Good morning and welcome to the ride! The Damn Steve Harvey Morning Show is a problem!!! The Chief Love Officer has some friendly job advice for a lady whose brother just got out jail. Gladys Knight will be singing the National Anthem before the NBA All-Star Game on March 7. Shirley and Carla took an African Ancestry test and we get the results. President Barack Obama has a new podcast with Bruce Springsteen and he was talking about a time when he whooped his friend's @$$. Our girl from The Talk discusses the ancestry tests with Shirley and Carla. Miss Carla hands the reigns to Big Dog for Reality Update and he tells us about a show that is near and dear to him. A narcotic sniffing dog catches a $2.8 million shipment of cocaine cereal bound for China from South America. Today the show wraps up with Steve asking each member of the crew a specific question.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them just like theming bu bu things and it's not me true good Steve to mo st don't joy. Yeah, you gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, got to turn out to the water the water. Come come on your baby, uh huh. I show will a good morning everybody. Y'all listening to the voice. I've come on dig me now one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. I gotta tweet the other day. When Steve Harvey used to get to preaching, I used to just turn the radio off. But Noah's different, old dude be bringing it. He'd be bringing the truth. I appreciate that, you know. Man. When I was younger, Man, when I when I wanted to do what I wanted to do, Man, I just man, I didn't want to hear nothing else. I didn't want to hear nothing that contradicted what I wanted to do. You know. So it's a funny thing man about me. Man I was I would hear the truth, I would know it to be the truth. But because I had another plan, another mission, another goal, another set of dudes. I wanted to get done. I didn't want to hear that. You know, it's a funny thing, man, It's like it's like when I was a little boy and I used to get scared sometime at night, you know, the booger man. So I thought that if I just pulled the blanket up over my head, that that meant that if I can't see the booger man, he can't see me. That's the theory. That's an ostrich, you know, sticking his head in the sand, thinking wow, if I don't see this dude, he can't see me. A lot of Ostriches didn't die with their head stick in the sand. I just didn't want to be one of them people that left this world with my head in the sand. But I just wanted to say, man, this morning, that quit talking about change. Y'all listening, because because because this is real right here, quit talking about change and let's make a change. You know, man, I don't I don't mind giving people advice. I really, I really really don't, because so many people along the way have handed it to me freely. Man. Some people just saw me doing wrong and say, young man, come in, let me talk to you for a minute. Some people say, hey, bro, look man, I know what you're trying to do it. Man, when have you thought about it this way? So I've had a lot of favor in my life, a lot of grace been shown on me, a lot of mercy, A lot of people and came to me, helped me a long way. So I don't have no problem with this part of what I'm what I'm obligated to do in the mornings. But let's quit talking about change, y'all, and let's make a change. She changed its growth, and it ain't no growth without change. You got people, Man, You ever met a person that's just insistent on doing it they way? I mean, no body in the building think they should go that way. But they're so bone headed. Oh this is how I'm gonna do it. But bro, listen to me. Man, that ain't high as done. You're gonna run into this distance. I'll show you. Hey a minute, man, you can't do it that way. Man, If you are sick and tired of where you are, then you have to change. Change can only come from within. Can nobody make you change? Now, we got a penal system in place that can make you sit down. If you don't want to change, we'll sit you down and we'll restrict your movement in your communication to the point where if you want to continue this foolishness, we're gonna put you in this building with a whole lot of people. That's a foolishness. And y'all just trick each other all day long. But if you are sick and tired of your situation, pray for it. Pray for change, Ask God to help you change. Ask God what he wants for you instead of always telling God what you want. It's an interesting prayer to have with God. When you quit going to God with your list and check in with God and see what his list is. That's a very interesting prayer. If you're a praying person, I suggest you try that sometime. It's so interesting. Man, Do you know what it did for me when I started asking God what he wanted for me instead of telling God all the time. I still tell him what I want, but instead of all the time going to Him with what I want. You know what it did for me. It freed me up. It took a lot of pressure off. I no longer had to think of everything, and what I was thinking of a lot of times wasn't work in no way. And when I opened myself up to what he wanted to what his wheel was, Man, do you know how much simpler my life got? And do you know how much bigger it got? I'm trying to tell you, man, if you pray for change and you allow God to help you with the change, or if you let God just produce the change, the changing, you would be amazing. If you've been listening to me, especially out in La since I was on the radio since two thousand, can't you hear the change? I'm flat out telling you that a change has come. But I had to pray for the change because I couldn't make the change on my own. And then after you pray for the change, you got to work towards your trade change. You know it as a faith without works is dead. Everybody wants something from God, always want to talk to God about something. But then man, ain't ain't, don't, don't want to do nothing about it. Faith without works is dead. You can't do it that way, man, It just does not happen. So after you didn't pray to God about it, what you gotta do. Then is you gotta turn around and go hey, man, all right, now, what is it I got to do? You know, you got to do something to bring it about. So after you pray for it, work for it, and do something to date about it. Stop procrastinating. Don't procrastinate, folks. The change can start today, Man, I want to change. How about today? You know, then you see them saying people, Man, I want to change. That's next week. How about today? I see people years later? Man, I still in the same old situation. Man, I'm gonna do something. How about today? Today is a good day. There's nothing stopping you from changing today, nothing except you. You can begin the process of change immediately. And change is growth, y'all. And ain't no growth without changing. It's a simple thing. And I'm talking to you in broad strokes because everybody got something about them they need to change. That's why I'm not specifically talking about anything. I got some things in me didn't need to change so I can grow further. Everybody has something about them that they need to change in order to grow further and then go further. Now, what's stopping you is you won't start the change today. Don't hesitate, make that change, and then I want you to watch something. When you change, Watch the difference in you. Notice the difference in you, feel the difference in you, and guess what you're gonna be different. If you're watching for the change, If you're feeling the change, then guess what you're gonna be different. Man, Watch for the difference, feel the difference. You will be different. If you're sick and tired of your situation, folks, you can change that. But the change is in you. It's a simple decision you had to make. I'm gonna change. The change is up to you. You can decide to day if you want to change, you want to be different. If you're sitting behind the wall, I love speaking to the brothers and sisters behind the wall. If you're behind the wall, man, and you're sick and tired of being behind the wall, man, why don't you change? You've thought about that change? Man. If I get back out there, I'm gonna just do the same thing. Stop saying that, Stop breathing that negativity into your life. Decide today that you want to change. You can do it. Everybody can change. If you don't know how to change, pray for it. Man, ask God to help you with the change. Or you get some movement, then partner, you get a whole lot of movement. Then all right, let's right. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen. What's about to go down is personal. What's about to happen should have your undivided attention because anything that's personal, that means it involves you. You are about to be heavily involved in a morning show. All you're gonna want to hang in there, but you gotta go to work, gotta take kids school, you gotta go to sleep. One of the two. Welcome to a problem. The damn Steve Harvey Morning Show is a problem. If you use your earbuds at work, we are a problem. If you listen to the Strawberry Ladder, we are a problem. Pay attention to these pranks. We is a problem. If you hear one of these ignorant ass poems, we are a problem. We got entertainment news for you, We got all of it. It ain't nothing but a situation. Come on, you've been worn. Good morning, here we go, surely straw Good morning Steve Harvey, Nation, Good morning Steve Harvey, Colin for Rell. It's a big old problem and I love it. Hey, crew, what's up kill Junior Spate? You think we're playing with y'all? You think we're playing pranks. It is a great, big old problem and I love it, man. And there's no solution but to keep listening. Yeah, and we thank you for that business. That's right? Everybody good man? Yea? Yeah, Thursday, Thursday morning, almost the weekend. Yeah, yeah, I think the week is going by pretty fast. This one went by really fast. Yeah. Last week was forever. Yeah, it was good. Not if we were three. Well, it's eighty degrees down into seventy two in Atlanta today. Yesterday, I mean yesterday got up to seventy two degrees. Yeah, well that's over with because it's gonna rain until what Wednesday they're saying, really in Atlanta. We got to get an art. Yeah, I got Houston. Were about the flood. Yes, this weather ain't no joke, man, No it is not. It is not. But we're happy to be here. Yeah, you're good. Yeah, you know, my energy is good. I feel wonderful. You know, I'm blessed. Got a lot of stuff to do today, had a lot to do. Yesterday was pretty busy, but busy for me is good. Yeah, it's when I ain't busy that somethings are happening when that ain't never, so I guess not busy. You know, I had a meeting with somebody. I don't want to say who it is because but they service that they provide us. No, no, no, they provide a service from me. Well, I could just say it. I met with my accountant. You know, I'll never have him to my house ever again. Why I'm doing taxes or something. Well, you don't like talking to accounts because they don't. They're not dreamers, they're not vision they number people. Oh they damn information. Be just a pressing, all right, Steve coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey morning show time now for asked the CLO Chief Love Officer. Steve Harvey is in the building this one Steve CLO is from Marista in Los Angeles. She says, my thirty three year old brother got out of jail after serving a nine year sentence and he's staying with me. He's looking for a job. During the day. But in the spare time he sits in my front. He sits in my front of my condo building, enjoying fresh air, smoking his cigarettes. He's tried to hustle up some income by going door to door asking my neighbors to wash their cars. Yesterday I got an anonymous note on my door saying, my brother makes the residence feel uneasy? Is it because my brother and I are the only blacks in the building. She wants to know clo Yeah, hell yeah, what you're thinking about. You get to know the choe house because he's sitting on steps smoking cigarette. He made it leave. But he going dough to door asking people. He can't do that. Now, what your brother need to do is go down to the car wash and get the job. Get a job at the car wash, stuff like that. They don't do no background checks at the car wash. I've never seen a car wash the background check. You need to go down now, you know, and and and take a shot. I appreciate him. All what he do is he go up to the church and solicit from the church. He got car detailed company, you know, get him some buckets and stuff and start washing cars that way. But if you're going around this white neighborhood with your ass, with this tank top on, with this cigarette damion, not caring you live, and a rag on your head. You're gonna get flagged. I'm telling you right now, this racial profile and all damn daylight. I'll tell you what his ass better not to ring my damn dolbell tell about washing my car? So is it because you're black? Absolutely? And you know it. Go down to the black church and start there. Okay, all right? That advice? Yeah, Kimberly and Montgomery says, I'm divorced and living with my ex until he recovers from knee surgery. He's been on his best behavior, and he compliments me on my cooking, which is a first. I wish he was this nice when we were married. Friday night, I went out with my girls and had more than a few drinks. I went home and there he was, lying on his back. I took advantage of him and he left me. He's all googly eyed now thinking we're getting back together. I still don't want him. I just wanted sex. How can I get out of this? That's cold? You went out, had some drinks, he laying on his bag. You slept with your ex husband. How can you get out of this? I don't know. You know, because because she did that, he thinks they're getting back together. I would think so too. Hell, hell, what you want me to think? You're coming to house from Friday? I'm laying up here. You know, something wrong with my knee? You jump on me? Well, you know I can't do nothing on my knee. So now all I'm doing is I'm on my back. So now we already know how this what position this was? So now you'dn't jumped on me. I'm up for it. Hello, pardoned upun And now all of a sudden, you know you genuine now what you want me to do? Yeah, I'm thinking we're back together. How can you get out of this? I don't know and really don't give a damn. The next question Sonya, and Memphis says, I'm fifty and my husband is ten years older. I Am not trying to sound insensitive, but he's acting like an old man. He takes all types of supplements, and we have a humidifier in our room, so the whole room smells like eucalyptus. Nightly, he blows his nose and handkerchiefs that stay in his pockets. And when I take our clothes to the cleaners, I have to pull the handkerchiefs out. He's changing to my grandpa and I can't take it. Cello, you don't act like an old man. Can you give me advice from my husband? Well, let me tell you something. Okay, I'm sixty four. I stopped caring handkerchiefs years ago. But think if if he got to sign us, he got a problem. Now, this supplements you talking about is to keep him healthy. I take a lot of supplements. I'll tell you right now. My peel pack in the morning and my peel packing run. I praise God for this though, thank God, I'm on no prescription drugs. I thank God for that all the time. Praise God. Got off high blood pressure medicine all that fix that with died in exercise, So I thank God for that. Not with that said, I do take supplements, and a lot of them, and so you. But see what didn't happen is you tied of his age, So se I don't care what he do. See when you're not he not a damn humidifying the room smell like you can emptis all that who don't like that? You know it ain't ain't like he got it being gay, open up or dons laying around, you know, vix he got eucalyptus. You know he trying to but maybe he got a little something. You just tired of it. You've been in the house in COVID locked up. Y'all ain't been nowhere. That's all it is. What should she do? Just be a little more patient. You're saying, come on now, you know now if you want to do something else, you know, going in and have that discussion with it, but don't leave somebody because y'all going through a down period. Sit down and have a talk, telling about the things you concerned with. See, he might have some concerns, see because you ain't all that either, though, Oh let's see, no listen to me, no what I try to help people up. If you sit down and talk about each other's concerns, you might find it he might have some concerns too. It's what I'm saying. I can't seeing it takes two people to have a problem. But she's saying six. Yeah, pretty much okay. But let me ask you a question, though, does he have a reason to be has he lost his sex inness towards you because you lost George towards him? Could that be the issue? I don't know, but I'm saying if you all sit down and talk, you may find out that maybe something's causing him to feel this way. And y'all need to just reignite the spark that y'all wants had. You know, y'all need some date nights, need to dress up, get out the house, you know, all right, yeah, all right? Unplaying all the old ass machines in coming up off the night stand. I can't even put my foot up hill right after this you're listening to coming up at the top of the hour. In trending entertainment news, Tiger Woods is recovering, but he is concerned about his legacy. Plus Gladys Night, we'll sing the national anthem at the twenty twenty one NBA All Star Game, and we'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. You know how we do. But right now it is the nephew here for run that prank back? What you got for his nef love deposit? How sexy was that love? Not at all? Let's go, kid, dog, I'm not I'm not gonna ask me. You sound slow? Love the party? Come on kid. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Tiffany. H this is Tiffany, Who's quality? This is how you doing? Hey, I don't know, I didn't know what I know. We've been. I know we've been going back and forth on the site talking and we haven't you know, really talked yet. So yeah, okay, I'm just going to expect in the car. But yeah, it's good to hear from you. Um, it's good to hear from you know, you know what I mean. We've been We've been talking for well a long time, well, texting and on the site for at least what five weeks now. Yeah, it's been really I'm glad you called carreal seriously and I love the voice, so I'm exciting. Hey, Um, you know, um, you got anything going on this weekend? Um? I don't think so. I just have to, like, you know, go grocery shopping or whatever. But like, other than that, I'm pretty helping. What's up? I was thinking maybe we get together, get a get a drink or two, just you know kind of Yeah. I love feel each other out and if you if you're feeling that, you know, I don't want to. Yeah, that's cool. We can get together. I'm interested, you know, like I'm hot for your car. Then I would love to see this game. Um, you gotta place the mind like, yeah, you know, I was thinking about letting you pick something, because you know, I rather go somewhere where you're comfortable, an atmosphere that you used to I think that would be the best thing to do. Okay, well, let me work out. I'll direct you on that. But yeah, I'm down. I just want to hang out a little bit. Yeah, I'm excited. Good, good, what's good for you? Um, you know, if you want to do what Saturday, it's up to you. Yeah, let's go. Let's do Saturday to give me, you know, some time to like, you know, give myself together. Six or Saturday. Text me you know the location or whatever wherever you want me to you know, I'll be there. Okay, cool, I can't wait to see you. What one Okay, let's let's do this first. Tell me this. What what are we wearing? So I'm not I don't want to be old with dress or underdressed. I don't really trip on that first day could be chill, like I'm not you know, we don't have to do like a or nothing like that. You don't need on the top. This ain't the Rock Nation brunch, all right, all right, but if you don't mind, if I could get you to do something for me, could you? Um? Could I give you my cash app? So what? Well, what I want to do is, you know, sometimes these things actually go wrong. You know, I don't see it going wrong with me and you because we've had you know, the way we've been chit chatting and going back and forth on the site. Things have been really really well. You know, you know, I would like to get you know, like a you know, a love deposit of two hundred and fifty dollars that way of just go wrong. At least I haven't wait till my time, you know what I'm saying. Hold on, I'm just what was happening? Um? You said you want me to get your coss opp and send you a move deposit, a two hundred and some dollars two fifty two fifty like you know that way If this, if this don't go right, you know, then at least I haven't love It's like a love deposit, you know, if it goes if it goes right, you know, then I give it back to you if it don't go right. You know, at least I haven't wasted my time. You see what I'm saying? Crunt? You serious right now? Yeah? Like yeah, okay, uh this is super weird and uh yeah this is all weird and uh you know I'm coming up. I don't really know what to say, like other than um, you could probably lose my number, like you a week due, like, don't call me like you're corny, I'm not interested. You're a bum like I'm straight, Like I don't know what hold hold on, hold on, I wouldn't all let talking about. We've been talking. We've been talking for five weeks. Everything's been good. We've been we've been on the sight talking to each other as two weeks though, you're trying to ask me for a cash app for real, a love deposit? How corny? Are you? Are you serious? Serious? If you believe listen to Kim Kim on the real, If you believe in yourself, you you you know if I believe in myself, you're so full, last out of year, you have lost your in mind? Okay, would you please like gather your thoughts because I don't know who you think you're talking to? For real? You know what I'm saying. So I need you to do two things. Lose my number and don't don't look for me for real? Shot up? Like this is ridiculous, Like this, this is stupid. You were ignorant for real? Shirt up? Okay, okay, show me, show me where I'm wrong. If you believe in yourself though, if I believe in myself, dass, dude, what do you mean? If I believe in myself. If you believe in yourself, your past will move around. Get off the phone. It stop wasting my time for real. I'm about to hang out right now for real time. Okay, okay, ok my face right out before you hang up, Joey, can you can go your You could go your way, I can go mind. You don't want to cany me to two fifty? Cool? Got that? Okay? Okay? You know what is this? Your loss? Though? Kiss? This your life? You gotta be out to your rabbit ass. Mine ain't no loss. This yere ain't no loss. This ain't no losses. Okay, you know what? You know what? I knew this was gonna happen. You know I want a brother, Try to be real when a brother try to real, Hey, hey, you might as well Hey turn around, go the other direction. Lock yourself up. Seriously, you want to talk about black black men and brotherhood like it's a rap for you. We don't need you out here. Good years less straight up, like, don't call me destroy yourself for real? I'm done with that. Good. Can I tell you something else for you? Lady? Real quick? What I just want to let you know that this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your suspends shave. Let's shave got me to prank fall call you your sister. L said, you gotta get my sisters. She's been on the line on this dating site talking to this guy. Sorry where she got This is stupid. We got you, baby, we got you good. This is crazy. I'm gonna get her. I'm gonna get her. This is I tell you what, I will tell me this. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Pie y'all lay too much? Pie Baby loved the pot. She was not having it. It was really sexy on their He did he did? Yeah, she was into it. In the beginning. Oh yeah, oh, I had my sex he had at the beginning. All right, thank you, nephew. Nice try coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news right after this. Thank you so much. You're listening to the stry Morning Show. La County Sheriff Alex Villa Nueva said that Tiger Woods will not face criminal charges over the car crash, and he is calling it a pure, quote unquote accident. The sheriff went on to say there is no evidence showing that forty five year old Tiger Woods was under the influence of any substance when he drove his vehicle off a clip in Palas Verdes, California, on Tuesday. Tiger's doctors explained that he suffered from fractures affecting both upper and lower portions of the tibia and fibular bones and were stabilized. Was stabilized by inserting a rod into Tiger's leg. Also, his an injuries have been stabilized with a combination of screws and penned Tiger's girlfriend, Erica Herman, visited him yesterday, and a source close to Tiger says he doesn't want his career to end like this. So if there's any way at all he can continue playing golf, he will. Wow, I'm on Tiger. Yeah, I mean, you know, like Obama, like President Obama or text him. If we've learned anything at all from Tiger Woods, don't count him out, that's for sure. So you know, Alex Smith made probably the most amazing comeback I've ever seen in sports history from what he can't his leg. Man, they were talking about amputating it. Yeah, well you should. I watched his E sixty story. I went mold. They got the best marketing minds in the world. All they had to do was come up with a name that wasden racist. And what they come up with, Washington Football Team. Okay, they could have called them the damn Denzel Washington. They could have called them anything and all. They came up with Washington Football team. Who the hell are they paying up there? All they said, we can't call them the red Skins no more. That's all it said. Can't say nothing racist. Okay, cool, What