Good morning and welcome to the ride! Gather yourself 'cause it's about to pop off. The CLO got a straight fool writing in about a paternity issue. Steve tells the truth about freedom in America. There is an outspoken pastor from Tennessee that anti-mask and he ain't afraid to say it. Fool #2 has the rules for a road trip. Donnie DoDat is making it do what it does and reports the latest from Tokyo. The sandwiches are still killing it and now Popeye's got nuggets! Inside Comedy Roulette, we get the things women say about a man who dumps them. The comedians wrap up the show with lessons they learned from the stage. Have a great weekend y'all!
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things and the shove me through good to other. Please, I don't join me. You gotta turn hur you, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn You haven't got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby, huh. I show well a good art and everybody y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show today, folks. I just want to dive right in because I think I got it here. It is. Did you know that there is a life for you that's greater than you could have ever dreamed of? Did you know that there's a life for you better than the one you've ever felt before? And did you know that there was a life for you much bigger than the one you wanted? And lastly, did you know that what I just said it's true? Did you know that? Did you know that the things I just said are available to you? It's not just intended for those who receive awards. It's for everybody. Yeah, you two, It's for you who didn't get your high school diploma. It's for you who are incarcerated. It's for you who have two strikes. It's for you who've been sentenced to life. It's for you who've gotten out and have a felony record and can't seem to get it together. It's for you who have an illness. It's for you who the doctors have given up on. It's for you, this life i'm talking about, it's for you. Did you know that there's a life for you better than the one you dreamed about, better than the one you've imagined, a life better than the one you thought of. That there's a life for you better than the one you've ever felt before. There's a life for you better than the one you saw for yourself. There's a better life for you than the one you expected and even the one you wanted. Did you know that this is true for you? See, here's let me give you the secret to this thing. Now you have to believe that it is for you. Now, you got to fight through the doubts. You got to fight through the will of Satan. Because the devil is busy man. The devil wants you to think that is hopeless. The devil wants you to think that this is it. The devil wants you to think that ain't no more to it. The devil wants you to think that this applies to other people. But you, Yeah, you've been dealt the worst hand of them all, which you ate. But that's what the devil wants you to think. So you gotta fight through. Now, You gotta fight through to get to what I just said is available for you. But what else you got to do? You ain't doing nothing else, might as well fight? Why just wake up and just let it be? Why would you wake up every day and just exist when there's a chance for you to actually live. See the reason I don't mind smiling so much now is because I'm no longer existing. I'm living now. See. See, that's where you want to get to. You don't want to exist, to wake up paycheck to paycheck, date today, not knowing, not understanding, not having, can't can't get this, can't get that, can't go here, can't go there, Gotta wait, gota wait, gota wait, gota wait till it seems like you never get nowhere. You can get out of that rut of life feeling like when you wake up in the morning, that your life is whole hum, that you're just in a rut. I drive the same way to work, I do the same thing my job. When I get off, I drive all the way back home. I sit there, I read the newspaper. I water the lawn. I'm so sick of my life. It ain't this, ain't what I wanted. Man, and start, wake up, start over, do the same thing. Then the weekend gets in. You got to mow the lawn, and then you try to fix something in the garage, and you feel like your life is in the rut. I'm talking about. If this feels like a rut to you know, if it's what you've always wanted, I'm cool with that. But I'm talking to people who want it more, who would love their life to be more, who would love their life to different, to be different. I'm not criticizing you if I just described your life. I'm just only talking to the ones who would dare to believe that there's more to it than this. I'm only talking to the ones who would dad dad to accept the challenge, to fight through and see what God got for you instead of listening to Satan all the time, Devil is busy. Man, Please understand, he's so busy, so busy, trying to trick you, get you into the groove. You know they're doing all kinds of stuff now man, you know atheists and already got prayer, taking out of schools. Excuse me, look at our skills schools, not as a push by the atheist to get the words in God we trust, taking off our money. Here's a deal. If you don't believe in God, and you don't want trust in God, just going about your business. But what you can't do is spill off all into what I'm talking about. That's the problem I have with all of them. If you're gonna do you, didn't do you, but don't spill off into what I got. Now. See, if you don't believe what I'm saying, then I ain't talking to you. Let's just be clear about the relationship with Steve Harvey and his crew. I'm only talking to the people that believe that are looking for something else, that wants something more, that wants something better, that's got to be out there searching and hoping and trying to do more. That's all I'm talking to now. If you don't believe what I'm saying is true. Didn't go ahead and try it your way? Go see, write me, email me, let me know how it's going for you. But I'm you have a way that's tried and true. If you go to God, if you go to your creator your makeup, if you go to him and you go to him for real and tell him, hey, you know what I want you to go ahead and take over from here. I'm done. I didn't done all I know how to do out and tried everything I know how to try. I'm sick of me right now. Hey, look here, you created me what you want me to do, and here a cool thing about it. When I made that decision, y'all see, I was so afraid for years that I was gonna miss out on something if I did that. I couldn't do this no more. But the stuff I needed to stop doing. I really need to stop the things I was afraid of not being able to do anymore with the very same things I really didn't need to be doing no more in the first place. On the real man, on the real all that temporary fun I was having all them temporary outlets. I was using all them temporary things, trying to fulfill myself I was doing. I was just doing a bunch of temporary mess man. I said, hold up, man, I want something permanent. Man, I want a permanent feeling in my heart that it's gonna be all right. So he replaced all that fun with joy. But it's only because I went and I faced him. He didn't take me and stop me from being me. He just made a better version of me. See, God don't take he because all the stuff he sent you through, he needed you to go through all him. He needed you to have him experience or what it felt like to be locked up. He needed you to have experience and know what it was to lose everything. He needed you to have experience to make you tough. You're just gonna be a tough one. I'm a tough soldier in his army. That's all I just say. One of the weak ones. I protect the weak ones. God didn't take a lot of stuff from except the stuff I needed. But the stuff he made me to be, he allowed me to keep it, and he just made a better me. Do that, y'all, and you can have what you want. You're listening, ladies, gentlemen, boys, girls, teenagers, toddlers, infants, senior citizens, dearly beloved, gather yourself because it's about to pop off. I'm talking about straight up, go down. I'm talking about you about to get it dead in your ear hole. This right here is about the business ladies and gentlemen. The dog gone, I'll be damned. Steve Harvey Morning Show, Thank your side caller full rail, whoa got scared it? Good morning, Good morning, never mad on a Friday. What's up? Crew, Jay, Anthony the Brown After a full week of work, it's riding. Thank you God, we made it. I'm here, I'm here the now you top top top, Sir, Friday, Baby, it is Friday. Yeah, we're here. How you feeling safe? Thank you Lord, Thank Jesus. We crawl to Friday. Thank you Lord for this Friday. Yeah, it's about to get special for me. I ain't got to talk about it, but it's about to get special for me. Just I really can't share. J You know, some of the things everybody don't like hearing it. So, you know, sometimes you gotta keep good news to yourself. You know, you know people are not y'all, but you know, some listening why he got it a dog? You know, So sometimes man you