It's Friday, so puff, puff, pass. We have phrases you should avoid during the holidays. Uncle Steve and the crew talk about time honored traditions. Who loses sleep over work? Fool #2 murders another one! There are certain things that your ex should not see you do. We have the signs that you and your phone need a break. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about staying on the wall so to speak and more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all back a suit on the back down, giving them more like the Miking buck things in the cubs. Y'all good it, Steve ha listen to the movie together for study. I don't join by join me in being men. You gotta turn you gotta turn the turnow. You got to turn them out, Then turn the water the water. Come come on your back that, uh huh, I sure will. Good morning, everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey oh Man got a radio show. Man got a radio show, and a whole lot more to man. God is good to me. I have no other explanation, if I have no other explanation of my existence and where I stand in this thing called life, except if it was not for the goodness of God Almighty. If it was not for His grace and his mercy, There's no way I could exist the way that I do. I would not be who I am or where I am. I am who I am and where I am simply because God is who he is. If it was not for God, I would have no testimony for you, because I would have failed every single test, plain, pure and simple. I can sit here today until you flat out that it is purely because of God's grace and mercy that I exist today because of His favor. See now, He shows us favor in life because of a combination of things I've discovered. And this is not the whole answer to life. I can assure you as not. But this is a combination that I've grown to understand better and better, and I wish I had gotten it earlier in my life. But here it is. If you take faith and you combine it with an incredible work ethic, then God has the greatest opportunities to show you favor one more time. If you take faith. I said faith because in the scripture it says you can have the faith of a mustancy, the smallest of all sees. If you take faith and you combine it with an incredible work ethic, it allows the most opportunities for God to show you favor. That's the best way I can explain success to you from my standpoint. It is the combination of faith and work that produces the most opportunities for God to show you favor. See a lot of times we want God to bless us, but we ain't doing nothing for him to bless So now we sideways in the equation a little bit. But see, if you had the faith in God that God can do anything but fail, that God will get you through, that God will see you through, that that God is the God you serve as the greatest give of all good things. If you kept that faith intact through it all, and you produced an incredible work ethic that allows the most opportunities for God to show you favor. See, without that what you want God to do? See, you can have faith and be sitting at the house watching TV. There's nothing being produced, no opportunities for God to show you favor. And you got to do some things man, that you are uncomfortable doing, or don't feel like doing, or something that don't have the right payoff right in front of your face, with the faith that it will payoff later on. See, too many people are working for the right now reward, and the right now reward is not how it works. Sometimes the reward is coming later on up the road. But the only way you can know that is if you got to You got to apply the faith. And see the reason you don't know that that it's coming like that, or you have to have faith to believe that it's coming. Because faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. That's what faith is. Look, man, it's easy to believe in something you can see. That's it. Ain't ain't nothing. What what that take? You know? You're standing that Let me give you them. You're standing at the crosswalk with with a walk sign on it and the sign flashing on the corner. Don't walk then that the signs say walk? What do you think your chances are making it across that street? Is well pretty good because guess what the signs say walk. You can see the other side. There's other people in the crosswalk walking, So guess what you strike out blindly? It don't take a lot of faith to get across that street. That's that's That's not why I'm talking to you about. I'm talking about the faith, the belief in things that you cannot see, the faith that what I'm doing today, I believe in my heart of heart that God wouldn't bring me this far to leave me. That God is a true and living God, that he keeps his promises, that later on there's things that I'm working towards right now, gonna pay off later on. See, too many people want to reward right now. They want to go to work Friday. Get to check Saturday. You know, we want to work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Get to check Friday. If somebody come to you and say, hey, man, if you do this Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, then you do this Saturday, and come back and do this Monday, Thuday, Friday in the long running to pay off. And you say, man, I ain't gonna do all that. See, that's not the exhibition of faith. If it's the right thing to do, if it's if it's a good thing to do, if it's a just thing to do. See, if it's sin in it, it ain't God. Ain't Just clear it on up right there. You can stop all the wandering. If that's his voice talking to you, if it's the right thing to do, if it's sin in it, it's not God talking to you, kill it you you you can shut it down. You ain't got to wonder about it. Go down there in secret revenge. That ain't God. Go tell him off when you see him. That ain't God. Anything that's God's sin in it is not God's voice telling you to do it, so you can you can kill that conversation to date, that's how you know. But if you align yourself up, man, and you and what you're doing is just and right and correct and pleasing in the sight of God, it'll pay off for you later on. And see here's here's here's the best way I can tell to it. Here's another one. When you're going somewhere, when you're when you're on the road to going somewhere, and you know the somewhere that you're trying to get to. Let's say you've set a goal or vision for yourself, you know where you want to get to. You got a good idea, and you own your way to going there. Listen to me when it gets hard, and it is going to get hard, when it gets difficult, and it is going to get difficult, when it becomes challenging, and it is going to become challenging when it becomes all three of those things. When it don't look like it's gonna happen, listen to me. Don't stop and complain so much. But see, I know he didn't bless me. But in the middle of it, man, I felt a little heavy. And you got to be careful when it gets hard for you, because you'll find yourself complaining. And when you're complaining, See, what you can't do is you can't complain so much that you forget that the place that you're trying to go to, you actually own your way there still. See, don't get caught up into complaining and then lose sight of your blessing that's actually happening. It to you? What really, man, of all the times to register a complaint to God, to sit up and go, hey, man, I didn't want wanted to ease back into this thing. Ease back in, man, you in It's it's a tornado world around you. You You ain't got time to ease back in. You got it going, and jump back in it. It is what it is. To whom much is given, much is required. Always appreciate the blessings. Don't get so caught up into complaints that you lose sight of the blessings. Man, God got a lot for you in your life, man, but you gotta have them. Two things, y'all. You gotta take that faith and you got to apply a crazy work ethic to it. And that creates the most opportunities for God to show your favor. And when God starts showing your favor, Man, all of them seeds you planted, all of that, all of that wheat you've been sewing, all of that hard work you've been put in. God will pay it off, and he'll pay it off in ways that you don't even see coming. Okay, cool, you're listening to morning ladies, gentlemen, boys, girls, monkeys, zookeepers, chitling cleaners, boby cuers, post nasal drip folks, yard workers, people with him, rods, chimney sweepers, street cleaners, street cleaners, people who baptize people, people the deacon, bold catch the people who are people who catch people who are falling out from being touched by a hell the welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning shown Morning Shelley. Everybody calling Junior. Now, I know y'all was trying to be talking morning. They're want to start a little bit different to day. You you know, just get something off my chest? Puff pass? Did you say I did what I sure did? It's legal in La, in LA too long now it's legal. People don't understand how they have to treat us because we live in la, We're not afraid out here. Okay, it's okay. You can say puff pass, you can puff