Published Oct 5, 2017, 7:36 AM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know. Y'all bag all too long, looking back to back down, giving them just like the Melican buck things. And it's tough y'all to be true. Good to the hardy guy listening to me together for stoop to hand quickly, hobby, I don't join yeah, by join me and be doing me. Honey, sat turn Yeah you're going to do you go. You gotta turn't to turn out turn you love, you got to turn out to turn water wanter go. Come come on your back. Uh huh, I'm sure will come on and everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and all. It's Steve Harvey man oh Man, got a radio show. Yeah, trying to make it work too. I'm not trying. I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm getting it. I'm getting it done to the best of my abilities. Now. Something funny my father taught me. He said something, when you've done all you can do, if you've done your absolute best and you look up and it didn't get the job done, take a deep breath and do some more. That used to bug me, man, when my father used to tell me that used the son, when you've done your absolute best and you think you k' do no more. You've done all you can and it still don't get the job done. Take yourself a deep breath and do some more. And you know what I found that has worked every single time, every single time, because what my father knew was that what you think is your breaking point, or what you think is you're all at all? He says, son, it's just something about it. Man, if you just gather yourself, you got a little bit more. Everybody got some more. And you know, I gotta be honest with you. It has worked. It has helped me greatly. And um, you know if everybody does have some more. You know I tell that to my sons all the time, that I did my best. Well, let marriage to something else. Could you have done anything else? Could you have studied a little harder, Could you have shown up a little bit earlier, could you stayed a little bit later? Yeah, well then okay that's what you should have done. Then See, that's always a way. But if you're going to create excuses, if you're gonna make them up all the time about why you don't get it done, I have a very very sad uh statement for you right now, You're never gonna get anything done. You're never gonna get to the top, not to the top. You can get halfway up, now, you can get a third of the way up, you can get three quarters of the way up. But if you don't have that little extra reserve in you, you're not getting to the top. The top is only reserved for those that have the wherewithal and the power to desire, the drive and the gut reaching effort to get to the top. The top is reserved only for the top. It's just the top to ain't but one top then the middle done it ain't it? You know, the top, the top of the mountain have where it's a different view. At the top, things look different from up top. So if you want to get to the top of whatever your profession, your field, your career, whatever it is, you got to do extra. You have to do more. More is expected of you. More. But here's what's really crazy. More is required of you. Don't live your life in the lacks of daisical state. Don't wake up every day with the feeling of, well, you know, whatever happens happens now, man, have us say so in your life you. First of all, let me ask you something. Who has God named the person that? How that God has given authority over you? Named the person? Where is it in scripture? Where anywhere where? Show me anywhere where it says this person has the right over you, this person right here, this one right here. You have to do everything they say and what they say. Only show me that right there, Show me who they're talking about. Certainly, certainly I have not met that person. Now. My parents were great to me, and there was their job to offer me lead, leadership and guidance along a mouth along the way. But as I grew up, man, I had to go out here and get it on my you know, I had to go out here and get it on my own. But who is the person? Nobody has domain over you. God didn't create that person. So what you're sitting here for? Man? What are you sitting here for? Letting people who do not know direct your path? A lot of us get stopped because we were worried so much about what people think about us, were worried too much about what people say about us. Why are you worried about all these people with what they got to say about you? And all these people with what they got to think about you, when here's the news flash, they don't know either. All these people that you overly concerned about, all these people that you going to these answers for, they need answers to stop. What are you doing here? Gather yourself for a minute. Here is a solution to all of that. You have one source that will be there for you to the end of time, and that is your relationship with God. That is the one thing that's solid and for shure, He's behind the wall. He's in your jail cell. He rides with you in the police car. He's with you on your job up at to school. He's down there in the board meetings with you. He goes with you when you travel on planes. He sits with you when you're in a relationship. He helps you with your parents and skills. He helps you. He's there to assist you. He shows if you do the right things, he show you and guide you to your next job. When you lose your job and you think it's a wrap all, there's some good behind him. Man, God is always working on your behalf. To those that believe you just gotta believe. He don't ask you for nothing. Else, believe in me. That's all He asked you to do. What you're tripping for, man, And then when you make the decision to believe in him, and it comes out your mouth from time to time somewhere. What you're worried about, what people say, What you're worried about, what they think? For? Why? Who are they? They need God? To you? You? You? You're telling them you found something new that you're gonna give this a shot right here. Now. They got some yang ying yang and some yakety yact to say about that when they need God too. That's what amazes me, man about people sit up in here, man, be knocking your dream and stuff. Look, if you're an atheist, man, do your thing, do your thing. But you can't create no laws while I can't do my don't make no sense, man, that makes no sense at all to me. You have the right to go be whatever you wanna be. You know if you don't you don't like the fact that I'm in school, You got my head biled down and I'm saying a prayer for I take this test. Just don't buy your head, don't you pray? But if some kids want to get to go that that's some crazy mess. That's what happened in our schools. We took prayer out of schools, and now look at our schools. Our schools. Man, you you you you you you? You send your child at school and and and someone else comes back home. That's a whole another thing right here. That that's not what I want to talk to you about. But I was just throwing it out because you know, hey, man, your relationship with God is essential to your success as a person. It's essential to your existence. It's essential to where you're trying to go and what you're trying to be. Because He made you. Why would you not talk to the person that made you to find out what he created you for. I ain't talking about your parents, who made your parents. This is God, we created in his image. Why would you not talk to your maker to see why you got made? That? That don't that don't make sense to you. If you're sitting and gotten yourself in a situation. You're sitting in the jail cell somewhere, you locked up. You're doing some time, man, be a good time for you to But whatever your situation is, man, God can get you through it. He can give you the strength the courage to wherewithal the understanding everything you need, the wisdom to get you through anything you're going through. You just got a touch base with him. I need God every single day of my life and what he's done for me. Man off the chain. But guess what, you'll do the same thing for you. You're listening to the ladies and gentlemen, barsy girls, people from all around the world. You are listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah, Man bad as Morning showing the land. This show is dedicated to football fans. Yeah, fans everywhere. Congratulations wind lose a draw. Football is back, baby. And if you're from Cleveland, like I am a nothing evil to be excited. Bounna love him? Damn Brown Corne dog pound. Yeah. Yeah. We lost the Cincinnati yesterday too. Yeah, score a point though the Cleveland score a point. Here we scored a point, but a point don't mean nothing when the other team, damn, they're got forty. It was a blowout like that. You're dedicated. Now, we'll keep your job. I like your loyalty though, win or lose, win or lose will be okay. The player, Oh Jay is upset. Steve. By the way, he bought one of those headphones with the mic attached to it, and it was cute. Yeah, he thought it was kidding. Sounded like a drive, so they made me take it up. So he's a little upset about me in particular, had mic attached to it. Yeah. There it is, right, Bobby Brown, that I'm using all damn day. I'm running getting on your like Janny Jack to drive. Oh man, big one, real big man. Oh he got it. Oh he got when we win it. He got cleats on everything that game when we win it. Who was number ninety? Did daveon Clowney? Yeah? Yeah, that's something I've never done. Yeah, what was somebody else name? On my back? I ain't never done that. When I last time I was a little kid, I wrote kareem. Now I wrote on Elgin Bail on my sneakers. Yeah, y'all don't even know who that is. I know, Yeah, yeah, yeah, I had Chamberlain on one path. Yeah. And you would have loved Chamberlain too, Jay, Yeah, you would have loved Chamberlain. How did you was that the first thing? You know? It was a high score because Carolina like, well, we got a couple of things to talk