Good morning and welcome to the ride! We are doing the show under protest and we appreciate the young people for holding it down. The CLO has advice for someone who had an experience at Dairy Queen. Yesterday marked three full weeks of protesting sparked by the killing of George Floyd. The crew give their opinions on what has taken place and are not pulling their punches when they are talking about Trump. Georgia was one of the five states that had voting and Shirley shares her experience. Steve also tells us about his sons voting experience, plus more. Phoenix Karen gets slapped and Trump made a tasteless tweet about Martin Gugino. There is some movement in the State of New York. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve wants to encourage all to take the same energy from the protesting to the polls in November, plus more.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all suck down giving them like the million bucks things. And it stood at Steve to the movie together. Please don't join join me. You gotta turn you're going. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn. You haven't got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water go. Come come on your back. H huh. I sure, well, good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man o man o man I thank God for it. I thank God for all he's done for me, for all the little things that are oftentimes failed to thank him for that I take for granted for you know, I was. I was talking the other day to a buddy of mine. We had gotten to this conversation about God and and and in the conversation we had narrowed it down and we were talking about changing the way we are as people. You know that everybody has to change. You know, nothing stays the same. Everybody changes, and a lot of these changes can be for the good, and a lot of them are just they just come with time, you know, sometimes it's aging that changes us. But no matter how old you get, you still have the ability to improve as a person. You may not have the foot speed you used to have. You may not be as agile as you used to be. Your energy level may not be what it used to be. Your desire to do some of the things that you used to do may be gone. The thing that doesn't have to change and will not change, is you. You have the ability to continue to grow as a person, even when far the time and nature has taken its course. We were talking about everybody can change and everybody has the right to reinvent themselves as they get older, and I equated it to jumping out of an airplane. You know, there are some people man who get to a certain point in their life and they and they jump from the airplane. Is now almost a stunt of some kind. It's almost like they life then got out of control. You ever seen somebody jump out of airplane and the parachute don't open, and they lifestart and it seems like they start spinning and tumbling and they can't get it together. And I've seen some mid air rescues before. But then there are times when you know when it hasn't worked. You know, you jump out that airplane and and and at first it's fun. I've never skydive before, but I would imagine when you first jump out of an airplane that they people describe it as a sense of being free. And it's exhilarating when you first jump out the plane. But if you pull that cord and nothing happens. I never happened to me, But I can only imagine the panic that's got to set in, because no matter how fun it was a moment ago, the flying over to one another, the holding hands in the air, the breeze, the descent of the feeling of all of a sudden, if you reach for that cord and that's not there, you're suddenly spinning out of control. And that's what happens in a lot of people's lives. When you first start your life, you jump out the plane. You're free, you're young, you ain't got nothing where about it. But then you get to a certain point in your life when you go, okay, I'm gonna pull the cord now. And pulling the cord is an important thing because here's the analogy my friend gave me. He said, man, use your mind like a parachute. It works better when it's open. Well, see what happens with a lot of people, is they in life. They jump out the plane and and and they and they having this free fall and it's fun for now. But they get to a certain point in their life where they got themselves in a situation, or they've had a little bit too much fun a little bit too long, or you know, they wasn't open to nothing and they just did what they wanted to do, or they started getting involved with drugs or drinking or started running with the wrong people. So you jump out the plane. The first you're free falling. It's fun. But then after a minute, man, something happens and they realize whoa and they reach for the chord, and the chord don't work. Well. Now you're in a panic stricken situation. And my suggesting is what I've learned from the analogy that my friends shared with me, is that we all the sooner we can open my mind to God, the sooner we could develop that relationship with him. It's like pulling the cord and opening a parachute. If you open up your mind to God, God is like a parachute. You know God can slow your descent. God can turn this out of control free fall into a nice ride for you. See, that's what happened to me. I was spinning out of control. I had gotten myself into a point man while I wasn't doing real good. Oh, y'all would look at me and think, man Stevie man nam, I wasn't doing real good. I had spun out of control. I was. I was in a free fall and I reached for the court, but I was so far away the cord didn't open. Then I went to him and I pulled the cord. When I went to God, I pulled the cord and open, and he slowed my descent. And this is what I just believe. I don't believe now that I aged as fast as I was aging, because I got that parachute open. Now, you know, I take better care of myself, eating, I work out more. Now you know I'm not out of control. I have a direction now that when then got up under that parachute a little bit, you know, and now I'm I'm I'm going you know, I'm still getting older, you know, so, but the descent is so slow. Now I'm able to enjoy the ride. I'm guiding my parachute over. Sometimes we go over to to a vacation spot over here, we float back over to it. But you know, I'm still getting old. I'm still going down. But the descent because I've opened my mind to God, the parachute has slowed my descent. And now I'm rocking back and forth. But I ain't spending out of control no more. You know, I'm able to enjoy the view now. You know, when you jump out that plane and you and you pull that cord and it don't work, you ain't looking at the view no more. You're thinking of only one thing. How can I slow this down? When now I'm able to enjoy the view. I'm able to see all the beautiful things on the horizon that God has for me. I'm able to see all the beautiful things around me that He's provided for me over these years. Because I've slowed my descent. I used my mind like a parachute. It works better when it's open. Open your mind to God, and so you can see the view, so you can slow the descent, so you can stop the out of control freefall that you've been on, that you can get your life together and see everything out on the horizon that God has for you. You know, it turned out to be a very true statement your mind. If you use it like a parachute, it works better when it's open. Y'all, you're listening to morning show, ladies and gentlemen. Let me have your undivided attention, please, this is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We're doing this morning show under protests, still doing it, but under protest. We are in full support of peaceful protests, even though we do understand the anger that pushes it to another level. I think that we've seen a turn in the protest and it's gone back to more of a peaceful movement and things are starting to be accomplished, and they did so. We appreciate the young people out there man for holding it down. And this is the one that's gonna make a huge difference. I do truly, truly believe this is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Surely Strawberry, Good morning, Steve. We stand with them in solidarity. We are here. Yes, column faull real real, I love it. Thank you, Steve, Good morning crew. What's happening, nephew Tommy, Yes, sir, in the building, I'm riding to the wheels fall off. That's what I'm doing and that damn Steve Harvey, put up, put up? Boy, are you doing it today? Man, I'm hanging with it. Dog, don't hanging with it? Well, I mean, day after Super Tuesday, Georgia was one of the states that voted. We voted in Georgia. Yeah, we were all in Georgia. We send each other Texas reminding each other who to vote for. No good. Yeah, yeah. I was feeling though, a little bit like Tommy, because Tommy did ask earlier in the week. Sometimes when he goes in there, he doesn't know. We were saying, educate yourself. And even with that, even if you do educate yourselves, there's still some that may surprise you when you get we're looking for black names, Shirley, I'll be looking for black names. Yeah. Johnson, God, dog, that's pretty tight. I don't know. Johnson. Turning, he said, well, damn, how do you narrow down? What's the last name? You get a little no no, no no, for the combination of the name is no mistaken Yeah your ron, Oh yeah, yeah, that's it. Old older there, Harold white people name they kids, Harold drink cig come on, man, Craig, you know I love yeah. So you know we're doing our part and when trying to encourage everybody to keep doing theirs, man, but keep protesting. I did a podcast we thought Bernie's King, Doctor Bernie's King really nice, her and Benita. It was a good day. It was a lot of problems they that were reporting a lot of what we're gonna call voter suppression. I mean, you know, a lot, a lot of long, long lines. Hey, y'all listen to me, long long lines. Listen. We stand in line when the new iPhone come out. We're stand in line if the new Jordan's come out. I don't care what it takes. Stand in line to vote. That's rights. Don't don't let them, don't let these people discourage us vote. That's right, right, yep. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna switch the script a little bit, flip it a little bit inside, something funny. We're gonna do some relationship advice Steve, so get ready to ask the CLO right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Well, we're gonna start the show off. Like I said, with some laughter, it is time now for ask the CLO. Please submit your questions to Steve Harvey FM dot com if I can help them, though surely I will as opposed to left. Okay, well yeah, and we often asked for both, Steve. This one is for from Henry in Montgomery, Alabama. He says. A month ago, I started dating a new girl at my job. Saturday, we went to Dairy Queen to get blizzards and then went back to her house to watch a movie. Halfway through the movie, my stomach started bubbling. I knew I wasn't going to make it home, so I told her what was about to happen, and she let me use her bathroom. I was in there for close to thirty minutes. I was ashamed, but she assured me it was fine. Then Monday, at work, she told a few people what happened. Should I stop seeing her? Well, what you need to stop doing is getting damn blizzards. Obviously you didn't took your bubb lass over there, and now you up in this girl's house, stomach in there. Just tow up. Now you did an opinion ad us because you're in the bathroom thirty minutes. You know how you left that bathroom. You didn't strike no matches in there. You wasn't in the running the water. You ain't in there, You ain't had no candle, Steve, what about your favorite movie? Along came Paul Boy. You ain't got no You ain't doing nothing you supposed to do. You were supposed to take your ass home if you know how you are in that bathroom. Don't go over no girl's house in no bathroom like that. You wrong for that? Should you stop seeing her? You ain't doing? Number what what you ain't doing? Number? Taking the damn dead queen? Is that a deal breaker? Steve? What blowing up the bathroom? Well, you know that's just a part of life. But now he cut But he mad at her because she told somebody, y'all one damn blizzard you up. You know your asses lactose and like toast Kate, and you know took down that bat the most delicious thing after what the damn cheapest, and then you probably messed it up and got double oriole cooking down there with that milk. Boy, was that was my thing? Delicious? Delicious? Right? All right? Jonas in Nashville says Steve, I'm twenty seven and I've been dating a girl that I'm crazy about, but my parents don't like her because she didn't go to college and she works as a nail technician. Recently, I was I was with my girlfriend when my mama called me and said a few nasty things about my girlfriend. When I hung up, my girlfriend let me know she heard everything my mama said up with me because I didn't defend her at all. I can't control what my mama says. I miss my girl. I've handled things differently. Yeah, obviously you should have handled it differently. First of all, dog, who you date is not your mama's choice, and your mama don't like the girl because she didn't go to college. What do you have any idea? How many great women ain't set a foot in college, to be honest, So look, man, I don't know how you know. Man, something's wrong. Man. When your family is basing the quality of a person based on the education levels, that's crazy. So now you'dn't missed obviously a good woman that you was crazy about, because I can't stop with my mama's saying. Quit acting like a child. You're twenty seven, you're a grown man, and say, hey, look, ignore what she said. How I feel about you has nothing to do with her. But since she heard what your mama said, she also heard your responses. Now, the breakup probably wasn't because of what her mama said, But you're going along with what your mama seeing. She said she broke up with me because I didn't defend her at all. You didn't defend it, and you didn't you didn't try to slow your mama down. Hey, mom, listen, I'm telling you she's a great girl. You never said that, so now all she knows she didn't go to college. You don't let the bad chick walk out your life because she didn't go to college. What makes you think college qualifies you to be a good woman? Though of course she taken in college. That's gonna make her a better woman. Though. I'm gonna get that one, bro. Yeah, so don't get you one of the evil health with a winter college, all right, lady, and Maryland says, I met a great man on tender and we've been talking and facetiming for a year. When we FaceTime, I wear a lot of makeup, a wig, and I only show myself from shoulders up. I tease him and tell him he'll see my body soon enough. The truth is I've gained it close to twenty five pounds since we met, and I fail to tell him. He is on the heavier side too, so hopefully he won't mind. Do you think I should tell him that I'm a big girl before we meet? Well, let's go over, so come on, please please. When you first met Hi, you kept your wig on and you wore your makeup. This is what you said. Now, sitting now on your computer, you just eat. Now you can gain twenty since you met H. Yeah, all, y'all for a whole year. Y'all just been on a computer and eat. He big two. I don't think you got nothing to lose. I say, go ahead. I think he know you a big girl. It ain't nothing wrong with being a big girl. In another year, you're gonna be fifty pounds down, and then after while you ain't gonna be able to FaceTime unless you set your phone on the other side of the room. But why is it that she's concerned about it? He doesn't seem to be concerned because she's a woman. Well you know she knows well. She set the tone by knowing. You know, she's been I keep my wigs on. I wear the makeup. I'm always dialed up. We've been doing it for a year. But I was scared. So I was just eating my hand and he's asking me to see her body. Oh, I was eating my ass on. I was just that my ass on. Yeah, that's a different team. Your ass off, your ass on, So she didn't ate another whole another whole ass you Okay, all right, we're moving on now. Coming up next, and if you tell me he's in the building to run that brank back right after this crazy man You're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, and Miss Anna standing by with today's national and entertainment news. But right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got for us, nap, I got no end shobies, Shirley, no nd show that thing back. So let's go. Come on, can hello, hey man? Who who? Who? Who is the person I need to talk to about? I got a pizza that's been messed up? Who do I need to talk to? Well, you can talk to mecha. What's going on? What happened in pizza? Nobody puts some man shobies on my pizza? Black people I don't even nan shobies. Man, Who who? Who? Who? Who would do that? Who would put answer channels? That settles down with the language that Pal, all right, you know, if you got answer nobies on your pizza, he just must have gotten mixed up with another water. I'll send you another pizza. It ain't a big deal. But I ain't ask antobies man. Might fact, let me ask you, so what the is the ant shoby any damn way? It's like a sardine. That's what a man chovy is. Okay, Pal, take a sardine. Hey, hey, hey, let me tell you something. Man. First of all, what's your name? What is your name? I'm Gino. I'm Gino. So you're the owner of the damn pizza places? Yeah, I owned the damn pizza place. And I don't need people calling me that, cursing and me because there was a mistake. You know, mistakes happened, Pal, where things go on in his life and then you're getting some ant chovies on your pizza? Right? Many? Okay, So here's the deal. I don't had a bunch of guests coming to mind or all the pizza, and every last one of them got manchopies on them. You know what I'm saying. So I got an issue with it. I have spent over fifty dollars with you with these pizzas in the right wrong that nobody likes anchovies but black people, you know manchophies. Man, Okay, hold on, I'm a WoT certain I've served antchovie peacha of black people before. Okay, the black