Philadelphia Eagles Parade, President Trump's Interview with Robert Mueller, National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day and more.

Published Feb 8, 2018, 12:17 AM

The Steve Harvey Morning discuss the Philadelphia Eagles parade, share their views on President Trump's interview with Robert Mueller, the importance of knowing your HIV/AIS status, the death of Colts' linebacker Edwin Jackson and more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag a suit looking back to back down, giving the mom just like the mosen buck bus. Things in. It's coble, y'all to me true good to stay listen to move together for stoo bar by. When don't you join yeah, yeah by join me into being men say you got to turn out you love go, Yeah you go. You gotta turn't to turn turns lovey got to turn out to turn to go. Come come on your back at it. Uh huh A good money about it. You're listening to the voice. Come on digging naw one, it only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, here we go today, folks. H this is a good one because today I want to share with you something that that affects every living soul, and that one thing is your attitude. This affects everyone. It is your attitude. You know. I don't know if anyone's ever told you, but I mean many of you who listen know this. But there are a lot of people who don't understand A positive attitude can bring about a change. A positive attitude can bring about a change. Well, now here we go with the Nay says well, Steve, what you mean if I'm just positive being changed? My mama on what me being positive got to do with that? Okay, now listen to me carefully. A positive attitude can bring about change. Well, okay, Steve, I hear you saying that. But they didn't fined me. So now what does my having a positive attitude have to do with the fact that they fired me? Well, one more time, A positive attitude can bring about change? Or Steve, I set up in here and gave eight nine, twelve years of my life to this man and he just he cheated on me and walked out. Now what does me being positive have to do with him cheating on me? How that's gonna change that? Okay, here we go again. A positive attitude can bring about change. And listen to the whole thing. Now, the positive attitude and the change that can happen starts. This is the start. It starts within you. See, life is tempera cent. What happens is what you do about what happens. Okay, you gave twelve years of your life to this man. He cheated and left you. Hold in the bag, the kids and everything. Now, what does being positive have to do with changing that or they came in and they fired you. You lost your job that you was a stellar performer at. But now, how does you having a positive attitude, How does that change things for you? So far, you can use any example. Here's what happens when you have a positive attitude. What it produces within you is a positive approach to life. And when you have a positive attitude and a positive approach to life, it causes you to be optimistic, to have a positive out look, to expect things to eventually turn around, and and and and and turn into a positive That's very important because as the law of attraction comes into play, if you think positive thoughts, you attract positive things. If you think evil thoughts, you attract evil to you. You know, if if you want for nothing, then nothing comes your way. If you want for positive attitude, if you want for positive results, if you want for a great outcome, that's what you attract to you. The change will begin within you. So let's take the man that walked out your life and left you hold in the bag. Here's a positive attitude. Okay, two things have happened as positive here. Number one, you've ridd it yourself of someone who was obviously going to be, if not already been, toxic in your life because you many restless nights, a lot of uncomfortable feelings, uneasiness, not sure it's security. You've been going through it with this person, whoever they are. Number One, that person has been released from your life. Number Two, it allows you now to have the someone who will treat you just the way you want to be treated. That's the positive outlook, that's the optimistic way. That's when you're a positive person. You see the positive in things that happened to you instead of burying yourself under the horse, wrong with it, old woe is me? Now, concept see a positive attitude. When they came in there and they fired you and let you go. Could this not have been just the opening you needed to finally start on a new career path that you've been talking about doing anyway? Could it possibly be a brand new chance for you to get the dream job or dream career of your choice. Could it not possibly be the perfect opportunity now for you to finally finally do something about that gift, about that talent that God gave you, that thing that you love to do. Could it not be the perfect time for you to pursue that. But if you don't have a positive attitude, then you lay there. Oh they're finn Come get in my house. Oh what I'm gonna do now? All this unemployment ain't enough. Oh Lord, when it's unemployment run out? What am I gonna do? Then I won't have nothing, and you old woe is me until you become old woe is me. But if you take it from the positive approach, some amazing things can happen in your life. I would tell you on a personal note, that's some of the most some of the best changes, some of the biggest moments in my life came after a loss. Some of the best things that's ever happened to me. Some of the biggest moments that I've accomplished in my entire career came after a loss. So I don't want to go down on the list, but boy, I could tell you. Let me let me tell you something. When they didn't want me on the radio anymore in l A. What they didn't when they were it was sick of the way I did radio out there and they wanted me gone. And on May thousand and five, when my did when when? When? When my deal was done with the beat out in l A. Okay, look what happened though, y'all was gone in May. But in September nineteenth I started to Steve Harvey Radio Network with four Cities. You see, but I didn't go old. Woe was me? I said, Okay, God must have something else from me then, because if he didn't remove me from this, that must be something else. Same thing can happened when you lose and you and you and you break up in a relationship. Same thing can happen to you. You never know the one God God for you. Now Here you go, here you go again. Now you get put into a situation with somebody treat you just the way you want to be treated, provide you the whole lot of respects of your life. You knew nothing about pride to that. But you gotta stay positive. You gotta keep looking out, You gotta keep looking to God. You gotta keep believing that there's got to be something better for you. That God has a plan and it don't coincide with your plan oftentimes, but His way is the best way. Oh. I have not liked it many times, man, Oh man, I've had people scathed me. I'm talking about man people, I ain't done nothing too. I don't even know where it's coming from. Just go public and just try to bury me. When they got through, man, I can't tell you what happened to me because I ain't raised my voice back. I didn't. I didn't get into that negative lane with them. I took the high road. And when you take the high road, God got something for you. So all of you out there are struggling, that's being hated on, that you feel like your life and took some turns that you have no control over. If you stay positive, that positive attitude, that optimistic outlook, that that that always thinking got me no matter what happened to me, some amazing things that's going can will happen in your life. It's a fact. I don't know how it works that way. I just know that's what it is. Positive attitude is everything, y'all. So get off the old woe is mean negativity train because it ain't gonna take you nowhere but down and get get your outlook up. If you change your attitude, you change your altitude. Altitude is determined by your attitude, how high you go, how big you become, how far you go It all depends on how you think. It all depends on what type of attitude you got. Ain't no, ain't no very very successful, super negative people. It just doesn't coincide the way if you see that something that happened to him along the way, and don't worry. You ain't gonna worry about it because you ain't gonna see them long because you can't stay up there like that. This is too hard, all right. That's the conversation. You're listening to ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. I normally say people from around the world, but we've said that it's covered all y'all. What's happening. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm as Steve. That was for you, That is for Shirley. That's the gift. Well, you know, Sirlet you know, when you work with a bullshie person, uh like yourself, what I try to do is, you know, interject commonality into your life because you don't have enough of it, really yeah, in terms of language, and so I try to be there for you, Shirley, to provide you a look at us because you know they didn't like you in high school because you was bully I know they didn't. I didn't know Sherley in high school, but I know you can bet she was boe Shirley. It's been dead and Nemons has been debta Nemons. What I don't get it? Is that a person? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, she act real bullhes. She married Waran Anderson both, Yeah that's cool. Yeah, I mean, I don't know what level it was Stow front. Last time I checked, are you calling out? I was just great? What are you doing? They preachers? When they got married. Beamons married Warwan Anderson and they booge it and they was bouge and the store front. Yeah, he never forgets the name. He never forgets the name. But he don't know half the people staff that I know. What's the name of our new engineer that worked here, Steve? What's his name? Dave Junior? I didn't tell him nothing, Junior? How you tell me that quick? What's his last got direct? And I don't know about it. I don't know what land, but to first, it's not nice guy brought in by our to watch out and oversee us. See. Oh my goodness, oh my godness. Well okay, okay, I didn't mean it like as in slave. Now you took the right there oversee. No, Shirley, I wonder nobody. Ain't nobody saying nothing about the man he'll oversee because that ain't Ben the half up in here. Get your ass pulled on off that horse, get your ass okay, really now we have to y'all meeting there, y'all meeting for I just send him in here to oversee us, but just to see over us, not oversee our engine field and slavery. Don't do that. And Shirley, why would you do that? So embarrassed a man like that? This is a chef bringing herbs to me. This ain't really real medicine. The chef has bringing your herbs. You have some life, You're I'm trying to stay healthy. Man, mess around. Just start making this money. Man. I can't leave him now. All right, listen, something funny is coming up, and uh, I gotta tell you, personality is more important than looks to most people. We'll be back at thirty two after to talk about it. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go with something funny, Steve um, personality is more important than looks to most people. While a lot of us are overly concerned about how we look, especially when it comes to finding a mate. It turns out looks really art everything. In fact, a New Planet Fitness Valentine's Day pole finds that ninety two percent of people say they prefer a partner with a good personality to one with a great body. Overall of people say they're looking for a partner with a good personality, while seventy six percent one with a sense of humor. There you go, Steve with a positive attitude and seventy open mindedness also important characteristics for mate. So I gotta ask you, Steve, I gotta ask Junior and Tommy. You guys chime into what's the most important thing you're looking for in your significant other? And really how important our looks. Personality is critical, It's absolutely critical. But I'm gonna need you to be cute too, though, thank you, because of what I'm not gonna be doing is sitting up in here with your glass just cause you nice, because you I got you nice, But you know you you're you're you're horrid. That used to be the standard if someone wasn't cute, that you'd ask him are they cute? You? Say, well, they have a nice personality. I mean it was ugly. That's all that meant right away. Now, I would prefer personality over you said a great body. Yeah, yeah, because my body got flaws. I can accept the flaw on your body. There ain't no problem. A couple of flaws, you know. So I ain't worried about that. And it was nice in the face though, Yeah, roll rolling over every morning, look looking at that. No, no, no, I'm gonna need something now until def do us party kill me now? Yeah, but I'm not gonna do is die every morning you wake up. I mean, I mean for you out of make up to resemble the person in makeup. I that okay. So we know men are visual. We got that. Men are very visual. Women are too, surely okay, And that's what that's what I was coming to. And you guys, all of you guys, well, with the exception of Tommy, you guys say you're not cute. So where are we now? No, I'm not We still with them not cute and I'm just cute? What what? What what Tommy? You're not You're not gonna make me ugly. It ain't make you. I'm not going that way, Tommy, we're okay, okay, okay, Tommy, let me ask you a question. List your flaws and my flowers. You might take a minute talking. Most my shoulders ain't like nice. You know my hand strings, of course, it's gone to hell to your shoulders ain't ain't good. Ain't like my shoulders. Now you got brought you wide, now wild, I ain't got that. I ain't got that. I shoulders, shoulders and my phone star with their sage come on, so far it's your shoulders, the sage shoulders and she come on. Sure listen. First of all, I'm not short, but short can be sexy, so let's not let's not kill that. Okay, you don't have to be tall to be sexy. Now I'm not tall, but I'm not short. No, women don't have to be tall to be sexy. No, I'm not telling by women. I'm telling about people period. There's women, Yeah, they're short, there's short sexy. They're short sexy women. And there's good looking short of me. And what are you talking about? What we we're just at the shoulders. Go ahead, go ahead and finish your shoulders whatever. Wrong, it's another lower back, ain't where it all to be got how only you know? It's just it's just something you can't see your lower back cause of your other flow. Show doesn't need help, Steve, because okay here you high behind. I don't have a high behind. I don't claim you can't see your lower back. If Timmy, when you put your belt on, if your belt buckle is lower then the top of your ass. What do you think that's from them? Just bad belts build bad built. It's what you bad belts belt Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, let me help you with you with your shortcoming. Your flaws is your shoulders. You got a high ass, your short in your profile, that's all of me. What is your time? What do you mean, prof Yeah, I mean looking when he turns to the side. Yeah wow, I've never noticed. Okay, ladies look at me from the side. Okay, yeah, now do you see anything he's talking about? What are you saying? You don't see a jaw line? Chin run straight down into his chest? My son said that I don't. Okay, I don't have a chance. So that's that makes me hugly though, Yeah, I don't know yet here we should have chins in life. Seriously, Yeah, I family not famous for that. My profile tow up? How much do cheene cold implants all day? If I get a cheering then I look good. M hmm. You're supposed to be encouraging him. He ain't encouraging nothing. No, I didn't say I was gonna encourage you. I said, list your shortcomings. You seem to be struggling, shoulders, short, high ask and your profile and your hamstrings is gonna and you're jumping abilities. What are yours? I got big lips, I got a full nose, My profile is shot, my stomach cannot seem to get reduced. Okay, we gotta get out this. This can take forever coming up because I know that run that prankback. It's coming up with the nephew. We're gonna get him a chance. You're listening to Steve, all right? Okay? Can I can I say something? Because we've been talking about flaws. Let's get off of flaws. What are your assets as a man, Tommy, let's just go that here. Okay, let's get off your flaws. We don't went over that. What are you just said? Asset? You set my asset your high I got that. But assets in terms of what are your what are your positive features? Oh? What are your positive features? Yeah? They are tomming? Oh, he asked, ball head all less sexy? Oh, ball head is sexy? H t people who are like baldhead as I actually before you, before I eat, when I eat. You don't know. You ain't know. Have anybody seen that? I ain't seen not a nail one. I ain't been showing them to y'all. What am I? You just run that race? You had that tight shirt on. We ain't seen nothing in that tom Tommy, you don't have apps because you would have. You would take a picture of them me if you had them, because I would you. We took a picture. How many years ago we took the pit? We took a picture and you didn't have abs? Then it wasn't no app your stomach but you weren't cut. Yeah you weren't. He means you weren't. Kind of wait just a minute here, now we're gonna put this out in the public. Here. It was google, We could google it. The abs not there. You don't have a he do do you have any positive physical qualities? Your teeth other than your teeth, about your hands? You're my hands. You got radon hands. So stop that. Yeah, you have nice hands, your feet small your hands. I wear eleven and a half. That's a bill. You don't tell me. You keep telling you that, but you don't wear no len bo. That's a one in a half. You don't see the two under that O. I can't win with y'all. I can't. Well, I was gonna ask you as time, Tommy, here's good qualities. What are yours? I'm tall, I'm strong, Uh, I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm a hard worker. I'm physical, musical, physical, Tommy, Okay, cool, I got nice smile, I got good teeth. Yeah, my head is symmetrically correct for being a ball head. Man. I got large hands, I got large feet. You do the man. We got to go to run. Now, you ever heard nothing? You ever heard a complaint from nobody about me? We can carry this on a morning talk to nobody now that you can't cause anybody gonna come out and saying that I'm blessed. Tommy. Here it is six to ten, running the prank back? Hello, trend to this is the trend? Who is this? Hey? You work at same with S? Yes? I do? Who is this? Okay? Was you there? Did you work last Wednesday, like from six to I guess six to close. Yeah, I work every Wednesday. Yeah. Who who is this? Hey? My name is Ralph and I basically uh uh, you know, looked around to try and get your phone numb. I got a bit of a complaint out. Wait wait wait wait wait, you're calling me with a complaint on my cell phone. Who gave you my number? I've done the research to get your number, man, And what I'm calling you about is, while I was in there getting the sandwich and eating, I'm realizing that you came out of the bathroom without washing your hands, and which First of all, you need to be calling the corporate headquarters if you got a complaint or you got that eight hundred number on the back of your receipt. Don't be calling my cell phone. Whoever gave your gave you myself on I a whoof day. Hey, listen, listen. The problem is is that you're coming out not washing your hands. No, no, the problem I don't never come out and not washing my hands. First of all, working I don't work there for three years. Be coming to me with no books that I hadn't came out and I washed my hands. I guess you ain't been washing your hands for no three years and you you're you're coming out because you know unsanitizing this way you're treating people. Don't First of all, don't be calling my phone talking behind it. I ain't washed my hands, like I said. I've been there three years. I've been employer of the month six times. Don't be coming to me with none of this book. I don't know how you employ You must be the nasty employee of the month because you're coming out. You're not washing your head. I saw you scratch your head and you ain't putting who else always for gloves on my hand? You