puff and pass. That's the name you can pass on the pass. That's the name of Snooper Core, isn't it his new tour? Snoop don't care when Snoopers accepted? How? Why is that doing it before? He's been doing that. Everybody knows that about him. First you see the cloud, then you see Snoop And I'm here to tell you as I don't know what it is. He's got rolled up, but it makes you go somewhere and shit the hell down. You know, Well, he was on the junior. You can tell the story. You can tell the story. Jay found out that Snoop was up here, and he said he had to go smoke with him, and in the green room and the whole hallway you can you knew Snoop was here, the whole hallway for real. Yeah. So Jay goes in there and he stands next to Snoop while Snoop is smoking, and Jay says, let me Hit that Snoop said this old and he gave it to him. Jay Hit took two puffs too, And next time I see Jay, he's sitting on the steps in the hallway, Man Jay said, Man, I got to go home, Man Jay, Jon is it high? That stuff he smokes should be called lists? What you know what I'd like to see? I'd like to see Snoop and Willing Melson hang out. But they've done that. Yeah, I think they've done that. Wow. Wow, that funny. It's funny to what. Yeah, Well today it's pleasure Jay, Thank you for that. Lab. We started off with this this morning that y'all know how that is? All right? Back with you bore the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this thirty something Friday's coming. You're listening show. All right. We're all gathering around the table dinner conversations. It can be a little tent you know. So we just want you guys to prepare with some phrases that you should avoid at holiday dinners. We can just you know, all have a good time with our family and friends. Okay, like for instance, yeah, okay, for instance, Steve Um, when you start a sentence with you should have you should have? You know? The words should you know can make a person feel judged or disappointed. You see where I'm going with that? To be like you should have left somebody else fix Yeah, yeah, that's hurtful. Yeah yeah, you should have you should have left the marshmallows acting yam, that's like that. I'm with you. I'm with you on that. Feelings are not hurt. Should call when you came over? Or how about this? I know it's pot luck, but you should have just came the ain't no luck in your Yeah, stuff like that, Steve, you got it? Or you know boys saying that, Yeah, a void saying this, you know, because this is definitely this could start one right here. Um, can you believe what your president just did? You can't start Yeah, yeah, it can lead to an argument and a fight, you know. Politics, everybody in agreement on my family? My family? All good with that. That's gonna get the party popping right there. Oh okay, all right, so you're not gonna avoid saying that. Oh no, no, no, you can talk politics at my house. Everybody at my house in the same political mindset. You don't have you if you are Republican at the table, you need to keep it to you. If you won't be okay, let's get back to the house. Oh uh huh, let's get back to the food for a minute. How about this one? You know, the best turkey I ever had was not Sully say it again. The best turkey I ever had was was my mom. You can't say that. Yeah, yeah, me, that'll set it off, Steve. If you say something, you don't have to always tell the truth though, No, no, no, no, see she wants again, Well, y'all need to make up, y'all man, and they give you all want us to be trumb or you won't these last we good lying on Thanksgiving? Tell the truth. It's a good time to ask that question. Any Yeah, you know, like uh, if you start a sentence with when are you going to learn how to cook? Don't do that. When you're gonna finally let him go? Okay, that's the one time because you don't want to make anyone feel defensive or put anyone on the spot or anything like that. When you going to stop you drew wow question? Yeah, what's gonna come out? I don't know why we see the back like it ain't. I don't know what's wrong with you. I want to go to your house, but just come out. Fifteen minutes. You ain't gonna be able to take if you're lying it fifteen if it starts off with that. Yeah, I believe you. Was he walking the dough? When is you gonna stop using you show up? Ever? You're looking like this? How about this right? No? How about this right? Here says some way where I could see where you going? Where are you going? Ye, it's bathroom? Ain't that way? Ain't no bathroom that way? And you know, trying not to to open up a conversation or start a sentence with when are you going to? Don't do that one? Or remember the time you pee on yourself. My uncle Everett thanks Giving used to go he was drunk and yellow bowl. Ain't nobody won't did bust out laughing, everybody laughing. But wait a minute, Wait a minute, hold up, did you hear about don't start it with that one, because that could mean, yeah, you're gossiping about you know somebody? What what did you hear about your husband? Oh, that's gonna get it started right there in the back room with coral cora, not cora coral. Yeah, those are just conversation starters. You don't do that. Yeah, all that's gonna happen Thanksgiving, thirsty, trust me, it's gonna happen. Well, I'll admit this. None of that happened at my house because I have no one at my house on Thanksgiving. As big as you create, nobody create no drama. Not at my house. Oh oh okay, I thought you were saying you had no one at your house. I was like, as big as your family is, Oh, the house gonna be packed. Yeah. I don't do drama. Yeah, not at the house. Everybody knows. Don't ask me to play. I don't do that. You know, the game night, I might come in there for a couple of minutes, but that's it. Y'all know what I'm doing. I'm gonna eat and I'm sitting in front of this TV. Oh I'm staring at it. And sometimes you're gonna come in there and the TV gonna be staying at me. Just walk back out. Don't come in here. Just in the heat. I want it. This won't keep beep five places on. Don't cut it all. So you don't mind them being in your house. A lot of people just don't bother you. Let you have your space. Yeah. Well, Marjorie's really good at that too, because she tells them to Steve that Steve aught don't bring your friends and your friends won't pictures. Oh god, I could get that. Yeah, that ain't happen. Meanwhile, at our house, all they want to talk about is you. Yes, Steve, come on? Yeah. I just hate when they want me to tell Steve something for him. Always tell him, give them. Can you just give this to Steve for me? I know this a best seller right now, we just get it to Steve. Didn't. I'm not going to get your book the one kill Me? Okay, I got this book, a man. I want you to read. I didn't read the fox I wrote. Ain't coming up coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Dan is gonna be here with today's national news and headlines. But up next it's the nephew would run that prank back? You're listening. Nephew is up with us? Run that prank back? What you got n hit him? Run that preak break? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach you, Sandrew. Hey, how you doing. I'm fine with this. This is Brian. This is Brian. I work with your sister Kiva. Okay, we've we've met a couple of times. You've you've come out to Happy Yard with us a couple of times, but that's been a way you just had a baby. Right. Oh yeah, well that must have been a long time ago. I sure did just have a baby, said this is Brian. Yeah, Brian, congratulations. How many months is it now? It's been three months since I've had them. Okay, all right, well congratulations to you. Listen, we um we're putting together a pot luck Christmas party and we wanted to invite you out. Oh okay, is this some kind of surprise or something? Well, you know what, I'm My job is to call around since it's a pot luck and make sure we get everybody to bring something. And what I wanted to do is I told her she should invite her sister. I'm sure your sister. I was just saying you probably hadn't been able to get out since the baby and maybe would want to get out a little bit. Yeah you said that. I've been trapped in this house with this baby. Oh and he oh, he is such a greedy baby. But yeah, I'm here a lot. This is like my second child, and I'm telling you he was nothing like the first one. But I haven't been out. When is the party. It's gonna be next week, next Friday. We're gonna throw it and we're not trying to do anything too late. Probably around six o'clock. Everybody's gonna leave work a little early, but we're gonna all bring a little something to contribute to the party and whatever type of food or drinks or whatever. So we just wanted to reach out and give you an invitation. I just need to see if I can get a babysitter. I haven't had to use a babysitter yet, but I'll try. I'll do my best for me. It's my sister and her friend, so i'd be glad to come. So you said it's it's pot luck. What are y'all bringing? Well, some people are bringing finger food, some people are bringing desserts, nachos and things like