about. I have an apology to make on the air today and Jay's gottah. We're gonna talk about Yeah, that's what I told seven. Yeah it was late. Didn't mean when you got seven and on the team. Damn they got forwarded. What is it? All right, something's funny coming up. Something funny is coming up, and we'll review the weekend. You have an apology, all of that coming up. We'll be back at thirty two after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, something funny. Time for something funny on this Monday. Let's check in and see what happened with the crew over the weekend. Steve, looks like you had you had an off weekend, meaning off head. Well, we did radio Friday, but Friday, Saturday and Sunday I went on a golf trip. I played really well. I am the self proclaimed greatest every now and then golfer ever lived. Now, if you play golf, you might not like my game, but then yeah, but I only play nine there. But I shot at eighty nine the first day, eighty six the second day, which is huge for me for a guy that doesn't play be four times a year. You know, man, if I could play, you know, if I could get me six seven golf trips in the year, I'll be not one a month. If I could play golf once a month, it would be great. But I can't because of my schedule. But I had a great weekend, had a wonderful time, played golf on thanks Board, Greg Calhoun, Clay Burton, and I met a Sunday dude came over from Prompt one the Calhoun's Isaac from Alabama. Lord Jesus hit the ball for than anybody I've ever seen live with my own eye. Big boy Alabama were stroking that thing. Man one the man, let me tell you something I'm talking about where he hit. I stand in a holler for the ball. Oh dog one time? Man, I mean the green, he said. Man, this man, he was on a short, short port forward. It was very difficult, but it's real short, like three twenty. Yeah. Now, what clubs you play with? I played? Oh what golf club? No? No, no, no, no, golf club. Well, I mind is like fitted. So I have a Taylor Maid mostly tailor made. I ain't mad. I got a couple of Callaway Callaway Hybridge. Yeah, and what's your eyes? What do you play with? That's what he's saying. Mostly Taylor made no. One just woods in the others eyes. It's not right there, and you started talking, no, no, no, it's for real. You don't have to say, well, the most I played, but that was when the game first started and was out there, Caddy when it's very first word, Well when out when it's cold, because his ass, that's what we do know. We know that when it's a cold killing day, you know when you hand it back, advance up, jock up the game right now, locking up those of you that don't where this is all day, this is, this is all day. They battly each their own their illnesses. Junior guys sick of sale. J is a diabetic. So they go back and can you find this Junior don't like it when you get real cold because that from me. And he's gonna breaking out through the megaphone. Megaphone, he's going in. You're just locking up. Well after you made the this is not just here at the show. Sent in the riders room one day and Junior comes and he gets he said, Jake, come in, come in, tell her you know, Harry, tell me no, but this is one of the one of the guys had talked about he had drove a cross. Oh yeah, he said, man, it took me could be a few days, two days to get from Atlanta back to l A. And Jay was like, oh, man, I mean when I did that. I said, yeah, Doc, it was harder when JA did it because he didn't do it. Boy horseback all the camp fire, this is all day falling stars. So it's also part of the big news this weekend. O. J. Simpson was really yes at three thirty a mingo and they just have a steel shot at him. With his coat on. It looked like he had a phone, so he was texting, Yeah, I don't know who he's going back. Well, I think that their party words were, they told him that's what they told him, Jay, don't come back. And his words to them were, I don't intend to be back. You're gonna do something stupid. I mean, it's okay now, I think now, I think that we already got one seven yelds, I mean another one. Well, yeah, and we voted him was moving though he moved, he was moving quickly. Don't move fast when ye open the gate open. And there had to do with your age. Now I'm seeing young and old get up out of the Yeah, I'm gonna tell you right now how to broke out running. So now where's he's in a Vegas right now? In the gated community Florida. He's in a gated community in Vegas. They said, Yeah, in a gated community. Had another lasting is another damn gate? I see it gave you wall I just standing in the middle of the street for a while because what we ain't gonna do is another while my first free day with just being a park outside even tell your chip, yeah, man taking deep. God, give me a frisbee and a dog and go out there and just frisbee and a dog. I love it. But he's on what five years probation. Yeah, he's gonna do something. Put your money down. I'm telling you place that I can't believe he's going to do anything. I just well, you know what the good party is, and um there's a good part I mean for him. Yeah, you know that that was the right amount of time for the for this this crime. Years you know, if you're holding the two murders against him, you know which most people are still be there. But nine years was good for for for the for the crime that he committed here and he deserves a chance to get it right. I have a question for you when something time before we leave, Steve. Alright, it's Monday, so that means Reben Motown Diack and Depth jam are here with church complaints. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss and will be here. You saw her over the weekend, Carla at Circle of Sisters. I did we hung out. I'll tell you guys, all of body all right, ms Anna's gonna be here to update us with today's national news and headlines. And of course it's Monday, so that means it is time for the reverend and the deacon with today's church complaints. Yeah, m we got to get that argument. We've got to work with this boy. Yeah easy, very verosh Low with to come on, we today deal with these church complaints. You know, I happen to reside over the most ungrateful parishioners over convocation, any oil in the in the union, in in in churches. So go ahead, deacon and represent the complaints. If you past that, we have a situation coming up third Sunday, the Light Skinned Quiet and the dogs Skin quiet. At odds, they refused to come together the saing on this third Sunday coming up, and I need you to discuss it with them. All. You need to make a decision if you want the Light Skin quite a sing the dogs Skin. Well, what I've decided to do was release both quas and just let their kids sing. Because the light skin people have been sleeping with the dog Skin and choir and we got a nice mix now. So we're gonna have the mixed kid choa. We call them the melody Mulatto. They're gonna be singing all our songs now, the Melody Mulatto. They come from the Light Skin and dog Skin and getting together. They say they don't care for each other, but they have been compilating and making kids, you know, and they big hit. They're gonna be safe this year. Is you light up my life? You light up my life. It's just gonna be wonderful to get the kids. Go ahead, deacon, all right, do you think we could probably get step carry they come out past it and be a probab. What you're not gonna do is bring the NBA into this at all you know, and you know they they be selection is you are the light of my life, and then triple selection. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. Yeah, and the dog skinned boys leading that it's gonna be wondered. Go ahead. When I passed out enough, you know that Southings and Arenthal James sat at the back of the church. He wanted to come and have service with us. Now he did. He didn't stay. He left service aparently, but he left a note for you. He says he wants to join, but only if he can start against suit ministry. Something that's up to you to make a decision on that. We're not gonna let ol j become a member of this church, cause he's given he's been in prison nine years. He'd been pressing the licensed plates and making bread in the bakery as his job. Now having only earned twelve cent an hour. That came to his total earners for the nine years, oh eight hundred dollars. So he didn't tied it eight in dollars and then send it in total for nine years. We're not gonna be able to build nothing from the building front with old Ja Center eating made eight hundred dollars and sent got to do with it. Well, if you ain't making but twelve center hour, I can't fight you. I can't fight to get you membership. I'm not gonna have anybody we're about doing who they're sitting next to, and all this hill be scaring me. What we don't need a no scared church members. One lady said, I don't even want him cutting his eyes and something. Go ahead, Deacon, I passed to the gun band that is at it again. We have fifty two pieces of gum stuck to the back of the pews. Sister Merlean Banks wants money back. But how outfit that has been ruined and half the quiet members got gum on they rolled because we're gonna have to find out who the gun bandit. Ever, Well, I told you all what we were gonna start doing. On the roles that the gun band that has been hitting. We're gonna have a young Sunday school class sit there, because they usually eat the gum off the back or the chairs and and rechoose it. Let us know what roles that they've been hitting with, and that's where we're gonna headed young kids card class. They usually take that gum over and rechoose it, go ahead, Deacon. Solving problems, what I do, don't cut on the day complains, how complains usually coming solution. Since the Madda Jens Burns isn't custody as of Saturday night. She took a horse from the funeral, how he said, she was just barring it real quick, the run to the casino on that AND's gonna bring it back. However, there was a body in the bag the