people that I know don't eat and showbies. Okay, well, then we'll send you some pizzas without any man shobies on them. You know what, I don't like your I don't like your attitude. You know what, man, you didn't cut me with so much attitude to start with. You didn't get no attitude? Well okay, okay, look at it. Don't get your ass what okay, don't get show? Why don't talking about you know what? Did you just did? You just threaten me? I said, don't get show. Do you think you're talking? Who the do you think you're tough? And to face, I'm talking to gino the own right place there, that's right, that's right. You don't tell me you're gonna kick my phone? Okay, found you know where the pizza is? You know you just come down do you do you? Okay, that's it. I'll tell you what. Man, in the next three to five minutes, open to walk down there and kick your little fine putting me man chobies on here man having a little pump at attitude like you think you can't get jos. You come on down here, okay and we'll see. Do be a favor, go yourself and the no once you wrote in on. Okay, I'm bringing it on down here. All right, we'll take care of it there. Stops talking, Anchovies up, it's all right, thal okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, cool, all right, cool, okay, okay, okay. You'd like to say, okay a lot? Do you out of your words? Okay? You need to have somebody there which you when I get there, because I promise you geo, yeah, you don't shake it in his boots pound me and my aunt Chovies. We're sitting here scart out of our minds right now. Okay, you're giving me up dealt with clowns like you my whole life. Please let me tell you this. See it? Do you do you know who you're talking to? I'm pocketed something an idiot who don't know how to talk. That's what I'm talking though. No, you're talking to nephew talk from the Steve Harvey More Clive Show. Mister Gino, you just got break. You're telling me I'm throwing F bombs all over the radio. You're topping F bombs all over the radio. Baby, who I want to know who did this to me? Because they're getting some F bombs. You have a guy that works for you. He says he works five to clothe Andre. You gotta you gotta Drede that works for you. Yeah, I gotta Drede that works for me. And Dred's gonna be sending some time in a walking freezer. Uh. People gonna need anchovies. Huh. Black people don't need your anto. Baby. Hey, I gotta ask you this, Missuzino. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land? Your show, the baddest radio show in the land is the Sive Arvey Show, No Morning, No One. I man, I'll be sad. I'm gonna send you some pizzas. I'm sending that station the peaches with antwer double anchovies and every one of them. And now you have it, big brother stupid at its best doing it again, Yes, big stupid, little brother stupid. Never it's big brother that is stupid. Don't say that, Steve, Well he as a father now to that end, that's that's an ugly combination because like, I'm crazy and as a parent, I know I'm crazy. Yeah, yeah, I will never forget that time you told us you had all your kids come up, your sons come up there, and you had something to tell them, and you were standing up their necking my hands on my hip like and I and I made him look at because because they always trying to hold her head down, but I kept making them look at it. That is not good. That's not a good it's not a good look. Oh you draw the line at that, Timmy. It's a crazy uncle. Yeah, that's a little that's above and beyond right, you know visual who oh that we told that story. Look at me when I'm talking to tell you, yes, look at me, and by right, look at me in my crazy man, it's crazy, but I still want a pizza right earlier in the morning. Well, that's how we developed our taste, budds, because we work early and we're used to eating just whatever we would normally eat and yeah hours you know, yeah, and by time we get off the air, we've been wanting some good lune. Yes man, whatever it is. Yeah, I'm getting a pizza in the day. Okay, Now, what what do you want on your pizza? I know we talked about the chest strip, but you want anchovy I mean pepper und pepperoni, Italian sausage and mush and mushrooms. That's it now, right, when you're trying to do good, you can do veggie that is not a real pizza. I'm with him on that, when you're trying to do good, when yeah, I've tried to do good and I've done good, and I've had several vegetable pizzas and like it's it's cool because it's a pizza, but it's and there ain't being something be good, but it's it's just something missing. Listen, Just some ain't quite right cheese? Why don't we just call it flatbread? Yea, that's pizza, got meat on it, many crust right, yes, now, I don't like thing like the crust. Yeah, I like regular and I like deep dish. I like pizza pi. Why would I want pizza on a cracker? All right coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna talk about voting, what happened yesterday, what we need to look out for in November. We'll do that at the top of the hour. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. So, as we were talking about earlier, yesterday was Super Tuesday and a few states in five states. That was North Dakota, South Carolina, West Virginia, Georgia, and Nevada. Nevada, Yeah, Nevada. And you know, we voted in Georgia yesterday. I didn't have any problems. I went very very early, but man, by the time I got back home, there were lines upon lines upon line. Steve, how was your experience? There was a lot. It was really really a long line where we went. You know, we made a couple moves. But my children, who voted, and all of them voted, were not that fortunate. And my middle son, Jason, whose wife is pregnant Amanda, was in line for over five hours. Wow. And I mean it was just a catastrophe there. And like one guy said, no one, no one in the United States should have to wait six hours to do something. That's one of the most American privileges and rights, and that's to vote. And my son got up to the finally to the thing, and the lady looked at this license, said you can't vote, and it just so happened. She was white. I'm just telling the story the way. And he said, no, I'm voting. She said, no, your license doesn't match the registration. He said, cause I moved, and so then she said you can't vote. My son said no, I'm voting. And then a black lady next to him said rolled her eyes and said all he got to do is feel out this form and he could put his vote in. Wow, and gave him the form and he went in there and voted. Well, because, first of all, in fairness, let me say this, everybody that works at the polling stations don't know all the polling rutles. No, these these ain't no everyday jobs. Secondly, and first and foremost, what I think voter suppression is real. When that senator joke at that party, other than voter suppression, what's the number one thing we need to work on? And everybody laughed and he got in trouble for it, but he tried to play like it was a joke. Voter suppression is real. And where you saw a lot of this was in Fulton County in Atlanta. And what they're trying to do everybody is discourage us from the voting process. So when November gets here, we're getting on. But no, no, no, you know what we're gonna do. We're gonna early vote, We're gonna absentee vote, We're gonna show up and vote. And I don't care how long you try to make us uncomfortable. We're gonna outweight you, We're gonna outlash you, and we're gonna outvote you because we sick of this. Matter of fact, we're sick of any of y'all that's a part of this. We are sick of all of it. And if your ass is a part of it, we sick of you too. And you're not gonna have your job. Come no fimblet because you were about to lose job. I promise you to Steve Harvey Morning Show, God willing let us all live. We are dedicating this show to change in the way this is in this country. And if you don't think we can push some people to the polls, you got the wrong show. You got the wrong show. You can ask Barack Obama, can we push people to the polls broke? And we don't just push him, we actually go out and vote ourselves too. So June twenty third is next, New York, Kentucky, Virginia. Get it done. Okay, all right, well we own in all them. That's right, all right. Time to get caught up with today's news. Come on, Steve, let's do it, ladies and gentlemen, miss A and Trimp, thank you very much. This is answer for the news. Homegoing services were held yesterday in Houston for George Floyd, the black man who's killing at the hands of four now fired Minneapolis cops sparked not just national, but worldwide protests against police brutality. The father of two's final moments were captured on video by a bystander as a white cop named Derek Chauvin ground his knee into Floyd's neck for over eight full minutes. Vice President Joe Biden met with the family on Monday and described it to CBS this morning. His little daughter was there. I want to said, Daddy's going to change the world. And I think her daddy's going to change the world. I think what's happened here is one of those great inflection points in a district for real in terms of civil liberties, civil rights, and now lawmakers in several cities are taking steps to address this country's forever a problem of racist policing, a situation the Reverend Al Shopton referred to in his eulogy yesterday. Until the law is uphill and people know they will go to jail, They're gonna keep doing it because they protected by wickedness in hot places. Mister Floyd's body taken by horse drawn carriage his final resting place next to his mom just outside Houston. Georgia was one of the states holding primaries yesterday, but many polling places experienced problems with the peach states new voting machines, long line some people took five hours to vote. Secretary of State there, a Republican, says he'll take a close look at the election management at two Metro Atlanta large counties where they had big, big problems mean a lot of blacks there. Meanwhile, George's Republican Speaker of the House also announced that lawmakers are opening a probe into what happened yesterday the Indianapolis City Council, By the way, ruled that racism is a public health issue. A Confederate monument that one stood across from Jackson Jacksonville, Florida's city hall has been taken down. Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry ordered it removed, and he says that every other Confederate monument in his city is going to be brought down as well. Mayor Curry, a Trump supporter, though also marched in a Black Lives Matter protests alongside players from the NFL's Jacksonville Jackuars. By the way, it looks like America's opinions of police has dropped significantly, even among whites. According to a survey by the Democracy Fund and UCLA Nation Skate Project, forty four percent of Asians now have an unfavorable opinion of the police. That's up from eighteen percent. Fifty four percent of Black America's view cops unfavorably, up from forty four percent. Thirty six percent of Latinos have low opinions of police. That's up from twenty five percent, and now thirty one percent of White Americans. Thirty one percent of white Americans see the men and women in blue and a dim light. That is up from only eighteen percent. No surprise, I guess the show Cops is Cops has been taken off the air amid all the protests over heavy handed policing and sometimes murderous behavior after thirty two years. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening string show? All right? So yesterday marked three full weeks of protesting sparked by the killing, of course, of George Floyd. We had Reverend Al Sharpton on the show yesterday and he said he is more hopeful now than he's ever been. There have been massive gatherings for racial justice in this country, and guys, what is on your hearts? How do you feel? I'm just asking how do you feel? Or she'll take over in the protest. I'm loving that all colors out there marching, and like I've said before, and you guys tease me about it, I'm the oldest person on the show, and I have no problem with it. I have never seen a protest with this many white people marching for black causes, and there's been black causes for years. I've never said, even when doctor Martin march, you can go back to Marcus Garvey, you can go back to Malcolm hey, you can go you can go back. I just never seen it. And Steve, you had the right point, the fact that everybody was homeless time they had to see it and it had to affect them. And they just say, you know, this is we're gonna We're not gonna sit there and let this happen to our brothers and sisters anymore. You know, if you do them wrong, you're doing us wrong. And they hit the streets and our president, who sits in the White House knows that he's not loved like he thought he was loved before. When you can look at your window and see chaos, that's a frightening thing. Because a man and looked at it Wooden seeing some chaos. That's a whole. But Jake, let me tell you how simple this guy is. When he wants to feel loved, he throws a rally in one of his states with his backers in it. True, he just go to Arizona, or he goes somewhere where where where he got his base, and he holds a rally and then he says and he parades around and they clapform achieve, and that's enough of him. And feeding didn't go back up there but it's a little bit different this time. And you're right because now he's actually seeing man out his window on a daily basis how they really feel. And it's and it's got him in thinking because as a president, he has not said one thing to try to make the people that's hurting in this the African American community. He has not said one thing to make them feel good about it. Not one thing. He has not said one You know what, We've been wrong. This is something we need to correct. These are these are problems that we're having. It's unjust what's been going on, and laws that have to be changed to make everybody feel a part of the American system. That's all you got to, Hey, Doc, just act like a damn politician and say it. When he went across the street and held that Bible upside down, I mean that it was Someone asked him, is that your Bible? He said, it's a Bible. It's a Bible. All right, Okay, guys, we'll hold on a second, hold on coming up. We'll do more of this discussion coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour. We'll have more on the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this you're listening to Steven Show. All right, we've been talking about racism and voting and protesting and all of that. Um, we just want to know how you feel about what's going on, and we're getting it off our chests, you know, like they always say, when you in a hole, stop digging. He can't stop digging. He really cannot stop digging. He just can't. It's because I don't think in his mind, and I don't professed to know what's going on in that crazy No. I don't think he can even imagine him not having this sort of power, uh, you know, and losing the election in November. I don't think he's even fought about that. I just don't. Never he never thought surely that this many people would turn against him. I mean because like Steve was saying, you can go to the rallies and then you can go back to the White House. But when you go to the rally and you come back and they're still protesting at the White House, change the name the Black Lives Matter. I mean, you look at the window in the street that you it's named black Lives Matter. They named Damn Street. He's Black Lives Matter. Yeah, and see I'm I'm gonna tell you something else. Man. This guy he looks for causes that he can come in and act like he's doing something. COVID nineteen still exists, by the way, I just want to remind you of that. But he was doing press conferences every day. But when he saw that death told behind him that digit kept going up seventy thousand and eighty thou ninety thousand tops one hundred thousand, he quit coming out there talking because he couldn't beat the invisible enemy. So what he did was because anytime he can create an enemy, he does Colin Kaepernick kneeling. He flipped the script, made it about the military and the flag, right, So he had a visible enemy that was us. Now Here we go, the protesters out in the street for equality and justice and against police brutality. Right, the protesters out there, they're marching. He don't open his mouth to say nothing about it. But the after the looting and burning started, then his idea was, I'm gonna send in the military. I'm the president of law and order. Okay. But then guess what, we flipped the script on him. We stopped burning and looting, and we went right back to peaceful protests, and we got a lot of help from non African Americans who are making sure these protests state peaceful. Now, guess what, now, you can't be the president of the law and order. Now, guess what. He back in the White House ain't open his mouth no more because he don't know what this song do wrong as it is. As wrong as it is I am, I mean, I know it's wrong. I'm glad that it's not all us. It would be a whole different story even with just us out there breaking into jays. And let me tell you something else, man, When you start pushing old white people over, busting their head on sidary, when you start shooting white girls in the stomach with rubber bullets, when you start pushing white kids students down, See they go home, tell their mom and they daddy. Now they mom and they daddy. They love their kids like we love our kids. So now when you push their kids down, who alone? But see you push our kids down. You know what we tell our kids. Don't go out there no more with them people, don't. Don't you take your ass back down there, because we know today it was a push. Tomorrow you're gonna get shot. Now, white people. Oh no, no, no, you pushed Becky. Oh here comes Hell's to pay huh. Now it's very different. And now they're talking about disbanding police departments. Yea Van Jones was on there and he bought up a good point. Man. They're talking about changing the way police police. And so now, man, the only thing I could think of and I agree with, is we got to develop laws for consequences. If you are