President Obama, Maxine Waters Interview, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update and more.

Published Oct 22, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We are grateful for another day and big ups to all the mothers of the crew. The Chief Love Officer is staring at a dysfunctional relationship and breaks it down. 44 lays the smackdown on Trump in South Philly. Congresswoman Maxine Waters gives it to us straight about Trump and voting. Sheryl Underwood loved the way Barack Obama brought sexy back in Philadelphia. Miss Carla talks about possible jail time and a mixture of cultures in Reality Update. We ask the fellas about their opinion of our forever POTUS and the way he handled himself in Philly. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve points out Trump's agenda and it's parallelism to 2016.

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Today's show is pre recorded, y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all a suit on the don giving them like the Milan bu bus things and it's true. Good Steve listening together for stule. I don't joy. You gotta gotta turn you. You gotta turn to turnout, got to turn out to turn the water to the water. Come come on your baby now, uh huh, I sure will A good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, okay, here's what I want to share with you. Stop complaining. So I had to let you see how I let that one sit for a second. Stop complaining. Do you realize without us even thinking about it, oftentimes we just complain about stuff and it comes up in such subtle forms. Man, I don't know why they're still letting that lady work there. Man, If they don't fire this woman, man, I don't know what I'm gonna do. She driving me. She always got something to say. I bet to day though, the way I'm feeling right now, I bet she'd been not saying nothing to me today. M Yeah, yeah, because day it today it I'm sick of her running her mouth. Last time she said something to me, I should have said something to it. You know what I'm saying. I'm just giving you a small example of how it starts to snowball once you start to complain. It's it just carries over into so many things. Man, Stop complaining about your car, Stop complaining about your bus pass, Stop complaining about your kids can't seem to get it together. Stop complaining about your man can't seem to get it together. Stop complaining. Stop Have you noticed? I'm just asking, have you noticed that in all of your complaining, it has provided not one solution? The reason I'm telling you to stop complaining because God is able, Because God is capable. He is capable and able of fixing anything, capable and able of curing anything, capable and able of allowing you to get too adjusting to things, and capable and able to strengthen you to get through and change anything. But the key here is God is capable, and God is able. A lot of times I find myself complaining because I have not used my greatest asset and that my relationship with God. You all have one now, you may not have nurtured it. But you have one because God created you as you as his child. He's available to you now. The fact that you ain't went to him. Okay, once again, who fathers that? Stop complaining until you strengthen your relationship with God and formulate this relationship. You don't have enough weapons. You ain't got a big enough shield to fight this thing called life. It just keeps coming. Man, And unless you develop a relationship with God, you need a partner in all of this. Maybe you got another route you're gonna take. But every successful person I know personally has a relationship with God. I have some really really some people, but less kind of up there in the success term in terms of business and money and statue. I'm just talking about that portion of success. And then I have a lot of people who are very successful in their spiritual life, who have become great men of God and women of God. But look at all of them, and all of them have substantial amounts of you know, possessions and things like that. Also, most successful people I know have that even if you saw them never with a big lot of house and a lot of money or stuff like that, they had so much respect, so much love, so much power was given them from people that their life was rich in that area, you know, like a man Nu the King or something like that, or Gandhi or somebody who lived their life in service or Nelson Mandela who came out and just man, people put stuff at their feet because of their service. So all successful people I know have that, Every last one of these people that I know, they have relationship with God. They used the tool that was available to them to give them the strength, the bullets, the arrows, the slings, the shield to fight this thing called life and have the most valuable partner right there by their side. They heavily father God because he will help you get through this thing called life. Man, stop complaining all the time. It's not fixing anything. Why don't you do yourself a favor and strengthen your relationship with God? Man, why can I never get over? Well you have not because you asked not. Man, how come I always got problems? Well, you keep trying to solve them yourself and taking them to your friends. You keep trying to do them with your own thought process. Who are you? I keep telling you, man, you're going through stuff you ain't got no business going through. And if it's you going through something over and over and over and over, and the same problem keep coming back to bite you again. All that's saying is you still ain't strengthen your relationship with God. It's your relationship. He's not gonna make you have one with him. He is a perfect gentleman. He only comes into your life when you invite him in. But for those who do invite him men, they have a distinct advantage on their road to success, a distinct advantage. You can do it without him, Trust me, you can. How far you get. I can't promise you nothing, how well you handle it when you arrived at I can't promise you nothing, how long you're gonna stay there, I can't promise you nothing. How difficult it's going to be without him. I can't give you that. It's going to be far more difficult. But you can. Something can happen, and you know, receive a measure of success. And you think, is you and this move you made, And you can describe it as I got lucky. I happened to be in the right place at the right time. I got lucky. Lucky is usually how other people describe other people's success. Poor he was lucky. He was right there. Well, let me tell you what luck is. Luck is when hard work bumps up into opportunity. If you've been working hard as something, the opportunity presents itself, that comes a match. That's not luck. But now, if you haven't done that on a repetitive enough basis, that opportunity could present itself one time. You got to reconnect. Stop complaining, man, come on, listen to me. Stop complaining. It hasn't fixed a single thing in your life. And if you're a chronic complainer, it's because you really, really have not fixed your relationship with God. He'll smooth it out for you. That I can tell you for a fact. I know that for a fact he smoved mine out. All right, let's go. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, let me have you please. It's morning time. Morning time means it's a time for gratitude, grateful to be yet alive again for another day, blessed and highly favored for this another opportunity to grow, to get it right, to move on, to move forward, to leave whatever happened yesterday in the past. Don't dwell on it. You woke up and gave you a new shot. Let's take advantage of today is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. That's what I've chosen to do. That's what my mom used to say to me every morning on the way I have to go to go to school, because she knew I was failing. I needed to be glad, to just be alive. Hanging out. Boy. I know they say you ain't gonna be nothing, but they don't know what God got playing for you. Show didn't Mama. I thank God for he loves Vial Harvey and we are here today. I think for Pat Boltoner, I think for God for Miss Helen. Helen. Ain't everybody else's mama on this show that been here. Tommy's Mama still here, Monica Mama still here, even though Monica Mama don't want her come into the house, but she won't her the visit, but don't come in. Stand on the porch and drive me day and put your mask on and killed mother. Still him flying out there to protecting everything. Clear lady generally see him. Steve Harvey Morty show locked the Lord of Chirley Strawberry, who praise the Lord Steve Harvey for another day, Cali for rel Pat Bolton's baby girl, who you better talk about it? Talk about it? Blessing Holly Favorite. Thank you for that, Steve, I felt good. What's talking about that? Junior? More than everybody? Lisia Carroll on his son yet on the plank, so everything in the way. Yeah, man, Mama, I bust you upside your blak blank you