theopholist car, and his funeral was actually Saturday morning. The body never made it, uh, Belly said at five thousand and the Carter family is rolling around looking for her. Ah, you want to well, just the third incident we've had with the funeral home. Yeah, I don't know why they left the body in there overnight. Bath. Well, I'm actually guilty of a couple things myself, because I had all My nephew wanted a limousine for his prom and they didn't have any more, so while rented out to hers and took him in the prom in the embarrassing Yes, so are you the one that got the suit after Bean, because the suit is missing to Well, what I did was nobody in it. When my nephew used it. I just had him used it in four her friends with with him. They had all lawn chairs and the back really interest and when he pulled up in front of the from you know, I mean we got a car here, he killed it. That what I'm talking about won't be That's all right, go ahead, now that's it for the day. Pass. Well, that's it. Now. Let me say something here about all these complaints that we've been dealing with. I want to next Monday, limit the complaints if you can, do they have anything to be grateful full at this damn church. All right, we are great for Monday next week. Yeah, I know we're not, but I'm just ash if just one time they could have something to be grateful fall instead all the complaining because he's getting on my nerves. Not sound like sitting up here light skin quad dog Skin Qua o J want to become a member. Got the gum band and penning stuff on Chad right here, sister Matti instead of here strow the damn with a body in it. All right? Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have our national news with miss Anne and we'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. So we continue to pray for the victims families. So, Steve Um, we have a lot of news you got to this morning. Miss Anne is here. Yeah, so let's just get right to it, Ladies and gentlemen, she's here, miss and Trip, Thank you, thank you everybody. Okay, it is a has been a really really hectic morning, very very a lot of stuff going on and very very sad news. Okay, let's start out right now. Uh. In Las Vegas, about six hours ago, at least twenty people were killed and some one hundred others were injured at an outdoor country music concert across from the Mandalay Bay Hotel. Now, authorities say the gunman shot the concert goers from the thirty second floor of the hotel, and then they went up there and they got the shoot and they killed him. He's thought to have been a local man now that they know his identity, but they haven't released it yet. He is dead. And here is Clarke County Sheriff Joe Lombardo. I have two police officers that are currently at the hospital, one in critical condition, the other one minor injuries. But there are other police officers that were off duty attending the concert that have expired. We have no, we don't have those individuals identified. At this point, authorities say they're looking for the gunman's roommate, an Asian woman identified as Mary Lou Danley. They're not saying that she has anything to do with the shooting, but they just wished to talk to her. They don't know why this gunman did what he did, what his motives were, if he was tied, they say again, right, they feel that he was a own a shooter, a go lone wolf for some reason, but they don't know. So they are at this point looking for his roommate, identified as Mary Lou Danley, also a local woman. There were two terror strikes on Sunday in France and in Canada. First, police say two win were killed at the main train station in Marseilles when a man came at them with a knife. One woman had her throat slit, the other was stabbed to death before soldiers were able to shoot and kill the attacker. That was in France. Then in Edmonton, Alberta, authorities are conducting an investigation to a couple of attacks there and a thirty year old man is in custody. Say the suspect first drove his car into a police officer and then stabbed the officer with a knife. The assailant got away and isis flag was allegedly found in his car. Then he comes back out again. They say, the same guy later this night, later that night and rented you haul truck, smashing into four pedestrians. The suspect is in custody now. People continue to react to President Trump's recent tweets about Puerto Rico, in particular the one where he claims that Puerto Ricans want everything done for them. San Juan's mayor common Land Cruz tells ABC's This Week that she'd rather focus on what's important. We have caught the red take that's the one message. And number two, let us not talk about the debt, let us not talk about um the cost of reconstruction. Let us just talk about saving lives right now. That's right. Things have changed somewhat and that there are some people with water. In the metropolitan areas, about fift have water. But however, in the suburban parts, in the country parts, about only of the folks there have water. And of course they have been people there without water or food for twelve days that's why has how dire the situation is the creator of the award winning Broadway production Hamilton's not so diplomatic as the mayor of San Juan, Lynn Manuel and Miranda, who along with his father, has been working on relief efforts in Puerto Rico, tweeted directly to the president quote, you're going straight to hell. No long lines for you. Someone will say right this way, sir, and they'll clear a path for you. And in referring to Trump's accusing San Juan's mayor poor leadership, Miranda tweets, she has been working seven You have been golfing. You're going straight to hell. Fastest golf court you ever took. President Trump, by the way he's doing Puerto Rico. Tomorrow sad news for TV fans. Game show host Monty Hall has died. You may remember him from the game show Let's Make a Deal. Uh. Monty Hall was ninety one years old, originally Canadian, and O. J. Simpson is spending his first full day free as a freeman. Simpson walked out of Nevada's Lovelock Correctional Center on Sunday after spending nine years for armed robbery and other offenses. He was supposed to be released today, but I guess they said that, you know, we'll just do on Sunday, just kind of avoid all the press and stuff. The seven year old former superstar athlete and actor had been in prison since two thousand and eight after he was convicted for a botch robbery. When he left, a report did get to him and ask him, you know, where he's gonna live, Where you gonna go? Yeah, none of the business. Simpson quitted in the murders of his ex wife Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman in the ninety nineties. The Goldman's now say that since he's free, they're going to try to collect on that settlement they got in a civil suit against O. J. Simpson because of the trauma and what's going on in Puerto Rico. You know, Saturday Night Live opened its new season two days ago, and Saturday Night Live took on the Trump administration's response to Puerto Rico. Alec Baldwin and his reward winning portrayal of Mr Trump did another impersonation. But you know, he was like talking about, well, you know, what should we do, and uh, don't you know, you know, it's as though he did not know that Puerto Rico was a state or anything like that, and it perhaps that is the problem here. It is I want you to hear this piece. It's Alec Baldwin and he is impersonating al He's impersonating the President of the United States, as he's done for the last season of Saturday Night Live. Here we go. But you're in an island in the world, ocean fishes and bubbles and turtles that bag. I want to help you, but we have to take care of America first. Wait, you do know where a US territory, don't you? That was the joke that they didn't think that Mr Trump knew that New Puerto Rico was a commonwealth. Playboy founder Hugh Hefner was laid to rest in a private ceremony over the weekend in Los Angeles. He's buried in the plot that he brought right next to Marilyn Monroe years ago. He bought the plot right next to her. Lyman Row, by the way, was the first cover girl of Heffner's Playboy magazine, So I guess that didn't mean a lot to him. Maybe he knew her, probably personally, I don't know, but that's where he's very right next to Marilyn Monroe. And he bought that plot years and years ago. And just finally, you know the Oakland Raiders, by the way, running back Marshawn Lynch walked into the Bronco Stadium in Denver wearing a T shirt that read Everybody Versus Trump. He sat down during the national anthem, but his teammates and his coaches protected him. They shielded him, They stood around him so that the US couldn't get a good picture of him. That's what they did for Marshawn Lynch. And today's International Day of Non Violence. It's also International Guardian Angel Day and we all need one, right, Okay, make sure you don't drive faster than your Guardian Angel can fly. We'll be back with Eugene the Butterfly at twenty minutes after the hour. So stay two to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve introduced Jay, so Jay can introduce the butterfly, please, ladies and jam Jay Anthony Brown? Whoa you know boutterfly? Oh my god, you can't beat that, you can't beat that? Oh my god. I love, I love, I love thank you so much. J Anthony Brown. Good morning to you. Fairly college here, Steve Harvey, it's catching on. I came out on stage going to play Mama's Boy and somebody in the I said, dude, you said, oh my god, gotta have me giving it to the people. If thank you somebody everyone in Jackson, Essippi. It was. It was so good. But here's what's going on. I want everybody didn't going excuse me, butterfly, Yes, you sound a little nasally, just a little bit. I'm signing allergies. Yeah, congested, but I'm getting throned with I don't worry about me. You have to stick the stuff up your noise and squeeze it and then it it um releases and then yeah, that's stuff. So