Good morning and welcome to the ride! It is a glorious morning and Steve has awakened to Biden taking the lead in Georgia! The Chief Love Officer guides a man that has a manipulative ex-girlfriend with twins that he helped raise. 45 got to the podium on Thursday and just started uttering baseless accusations about the election. Lawrence from Philly got the brand new flava in ya ear and breaks down Trump's next move. Dave from GA is saying, "Come on Biden, come on Biden, come on Biden!" Hope called in and made Steve run around the room. Philly came through in a BIG way and His Flyness thanks sports and strippers for their contributions. Huge shout out to all the poll workers for their hard work. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve says, "We don't want you on our @$$, back up and get out the White House let me pay for the moving truck!"
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Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more, just like theming bu bu things and it's cost me true good it Steve Hardy. Listen to move together for Steve hard Please Mommy, I don't join yahya joining me? Have you gotta turn hur you gotta turn to turn them out, turnby, got to turn them out, to turn turn the water the water. Come, come on your baby at it? Uh huh I shall well, good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show? Man, oh man, almost forgot I had one this morning. But I'm okay. I'll tell you who I am in a little bit. You know, I get around. Man, it's so much. But man, good morning everybody. You know today I was having a conversation with my wife last night and we were talking about our plans. You know, we often sit down, you know, just like a married couple. I mean, you know, you know we're married. You know we have children, we have aspirations, we have hopes, we I mean know, we have things we want. You know, when you're married, you know I mean, it's important to sit with your partner. I'm not telling you anything, you don't know, it's common sense. Really. It's important to sit down with the person that you've chosen and decided to share your life with it and have multiple conversations on a lot of things. And we try to make sure that all of our conversations aren't always just business related and always kid related, you know, because that that that becomes it's a part of it. But it weighs so much on the marriage that because that that's the grunt work of being married. You know, your children, your family, your bills, your your mortgage, your your car notes. You know though, what's due, what's coming up, and if you're not careful, you'll you'll start that becomes the focal point of you all's conversation. And this woman or man or person that you've decided to have this life with, all of a sudden, they're an extension of your business, and you guys become business partners or whatever, and and and it just gets so anywhere. I'm just saying that that is important to sit down and have these conversations, but it's even more important to have the other conversation you know, it's it's important with the person that you're planning on making the run to sit down and talk about other things, you know, on a more upbeat note. You know, we were having a conversation that she was reminding me of what she loved about me, and then I, in turn was turned around telling her the things that I admired about her and loved about her. And we kind of have these all the time, you know, when we sit down and we talk about the things that we still enjoy about one another, or we may talk about some of the things that we miss in one another. But we constantly had these conversations about appreciation. You know, It's so important man, that the other person feels appreciated. So these things are important. But we got into the conversation deeper last night, and I was telling her about this idea that I had and that I wanted her to help me with and make a phone call for me because she knows these people and I was going to be doing this, and then my wife reminded me of something not once again, you know, as always, you know, when I'm talking to you, I just keep it as real as I can. I don't know the Bible inside out. I can't quote to you scriptures and tell you exactly where it is. I just you know, I heard her say it, but it kind of blew by me. I was I was telling about something I wanted to make happen, and she reminded me that there's a scripture somewhere, and somebody emailed it to me to day. I'm sure, Well, the Bible reminds us not to be anxious for anything. Don't be anxious for something. And you know, it really mattered to me at that point yesterday that she bought this to my attention, because how many times I've been guilty of that in my past and I've learned better now, but every now and then I need to be reminded, you know. And I think what that what she was saying to me was know, I've gotten to a point in my life and we all should get to a point where. You know, you've heard old people say this. If you're gonna pray about something, then don't worry about it. And if you're gonna worry about it, don't pray about it. Back to this, be anxious for nothing, don't if you're going to him trust in God didn't do that and trusting in him means sometimes you got to be patient. God has never been too late. You don't know the plan he has, You don't know. You don't really always know his will. You definitely don't know his route, his way of doing anything. So He's always on time. He's always been there on time for me. He's always been there on time for you. How many times have you thought it was over only to find out it's really just begun. How many times have people wrote you off, those of you who have lost jobs but you are still maintaining. But man, God has already began to turn around process for many of us. Some of us lost jobs and now have better jobs. Some of us lost jobs and now has forced us to rekindle that dream and that vision for business we had. It's sometimes the mishap is the thing you need to make something good happen. See a lot of times we get so comfortable in our life where we we get complacent, we just settling in and when this is it and this is what I'm doing. But in actuality, God has a tremendous amount of abundance for you. He has an amazing amount of things. He has all these boxes packaged up with your name on him that he's willing to ship if you would just align yourself with some of his wills so you could get some of these things. How many times have you thought it was over and it didn't really go over? How many times have you thought, well, this is it and it wasn't it at all? Well, how many times do you thought, well, it don't look like this gonna work out, and it didn't work out, but then something better came along? How many times has that happened? You've got to realize this. Man. I was talking to a family who had got displaced from the Katrina thing that happened down there in New Orleans. And Man, when they said, yeah, we got a displaced from Katrina, and I braced myself because the old what was me? Here comes this story. I gotta hear this, and I gotta be encouraged think of something. It was totally different. They totally totally blew me away. Man. The brother said, Man, is actually the best thing that ever happened to my family. And I went whoa? And he said, yeah, Man, he said, because what happened was he said, I got settled in he said, Plus I was doing some things outside of my marriage down there, he said, I was doing some stuff in the streets I ain't need to be doing. He said, Man, it all got washed away. We thought our life would never be the same. But he said, man, my life ain't need to be the same. He said, Man. Now we live up here in Texas. We got a house. Don't know nobody, he said, I ain't got nobody I know to get into trouble with. He said, man, I hadn't rediscovering my wife, how beautiful she really is, how much my family really was counting on me. And he said, man, it's straightened me up. Man, he says, so I gotta tell you, Steve, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Now that's not always the case, but it's how you look at a situation. But just don't be anxious for anything, because God got a fix for you if you just let him work. So just stay on course, stay focused, don't lose faith, don't be anxious, man, just stay in the wheel. Let God work with you. He got some great stuff in store for you. You're listening, show my microphone on it's Friday morning. It's my microphone. Sounded like it to me. Hey, man, good morning everybody in all the markets that we are alive on this morning on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. What a glorious morning. Let me tell you what I