ain't on. We don't know who the hell you think you are. But don't be calling my phone with this. You need to be calling headquarters if you got a complaint. I'll tell you what I'm gonna call headquarters. I'm coming at a mall to see if you're gonna be up in there with some gloves on, or you gonna come out there out of the bathroom again with the same thing. Come on up there. I'm gonna be there from sixty close sixty close, and I'll bet you if you come up to the mall. I gonna make it sandwich. You'll you're gonna do what I'm gonna make it sandwich? Our show? Who you think you're talking to? Yo? You said your name was round right. Don't be calling my phone with this. Hey, let me tell you something. All I'm saying to you is this right here. If I come up in there tomorrow and find out you ain't got them gloves, oh you's I get who you're gonna with mine? You're gonna want sixty ten. I'm gonna be up there from six to ten. I ain't gonna call nobody. Ain't calling my brothers, my cousin, my uncle or nothing. I'm gonna whop by myself. Excuse me, you're gonna you you're gonna try to take on the man. I'm gonna whoop your by myself. That's what I said. You need to get to a little man shit behind in the bathroom and wash your hands and keep doing them. Put on your hand because you don't be coming to some people food like that. Bring your throwing up there six to ten. You know where I work six to ten, and I'm gonna whoop y'all. Who you think you're talking to? I don't even know who you are, but I'm gonna know your tomorrow. I'm gonna know you tomorrow. Bring you throwing up there, Jay sits in and I'm gonna whoop y'all. I'm coming up to them. Come on, I'm not going up to tomorrow. Matter of fact, I'm gonna tell you how to be sanitized. I donna be what some gloves on? Do you hear me? You're gonna be and you steady talking about woman? That's who? Bring you? It's up there. We're gonna see who's gonna get woll What kind man is you? Anyways to be talking about fighting? A want you all? And you have what what you called me? Um see tee A thank you. I'm coming up to to see you tomorrow. Is you is? You're gonna be ready when I get up there? What kind you anyway? You call up some how about you're gonna fight female y'all with some hand washing. Bring your first and I'm gonna show you what it is. Six to ten, I'm gonna be here. Matter of fact. I'm gonna be there at five forty five. Bring you up for five o'clock in and I'm gonna whoof y'all, who'd your third turn to see? I don't gonna I'm gonna talk to break up for tomorrow sixty two. You're gonna see, you're gonna see what's up. I got one of my friends to say to you for her. Come up there tomorrow. I do you got to say? I don't care. I'm gonna yo say that. I got one more friend. Listen to what you listen? What? What? A few Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Shoot. Who you you say? Who? Hey, there's nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got franked by your co workers? Man? You man, see, man, y'all got me. Man's like six in the mall. I got something for her. She's gonna have to watch her back every hour, every hour on the hour. I got something for her. I ain't gonna hurt her, but I'm definitely gonna do it in tomorrow. Believe that. Well you read it though I was shell. Yeah, I'm gonna who Man, you don't even know if you had a stuff for you, you just like to y'all pull me up and they probably wouldn't have been enough either. Hey, I got one more thing, as what is the baddest radio station in the land. You already know Steve Harvey Morning Show that is six to ten. You can get my pranks c D in Walmant today, won't he do it? Get your copy today coming up at the top of the hour MS and will be here with our national news. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The victory parade route for the world champion Philly Eagles is tomorrow Thursday at eleven a m. The expected route will take the celebration from the stadium area all the way up Broad Street to City Hall and we'll then turn left on the Parkway. All public and private schools in the city of Philadelphia will be closed and so happy. The Eagles, of course, defeated the Patriots forty one the thirty three on Super Bowl Sunday in Minneapolis. The game's hero was underdog backup quarterback Nick Foles, who took the reins from starting quarterback Carson Wentz injury earlier in the year and never looked back. Fly Eagles, Fly, Yeah he goes. We ever found out while they didn't play the cornerback from New England. No, I don't know, man, I don't know. I'm just reading the report said it was something to do with women mine team violation. Huh, yeah, that's a minor team violation. That's what Bill billichicks. It was just a number of issues issues. But wait, women though women? You know, so he broke a team rule, broke something something about behavior is what you're saying? Behavior issue? Oh more than Yeah, it's just a discussion. He don't want me to get into the just spaculate. Some teammates say it could be the issue with this. It's sad to have that Belichick say that though no, no, Bellichick didn't say that. He just said avoiding it. That's what he's trying to do. He only want to talk about. Wow, maybe that's too bad, man. Yeah, I'll call ms and Junior's right. One of they're saying that Butler was violating a team rule related to curfews and others. Oh, I got it after midnight that what he didn't done bad week of practice. He was battling flu like symptoms. That's what MSN dot com is. Same suit because he thought them girls to fix it off for him. Though, Yeah, I got that they can fix the flu. Yeah. I ain't gonna lie when he threw about that though, ain't stop you from performing when I'm sick. That's what I needed. Whenever I'm sick, I don't get it there. That's the best antibiotic in the world. I get a shot, I'll be fine. I've had six, said price and went on end. I'll make it sick you in I tried. Got to reduce that feeble cut the fever in hell right here like that, but at least at least I won't know I'm got a fever. Would be all the things. Uh huh, you know, I love it. They tell me you can't seek, you eat like the six second earthquake. They're going in my body shuts down everything and everything else did. Really, that's it, he's said, six second earthquake seven point five right here talking Carlin. I'm sorry, I never heard that. I never heard of earthquake. It's a six second earthquake in your body seven point five. Man, I don't look at my brows and being on the pillow cake. Hella. Alright. As we move on from this fascinating conversation that started about the miss Anne is here, we take it everywhere. Steve introduced miss Anne Please, ladies and gentlemcheese here our very own miss and trip very much. This is answer for the news everybody, well, not really funny. The nation faces the possibility if yet another partial government shut down at midnight tomorrow unless the g Opian the Democrats come to some agreement not just on money, but of course how to treat the Dreamers people brought here illegally as children. However, seems like the President's willing to pay hardball period. If we don't change it, let's have a shutdown. We'll do a shutdown down, and it's worth it for our country. I'd love to see a shutdown if we don't get this stuff taken care of. We've identified three priorities for creating a safe, modern and lawful immigration system, securing the border, ending chain migration, and canceling the terrible visa lottery. Meanwhile, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly is quoted as saying yesterday that some immigrants have either been get this too lazy or too afraid to sign up for the program too lazy. House Intelligence Committee voters make publicly classified Democratic memo which robuts GOP claims that the FBI and the Justice Department to use their powers to wire tap a Trump campaign official to vote now gives President Trump a couple of days to review the memo and determine whether he's going to block its release or allowed to come out. By the way, the President has been engaged in a lot of chess thumping lately about the stock market when it was hitting record highs, but after several days of ups and downs, mostly downs, the boast has been altered. Jersey Secretary Steve Manustian now urging Americans to look beyond the roller coaster run that the stock market has been on recently, because he insists the administration is focused on the big picture. We are very focused on the long term economic growth, and we believe that the policies that we've enacted, including tax reform, are very positive for a long term economic growth. By the way, when it comes to stocks, only about half of all Americans have any, and economists say the largest stock ownership is concentrated among the wealthy. The suspect in this disgusting viral video showing a young girl performing oral sex on a grown man now in police custody Alabama. Thorities announced to warn against forty four year ord Germaine. More and more lives in the Millbrook area. He turned himself in. They say little girl in the video, whose age is not being released, but yesterday they said she was six, has been located and she's safe. This truly sad. Chicago police looking at allegations that singer Dennis Saidwards was being abused by his wife in the months before he died. In order protection taken out against his wife, Brenda Edwards, alleging domestic abuse. In fact, that was supposed to be a hearing on a Friday, but Dennis died on the Thursday. His wife says that the the accusation is our false and defamatory. She does not believe them. She says, this is someone's just trying to muddy her name for some reason. Well, finally, on the happy note, today is Harlem Globe Triter's day. Let's whistle Georgia Brown You Jean the Butterfly coming to twenty minute after the ill stay too to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve he is here, Please introduced the butterfly. Oh here, Jane, all right, here we come to whoa do you know the butter fly? Because I do do you know the butterfly, because I do gospel side ladies and gentlemen, Bishop butter fly, let the radio say amen, man man is the one, and I leave bit shop about the fly with the pink cloth. Good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, Charlie