Happy Humpday! Today's show opens with a little Game of Thrones references. Find out what jobs your favorite celebrities held before the fame. Joe Biden officially announces his intention to run for President in 2020. The attorney's of Jussie Smollett are being sued by the two brothers involved in the actor's case. Britney Spears' mental health has been called into question. Miss Carla definitely has something so say about Being Mary Jane. Russell Wilson gives his linemen $12k in Amazon stock. The long time best friend of the late Whitney Houston finally breaks her silence. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about faith and belief, plus so much more!
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Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving the move like themaking buck bus things and its cubs. True good at Steve har listening to movie together for Steve. Please, I don't join joining me. You gotta use turning them. You gotta turn to turn, got to turn out to the water, the water. Come come on your back that it h h, I sure will. Good morning everybody. Y're listening to the voice, come on dig me now wanting only Steve Harvey man old man, got a radio show. Yeah, I do. God so big to me, man, I just have to tell you about it. I can't help it. It's rather obvious to me how big, how good God is. He's absolutely tremendous. He's off the chain. He owned one. He'd be clowning, he'd be just showing out. Man. I'm just over here, just on receiving it. You know, if you're out there, start your mission today, Start your mission today? What are you waiting for? Why do we as people delay what we want or delay the process to begin what we want? Our hopes, our dreams, our desires. Why won't you start your mission today? Why don't we all decide together that just individually. Look you listening, you got something that you've been dreaming about. You got an ambition of yours that's not yet fulfilled. You got goals you haven't accomplished yet. Everybody has them. Everybody's got them. Everybody's got something that's that's on the table that they haven't yet attacked yet. What are you waiting for? Start your mission today? Stop the procrastination now. The procrastination is only hurting you yourself. And if you and if you allow practical excuse men, if you allow procrastination to set in, then that that allows then which is a weakness, you know, but that allows the devil then to just really do his thing, because an idle mind is the devil's playgrounds. If you ain't working on your goals, dreams, aspirations or visions, and you're just waking up seeing how today gonna go, or the devil he got plenty for it for you to do your thing about God is he's so forgiving that if you get out of line, he'll hold your place. See that's the real cool thing. But see the thing with God is God don't do that. God don't say the line, start back here. God holds your place. When you make a mistake and you fall off the line, God holds your place. But if you ain't got no dreams, aspiration, if you ain't got no place, what he holding for you? See, I mean he got a place for you, but you gotta come to him. See some people if well, here's what I'm saying. If you got a goal or aspiration or dream and you fall off track momentarily, you can get back to that because God knows where you're left off. Now you may have to accomplish a few more things since you stop for a long period of time, but God know where you left off, you can get back on track. I look, man, and this dream of being on TV since I was a kid, and it got off track, now it got off track. I just kept it as one of the dreams. And in some real dog moments when it looked like it wasn't gonna happen, all I was hanging on too was just the hope that one day it could. But that's what faith is really about. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. But faith gives you the confidence to keep hoping. Man, Sometimes it just keep hope alive. Sometimes you heard Jesse Jackson said, just keep hope alive. Sometimes, Man, it's just the hope. I was hanging on the hope. And I'm talking about when it got real ugly and funky out there for me, when it looked like I wasn't gonna ever make it, and all of the facts was in and everything pointed in the direction you're not gonna make it. You didn't really messed up this time. Then I sat there and I just hung on to the hope. But man, that's what I'm saying. If you got a dream on aspiration of vision or something, when you fall off track and you want to go get back in line, God holds your place. See he held on to that fum me. He knew I was off tracking how the line, but he said, okay, here's where we stopped. You want to be on TV that when you get it together and you quit tripping and you come in your turn to me, I'm gonna hold your place, put you back in line. Then we're gonna finish your journey. That took me a lot longer to get here than I wanted to, but then it was necessary because I needed all of the mishaps to happen to me along the way. So when I got on the radio one day, which I did not see coming, Steve Harvey got a radio show, y'all. That's why I say it every day. See, because of this radio show that I didn't see coming. Now I have stories to tell, I got experiences to share, and I can tell you about me better than I can tell you about anybody. And I haven't been through enough where it's relatable, where enough people can go. Man, that happened to me. Appreciate you saying that that's what it was for. See, I get it now. See at the time, though I didn't, I didn't like what was happening to me. At the time, I was really in total disagreement with God on a lot of stuff He was pulling off on me, but in essence, I was really pulling it off on myself. But through his grace and mercy, he kept me through all of my mistakes, all my bad decisions, all my miscalculations, all my misfires, all the times I knowingly stepped out there indeed wrong. He forgave me, He said, because man, if you ever come to me, I have a plan for you that it's going to be far and above. It will supersede everything you've ever dreamed of. That's what I did. I just got sick of me, good and sick of me, and I turned it over to God. And then God started working, and here I am today now as he threw it me. Yet Nope, Have I arrived jet Nope? But guess what the journey is cool? You know. It's like I was talking to this young brother the other day about comedy. He's really good stand up. You know, this young dude is really good. He said, Man, what is this I feel every night before I go on stage. I don't know what it is. I just wanted off me, I said, sir, listen to me, you young dude. This thing that climbs on my back every night before I go on stage. I don't know what it is. It's got something to do with pressure, It's got something to do with anticipation. It's got a whole lot to do with the fear of falling. He said, what you mean by that? I said, every night I walk out on stage, it's like I'm about to go and step off a cliff. I said. It's a sickening feeling. He said, man, but you do so well. I said, that's because the parachute opens. I say, but I want you to understand something. When I first walk out there, it's just stepping off the cliff. Now, these joe provide a parachute which slows my descent when I jump off the cliff, and I turned it into a glide. And then I take the audience this way and I swing them back over that way. We might swing out to the Colorado Rockies. We may go down to Miami with this joke. We may take it on out to la and I just swing back and forth till I land softly. The crowd cheers. The night is over with, I said, but it's been too many nights though. When I walked off that cliff and I pulled the cord in, the parachute didn't open. I said. Now I'm just free falling out there for thirty minutes. Ain't no jokes working, Ain't the parachute didn't open. I said, So see that's what it's like for me. And then you know what I found out. If you didn't walked off the cliff in life, and you ain't got no God in your life, it's like not having a parachute. You step off the cliff and you just free falling. Now see we all Now that fall gets you closer to the grave, right, see all head into the grave from the moment we're born. But the cool thing about a relationship with God is when you step off the cliff and you got God here a parachute. You're still going down, but it's a nice ride, and God just helps your your descent appear more like a rise and then more like a euphoric fall. Instead of not having no God in your life and you just walking off that cliff every day free falling. Ain't got no core, You steady pulling, you hauling the whole way because you've messed around with yourself, and ain't let God come into your life and provide a parachute for you. I would rather have a parachute since I got to jump every day than to not have one. God has been like a parachute from me. Ask me why where that came from? I can't tell you, But like I always say, most good things that happened in my life that I can't explain, it's usually him. You're listening show Ladies and Gentlemen, The Boys and the Girls Chitlings and heavy all Hall, the Malls and Linguini. This is is Steve Harvey Morning Show. Wait wait wait yeah that's variety right hey Steve. Everybody good this morning sunshine. Hey y'all. Okay, I tried to watch Game of Thrones, the second one. I fell asleep right after it got started, okay, because Jamie was in front of everybody and they were telling them they were fitting killing yes, and then Tyrian got in then saved well really who saved him was Brianna Charge? Yeah, she jumped in and saved it, so he gonna probably have to sleep with her. Well she loved it, sound like yeah, yeah, that ain't gonna be good TV. Yeah you say that, Carl. You think they're gonna kill him for real? I think he and Brianna are gonna get together. Yeah, but see, you don't want to sleep nobody who can pick you up, just like just like Aria and the Bathian boy Maria that you didn't see that? Oh yeah yet? Yeah the young the young Stark girl you know who was the Brathian boy and boy to make all it? Yes? Yes, yes, yes, yes, he