Pipe Bombs and Voting, Lottery Talk, Megyn Kelly, Andrew Gillum, What a Guilty Man Would Say, Momma Said Momma Meant, Week 8 NFL, Drake Party, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Oct 26, 2018, 2:45 PM

There is a nationwide search for the suspect responsible for those pipe bombs. Saturday's jackpot is now $750 million. Megyn Kelly is exiting NBC. Andrew Gillum handles his business with his wordplay. Phrases that would make a guilty man say, "Huh?" Momma said Momma meant has a J. Anthony Brown and Junior doing reenactments. Week 8 of the NFL is discussed. Drizzy Drake has a throwback party. Closing Remarks has Junior and J. Anthony Brown talking about Halloween. 

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Y'all know what time if y'all don't know, y'all back at all, suit all looking back to back down, giving the mother just like theming buck bus things and it's toubley do me foul good at hardy Yeah, listen to me toach other for sto handleby. Why don't you join y joining me? Honey said you got to turn, Yeah, you gotta turn to turn the time to you lovely, got to turn out to turn the water water go, comey, come on your face now, uh huh, I shall well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show today? Is it? Everybody? Okay? On a real positive note? Today? Is it? Today? Is the day? You know, when I was in high school, you know, my mother's Sunday school teaching until she passed. I would walk out the door every morning on my way to school, and my mother used to say, listen to me, soning, hey, don't forget today is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. And you know, I don't think much of it. You know, it's just my mama being religious. You know my spiritual woman. So you know, I just took it as that. But as I've gotten older, man, you know, that's registered more and more with me. You know, today is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. That's pretty cool, man, I mean, what better blessing will you get throughout the day than the fact that he allowed you to live and see another day. See sometimes, Man, when you're young, you don't pay no attention to that. But all you got to do is keep living, keep watching some people that you know not be here anymore, go to class reunions and they're smaller. See people that you really loved. It meant a lot till you leave this world, and all of a sudden, man, immortality starts to matter a great deal to you. Some of us learned this lessons sooner than others. But I know, when you're young, man, you know, you think you're gonna be here for a while. You think you've got time to play around. You think you've got time to get it together, You got time to make the mistakes, and you've got time to chill. But man, oh man, almost every full blown adult that I know will tell you and have said these words right here many times, And I I want to the reason I'm saying this because I want you to hear him, because you're gonna use them. Man, if I only knew then what I know now. Do you know how many people have said those words right there? Because in time, man, you gained so much wisdom. Oh but it ain't like nobody didn't tell you though. See that's the hooker. Somebody told you back then. Hey man, it's best to buckle down now, he said, Hey man, you better quit wasting time. Hey man, don't stop taking your foot off the gas pedal. Hey look, do your best at all the times. You know, stop stop worrying about that. I'm telling your son. In a minute, them clubs ain't gonna mean nothing to you. In a minute, they're going out all the time, ain't gonna mean nothing to you. I can't tell you how many times I heard all of it. I can't tell it to you. I can't tell you how many times I repeat it to my kids. But man, today is a different day, because the day is the day that the Lord has made. So he gave you a shot to day. If you if you woke up this morning, or if you're finishing your day on your shift. He gave you a new day, nothing bigger than the fact that he woke you up today. Now, why don't you do something about that? Why don't you take advantage of it? How about today? How about if you start today? How about if you stop hesitating today? How about if you stop delaying it today? How about if you stop procrastinating today. How About if you make today to day that you go forward? I mean, man, let's all just decide today, let's go forward. Let's put forth a maximum effort today. How about today? I mean, really, man, what you're doing? You look, man, take advantage of this blessing of waking up. Do something today. So many people are in the indulge ms of life, or living in a rut, or just merely existing instead of thriving simply because of one one thing. You just won't do it today? If you would start the process, man, start that business you always dreamed of. Go looking to that other job you always yearn for. Go get the training you need to get the promotion. Man, going back to school, Man, go see what you need to do to lift yourself to the next level. Stop waking up every day seeing high it's gonna go and start waking up and do something about how it goes. If you make one step, he'll make two. But you can people people talk about all the time. Man, it seems like you're always getting a blessing. Oh man, when you're talking to a person, listen to this. If you're talking to a person and it seems like there's always a blessing coming his way, let me tell you what that person doing. That person is putting one foot in front of the next. That person is putting forth some efforts out there. And that's the only way God can bless you. God can only bless you with your efforts. He can only put his finger on the thing that you are doing or attempting. That's all he can help you with. He that know, jobs walking up to your door, knocking on your door. But if you're beating the payment, if you're sending in the apps, if you online scouring somewhere to work, somewhere to get a job, then God can touch somebody's hard to hire you. But if you're sitting at the house every day, smoke everyday, drinking, but you wonder why you just can't get a job. A couple of times you don't want out there. You got to. If you ain't got a job, you gotta look get go, get one. Every day. You got to go look for one every single day. You can't take no days off. How about today? How about today? If we decide today is the day that we're gonna make the move. Today is the day that we stopped delaying, hesitating, procrastinating. Today is the day that we take a step in the direction to do something for ourselves, for our lives, for our family, for our wives, for our children, for our community, for our school. Do something today, for crying out loud, man, stop sitting in your own life in just a stew of misery in your own life. I'm gonna tell you something. If you are in a state of confusion, if you are troubling, if you're stuck on what to do next, you let me tell you what's happening. You're not doing enough. That's what it is. Man. See when I get in a place, man, where I don't know what the next move is, it's because I've unusually stalled out. See, this is the way God works. This is the way He's worked for me. Every time I'm busy and I'm about the business of always trying to live my creed, which is ABC. My My motto is ABC always be closing. I'm always working on something, something to close something. When you're so busy with the business of improving yourself and doing with yourself and becoming the best you you can be, God is always working on your behalf, behind some scene or something that you're in the process of tempting to close. But because you're not doing all you can do, you're limiting you you are because of your decision not to give you all in all, you're limiting the opportunities for God to put his finger on things and touch them on your behalf. I don't know if the average person really understands or knows what it takes to truly be successful or whatever level you're talking about. But whatever that level is, I don't care what a dollar amount you've got attached to it, what level you got, if you have made the decision that you're going to be successful, I think that a lot of people, the average person does not know what that means. Whatever level you've decided to be successful on, See, that's your level of faith, that's where you see your life at. Well, guess what you got to maximize your efforts to even get to that level. So listen to me. If you want to be successful at your church, if you want to be successful in your relationship, if you want to be successful down at the day cancer, if you want to be so sucessful at your college, if you want to be successful on your job, guess what it's gonna take all you got in that world to become a success. I don't know why people think that. If you don't want to be where somebody else said, you ain't gotta put forth that effort. Now, no act wrong. You've got to put forth your maximum effort at whatever role you're trying to accomplish. Lord have mercy. Man. How about today, though, y'all? How about today? Today is a good one. Let's make today today. Let's get out of that. Let's get on with it. Stop hesitating, stop delaying, stop procrastinating, start today. Watch God have something to put his finger on there. And that's all you're trying to do. Man, to line yourself up with God's grace, you gotta put out a lot of effort so God can put his finger on something. You feel me today, I shall hope you do, because I'm on one today. Let's go to show. Find everybody. You're about to listen to the baddest morning show in the world. That is the Steve Harvey Morning Show with none other than Mr Steve Harvey. He's not here today, but holding it Downbous Shirley. What's up, Jake. That's why he has a crew like us. That's why Mr Harvey has a crew like us. What's up? And Ms color prell baby y'all? Hey, what's up? Jay? Sharon Junior Happy Friday crew and my partner in the writing room Junior Man. We out here making TV makes TV. Jake all right, everybody. Mr Tommy is out and I'm on Team Time and holding it down for time and put your hand together Team Time and the President CEO Team Tommy