Kyle, the first of all the ladies. Good morning, good morning, butterfly, flutter fluttery, junior morning, junior in timey, good morning morning, butterfly flap on. Stephen, Stephen, Stephen Harvey. Yeah, okay, so I got it. I got what we can work on together. I have been just I've been brainstorming and brainstorming. I finally have it. You know, have the movie Girls. Trip did so so good. It did very well. Will Packer was just outstanding with it. He did a great job, Litten, Stephen. I think we get what we are, poker, and you know what we do. The boys Trip already did that would kill it? Did that? Now? I mean the movie we're gonna do the movie that we made. We made a movie. We shot it as good to be out this summer. Here's hear me out, Stephen. I just want me and my friends to do a trip like me. Lorenzo Finzi Um, Sir Charles Meuir and Scooby, all of us get together. We want to do a movie and but guests instead of going to we're gonna got to stand and so and we're gonna shoot a lot of the footage down there. It would be a great, great, great idea, Stephen. I just want you to really open mindedly think about it. Yeah, I mean I would, man, but we already did that. We already do the dudes trip with all dudes, So you're not interested. No, it's girl trip. We just thought we're gonna do the dude trip. I'm trying to do something I conna be in it. I wasn't in it to come up with something a little bit more original then because that's been done. But if I change it up a bit, then get a storyline, well a good storyline, like you know, um going on a fellows trip and then somebody goes to jail or somebody gets lost. It's something boy, you can't go to jail. Okay, wrap this up. Yeah, after the break of thirty four, after the hour, on a real serious note, we're going to talk about the politicizing of illegal immigration. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, Steve. Police have identified the drunk driver who struck and killed Indianapolis Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson on Sunday and say he is an illegal immigrant who has been deported twice. Twenty six year old Jackson and his fifty four year old Uber driver were hit by a Ford pickup truck as they stood outside on the shoulder of Interstate seventy. Monroe and Jackson were standing outside the vehicle on the side of the road because the player was ill. The football player was ill, that's Edwin Jackson. Uh. Police say the drunk driver, thirty sevent year old Manuel OReGO Savala, is from Guatemala and is in this country illegally. He had previously been deported in two thousand seven and again in two thousand nine. President Trump tweeted, uh, so disgraceful that a person illegally in our country killed UM coach linebacker Edwin Jackson. This is just one of many such preventable tragedies. Uh. We must get the Dems to get tough on the border and with illegal immigration fast. So I mean, Steve, this is the latest illegal immigration case that will be argued by politicians and by activists, but Jackson's friends and roommates. Um said that Jackson would not want his tragic death politicized, and he says, I don't think Edwin would have judged anyone and where they were from or anything else. But the president is taking it. I understand and respect what his friends are saying, and they're probably right about it. The problem is this president and this Republican Party are doing just that. They they did it at the address. They had two families stand up and talk about family. They're they're losing their daughter and their other child from illegal immigrants. Was that gang members MS thirteen. Hey, they take every advantage they can. See this whole thing, And I was thinking about this this morning too. This president promised to drain the swamp. So he's gotten rid of the FBI director, He's gotten rid of so many key positions, but he's refilled the swamp up with brand new creatures to the likes that we've never seen before. How did Steve Banion get into the White House? Or right ultra conservative bart right? I mean these people whatever they are, I mean these people man that like some of the worst people when it comes to equality and no love for anybody other than themselves? How did he get in the White House? All these people that he's pulling the White House that are gone now that are under federal investigation, that have cooperated with the Muller investigation. Collusion, There's been no collusion proven with the Russians, but there is proof that they tampered with the election. Collusion has not been proven yet. There are no facts about that. They're trying to make a case for that. But you haven't had that man, and who has even talked to the Russians in years? But they interfered with the The investigation is still going on anyway, right, But this is a new creature in the swamp, and the swamp is headed up by a new kind of president. He is so unpresidential man. And so that's what we're dealing with now, man, And it's and it's disheartening, And I feel for the linebacker's family and hearts and condolences gold goes out to his family and the uber driver who we don't even know his name. We have his name, Jeffrey monro. Okay, but what was the president's tweet? He tweeted about it. Now, see that a person illegally in our country killed Coats linebacker Edwin Jackson. This is just one of many such preventable tragedies. We must get them. See here we go again in this new political face that we have in the White House, just unpresidential God. He uses the Coats football players made the same football players that he criticized. But when it's from political purposes. Now he has a name, but he don't say nothing about the uber driver. Uber Driver got a family too. Dooper Driver's life is just as important as anybody else's life, so to me and lose their lives, and he's going to use it for political purposes. There can be no surprise here. The swamp is filled with new creatures. We'll be back with more the show when we come back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry Letters. But up next it's the nephew with the Frank phone call for today. Neft what you got ain't feb Yes, of course it is all right, then naming it Frank right here? Black history mom, people, but our heritage, come on nine, what is that? What is that saying? Your grandmother used to have. If you make it through Jan and Feb you can march on through to April. In man. Uh here it is hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach James James Police speaking. Hey James, how are you doing? This is um Chad. So I'm calling from the from the job. How are you tonight? I'm doing good? How are you? I'm very good, very good, giving you a call. I'm actually the the regional manager over the over your department. Okay, everything's all right now, So they suddenly I just want to make sure I'm still coming to work tomorrow. Oh, You're definitely definitely nothing like that. You're definitely coming to work now. Who's your manager over at your office? Is it Brett? Right? Okay, Well, here's what we're doing, man. We're calling everybody in the company first of all today, but more importantly, we're definitely making contact with every African American in the company. And I'm letting you know that we're paying homage and much respect to Black History Month. That that's something that we want to definitely let you guys know that's important to us. I think that is outstanding. How can I help well, listen, We've got some things that we want to do for tomorrow, and that's the reason why you're getting a call today. Are you up for helping us, you know, really really push Black History of month within the company? Chad, I'm a team player. Whatever it takes, let's get it done. Okay, good deal, Good deal. I tell you what. Here's what we're gonna do. We got a lot of people that we've given a call to, and everybody's gonna play different roles tomorrow at the office, So we wanted to give you a call. Do you mind if you're if you're really the team player that we think you are, and I think you uh, you've you've already made mention that you you don't mind doing what it takes, don't You're on the right track. Okay, good deal. Here's what we're asking man. We would we would like for you tomorrow to actually if you could find these type of articles tonight, but if you could wear a burlap shirt, some cut off pants and no shoes tomorrow, that would really really help us out on the team that we're trying to get going for tomorrow. Well, Well, we'll chat. I think I heard, but I'm not sure. Can can you please repeat that one more? Time leave. We want you to wear a burlap shirt, some cut off pants and and just don't wear any shoes at all. That's the that's the attire that we would like for you to come into the office with tomorrow. Yeah. Yeah, and we're gonna give it a man. Everyone's excited about it, and we would like for you to come in tomorrow. H Like I said, we're chat chat let me, let me, let me, let me give you I mean, since we're gonna celebrate black Shish and let me give you one fat. The year sixteen nineteen was the first African American slave arrived in Virginia. Today is Sundays twenty. Do you think I'm like that you? I'm sorry. I didn't. I didn't. I didn't exactly hear what you said at the beginning? What did what did you say? We've been over with? Ain't no whar in hell happen to come into the office here? Why some cluse your mind? What's wrong with you? Why you ask me to put on a baseball? Two can come in? Is Jackie Robinson? Why do you ask the put on two piece suit to come in? It's here a holder? What the hell were wrong with you? Well? What we want to do here, and I don't want you to get upset about this, James. What we want to do is be like you asking me to do to be a slave, Well, you know what I will do. But I mean we will come up there. I will come up there and uh pretend to be here and nevie on your That's what I will do and show you some real black power panther movement on your Would you like that, sir? Sir? What we want to listen, We're not here to create problems. What we want to do is we want to We want to pay a HOMEY want a problem on the fund of the dress as a slave, that's a problem as I problem. Okay, okay, sir. If we're gonna pay homage to black history, don't you think that all of