that. So I guess a little bit of everything, and everybody's just in the Christmas spirit. Were just gonna have a good time. Well, do I need to cook it myself? Or can't I just order something having delivered or something like that. You know, I'm fooling with this, baby. I can't get too much dune while I'm here, but I'd be glad to contribute. Well, actually, we're interested in getting some egg nogs. Uh, yeah, I can probably I could send my husband out to get something, because you know Vince's fool is especialty shop. They make some good homemade egg nogs. I could do egg nogs. Well, well, hang on, we didn't. We didn't want anything from a specialty shop. We're real particular about having good egg nog. We've always had good eggnog every year when we throw the big pot luck Christmas party. We wanted to see if you didn't mind making some egg nog from scratch. But you know, if you if you could really really help us out. You know you using using the breast milk to do it. Well, they make the best milk over there. I know they use whole milk. Sometimes they use that buttercream milk. You know what, I should get my eye to make it because she got a real good recipe and I know she used the best milk. Gay is I can get how to make some? Is that? Okay? Okay? So your mom has what kind of milk? My ain't? She makes the best egg nog. And I know she was like whole milk and butter milk and stuff. That's why I was thinking. I don't know if Kiva told you. But no, no, no, no, no, no, no, we want some breast milk, not the best milk. We want breasts. Aren't you breastfeeding? You you say breast as in b R E A S teeth, breast milk, breast milk. Yes, yes, wait a minute, wait a minute, yeah, I'm breastfeeding. But breast milk is for babies. Adults. People don't supposed to drink that. If you if you not know anything, you're not supposed to breast milk. Breast milk is the best milk. See, so what we was trying to do is get it. Get the eggnog made with breast milk, and that's what we want. Brian, you said your name is Brian. Yeah, I'm Brian. Okay, Brian, you must be white because because black folks don't drink breast milk. That's for babies. Okay, I am not making eggnog with breast milk. Now, Breast milk is not what you get. That is for my newborn infants. That sounds nasty, unstad, Why would I do that to other people? Is that to have somebody to do? I mean, is that what you can like pump out two gallons for us? I mean, we're just what we're about to end this conversation. That is not something I'm about to do, Okay. I Am not pumping milks for some Christmas parties. That that is nasty. Okay, somebody gonna call the health department or y'all bringing up milk up there to make some ignocks? What does that? We don't do that. This ain't no feed of village with my milks. You you know what? Man? Ma'm I mean? I didn't. I wasn't trying to offend you. I just wanted to see if if it was something that you would do for us, you know, if maybe you could you could squeeze out a couple of gallons and we could all. I'm past offended. I ain't squeezing out a tablespoon of breasting up to be donating to some Christmas party? Does that? Okay? Yeah? You got me up. You need to tell Keith. First of all, I don't even know why to keep a game if you my number to invite me to some because she couldn't have she couldn't have known you're gonna ask me to make some damn eggnogg with real breastnols. I didn't, I didn't. I didn't tell Kiev exactly what I wanted, But I didn't think it was gonna be this much of a of a problem that you would have a problem with a couple of gallons, so we could have a good time with real good milk. Hope, Bryan, y'all work in corporate America. Surely you are smarter than that. You're calling somebody asking for some breast milk? Who does that? What you can do? Or if you want some eggnog, you could stop at the grocery store and get you some infamire some Simila ca and mix some eggnog yourself, if that's what you choose to do. But my breast milk, you can't even pay for it? Okay, I don't get down like that. That's some if I ever heard of it. You too, tells you to be calling around asking people for milk, So you're gonna be this selfish that you can't loan us a little bit of breast milk so we can have a great time with some eggnog at the party. Selfish loan breast milk? Okay, you know what? You know what, conser don't worry about. We don't even want you at the party if you don't gonna bring breast milk. They don't come to the party. Damn right. I don't need to come to your funky party. And you tell Kiva this is some Steven have her friend called me. I am the party coordinator, and Kiva knows that that's and I tried to be nice enough to invite you. I'm offended. I am offended. Okay, would you ask your wife or your girlfriend or whoever your baby mama is to do something like that? Would you expect somebody to ask cock. You're disrespecting me asking me for something like that. Okay, you know what, Bryan, what is your last name? Because I'm failing to remember who you are because I'm sho gonna ask Keith, Well, Brian, Brian, Brian ain't really my name. I didn't really want to tell you my real name, so so you playing on the phone name you probably don't even know my sister. Now, who is this? I mean? I talk to your sister about twenty minutes ago. I talked to Keiva. You cain't talk to my Kiva because this is a I know that too clearly, Okay, but I want to go and tell you this Hill. You know what you're gonna get off my damn phone. That's what you're gonna do. Kiva told me to call because see, I am nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Martin Show, and your sister Kiva got me to prank phone call you. You're talking about the nephew times on the TV and the radio. I this can't be real, you said, Oh my god, are you real? Funny? Okay, Exam, I gotta ask you, baby, what's the baddest it? I mean, the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. We promised to talk about holiday traditions, especially Christmas traditions, and while time honored holiday traditions are important, they've also evolved over the generations. Now this is according to a survey, family activities and writing to Santa are still among the most popular holiday traditions. That is interesting, even though because I've never written to Santa. Even though we live in a tech savvy world, three out of four parents say their children still handwrite letters to Santa as opposed to a more modern approach like email. And really, and what's the most popular family activity in twenty seventeen. This year, well, according to most households, it's decorating the Christmas tree as a family. Now that I like, I can can relate to that. We do that. Yeah. Uh so let's so, Steve, we got to start with you here. What are what are the family traditions that your family keeps that you definitely First of all, let me get this straight. Boodle your grandson Ale, Noah and Rome. I'm not telling you that Santa Claus's coming down the chimney. Okay, hey, Mom and Daddy Mike, but they come on Papa's house. Papa bought all this. Okay, let's be straight about that tree out here, y'all. Papa paid for all the tree, okay, all the little fingers snow, I bought all that in Hire, I had that tree in the in the in the in the foyer that Papa bought that. So that's a new tradition really, because you weren't you brought up with thinking Santa Claus did it for a while when you were little? Yeah? Yeah, so you're usually as young as your grandchildren. Yeah, well little you know, my kids take their keys to see Senate Claus. Yeah, they thinking it's a Seneca. I'm just telling don't bring them over here. You got so real with it right now. Well, no, a Papa house. All is paid for by the big ball half hard as you work, you want some credit. The white man didn't bought nothing up in him, the ball head black man that's in that office down there at before the half. You going that dash Santa Claus down there. A matter of fact, don't bring him up when you come in here, because he had nothing to do. Everything on this side of the the gate, Santa Claus ain't had damn thing. Okay. So that's one. That's the one that's men that you burst wide open. Okay. Secondly, if you tap up your toy on Christmas, you get your ass on, Chris, what man? Dash? It's a traditional tradition, rations man, How long I hadn't lay away and you just everything broke it? It ain't even flot at it. Yeah, opened it at five and it's broken. Man. I had a nephew named Pogo. All Pogo did every toy he got, he took it apart. Wow. But then you know what he put it all back to. Yeah that's all he wanted to. Well, yeah, that's like girls we used to take our dolls clothes off. He mechanic. Yeah, that's what you do. He's a mechanic right now. Because see, yeah, so that was some good. But did he get in trouble for doing it when he was a kid? Dog? Because if my daddy saw the tad toe up, but he would ask after the second year, is that poy put him back again? Oh? He wasn't too mad, all right? What else? So? So, no Santa, but whippings if you broke your toys? What else? Uh? These are some tradition, Steve, I