awakened, awoken, whatever the proper word is, that's the proper term, Sully, I awakened an Okay, cool, okay, cool? I awoken this morning. You always go left that I needed to heal? What's that? What's that? What's that? Biden had taken the lead in yawill stop right there, stop the crystal. You got it ready, you got it ready? Morning, George, Jesus justin O sweet yeah, stop right there. Yeah, I knew, I said, George. I said to rape Ray, I said it to this morning. Now let me say this hill. What has made me overjoyed more than anything when lose a draw it got to the first controversial state that was fighting us hard on was Michigan. But I do want to thank everybody in Milwaukee who showed up. Man gave us Wisconsin. Yes. But when he got contested and it looked like victory was in grass, all of a suddenly got down to Wayne County and Lord have mercy, here comes that damn Detroit. As the brother said in Detroit. We didn't gone from picking cotton to picking president. That would matter to me. Dog. I don't know who your name is, bro, but Steve Harvey got mad love for you. Naw, it didn't turned to two more places, Pennsylvania and Georgia. Waited patiently. They still counting in Pennsylvania. I get to that in a minute. But a Sharga showed up and showed out. I want to thank everybody, man, my brother's and sisters. Man showed up in the polls and record numbers. Man have had effected an election, and we have proven something to ourselves that we can affect election, that our voice does matter, and black lives matter. And now they all finn the North and were sitting up waiting on who now silly one on five point three w das were waiting on silly man, and Philly cowning on him. Here come Philly next. Now say what you want to say, but black people have bought about a change in this country. At the end, I know you didn't want to hear that, mister Trump as the fellow. After this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, before we get to ask the cello Steve. Okay, some breaking news in case you haven't heard. If you were sleeping overnight, somebody got some sleep around here, right. Joe Biden has taken the lead in Georgia, okay, with over nine hundred votes, something like nine hundred and seventeen votes. He's ahead right now. Yes, who I bet you never thought it would be us. Has an old sweet song, It's George all over your mind? Oh Donald, Donald rewrote the song. Oh it's all about it cause black lives really matter. You didn't think we was gonna show up, but I had was hat to poll. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Yes, all right, I listened, Steve. It is time now for asked the cello the chief love officers in the building. All right, he nana and own deck. Now, ladies and gentlemen on deck for the championship voting block of black. A miracle on deck in the batter's box, Silly Philly, how Jill Scott, Neil Hattie LaBelle All right. This one is from Daniel in El Paso, Texas. Daniel says, I'm in my early thirties and I was dating a woman that has twin sons that are four years old. I've been with her since the twins were born, so I helped her raise them. I ended our relationship three months ago because she's controlling. I told her I'd be present in the twins life as much as possible, and she calls me daily saying the twins miss me or they're crying because I'm not a right. She's manipulative and she thinks I can't see what she's up to. I love the twins, but I can't stand her. What should I do? Keep loving them twins? Yeah, keep loving them twins. Stay in their life. They probably are crying, man, The kids don't understand. Sometimes they probably are. But if you stay, if you stay vigilant, if you call them when you say you're gonna call them, pick them up when you say you're gonna pick them up, they have something to look forward to. It's when it's when we as men disappear that we traumatize children the most. Stay in their life, stay active, on the phone, FaceTime. Kids know how to work, man, They know how to work with what it is better than the ducks do. Stay in their life. Don't go back over there, all right? Can't stay in huh? Tyler and Jesus I've been there, Tyler and Lansing says, I'm a twenty six year old female and my roommate is a garden tool. We've been friends since eighth grade, but when we got older she changed. The other night, she went out and I went to bed. I woke up late to get some water, and there was a guy on our couch watching TV, eating my chips and drinking a coke. He said he was waiting for his friend to finish having sex. The guy's left. Uh huh, it's right here, right here, in black and white, the guy said. The guy's left, And I told my roommate that she's putting us both in danger by being a careless and info. She told me I need to loosen up a bit. I'm stuck in a lease with her, So how should I handle this? Wow, that's pretty serious. Well, yeah, if you stuck in the lease with her, both y'all names is on it, we're in a touchy situation. Oh, she needs to loosen up a bit, though. How much more loose can you be? Yeah, there's a dude on your couch that your roommate don't know, eating hut chips and coke. You in the room having sex with another dude. She don't know. It's no more loose than that. Yeah, right, you have taken off all the strings on the garment. There's no threads holding it, and the wind is blowing. I don't know. I don't know how you could do this. You could, I don't know. You know, you could probably say to her that you're moving out, that you can't do this no more because you're endangering your living conditions. Small claims court is an option for things like this, Yeah, something like that, And you could get out. Anytime you feel a sense of endangerment in your living space, you have a case because nobody should feel unsafe in their homes at home. And so if she doesn't understand that, I think that you know, maybe you just bounce, you know, I know that's hard because you know, she probably count on half half to I don't know. I don't know. Maybe she can ask the apartment complict and give her another apartment, meaning she would stay. She's not breaking a lease with them, you know what I mean, still being in the property. See, that would be yeah, but she still got to come up with that other half for the rent. Yeah, maybe the apartment will work with her because of that, you know, Yeah, I would go down there and talk to someone talk. Yeah, that's office. I don't know. Yeah, all right, um what you say A lock on your room though? Yeah? But he but he's in the living room. Yeah, but now I'm a prisoner in my house. Now I can't come out that because there's people sitting in the house. Yeah, all right, we're gonna move on. This sounds like, yeah, that's deep right there, Carrie and Orlando says, I've been using online dating to find a good woman because I work a lot, don't feel like hanging out trying to meet someone. It. Finally met a beautiful woman with an athletic bill. She loves the Lord. She drama free. The only problem I have is with her hair. I don't I never know what color her wig will be. How do I let her know without hurting her feelings? Is there a way? Yeah? All you got to do is say, baby, I've seen a lot of your looks. Here's my favorites. I love this about you, I love that about you, and I love this about you, and I love that about you. Those are my absolute favorite. Baby. So I don't look, I don't know how you feel about me. You might not even care about how I think. But man, if I if that black hair, that's so nice. Break phone call after this. You're listening to show? All right? Coming up at the top of the hour in National News, Donald Talk, Donald Trump. Yeah, Donald Trump reservices with more unfounded claims about the election. Uh. Joe Biden addresses the fears about the election. Plus we have a serious warning about this weekend. We'll talk about all of this at the top of the hour, guys, But right now, right now, Junior is in for the nephew with today's run that prank back what you got for his Junior? Can I have Georgie? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, George. I'm so sad that it's not to prank today. The Frank is, can I have your kidney run it? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach a brother, Conny. This is kind How are you doing, brother? This is Deacon Patterson called him from the church. How you doing today, Deacon Patterson? Yeah, you're doing fund and you see, I'm sorry, I'm doing good, doing good. You know, the church is behind you on what you're going through. When we were praying for you, man, we know all about the you know, you're going in the surgeon on Friday to get your get your prankers removed. So I wanted to give you a call man, have a word of pray and let you know that we all pulling for you, and we know that that the man upstairs are gonna pull you through the successful where God blessing keep you, h that, deacon, God blessing keep you because I tell you I'm going through something here. Me and my wife, we've been talking about it and we've been praying on it, and it She was a wonderful thing to know that your church is with you and and y'all thinking about me in prayer. I've really had to take this to the Lord. This is a serious thing with me and I ain't never had an operation before in my life, and I know I need it. My wife and made it clear, the doctor made it clear that I believe I'm ready to go forward, deacon, and we're gonna give the victory to who the victory. Yes, he's the victory. He let me. Let me have a word of prayer with your brother Connor. You don't mind just about your head from him, Father God were as right now we have right now that you touch brother Connelly as he goes in on Friday, please put your hands on him. We ask father that you hold on to the doctor that's getting ready to go and to put the seriory on it. Yes, we are that you make sure that the doctor it's got a strong eye who on that morning walk with him. We asked that that that he got a steady hand when he got the scalpel in his hand. We asked that your hold own to him please as it goes into a surgeon, because we know comes side the morning the victory gonna beloan the brother Conley and the Lord. Thank you Lord, we know all of this, but we we we asked that you take that pincress and you remove it out successfullly, closing back up like it will never been into the end before walk with me. That's what we're asking. We ask your Lord. At the same time that they're removing this pincreus. Lord, we asked that your reach around his backside and we asked that you touch his kidney. Lord, touch his kidney and make it hold. Make it a hundred and ten percent. We want you to make that that kidney like it's been that best kidneys. Deacon, that's deacon Deacon whoop back, Deacon pass. Yes, you know you're saying, sir, there's just nothing wrong. M kidney, Deacon. I'm doing I'm doing fine. The Lord is Lord has been needed. Well, he's gonna work on my pancris. That's what the doctors operating, no me forward, and that's what they're playing to remove. So really, my kidney is fine. They did what they called when they made my eyes and everything else is fine. He ain't working on nothing but my pancres, right right right, Well, let me let me say I'm glad you brought it up with this, this this Onn't we want to call you? Huh? Of course I did call the prey for you, Yes, you know, because I want to make sure that that that that you make it through this successfully. But what another the reason why I'm getting round it is here is uh, what I want to ask you. And I know we we you know, we've never met face to face. I've seen you a couple of times, like I said, the church, but you've been out most time, or you with your sickness and whatnot. But now, what what I was gonna ask you was yeah, and I know this is I hate to come at you in the final hour and you're getting ready to go. He certain and all that, But if you don't mind it, if you could see it in your heart to to see to do something for somebody else. Yes, Uh, that's that's the lads we are. You always supposed to have those who right, And I'm glad you you think like that. Now when they go in on Friday morning and remove that pinker is out, do you think that that that that they could go in and get one of your kidneys because I need one? Hold hold on, just mid beacon, What did you say? What you said? See, see, see what else? I've been going through myself with a little ailment, and and I'm wondering if if if I need a kidney, and I'm wondering if you can give me one of yours When they go in and get your pankers, they're going already to have you open. Did you say you wanted them to take one of my kidneys? Yeah, and give it to me because I need one. You need a kidney? Yeah? What what what I mean? You already gonna be landing there open? Wait a minute, mister, you need a kidney. I need hit with my packers. You will call me with that. Man, this ain't now. You say you're a deacon like I said, Dickon Patterson my name. But see what I'm asking you? What you an me? Man? Brother Connin? What harm is it? If you already open and laying on the tea. Oh you ain't heart a damn thing I say it? Have you? I said, I'll be man, you're crazy as hell. Now what I'm gonna have to do. I'm gonna need to call the pastor because he's all going on here. You say you knew you man, a damn new mister. A matter of fact, you too damn new to know who you're talking to? What what? What I'm saying is you have two kids? Two like you said. You say they did the m r. You don't give what I said they did. Man, I got two kidneys. You got to one of yours. Bad. That's your problem. Mister. Let me tell you something. I'm trying to get well and you calling with this. You say you're a new deacon, You damn show ills and you won't be at the church long. I tell you that, because if I ever get gold to yours, we got some risking to do. What is it gonna hurt for you to give me one of them kidnings, if both of them, if both of them kidneys is good, it ain't gonna hit him. Think you ain't getting my kidney? Man, ain't gonna hit what's wrong with you? Say? Man? All I'm saying is if you're gonna be old and laying on the table, what is it gonna hurt? Old? Now you're gonna till I'm ot me laying on the damn table? What kind of a pray you in charge of? Mister? Let me tell you something. Obviously, I need to meet you before I get to the hospital. And now I can pick out that damn bag getting to yours, and I can tell you that you're gonna feel a damn thing. How about that? I'll be damned if you're gonna call and talk to me out of one of my damn kidding this man, I'm trying to live just like you, trying to let the Lord take care of me, because what you're talking about it ain't got a damn thing to do with Jesus. You can kiss my and get off my phone. That's what you can do. Can I say one more thing to you? What is you listening to me, man, how to listen to you? And you ain't talking about nothing that's got nothing to do with what's going on with me. Mister you're running the game. If I could get to y'all put larding your what can I just say one more thing? And then I'm gonna let you go as you listening for what. Let's just left you time and from the Steve Harvey Morning to show you just got pranked by your daughter. Oh Lord, have him that girl, Lord have mercy, Lord have much Jesus, and you are right, brother Coddlin. Man, man, you have made me use language that I swear I don't know about. I heard my nighble's name using that. How to stop a long time ago talking that away? Please forgive me Gordham Mergy whoa y'all. I'm gonna have to Lord him, mercys. My heart is power patting him, Lord him, mercy, Jesus, this ain't me, This ain't me. And you I'll tell you what I enjoyed Steve Harvey and if you told me I do, Brother Commy, I gotta ask you one more thing, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. It's gotta be it's gotta be y'all. It's gotta be y'all. Him. I don't want even name the name, but now Steve Harvey, Steve Harvey, Mornes Show, Lord hammerst I ain't gonna forget it. Now. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news for you. Right after this. You're listening to Dave Harvey Morning Show. After a two day absence, Donald Trump returned to the podium on Thursday and continued to make unfounded accusations about the election with no proof. As the remaining uncalled states continue to count ballots, Trump claimed again with no evidence, that the election results are part of a conspiracy to get him out of the White House. Take a listen. These really phony poles. I have to call him phony poles. Stake poles were designed to keep our voters at home, create the illusion of momentum for mister Biden. We were winning in all the key locations by a lot, actually, and then our numbers started miraculously getting whittled away in secret. See, let me say something. Here's what he's never understood, because he's never had to, because he's been a rich boy all his life. That's what an ass whipping is. It's when you are winning by a lot, yeah, and they start whinning away. We were winning like really big. That's what happened in football games. That's what happened in basketball games. That's what happened in fights. That's that's called a comeback. See, but you've never had to make or comeback because you ain't never been in the back. But now when you're experiencing your first national, worldwide, global ass whipping, this is your response