Good morning and welcome to the ride! Come get you blue ribbons and see which crew member does the best animal noises. Can you be friends with you ex? Is hiring your relatives good for business? There is much traveling that will take place this weekend and the crew discuss what mode of transportation is best. Are there vintage things that you wish were still in your possession? Steve is in the sharing mood and we see that in today's edition of Ask Steve. Nephew Tommy has some post 4th of July ideas considering that it is still the weekend. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog goes into detail about upping your Ask to God, plus more. Have a great weekend!!!!!
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back, don't have a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them move like amazing buck bus things and it's not me true good Steve Harten to move to other stud Please, mommy, I don't join join me to be doing me happy. You gotta turn you gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn out to the water, the water. Come come on your back at it. Huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve harbin Man got a radio show, Yeah, I do. Man. God been so good to me over the years, in spite of all the mistakes I've made, in spite of all the dirt I've done to myself. I'm talking about when in no one I was wrong, His grace and mercy has forgiven me for all of my sins. God can forgive you of all of your sins, everything you've done, God can forgive you. He can wipe your slate clean. Now. Might you might have some you know, things you got to deal with because of some of your actions. Understand that. But you can wipe your slates. You can wipe your slate clean with God and start again. You can repent. God has mercy and grace. You could be forgiven by God. Now, people answer another story. Some people may never forgive you, for you've heard them all, or maybe they're accusing you of doing something else. But you know they may never forgive you. But God, God is in the redemption business man. God will forgive you for every sin you've ever committed. But you gotta want forgiveness now. And then you got to come correct because what you can't do is you can't shoot him the crap. Now you can say that conversation with him. You know, whatever you told your lawyer, whatever, whatever you told the victims, whatever you told, whatever the story is you got going if it ain't the truth, you could say that with God, because please know, he know, and he know your heart. He know of you're trying to manipulate somebody just for the system. If you're trying to say this just so you can get out, He know all of that. So if you're planning on shucking him and jiving him, save your breath before you wind up digging yourself in a deeper hole. Just let me give you that piece of advice because he ain't nothing to play with. He's too great to be played with. And so with that in mind, I want to share some positive stuff with you to smartn man. I want to say this now. I want to remind you not to let your circumstance and your situations dictate your future or your results. I'm gonna say this again. This is important information. Man. Don't let your circumstance and situations dictate your future or your results. Do you know that in order to get a different future or some different results, you control that entire situation. It is you. It is your thoughts that control the entire situation. It is how you look at the situation that will determine how the situation is for you. See, the same situation can be totally different for two different people because you can say you look at the examples of history, just just look look in your neighborhood. How can that? Was a book that a guy wrote one time who had the name. He had a name, and he did some research and he found a guy that grew up at the same age in the same neighborhood as him, with the exact same name. He went on to become a corporate CEO. The other man was an inmate, and they had the same name, grew up in the same neighborhood. They were both brothers, you know not, I'm just saying brothers men, and they grew and they went to them. Because how can two different, two people the same situation and the results turn out so different. It is because of the thought process of one was completely different from the thought process of the other. You control it. You don't have to let your circumstances and your situations dictate your future. Are your results. Here's the way it works. This is so you can understand this. Your mind. It's the controlling factor of your thoughts. Your thoughts are the controlling factor of your outcome. The Bible says a man is as he thinketh. Please don't short play this scripture here, because this one is the real deal. This is the basis of every self improvement book you'll ever read. It's already written in the Bible. The Bible has all the information you need. But in case you need a little bit of clarity in some simple modern day language, then they have self improvement books. They are all based on Biblical scripture. A man is as he thinketh. That's why Norman Vincent Peale wrote the book The Power of Positive Thinking. That's why a book came out called The Magic of Thinking Big. That's why a book came out called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hell. That it all of you. All these titles that I've read that have mattered in my life the most, These three major books that I've read, they all say one thing. Think thinking thoughts, because that's what controls the outcome. Your brain works one of two ways. It works positive or negative. It works good, which is under the column of positive, or to work evil, which is under the column of negative. It will have faith, which is under the column of positive, or you will operate in fear, which is in the column of negative. That is the only way your mind works. Your mind is a factory that's comprised of workers. Those workers are controlled by two formings, forming positive and forming negative. But guess what the CEO of the company, the head, man, the boss is you. You come to work in the morning and you say, man, today is a great day. I'm going to take steps towards brightening my future. I'm going to take another step into making that dream come true that I've been thinking about. I'm gonna take another step forward in the development and the changing of my life in a positive, good direction. If you come to work and say that every day as the CEO, the boss, the formans can only obey you, so that what you just said was a series of positive statements then forming positive steps to the forefront. He said, I got your boss right away. He turns around, he blows the whistle. He alerts all the workers in the factory today as a good day. Today, we will take steps towards our future. Today we are putting ourselves on track to get a little bit closer to making our dreams come true. Today we will be assembling all the things we need to make our dreams come true and our life better in the right direction. Everybody break. The workers in the factory turn around and manufacture thoughts to justify the orders given by the boss, which is you. You You are the CEO of your corporation. If you don't own nothing else, you own everything that's going on between your two ears. You are the CEO of that corporation. If that corporation is a good one, it's because you set it up that way. If your corporation is a bad one, it's because you set it up that day. If you trying, if you pushing towards your dreams, and you see the possibility of things happening in your life is because you, as the CEO, set it up that way. If you ain't got nothing popping, if you just want to be a criminal taking stuff from people, throwing your life out the window, you're gonna be an inmate. You're gonna be sitting there there and you're gonna be mad at everybody. You got nobody be mad at. But shoot, you understand what I'm telling you this morning? Huh? You're listening morning show. Ladies and gentlemen. We are here today, gathered for the radio show. This is not a game. This is a contest. Anybody can win it. You can get your own blue ribbon. Step right up, one, all for one, All ye who come? You are blue ribbon candidates. Welcome to the Steve Harvey Contest. What do you want a blue ribbon in today? That's the question, Shirley, what do you think you can qualify to get a blue ribbon in just the way I do the show, the way I run the show? Carla, what do you think you could get a blue ribbon in the way I direct the show. Now, let's begin the ignorance. Junior, what do you think you can get a blue ribbon? I could get a blue ribbon in animal sound? He see that? Let them