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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know, y'all bat all suit looking back to back down, giving the mo like the moking buck bus things and it's touble y'all. Do me true good to Steve hoy yeah listening to me toach other for still farther to moy w don't you join? Yeah? Yeah by joining me said you gotta turn Yeah, you gotta turns to turn the time you lovey got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on your bat uh huh, I sure will. A good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show today? Is it? Everybody? Okay? On a real positive note? Today? Is it? Today? Is the day? You know, when I was in high school, you know, my mother's Sunday school teaching until she passed. I would walk out the door every morning on my way to school, and my mother used to say, listen to me something, hey, don't forget. Today is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. And you know, I don't think much of it. You know, it's just my mama being religious. You know, my spiritual woman. So you know, I just took it as that. But as I've gotten older, man, you know, that's registered more and more with me. You know, today is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. That's pretty cool, man, I mean, what better blessing will you get throughout the day than the fact that he allows you to live and see another day? See sometimes, Man, when you're young, you don't pay no attention to that. But all you got to do is keep living, keep watching some people that you know not be here anymore. Go to class reunions and they're smaller. See people that you really loved. It meant a lot till you leave this world, and all of a sudden, man, immortality starts to matter a great deal to you. Some of us learned this lesson sooner than others. But I know, when you're young, man, you know, you think you're gonna be here for a while. You think you've got time to play around. You think you've got time to get it together, you've got time to make the mistakes, and you got time to chill. But man, oh man, almost every full blown adult that I know will tell you and have said these words right here many times. And I went to the reason I'm saying this because I'm want you to hear him, because you're gonna use them. Man, if I only knew then what I know now. Do you know how many people have said those words right there? Because in time, man, you gained so much wisdom. Oh but it ain't like nobody didn't tell you though. See that's the hooker. Somebody told you back then. Hey man, it's best to buckle down now, he said, Hey man, you better quit wasting time. Hey man, don't stop taking your foot off the gas pedal. Hey look, do your best at all the times. You know, stop stop worrying about that. I'm telling your son. In a minute, them clubs ain't gonna mean nothing to you. In a minute, they're going out all the time. Ain't gonna mean nothing to you. I can't tell you how many times I heard all of it. I can't tell it to you. I can't tell you how many times I repeat it to my kids. But man, today is a different day, because today is the day that the Lord has made. So he gave you a shot today. If you if you woke up this on it, or if you're finishing your day on your shift. He gave you a new day, nothing bigger than the fact that he woke you up today. Now, why don't you do something about that? Why don't you take advantage of it? How about today? How about if you start today? How About if you stop hesitating today? How about if you stop delaying it today? How about if you stop procrastinating today. How About if you make today to day that you go forward? I mean, man, let's all just decide today, let's go forward. Let's put forth a maximum effort today. How about today? I mean, really, man, what you're doing? You look, man, take advantage of this blessing of waking up. Do something today. So many people are in the indulge rooms of life, or living in a rut, or just merely existing instead of thriving simply because of one one thing. You just won't do it today. If you would just start the process, man, Start that business you always dreamed of. Go looking to that other job you always yearn for. Go get the training you need to get the promotion. Man going back to school. Man, go see what you need to do to lift yourself to the next level. Stop waking up every day seeing high, it's gonna go and start waking up and do something about how it goes. If you make one step, he'll make too. But you could people people talk about all the time. Man, it seems like you're always getting a blessing. Oh man, when you're talking to a person, listen to this. If you're talking to a person and it seems like there's always a blessing coming his way, let me tell you what that person doing. That person is putting one foot in front of the next. That person is putting forth some efforts out there. And that's the only way God can bless you. God can only bless you with your efforts. He can only put his finger on the thing that you are doing or attempting. That's all he can help you with. He that are no jobs walking up to your door, knocking on your door. But if you're beating the payment, if you're sending in the apps, if you online scouring somewhere to work, somewhere to get a job, then God can touch somebody's hard to hire you. But if you're sitting at the house every day, smoke everyday, drinking, but you wonder why you just can't get a job. A couple of times you don't want out there. You got to. If you ain't got a job, you gotta look, get go, get one. Every day. You got to go look for one every single day. You can't take no days off. How about today? How about today? If we decide today is the day that we're gonna make the move. Today is the day that we stopped delaying, hesitating, procrastinating. Today is the day that we take a step in the direction to do something for ourselves, for our lives, for our family, for our wives, for our children, for our community, for our school. Do something today, for crying out loud, man, stop sitting in your own life in just a stew of misery in your own life. I'm gonna tell you something. If you are in a state of confusion, if you are troubling, if you're stuck on what to do next, you let me tell you what's happening. You're not doing enough. That's what it is. Man. See what I get in a place man where I don't know what the next move is. It's because I unusually stalled out. See, this is the way God works. This is the way He's worked for me. Every time I'm busy and I'm about the business of always trying to live my creed, which is ABC. My My motto is ABC always be closing. I'm always working on something, something to close something. When you're so busy with the business of improving yourself and doing with yourself and becoming the best you you can be, God is always working on your behalf behind some scene or something that you're in the process of tempting to close. But because you're not doing all you can do, you're limiting you you are because of your decision not to give you all in all, you're limiting the opportunities for God to put his finger on things and touch them on your behind. I don't know if the average person really understands or knows what it takes to truly be successful or whatever level you're talking about. But whatever that level is, I don't care what a dollar amount you've got attached to it, what level you got, if you have made the decision that you're going to be successful, I think that a lot of people, the average person does not know what that means. Whatever level you've decided to be successful on, See, that's your level of faith, that's where you see your life at. Well, guess what you got to maximize your efforts to even get to that level. So listen to me. If you want to be successful at your church, if you want to be successful in your relationship, if you want to be successful down at the day cancer, if you want to be successful at your college, if you want to be successful on your job, guess what it's gonna take all you got in that world to become a success. I don't know why people think that. If you don't want to be where somebody else said, you ain't gotta put forth that effort. Now, no act wrong. You've got to put forth your maximum effort at whatever role you're trying to accomplish. Lord have mercy. Man. How about today, though, y'all? How about today? Today is a good one. Let's make today today. Let's get out of that. Let's get on with it. Stop hesitating, stop delaying, stop procrastinate, start today. Watch God have something to put his finger on there. And that's all you're trying to do. Man, to line yourself up with God's grace, you gotta put out a lot of effort so God can put his finger on something. You feel me today, I shall hope you do, because I'm on one today. Let's go to ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls may have your attention. Peace. You are listening to the Steve Harvy Morning Show, which happens to be the baddest morning show in the land. What is it, Jake? You know what I'm saying. Today's show is dedicated to everybody, the cwts of the world. Those of you that work in tight quarters, those of you they're tall with no dought, those of you who label anybody can walk by to all the c w of the world. This show is dedicated to the cubicle workers. Everybody in man hanging out. The goal one day is to get a dope office. Yeah, there's a lot of freedom in the cubicle jobs. So you get the dope, you get a little bit more little loose, you know, touching yourself, you know, stuff like that. You had a cubic, Yeah, you don't do that in the cubic. It's hard to have a porn on site on you. In the cuban cube. You don't tell you who's gonna pop back, hard to play solid. You're looking and looking back, looking looking. You ain't even joining porn on flick. So congratulations, Today's show is dedicated to all the cubical words company. What it is? It ain't that dude down the hall in the corner with the desk. It ain't hit the door. What's up, hey Steve, Good morning to you. Happy fridawn? What's up? Call? Hey Stee? What's