want to hear some of Junior Stu. I know, sounds like he got his up. Oh man, absolutely. One tradition was you're going to bed at seven on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, Christmas Eve. Oh I could never sleep on Christmas Eve. I could never do that because Santa was coming. But Santa don't show up to nine in the morning. We gotta go back to be nine. I think they did nine. We're running, y'all go back and then go back to be night. He ain't made it in yet, y'all go back to Yeah, I'm next, nephews praying phone call right after this, please drink it all night. All right, more of this crazy ignorant show, the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. A lot of people are losing sleep because of work, guys. A new study by account Tips finds that forty four percent of professionals are losing sleep over work. As for why, fifty percent say they've been overwhelmed with work, the volume of work they have, the hours that they have to put in. Some of the other reasons for work related sleep loss include strange coworker relationships. Wow. Uh, worried that they may lose their job. That's a lot of stress. Yeah, beusted. Oh this is a good one. My boss is a nightmare. Have you checked all three bucks? That's Chase, strange coworking, Okay, strange coworker relationships, worried I may lose my job and my boss is a nightmare. Okay. So I gotta ask you, Steve. You have a lot of jobs. You have more than anyone I know. Do your jobs keep you up at night? Or you know, is it if they do, is it constant or just a case exhausting? For my jobs, it's when I run up into stupidity. That's the only thing I get exhausted for. I don't. I've you know, I've really found out over the years. I don't really care for stupid people. I really don't. I can't even I can't even play it off, Like if you're stupid, I look at you like you're stupid the whole time you talk. I don't know what we're supposed to do with that information. It's just important information that you know about me and my job. My job. I love my job. Look, I tell jokes for a living and play music. All of my jobs that have an element of meat, using my god given talent. So I love my work. Just the things that surround my work, Like when you stupid, I just can't stand that. Man, Is that no Jay? Good? Jay? Ignort different from ignort stupid when you're doing stuff that ain't attached to nothing and just has no rhyme or reason, But you standy doing oh, anyone in particular in minder It just anyone at the job. I know. I didn't think he was gonna say you honestly, Um, okay, why would I say this is uncomfortable right now? Yes? Why you uncomfortable? You're not stupid. Oh, I know, I know. You just don't like the way Tommy goes into the shelf when you call him stupid. But let him go in there. When you go into the shell, he can't say no, stupid. He's here working. What are you gonna do? He's working. I'm right Hello everyone, I'm here. I'm right here. Yeah, yeah, okay, I'm right here. You stop doing it, stop talking over and around me. I'm right here. You can't all right? Listen coming up at thirty four after the hour, Ja Anthony Brownie. He's scared to lose his job, but he is here to murder another hit. You're listening, Steven Show, He come on, introduced Jay. He's here to murder another hit, Folks, without further ado, we murder hits up on hire because we got it first round Draft choice Lady Jimmy jaffer Burn. All right, everybody, another song right here, Steve. The song is a special song. The song is dedicated to every man who's been in the friend zone for the entire year. We've all been in the friend zone. It's not a nice place to be. You do everything, you help out. He wants to get out of the friends zone. Somebody just put me there. You've been putting friends zone. I'm in there now yea songs dedicated here man in the friend zones, Christmas songs and Christmas. I ain't gonna be in your friends zone without no pressure. Here you go, here you go, check it out. Dandy Brown murders a hit. He will watch your kids, even by the gifts, kiding in the car and take them to the mom. But you call him and there he buys your daddy Beard. There's a gift he win a dog. You can't buy it from a store. Why I don't choot it? Get it up on chrismustt Oh, make a friend, get a la king. Come on, girl and get out of that bank and get it up on Chrismust day. I don't want no tie. Just get it up. I'm miss saw your dough. I took you to the stoke. I was there for you when you were unemployed. Stupid stuff. I been like feed another man's kids. Nothing left for me to say, girl, I feel like getting played. Why don't you get it up on christ My stay? Oh? Making man feel like the king? Come o, girl, get I want that bank canning something over christ My Stay. I don't want no socks. Just get it. What I'm saying about my clothes day? Oh me, man, feel like a king. Come on, girls, get all that thing up. Oh Chrismus Day and manet friends get out of her friend's own baby by me. No damn socks. All I want to do is get off. Come on, come on, Chrismas Day. Even bought your daddy field, Yes, yes, the iTunes. Get all your months, press something. Girls don't enjoy them. Type, they don't like them, title, they don't even, they don't jump in, they don't see. Just shut it down, Shirley call. But play that com and scratch your allegedly you go crazy. Alleged you did do call. That's why you're in the friends zone. Now stay right there, y'all. Watch this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's Today's Strawberry Letter. But up next, I mean, right here, right now, it's the nephew with the prank phone call. What you got now? Oh, brand spanking new, I got gospel the church, Queen Gospel Church. What a new friend? You gotta hit this on head go. This is Grant all right, Grant H. Grant Stevens. Right, Yes, hey, hey, Grant, this is brother Lewis Finley. I'm calling from my side and nine Missionaire Baptist Church. You you and your wife just joined a couple of weeks ago, am I right? Absolutely? Yes? Okay, So now listen, um, I wanted to reach out to you. I know you guys have started the uh the orientation and from my understanding you you finished one one class at the orientation. You got three more to go with that, right, yes, alright, alright, alright, So first of all, I want to say welcome to not a side and that and and I hope you are enjoying yourself. I know that you and your wife are a mixed couple. You your Caucasian and she's she's black. Are you Are you liking the church so far? Grant? Absolutely, we really are enjoying it. We completed our first orientation and uh yeah, so far we're really enjoying it. Okay, Okay, I kept you a bad time. I am at work right now, but it's okay. I've got a couple of I've got a couple of minutes, okay, Okay, I just wanted to call you man, I was worried. I know you because I don't think you noticed. But you are the first Caucasian to join our church, and I just want to make sure you kind of knew the land switch and and just just kind of knowing what the Black Church is all about. And there's certain sands and different things I think you should know so that, uh you know, I just don't want you to say the wrong thing while you at the church. Does that makes sense? Uh? Okay, okay, So so what I wanted to do, like I wanted to give you a little Black Church quiz so you can kind of maybe if you could let me know where you are, you know, if you want a lower level or a high level. It's for being knowledgeable about the Black Church. Like still is blank in for me? Grant if and if you don't matter. I just want to take liberty of time and I let you get back to work. But first of all, give a blank to God? What what what would go in that blink right there? First of all, give a blank to God? Well all I can think of some has give give things to God. Uh No, See that's wrong, See that's wrong. See to see what it is is? First of all, give a honor to God. All right, remember that. First of all, give an honor to God. You got that? Okay, yes, yes, okay. First of all, give an honor to God, who is the blank of my life. What what? What? What goes into blak? First of all, I give an honor to God, who is the blank of my life, the love of my life. No, No, that's that's that's that's wrong. First of all, give an honor to God, who is the head of my life. Do you sure? I'm sorry, okay, I was just are you sure? Are you sure about that? Oh? I'm definitely sure about I don't don't don't. What I don't want you to do is question what what I know. I'm from the Black Church. I know. No, No, I wasn't. I wasn't questioning you, sir. I wasn't a question. I'm sorry. I've just always heard it that way. But okay, So, so I'm trying to give you the understanding of knowing what the Black Church is about. You know what I'm saying, I understand. I just I pre I appreciate it. I'm just I apologize. Okay. Now, now look I don't know these answers, obviously, but I've got a meeting. I gotta get you here in a minute like like this, I'm curious if everyone in the church gets these phone calls. Well wait, waiting minute, waiting in the Grant. I know you have