just got thank the Lord and gone about your business. So thank you LORDY know, Jay, I've tried it before, you know. I'm I'm gonna tell you one to stop me. I was on a boat one time and I was on vacation, and I saw an incredible rainbow, yes, coming out of a cloud that was pouring down raining, but the rainbow was piercing through it. But I mean I could see the cloud with the rain coming out, but I'm about half a mile from it, bone dry. So I took a video and was talking about it and the goodness of God, and then here comes somebody said, why he always got to show us his life. We don't have that life. So we got sick of him always to put throwing his life in our face. I went, damn dog, and I'm telling you they stopped me. That that one person stop me. I said that, stop you because you don't hear from the ones that love what you're sharing people and the positivity it gives people something to shoot for it. Right, you can do it, then I can do it. You can do it. That's right. I can see a rainbow, right, that's right. There you go, Jay, you can't talk about a rainbow. The rainbow I was talking about look at God, and they went into this whole mighty want to see your life. I went, okay, cool, I don't stop you. All right, well, Steve, when we come back, you're gonna help some people. We're gonna do ask the CLO right after this, right after this rainbow. You're listening to show time now for ask the Clo, Steve. This one is from Rome in South Philly. I need advice on how to handle my side check. I'm fifty one, Yeah, you heard me. She's thirty four and pregnant. She's trying to say the baby is mine, and I know it's it's not possible because I'm no fool. I told her that I would need a DNA test and we would have to tell my wife that I'm a father again. I hoped it would make her think that I'm not going to be with her if the child is mine. She's determined to pin this little baby on me. Test or no test. How do I get this DNA test done? Well, Pola, don't I mean by law, if you if you contest or birth, you can go to court and get a DNA test. Now your wife gonna find out because you got caught. But now let me ask you something this. It's impossible that it's yours because you ain't no food. Line, Yeah, you caught that. Hunh pH that part it's impossible that is mine because I ain't no food. You didn't say because you had to perfected me. You didn't say because you've never had the ability to have children. You're saying that you ain't no food. You think she's seeing somebody else. You didn't say you haven't had unprotected sex. You're saying you ain't no fool. Bro, you can go to court and order a DNA test. We already know you're not gonna leave your wife because you could refer to her as a side piss. But bro, let me tell you what I learned about seeing. And I ain't judging you because I've done everything in my life, so this is not a judgment call. But I will tell you this, seeing cost you more than you want to pay, and it makes you stay longer than you want to stay. Wear that to work morning. You ain't no food, don't work in court, it's just don't don't work. No, I ain't never seen everybody. Because we're gonna have proof that you is a fool, just a short Mari Povin you are the father, just a all right Rome and South Philly. You heard of the clo Let's move on to Honey in Virginia. I am a sixty nine year old, very athletic grandma of four young men. My oldest grandson is a senior in high school and he lives with me so he can play sports at the best high school in our city. His coach is slightly younger than I am, and he and I have a thing for each other. My grandson was supposed to be staying at his mom's last weekend, and he popped back up at my house and saw me and his coach tangled up on the couch. It's been a weird silence between us since then. How do I explain this? Its tanglement with the couch. Now, here's your problem, or sixty nine, your old, very athletic honey, Honey. If coach is madder, which you didn't put in the letter, but I immediately your grandson is. He don't know what to do now. The reason he's uncomfortable is because he has no experience with processing this. He don't know what to make of it. He has nothing to say. His grandmama was tangling up on the couch with his damn coach. Everybody in his life that's an authoritative figure was in now on that couch. He damned showcase. Say nothing to coach. He don't know what to say. Let's say to his old ass grandmother. Now if you throw this in, ma'am, with the fact that coach is married, because if that's the case, honey, honey, child, you and how do you address it? Yeah, that's of course. Well if he's not married, just say I want you to know that your coach and I have feelings for one another. But now, she said, the coach is younger. But how much younger she didn't say. She said slightly younger than I am. And she's like nine, honey, he probably fifty, you think, so that's almost but that she tried to dress it up with slightly. Okay, but when you're sixty, you know, twenty ain't but the thirty your life, so that ain't that much. You know. You gotta look at that, you know. So, granny, I don't know what to tell you. You know, your little old fans ass with the boys coach and he walked in on y'all, Lord and Mercy, let's just hope he can stay on the team. Well, I think, well, let's look at them. I think his position on the team is solid. I think you've done a solid for the grand Boys. You assured him lots of playing time he starting, Yeah, so that's a good thing. Other than that, I don't know what to say to you. Sorry, you got busted, but see you ain't. You ain't done that in a while. So your skills at how to stay clear drama, you don't know they gonna Well, let's get to this one before we get out. Run out of time, Diana, little elm Texas, you know where that is. See. My husband and I, yeah, celebrated ten years of marriage this month, and two days after our anniversary, he asked me for a divorce. He said, it's not me, it's him, and I laughed at him. It is him and it's not me. And I've known this for years. I have lived with his poorn addiction and stinky feet for many years and I never thought of leaving him. How can he wake up one day and decide it's over? Should I contested divorce? Let him continue to be as miserable as I've been in this marriage, or should I let him go? Well, Uh, I don't know. I mean, you're saying you were miserable in the marriage, so you want to cut off your nose to spite your face. So you want to stay in a miserable marriage to make him miserable too. That's gonna sound that small waste of time. Yeah, what you're doing trying to make his life miserable as yours continue. I go somewhere, find some happiness, find somebody that was shouldicted to me instead of point and find somebody know how to bathe coming up back running creak back. You're listening to show so coming up at the top of the hour, Miss And is standing by with National News and in trending news. It's detainment News CNN's Chris Cuomo. We love us from Chris. He won't all that smoke, he that life. Let me tell you about this weird interview that he did. I mean waits to the top of the hour plus Jay, you said this story to me. Pastor Greg Locke says that anybody that shows up to his church wearing a mask, he will ask them to leave. And what ja go to the other church with that? Mitch, don't bring that down here. And the name of catching COVID up in hill, that's what we do. We praise and we catch Covid in weak bleat that Covid up in him ignorant church. This is first Mount Covid mission. Mary who. Yeah, we'll talk about all these stories. Isn't there for you at the top of the hour of right now? It's on you player, run that brank back? What you got this right here is udn't Thank you, Jay, Thank y'all, Thank y'all. I forgot my own prank. Yeah, Roger, can I speak to Roger? Yeah? Roger? Hey, this Calvin man, how you doing? I go to the same church, y'all go too, Okay. I got your number from one of the guys at the church. Man. They told me that if I wanted to talk to y'all, I could reach out to you or whatever. How you doing today? I'm good, man, I'm good. I can help your your wife. Man. Does she I'm not trying to be disrespectful anything, but she seems to be real fit? Does she? Does she work out all the time? Yeah? She go to January once in a while. Bro. Yeah, who who is this? Bro? Like I said, my named Calvin Man. We go to the same church. Listen, me and my wife been trying for a long time. Many actually have some kids. And to be honest with you, Roger Man, it just ain't happening. Dog. I mean, we've been trying and trying. But what I'm trying to do now is just find another type of way to make this happen. Now, you say your wife is in good condition, right, my wife is in good condition. Brother, What did she got to do with trying to her baby? She You know, y'all already got kids, don't you. Y'all got like from what the brother the church told me, y'all got three kids right there? We got three. I got two boys in the girl. Okay, here's what I'm trying to do, man, I was hoping that I could find somebody, a