up? Crew? Ji? Morning up? Food number one? I didn't done it in a cubic what's up this morning? Top of them all? Let him walk by and show your medication and down low. Yeah, keep it in a draw. Yeah, set it up for you, leave a house. My son was in my bathroom one day. I take all types of supplements, you know. He said, damn, what is all these pills? I say, that's life and get your ass out of here. That's I'm trying to extend it. Yeah, like right now, I'm sixty. I'm just trying to get forty poemo out of this your forty. I don't want to be a burden man. I want to be healthy, you know, walking around because still drive if I want to. That's you dreams mean, what's yours? Clean me? I need to be clean. I need to be clean again again. Who you got? You gotta come back? I want you food, go in there Jake ain't gonna be grand boy ever never is not gonna do it. No, you clean me never? Oh never? Yeah, I like him, but he only really like me. Never. Don't really like me. That's one. When you called me, he says never. Never won't be my son, And Jimmy calling my son and it's your daddy. Hang the phone up, Hang it out, Hang it out, so sad, hang the damn phone. Hey, listen, coming up something funny. We have some tips to get your man ladies to open up and share, because it's hard for them to do that. Steve and the fella. See if you agree. When we come back at thirty two after the hour, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go as promised. This is uh, this is for the ladies. Want to help you get your get you to get your man to open up because you know, they don't like to talk about stuff. You know, yeah, they don't like to talk about their feelings and all that. And women, as women, we love that. So yeah, so this is how to get your man to talk about his feelings. And Steve, please see if you agree with this guy, See if you agree with this because they're not known to do this. So, ladies, if you're tired of guessing how your man feels, here's some pointers for you to get your guy to share. All right, Steve, let's see if you agree be trustworthy. How about that for a guy to open We stop right there. So I didn't even get him understand your open up? Okay? Yes, okay. So if you want your guy to open up and share his emotions with you, he's got to be able to trust you. Okay, he's got it, that's what. Okay, Yeah, you didn't even let me get it out, Tommy. Anything at the word trust? Yeah, all right. Treat him as an equal. Okay. So he's your partner, he's your husband, he's your man. You know, he's your boo whatever. So don't treat him like a tread And now I ain't had it. What do you mean, you know, treat you like an equal. Uh, I'm just saying I ain't saying who it was. I'm just saying we didn't say who. Yeah, you're being treated equal. Now I'm being treated equal. Now you know, Okay, I've been I've been I've actually been a slave. I mean, you know, if that's the game you're playing? That was that the game you were playing or something? You know how people roll rehearsal? Uh game? He was a slave? Give me my shoes? What are you talking about? Role? Do you know how you roll play with your mate? You roll play when you talk? Yeah, talking the whole time. Contact. You've been in such a bad relationship that they'd be sleep on your arm in the morning, and you have a decision to make. Do I run the risk of pulling my arm out and waking her up? Or do I just chew it off something? Man? I damn near I damn that had got it off. But I started crying because I had been been into my show. That blood was everywhere. She woke up with blood all around in my mouth and what are you doing? Trying to chew so this wouldn't happen, But she heard me whimpering, how Steve, Why are you crack? Why are that blood on your head? Trying to eat which obviously I didn't do, looking its blad everywhere on these sheets. You didn't mesty sheets? And why are you doing I'm sorry, I'm just trying to leave your airs sleep is what I was trying to do. My bad Let me go to the hospital and get these eighty five stitches put in my shoulder I had. I had most of the meat in my mouth, so they was able to pack it back on and restructure my shoulder. Ahead, all right, you know, like compliment with him when he does something, well, that's a good way to get him to open up, like yeah, like, you know, compliment of the things he does. Well, you know, in case he's self conscious or something. You know, oh honey, I like the way you did this, or you know whatever. Whatever, that's all you gonna do. That's what you've heard. That's what I get. That's what you get. Who told you to put that on? Told me one time you got on four different blacks. Them blacks, right, that's four different blacks you got on the pants, gonna go with the jacket, that shirt. That's four different blacks. That's ugly shirts around where you going. Yeah, yeah, all of a sudden, you're just gonna put on a clean T shirt now at the blue change your behavior, all right. You gotta pick the right time, Okay. Don't start asking him about his feelings when he's rushed or when he's distracted or watching the game and stuff like that. You gotta ease into it. Ladies, right here, So you're just gonna sit there and ain't gonna talk to me. I'm watching the damn game. Oh the game is more and and yes, yes, before you go to work, we need to talk. Yeah, this game is pretty big. They're only gonna play this's a year. Did you actually say those words? But you're getting saved. Here's another one. Watch your approach, how you approach it. Don't just push it down his throat, you know, yeah, be gentle, be non judgmental. You know, you want him to open up. You don't want him to run away from the conversation because you show it. Don't want to put that down your throat. Yeah, yeah, you don't want to. Don't put you down. Out and watch your body language, ladies. We're just moving on. We're just moving on. Watch, yes, watch your body language, you know. Yeah, keep yourself cool, keep your you know, don't forget you're trying to make him feel safe and not judged. Okay, so you know, be cool about it. I'll be sexy with it. Yeah mm hmm, okay, I'm learning. I'm sure you got that one. See you cool with that one. Watch your body language. Watch your body. Listen, do you hear me talking to you? Yeah? Is that next? Moving turned around everything you're saying sitting over there with your arms. Yeah. You gotta be cool about it. Ladies, if you want to get him to open up, you want him no, no, but you crossed your list. This ugly conversation cross and yeah ain't good advices. If you want to come talk to me naked, I will be fine open as soon as you walk in the door talking to me, Nick, Can I talk to you from here? Are you unless it's a game you really want? You picked now to be naked? Yeah, every time to be naked? A coming up next to the next you is here with his run that prank back. We'll be back. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have today's headlines. Will do it. Miss Anne has a day off today. But right now, of course it's Tommy's run that prank back. Come on there. They ain't move Big Mama. They moved stupid name Mama. I'm trying to get ready for the soap operlated on called Big Mama. Okay, bad acting. They move Big Mama. Cleaning Services I'm trying to Can I speak to the owner of the company. It's just Robert. The owner is Robert. It's just Robert. Yes, sir, this is this is Mr Robert. How can they help you? My name is Corruther. Y'all y'all clean, y'all clean my uh my my house last week okay, And when y'all moved to further to the queen in the carpet, somebody, somebody moved my grandmother off the coffee table. See not in there. No more hold hold one from you, sir? Do you know what what data we clean your house on, sir? That's Wednesday, y'all clean. We came to your house on Wednesday of last week. What's your address, sir? Bring mama, it's it's sir. Hello. You said your name is corrupted and we came to your house on Wednesday. If you don't mind, can I have your address? Sleep? Yo? B well? Wrong? Okay, Mr Caruthers, listen, if if if we if your grandmother now with your grandmother laying on the carpet, I mean, my guys, don't move people, sir. Uh, we would not have without grandmother. My grandmother, she was on the she was on the coffee table. Her urn was on the coffee table. Oh over my mother pet definitely late, y'all if somebody moved it and now the vase is still here but dashes. Okay, okay, I'm sorry. So you're saying that you're very mother, Mr. Mr Gruth, I am so sorry. Um. I just longed for my grandmother not too long ago, sir. I know how you feel. Now, I'm no, I'm listening. My guys would not have knocked over a vase or something like that, or they would have told me if they are knocked over something. Are you sure that it was my cleaning service? Yeah? I ain't have no nobody have no two different Carpeon cleaning services to come by in the same week. Man, y'are the only ones came by there, y'all. The ones who did it, y'all, the one more my grandmoma and no my grandmama. Go. Mr I'm a girl man. Mr Caruthers. I'm sorry about it, but if you would give me your address, I can confirm that that's actually was my company that came by you. I apologize, sir. Uh, I'm sorry, I works up. Oh, I'm so sorry, sir. Now, if can you please just give me your address, sir. Let me let me pull some information up in my system and we can we can straighten all this out. Hold on for one second, please, uh fab do do these things? Go and ask Wayne and Robert you need to come in here for a second. They had to be the ones to clean the man carpet on last week. Hold Sir told his grandmama earth now keeping on that call me table, but we'll take me on that cob table. Mr Caruthers. I'm sorry, I'm trying to find out if when I give myself together, I'm gonna come down there and I'm gonna kick some and the damn place in here. Do you hear me? Listen, Carruthers, and I just now listen. I'm gonna do everything that I can to help you. But now don't don't uh you're gonna friend me on this phone. Tell you you move my grandmama, and I'm gonna move. You know you hear