here's what's going on. As far as everyone in the office, I am having a Halloween party. Here's what I'm doing. I'm giving everyone there. I'm you're gonna wear a costume that I want you to wear, not me myself. I'm coming as tinker Bells of Okay, tell Anthony Brown, I want you to come as Hugh Half because you're like white women. Hey, Shirley Sule, You're gonna come u as Queen Elsa from Prowls. Let me go. Yes, Okay, Carla carl you're coming as um ever believe from the weeds. That's sexy too. Now, jim Henna, come as um Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy Crickett. You know that when we got to make any up. That's right. We gotta make any of the razors for you soon, all right, in last and not least. Okay, work with me now, I'm trying to work with you. You're gonna come as Ikaba Crane. I don't even know who that is. I know you down all. You can come as Captain Hook, you can come as Jowls the Shark. You can come out all you could be. You could be Freddy Kroger are chucking? You get to pick, Yeah, it's like a no brainer. But I'm giving you the option of I'm giving you the option of picking something. But anyway, I don't take your baby. I'm good. What what I'm there with? Mr Harvey, Would you please pick up heart please? Freddy from Friday with the Glove, Freddy Krueger, the night Glove hands that Nightmare. Yeah, you're picking for him. You gave him too many choices, butterfly that's around. I'm trying to gain too much. Yeah, alright, we gotta go. J Anthony Brown in the building to murder. What another hit? When we come back. You're listening to Steve al right, if you missed it, come on, Steve introduced J with Murder another hit. Ladies and gentlemen, Kay Anthony Brown, please go to my website find out what's happening when we started unw covid is seventeen October, the seventeen blue now and Tommy's coming, coming, Shirley's coming, I'm told the seventh Dandy Brown dot com. All right, this is um Capri pants faith dedicated to the ladyship with Capri's every day. I don't mean I'm not trying to insult anybody. This is not causing you any friends, He's just making a statement, don't wear them every day. Big girls are sexy, all that meat on the moonas Some outfits look good on y'all. Some usual leave alone. Well, I'm meant, let you know, girl an steer around. I'll keep someone bess or tape that look great as long as those pants are long lead no blood sad comprits getting one bite you was a seed of spent the billow your knees. They looked at alone, not knee on knees. Those pants don't have sex appeal. But hey, that'sh me. You willing too much l six times for a week, So do me a favorite girl. Won't you burn them? Cuprie? They look at them to man, you negga and you please those pass the longest, that's the sick time to reach. Should have a right to You've got it, you got it. You've gotta stop when those caprite since the please a little bit wet that much of my land, ja, they look better lower, they look aloner. Seventeen y'all starting off tak tusday Gay spot with Luna Talk. Man, you got it. If you got a business in Los Angeles, California, Steve, you gotta have taco that it's Manda mandatory, mandatory tacos. Every Tuesday they go crazy for tacos. Oh good man, there's superloaded. It's super loaded. I mean they go yeah, they load, Yeah, they loaded. Yeah, you load your tacos up. Yeah, load tacos. Man, your tacos are not loaded up? Okay? What else to put up? Their meat, cheese and tacos the other day. Hugos tacos. Yea off of cold water. I think it's cold water. Hugos tacos? Oh yeah, codater can And did you like them where they loaded load? It means a lot of stuff in well, I had a lot of stuff. I had beef and chicken. Oh okay, I had salt and hard shill Okay, yeah, you gotta have to I haven't had a hard shell taco. That's a crunch right there. That's some October seven. Take it out. J Anthony Brown, can I tell you something? You know how many women stop me? A circle of sisters holing about this hip hop? Peela was like that dog on j Anthony Brown has joined y'all. He is a fool baby camp. Your ship came all right, coming up the nephew in the building with his frank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after you do not want to miss two days strawberry letter. Alright, nephew, come on, what you got with the prank phone call? Your wife is having a black baby? Is she black? No? That's how you call your wife is having a black baby. Don't mean you want to shock somebody, shock a white person into something, your wife having a black bait, just like that? We fight? Yeah, all right, let's run it. Hello. Hello, I'm looking for a William. How you doing. Listen? My name is Simmons. I was I don't know how to uh oh man. My wife and I evidently go to the same um fertility specialist that you and your wife go to. Dr Doctor. You are you familiar with doc? I'm familiar with doctor. But that's supposed to be confidential. Yeah, I'm gonna weare of that as well, sir. My wife is out on business right now. She's she's gone for I won't be back until Tuesday. But I got a call today, very sturbing phone call, and wanted to you know, I looked your number up. They did tell me what was going on and kind of somebody told you my number you got You got my number from somebody? No, I looked up your number here here here it is the nut show. My wife and I evidently you you and you and your wife have been going through the same type of problems of trying to get pregnant and so forth and so on. And uh, for my understanding, your wife is what four or five months pregnant? I'm not sure. Wait a minute, my wife is exactly five months pregnant. But I'm still confused on how you're get in touch with me and what this has to do with me. Well, I mean, all that stuff that we've gone through is totally confidential, and I'm kind of offended that you're calling me. I understand that. Well, what's what's happening is, um, I got a phone call from the doctor's office today. It seems like there's been a huge mistake by the doctor's office. Evidently your wife has been artificially inseminated with my seed. And I was what I mean, I'm just as disturbed as you are. You know what I mean, because I mean me and my wife. You know, my wife is two months pregnant, and finally, how can they do something like that? I mean that that doesn't make any sense. So I have no idea. All I know is is that, you know, I hate to use the expression, but I'm I'm I'm your wife's baby's daddy and and no, okay, wait a minute, no, no, no, So make up that that didn't happen. That doesn't happen, no way. So I'm trying to make sure I bring the news to you and see if there's anything that we can do to I mean, I mean, after being five months pregnant, kind of hard to rectify the problem. So I don't want this to sound rude, and I don't want to sound wrong. You said, baby daddy, are you black? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah black? And my wife is gonna have a black baby. Well yeah, your wife, he is gonna have a black baby. But what I want you to know is I'm not paying no that i'll support. That's what about child support? And my wife is having some of the black duds kid? Are you crazy? No, I'm not out of your No, I'm not out of my mind. I'm just saying I didn't lay down and conceive a child with your with your wife. So I'm making sure I'm not going to be paying enough child support. But I'm not even worried about the child support. I'll pay the talk support. I'm worried about some doctor making a hute mistake and and and oh my god, your wife is having gonna have a black baby. I can't believe that this is unbelievable. Ubelievable and I can't believe you to call my house, give me the doctor, should give me this? What don't you want it? It doesn't matter who gives you the news, as long as you get the news. Now what I want you to do with this? Please? Don't be giving the baby no white names and stuff white names. I can't believe that you're so this is incredible, incredible. Oh my gosh, call me. I'm tending to give me that. I'm I'm ready to go crazy. This is crazy. Okay, this, this is this is no reason to be violent. Shirt. You see what I'm saying. This is already made to be violent. You're worried about me about paying child support and talking about your seed and your baby's daddy, and oh man, this is this is bringing the best out of me. I can promise you. Unbelievable. Man, Let me let me ask you something. So do you think you may need anger management? I mean, you're not gonna are you gonna? You're not gonna You're not gonna beat my child, are you? Oh? Man, do you know how to push man's buttons? I can promise you, man, that's crazy. No, I'm gonna beat nobody's baby. I don't want you being violent to me and your wife's baby. Oh spend this thing around? Huh man? Do you live? Man? This is this? Because? Oh man, this is well. Here's what I'm gonna ask you. Do you think you might want to be the godfather to the child to my own kid? No? I guess it wouldn't be my kid because it's me and your wife's child. Don't you say that? You crazy? Don't you say that even thinking about something like that. It's me talk about something like that, but it's me and your wife's child. So don't you even talk like that. You're crazy? Tear a hole in your head. Don't you talk like that? Okay, okay, you're gonna tell a hold and who hey, in your head? You're crazy? See that. This is the kind of thing. I don't want my child around, this child, this type of talk, this type of violence to your wife. Folks getting mad and want to kill everybody in the room? What you'll kill? Who you mad at? Why do y'all do that? This? Man? Can I can? I? Can I say one more thing? Do you can I do that? I don't know if I can take any more news to me? Man jumped to the phone. I got one more thing to say to you. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your wife. Oh, I'm gonna kill that. Oh it took a long gonna play game like this. That's wrong. Got me, man, You freaking got me? Man. Yeah. We listen to Steve Harvey Radio show all the time. Man, that's awesome. You guys are great. Oh Man, I'm gonna go find her and give her a big kiss. I'm gonna do that far. God, Man, I got one. I got one more question for you. Baby. What is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Radio Show in the morning. I'm nervous. You make me so nervous enough. You own the road man, Yeah yeah, Baby, all right, tell us about baby boy. How's it, Mama's boy? How's it going? Mama's boy is going all right? Tomorrow night, we're Riley, North Carolina at the Duke Energy Center of perform Gene, how's your gene, Johnny? He's doing good. Man. I heard he was stealing the show. Eugene steals the show. I heard. Yeah, you know what I'm gonna tell you. That's a toss up between Eugene and my character Bryce Steal in this showing Johnny gil really yea hold up, say that part again because it's got to sink again. Okay, say it again. Come on, yeah, let this trap just a trap. Let's hear that again one more time. Okay, who's stealing the show? How's the show tusa between Eugene, Tommy and shot Really? Yeah, it's just right. That's not cleaning up a little bit. Put a little soap burning Sunday, Washington, d C. At the at the Warner Theater. Y'all get y'all tickets. The nephew was coming to town. Who has to wait along before they speak? Eugene, Johnny gil A, Tommy, uh, Timmy speaks first. I don't from the applause from well, you know, last week to try to get more roared at all of us a minute? What happened to when you just go out on stage you have to wait because the crowd goes wild? What happened to the speak? I don't have to wait as long as all right today Strawberry let her coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. So we continue to pray for the victims families. So Steve, um, miss Anne's here. Yeah, so let's just get right to it, ladies and gentlemen, she's here, miss and Trip. Thanks Steve, Thanks Shirley. Okay, this is answered with the news, and we have an update, a very bad one. Actually. Cops in Vegas now say at least fifty people have been killed. Fifty There were twenty people earlier this morning they said had been killed. Now fifty people and that's at least fifty people killed in that mass shooting overnight on the Las Vegas Strip. It took place at about ten pm Sunday night, Nevada time, okay, but it was like one am New York time. It depends where you are. But in Vegas it was around ten pm. At least fifty people killed in that mass shooting overnight on the Vegas Strip, the deadliest in modern US history. The hail storm of bullets and the subsequent stampede leaving more than two hundred people injured. The crowd was watching a concert country music Stupid Stars right now. It was like Jake Owen, he was playing and then you hear the tat tat tat. Listen to that that's when the shooting starts. A lot of people are not aware what was going on. Did you hear the shooting? He's still playing, then he stops because he knows something's going on, and the people start screaming because people are getting hit, people are dying. The gunmen is now identified as sixty four year old Stephen Paddock. He was firing from the set thirty second floor the nearby Mandalaid Bay Hotel. This was in a park or in an area right across the street from the park from the Mandalaid Bay Hotel, and someone from the balcony was shooting uh. The officers there say that Paddock was eventually killed by the police. The sheriff also says authorities think they found Mary Lou Danner and that Danley that was the woman they were looking for. He was believed she was believed to be traveling with the shooter Stephen Paddock, and or at least a roommate. They wanted to talk to her because they wanted to find out who he was. Of course, at that point they also wanted to find out why he did all of this, what he was doing there. The master again started around ten pm Sun Day Nevada time at the Root nine Harvest Festival. That's what it was called to Las Vegas police officers are being treated at a local hospital for injuries that they sustained during the shooting. One is in critical condition, the other one sustained minor injuries. In addition to sheriff stated that there were also off duty officers attending the concerts who may have died the addendities, though those officers have not been released yet. The governor of Nevada, Governor Brian Sandoval says on Twitter that quote tragic and heinous act of violence has shaken the Nevada family, offering prayers to all those affected by this act of cowardice. Country mus and Jason al Dean posted a statement on Instagram saying that he and his crew were safe and that quote, my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved tonight. It hurts my heart that this would happen to anyone who was just coming out to enjoy what should have been a fun night. And the hashtag is heartbroken, Stop the hate, he said, We just ran for our lives again, just to repeat. The number has been upped about the dead as as a result of a mass shooting in Las Vegas overnight. Fifty dead. Fifty dead and that's at least fifty dead. At least two people have been injured. In ne Vegas. Was a concert on the Vegas Strip. Someone from the Mandalaid Bay Hotel across the street started shooting. He has identified as sixty four year old Stephen Paddock. Police have killed him. They were looking for his roommate or travel partner, a woman named Mary Lou Danley. They have her uh in custody. At least they are talking to her. She's not necessarily a suspect in the shooting, but they certainly want to know about Paddock and what he was doing and why he was doing what he did. Several police officers also killed in the ferry. Nevada Governor Brian Santoval saying quota tragic and heinous act of violence shaken the Nevada family, calling it a cowardice act. Country musician James Jason al Dean has posted a statement saying, my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved. Hurts my heart that this would happen to anyone who was just coming out to enjoy what should have been a fun night. Was absolutely horrible. We have a hashtag here, hashtag heartbroken, hashtag stop the hate again. They're gonna be talking later on, of course, and probably most of the rest of the day to marry Lou Danley, trying to find out about this guy, what his motives were, if he was involved with other groups, if this was a part of some sort of terrorist group or terrorists cell that he may have been involved with. They're going to try to find that out, of course, by talking to her, who he hung out with, who came to visit them, and all that kind of stuff, because she was his roommates. So we're gonna be taking keeping track of this old Morning's Please stay with us for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And this is a trip on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hold on tight, We got it for all you here. It is the Strawberry Letter subject the Internet blues. Good morning, Steve and the crew. Straight to the issue, Steve. I have been living with this man, whom I referred to as Mr. Our problem is he's into the Internet and thinks that it is harmless. I find it to be harmful. Recently, I found out that he has sent some new pictures of me to a few different men that he claims are off of Nude Africa. It's a nude website any who. I feel very disrespected. He has made me feel less than a woman. I'm not into this internet thing and he is the very first and only man that I have ever allowed to take new pictures of me. And he promised that he would never disrespect me like that. He has not sent Nude Africa Crazy. He has not sent once but three times. I have tried time after time to let him know that this has pushed me to the edge, not to mention that while he goes online, he posts profiles of himself and states that he is single and looking. He gives out a cell number and email addressed so that these internet freaks can contact him when he is not online, and yet he still insists that this is harmless and that it doesn't mean anything. It does because I can't get any of his time now due to the fact that he is always online and lies about it or tries to get off when I come into the room. This man knows that I don't play, and it doesn't matter what he does, I always find out. I love him and wanted to work, but I'm very sick of drama? Will you please tell him from a real man's point of view the effect and heartache the internet can bring to a relationship. I know he's listening. He's a very loyal fan to your radio show. I wish I could talk to you and fill you in on some more of this drama so that we can both hear what you have to say. Sweetie, I know you would get a thrill out of it, But until then, help me get a point across to him before I catch a case, all right? Ps? Also, do you think that I am overreacting when it's my body? And by the way, no he didn't show my face, just everything below the neck. But still, I know it's me. I know it's me. Also, I found out when um he sent the email to this other guy somehow it was sent to my email too, and he claims it was a mistake. Yeah right, Wow, Nude Africa. Never heard of it. Nude Africa. You're you're looking it up right now, aren't you. Uh? You know what, girl, You may love him, like you say in the letter, but he certainly does not love you. He does not respect you. No man who loves and respects a woman would would do something so despicable to her. You know, I don't care that he didn't show your face. It matters not to me. Uh, this man doesn't care anything for your feelings because you have asked him to stop. You have told them, told him how he makes this makes you feel, you know, him giving a cell number out and posting that he's single and looking what you know. This man is no good for you. He's no good you know. Let him go on and be a Nude Africa with the freaks and you need to get a real man who cares about you and loves you. Twelve after we'll come back with the code Cracker. This