begin, Jay, what do you think you could get a blue ribbon in ignorance from nowhere? When you don't think it's coming straight ignorant ignorance out of nowhere? Nephew, Tommy, share with us what you could get a blue ribbon in that you have probably already had thousand the seriousness of stupidity. I bring it to a whole nother lovel I just have to say one thing, seriously, Junior, I take offense with what you did, because on the show, I do animal noises. I do animals, animal animal You can't change your answer. You you don't do you don't do but one he doesn't do animal noises, animal noises on the show. No, okay, stop stop stop stop stop? Sureley do a kangaroo? Whatever? Did this? Can? Okay, Shirley do a gorilla? Okay, okay, okay, okay, Shirley, not do a chimpanzee. He's good at that, man, She's really good at that. Was Caesar? Who was that? Who was that Sheley. Yeah, that was Shirley Man, that was that was her best one. Watched her kills. Do a dog, Shirley, Okay, Shirley, Shirley, do a sheep? Shey, Shelly, do a pikers just had a spell. It don't sound like I don't know like I didn't just the word. I don't know what a kangaroo sounds like. Show. We'll be back, mo. Shirley sounds right all morning to talent and we didn't even know she did animals sound Jule when we come back. You're listening to morning show? Can you be friends with your ex? And what does it take to be friends with you? I don't give a damn what they do. I don't give my no no, he said. Now, I've been court wave too many times. Hell, my answer can't even be said on the ass. All right, Junior, friends, we're not gonna be friends? Okay, Junior? Can you be friends with an act? I would like to have been? They just don't want me. You keep leaving me. I still be there. You're the sweetest guy ever. Yeah, but I still be there. Quit acting like no one wants you. You're so sweet, You're come on, now, I know what anybody want him? Come on, Junior, tell the truth. Now, don't know, Junior, don't you let them make you cute? What? Let's stop, Let's stop, don't you I know I ain't make you ugly? Don't let him? Can you save my daddy? You all look just like, Yeah, I love your looking man, not according to your bank account? Get the que do you get? Thank you? But wait a minute, even even besides that, Junior, why do you go to the gym every day? Then? If what why do you go to the gym? I gotta sit the sales shout. I guess to be in shapeful something. But yeah, but you yeah, but you got to fight, you say for nobody. This is this is for me. Started slimming down. You got your gun for he The text is getting stronger to say for nobody for me. All right, jay, let me let me ask you give me friends with your eggs. All the stuff I've lost in every divorce, all of them, every land, one of them. I got that back and more so I'm cool now I'm cools. Yeah, we're cool. You know. I ain't gonna go out of my way not to speak. Well, that's that's not being a friend. I know, I know one that you cool with. No, I'm cool with up. No, you need a number about to throw excuse me what I'm about? Number? You got caught out? Jay? I can tell you this. I can tell you this. You need to listen to this. The very first divorce, which had was a long time ago, has not spoken to me since then. Really, I'm talking about Mama, Dad, Dad? Did you know not a word? Not a word? Have y'all seen each other? Yeah? No, is that she saw you, Jay? Because I know him, She saw him. She just missed. He threw something out of him. Yeah, she had his ass lined up. She just missed. I'm a nice guy. I'm a very nice until you married me. Wow, that is you in a nutshell? Is that the truth? Steve? That sounds like the truth right there? Did you hear what he said? But Jay is a nice guy all the way around, He really is. He just you know all it is. And I'm gonna tell you about my friend. The only thing is he just doesn't He never developed conflict resolution skills. He just walked out. He don't. He don't the conflict resolution. He just looked at you and you just keep talking crazy. He just look at you. Wide and then one day, then one day he just drive off. Yeah he doesn't come back. Steve ain't man ain't I ain't I ain't he Hey, I don't even do all that. Yeah, I don't like to argue, though, I don't. All right, now, let's get to the name. Your job long than I've ever been married. That's crazy, all right, nephew, you're the newest to marry in the group. Can you be friends with an ex if we're still doing it? You know? I mean that makes sense right, No, only to you. I think, I mean we should do it. Then we might well still be friends if we're still doing it. But if we're not, I think you're still involved. That's not really the yea. Yeah, doing it involved is not the same thing. Carlin, You're well, what else is left after that? What are we doing it? We ain't talking after you do it? That's wasn't next? So only friends you have are friends with benefits? Karl? What's the purpose of a friend? Wow? Wow? To do over? Yeah? Sure you want me to do it? No? No, no, I mean get your nephew stefe. No, he's saying, listen to me. I listened to me. It's times when he not my nephew. Would this be one of those times I'm going, Oh, I know when to disown. It's times where disowning him is just the best way to handle it, you know. I look, when he says something so damn stupid, why do I have to stop him? I'll do nothing but be stopping him all damn day though. Okay, but some of some of it you gotta go. I say stuff that makes sense, it's just you don't want to digest it. Well, the thing that's really got me is that out of all of you guys, Jay is the only one that can remain friends with his axe, the bitter man of the bunch. That is crazy. And it's only one Shirley, And I know exactly. I could say her name right now, could I? Ja? Jacob? Same? Okay? That that is if I say the wrong name, You're not No, you're not. Wow? How many ext we don't need to tell about it? Okay, marry lot up, Junior? What well you went all the way back there? All right? Coming up? More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show, so journey right after then, Yeah, you're listening show right now. It's time for the nephew to run that prank back ned. Let's run it back to all you all you praise dancers out there. This goes out to all of you all. Pray. Yeah, yeah, upset some people on this one. Yeah. Did that run go out on the radio? Yes? Yes, yes? Do you guys do what I like? Praise dance? That ain't for me? Pray We'll talk about the minute praise dance for y'all. Hello, this is the day that the Lord is May let us rejoice and be glad in And how you doing? I'm looking for uh Stania? This is Sitania, Satia. This is brother Fuller from the church. How are you? Oh, I'm brother, How are you? I'm good? I'm good. Um. We wanted to give you a call about the about the praise dancing that's at the church. First of all, I wanted to really show you how much uh you're doing a great job over there with the praise dances and you you definitely do a great job on uh on on on every third Tunday that you guys actually perform. Everybody seemed to really like it. Well, thank you, thank you. What can I do for you today? There is a bit of a situation with um, you know, it's been brought to our attention. We actually had a small gathering, a little meeting about it and wanted to I've been elected to actually give you a pall and who is this again? I'm sorry, who are you again? Brother full of uh huh and and and who had a meeting uh some of the brothers at the church and uh path to actually set in for a moment on it. And I was actually elected to actually just give you a call that nothing that I don't think we can't get uh rectified and you know, move on slowly as we normally do. But I just think it's we wanted to reach out to you and kind of make you aware of it. If it's if you don't mind, okay, um? And what things are those? Well? Since a Tania has any of the praise dancers before they became praise dancers? Was was was any of them strippers? I beg your partner, Was any of the praise dancers that at the church that you have on the praise team right now? Was any of them strippers in the past? I'm sorry, sir, I don't I don't really know who you are, and I don't really understand this line of question. Like I said, I'm brother Fuller. I don't think we've met, but uh, like I said, I've been electing to give you a call it seeing what happened is this past week when you all actually danced, it seemed like a couple of the girls was actually gyrating during the phrase routine. Hey what jat raiding? Brother Fuller. I don't know who you are, and I don't know what you saw. None of my girls with j rating. They would dancing for the Lord. And I think if you look through