me. I'm gonna, I promise you, I'm gonna tell everybody not to use this damn car and cleaning service because y'all don't know what don't know? Ho the hell on? Now, let's listen now, now, it took me a long time to get my services together. Certain we do a real good job. Now, you're not gonna threaten me, y'all. I'm gonna shape for grandmama. That's what y'all do. You move people's grandmama were We have never had this kind of incidence. A matter of fact, we haven't had any incidents at all. So I'm gonna everything and I'm home. I'm sorry about your grandmother, Sir. I'm gonna get everything right to wait. Come, I'm gonna get in the newspaper and tell everybody not to use this damn service. I promise you up. I just told you once. Now you're not gonna prepping me about my damn company no more. You understand me. But putting on added the newspaper and you're not gonna ship there. Tell me what you're gonna do. How to call my sons in here out of calling that you did. They're the only ones that clean that got They're gonna coffee. Now. I'm gonna find out what happened. But you're not gonna threaten my company. You understand. That's how I make my living. Now, I don't know how you make you'll living but that's how I make you. Don't make y'all learning my moving people. Grandmama's man, you move my grandma with my grandmama. Ain't on the coffee table no more, sir, sir, it's I'm sorry that you're grandma not on your coffee table no more. Look, I'll try to find out what happens. We're gonna get this fix for you, but you gotta work for me. Well, I'm coming down there writing down to do damn I always and start kicking some how your boys. Now you, oh, you should have come down here, come on or bring you come on down here right now. I'm not kidding you, and you know I'm trying to help you, and you want to go off on me like that. I don't give a NS A call down here right now. You don't getting even your address. I don't even know where you are, and I don't even know if we're seen. I promise you I'm whooping your boy he yo, because y'all to move my grandmother, you my grandmother. Man, bro, Mr Carubb, don't threaten me or don't threaten me by my boy. That that's my son. I don't take that too lightly. I will come personally to your house right now, beach up and then come back to clean your house for free. Do you understand me? Don't you talk to my children? And don't you tren me let me go out of my damn fine. I one more thing I want to tell you, man, what is you listening? What is it? Man, Maphew Timmy from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You just got plagued by your wife. Dog Hello, says say man, Um, don't horrybody that that there wasn't there wasn't nobody. Just come in here. You ain't right now, you're right. You called me. Tell me now you got my son in there looking like like then indeed, some I'm gonna go bust up the fast head man, you will tell you what you're gonna do. My coming man, you know how long he's been saying, Man, ro Man, Hey man, Robert. I got one more thing there, she man? What is what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Hargan Morning Show player. Man, I listen to y'all every morning, man, y'all every more, look here, why don't you tell Dteve man, y'all need to put a copper cleaning the ward over in the hoodie wards. We need cleaning the corper cleaning in the category cap cleaning category. Man, y'all need to go and put one in there. Do y'all have any relatives that's in a turn? I never I never experienced that. Did y'all have anybody that was cremated? And y'all man, now, oh yeah, you got one. Yeah, my grandma she was creaming what they do with who had, who gets to earn? Who gets to keep that? They had? One of my uncles got cremated. Yeah, I had an uncle. Yeah, he got cremated, and he put him up on the mantel piece. And my other uncle didn't know it and and did dumping. And he thought that because I see he had done it, nobody know. So when he opened it up in front of everybody, they was mortified, and he said that way all of them go, because he had done it before and ain't nobody to know it because usually that's where the urn goes on the mantel when it was up there. Now they took ours down after that. Yes, his wife sitting up there mortified. I thought, that's where are you going? Coming up? I think I'm doing more Unhurricane Irma, and President Trump agrees with the Democrats. What we'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The House has passed a bill provide billions of dollars in federal relief the survivors of Hurricane Harvey. And it's headed to the Senate and it passed. That is great news. As Florida, the Carolinas, and parts of coastal Georgia prepare for Hurricane Irma, their reports of shortages of water, gas, and other supplies throughout South Florida, Browert County and Florida Keys are under a mandatory evacuation order. On North Carolina, Governor Roy Cooper is declaring a state of emergency and anticipation of Hurricane Irma. UH Cooper said the declaration will allow officials to get resources in place to get ready for the possibility of Irma's arrival. Um, Carla, uh, I know you have information as far as this goes. What do you have? What you got? Well, just you know, remind everyone, like we said yesterday and saying the same thing today, you have to listen to the city and community leaders when you're county or your city or your areas under a mandatory evacuation, you need to evacuate. The possibility that if you don't, you choose to ride the storm out, that rescuers and first responders may not be able to get to you. Can make you if you don't want to leave, can physically take you if your area isn't a mandatory evacuation, and really encouraging you to evacuate. You maybe if they're pretty they're pretty insistent, come out because you could die. I mean that's how they may not be able to get to you. No, it's really really serious, man, And people in Florida. We got a lot of listeners in Florida. You know, look, pay attention. Look, I know how important your person's home is. You know, I ain't had one for a period of time, so I get how important your home is. And it's your largest investment, and it's the place where you gather yourself. But listen to me, nothing is more valuable than your life and the safety of your family. You have got to do the smart thing to secure your life and the wealth of your family. That's first. Because at the end of the day, you can get another housebuild you can't get another love one. Let's be really smart about this. You you can't sit there and fight the water in the wind that that in the war you're gonna win. Yeah, they're saying get out, to get out there, trying to have gas brought in because you know they have fuel shortages now because a lot of people are trying to get out. Because the people in the Florida Keys. You know, you gotta remember when you're down there in the Keys, that's a hundred some miles stretch of single lane. You know, they really have to get out. It's one in, one out. It's tough. It's beautiful down there, and you know, it's a great lifestyle. A lot of those people live down there. Man, if that's what you're into. But getting out, man, you gotta get out early because it's it stacks up and that's the thing you man. I was really praying for the people in Puerto Rico cause but St. Martin Guy St. Martin's level. I was going there for my birthday this year, man. Yeah, it's because I want the last year for my birth This year for my birthday, the Bahamas is in line too, so you know we're hoping everything be okay for those people on the islands, not for our selfish purposes, but because we want people out there to be safe. Man, God speed, I mean God bless you. Yeah, Mother Nature. Yeah. So that's it. That's I just wanted to stress the evacuations because you can't wait, and they evacuate in certain ways and certain orders, just like you said, Steve, so everybody won't be on the highways at the same time gridlock, and then people are caught in their cars during the storm. So listen to what they're telling you. There's an order to why they're saying what they're saying, and evacuating when they are certain area. Please listen. That's it all right, Okay again, if you want to make contributions to the Red Cross, they're still take donations. You can text the word Harvey. You can just make a donation to the Red Cross. Uh it is, I said, Harvey. I'm in irma now. Uh to nine zero the same number, nine zero nine. You can make a ten dollar donation to the Red Cross. These people need help, they really really do. Um. In other news, a lot of stuff going on. Donald Trump did something that shocked I think the world the other day when he agreed with the Democrats. Uh, and they're yeah, and they're built well. He used didn't he used to be a Democrat though, if truth be told, he used to be a Democrat once upon a time, back back in the day. Anyway, he agreed with the Democrats and their bill to raise the debt ceiling for three months to avoid a government shut down. Uh. Those Democratic leaders are Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. Uh. They're calling him Don Chuck and Nancy now, who have been the target of Trump's attack in the past. But on Wednesday, Trump referred to them as Chuck and Nancy and agreed with their short term plan. Trump's decision to agree with the Democrats could further alienate top Republicans like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and how Speaker Paul Ryan. See. Sure, the Republicans didn't want him to do that because they wanted to use it as a bargaining chill. But that's crazy, man. So they wanted to use that money for the hurricane relief as a bargaining chill, and he said no. For the first time, I think this president has done something presidential, even if it was just to tell the Republicans, I'm the man, you'a don't need you to tell me what to do. I don't care what he did it. At least he did that. I'm on man, because this is not the time to play politics when people are in need. That seven billion dollars, it's gonna help so many people. And he just did