Radio. So we'll see, we'll see. I don't leave that for one second. I'll figure this out. I'll figure this out. If you were on a television show, you got to come to work. But if you have a television show, you ain't got to come to work. That's it. That's it, that's it. J All these stars yeah, yeah, yeah, with TV shows, they out they're not hit. That's Jay. That is genius, right, there, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy got one show and he's not here. Steve got what seventy two shows and he's not a minimum minimum a minimum of seven Steve the day off. Yeah, I mean I saw Tommy show, good job, Ready to love like that, So proud of him, and I love the show. What what they're talking about is grown people. They're sexy. They're not in it for the games, not at all, not at all. This is not a game. You come, correct or don't come. Dudes don't like talking at the time. They get scared Tommy with that voice, but that didn want me tell you. And when I found myself what I found myself usually not liking it. Shows that put people together. I mean, why am I liking it? Lets you should go on there, Jay, you and you and Junior. No, they ain't going and they can't find a group old enough women. It ain't gonna be twa would be six older guys. Don't like older women. You know, he got six choices, But I don't want to go on the old women. But we are very happy for Time Own Network ten nine Central on Tuesday and Tuesdays, and then they're gonna play it again on Saturday. Yeah, tomorrow, Joy out you already and got brand new. Man called him on his phone listen, doesn't message brand Oh my god. He calls Oprah Winfrey. Oh oh, he calls her. Oh, I don't believe it. And Gail don't even call Oprah win for you. Oh. And then he tells Steve to call him Thomas Miles. Now he can't even call him. Oh my goodness. And let me get some see if I don't damn change, I'm changing. He had a show for five minutes though. All right, listen coming up at thirty two after the hour, guys, A nationwide man hunt is underway for the pipe bombs suspect or suspects. All right, we'll talk about that. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right? Uh this story man, A nationwide manhunt is underway for whoever sent packages with suspected pipe bombs to former President Obama and President Clinton, vice President Joe Biden, former Attorney General Eric Holder, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, and now actor Robert de Niro has become the latest recipient of a suspicious package, setting off a bomb scare at its New York Uh, the Tribeca Film Offices, the law enforcement say the package, which is similar to the pipe bombs mailed um, you know yesterday to top Democrats and CNN offices. De Niro like other targets of the explosive devices. Um, he's been very vocal about, you know, his dislike for our current president. So, I mean it's something like the last count I heard him, the news was like like tin bonds then sent to people who criticized Trump or said things about Trump, and uh, they're scaring. They haven't found out who's doing it yet, but they're gonna find them. They find him, You're right. Congresswoman Maxine Waters came out and yeah, she said, like the young folks say, she ended it with this I skirt. Yeah, right right, you can check out her video. Yeah, we're still going to vote. That's right. That's right. There were all Democrats, uh so far, and I mean it looks very suspected. It just does. I hope they find them. And I'm so glad and thankful no one has been hurt. You know that that that is the thing. And and like I think you said this yesterday, Carla, you know, thank God for all the first responders in the male room people and everyone who the couriers, everyone who's involved in this whole thing. That that could hurt. Yeah, security, all of that. Yeah that could have gotten hurt that didn't. Thank God for that. But this is just a horrible time we're living in in in the world, in our country especially, you know. And the other thing is the president needs to own up to all the hatred that he's saying in his rallies and stuff like that. And he was roused people up. People. I'm not saying anybody who attended his rallies um or making these pipe bones, but it doesn't help when he's saying some of the stuff that he says at his rally. It just makes people. You know, it divides the country, is what he's doing. Man, absolutely, absolutely, and stop blaming the media. Uh, just you know, say something that will bring that, will you. You use the word unify the other day, Say something that will actually unify the country. You know, say that we're going to you know, you're working very hard to keep us safe and you know, send out maybe a personal message to the ex presidents and things like that. I mean, you know, get them more into it to act like you really, you know, are concerned about this. Officials have said. The packages with pipe bombs were all a similar in appearance, Manila envelopes with bubble wrap interior, each with six forever stans uh fixed computer printed address labels and misspelled words, and a return address belonging to a Florida office for Democratic US Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Meanwhile, President Trump is blaming the victim. One day after the bomb was mailed to one of the nation's largest news media outlets, the President blame the media, urging the fake news to clean up his act or continue to face the anger. He claimed, the media has created okay them again and yeah, yeah again. Yeah. You know, he says one thing yesterday, and you know, the day before he was in the White House, he says one thing. And then he gets to those rallies because he's going to be in Charlotte tonight, and he gets to these rallies, and then he just changed. It just gets And it's hard to talk about unity when every most of the people that understand look like you. You're not really uniting people when you do that. It just I mean, some of us up there listening to him, but for the most part, it's people who look like him. You're not reaching out to people who don't look like you. Is about absolutely and you're the president of all people. And if you're sitting around wondering, oh my god, what are we gonna do? There's nothing I can do. No, there is something you can do. You can get out November six, or even before, do early voting, and get out and vote and show that you care and let them know that you know. You're out change and you don't want what's going on in the country to continue to go on. Use your power. Your power is in your vote, all right, Your power is in your vote. You know anything about your history, and a lot of our audience does, of course. But you know people have died for our right to vote. They really have. I mean, yeah, yeah, I mean it should be your obligation. Yeah, that's right, that's your civic duty that you know. That is your voice. That is your voice. You may not see a change right now today with your vote, but continue voting because trust me, they always discount us at the polls, you know, especially during mid term elections. And this is the most one of the most important election elections in our lifetime right here. Um. Yeah, So November six, and if you don't vote until November six. Take this time to go over your your voting ballot, because they send those two you in the mail. You know, you can look at that. You can educate yourself to see who's on the ballot and see what what you agree with and what you don't. That's your You can do that. You can take that ballot that you get in the mail, you can take that into the polls with you. You know, when I look at this as man, I wish I want to pay more attention in civics class. I didn't like all they talk about that. Yeah, absolutely, well, you know something, and it's not too late. It's not too late. In fact, I'm voting today. Actually, yeah today. I said I was going to vote today as well, because I wouldn't gonna wait. I want to get it over. I do not want to wait till the last minute. You're absolutely right, I said earlier. I would do before the end of the week. I don't be doing. I would have a bowl of popcorn and some soda watching results coming. Yes, right, I'm calling it. I'm driving for people to the poll. Take about it. Yeah, that's right. And you know we're no for up in the House we're looking for our cockies. But there's different time, alright, so let's get yeah, please, let's pleep. We don't want to, you know, come back the day after Tuesday, November six and say, oh man, I mean yeah, we don't want to do that. Okay, all right, get down and vote up. Next, power ball is up to seven hundred and twenty million dollars. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve's out today, Tommy's out today. The crew is here though, holding it down as always. Coming up at the top of the hour, Megan Kelly has been fired from NBC. Yeah they finally, yeah, yeah, but right now, first, here we go again. Uh, lottery players, there was no big winner and Wednesday night's power ball drawing, so that means Saturday's jackpot is expected to tally about seven hundred and fifty million dollars. Let's go okay, million dollars. Alright, that's not I'm gonna use my check for beal now, I got to b tickets. The whole entire check I didn't play for for the Mega millions. I'm going to play for this one. I'm gonna go and get some tickets. I am not going to be a nice person if I and he's not gonna have it. We'll see how I am not. I'm going to intensify it. God, Oh, you're gonna be bitter. Bitter. I'm gonna change my name to bitterman. But you know that's what Steve says, Jay. Money only makes you more of who you really are. No, Chris, you'll be rich alright. So seven d and fifty million dollars for Saturday's jack pot, you guys, that should put it among the top four jack potts in US lottery history. This week's one point five billion with a B dollar Mega millions jack pott is the largest in world history, and now the Saturday's drawing will be the second largest powerball jack pot ever. It's largest the two thousand sixteen jackpot, which rose um to one point five eight billion with the B back in two thousand sixteen. A lot of money. Do you know the biggest argument people have about the powerball winning the lottery? It is arguments that they would what they would do with the money if they won. So two people who don't have any money get into a full a full damn argument about what they would do if they want the money. Like if I said, well I'd win twenty million and I'd give you a million, then the other person that's all you gonna give me. We just have that argument with Steve the other day. Millions. There's some truth. A lot of knock in your France is third grade all, but what did you have for that million? The money it's changing hands and I don't They didn't even play probably, but you know what it does. What it doesn't lets people know how you really feel about them, if you could do something for them. That's probably what they really get mad about. Oh that's all you give me. The fake money that you don't have is a million, that's all you give me. And then the argument is one I just don't want to end up if I do. When the lottery, I just didn't want to end up on that show. What's that show, Carla? The lottery changed my life? Where I got broken after winning the lottery? How they lost it all? I just didn't want to end up on one of those shows. Who was a girl who want the lottery and her boyfriends just took all the money she kept building. He didn't take all of that. I know what you're talking about, him out of jail and stuff like that. Yeah, right, paid his bail, he went back to jail. She failed about again. All her money went to the state. Peam. I don't see the news. Not they here. Now he don't need all that. That just don't make no damn. That's gonna be about these guys that worked at this hospital. It was in New Jersey, like around the Philly area. So a hundred and forty two of them put in to buy tickets for the Mega million jack pot and they want so it's about seven thousand dollars a piece. Yeah, yeah, that's nice. Well, yeah, I didn't see this. Did you see this? Um Jay or Junior um uh California? About eight people one a million dollars in the Mega millions. Well, I wasn't gonna satan how much you're gonna give me? You were one of the one man. The fact that Junior has been at work all this week's let me know he ain't wondering. You don't know, you don't have information. Let me tell you what the funniest. The funniest one is the guy who in the lottery. This happened years ago and He had his wife and his girlfriend both standing up there as he I think he won like maybe five million. You ever see that guy, He had his wife and his girlfriend because they were like neither one of them leaving. He had seen both of them on the side. It was a black guy. Yeah, black guy. But since he won the lottery, they were like, I ain't even I ain't even either, yea both. Yeah, you can put up with a lot when somebody got a whole bunch of money. Huh yeah, one, they ain't even leave. Got you down here too, Yeah, we ain't gonna trip for what why? I think he was on that show. Yeah, I went bankrupt after winning. I think he was on that s What do people do with the money after they went? Like? What is what? Takes them out? So fake? Because they find everything everything houses, cars, and then relatives and friends come out of the would work, so they give it away. They think it's going to last forever. But there has to be some planning involved, you know, so that that's got to be the first thing you do. Get a financial planner, someone that knows and respects money. You have to do that. You we know people that win like a thousand dollars and then twenty minutes it's gone. So you know, if they get that much money, you know that's true. I mean the first time I made the thousand dollars telling jokes. Uh, it was on BT and they paid me in cash and I was in New Orleans by the time I went to bate, I had about them. When did you find just buying drink? Yes, yeah, I got a doll sit it down here, that'd be okay back like seven six to five dollars. Man. You know, if you don't know what you're doing with money, it'll go through your hands really quick, really really really really really will But it was good. I remember one time, um I took my mom. We were in Vegas, and UM I took my mom just to the casinos. I wanted her to have a good time. She had never been before, so I wanted her to have a good time. So I gave her like a hundred dollars. Because I'm not a gambler or anything, because my limit is twenty. But you know, I wanted to impress my mom, so I gave her a hundred dollars so she could just gamble and have a good time. If she lost, that's okay. You know I could spare a hundred dollars. She was like, insulted, I'm not spending a hundred dollars. She was so mad at me. All it is, You've given me a whole hundred dollars just to do. Mom, It's just no, she have a good time. She didn't do it, though she want she didn't do it. She was like insulted that I gave her a hundred dollars. I'm gonna just come throw it away my grandmother, and you could have gave her back, like I need a little bit more. My mom was like, oh man, gosh, no, man, I'm might would have been back to twenty minutes. That's how you got that, man. Yeah, my family we come from gambler. Yeah, you gamble. That's the worst thing when you gambling and the person you're sponsoring gambling. But they got a quick like, how you doing. I'm kind of down right now. What you want? I need another hunt? What did you do the hunter? I just gave Oh that's gone. We got a nothing that's gone. I would have given it to her, but she didn't want. She didn't want any parts of that. She thought of all the things she could do with that three hundred dollars and it wasn't It didn't have anything to do with that casino. So girl, we're going down here to this rocket Burger, get somebody burgers. She was gonna get her hair done, whatever, but she wasn't gonna spend it in that casino. That would be me. I would never gamble in if the head shoes coming out of that because I ain't none, I won't, I don't, I can't chancey my limit. J All right, coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment News. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in twenty minutes. Guys, twenty minutes after the hour, we're gonna talk about the fiery debate between Florida's gubermatorial candidates, Mayor Andrew Gillim and his Republican candidate, his Republican counterpart, ron De Santos. That's who President Trump is backing. Did I say toast that was a Freudian slip? Right? But first first, and Today's entertainment news. Megan Kelly, uh, you know from the um she comes on after the Today Show on NBC, but her show is canceled after her controversial comments about black face people. Magazine is reporting that executives at NBC are contacting the staff and reassigning everyone today. So that's good news. At least you know they won't be out of work because Megan Kelly is now. Everyone's being told they still have a home there, but it won't be on Megan's show. According to TMZ, NBC was paying her twenty five million dollars a year. I remember when she got a contract. I remember that. Yeah, when he left. When she left Box, she was saying that when she was little, she went out in black face and it was okay. They were She was having a round table if you dress For those that didn't hear it, but well, well, what is racist? Because because truly, you do get in trouble if you are a white person who puts on back Halloween or a black person who puts on white face for Halloween. Like back when I was a kid, that was okay as long as you were dressing me. But it's like a character. If somebody feels like something is offensive to them, then you should say it. And that's fair game. And you're gonna dress up, you gotta be able to take it. One of the things they mentioned is people dressing up like Nazis, and is if you think it's offense, it it probably I mean it was fast, ja, But Megan Kelly said she did it as a child and it was okay, and she got a lot of BackFlash on social media. She wrote an email to her colleagues at work, and then she apologized that yesterday public apologies to the viewers. Didn't really think it's something she said she should lose her job for me, well, I mean black face, you know what that represents? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And the fact that she didn't know that and she said that, and you know, yeah, it's like, come on, now, you know, how do you know all this other stuff and you don't know that. My thing is that we're in the we're in the words business, and when you're in the words business, there's a lot of times you're gonna say stuff that you shouldn't say. So maybe the first offense, maybe you should be suspended without paid. But to lose your job is that is just to me, it's kind of that's kind of hard. Here's the thing too, here's the problem that I had with the panel you were talking about a black black face comments on a on a panel with all white people, so you know, like Shirley says she's an expert on everything, and then you know, you go and say something like that, it's just it was too far and it was fine, yeah, right right, it was like one of those crazy flippant remarks. It ain never been fine. You made that the key just black face, and it was so your whole neighborhood just back faces. We had no costumes, but that's a whole different story. And then but you just realize that it's offensive. Come on now that anyway? Alright, Well, NBC was paying her million dollars a year, like I said in the network may end up settling for close to fifty million. So she's she's still winning. She's still winning. All right, Uh, time for today's headlines. Come and J introduced his time from his and trip with the News and thank you very much everybody, and good morning. Well. As the man hunt continues to find the person of persons responsible for sending at least ten possibly explosive packages to people who either criticized President Trump or who are criticized by the guy, fellow authorities announcedaid to have the I was trained on southern Cape Florida, specifically Miami Dade County, believing that a number of the suspicious