is crazy Nude Africa you're listening to, all right, Come on, Steve, let's get to part two of today's Strawberry Letter, The Internet Blues. Good morning, Steve and the crew. Straight to the issue. Steve, I've been living with this man, whom I referred to as Mr. Our problem is he's into the Internet and thinks that it's harmless, and I find it to be harmful. The reason I found out that he has sent some nude pictures of me to a few different men that he claims are off of nude Africa, it's a nude website any who. I feel very disrespected. He's made me feel less than a woman. I'm not into this internet thing. And he's very first and only man that I've ever allowed to take new pictures of me, and he promised that he would never disrespect me like that. He has not sent once but three times. I've tried time and time to let him know that this has pushed me to the edge, not to mention that while he goes online, he post profiles of himself and states that he's singling looking. He gives out his sale number in the email address so that these internet freaks can contact him when he's not online. And yet he's still insists that this is harmless and that it doesn't mean anything. It does because I can't get any of his time now due to the fact that he's always online and he lies about it or he tries to get off when I come into the room. This man knows that I don't play, that I don't play, and it doesn't matter what he does, I always find out. I love him and I wanted to work, but I'm very sick of drama. Will you please tell him from a real man's point of view the effect and heart and heart ache the internet can bring to a relationship. I know he's listening. He's a very lower fan of your radio show. I wish I could talk to you and fill you in on some more of this drama so we can both hear what you have to say, Sweetie. I know you will get a thrill out of it, but until then, help me get a point across to him before I catch a case. Ps. Also, do you think that I'm overreacting when it's my body? And by the way, he didn't show my face, just everything below the neck. But still I know it's me. Also, I found out when he sent the email to this other guy somehow I was sent to my email too, and he claims it was a mistake. Yeah right, yeah, I don't. I don't even know there to begin what you want me to say, Africa though, Let's start, Yeah, let's let's start right here. M hm. Your man insists that this is harmless and that it doesn't mean anything. See when a man makes this statement to you, lady, it doesn't mean anything. All your next response has to be is if it don't mean anything, what you're doing it? Mm hmm, that's all. Men don't do anything, and that don't mean nothing. We're very purpose driven people. He's on Nude Africa because he likes Nude Africa because this website does something for him. Now what that is, I don't know, But let's just take a guess. Me and you, lady, since you wrote it, let's just say what is it that he could be getting out of this website? Uh? Simon Necked Girls is on now now, his yo, crazy Paul. He's giving them his sale number and his personal email address. Now, what do you think is happening with these when they call him? And what do you think is happening when they email each other? What do you think has happen? You don't think nuns happen? His people who are willing to put theirselves on an Internet net kit and exchange numbers and personal information so they can contact each other to do what they already got the naked picture. See, I'm just a regular guy. But let me put it to you this way. After we get naked, I personally can only thank a one most step after that, I mean, I mean we neck it where the cards is too late. We've already played trip poker. That's how I got your naked. No, I won the game. That's why we nack it. Maybe we could talk. We was talking with our clothes on. See see see once we get naked, all the talking over with all the cards playing in domino shuffling is done. See we nack it. Now let me ask you to come on tom to say it again. Time to groan and see. That's all that s left. It's grown in time. When people get naked, ain't nothing left to do. It's said, work it out. I was sweating up in him. You know. It's lamps and stuff get started getting kicked off. Nice thing, you know, that's when you find out the bed make noise. Yeah, all that stuff started, never get starting, and fitted sheets up off the corner. You know a lot of stuff. You've had your finger nails go across the sheeting, sparks be flying and stuff. I'm just asking what did you normally do when you get naked? That's what your man is doing up, lady. He naked at the next level, this man that you've been living with. You've been living with this man when y'all get naked, what do you and him do? So, lady, what do you want us to tell you about your man, and why have to tell this to your man? No, no, I disagree. It's how man? But how man doing this freaky mask? Alright, he steals your man. See. The only way for you to stop this is issue an all Tomato man respond to Aul Tomato, it's the internet? Or is me all right? Steve? You know we gotta go. You can email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at my girls, Shirley and switching gears. We talked about it earlier. Players and teams throughout the NFL continued to protest during the national anthem before games. In Week four, some of the players took a knee, but most of them stood in unison. Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch made his statement wearing a T shirt that read everybody versus Trump before the game. I think that they've they've gotten it right, you know, I'm I think the protest is a standing. I think man, the protests is necessary. Uh for the prayers players to steal kneeling, I get it, I get it, I get it. Here is the part that you know I've been noticing Donald Trump in his criticism of the NFL players and angering them so which he has no problem doing it. He just goes about it. He's caused a lot of Americans, especially in his base and others. They've changed the narrative of the protests, and they've spun it so now that the protest is against the flag and the military, that they've changed the narrative. They've so wrongly done that to make it against the flag and the military, which is not what those brothers are saying. The NFL continue to protest during the national anthem before games. In Week four, some of the players took a knee, but most of them stood in unison. Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch made his statement wearing a T shirt that read, everybody versus Trump. You're listening to Steve alright, Steve, now what just say it and then we have to move on because I don't want you to be in trouble with no. No no no no no no no no no no no no. My wife, Marjorie don't know if she thought somebody own like she first of all would make sure they didn't come over. But they got in, you know, through a party for my wife and this person came to the party that you didn't like. I I didn't notice it because you know, I had, you know, my guest list be pretty strict. But he came with somebody. And I don't really do plus one. I gotta know who you are the only one to do that. As my kids, I'm damn kids, stupid people over the house taking pictures of everything. Neither. But I look up, man, I see this dude, And I said, how that. So I go and I called security from the front desk, people at the door, people at the gate, and I go, yo, yo, yo, man, did you checkerlist? Where is his name? Mat right here? I said, we saw it, Mr Harv. He came in with so and so I said, but I told you, just no plus one. Sorry, it was it was so insul. It was so insul. I don't give a damn who it is. So I said, I'll tell you what I said. Go over there, just get his coat and hand it to him and just walking to the door. Oh, no problem, it's hard, no problem. I'm so sorry because I'm gonna get you out because you can't stay in my house. I don't care for you. And so they went over there, and I'm watching the whole thing go out. So then he said, oh no, no, no, no, no, I'm here with so and so. So. The guards said, sir, you've been asked to leave. No, I'm only gonna ask you one time and then we're gonna we're gonna have to remove you. Cost the security. They not know, chumps, you're talking about the security. I saw that you got and I just say, that was the meanest thing you've ever done to me. Really it was you. It me. We're talking about like yeah, like, I'm like, I'm not sitting here the story right here, though, I don't want you to know. I took two coats how about that? But anyway, they got him out of them out. Oh boy, all right, all right, here we go with mean things I like to do. Come on, Jake's this is just me. This is me. This is not anybody else, This is nothing. But I like to do this because I don't know, this is not you, doesn't even represent you about me. I like, these are the mean things I love. I love to go to the store and whether they have the potato chips and just mash the bags and so when when you chips and just little flakes in that that was meg Man when you over that man, but you hit about three in the back three day. Oh oh, this is so much fun right here, anybody's been a cracker bown in the back. They have that big checkerboard thing where you play people. When the kids come back there, Steve, I where they asked out. I don't take nothing light on them. I act like I can't play. I want to play some check and I go in on the minute, round round minute. Oh that's right here, right, so much fun. Go to the movies, right and yell at the ending. Yeah, the grab dies. Yeah, I just sick down. She gonna die. He's dying about forty five minutes. Tell me dead. Hold that's right here, that's right here. So what's this is so much fun? You gotta wait till you see an outside wedding. Wedding outside, everybody's outside on the line. Yeah, oh that's what you do. You go. You gotta get a megaphone with us. You gotta get me a little right me later, I