it. And boy, Paul Ryan and those boys are ticked in because Paul Ryan said before they went in and it's not gonna be done. It's not gonna be done that way, no way. And he did it, and he's really upset, really, and then you know what was crazy? Man like seeing then this one correspondent was on that last night talking about, Yeah, the president got duped on this one. What I mean, I'm helping people, I mean, dog, I mean, but really, man, if you get a chance, if the guy do something, then let's just give him that. He's been messing up, man, he's been blowing it. But if he does something, man, man, he got dupe, dupe man. He's trying to help some people find it. Yeah, yeah, alright, coming up the butterfly right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, Steve, here you go, introduced Jay so Jay can introduced the bunch of flight. Put your hand, baby, you sell it off, Mike with that, put your hand. There we go. Probably that's probably because you're just getting nowhere. Go ahead ahead, watch what's gonna go today. You gotta love the good morning First, Janthy Brown, Kier, Stephen, Tommy, I'm Shirley and Collin. Good morning to everyone. Good morning. What's up man? Stephen? You're gonna be so proud of me. I am becoming I have I'm gonna be a genie. Oh, I am so excited about it. So people are actually gonna be able to rub me. And I'm gonna agree to three wishes. I'm going to be a genie. I'm get here the ball, yes I can't and if I'm all learning everything, but rub me, Stephen, and then make three wishes. You're to tell me, I mean my step You rub the lamp, run the lamp, you rub the lamp. Don't nobody rub you if you are you already out the bottle food. You don't even know how to be a damn jamis. You have the lamp, you don't rub the stumach. That's a buddhis statue. You ain't you gotta you gotta move up to lamps, I mean stomach right now, you move out to lamp. But then don't know nothing about lamp. Slow slow you roll, scroller, scrowler, where's this going? I know what you're gonna do is take a lamp. We'll keep lamp out your mouth. Scroller, you know what I'm talking about. You don't take us go. You're taking it too far. Why are you say? Your family? Why you you? We'll see nobody said it like that. I just Eugene is a scroll. Hold on, Hold on, Eugene, ain't no damn scroller. Let's get this right, man, Eugene. I don't want to be a scrowler. I don't want to be a scrowler. W the players top out of the side stop. Yeah, let's think I'm way too far. You ain't scroller. Let's get that on. You ain't no damn scroller, and you ain't no capital, So let's get that on. And don't want to be no capital, no que, neither one of you. That was I'm a genie that we started out this that is horrible anyway. I was a genie. I want to make that see all these big intros and these segments don't go nobody. He always saying stuff to a feed people. He offended Tommy. He don't want to be a scroller and you ain't no lamp. So now the queues and how nobody care for you? Right? Well, we have to go. J Anthony Brown is up next. He's gonna murder another hit. We'll be back at thirty four afterez. What's a sigma playing? You're listening to Steve Harby Morning Show? Okay, Steve, come on, Jo Anthony Brown is here to murder enough. It is time now to lose another friend. Here's j Anthony Brown. Would the hits. We were talking about feelings earlier and how to say things that you should say or want to say to you. So I put together a song because the question always comes up, how do I look in this dress? Do you think I'm fair? You know, those the questions that you can't answer, But it's all in the song. The song answers everything is Beyonce. This song is You're Way More. Um, it's a Beyonce song, You're Way More. Yeah, but you listen to it, just listen, please just listen to see I'm going to answer the question that every man has been asked. The question is does this dress make me look sad? Check it out? Check it out. I'm gonna have to save your lands. Can be let your round. You gotta quit eating to night. You're gonna have to share some pounds now. You will not love the game. You really got big round instead of one h chicken, You eating dubes and put that rig down your pud honey on. Everything is showing only in your face. Maybe I love you, but you will off my little free gamest wing you put honey on. Everything is showing only in your face. Maybe I love you. Put you will off my little free white move cause you win more? Wit more, wait more because you win more, way more white more. Because you win more, You're gonna have to share it. Some mountains you're wining and about time you us. I mean it's if you say it in a song, right, you think they're gonna danced to it. Oh, I see what he's saying, so I wait more, wait more? Way I can't with him. It was Beyonce. Yeah, I try to Yeah you right right? One for me that I can give to my lady that you're getting on my damn new can you do it getting on my damn Yeah? Yeah, you know my last name on the one that I need. I'm only hoping that you wish that you go, you go, you go? Please, my last name one that I really need. I was gonna use it, Lilia. I thought I might need it later in the weise, Did you go? You go? He yes, he's a game. Hey man, you're gonna do good in natural disaster. I'm sorry. Four days is what it was in that house with that woman and couldn't go nowhere, Lord have mercy. And she felt the same way about it, probably worse. Yeah, she got to be thinking to myself, Man, this stupid under the cover she did so bid put a roof over here. That's what stupid did for her. But you know, tis time you break provided. You're a great father, you're a great son to your mother. Don't stop being stupid. But I understand that I wanted to leave all of that, all of that. I wanted to run out in the street and jump in one of them boats and be rescued. I did not from the water, but I wanted to time of your house dry. You was gonna drive down to the corner where the waterway and jump in the water and walk to the boat and say, just getting me away from here, all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after get ready for today's Strawberry Letter, Frank phone call coming up next. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after get ready for today ain't Strawberry letter, But up next, nephew, Tommy prank phone call. Come on, nephew, you ain't no signal? Uh, you ain't no signal? Yeah, that out? That wasn't. That wasn't. Pull that one out strong. I gained a lot of respect for him down at your Black Enterprise tournament. Man, Yeah, I did. It's never anyway, man, This is when you call a brother who plays real hard and telling me you ain't no signal. It is you at Hello. Oh, I'm trying to reach a greg please. Yeah, this is he. How you doing? My name is Bernard five Beta sigma over played relationships. Uh huh giving you a call today? Man, Um, you attended Prey of You ain't m University of my correct? Yeah you am? I right? You attended and from my understanding, you pledge five Beta signal and fall of ninety one. That's correct, alright, that's the Theta chapter correct, Yes, all right, here's where we're having some problems here, going through the records, going through the records, actually looking at the records that we have here headquarters, you're not actually an official member of five Beta Sigma. I don't know what has taken place. But wait a minute, what what do you mean not a member? Looking at our records here at national headquarters, it's indicating that you're not an official member of five Beta Sigma. I don't know what could have gone wrong with this? Now? Not that ain't right, man, That ain't right, because see, depth of data is recognized nationally, so why wouldn't I be nationally recognized? I'm not certain, sir. Maybe it's something that took place on that that actual line of Fall nine one. We're actually going to have to do some research on everything that's going on with your line as well as the chapter. Is that possible if they gave if they gave me a certificate in the in the plaque and I got my pin and I mean I'm a Sigma. What you mean? Okay? Sir? I don't know what I'm looking at here and and and please understand, I want to try to clear this matter up. Yeah, yeah, we need to do this matter. Who who else? Is there somebody there like U oversee? Uh, maybe the head president or your branch or something I can talk to or something. Well, I'm actually I am actually over pledged relations uh. And I wanted to give you a call personally so we can try to rectify the matter. And it's gonna take us some time to hiring this thing out. But what I need you to do as at this point. And you know what the problem is that I'm noticing is that all of the people that were on your line they are official for some reason. Mr Gregg is an official, So I want to I don't understand that because I was the line president. So how how is everybody else able to be a sigma and not me when I did all the paperwork that it takes to before the process to be right? I don't understand, sir. You know what, brother? Uh, I can't call you brother for the fact that right now I'm telling me brother because I'm a signer. So here's what we're gonna have to do. Greg. We're gonna have to get you to First of all, if you're dealing with anybody alumni wise, we're asking that you don't go to any meetings right now. We're also asking that you don't wear any five beta sigma peral for now. At this point, we want to make sure and get clarity that you are definitely a brother. Man. Man, I am definitely a brother. Do you know what I had to go through to get where I am today? To be a sitnal all the do y'all, y'all took y'all dudes? What happened to that? If you're taking my dudes, you should be able to tell me. Yo, man um, we got this going on. Certain things are going on with your line. We need to We need to check you. You took our money. That's the thing. I'm seeing checks that have gone through for other people on that line. I don't say, man, And to this day, I'm like a lifetime member, So what the hell are you talking about? I have no records indicating