we're gonna come up with? Washington Football team? You know, we're praying for you, Tiger, we know you're gonna come back. We do Washington Avenue and other entertainment news as we move on, the Empress of Soul herself, Gladys Night will perform the national anthem at the NBA All Star Game, going down in Atlanta on March seventh. Her performance will be part of a tribute to HBCUs. Glad This Knight graduated from Shaw University in North Carolina. There will also be a rendition of the Black national anthem, Lift Every Voice and Sing performed by the Clark Atlanta University Philharmonic Society Choir, Grambling State University Tiger Marching Band, and Florida A and M University March one hundred will also perform during the player introductions and also Steve and Tommy the Divine Nine, Fraternities and sororities will spotlight step teams from Spellman and more House colleges. So NBA, Yeah, yeah, I might. I had to Gotti, you know I ain't going stay right there and then apartment, You're doing good, you got a TV. I'm just missing cutters, little regged ass game on and sit your ass nine. I bet no see nobody I know down now. Dude ain't coming to my house ever again, Ethony. Yeah, yeah, well, well that sounds like a show right there. Yeah, hu, all Star weekend in the Yeah, I'm gonna look forward to saying because you haven't seen her in a minute, you know, Yeah, that's gonna be good. All of this, the marching been, all of this sound like a lot to me. I'm just gonna be real with you before the game, Lord, what time is this game? If you get into the second verse of the Negro anthem, whoa, we're gonna be in here, I'm gonna start crying. Hey, let me tell you something. I went to an event in Chicago one time at this dude debuts museum, the Bois Needs or something like that. I can't think. Yeah, and boy, this lady got up and had everybody stand up and they had a scream with the words going across there like karaoke, and they didn't knee ground. This lady played all three verses. Wow, how long is that? Man? Let me tell you something, because once you get out of verse one, man, you got to pull yourself together. Lord, let me tell you something. You get the verse two, they take you to some dog places in your mind. Boy, you be up in there man, needing therapy. When you get the verse three, WHOA, man? What the hell having the up. I just felt like Jesus, man, this ain't on the national anthem. This is a documentary like you ever been singing and itching at the same thing going on in here? And the dog man come on way, hey y'all, can we do something with the melody? Yeah? Man, it's the pick it up? You know, we got we got a lot of talented people. Let's just put something minute up. Its violins or something like him. Man, it's his stored let one trumpet playing many time and honor Black History Month. Okay, Carlin and I will tell you where we're from. Okay, we got our ancestry done. We're gonna talking to hit it. Yeah, yeah, I've been waiting on this right here. This is gonna be good. And while y'all doing it, we're gonna have an anthem playing. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In honor of Black History Month, We've teamed up with our friends at Gold Series from Pantine and Royal Oils by Head and Shoulders to help you discover your heritage. We've got your chance. Now listen to this, everybody. This is important. We've got your chance to win one thousand dollars in cash. Didn't you hear what I said? One thousand dollars in cash. Okay, that's a lot of money right now, okay, anytime, plus haircare gift baskets from both Goal series from Pantine and Royal Oils by Head and Shoulders. But one thousand dollars. People, come on, and we're also going to give you two African Ancestry test kits for the winner and their spouse or friend. Enter and get rules at Steve HARVEYFM dot com. Discover your heritage today. Get all the info at Steve HARVEYFM dot com. Don't forget one thousand dollars. That is big, all right? Anyway, So Carla and I took the African Ancestry Test. We kept did a secret from you guys. We didn't let anyone know. We're going to reveal our African Ancestry results right now. Drumroll please, all right, Carla, you're going to go first, Yeah, you go first? All right? So I'm a I'm alright where I thank you from? Okay? Well, the results came back from African Ancestry dot com and I found out that my ancestors are from Ghana. Baby. Yesterday you did say. I did say Ghana yesterday. That's good. Ghana's a great place too, man. I got good friends over there. I had Kenya. Oh okay, all right, yeah, I like Kenya. Hold on, I already know where you from already. I know you all have no idea I got You're ready, all right. I'm from I'm from the Central African Republic, all right, I've never even heard of it. I mean to Central African Republic. That's where I'm from. It you're a Republican. They speak French and Sano is their language. Uh. Cameroon is to the west, just to give you placement. And Sudan North and South Sudan are north and east of where I'm from. Central African Republic alright. The Congo is south of their Tommy, I had Congo right there with I'm diamonds. That that's where. But that's that's one of their natural resources, diamonds. Anyway, whatever I did, I had no Okay. If you want to discover your heritage today like Carla and I did, enter to win one thousand dollars two plus haircare gift baskets from both Goal Series from Pantine and Royal Oils from Head and shoulders and to African ancestry test kits for the winner and their spous or friend. Enter and get all the rules at Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to show. President Barack Obama and rock and roll legend Bruce Springsteen have a new podcast. It's called Renegades Born in the US, and they discussed race, marriage, manhood, and the divided States of America. Well. During a recent podcast, President Obama revealed that he once broke his friend's nose for calling him a racial slur. Take a listen. When I was in school, I had a friend. We played basketball together, and one time we got in the fight and he called me a coon. Now, first of all, ain't no coons in Hawaiian, right, So yeah, it's one of those things where he might not even know what to coon. What he knew was I can hurt you by saying this. And I remember I popped him in the face and broke his nose. And we were in the locker room and suddenly blood's pouring down and it was just reacting. I just I said what and I popped him and he said, why did you do that? And I explained to him. I said don't you ever call me something like that? Wow? This one, this one, I won't him and Trump to get face to face. This one, this one, I won't write. That's what I ain't nobody. Ain't nobody taking that man, No, no playing no games with you. I got something, I got something for your ass. I know the answer to this already, Steve. But have you ever been called a racial slur? Yeah? On the elevator. I was on the elevator in college. This is the first time. Because I went to school with all blacks elementary, junior, high, and high school. I never saw a white student in my life. I ain't. I ain't. I ain't even know where they went to school. All I knew when we had tracked me, we was gonna warm their ass. Now they was gonna be winning early with the shot putting, pole, vault and all that. We can take all these titles to the house. We was placing first, second, and third. So I was in college and I was standing on the back stairway one time and this white guy came by bust through the doors, and I don't know if he saw me or not, but he pushed me and I fell down the steps. I tool the ligaments in my knee, in my ankle. So I was on crutch and he played football. So I was on the elevator. I was on crutches for about three months. About six weeks in, I'm on the elevator and he got on the elevator with some fin and I was looking at him and I recognized him. And then they was drunk and they spit on all the elevator buttons. No, just drunk white boys playing a little college playing, you know. And so now I got crunches, So I take my crutching. I pressed the age floor. He said, yeah, what'd you do that for? In word? That was forward them on elevator. Was nobody on there but me, But you can't call me that partner. I was eighteen. Oh no, dog, I ain't had no money and some crutches in your hand. Dog, you got dog. I took that crutch putting up, and I learned how to walk on them good. I was on him for six weeks. I took that crutching fop punched him dead in his throat. He started a little blood start coming out of them. White boys jumped on me. They was warm in my ass, and that door came open on the fifth floor, and that's where all the blacks played spades and dominoes by the elevator, and