to global international ass whipping you. We were winning. It's not just domestic, it's global. It's a global international is watching this. That's sick of you too, And excuse me one more point, Steve, did did I hear him say sleepy Joe or mister Biden? Yeah he said he said mister Biden. Because see, when you're getting your asswhood, that's that's that's like saying uncle. Yeah, now he missed a Biden. He was sleepy Joe Foe to ass Wooden started, Now he missed a Biden. Put back all my name. Ass whippings change viewpoints. I'm telling you, man, this old rich boy, good old boy is experience his first ass from he'd never seen it come before. He never had to make a comeback because he never been in the back. We were winning, That's what we were winning. And now we're now stop counting the votes. If we stopped counting the votes right now, do you understand you are not the president? Right right? All right? Meanwhile, former Vice President Joe Biden, mister Biden to you, spoke yesterday from Wilmington, Delaware, addressing concerns about the coronavirus pandemic and the election. Biden notably address coronavirus first before moving on to address concerns about this election. Biden said, Senator Harrison, I just completed briefings in both COVID and the economic crisis facing this nation. As we're reminded again of the severity of this pandemic. Cases are on the rise nationwide, and then Biden went on to talk about concerns about the election. Take a listen. Each ballot must be counted and that's what we're going to see going through now, and that's how it should be. Democracy is sometimes missing. It sometimes requires a little patience as well. We continue to feel, Senator and I, we continue to feel very good about where things stand, we have no doubt that when the Countess, Finnish Senator Harris and I will be declared the winners. So I ask everyone to stay calm. All people to stay calm. The process is working, the count is being completed, and h we'll know very sooner. Okay, now let me say something me personally, Me personally, did Steve Harvard talker? You can quote me on this. I don't give a damn if you're mad. Yeah, I really don't. I don't give a damn by Trump supporters mad going down that marching Foemo years, FuMO years. Yes, say all that we're gonna count these votes. And a matter of fact, you have the same opportunity to do like a lot of people did when Trump won. When Trump won, that's first time I ever saw people boycott, you know, march on any election. But I told y'all, they don't know when to protest. They don't know the Trump supporters and even Biden supporters, they don't really know when to protest. Listen to me, talk to black people who have been oppressed for over four hundred years. We'll tell you when to march, and to march four. When Trump won, it was too late to March, they now fit to take him out the White House. So the marching they did, all them streets and stuff. That nice little march serve no purpose. Now the Trump supporters are going to march and stand outside. Stop the vote. You can't stop the vote, counter vote. Make up your mind you want to counter or you want us to stop. See, y'all don't know what to do. So now when he lose, y'all gonna go out in the streets. But let me explain something to y'all. You wasting your time, and we don't give a damn that you mad get over it. Deal with it like we didn't had to deal with it for four years, the rhetoric, the divisiveness, the hatred we've had to hear dispute from the president of the United States. I'll be so happy because I'm sick of watching the news. I've never watched the news as much in my life for four straight years years. I want to go back to watching, oh, you know, Forrisic Files and forty eight hours back in a series. Yes, hello, hello, I watched Harry Potter, and you know, I don't give a damn about that. I never see I wouldn't know Harry if he was standing in front of me right now, Dog, I swear to God, I wouldn't know him. A beard and everything. Now, Steve, Well, I show I probably think he would do wizard. Then, yeah, Harry is so old now his assisted wizard. No ignorant Harry, Trot trot no more. We'll take your phone calls. Eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, you're listening, Steve Morning Show. All right, listen, we gotta talk to the people. Steve. Let's holler at the folks. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, Let's let's go to line three. Let's go to line three and talk to David out of Georgia. Hey, David, good morning or something with you man, Good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning morning. Come on, Daves back from a ten to like a six so I can see here down go ahead, and I'm listening about it. I'm so excited. I'm excited. I've been watching this this thing all night, and I felt as though I was at Churchill Downs watching them turns at the homestretch shout and come on Biden, come on, bide and come on by um. First, I've let me back up and and thank you Steve Shirley the entire game for for what you're doing for our country. And Steve your closing remarks. The past several days have been extraordinarily blessed. My only regreted that I didn't record them. I got all of them recorded. Don't even worry about it. That started releasing them on Steve Harvey al Fama, all of them. Don't even worry about it. David got all of them. See see y'all. Listen, man, this what the excitement and day's voice is genuine. That's the way African Americans should feel today when lose or draw, because listen to me, they have told us, in so many words from this administration that black lives don't matter to them. He got mad when they painted it in front of the White House. He got really upset when they painted it in front of Trump Towers in New York. He has not said one word to make us feel better about any of the death this year, the injustice of Brianna Taylor, George Floyd Aubrey, none of them. He ain't lifted his voice to say, hey, look, we've got to do something to make these oppressed people feel more a part of the American dream. He didn't lift his voice one time. Well, we heard you loud and clear. See, it's almost better with what you don't say than what you do say. And it ain't fine people on both sides your ass can't be in a hate group and be a fine person. Right. You will no longer be the president because of yourself. And you have no one to blame except you, you and your followers who allow you to be the deceitful and the moral person that you are. Well, black people are talking to you loud and clear in Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta, and Philly. Do you hear us? Now? Do we matter? Yet? More calls? After this date? You're listening? All right? Hey man, we are. I have a question for you. What that I just thought? Who? What? What's that? I know? Donald been up? Who is he been calling? He's been wearing people all night, tweet going off from governors, people trying to sleep, baby, baby, wake up. It's the president. So I just wonder who he been talking to all night. And let me tell you something. If y'all just want to see what distress looked like, please cut on Fox and Friends more on the show. I'm telling you to do on the far right of the screen. I think we needed to get some help for him going through the swag. Yeah, they're going through. Let's talk to the people. Let's go to the phones. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, we're gonna go to line one, all right, and we're gonna talk to Lawrence out of Philly. Baby, that's right, Philly, Philly. What's up? Man, Come on, get to me. Let me tell you, let me tell you. Check out the brand new flavor in your ears, brand new flavorite in Okay, crag man, Yes, that's absolutely Look this cat tried the dishes. Okay McDonald, Okay, that's what I call me, McDonald. Okay, the people cheer. We rocked his world because he thought this thing was set up. Man, Kudos the governor, Tom wolf N to Bob Casey and secretist the Kathy Brock black Bar whom they calling for a resident nation. Now, okay, so here's the move, the provisional ballance or what Trump is going to attempt to try to go to cordor. Okay, for those don't know what the provisional valid is it, the paper valid does offer the voters when they believe they're registered, but the name does not appear in the polling book or in the general electional lists. So they getting the paper Valot. That's his only angle. Our movement and the ground troops that electional process. Here, we have a machine that always comes out. Okay, this year, we didn't do the door to door as we did. Trump tried to copy the president person Obama's move Get back by it. Okay, with the reports in the convention