your lord's eye, perhaps you would see them better instead of maybe you were looking through the jar raiding eye. Look, some of these girls are a couple of the girls. We can poll them out a couple of them. How uh strip girl tendencies of it? Then? Because some of them has been strip girls tendencies? You know what, sir? I think we need to complete this call. Perhaps I need to call Bish up and speak to him myself, because you know, I don't know what you do all days, but I have a real job and I'm sitting here holding the conversation in my office about jar rating strippers in the church. Are you kidding me, ma'am? Listen, listen now, here's a couple other things that they're talking about. Some of the girls feet a real ass you when you all a performing and they want to see it, maybe you can, you can, I don't know. Maybe I don't know if y'all need to grip or whatever that y'all don't. Y'all don't put lotion on. We're not sure what that is. As well as the totally alpile. Everybody has three, four, five different designs and everything is it? Any way, y'all can be in unison with you're totally polis. But the most important thing ill to Ji Raden doing the Dan's routine. I don't know what your feet look like. I don't need you calling me talking to me about my girls their feet, their nail polis. Perhaps your man should be on Jesus instead of them, how about that man from time? I don't have time, mamma, and to be on Jesus when somebody shaking them. But at the church, now that's the problem. I know what. Look, I'm at work now, I'm trying to keep a work tone. You're gonna make me curse up here, and now let me tell you something. Don't call me anymore. I will deal with pastor. If he has something to say with me, he can say it to me personally. But I'm done with this conversation. Are you gonna deal with the jy rating? Is what we want to know? Maybe you know what? It just hit me. Maybe you're one of the ones that's doing the GI rate. Look, let me tell you something. My girls ain't doing no damn jar rating, and neither am I. Now I am done with this conversation. Do you understand? But listen, I'm done? Are you done with the rating? That's because we want to stop so we can we can't praise the Lord if the booty isn't shake you know what, I gotta go to work now again. I don't know what your issue is. It sounds to me like you have an issue which I reading booties And I heard so much gy reading booties in one conversation in my entire life. Now my mind is set on Jesus. I don't know what your mind is set on. What's to tell you? Before you was a praise then a ministry over the ministry? Did you ll use to strip? Yeah? I didn't do no stripping? Now did you? Why do any stripping? What did you what I'm gonna do any stripping whatever. Do you hear what I said? How do you like doing? Somebody? You would ask you if your mama get some script? And how do you like that? Oh? I'm saying, you know what? I want to know? When is the next rehearsal. That the way I can come and pick out of who it is that's doing this. Jill, you don't have you don't have any visages at my rehearsal. I don't want to see you at my rehearsal. I don't want to. I don't want to see any part for you in my rehearse if I see you near one of my girls. That's why I'm coming up for you myself. Do you understand me? I need to find out who's doing that job? Damn thing? You need to say? Your body in y'r own high and I'm glad y'all ain't this? And when the when the when the plate is being paid? Because I ain't not telling her you act with them? One's coming through it, you know what. That's it. That's it. You call me disrespecting me. I'm at work. They can't even have this to more? You know what, don't call me no more? Don't look at my girls no more. Man come to the church and see what I got for it. I don't want to know. Is you're gonna stop the job rating is doing. Don't do it? Damn thing who they do talking to like that? You're supposed to be a minute of stop your side. Yeah, let's have done listening to tell you now, I'm getting ready to job. When I got one more thing to say to you, fold your lead. Now you ain't got a damn thing to say to me. I feel I was then, and I said, I got one more thing to say? Is you listen? You know what? Men? Get off my phone. I'm gonna say it anyway. This is Nephew Timment from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your entire praise and ministry congregation. All your girls got me the frank phone called you. Oh I'm a shoot for real. Oh I think I'm chursing on the radio. Oh oh, which is why I was. You know what it was all of them. I talked five of us. Now I got some explaining this show. Lord ha Mercy, you did good though you did really hung in there. Oh wait, I talked to bishop. You might want to Oh. I think I'm gonna have a show. I got one thing to ask you. Tell you what it is, the baddest radio show in the land, nobody else but the Steve Harvey More on the show s Huh, you don't, I mean when you're listening to my praise dancer. Yeah, you don't think get some people up there? Don't need to be up there. Absolutely, that's not for me to say. I'm just judging church and church a praise dance limit. What do you agree with timing? Which I seldom do, But we have got to limit the time that praise dancers can be up down. It's never moved me. That's never made me want to join. It ain't never made me want to do better. It always has made me want to go home. Really, I want this service overWe I want y'all stop all that waving. Can I tell you the real thing. It ain't like synchrona swimming swims, be key. I don't like watching people ain't all at the same time. What what Tommy? If you're missing your big toe praise dancer ain't fun. Don't equally you got to look barefooted? Go you're listening to show. Carla found this great article on hiring your relatives, your family members. Yeah, we're all on team Tommy for the most part of Jay is president and CEO by Yeah, but here's some information from the article. Here the pros, Steve, Okay, for hiring your relatives, you already know what you're getting. You already know. You don't have to guess. You don't even think about it, you know, because this is a member of your family, so you know this person. Here's some of the cons though, it sends the wrong signal to other employees, you know, like they're not qualified for the job. They just got the job because he was your Huh that's true. Uh huh uh. Here's another con. A relative may feel the rules don't apply to in this case him. That's so true. He just missed two days. Yeah, but he didn't get paid though. Oh okay, that's where the stain gonna come out. All him shows he's gonna need it. He's gonna need it, alright, so he working to conversate for his chick. There's another con Steve, Well, you don't necessarily do this, but other CEOs might not hire relatives because the con is you hold back from criticism or you don't discipline him. So in this case, you did. You did doc him his pay, right, man? I wishall would. I'm gonna not criticize him. What is we talking? If we're not doing criticism? Why are we talking? But but you hired him, though, Steve, that was not by choice? You what do you mean, my sister? Oh, the only reason I ain't fired him is causing health. Well, I wasn't a good hide though. You don't think he does good work, Steve. You don't think I was a good hire boy. If I could replay for days, you missed the times you called in from day one though, I can't even tell you. Yeah, you guys weren't even here on day one when Tommy used to call him from his bed at least twice a week, asking if he had to come in. I was trying to get used to the system. That's awkward, but we were all here. What else you got? That's about it. The article goes on to say that issues with family members who come up I don't even want to stay. Yeah, just wait, I gotta brace brace yourself. The article goes on to say, issues with family members who come up short. You couldn't let that go, asked me? He asked me it's his show. President, wrong, they come up? It said, issues with family members? Come look, okay, good job around here? Come up short of the job. They must have interview should be addressed just as they would any other else who would have been the shortest one on the shop. That's right there. I didn't have to try to read one more time. I read it again. What don't you say, President and CEO of team Timmy need to hit it in? Yeah? But why she got water come out of think? Steve? Did you not ask me to read this again? I didn't know. I didn't know what it was you do, but you could not. You gonna let it go? Okay? I was gonna of no, Junior, I don't think I should. We've already heard it, Shirley. I bet you a thousand dollars. You can't read it without laughing? Ready said, okay? Thousand dollars, one thousand, Okay. The article goes on to say, issues with family members, come on, I can do it. I can do it. Come on, thousand dollars. Issues with family members? Bathe come on, issues with get out with examily, even the devil. That's all, that's all it is. That is so cute. You can't get it. Don't worry about it one more time, two thousand. Okay, I can do it, I can Okay. The article goes on to say that issues with family members, who oh come, it ain't all pretty good. The job, job, take this tissue. I come up short at the moment. Have you ever seen anybody go to the amusement park and that stick means so much? Yeah, I've cried. You haven't seen somebody get on amusement ride They shut the safety bar down and he stepped right out. You haven't seen somebody come round at first? Heel on that roller coaster and everybody on the train gotta grab him. Yeah, yeah, In other words, and yeah, welcome back to me. Oh dog, you should have seen what was happening. Why you was gone captain a teen Tommy with Jack Yeah, the president. So in other words, Steve, they're saying that it might be the worst decision you can make to hire a relic. It ain't no doubt about it from me. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after you're listening Steve Show. Well, guys, forty three million people we'll be traveling over this weekend Now, if you believe this new survey, Yeah, that's a lot of people. If you believe this new survey, the average American traveler hates going to the airport so much that they'd add six and a half hours to their travel time if it meant they could drive and take road trips to their location instead. Wow. Wow, Well, you know, it is a more enjoyable experience to drive for a lot of people, because look, I used to take buses. I'm talking about who we were touring. Oh yeah, Like for example, if I was going you know, okay, okay, all of us lived in Atlanta for a period, right, Like if I was going to Birmingham to perform, I'm not going to get a plane. Or if I'm going to Orlando or I'm going South Carolina, I'm going somewhere like that, I'm getting a bus man. Because if you gotta leave in plenty of time, you gotta pack, you gotta get dressed, you gotta get in the car. Got to get to the airport at least I on the half before, and you got to sit there and wait. Then you got a board, then you fly. Then when you land, you got to go to the baggage claim get your bag. Then you gotta travel to the hotel. But then you could have been when you was called. That's you need to stop, Steve, because when you get your bag, that's a two hour wait. That's longer than the flight. Oh man, I'm trying to tell you, oh my car baggage claim I have steward there. I don't know who working back there. Man, I know, but when I saw you don't. Yeah, you're right, Steve. All that time when you yeah, all that when you think about it, Yeah, you can get on the road, put your luggage in the trunk and be there and you just get to spend time in a couple of hours, spend time more relaxing. Yeah, I don't want to spend no time with nobody. Um, we took the bus when we went to open it from Atlanta, we had to show down there. Yeah, all it was on there you was. We was having what I thought he was maybe just you. I'm glad he didn't changed again, then let's go on college. He ain't been in no damn baggage claiming a long time. No, damn your bed come right off the back of your planet. You know what you're talking about. He stood in no baggage. What's this frustration? I ain't got no frustration. Roll out there, up to his plane, get out, walk up them stuff. You get all his plane. Oh, ain't nobody tending to get off the damn phone or nothing. He talking all the way through the flight taking off. Guy, ain't no seat belt on and nothing, just sitting down and sitting there putting out there. We're gonna say, what kind of sing all I got? Now? Look, God is blessing. But once it get I ain't mad at he ain't mad at him. Damn show sound and he get all the come all he got. Yeah. At seventy three percent of Americans, Steve agree you. They consider road tripping a more pleasant experience than flying. You gotta take your shoes off, you gotta undress, you got it? Oh my god, that nicke and just going on, coming up some more music and more fun on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show today. It's gonna be with Tommy and Junior. And I think you guys that have entitled this things you wish you still had. Yeah, I'm the YBC. What's the why see the young boys a comedy. Why the building they are YBC with things you wish you still had, Junior said, tom Boy. If I still had a page, you hit me on my hip today, I'd be bawling up in here, but I can't. I just wish I still had a page. I ain't gonna lie. Yeah, put you put your yeah, your cell phones getting people get messed. Yeah, yes, yeah, you want something now, Well you ain't got to worry about all that you know, all that call and all that you want about to hit you on the hip. I'll call you when I get ready. Oh yeah, yeah, all right. I just had a pain when you put your cold in when I used to see sixth in that number I got about. I just want stuff. I'm more affable about right stuff that you know now I'm I'm doing stuff. Well, it's a little stress and everything, making a little more money and everything. But lord, I still wish I had a car took regular gas. I'll be honest with I wasn't ready for Supreme all the time that ninety three plus. I just had a call that just took regular you know, if I get back down the one eighty nine A gay when I when I bought my truck. They didn't tell me it had to be all the time. If I could just get back to that thing you still have, that wish you still had. If I could just popping in a VHS tape. Boy, you hear me, pop it in the greatest movies of all time, right there. VHS to me, that's better than DVD. That's when you go back when a moving meant something. When you went to blockbusting, picked up your tape, pop it in, and then you had to get it back the next day. You got two days. I was always late with that team always. I actually bought Mota. I had Pandora stole this idea from Pandora already stole this after. I really do wish I had a tape record, but I could just take my song. Don't have to hit the commercial. Pandora come in after every second song. They got something they want to see. Man, just play this the ten songs for raw I want to hear. Yes, I don't have time. I'm not interested in socks, shirts, shot pass belts. I don't want to. I just want to get the Joda system fading. After that, I want to get to some Luther. I don't really think you had a tape record your pols it. Let them get that at the dead play. That's all I want to get back to me. I don't have it. I'll never have it again. But if I could just have a nice outfrow and putting my putting my rake in it with the fists on it, and walk around like that, if I could do that for a day while I be bare over, I know that if I could have it, I'd wear me a knife throw withold a pick in it, with the fists on the top of it. Get a man weave. That's all you have to do. You can do that. Man live in Baltimore. I got to fly out there to get it. I'm already called it to live in Baltimore. He lived in Baltimore. The voice cold, What do you do tell me? He put that on your head? It looks real serious, It looks so real. I'm gonna wear it for about two days, just be balling. I'm telling you watch me. You guys haven't seen it. You haven't seen it. I ain't showed you out a video. You gotta you gotta see it. It's unbelievable. It's gonna believe it. Unbeweavable. It really is. It is so things we wish uh that we still had got Junior, I'll tell you with that thing I wish I still hate, ain't got no. I wish I had a woman who didn't want so much. I wish I had that. I used to day the didn't care nothing about about going out to expensive place. No Chileese is cool. I ain't even the chili and stof at all. The man you gonna get the two for twenty Uh that when you're getting two advertisers, two meals and two desserts, twenty books. I used to kill him in there. Boy, if I could bring that back, no chiless two for twenty y'all don't remember that. Get that out of your mind. Yeah, I ain't going back that over No no, because now you know we used to eat restaurants. Now eat restaurants now where all the lights is low yea all that they pay for them life. I asked him, turn my section up, take you take thirty off my beatles up to give me so down. I gonna eat the restaurants. Now you gotta take two elevators, get to the top. Chill. It's the same flow, body even I want to go over there, No, I want to eat down for Twitter. Who don't miss that, nephew coming up with a frank phone call right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. All right, nephew, what you got time for the frank phone call? Shirley, It's time to baptize some people. It's called mobile baptismal pool mobile baptism. We come to you, and you know you could be ignorant. You don't come to your house and baptize. That's what we do. Hit it. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a mister Wilson. How are you doing? My name is brother Springwater Man. Listen. We uh we we got paid to actually come by and do some services to you for for you by some friends of yours, and we wanted to actually call and see about scheduling and see what you had available, uh, some some services. Well, y'all playing on Clenson grad which I do? What kind of services your head? Actually, sir, You've got some friends that have actually spent a great amount of money on you. And what we do is, um, we have a baptismal own wheels servant. And what we do is we go and we um we baptize people at their home, and baptismal on wheels has been it's a new um company, but we've we've baptized over a thousand people. Now we have a truck with it which actually has a baptismal pool on the back of it, and we actually come to your home and we will baptize you in your driveway and and make you hold again. So we hostess here brother water. Brother again, I'm sorry, I ain't fringwater springwater. What you want to come to my house and give me a baptism in my front yard. We want to baptize you right there in your drive where your friends are paid for the services. And my friend, what a friend will pay for me to get baptize? Man, I've been baptized, are already doc well from my understanding, sir that but then that you you had some some bumps and bruises and and and they seem to believe that you need to be Washington coming. I mean, that's all good, that's all, that's all. It's all good. But I mean things are I mean things that matter that it made man, I mean, I've been baptized. I go to church, you know, uh me and the Lord don't have no problems. I mean, we all have setbacks. But for you to pull up with your pool in front of my house to say you've been a baptize me, that that doesn't make any sense to me. Doc. I mean sometimes when some people are not able to go to the house of the Lord and get baptized, you know, we're making a lot more convenient for you. But we can actually need no convenience. I don't need no convenience. What I need convenience for you asking me to come to my house on a Tuesday so baptized me in my driveway? Does that make any sense to you? Brother water? I mean, come on, if you really sit back and think about it, does that make any sense to you? Further coming? First of all, so that that's that's that's that's brothers spring water. But what I'm trying to what I'm trying to see the water is holy water, spring water. It doesn't make no difference to me. You can't come to my neighborhood and baptize me in front of my home. So what is all that I ain't war? This is this is what your friends are talking about that don't give it? That what my prayers are telling you, man that anybody which which one of my friends, don't recommend you to come to my damn house. So I'm skin and if I don't let make that you don't even make any sense to me. You understand, I'm not I'm not at any liberty to tell you who actually, uh importuning the liberty became to my gym house that baptized me. But you can't tell me who the hell I gonna see you? But you're not what man? Come on, you don't even come on that that makes sense for you. Come on, that doesn't make any no way in the world. I'm gonna allow you to come and bring your phone in front of my house and baptize me. Then I'm asking you ask and you you supposed to be a pastor, you supposed to get baptized. I'm asking you, Okay, what's a friend of mine is telling you that, you know, letting you know I need to be done. You'll tell you how that liberty, sir, all I wanted to Basically, I've already been paid, I'm coming to church. I'm baptizing me. Then back time, I'm going to baptize you on Tuesday in your driveway. Man, I tell you was did you come to my house and front of my driveways? You better bring an old congregation, you understand, You better bring the deacons, the brothers, the Sistance and everybody as you think how many you got ties of which this is a problem. This is what your friends are talking about. This is why you need to be baptized and cleansed again and washed in the blood of the lamp. This is what's wrong. You need to be cleans That's what's wrong with you, mister Wilton. What's wrong with me? Now, what's wrong with you is called me in a little my hope. They're telling me I need to be back tip in front of my house. If I need to be backtip, don't get some only water, I go down to the church. I don't need you come in front of my house making an old churers. We are you afraid of some white sheets talking about to backtip me that for mama, saying, from my understanding, from my understanding, mister Wilson, you've missed two Sundays already this month, surning this man. I can't go anywhere and get the one I don't need if you coming here because you telling I missed to damn Sundays. I'm gonna miss sending two till the funhou ain't coming off, sir. All I know is I've been paid to do a job. I will be there Tuesday morning at seven o'clock and we will baptize you before you go to work on two more. You would I tell you what, you curting my afterelling o'clock morning. I swear on your lord, I'm gonna bust you. You understand me. You would not cutting my house telling me you would have backtipe. Now, I don't give a damn who paid you. You understand I was drying your awards matter, stop down, bringing you your teachers, everybody else. We're gonna have a fool prot you. That you understand. I'm time all of this anger and all of this that these problems you have within you. We are going to burge your body and get it out your system. I don't want your pleas of me. I tell you what. I tell you what without the swing one is, that's the rain water. You gotta get baptized. So Tuesday morning, I don't give a dam who pays you, who called you, bring y'all, I'm gonna I can't kill you. I'm gonna dry y'all side. I got one more thing I want to say to you when you listening to Gotta matter. I'm bussy. You ain't got to say to me. I gotta go understand you ain't got at little man. I want to say to you. Is you listening to me? Whatnot? This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy Mason. Hello, man, let me tell y'all something, man, Let me chell you something. Boy y'all y'all was boy brido man, I said, haaf man. I was about to act a fool on y'all because y'all would to show to be by crib. You'rederstand me what Timmy, y'all ain't got just better to do. Didn't sit around here and just with people during their day. Man. I ain't never thought y'all could give me with this goes around baptize of people. That's like riddles A will baptized people with a point will. I gotta ask you something. What is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? You know it's the Steve Harvey Morning the Show. See that's how you baptize somebody forget going to church now exactly when they don't make it to the church. You know, we bring the baptismal to you side right out. That's actually a good idea. We're n Yeah, we'll baptize you. You go to work in the morning. Yeah, and get you get your save on. We get to save on right there. We cleanse you right there in the driveway. Won't we won't he do it? Yeah? He will? And will he won't. You're listening Stave Harvey Morning Show. Well, right now it is time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on your relationship, on dating, on work, on sex problems, parenting, and more, submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter, right Steve, Did I leave anything out? Need to leave nothing? Hell? And anybody just not clear too. We don't need Joe letter cause you slow. All right, go ahead, show, all right, bub hold on tie Strawberry letter. All right, this is a long one. The subject my ex girlfriend is a huge problem. Dear Stephen Shirley, I have a big problem. Two years ago, I relocated for work. Before I moved, I had a special lady that I enjoyed spending time with. She was a big, fine woman, thick in all of the right places. It's been a year since I had seen her, and I was missing her good loving so I called her and told her I was sending her a bus ticket to come visit me. Yes, a bus ticket, because a brother ain't rich. What The weekend finally came and I was so excited to see her. But oh my goodness, when this woman got off the bus, I swear I barely recognized her. She had