a meeting, but what's more important? You're meeting or knowing your position at the Black Church? What what's more important? I really don't have time for this right now. I can't believe it's actually happening. Like, did you did your pastor even know that you're calling you right now? Well? No, I took the livery of myself when I realized you was Caucasian, that I would call and try to help you so you would know what to do when you're in the Black Church when people are saying certain things you okay, okay, Grant, if you don't man, just do this, f Grant, Like, do you know what hooping is? Hooping? Like? Who the hooping? Uh? No, hooping is when the past that is at the end of his sermon. So listen to this all good God, I'm like it. Do that if you if you will, Grant, Oh hello, oh God, oh mighty, no, no, no, no, you come on you women. Oh no, he got out of mind. I gotta get grant. I can't believe I'm doing that. Oh lo yeo, oh god, oh mighty. Okay, Hey, hey, gret do you think maybe it's possible that and you can have some sessions topow you come back to the church and I can prepare you more. Hey man, let's listen. You have caught me at a really bad time, and I'm quite honestly just so frustrated. Like I've never heard of a quiz like this. I'm really offended, to be honest with you, Like, do you guys don't want me to go here church anymore? Like a matter of fact, dude, you should be calling my wife right now. She's black, but she should already know nacoast question. You the one. Don't know why I'm gonna call I should call you. I am at work right now. I have a meeting to get to in just a minute. I don't know what you're doing. And I hold on a second. I have got to close my office store. This is so embarrassing. I have never ever received a phone call like this in my life, and you better be lucky. I mean, I want to talk to your pastor. I am going to talk to him next Sunday, no joke. Why didn't mean for you to get hotstyle like that. I hadn't mean that you. I didn't mean to upset you and nothing like that. What can I can I say something else to you? One last thing and I have to go. Okay, I just wanted to let you know that this is Nephew telling me from the Steve Hormit Man the show. No wife Carolyn got me to prank phone call you shut up? Shut up. I am so sorry. I am so sorry. Oh you're good, you are. I'm alright, man, I'm alright a little embarrassed, but I'm alright. You gotta do it for me one more time? Oh no, oh yeah, okay, man, look at do this for me. Tell me what is the baddest I mean, the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvey Morning Show all the way. You know, you just got to try to you know, you wrong, white man, even quick. If you're gonna be going, if you're gonna join the Black church, you know what I'm saying. Tell me you know what churches are? Not like that? You know mine was it? You know that's why you gotta feeling you haven't feeling the blank. You know, first of all, give a blank to God. You know you don't you don't know, you don't know what. Go there, He didn't know what. Take him through the queat. I'm on the home stress of my comedy shows for the year. You don't want to miss me? That is uh Columbus, Georgia, Washington, DC, and the one and only Houston, Texas. Go to my website Thomas Smiles dot com. You can get all the information that's right all right and coming up at the top of the hour the Strawberry Letter. You don't want to miss that. You're listening to show right now. It's time for today's Strawberry Letter. And let me tell you this. If you need some advice and relationships, on dating, on work, on sex and parenting all of that, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Tell him Steve you better, you better repeat yourself? Okay, that was it? Was it? Yeah? We could be reading your letter live on the air like we'll read this one today right now. All right, buckle up, hold on tight, We got it for you hims. Do you have a dolling O? Hold on tight. Buckle up, we'll be there in a minute. Strawberry ruletta, Yeah, I got it, all right, bugal hold on tight, he has it the strawberry letta all right? Subject, Why is her ex still checking on her? Here's Stephen Shirley. My girlfriend and I have been together for about a year. When I met her, she had just ended a relationship with a wealthy man that was nineteen years older than her. This man spoiled her with expensive gifts, and he was her first sexually, so she was caught up for a long time. He offered to buy her a condo if she stayed with him, but she realized that he was trying to buy her love and she wasn't really into him, so they broke up. We've been dating since then. The old boyfriend still calls and texts her, and she tells him whenever she tells me whenever she hears from him. I'm no fool, so I've been looking for signs of infidelity, but she's not given me any reason not to trust her. She's new to the game, so it's the old rich cat that I don't trust. Why does he have to check in on her to see if she's okay. All of the time, I believe he's waiting for me to slip up so he can make his move. Recently, she told me that he asked if I was taking care of her the way he used to. I got game, and I do what it takes to keep a smile on my lady's face. I told my lady that he realizes he lost a good thing and there's no way that he wants to be just friends with her. I asked her to stop talking to him, but she refuses. She said that she is glad that they are still friends and she likes it when he checks on her. Maybe I'm crazy, but this is not sitting well with me. This old boyfriend is a wolf and sheep's clothing, and she's too naive to see it. How do I get this man to leave my girlfriend alone? Please help? All right? I don't know if that's going to happen, if he's ever going to leave her alone, because he knows, you know about her, He had her first, he's older in the game. I think you're right, though, and everything you say about your new girlfriend and her old boyfriend, he is too much in her life, calling her, texting her to see if she's all right. Yeah, he's waiting for you to slip up so he can slip back in. Yes he is. Of course, Papa's out of line, and she is too for still taking his calls and stuff. She may be a little naive, but you know he, like he said, or like you said, he wait, he's checking on her to see if she's okay all the time. He is waiting for you to slip up so he can make your moves. So you better be. Since you say you know the game, you're not new to the game and all of that, and you know what it takes to put a smile on her face. You better continue doing that. Continue to do that. But I don't know why she's not stop taking his texts and his calls. Maybe she likes this conversation. Maybe she does think they're just trying to be friends. Because he does want her back, He definitely does. He wants her back. He knows he can get her if he just hangs in there, hangs in there and does what he's been doing. Steve, you know why, I know, right, No, Dark said, listen to me. Look, first of all, this young dude that wrote this letter because he looking for answers because he don't know. Now he got game, but he don't have advanced game because he writing a letter because he don't know the answer. Your girlfriend and you've been together for a year. You met her. She had just ended relationship with a wealthy man that was nineteen years older than hug. Now you didn't say how old anybody is in this letter, but just judging by the right the way you write, I'm thinking, man, she bought twenty six. I figured he bought forty six. That's just a guesting based on the way you're writing twenty six forty five something like that. This man spoiled her with expensive gifts. He was her first sexually, so she was caught up for a long time. Oh just happen for a while. He offered to buy her kind of if she stayed with him, but she realized that he was just trying to buy her love and she wasn't really into him, so they broke up. We've been dating since then. The old boyfriends still calling, texts her and tells her whenever, and then she tells me whatever she hears from him. I'm no fool, So I've just been looking for signs of infidelity that she is not giving me any reason not to trust her. First of all, she ain't seeing the dude. She's a good girl. She telling you every time to dude contact her. But why does a woman notify you every time another man called her calls? She wants you to know. She wants you to know he's still calling, He still want me. And you know why she notifying you because she trying to send a signal to you that you need to step up your game because you're lacking somewhat partner. Now here comes the real truth. Since you got game and everything, but you ain't got advanced game all right now, I ain't no food looking for him for Delhi not giving me any reason trusting she's new to the game. Sound like you new to the game. That's what it sound like she knew to the game. You still knew what game. So it's the old rich cat that I really don't trust. Why does he have to check on her to see if she's okay all the time? Because he WoT her, he won't her back. And