this point, it' everything to do with revenge. That's a baby, another life he brought into their marriage, Steed. But you're still screwing his brother because you want it too revenge. Here's the next line, by the way, step brother. So it's it's not as bad this line for it's not as bad for who it's bad for us. But I guess this line was for you. I'm thinking of dropping hits on my husband. Will know what I've been doing. That's stupid. Now, that's more than revenge. Why would you mess up the brother We okay, let's quit talking about your husband for a minute. But the man that you use for revenge, why would you mess his relationship off with his brother? Why would you tell him he did wrong? Because this is brother, yes, right, no matter first brother, Dog, I don't care what chick come up to me, dog, this is my brother right and me and my brothers, even the one that passed heavy dog, we just close. Just my brother man, Dog, these dude taught me how to drive and ride bikes. It na, man, what you can't come up with me with nothing like that? To dog to heat my brother? Can you understand what that is to have a brother? He my brother? Man? So the brother wrong, You wrong and the brother wrong. Now your husband was wrong for the girlfriend and the baby. But wrong, but all y'all wrong. Now you want to go and tell your husband how wrong you've been and his brother being, and that's gonna create a whole nother wrong. Should be right about this? Somebody gonna get hurt because no matter how wrong the man was for the baby and the girlfriend, his brother. Yeah, I can't get out of here. Should I do? Would have? Not? Absolutely? Not bad idea? All right? Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. Our girl from the Talk on CBS, Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve, please introduce our girl from the Talk Ladies, a gentleman, Sheryl Underwood. Go let me tell you something Steve Harvey, this was better than WWF. It was better than any bar fight I've ever seen, any street fight. It was two old white dudes argat old TV. And what I love. I give it up for Joe Biden when he called the men a clown. I ain't heard a brother call somebody clown in decades. If they would have handed Joe Biden a Budweiser and let him unbudded his jacket, he was getting his white man on and Trump couldn't handle it. When Chris Wallace out of Fox is going up against you, did you know you are losing people? And to me, I don't know why people gotta hear any more than this. The dude felt Trump felt so cocky that he can say all the stuff he'd say, and he thought he was gonna bully Joe Biden. And you're not gonna bully Joe Biden. You know. Didn't you like it? Steve? Did you like it? Steve? I thought it showed everything I needed everybody to see. My only question did they care if they saw that? Honestly? Honestly, I think he I think, well, I do think it's gonna make a difference because the women that that Trump needed was still turned off. You cannot speak against white supremacy. You still talking this crazy talk. You still think that them little whack jokes you telling are working. You up there looking like a cheeto that's been dipped in oil, sweating uping. Nobody wants to see this anymore. And and listen, I'm gonna tell you, Mike Wallace, baby Chris Wallace was letting him have it, correcting him. Then what he said that was a rhetorkal question. You know, Trump, dumb ass? Oh my god, listen, I was doing shots every time somebody says crazy a drinking game. Share Listen to me. Oh, I was so messed up, Tommy, Listen, I was so messed up that I drunk down. Junior. I told him, I told him I loved him thirty four times. But it wasn't a junior that's on this show. It wasn't my uncle, Junior. And I'm so sorry. I still love you though. Black Radio Solidarity for the soul of the nation. Let's take souls to the post, turn up to turn out, Let's go flu be liud united and engage. It's awful. And listen, you don't wanna play with the new Brothers out here. The New Brothers. Ain't no suckers. There, ain't no dame. I'm about to say a word. Hey, let me tell you something else we need to do, y'all. We need to vote in that Senate race down in South Carolina between Jamie Harrison and Jamie Harrison. This guy, Jamie Harrison, is the real deal. He is up against Lindsey Graham for the Senate race in South Carolina. Steve Harvey show listeners, remember the name Jamie Harrison, South Carolina, the Senate. Yes, all right, Cheryl, thank you, thank you so much. Coming up, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carla's Reality Update right after this you're listening show. All right, let's go, Temmy, let's do this, ladies and gentlemen, she is here. Its call of Farrell with reality Update. All right, thank you, nephew. Here we go, Real Housewives. Up a tomac. Honey, it went down, It went down, child, Steve. I look, let me tell y'all. Okay, So remember when I told you that the ladies were at a wine tasting reception, you know, to celebrate Giselle's award for her book that she wrote. Anyway, Candice and Monique started arguing. Monique flipped Candice's hair, the wine glass was thrown, and yes, you saw, Tommy, y'allful of hand. Wouldn't let it go. I saw she grabbed Candice's hair and started hitting her, and like Tommy just said, would not let her hair go. Take a listen, you' that's what I wanted. That's what I wanted to do the other day. I wanted Trump is not gonna let them touch that seventy dollars here, dude, No, a lot of dragon going on. So I blame Monique for touching Candice, for touching her hair, flipping her hand. She started that. And then I'm gonna blame Candice because she talks a lot of noise and Kansas is a type yes, and she will push your buttons and she will say things over and over and then when they go off, she's like victim. Yeah, well why I'm acting like that? Why are you doing that? So both of them were in the wrong, but Monique was definitely in the wrong for putting her hands on Candice. That that's just out of