center, they are observers that are there, both parties and independent party that are watching the process. That's right. It's not gonna matter. It's not gonna matter. That's right. That's right. And brother, listen to me. You are correct. See that he trying to cast all this doubt with this little monkey speech he gave it six thirty last night. I'm trying to trying to trying to throw disparity on the democracy progress. But if you know this, the only problem he got a problem with is where he losing. He said none about O high he said number Mississippi, Louisiana. He got a problem none of that. Texas cool, it was close in Texas. He ain't said nothing about that. He only got a problem with the democratic process when he ain't winning it. I don't give a damn that they mad this morning, and and and and hold up, man, I'm gonna talking about Philly in a minute. But we were remiss in our duties to mention Chicago. Yes, yes, thank you Warden. Oh three, yes, that damn Chicago. Oh we're up in out o fire smoking. He smoked with all five fingers. That's how hard I smoke with all five things. I look like I'm smoking cigars so hard right now, it looks like I'm eating a sandwich. Listen to me, man, So thank you to Chicago. They went blue too, and always don't even come over here playing with a and New York dandy. Come on, we smoked cigars with ten fingers up there, so I want a big love to them. But we are waiting now. Atlanta has pushed Georgia over the top. Big love to Atlanta, man, black people, we learned a lot about ourselves. But the next own deck right now, in the battist box, right now, it's Philly. Wait a minute, I mean Bobby Q right now. Not wipe my mouth, Philly, I mean Philly Cheese taking stakes, fat boy, you're listening to Steve Harvey. Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Write about four minutes. I'm still laughing at you, Steve Harvey, write about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject my husband has vanished like the President. My husband has vanished. That's that's Milania Trumpton Road in its first We gotta get into the prank phone called Nephew's out today. Junior is here as always what you got for us, Junior, Doctor Petrie. I need some help, Doctor Petrie. I need some help running cat. Hello, I'm trying to rich doctor Petrie. Please, this is doctor Petrie, Doctor Petrie. My name is a Jared Jared and I was open you could help me. I would have would would have a problem that I have. Okay, hello Jared, um, I would love to help you out with a problem. Unfortunately the go to peat you right, I am, but this is my personal number. How did you get this number? Somebody gave me this number so I could call you and and and try to get some counseling from you, because I gotta I mean, I'm I'm, I'm, I'm I'm really in a bad situation right now, Okay, I can I can recognize that that you're in a bad situation. But how did you get my number? This is my personal line? Who gave you my number? Are you you? You're the doctor, You're the counselor to help people with with with with with situations and problems and stuff. Right, yes, I am Jared. What can I do for you? Jared? Uh? I got a problem that it seemed like I'm just you know, I've been married to my wife for six years. Okay, wait, wait wait Jared, Now this what you're what you're about to get into. You're about to you want to go into a counseling session. And so in order to do that, I do that through making an appointment all of that. But to you, you'll understand I'm trying to What I'm trying to tell you is that I gotta situate and I know it going out him again to night because it's been happening it all the time. I'm just I just need some if you could just give me a little bit of help and then I'll come in next week. But I mean, I just need you to tell me how to handle my problem and then I'll come in next week. I just I just I need this bad right now, Jared, Jared, Jared, I need you to focus. Okay. I don't do this over the phone, However, it founds to me like I need you. Can you can you be there for me just for a week. Yeah, I'm here. Rights for calling you and disrupting your weekend, but can you help me out? Give me a calling back. I don't know what's going on. Someone'll calling back. Hello, I'm here, Jerry, I'm here, doctor Patriot, I'm here. Tell me, Tell what's going on? Jared. I'm here to listen to you. Okay, listen, I've been I've been mad to my wife for like six years now, and and I don't know what it is. But whenever, whenever we intimate, you know, I guess scared, and I'm going to the clock and I got a TV in then I watched old TV shows because I'm scared. I'm scared of the intimacy between me and huh. Okay, Jared, this this sounds like a particular case. Um, it's different from anything that I've experienced thus far. And I want to make sure that I address your were up in the big league getting that turned back? What Lord, will we live? You will leave baby, ain't nothing long with that, Okay, Jared's focus. You called me and you need to I'll be going I'll be going through it to be bothering me, Okay, Jared. What I need to do is I need to make sure what three o'clock, four o'clock rock, five, six something o'clock and o'clock rock o'clock? What rock? We're going to rock? Rock the clock tonight, when the clock right through, when the band going down? Kay, kay to tonight. Breathe, breathe, Oh, how did you get my number? How did you get my personal number? They gave me your number and said you you would be the one that would that would that would that would that would take care of me. I'm here, okay, let's take a difference. And you knew where you were then girls were girls and men were men wishing we could use a man like her. But Hugh, but right again, let's set together. I want to help you. I want to help you, and I want to help your situation. I want to help you with your wife. But you you called me, and I mean, if you're looking for a lifeline for an anchor, I'm trying to do that. I mean to help me. I knew me. I know my wife is gonna leave me if I don't quit doing this. Here's this story of a lovely lady, not three barely lovely girls. Jared, My technique is a little bit different, is and maybe a little unorthodox. You not want to go the Fearless Crew. The minto would be lost, the mood would be lost, the minta. I can't look here, look here. I needs you, needs you to help me. I need to get you into my office. I need to schedule an appointment with you. You need to erase my personal number from your cell phone because everybody knows your name. Jared. Focus, Focus, Focus, Jared Focus. There's a lot more going on here. But why don't you make now with me and all the game learning from each other? Why we do our thing? D gonna have a good time? You know what, Jared, My patience is fed up. I have no more patience with you now. I need you to face fuckers and get it together back. Why didn't you call me? Why didn't you? How did you get my number? Why you supposed to be the doctor. You're supposed to be the doctor, and my doctor. Don't question my credential, show Man, you called me I want to help you, but this has gone on too far. This is Tommy. Tommie gave me your number for me too, Steve. You know Steve, don't you now? Look, I want to help you, but you are not allowing me to do so. So who is Tommy? Who is Steven? And how did you get my number? Seven? Is on the radio? Don't know? It's Stephen on the Steven on the radio as in on the radio, as in Tommy, Matthew, Tommy, doctor Pat. You have been prank? Oh you know you didn't go? Oh my god, do you have a colleague named Charles? You know what I'm gonna ki Ooh, look that I can't believe Charlie did this to me? My god? Do you know what time of you got? You got me flustered? I was recording you. You know that I gotta ask you something though, What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. That's Steve. That's a good prank, that's a good break, and you know I just won't. You're so happy today out supporters to know that this is not a prank. This really is prob No O, I know, I know, I know it's hard. I don't know. I know you're having difficulty facing these two days of what feels like oppression to you. It's only been two days. The babies, now, me and you're gonna come up with some things to help you through this. Up what you think is oppression because we had on four hundred years of so now y'all not handling it well? Please, y'all. I don't want to update ratings, but just turn it on Fox and Freeance this morning. Hey man, let me take something. The dude with the short dog, had it be on the right of your screen, Yes, and he I don't think he gonna make it. The old white guy he doing better with it. The girl with the blind cropped