thought they were gonna die. So she said she wanted to try having sex because she'd never had it before and she wanted to do it before she died. So she pushed him on the bed and they got business. He didn't want anybody that dominated spoiling it from me. Now, oh, you didn't see I didn't spoil it. Alert Yeah, you gotta get on No. Ten's day. Okay, I don't seem like for me, ain't then I'm looking forward to But Steve. It almost broke the internet because people were were wondering how old she was and could she do that and all of that because she started so young. You know, she was I think eleven when she started the show, and people were like, how two? How old is she? Why is she doing that? Meanwhile she has killed like forty thousand, Well, she ain't. She played eleven on the show. She played eleven on the show. She wasn't she was eleven. She was twenty two. Nine. Damon Throne has been on tu Well it's been on at least eight and you know they were off for those two years, you know. Yeah, so she says she's twenty two. She said she couldn't even believe they wrote that in script and asked, yeah, she thought it was a jail. Yeah, but she did that though we didn't have a rehearsal. Come on it, get up in here. Yeah, it was really good. It really was good. Steve. Watch so when you yeah, when you have time, watch it on what on and off? We get upset, you know, you get off days every now and again. All right, listen coming up at thirty two after the hour inside of something funny. Uh, celebrities are just like us. You know. We'll talk about celebrity jobs before they got famous, starting with Steve Harvey right after this on stories. You're listening to show those celebrities, right, they're just like us. Okay, Uh, well they are before they got famous anyway, maybe not while they're famous. Okay. You ever wonder what what's your favorite stars were doing before they made it big? For instance, Russell Crowe, who played Gladiator and won Academy Award for Gladiator. Uh, we're gonna get to see this actor used to be a DJ. Yes he's a Gladiator, don't yeh. Russell Crowe used to be Gladiator. Are you not in a tame? Yeah? He used to be a DJ. He worked at an Australian nightclub. All right. His stage name Russell le Rock, I love it. Okay, this one is really hard to believe. Steve brad Pitt used to work at Alpoio Loco right here in Los Angeles. But he stood outside of the Elo Loco, No, in a chicken suit. Brad Pitt, Fine, Brad Pitt, Right, all right, your friend Steve Chris Rock used to work in Red Lobster as a bus boy. Okay, cheese biscuits. She but he ate all the cheese biscuits he could ever want. Yeah. Uh. Jennifer Aniston had an odde job. She says. She took pride in cleaning toilets. Yeah, she had odd jobs cleaning, yeah, cleaning stuff. So yeah, all right, so Steve, come on, let us have it. First job, your first oh, no, your first job, paper out. Let's get on up. When I was killing out applications and jobs later come home from college, Yeah, freshman, I need money. Fry cook at burger kate rights to suit cock to the side, of course, dropping fries. Music. Want it so bad for them to put me on that open flame brawler so I can lay them patties on top. I wanted to make sandwiches. I was pissed off about the fry cook position. Girl. I don't know how these stupid as people y'all got in here making a sandwich and the man I wanted to make a damn whopper. That's funny, Steve So. And then later on in life, you got to do Burger king commercials, right, it's been. I used to work on the sembly line at Ford Motor Companies. Huh. Then became a hit sport for it was my tops sponsor for the Hoodie Awards and I had for a motor company put the car on family feud. Wow. So wait a minute, though, what did you You said you worked on the assembly line? Made you leave that job? It wasn't a good job. What happened? What made me leave it? Yeah? And they called layoffs? I just happened. Stuff happened in my house. I didn't leave school. They sent a letter to my house and told me not to come back with rock. Steve, No, I didn't. Anything happened to me. I was fused out. Oh what happened after that? Well? I worked down at the college on maintenance from midnight to four am. Huh. Well, I wanted to work in the kitchen so I could eat. Okay, Well, that's how I supplied my stoke. Oh your store, you have the store in my room. See this this this no, no, no, no, this is why he can't run for president. Oh he can't. Now all that's out the window. Now see I got. I had two double lined hot plates which were illegal probably yeah, and I had them in my closet for you could close the door. And when I opened them at night, late at night, I had a stower. Now I sold like platters and plates and sandwiches. I had ham and cheese. I had steaks. Oh, that's why you wanted to be on the sandwiches, because you had y'all stole steaks out the freezing. Me and our hardies get steaks out. They ain't hard at all. You worked at midnight to foe you only one in there. So I had a kin steak bag that hung outside my window on the a float and had that little crank candle on it. I just, you know, to draw strain plastic bags. That was my freezer. So when the fellas walked by and they saw the bag hanging out the window, they know I got steaks. Wow. And then I made sandwiches after all the parties. I had a pancake platter with bacon. What an enterprising young man you were batter and bacon from as a college student. Where'd you get that? When I sold the steaks, I'm ahead and money, So I go to grocery store and I'm by pancake batter. Wait, excuse me now, Carla. Yes, when we first started the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Steve had these same kind of fryars. What do you call him with the plug? Yeah, we would be on the skillet. Okay, that's what you call it. I see, I would know that. But Steve had these same skillets type skillets. While we were on the air, he was frying eggs in the studio. Yeah, right, he bacon. He would, he would say he would. He would tell me he would be He would tell me something like you take it, or it's breakfast time. He'd be cooking bacon eggs toast us when the show going on. You know, they're playing two records in the role. I didn't understand. I came out here to talk. I would play record carl it. He would come in in the middle of a record. I got me bacon. Are you seeing such a grassland? Last? Just all American and carl it. It would be good too, because Steve can cook asshole. Oh man, chocolate chip pancakes. I have you know, apple and cinnamon, man can blueberry. He was doing a dog Oh so that was his job. Yeah, all right, Coming up next, it is a nephew who would run that prank back. Right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news The Ocean Daro Brothers sued Jesse Smallett for defamation of character. Wow, whoa. And people are really concerned about Britney Spears' mental health. I will talk about that later, but right now I'm the nephews in the building. Yeah, A lot going on, right to run that brank back? What you got, Let's do it. Let's do it. My aunt's bike. Whoa, whoa white watch? How I roll on you my aunt bike? I'm ready for that. All right? All right, you need a bike? Surely got a bike? I have a station area. Yeah. Do that means you are somebody's aunty AUNTI bike here it is, let's rand a cat. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Bond. Hey man, this this this k dub man. Listen, dud dude, do you know somebody to live on? Yeah, my mama, My mama stayed on. Who is this? Hey? This this K dub man My aunt missed Tensley, she live on now. My auntie say you came over here and stole a bicycle and some other stuff out of her garage. Okay, hold ull. First of all, who is you? Man? I sold a bike at somebody garage? Who is this? Who is K? I don't know know? Kay? Do this is? This is kay? Double man? My auntie, Miss Tinsley little down the street from your mama and my at just got telling me you the one came and when and took a bike and a tool box or somebody that garage. Man. First of all, I don't even know no, damn, Miss Tensley. And second of run, I don't steal your your auntie, Miss Tinsley say I stole somebody. Put a play on the phone, man, put your amy on the phone. I ain't stole up from nowhere. I ain't got it. She can't talk. My any can't talk to you. Why she ain't talk? She say, I stole so no, my ain't my auntie death. She signed language me and told me that you do want stole stole the bike, your auntie death. And she told you she signed language you and said I stole the bike. Why do you get my noble sign language? You hold on? Okay, she say quit all that damn line. You know, damn well, you're the one that stole the bike. A man, hold on, so your auntie it's cussing me. I threw you in sign language. You tell me that I have stole the damn vike. Hey man, First of a, I hell you even get my number? Man? I got the street, asked him from miss ain't your mama? Miss yeah, miss my mama? Okay, okay, well look man, the people down the street up. But then the new Yong number. I told him I needed to talk to you soon than I ain't. He told me that that you was the one that stole the bike. Out to gad. Now look, I ain't trying to Can you can kick that? Can you sign? It? Was? Back to your ain't it? Yeah? Back to her tell her that I said, I ain't stole no bike. How about that? Tell you ain't I ain't stole no damn right now, man, grown man, I'm trying to tell her right now. Wait a minute, Okay, hold on. She's saying something. She said, your black lying and you know that well you got that vice. They look him. Man, you ain't that street with nobody on this street except for my vama. I'm a grown man. I gotta sell them like fuck so deaf. She must be dumb too, she's deaf fan dog. She's like I sold so y'all. I I don't even know, y'all what you ain't deaf and dumb dude? Okay, my ain't you don't never lie? And if missus tennsy saints that that that somebody took some that dog, she's telling the truth. I ain't it gonna be lying and just to be lying. Why she's just gonna lie on you? Why she gonna get you out? Man? You know what, I don't know what's going on, but I ain't got