order. And then Monique, one of the producers went up to Marique Monique and said Hey, you got to stop stop this, stop this, and she said, I'm going to beat her behind. She's been asking for this since last season. Went out the back way, tried to run down, ran, ran to the car. Yep, you actually saw it, Tommy exactly. So after that the fight, the ladies went home. Kend Has told her husband what happened. Monique told her husband Chris, who actually used to play in the NFL for the Washington Redskins, the team we know, the Washington team. Anyway, he told his wife that he was disappointed in her and her behavior and fighting and all that he was not down with that. So moving on, a quick shout out to my girl Angela shribbling Shirley. That's our girl, Zela. Yeah myself, Yes, from our home station at whu R number one ninety six point three. Angela, she was a special guest on Real Housewives of Potonac as a life and relationship coach to try to help Ray and Karen's marriage rageous and he don't know if he's in love with his wife. That was painful for her to hear. Yes, yes, that really was. And let's move on quickly, for we ran out of time and talk about Gizelle. Gizelle went to Atlanta with her daughters too for the grand opening of this restaurant that her ex husband, Jamal. He got this restaurant for the daughters, made them part owners. They had a big grand opening. Well, Gazelle met with her father, Gizelle's father, mister Curtis, and she talked to her dad and she talked to him about the family, her and Jamal possibly getting the family back together and working on that. Mister Curtis did not he does not like Jamal. He did not go to their wedding when they got married. But he told his daughter that if she's happy and his grand he just wanted his daughter and his granddaughters to be happy. Later on, in a conversation there at the restaurant, you mister Curtis excused himself. He goes to the restaurom but you don't see this. He's talking to producers or people that work on the show. And you could hear him say you overhear him saying that he is not happy that Gizelle is back with Jamal, and that Jamal has six or seven baby im us and he's just through with him and he does not like it. And he said, I'm through, take my mic off, and Gazelle's dad you hear him taking his mic off or whatever, and he left the show. So he is not actually happy that his daughter is getting back with her ex husband. So there you have it. That is the Real Housewives of Potomy. Follow me and lifts my carl. I gotta give it back to Shirley. What you got my dear? All right? Thank you, Carla. Coming up more of today's trending stories and on the Steve Harvey Morning Show, we got it for you right here. Twenty minutes after the hour is when we'll be back. You're listening show. Hey, Carla, you have one more thing to tell us in your reality update? What is it? Girl Dancing with the Stars reality competition show? Just let y'all know, Carol basking Tiger King she's off. Okay, like you're back already, huh yeah, but I just wanted to update you guys on net. All right, thank you, Carlin. All right. In Celebrity baby News, we have to say congratulations to our friend and family member Kevin Hart. You congratulations a second child together. Yeah, a baby girl, Kaori Mayhart. Isn't that quar Yeah? Kyori? May. She was born September twenty nine. Kevin and Nico have a two year old son named Kenzo, and Kevin has two children, Heaven fifteen and Hendricks twelve, from a previous marriage. So congratulations to Kevin. I know he's over the moon right now. And we got to say congratulations to Usher and his girlfriend Jin. They had a baby girl. Yes, yes, yes, her name is Sovereign bou Raymond. Sovereign bou Raymond. I love that, right, So congratulations. Yes, yeah, I like him a lot, man And I think Kevin's baby's middle name is my my my, Oh yeah, my, Yeah. That's beautiful. It really is pretty all right. We'll have more on the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening to show, all right, So here's the question. We're just talking about fall, about autumn, the season, and Steve, we can start with you. What's your favorite part about it? What do you like about it? I don't wear drawls in okay, thank you, Seat on zoom, thank you? All right? Come on, Junior, what you guy? What do you love about the fall? Thanksgiving coming that's what I'm fisty will be doing. I wait, don't thank you because that's your favorite holiday, James, Oh yeah, thanks, Oh yeah over Christmas? Oh yeah, you know the family get together on things given and they just be a bunch of characters coming in there. Oh your family, Junior. Yeah, I got out of jail this year. We ain't even seen. We don't know who gonna walk in. It's everybody because of that ship. When you get out, Junior, that's why. Yeah, what's it gonna be at? But you say that everything's giving somebody seen. I've seen so many kids I was ten. I love your family, Junior, I love it too. What's been up with you? Free? Free? You know going to the stove where my man tell the story? Can you tell the story about when you told what you tell your grandmother about who you were gonna vote for? Can you tell that? I asking my grandmother. I was messing with it. I called her. She said, so you know, we gotta go vote everything. You got your selection a ready made. I know you do. I said, I'm kind of torn. She said, what the I walk your ass in here with a Trump vote? Hey, he tells he don't know. He's gonna fuck. He was actually a little more graphic than yeah. All right, so all right, thank you, Junior. Now tell me what do you like best about fall outdoor sex, no mosquitoes or anything. It's very it's the best time to do it, the best time to do it. No mosquitoes, no bugs, no, you know what I mean. It's it's if you want to do it and do it right. Ball is the time. That's the time to make it happen. Okay, So we went from no underwear from your own like some other things I like about fall. Come on, we have time. I like fall because