police officer and you shoot an unarmed man, you're going to prison. If you shoot a person for resisting arrest and he doesn't have a weapon, you're going to prison. No more chokeles, no more knees on the neck. Look, you got full offices and the man is handcuffed. How much more pressure you need on him? All right? So if you want to comment, all you have to do is go to Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. And coming up next, we're flipping it again. The Nephew is here with Today's Frank phone Call. That's right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my Strawberry letter for today. Check out this subject. I want to have multiple women, but I love my wife. I wish you would. Right now, nephews here, Frank phone call what you got for us to day? Now? Paper clip? H paper clip? Clip? All right? Paper clips? Paper clips? I mean that sounds you know? Yeah? Harmless? Right? Yes, they always do? Yeah, all right, let's go cut down paper clips. I'm trying to reach for ronic cook she hiver ronic. How are you doing? My name is Philip. I'm from CORP. How you doing? I'm good? Thank you? How can I help you today? You were with the company here? UMU see you just left about what six months ago? That's correct? Okay? And you left with a severance? Am I right? That's right? I'm sorry, Philip. My name is Philip. Philip. I'm actually calling on some security questions and wanted to reach out to you. Now you you own your own travel agency, now that's correct, okay? Um Now you actually left with the severance when you when you up the company? Is that right? That's right? Okay? And how long were you actually with? Uh? I was there for eight years. I'm sorry whom things are again? My name is Philip. I'm with security and what can I do for you? Philip? Uh? Well we got we have you. You started this business? Now did you start it before you left Philip? I started this stickness after I left there. You started it after you left there, that's correct, one month, one month after you left there. Okay, So the reason why I'm giving you a call, and I've been you know, we've gone through some security tapes and things of that nature. We're missing so many rims of paper, We're missing thousands of paper clips, We're missing so many office supplies, and it's been brought to the security's attention that it's targeting that you are the person that has taken all of this this office. I'm sorry. Let me let me get this right, Filip. You are calling my place of business after me if I have used paper clips and paper I have cut as in my establishment. Right now, I can't talk to you about this, okay, ma'am listen. I know that I'm sorry for calling your place to business, but I want to say this. We're at the point of actually picking you up behind items that have been taken from the company, so I wanted to call and see if we could get it taken care of over the phone. Now you gotta go, then, I'm gonna have to actually come out to your business, and that's something that I'm trying not to do. You know what, Hold on one second? You hold that clips? Who does this on my phone? Talking about from damn paper clips? I have been gone from there for six months. Are you calling me now about some paper and someone paper clips? Man? We're missing at least five thousand paper clips. You're gonna tell you what you can do this. I have been out of that company for six months. I worked for y'all for eight years, and you all let me go. I didn't take anything from you. Okay. Have you ever used any paper or any paper clips outside? Have you done that? Of course? I used paper every day I run a business. Okay, But you're using our paper for your own personal business, your travel agent or whatever it is that you have. You're using office supplies that right there is against the law. Oh no, I will go and buy you some damn paper clips. Okay, Well we don't want paper clips. Man. Now we've given you a severance play and for my understanding, it's been a substantial amount. And right now it's gonna be filing charges and taking you to court over these paper clips and papers. I'm gonna tell you what you can do that five thousand paper clips on paper clip them together and hang you out for by your I stealing the damn paper clips. You're gonna call me six months way to talk about some paper and paper clips, ma'am. I don't want to go back to the book, Phillips. I'm sorry this is some fillip. So are you wanting to return all the merchandise because it looks like I didn't hate no merchandise. I don't have to steal nothing from y'all. I work for you for eight years, somebody for eight years. You stole paper paper clips, you stole off the supplies, scissors, masking tape. You have taken markers, pens, we got no what video takes you got? Phillip. I ain't steal nothing from y'all. I was an employee of the year. You wanta gave me a severance package? How dare you call me six months? Lady? You can take ten paper clips and shove them up you're behind? Excuse me? Are we done here? No, we're not done here. So take your video tape and your paper clips and your scissors, and you know what to do with them. No, no, I don't man, No, listen. What we're gonna have to do is you're gonna get served right there at your travel agency. Where are you locating me? So you know what, I'm gonna give you my address because you come over here. I got some scissors for your Philip. I don't have time for this. You want my address, you can come on over here. Look it up. Google me. We want our paper clips back, Google me, come get them then, matter of fact, give me your address, Phillip. I'll bring them to you. Feel no damn paper clips. I'm a Christian woman. If you want me on this phone cussing and fighting with you, I'm not fighting to a little paperclips. What's your address to up? We're listening over five thousand paper clips and we need those. Now, what's your address? I'm gonna bring your damn paper and paper clips to you. How about so you are you are guilty of using the paper aren't you? We all used paper Feller, I don't feel, which means guess what. It's against the law, which means you have your law something. If you are taking one paper clip, it's against the law, and well you got pens in your car. Feller back, But corporation. I bet you do right work for the company. I'm trying to run a business, so you're stealing too. Give me your voice this number. You calling my damn phone talking about some pens and paper clips. Here, wash you mine, give me your address. I'll bring the pens and paper clips. You ain't got to what you do thinking so many pens and so many paper clips, so thou runs of run up business. Don't call my phone within I'm talking about some papers. I'm gonna slay this to you now. I'm gonna go ahead and order. I'm ordering the police to come and pick you up, okay, because I'm trying to get the problem. Taking care about the phone, Bring the relief and you come with them. Come get it. I got something for you when you get here. Bring them. You're calling me about some paper and paper clipps. I've been gone from there for six months. Cladam. You have stolen paper clips from the company, and we want our paper clips back. Bring yo over here. You want to get more some damn paper clips, and I'm gonna call my man so he can kick your up over here. If you want to. You want to add dress, you want to address up, come on I'm a professional. I'm trying to run a business. I got to walk away from my customers. And it was about from pens and papers and paper clips. Because you stole over five thousand paper you're a faith and you also you better be ready because you're stolen some stuff for Tommy and he's been over here about to wait a minute, wait time, Tommy says, you're stolen a bunch of here stuff. Listen, I don't know nobody name, no dad. You don't know nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You don't know him? What's your name? I say? Do you know nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning y'all? Do you know him? You gotta be kicking me. Your girlfriend door cele got me to preak pa call you. I'm gonna kick. I'm going to get hurt right now. I'm gonna come down. You made me step in the back room on you. Hey, let me ask you something, baby, what is the baddest I mean, the baddest radio show in the land. Steve Harvey Morning Show's on. You ain't gonna just take all our paper clips and gonna start your own business. You know what I'm saying, you know what, I'm gonna take the paper clipper clip. How do you make a break out of paper clips? I love it. You're not gonna take these paper clips go across and make your and start your own business with all our supplies. You're not gonna do it. You are the Kik, sir, You are his mind. How he comes up and got one. I got one brewing for y'all. If it go right, man, y'all go, y'all go, oh my god? And you do you do? Think of it yourself? Right? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah, just the left side of my brain. I don't know what to right be dealing with just the left neither do we yea not balanced left. I love the dope, but I don't allow that to be confused with the business of closing. I don't want them to Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're not going to create a serious connection to that. Crows comments All right, here we go, Thank you, nephew. Coming up next, strawberry letter subject I want to have multiple women, but I love my wife. We'll get into it right after this. Shut up, Tommy. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time Now for today's Strawberry letter and if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter like we're gonna read this one right here, right now, live on the air. Okay, here we go. Buckle out and hold on tight. We got a four year here. It is the Strawberry Letter subject. I want to have multiple women, but I love my wife. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a forty year old black man with a lot of weight in my community. I'm a very well known businessman and former professional football player. I've been married for years for ten years, and I have three children. My wife is very sweet and we never argue or have any issues with our children. Everything is great except for our sex life. My wife is a good woman that is very reserved in the bedroom. I had a lifestyle of having multiple women in my bed before I got married, and I could get a woman to do whatever I like sexually. It wasn't a control thing. Women did it just to say they've been with the ball player. Two years ago, I fell back into my old ways after I met a woman that's a prominent and successful realtor. We clicked right away, and I found out that she's into a swinging type of lifestyle. She shut up. She invited me to join her exclusive group of upscale swingers in our city. I enjoyed the group for a while, but the realtor and I realized that we loved having sex mainly with each other. So for the past year and a half we've been in a relationship. And then she invited a female partner to join in on the fun. I went from being a swinger to more of a polyamory lifestyle. I'm worried that my wife I could find out because some of the swinging couples have children that go to school with our children. One of the ladies is my wife's sorority sister. Now my conscience is getting the best of me. I could tell my wife a warderdown version of what's been going on, Like I went to a party and when I realized that everyone was what everyone was doing, I left. I hate to break up with my girlfriends, but there is no way I could live without my wife and kids. Should I keep quiet and pray this never comes out or tell my wife part of the story this started out be quiet Tommy. So so, so let me ask you this, sir, forty year old black man, you don't think your wife is going to find out you? I mean, really, the kids and the sorority sister and all that. Okay, let's go down the list. You say you're a former professional football player. You're very well known businessman with a lot of weight in your community. So, in other words, everyone knows you. You probably can't walk around in your city where there's someone who doesn't know you. I just think it's a matter of time before you know, your wife finds out or it gets out, because, like I said, too many people know you, and people talk. Word gets around. I don't know how you've been getting away with it for this long, I honestly don't. I mean, why would your risk at all just for freaky sex? Why would you do that? Okay? Is that a crazy question? Is that a crazy all? Right? Is that a crazy question? I'm just trying to find out. You say you can't live without your wife and kids. Well, you sure don't act like it. You sure don't act like it. What a big risk you're taking here. I think you're a sorry excuse for a husband. For cheating and doing this to your family. I mean, thank god they don't know yet. You have way, way too much to lose, and you're putting putting it all on the line. I'm gonna surprise Steve when I say I don't think you should tell your wife. Normally, Steve, you know I would say tell. But in this case, I just don't see how it would serve any good, it would serve any purpose. She doesn't know. I think you should stop. I definitely think that. I just think if you tell her it would make things worse. I really really think you to turn your life around, you need to stop. You need to ask God for forgiveness. You need to pray, pray, pray, pray that your wife never finds this out. You need to clean up your act. You need to get rid of these girlfriends. You need to do all of that. Now. Having said that, I know you're not gonna do it. I know you're not. I know you're not. I hope you do, though, for the sake of your wife and kids that you claim you can't live without. Steve, all right, let me just tell you what really happened in this letter. Right here, the forty year old black many rights a letter. I know exactly where you're coming from. So let's just peel back the skin on this banana for a second. First of all, the whole beginning of the letter has nothing to do with the letter nothing. I don't care that you have weight in your community. I don't care that you a former football player. I don't care that you had wonderful sex in your past. That story that you're telling fits any damn man. The driver PEPSI truck that work down at Forward, that's got a job at the post office. My cousin is a Maleman in DC. He making about seventy two thousand dollars a year. He got twenty five women on his route. You got three, little girl, because you trying to deal this story about how upscale out bro. This whole letter is just about you and what you want to do. So I don't care how upscale you are in the community, because, brother, we can take away all that and this story fits into regular people's lives that you're trying to tell them. I'm a heavyweight in the community and I'm on this right here. Dog, You just do it. Want some more chicks outside of the one you got? You want to have your cake and eat it too. That's all this is about. That is the dilemma that faces everybody in their life at one point in time. All right, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Subject I want to have multiple women, but I love my wife. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letters. Subject I want to have multiple women, but I love my wife. The subject what I want to have my cake and eat it too. That's what it should have been. Yeah, that's all this is, bro The fact that you're a businessman, form of football player. You're heavyweight in your community. So damn what all this coming down to is you want to set up who you are before you got married. You could get a woman to do whatever I like sexually, all us could, all us could let me take you before you marriage your wife. Y'all did things. Y'all don't really do that much. No damn more. Hello, Hello, you what you think you're painting a picture and telling the story that don't nobody else know? So you wrote it in in the form of a letter. You know what I mean? People living this that you're talking about, but didn't really figured it out though, which obviously you haven't. So now here going, Uncle Steve talking to you, little dude. You forty, It wasn't a controlled thing with women and everything, you know, It's just I just said, they just wanted to say they had been with a ball player. Okay, you ain't a ball player them, or you ask forty can't No, I'm just stop all this. Tell me about what you was. I guess they just wanted to be with a ball player. Okay you ain't a ball playing them, or why they won't be with you now? Because you keep making yourself available. So now let's see what you just did two years ago. I fell back into my old ways because you missed it. You know, you met a woman that was a prominent and successful reality you keep talking about all these then the money level of people, y'all. Just two people had met. We clicked right away. I found out she was a she was into a swinging type of lifestyle. Okay, now, which goes to show you once again, whole people swaying too. See, I just I don't know old people swing pass people get old pole people swing to see all this. I met an exclusive uh, and she invited me to join her exclusive group of upscale swingers whole people being swinging in the project stay sway. You bring yo gal, I bring my gal. We're gonna meet up in y'all. We're gonna have some popcorn and fry some fish, and then we're gonna swans. Oh Joe, you're trying to make that. She invited me to join this exclusive group of up sales weekly. I enjoyed the group for a while, but the realty and I realized that we just love having sex, mainly with each other. Okay, so for the past year and a half we've been in a relationship. And then she invited her female partner to join in the fun. Okay, so not And of course you had to do that because someone, someone somewhere that you're not pointing out in this letter has a gun to your head. Understand man, why you just got to do all of this here because you fell back into your old ways. So okay, all right, So now I went from being a swinger to more of a polygament or polyamory lifestyle, which I had that on my Facebook show That's You me and she. That's what that is. So now you'd fell into