that's what grown asked. Men do we call and we check on it? Just saying hey, make sure and you're good. Don't want to see you fall on hard times? Is everything okay? Hello? Pot no old player lines, I love him stay. I believe he waiting for me to slip up so he can make his move. He ain't waiting on you to slip up. Now he moving. He waiting on the damn thing you involved with the girl and he texting her. Now you slipping and you don't know it, young homie. She knew to the game. You knew to the game. But hang on because Steve and to put your own game. He's gonna get him, right boy, saying, no game, just lying him, get him old and paper two he got old and with Mace. Well, you ain't got a chance your ass out. You know what mean you you out? Don't even know you're going out, know it? Man's this letter about? All right? Listen, we'll come back with part two with the old players in the game, young boy, all right, twenty three afters when we're coming back, all right, the subject today is why is her ex still checking on her? Right after this? You're listening, all right, let's recap today's strawberry letters Steve. It's called the subject why is her ex still checking on her? A young man wrote this one, Dude, dating this girl man that was involved with this man that was nineteen years older and her. He called it her old man. That was her first sexual encounter. So she was caught up with him for a while. She wanted he wanted to buy him a condo. She stayed with him. She realized he was just trying to buy love. They broke up. Now you've been dating her, he's still checking on you, trying to figure out why her ex is still checking on because he won't because he want her back. You know how he got your girl. He was checking on you. Know how he got your girl? He was checking on See. Put is something that young boys don't know how to do. See, y'all, don't check on women. You call women because you want to cheat and hook up you on a Netflix night. But you're gonna call him, check on him. See how they're doing, See how they day going, Did they need anything anything you can do for help him solve problems? See that's what Groan asked me, and he was, See he is right there. Why don't you check on him? No? See hold on, hold let me finish this here for see. So what he do is he he said it all up. Now Now you're talking about she knew to the game. So it's the old rich cat that I really don't trust. Why he got to check on it to see if she okay? All the time, I believe he waiting on me to slip up so he can make his move. Partner, he already moving. He don't even give a damn about you. You're irrelevant. He texting your girl right now while y'all all together. He ain't waiting on you to slip up. He gonna cause you to slip up. He gonna show a vast difference between him and you. He ain't waiting on you to slip up here in the game, Partner. You know why because to old school players, it ain't a game. It's a contest. Everybody can get a blue ribbon. Let's go. Recently, she told me that he asked if I was taking care of her the way he used to. I got game, and I do what it takes to keep a smile on my lady's face. That ain't what he asked a girl. He asked a girl, were you taking care of her the way he used to? The answer to that question is now, because your answer wasn't, Yale. See, you ain't taking care of her the way he used to. You're going back to I got game game, I want no damn game bought. This ain't videoing in the arcade, this life. I know how to keep a smile on my lady's face. I told I told my lady that he realizes he lost a good thing and there's no no way that he just wants to be friends with her. He mentioned friend and none of them texts. He asked, your girl, where you taking care of her the way he used to? That ain't trying to be friends. He gonna get back into taking care of her business because I think you ain't. I asked her to stop talking to him. You go the clue, but she refused because you know what what he talking about where different from what you're talking about. Didn't you just tell us you had a game where the game must be weak? Because she want to hear something else. He as saying that she's glad that they still friends, and she liked when he checks on her. And you know why he liked when you check on when you check on her, because you don't, man, because you're so busy with your game. You're so busy trying to put a smile on her face that you don't really know how to check on her if you don't care out for her. I love your answers, you just want to do something with it. I'm telling him, I'm giving him your game unless just what he's doing wrong? This old man is what she telling you, is she trying to put you on game so you can know what game is, because that little weak ass game you got ain't worth for quality. So she keeps telling you every time he called what he said nah, and she likes when each other. Maybe I'm crazy, but this ain't sitting well with men. This shit. I tell you, she ain't gonna be sitting with you in a minute. This old boyfriend is a wolf in sheep's clothing. No he not, He just a wolf. He ain't got no sheep's clothing on. The problem me is a little boy. You are sheep. You in trouble, You up against you, up against some deep odds man unless you really learn what game is. And she's too naive to see it. Don't she see exactly what it is. It's just what she had before she don't have now, So she's staying in touch with what she had before because she thinks what she got now ain't gonna last. How do I get this man to leave my girlfriend alone? Plea calling? Let's cut this out him. You want to get this man to leave your girl alone? Calling? Calling his number in her phone, get her phone calling, tell him don't call your woman no more or else what n Let's find out what kind of game. See. You may find out that he cared more deeply for her than you do. See. But now I'm ask you, and I ain't saying you got to get violent. That ain't what I'm saying to you. But calling man, have a man to man conversation and tell him he can't call your girl no more. You can convince him of that, then you got something. If you can't convince him of that, you got nothing. He can't whoop his old dude ass man, that's just nineteen years you're twenty six forty five. You're gonna get your ass s thought. Now, Hey, this is begging for a reenactment between you and Jay as the girl. It is okay, we come back. Listen. You can email us your Instagram at your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letters. Steve Harvey f M all right, coming up, We're gonna do a reenactment. You're listening morning show earlier if you heard the Strawberry letter, the subject why is her X still checking on her? A young man is worried that his girlfriend's ex, who is an older, wealthy man, keeps checking on her, and he's concerned about that. So, uh, Stephen, Jay, I believe it is, are going to reenact what could possibly happen? So Jay, you're gonna call I'm the older dude that seeing this young girl. You call me Hello, Hello, is this mister let's see mister, mister, mister Whittaker, Yes it is. How could it help you? Well, I'm the guy that's you know, used to date Simone and y'all not seeing each other anymore. Now we're in a relationship now, and I was wondering. I'm asking you, would you like please stop texting and calling her because it's it's kind of getting in the way what we're trying to do over here. Okay, Well, a little brottle brother may my name is Billy, Billy, Billy, how did you really how did you give my number? A little bro I went through her Well, I went through the phone to get it, and all you went through a phone okay, but I just would like for you to stop calling her and texting her because, well a little dude, dude, look here, my name is Billy. I don't really I don't really see what business of yours it is that I'm calling Simone. Well, I want, but I want you to stop. I mean, man the man. I'm asking you, man the man, would you just stop calling Simone? Well, kid, listen to me, I'm seeing us. How you ain't face to face with you. I don't know how you want to call this man the man When you didn't got my number out of a girl's phone and you called in me that you might as well have text me. Kid. Well, we're doing fine. I'm working two jobs and working at the gas station and I'm working at another place. You know, we make friends. I want what your gas station you work at. We're on the corner seventeenth and and Hopper over there. I work over there. Okay, Well that's good, that's good because I own that gas station. Wow. Yeah, Well if you do on it, what you don't own it? Simone? How about that? How about that? Ain't come on? Bill? Come well, boy, so what is your phone call about? My name is Billy. My phone call is about you calling Simone. I'm asking you to stop, please, because you just don't call it no more scooter scooter. I don't, I don't, I don't. I don't really have time for you because I don't know you. It's none of your business what I do. Let me ask you a question. Do Simone want me to stop calling her because I haven't heard from her? Well, we had discussions