they were stomping me, and that the door was closing, and I saw that fifth floor and I threw that crutch in the door, and then that bumper hit that crutch, and the dude named Bain say that wonder love. Oh hell no, let me tell you something. Them brothers came on that elevator. Whoa, that's that elevator was on that fifth floor for about five six minutes from the fifth floor. Bro, they was up in that they was they was about the business two. I was proud of them. I was real proud of them. It ain't nothing like a good ass whooping store. I love them. I've been probably called N word in my life about somebody white probably six times, really, six times, yeah total. Every last one of them is a fight. Oh absolutely yeah. Well if the former president had a fight about it, you know good. Hell well, m broke as all right, thank you, Steve coming up next to nephew in the building with a prying phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject I'm sick of seeing my husband's ex wife. We'll get into that in just a little bit. Yeah, but right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Now, Well, sometimes you gotta do it, and sometimes you gotta look and search for services that can accommodate you. And we have it, fellas, We have it available for you. This is Wife Correction Services. Okay, White Correction Services Wife, No, your wife boy correction. Come on, dog, shut up. Hello, Hello, I am trying to reach George Police. My name is Marcus with WCS. Uh calling and see if we can actually try to lend you our services. We understand that you're having a few problems and want to see if maybe WCS can bring a better life to you and you can have an exciting life better than the one you have. Now. Who is it? We are with Wife Correctional Services, sir. WCS. What it is is we take your wife for a couple of weeks and we reprogram them so that it's of course you have to sign a waiver contract, but we take your wife and we reprogram them so that they will act in a fashion of what you want them to act. Oh okay, man, okay, whatever she said? What it is that we've gotten some We've gotten some reports that you've been having some problems with with your particular wife. And I never heard you were you located that we're here in Saint Louis, sir. Okay, and don't worry. We're totally confidential. This is not anything that's gonna get out. Um, and and your your names are never submitted. First of all, here's here's something we can do. I can ask you questions because we've been notified that this is probably a service that you would probably want. Now, Um, has your wife ever snapped on you in public? And snapped on me? I mean what I mean she my wife ain't crazy, se on just snap on me. She might, you know, try to check me, uh say something. You know what I'm saying. She just gonna snap on me in probably so your wife your so, your wife has tried to check him, It's what you're saying. May not check me, per se. I mean she might. She might not like some mom doing and might say something about it. But so basically your wife is not in her place where she needs to be hold on, I mean what you mean another player. I mean she might say something, you know. I mean I might be doing something more, you know, might be with my boys and might get out of control a little bit. She might just say something at the time, but she don't just try to all out check nobody. You know what I'm saying. Okay, okay, okay, I'll tell you what. Let me ask you this one. Have you ever just had some plans with your guys We're gonna go out, and had to change your plans because, um, your wife. Well, I mean, if if like I'm just coming about hanging out and I ain't let her know or something, she might you know, be like, well, baby already had plans, you know, Can you stay home with the boys or something. But I mean, I mean nothing on the regular, you know, I usually do what I want to do. Seems like denial. Okay, here's another one, sir, Well, no, just listen, hear me out. Now, let me ask you this. Um has your wife Let's say, back when Michael Jordan was playing basketball, did you ever miss a playoff game on television because your wife wanted to watch something else? No? Man, we got two TVs in my house, man, I wish no, I don't even get down. I mean, I'm I have to watch the little TV. Okay, but I mean I usually watch it on the big so yeah. But but you doing You've been pushed to watching the smaller television. Now, I wouldn't push to do nothing. Man. What I'm trying to tell you is, I mean we compromise. We do fifty fifty in my house. I mean, she might get the big TV to watch her stories or something, and I just had to go watch the little TV. Let TV do go out of here. Wants to see there. We got so cool with that though. I'm cool with that. You're cool with that. So you're that you're actually the one that's programmed. And you ain't nothing wrong with my wife. Ain't nothing wrong with within my family, you know, honestand well. Let me the reason why I'm asking you these particular questions is because someone has actually let me know the problems that are at hand in your household. Let me ask you. I got one question for you. Here's what I want to ask you. Has your wife ever cushed you out at a family cookout? Hey? Man, hold on, man, you know what you're getting a little personal man. Is this even a legal man? I'm here, I'm here. I never heard of this company. I have not I've never heard of this is something new. It's definitely saying something new. I mean, don't make me be your guinea pig. Don't don't start out calling me trying to get you know, referrals or clientele or whatever it is you trying to do. Man, don't call me with this nonsense. Partner and I completely understand it. WCS sir, is here to benefit you, No benefit to me. Man, getting a look at my personal business one? And what's going on in mind? Household? Okay, Well, last thing I want to ask you, and this is the last question I have for you. Make it, make this the last I want straight up? Okay, have you do you do? Do you buy your own clothes? Or does she buy the clothes? You know what? Man? This man? You whatever company this is dog, don't call mouse no more? And whatever put you up to this? Whoever give you my number? Talking about my wife? Checked me or got me under control, got me on lock man? You tell him too, don't call me no more? This are you are? You? Are you in denying? Don't call house no more? I'm gonna tell what George Foreman or whatever it's Marcus Marcus podcast or whoever you are. George Foreman, Marcus, Hey, I'm gonna tell you right now. I'm gonna find a one. Yeah, I'm located, Dog, I'm coming down there, and I'm gonna plush up as you in my personal So you're ready. You're ready to retaliate on mealiate, but you don't want to retaliate on the problems you have with your wife. Retaliation. Man, what I'm saying you're calling my house, I'm minding my own and as you're worrying about who were watching what's TV in my house? And my wife checking me in public? I want man, Hey, doll, look, I'm telling you, mister, don't you want to watch the big television? Big TV? Man, I'm comfortable with the TV. I got you know what I'm saying, It's in my room. I got here across the bed, watch whatever I want to whenever I want to. Don't you want to be able to go out with when you want to go out with my partners? Dog? Not a fact you need to get partners. You call asking, don't dumb listen what you want to do to me, and your wife has already done to you. I see you got the damn number block. What's your phone number? Man, get me something, tell me where to find you. Why are you in denial? Denial? I'm gonna tell you what. You need to get your wife checked in to wife correctional services so that you can live a better life. Whoever, man, need to get a life? Man? Can I get the life? Man? Stop calling me doll? For real? I understand it. Can I say one more thing that you say? Man? Straight up? Listen to me, sir? Yeah? What what? What's his nephew? Time? Me from the Steve Harvard the Morning Show? You just got cranked by your boy justin? Didn't know what? Oh no, hey, hey, hey, okay, y'all got me? Man? What is the baddest radio show in the land. You already knows you my boy Steve Harvey doing in the morning on the Steve Harvey Morning. Your partner? Oh man, who you playing? Don't you want to watch the You gotta want to watch the Big tea? Come on, man, that was good. I like that one. Get your wife check this or you can live a bit of light your wife. Man never checked you at a family cookout and never went off on you at a family cookout? Do what he caught on to what he was doing at first? He was in white Wait a man, Yeah, hold up, what you think about that one stick? You know that's one