hand, she though she be she mad. But the dude on the right, he not, He not gonna. He not gonna survive this. He not gonna do good. So maybe later on in the show, maybe me and Junior might give Fox and Friends, uh some ways to handle dog. We're gonna just call y'all oppression because it's depression. It's not oppression. But if you want a piece of that, we can we can get at They need some new friends, though, but y'all need some new fish and y'all got to figure out a way man to get through this because y'all don't look good on a Fox Right now. Strawberry Letter coming up next. My husband has vanished, and we'll get into it right after this. You're listening, Steven show. All right, Steve, we have to take a moment before we get into the Strawberry Letter to say that today's show is dedicated to Georgia Democratic political leader Stacy Abrams. All right. She has worked so diligently and so hard. Yeah, in the state of Georgia. We want to say congratulations to you, Stacy Abrams. Congratulations queen, you are a queen. You did it. Thank you so very se Abrams started a large part of this Malian campaign. Yeah, the ground roots are focus to vote. Stacy Abrams is the bad She's the bad chick. Yes she is. I all seeing nobody. Okay, let me go back. She's the bad queen, Queen of the days. Stacy Abrams, you better go girl. You fit to get your doing this one right here. Yes, that's right, thank you, Stacy. All right, time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now, Ladies, join me the time for the Strawberry letter. Well, my good friend, Shirley Strawberry, thank you, junior. Subject, my husband has vanished. Dear Stephen, Shirley, And this is not from Milannia. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm Milannia Trump. I'm a forty year old married woman that got married in September, and I'm already having problems. I met a great man in July and we had an instant connection and we fell in love quickly. We caught the coronavirus around the same time, so we bonded over that we were inseparable. If he was using the bathroom, I'd sit in there and talk to him, and vice versa. We were just that close. We dated for only ninety days before he popped the question. We had a wedding at the courthouse because of the pandemic, and then we honeymooned in Miami and Las Vegas. We moved into a bigger apartment in my building, and we decided to split all of our bills. A week after we moved in together, he was very different. He started telling me he needed his space, and he'd leave the house without telling me where he was going. I tried to talk to him, and he ignored me. Then he announced that he had to go to Chicago because he had a death in his family. I asked to go with him, and he said it was a quick trip and he'd be right back. It's November and I haven't seen him since late September. I would call him and he wouldn't answer, and then he text me excuses like he had another funeral to attend, he had car trouble, he went to jail for running a stop sign, he lost his phone, and the excuses continued so he could stay in Chicago. Then he stopped talking to me altogether and he vanished. I just want to know why he has gone missing. I pray that he's okay. Before he left, he gave me his relatives addressed in Chicago. So should I go and check on him or should I divorce him and put all of this put all of his stuff out of my house? Okay? I think this is a case of you already know the answers before you wrote into us, but since you wrote in, I guess you know we'll answer it. I'll answer it this way because this is a very strange, it's very odd behavior for someone. I'll say, who isn't on drugs or who isn't hiding a terrible, terrible secret or something. I think this man is gone, Okay, I think he's not coming back. I know you got swept up in the fairy tale, you know, love at first sight ninety days. You guys bonded very quickly, but really you knew nothing about this man. You knew nothing about him. You guys sitting in the bathroom while you go and all that. That's that's not love so deep. That's that's I don't know what that is. But I don't want any parts of it, and you know Steve Harvey doesn't want any parts of it. Okay. I think to save yourself some heartache and pain, I just you, you really have to let this go. That's all I can tell you. I mean, it's not like he's missing in life or something happened to him. You've spoken to this man, all you've gotten relies upon lies upon lies. He vanished from your life, as you say, but he's still very much alive and very much around. He's just not with you. The hard truth is, I know you don't want to hear this, but just sitting around pining over someone, that's just not the right answer. He's been lying to you all along, which means you should treat this marriage as a lie too and get on with your life. I mean, what's the point in calling, you know, and this address in Chicago. He's not gonna be there, and if he is, he's just gonna lie, or he's instructed those people to lie. Get on with your life, put the stuff out of your house, and move on. You don't even know this man, Steve, all right, I don't know how to do this. By how much time I got give me? Asked about a minute, Let me do this. M It's so many things, long hill, but just with the minute I got left, let me just give you the main part of it. He probably gonna because y'all were sitting there in that bathroom. That's probably did it right. I think when it was his turn to sit in there while you was using the bath I think that's what did it. He was handling it while he was sitting in there, and you was in there talking to him. But when you was using it, he at one point said, good Jesus, well his my father got I think that's the beginning of the end of this damn letter. So I knew the letter was over as soon as I read that right there. Now, when I come back, I'm gonna tell you what else I think it's going on. All right, Steve, can't wait to hear it. We'll have part two now twenty three minutes after seven. We'll be right back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject and we found out it was not written by Milania Trump. My husband has vanished. Let's get back into this bathroom still, all right now, I gotta I gotta recap this for y'all. Yeah, here we go. This forty year old married woman got married this past September, already having problems, met a great man in July July, probably around the fourth Okay, no problem, I'm as sooner somewhere around now, you know, the function or something something we caught the coronavirus around the same time, so we bonded over that. I'm gonna come back to that. We were in separable. He was using the bathroom. I sit there and talk to him and vice versa. We were just that close. Let's stop right here. Did you just stop the car? What did you just say? She said, met a man, I'm a front of your old woman, got maddess uptember and I'm already having problems. Next thing to point out to me if he was using the bathroom, I sit there and talk to him, and vice versa. I go the beginning of your damn problem talking about we was just that close. I got news for you that too, damn closet. I love my wife in the ground she walking on, she ain't never a matter of fact, I don't let her come by the dope, but I know now I don't want her to feel no other kinds of way about me. She can't crack the dough, she can't slide a note under the door, none of that. Matter of fact. Get your ass back five feet in front of this damn doe because I can't tell you what's happening in here. I got wada running, I got matches lit, I got them little sticks, dip down in the I got insists burning and a cigar. I'm just trying to hell every thing is happening in here. You're sitting up in that talking to each other. I'm gonna tell you what happened. God, Now I'm gonna get back to that. We dated for ninety days before he popped the question, had a wearing at the courthouse because of the pandemic, and then we honeymoon in Miami, Las Vega. Women. Hold up, you know what all these problems he is y'all have? Right now, let me go back to We caught the coronavirus around the same time. Oh so y'all making all these decisions. Why are you sick getting married? All the sick ass people? Two people with corona don't need to be making these type of deceiving That's why y'all were sitting up in that bathroom talking to each other, because you had lost your taste and smell, and your ass was sitting in that bathroom with that damn corona because you had losing your damn smell. That corona got off of your ass. Then you realize what you were smelling. Oh, we got to get the hell out of him. So here we go. Now you up. That's what happened. A week after we moved in together. He was very