about it. Now I laid it down that for her to stop talking to you? Well, well, well, well, can I say something to you after you laid it down? Is that after I laid down what I laid down? Because right now she's still taking her phone. I'm trying to have a phone calling. What I would not like for this to do is to get physical. I don't want well, hey, partner, partner name is not. If you feel like you need to get it physical, I don't want it to get physical. Okay, well I don't either, But if that's what you want to do, you ain't gonna be able to do it over the phones on your behalf. I'm praying for you not to let this get Billy all a little altar boy. Look here, you ain't got the form me. Hey, hey, look here a little you know, you know, you know, I don't know if you like the candles, if you go get wine for the communion. I don't know what your job is down at the church. But when you step up to me, you're stepping up to a grown ass man, and I think that's the thing that's most appealing to sman about me. See different between me and you know, I'm grown ass man. You act like a little boy that you didn't call me for what I'm asking you. Well, okay, okay, now you didn't asked. I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing. Don't get fired. It's gonna it's gonna get physical. Let's go. But see you've asked me not to call her the more. As soon as you hang up, I'm calling. So where we are now you're right now, peanut? He well, where we are? To have several gas stations because I'm finn set five And then yeah, hey, June Bug, let me tell you something. What you're gonna end up in jail somewhere. See Notna, she was gonna take this to a grown man level. You're gonna get arrested for austin potential potential attempted murder charge because I record all phone calls. This is a terror threat trying that. I'm gonna set it on five. I'm telling you just like you telling me you're gonna call so I'm telling you, well, that's good. What you know? What? What? What can impending matches buy out of your store? I'm gonna set five to you. That's what I'm gonna do. What that ain't no problem? Didn't get us what? Then? You ain't gonna have no more job, You ain't gonna have no life, and you ain't gonna have some more. And I'm gonna have all that because my shoes is gonna give a gas shoes. All I can do is make you. I can't do nothing else. Squo. I got it shot like all I can do right now. I got in shore. You have it, but it'll take a while for that one going back up. So do you want the girl or you want to burn down the gas station with your pump? An's now make up your mind? Did you call here to burn down the gas station? Because you're just going over there and do that? Are you trying to hold on to your girl, which I ain't never let go up? What you want to do. I just want you to know I'm gonna set five to your gas station. And our relationship is hot. How about that? And the winner is and let me explain one last thing. And hey man, let me help you out a little bit. I'm gonna be seeing someone this weekend, so don't look at that sad. And and I'm gonna show you why she keeps taking my phone call. Get seen because you messed around mister Whittaker. Boy, Well that was good, that was good. Yeah, been billy before, been mister, I've been billy, mister. Yeah, I asked you to stop talking to him. All right, guys, thank you for that inside look in yours, inside your relationships? Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this you're listening show, all right, Come on, Steve. Ten things you have for us that your ex should never ever see you do. Let's go. These are things, fellows that you don't need Joe X to see happen to you. You're ready for the she cannot see you on the bus, better be driving it. She driving back in your ass at the books. Here's another thing she beat up. Pull up at the restaurant and your ass is the valet. Here's another one. She cannot be driving down the freeway and look over there and your car is broke down. Another these are things that your ex cannot see happened to you. Y'all in line, huh at the walmart? Yes, she behind you and you don't know it. In your car, don't go through. God, you turn around and it's hurt. That's why I left you in the way. There's another thing. Your mama can't she happened to your girl. You girls, I mean your girl, your ex girl can't see this happened to you. You're then move back and to your mama's. She ding off some packe to your mama for Mother's Day. You ask them about the basement with some hot shoes and a wife beater and a white people with a pack of cigarette behind you you damn Johnny, and a cold on because ain't no heat that. And here's one that you can't have happened to you. She found out, No, this happened to you. Your ex send you a text that was meant for someone else while, but the text say I'm in the shower the doors open, followed by I'm sorry that's cold. That's deliberate man, it's two teen instant crying. I'm in the showers, the doors open, followed by I'm sorry that was not for you. Here's another thing your ex can't find out about you. You mess around and lost that good ass y'all. She walked into you. You now you down at the windy you replenishing the salad ball. She and there with the kids, right right, mama, ain't that miss let him work? That's cold. That's cold. Man. You come to church walking it then all went bad. But here's my favorite one of the ball. Drum roll cat, Ladies and gentlemen, this is the top thing. Get your ex you can never see happen to you. What is it? It is your new girlfriend look just like your brother. Dog man. You can out by my new lady. Excuse me, you can't let him see your do game ever ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, never have a move. If you got it going on like that, you cannot let you your ex see your new girlfriend talk to you crazy outside. You can't do that all that her. Oh, somebody ain't got it together. Let me tell you another thing you cannot see. You do washing car that the car rid the return if they pull up in that car, and they look at to see you out there washing car? Is that here? What you don't want her to see you do out there? Cleaning? Porter Pott is clean, Porter Patty. You don't want hus? Glad we broke up. Man, you know you don't like you. Cannot be the mascot at the birthday part. Cannot walk away sitting man, No spongebobs with fancy her baby. Birthday part cannot be that is he checking cheese? No check? Your job can be at the birthday party, have the man. They're not gonna go for that. Glad. Your ex can not see you rummaging through a trash. You have lost all your shame everybody else. But she can't see that. She cannot see you riding around town on your car and you got that little donut on them he got new money. Your ex can't see you. She had to stop. Yeah, she can't see you pull up next to her. You don't know as her You're on your brother bike. Oh my god, sweating like hell, trying to make it work. I'll tell you what you can't see. What. I'll tell you what you can't see. She got the kids and pull up to McDonald's window and you work in the window order you thought I recognized. Damn, Eleena, say hey, here is one that really hurt. They cannot see you with your shirt open. Is some flip flops in a y'all? They cannot see you open you all right, get it together, guys. Wow, all right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Show. Here's a question, guys. I want to ask you, guys, how do you know if you're spending too much time on social media? And that's for everybody when I say, guys, here's some signs you and your phone need to take a break, okay from social media. You're making out landish plans just for the photo op. Okay people, Yeah right, yes, I know a lot of people. Yeah, we weren't more. Take my bigture, missus Hippi Monica mean delete that, delete all of it, Peggy, all right, that's one. You make all these outlandish plans just to take a selfie or okay, your followers know more about you than your significant other does. Wow. Wow, you're spending a lot of time on social media. You're right, Yeah, that's a shame when the people who subscribe to your feeds, no more details. That's your life. The person you're dating, does that is crazy? You should consider, Yeah, you should. You should consider a social media break. You won't go anywhere without full hair, full makeup. If you can't run to the CBS because of your social followers, you do that change. I'm just saying, if you've got more pictures in your phone of yourself than anybody else, you are very selfish. Yeah, yeah, you're a selfie. Selfish, selfie self pictures of you, You're selfie. Don't you know what you look like by now? Yeah? At every there's another one. If you're always on social media when you're hanging out with your friends, you're at dinner, you're at the table, just you know, taking selfie's just yeah, I just I don't get people taking pictures of food, just the food that people are into that do that, you know, especially if it's a really good my wife, do you really thought that would be small? To say? Why she do it? He never any nothing. I've