almost doubled in size in the patch year. Don't get me wrong, I like big girls, but she should have told me that she gained a lot of weight. I didn't say anything, and I tried not to look shocked. As soon as we got in the car, she pulled out a bag of snacks and offered me a brownie. I always loved her cooking, so I ate a brownie. When we got to my apartment, I ate another brownie. Then I realized something wasn't quite right. Oh, I was high as heck. She admitted that the brown he's had weed in them, like it was no big deal. I was sitting on the couch trying to get myself together, when all of a sudden, she climbed on me and said she was going to give me exactly what I'd been missing. All I could do was lie there, pinned to the couch. She took advantage of me for what seemed like hours. I wanted to yell out for her to stop, but nothing came out because I was too high. I ended up passing out on the couch. The next day, I told her that I felt violated. She said she could tell that I had had a problem with her weight, so she took matters into her own hands. I couldn't wait to get this big, wild woman out of my house. Now she keeps calling and texting me and I don't want anything to do with her. How can I get rid of her without hurting her feelings? This is a huge problem. Well, be careful what you asked for? Humh. You know what though, I'm really sorry, Yeah, because a long letter. I'm really sorry that you know you feel violated. I really am. And it's not talked about a lot, but men do get violated, and in this case, you were violated. If you felt that way, you know, if this situation were reversed we probably have a completely different answer for you. But I will tell you this. She is out of your house, she's out of town, so you don't have that to worry about. As far as the phone is concerned, you don't have to answer her calls, I mean, or you can just simply tell her it's not going to work out. You didn't appreciate what she did and all of that. But maybe as a man, you don't feel like you should tell her all of that, But I think you should. I think you should be honest with this woman and let her know that what she did is wrong and how you felt about the situation. And please do not send her another bus ticket, all right, that's in your best interest, Steve. Well, it's so much to this letter. Should I just break it down line by line? Come on? Because I get so many angles in this letter. Shirley, my ex girlfriend is a huge problem. Dear Stephen, Shirley, I have a big problem right there. You damn show due and it's about to step down off a bus. So the whole time two years ago, I was okay for my boothy. I had a special lady I enjoyed spending time with. She's a big fan war thicking all the right place. It's been a year since I've seen her, and I was missing her, good love, So I called her and told her that I was sending her a bus ticket to come visit me. Yes, a bus ticket, because a brother ain't rich. Two things here, when you busting them in, when you busting on the end, we are already dealing with low budget love it man. You busting them in. They bust kids to slip, they bust freedom riding, busting boycotty. You don't do that in modern David, but you somehow manage to bring that all the way up. We stopped busting back a long time ago. You still doing it. And because this is low budget loving, you must deal with another old saying, you get what you pay for, all right. Now, See, first of all, what woman you know willing to get up on the bus. I don't know, Sove West, come on, now, this woman got off the bus. I swear I barely recognized. She had almost doubled in size from the past year because she missed you, and so she been eating you like big women. Don't get me wrong, I like big girls. Okay, well, well we're gonna get to like it. But she should have told me that she had gained a lot of week. You didn't ask. Why would that come? Your cheap ass just sent the bus to You didn't ask because she didn't have to volunteer. Oh you want to see me here I come. I didn't say anything, and I tried not to look shot. I didn't say anything, and I tried not to look shot. You can't take that look off your face with a big ass person getting down off a bus called the whole side and the bus go down. When she stepped on that last step and you saw that bust looked like it was coming to our It's hard not to look shock when somebody finding turnover a damn bum. All right, Hang on two of Steve's response coming up. You're listening show. All right, Steve, come on with part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. My ex girlfriend is a huge problem. Let's recap real something. Just a man used the data woman a year ago misster love, and he liked fine, thick with it. He sent for a bus ticket, she got on the bus, and when she got off the bus, all hell. He couldn't believe it. She had doubled inside. So that's where. Okay, but I want to bring to your attention. Then show me the last fine person you've seen on a bus crossing state lines. That's my challenge. Ticket people that ride the bus looked like they ride the bus de terminal. In the terminal, you know who they in him? Yeah, it's a different crew. They don't have lugging. They have clothes, laundry baskets with closed stuff to them in duct table. Wow, that's how they travel. All they closed in grocery bags and zip locks afty number one. Yeah, all right, now, she had gained a lot of weight. I ain't say anything, and I tried not to look shot. It's hard not to be because you say little stuff to yourself. That's what Jesus good. Oh, what the hell I'm gonna tell me to do? I ain't got no extension for the seat man. It's self off to kill herself with her slam only break. Well, at least she don't need any bag. Yeah, this is what the stuff he's said is. As soon as we got in the car, she pulled out a bag of snacks and offered me a brownie. I always loved the cooking, so I ate a brownie. When we got to my apartment. I ain't another brownie. Then I realized some wasn't quite right. I was high as hell. Yeah, and she knew it too. She gave you the brownie to get you off your game. Yeah she didn't. Brownies got you loop. Now. After she did that, she admitted that her brownies had weed in him, but like it was no big deal. I was sitting on the couch trying to get myself together, when all of a sudden she climbed on me and said she was gonna give me exactly what I had been missed up. Just about your buster here, I am a fit to bring it now, big fitting brain at RMA got something for you. Gonna get to you then what you want to do? What your bus? Then? It is all I could do is lie there, pin to the couch. You damn right, your pin She doubled the size she whipping your hands. Actually, actually, what's happened to you in the middle of last room, you don't even know it. She can pinned you. You're the wrest of the map. You'd have been out. She took advantage of me for what seemed like hours. Anytime you want to you don't want to do something seemed way long. You probably an't about eight minutes, felt like any high, big armor, just getting to you know what the hell going on? I wanted to yell out for her to stop, but she couldn't. You know why, because she had your pin. She cut your win off. Big people know how to work they weight. She got just weight on. You tried to yell out, but every time you take a deep breath, it came in your chest mote. So now you can't even take a deep breath. Then not that's pressed up. So you tried to yell out, but her big ass had your pin. Nothing came out because I was too high. I ended up passing out on the couch. You got choked out, is what happened to you. Boy, You got passed out because you got put out. Next day I told her I felt violator. She said that she could tell that I had a problem with her weight. You know what she could tell when you get down off that bus because you try not to look shot, but your ass was. You know when you first see your woman, who lord ain't ain't a good steak? Whoa lord? Not? Whoa whoa mean? Stop? Now she keeps calling and texting me and I don't want anything to do with her. Why can I get rid of her without hurting her feeling? This is a huge problem. You damn right, it's a huge problem. But here's the first thing you do. I don't want to have anything to do with her. How can I get rid of her without hurting her feel You can block her number, or you can just get a whole new fund that you got to get drafted because big people don't give up. I'll tell you right now. People wear your ass down. So now what you want to do is you want to block her and you want to get a new number. Only that problem you can do it. First of all, you got to stop buying bust kicking. Don't buy another damn bus kicking. Busting