different. He wasn't sick no more. Yes, he different. He started telling me he needed space, we space, you know. I see now when y'all sitting in the bathroom and he ain't got corona him and now he needs his space. He it's been real strong in that bad room. He had to get the hell out of the house, the whole damn house. He lead a house without telling me where he was going. Probably just sitting out in the car getting some fresh air. I don't really know what's happen right here. So so then then he announced that he had to go to Chicago because he had a deafenitive family. I asked could I go with him? And he said it's a quick trip, he'd be right back. It was November. It's November, and I have not seen him since the late seth timber. Well, now let's be honest. Now, yeah, black people do have some long ass funerals. I don't. And then he said, you call him and he wouldn't answer. Then he text you excuses like he had another funeral to go to. See now, four Black Funerals is about four weeks so that he stopped talking to me altogether and he's vanished. I just want to know why he has gone missing. I pray that he's okay. Quit praying for this man. He's just fine. Should I go and he gave me an address to a relative of Chicago. Should I go check on him? Or should I divorce him and put all this stuff out of my house? Listen to me, lady, you don't really know this man. You just met him and July. This man got another family, he got another whole situation going on. He doing the same thing with somebody up in Chicago. To listen to me. He don't know you, and you don't know him. You ain't so in love with this man because you can't live without him, because you ain't had long enough to live with him. So you find out if you can live without a person after you can't found out time TI edge living with him. But if you can't live with him long enough to figure out that you can't live without him, call that stuff up. Get yourself in a null mint, get your marriage annulled. Go down to the court and get it annulled. Get you in an min you ain't even gotta get it divorce. You can get this annulled. See, that's all you got doing going about your business. Put all that stuff out your house, quit looking for him, and don't make no more damn decisions while your ass is sick. All right, your phone calls coming up? Thank you, Steve. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, let's get back to the phone. Okay, eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. If you want to call and talk to Steve, let's go to line five and talk to Hope out of Virginia. A Hope out of Virginia. How are you this morning? Gary'm great, Good morning everyone. Thank you for taking my call. Beautiful Hope. What's on your mind? I just want to say I have two things that I really want to say. First is that I think that twenty twenty the year has been just a dynamic year. It has pulled a lot of layers back, and things that have needed to be thought about has definitely come to the forefront. So I'm thankful for that. And I just encourage everybody to read Genesis Chatter fifteen verse thirteen, when God tells Abraham that I will have your seed captured in the land that is not their own for four hundred years, and after that they will be I mean, they would be made slaves and servants. But after that I will raise your people up and have their oppressors at their feet. So I just want to carry everybody to read. Don't get mad at me. Don't get mad at me. I wold. So I wanted to say bad, but I also want I talk about trud Steve is still, you know, giving God the glory. How I was just shouting, girl, you made me run around the roof. She has one more thing to say, Steve, go ahead, Okay, it's one more thing. I wanted to talk about Trump and how these quas, these trump Is. Some Republicans are jumping on his bag wagon too, and they're saying that the Democrat elite are involved in sex traffic can and pedophilia rings. But to me, the only person that I've seen snatching up and stealing kids in the last couple of years, hey is Trump. Where are those babies? Where those kids? I don't know if they've being sold off as slaves themselves to some kind of elite people or groups. I don't know. Well. All I can say is all i've seen out t White House, which I tried to say for y'all voted for him, was I told you he was involved in pornography when you're dating the poor star, That's what I told y'all and tried to play poor star with him. Third thousand, they had playboy Bunny walking around his house and looking at Melanie's room up in Trump Tower. That's what I said. Democrats ain't into none of that. None of that all right, coming up our NFL. None of that pemping right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve Uh, We're back live listen. Um, you had some breaking news, didn't you? Excuse me, folks, we have breaking news. I have you undivided detention. Please? Can you turn the background music down? This is breaking news, breaking news. Man, have your undivided detention, please. I don't mean to alarm anyone, but this is a sitting iificant piece of news, ladies and gentlemen. As of now, y Filly the fifth day, asked Philly Filly the fifty script w d as one on five point three Philly Filly the fifteen on them. Biden is now leading by over five thousand votes in the city of Philadelphia. In the state of Pennsylvania, the entire state has been flipped blue. The blue wall is complete with Wisconsin, Michigan, at Pennsylvania, New York. This is our breaking news once again. Filly the fliped on the ass. Silly, let them have it, old now old, now old, now old. Say can you see by the dog earl ly life. Yeah, it's in the song that you want us to stand up for that. We are trying to draw attention to what's happening to our lives. The fact that you have not taken one moment of your presidency to acknowledge the hurt that people who are pressed must be feeling because of the fact that you claim that Black Lives Matter was a Marxist communist organization. Are you kidding me, sir. The irony of all of this is that all four of these cities came, all four of these states came down to the vote in the city areas, the most condensed areas, what you call urban areas. We know it's just the black folks. So now in Milwaukee, they turned around the election. In Wisconsin, in Detroit, they turned around the election in Michigan. Chicago didn't even play with you. It went blue soon as the poles open. You walk this dog somewhere else in Chicago, and then the stunner started happening. You went over there and are actually losing in a traditionally red state becalled Arizona because you your policies towards people is so evil and disruptive. And now you can't even win in Maracopa County where you pardon shaff Joe, who was just treating the Mexican population like they were dirt. You in trouble there. And now Georgia, which has always been a red state, datum flip blue, homie, and guess why cause of Atlanta and Savannah and Columbus. That's why you you can't win there now. And now we went up to Philly. You had all that read going on, but you forgot all them black people. You ignored and messed over and you didn't notice. Man, you didn't really think black lives matter. But I bet you know it matters now because our votes do. Philly then showed up. It's a rap, Sir Joe gives Joe Biden over three hundred electoral votes. You ain't that much damn voter corruption in the world, which that ain't million anyway, they don't Fox telling about this dead person they found. And we need to shout out to the Pittsburgh Steelers. They gave to them in Pittsburgh. Had sault to the Steelers man for in that. Hats off to the Atlanta Hawks for open up the State Farm Arena down there to give people a place to vote. Hats off to all the NFL and basketball players and baseball players that urged everybody to vote. Hats off to all the rappers that came up and showed up. I didn't even want to send a shout out to the strippers from releasing that incredible video. We'll be with morning show right after this. You're listening to show Billy Billy. Yeah, not right now, Reilly. You know what, Shirley had a good suggestion to see ab off the air. Remember, Shirley, you wanted to shout out the Poles. Yeah, they're working so hard right now, you know, probably from minimum wage or something, and you know they gotta work all all day. I mean, like everyone, but I mean it's stressful right now because they're they're being threatened um. You know the world is looking at them, you know, and all of that. So I just wanted to say thank you, We appreciate you, and just thank you for doing such a great job. And stay safe and we cover you. You know, we do the yeah and yes, yes, yes, counting