of the ones who I don't even know how I went that loan really exactly? Yeah, you can't figure how you being pranked that loan? No, I don't know, man, I can't. That's your wife watch never well you know she you know, I do so to a complete stranger. You're saying, once you hit the nerve, when you hit that nerve, they not think about nothing that you don't hit the nerve. Man, you gotta hit that nerve. Push buttons, Yeah you did. I like the levels too, I explaining to a complete stranger. Though, you know you like to go out with your freeman, I go out with my friend. Once again, we're in denial. That was a good one, Likenial, All right, thank you, Nev. Coming up next straordinary letters subject I'm sick of seeing my husband's ex wife will get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. In honor of Black History Month, we've teamed up with our friends Goal Series from Pantine and Royal Oils by Head and Shoulders to help you discover your heritage. We've got your chance to win. Check this out. We've got your chance to win one thousand dollars. That's a lot of money. One thousand dollars yes, plus haircare gift basket from both Goal series from Pantine and Royal Oils by Head and Shoulders, and two African ancestry test kits for the winner and their spouse or friend one thousand dollars. You can enter and get rules at Steve Harvey FM dot com. Discover your heritage today. We did it earlier in case you missed it. Carla and I revealed our ancestry. Where we're from. Carla, you go ahead. You're from Ghana, Yes, yes, yes, Ghana. Yes. And I'm from a place. I'm from a place I've never heard of. It's called the Central African Republic. I know about it now, but just for references next to Cameroon and the Sudan and the Congo right in anyway, she never heard of it, like she never heard about the hood either. So when you're one thousand dollars, go get in the contest. Get all the info at Steve Harvey FM dot com, a thousand dollars at State Guys. Okay, all right, switching gears in time. Now for the Strawberry Letter. If you need advice and relate ship's dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you enough. Subject. I'm sick of seeing my husband's ex wife. Dear Stephen Shirley. I have been married for five years, and it's a second marriage for us both. My issue is my forty six year old stepdaughter that has been inviting her mother everywhere for years. My husband divorced his first wife in nineteen eighty seven, and his daughter is still including this woman and all of our family functions. The ex wife is the daughter's best friend and they do everything together. I don't have a problem with them being best friends, but I draw the line at her coming to family functions that I throw My husband's ex wife is still close with his parents and they exchange presents at every birthday and for Christmas. I've said something to my in laws, so they slacked off from spending so much time with her. It's my stepchild and my husband that don't understand that the ex wife should get a life and go be around, go be with her own husband. Yes, she's remarried and her new marriage is in jeopardy because of her daughter being all in the mix. My stepdaughter hates the new husband because he's asked her to stop popping up with her kids. My husband took his daughter's side and encourages her to be rude to this man. I have asked my husband how he'd feel if I had a grown daughter and that's always around us and she brings my ex husband to events at our home. He said he wouldn't like it one bit, but I should understand that a mother daughter bond can't be broken. So I finally told my stepdaughter to stop bringing her mom to my house, and she told me it's her dad's home too. I'm fighting a never ending back and I need your advice. How can I stop this woman from popping up? Okay, let me just say that everyone in this family. This letter is crazy except you and your in laws. Apparently, at least your in laws have a good sense to back off after you spoke to them. But this forty six year old daddy's girl, her mama, and your husband are ridiculous. The daughter because she's disrespectful to you of course, to your marriage to her dad, and she knows it. She knows what she's doing. Her mama because she's got a whole husband at home, and she still can't say no to her grown daughter and won't miss a chance to come to your events. What is this about. Her husband is sick of it and their marriage is in trouble. Your husband is an idiot because he lets all of this go down and sees nothing wrong with his ex crashing all your functions, and he won't check his daughter. I mean the line about the mother daughter bond that can't be broken. That's crazy. It's not about the mother daughter bond. It's about your marriage and how you're feeling, and the fact that he won't check his own daughter. This daughter is really sad because she obviously obviously has no life, She has no friends, and so she drags mommy everywhere she goes. Then mommy. She can't be wrapped too tightly. I'm thinking, because she goes, whether she's invited or not, they don't want you there. You don't want her at your home. All it would take is one word from your husband, and I think this situation could probably be cleared up like that, and you know they'd stop all these shenanikins. But he says, you know, it's the stupid stuff like the mother daughter bond. Like I mentioned so to you, I say, instead of talking to his in laws, which you did and that worked and this big baby daughter of his, talk to him, sent him down, Talk to him, tell him how you feel, how you know this is out of hand. How you know you want to change the locks? You don't want her invite it anymore. How this is making a mess of your marriage and it needs to change immediately. And see where you go from there, Steve, this is a stupid letter, it really is. First of all, Shirley hit it completely on the head completely. She nailed it in ether in every area. So what do I bring to this letter? What do I have to add? You know, I think this calls for a sermon, all right. I think that when we come back deaf Jam and Reverend Motown will cover this letter. It only a way that they can coming up. Our response to what they say is I'm sick or seeing my husband bush x y good, damn Lord. After this sermon, thank you, Pastor. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up in twenty three minutes after a subject I'm sick of seeing my husband's ex wife. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, all right? Come on, Steve, should I say, Pastor and Deacon, let's recap today's strawberry letter the subject I'm sick of seeing my husband's ex wife. We are going to approach this from a pond to lithical and by Garius Waiting. First of all, the subject is I'm sick or seeing my husband's ex wife. We're changing the subject to I bet not see your ass again. I bet night deal, Steven Shirley. I've been married for five years and it's second marriage for both of us. My issue is my old ass step daughter forty six years old? Why is we calling her or step daughter? At forty six, You're too old for us to be referred to as step You're just grown as woman in the way, in the way. She's been inviting her mother everywhere for years. My husband divorced his first wife in nineteen eighty seven. There's two years after the eighty five Maximus came out with I loved Deally, I didn't know, nobody didn't want to eighty five Maxim. Well, this helper was two years after that. If that ain't got has being wrote on it. You tell me what do his daughter still including this woman in all our family functions. The ex wife is the daughter's best friend, and they do everything together. Well, let me say this, if you forty six stepdaughter inviting your mama everywhere, all over the new husband house, all over the new wife's house, all over the people's house. I got one thing to save by that, the sad daughter, the old ad woman ain't got no man. I bet you she ain't got no man. It's right there in the letter. It's in the letter. She say. I don't have a problem with them being best friend, but I draw the line at her coming to family functions that I throw who. I'm asking you a question, deacon, who it is healthful think she is? That she coming to a barbecue where I bought all the reels were path and then we maybe we need to fix her plate that she will never forget. You understand what I'm saying. Oh okay, yeah, if you remember from the movie The Help, that's fix her a nice pie and put something inny. You know now that ain't even a whole movie yet. My hold of the wife is close with the parents. The exchange presents every day. Oh here we go, oh ho ho hole, Oh we sand it Claude. Now, oh now, we got gifts for this healthy she coming over