no reason to still no bike. Now, I'm gonna I got a car that ain't paid for I got. I'm gonna grown man. I'm trying to get cussed in my fun. So I'm gonna coming to somebody. Garad and still Mike as you craving you crazy? This she is ain't get out of my line with that. Hold on, hold on, hold on my ain't it talking what she's saying? Wait a minute, man, I'm trying to see what she was saying. You say that black No damn well, he took that bike and he better bring that damn bike. Looking man, I don't know what you stood on my line. Man, I ain't took no bike, dumb ain't he's lying? Do you see even si? Hey dog, you're gonna tell you something. You're gonna respect my aming. Hey man, you can respect me. You call my phone with em I mean to try to get money together. You calling someone who aren't you? What are you? I don't know this is. I don't know know who I'm gonna do. Man, I'm K dub everybody, No K dub. I ain't never heard or no more K dub on in my life. My mama had been staying on for fifteen years. I ain't never heard no K dub. I heard no Miss Tenderly, I heard by no death, Ladies, I ain't seen no bike. Get the off my line, many man sleep seeing you're gonna make me go down and steal something out of miss house. If you don't bring that, then I'm bike back. You got me bring somebody come my mama, and you want to tell on my way over there, find somebody come by my house. My family is gonna be old for you. That justum ain't you guys who ever down that gave you my novel? Everybody you got me so well brow this up bets true. Though you come by my mama house, you're back now stepping my mama. Glad you come by my mama. Play you work. You got me stuck. You're gonna tell me to the thought side. Come on my way right now. I don't know. We get on the phone and wait a minute, Wait a minute, wait a minute, what you saying? Ain't I ain't say nobody scared of your Oh, Craig, say tell yo deaf, I ain't need to bring her outside. And I bet you she hit him Nicks, I'm gonna be putting on your yo. I'll be She's gonna be undeath today. I bet she get cured when you keep me whipping ya man. He literally, I ain't coming by myself home. The Commy gonna be there with me. Tommy gonna help me. Whoop your who the time to Timmy who Tommy man nephew timing from the sea, Harve in morning show. You just got pranked by your mama. Missus bureau. Uh, that's right, sap manh Mama, my mama would No. I don't like nobody with a man. Guys, your mama plays your mama. My son loved me to dell. He don't let you take care of me. He don't let nothing go wrong with me. I don't let nobody to mess with me, he said. All you got to do that like you gonna do something to his mom. Oh? Man, Well, I don't see hearnything. I don't see him because like I did. Man. God, I'm in the mirror. Sweet, I'm man for read y'all did this the man? I just want to go. I wasn't myself. Oh you tell my mama. She wrong for that too, Dude. What's up mass you? Whatever you do, you have to change. Boy. You have to change you, just like me before you love your MoMA. I ain't man. Hey, I gotta ask you, man, one more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land Man without a doubt? Man to Steve Harvey Morning Show man. If you timing man without doubt? Hey, Man, tell mirror I said, hey, all right, I go, I go drop off a little two out of dollars she wanted. She want to play games, though, man, don't like the n I ain't invite you played too much. All right, they're settling out, they're setting out fast. I am in Virginia Beach at the Comedy Club Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Saturday is completely gun. Friday one of them shows gone. You got one show left, y'all, two shows left Thursday and a show on Friday. That's it. Virginia texts on Canada Mother's Day weekend, May eleven, Baby tickets on sale. Red. Nah, you're down there by my family. You know that even in texasar Can I think I have my nephew, Chris lives in m Dallas. Hey Chris, all right, thank you, nephew coming up at the top of the hour. Entertainment news. Right after this, you're listening to st Morning Show and entertainment news. You know the brothers who claimed they were paid by Jesse Smollett to stage the racists and h homophobic attack on him. Remember those guys. All right, Well they're suing Jesse Smallllett's lawyers not Jesse Smollett, but his lawyers. They're suing uh Jesse Smaallllett's lawyers for defamation. Ola and abel Asandaro have filed suit in Chicago against Mark Carrigos and Tina Glendian, claiming that Smallllett's legal team have gone on TV and told lies about them and accused them of being real attackers who acted alone, being the real attackers who acted alone. So there, now what you don't want to do it? Really, may Ola Maya for real? Okay, have you seen theirs on all right? Now? That was a fake whoop in the first time. Yeah, it's not the real whop? Ola knew? Yeah, the one that carried you know, one of them carries a parrot on his shoulder. He just walks with a parrot all the time. He's not a firing no, but he's on small though. Sem about with a parent on this show Johnny Jack exactly? That show? You he crazy already? Yeah, but anyway, I wouldn't mess with these guys if I were known. And when they did that Pirate movie, what Tom ain't then was the African people them. Oh yeah, I am I love that. I right, all right? Name Ola and Able. All right, Well, the brothers say the lawyers have spread lies about them and caused emotional distress, humiliation, and loss of job opportunities. Small let Jussie was cleared of wrongdoing in the incident, which leaves unanswered but about what happened unanswered questions about whatever what actually happened. In a statement today, the brothers lawyer said, we have sat back and watched lie after lie being fabricated about us in the media only so that one big lie can continue to have life. These lot That was kind of telling right there, that sentence. Um, these lives are destroying our character and our reputation in our personal and professional lives. So so they're saying, because they're implicated in all of this, it's hard for them to get jobs. Yeah, people don't want to hire them now, you know. Yeah, And that's Cane and Able, it's Old and Abel. Yes, I don't know. I can't kill Abel then I'm just gonna shall be the right. It's not that Able caller. But I thought that she should have went on the name of Kane And maybe why why have an able and not a can? Does that make sense? Olda? Why would you have a why would you have an abel and not a can Maybe she doesn't work an hour and yeah, maybe she doesn't know that story telling me how they don't know if I can't a name. Everyone doesn't read the Bible. Everyone doesn't. Everybod I don't read one with week about everybody doesn't. Everybody doesn't read the Bible and I'm not trying to and other entertainment news. Family and friends are concerned about Britney Spears. You know, there's been really some concern about her mental health lately. Yeah, oh yeah. She continues to seek treatment at a mental health wellness facility. Her boyfriend h says she is doing fine and nobody needs to worry about her condition, but her family is worried. She did post a video on Instagram and she does not look well. Brittany is struggling with dealing with her father's illness. Her father is sick right now, and there's also a hashtag Free Brittany. Her fans are saying that she's been being held against her will, but her boyfriend said that, you know, don't worry about her. That's that's not the case. She doesn't look well. I saw that. Yeah, she was social media, but they said it was something wrong with the cocktail of meds that she's taking. But anyway, we gotta get out of here. Let's go to headlines now, Steve, Ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Tripp, thank you very much everybody, and good morning. This is Andrew Tott News and Bottom of the Hour, and here we go. Democrats disagree over whether to move forward with impeaching Donald Trump, with some like Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren pushing forward, while others like Vermont Senator to Bernie Sanders, using caution. I do believe that the evidence is just overwhelming that Donald Trump has committed these offenses, and that means we should open proceedings in the House and then the House can take a book. What do I worry about is that works the Trump's advantage. But now how Speaker Nacy Pelosi is urging more investigation over impeachment. Iowa state Representative Andy McKean is announced that he's fed up with Donald Trump, so he's leaving the Republican Party and becoming a Democrat. McCain, who was first elected to the Iowa legislature forty years ago, calls Trump a bully who quote creates a breeding ground for hateful rhetoric and actions on a quote, and McKean also says that the GOP has swung much too far to the right. The man who was sent doug pipe bombs to prominent Democrats and critics. President Trump says he abused steroids for years, but after attending his first Trump rally, he felt he found a new drug. Caesar Saark, though, says he's through a politics. He calls politics dirty, ruthless, and deadly. Caesar Sayak faces ten years in prison when he's sentenced. The Supreme Court has been hearing arguments concerning the Trump administration's idea to add a citizenship question on the next US census. Three lower courts have already blocked the plan. However, the mostly Republican appointed High Court is expected to support the idea, and the justice's ruling could ultimately affect how many seats that states get in the Congress, how many electoral votes that they have for president, and how much each state gets in federal the money. More than a year after the school massacre in Parkland, Florida, Florida sent it yesterday passed the bill that allows classroom teachers to be armed. The vote in favor of the measure fell basically along party lines. In fact, only one Republican senator and a tier Flores of Miami, actually kept it from being a complete GOP washwen she voted against it with all the Democrats. A county in Oregon has agreed to pay one hundred thousand