that is a part of black history? High like the positive man, high like the positive. You're paying me that they to work for you. This ain't no slave free labor. Do you understand that? No? I don't. I completely understand it. But what if we don't have where where it's started from. You know, we have to have we have to have all every single area of black history. Don't you think we have to have the beginning, the middle, and the ending. Okay, well, if you want to highlight some of them to be Frederick Dublins, let me slick my hat back. But see the problem you got here? His father was a white man. See, y'all like looking at our women, but y'all don't like uplifting the black man. So how about I do that? Let me be Frederick tells. That's how I like that? Boss? How about you, Chad, you like black women? Uh uh, I'm here, or answer the question. I like all all, like all people, sir. What I'm trying to do is get a great, great environment within the company, and everyone want is not a great environment. So now the majority of the of the Caucasian people are gonna be masters tomorrow. Okay, what did you say masters? Did you gonna say masters? Yes, most of them are gonna be masters tomorrow. I'll be in there with my turning to master ELC lawsuit on your How about that? So do you have a problem with us trying to trying to uplift the black community? To you have a problem with that man? You you ain't uplifting saying you know what I'm gonna do. I'm coming in the mars Barack Obama. But you don't like to do you. Yeah, we're running around. You want to get somebody to come in to be a slave. You feel master, massively master me coming in there as a black man like I've been coming into working like I'm forever coming in the work. We are a major farm of company. And you're calling me on a Sunday with you like this, are you watch sir? Sir? What we're trying to do is uplift the black community. We're trying to say't talking about slavery, Lift and kiss my black that's what you do, sir. I'm trying to What we're trying to do is play a homage to black history. And here you are being negative about the entire entire situation of what we're trying to do. To be a negative and I'm being like, man, you I'm coming in as Barack Obama to mar like I said, And I'm like, hey, I'm like, choose on my se. Can you up? Sir? That's the There's one more thing I need to say to you. Okay, there's one's more. What mon I'm sorry you just said all you had to say? What's your name again? Chad, Sir, Chad Billingsley, What here you got to say? Chad? All I wanted to say to you is this, sir, is I am nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show and you just got pranked by your co worker Kevin. Had to be so kind of joke because y'all playing on a sudden. Man, I'm gonna kill no word about my job. I was getting ready to come to the marrow and whoops, every wife, boy, I thought, looked like a math. And don't let me see a brother dressed like a slave. I was onna wolf here. Oh man, hey man, I got to ask you, man, you gotta tell me this. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio station in the land, man, the Steve harved Morning Show? Yeah, all right, what'sall? Thing? It's just an auction, Okay. If I were you, if I went out today, I would wear this guy. I really Tommy, and we get you to wear some bur lap. Why would you even say that? In Black History Month? Though? Yeah? You know, just little teaspoon a black history that's all. That's that's if I went out today, if I were you, I'm just saying, should I go out in lamps about the c D. Let's get off, won't it do it? Won't he do it? That's my c D. It's in Walmart today, next month, this month, this week, next week. You get it? Get it right now, won't he do it? I'm pranking church people, and those are the best people to prank. Won't he do it? Get it in Walmart today? Now? What I'm gonna prank? And I got a good idea. What do you think? I prank all radio personalities? What do you mean by that? You know, like I prank Ricky Prank, Uncle, Steve Prank, Tom Jonah Prank. What's the one used to be a video soul? What's his name? Donny Simpson? Danny. Yeah. I could just do a whole CD where I pranked nothing but radio personality. That's a whole nother CD. That's gonna be good. I go back to the drawing board. All right, Are you done? You're quite done? He's scaring me. Coming up at the top of the hour. Today's Strawberry Letter. You don't want to miss it. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. President Trump's lawyers are worried about his interview with Mueller. Uh. The New York Times reports that Trump's legal team is worried he could be charged for lying to investigators if he makes contradicting statements during questioning, and while the President's lawyers also do not believe that Mueller has legal standing to question the president. This is where it gets complicated. Should the President decline, Mueller could then try to subpoena him, a move that could create a complicated legal battle. It's believed that Robert Mueller wants to question President Trump about the firing of former FBI Director James Comey and Trump's interaction with former National Security advisor Michael Flynn, who, of course we'll all recall. Uh. Flynn pleaded guilty to charges in Mueller's probe last year. You can't let this president talk to the special committee headed up by Mullet. You can't let him talk because he's not no one's there. He'll perjury himself. He can't tell the truth. Well, I think you don't know what that is. He doesn't know what it is. It started from day one, the largest inauguration in the history, biggest crowds. They took a pare your overhead view of Obama's inauguration, and he doesn't put it next to each other. It was it was just empty chairs. And and it's just been one thing after the next, and he doesn't know. And so once you say this to this special committee and the FBI agency in the room, it's you don't have to be on the oath. You can't make you cannot make an untrue statement, a falseter or contradictory statement to the FBI. There are laws that cover that. You don't have to be on the oath. So they don't want him talking at all because there's no way this guy can talk without doing that. He can't not the truth, no respect for it. I just said last week, last week that he was the greatest president ever. He says that every day to himself in the mirror. I'm sure got to say that. Let me just look at the Stated Union address. Have you ever seen a president clap more for they in the microphone? Yeah, he was loud in the mic alright, he mad because the dams didn't clap that he'd called him treason us. Oh my goodness for Obama. The Republicans, right, I mean they do this all the time, they do it, but but to charge them with treason to overthrow the government. That's crazy. All right, listen, come on, Tommy, it's time for you know what. Let's get buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is the Strawberry letter, subject perfect boyfriend less than perfect credit Steve every Stephen Shirley. First, let me clarify the title. I am the girlfriend and I'm the one with less than perfect credit. I met a man last year who appeared in my life just two weeks after I got down on my knees and prayed one of the one of the most serious prayers I have prayed in my life, asking God to send me the helpmate I need it because I was tired of being a workaholic. I had never prayed that prayer in my life. Here is how I know this man was sent by God. I met him while I was doing some volunteer work that I forced myself to do. After we met, we talked on the phone for weeks, discussing everything under the sun. The more we talked, the more we wanted to talk. We started doing things that I had never done in previous relationships. We began playing tennis together, going to the gym, going to church, finding new places to visit, going to concerts, finding historical events to attend, reading books, and much more. Each day, when we got off work, we were on the phone discussing dinner plans. It has been seven months of extreme happiness with me wanting to spend more and more time with this good black man. He has been talking marriage, but I am hesitant to enter into that world because I have what marketing companies referred to as less than perfect credit. But we all know what that means. None of the stuff on my credit report is recent because I am back on my feet, but it's still bad, including a Chapter seven and student loans. This man owns a Yukon Alexis and a nice house. He's good. He is good credit. I know this for sure. He does not bragger boas material things. But I am so scared of letting him find out about my credit status. I appear to have. I appear to have decent credit because I have a nice house and car too, But the truth is I can't even rent a car. I have no credit cards. This man has treated me like a total queen with love and respect. He stays in constant communication with me, and it is understood that we are spending quality time together each and every day. Problems I had in the past relations and ships are not even an issue with this brother. I am totally in love with him, his character and the role model he is too young men, I would be honored to be his wife. So how do I approach him about my credit status? First of all, I got to say thank you a whole lot for this letter. I love this letter because these are the kinds of issues you should be talking about when you when you think about getting married, When you talk about getting married, what is your credit status or credit problem? Stuff like that. I don't care how much you love a person, you still need to know how they handle money. You still need to know if they pay their bills. You still need to know if they pay their bills on time. All of that because money is one of the number one problems in a marriage. If you have a bad marriage, it can cause a bad marriage. It's better to know up front so you can fix itive need be here's the deal. If this man was truly sent by God to you, and only you and the Lord know that, then that's great. Have faith He'll work it out. I say, man up, be strong, God, brought you, that brought you this far. He won't leave you. You can start on repairing your credit now, that's what you can do. Okay, So when he does