blanking him blankt king or pranks nephew Thomas Kate, the Great, baby Cake the great. It's my mom, Hello it Los was the girl of my choice. I got in the fire. I remember the first fight I got in out nine years old about my mama. Man, ms, what happened? He didn't finish the systens. I don't know what happened. I don't know what happened after that. Your mom's so fat? That was That's all it takes right there. I didn't know where you was going with this. Your opening line was wrong. Just love my mothers. All I need to hear is your mama. After that here, I don't come. I was headed towards him on your mama, she's so fat. I ain't hit a tea is okay? Every year since I was eight at least three times every day. All right, thank you, Steve. Coming up, coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour, skate and rech skate Worldn't Detroit? Remember that? Remember that? Yes? Well, coming up is as the CLO. Right after this, you're listening to show. Coming up next hour, We're so pleased and happy to have Congresswoman Maxine Waters as our special guest. She will be talking about voting Biden Harris of course the whole campaign. You do not want to miss the interview with a Congresswoman Maxine Waters next hour. Okay, right now we switch gears and it's time to ask the CLO. You can go to Steve Harvey FM to submit your love questions for our Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. Are you ready, sir Ben Hill? All right, let's go. This one is from Karen. Karen is an iHeartRadio app listener. She says, my boyfriend and I have been together four months. He's a gentleman, but at times he's too friendly and nice to other women, and he does it in my face. We were walking into Chili Saturday and he held a door from me and two other girls. He said, go on in beautiful ladies, and he told one of them she had a very nice dress on. I told him that was he was doing too much. He said, I'm jealous, hearted and insecure. Who's wrong me or him? Well, both of you. You don't do that as a man. You don't fawn and trip over another woman in front of your girl. You ain't posed to do it when she ain't around. But you're stupid if you do it in her damn faces. Stupid. Yeah, and now you are a little bit, you know, insecure. You know, you know, maybe maybe maybe he had noticed that her dress was flying in yours. You know, don't try Does that make your insecure? No, sir, you know, just trying to keep some of my ANSWER's balance. Okay, your answer is he's wrong all day, every day for sure? All right? Uh. Diana and Columbia, South Carolina says I'm a thirty one year old bartender and I work with a lot of men late nights after work. We might go to breakfast or just hang out at the bar for a while. I'm like a sister to the guys, and they take good care of me. I recently started dating a man I met while I was at work and we hit it off instantly. There's just one problem. He wants me to stop hanging with my coworkers. And he said, I act like a tomboy. I've never been called that before. I do curse a little and I drink, but I'm feminine. What's wrong with that? Well, I mean, what he want with you? If you're a tomboy? Right, what do you want with it? I mean what? What? What does he want with you? See? See, here's here's the deflect, the thing that men do so in order to get their way. They're gonna make something wrong with you right now. He don't want you hanging out with them dudes after work. So now, guess what, you're a tomboy. That ain't what he said when he came up to you, and y'all started talking, try to hollow they are you fine? Yeah? If I was you, i'd be a little careful of this because this insecurity might not go nowhere. It might grow. Yep, yep, yep, yep. I agree with you. She says, I do curse a little and I drink, but I'm feminine. Well, you know that's a little that's rough at times, but you know, we get past that. She said a little we'll get past. Especially, I ain't even hit because you're numb, too fine, I ain't even right. You want to track if I heard every word? He too early to be making demands too early in a relationship, Yeah, come on, Yeah, Yeah, she's just jealous of the guys. He's just jealous of the guys. Of course, all right, so be in Saint Louis says. I'm a fifty nine year old divorced female and I've been renting a duplex from a nice, younger couple that happens to live in the unit next to me. They have an active lifestyle and they have a lot of company. They smoke so much weed that it comes in my house through the vents, and they have loud sex all the time. I've told them I want to move, and they won't let me out of my lease. I decided to call the police next time they're smoking all that weed. But my brother told me that's dangerous. How else can I get out? Yeah, that's dangerous. Calls after Polish league, they steal that. Yeah, and you call. They got higher friends over there who called you need that, lady. I wonder how much longer she didn't say she has on her least lease. She should be looking for something. I think you should look into the legal ways to get out of your lease because they are ways, you know, if you if you feel unsafe, Yeah, in an environment because of you know, activity that's going on that's none of your business and you think it could be a health risk, you can get out of leases. Yeah. The law protects attended and the landlords. Yeah she got rights too. Yeah. Yeah, they can't just do what they want to do and take your money. Now get your maybe they or maybe they have another apartment available, it's only two Yeah, yeah she could go. Huh. Obviously she doesn't live in La Why. Yeah, yeah, Lewis a Louis m. Yeah, miss b you're gonna have to look into uh, like Steve said, like the CLO said, some legal ways to get out of this. Because you don't want to be a prisoner in your own home or uncomfortable, it's definitely legal ways to get out if you're unsafe, uncomfortable, look into it. Yeah, you're right, you know, unhealthy. They're gonna let you have to have to let you out to leave. Yeah, so it's inhabitable. I can't I can't live here. M all right, well, as always, CLLO, thank you for coming through as always with your great, great advice. Coming up nets the nephew is here, would run that prank back. He'll be up with his prank right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna standing by with today's national news plus in trending news, President Obama. Did you see it had some choice words for President Trump and here yesterday, Yes, he did. Also get ready next hour for Congresswoman Maxine Water. She will be our very special guest. But right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got for us? Now, we're going down to the border Shirley, San Diego. Right down there on the edge of Tijuana, that's where we're headed to. This right here is the border violation. I gotta go there. I got to go there. Let's go care though. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a mister Noel O. Hi, mister Noel. My name is mister James. I'm with the Border Patrol in San Diego, California. Listen, I hate to give you a call here on Sunday afternoon like this, but it's been brought to our attention, sir, that you have been, let's say, part of a group that's helping people get across the border. Wait wait what, well, let's hang on hear me out now. I'm just saying, uh, it's been brought to our attention here at the Border Patrol headquarters here in San Diego that uh. And I know you live in Los Angeles, but it's been brought to our attention that you have been helping people get across the border from Tijuana into San Diego. Even I haven't even been to the border, man, go near the border. Okay, well, no, I think I have the right Noel, sir. But I'm just trying to get clarification here. Now let me lay it out a little bit more. UM, clearly for you, from my understanding is that I'm getting some uh, I've got an anonymous call that you, per se, mister Noel is the one that has been helping people get across and you've helped over eighty plus people get from Tijuana into San Diego into the United States. Let me tell you, go, can I help people getting to the United States If I just told you that have ain't even been close to the border, but are you talking about what's wrong with you? I mean, come on, you funny, you have the run Noel man, I don't, sir, I don't have the wrong Noel. How can I call mister Noel? Do you live in Los Angeles? And it's been brought to my attention. They've given me the correct number on you, sir, I do have an address on you. I want to try and see if we can get this clarified over the phone, but I will send a squad car out there and talk with you, and if things don't go well, I will have you brought in. Now. Let me tell you, no, no, no, cut this. Let me tell you right now, I haven't even been near the border. I don't know what you're talking about. But let me tell you if you are near the border, Lary, if I were to be near the border there too, and I would see my people trying to cuts over, bew help them over, because