that, you me and she. So now you did that, I'm very worried that my wife could find out what all this. We'd have read three fourths of the letter. Now you're very worried that your wife would find out. It's one way for her not to find out. But we ain't gonna cover that the always. Now listen to this, because some of the swinging couples have children go to school with our children. What swinger? It's sitting their baby down going hey look here? You know you know Jessica's father that played football. You do know that Jessica's father that played football, that he comes over here with me and your daddy and we do each other. Now you need to tell that to Jessica. So she didn't know what her father is doing. So, Bro, when you wrote in the letter, you wearing that might find out because some of the swinging couples have children that go to school with our children. How hard y'all swinging? Where the kids know? I'm telling you man, So one of them and then one of the ladies is my wife's sorority system. Okay, bro, are you stupid? See that's where the connection is. One of these girls is your wife's sorority, says, don't worry about who kids go to school together. Now I'm my conscious is getting the best of me. Where did that kick in? Because you've been with this realtor for two years, and I could I could tell my wife a watered down version of what's been gonna What is watered down about you having sex with some other people? How you gonna wet that one? Please tell us how you went this conversation? So we getting watered down? Were just tuned kissing? Okay, hold on, I'm gonna get them. I went to a party and I realized, Uh I was you know, like I went to a party. When I realized what everybody was doing, I left. Why are you telling her you went to the party and you left? That's water, That's how you are there. I hate to break up with my girlfriends, but there's no way I could live without my wife and kids. You should Okay, when I come back, can I finish this letter? Thank you? I'll be right back to tell his party three discovery letter coming up. I want to have multiple women, but I love my wife. We'll be back at forty six minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, we're into part three of this strawberry letter. You have not finished. You wanted to tell the young man something. He's forty though, the man something I want to have multiple women, but I love my wife is the subject. It's about a forty year old man who's prominent in the community, former football player. I'm setting up all this like anybody care cheat too. We're in an upscale swingers clause Paul people, swing man, Please, this is not a social class status move. You'dn't made. You doing what anybody capable of doing. Man, you cheat, Let's just call it what it is. I'm not judging you, but I'm just saying, dog, let's just call it what it is. It happens sometimes, and that's what you're doing. You're cheating. Yeah, that's an upscale swinging club. She invited her female partner in. We liked it, We found out we liked each other. Mold we went back to that. But now I'm in an awe. I'm in a three way he, me and she, you, she and her. You're gonna mess around. Somebody gonna pull their clothes off in surprise your ass. You keep on him. I'm telling you, right, Nah, that's what's gonna happen. You're gonna mess all this going on, you me and she and all this. You're gonna mess around and get some wet naked in one of them groups and somebody gonna pull pull it clothes off, and your ass gonna be surprised. But you might end up going along with that too, because you seem to be open to a lot of stuff though. So now just listen to me. Bro Listen to me. I hate to break up with my girlfriends, but there's no way I could live without my wife and kids. Well, if you continue, were about to find out how long you can live without your wife and kids. See, at one point in time, you got to get to the point of figuring out what matters most in life. Now you don't want to see Listen to your statement, I don't want to break up with my girlfriend. Okay, I got that, But guess what your next statement is. But there's no way I could live without my wife and kids. Now, if you broke up with your girlfriends, you be able to handle it. You don't want to. But if you lose your family. Man, you're gonna crumble dog and see that statement alone. You gotta make a choice. Now, should I keep quiet and pray this never comes out and tell my wife part of the story. Why would you tell your wife this, man? And why did you bring up prayer? Why don't you stop and pray, ask for forgiveness and get your life together? For you mess around and lose the thing that matters most to you. And let me tell you something, man, about the other woman. Most of the women wish they were the wife. Most of the women wish they were the wife. Listen post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM. There was part one, Part two, and part three today. You can do it on Instagram or Facebook and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Okay, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So, did you guys see the social media video of Phoenix Karen. That's where we're calling her Phoenix Karen. This is a lady that's wearing the black and white dress in a Shell convenience store in Phoenix Steve. She made racist remarks to a Native American woman, telling her to go back to Mexico. Then Phoenix Karen appeared to have pushed her the Native American woman, and then the Native American slapped Phoenix Karen. Okay, and it was it was a flavorful smack. It was flavorful. That means, like, you know, she slapped what's the lady named Caen. She slapped Karen to the point where it was flavorful. She tasted something she had never tasted because you could see when she slapped her. She adjusted the big ass glasses and oh my god, oh my god, and immediately went as far away from her as she could. She didn't want because it wasn't nothing, but Mo asked her more that well, her real name is Tamara Harrian. And her husband apologized and said that his wife is suffering from mental illness. And you know how many times he just said that you're crazy, you've lost your mind. He said, I'm so hateful what she was. Yeah, it really was, Yeah, it really was. And then we all saw the older man, the older gentleman, the seventy five year old man, Martin Gino. Uh, he was shoved to the ground in a recent protest in Buffalo, New York. Well later, President Trump tweeted the Buffalo protester shoved by police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. He said, I watched him fall harder than he was pushed. Could be a setup. That's president, that's the President tweeted. Let me let me ask you a question. How do you fall harder than you were pushed? Yeah, he's seventy five. He ain't athletically what he used to be. He doesn't want to fall at all at seventy five. But who falls to bust a head? Yeah, I don't care if he's seventeen or seventy five. Nobody wants to do that. No, that's right. Yeah, that's crazy. But man, that that this president. That man, y'all come on, listen to me. We have to become so angry with the way he is as a public official and a proposed leader of the were one of the nation's greatest in the free world, supposedly, we have to start being appalled at his behavior. Who who here, who here in this country can point to this president to their children and go, you should be proud of him. I would love my son to grow up and beat Donald Trump. I don't know, because I know a lot of people who would so proud that their children would know of Barack Obama, so proud that their children would know of George Bush. Yeah, Ronald Reagan. But if you're a parent and you're saying to your child, I wish my child would grow up to be Donald Trump, then something is wrong with you. And if you and most people would not agree with that statement, right, So why are we electing him back into the White House? Folks? I vote matter. We got to get to the poll and send a clear message. I want y'all to take this protest further to the polls. Yes, yes, I want to take this unite it further to the pole. Black lives matter so much that we're not going to let you in the leadership capacity not show any compassion towards They're working in the White House right now to write a speech about unity in this country. Why don't he just come out and say something. Yeah, they're they're trying to figure out who's gonna write it. What are they gonna say? Is he gonna read it off the teleprompter? Oh lord? What if he goes off script? You know? How bad that's gonna be for the cut, you know, off script. Yes, that's where the drama come from, right right, Yeah, that's the dude that he is. Yeah, all right, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending stories at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening to Steven Show. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo pushes to pass Amy Cooper bill. Uh. They that's the thank you, Karen, right, Yes, and he wants state lawmakers to make it a hate crime to call nine one one with a false accusation based on race, yes, leadership, Yes, yeah, Also, the New York State Assembly has passed the Eric Garner Anti Chokehold Act, making it a felony to injure or kill someone using the chokehold. Actually so yeah, So there's some movement, there's some videos to extend this. What we've got to do, as I said to Revenheu Sharpting, we have to have mandatory sentencing, just like we do for civilians. We have to have mandatory sentencing for police officers. If you kill in the line of duty a person who is unarmed, that's jail time. There's no reason to kill a person who's unarmed or running or running away from running away anything that if you kill a person, you're going to jail. Yeah, if you shoot a person who is unarmed simply by not following instructions, there's consequences for that. We got to get mandatory sentencing for these police. All right, coming up, more of a Steve Arvey Morning Show and some trending news at thirty three minutes after the hour right after this you're listening to show. Yesterday was Super Tuesday and a few states in five states. That was North Dakota, South Carolina, West Virginia, Georgia, and Nevada. Nevada, Yeah, Nevada. And you know, we voted in Georgia yesterday. I didn't have any problems. I went very very early, but man, by the time I got back home, there were lines upon lines upon line. Steve, how was your experience? There was a lot. It was really really a long line where we went. You know, we made a couple moves. But my children, who voted, and all of them voted, were not that fortunate. And my middle son, Jason, whose wife is pregnant Amanda, was in line for over five hours. Wow. And I mean, it was just a catastrophe there. And like one guy said, no one, no one in the United States should have to wait six hours to do something that's one of the most American privileges and rights, and that's to vote. And my son got up to the finally to the thing, and the lady looked at his license said you can't vote, and it just so happened. She was white. I'm just telling the story the way, and he said, no, I'm voting. She said no, your license doesn't match the registration. He said, cause I moved, and so then she said you can't vote. My son said, no, I'm voting. And then a black lady next to him said rolled her eyes and said all he got to do is feel out this form and he can put his vote in. Wow, and gave him the form and he went in there and voted. Well. Because, first of all, in fairness, let me say this, everybody that works at the polling stations don't know all the polling rules. These these ain't no everyday jobs. Secondly, and first and foremost, what I think voter suppression is real When that senator joke at that party, other than voter suppression, what's the number one thing we need to work on. And everybody laughed, and he got in trouble for it, but he tried to play like it was a joke. Voter suppression is real, and where you saw a lot of this was in Fulton County in Atlanta, And what they're trying to do, everybody, is discourage us from the voting process. So when November gets here, we're getting on. But no, no, no, you know what we're gonna do. We're gonna early vote, We're gonna absentee vote, We're gonna show up and vote, and I don't care how long you try to make us uncomfortable. We're gonna outweight you, We're gonna outlast you, and we're gonna outvote you because we sick of this. Matter of fact, we sick of any of y'all that's a part of this. We are sick of all of it, and if your ass is a part of it, we sick of you. Two. Coming up, it's our last break of the day, this last break of the day, and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to all right, guys, here we are last break of the day. It is here, Steve Um. We're waiting for you to take us home with Well, you know what. We've been talking about it and I think that one of the most important things we do since we have this generation, these young people that have gone out in these streets of all nationalities, especially proud of the African American youth who have taken up the challenge lunch of protests for racial justice and equality and to end this police brutality that's been happening to us since we got here. I want to encourage them, along with the non African Americans who have joined them for this cause. Has has made us feel quite hopeful that finally we have some people who are who are starting to get a sense of what we're talking about and what's been happening. But I want to encourage you all to take this same fervor that you have for protests, take this same anger, take this same energy, and take it to the polls. Take it in your primaries, Take it in your voting for judges DA's, take it to voting for commissioners, for assessments, for the bills in your community. Fill out your twenty twenty censes. I'm telling you, man, take this to the November polls and send a clear message that we are sick and tired of being sick and tired, that we have had enough and we're not taking no more. See now that America is watching, watching them push push everybody to the ground, Blacks, the elderly, white girls, latinos Asians see the police now is pushing everybody to the ground. And now that you're seeing it, it's time for us to push back. And the pushback has got to be at the poles. If you are filled with the hatred of these policies, if you are DA's who have all these mandatory senses things that you have in place for minorities and people who can rent, who commit low level crimes, then you're gonna be out of work. We are going to send a message to those people in New in DC that don't seem to get it, all of you that keep ignoring the president's tweets like it's something it's okay he can do that. I didn't see it. I didn't know. I'm above that. I don't read tweets. I tweet, but I don't read how stupid. Did that sound? Who the hell tweets but don't read tweets? What the hell you tweeting? Fault? You want people to read your tweet The reason you're tweeting is because you know people reading, and what makes you tweets because of what you read. We got to get to the polls and make a difference, y'all. We're gonna make a difference because we're tired of this. Hill Man. We tired all of this, hill Man. We just really really sick and tired of it. We threw with y'all with this mess, right, hill this ain't none but a bunch of bull and it ain't nothing else we can call it no more. Were fed up. We threw with y'all with this foolishness, y'all being shoving down our throat spoonful, and we're supposed to be patient with it. Well, we're not patient no more. And I'm sorry, man. I don't condone violent protests because I don't want to try to win this with violence, because all it does is give them the ok to retaliate, and like we need more of that, right, But the fact that a building is burned on the ground can't matter more. Than a life taken down. That's all I'm trying to say. I don't give a damn about your building going down to the ground when you ain't cared about these lives and get getting taken down. And that's what these young people are saying. Man. And I understand that. I was a kid in the sixty eight rids man went up there and participated and then got the beating of my life because my MoMA never told me not to go up there. But even then, man, I was going on, Man, this ain't right. I didn't really understand it, but I knew when right. They killed doctor King. Doctor King was only talking about us holding hands with each other and loving each other and giving each other some rights. Why they kill him? And then I heard an old man say, white folks don't care nothing about us. They're not trying to hold out hand. You know who that old man was. He was my father? And I went down hold up really, he said, they kill all every time we do something, they kill it. They kill doctor King. What they kill that man? Fault? And so man, that that started something in me. And I've been and I'm sick of feeling that way as a black man every day I cannot wake up or not realize that I'm black. The only time I wake up in the morning and don't realize I'm black, it's when I'm in Africa. It's the only time I don't have to factor in the fact that I'm going out here today and I could be the only one over here, because when you go to Africa, that's not the case. But we're sick of it. Were siting tide. We're siting tide of y'all ignoring us, and that's what we gotta do. And I'm not And there are enough good non African Americans out there that's starting to show up that's making us feel a little bit better. But we're tired, man. And I hope them brothers do kneel. And I don't give a damn how you feel about them kneeling. I hope they do kneil. I'm gonna kneel. I'm gonna do something, because man, we're sick of it. So while everybody's singing the national anthem, if the national anthem ain't talking to me, what am I singing the song for? We want to sing the song and haven't mean something to us too, And that's the change change your constitution because it ain't include in us. Make your constitution count for us like a count for you. Let me stop for us, say something, get us put off the air. Thank you for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.