female that would be a good seagant mother or what you know. What I'm saying is like because my wife, I mean, you know, we want to have kids, man, we want to have hold on, brother, you just said you're looking for a sagant mother, and the brother the church told you to call me, Well, no, no, no, anybody tell me to actually call you. I asked them about you and your wife. You know, I asked them for your phone number so I can actually call you myself. Man, wait a minute, So you've been you've been eyeing my wife? No no, no, no, no, no, I ain't been, So you're looking at it wrong. Listen. What I was saying is that your wife just seems like a healthy, healthy person. I want to be able to have a healthy child, man, I really do. Man, Me and my wife, we listen. You called me about my wife and you want her to be a Sagan mother. F you wife, I don't even know while to be on the phone. Brother. Here's the real deal, man, me and my wife, we can't have kids. We've tried and tried and tried, and you know, biologically, we've just been going through it and going through it man. And I was just you know, i've seen your wife. She healthy. I see y'all at church all the time, and I was just like, reach it out, man, Maybe somebody wouldn't mind being the Saragan mother for for me and my wife so we can have a child. I'll think you Saregan mother, I mean dog hold on her, brother, you calling me to see it? My wife can be a Saragan Munde your child. And I know it's crazy, it's crazy whatever, and I think you lost your mind. Brother, of all the members in the church, you're calling me to get my wife to have your baby. I know it sounds crazy, man, I do, but I ignorant. Brother, I'm trying. You sound ignorant. Man. There's so many place to go at doctor baby. I can take you down to the county corner house, can show your kids need a doctoright next, but you can go to Africa like like like all the restaurant people can gonna find your baby. You're gonna call me and my wife. It's twenty thousand members in this church. Do you know our stupid you Sarah Brother? No, brother, Brother, Man, listen, man, I'm not trying to come across like that. Man, how are you trying to come across? Brother? You didn't done it. Just hear me out, man, I don't want you to man. Go ahead, brother, go ahead, man. Okay, we're looking for a Sarah good mother. We look, we've seen your your wife and we thought she'd be a great Sarah good mother. And I know it sounds crazy for me to pick you out of all the people that go to the church. I understand that, man, I do. But listen, we would love for your wife to be the seagant mother, and we're willing to pay for this. Man, But listen to them if you don't mind. We don't want to do this with no test tubes and all that way. They mixed my seed with her, with with with her. End. We want to do this naturally. War war war war. You you just said, man, you gotta understand a real man want to do I want to do it realistically. You know what I'm saying. I'm just saying that, brother. Are you telling me that you want to have sex with my wife? But I mean, I mean you know you don't lose all my christianity right now? Brother? You want to have a baby the real way, though, you know what I'm saying. I don't give a damn having this fake way. You tell me you want to lay down in the ball my wife. But do you already got three kids? Think about the people that can't have it, doctor baby, Man, take your darn ain't gonna doctor damn baby because you didn't go sit down, psychiatric problem. I don't have your baby. Do you know what you sound like? Don't crazy. I know it sounds crazy, man, I do call this. I din't you get my number? Man? To means you get my number. I got your number for one of the brothers at the church. Now listen, I'm gonna just be real with you like a man. I wanted to come at you first and talk to you like a man and see you know if you was cool with the proposition. But look, come Sunday, I'm gonna go to your wife and just talk to on what I'm just gonna go. I'm just gonna talk to your wife and says you lost your mind. I told you to answer no nos A'm me gonna go around me and ask which I ain't gonna do to talk to my wife? You call my wife? You right now, I call my wife. I'm gonna tell you what's really gonna happen. You calling my wife a wife? Next Sunday, I'm never gonna didn't go through this, winn. I'm talking to her next Sunday. Next Sunday, I'm ana whoop ya. You ain't gonna do nothing to me. I'm gonna who yo, man, and my wife who deserved a child too? You ain't you ain't gonna stand in the middle of this. I'm asking the middle of this, he lost your mine? You talk to my wife's next thing you want too? I got one my thing I want to say to you. Man, is you listening to me? Say? What the you gotta say? You can get off my phone? Is nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got planked by your homeboy? What this is? Who this is this? Listen this man? This nephew tim Me, Man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your homeboy got me to frank phone call you. Man. I'm over here. Man, my head is spinning, you know. Man, got me. I'm ready to fight. Brother. Hey, I got one more thing to ask you, big dog man. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the bland, man, the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man, y'all got me this morning? Man? Got me? Man? Hey, can you be daddy? No, because you can't carry a child man crazy with it? You can do it? Yeah, anything with Sarah Dady with National News, and we talked about some entertainment news at the top of you're listening to. So remember when we told you guys yesterday about the restaurant owner in Huntington Beach, California, who only wants to serve unvaccinated people. Well, the owner of unaccinated, Yes, unvaccinated, unvaccinated people, none whatsoever. Anyway, the owner of that restaurant, his name is Tony Roman. He was a special guest on CNN's Chris Cuomo show. You know, Let's Get after It. We love that show. So during the interview, Chris asked the owner was he vaccinated and he admitted that he and his family was not. And then the owner he went on to say that he's not taking an anti vaccine stand. Instead, it was a pro freedom stand. But then this owner, I don't know, he tried to come after Chris Cuomo. Take a listen, Ti Tyranny, Okay, and you know, maybe the conversation should really be between me and your brother. That's what I'm thinking. Maybe so your pro freedom, but people can't wear masks, Tony, it doesn't make sense, it really doesn't. I gave you a chance to make the case. I wish you well. I hope your family stay safe. I made my case. You didn't have much to say. You didn't have much to say. I mean, honestly, you sound like an idiot. So there's not much to say. But Tony, good luck with it. So you and so do you. Yeah, only for having you on the show. That was my only mistake. But I love Chris Cuomo, Chris, I love Chris Man like to dude. Gonna take a shout at the Dude brothers to do it. To vaccine, not at all, not so damn stupid. I mean that's you know. Look, this country. The problem with America is too damn free. Let me just go of a couple of things that were too free about. You freely can choose to accept the vaccination. You can freely choose to wear masks or not. You can freely choose to take your ass to that hospital and get on a ventilator and waste a bed when you could have easily had a vaccination. You can freely kill a black person in this country and take your ass home and keep your job. You can freely stop people and suppress the voting rights of all or any American you choose. That's what you can freely do in this country. You can freely support a lie that the election was stole and set up in here, and the rest of us can't do nothing about it. Then you can freely run your ass down to the Capitol on January sixth as a terror attack, running there and then expect that you should freely be able to go home. And then you can get the support of the Republican Senate to back the fact that you were just honorable Americans loving your country. That's how free this country is. Right here. You can freely get a permit as a hate group and walk down taxpayer streets and spread your hate all over the place. Because we're so damn free. You can freely go buy a gun and kill your neighbor with it. You can freely do any damn thing you want. That's the problem with America, Land of the Free, But it's full of damned fools. Said, you can't give a food freedom, You have to give him discipline, restrictions, rules, guidelines, and laws. And we are living watching what happen happens when you let fools be free. Yep. Going back for COVID nineteen freely died without the vaccine. Yep, that's exactly real free if you country, Yeah, really, really, you can freely freely endanger the lives of other people because you want to, because you want to. That's its state all right. Time to move on. Let's get to today's headlines, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Ann Trup Okay, thanks guys, good morning. This is anderput the news well as promised. President