they're the only ones that actually worked over here on this side of the river. Wait, wait, get through your head, man, They are the only ones that what the work. You guys don't want to do anything. People didn't the United States. You're lazy man. They didn't want to do their yards. They don't want make the restauroms, they don't want to serve in the restaurants. Let me tell you this is going down the tubes because we are the ones that make this country roll. And I'm not saying that I'm cussing people over here. I'm not saying that, So get that thro your fucking I'm not saying that. All I'm saying is that you should appreciate what we do over here. And you're accusing me here. Sure, I am Noel, and I'm a hard working person over here, but don't accuse me. I mean like that. Okay, sir, I'm not accusing you. It's been brought to my attention, sir, that you, mister Noel, are the one that's helping people get across the boarder. Now you did you just tell me that if you were at the border, you would help them? Did you say that? I said I would, But I didn't say I was doing this. There's a big difference, and I'm pretty sure you understand that, because what the fuck is this. I'm over here in money, my own business, and you're telling me all this that people are telling you that I'm cussing like Mexicans illegally over here to this country. Let me tell one thing, man, if you do not appreciate my people over here, don't I'm accusing me of bringing them over here legally. Cut that. I understand wholeheartedly what you're saying. But listen to me. I'm gonna go ahead and send a squad car over there to your house and pick you up and bring you. Look, no, no, no, no, no, you listen to me. Look, if you're saying a squattor over here and they crossed my yard like you say, I'm crossing people over from the border, You're gonna get your kick. I'm gonna guarantee you that right now. You gotta do. You're gonna do what. You're gonna get your kick me. Like you don't understand my people, says the English? Can they ain't no canna sing? You know so, SIMI I wipe. You don't want any Spanish because if you go for the border patrol, God said Spanish, I don't understand the Spanish. Don't you do that no more? You got to break this down to me in English. No, let me tell you you don't for the Patrolish. You understand Spanish. Understand my people, because look, man, I tell you one more time. He say, she's too in it from me controon and said, the way did you understand? What did I just tell you? Noel, I told you, do not speak to me no more in that language. Now listen to me. I said, I'm gonna send a squad car coming over there, and they're gonna come up in there and drag you out your house and put you in the car and bring you downtown until we get it rectified. Because you know you better. No, no, no, no, you listen to me. This is the United CITs And I right. Oh you got rights now, is that what you're saying? Yes, I got right to say. Do you have the right to be helping people across the border? Hey man, let me tell you those people have the right to better themselves. To say they have the right is they can get away with it to come over here. I'm not saying that I'm helping them, But what I'm saying is they have the right to better themselves, and you don't have the right to ruin their dreams. To say people got the right to come over him better themselves, But what are you doing to better yourself? No? One what am I doing it? Say? You don't even know me? You see, you don't even know me? Hey, like on my own, my own more service. I do the hedges and everything. Is it? Because you know what? Because if people he don't want to do it to say, and that's what they get. People like me and like my people are coming from Mexico and we do. We ain't afraid of it, any little bit of heat or getting dirty. I got in the whales money for serving to say. I got no problem with you having a lost service. I got a problem with you trying to get people across the border when they're not see because you know what, who do you think you are? Who do you think you are? You ain't no U Caesar Shavass No, I'm not no Caesar Charvis. I'm not leading any labor unions or anything like that. I'm just the guys that's trying to get it done over here, and you're accusing me. I said, I got one more thing I need to say to you, mister Noel, but is that this is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got praged my your boy Victor Thick. I'm gonna kick kiss just because this ain't funny it SI, oh, man, who's this this guy? Right now? This is Timmy, I'm Tommy. We're gonna kick to it. S because this is Victor. He's my partner. I know, I know he's your partner. You put me up to it. He said, you gotta call you. You see, we're there on the truck and we'll listen to the show, the Steve Harvey Show. And you know when you guys do like this, they keep lapping the stuff. And man, I never thought that. He said, I'm gonna up my partner over here, you know. He man, Hey, let me ask you something, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land. The Steve Harvey Show. It here? Hey, man, y'all keep listening to us, all right, yeah, man, And I want to I want to let you know this nowhere on the reel, The Steve Harvey Morning Show welcomes everybody across the border. You hit me, yes, sir. I want tom coming up at the top of the hour. We'll have some entertainment and some national news on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, Congresswoman Maxine Waters will be our very special guest. You do not want to miss it, and you didn't want to miss yesterday our Forever President Barack Obama campaign for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. This was in Philly, South Philly, just outside a Citizens Bank Park. President Obama had some choice words for Trump. Take a listen. I get that this president wants pull credit for the economy he inherited and zero blame for the pandemic that he ignored. But you know what, the job doesn't work that way. Tweeting at the television doesn't fix things. Making stuff up doesn't make people's lives better. You've got to have a plan. You've got to put in the work and along with the experience to get things done. Joe Biden has concrete plans and policies that will turn our vision of a better, fairer, stronger country into a reality. We literally left this White House a pandemic playboy that would have shown them how to respond before the virus reached our shores. They probably used it to, I don't know, prop up a wobbly table somewhere. We don't know where. That playbook went eight months into this pandemic. Cases are rising again across this country. Donald Trump isn't suddenly going to protect all of us. He can't even take the basic steps to protect himself. Just last night, he complained up an area that the pandemic made him go back to work. I'm quoting here. He was he was upset that the pandemics made him go back to work. If he'd actually been working the whole time, it never would have gotten this bag. So look, here's the truth. I want to be honest here. This pandemic would have been challenging for any president. But this idea that somehow this White House has done anything but completely screw this up. It's just not true. Whoa, Now, that's how you talk. That was aidential, right dear, that's presidential. Yeah, it f he was. Yeah, he was so relaxed and calm and confident. I mean he's never really spoken like that, you know, not really Yeah, you know, he's always been smooth and cool, and you know, yeah, he let him have it, he let him grab it. Fact, you can't be present by tweeting at the television. Man, Just tide of this mess. I've been in line every since you got an office. You tried to destroy everything I've done. You spent more time trying to destroy what Obama did than prepass something that you can claim your own. You've done nothing. You inherited an economy. There was no recession when you took over. The stimulus package had saved the auto industry, saved countless workers. And they're me was rolling. You inherited that, and then you try to take credit forward. They played us on the pandemic. I don't understand, man, why we're talking to people. Get your ass to the poland vote. Vote chicken this hill man, you think he's asked me to be president? You nuts, and you nuts if you don't go to the poland vote, get him out of here sitting I'm in here talking about black lives. Ain't nothing but a Marxist communist movement. Did you know that black people don't give a damn about communism? Can I tell you that we have enough to concern ourselves with communist What We've been trying our hold damn life to just be American, damn communist? What man, We're trying to get that constitution to apply to us. But the hell we're gonna go and go there another one for when the one we got ain't even working for us. All right, Steve, Yeah, you're right time today if you'd ask, then thank you very much. Okay. A white man from Frederick, Maryland, is under arrest and facing federal charges for a