that your lifetime Remember, That's what I'm saying. So we that dog. Somebody needs to tell me something today. We're gonna try to get to the end of this by the end of the week. It's gonna take no, no, no, but no, but no, but no, you're not understanding what I'm saying, man, because I'm a sigma to the heart. Dude. You know what I'm talking about. Y'all playing with my heart right now? Man, nobody's gonna do that and get away with I don't know what going on. You know, here's what we can do. We can bring you back in and do another pledging process. Pledge. Did you understand what you just said to me? No? Man, if that ain't happen, dog, I've been through this already. Man, I'm not pledging. I'm not signing my name on nothing else because I have pledged, I'm not doing it. I'll need to get somebody on the phone that can answer my question. I want to know what's going on, okay right now? And and I understand you know, the disbelief of what's going on. I really do you understedt your brother? Brother, We're gonna try to what year did you go across? Did you walk the sand? Let me tell me what's going on. Brother. I'm fall eighty nine, brother, And now what we're gonna have to do right now is, first of all, no paraphernel. You you're trying to see me that I can't well what's nearest and dearest to my heart, next to my wife and my child. You're telling me that I can't go around and proclaim what I am. That's like telling me I can't be black. What the hell is you're saying? And another thing we're gonna to get you to do. Understand, you have a brand, a Sigma brand. That's how I have to come off until we until we get this taken care of? What then you talk about them medical procedures. What are you saying so we cannot allow you to wear a brand representing five beta signal when right now you are not only you can't a lot that that brand. Me was allowed to put the brand on me. Now I can't be allowed to wear something I've been wearing for almost fifteen years. Are you crazy? Come on, man, that's some crazy. So we gotta get you to take you to tell me until all of the what the hell? Ayut man, this is some look here, brother, but not what Bernard? Is that? What your name is? You need to get somebody on this minute. That's all right? I know the president and my still how about that I will just call in and I'll figured out my bill. Right now. We need you to take the brand off keep you come take the brand off of me. And you wanted that bad, come get it. That's what you do. You are not a member of five Beta sick. I'm done give up you talking about dog I am a member. If you want something over here, howland your boy, that's what you do. You're bad, Come do it. So I'm telling you for the final time, do not wear any paraphern Noel Keith couldn't. Don't want to hear that talking about no final. Let me tell you what's final. I am a five better sigma to the hard damn sir. All I'm telling you is no more church and cover that brand up until we're here. Man, I'm gonna wear everything. I got a hat, I'm ahead of a matter of fact, I'm gonna wearing Hey just to get on yog Lyrists. You're gonna keep brand coming up until we figured out. If you are covering up you, come get it and tell the you let it get go away from me. I'm talking about put that brand up shots, no money. Tell you something I ain't coming. Come DoD if you want it I got one more right, man, this is Blue Fire. You don't want none. You don't want none. This is the man. I don't know what one more thing I need to say to you? Are you to say what you got to say? You ain't getting this. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy. Hello boy, y'all had me ready to kill my man? Y'all boy, Let one more thing, man? What is the baddest radio show in the land? Greg? What is it? Steve Harvey Morning Show? Ain't he loved Blue Fire to the day he died? You know you want to hurt somebody, man? Tommy and Shirley? Who was the Sigma at the beat back in l A. Who was a Sigma light skiing guy? Turner? Ron Ron Turner, Yeah, Ron Turners and Sigma dude. The Sigmas that Can't Stay was cold blooded though they was all from Garden Valley Projects. You couldn't get into Sigmas unless you was from the Project. Yeah, that's a damn. And then you're from the Project yeah where they checked you background check. If you weren't the Project, dude, you couldn't give me no Sigmas. Sigmas was cold, they were strong, and all of them could sing. They shows they just stood in the circle. Man, it just blew jam. So do all Sigmas sing because Jason something, you don't think that's singing Sigmas? Ain't The frat y Linen coming up in about an hour and get ready for another exciting episode of bad acting Theater of the Chapman's. And I gotta tell you that Dennis Rodman is in the news again. Plus the Strawberry Letter is on deck, and we will be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show, all right, before we get to today's crazy Strawberry Letter, and this letter is the trip. But first, Dennis Rodman wants to straighten things out between the US and North Korea, Right, all right? What did you do with John? All Right? In an interview with the TV show Good Morning brittain Uh, Dennis Rodman says he's the guy to prevent war. Rodman, who's visited, of course, the Asian Company country at least five times, explains he says, I basically hang out with Kim Jong own all the time. We laugh, we sing king karaoke, we do a lot of cool things together. We ride horses, we hang out, we go skiing. We hardly ever talked politics, and that's a good thing. He adds that he's a perfect choice to persuade the dictator from launching a nuclear attack against the US because he's not crazy. Sometimes like President Trump, Well, I think we are to let him going on and try, because right now is going and ride up in there with the wind and dress home. Right now we handed the wall. But if all the people you can hang out with, why a white not stable? They just need a toy. Not Dennis Rotten. And why Kim John one of our enemies. He is a fom jay. If he come over here, they're not gonna brow up. And that's nothing. Can we please come on? Can it make me? I don't give a rest gass? What's going on? We want to back my players sit in the hand. They looked like, man, I want to go home drunk or something. He was at a podium talking to the press, look like they had all the brothers that went over the winning man. They had to look on their faces with what he says. I don't give a red sash. We come over to play basketball. We like it lost Vin Baker sleeping Floyd. It's hard. We don't know if you're gonna make it home. Man, it really the friends, Yeah, why is he hanging out with Kim John? But let me ask you something. Let me ask you some name one other Dennis Rodman, Buddy, look at the whole world. You can't think of nobody but Kim Joe. Exactly. That is my point, exactly, Kim Joe. What Jimmy Jimmy chuckle? All right, him Kimmy. We're gonna call him Kimmy Shore, Kimmy, Kimmy, give me that button. So do you guys, do you guys agree with Dennis? Is he the one to prevent n Dennis going over there and give it a shot right now? The tweets that the president's fun, We're going to walk. Everybody's concerned about him with this right here. So I didn't rob and let him go over that ride horse and go skinn Yeah. I want to see a little fat air dude ski anywhere. M Yeah. They probably just got some fifty bags thinging karaoke. They do that. They do a lot of cool things. J Does murdered hit Jake saying Kim Kim Jun doing Kario's talk aback. We're going to be off the radio, making me um, just saying it right. It's time for the Strawberry letter. Thank you. Let's go buggle up, hold on tight that time him, no time for the letter. Let's go Tommy, j Peter Baby the strawberry letter. Uh, this is the strong Mary letter. Ever there was a time when we need Jesus. It is right now written subject, thank you Tommy. Subject, Doctor Love wrote more than my prescriptions. Uh, doctor Love wrote more than my prescriptions. Dear Steve Shirley in the entire Morning Crew. I need some advice. I went to a specialty doctor last year in May. My first visit, I noticed he did some friendly f flirting, or maybe it was his trained bedside manner that I mistake mistook for flirting. Well, after a couple of visits, the staff member knew I liked him, and they told him. He said, maybe I will call you. I said to myself, this man will not call me. After all, he is a doctor and I am just a normal person and let alone my doctor. Well guess what the man called me. But the conversation went from friendly straight friendly straight into phone sex. The first phone call I couldn't believe it because I was wondering did I strike him as that type of person. I played along because I was so excited that a doctor was calling I am not shallow, but I've been there and done that with two blue collar men, so I figured why not. But I did think a code of ethics was broken. Well. To make a long story short, me and this doctor um I have a few un medically related meetings, but only in his office after hours. He says he's not married and too busy to have a girlfriend. He has given me his cell phone and in the beginning called me rather frequently until I noticed that all his calls ended with phone sex. Eventually, I got tired of playing along and called him on it. He got angry and said he doesn't have time to get into anything. So I asked him why did he call me from the get go? Then he said he didn't know. Uh, he didn't know I would be that type of person, meaning what more from him. I've known this man slash doctor since May of last year, and we have never gone out on a date and has met up. Have met about three times in his office, and I really liked him. I feel so hurt because it seems like every time I opened my heart up, I get it trampled on. Can you please give me any advice? Because I still like him and I call him every other day. Sometimes he will answer his phone and other times he won't. I feel it is because he knows it is me, even though my number is coming up private. I sometimes say I wish he never would have made that