I like watching kids rake the leaves up, yeah, and dive into PI but don't have enough leaves. That's always to the leaves ain't as boying as that pile loop. That's the shot. I've done that many times. Okay. Leaves ain't like a mattress. They don't just they don't go down and bounce back up. They didn't go down. Yeah, it's not like a snow angel or anything like that. No. All right, Steve coming up. It's our last break of the day. Let's break up the day, and Steve will have some closing remarks for us in his closing remarks. That's coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour, right after this good news, good news coming up. You're listening show. Well, the ratings are in, guys, more good news. Check this out The Steve Harvey Morning Show. Do we need a drum roll for this? This is big right here too? Yeah, come on now, yeah on. The ratings are in. The Steve Harvey Morning Show is number one in DC, Baby, the Nation's capital, Washington, DC. Thank you to all all all of our faithful and beautiful listeners at whu R that is ninety six point three on the campus of Howard University. We love you, We thank you. We've been there several times. I know we have. We have love for the four DC and we have love from DC. Just love the beautiful Bob, Yes, Bobby, we love you. Heritage Station in Washington, d C. In riding with us a long time. I really appreciated man, the whole Steve Harvey Morning Show. Appreciate you. It just shows you, man, when people team up, what can be done. We've been hearing some great ratings this week Chicago Almighty bad V one h three number one in Chicago. Whu are another Heritage station. This is what I think. Everybody that's into Steve Harvey Nation can be a part of this type of success. We just have to get on the same page. Let's let's let's exchange information. Let's talk to one another. What are you doing in your city to win? What are you doing on your programming that's different, What are you doing that might be able to help us out. Look, this win can go across the board if we just communicate. Man, Look, we want everybody to win, but we can only do one show. We can do our show. We can only do one Everybody can be a part of the winning team. Just exchange information, let's talk. You know, we can personalize it best we can. But you know, at the end of the day, this is the show we do. And it's a pretty good show. Yeah, it really we like it. And Steve, look, call me, y'all call me. I want to get the show on in your city. He was stupid doing this. This ain't really got nothing to do with stupid too. I just gonna I'm just gonna keep you one hunting with you. The Raiders ain't got nothing to do with not a damn thing. But we love that you asked that though I mean, we appreciate you want to be, but ain't nobody. Ain'tybody you know, I won't see I want to be stupid. No that DC, thank you, thank you, DC. Love it. But you got a message speaking to d C voting. Yeah, thirty four days left, Steve, I'm until the election, thirty four thirty four days. I'll be glad when the election is over, because, to be honest, we jumped, sick and tired of talking about it. But I don't know how else to inspire people. I've tried everything. I'm not gonna stop trying. But if you think that you deserve four more years of this president after what you if you didn't see the debate, after what you heard about the debate, then we got to do something about it. The only way to bring about change is to vote. Voting is our greatest opportunity. Marching don't bring about change as well as voting does. Marching draws attention to issues. Issues are created by policy. Policy is created by politicians. Politicians are put in office by the vote. You want to change something, change who's sitting in there making decisions in the Senate, in the Congress. We got to vote, man, That is a Senator in South Carolina by the name of Jamie Harrison that's running against a long time a component that has just not been good for our causes at all, and that's Lindsey Graham. Jamie Harrison is running for the Senate in South Carolina. He deserves our support. We gotta vote for this man. You gotta get people in there that that that look like you, that want like you, that have the same hopes as you, has the same understanding as you. Jamie Harrison has more of a viewpoint. Just listening to him talk to Don Living about his mother, That's that's that's the heart of a person we want in that position, not Lindsey Graham. They are all coming after me. That laughed, that laughed, that laughed. I get sick of people talking about the left. You know, the right is the right, the left is the left. The symbol for this country is the bald eagle. In order for an eagle to fly correcting correctly, you have to have a right wing. But you gots to have a left wing. It don't work with just one wing. So I don't care that there are people who don't want abor shit. That's your prerogative. Don't get them. I have no problem with you feeling that way. If you want to be on the right, that's fine. I have no problem if you on the right. If you just want to marry who you want to marry, that's just fine. But you can't get mad at somebody on the left who wants to have a right to choice. A woman has a right to choose, and whatever she chooses, that's her right. A person should be able to marry who they want to marry. If you think marriage is easy, come on, get some of this. I don't care who are you married. So see, this world can still function with the right being the right and the left being the left. The problem is, man, we gotta think just your way. It ain't gonna happen like that. And what we saw in this debate was a guy who won't even denounce white supremacy, would not do it, stand down and stand by. If that ain't encouragement, I don't know what it is. This dude is ridiculous, man, Please, he got to go for all. Steve every contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules. Visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to show