get in the car man right now, so much fun. Oh you know what when people stop me and ask me for diretchtions, here's what you say. Take a left, Take a left and then take another left. Now that means they're gonna sense on the block. Oh my god, I forgot. I forgot. I meant to tell you to take a right, take a right, and take another right. Right now. You need to be gone by the time to come back the second because they don't figure this out. Oh that's right here. I gotta go pop a baby's balloon. Oh my god, that's standing. That just all that so much fun? You know what that like? Do what? I'm still doing it. I love to go to the pet store with the dogs. You want to go? I know you, I know you want to go, but you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. Steve, our friend and family member, the one and only Emmy Award winning journalists and Gordon on the phone with us. You know, uh, we're about to interview one of the top guys in the game. Man been friends of ours for a long time, one of the great journalists man, one of those most thoughtful guys to out that too, very involved, very knowledgeable ladies and gentlemen, Ed Gordon. He has a new show on Bounce, A brand new show on Bounce. It asks tonight October sewod at ten pm Eastern on Bounce and we gonna find out all about ladies and gentlemen. Ed Gordon, what's up with you man? How you feeling? He is? The show just entitled Ed Gordon, that's it? And you know, when I walked into Banks, they said that that's what they wanted to call it. I said, that's it. They said that's it. I said, well let's go with it. So that's it. You know, Hell, they don't need a messing around. Then't need what they're gonna call it today plus this afternoon. Hell now they saying we need some identity. We're gonna call it and going. So, hey, this is a big show for you tonight, man, tell us about it. It's a big show for Steve. And this is the fourth and Storm. It's quarterly specialist of news magazine, kind of like a sixty minutes format. But this go around we did profiles of people. We did a profile of a brother who's got a fantastic voice, once in the generation, great reporter. Many people know him from that Doe he did with Kim holding On And if you don't know about this brother, you need to know about him. That extraordinary voice we sit down. Let's say, oh, I just tell Steve he would love Oh yeah, yeah, you don't know about him. You've got to check this boy out. He is bad. He is bad. We sit down with Yard that's a teenager from Blackish and she is extraordinary. I mean she just got accepted in uh into Harvard. Uh. He is just one of those gyms that we don't see enough of. You know, everybody talks about millennials, Generations Z or whatever they're calling him now, but this girl is extraordinary. We also sit down with Massi and Waters. We did a profile with her where I traveled to d C and to l A, which is you know, her stopping grounds. And I'm gonna tell you, uh it's it's one of those that she just tells the truth about Trump. And you got to see this. I mean, you know, all this Auntie Maxine and reclaim my time, but she's so much more than that. Uh. And she's extraordinary and sleep and I was really pleased. Everybody knows Steve of our friendship. It goes back almost years now, but you and I sat down together, and what I appreciate is that you were very candid. You dealt with all of the things that people have been talking about, the ups and downs, the kind of hurdles you've been leaping over for the last two years. And I think it was a great opportunity for you to tell your side of the story and get some of this off your chest. And so I was just so happy that you sat with me and you were so very open about everything. What do you because we did this over a period of time, what what was some of the subjects that you and I covered? Well, we really covered everything. I mean, we went from the flint comment that you made on the show. We obviously talked about the situation that you had in meeting with Donald Trump. We talked about the memo or the email that you put out the staff now that were and I tell you what else we talk about And people don't realize. And Steve made a great uh uh point here. You know, famous is not always fun. People assume who aren'tous, Oh man, if only I was famous, if I only I was rich. And I've been telling people for a long time. When you reach the levels that Steve has reached, that comes with a whole load of responsibilities and scrutiny that you don't have even when you're just what I call black famous. You know, when you're famous with us, it's one kind of scrutiny, right, But when you start to become famous in a bigger arena, it's a whole other set of scrutinies that you have to deal with. So I just appreciate that. Uh, Steve didn't shy away from anything. He didn't ask as a friend and he don't deal with this. He said, let's deal with this, and so that's what we did. Yeah, you know, it was important for me because I don't do interviews about a lot of things because I just don't want to leand gasoline to a fire that's already lived. So how people approached me about the memo, how they really asked me about the Flint Water comment, how they asked me about visit to Trump, what they really said about the memo. Oftentimes I don't say what I really think. But and knowing Ed, I guess because we've been friends so long, I probably opened up quite a bit. And I'm sure I did, and uh, you know, I haven't seen it, so but you know, man, I got I got some stuff off my chest too, because you know, I hold a lot in and like Ed was saying, you know, being famous, man, it's very difficult. And I you know, people don't understand what it's like, man, to have the pressure coming on you from especially from my own community. You you don't know how I really feel about black folks, y'all. Y'all, man, don't. You can't even begin to understand the level of commitment and and the love that I have for black folks. Now, having said that, I have also become general market and now I become famous to a lot of other folks too, say I used to just be black famous, O b T. You know I was that that was it that my life has changed. I've not always been best prepared for the changes that have happened to me. I don't. I don't. There's no school for this and transparency. And so even the visit to see Trump, how I feel about it, really feel about it, and how I got twisted and turned on me, But you know, we we dealt with out. So I think tonight I'm gonna watch it and I very rarely watch anything, but tonight at ten pm on Bounce TV, I will be watching that. And if you want to add, if you if you get it to me, after it comes on. You know, let me know because I posted I think as a oh absolutely absolutely, we're gonna get it to you. And I want everybody to know this though, you know, and Carla and I were just a circle of sisters over the weekend we saw one another and yeah, and hang on, man, we're gonna bring you right back. Hang on, hang on, We'll be right back more with Ed Gordon. You're listening to Steve Harvey. All right, we're back with Ed Gordon, journalist extraordinary, Uh, talking about the brand new interview with you Steve Harvey and how you opened up with his um on his show on Bounce. So you were saying it, yeah, I just I didn't want people to miss this point. And I think it's important Steve touched on it. But I was just with carl. I was saying a circle of sisters in New York and during the town hall meeting, I was talking about the show because we were talking about Maxine Waters and what she talks about it. And I'm telling you, Maxine is on fire during this inn last her did she disappointed Blake st Trump a racist? And she said initially she did not, but she absolutely does now and she gets into some of the reasons and and she's she's really really upfront about it. But what I want people to look at. And when I was talking to the people a circle of sisters, there were some people who were really disappointed in some of the things that Steve has had to deal with in terms of you know, the faux pause and some of it. Quite frankly, I believe and I say this, I've said it to him privately. I'll say it now. Some of it his own doing. I think there were may be better ways of doing certain things. But what he didn't get is benefit of the doubt. And he opens up about that and talks about that in a way that I think even people who may have felt like I didn't like it, after they see this, I'll be interested to see what they think, because you can see his want to do for us. And I don't say this. I know some people are gonna say, Ah, that's your boy. You're just saying this, But everybody knows I've not built my career that way. And I don't shy away no matter who you are, about certain questions, and and we lay it out on the line. Steve talks about even most recently the things that have been in the gossip magazines. But I want people to see the emotion that he brings to the answer when he talks about how he felt when black people didn't give him that benefit of the doubt. I want people to see that it was one of the I'm gonna tell you man, and that that was one of the most hurtful things for me and for black people, because they turned on me so cold, man, They turned on me so cold, and I went, damn really man me And the spin that really hurt me was a lot of I got if you don't know, I got there, but if you know me though, and you spin on me because it was the trending thing to say because everybody else was. And I said, it wasn't not just on Twitter or it was to your face. People would stop you and say mean things. But I think it's a testament to add and his professionalism and and everything that allowed you to trust him Steve to go ahead and beat that transparent and open up. He was very honest with he said, Steve, I thought you could have handled a couple of things differently, and you know what, and talking to Ed about it, Yeah, and the hindsight I wish I had done something so