Biden's announced strict new COVID testing, masking, and social distancing requirements for federal employees, and the President's urging cities and states to offer one hundred dollars incentives or whatever they can do to persuade the unvaccinated to take that shot. Some hopeful news from the Hill. Senate Democrats and Republicans have agreed on the basics of a huge infrastructure bill, and this comes after months of behind the scenes negotiations. Are sixty seven the nayser thirty two. The greatest investment and infrastructure in all of our lifetimes. Fizz is truly to celebrate. Infrastructure is about bringing America together, and work now begins on a nearly one trillion that's trillion with a t dollar measure. As a President Biden and Democrats work on a separate and a broader bill that's being considered under budget rules. That bill is about three trillion. Actually, the Congress has overwhelmingly Okay, emergency funding to ensure support for US allies in Afghanistan and for Capitol Hill Police, whom Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer says are owed a lot because of January sixth, in the face of unprecedented adversity, they responded heroically. We must support them now as they so courageously supported us. The bill also directs one hundred million dollars to the DC Police, while also providing funding for the National Guard and for aid programs for translators and others who help US troops in Afghanistan. By the way, they got about two hundred and fifty of those people out of Afghanistan who helped the US troops. They're on US soil this morning, about two hundred and fifty, but they have about two thousand or more that they are trying to get out before all American troops leave that country. This is bad. The Biden administration says it has to let nationwide the Nationwide band on Evictions expire this Sunday unless something is done. The White House says mister Biden wanted to extend it for another couple of months. With COVID infections and deaths rising by the Supreme Court rule that the moratorium could not go past July without congressional action. So the president's urging, well makes to do something act without delayed to protect vulnerable renters and their families. And they only have like a day and a half to do it. Now. Defrock Catholic cardinal facing criminal charges in Massachusetts for allegedly assaulting a minor child in nineteen seventies. Former Cardinal Theodore Carrick, the first US cardinal in the US ever charged criminally for the sexual abuse of a minor. Meccarrick was defracked by Pope Francs in twenty nineteen, and finally sad news late night TV gadget Ron popele has died. That are not pride. I think we got fourteen lamb chops in here at one time. Let's put some salmon in the basket. I'll put it in the breast. Go it's just good. Ron Popel was eighty six years old. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show, Okay, Steve, introduce your boy ladies and Jennifer without further do the dog bit to mind? Oh, Jay Anthony Brown Tomorrow Night, Saint Petersburg, Florida. Your boy will be in there at the National Guard Amrine. It's time to hit the road everybody, which means people are taking trips. Now. Since there is no average family, it does not exist. An average family could be a mom and dad, two kids, a grandma or granddad, auntie, uncle, and a damn doll. An average family could be a dad his girlfriend, two kids, a grandma or grandpa, auntie, uncle, and a damn dog. An average family could also be a girlfriend her girlfriend, two kids, a grandma or grandpa or auntie or uncle, or a damn dog. Average family could also be a dad his boyfriend there, two kids, a grandma, a grandpa or auntie, uncle, and a damn dog. Now we've already established it that there's no such thing as an average family, but there are some rules for hitting the road. Rule number one, the driver packs the car. Okay, who's ever driving packs the damn car. Don't go putting stuff in there, messing up the damn system. Okay, the driver has a system. Okay, that's rule number one, all right. Rule number two, no stank foods allowed on the trip. Nothing stank, oh nothing, No cheeses, no cabbage, no sardines. If you eat beans before the trip, stay your ass home. Okay. Note to the mate of the driver. We ain't gonna be I'm mad and I'm not talking. We're not having that. Okay, We're not having that on the damn trip. None of that. We're talking, okay. Rule number two. I think I don't come off from the numbers anyway. Don't be pointing our stuff for the driver to look at. It throws him off. Don't mean look. I can't look damn it. I'm driving right. Another rule, and it's very important. The driver is in charge of the radio. The driver is in charge of the radio. That means old school for as long as he likes old school kids. Put your damn headphones on. Same to yourself. Don't nobody want to hit that hippote hoppity while we're driving down the damn road. We'll listen to gospel for fifteen minutes if he decides, and last but not leads, listen to the driver. To the driver. People have to pe, People have to pee. Okay, we got to pee, even the dog, all right, thank you, Jay. Coming up, we're gonna tell you guys about this pastor who doesn't want anybody to show up to his church wearing a mask. This foolishness. Right after this you're listening to so did you guys hear about this? I know Jay has uh he he sent me the actual story. This is Tennessee. Pastor. He's given out uh. He's given his members two options, Steve, two options. Come to the church maskless or be kicked out. Those are the options. Pastor Greg Loock told his members at Glo Vision Bible Church and Mount Juliet, Tennessee. He will ask anyone with a mask to leave. Take a listen. Don't believe this delta variant nonsense. Stop it, stop it. I know right wing watched watching. I don't care if they go through round two and you start showing up all these masks and all this nonsense, I'll ask you to leave. I will ask you to leave. I am not playing these democratic games up in this church. If you want to social distance, go to First Baptist Church, but don't come to this one. I've done with it. I said, I've done with it. I ain't playing these stupid games. So that the Delta variant and this COVID thing is a democratic ploy. Yeah, okay, so let me ask you something past him. The six hundred thousand deaths we've had in this country. Ask those family members how big a game it was? And political affiliation had nothing. A lot of Republicans have died, a lot of Liberals, a lot of Democrats, a lot of independence, Atheists, Catholics, Jewish people, Protestants, Muslims, a lot of people have died. Man. And for you to get up in a pulpit, I ain't having it. If you come in, I'm gonna ask you to leave. And who's hooping it up in the background? You know? You know the sad thing about us and the sad thing about this world earth. When the Fire had a line in the song that says, gonna find a few to always walk with you, many people claim don't always feel the same. I don't care what you do. If you go online and post it, you can get somebody agree with it. How many people out there hate but a pecanace cream? You could? I promise you you can get some followers. You can go online and say, hey, where are the mask haters in the world? And you you're gonna be You're gonna be busy. M how many people hate black people? Sign up? They're gonna sign up. Doc. How many people think that if you if you're a certain color, you're beneath to other people, they'll sign up. I don't care what you do. Now. This fool got a microphone. I'm tired of this democratic that's delta variant. If you're coming here, I'll ask you to leave. I'm sick of it. I've had enough of it. He's an idiot. Church, he's a pastor at church. He's an idiot. And there's not a Bible verse a lie that supports anything. He said. Man, man, man, this is unbelievable that this man takes this type of position in the pulpit. Meanwhile, New York City, I'll tell you about this. The mayor, Bill Deblasio, he has a plan for getting more people vaccinated against COVID nineteen. He is going to offer them a hundred dollars incentive starting today. Starting today, the cash reward will be handed out to city residents and employees who make an appointment at a city run vaccination site. And in college, I go up there and get that yeah oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, I go I go to three times. I'd be so, I'd be so vaccinated. Sam dog. I used to give blood too, three times a week. Yeah, but this is this is a way, This is some kind of incentive. I think we leaders have to find another way to get people vaccinated. And the mayor is taking this approach in the country's largest city in the world, in Tennessee. The same that good. This is not good. This is not good at all. But if Jim Jones could get people to commit suicide, it's not a surprise that this passing it to get a flock of people to believe what he's saying. It's just not a surprise. Just it's just what it is. It's really sad. Well, let's switch gears here, nephew. Yeah, let's switch gears. Let's pick up the pace and run. We'll do the prank phone call right after this. Oh hey, y'all, come on, you're listening. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after Shirley Love us a strawberry letter. The subject is why is her husband so insecure? Why is her husband so insecure? We'll talk about it at the top of the hour, but right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for his nephew, what it's something right here? Wait so drunk and I bring it that this one right here. Yeah, there's a prank from my archives. Means so much. Deal. Tell me if you turn to the Book of Stupid, chapter nine, verse five, it will read and tim me franked them. Here it is this right here? Is you hit my mama's tree. Come on if you would, quiet cat dog? Hello, Hello, man, I speak to lord Lord this terror? Who about this terry? I'm about ten minutes from the yard picked doll. This ain't no terror. Look, man's this lord that worked for Yes, sir, listen, you just came down Clayton Street and hit me and tow all the limbs off my mama maple tree that's hanging over the street. And now she got limbs hanging all in the street. We got to cut this whole tree down because you didn't mess it up. And you were the one that just drove through here, sir. I ain't been down Clayton Street today, sir, say what. I ain't been down Clayton Street today. I ain't been in on residential neighborhood today. You just came down Clayton Street a couple of hours ago and then told all the limbs off my mama tree. My mama, that tree been and I founded twenty five years and then you just came down the street and just tore it all apart. Sir, I ain't been down Clayton Road today. How did you get this number? By the way, don't worry about how I got your number. Somebody got to pay for my mama treat. Sir, I ain't been down Clayton Road today. I'm sorry, call it call him back down? Hello, lord? Did you just hang up on me? Yes, sir, I told you I didn't been down on clay Road today. Now now what look I told you you just came down Clayton Road and just and just told my mama tree up a live down residential neighborhood today. Man, quit calling my mom phone that look my grandmama planet that treat. Now you didn't gotta do it. Planet it move to my ben cut the branches off to some of them. If them branches, it's clear enough you're not supposed to be driving them at wheel trucks down this residential area like this hill man, I was making delivery guy. Now, if I had to come down that tree, I would have, But I told you one. I ain't came down on Clayton Street today. You just said you had to make a delivery. Now you're saying you ain't been down Clayton's tree. Hadn't make delivered down there, I would have came down that tree. You can't have to come down now you've been on Clayton Street today. Now that part I do know. And what you got the wrong Robert dude. No no, no, no, no no no, I got the right driver. And what I do know ill you didn't told my mama tree up. We got to cut this old tree out. And you know what, you're gonna pay for this. And I ain't saying for a mother treat that treat of kidding. I know you ain't talking about my mama tree. Well, guess what, take your tree and take your mama and both of y'all go out there and planning another tree. Then we ain't planning no more tree. That tree been in our family for you. You're gonna mess around and get your swept behind this tree. Bring it on, then bring your and bring the tree with you. You're gonna make me whoop with a bridge off that tree. Well, I tell you what if you're that bad, then, I tell you what if I was on Clayton Street today, I meet don play the street with the tree. You come on over here to Clayton right now, because I'm right out here in the street on the cardless phone. You come on outside. My mama's sitting up in there crying behind this tree because you didn't told the lives off and we got to cut it down now because you didn't mess it up. Don't get us napping this teller wife. But mind then, I ain't been down on the tree. I know you ain't sitting here talking about my mama. No, see you tripping not dog and tripping dog you are. Look, man, I grew up with this tree in my front yard. I grew up with this tree. Now you got the nerve to drive to hell and driving too fast because if you're the droll slow, you wouldn't have been hitting all them lives like that. Y'all be running down here too fast through hill man looking at and I've told you once man, I ain't been down on Clayton Street. No, like I told you. If you want to meet me on Clayton Street, we'll all right. Now. I'm sorry about your mom trip. But hell, it ain't nothing I can do about it, because I ain't been down on play Street. It's one thing you can do about it. You can pay for it, and that's what you're gonna do. Now. You're gonna either give me some money. I'm gonna get it at you. But you're you're gonna you're coming over here. Matter of fact, you're gonna come over him now that big truck around and bring your butt on over here right now. Well I might well have don't turn it around because I ain't paying for no tree right now. That's fine, that's fine, But I tell you, when you get here, my cousin Hill and all my uncles is here sitting up there looking at out what you didn't done in this tree? So bring yo, I don't. Yeah, well look a here, take that tree and stuff it up, you yo yo, all right, I ain't in a word with you, and is treat no more because I don't told you one. Let me ain't treat you. Come on right now, because you don't know what this tree means to me. This tree right here used to be home basic for a hide and gold seat. Are you crying, you big you're crying too, man, look at you, dog, I ain't don't treat, don't look at wipe your eyes and to hell? What you this tree right here, I'm turning my You just meeting me on Clayton Street. All right, let me tell you something. This tree used to be first base for kickball? Do you hit me? Bosh? Dude, I don't told you once. I ain't tree. All right? Hell around it? Dude? Your name Lord, but you ain't he Hell is cool Jay, and he would not he wouldn't not Hell come down here and told my mama Tree he is not that kind of person. But you you lord? Oh you crying for? Man? What crying for? Because you didn't mess up my mama Tree? You saw like a girl. I'm crying because my Mama Tree wrote. Let me tell you something. Go around and bring your down. I mean that in ten minutes to meet your don where's be molding me? My uncles is ill, my cousin's hill, all the braider brunch family, whatever, ranger. I'll tell you what there that night, it's gonna be hot water in this stay. Don't make me no difference. They call you all ell, knock you out, and that's what you're finna get all all that. I'm on with it because I'm here. All right, We'll let running cool. Don't make me listen straight up, I'm gonna tell you one more thing about this treat. Is you listening to me? I'm listening? Is you listening? I don't told you one I don't give it about that tree, But if you want to talk about it, go ahead. Let me tell you something. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy JJ And look, man, what did you gonna say? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy. You got to be kidding me. Man, ain't no, ain't no tree messed up? And you ain't been on Clayton Street. Joe Joe oh Man your dog? Hey man? What is the baddest radio show in the land? Steve Harvard Morning Show? Man? Come on, Jay, Jay? You did did I do it? Did you do it? And then? Yes? Genius? I love it, I love it. I love Let me say this. Let me put it out there. You can catch the genius. You understand. September twenty three, twenty fourth and the twenty Field, West Palm Beach Flatty. Oh, that's wrong, that's wrong. Timmy messed up. You can catch Timmy. Twenty four, twenty five, twenty sixth Friday Saday Sunday, West Palm Beach, Flotta The Nephew coming back. I've been stupid every time. September twenty four, twenty five, twenty six, Septima twenty fold, twenty five. She scared me. Oh, twenty four, twenty five, twenty six. I have been stupid time I've been down there, and I'm gonna be stupidsome mote. Come see stupid, brand stupid, stupid or brand spanking new. Come watching the Nephew. Yeah, do you pat your stupid or do you didn't check it? I don't check my stupid because something could happen to that. Yeah, you know my stupid is a carry on? Yes, yeah, I put my stupid in the overhead over yest over there. Yes, this conversation is stupid. With the blue jackets with your with is up right, stupid, du stupid. The Strawberry letters up there. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show right now. It is time for today's Strawberry letter. If you need any advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry letter. All right, let's buckle up, let's hold on tight. We gotta for you. Strawberry letter subject, why is her husband so insecure? Dear Stephen Shirley. I am happily married and my wife and I have two kids. The problem is I have a female friend from college. My female friend is also married with two kids, and she lives in another state. We hardly ever see each other, but we do keep in touch. Over fifteen years ago, she and I had sex. My wife knows we were intimate in the past because we all went to the same college. The other day, I was talking to my friend on the phone. We chatted about reality TV shows. I congratulated her on her anniversary, and we talked about our children. We didn't talk about anything that we couldn't discuss in front of our spouses. My wife is cool, but she's no fool. She knows she has nothing to worry about. My friend's husband is nuts so cool. He got upset and called my house. He spoke to my wife about my friendship with his wife. He was hoping my wife would be upset, but she was not. I think he should talk to his wife instead of calling my house and texting me. I shouldn't have to deal with all of the FU and F your family texas, he sends me. I know, So I cut my friend off completely. I changed my number and blocked her on social media. My wife told me but that this lady is my friend, so I should not just cut her off like that. What do you think is cutting her off the right thing to do? If my wife doesn't have a problem with our friendship, why should he. I don't understand why her husband is so upset, is so insecure. It doesn't matter whether he's insecure or not. He has a problem with you talking to his wife, simple as that he does not like it. And that is the bottom line. Whether your wife is okay with it and she's cool with it or not, he has a problem with it because you don't know what's going on in their house. You don't know what she's telling him. You don't know if he knows that you guys had a prior relationship, you know, an intimate relationship in college. All that is probably messing with him, and he doesn't want that to ever happen again. He doesn't like the fact that another man is talking to his wife. You got to give him that you did the right thing. I'm in agreement with you. Cut it off. That's the best thing to do. Sorry that you're friends, but she'll have to understand that if she's truly your friend, that it's best for her marriage, and it's best for your marriage as well. Even though your wife is cool with it. Just cut it off. Form a bond with your wife. If you need to talk about TV reality shows, you guys talk about that. Whatever you guys need to talk about, do it with your wife. I mean, it's it's just dangerous ground when you form friendships with the opposite sex because it can lead to other things. It doesn't always do that, but it can lead to other things. And that's I think what her husband is talking about. Yeah, like I said, he may be insecure, but it really doesn't matter. Stop talking to his wife. And you've done that. See I lead this letter. Let me dude, what's wrong with you? Now? Doc man and man, let's take Shelly out of this for a minute. You should just wrote this letter, Dear Steve to drag Shelly into this faull Man, we're talking about the problem between you and another man. What you're talking to Shelly about this fault? What you're talking to your wife bout it fault? The problem between you and another man? Damn, doc, how old are you? You're this fifteen years ago? You're in college. You ain't to you in your late thirties. Of me and thirties, at least you're thirty five. You've got to be nuts. Let me tell you why. I'm happily married, my wife and I got two kids. Now, you say, right him, this is why I note. The problem is I have a female friend from college. Right? What so? Now, what's the rest of the letter? Fall? You already know what the problem is, but you're gonna write us this letter. Come on, man, you're for real. You open the letter with I'm happily married my wife, we got two kids. The problem is I got a female friend from college. Well, damn, I got the problem. We got to leviate the problem. My female friend is also married with two kids. She lived in another state. We hardly get to see each other, don't are you listening to yourself? We hardly ever see each other, see each other for what. I'm just asking this just a question. What did you see each other for? What you're talking on the phone, what you need to see each other? Fault, But we do keep in touch. Here we go over fifteen years ago. She and I had sex up to my wife knows we were intimate in the past because we all went to the same college. What you're trying to tell me though, that the reason you had sex with hood because oh, y'all went to college together. You know how many chicks I went to college with I wanted and I couldn't get. So if that was the rule, because we went to college together, you know how much sex out of here when we're in college. Come on, all in college? Yeah, if that was it, I could go down to the list of girls I was in a little within college and gave me the time of day. So we was in college with cad set according to the letter. In his letter, the other day, I was talking to him a friend on the phone. We chatted about reality shows, I congratulate on anniversary. We talked about our cheerity. We didn't talk about anything. We couldn't discuss them front our spouses. But the key to this whole thing is we didn't talk about nothing. We could discuss them one our front spouse wasn't no phone though. My wife is cool, but she's no fool. She knows she has nothing to worry about. My friend's husband is not so cool. He got upset and called my house. He spoke to my wife about my friendship with his wife. He was hoping my wife would be upset, but she was not. You don't you don't understand this? See bru you calling his wife? Hit figure? I can your wife see once? You're talking to the man wife. The man got the right to talk to your wife. You see that? That's all this is? This fail. I have seen this played out a lot of time. Yeah, and any of you getting married by dude talking to your wife? Are you over there talking to his wife? That's how this work. Now, I think he should talk to his wife instead of calling my house and texting me. You're lucky he whipping your ass holding right there? Better be lucky. We just get on the texting and talking. Got your ass us out west as you're listening, show all right? Steve back to the Strawberry letters subject why is her husband so insecure? And this was written by a man and This man then wrote in here where he opened a letter, that I'm happily married, my wife and I got two kids. The problem is I have a female friend from college. Okay, we've identified the problem. You know it's a problem. You out of line on this one. Now she's married, she got two kids, she lived in another state. Y'all hardly ever see each other, but we do keep in touch. Over fifteen years ago, she and I had sex. We were intermitted in the past because we all went to Saint College. What I can name the kicks. I went to college and we didn't have sex. What was her name, Berneth Berneath, Paul Severn, Bernie. I thought you were trying to give me a the tricks. That's what hesitate, hesitated, hesitated. But let me say this, Steve, let me ask no. I ain't no asking me nothing. I can't ask you a question ahead. Because you know, a lot of people there are two schools of thought of us. A lot of people think that you can have a friendship with a member of the opposite sex you didn't already have sex with him. That ain't friends fifteen years ago. I don't give a damn if it was fifty years ago. You had sex with him. You didn't elevated the friendship to somewhere else. It is somewhere else. Since you wanted it, then what's stopping you from wanting not? You do remember having sex with her, don't you? Yes? Because you mentioned it in the letter, Yes and not. Her husband got a problem with it. My friend husband is not so cool. He got upset and called my house, spoke to my wife, but our friendship with his wife. He was hoping my wife would be upset, but she was not not listening to this part. I think he should talk to his wife instead of calling my house and texting me. No, no, partner, See you call his wife. This man now has the right to call your wife. That's how this work. Ain't. No, you can't call my wife no more, but you steady calling mine. Hould up, partner. That ain't how this work? And you text it. You can't text my girl and I can't text your girl. How this is gonna work? He's talking about this texting though, I'm surprised it's just texting. What about what he's saying? Right here? F you and F your family? Where's the ass with me and this left that? Listen? That's mixed. I'm reading this matter. I don't see ass for me nowhere anywhere, because once you tell me, if me and my family here comes, then we got to get to doing what you're saying. I don't understand this right here, but he's so damned stupid. So then he says he don't understand all the F you and F your family texts here. He wanted you this Jesus called warning shot. Hey man, F you and F your family. Now the F your family means you in the field with mine. Yea. So now since you don't give a damn by hob, I'm running mine over here. I can't possibly care how you running you was over there. I'm telling you this