dollars to a black employee who sued a co worker who put up a Blue Lives Matter banner. Karema Pedicure allegend her January suit that the Blue Lives Matter flag demeans the Black Lives Matter movement and that she was subjected to constant, stressful harassment from her colleagues after she brought it up. As part of the agreement, she gets the money, but she has to resign from her job. They say she could apply for another one. Yeah, and finally, today is National School Bus Day. Back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show. All right, guys, the moment we've been waiting for. Former Vice President Joe Biden is set to announce he is, Yes, Yes, he is entering the twenty twenty president dential race. Vice President Biden will enter this crowded democratic field new controversies could also provide a challenge to Biden's candidacy, including some women who say that he made them feel uncomfortable in past interactions by touching them without their permission. Biden posted a video acknowledging that social norms are changing and promising he would be much more mindful, calling it his responsibility. So, Steve, what do you think of the marathon of the CNN? Well, what do you think of Joe Biden? First, let's get to that. You can't you can't excuse what you've done. You can apologize, but it's done. Yeah, you know, he can apologize, you know, now we can either accept his apology or not. But they let Donald Trump do way more than that. Ye. Now, that don't make it right? Their liars, look at her. Why would I come on? Really? Yeah? I mean that's where he doubles down on everything right now. If I were picking, I would go Biden and Camela Kamala Kama Camello played going him too, I picked him. I picked Camelo over Elizabeth Warre. All right, So, um, and let's stay political for a moment here, Steve. Uh, you know, there was a CNN town hall meeting yesterday with Democratic candidates. U. I watched a Yeah, well what did you think Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Amy Clover shar and Bernie Sanders. What do you think? What did you think of all of that? Amy clover Shaw can hang it up right now? Yeah, don't nobody know her? Know her? Okay, I'm just telling you real. You gotta put together somebody that can beat Donald Trump. Amy, ain't finn to whoop Donald Trump? Now? Why ain't nobody gonna tell that truth? But me? That's truth. I'm not voting for Amy. You voting for tell the truth. If she becomes, then the Democrats' death, she bet not be the candidate because you might as well hand it to Trump. So you're saying, Biden, So you want someone in the Democratic Party Trump? Yeah? Who expition? All right, we gotta put together a ticket that wins. Yeah, all right, well he when he announces tomorrow. You're listening to show, all right, Steve? Before we left off, I had asked you what did you think of the Marathon town hall meeting that CNN had a couple of nights ago with all the Democratic candidates, not all of them, they probably would still be going on if there were all of them. Yeah, so many. I think the Democrats should do what I've come to the conclusion of and what is that we need to pick two to four favors. Let's quick playing this game with these other people that don't nobody know that to be given a fair chance, because the Republicans are not going to play fair, and we're gonna have to start doing this politics just like they do it. They play dirty, and all we're trying to do is take the high row this politics. We ain't talking about Christian behavior. We're talking about politics and dirty with it. They lie, they protect Trump. Trump lies repeatedly. Fox don't mention now wanted to lie stand powers. So now what we're going to do is be this open party of Democrats and we're gonna allow all sixteen these people canned parade and cross the stage. And we ain't got time for that. But Steve, Now, the primaries and when they start next year, they will narrow a lot of these people down. Then a lot of these people will start to get out of the race. It's gonna stand. Yeah, it's gonna start dwindling down. I mean, now it's fair game for everyone who wants to run. I mean you know, you could run. Anybody can run. That is our democratic system. It just is this stupid. Let me tell you what Donald Trump is doing. Donald Trump is making head. He's gonna keep talking about the economy has turned around. He's gonna talk about this new prison reform bill that he passed. He's gonna talk about the tax credits he gave people. Yeah, he's gonna tout a few more jobs and came back to America. He gonna heep influencing his base about that wall. He gonna continue to ban on the seven Muslim country and it's going to appear, and then the gross national product gonna be up to him, such as such a percentage. He gonna take credit for that. The whole time, the Democrats are doing nothing but talking about impeaching him. The Muller re pot he lied. That may not have been collusion, but there's definitely obstruction of justice. Yeah. Yeah, they need to get serious, and we don't have We don't. We can't wait on the primaries because you gotta remember, the Republicans won't have primaries this year. They're gonna run Donald Trump again. So while we're all fighting it out in the primaries, Trump gonna be steady marching towards the White House again. We need to stop this foolishness. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer need to sit the party down and go, hey, listen, guys, Well, she is against the impeachment. She she's saying, let it go. Nancy Pelosi is now she is doing that and she has she's saying it. Yeah, and she has been saying we have to beat him the old fashioned one. Yes, and she's she knows how to do it. You know, she's smart. Yeah, she's very smart. Have you all been watching seeing you? Yeah? Are you watching what the Democrats are doing? Yeah? They're not listening to her, right, We don't know they're not. Yeah, And there's and there's not a lot of new blood you know, in the Democratic Party too, with the with the most recent elections. So they're you know, on their own path and doing their own thing, thinking you know that the older Democrats don't know what they're talking about and stuff like that. They're you know, these new people are trying to do it their way. So you're absolutely right, they're not listening. They're not. Lad, don't wise up and get rid of this foolishness and sit all these candidates down and go let's stop this. You know they're not voting for you. You know they're not voting for you, and you know they ain't finding vote for and as so we can put fold people in these primaries and then we're going to side. I'm telling you, man. If we don't get like that, listen to me, Donald Trump will be back in that White House. Well you're not all right, all right, we gotta get out of here now. Steve coming up next, it is the nephew's prank phone call. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Guys, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today, subject Who if am I the wife or the other woman? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, that's what I say to you. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us today? Now? Yes, sir, and I got a little soup for you? Uh? What you got ps? And what is that PSA than junior uncle? Ps you've popped the mic? When you can you bag up a little bit? Sure? It ain't Yes, I like p yes, I know right all in your ear y'all like that PSC? What does it mean? Pro state? Chuckle? Yeah, Now you ain't got to go to the doc. You gotta go to that. I got a new bidding and that I come back your high check your prostate. Oh you go to work again, seeing you want? Well, you shared with us that you check your own. But I didn't realize once you find out what they're doing, why are you going in there getting it done? Because you're not a medical diate. Okay, once you figure out how to change your own? What are you going to? The mechanical prostate checker? Here it is PSC. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a H. Roger Roger. My name is Greg, I'm a PSC. I got you on my schedule. I'm supposed to come out of your house tomorrow morning about seven fifteen. I just want to give you a call and give your heads up and let you know we will be there about seven fifteen. From my understanding, you go to work yet, Oh you say you who? I'm a PFC, sir, I'll be there. I'll be there tomorrow. I got you on my schedule for Monday morning, and I'll be there at least about seven fifteen. From my understanding. You go to work at seven thirty and uh, my procedure is only gonna take a couple of minutes. But I wanted to give a friendly call and let you know that I will be by there tomorrow morning. What's a PSC, PFC? What's PSC? Sir? PSC? I will be there tomorrow. I've been in business probably for the last I guess about thirteen fourteen years. Now? What does PSC specialess? What you do? Oh? You're not I'm sorry you're not familiar. How you got me on schedule? Why ain't trying? Oh? I got you on my list here. I don't know who puts you on here, but it's been paid for and everything for me to come by and do my job. And like I said, only taking a couple of minutes and I'll have you on your way. How do you get my number? Say again, how did you get my phone number? Sir? Everything I have I got, I got twenty stops tomorrow and I got you scheduled as uh as my as my first stop tomorrow morning. I don't know I got your phone number. I do have your address. Are you at Drives? Yeah? That's my address, But I'm my schedule for nobody to come to my house in the morning. I gotta go to work in the morning. I know I'm not gonna be you right right my understanding, Well you from my understanding, you pull out about seven thirty and I'm gonna get their tenth fifteen. Like I said, you know, the procedure only takes about two three minutes and about it around my information. You know when I leave home and everything. Who is this, like I said, my name is Greg, I'm a I'm a PSC, and I'll be there. Okay, you said that, I ready, you'll you'll see me tomorrow. I'm sorry. I just wanted to give your a