propose, you can it can at least be fixed. Your your score can can go up. You say, none of this stuff on your credit report's recent anyway, So for all you know, you can get credit. Now have you even tried? I say, I say, get to work, get to work, try this, get to work, start repairing your credit. Um, you know, so you can stay in this good relationship with this good man. Okay, Steve, Nah, I don't see that surely. As some other things in this letter that's a little bit more revealing to me. Code cracker. Yeah, I saw a couple of things in here and made me go, oh, you know a lot of it. By the way, keep keep The letter is posted, by the way, if you want to comment another look at it and Steve Harvey dot com and you can look at it and do what click on the Strawberry Letter and write your own comments to the Strawberry Letter. Huh, give her your own advice. All right. We'll have part two of Steve's response to today's Strawberry Letter at twenty three after the hour you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's get to part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. See see I thought you're gonna keep it, Pappy baby, Now now see his time gonna get up in this from the right way, Steve Sherley. Subject, perfect boyfriend and less than perfect credit, Tyler, this letter makes you think that this is a perfect boyfriend who has less than perfect credit. That's the beginning of what's wrong with this letter. But then let me share this week, Steve Sherley. First, let me clarify the ty though I am the girl. See why even why would you even write the title? And then say, let me clarify the title. I want you to see how this lady right. First, let me clarify the title. I am the girlfriend and I am the one with less than perfect credit. I met a man last year who appeared in my life just two weeks after I got down on my knees and prayed one of the most serious prayers I have prayed in my life, asking God to send me the helpmate. I need it because I was tired of being a workerholic had never prayed that prayer in my life. Here's how I know the man was sitting by God. I met him while I was doing some volunteer work, and I thought that I forced myself to do. After we met, talked on the phone for weeks, discussing everything under the sun. The more we talked, the more we wanted to talk. We started doing things that I had never done in previous relationship. We began playing tennis together, going to the gym, going to church, finding new places to visit, going to concerts, finding historical events to attend, reading books, and much more. Every day when we got our work, we were on the phone discussing dinner plans. It's been seven months of extreme happiness, with the wanting and with me wanting to spend more and more time with this good black man. He has begun talking marriage, but I'm hesitant to enter into that world because I have what marketing companies referred to as less than perfect credit. But we all know what that means. None of the stuff on my credit report is recent because I'm back on my feet, but it's still bad, including a chapter seven and student loans. This man's on the Yukon Alexus, a nice house. He has good credit. I know this for sure. He does not brag of bose material things. But I'm so scared of letting them find out about my credit status. I appear to have decent credit, but because I have a nice house and car too, But the truth is I can't even rent a car. I have no credit cause this man is treated me like a total queen with love and respect. He stays in constant communication with me, and if it's understood that we're spending quality time with each other each and every day, problems I had in past relationships are not even an issue with this brother. I'm totally in love with him, his character and the role model he is to young men. I would be honored to be his wife. So how do I approach him about my credit issue? First of all, Shirley gave you some great advice. I gotta tell you that. But let's really get into what's really really wrong here. First of all, I do not doubt for one moment that God sent you this man. How would I know that it wasn't sound like a good brother to me? Cording to the letter, sound like two weeks after praying on your most serious prayer. This could be it. Y'all been together for some seven months nine, ain't nothing wrong. But let's talk about you though. You're a little bit deceptive. Later and you're practicing deception a lot, and you gotta you gotta start being honest. Your problem really ain't your credit. Your problem is your de aptive practice. And see you just being deceitful in a way. That's what See if a man played y'all like this, he'd be a line dog. Hello. But see when y'all do it though, it ain't that no moment nice. I need your help. First of all, you gotta stop being deceit Tyler. The letter is subject perfect boyfriend and less than perfect credit deceitful. Then you straighten it out. Let me clarify the title. I'm the girlfriend and I'm the one with less than perfect credit. Why ain't that the title of the letter. But see, you practice deceitful stuff all the time in your life, and you come back and try to clarify the stuff. I'm just telling you what I see in the letter. You get on unit knees, Adams sees prayers you've ever prayed in your life, asking God to send you the helpmate. I need it because I'm tired of being a worker. Holic. Deceit. You ain't tired of being a worker, Halic. You're tired of being in debt and struggling. You're a worker, holic. Ain't you struggling? You're tired of being in debt, You're tired of not having credit. You want to help mate for that reason, not cause you're a worker, hollic. You ain't said you're paying all the bills, you take care of all the kids. You ain't said none of that. You said you told God you wanted to help me. Then you deceive me and write me the letter by saying you're tired of being a work of Holly. No, you ain't your problem. Ain't you work all the time. You've got plenty of time for dinner, your horseback riding, You're going to concerts and historicallyvic, you sound like your ask working too much for me. You're going to tennants, you're doing the hall, this here, reading in the park, star gazing and all this here sound like work a holic to me, I'm just telling you, you do not sound like a workaholic to me. You ain't asked God because you're a worker, hollic, because you're tired of struggling. That's what you're ask doing. You're struggling. And then you get into the letter and say, the more we talk, the more we want to do. We started doing things I've never done in previous relationship. I don't wanna read what I read and in that comment right there, but go ahead, work your magic, No girl, what it is you do right? Tennis together, going to the gym together, going to church, finding new places to visit, going to concerts, finding historical evince to a tend, reading books, much much more workaholics ain't got time, but not that I see. We gotta go. We have to get out of here. You can email us or instagram us your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at My Girls Shirley Switching Gears now Oscar nominated Mary J. Blige. She recently graced the cover of New York magazine. Mary also ditched about her role as Florence Jackson on mud Bound and coping with her ongoing divorce. When Mary was asked what she learned from her character, especially being stripped down to her national natural hair with no makeup, Mary said, I learned that I'm really powerful woman. I'm a really powerful woman. I mean other than just being Mary J. Blige. I learned that powerful because I don't have to say much to be heard. All right now, may Yeah? Can I ask you something you can do? Can we bring him to the staying? Please? Can cross exam you? What have you done to eat? To eat this eat? What have you done? We gotta go listen, coming out, that's right coming up in about ten minutes. We'll talk about the downfall of your ex. Wow. Maybe we will continue this convo. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show for sportsmanship. Patriots quarterback Tom Brady didn't congratulate Philly Eagles Nick Foles after Super Bowl really. However, Tom Brady's wife, I didn't know that, Giselle Buncheon took to Instagram with a photo of her consoling Tom after his Super Bowl loss. Giselle even congratulated the Eagles on their win. But wait a minute. Tom's ex and baby mama, Bridget moynihan, congratulated the Eagles. She tweeted hashtag nick Foles is having an amazing game, and she also tweeted congratulations Eagle. So um Okay, that's keeping it. One questions from from Carla for the crew is have you prayed for the downfall of your X and Y? Have you prayed guys anybody for the downfall of your ex. I'm not that guy, allegedly allegedly, allegedly, I prayed for the Lord to take you out my life. I prayed for that. But you don't want anything bad. I mean when I heard something bad about my ex, I didn't really be upset about it. I'm like, that happened to them. I didn't. I wouldn't that. Yeah, yeah, you know she pregnant. What that's not a down like nothing like real bad to have. I'm like, you know, I was, Yeah, I prayed for you know lock y'all one time didn't talk. Yeah, you know, just a temporary stroke and the left sude just just Tommy quarter peers on court day, court day, I did ask for a coh but it was nothing. I just want to do, want not to make it. That's I want to be hurt, but I want the car to be told you Yeah, what telling me? What were you saying? I wish you ran out of gas on a cliff, you know. So wait, when we first started this segment and surely asked you all this question. Y'all was like, no, I ain't never done nothing to pray, But what was your question? Though? The question is have you prayed for the downfall of your ex? And if you have, not to downfall, but something that happens, you know, but to fall down. Okay, I'm just saying that's the same thing, guys, that same thing, you know, like slip on some steps and your heels the same thing and go into an uncontrollable free fall. Stuff like that in slow motion. Get hell called in a sewer. Great, you know something, Now we ball down. That's that's about the most you've done. Nothing really bad though, right guys, stranger come up and slap the hell out of them