leslie threatening Democrats Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Forty two year old James dale Read admitted that he made frets and a handwritten letter left on the doorstep of a home October fourth, saying in part that quote, this is a warning to anyone reading the letter that if you are a Biden Harris supporter, you will be targeted. We have a list of homes and addresses by your election signs. We are the ones with those scary guns. We are the ones your children have nightmares about. Anyway. The officials say that the letter goes on to threaten violence against the White House candidates and sexual violence against Senator Harris. President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden go head to head tonight in their final debate. Democrat Joe Biden said to now have a much bigger campaign war chest than Donald Trump, but even while he's lagging in the polls. The Trump team is predicting to win this year that the President insisted he'd have when he first won the office in twenty sixteen. We're going to win four more years in the White House. This is the most important election in the history of our country. I feel that way so strongly. So to you. Yeah, that's what he said when he was inaugurating. Trump says he'll win again because of the quote enthusiasm of his supporters, pointing to the massive crowds of his rallies and key swing states. The White House now says it's optimistic, by the way, about there being a bipartisan agreement on a new coronavirus relief bill by maybe tomorrow. Congressional Democrats have been in talks with negotiations for the Trump administration over the last several days, working on ironing out their differences. How Speaker Nancy Pelosi tells MSNBC that she's feeling positive about it too. I'm pretty happy. I think we have a prospect for an agreement. I do not believe that our timetable isn't come and gone. We had a purpose in the timetable, which is that we would establish where we were. The Democrats have been pushing for a two point trillion dollars package. The Republicans only want to spend one point eight trillion. On Capitol Hill. Later today, as an act of protests, Senate Democrats say they intend to boycott the schedule vote by the Judiciary Committee on approving Judge Amy Coney Barrett's nomination to the Supreme Court. The Committee's vote was scheduled for one pm today, but now they've switched it to nine am, and the GOP dominated full Senate is expected to give Judge Barrett it's final okay on Monday, but that protest is to take place at nine am this morning by Senate Democrats. Hurricane Epsilon began lashing the coast of Bermuda late last night, packing wins of ninety miles per hour. Finally, today is National Nut Days. Sometimes back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Stry Morning Show. Hey, our very special guest everybody this morning. Has proudly served as a US Representative for California's third congressional district since nineteen ninety one. She is the chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee. She is undoubtedly one of the most powerful women in American politics today and we're honor to have her with us today. We're talking about the election. Please welcome to the show our free and Congresswoman Maxine Waters. This waters Hi, how you doing to see? How are you doing? I'm doing real well, working real hard. We got a big campaign going down here. We're trying to get it done. I know, I know, I know. Well, let's keep going. I think we can be successful at the top of the ticket and all the way down the ticket. I think we can do well. This president is helping us by the way that he's conducting himself, and as she continues each day to get worse and worse, I think more and more people realize how important it is to vote, and that it is necessary if we're going to save this the Congresswoman Waters, I gotta tell you what you're saying is absolutely correct. It just seems to me like that he's helping to self destruct. To me, that's right, That's what it seems like to me. After thinking about it for quite some time and watching him increasingly get worse. He has defined himself so thoroughly until when he runs out with yet another ridiculous initiative, etc. And he knows that he's going to alienate a lot of people. I've come to the conclusion that he has some mental problems. I really have come to that conclusion. I know you yes, well, you know I think it's true. And of course, Steve, you know I recognize this. Along time ago. I started calling for his impeachment after he was sworn into office because I had watched him so thoroughly during the primary where he attacked his own colleagues in the Republican Party. I watched him as he talked about women in the way that he did, and I knew, having watched him very carefully, that he was not kept to be the president of the United States, and that he did not deserve to be understaken. People so long to understand that. But I think he's done a thorough job of defining himself, and people now understand it. And those people who will continue to support him are doing it for reasons other band wanting a well informed, well intentioned leader of this country. They've got other things in mind, and it has to do with us and not wanting us to have equal opportunity. Hang on one second, writer for me, Congresswoman Maxine, We'll be right back with more Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this you're listening, Hey, y'all, welcome back. And our special guests this morning is Congresswoman Maxine Waters, and we're discussing the election. You know, the whole campaign of make America great Again. It just weaked of going back to what time for black people? Was it better than now? And it just weaked of that. And I think he picked up a lot of support with that, make America great again, Let's take America back to where it was well for us. Black people don't want to go back. But that's been his crime mission. And like I've often said on this show, the problem that I see with Donald Trump is every cause that he has ever initiated and started and stood on the soapbox flour has been against someone of color. I don't care if it's the Wall, if it's doctor, if it's George Floyd, if it's if it's if it's Colin Kaepernick, if it's the NFL or NBA players kneeling whatever, if it's the Black Lives Movement, which he is now called a communist Marxist movement. Black people don't give a damn about communism. The last thing we were talking about of some damn communism. What the hell is that true? Yeah, that's true. So, you know, I just find that he's been that way and it has allowed racism and white supremacist to rear their ugly head and not be ashamed of it because their guy is in the White House. Yes, he is absolutely done that. He's been devisive, he is polar on and he has not been a shame to talk about the possibility of a civil war if he's not re elected. He repeated and tweeted something that had been said about the possibility of a civil war. What did he say to the proud voice? Now, those are some racist boys, those pound boys, And he said, stand back, but stand ready. What was he talking about? Ready for what? I know what he was talking about. I know what signals he was sending, you know, dog whistling to those people who ready to take up arms against us. And so this is a dangerous man. He is a man with no morals. He only cares about himself, and he cares less about others, even others in his cabinets, who he will get rid of in a minute's notice if they're not carrying out his bidding. So this danger should not be taken lightly. As we move toward November third, he is looking to call the election, the elections fraudulent if he is not elected, and in causing them to be called fraudulent, he believes that he can use the Constitution to delay and put us in a position where we will not have anyone elected over a number of days. In that case, you know, the Speaker of the House, but not to hold down the office until the dog gets straight. Now, I think that's where he's going. Yeah, And I think what he has done is he has triggered a kind of education with our younger people, many of whom in past years, recent past years, have said, oh, you know, it doesn't matter who's in office. You know, politicians of politicians, they're all the same. Oh you know, things aren't like they used to be before the Civil rights movement, etc. But now they have gotten a lesson. They have been able to see up close Donald Trump the kind of human being, the kind of individual, and certainly the kind of president none of us have ever witnessed in the history of this country. I'm so proud of that athletes and the and the entertainers that I got involved with this and the young millennials, and yes, it's a movement. I'm feeling it. Also, I'm feeling it. And you're absolutely right. Despite the fact that this president did everything that he could to shut down our athletes, they have emerged in a magnificent play. I'm so proud of them. Also, thank