packages were mailed from that area and processed by postal facilities there. According to Reuter's News service, all the devices featured the same return address that a representative Debbie Wassonman Schultz. He's a fall of Florida Democrat and former head of the Democratic National Committee. President Trump tamped down all that partisan rhetoric for a while anyway, after the first explosive devices were found, but he has since changed his tune, or let's say he's going back to the old tune. He's attacked the media again, this time while addressing a rally yesterday in Wisconsin. The media also has a responsibility to set a of all tone and to stop the endless hostility and constant negative and oftentimes false attacks and stories. Have to do it. After and no surprise, White House spokesperson Sarah's Huckabee Sanders insists that her boss is being treated unfairly. Again, continue to focus only on the negative, and there is a role to play. Yesterday, the very first thing that the President did was come out and condemned the violence. The very first thing your network did was come out and accused the president of being responsible for it. That is not okay. The first thing should have been to condemn the violence. Meanwhile, none of the bomb like devices has exploded. That's a good thing. Nervousness though over the ones found, has led to some false alarms, but authorities are still urging Americans to be vigilant. Report any package that have visible wires or stains, or unusual markings with a lot of postage stamps on them, a lot of tape. Anything he looks really really you know, strange and bumpy and stuff like that. You should still report it, okay. The eldest son of the brutally murdered dissident Saudi journalists Camalkas Yoji, has finally been allowed to leave the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and come to the States after posing for pictures shaking the hand of the Crown Prince, the man who was assumed to have ordered his father's brutal death. Apparently, the Saudis were refusing to let a Salab Binji leave the country even though he held dual American and Saudi citizenship. It was thought the Salah was kept from leaving and hopes that his father would sneak back into the country to try to get him out, and then they were going to try to get him when he did that. The tr administration changing Obamacare rules so that the healthy, middle income people will be able to buy less expensive health care policies that don't provide the basics that the Affordable Care Act mandated. In fact, states could now use federal funds to help people pay for low quality insurance plans like ones that do not cover pre existing conditions and stuff like that exactly, which is what people did want them to cover. Early voting began in several states this week. Big balloting has now begun in Alaska, Arkansas, I had a Home, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Texas, and Maryland. Begins today. In the District of Columbia, today is National Frankenstein Friday. Don't talk about it like to heat my cousin ear's up. Steve Harby Mason find out if Uncle Steves smart than his nephew been back to wheny miss After the hour Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Mayor of Tallahassee, Andrew Gillham, a Democrat who has been the target of blatant racism over the course of his campaign, handled things during the Florida's gubernatorial debate. Recently, Andrew Gillham's opponent, Republican run De Santis, got visibly angry when he was questioned about earlier speaking engagements at racially charged far right conferences and accepting campaign contributions from a donor who called former President Barack Obama a racial epitat on Twitter. Take a listen, Mr gil won't give you a chance to respond. Let me first say, my grandmother used to say, I hit dog, will holler, and it hollered through this room. Mr de Santis has spoken. First of all, he's got Neo Nazis helping him out in the state. Uh. He has spoken at racist conferences. He's accepted a contribution and would not return it from someone who referred to the former President of the United States as a Muslim in I G. G. E. R. When asked to return that money, he said, no, he's using that money to now fund negative as Now. I'm not calling Mr De Santis a racist, I'm simply saying the racist believe he's a racists status boom you know you know what that is. That's when you write it down and you go let him say. He say, I'm gonna say it is. I'm ready, and yeah, that was ready. But you look ready for Jay's half one of those j you need to go ahead and do it. J Uh, career, come on out before. I'm not gonna win this race. Come on, career, career, come out in his career is over. Yeah, you mean winning at rate? You know what? I hate to do that he'll he won't win if we vote. We have to vote. That's very important. We have to. I don't want to take anything for granted. Yeah does it's smart and it's educated and as well spoken as this man is. I'm talking about Gill him. There are a lot of whites on a lot of blacks too, who will use the phrase he's too progressive. We're not ready to change things right now, and progressive means just wait a while. But damn it, we've been waiting forever. Yeah, that's what we're constantly doing, is waiting on change. Changes now, changes. When you decide to change, you gotta do it now. And you're right here. We gotta get out of the vote. I don't I don't want to take it for granted. But let me tell you what I love about Andrew. Kill him Carlos. Okay, right, he's on point. You know how people when you get home somebody said something crazy to you, but you you clap back, but it wasn't the clap back you wanted, and you didn't. You didn't get the real clap back till you got at home. I should have said, you're in the mirror, and I should have told him this, and he when he said this, I should have said, you don't have to worry about that. With Andrew gill him let me saying everything he planned on saying. He said that in the moment. I love that about him. I love it all right. Coming up next to thirty or four after the hour, phrases that make a guilty man say huh say what? Alright? Alright, Jay, you're up next right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Jay, like for as promised, You're up with phrases that make a guilty man say, huh, tell us about it. These are phrases that will make a guilty man saying, huh what you say? I don't know? Well, when you say guilty, j what you mean? You mean you've done something wrong, you're about to do something wrong, or you did something in the past a long time ago. This will make a guilty man saying huh, what do you say? Just any one of these they just phrase right here here it is junior? You ready? Yeah? Whose hair is this? Huh? I don't know what you're talking about? That will make this another one. These are phrases that will trap the guilty. Where do you eat lunch today? Huh? Well eat to day? Yeah? What would you say? I don't I don't really know what you're talking about? Here we go? Do you know anybody's name? Even the state? I heard? Key? Hold on? What's you say? Case you? I don't know what's talking about at all? That we get? You know that I don't know. I don't you know? You heard what she said? He's a phrase that guilt demand say, huh when you're talking about I don't know what you're talking about or what? Here we go? Which way did you come on from work today? Which way I came home from work? Question? What you say? Which way I came home from work? That's what I don't know talking about? I came the same way I always come. Did you know I made a stop? Well, you're talking about that tea your house? Every time? I want me to answer your phone? Answer my phone. That's funny right there? What you just saying? Ass up my phone? Girl? Don't know, I don't know what you're talking about. Don't test my it ain't it ain't time to answer it right now. It's answer that phone. This is the phrases that would trap a guilty man. Who's cause that pup up front? What call you say? That call? Huh? What are you talking about? What you're saying? I don't know what call you're talking about? Car in front of my house? Trap a guilty man? Every time? Um? What you buy from Macy's? From Macy's the storm? So sick? Are you talking about Mac's? I got a friend name Mason? How what what did you talking about? Huh? He's the phrases that would travel man. The reason I can write these something, the reason why I can write anyway? What you need? We would you day? Simple questions that come on now? Question? What do you eat for lunch today? Who? Yes? Would I eat? To me? What I eat? What? Hey? What do you mean me? What I eat today. Yes, you just lunch it, okay, because I wouldn't eat that myself. Some questions that will trap the guilty. Why is your front seat pulled up so close? What's something like about? Where is that close? He just said it close to what the bad gosh board? But you'll talk about Carlos tall Hers would be way back all right here the last one, liar. You know you don't have to be anything on your shirt. This US is free, ladies. What's on your shirt? What's that on your shirt? Right there? Yeah? We gotta girl, We get you right there, all right? Yeah, Tommy's out. Junior is in for Tommy with the prank phone call that's coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. Wait till you hear this one, guys. Subject I'm too young to be married and uh uh Steve and the nephew are out today, but it is time for the prank phone call, and Junior, as always, steps in. Come on, Junior, my cole and brush, Yeah right, my com and brush running cat. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach your list. Yeah this hey, listen, my name l Sean. Uh did you and our uncle had passed away? Named yea, all right here your uncle right, yeah, that's my uncle. We we we were at him about three and a half months ago. Right. What reason why I was calling was I'm the person that actually cut your uncle hal when he passed away. So the reason why I was calling is, uh, the situation is when I cut his hair. And I know you don't know the history about me, but my my daddy and my granddaddy was was bablus, We all bous. Okay, come on, get down to the bobble because you trying my uncle man, and I'm trying to see what's going on forever, okay, And I'm sorry to call you like this, but what I'm telling you is that my granddad and my daddy they Dad, it's down a brush and a comb to me, okay, that is like a sentimental value. But for the last two or three months, I ain't been able to find the comb and the brush that I used what I had cut here how okay to okay, And what I was trying to call and tell you is it that I can't find it and I'm almost certain what I'm trying to see what I'm kid what many so? So what can I do to He'll be fine? Comb brother, father, That's what I'm saying. When I did miss have and ended it up at the funeral home, that's the last time I remember having it three months right right, there's about three months ago. What I'm trying to say is I left the comb and brush and you know what, went to funeral home and did his how okay? And I talked to the funeral home and they told me that, you know, if I'm trying to find a comba bro I gotta get permission. What code is the comba brush? What's the color of the comba broth? That both of black? The coman black, and you got all kind of combs that black and go man, no, no, don't see. What I'm saying is the comban brush is black, and I know I lost it, but I'm almost certain about where it is. Okay. So if you said about where it is, what you called, that's the reason why I'm calling you because I'm almost certainly not left it with him. You're listened with my bed. So so I called funeral They told me I need to call you in order to get permission to get it. Oh, can you call funerals get permission from me that you can go get the comban brush from left the funeral. You can go down there. They got no no, no, See the comban brush ain't with the funeral. The comban brush is in there with your uncle. The word the comb and brush in the cave? You I mean, O the stage. You got to say that again. What I'm trying to say to you is that the comb and brush is in I'm trying to say you just say what I'm saying it that the colman brushes in the casket with your uncle. Since then that is six feet let's see. See. What I'm trying to say is that the comb and brother is sentimental value to me. Bro It couldn't have been through value. But if you lost it, what now? What do you want? Got value? You know my work? So I just really got caught up in my work. If you talk about the left with my uncle that did three months ago? Man, what kind is he talking about? Bro All, I'm trying to do what you would see if if you don't mind, approven for them to bring the body up so I can get the comb and brush. What's there for comb? But but see, but what I'm trying to explain it this sentimental value. I'm trying to get you out the brain, the body else so I can get my comb and brush out of it. Because, like I say, my dad and my granddad was bommed. This little thing is sentimentally. You talking about my dead uncle, man, and you're talking about bringing him up out of the ground for combe. Man, I just got these to start crying around here, and and I understand what y'all going through as as a family and stuff. She Now I'm trying to get my combing, man, And how are you trying to go about doing this all? Throw it off on, boy, because ain't nobody digging up, nobody to bring back. No, no, brush man, you don't got me tist off now, man, because you're coming to me talking, stupid man. You talk, I put on my mom to man. That's man, that's got give me a look. And I ain't trying to start. No, you're talking like combing brush man only. But I understand all that. But this is a sentimental value, man in the middle. To me, man, just something that people listen sentimental relieve Okay, got my favorite uncor man. Okay, you tell about putting up this body? Man I got Hey man, I don't want to give you because my gland that's long. Man. You shouldn't know how you got play man, if we don't get out like this here, man, I ain't been seeing and argue with you. Look, I got some tea, I got something. I mean, well you staying let me say this. I got some people that's here with me, right hu, you know some of my friends, and we got some shovels, so I can actually go over and and and go on and get the carber and in the morning, ain't nobody gonna even know. You ain't gonna gonna get now, but with the hard board to say what you don't get, you don't dig going to get a coment? I got him sail with two of you talking about go sever tests to dig a mine. Hey man, I'm gonna going on to tell you just like here, Hey man, I'm trying to get my comb and brush back. I ain't trying to have no problems with you, so I want my comb and plus as you think you're talking to them, man, go wrong, group going wrong? Green bol War won safe cold. They've got him, Marles, I ain't mad, ain't nobody, this an't even about your uncle. That's long and that this when you got d to be howling in me hard an nobody howling at you. Man, I'm telling you I got a call and push in your uncle cock it and I want my press what you did want? That you might u di too? Hey what I want? And you're gonna find right over in there you're trying to You're trying to dig a grade from me. Do you know this day I've been trying to get these men stop crying. Ma may I did with his body? I did, baby, I understand what you're gonna do. I do if I told you, I know want cray is here and I want you gonna have like a couple of digging on somebody about it man over calling or bus I got it. I just tried to call you like a man because I want to get the comb and brush. And I didn't want to go without give your permission. Now I gotta go without getting your permission. We are always read, you know, the crying with red. Yeah, just cry with me and send them to men. Just cry with me. You'll put dad, You'll come, I want to say something else to you. You want? He said, you are you listening, dude? Comming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You don't jump? Not pracked by your boss? Right? Hello? Pracked by your boys? Everything go a breast of the card? Who I think I needed that crap? And then I gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? You know, like I've noticed hard morning? Did I get your mal oh man, get me my cold and brush keep on here. Okay, they're gonna be looking for you, just like they're looking for tom. Are we got a show too? Yeah? Thank you, Junior. Not right? If you missed um, if you missed it on Tuesday, make sure you check it up this Saturday. Yeah. It's a brand new dating show. It's called Ready to Love from producer Will Packer's hosted by our very own nephew Tommy. He's so overwhelmed he's off again today. He'll get it together though. Ready to Love Tomorrow Saturday, October ten pm, Eastern nine Central on Own Up. Next, it's the Strawberry Letter for today, subject I'm too young to be married. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Alright, alright, guys, it's time for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, like we're gonna do the this one in just a couple of seconds. Go ahead, Junior. Absolutely, it's time. Everybody, It's time for the Strawberry letta with my good friend Shirley straw Marry, Thank you my good friend. Junior. Subject I'm too young to be married? Did you write this? Junior? Oh kind of thing? Now, I didn't matter. We know who didn't write it. Okay, yeah, yeah, what alright's just talking about? He didn't write too young to be married, too old to be married. He didn't write any of it. Okay, here we go, Dear Stephen, Shirley. I'm twenty three years old and I just got married. I'm a little worried that I got married too soon because I realized I can't do all the things I had planned to do with my life right now. We moved to Illinois after we got married, but I want to finish college in North Carolina this fall. I'm sure now that we can't afford for me to go back and finish school and keep up with our rent and ills. My best friend and I planned to get our bachelor's degrees and then go to grad school, and we were going to live like the girls on living single for a few years. We would be single, sexy black women with successful careers, and we would party occasionally. But that all changed so quickly when I met my husband. He believed in love at first sight, and I went along with everything because he was my first real boyfriend and the first man I ever gave myself too. I was so caught up. Don't get me wrong, I really do love my husband. I just feel like I should have waited a while. Maybe we should have taken a year apart dated other people. I would finish college and then see if we still want to be married. I'm feeling stuck, and I don't think I'll ever get the life I planned for myself if I stay in this marriage. What should I do tomorrow isn't promised? Please help me, well. I understand how you feel, because sometimes when you get married, you do feel stuck. I mean, you just do. You can't get out of it. You said your vows till death do us part. You know, um is the only way you can get out of it. Usually, you know when you start thinking, because you're not only married physically, you're married mentally, you're married in your mind. So I get that, and I understand how you may have, you know, gotten caught up, and you know your heart wanted to do one thing, and that was married this man. But I want to tell you your twenty three thank you for writing us. I mean, perhaps you did get married a little too soon, too soon and too young, because you are having way too many questions and doubts. I mean you've got too many what EPs in your letter? Too many? Uh, I can't do all the things I wanted to do. Now. My question to you is why can't you do those things? Though? Why are you thinking that? I mean, that's what a lot of people think when they get married, that they can't still be who they are and get, you know, do the things that they want to do. That's not always the case, because unless you're married to some type of like chauvinistic old school k E man type dude, you can still finish school. You can you know, you just have to plan it. Maybe