seen people do it in rest. I think grown. I don't understand what it is for. Are you gonna rewind that lady and say this is even? What does that do? Yea, but you put it out there because other people like to see what he where you are? People need the restaurant. Ain't even married, Timmy, and I know that ain't small. We are in trouble understanding that he says some stupid Hey, I'm not she's scary. Oh I wish we could call her, get the real No, let's not call you. Ever thought about what you're gonna say when she walking in the room and say, I won't out giving it to what thanks part? Somebody got to lay it down. I tell somebody got to go out here the lone. If you won't out you know how to get that, well, then you're gonna get killed. Keep it up here. It's just crazy when you hang out with your friends, when you're doing stuff and you're taking pictures, you know you're not engaged. You're not in the moment. We are so attached to our phone. Yes, we'll go back to get my phone, not my medication. I got to go back and give my phone to say the relationship that medication to get that okay, and I got that thing programmed it be I can't get him. We get that medication him. I get some medication, all right, Hang on. Hang on that picture that dude walking home within that hospital gown with the back out and the socks on. He was just walking home to capture. Said when you've left your telephone at home, drip, He'll got the badge. He just hiding. He'll get that phone. Man. All right, we'll be back right after this. You're listening string show. Steve, come on, introduced Jay. He's here to murder another hit, folks, without further ado. We murder hits up on him because we got him first round draft choice. Lady Jimmy Jaffer Bryn al Right, everybody, another song right here, Steve. The song is a special song. The song is dedicated to every man who's been in the friend zone. For then hire you. We've all been in the friend zone. It's not a nice place to be. You do everything you help out. Wants to get out of the friend zone. Somebody just putting me there. You've been putting friend zone. I'm in there now. Songs dedicate to here man is the friends zones, Christmas songs and Christmas I ain't gonna be in your friends zone without no pressure. Here you go, here you go, check it out. Candy Brown murders a hit. He will watch your kids, even by them gifts coming in the car and take them to the mom. But you call him and beard he buys your dady beer. There a gif he with a dog. He can't buy it from a store. While I don't get it up on chrismustt oh make a friends, get a like a king. Come on, girl and get out of that thank you. Get it up on Chrismust Day. I don't want no time just getting it up. I'm miss saw your dough. I took you to the store. I was there for you when you were uney, glowed stupid stuff. I don't like feed another man's kids. Nothing left for me to say, girl, I feel like gett he played? Why don't shoot? Get it up on rice mystay making man like a king? Come on girl, get I want that bank Kennys on rice Mys Day. I don't want no socks, just getting it what I'm saying my cold three Us day, Oh making man feel like a king. Come home girl, get all that thing you oh Chrismus day and many friends. Yeah, get out of friends own baby by me, No damn socks. All I want to do is get on, come on chriss day. He even bought your daddy Bill. All right, coming up our last break of the day, we're going to close out the show. You're listening here, we are last break of the day, Steve. This time is for you to just leave us with something we can go through the rest of the day with. With your closing remarks and what do you have for us today, sir, Well, you know, just something I've had to learn. But I have to constantly, constantly remind myself of it all the time. And that is something that Bishop Kenneth Olma talk. He taught me something I was going through, something I was being attacked, I thought rather unfailed with a bunch of vicious lies. And what I was about to do was I had a plan of a counter attack. I'm gonna go I'm gonna say something. I'm gonna set the records straight. Bishop Oldman called me just in the nick of time. I was about to make a call to a reporter. I was about to make a call to a reporter. I was about to just set the record straight. And Bishop Alma said something to me that changed my direction. He says, Steve, stay on the wall. Stay on the wall. It's actually a scripture I don't know which one it is, but it's something to the effect of stay on the wall. But what he explained to me was very simple. You are in a certain position in life. God has allowed you to climb in dual overcome, survive and thrive. At a certain point in life, when people beneath you start throwing rocks up at you, when people on the floor start attacking you, saying stuff about you that ain't true, it is in your best interests to stay on the wall. Do not climb down off the wall to address this small stuff. When God has put you up there on the side of the hill. You halfway up the mountain, but you're gonna come back down to the bottom of the mountain because somebody was hauling insults up there, So now you come all halfway back down the mountain to address them. Why now you got to go all the way back up there when all you had to do, Steve Harvey, was stay on the wall. When all you had to do with stay on that side of the mountain that God had allowed you to get to get on that plateau and take yourself a rest. But stay on the wall, stay on the mountain side, don't come off to address these people that's throwing rocks at you. Drake and Meek decided to quit coming off the wall. It makes no sense. Cardi B and Nicki Minaj, you're on the wall. Why do you keep getting off the wall to address these small minded matters and people? I'm telling you, man, just because you famous don't make you the smartest people in the room. We're not just because we're famous people. We make mistakes too, because guess what, famous people are happened to be human beings. They just got more people know they faced and know yours. They not know better than you. They're not smarter than you. They're not kinder than you, they're not deeper than you. It's none of that. That may have seen a few more things, been a few more places. But guess what if you don't adjust your thinking and you keep coming down off the wall, don't those rich, wealthy, famous people look real common for you? And don't it kind of make you just a little bit of shame sometime when you look over there and you see somebody that you clearly know that God has blessed and allowed to get to a certain position in life, And don't it sicken you just a little bit when you look over there and they back down off the wall, acting like somebody that ain't never been up on the wall. I don't want to be that person, Nicki Minaj, really don't want to be that person. Cardi b You don't really want to be that person, because we're just defeating the purpose of climbing anyway. You can't climb the wall or the ladder and keep getting off every time somebody throw a rocket. At one point in time, you gotta keep your foot on the ladder and keep climbing. At one point time, you just got to stay on the wall quick coming back down. The best lesson I learned was not to address everything that said about me. Do you know how much stuff gets said about me? Man that I could easily straighten out. I don't even take the time to straighten it out, because what I'm on a mission. God got me on a mission. God got you on the mission. God trying to show you something, man, and God can't show it to you. If you're gonna keep acting regular, Why would God do something extraordinary for you? If you just want to be ordinary? Why would God give you more if you ain't appreciative of what you have Why would God take you high if you keep climbing back down? Just ask yourself that. So one of the things I had to come away with quick coming off that wall, to address stuff. And that's what I want everybody to consider today. And sometimes let famous people be your example. And what are the great examples? Was over this weekend, Drake and Meek Meal, they hugged, they squashed the beef. It's plenty of money for everybody. Drake not gonna get it all, Meek not gonna get it all. Card ain't gonna get it all. Nicki Minag ain't gonna get it all. Steve Harvey ain't gonna get it all. Ain't nobody gonna get it all. It's plenty for everybody. Make your money, stay on the wall, live your life as a righteous person. Do the best you can. Stay preyed up because we're all gonna fall shorter to glory at the end. All right, those are my clothes remarks. Why you ain't say Steve Harvey ain't gonna get it all. Time, ain't gonna get it out. Why you ain't say that, I didn't. I didn't want to compare me and you. But we're a good comparison. This is such an obvious one. It doesn't really drop the mic. Stick. He always got to drop the mic. Why don't get to drop the mic? You ain't never saying none? Never shut up, Julie, what you're gonna mess around? Head and mic fall on you. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.