the ballots. Oh, y'all doing this? Count the ballots? Ain't y'all far? Yeah, that's hard work. They looking. I ain't down that count because I'll be laughing laying back. Got another word, by and by and by and by and by and bye. They're going to trump by and by back trump by and bye, back, by and by and by. Tambo didn't look good over here? Yeah, I'm driving is a come overhead and check this sugar funny iced t out. No, man, I'll be throwing ballots at observers. They look at movies back account love. Is Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this? Thank you, Paul workers, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, let's go to the phone, Steve. We got we haven't talked to the people in a minute eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve. Let's go to line four and talk to Jeffrey out of Temple Hills, Maryland. Jeffrey, all right, or let's go to line six. I think yeah, I think we lost him. Let's go to line six. Talk to Alex out of Philly, Philly. Hey what no, no, no, no, no, no, hey goodbye? Yeah whatever, yeah, I would what you want to break it down? There? You go take all that, take all that racism, which you take, all that divisive rhetoric, take all of that. You don't give a damn by nobody but the rich, but you fake it like you care about the working people. You don't give a damn by nobody but Donald Trump. All right, we got another call. Thank you, Anne one. And talk to Maurice out of Wilmington, Delaware. Maurice out of Delaware, right outside of what's up? What you gotta go? You gotta go talk to you. Yeah, I'm not Wilmington, that's right. Yeah. Man, man, congratulations to everybody in Philly. I know where you must feel like. I live in Atlanta. I voted in Atlanta. Oh. Our radio show is owned in Atlanta. We owned in Philly. We own in Detroit, we owned in Chicago, we owned in Dallas, we own in Houston, we own in Detroit. We own everywhere. That made a different New York City WBLS. They shut the doe right away. Ain't even question about us. We threw it in question in New York. Come up in here with this. We is who we is in New York. We New York strong, New York take it all. Epics Center for the Coronavirus in the beginning nine eleven, This New York man, nobody playing with you. We're bad up in Hill showed up and showed out. Man. We flex it and we got every right to flex. Thank you. Thank you to all of our listeners on the Steve Harvey Morning Show for responding to our pleasing cries. It was you who turned this election around. Now, nobody fool you. Oh they're gonna want they're gonna want to give credit to suburban women. That's cool, ain't no problem. But they wasn't counting the suburbs. In the last morns I saw in Detroit. For more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show after the Suburbs. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right here we are on this very historic day. We're back, um, Steve. Before we get into your closing remarks, we gotta say happy birthday to our very own Mississippi Monica Birthday today, Birthday. Go to her Instagram and follow Hood. That would mean more to Hood than the victory in the White House, Mississippi Monica ground. Just go do that. That I mean more than hor Let me get to this, No, I got some things on my mind because I want to say this as a as a person who these are my closing remarks, as a person who is in the radio world that where we give our information and help keep people in formed, not only laughing and entertained, but keep them in formed. Let me say this as a leader of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I personally don't have anything against Republicans. I really don't. I happen to have Republican friends. There are a lot of fine Republicans, see, but I'm talking about Republicans though. That's a lot of fine republic Now, if you're a Republican that's in a white supremacist group, that excludes you. If you're a Republican in the Proud Boys, that excludes you. I'm talking about good people who happen to be Republicans. I got a problem with that. I ain't got a problem with your views, I do really don't. You are free to agree whatever you want to agree, but I had the same freedom too. We can't all agree the same thing, but we can get along, right. See. The problem I have though for the last four years, is not the Republicans, but the person that you elected as you're representative. See, that's been the whole problem. See. I've listened to this man lie over and over and over. And why y'all stopped listening to the lies? That baffled me a bit, I must admit, But for some reason, you chose to allow this immoral person to be your representative, and you rolled with him, and you let him get away with stuff that you would never have letting anybody else get away with. He wan to roll back to healthcare. Obamacare's a disaster. Well, we've been waiting for four years for you to roll it back, but you've got nothing better because everything you could roll it back to would have to kill preexisting conditions. And that was the great thing about Obamacare. It could use a little tweaking here now, but everything that RU would have required to tweak it would have meant that y'all would have gave somebody some more, and you know that ain't what you do. You don't give people more. And then he comes on TV last night and he gives this whole speech that was the design to destroy the democratic process which your country was built on. Let me just give you your stuff. Now, your country was built on the democratic process, the whole constitution, and all of a sudden he wanted to just ripped that to shreds last night. And you know what reason he did it for, y'all, simply because he wants to be king. Yo, dog, I don't mind the Republican president. I got a problem with the Republican king. You ain't king, man. And now we'd have stepped up and showed you something. So now let me tell you what happened to you this week. See you you're trying to tout and take credit for something you did. First of all, you took credit for economy that you inherited. Let's just be honest about that. Now, today, guess what Fox News says that employment. If these numbers had to came out before the election, he'd be president. Employment is down six point nine percent and jobs is up six hundred thousand. Do you know why employment is down because most people have fallen off the employment ranks. Their employment is up, so that takes you off unemployment. Do you know why else? It's unemployment is down because people went back to work. You know why people had to go back to work, because they had to make a choice between health or wealth. And if you ask me, do I take care of my family or I tell you home to stay on with players safe, I gotta take a chance to go take care of my family. But the reason we're in a health crisis, it's because you handle the pandemic wrong. And the other reason people had to go back to work, it's because you killed the stimulus package and said you deal with that after the election. But now that your ass ain't fitting to get re elected, I bet you don't pass the stimulus package before January because it's always been about you. Man, So you killed everything. You kill the stimulus package, then you kill the Colin Kaepernick movement. Then you told the NFL players they all ought to get fired for getting on their knees. Man, So you think black people forgot all? It is why you was forgetting about us. And now you've trained Fox to be divisive, and so now Fox News is all depressed so now let me talk y'all for men. It's only been two days of depression that you all have had to sit through, and it's going to get a little bit worse. I'm just going to forewarn you that. But it's just depression. It's not opression. See, opression is different. It's ongoing, It lasts four hundred years. It comes from having no rights of any kind, no decision making process. You just get o'pressed. So now let me help you understand a couple of things. Man, y'all want to know what I'm confused about. What do he want us to do? Is it the pole's fault that he ain't the president? Do you don't want to mail mail in votes to count you took all the damn mailboxes. Do you want us to keep counting as long as you win in? Do you want us to stop counting? Man? You want to observes to stand closer to six feet. That can't stand closer to six feet because your ass won't admit that we got a virus and we got to practice social distancing. That's why your ass saint close. It ain't that we don't want you to see the vote, It's just you got Corona and we don't want you on our ass. Back up and get out the White House. Let me pay for the moving truck. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.