something like that. That's what you draw the line was something bad, just really bad to happen. But you don't like, you know, if I find out you know you just so he won't be nothing bad? No? No, yeah, changed my pit something, you know, Like I find out your house got burned out and all the tapes was in there, I'd be cool. What what's going on? Any tapes? You know? Super glued your mouth? That's the question for y'all be cause y'all don't want to carry gridges. Wait a minute, Tommy, you're the one. No, you're not talking about carrying grudges. I think you only so what I'm recalling. I've been your friend, Oh lord, eighteen years. I ain't you ain't oh for gave what's your name? Not what's his name? Okay, we're not talking about right now. You ain't ever forgave what's it? What's his name? Elva? Elva? So surely you ain't let it go even today. Hell no, I want to mand that that. Yeah, at my hand, I wanted to be the murderess. Surely not you. I wanted you see me scriptures every morning. Yeah, I'm not perfect. Junior call they say, you know how to slide on the car and disconnect breaks in holopoch sugar in a man tank one time? Pound bad? No proof of that pound backing when the man tank exploded? What what? What? What? What? What? What did you need? What? How do I need proof when the butcher knife is still in the last time you allegedly I don't know this is this is a question for the guys. Yeah, I mean just out there just stabbing the time I have no proof of that is I will be President Trump on this show because there's no collusion, no obstruction, all stab call it took a butcher knight stabbed out the tail lights in the head like and pog lights on the car, just the l JR. Allegedly, Steven's just talking so he can't even go out at night where you're going, because that's what got him in trouble. He was at at night creeping. Yeah, at at night, hard to creep at lights on your car. Kindly, just when you think you know the people you work with. We've grown so much since then. Yeah, we're not like that. We're not petting like that. And it wasn't sugar allegedly in a gas tank. It was a waterhouse that you oh sorry, hey, what it's called? Why allegedly? All right, coming up, it's All Star Weekend. It'll be in Los Angeles this year. We'll see what the guys have planned, especially Tommy. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, we just finished the Super Bowl this past Sunday, Go Eagles once again. Congratulations. But guess what the All Star Game, the NBA All Star Game is coming up, and it's gonna be right here in l A. J oh Man, it's gonna be in l A. I'm a be in light. Which let's let's do it. Let's let's do what you didn't do in Vegas. That's all I've said. You ain't went the big dog, you went the live dog. We've do live dogs. That's all I'm trying to take. Well, we go a little dog. Properpeller plane. Hell no, Southwest boy, and you better get on that early flight. Listen. But when we get in there, we're hitting every party topped the bottom. Are you gonna stay Tommy, let me see better stay out by the airport as cheap m But you got to get to the Staples Center, you know. Yeah, we're gonna we're gonna get over there. We get a call, we're gonna loop over there and we get that. Well, be good. Yeah, that's how I roll. You just you rolling with me? Come see what what baby balling? Feel like? It's baby balling? What damn it? I'm doing that myself. I can take over. I can stay out by the airport. I mean, give me, that's not balling. Give me something I can do I can't do. Okay, Okay, I'll tell you what we'll we're going on and just oh, it's gonna cost us some bit. We're gonna go to Astros and get some neat. Let me all the years you go crazy though? How much is Mastros time? How much is it I can fix his plate, Shirlett. Oh, it's just a restaurant. Any restaurant you can go in and eat, that can't I have always been able. Yeah, hundred dollars, Junior, Oh not a whole honey. I pulled a level twice in Vegas, said that was it. Hundred dollars. Dog, I got a hundred dollars for me to eat A hundred time. If I go to a restaurant, buy myself right now, it's gonna be six five. Well, what is you trying to do? What you want? You? The one time about? We're gonna ball the All Star week week, ladies high field listening to this little ball in the talking ye wake me up? Excitement in this here, man, Let me tell y'all how we'll do it. You come out here, man, I got dripped. We can throve down to the stable center. I gotta sweet down now you have a sweet That's what I'm talking about. I ain't know nothing about this here. I didn't know either. Se y'all can see the slam dunk contest three points shootout all that hunts sick. Ain't good to see the dunk contest from up there. But you know, I really appreciate you dunk. You need to be down on the floor. But I got flow seas. You got flow seats. You got flow seats too, So y'all can swing through and grab me. And now I said, that's what I do. But I don't like them crowds down there, so I'm not going to the sweet No, my wife's gonna here this week, but the flow we can't be in there with. Ain't mind. Hey, no, that's her girlfriend. That's what I'm talking about. See now we're getting somewhere. Okay, Hey, don't you married? Food? Your ass is married? Why don't we have to keep reminding you of this? And Margre, Margree's girlfriend don't want you ever. So I'm ugly to get ugly this whole time? What is news to you? Stop all this surprise and shocked. Now this conversation just got exciting to me. You were ugly when you was on Ugly little scroller you were hugging in high school. You was ugly on the track to you, he was ugly and proverasd ole money. What are my mama's boy? You ugly and mama boy? Why you ain't got no alibi? You people inside my head tour? He was ugling in baggage claim ugly, think like I think like a man. So ugly one line, get out even kill insecure ugly. It's got to be ugly. Got to be a cute every time. I think you all heard him. I tried. I tried. I tried to stay see, don't crush them. He got a head one. Don't crush last time? When when I left the house, Wait where you was there? When I left the house for prom with my duck tail tuxed. I wasn't cute that night, Tom, that's what you're saying, Jr. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Huh you had a duck tailed tuxed When you walked off, I was laughing. You were the same height as a duck. You want them, Joel, last, that's out that though our holl oh man, oh boy, thank you man bad for that. You need to tell me when I had that ducktail tuxedo or I wasn't. I thought I was flying sting at the spot boy, I thought I was a beastis man. You do a lot of that to Tommy. A lot of this is because as Uh a lady told Boomerang one time, she said, I had a five minutes she was motivational speaker. She talked to Boomerang for five minutes. You know what she told Boomerange, She said, you're the type of person where you don't really need to go up inside your mind by yourself. You should take somebody with you because what you'd be up in that coming out because you come back out with you need to take somebody else up in your mind. Try some of the stell phone you quit coming out with what you think and time you just wanted them people. Man, well, you need to take somebody up in your mind with you all your all the time. Don't walk there by yourself. Man, who feeding you just cute information? If I'm not gonna go over by myself, how do you text my money and your man? How do you? Um, we gotta go more of this craziness when we come back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Super Bowl Sunday was a great day for the Philadelphia Eagles and for their fans, But it wasn't such a great day. It was a terrible day for many sports books in Vegas. Gambling industry insiders say people putting money down on the game. One on of the bets they placed on the spread on the money line wagers, and fifty six of bets placed on the over all. Right, the public was even on the winning side of the prop bets. All this led to many of the biggest sports books taking huge losses. Huge loss It's invade, So, Junior, I think this is all attributed to you, really, because you went out there and it didn't handing to do with what we're doing. You put that bed down there, and there was a lot of people from Boston. I'm talking about hurt. I'm talking about around Brady jerseys also gonna cost jerseys. They was just sitting up in there looking shattered. Oh for the game, that's all your ball, dude, ball, Steve. Who your fault, Philly? Okay, whatever, but it ain't got nothing to do with the hell. Who I'm for? I'm for Philly. Quit asking me. You know you don't want me to say Philly. Don't ask me. So when we so, after the game was over, we went down to the casino. I saw some of them same people, and you know, I don't let it go. Oh dog, you know you're gonna try to act like you don't see me coming out. I said, hey, hey, hey, my man, y'all where y'all from New York? Philip did it? Yeah, yeah, we saw. I saw they sit there there with the Brady jersey. Yeah. Man, you can tell them nothing. Before the game, man, it was a shoe in. They was all in the stories. You gotta lose. Take a picture with the champs, I said, yeah. But when I take this picture, though, y'all know that I'm from Philly. And so when you when you look back at this picture, remember I told y'all, yeah, you want to be telling us anything? Snapped the picture confident the ultimate underdogs. I mean there were some underdogs. Hey, did you guys here believe Steve Gronkowski He got robbed. Someone broke into his Gronkowski Well, they knew where he will. Yeah, they do that. That's mess stuff though, man. Yeah. He returned to his home in Foxborough yesterday and discovered it had been burglarized. Police said that his home was broken into while away, Like you just said, Stephen Minneapolis for the Big Game. Yeah, and the house of his house is just located just a few miles away from Gillette Stadium, where the team returned to yesterday. And investigators are not saying what items were stolen from the house, but a dispatcher was heard saying that multiple safe and possibly guns were taken. That's somebody been in that house before, because you know we're all the safe set. Maybe they got in the safe. Well, they were taking multiple