friendly call here on Sunday and let you know that I'll be there. I'll be there about seven fifteen and we'll get you taken care of and then I'll let you get on the way to work. You still ain't telling me what I was supposed to what you're supposed to be doing, sir. A PSC is PSC. I'm a prostate checker, and what I'll be doing is coming in and checking your pros state tomorrow. Oh hell no, you ain't coming here check my first stay. I get my prodes state check. But my doctor, who was you talking about come to check my prive state now at my house. You ain't come and check. And you know what, I get this all the time. I get a lot of people that that are in denial, a lot of men that that that claim that they state is fine. I heard my pride state checked just the beginning of this year. Man, you don't need to come to my eye checking my prid state. So a lot of people, a lot of men are in denial saying that they got it checked and they got it. A lot of times we find out they haven't. And and there has to be a reason. If I got you on my list and it's paid, somebody is paid one hundred and twenty five dollars for me to come out there and check it, Well, you still be happy you paid a one twenty five dollars just a less job you have to do then, because you're not come and check my prist state, sir, I'm gonna check it now. I'm gonna be by there tomorrow and I'm seven fIF I'm putting my rubber glove on with a little bit of jail on it, and I am going to check your proper state and then I'll let you get on the work. Well, I'll tell you what. The rubber glove ain't gonna know where near meet home? Well, I tell you what, you over my eyes if you want to, it ain't gonna be pretty, and it ain't gonna be nice with you in your rubber glove might stick a rubber glove. I'm with you. Don't be coming about my hot time a boy checking my prostate? Sir? Sir, do you realize that this is the leading calls to black men? Do you realize that I understand that all the black men, three out of five black men are lost every years, So you ought to be very grateful that someone is sending me by there to check it and make sure you're okay. I'm grateful that I can pay for a doctor that I go to every every at once a year. Man, you don't have to come to my hot time a boy sticking on rubble glob of me. Man's phone with you, sir. So I'm not gonna sit here and go back and forth with you. My job is to give you a friendly call and let you know that I'm coming all right, not tomorrow morning. Listen, I don't want to hear anymore tomorrow morning. I'm there seven fifteen and you're gonna get your prostate check whether you like it or not. Where you bad don't buy here, then I shall be here. You buying bad? Thank you bad enough to come over here and check my Pristay you buy it, I'm gonna market. So you just be ready at seven fifteen that you're gonna get your prostate checking the case. Cool. You come on over if you want. You You know my address and all my what time I go to work and everything. You buy your back. Don't know what if you want to, I don't care if I gotta come over there, sir and hold you down and check your prostate. I'm coming to check your prostate at seven fifteen to morrow morning, or I'll tell you if you bring your mall n over him. You do you think you know who I am, what I need over here? You come on over here and you do what you gotta do, whatever you cover, then you're gonna be checking something else besides me. You're gonna be checking your own. You bring your I don't know if you want to shi If I don't get your bot of hell, I don't be coming to my house to day by you you found somebody's talking about I need it prostate check or something. Somebody I'm the phone, somebody need a prostate or something. You bring your Yeah, I'll tell you where. I'll be here when you get here. You bringing over here tomorrow fifteen in the morning. You might walk it over if you might be wiled away from this. You bring you if you want to. I'm gonna have my glove on the morrow, and I'm gonna be checking your props stays. Got tell you what you're been in the morning. Who you want to tell about checking the PRIs Stay, You're gonna be checking your own pridestay because I'm tell you where I got something for you. You come from hell. You bet your bad. You think you're bad enough to come over here and check some over hill? You come on with it. I got one more thing I need to say to you. Are you listening? But what they are you got to say to me? Now? You told me it's not what you got to tell me? Now are you listening to me? Just baby down over here. You're gonna be here. I'm gonna be over there. But I got one more thing I want to say. Are you listening What you got to say to me? Man? That's his nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your homeboard. Who who who you say you was? Again? Hey man, this is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man, your homeboard got me to prank phone call you, Chris Harvey and tim Me. Man, you are Roger boy. Y'all about to make me go out. I don't wonder who the hell gonna come out somebody how to do a prostate check man on regular basis like that? But yeah, yeah, so got me. Man. I'm gonna get him back. Boy. I can't believe you do me like that. I'm gonna go ain't check his price State. I don't even think you get here checked on a regular I want to have somebody to come check mind. Hey man, I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Steve Harvey Warning show Man, Steve Harvey Warning Show to all of you men out there. It's your prostate check. It's important. Prostate gotta have some get awareness to go along with it, you know. But in to down, you gotta down you got the prank. A person didn't getting a step together. Joy, this is true, Prostate. But Jenior Bee's Comedy Club and Nephew is coming to town May first through the four of tickets on sale right now, May first through the four of Texan Canny laying in the cut. The nephew is on the way. All right, all right, well, thank you nephew. Coming up next. It is the Strawberry Letter. Boy, this title is troubling. Right here? Am I the wife or the other woman? We'll get into it right after this. What if I check at I should check your ass ever you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for my Strawberry Letter for today. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry a letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here today. Michael up, Hold on tight, we got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject and the wife or the other woman. Dear Stephen Shirley, My husband and I have been married for two years when we met, he told me that he and his ex wife have a great system of co parenting their two children. I did not have a problem with that. I love his children, and I met his ex wife early on, so everything was fine in the beginning. After my husband and I got married and bought a house, the ex wife rented a house down the street from our home. I was livid, but my husband was thrilled that his children would be closer to him, so he could spend more time with his daughter and take her to school every morning. His daughter is in high school and his son as a freshman in college, but he and his ex wife talked daily like the children are still toddlers. She has a great job that requires a lot of travel, and my husband usually takes her to the airport and picks her up when she lands. I know she has money for uber or a taxi. My husband will go to her home on any given day to put up a mailbox, move some furniture around, get her mail when she's out of town, et cetera. Whenever I get upset and question him, question his motives, or complain about how much time he spends doing things for her, he gets upset with me. He claims he is only doing these things to make sure his children's home is as nice as his. The ex wife has no boundaries, and my husband does not see anything wrong with his behavior. At this point, I am ready to let him go so he can be with his family full time. He says that he is committed to our marriage and he will never get back with his ex. So am I wrong? I refuse to keep feeling like the other woman in our marriage. I have thought about talking to his ex wife and letting her know how I feel. What do you think? Please? Help? Wow? I think this is crazy. This is not a marriage. This is not any marriage I know about. Your husband takes his ex wife to the airport and picks her up when she lands. What you go along with that? Really? He says he's committed to your marriage and he'll never get back with his ex. Well, this sure doesn't sound like it in this letter, And you ask are you wrong? You're definitely not wrong. Okay, I'm with you all the way in this. You're right. And to answer your question the subject, am I the wife or the other woman? You're absolutely the wife and you've got to know that though ex wife is out of line. Your husband is out of line. He's allowing her to disrespect you and your marriage under the guise of co parenting the children. Okay, who are really almost grown? Okay, he's disrespecting you because when you try to talk to him about this, how you know, unhappy you are with it? He gets upset with you. What is he getting mad at you for? He is your husband? What's wrong with you? Don't take from him? Okay, You've got to stand up for yourself. You have to let your husband know that he's got a choice. And yes, right here, right now, I'm talking ultimatum her, are you? That's the bottom line, her or you. You don't have to talk to her about anything. It's it's the marriages between you and your husband you need to deal with and talk to him. Steve, this letter crazy, Yeah, this letter is damn crazy. How getting way with idiot? Is? Who he married too? Who are you? Where you come from? You got a system? Why was y'all raised this way? I don't even understand this. Y'all ain't been married but for two years when y'all man, he told you he and his ex wife got a great system of co paring their two children. You didn't have a problem. You love his children. You met his ex wife early on, so everything was fine in the beginning. What right