first call to me, because now I can't stop thinking about him, whereas he probably could care less about me. Steve, please be gentle, but I still want your feedback. There's your name right there, Steve. I still want your feedback, but be gentle. Twelve minutes after will She'll be back? You're listening to Steve Good Morning Show coming up in about twenty minutes. Another episode of bad Acting Theater with the Chapman's But right now, come on, surely when you do the bad acting theater, could you just try to read them bad acting the worst bad actor. But come on, stay with your part two Today's Strawberry letter. I'm just gonna have to tell it to you straight. Okay. I'm sorry you all um. You you keep setting yourself up and I'm trying to share with you how to avoid some of the mishaps in your life when it comes to men. Uh, this is a classic case. Here we go again. Dr Love wrote more than my prescription, did Steve Sherlan and tyed Morning Crew, I need some advice. I went to a specialty dctor last year and made my first visit. I noticed he did some friendly flirting, or maybe it was his trained bedside and manner that I mistake for flirting. Well, after a couple of visits or staff member knew I liked him and told him. He said, maybe I will call you. I said to myself, this man will not call me. After all, he is a doctor and I'm just a normal person and let alone my doctor. Well guess what the man called me. But the conversation went from friendly straight into phone sex. The first phone call. I couldn't believe it because I was wondering that I strike him as that type of person. I played along because I was so excited that a doctor was calling. I'm not shallow, but I have been there and done that with two blue collar men, so I figured why not. But I did think a code of ethics was broken. Well, to make a long story short, me and this doctor had a few un medical related meetings, but only in his office after hours. He said he's not married and too busy to have any girlfriend. He has given me a cell phone in any beginning called me rather frequently until I noticed that all of his calls ended with phone sex. Eventually, I got tired of playing alone called him on it. He got angry and said he didn't have time to get into anything. So I asked him why did he call me and from the get go. Then he said he didn't know I would be that type of person, meaning want more from him. I know this man slash doctor since May of last year, and we have never gone out on the date, and has met him three times in his office, and I really liked him. I feel so hurt because it seems like every time I over my heart yelp, I get trample on. Can you please give me any advice? Because I still like him and call him every other day, Sometimes he would answer his phone and other times he won't. I feel this because he knows it's me, even though my numbers coming up private. I sometimes said I wish he never would have made the first call to me, because now I can't stop thinking about him when he probably could care less about me. Steve, be gentle, but I still want your feedback. Well, let me just go and hlp you to something. Gentle ain't my thing. So let's don't even ask me to be gentle unless you're a little girl calling in for advice or a teenage or something. Genteral. Ain't what I do. Okay, you're gonna ask all my kids gentle, ain't what I do. My wife. It's a different story. Gentleman, I am. But when you're calling me and you need help and I'm trying to tell you something sound crazy to me. And then sometimes you gotta get talked to a little tossed up. You don't let the doctor tasha up now you want to see you to be gentle. Should have had this whole gentleman conversation with your little doctor frick. But let me tell you what ladies do all the time. First of all, this is a letter from a lady. First of all, don't lie to me. You go to the doctor's office, you noticed that he did some friendly flirting, or maybe he his trained bed side and manner that I mistake for flirting. You ain't mistake nothing for flirting. You've been a grown woman all your life. You know when a man hitting at you, tapping around the subject, let's talp you. You mistaken it. We don't mistakenly flirt with nobody. We flirt with you, or we don't. We ain't that good. We're stupid. Okay, so let's get that out the way. Now you're trying to write the letter, act like you ain't know we were stupid. But you're trying to play dumb too, lady. Come on, now, you say, well, after a couple of visits, a staff member knew I liked him and told him. How the hell did the staff member know that? I didn't understand? How did the staff member know that? Less you told the staff member. See, you don't you set this hook in your own mouth. You beat this hook, You threw a hook. Don't act like you're the victim and you're the hunted when you went after this man, you dropped this information in the staff members ill you liked him, specialty doctor and you don't went to him mo thing one time? And may okay, okay, now I guess what, well he said, maybe I call you? Yeah, okay. This went from you thought he was flirting to a staff member told him you liked him, so he just came to you and said, maybe I call you, lady. Do you know that I know enough? Something's missing in this centers right here? Okay, so anywhere then when I act like I'm stupid, okay, I said to myself, this man will not call me. After all, he's a doctor and I'm just a normal person. This is the beginning of what's wrong with this letter. This is called self esteem. Ladies, don't you know that you are much more valuable than you even give your own self credit for. Do you understand your real value to us as men? Because I see right now y'all be missing the point. So you introduced yourself and now you have this low self esteem. He picks up. Okay, do it out of out of up? Well, guess what the man called me. But the conversation went from friendly straight in the phone sex. On the first one. I couldn't believe it because I was wondering that I made him think I was that type of person. Yes you did. Then I played along, Yes you are. You're not only made him think it was cool for you to have phone sex with the phone You went along with him and had it on the first call, though the first call, didn't you? But didn't you, lady, because I'm excited that a doctor was calling and you ain't shallow because you didn't done this before with two blue collar men, so I figured why not? But I did think a code of ethics was broken? Who you who you think broke that code? You are him? Or did both of y'all break a code of ethics? This is off the job? Now what kind of code is that? A lot of women are married to doctors? Some type of code of ethics got broken? Oh, now you want to blame him, saying he wronged you. You the one told his staff member you liked the man, and the first place he called you, the phone conversation turned a phone six. You could have had some standards and requirements right there and not done it. But the first time on the phone, you're doing. Whatever you do in the phone sex conversation, you set the tone for the rest of the relationship. Baby, you're listening to the Steve Show. We are praying for our neighbors in the southeast this morning and uh as this devastating storm, Hurricane Irma is going to hit landfall in Florida. The Carolinas and coastal Georgia. Please do not forget to give. The giving continues to help our neighbors affected by Hurricane Irma. You can go text the word irma to nine zero. That's the word irma texted to nine zero. If you want to make a ten dollar donation to the Red Cross and uh, you know, you can donate whatever you have at the time. If you just want to help, help, just help, do what you can, yeah, you know, and and um yeah, just whatever you can afford. Just do that. Please text the word irma to nine zero. All right, so here we are, all right, it's time for another episode of the Chapman's that is the Steve Harvey Morning Show soap opera. You guys, ready, when you when you know, I'm like Tommy, like, when you start, I think you start, but then you you haven't started yet. Yeah, you start twice? Are you talking to me? Yeah? Talking to you? You start? You start twice? Just whatever, he's whatever he's written for you. That's the start. Is a real movie. Yeah, no, she don't know how to read a movie, but Tommy do. And he's right, but this is wait, what's that's twice? Just it's on here twice. What do you want? It's only one of us in a place, so he would know. Hi. Here we go. Hello, everybody, Welcome to another episode of the Steve Harvey Bad Acting Theater with your host and narrator me Shirley Strawberry. We call this episode. Oh No. They shot Bougard Beauregard, and in last week's episode French, she agreed to help Earl. How bad? Is that? All right? You gotta deal? Boregard was talking trash and KK missed her part to speak. I have it out with her one on one anytime she's ready. Oh, but she found it when she shot him, which resulted into one of the longest dying scenes on the radio. I'm tying, Wait a minute, hold on, hold on, sounding bat man, I'm not going to die. God see, I told you. And Junior has finally gotten up the nerve to confront KK about her being his mom. If you're my mama, why did you take so long to tell me you was my mama? What about the other other mama, the lady I actually called mama for all those years. I'm confused. I'm gonna ask to go ask dad if you real mama. I'm gonna ask. I'm gonna go ask dad if you was my real mama, Dad will straighten this out. Shut up, Junior, you ain't gonna do a damn thing. I killed Beauregard and I'll kill you too if you get in my way. Wait wait, wait, wait you what? No, we ain't gonna hear that again today. Yeah, I guess you didn't. Wait, man, I'm sorry. Good, you're terrible bad. You ain't even trying. I'm trying. I'm trying talking to you. No, we ain't gonna hit that again today. Yeah, I guess you didn't listen to that last week's episode. Hold on, hold on, sound effect man, I'm not going to die. Okay, shut up, Junior. Okay, mama, you got it. Well Junior switched that up real