not in North Carolina where you want to go, but now that you're in Illinois, maybe you'll have to, you know, go to a school in Illinois. Maybe you can go online to your school in North Carolina. There are things that you can do. You can still finish school though. You can still have you know, maybe not a girl's year where you wanted to take off and live like uh Caadijia and uh you know Regimee and um Sinclair on Living Single. Maybe maybe you can have yeah, that was the show everybody loves it show. Maybe you can have, you know, a plan like girls night out, you know, not a whole year, but like girls nights Now that you're married. Um, so, I think you said you really love your husband, don't get don't get you wrong. So if you really love him and if he loves you, and you guys, really want to work at this and make your marriage work, you gotta do that. You have to work at it. Marriage is challenging, but with the right person, uh and maybe some marriage counseling, I would suggest in your case, because you are so young. For you, guys, it can work if you guys wanted to. Don't give up. Don't give up. Don't give up on any of your dreams. You just gotta, you know, reconfigure now that you're in this thing that you just jumped into. Because I love at first sight. All right, Come on, Junior, what you got? You didn't write the letter you said, and it's a female. No, I didn't write that. You know, I really really feel for her. You know I'm too young to be married. Well, at the end of the letter, she said, please help me, I just want to let her know. Well, I can't help because I ain't even man. You didn't ask call little ship about this? Out of here? Don't know white you. But I'll tell you one thing. I'm doing everything you want to do. I'm about here single, I'm about here to do. I'm dating. Yeah, I'm doing everything. I ain't got to call noviding, I ain't got to do what I tell you. I see you'll here lusting for your sake of life, but you can't do it because you're married. Now. Don't ask me though, But honestly, Junior, you do want to get married eventually? Yeah? Okay, yeah good? But right now though, we're not right now? Yeah, right, now though I'm doing great. Yeah, yeah, And I feel for the girl because she's she wants she gave it up too fat, She should have dated some other people have seen what else is out here off now at my age and now it ain't much, you know, everybody getting taken up. Yeah, but she got somebody, so it might not be a bad thing for her. I think she just may have to just go ahead and you know, be married, be a wife, and asked him to support you, to go back to commine what you should do. She's scared, she's she's scared. She's, you know, a little bit scared right now. All right, thank you you and your great answer. Right, all right, Lord, okay, pray our strength everyone. Uh, Jay, you're the old lord. Come on better man. I'm gonna answer it in three sections. I'm gonna answer it as Jay, I'm answer as Tommy. I'm gonna answer as Steve. All right. First of all, J would say there is no right age to get married. All right, you want to do J live? Okay? All right? I can't damn. What did that line fit in every situation? You want to do? Answers Tommy? First, Timmy would saying what you need to do is you should have been with a whole lot of people for you meant this, dude, you should have had like a group thing and then let one of the people in the group decide what you should be in life. Why waste all that loving on one man? What? That don't make no sense? People should help you make your decision in life, girl, please, because you out there looking for love and all these love answers in one person. You can't get everything. You won't from one version. You just gain it's imps to get it from one. That is exactly what Tommy would say. But but that Tommy boy, that sucked. All right? Well hold that, okay, hold that till we come back. I'm sure we can't wait for that one. All right, We're gonna have part two of Jay's response, uh, right after this after the hour subject I'm too young to be married. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. We're back in the middle of the Strawberry letter. Um, we have to recap it. The subject is I'm too young to be married? A twenty three year old young lady wrote in she just got married. She's a little worried though, that she got married too soon. Because now she realizes that she can't do all the things that she planned to do with her life. She wants to finish college in North Carolina. However, she and her husband now live in Illinois. She wants to um, you know, perhaps taken a year off after college and live a single life with her girlfriends, like living single, you know the TV show. She wanted to be sexy and young and single, you know, with successful careers, partying occasionally, she said. But she met her husband quickly. He believed in love at first sight. He was the first one, first real boyfriend, the first one she said she ever gave it up to. So she was kind of, you know, caught up in everything. And she says she really does love him, but she feels like she should have waited a while because you know, if she had waited, then she would finish she would have finished college and done the things that she wanted to do. But she can still finish college, she can still do those things. He's just got to work it out within her marriage. She wants to stay in the marriage, but she doesn't know what to do. She's saying tomorrow isn't promised and she needs some help. All right, We heard from Junior, who said that he's living the life that she wants to live. He has a single man. Yeah, I'm doing everything you want to do. Parties, check Dayton check. Juniors turn up and Sane answered in some voice that he claimed was Tommy was Tommy, but the voice we don't know who. Okay, so now you're gonna answer as you as Steve. Steve. Okay, all right, here we go. First thing we have to do is we have to we have to dissect this letter. We have to break this letter down. Let's start from the beginning, Shirley. It says, dear Steve and Shirley, that's you and I. That's you and I right there, you and I. Then we go into the letter. We go down here says North Carolina. Where's North Carolina? It's right next to South Carolina. I'm putting it all together. What's where I'm going on? Watch what I'm going then Steven Shirley. Then he went up there to North Carolina. Me and my best friends planning to get our bachelor degree and you know, get our bachelor's degree. Did you see that right there? North Carolina bachelor. I'm breaking this whole letter down because that's what Steve does. That's what he does. He said. She said, we wanted to live the single light, single life. What does that mean? That means single life? What does that mean? It says it in the letter right here, single life. I'm gonna start back up at the top and then ring all together, Steven Shirley, North Carolina. My best friend wanted to live the single life for years. The key word here, Shirlet, it's right there in your faith for years. Wanted to live it for years. I'm breaking it down. He believed in up at first sight? Oh lord, what he believe in love at first sight? He believed in love at first sight? Single life, love at first sight, North Carolina, twenty one, Shirley and Steve, Watch what I'm going gonna put it all together? I'm gonna make it don't work together? Where are you going? What the heck are you talking about? Steve? Here go? What should I do tomorrow? Isn't promised? Please help me? That's it. That's the closing room mark right there. I'm done. I'm dropping the mic. I'm fire. You broke that thing down, but breaking down that's now now. I will answer the letter as Jay and Brown ain't better man. That is no right age to get married ever ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever ever. You've been married three or four or five times? Who's counting? It's in the room counting. All of a sudden, we got counters. Now we don't mean that counter. And that's my advice for the strong bary letter. I'm out been married. Who's counting? We don't counting? I did ask, but Steve, though, could you break it down? I think we have a little time the beginning from the beginning. Let's start in the beginning, because dear Steven, Shirley, that's you and I shirt, that's you and I. Then he goes down to what North Carolina? Nowhere North Carolina, right next to South Carolina, and then looking said, my best friend and I plan they get out of bachelor bree and then to grad school when we were gonna live the single life. That's what it said. They had planned to live the season life. Where Shirley, North Carolina? And who are they talking to you and me? Steve down, little father, go all up into the leave because it all says it right here in the latter. All you gotta do. Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong. Then it goes. Are you trying about? But what should I do? Please help me? I'm dropping the mic. Or you can break it down. I feel so much smarter now. I didn't see all that and I didn't feel just read it. You know you kill you? Yeah? You hey man? You off. You can email us, you can instagram what's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter? Or j as Steve and Tommy breaking it down at Steve Harvey FM. Alright, or or my at my Girls Shirley coming up in about ten minutes. What your mama said, but what your mama meant? Okay, two different things? Maybe two different things coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, listen, guys, I saw this great video the other day. It featured this adorable mom. She was so cute and her little daughter was just the sweetest pie. They were dancing, they were singing, and they were cleaning cleaning. Yeah, I have to admit that, you know, I sometimes when I do clean, I clean it into I turn it into fun by singing. And you all know how I love to sing. Hey, hey, come, I take that room handle and you know, I'm like, you know what I like to do. It just makes cleaning more fun. It makes it more fun, you know. And our friends at pine Shall wants you to clean your way. You like to sing like me, do it by making cleaning fun, no matter how difficult the mess may seem. I know that pine Shall gets the job done right, working across multiple services throughout the house, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, on the floor, wherever. So get inspired to clean. I'm just trying to get get you guys inspired to clean, like, yeah, change your attitude or sometimes I turn into Tina Turner ruland down the river, you know, do all of that. Get inspired to clean your way and make it fun. All right? That fun? Alright, thank you guys. Time to switch gears. Now, Jay, what you got Okay, we have this, this this little piece of comedy. It's called what your Mama said. It's not necessary what your mama meant. So what we're gonna do, uh, Junior, is gonna read what your mama said. And I'm gonna take what your mama meant because we've all heard some of these phrases. Okay, we knew when she said that what she meant so, just in case, let's refresh your memory for a while. Here, we're gonna hit a junior. Alright, I'm doing as my mom. H Hey boy, hey, where you show out? It's where you get walwat yeah that one. Yeah yeah, everybody. That means there's no place that you can't get you behind, toe into church, funeral, church, funeral, down at the code house, the DMV in in school, standing in the cafetire. There's no there's no line. Back in the day then there was no sign that said don't beat your child. And here there was never a sign up there that said that. You know, and I think Jay remember they used to be kids back to day. They always had encourages. Get him girl. Yeah yeah, yeah that Oh, he won't be no breaking nobody's house. Hey, heye ful Hey, I brought you in this world. I can take you out. Yeah. Well, I mean that means you're deaf. Won't bother me at all? Yeah, not upset about it all. Not not. If I'm doing the killing, doing the killing and you haven't to, this will not bother me. I can make another one just like my god, Hey, what your mama said? What your mama mean? That's it what your hey, hey, hey, hey, I'm not gonna fight you because you're bigger than me, but I'll stab you in your sleep. That says it right there. That means that particular night you didn't get no sleep at all. My mama didn't say that, Mama. My mom never said it, but I've heard it other people's mom My mom said it, and that that little short lady was walking up down the hallway, meaning I was up all night. My mama didn't say that. She said the first part, but the second part was different. It's what your mother said, what your father mean. Okay, all right, ja, hi, hey, hey, you got one more time? That means okay, you already did it. One time you did it. She told you to do it one more time. And it means just that. That means do it again. I'm waiting. I'm actually they really want you to do it again, so they could be hell at you. That's what they really want. It's lacking encouragement. Please do it. Begin. I told you not to do it, and if you do it, I'm gonna I'm gonna squeeze your neck to you can't breathe. That's what I'm doing. What your mama saying what your mama mama mean like like this, I've heard this, We've all heard this. Don't let your mom right to check your behind can't cash. Yeah, that means your mouth has the pen. You can just right for you right, you right and check with your with your mouth. But you're behind is the bank and that means the pen wrote the amount that the banker's So don't let your mount right and check you're behind, can't can and you will know when you don't have enough money in your but account. Okay, it wasn't number thirty dollars in here. I just wrote what your papa says, what's your fama meant? He's what my mama actually told me this. Listen, I don't mind taking you out and doing the tax. Wait, I didn't get that one. I don't mind taking you out and doing the time. That means what that means jail would be a peaceful place for me. Not peaceful, peaceful because first of all, you won't be there. I don't have to worry about you. Meals will be cooked for me, my clothes will be washed, I get to wash television. It'll be kind of peaceful. So I don't mind doing the time. Okay, alright, alright, that okay, I got that. I'm said, we got a few seconds left. Go ahead, alright, last your grandmama. Don't run nothing in this house. That's seven explanet, wow, my grandma. Alright, guys, coming up at the top of the hour, we'll do Week eight is it in the NFL? Alright? Week eight in the NFL? Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, come on, guys, this week eight in the NFL. What's you got Junior. Okay, we'll look at Pippen ain't here well and Steve's off. Yeah, interesting together. Who knows, you know, but we do have We do have a backup though. And I like this this is Jay is gonna pick the game this week because James, it's not a traditional pickering. He knows less than I do, said Charlotte car this point, I really know but football. But it's interested say this, Pilla really knows football. Sharon knows more than me. Why am I pick out your method your methodist? All right, let's get it to it, Jake, Here we go. First game. It's gonna be a first of all. At six thirty a m. On the West Coast nine thirty Easter. All right, it's Philly and Jacksonville because they're in London playing at Wimpy State EA and the Jacksonville Jack Wars. Who you got Ja and White. I've been to London. I liked it. I'll enjoyed the food over there and everything. Which which group of black people would do better in London? Jacksonville? I'm going with jack That's pretty cool. Alright, we got next. We got the New York Jets. First, Chicago Bears. Jay. Now here's something I do though. I know where Chicago is on the map, and I know where New York is on the map. I like the way they dressed in Chicago, so I'm I'm going with Chicago Baby, Okay. Bears, alright, the Bears, it is all right, Pappa Bay Buccaneers and the cinc Nattie Bengers. Jay can't wait till here. I just love phrase buccaneer. It just sounds cousin. It really does. Man, you're picking this, you're bucking. You get the bucking out of here. I'm looking. I don't know what you're working. Man, I'm a whoop the buckinger. How do you people? Please? With me? With me? Someone I love that. That's what I'm going with, is all right? Jake Seattle hand to Detroit man. Yet, well, I gotta always go with Seattle because weed is legal in Seattle, and that's always a good bet. You know, definitely not his thing. Okay, you tell me what's legal in Detroit? Is we I don't think it's not. I don't think so. If keep taking this off. The Munches have a Bronco's head to Kansas City. Now I know for a fact Kansas City is undefeated. No, they're not. They've lost the game. I thought I knew that they were undefeated. But yeah, yeah, but here's another thing. I do know. They have marijuana. Baby, Are you high right now? I'm not, but I will be soon. I'm sorry. I want to apologize Washington resk here that the New York Jazz. Well, okay, Washington just made marijuana. Leave. I gotta go washing baby, kiss. Pigs have no remain. Actually know the rest of the Steve Harvey Mording, Yes, watch this, Watch this, Shirley Higg, watch it Cleveland. That Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh I don't like. I don't like Pittsburg's uniforms. That's very not attracted, but Cleveland. My Bouts is from Cleveland. He would pick Cleveland just for mean job security. So I'm going with Cleveland Baker Mayfield Field, but then looking for the white guy by the name with Miker Mike. So this is just for job security. It's a job security pick. Nothing that one really makes sense. He don't like Pittsburgh uniform guy. It's a grown man picking team. That's what I'm saying. Alright, Baltimore, Caroline, you know I gotta go Carolina. I see that's where I'm from, Caroline. Final that's got coat At the Oakland Rates Open, they've been the opening man. I love that everybody's just crazy up there on this shop. That Oakland Raiders are not in open anymore. But what if where they go this on it hadn't happened yet. Okay, Oh they're still okay. Then if they I would have said, the Las Vegas Raiders, if they was okay, then if they're still there, I'm going with open. I love this segment, all right, Jake green Bay at the Los Angeles Rams, and I'm guessing you're going with the Ram because the weed is leaking. You speak for me now, Thank you, Thank you, so much. Thank you for speaking for me. Thank you. Alright, Cisco, Yeah, because all the other pigs of where may I want to leave? Watch this? Watch San Francisco at Arizona, Jake, Oh, Arizona? Are you kidding me? It is? Do white women care world? I got the big Arizona. Okay, that was at last pick j like dat white. I can't believe he even said nothing. They with football at all. New Orleans at Minnesota. Ja. Oh, I know my girl from New Orleans. I gotta go New Orleans all the way, Carla. That nation Monday night Gane New England at Buffalo, Jake, Oh, Buffalo all the way, Buffalo. Gotta go Buffalo. That's it, all right, coming out more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right after this, ignorant you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Carla, you're my girl and every thing you know. I love you. But and you threw you throw fabulous parties. You're a fabulous, fabulous party last weekend for your fiftieth birthday. But um, you're not the only one. Uh, you have a little competition in the fabulous party department. Okay, Drake, baby, Drake okay, yeah, Drake party, Yeah right, the party with his friends in Hollywood on Tuesday night, at a two thousands themed party, the birthday Boy, Drake rock two different fits for the festivities. He did a tribute to the look Fabulous. You know the rapper rocked in the trade It all traded, all music video complete. Remember that, Remember that when he had the rag and I'll remember that, complete with the blue Los Angeles Jersey blue fitted and gold chains. Later that night, Drake changed into a dark blue sweatsuit with a white headband, white sneakers, and a flip phone as an accessory. Yes, it's those little things and details, details, even the the corps was a throwback. The venue was decorated