with Crysta bringing bags and got names and drawing names and everything. Ain't that funking hum? Well? I tell you what this Christmas is gonna be different. Bring something else over here with a box in it. Uh, you're gonna get there. You're gonna carry that box back out of here, and you ain't gonna need no handles on the bag. You hear what I'm saying. The subject of the letter is I bet not see your ass no more again. That's right, that's right, that's the text. That's the go ahead. My stepchild and husband don't understand that his ex wife should get a life. Well, she has a life because she has remarried. But the marriage is in jepper because the forty six yo keep going over her house too, back over to your house, back over to her house, and bringing him ragging the head baby kids with him. Amen. Amen, this is jemper dies and not only the mama's happiness, but now your happiness. And you know why because she ain't happy forty six about to be forty self. Kids, ain't no man, ain't nobody on the horizon. I bet, I bet not see your ass again. My husband took his daughter's side, and it encourages her to be rude to this man because he don't like hu. Well, the only thing I have for you he talking about it. You don't understand that a mother daughter bond shouldn't be broken. That's a true statement. You might not be able to break that mother daughter ball. I can break something off in somebody rein if they come over one more damn. That's how you break it. And that's how you break it. That's the reason we did a sermon because Shirley coveted so well. Post your comments on today Strawberry letter and Steve Harvey got nothing over here for your bot communion over here coming up. It is our girl from the talk Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour Carla's Reality Update. But right now, please Steve introduce our girl from the Talk ladies and gentlemen. Here she is Sheryl Underwood. Yeah, thank you, Steve. Having a Steve Harvey Morning south Man. Listen. Yeah, y'all wild as. I don't know what so I heard y'all over that swap and spit and drawing blood. Found out where y'all from? Yes, yes, Yl did it? Yes? Okay, Shirley Scriwberry. Where are you from from? Your true African republics? Over there b Cameroon and the student Congo? See all that, I see that, I see it in up Tom, I see all that. I see the Congo. Now where you're from? Call us Ghana? Mean too, girl, I went to Ghana. Listen, I was so. I went to Ghana for real? Okay, it was for real. I went to k Coast Castle, cried mad and white folk all the way, playing trip back just elbowing people down the aisle, doing no return, no joke. Make you angry, yeah, lord, oh yeah, it makes you angry. The reason I went is because Zata Pi Beta has a library there under one of our triumphants, Sorr. I Sorr married Singletary. She helped us put the clinic together there. Uh and we have a library there. But anyway, it does make you unhappy. But I had a picture of my father. Uh. Sea Harvey had picture my father and and the man from Gonna snatched the picture from it said where did you get a picture of me? I said, that's my father. I snatched the back. He said, it is a picture of me. I said with him, we need to go on Mary Popitch because obviously somebody didn't whine to me because everybody I knew in my family I could see from Gunna. But okay, so Steve, don't you want to know where I'm from? What part of Africa I'm from? Fair Facts? Right off fair Facts, I think, right off of that. Come to Los Angeles you you will see all the African people over all. Fair Facts is eth open neighborhood. I go down there. I think that's where. Yeah. Now I heard y'all watching what y'all watching the British show with the black dude? Oh down, what y'all y'all watching the Steve just started. We've all seen it. Steve just started. We've all seen it. I don't have to watch it. Me and Junior make bridges and at the crib and now three you were going with that shirt. Listen and tell y'all. Ue, you better tell Peple what's happening. Zue. You had a little little rough shirt on speaking at an accent. You bet you better say it over that. You better let these people know why I'm swoon it and over that's what I'm talking. Oh, that's what get me? Who jesus, my shoe fell off? Sorry, Jude, We're out of time. Who out of time? We are coming up now. I will be back next week for the next episode of Junior in bridgeton Colin's Reality Update right after this. You're listening, all right, come on, tell me introduced and she is here. Let's go. It's that time. It's time for Reality Update with Colin Farrell once again. Reality Update. All right, thank you, neph you well, I mean really earlier this week it wasn't Tuesday. We already did the recap. I did the recap of Real Housewives of Atlanta, the whole crazy Bachelor Red Party, Sipping Bachelor Red Party, with the stripper and the sex swings and the swings. We pretty much covered all of that, So I think it's time for me to turn it over to my segment partner in crime, Missus Party. Yeah, well, you know what he's been telling us. You know, he told us about this new show he's been watching. Sheryl kind of mentioned it on Netflix. So tell everybody what you went to now, mister Steve Harvard, Well, I just found this new show on Netflix called Bridget that's just popped up on my screen. I ain't never seen it. Sean Ja Rymes came out with a hot one and it's in the eighteen hundreds and it's got blacks and white on there, and they all got equal position, and the queen is black and all this here, but they don't never mention race in it. So if black dudes walking around with white British hair and riding the horses and own stuff, and black people in charge of stuff and talking crazy to white people and saying nothing because they're scared of them, and then you know, the white people love black people and black people love the white people, and don't nobody mentioned it? And the leading dude and that I'm only on episode three, the leading dude's a handsome debon there black dude and held the white guild and fell for him, and now he over there, he working her ass. Half help. You know, he didn't taught her the game because she trying to get picked at the what looked like a debortante ball or something. They were trying to get chosen and everything. All these squads, dudes trying to run up on them. Ain't none of them got game, just run up on them, talking about what pedigree from family they're in and all this hell. When the black dude he don't want to have no kids because he ain't like his damn daddy, because the daddy treated him black a moss. And I hated him too because the star used to have a stuttering problem and all I saw was me, So I liked him right away. So you have me and him hated his daddy, But I love my real daddy because he told me, don't worry about that, studdy, just go make some money. You can be stupid if you want to. And so that's what that encouraged me. He said, Bore, don't worry about that. You ain't really stupid. Don't even worry about that. You just can't talk outside of here. You got good ass sense, you don't be something. So anyway, so this white lady got these three or daughters, Yes, and she got full really yeah. Yeah. And this chick that's the mama. It's the same chick that was in the Roman thing on HBO. She was the hot grandhead na in rome the HBO series called rome O. So y'all don't know nothing about this because I watched period pieces. Oh, so y'all didn't get caught up. She the one that slept with Caesar on the side. And so she plays the mother in this hill. Have no idea what her name is. So she got the three of frumpy or daughters, and she got one of them that's supposed to be the cute one. But she really ain't. She ain't fine, you know at all. I don't. I don't see what nobody seeing that little thing right there. She ain't got no body nothing. Just before we run out of time, can you wrap up bridgeton for us? And anyway, the dude is a player, The black dude's a player. Here duke and the prince came from Russia. Sweep off his feet. But she liked the black dude and not a black dude got to marry her for honor. And you fit to have a dude with a brother gonna kill his brother, be in a whooping the dude's ass. It's all over the place. Yeah, but I mean episode me and all I saw. Now the black dude now got the married white girl, but he don't really want to. But they don't know nobody white and black Inhill. So I'm just adding you hood commentary because ain't no black and white people in there. They just people. But you can tell they black and white though. All that's how I'm watching it. Ask black and white people. I don't know what Chandra had in mind. Beautiful way she did. We'll be back with more of The Steve Harvey