quick and she stopped that annoying Wait wait wait what wait what what you did? What didn't they get on your nerves? Just then, there's a knock on the door. I guess the sound effects guy is not paying attention, so that's a buzzer sound. Okay, I guess the doorbell rang, and all right, there we go, like I said, to knock on the door, and it's frenchy George Wallace, who is played by Tommy I know how you feel about mama jokes, so I won't do one. Well, I'm here to help you with your your little problem. But I do have some good news. Ka ka kill Barber God. I'll say you you you say ka Kake kill Bury God. Yeah, don't know about to listen to the damn joke? Yeah that held on? Hold on sound effect man? That Lord, that's the best bowregard is dead man. That the best news I've had since I heard Steve Harvey got a new talk show called Steve. Check your local listen to find out what time it comes on all you can set your d C all man. Not no no, that's what I call a shameless plug. Right now. That was your shameless no no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no friendship. See, a shameless plug would be this here. Steve Harvey's got a new toe show called Steve on NBC. He'll be playing Harvey's Hundreds, where he gives away money to look at all the members, and he'll interview guests like Jay Lennon, Ice Cube, Chelsea Handler, Jordan's Sparks, Marlin Wins. It's a nighttime show that comes on in the daytime. But k K then kill burr regard. Mmm, well do tell this has been Steve Harvey's bad acting theater. And remember be sure to watch Steve hard He's a new talk show. Steve only here. There was you know, it was bad, but it was worser than bad. Bad. We gotta go to break. We'll be back, We'll be back, y'all. Can't just jump in. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, y'all joining us again this morning. I've been just bringing y'all up today. You know, once a week, once every two weeks, something like this. Uh. You know, I got a personal trainer because I'm trying to get myself in the best shape I've ever been in. And uh, this guy's a certified fitness trainer and nutritionalist specialist. He's also co authored the best selling fitness book The Cut, with Morris Chestnut on the cover. Him and Morris did a book called The Cut. That's what made me han because I could just give be half Morris. Uh. He and I've been working together for a while now, and I'm starting to see some improvements. I've lost some weight, i feel a lot better. He's here for an update on what we've been doing to try to motivate the baby boomer generation, everybody from fifty to seventy one, trying to get you all out here. Just got moving around a little bit. Please welcome to the show, fitting this expert and nutritionist o B. I've a decade. Thank you, Steve, he got it right, Yes, sir, hey man, So how am I doing so far? What have I lost? How long I've been doing it? Okay, We've been working out for about five weeks and he was lost twelve pounds in five weeks, A little pounds. That's an average about two point five pounds per week. And he's cheating and indulging on the weekends as well. And still when I got to cheat, I told him I can't do this program this part of my life, and so it's not. Let me tell you something. That weekend you had at the Floyd Mayweather fight, the Vegas fight. You gotta admit, Steve, you did have a little bit too much indulging that, but you had Popeye's chicken, and you know what was amazing? He told me he had Popeyes and he had a promo event and he was just indulging a lot the whole weekend. But it was so amazing was that he still dropped the pound even having that horrible weekend. And the reason why was because Monday through Friday he was healthy. So so let me ask you this, obie, what are Steve's biggest strengths? What? What are his biggest strengths right now? I would say his his biggest strength is his his mental ability to focus. Is that he's so disciplined. He wants it so bad. Many times where I've given a program someone and they don't follow it. I can give you the perfect program, surely, but if you don't follow it, nothing's gonna happen. So it's it's a discipline, okay. So his the opposite of that, what is his biggest week I would say his biggest weakness is saving him from himself. He wants to do too much. So a lot of times I have to say Steve, it's enough. Okay. For example, right we might be doing um inclined dumbbelt chess press. He's doing a chess s extra size. He's supposed to only do twelve reps. Steve gonna do eighteen twenty reps. Yeah, he wants to do more and I'm like Steve, it's a marathon, not a sprint. How much? How much on the flat dumbelt chess press, Steve is up to seventy pounds and that's for the four seventy pound dumbbells. He was killing it getting it. And by the way, when we started he was doing like thirty thirty five pounds. So he went from five pounds to seventy pounds in five weeks. How many he's doing about twelve reps? Twelve reps for every set. When we're doing any we're doing four sets. Impressed. But but the biggest thing that I would say with exercises working within your comfort zone. Just because Steve is not the average sixty year old man and man, he doesn't he refuses to train that way. So I always tell people to work within your comfort zone and then every week add some more weight, increase the duration. Okay, so another question, this is going well, so how so how is he losing the weight consistently? I would say the reason why he's losing the weight consistently is because the program is sustainable and there's many options in terms of what he's able to eat. It's like he's not eating fish every single day he's got the option of fish, chicken, beef, you know, you know. And then also when we're training for me reach, writing and exercising, he needs something where he needs as many options as possible because he gets board realed easily. So a lot of times when we're doing cardiovascular he's like, I don't want to do the stationary bike. I want to do a program that is functional. I want to be to feel like I'm back in the country and I'm moving some hay, and a lot of exercise we're doing are things that that is nostalgic to him. Back in the day when he was in tell him the name of the exercise that routine out in created. Steve created the Steve Harvey Country workout where he's got a weighted log on one shoulder and he's walking around his house from the garage. It takes about three minutes to do and then he'll walk right back to the front of the house and take another three minutes to do. So he's gotta don't tell him it takes three minutes walk around my house, not the house. I know it's not the house because he's a slow walking and that ain't even around the house just to the back gate. But what I'm hearing is it you're making it fun. We're making it fun. We're making it it's not boring. It's not boring. I'm not gonna say it's my way, it's a highway because he knows his body and I trust that he's going to make sure that anything he does it's gonna be something he knows he can do. So is it's safe to say, Uncle Steve gonna be on the front cover like Morris will If Tyler Tyler Berry can get on the cover of Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Steve Harvey can, and I'm gonna get Steve. I'm gonna make sure it's gonna be the after picture. It's gonna be the after picture. No air brush, we can't take that picture now, all right now, all right now, by the end of the year, by his birthday, right, Steve, Yeah, my birthday, man. I want to try to get to two six teams. Okay. I started the program at two forty four. I'm down stepped on the scale. I was two thirty two this Monday. What goal is to get I need six team o pounds. Yeah, we're literally we're literally halfway there Obi. Thank you so much. Thank you for for getting stave together dot com. If you have any questions and you just just type, can follow me on Instagram and Twitter and Facebook. And I love answering any questions you guys might have. Hopefully so when you're typing O B I we gotta go. Thank you AB so much. Hey, Morris chessnut All right bye, we'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, guys, just a reminder, we have a lot of folks in our listening area that will be affected by Hurricane Irma. You know, we saw the destruction in the Caribbean, Florida coastline, Georgia areas, Carolina's please be prepared. Listen to your city and community leaders, please evacuate when when you're told to do so, and to everyone else around the country. If you want to help and make a difference, go ahead text the word IRMA I R M A to nine zero to make a ten dollar donation. Let's help make a difference and talking about let's get going talking about the NFL season openers. Football is back this same day, Yeah, guys, but due to Hurricane Irma, the Tampa Bay Bucks and the Miami Dolphins game has been postponed rescheduled for November nine. But nephew, you gotta run down of the rest of the games going on this Sunday, you guys want to chop it up talking about all right, first game, New York Jets are at Buffalo. New York Jets at Buffalo or the Buffalo, both of them going through some rough changes over there, and both of the New York teams. So I'm just gonna have to go with the Jets, but I think Buffalo could pull it out. But let me see, now, Buffalo got a good quarterback over there. I know, I'm gonna go with the Buffalo Bills. Man upset the Jets. Okay, here we go. Philadelphia Eagle is at the Washington Red Ski. That's a hard one, man, that's a hard one right there, because Cousins is playing now, and then that other quarterback for Philly he playing, but they didn't got rid of McCoy and send him over to the Buffalo Bills. They running game. I don't know what it is in Philly right now. So just for the season open, I'm gonna have to just gonna go within Washington Rid that big boy from Kansas too. Come on, somebody sound good. It's so good coming up. We got the Raiders at Tennessee, Titans Raiders now, man, the Raiders got a good team, man, And I'm gonna have to go with the Raiders on this from side about that