different. I'll tell you one thing I wish. I wish I never had took my ass back out there when I said the wrong name on that day I'm Universe. I wish I hadn't took my ass out there trying to be courageous and do the damn right thing. Took my ass back out there because I said, no, man, if it's on me, let me go out there, full well knowing it wasn't really on, because I read the telepump two minutes later, all hell broken? What dude, that was in your ear? Where is he? Damn director? Alright? Ed? You know, we thank you, We love you as always. We'll be watching Gordon tonight October two, ten pm on Bounce Everybody. Probably one of the best interviews I've done about some of my life. We're gonna get some of the clips from the show in a couple of days play some of these answers back. Let y'all see what I said. Oh, thank you, I appreciate your boy. Thank you. You're listening to St. Puerto Ricans and Hollywood celebrities like Ellen Degenerous, like Kem Kardashi and Rosie Perez Lady Gaga, John Legend, and the list goes on slam Donald Trump over the Puerto Rico and student over the hurricane. On Saturday, President Trump tweeted that leaders of Puerto Rico want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort. Trump seemed to be responding to, Yeah, I can't, I cannot believe he did this, and he called the mayor of San Juan a poor leader. I mean, he cut into her. You know, it was horrible. She was she was begging, said people are dying. People are dying here. That's exactly what made Yeah. She said, if anyone can hear us, Mr Trump can hear us. Let's get it over with and get the ball rolling. Some Puerto Ricans feel like Trump is blaming the actual victims uh two back to back hurricanes, but he didn't blame Texas or Florida residents for Hurricane Irma uh and Hurricane Harvey. As Puerto Ricans begged for help. Trump attendant, Yeah, you know, he was at the golf tournament, the President's golf tournament over the weekend, becoming a first sitting president. Yeah, and he blamed it on the She's a poor leader. Yeah. She he said she was a poor leader. He blamed it on the Democrats, saying they told her to be nasty to him, and she said, that's not it, she said, I don't. I'm not even really a Democrat. She said, I can identify with some of their values, but I'm not a Democrat. So it was just a mess. I mean, we still surprised when Trump surprises us. Yeah, I mean, but you know of surprise. Yeah, I gotta admit, man, i'd be I'd be stunned, yes, because so unapologized for anything. But you know, man, the levels of it. Yeah, it's what throws you. I mean, you can't even for a moment, do you understand what Puerto Rico is really happening over there? No, because you won't go over there. You're supposed to go over there tomorrow. Yeah, tomorrow, he's going. He said that last week. But man, after you say that, not not when you get over there and you see it. Now, how you gonna slant this? They say that Puerto Rico surrounded by big water. It's a big ocean, big big water, really really big ocean. Really really know that? Yeah, Yeah, that's why they're in the situation that they're in right now. But I didn't understand. He said now that they should well. He said that, you know, he called her a poor leader. He said that, um uh that you know, it should should be doing what well, that it should be a community effort. He said that, um, they want everything to be done for them and that it should be a community effort. They have nothing to help themselves with. There are no communities and is gone. Listen to me. The banking system is down because of electricity. They can't even get money. Then they stand in line for hours at grocery stores and the shelves are empty. There is no gasoline power for there's no power and no medicine getting to these all of that and bringing up the outstanding debt that Puerto Rico. Why would yea from people who really need Yeah, he does realize now that Puerto Rico is part but he realizes that now though does not. Puerto Rico is yeah territory. Yeah, if you want to talk about how much North Korea or you, then we'll be listening to that. If they owe you anything but what you cannot do. Man, I didn't know that. But you know, when I hear that, I'm surprised. That's first I've heard of it. He keeps surprisingly at the level. So you got over the weekend, and so did the President. All Right, we gotta go to break. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, here we go with just one more thing. And you guys know that the Carolina Panthers are riding high after yesterday's big win against the New England Patriots. Plus, the Charlotte Observer is reporting that the Carolina Panthers, Jay, I see that smile on your face. The coach Ron. Rivera is donating fifty thousand dollars. That's right, I said, fifty thousand dollars to the hurricane relief efforts in Puerto Rico. President Donald Trump, Rivera's father. Rivera's father is from Puerto Rico, and he said all his family members on the island have been accounted for in the wake of the storm. Okay, thank you, thank you. Hey. I want to say something, um, I want to give an apology or really sincere apology UH to Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. UH. Normally, when people apologize or they do a retraction, they put a little blurb in the paper. But I'm I'm I'm not that way. Look if I make a mistake and I made it on the radio, what I'm not gonna do is put in a personal text or tweet an apology something. But I, oh, Minister Louis Farrakhan and the brothers and sisters in the Nation of Islam, UH an apology for misspeaking the other day about a YouTube clip that's out with Minister Farrakhan on it. UH making a certain statement. UH obviously misspoke. I misinterpreted what he said. I offered him my homeless apologies. Minister Lewis Farrakhan has been nothing but kind to me. He has been nothing but encouraging to me. We have known each other for years. This man has reached out to me and encouraged me in moments when people were turning their back on me. So I have nothing but the highest lover of love and respect for him, period and the brothers and sisters in the Nation of Islam that I have friendships with. Y'all know my heart it was not my intent to be disrespectful in any way. So my humblest apologies goes out to honorable Minister Lewis Fara Khan and the Nation of Islam and all the brothers and sisters that that was not my intent. I misinterpreted it obviously, and that was not my intent in in any way. So I'm apologizing on the air. I want you all know, uh, my heart, that I got love for y'all, brothers and sisters over there, always have. We've done so many great things together with feed my flock out in the l A, with the with the with the peace initiatives, with gang bangers. Minister Tony Mohammed, his son, I've known him for years. I just meant no disrespect in any way. So I just wanted to say that publicly, man, because you know, he's been nothing but encouraging to me. So the brothers and sisters over there, I got mad love for y'all, always have, and the highest level of love and respect for him. So no disrespect intended at all. Please forgive me, all right, appreciate that, but huh, but don't do it, no, Mom, I don't even know what Dona or whatever you're doing, you know it. I'm trying, like, hey, we're all a work in progress, you know, we make mistakes. Trying to get it right among us is perfect. You know, I wish I would, but then they're still a file on your course. They've done Jesus and I close. I ain't even in the ball Jesus, yeah, I ain't even alright, So what have we learned today? Let's see, Yeah, Jesus lose. Yeah, yeah, these are things we learned. Watch you D Gordon tonight and C Steve open up some more some Yeah, like white women, we've learned that. That's nothing new. We've already known that. You think your president is going to Puerto Rico tomorrow? Oh yeah, tomorrow, Yeah, definitely. We'll be watching going welcome committee when he land over the hell yeah, what's americanna do when he comes? Mayor Cruz? Nobody out here looking for me, junior. I'm in New York this past weekend. Let me take the community. It was very upset Puerto Ricans, A lot of folks from the island. We're not trying to hear it. It ain't nothing to hear. Help telling you, Steve help, you gotta send help right now. You gotta stop all this politics in a bit talking about they blaming it. They should be a community effort. What are you talking about Viti say over that doing everything they can. Man, Hey, you know what, man, this was about. This was against mother nature. This rough man. I just don't get why he would say that. I just don't get it. But anyway, we'll be watching tomorrow when he um, when he goes to Puerto Rico, when he lands, when he gets on the plane, when he gets off the plane, all of that report on the crowdside. Yeah, it's just like the pans were saying, he didn't blame the people in Texas, he didn't blame Florida. So how are you blaming us electoral college vote? Yeah, they do the math and don't forget Tonight guys, Monday night football, the Redskins at the Kansas City Chiefs. Yeah, put your money on the Chiefs. The red Skins had a good wine. There is business really. Yeah, they're real good. They just need the forty niners. How they did there? They did their protests on Sunday. No, how they do The half of them kneeled and in half of them stood behind them. Right. Yeah, that was the most striking form of protests I've seen. How they did it wo and again it's had against our American flag or our national anthem. It's not against that. I want Kaepernick to get a job. That's what I want. Too many quarterbacks that are really bad for him not to be playing at them. You know we won't all Hill. Why we won't all Hill? My Leef said, it takes It's gonna take someone like the man who brought Jackie Robinson into the baseball league. Yeah, to hire Colin Kaepernick, and we gotta go see. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.