safe and possible guns were taken. They did them. They took the safe. That's what it says. This is according to ESPN, that's not possible. Well, that's what it says. You stuff, you can't get this safe promise you henching at machines. Well, I mean if it's a little beauty safe or something like that. Well, they just said they were taken. But they had plenty of time. The man at demand playing balls somewhere, he got plenty of time. They could call an experts to remove them. Whatever. All right, we have to tell you, guys, um about National Black HIV and AIDS Awareness Day. Carl and I want you to get tested, we want you to get care, we want you to stay in care, and we want you, most of all, to get healthy. We'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we go, y'all already know we the fellas, we like the act of food all day, every day. That what we do. Yeah, he didn't have to act rhetorical question, but it does come a time that we gotta stay focused on what's going on in the community. So we make sure we get that to the ladies. So Corlins, Shirley, he was locked, take it away. I think the funny. Gonna sit back and let y'all do what y'all do. How about that? Alright? Cool um, thank you. This is for everyone, though it doesn't have to be just the ladies or whatever. Today is February seven. Check your calendar out. It is National Black HIV and AID Awareness Day. Uh. This is the day we observe each year to increase HIV education, testing, community involvement, and treatment among black communities. This year's theme is stay the Course, Stay the Course. The fight is not over. We here at the Steve Harvey Morning Show are doing our part to increase awareness about HIV among blacks African Americans and encourage people to get involved in prevention efforts. Get tested and get treatment if you are living with HIV now. This is according to the CDC, the Center for Disease Control. Back in two thousands sixteen, African Americans accounted for forty percent of HIV diagnosis UH despite making up twelve percent twelve percent now of the U S population. Also, HIV diagnosis are up among African American gay and bisexual men ages twenty five to thirty four, increasing earty percent. That's a huge number from two thousand eleven to two thousand and fifteen. However, there are promising signs of progress, especially among women and those who inject drugs. WOW well in all communities, surely in Tommy. The lack of awareness of HIV status contributes to HIV risk, and people who do not know that they have HIV cannot take advantage of HIV care and treatment and may unknowingly pass HIV to others. That's right, U Knowledge is power. The poverty rate is higher among African Americans than other racial and ethnic groups. The socio economic issues associated with poverty including limited access to high quality healthcare, housing, and HIV prevention education. Let's fight the stigma by showing that persons with HIV are real people. Mother's, father's, friends, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, partners, wives, husbands. Today is national a Black HIV AIDS Awareness Day. Get involved, get educated, get tested, protect yourself and your partner, practice safe sex behavior. That's right, that's absolutely right. Get tested. To find a testing site near you, visit get tested dot c d C dot com. That's get tested dot c d C dot gov. Or you can call one eight hundred c d C info. That's one eight hundred c d C info. You can also use a home testing kit that is available in drug stores or online. Get tested, get care, stay in care, and get healthy. Go to one more time h i V dot gov for more information. We've come a long way, but we still have a long way to go, as evidenced by these statistics um that we just talked about. Alright, so again, get tested and for more information, you can go to h I V dot go. Okay, well, you get tested and find out you are positive. You can still live a productive life though, right, all right, coming up next, just one more thing. We'll close out the show with Steve's closing remarks. You're listening to show see if here we are end of the show. Um, with just one more thing, you're closing remarks today. I want to still stay on the encouraging tip and I want to talk to people about something that you should make in two thousand and eighteen. These are just suggestions, folks. You know, I don't know everything, but these are some things that I do to personally keep myself moving forward in a positive direction because I'm always trying to accomplish something new. You know, I'm never satisfied. Well, it's not that I'm never satisfied. I'm never complacent. I don't I don't believe in sitting still. I don't believe in they're not moving forward. I just don't see it. Every day I try to wake up and an approach and attack a new challenge. I've always setting goals out there because it just gives you something to aim for throughout the day. Uh. One of the things I want to remind people of something that I do and up you you're invited to do the sing this. You know, have a life feel with a mission, have a life field with a mission. You canna have several missions in life. But get your life filled with missions. Remember the show Mission Impossible, and remember that tape recording that used to come on every day and tell the guy what to do, and then at the end of it, the tape with self destructive. But that became the mission. It became the purpose, the task at hand. And until you completed that task, you came back in. And that's what the whole show is. A was really funny thing. You know, it's tape recording comes on and in it fears is and disintegrates, and that's your mission. I still do that, man, It's sort of a funny analogy. But I try to create a mission in my life all the time. And in order to accomplish your mission, one of the things you have to do is you have to surround yourself with people who are about the same mission. There will be no missions accomplished in life solely by yourself. I don't I can't think of anything that you can accomplish solely by yourself. You know, even if you want to have a relationship with God, you can have relationship with God, but to draw closer, you know, you gotta have some type of tulge. You know, you gotta read some scriptures. Somebody's gotta show you another way to approach it. Somebody go, Man, if you're going through this, read this or read that, and it sort of helps you with your goal. Leaven in that. But I don't know anything that you can accomplish mission wise alone. So you need to surround yourself who people who are like minded. As a motivational speaker, sometimes when I'm going I use my motivational pictures that I keep in my phone and I put them up on the big screen and I showed them to people. And one of my favorite pictures is a picture of these lions walking and the expression on the lions face because they've they've they've woken up from their nap and they're going out for the hunt. And if you look at lions when they're walking to go out on a hunt, they all have that same determined look on their face because they're all about the same mission. You ever noticed when lions ready to go out on the hunt, they leave the cubs back at the den because see, it ain't no time to play out here, because we're going out here to feed, We're going out here to hunt. So they leave the cubs back in the den when they go out on the hunt, because the ain't got no time for no foolishness. And I have the picture in my phone of these lions just striving and if you look at all the looks on their face, they're serious. It ain't no playtime because everybody is on the same mission. Everybody is of the like mindedness that it takes to accomplish the mission. And the capture says, surround yourself with people who are on the same mission. And I'm saying that to you today. Find someone who is about the business just like you are. Start hanging out with people who are goal oriented, who are success minded. Somebody was talking to somebody one time and they said, man, Steve, let me ask your something. Why rich people are always talking about money? That would get on my nerves. Okay, what else you want to talk about? You want to talk about what happened on the Real Housewives? What you want to talk about what's going on in the field? Aid us today, we can talk about that. But when I get together with my friends, we get together. We on a mission. I even play golf with people who are on the same mission as me. You know, we because we have like mindedness. I don't play golf with a bunch of single friends because see, now, when we're not playing golf, we're not gonna be able the single man. I need people just want to go play golf, Go to the clubhouse, have a cigar, get yourself a drink, get yourself somebody, and gonna go to your room because we gotta get up early to morning and play this tournament game we got going again. That's just it. Even when I play, I play with people of like mindedness. I don't play with people that's that's doing something else because I don't need the distraction. It's very important that you surround yourself with like minded people. Find them somewhere. See. It goes along with an old saying, you've all heard this. If you're the smartest person in your group, then you need a new group. You got You can't be the smartest person in your group. Man, you gotta have somebody that knows a little bit more about the journey, or it's familiar with a certain thing that's gonna happen on the journey, where they can give you a suggestion when you get to that point. Everybody ain't got to be good at everything. Sometimes you have specialty people. It's like you know when you're assembling your team. All of your friends ain't the same. Some of your friends you don't have spiritual messages for you. Some of them just have uplifts, some of them just cool to be around. Some of them do the same things you do. But surround yourself with people who are on the same mission. It will make your journey to the top a lot smooth. It won't make it easy, it will uh. Y'all have a great weekend. You already now, already already waiting on it for all Steve Harvey contacts no just necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steave Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.