you for saying that. You're absolutely like and thank you for all your years of service. Congresswoman Waters. We love you, appreciate you. Stay safe out there. We're gonna get them to the polls on November third. We promise you that. Well. Thank you so much for doing a great job of it. And I love the way that you're advancing the cars. Every time I listen to you, you're on it. So thank you very much and I appreciate being on with you. Thank you. Thank you to the whole team, ladies and gentlemen, the one and only Congresswoman Maxine wa yea yes, yes, yes, yes, thank you, thank you, thank you. Coming up next, the nephew and it's Frank phone call right to this. You're listening to morning show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today, subject Thanksgiving Surprise, foo and wait till you hear this Thanksgiving surprise. We'll get into it after after this, but right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Naff I think I'm fronna go stupid? I think I'm I think I'm really Yeah. Yeah, I think I'm gonna go on it. But I'm gonna go deep. Oh no, Tommy, must you? Yeah? Day, but I mean deep double double D stupid? Quick listening to this false provide, Oh wow, he keeps stupid at all times. What do you think? It's just it's just more a street we know playing with us. I ain't playing with you, but you you know what. I don't like the fact that you don't cherish my stupid You don't. You don't like it. I don't like that that you don't None of us cherish it. Hey, don't single you out and see you only cherished stuff you want and care for. Caller, don't cherish it? Surely don't, Julia, don't Jay do because he's stupid, and don't, so don't. None of us who got good since cherished stupidity. So why don't you just gonna do it? Yeah? Okay, man. All right, thank you for the love the struggle for him, Steve, though, it's just a struggle that y'all side with him all the time when it's between me and him, when it's between me and him, and y'all got to pick side. Y'all always on his side. When you think about it, No, no, no, no, no, you ain't got a problem, jaz. You think about that for a minute. What you think about what you just said? What's wrong with being with me? You got to be on the side. Hey, nephew. If you talking to the crew and you say y'all got to pick a side me or d what the hell you think they're gonna do. You didn't even humor him. If we're talking about I'm fenn to do some great stupid stuff, you wouldn't side with me? Carl up, Yes, timmy side on my side? Your side? You sign my check ahead, Sure, go ahead, run on along. He hasn't asked me, but I'm waiting for him to ask me. You said you're timmy side on my side. I'm not even going over there two times? All right, Here is the here is the heartbreaker, Shirley yours. I'm waiting to do that ain't you. You showed your little self today? All right, let me just blame a little Yeah, sure, today's sadly is Jean, I got your girl, Jean, I got you girl. That's good. Hello, speeding Jeane. My name Vernon. Brother was playing. What's going on? I need to high let you for a minute, my man. I want to hi let you about your wife. So you got a minute. Yeah, I'm listening. I don't even know how to breaktice to your dog. I just want to be straight up with you, man. Me and your wife have been kind of seeing each other, and really she want to let you go. But she ain't. You know, she really ain't got it got it up in her to say she want to let you go. So I'm coming to you like a man and letting you know you know that she really wanted to shut it down with you. We've been seeing each other for a minute now, so I don't know how well you know. I'm just coming at you like a man, brother, trying to let you know she don't even really want you no more. You know, we haven't talked about it, talked about it, and I'm just trying to get it all. I know. I'm tired. I'm tired of hiding with it. Really, okay, Okay, well you know it's a lot smoother than I expected. Plan, I man, it is what it is. It is what it is. I mean a long as long as you as long as you cool, I thought, you know, I just want to be a man called and how I let you? Let you know? Have you seen her to day? And where are you from? From Jersey? I'm up around Newark. I mean you said it's a lot smooder than you thought it was gonna be. Well, you know, anytime I'm another man from to call another man about his wife, I mean, yeah, you don't expect it to be nothing. You know, pretty simple, that's for sure. I didn't contemplate it a long time by calling you saw you know the day I just said the head whatever, I get my number, So I've been hand your number. I had your number a long time. All right. Now you say you're looking there's a lot smoother than you thought it was gonna be. It ain't that smooth. But you know you don't want you know, the thing is, you got one up on it because you know my information. Now I's gonna come find you. Okay, Wait, wait wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, hold up. Now you feel like okay, you feel like you need to be looking for me or something. Brother, Look, look ahead, let's check this out. This is a decision that the wife has made. You understand what I'm saying. So, you have no reason to be mad at me about anything. You have no reason to be coming looking for me or any information on me, because see, when that happens, then it's gonna really get stinky up in here. And I'm trying not to let that happen. That's why I'm calling you like a man. Brother, Trust me. Ain't that I'm never worried about. Okay, Well, I'm just letting you know, man, I'm letting you know up front sheet with me and how contemplated a long time. Y'alla, y'alla. So now you know here we are. So I said, you know, what the hell with it, I'm calling today, y'all should have did this on the phone together out of respect both of y'all. More. Okay, well, you know, and then you know, if that's what it's got to be, we be face to face together whatever it's gotta be. Man, Okay, So, but but let me ask you this here where it's going in once we're both staying flat footed, and tell you how it is. Then what I ain't gonna never be flat footed? Okay? What flat footed or upside down? Ain't the way you want to look at it, bro, I'm trying not to get into this physical part, but it seemed like you leaning that way with me. It could be whatever you know, don't make a difference. It never does, brother, it never does. When two bulls come together, one of them got to go down. No, guess what we are doing too much talking? You got my information. Guess what now I'm hunting for you. There's no need for you to say. There's no need for us discussing anymore. Okay, cool, you know why we at it? Man, Let me go and drop it all on you then, because it's it seemed like we need to go and get it all out the way you cool? You know what I'm saying. I think you need you know, a matter of fact, if you want to just keep it all the way real, you might want to go take a blood test about a lina and make sure you to Papa to that. All right, feel me? Got it? So I'm gonna have your wife getting your car, Man, because we didn't contemplate it or too long and it's time. Yeah, you do that. You know my information? Like I said, you said enough, you're hit enough balls, So you know what I mean, Somebody's got to go. What you mean? Wait, what was all this? Somebody got to go? What you're saying, somebody got to go? Okay, you're talking about either me or you. One of us got to go, see because you're saying the wrong thing. Because what you must understand is if I've given you as much information as I already have, that means I have enough information to know where you are. Brother, you know nothing about me norway I reside. So if you're gonna talk about somebody got to go, then you're saying it to the wrong person because I'm already up on you. Player. You got a first off, you ain't really annoyed because it's got a country action. So second off, like you don't on the real street. So however you want to handle it, you know my information. Guess what I don't reside. Didn't the more I ain't doing the more that's what. Now you got to start from scratch like me, I tell you, he'll go to math man. You're ready for that. You're ready for this math, You're ready to play. He'll go to math. This nephew, Timmy from the Steve Harvey mart And Show, you've been pranked by your wife. Yeah, black man until I but you you kind of had me scared for a minute because you really wasn't flinching. You whatever you eating over there, you never did stop eating on it. Oh, I ain't gonna stop here. Listen to every morning What's the baddest radio morning show in the land, Steve Harvey Show. That was a real gangs that real time, Tommy, that's real gaster right there parting. Huh. He kept eating the whole time. He never he never he was cold. He didn't flinch right there, I said, Tommy, just stude right here. Well, look he taking all this information. One of us got to go. Yeah, but but Tommy, he had analyzed he you ain't from up north because your country She had already peeped of his daughter. He didn't flinch already. Okay, yeah, see, you ain't from up here because your country? Who? All right? Who? Well, coming up next, it's the Strawberry letter subject Thanksgiving surprise. Wait till you hear the surprise we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well only twelve days. Twelve days left until November third. Please go to vote dot org to get your early voting locations. Please vote early, Please vote early. All of us on the Steve Harvey Morning Show have voted early. Our votes are in. We want you to do the same thing. Go to vote dot org. Twelve more days and we're gonna switch gears because it is time now for my Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice and relationships on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on till we got it for you. Here. It is Strawberry Letter, subject Thanksgiving Surprise. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a fifty seven year old married man, and I'm on my second marriage. My wife has two daughters from a previous marriage, and they're both grown and live in different cities. The oldest daughter is twenty nine now and she has a one year old son. My wife is looking forward to Thanksgiving because she will have the girl's home and she can spend quality time with her grandson. But I'm not excited about us all being under one roof because because I had an affair with the oldest daughter. It started when she was twenty seven and she moved back in with us briefly to save some money. She was very flirtatious, and she'd rubbed my head when she hugged me, and sit on my lap to talk to me and call me handsome whenever her mom wasn't around. One night, while her mom was asleep on the couch, she took a bath with a door cracked, and I mistakenly went in to use the bathroom. This was the first time we had sex, and I felt terrible and so did she, so she moved out the next week. The next week, my wife insisted that I help her move, so I did, and we had sex the second time at her apartment. The affair went on for a while. You ready for this. The affair went on for a while until she got pregnant. We've had a paternity test, so I know it's my son. But my stepdaughter has her boyfriend thinking it's his son. I've always wanted a child, but my first wife couldn't have children. I want to be part of this child's life so badly that I'm willing to end my marriage if I have to. I will not allow another black boy to grow up without a father. I know this is all a big mess, but I'm ready to tell the truth. When we're all together for Thanksgiving. My wife will be heartbroken. I'm sure. Am I being selfish in this situation? That's the question you want to ask? Are you being selfish? I mean, really, that's it that responds is woo? I mean, how dare you write us with this mess? I mean, Steve and I we aren't in this. You did this. You did this with your stepdaughter, your stepdaughter, dog, your stepdaughter, and it's foul. This is foul right here. This is so foul. If you had to cheat on your wife, I'm gonna say this. I'm gonna say this, if you just had to cheat on your wife, if you could not keep it in your pants because someone was flirting with you and rubbing your ball head and sitting in your lap, Honestly, I would have rather for you to stay up outside the Marrits and then to get with your wife's daughter. I mean, really that would have made more sense. Now you and your stepdaughter have a son together that she had to lie to her boyfriend about, and she has her boyfriend thinking the baby is his. This is so wrong on so many levels. I mean, just lie on top of lie, on top of lie. I'm hurt for your wife. I'm hurt for her and she doesn't even know what's going on yet, all because you couldn't stay away from her daughter. Why did you allow her to sit on your lap in all that? Anyway? Why did you do that? Why didn't you say no? Why didn't you get up? You know why? That's the part that's killing me. And you know what, there's no good ending. There's no way to end this nicely or respectfully. There's no good ending to this nightmare of a story. There just isn't. There's no way to make it right. I want you to leave. I want you to get a divorce and pay child support for your son, because I feel at some point the truth is gonna come out anyway. It really is whether you tell your wife a Thanksgiving or not. And what a way to spoil Thanksgiving dinner. I bet you guys are going to continue to live out this lie until something happens. This is just a mess, it really is. Are you being selfish in this situation? You have always been selfish in this situation? Steve boy boy, Yes he did. Yes, sir, sir, you are in so much damn trouble right now. You you have not seen the trouble, you know. Look, I tell my sons all the time. The older you get, the more die of the consequences for your mistakes, Because as you get older, you're supposed to get better at handling eras and situations to help you to avoid the big mistakes, you know what I mean. Look, you're gonna always make mistakes un till you leave this world, but you try to get the big ones out the way early. You know, before you you fifty seven, it's half a hundred years. You've been here over your stupid ass with yours done, this ignorant ass mess. Now you wrote us like we got some help for you. We don't have no help for you, all right, see you hang on, hang on. We'll have part two of your response coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour. My Strawberry letter for today's subject Thanksgiving Surprise. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, Steve Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter, the subject Thanksgiving surprise. So, fifty seven year old man, you're so ignorant. Fifty seven year old married man that had an affair with your stepdaughter when she moved back in because she needed to get on her feet. She was twenty seven years old, always calling you handle. Y'all had sex while your wife was asleep on the sofa. You felt bad, She felt bad, so she decided to move out the next week. Then your wife tells you help her move you over the department having some most sex now she twenty nine, So, y'all been having this a fair for two years. All this started. She was in there taking a bath and left the doll crack. This is what you said when this happened. Oh, one night, while her mom was asleep on the couch, she took a bath with the doe crack, and I mistakenly went in to use the bathroom. Boy, Yeah right, how big is y'all bathroom? Where when the dough cracked? You mistakenly went in to use the bathroom. When you're opening door and you saw in the bathtub, you ain't turned around, right, bro? Now the fab been going on for a while. Then guess what he said until she got pregnant. Now she got a boyfriend and got the boyfriend thinking it's his son when it's really your son. And you've always wanted a child, even from your first wife, but she couldn't. And now you want a son so bad you're willing to leave your wife so you can have relationship with this son because you didn't. Here come the noble party go with Because I will not allow another black boy to grow up without a father. He got two damn daddies. Yeah, we don't feel sorry for you, bro. Let's tell the truth. You don't want to leave the mama so you could raise the son. You want to leave the mama so you can have the fleet with the twenty nine year old. That's really what you talking about. I want this son so badly, I'm willing to leave my wife so I could raise this son. But what dog? What doc? Do you know? How that don't even sound right to no damn other man? Nah? So how you think this is gonna work. You're gonna wait on Thanksgiving. She gonna come to the house with the baby, with her boyfriend. The other daughter gonna be there. You and your wife gonna be sitting up there, and then you're gonna tell her what happened. That young ass boy gonna whoop your hands. I'm talking about who he gonna go off. The other sister gonna go off your wife. Lord, have mercy, what you're gonna do to this woman? See, bro, this is a disaster. Now, do not wait to Thanksgiving? Right thank you? If you're gonna go in here with this noise going here right now, if that's what you're gonna do. And I don't really know what you should do. I really don't that Shirley got it right. I don't what you write us for. We ain't got nothing for you. There is no right way to do this, because everything bout it is wrong. See people think if I just come clear to be honest, that's the right thing to do. What hey, man, honesty. See let me tell you something. When you've been so dishonest for so long on so many levels, how do you think one moment of honesty is supposed to correct it all? So you think by coming clean at least I came clean at least. You've been screwing this woman for over two years. Your wife's daughter, she got Joe's son. You're fit to ruin your relationship with your wife. You fin to ruin the mother and the daughter relationship. Oh yeah, it's gonna damage the other child's relationship to other sibling with her sister. How could you do this to our mother? Yes, you ain't gonna be right with the two of them. No, b the boyfriend been buying these pampers and everything. He gonna warm your ass because now he's been paying money thinking he had something. Now you fin to tell him it ain't his son, it's your son. And now you was over here screwing my girl. Dog. Do you understand the complexity of all of this that's going on? Have you lost your ever loving mine? And now you think on Thanksgiving? It's the time while everybody there. Boy, you you that, so listen to me. It's gonna be food everywhere. It's too many, it's too many knives at Thanksgiving. Oh you're gonna be busted over your head with the yellow mold. I'm gonna dunk your ass down to that punch bowl. Try to drink, sir, sir surely, and I do not have an answer for you. We don't know what you're gonna do. This is a mess and you're gonna figure it out. But you're gonna pay. Bro. All I can tell you is you feel to pay dearly for this. Now you can try the little noble line you tried with me. I'll not see another black boy raised without fucking that's great. Yeah, good, trouble dog, it's really bad. Hey, hold love before I go happy. Thanksgivings back and let us know how to win. Yeah, really all right. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Please now, coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, our girl from The Talk, the one in on Lee Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. It's Carla's Reality Update. But right now, Steve, please introduce our girl from the Talk, Ladies and Gentlemen, without further adode. It got real sex up in here, Ladies and gentlemen from the Talk CBS's own sure or Duke wood Man, I'm glad you started with sexy Steve Hobbies because you know what's happening right now? What President Obama's back in the scene. He dropped the say back baby man. That speech was fire. You know what, if he had had a new port in his hand, that would have been that would have popped it right off right there. He was talking so much real stuff. Ratings went up. Everybody, even Joe Biden says it over then I went already the best speech. It was the speech. Don't ya believe it was the speech we were waiting for it? Yes, yes, yes, he said everything. He did it by the numbers he talked about. We left him something that would tell him what to do. For the COVID. They couldn't even read that. President Obama talked so much, smack man, I thought this was a street corner Sowell and he was with his homies, and then the horns was hunking in the cause. I'm happy right now. I don't know what to do. Can let me tell you why? Because this is the kind of hope that we needed in the campaign. If you haven't decided now, you got to decide. You got to go with this brother, not with this other because Trump is imploding. Whenever you tripped with Leslie's stall, you know how learned that white woman sever yea forever, ever, forever, ever ever, he fighting with all white people. When Mitt Romney came out and just saying I didn't vote for him, Oh it's over, it's over. Now they jumping off of Trump. Why because they know this ship is sinking. But we gotta continue the job by voting. We got to continue the job voting. We voted in numbers. They haven't seen it. While Steve, what you think about it? What you think, Steve, I know for a fact that I've never seen these many young millennials, athletes, celebrities being united four calls like this, that's right. I think they're gonna show up in record numbers now Trump supporters are gonna show up in record numbers. Two. If black people go to the polls, yep, Donald Trump cannot win. No, he can't. If the three hundred forty seven thousand that didn't vote in Detroit last time vote, if the two hundred forty three thousand that didn't vote in Philly vote, he'd be old. If there was five hundred thousand that didn't vote in Miami. Last time vote waiting He'll be gone. Yes, yes, old dog ass gone. That's right. Thank you, Cheryl. We love you. I've been this happy since I woke up next to Junior saying this, so I mean sorry. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have Carla's Reality up right after this doesn't win. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Tommy intro Carla. It's that time, ladies and gentlemen. She is here, the one and only Carla Ferroll with what reality update? Thank you, nephew, Let's go. Let's talk about Real Housewives up Potomac. Listen to Yes, it was really good. The newest cast member Wendy and her husband Eddie, they planned a sip and see. Wendy said it's a Nigerian tradition to present their newborn baby Cameron to their friends and family, and she described it as, you know, kinda like a christening. However, there is some drama between Wendy and her husband's family, Eddie. The families don't get along. Oh, it's terrible. They haven't met his kids, their grandchildren, and it is really, really a mess. Well, anyway, as an evening progressed, the ladies enjoyed the food. There was a mixture of Nigerian and Caribbean food. It was just nice. They were all dressed delicious, delicious, right, they were all dressed so beautifully. They presented baby Cameron. They decided to dance to celebrate. They were throwing cash money on a lord, throwing the money at the baby. I said, ain't making it rain for the baby. I was loving. It was so cool. It was really cool to see that part of the Nigerian culture. And what we learned from Wendy is that Nigerians like to party late. So when they say like six pm, she said, they really mean like teen So it was really cool, really cool. Yeah that's what she said. Yeah, yeah, baby throwing money. Eddie was hurt. He was really hurt. Wendy's husband that you know, at the end of the night, this beautiful celebration that they had for their baby daughter, that his family did not show up. So it was really really painful to see this family didn't show you. No, his family and her family they do not get along. And it's just really sad. And that's his wife's family. It's just some kind of culture. They're just clashing right now. Anyway, Also, Kendice, she told all the ladies at the sipping see that she wants Monique prosecuted to the full extent of the law for her assault. You remember Monique and Candis got into it, yes, yes, Monique, yeah, yeah, the dragging the dragon. Yes, yes, So Gazelle and Robin were like, you know, you want Monique to go to jail, you know, and serve real time. They thought that was a little much. That's a little too much of what you're saying. But no, Candice is saying, no, that's shed. Yeah, she didn't drag you questioned me by my charges, but Carla did. Isn't Candice the one that had the through the knife at Ashley? Yes she did, Yes, yes, Candis exactly Shirley exactly. And that's why a lot of people are on team Monique. But anyway, can this She started to go off on Ashley because Ashley tried to give her opinion of what happened. Now, she was there, but she didn't see it because she went to the restroom when all the fight and everything was going well. She tried to stab the last season that's what Shirley was just saying. But Steve, check this out. While Ken this was going off and getting ready to go off on Ashley Baby, her husband turned around and looked at her. He barely moved his lips. He told his wife, shut up, shut up, you built you shut up. This is how you get to a fight. Yes, I mean her husband looked dead. I mean he screwed a share up. He was in her face. I mean you bidding. I say one word, one word coming back to this. Yes, that's what she does though, that's her your issue, and she has to deal with that. You know, you start stuff, you talk a lot of noise, and then you try to bid the victim you know about it, and then well, why why are you acting like that towards me? You know what you're doing? Say anyway, that's that. I'll update you one more. It's still October. Breast cancer wearing this month, Sister Strut is still going on. I'm representing Detroit this weekend. I want you to go to at lips by Carla and Instagram. Click the link in my bio and you can see how your donation can help the City of Detroit breast cancer Wearing this month. What you got, Shirley? All right, all right, Carla, thank you. Coming up more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You know, sometimes we look into the crazy mind of Jay Anthony Brown. Yes, we have three comedians. Let's look into their crazy mind. So what's going on? Obama on the streets of Philly and at Bullhorn, he out there campaigned. He is not playing. Do you miss it? That's what you need. Someone like Obama in the street. He ain't scared. He's not scared. He walking up down the streets of Philadelphia West Spin. He I think he just looked to me like, and I'm just gonna say this, you know, probably you know, just look like it looked at me like he would call it Trump out, like he won't to do something. You know, how you crack on somebody just flush him