there again? See you meet my ex wife. Damn that to you right now now. I was at my daughter's wedding, sitting between both of them. This letter is not about you. Did sound like any beginning? Anything sound like me? I get it out. And after my husband and I got married and bought a house, the ex wife rented a house down the street from my home, right down the street I was living. Oh no, this health fuck didn't right down right down the damn street. I know this healthful ain't moved. Huffine ass right down the street and holding these babies over my head and got my husband hostage. But my husband was thrilled that his children would be closer to him, so he could spend more time with his daughter and take her to school every morning. She at high school. We'll take a high school student to school every day. Everybody do that high school bus. Yes, my daddy gave me a right to school rain one time. All right, I let that go. His daughter's in high school and his son a freshman at college. But here and his ex wife talked daily about what exactly did you know that? Really you and your husband or you and your wife don't really talk daily like talk talk, not every damn day. Every day can't call for open discussion, not every damn them no mean riddly, Come on now, let's stop. Hey good, I'm good. I love you, love you. That's it, see you tomorrow. Nah man hell nah? Who Newly they talk daily? Him and the ex wife talks daily. Not him and the wife they talk daily like the kids are still toddlers. She got a great job to quite a lot of traveling. My husband usually takes her to the airport and picks up when she left. Asked the line, I want to get that. How did he do that? What did he say to you to make you be all right with this? So I want to use that. What did he say? Baby? All us men out here, we want to know what did he say that he can take his ex to the airport and pick her up when she lives? All right? Hold that thought, Steve. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hour Today's Strawberry Letters subject am I the wife or the other woman? We'll be back right after this. You're listening. All right, Steve, here we go. Let's recap today's strawberry letters. Subject am I the wife or the other woman? This woman wrote this letter two years married to the husband, got a great care co parenting relationship with his ex wife, and they two grown as kids, one high school one freshman. They buy a house. She happy as hell, lowing behold this half of moves down the street was livid, Mala co cockdawn. Yeah. Now, the scary part about this letter is these don't sound like black people, but it is. Yeah, which is throwing me way off because you you scared me. His daughter in high schooling freshman in college. He and his wife talked daily like the kids are still talert. Okay, she got a great job to require a lot of traveling. This is where we left off at an Atlanta. My husband usually takes her to the airport and picks her up when she lands. What man, could you please tell all the rest of us me and what he said to you that lets him be able to take his ex wife any damn where, pick her up from the airport when she landing, when she laying take her Why are he doing all this taxi? And what are you doing. I know she got money for uber or TAXI. My husband would go to her home on any given day to put up a mailbox, move some furniture around, get her mail when she out of town. When I get up setting questions and motives, are complaining about how much time he spends doing things for her, he get upset with me whatever, and then you get quiet again. See that's what's happening. You got to turn this knob up on teen and leave it there. You gotta let his ass have it. Yeah, radiant hold. He claims he's only doing the things to make sure that his children home is as nice as here. What hodn't that got to do with dropping her ass off at the airport? Though I didn't get that either. Man, he's selling you. Let me tell you something. First of all, they sleeping together. You think him and the X who who mailbox you put up? You? You know who mailbox you didn't put up? I put your mailbox? If we're sleeping together, Yeah that I'm picking I'm taking care of your mail. I'm dropping your ass off at the airport and picking you up for what. I ain't dog, I ain't got a friend or homeale mine Because I'm talking about dude. Die wrote it that talking about him. Came in to the airport airtime I go and pick me up. Any words, you better you got a circle the airport and come on, man, you've been delayed. The ex wife has no boundaries, and my husband does not see anything wrong with his behavior. First of all, this ain't your husband. This y'all's husband. They're sharing. Yeah, he down that doing what the husband's doing both houses, and I mean everything, But he downed there doing everything at both houses. Ain't no man down there hainting and putting up wall paper and taking paneling down and all this here without Yeah, he down that, worrying like his ass. Stay there. There's some sex going on down that damn house. So never you see me down here hamming up a damn mailbox, you better believe I'm somewhere else hamming too. If I'm hammering outside, I'm hamming inside. That's all I got to say. All this hamming picking you up? Where they how longer take him coming from the airport? Whoa uh? Where they stopping? How many times he didn't walk the dog and the dog came back looking shame where y'all being right? I don't know now, Shirley, I want you to be the upset wife. I want you to ask me the question. Me and the dog is gonna answer the question. After he took after he dropped her off from the anytime, anytime you? Honey, where have you been? I've been sitting here waiting for you all this time? What have you been up doing? I just got back, got back from where? From the airport? Baby, Dawn. I don't like you taking her to the airport in the beginning ring what Yeah, you're You're right, he is in trouble. I'm sick of this. I'm sitting in the house waiting on you to come back because you're taking your ex wife to the hospital to the airport. Baby. No, listen to me. These kids looking for their mom are almost grown kids there, you're almost grown kids. They're looking for their mama. They know how to find their mother. You don't. You don't need to help them find their mother. You ain't helping them find I'm making sure she get back to them. Kids. The kids can't live without huh. That's why they have Uber. She can take Uber. You don't need to be running up and I ain't gonna kill nobody for huh what what I got it? But that was strong. That's the mother of them. Kids. They're not kids. That's the other thing. They will always be my children. They're not kids. Gerald, dog a dog knows when when when she called him? Gerald? All right, we gotta go listen, we gotta go email us Instagram, Instagram. What's your thoughts on today? Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, or you can check out our podcast on demand. All right, coming up in ten minutes, Being Mary Jane series finale, and we're gonna talk about Games People Play too, starring Lauren London. Right after this you're listening to the show. Last night was the series premiere of Games People Play. Wow, what a great show. And really really happy to see Lauren London during her thing. Uh, she's she's a really good actress. She's beautiful. It's good to see her on screen doing that. It really is. Oh, she was so convincing. No, right, it's a good good it really. It's very game yes, ye yea, well it's called Games People Play. So about a basketball play? That's right? Yeah, you like sports. And we also saw the finale of Being Mary Jane. Unbeing he waiting for this with Mars, Jess Nuts and Michael El. Carla was, let me tell you something about miss Mary Jane Paul. Yes, okay, so, um, I just don't know what to say. You know, the show is over. But I watched her last night and I knew one thing. She's a mom. Yeah, she's a mom. She had a baby. She named the baby Albert, and all of the ups and downs. Morris Chestnuts her friend, and you know his name, his character's name was Bo. And then Michael E. Justin. You know, we all wanted, of course Mary Jane Paul to get with Justin. And then wait a minute. And then I was so worried about Carra. I mean I was tweeting as it Carra car I don't know. I think I think it's Kara right now, Kara, Carra her Cara. But she you know, I was tweeting. I said, she's been not die, she been not die girl. Yeah yeah, she had breast cancer. She was diagnosed, she had the surgery and yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, very good. Yeah yes, and then you know what can we say the very end? Uh? You know, Richard Rowntree, he forgave his wife. He was tall. But the family. Who listens to the show. By the way, Hey Richard, Yes, yes he does the original right, shout out to Paul m Paul Patterson obviously Mary Jane's dad. And then the very end of the series, Morris Chestnut Michael Ealy by some words were you're talking my cute went against cute? Yes? What fine? And fine went against second Michael threw the first punch. What yeah, that's what lights did do. Baby, That's what I would happened in the Floris Chestnug got up and just started going in because that's what dark skin wait, wait, waits in dark Skin came back? Who won? Carl come on? Well. At the end of the series finale, Justin married Mary Jake baby, thank you. Hello, Yeah he married, but he married with that ass when he took first. All right, that's all right, went down the baby green eyes of all Go ahead, Michael Ely. It was dumb blue. You need to know what color the aqua green, aqua green blue. They're blue. It doesn't matter. I don't know. I didn't see limping folk. That ain't blue. You're color blind, you know. He wasn't in the Bahamas with him. They were blue, that I mean they were green. The Bahamas went Hi Win, we were down there for Wheal packing for you, and they and the green maybe they changed, but they're blue whenever we see him, right, Carla, he got on contact. His natural eyes. The green ones are nothing. But it was so good, it was it was yeah. Yeah. So