dude is clean. The dude that's insecure is clean. And you better think the Lord is just texting one more time, where's the and where is the ass this letter? Because nine percent of the men I know I know, and maybe I know the wrong type of men. But the nine percent of the men I know, it's already than elevated. This he looking at in different cities. Yeah, because we're trying to find somewhere to meet right now now. So I cut my friend off complete because you know why you cut him off completely, because you know the man to fire. The war is shot, so you don't cut your free and off completely. I changed my number in block tern on social media that he was to watch this right here. My wife told me that this lady is my friend, so I should not just cut off like that. What do you think your wife's gonna get your ass? Yeah? And I see this is where woman have to step up and be a woman. Now see, real women have to Women have a different responsibility than men. Real women go, okay, let me keep my husband out of danger. Let me keep him out of harm's way. That's why a lot of women don't come home with news to their husband about something a man saying to him, or something that a man saying to him at a party, because she no, I gotta protect my husband because just because the man law, he gonna go down here and do something. This lame. So now this is where your wife need to stop all this. I don't see why you can't be her friend because she ignant too. Now both of y'all gonna ask people that's married together, and somebody gonna get their ass on igness, So he is and his wife, Okay, both of them. Now, it's cutting her off the right thing to do. If my wife doesn't have a problem with our friendship, why should he? Why should he have a problem with it? Cause you screwed his wife. The whole reason he got a problem with you, it's because you screwed his white Yet well, back in the day, she wasn't his wife. I don't give a day once we find out, once we know who it is. Yeah, oh but now y'all talking. So now we automatically got to wonder what he talking about? And why are you listening? Because eventually all this talking led up to y'all was in bed together. And if you don't think that this man want to sleep with you again, you got to be thinking that I'm crazy. Well that because I want to sleep Yeah, that's gonna be my question. Is it because he thinks they could possibly get together again? That's the only reason were talking, That's it. Why are we talking? You mean to tell me? And all these conversations you think, remember that time they ain't go This ain't about the reality show? Now, ain't that anniversary? All right? Listen, we gotta get out of here. Email us Instagram. My short thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at Steve Harvey FM. You're listening Steven Show. Okay, Steve, it's on you what you gout? You've been watching the Olympics? Were ready for? Yeah go? This is the hood Olympic Report. This is Donna do that. We're coming to your lives straight around at Tokyo. Even though I'm not down, I'm acting like it. You know. We couldn't afford the flight and anybody going over there with all the COVID no high because I don't know what, but I think that's where it started. That I ain't really show, but anyway started somewhere over there. So ay there you know, Donna ain't going nowhere, So reporting live from television, sex around here watching as much as I can. My report is all the things I know about, because well, be honest with you, the Olympics is on while I may work, you know, I drive his truck and hey, I ain't got time all this year anyway, sooner leave or the mess around and water gold medal or a little girl for America. Congratulations the team, the silver they did. Just find everybody that matters. Simon bol you can kiss our coda. Put out booty in a box kiss every kissing, don't miss a coma, Okay, you know, I mean, let's let's keep it real. Or she do flips, she ain't there no more. We're doing good anyway, anyway, moving on, or the USA team finally trying to pull hands back together after getting their ass put by France. Yeah, I think it's illegal to let these people go back to their country and play after they have played in the NBA and making all this damn money. Then Rudy Gobang gonna take his hand back over to France to play for human Paul gassaull over that playing for Sprain with Sprain ain't paying you no damn money, and neither it's from Saint. So I think you we are to make everybody once you come over here in America. You in the league, you can't go back home and play now. Golf is on it. Roy, Mchaelroy doing pretty good for Island. And I don't know who we got in America code one of our boys tested positive for COVID with his ass had gone home. John Ram took his place over there. Now. I was watching the eight hundred last night, and the eight hundred unit they gotta run the heats, but every country can send a representative if you just have to go through the heat and qualify. They run about five six, seven, eight heats and the women's eight hundred, and then they picked the top two out of each one, and that's who'll be in the final. Well, some country didn't put this woman in there, and obviously ain't. Never ran the eight hundred the first ladder, they said gold and her ass looked like me. She it had. They had ran two hundred yards out of the eight hundred. She was one hundred yards back. I said, who, mama, is this out here running this damn eight hundred. It's a damn shame, man. But there's so much fun watching the Olympics. I want to say congratulations to our dude or Colin, the white boy that swim that's got to alligator, the eagle and the bow on his arm. He whipping an ass over there women a crime. He won a gold miller. Just a very emotional or the high jumps out. We'll be back at the top of the hour. You're listening all right. Time now for comedy roulette, Jay Anthony Brown. Set this thing up. Please. It's very simple. You take three subjects, put those subjects on the wheels, spun the wheel, where the wheels stop. Because we're good at this, we'll make it funny. Watch us do what we do. Go ahead, all right. Here are the categories stupid names people have for their pets. Let me finish. Yeah, yeah, Next subject, things nosy people say when they try to get in your business. And the final category is things women say about a man who dumps them. Spin the wheel. Let's gun it, spun it. Let's see what we do, knows it? People? I like I like the stupid names pet I like them. Okay. Things women say about a man who dumps them. Who's up first? You ready to go first? Comedy roulette. Things women say about a man who dumps him. He can't handle ass. That's what this is. He can't that's what she said. That's what she said. He can't handles in no way, let me handle us. Go ahead, right, all right. Things women say after man has dune. I was just in it for the money anyway. I was in it for the money, in it white anyway. Let Things women say about a man who dumps them. I should have known them. One's gonna be now with them, little last, feeding them little tiny hands. Go ahead, girl, you feel me? Yeah, comedy roulette. Things women said by the man who dumps him. I was doing him a favor by dating his egg glass. I mean, come on, we've all said that, ladies. Things women say about a man who dumps My mama said he wasn't sugar hunted eyes too when I first right, Mama, Nos, Mama said she did, yes, she did. Things women say about a man who dumps them. Girl, I was tired of holding my breath around his ass anyway, not holding your breaths breath for his girl. I like it. I like it. Come about Jake. Ain't comedy. Let things women say about a man who dumps it. Look at me, I mean, shy, just look at me. Just take a look at me, and then take a look at him. What is it think women say about a man who does he he couldn't have. Let's cook it, no way, baby, right, okay, so much to alright, Steve. Things women say about a man who dumps them. What is she saying? I don't know, girl, I don't guess I was with him. I thought he was. He was just so damn stupid. It's stupid. I'm talking comedy Roulette. Things women say about the man who dumps it, Graham, girl, I need more than two minutes. Really, let the truth be told. Yeah, to be told. I need more than two minutes. Women say about a man who dumps them. You know what, it's cool, it's cool. I'm gonna start howling at his brother anyway. All right, Steve, you're gonna close it out. Yeah, yeah, women, go ahead. Women say about a man who dumps them. I ain't like his MoMA, No way to pretend. Yeah. Yeah, that's the one right there. Because I think the ladies that listening right now, we have all we have all said. And you know what, men, we've heard most of these anyway. So that's why. Yeah, because they just they just rolled off the top of your head, heard these things. All right, we'll be back at twenty after the hour. You're listening, Steve Hardy Morning Show. Okay, guys, so Popeyes they have new chicken nuggets that are coming out. First sandwich craze and now they got chicken nuggets. What