Nashville, but I think the Raiders gonna get them this time. Raiders gotta go. That's what beats motives hung color. They're playing that, Tommy. They're playing in Tennessee. They're playing in Nashville. That's gonna be hard though, that's gonna out. Yeah, I'm gonna have to go and go with the Titans. It is not Be careful on this next one. Be careful on this next one. Jacksonville Jaguars are headed to Houston to play the Texans. Are they playing in Houston? Yeah? Really, yeah, yes, sir. You know I stadium covered. Yeah, that's tracks And every time I was thinking about the ground, thinking about it's receded. Well, I'm gonna go with the Houston Texas a moral victory. Yeah. I think they're gonna play for the city Arizona. Yeah, Arizona headed to Detroit. I'm gonna go with Detroit. Yeah, Stadlers headed to Cleveland. It's a damn shame we opened to see everything in me gonna be pulling for them. Damn Browns would be a dog on miracle. But we got that young boy to Notre Dame. That's the starting quarterback man, so we're gonna go and see what he do. I'm going for the Browns, even if I know they're gonna lose. Alright, alright, real real fast, Like Atlanta Falcons here to to Chicago Falcons, Baltimore, cincin at it Baltimore, Indianapolis, l A Rams Indianapolis cause l A don't know who they are, right man? Last one Carolina Panthers at San Francisco Panthers. Calm, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, well, we have the second gratulations to you, Steve. This has been at your premier week of the new talk show Stand young man. Yes, in Hollywood, start studying Chelsea Handling, Marlon wins On and on. How do you feel? I feel great about the concept of the show. You know, Uh, I think the numbers are gonna increase. I think, you know, because we're not getting numbers right now. To Florida because everybody's prepaying and we're not getting no numbers out of the Southern Texas area. Houston has been down. Man, we really pull it in. Praying for those people when things get back up to speed, man numbers to go up. But real happy with the show. We're hitting the mark what we're supposed to hit. Yeah. Mom, have a lot of fun with it. Man, It's it's kind of like a dream come true. It's not a late night show, but I look like it's. Uh yeah, I'm just waiting on my suits to get here, you know, because I was a new suit. But my Taylor messing me over right now because I wanted all new suits for the new show. Huh happens? No, Well, I just a couple of them came here. But I'm just hoping he hit it that. I saw him walk past, so you know, hopefully he out some suits with him. I know what Taylor. The new suits, new show, new guests, new attitude, new set, new city. Man, I like to set, man, we look like we're gonna be in olive wool for a minute. To get a big screen in my card, I can find a can't do it? You put one of these squares in there. We would play hard and it's really good. Now. I want to thank my buddy's Marlin Wins for stopping through. Jay little Man came through and gave me the microphone that he had on his desk for two Yeah. Man, he gave me the microphone. He bought it for me, said Steve. If I passed this to anybody, won't give it to you. He gave me the microphone to set on the Tonight Show for twenty two years. So I put it on my desk. Man, That's that's cool. Huh. I'm gonna be on the show today. That's what I was gonna ask him. Charlie Sheen, Yeah, winning, winning. What are you doing? What are you doing here? Boy? Obvious? I got a great boy. I got a question for you. See you? So how's it going? You got Jay working, Junior working over there. You brought your boys over there working? How have some fun? You know? You know how you talk? I don't know. No, I mean it's funny because he come off in the writing room like he walked around here free. We call it that. I'm a stade because it's like seventy two of us in a little small place name. I'm actually have them in the autom over writing room. Yeah, seven of them. So Jack, you're having fun. What if you're learning? You know, anytime you're just old and working, it's fun. Still want it? Can put in the apple and actually get it. How old is he? Don't worry about this stage we're looking for. We have a good time. Thank you all for watching. That's good. Appreciate you all. Watch and make sure you set your DVRs. Watch Steve to Charlie Sheen and Lee and Ron's check your local listings. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to morning show. All right, Hey, we're back. Everybody, listen to all of our oh friends and listeners and loved ones and uh over in the islands. Man, we pray in for you, We really are. Man. St. Martin got hit really, really hard. It's kind of skirted past Puerto Rico, but you still gotta be aware of the flooding that they're predicting. So they wanted the people in Puerto Rico not to let their guard down. Even though the hard part of it didn't hit them. They still looking. You know the waves, it's gonna be coming in. It's gonna be a lot of water. They're talking about flooding. St. Martin was just, man, man, it's just I don't even know, you know, I don't know what's gonna is heading towards the Bahamas, you know, and Haiti is over that way. They can't don't nobody really want this in their life. But we're praying for you. Man, and y'all, please take heed to all the vacution weights, all the vactuation, all warnings and notices and how to do it, and look, like I said earlier on the show, I know your home is your your biggest investment. I know how you feel about your home. You love it. You know, it's it's where you raise your kids, it's where you live, it's where you have family time dinners. But listen to me, do not stay there trying to save your house, because you can't beat that wind, and you can't beat that water. That's an unstoppable force. Man, Mother nature is serious and that water just go where you go. It It does not play. So please do not try to save your property. Do one thing, save your loved ones, and save yourself. That's imperative. We can we can get another house, as hard of a loss as that is. And I'm not pretending to know what it is. I would rather see you safe. Then you save the house. Now you're going, because if you're going in the houses there where we are, where we are, I save my house, but we're at your field. Be mindful of that out there, Be very very careful, be on watch, and don't take chances. Do the safe thing in this turn lead man. If they say leave, they're not turning you to leave, They just want you to leave. Well, you have to know if you pop off, they ain't gonna be able to come get you. Yeah, they're not going to be able to rescue you, like you said, Steve, and get to you. So if they're asking you to evacuate, do so. If you're in the area where they don't ask you to evacuate, you still need to pay attention, be prepared, listen to the news, get your supplies, get your food, get your water. I know there's a lot of places in the areas where they're out of water. Do old school, fill your bathtub up with water. Then you'll have water in your house. These are some basic needs you're talking about, basic needs that you need to do that time. Snatch your fund man's put them in your pockets, so then you know. And if you're not in a hurricane area and you want to help those, we've been telling you guys all more than long to text the world my I r M A to nine zero nine nine nine to make a ten dollar donation or whatever you can afford, whatever your budget, as a little bit of help. So we had a good show today, you guys. That acting was very bad. It wasn't the worst we've ever done. It was the worst we've ever done to that you think, really, but really, don't y'all really got to read over y'all pause before we started. The whole damn thing was Mike, Mama's in my land, Mama's It's gonna sound worse, and once we put it together, hold on worse, it can't get any worse. No serious, Yeah, time me trying to get an Oscar. I'm not trying to get an Oscar. I'm just he's a professionally trained actor. He's act. Threw me off, call it threw me off. I was like she'd had two starts. She started, then she started, and then Shirley really does I mean, I wrote it, but I didn't don't get you guys, but you gotta play. You're in a place speaking of acting. What you've got going on? I'm doing it. It is Mama's board. Tonight. We are in Atlanta, GA at the cob Energy Center. Get your tickets, come out and see us me, Robin Givings, Johnny gil List goes on and on. This is actually good. I'm having how Robin Givens, I haven't seen her side then, still still beautiful, still look good up and her acting chops up. Not change the girl, man, work work. I just asked time, did she bring me up? No, she didn't bring your name. First of all. Okay, I that's why she asked me. She bring me up? You know her? But she no, No, that the question. Yeah, I mean, I just don't want you to kill my dream. Called that's all okay, my bad dream. And he still got to go to man. She said, you did real good in the play man. Thank you, thank you, sir, thank you, thank you. Yeah, big up to everybody came out to the show last night. Oh so you don't do that, don't start because I think you ought to come in and just is he is he here? You know? But did you want him? I mean he just he's asked for him because he's gonna start drama stage. Why it's gonna be, it's gonna be. Come on, I'm sorry, was I Simmons? Now you want you what you want? You never really answer for me. So that's why when you answer me, I'll make sure I didn't want three seconds, so you're just in time. What but that's that's not a lot of times. But Graham, what is it you wanted to talk? Who was better in the play? Was it you are? Tommy By? Hands down? It was me, Eugene Antoine Perkinson, hands down. You can answer anyone that came there last night. You can ask anybody coming to night. I don't even know. That's not even a question used to be asking, Oh can you ask you? Gentlemen, have a great weekend. Thank you very driving back at me every safe everyone, Thank you for all Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.