at the end of the day, you know, Mary Jane and Justin they reunited and they got married and in the end, you know how and then you know, you remember throughout the series, you remember she had all these posted nosey yeah, yeah, she had all this advice and cliches and sayings, and so she kind of narrated like she normally does, but she narrated at the end at the wedding reception or baby Leila had the way sang my angel at the risk, yes, yes, yes. But at the end, you know, Mary Jane Paul, she just kind of narrated and said, you know, all this control that she was trying to have over her life and all of these sayings and all this stuff that she was talking about, it's just stuff. At the end of the day, you gotta let go and love you got me. I gotta catch up now, I got to watch man. Jane. Then I got to watch Welco, the first one you talking about when Lauren London Tracy Edmonds was our special guest yesterday. Yeah, and she talked about the show. She's the executive producer. So after being Mary Jane series finale last night, we watched Games People Play with Lauren London. So it was all good. Missus. Steve Harvey's not saying anything, but we had to give a shout out to Laurie Harvey on the show. Yes, yeah, yo, let me say this right here. Call congratulations and Miss Tracy and Miss Tracy and Dion. I'm expecting this wedding invitation. Remember you asked her yesterday and she didn't. She didn't reply. They did. Don't be asking to be invited, just waiting call her. They ain't got my address, just laying around, so you don't ask a guy is in my number every every every two weeks, he gonna text me. Now, that was funny, that was fun And then and then it just say pray, Okay, I don't know where my invitation coming. Maybe he gonna text it to me. That's cool. But I got Miss Tracy, who wouldn't need to the address because prime ain't over with it. Carl, he's the groom, right, he ain't over addresses and stuff like up what he do? Huh? Yeah, you know. Tomorrow I'll do a reality update, catch you up on child Real Housewives of Atlanta Reunion Part three. It's one too many, I think. Yeah, it could have ended last week. Turn into fans and series. All right, well, use all right, guys, coming up at the top of the hour, some good news, that's right, some trending good news stories for a change. Okay, right after this, you're listening to show. All right, guys. The tragic fire that happened at the Notre Dame Cathedral last week in Paris has led to a spike in donations to rebuild three historically black churches that were recently burned down in the United States. In Louisiana, We're talking Saint Mary's Baptist Church, Greater Union Baptist Church, and Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. They were all set on fire in a string of hate crimes. A gofund me campaign was created by the Seventh District Baptist Association a week ago, and before Tuesday they had only raised one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. However, in the wake of the Notre Dame fire, they received an outpouring of support and donations to rebuild, to the tune of two million dollars. So that's really good. Yeah, people stepped up. Yeah, that's really really good. And then that guy was caught too, right, that did it? Yeah, the prime guy? Yeah, okay, good yeah, but I mean really good news. They were all Baptist churches too in Louisiana. Wow. Yeah, I mean yes, to me, that would be the last place you would want to burn is a church, because you know, that should tell you right there, you're going straight to you are definitely the day, Yeah, you're going. That's where you're going. Yeah, definitely the Yeah. But two million dollars awesome. Um. And before that, because a lot of people were very upset edge should be about the historic Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, billionaires were donating millions and millions of dollars and then, um, these historically black churches over here were struggling. You know. So now since you know, uh, this has come to the forefront, then now people are are donating here. So yeah, yeah, I mean really this is rebuilding. Yeah, the rebuilding. Yeah, and that's gonna take a long period of time. Yeah, so you gotta keep in mind these people have nowhere, you know, you gotta now find a place to have service. Yeah, temporary, timporary, wheah. You know most a lot of people do do high schools or junior high school. Yeah, hotel, ballroom, right, yeah, things like that. Yeah. Sometimes they split, the parishioners split and go to other churches until you know their church is ready and all that. I mean, thank god, they do have options. But it's nothing like your church, nothing like your church home. Yeah, but that's a good example. Good I'll shine evil every yes, love overheight every day every year. Now here's another good news story. Guys, forget watches, forget luggage, fancy cars, boo, stuff like that. Russell Wilson, the football player, the quarterback, Sierra's husband, Russell Wilson just thanked his Seattle Seahawks offensive line with the most I mean, this is just a beautiful gift. He gave them with the most prime gift ever. He gave them twelve thousand dollars each. And Amazon stock how about that? Yeah? And the stock yeah, and the stock the stock went up, yes, yes, yes, yeah, And remember now, Russell Wilson highest play players right one hundred forty million dollars a four year contract, making him yeah, the highest paid player in the NFL. Russell spent a grand total of one hundred and fifty six thousand dollars on his thirteen offensive linemen. He also gave them a letter. Is one hundred and fifty six dollars total, but he gave each of them twelve thousand dollars. Yeah, and then the stock went up. I love that each player got a letter with the stock gift, explaining every Sunday we go to battle together. This is what Russell Wilson wrote to them. You sacrifice your physical and mental well being to protect me, which in turn allows me to provide and care for my family. This does not go unnoticed and it is never forgotten. You have invested in my life. This is my investment into yours. Wow. I love that is how you do it. Yes, yes, yes. Russell says he wants to help his teammates prepare for life after football and believe Stock and Amazon will help these players achieve their dreams. Well, if it keeps going up like it is, Yeah, yes, when you're gonna do that, I love Donna sit there and not say nothing. I know, I know you don't want to say nothing. Do you see how Russell do let just being example, if you get some fan a few stock something little big shot stock something, Come on na, what hap that bacon? We ain't getting nada from that baker? Give him some of that state You just gonna sit there and be quiet and giving move. He's gonna take care of us. You know he always talks well, he always talks about it. When you want some of what time? Now? Would you say I want some stock? He hearing me? Russell Wilson and gay bars stock Russell Wilson and stop, okay, it's Wilson, Tommy that him and gave him some stock the whole lot? And why did he do this for the lot? Read that against her will? Back to verse one. Don't say every Sunday we go to battle together? Uh huh yeah, don't do we go to battle take album every morning? Absolutely? Don't we love him dearly? Oh you know we just so we're blocking form ain't block That's what the lock keep going protection. Yeah, the seconds we don't know him saying want to I love him? Saying versus. He goes on to say Russell Wilson. Tommy goes on to say, you sacrifice your physical and mental well being to protect me? Right there? See what Wilson doing? Mental and physical well being? Did you see that? Oh? Oh, he's quiet right now, Okay, which in turn allows me to provide and care for my family. Nah. We allow you you are you reading this to preach that thing? We allow you to care for your family? Do way you doing that? Ye? Hear me out, I'm preaching today, sermon for you not keep going. Verse three. He goes on to say, this does not go unnoticed and it is never forgot it. You see that, you see Russell Wilson. Don't let nothing go unnoticed. I'm talking about Russell Wilson. Wilson who if you know, Seattle Seahawks, Russell Wilson, that's what he's you know, if it's I'm trying to figure out who the hell Russell is willing somewhere and Seattle of Washington. You know what set Wow? Russell Wilson. Oh oh did you record it? Say in Roussell Steve when he gets excited. Yeah, he's just excited. All right, Look, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show, right after this, you're listening to Whitney Houston's bff. Robin Crawford has remained silent since Whitney's death, but now Robin Crawford is ready to address the nature of their relationship or her friendship in this case. It was rumored for years that Robin and Whitney had had a lesbian affair. It was even addressed in b ET's recent biopic movie about Bobby Brown, in case you missed it, Yeah, yeah, yeah, in case you missed it, Uh, He revealed that he and Robin almost got into a fight over her attachment to Whitney. And we remember when this was going on, there were all kinds of rumors and you know, going around. He ended up, Yeah, back in the day, Robin, Bobby ended up giving his late wife and ultimatum, and she chose him. In Robin's memoir A Song for You, My life with Whitney Houston, She's setting the record straight. According to a press release, Robin will chronicle the years from when they met in the nineteen eighties as teenagers to her epic success, talking about Whitney now deeply personal and heartfelt. A Song for You is the vital, honest and previously untold story that provides an understanding of a complex life of Whitney Houston. Wow, and from someone who really knows her since being a teenager. Yeah, you can look forward to hit Stories in November. I look forward to reading that book. I really do, because you know much I loved Whitney. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is that good though, y'all? What after someone has passed to write something that may have been their secret or you know what I mean? Yeah, I mean it's good from the sense that it's hurt. It's Robin's truth. It's yeah, yeah, it is okay. And she she wants to tell right and say everybody else has speculated us have been out. So she's a story about her. Yeah, yeah, about her relationship and friendship with Whitney. And mind you, Robin has moved on now she's married and all of that, she's moved on. Well, I mean, you know a lot of people do this. You know, this is not unusual for someone to write a book after someone has passed away. You know, sometimes you have to get over the grief and the pain of it. Is that the way of getting it out? Yeah? And then sometimes you know it's it's it's a healing. It's cathartic for you to do something like this so you can really move on. Although she has moved on, but you know, maybe this is like you know, the button, putting the button on the story. Yeah, it's her story, it's her true and you know that's what what's happening. The book is called a Song for You, My Life with Whitney Houston, you know, so if you want to know it from Robin's perspective, then and you pick up the book. Like when I write my book, you know, I mean, I don't want to tell that. I used to have to go by junior room until he fell asleep with the light on, because he couldn't go to sleep, you know, with the light off. And I had to do that when we was on tour. What's the title of your book? The title of my book is, uh, go ahead, get your book, as I'm gonna tell you many yeah, you know, you know my my title my book is being the bigger person Timmy everywhere. Wow. Yeah boy, we wrote everything that Haphim on the road the road man. Really yeah. Yeah. You don't want that book right there? You do, yeah, but the players in it don't want it. And then after you die, I'll write about it. That's what I'm talking about right there. All right, Look, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening celebrities, right, they're just like us. Okay, well they are before they got famous anyway, Maybe not while they're famous. Okay. You ever wonder what your favorite stars were doing before they made it big. For instance, Russell Crowe, who played Gladiator and won Kennemy Award for Gladiator. This actor used to be a DJ. He's a Gladiator. Yeah, Russell Crowe used to be Gladiator. Are you not in a tain? Yeah? He used to be a DJ. He worked at an Australian nightclub. All right. His stage name Russell le Rock. I love it. Okay, this one is really hard to believe. Steve brad Pitt used to work at Elpoyo Loco right here in Los Angeles. But he stood outside of the Elo Loco no in a chicken suit. Brad Pitt, Fine, Brad Pitt, Right, all right, your friend Steve Chris Rock used to work in Red Lobster as a bus boy. Okay, cheese biscuits, she but he ate all the cheese biscuits he could ever want. Yeah. Uh. Jennifer Aniston had an odde job. She says she took pride in cleaning toilets, leaning. She had odd jobs cleaning, yeah, cleaning stuff. So yeah, all right, so Steve, come on, let us have it. First job, per, let's get on up. When I was filling out applications and later, well, I worked down at the college on maintenance from midnight to four am. H Well, I wanted to work in the kitchen so I could eat. Oh well, that's how I supplied my stoke. Oh your store, you had to stow in my room late at night. I sold like platters and plates and sandwiches. I had ham and cheese. I had steaks. Oh that's why you wanted to be on sandwiches, because you had y'all stole steaks out the freezing me how hardy to get steaks out? They ain't hard at all. You worked at midnight to fold you only one in there. So I had a kin steak bag that hung outside my window on the a float. They had that little crank candle on it. I just you know, to draw string plastic bag. That was my freezer. So when the fellas walked by and they saw the bag hanging out the window. They know I got steaks. Wow. And then I made sandwiches after all the parties. I had a pancake plotter with bacon. What an enterprising young man you were. Pancake batter and bacon from as a college student. Where'd you get that? When I sold the stakes, I'm ahead and money, so I go to grocery store and I'm buy pancake batter. Wait, excuse me now, Carla. Yes, when we first started the Steve Harvey Morning Show, while we were on the air, he was frying eggs in the student Yeah right, oh, man, chocolate chip pancakes. I have you know, apple and cinnamon, man can blueberry. He was doing a dog Oh so that was his job. Yeah? All right, coming up our last break of the day and then some closing remarks from the one and I don't least Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. Here we are last break of the day. It is time for your closing remarks. First of all, to date is a dear friend of mine, Cedric Entertainer's birthday. I'm saying a happy birthday to said, but I'm also saying thank you to said a lot of major parts of my career have been with this guy. And of all the years that I've known Cedric, Cedric and I have never had a fallen out, never had mixed words. Never, Hey man, I misunderstood what you said. I thought you did this or man, my bad, I thought you said that. Hey man, forgive me. We never had them words. Just been a good guy to me, man, And like I said, we've had some major moments together. I gave him his first headline date at a club called Vookoo Read Hollas, Texas. I used to bring him in as a headline at my comedy club, Steve Harvey's Comedy House in Dallas, Texas. When I got the TV show The Steve Harvey Show. I was originally supposed to do the show with George Wynn, the guy that played Norman on Chairs, but I insisted they bring in Cedric. They said, we have no idea who this guy is. I said, man, this dude is so funny, man, and we're really cool. We weren't even as good a friends as we are today. But they said, all right, we're bringing in and tried said killed it so we did seven seasons of The Steve Harvey Show, Steve Hoddtower coach Robinson, and during that time kings of comedy were born. And Man, I couldn't have done it with a better brother. So we spent seven days a week together. We did the show Monday through Thursday, and we was on tour Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and we would come in, Man, and we was burning that candle on both ends and in the middle, and we had some great times. Man. Cedric is one of the funniest people I've ever met. Man, I've ever set and genuinely talked to an incredibly funny person, but just an incredibly kind person. Man. It's one of the coolest people I know. Man. And now he's the father husband. He's just doing it. His success on television is outstanding. His movies have all been good. And I've just watched him and I'm saying all of this to get to one thing. This is a message for everybody. I watched Cedric's career right now, Man, and it's at the superstar status. I just watched the person man who never gave up. I watched the person grind and hustle, grind and hustle, grind, and hustle. And I can't tell you, man, how good it is to see a person's hard work pay off. Everybody can take a page from that and learn a lesson and know that it requires an all out effort from all of us to be happy and be successful in his life. But in your quest to be happy and successful, and you're all out assault, the one thing you can never do in this assault is quit. You just can't quit, man, because you don't never know where the turn is coming. You don't ever know when God gonna click the switch. But if you've asked him for it, and you believe in it, and you've written it down like the Bible ask us to, if you follow those principles of success, everything you ask for will come to pass at its appointed time. That's the part you've got to lay hold to that what you ask God for, he is shipping to deliver to you. The problem with the package that God ships to us, he never gives us to date that the package will rise. If he did, that would destroy his faith in him, It would destroy our faith in him. He requires our faith, our belief in him. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. So when you ask God for something and he ships the package for you and he don't tell you the date that's gonna ride arrive, he's asking you to see if you believe in something that you can't see, that you don't know when it's gonna get that, but you have no doubt that it will. That's the part, and you've all got to hang on to faith. Faith is a substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Faith really starts out with just hard hoping, y'all. You just gotta hope in something so hard that it finally comes true. That's the essence of faith. It's just hard hoping until you become hard hoping enough to where you go. You know what, I ain't hoping no more. I believe this because I've learned that from hoping as a little child. I hope I get a bite for Christmas, going down there one year and it was under the tree. But I've learned from that that this hoping has to eventually if you got sense to turn into a belief. You gotta believe, man, You gotta believe that you can. Once you believe that you can, if your mind can conceive it and your heart can believe it. That is a strong possibility you will achieve it. One more time. If your mind can conceive it and your heart can believe it, there's a strong possibility you will achieve it. Them three things got to be in sinc though, Man, you gotta sink, got to use your imagination in your mind to see what it is, and in your heart you got to believe it. And to that, man, it's achievable. You can receive it, but you got to get at it. Man, never give up, y'all. Don't ever ever give up. I don't care what happens because you don't know when God go click this switch. I said all that to say, happy birthday, said entertainer, my man, living legend boy. I appreciate you, man, thank you for everything you've done from my career. I appreciate you. That was so nice, Happy birthday, said that was so nice. That was from the heart sick. Yes, yes, yes, no, I have a great week here whatever for all Steve every contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening Eve Harday Morning Showing