you guys, thank you for the sandwich dout? No, no, not at all. No, no, who had the sandwich? I had? I had the sandwich. It was really delicious. Ye, it's delicious. Chicken sandwich is good, o ye, sandwich worth worth the four hours I stood in land number four four half a work day, I ain't got I don't have four hours for no food out. That's something. Stopping is gonna be good, though, trust me. Yeah, you had the chicken sandwich in New Orleans, Steve, and I really Pope Eyes. Yeah, oh that Popeyes on an straight. I think it's boy cars off the chain. Yeah yeah, as soon as soon as Essence Festivals. All right, there at Popeye twelve thirty at night one, here we go. I know that one. Everybody walked to that one too. You don't even get in the car, so I love it. Popeyes Nuggets out all right, nephew, let's go, Hey, Popeye's baby. You can't beat the flavor. Matter of fact, when you in there, get you some dirty rice and the side of that gravy and pull that gravy on that right. I promise you you're gonna say Tommy told you so. That's good. Cups for the race, that's all. The cups ain't big enough. That's all all right, We gotta go. We'll be back at thirty three after you're listening show. So did you guys hear about this? I know Jay, has he sent me the actual story? This is Tennessee pastor. He's giving out. Uh. He's given his members two options, Steve, two options. Come to the church, masklessts or be kicked out. Those are the options. Pastor Greg Locke told his members at Global Vision Bible Church and Mount Juliet, Tennessee. He will ask anyone with a mask to leave. Take a listen, don't bleed this Delta variant nonsense, stop it, stop it. I know right wing watched watching. I don't care if they go through round two and you start showing up all these masks and all this nonsense, I'll ask you to leave. I will ask you to leave. I am not playing these democratic games up in his church. If you want to social distance, go to First Baptist Church, but don't come to this one. I'm done with it, I said, I've done with it. I ain't playing these stupid games that the Delta variant and this COVID thing is a democratic ploy. Okay, So let me ask you something past him. The six hundred thousand deaths we've had in this country. Ask those family members, how big a game it was, and political affiliation had nothing to do. A lot of Republicans have died, a lot of liberals, a lot of Democrats, a lot of independence Atheist Catholics, Jewish people, Protestants, Muslims, a lot of people have died. Man. And for you to get up in a pool pit, I ain't having it come in. I'm gonna ask you to leave. And who's hooping it up in the background? You know? You know the sad thing about us and the sad thing about this world earth. When if I had a line in the song that says, gonna find a few to always walk with you, many people claim don't always feel the same. I don't care what you do. If you go online and post, you can get somebody agreed with it. How many people out there hate butter Bakhana ice cream? You could, I promise you you can get some followers. You could go online and say, hey, where are the mask haters in the world? And you're gonna be You're gonna be busy. How many people hate black people? Sign up? They're gonna sign up there. How many people think if you're a certain color you're beneath to other people? They'll sign up I don't care what you do now. This food got a microphone. I'm tired of this democratic delta variant. If you're coming here, I'll ask you to leave. I'm sick of it. I've had enough of it. He's an idiot church, he's a pastor at church. He's an idiot. And there's not a Bible verse alive that supports anything he said. Coming up at forty nine after the hour, it is our last break of the day. Go get the damn shot. Okay, shot All closing remarks right after this. You're listening to show, Okay, Steve. It is the last break of the day, last break of the week. Has been a good week, guys, how you feeling? Our girl, Shirley was out. She took a couple of days off to celebrate her perfect day. Yes, Tommy was pressing her for a number. He was, oh wow, it was real ignorant Jay trying to get her age. On the end, women don't do that, they're just right tell him Jay, school team Tommy school. So you're not supposed to ask. You're not supposed to ask a lady, how old are are you? Are you? Cry? She is? And if she's pregnant you should never ask the lady no. Yeah, thank you, Jay, thank you. But I learned all this the hard way. Calling I learned I didn't touched out on all of these. So, Jay, have you asked somebody if they was pregnant and they wasn't. Yes, that's what I'm talking about. Yeah, yeah, that's how. That's how I learned not to do it on stage. What I learned mine on stage. What I was just talking. Man, this lady had a big stomach in the front row, and I'm just said, man, you look nice. I said, you're really glowing. I said, how many moths are you? She looked at me and said, I'm not pregnant. Jesus. You know, I was young, so I was. I was young in the busins. I ain't know what to do, so I told her, I said, well, you know, you're still glowing. You look nice. Though. Tried to recover it, but she hated me the rest of the night, and everybody around her stopped laughing too because they fell sorry for her. So I never really recovered that night right there, And that's when I learned that comedy is not what you do. Comedy is about two hundred and fifty don'ts. You need to learn them don't. Yeah, you'll learn them right right away. And that's when you work the other side of the room. You don't even go back over the numbre. You just go to the other side of the damn room. Just act like that brother, that side ain't there because if you look at her, she piercing your skool. She is hated. Yeah, that happened to me. Wasn't time, Steve. I'm working and it was like the daytime show lady had the baby, you know, kind of drunk. She was kind of you know, she was drunk, and I told the other lady, you need to get that damn baby before that lady killer. She said, that's my mama. Okay, alright, I was so wrong, so wrong, bro. Yeah, yeah, that's that's one of the don'ts. You just don't do it. Don't do it. Yeah. So what you guys got up for the weekend? Yeah, let me just say, you know, I was talking to everybody about positive attitude the other day. I cannot express upon you the importance of your mental capacity and you your mind operates the same way that a remote control works because the remote control, the whole concept of remote control was was taken from how our mind works, which was taken from the spiritual part of us. That we were all created in God's image, and that's why in the beginning God was training us on how to think. Now, the Bible does say a man is as he thinketh. But in the beginning, when it was total darkness, there's a part of the Bible that says and God said, let there be light, And it was written that way because God wanted to teach us that what you say becomes your reality. And so I'm pretty sure God could have just waved his hand and made it light outside. But God said let there be light, and there was light. So I mean that sends a clear message to us that whatever we say is our reality. So you gotta be conscious of your mental capacity, because your role to success starts between your ears. Your role to success begins with the thoughts that come out of your mouth. I have a friend of mine that's in a bad spot right now, and one of the reasons he's in a bad spot is because of his mental attitude. It's everything. Man, if you speak defeat, your going to be defeated. If you keep using the word can't. I don't see how don't look like, ain't no way that's not possible. Then all those things become your reality, and you've got to start changing your reality. And the best way to change your reality is by changing the words that come out of your mouth. You've got to be real conscious of the stuff that you're putting out there in that atmosphere, because, like I was trying to tell you, your mind operates just like a remote control, because it was created in God's image. If you walk in the house and grab your remote control and you press the own button and you pointed at your TV, you expect one thing to happen, that TV to turn on. If you press if ESPN is eight forty two, you press eight forty two and select. You expect one thing esp in to come on. But guess what comes on your TV ESPN. Your mind works the exact same way. What you put out there is the same thing that's going to be. It's going to be your signal back to you, the signal you put out, it's what you're gonna receive. Change your attitude, You change your altitude. If you thank your thought process, you change your process to success. It all starts with your words and your thinking. Be very conscious of it. Y'all, get actively involved, because you can control one thing on your thoughts that could make the difference between success and non success. Have a great weekend, y'all, will see y'all Monday the Bonny. Y'all be rual. Staying precis no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.