out. Yeah, just drag because if you run up on Obama, I got all mine on Obama. His old just owing I'm sorry, just owing stuff all on his hand. What's just happened? So, you know, yeah, a lot of a lot of stuff on his hand. Yeah, just what you wanted to look inside the twisted mind. You invited this fool into that. Yeah, but he then boy, what he meant was orange stuff. Mind. Yeah, they're all right. More, thank you guys, More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news and no Cusin coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yesterday, I Forever President Barack Obama campaign for Joe Biden Kamala Harris. This was in Philly, South Philly, just outside a Citizens Bank Park. U. President Obama had some choice words for Trump. Take a listen. I get that this president wants full credit for the economy he inherited and zero blame for the pandemic that he ignored. But you know what, the job doesn't work that way. Tweeting at the television doesn't fix things. Making stuff up doesn't make people's lives better. You've got to have a plan. You've got to put in the work and along with the experience to get things done. Joe Biden has concrete plans and policies that will turn our vision of a better, fair and stronger country into a reality. We literally left this White House a pandemic playbook that would have shown them how to respond before the virus reached our shores. They probably used it to I don't know, prop up a wildly table somewhere. We don't know where that playbook went. Eight months into this pandemic, cases are rising again across this country. Donald Trump isn't suddenly going to protect all of us. He can't even take the basic steps to protect himself. Just last night, he complained up an area that the pandemic made him go back to work. I'm quoting him. He was he was upset that the pandemics made him go back to work. If he'd actually been working the whole time, it never would have gotten this bag. So look, here's the truth. I want to be honest here. This pandemic would have been challenging for any president. But this idea that somehow this White House has done anything but completely screw this up, It's just not true. WHOA, Now, that's how you talk. That was all presidential right there, that's presidential. Yeah, and it he was, Yeah, he was so relaxed and calm and confident. I mean, he's never really spoken like that. You know he's always been smooth and cool, and you know, yeah, he let him have it. He let him have it. Fact, you can't be president by tweeting at the television. Man just tiede of it mess. E've been lyne every sins. You got an office. You tried to destroy everything I've done. You spent more time trying to destroy what Obama did than prepass something that you can claim your own. You've done nothing. You inherited an economy. There was no recession when you took over. The stimulus package had saved the auto industry, saved countless workers, and the economy was rolling. You inherited that, and then you try to take credit forward. They you played us on the pandemic. I don't understand, man, why we're talking to people. Get your ass to the poll in vote their vote. Checking this hill man you think his ass need to be president? You nuts and you're nuts if you don't go to the poland vote. Get him out of hill Coming up, It is our last break of the day, last break of the day. But forty nine minutes after, right after this, you're listening to morning show. All right, Steve, we're getting down to the wire for real. Now twelve days, twelve days left until November third, twelve days. Please go to vote dot org. You can get all the information. Please vote early. That's what we want you to do. Go to vote dot org. We want to also thank Congresswoman Maxine Waters who shed some light on voting and her and all of that special guests today loved having her, love her wisdom, all of that. Thank you to the courts. Trump has done that's made me really I almost chuckled about it. He took a page from his two thousand and sixteen campaign. Remember it was Hilary, Lock her up? Where are the emails? So now what he's trying to do now is Joe, you can't explain the millions of dollars that Hunter took from the Ukraines, from the Russians, from blah blah blah blah blah. You can't explain the millions of dollars. I don't give a damn off. Joe Biden's son made a half a billion dollars overseas. That's his way of trying to create the same controversy that he did with Hillary, except he's out here on his own. He ain't got no backup. His boy or bar released a report about the rusted investigation and came up zero, empty handed, no charges, nothing filed against nothing, Nothing was found against Biden nor his son. This is just stuff he makes up. But then Obama brought up the secret Chinese bank accounts. Yeah, now, how that don't matter to people. But the reason you can't find out about these accounts is because he won't release his tax forms. And he keeps saying he paid millions of dollars in taxes, which he hasn't. Because at the moment he can show you where he's paid tens of millions, he gonna show it so he can show you he's a taxpayer. He don't have it to show. Y'all, This dude really ain't paid no taxes. Look, he has to go while we're still talking about this. For I don't even care if you undecided. If you're undecided at this point, it's because something's wrong with you. The hell are you still thinking about what piece of evidence could come in to sway your mind one way or the other. If you still trying to figure out if Trump is cool or not? Something wrong with you? You don't see that there's something wrong now look his base. They love it. I saw these group of men who are to do with these dune buggies, and they were just saying, he's just like us, He's one of us. But the proud boy said that too. The dudes that was carrying the tiki tortures, they said that too. The militia that was gonna kidnap the governor of Michigan, that militia group, they said that too. They all think that Trump is their god because he has he has has given them a feeling, a sense that our guy is in there and he's with us. And like that dude said on that dude buggy, we like him because he's one of us. The only problem is just a little poass man don't seem to understand this. Trump don't really care about you. He really don't. If you're not one of his multie hundred millionaire one hundred billionaire friends, he don't care about you. He don't care. He don't care about black people, He don't care about Hispanics. He don't care about white people who are not on his level. He don't care about the working white class. He don't care about the working black class, Latino class. He does not care Man. He has proven the time and time again. It's twelve days before we vote. I'm tired. I'll be glad when the election is over. And I voted the whole morning show voter, Shirley Carler, Monica, Tommy, Jane, Kia, everybody. I was the last one to vote, but I went on down there because they tried to play me with my ballot, and y'all not gonna play me. I'm gonna going out to me. I don't give it there how long I'm stay in line, I'm gonna stand in line because he has to go. Now, listen to me. These people who are rich talking about they're gonna vote for Trump because they're gonna say their taxes. That's not the attitude you need to have. See the problem with people like that who got a lot of money is they have to remember where they got their money. If you got the money on the backs of black people, brown people, If you got the money, if you became famous, See if you was famous with us before you crossed over you I was see. I truly understand that I belonged to black people. I got it. Y'all always watching me on b et FO. Anybody saw me def jam Apollo. I understand that. So, even though God has blessed me like I never thought I would have, beyond my wildest dreams, I have to vote for the masses because if y'all ain't got TV sets to turn on their money for electricity, then you can't tune in and watch me. Then what do I get? What my fame? You can't be famous by yourself. You famous cause people make you famous. Fifty six famous because people made him famous. He didn't make him self famous. Do you know if you can make yourself famous and rich, you'd go out and do it. Friday. He's wealthy because he's stood on the shoulders of a lot of people. That's the way it works, folks. That's why I fight for the common man, because the commons to the common man is where I come from. See, I've been down. I know what it feels like. That's why Trump can't relate to none of y'all because he never been down. He got the gold Man. We keep talking about this fault, President, Helen. Where you from? I'm ill laws A slick Harvey's baby boy, youngest of five out of Welsh West Virginia, Holland Noman nine they don't even make no more like me fifty seven classy all steal HU, run up into it if you want to. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void ware prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.