with the Blockbuster video wall and a seven eleventh section. It's seven lesbond section had snacks and slurpees. See you didn't have that at your fifty birthday party, Carlos there, but Drake, I will not be outdone kicking. There were also some cars from the car Customization Show exhibit used to host over a decade ago. Everybody remembers pamp My Ride, Big Happy belated Birthday. He does good stuff with his money. That video he did where he gave, just gave people money. That was hope. Come on the show, just give me one day. Just want to hang with him, just for a day. I mean, he's so talented though he acts, Oh yeah, he's a good act does it all, he does it all round. I love his look. He's so clean, cutting, well groomed. You never see a hair out of place on him or something. Yeah, my ride though, he take it back, throw back, he went way back. Yeah, but a flip phoo. I was gonna say, where is exhibit? But exhibit has been on. He was on Empire, remember he was. So he's still doing the acting thing. Yeah he's out of there. Yeah yeah boy, Yeah, you know what, stay loving on that show. They take you out and they bring you in Lucius and Cookie. They're trying to get you want to be around. Come on the Jatman's that's where your last I don't know about that. Dad on the chat. Yeah, well again, happy birthday, congratulations to Drake. And so that's what what are you gonna do? I was gonna ask you, what are you gonna do this weekend? As a follow up, You're gonna chill this weekend? Probably right. Let me tell you my husband so sick of me and my birthday. It's like, alright, already, they don't understand you only like go to my Instagram page to a lips by Carling and check out some of my pictures. I'll be posting more. That's right. You've got to celebrate your Yeah, yeah, celebrate yourself. Carlin. That's right, all right, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The mayor of Tallahassee, Andrew Gillum, a Democrat who has been the target of blatant racism over the course of his campaign, handle things during the Florida's gubernatorial debate. Recently, Andrew Gillham's opponent, Republican run De Santis, got visibly angry when he was questioned about earlier speaking engagements at racially charged far right conferences and accepting campaign contributions from a donor who called former President Barack Obama a racial epitat on Twitter. Take a listen, Mr gil won't give you a chance to respond, though. Let me first say, my grandmother used to say, I hit dog, will holler uh, and it hollowed through this room. Mr de Santis has spoken. First of all, he's got neo Nazis helping him out in the state. Uh. He has spoken at racist conferences. He's accepted a contribution and would not return it from someone who referred to the former president of the United States as a Muslim in I G. G. E. R. When asked to return that money, he said, no, he's using that money to now fund negative as Now. I'm not calling Mr. De Santis a racist. I'm simply saying the racist believe he's a racist. What's this boom? You know? You know what that is. That's when you write it down and you go let him say. If he say, I'm gonna say it is, I'm ready and yeah, that was ready ready for you jail one of those. Jay, you need to go ahead and do it. Jay, Uh, career, come on out before. I'm not gonna win this race. Come on, career, career, his career is over. Yeah, you mean winning that race? You know what? I hate to do that, he'll he won't win if we vote. We have to vote. That's very important. I don't want to take anything for grants. Yeahcause it's smart and it's educated and as well spoken as this man is I'm talking about give him. There are a lot of whites on a lot of blacks too, who will use the phrase he's too progressive. We're not ready to change things right now, and progressive means just wait a while. But damn it, we've been waiting for Yeah, that's what we're constantly doing, is waiting on change. Changes now. James. When you decide to change, you gotta do it now. And you're right, so we gotta get out of vote. Yeah. I don't. I don't want to take it for granted. But let me tell you what I love about Andrew Gillham. Carlos, Okay, point right, he's on point. You know how people when you get home, somebody said something crazy to you, but you you clapped back, but it wasn't the clap back you wanted, and you didn't. You didn't get the real clap back till you got home. I should have said, you're in the mirror and I should have told him this and he said this. I should have said, you don't have to worry about that. With Andrew Gillham, everything he planned on say, he said that in the moment. I love that about him. I love it. We love you guys, Tallahassee, we love you, Tampa, Jacksonville, West Palm Beach, you love us. We need you, guys to show up November six. Show up and if you want an early vote, please early vote. We need you. Andrew Gillim needs you. We want him to be the governor of the great state of Florida. Okay, Andrew, Yeah, I mean I'm talking about history. You have an opportunity to make history down there in Florida. Let's do it's rights, right, that's right there. Never Yeah, come on call him out day count yes Sandford. Yeah, well yeah, they're gonna be deep, y'all. Remarks have no idea what they are you guys. We'll be back right after. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, guys, here we are, last break of the day. It's a good day today, Oh my gosh, yes, great day. Happy Friday. Everyone. We're playing without two about main players is not here, Steve is not here. But we did. We did the people. Absolutely, the crew is here for you. Yeah, we got y'alls back. I definitely want to say this before we get out of here. Guys. This is Halloween weekend, so happy Halloween. To you, guys. Whatever, what do you mean? Whatever? I got a lost I need you to help you guys, because you know I have a big Halloween party with the kids. Shirley, we'll tell you at my house every Halloween. So this weekend before I gotta go get the candy I ordered Tasha's costume. Well, I do have a lot of stuff to do for Halloween. I mean, okay, so you're feeling me. What you gotta do this weekend in my house for Halloween? Oh? Good thing I do is I put up a sign in the yard that says the owner has moved. So what what did I put up on the other sign? House for sale? Put that up on the other side. So if you don't see that, and then you see, then you know. All the lights are completely off, not one light anywhere. There's no lights. I'm in there. I'm in there, but all my lights are and I got black stuff on the window so you can't see me inside. I parked my car up close to the door so you can't even come up, like it's a long way. I park it right up to the door, right, And then then I have a sign. What then I have a sign? And since I'm a diabetic sign reads I'm a diabetic. Since I can't have candy neither, should you go to the next house? And then that's that's Halloween for me. But it's a lot of work setting all that up. I got to put all this stuff, Junior, I don't I don't like Halloween. I don't want the kids love. That's problem. I ain't really crazy about kids, I said, I don't have none. But yeah, but I ain't really crazy about him either. But what I do for Halloween, Junior, were on in Houston. He can hear. I hope he listening, because you'll tell you it's true. I don't care. I don't. I don't take him. He has not been trick or treating with me, not ever. Ever, I don't go all his costume he jumped in front of me. I don't respond to none of them. He tried to be Spider Man, trying to stick on the wall and bust his ass roll. I don't really like Halloween. So when kids come over to the fan house for Halloween, we don't pass out candy. I pass out left though. Was we clear refrigerator? I don't giving I'm giving kids sides like cabbage. Your kids gonna be so gassy when he get home. I'm giving out rice engraving. You know, we got hands were cleaned out the refrigerator over here. You know a nice can of corn will make a kid think. Man, make the bad corn. If I tell you, I don't give me can they already cooked? Theyin't got steam coming off a little bols raped a little in the fall and dropped head on them there. Because you're gonna get hongry with all this walking. You do it a matter of fact, I'll make them turn it back to then't see me do it. I'm not passing that can. You get leftovers over here? Are you do? You put it in cute little containers and you just race it off the white boa get them we got fault, fixed them some rices right, and put the lid on it and put it in the bag. It's you know when they reached their hand and they're gonna burn their hands. But what you want to do is the word to get out that don't go to that house. And nothing does that better than a bit off banana. You okay, don't go to that house. Why I got some candys what nobody wants you and don't drive it in the back, hand it to the kid as you're shooting, and handed to him and squeeze. It's really not going I thought it was. I wanted suggestion you see how to tickle j and ju. I really thought you liked kids. And if you do give out candy, nothing de turns the kid to see you, you know, lick off the candy, wrap it up and here has been leg ain't I give out candy. That's challenging to a child. If you want a challenging kid to make sure you don't show back up at your house, pass out fresh peanut riddle. They get the pressure they need. They don't have a strength not made with peanuts, made with unped brazil nuts. But if they have a nut out, what my god? Closer? Get off, terrible man. Do you know how many people love Halloween and you're killing their trams? Right now? I'll tell you another thing that's scary too. Praying you home coming this week. I'm coming to the yard. That's your alma mother, right, know what this is about? Set it out? Sorry, we ain't will be the saint. You guys, you're wrong. You just bus nothing like you baby, that's right, that's right. Well listen. Uh, the ones who aren't evil, like like Jay and Junior. To my surprise, have a happy Halloween. We love you guys. Weekend Yeah. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.