Morning Show twenty after. Right after asked me anytime you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well in trending breakfast news, since we're on at breakfast time, A narcotic sniffer dog at the Port of Cincinnati investigated what looked like to be a perfectly innocent shipment of frosted cereal, only to discover that the sugarcoating was in fact a large amount of cocaine. Yes in the cereal, Yes on the cereal. Wow, that was clever. Though Vico, a narcotic detector dog with US Customs and Border Protection, uncovered a hall of drugs and a shipment of breakfast cereal from South America that was headed to Hong Kong Officers. White powder and the flakes were coated in a grayish substance after the dog alerted them on the shipment. The value of the drug was estimated at get this guy's two point eight million dollars, almost three million dollars. Somebody in Hong Kong is upset, Padna. I don't Hong Kong, but you can't let them keys get I'm glad they got it. I have a question for y'all. Did I like to propose to y'all before we get out of here? I have a what if question? Oh? I thought it was about the cereal. No, that's crazy. All right, Well, we'll get Steve's what if question when we come back at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In honor of Black History Month, we've teamed up with our friends at Goals series from Pantine and Royal Oils by Head and Shoulders to help you discover your heritage. We've got your chance. Now listen to this, everybody, this is important. We've got your chance to win one thousand dollars in cash. Did you hear what I said? One thousand dollars in cash? Okay, that's a lot of money right now, okay, anytime, plus haircare gift baskets from both Goal series from Pantine and Royal Oils by Head and Shoulders. But one thousand dollars. People, come on, and we're also going to give you two African Ancestry test kits for the winner and their spouse or friend. Enter and get rules at Steve HARVEYFM dot com. Discover your heritage today, get at all the info at Steve Harvey FM dot com. Don't forget one thousand dollars. That is big, all right? Anyway, So Carla and I took the African Ancestry Test. We kept to the secret from you guys. We didn't let anyone know. We're going to reveal our African Ancestry results right now. Drumroll please, all right, Carla, you go to go first, Yeah, you go first, all right. So I'm gonna. I'm all right where I thank you from. The results came back from African Ancestry dot Com and I found out that my ancestors are from Ghana. Boom, baby, yesterday you did say Ghana. I did say Ghana yesterday. That's good. Ghana's a great place too. Man. I got good friends over there already, I know. But sure you all have, no I did, I got You're ready? All right? I'm from I'm from the Central African Republic, all right, what I've never even heard of it? I mean to Central African Republic. That's where I'm from. Republican. They speak French and Sano is their language. Uh. Cameroon is to the west, just to give you placement. And Sudan North and South Sudan are north and east of where I'm from. Central African Republic alright. The Congo is south of their Tommy, I had Congo right there with I'm diamonds. That that's what. But that's that's one of their natural resources, diamonds. And anyway, whatever I knew what I had no other Egypt. Okay, if you want to discover your heritage today, like Carla and I did, enter to win one thousand dollars two plus haircare gift baskets from both Goal series from Pantine and Royal oils from Head and Shoulders and to African Ancestry. Test kids for the winner and their spouser friend. Enter and get all the rules at Steve Harvey FM dot com. Coming up, it is our last break of the day and what if question from Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after the hour for all of us. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are, guys, our last break of the day. And before we get out of here, Steve, you wanted to give us a what if question? Well, I don't know if it's of what if? But what would you do for I think it's a better way to put it. Here's the question that I'm proposing to each one of you. I'm gonna start with the ladies. Tommy Junior, don't say nothing. Yours gonna be different. Ladies. Yes for thirty million dollars. Yes whatever we said that at the boat And what else? Would you go to prison for? Five years? Oh no, no, no, no, do over? Yah Junior Junior and Tommy five years in prison, you get out. Fifty million. Yeah, yeah, I'm going no, no, no, hold up, I'm talking it ain't fed now. We're going like Pelican Bay or selling Quentins. We're going out there or Angola. You can pick either one. You can go to. Ain't Gola, Pelican Bay or Quentin Five years, fifty million dollars. I'm going down there, Tommy, I'm going down there. Do my five. You're way too small for that. It's okay. I'm going down there and do the fire up in the head. Everybody laughing and and go. I'll tell you that right now. I see they have some issues down there, and it's gonna be offensive to somebody. Junior, take it fifty million. First of all, I'm going down there, and my name is no longer Julia, it's Jay Rock. I got five years that you hard now you're looking up. Yeah, don't Jay Rock. I can't go into the Julia. You know you get on there with Julian in your voice. Down a couple of octions. Hey, I'm not playing the games. Listen, I'm not playing right now. Try me. Try me. I ask getting tossed up nobody. Five years, fifty million, You will go tell me I'm going, really what, I really can't do that crazier than I thought. I can't. I can't go down and do that playing, but I can't go down and do that. I can't go do I can't do that. No, I can make fifty million dollars free, now I would say that. That's the thinking, Junior. Yeah, that's out there. I just don't not here making while I'm free, not thirty million. One year three five. With the pandemic, we were hard months. Come me that show? Have you seen that show up? That show goes? That's sixty days in show. Yeah, I've seen it. That that right there. I can't do that now me neither, Junior. You're right, I'm not going jail five years, Oh goodness telling about hell? No, what if you die? I'm finding to pay for a few people while I'm in there. Ain't nobody offending? Do nothing? Tell me five years? Stop it. I'm paying everybody. I'm playing. I'm paying the black side, I'm paying the white side. And you're not gonna have fifty million. Then when you get out, you down about thirteen million plus in there for the fifth man. Please give you know they keep wanting. They don't they don't stop. You keep giving. You can't give me nothing to go to. You can't ain't gold of Saint Quentin and Pelican Bay five years. All right, Steve, how'd you come up with that question? I don't know. I just threw it out there. I just thought about it, that's all. But y'all was in with that thirty million, one billion to do? What to go to prison? Okay, I'll say this for two and a half years. Well we'll cut it in half. Billion dollars. Yes, he's thinking about it. Yeah, I think about that. Take me how much? How much? How much? Well we know you go, you go for five Yeah, yeah, you stay out of this time. Yeah you Steve has a price. Yeah, so yeah, a billion dollars two years. But you know what though, I no, I can't go. I can't go. Who on a half? How much? I can't go for two and a half years. I'm sixty four years old. I can't get out there. He's sixty on a hand, I get out, get out. It's got a billion dollars. I'd rather just gonna take my shot and try to make mine. Ye like, junior, you can make I like being free. It's it's not being free. It's man a man, man, do you know how to use a bathroom in prison? You're gonna get to walk into the yard. What's this not free? You get to walk outside and yeah, going out there. You know what's happening in the yard right now? I'm not going. I can't, I ain't watch shall shank you go all out in the yard? Pick up stones? Several times? Morgan Freeman was in that movie. Yes I happen. If if Morgan wanted you to go to jail for a yell, go with Mogan Freeman. Timer. They was in the movie, Timmy and Sean Shank but they also said cut right. Yeah, see they wasn't in prison all one for for five million dollars, all of you. Would you sleep with a person that you cannot stand? You can't stand this person? Yes? You? And would you sleep with them? I'm talking about all the way? Yeah, thirty days you got to be with this person. You don't think you could do that? Tommy that I'm married to that person. Yeah, we'll be back tomorrow, y'all. Y'all have a great for all. Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary, void were prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.