her in is the first beginning of all your problems. People ups getting off the bus before her, didn't it clue you? In? Damn crazy are looking at people. So when she got off the bus, what you thought she was just fing to be the real light jumping down off the same light? Yeah, you thought something angel were gonna come out of this bus? No hear her, big ass, come Steve, she would double the size stik. See Shelley, you a fine, sister. You can't double, though, anybody fing to do you in double? Carll It, you can't double, Monica, you can't double. You can't double. We deal with we. We we work with you where you're at. Everybody got it going on. But what you can't do with double? Look? All right, what is that your Okay? That's your response to today's Strawberry Letter, like buy no more, damn busted? Yeah? She yes, and carl It and Monica next time we travel. Just know that, y'all. Answer been coming in on the bus. All right, Steve, we gotta get out of here, email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter. And we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening show. All right, we're back. Let's go. Come on, y'all. I want to inspire, I want to help. I want to uplift. I want to share. It's not so much teaching as it is for me with just sharing. You are the gift that just keeps on giving. I try to be here. Okay, Steve, what's your best advice to keep us focused? Well? I learned this from Eric Thomas. To be honest with Oh yeah, he's one of the greatest motivational speakers I've ever heard. Eric Thomas is a guy that I listened to. Okay, you know, I have some great speakers out there, but Eric Thomas nails it for me because he talked like, yeah, you know he mad most of the kay. He swept to a shirt in a minute, won't he the intensity what she talked. When you have your visions and you have your motivation, your dream, boy, the why, you gotta write down the why, the why you want it to happen. Because Eric Thomas said that the why eliminates that I quit that I can't make it because the how it come is too big? The why are you doing it? Like I have to do this for my family? Well, it's it's harder to quit when it's more than just you on the line. You have to create a why. These big dreams you have, they have to have a why behind that will help you stay to it and fight through the discouragement. Also, your dreams have to be bigger than the consequences are the problems. Oh, you gotta want something so big that no matter what it takes to get there or what it costs or what the factor is this dream so big I got to go on to go for it? Okay, okay, okay, cool. I'm gonna lose time with my friends, but I'm gonna be a millionaire. Okay, cool. So I won't be able to go to happy hour no more because I'm trying to go on vacation of a dream of a lifetime. Okay, cool, Yeah, you know what I mean. Take the vacation. Dream has to be so big that it outweighs the problems, all the consequence. Okay, all right, that keeps you motivateing like that. Okay, here's one more. I want to ask you this, because you live this, do you ever feel guilty or have you ever been made to feel guilty because of your success? Because you're so successful? Lutely one hund you will go through that period of feeling guilty about your success mainly because the people closest to you are usually not experiencing your success, and they make you feel obligated to them because of your success. Because I knew you when? Okay, well I got you knew me when? But do you know me now? And what does do you knew me when? Got to do with where I am now. Now if y'all want to continue this conversation, we can, Okay, I want you want to continue the conversation when we come back. Most Steve Harmata shows right after that. You're listening, all right, we're back. Wow, what an interesting conversation. It's it's the morning show. We're asking Steve questions because I think it's important for people to hear directly from somebody who doesn't have an agenda with their life. Like I don't want y'all do this because I get a piece all this here. I genuinely want to share this information because I know it's important to people. The average person out there really does want to know how to make it. And unless some body who has made it gets down off their horse to share the information, where you're gonna get the information from it? This inmation and marriage didn't have this. I was just gonna say that we as a as a race, we don't share this type of information. We're starting to, maybe more now, but growing up, the only thing we knew about money was money doesn't grow on trees? Or do you think I'm made of money? Things like that that our parents told us. So now we're getting real information. Jay z is doing it in this on ND Yeah, he's doing it. Let's go, Let's go back to where we were. Tell us how we deal How do you deal with the guilty because I'm constantly I'm I loaned a lot of money. And let me ask you something. Loading money. Does it not create tension? Yes? It does? Y, Yes it does. Loaning money creates more problems than it solved. And it's creating issues not only with the person that you loaned it too, but then in your own a home because now you have loaned some money that belongs in your home, and now somebody in your home may have to do without because we didn't gave what we had over here. And usually money you loan, but they don't understand about people that's climbing up. Money they loan is money they need here. We don't have no extra free money. And then let me explain something to you about Let me explain something to you about loaning you money or giving you money. Whenever I give you money, I'm actually giving you that plus forty percent. If you ask me for a thousand dollars and I give you a thousand dollars, what I'm actually giving you it's one thousand, four hundred dollars because Uncle Sam is taxing me in the tax bracket. He don't give a damn what you do with the money. So now I didn't give you a thousand of mile dollars, plus I got to send the government four hundred or that thousand I sent you, old partner. Oh so now I really ain't that simple. So when you're don't pay me back, you really didn't jam me. Now, well, in your case, people don't think you need it, you know, Oh, he'll be all right. Money money, he's got money. He doesn't need that money. I'll get it. I'll get it to him when I get Here's the thing. While you are coming up, people think that you have a reservoir of money, But that reservoir of money you had to work for the only reason you have a reservoir a little bit of extra money or more than them is because you usually work more than them. So now you are asking me to take not only my money, but my time that I've given to make this money and just let you have that right because you know I got it. Well, that's foul and you should not suffer from guilt. Because let me explain something to you. I've learned about guilt. Guilt is the most useless human emotion that there is because guilt serves nothing. Guilt it's the most devoid, the worst human emotion there is, because it serves no purpose. What what does guilt serve when you feel guilty? What? It don't help you, It don't benefit you. It does nothing for you to feel guilt. But people take advantage of the guilt for their own self entitlement and self selfish needs. That's what they use. They use guilt for that. So guilt serves no purpose. So stop feeling guilty because you're blessed. Stop feeling guilty because God has given you grace. Stop feeling guilty because you go to work and nobody gave you nothing. Nobody mails you free money. And we'll be that and we'll be that. You're listening all right? Day after fourth of July, This is July fifth. Yeah, so I'm sure you're off today. You're off today? Right? Did you have to work? Well, we're here, huh, we're looking. We're looking at each other. Were usually usually when it comes this late in the week. Come on, now, I got something we can still do. Though there's still some celebration left. Oh really, yeah, I see if you got left over barbecue okay, yeah, okay, y'all got that right. Okay, you have left over fireworks check? Okay, huh. Then we have a July filth naked celebration. You see what I'm saying. We're not doing that man, taking into the weekend, Tommy, eat barbecue and just take it on into the weekend. The weekend your cousin never called, yes, never called. You showed up yesterday. He wanted to take a dip in the pool, barbecue, and the celebration on the fifth. If I ever go to someone's house and everyone's in there, everyone in there is naked and they're eating barbecue and shooting fireworks, I'm not even gonna get on my car. I'm out. You don't knock it to you try. Yeah, I've never tried that. It's really it's really cool. If you try. It depends on how good the barbecue. Yeah, we'll be back with more guys on this day after July fourth. We're still celebrating though, Happy holidays. Taken on into the weekend. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to show well, guys forty three million people will be traveling over this weekend. Now, if you believe this new survey, Yeah, that's a lot of people. If you believe this new survey, the average American traveler hates going to the airport so much that they'd add six and a half hours to their travel time if it meant they could drive and take road tra to their location instead. Wow. Wow, Well, you know, it is a more enjoyable experience to drive for a lot of people, because look, I used to take buses. I'm talking about who we were touring. Oh yeah, Like for example, if I was going you know, okay, okay, all of us lived in Atlanta for a period, right, Like if I was going to Birmingham to perform, I'm not going to get a plane. Or if I'm going to a Lando or I'm going South Carolina, I'm going somewhere like that, I'm getting a bus man. Because if you gotta leave in plenty of time, you gotta pack, you gotta get dressed, you gotta get in the car, you gotta get to the airport at least i and a half before, and you gotta sit there and wait. Then you got a board, then you fly. Then when you land. You gotta go to the baggage claim, get your bag. Then you gotta travel to the hotel. But then you could have been when you was going. That's no, you need to stop, Steve, because when you get your bag, that's a two hour will wait, that's longer than the flight. Oh man, I'm trying. Oh my baggage claimed, I have steward there. I don't know who working back there. Man, I know, but when you got it, I saw you don't. Yeah, you're right, Steve, all that time when you yeah, all that when you think about it, Yeah, you can get on the road, put your luggage in the trunk and be there and you just get to spend in a couple of hours, spend time more relaxing. Yeah, I don't want to spend no time. When we took the bus, when we went to Albany from Atlanta web we had to show down there. Yeah, all of was on there. You was. We was having fun. I thought we was maybe just maybe I'm glad to be anyway. He didn't changed again. Let's go on call. You ain't been no body baggage claiming a long time. No, damn, wait, your bad right off the back of your plane. You talking about? He stood in no bag? What's his frustration? I ain't got no frustration. Roll out there, up to his plane, get out, walk up them stuff? You get all his plane? Oh, ain't nobody tending to get off the dawn phone and nothing. He talking all the way through the flight taking off the ain't no seat belt on and nothing, just sitting there and sitting there, putting out there. I'm gonna say, what kind of sing all I got? Naw, Look, God is blessing. But once get I ain't mad at h He ain't mad at him? Sound he get out of come? No, he got Yeah. At seventy three percent of Americans, Steve agree with you. They considered road tripping a more pleasant experience than flying. You gotta take your shoes off, you gotta undress, you got it? Oh my god, lay on that nicket and just going on. All right, coming up. It's Steve Harvey and his closing remarks. You don't want to miss it. At forty nine after the hour, you're listening, all right, Steve, Here we are last break of the day on this Friday. Take us home today. I'm still committed to trying to uplift everybody I really want to share, not teach. I want to share with you all, just some things I've learned and understand. I don't know it all, and I don't think I know more than you. It's just that I've learned in my life that repetition is sometimes good. Somebody told me one time that there's a scripture. I don't know where it is, but it says something to the effect that faith comes from hearing, not from having heard. I didn't understand that until I got older. Faith comes from hearing, not having heard. Sometimes you've heard something in the past but it didn't quite connect, but all of a sudden, you hear it at a particular time in your life, and oh my god, it's it's like a brand news phrase. It's almost like you've never heard it before, but it clicked. The lightbulb turns on. So that's what I was taught, that faith comes from hearing, not from having heard. So sometimes repetition is good in why sayings or understanding a scripture because at a particular time in your life, it's so valuable to you because it happens right when you need it to hear. So, in my commitment to uplift people, this year, I've decided today to talk to you about another mindset that you have to develop to get to where you're going, and that is to elevate your thinking. You've got to elevate your thinking. You have got to think above your current circumstance because where you are now, the moment you say now, as soon as you get through saying now, that moment that you claimed as now is gone. So what I want you to do is I want you to start thinking beyond today because for the majority of us, tomorrow is going to come. For the majority, tomorrow is going to come. So I want you to elevate your thinking so that you can have a better tomorrow. And what I mean by that is, I want you to up your ask when you're talking to God. From now on, up your ask the things you've been asking God for. I want you to think about it, elevate it, expand on it, blowing up. It's not too big for God. It may seem tremendous for you, it's nothing. For him, it's absolutely nothing. It's a wave overhead to blink over now. It's a mere emotion. To him, it's nothing. It's it's an afterthought. He does amazing things. But you've got to call on him to get to gain access to all this amazing stuff. There's a scripture that says you have not because you asked not, And simply what that means is just what it says, you have not because you ask not. Most people don't have the life of their dreams because they never ask God for it. Now you think about that, what have you been asking him for? If you've constantly been asking for rent, don't he always give it to you? Don't you somehow always manage to come up with the rent. Might be a little bit late, but don't you come up with it? Yeah? You do. Suppose you change that. Just ask for a mortgage. Why would he not give it to you. It's just some money to where you stay, It's all it is. So if you keep asking for rent, you're gonna get read. But if you ask God for a mortgage, you give you a mortgage. But you have not caused you asked not. You got to up your ass. Let me show you something. This is not bragging, but I want to show you something. You're listening to a person who's been at just about every economic state. So at one point in time, I kept asking God. I said, God, man, I show want to see another zero in my income, if you could just give me another another zero. So I was making, you know, some thousands back then, right in a year. I've had years where I've made four thousand dollars. I've had years where I've made seven thousand dollars. I've had years where I've made eight thousand, five hundred dollars. I've had some lean years in this comedy thing. So I asked God, man, if I could just get another zero. But you know what I did to zero kicked me up to ten thousand, and from eight thousand to ten thousand spread out over the year, I did not really see a big jump in my lifestyle because to two thousand dollars it elevated it, but it wasn't quite what I wanted, and so I just kept asking for zero. Do you know what happened? One day I was talking to this very very wealthy guy and I told him my theory of praying for the zeros. He said, you're praying too small. I said, what do you mean? He said, you praying too small? You asking for zeros. He said, if you get another zero from ten thousand, you half one hundred thousand dollars. He said, that ain't where you want to be. He said, why don't you ask God for some commas? I said what he said? Why you keep asking for zeros commas? Change your life? Ask God for commas. Elevate your thinking. When I went from asking God from zeros to com do you know he gave me another comma? Do you know what that did for my life? Do you know what it would do for yours? But you can't get it unless you ask. You have not because you asked. Now, elevate your thinking in this year. If you up your ask, he will up his guilt. It's a fact. It's not a theory of mind. It's a fact. You have not cause your ass not. Those are my closing remarks. Drop it drop, I'm telling drop it a comma man. Have a good weekend for real, y'all have a great weekend for all. Steve every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Day Harvey Morning Show