Good morning and welcome to the ride! Junior asks Steve a magical question and the answer is just too sweet. Imagine going to your Thanksgiving family dinner and it's another episode of Prison Break. Steve and his sons are in full blown holla mode in an unforgettable family moment at Thanksgiving. Junior gives us the phrases that let us know that it is time to go. Bitterman brings us the most irrelevant types of conversations that happen at Thanksgiving. Which members of your family see you as a lender? Junior describes what Thanksgiving is like with his family. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve has a message. If you want more, then you have to ask for more, however, you got to be willing to do more.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a suit on. Don giving them like the million things and the stubs and struod it steten to mother for st I don't join jo. You gotta turn out, you go. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your bab huh. I show will a good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One of all is Steve Harvey. Man got a radio show. Steve Harvey got a radio show because God in the blessing business. Yeah, that's all. I'm just a recipient. Steve Harvey got a radio show because God is in the show you favor business. He showed me some favor. Steve Harvey got a radio show because God is in the forgiving business. God and forgave me thousands and thousands of times, you know. And I say that as a big number like that, because it's probably true. God is a forgiving God. That's how I exist today, and that's how you exist today. And one of the things I want to remind you about even in existing today, you know, Joel Stein had has a book I'll call It's Your Time. I love this book. It's called It's Your Time. And that's kind of what I want to touch you on today. And I want to remind you all that it's still your time. See, you know, there's look, you know, they've got unsuccessful people have created a lot of sayings to justify our failures as people. Well, my ship has passed. That that was created by a person who did not quite make their goal in the amount of time that they had set for. So to justify it, here comes this great, seemingly very clever saying, and a lot of us are death. Well, my ship has passed, so we adopt that. Here's another one. Well, I guess it just wasn't meant to be. That sounds good, don't it, Because they mix it up with a little bit of faith based in it. I guessed it wasn't. Well, here's another one. I guess if God wanted it for me, i'd have it. Are you serious? Man? Are you serious? You're actually gonna use that one to to to justify where you are in life? Man? That's that's so, that's so not the case. I want to remind everybody today that it's still your time, that you know your ship hasn't sailed, you didn't miss all of your opportunities. There's others. It's still your time. You know you still got a chance, You still have a shot. Here's a good one. You still have hope, you do all of you. As long as God is who is, there's always hope for you. You can never lose sight of that. You can never let the devil win that battle that there is no hope for you and cause you to do something that's unthinkable. I'm just gonna cash in the chips. I'm gonna take my life. I'm gonna commit suicide. No, no, no, wait a second, Wait a second, Are you for real? That's not God talking to you. That's something wrong and it's not coming from him. It's still your time, you still got a chance. There's always hope. But listen to me. You got to move and you got to move on it. So many people are not getting the full benefit of their life, and so many people are not getting all the blessings that God has for because you keep waiting on the perfect time. Man, how many times have I heard people come to me and say, hey, man, I'm just waiting on everything to line up. Right, Man, I'm waiting on the perfect time to get He can't tell you something. If I were waiting on the perfect time, I wouldn't be hardly any of the things that I've become. And one of my greatest blessings was marrying Marjorie. I wouldn't even have married Marjorie if I was waiting on the perfect time because I had gone through what I thought was enough misery to cover my entire lifetime. And so when I was first divorced, I just said, man, it's gonna be five six years before I do this again. I said it two years later I was married. But guess what, man, it wasn't the perfect time. I didn't have my ducks, all my ducks lined up in a row. It was still some things I needed to clean up. I even told her, it's some things I want to clean up out of my life. Before you know it's it's I want I want to make sure I got all the stars a line up. You know I want to I want to wait until all the ducks are in a row. I was waiting on the perfect time. If I had not stopped and Marjorie and I had set out and said to each other there will be no perfect time. And then she said, I'll go through with you whatever you're going through. That was it. I took a chance. The ducks were not lined up in a row. Had a lot of baggage in my life, man, I wanted to try to clear up. I want to do some things financially different. I wanted to just get rid of some residue I had in my life. She said, no, we'll do it together, because there ain't no perfect time. And guess what it wasn't. So if you're out there waiting on the perfect time to do something, it may not come. There is no such thing as waiting on the perfect time. I've said this a hundred times, and here comes one on one. The road to success is always under construction. You ain't gonna go out there and there ain't no barrels on the road. You're not going out there and not running to deet to a sign. You're not going out there without seeing the men working sign to get off. You're not going out there to see it. So guess what. Stop waiting on the stars. I got man, this is a perfect time to do it now. If you're waiting on the perfect time. That could be one of your biggest problems. You're still waiting. You have got to move and you've got to move on it, and you've got to make a decision to go now. God will get you through everything necessary for you to get through. But you can't quit though. See he's as apart. You can't quit just because the road your own is under construction. You can't get off at the exit because you're tired of all the bump of the bumper traffic. It's that way. Get you some God, like I said, get you some God, and go on and go see what your life can be like. So stop waiting on the perfect time, Stop waiting on the stars to align themselves. You got to move and you got to move on it. Get you some God, apply some faith, and get started. And remember when you get out there, coming towards your goal. The road to construct, the road to success is always under construction. If it was easy, everybody would be it. Stop expecting it to be easy. Come on out here, get up in this thing. It's funky out here. Yeah I got all that. It's hard out here, yeah I got all that. But what you wanna do, man, what you wanna do. You're gonna push your chips up to the window. It ain't time for that. You still got time, You still got a chance. There's always hope, There's always God. That's my conversation to you're listening show, Ladies and gentlemen, we are here. I'm starting to show off with an old friend of mine, a legend in the music game that is currently in court suing the music industry for over three trillion dollars in back wrongalties and publishing rights because he is the writer of every major hit ever written. Ladies and gentlemen, Roscoe Wallace. Thingis things? So much thing with ladies? How you doing shure the carline chocolate. We're going on with your monica, everybody, fellow, We're going on. Holding on so very hard to do when love is gone? And that ain't a lie, holding on so very hard to do? I said, so very hard to do? How hard is it so very hard to do when love's gone? And that's no lie? Holding on? Wal td wrote that too, stay still only for that, But I collected in court everything everything. Welcome to the Steven Morning Show. It ain't nothing like it, baby, Ben Morning Show in the wheel. Let me hear you use everybody. Shelly Strawberry, calif Real, lun Junior kills Baby, Oh my Dog, David and Brown going back in that Catla Sea, the King of Pray. Never you time me and in the background you never him and thank God for lending you. Mississippi Monica men and Mississippi Monica's grandmama won the Catfish Championship in Mississippi four years of the row. All right, that's a show my mouth see all tomorrow you do another hit? Yeah, you know, no, no, no, he in and out dog and he just jumped right into his song because that he is all of him is head so in the music industry for three trillion dollars at board, right, Yeah, that's a lot of many. Yeah, let me ask you something because I'm going through a lot of people going through this. Uh, you know, you probably the best at this. H you know, why is it not good to tell the truth to your woman? Uh? You know you you probably mastered this because they tell you the beginning. You know, I ain't gonna be mad I ain't. I ain't gonna be mad Anna. Just tell me the truth. Just tell me the truth. I ain't I ain't gonna take fools. Tell the truth all the time. Fools rush in. Let me explain something to your ladies in case you don't notice. It ain't always a lie. Sometimes is keeping certain facts with held. Yeah, again, it is not always a lie. Sometimes it's keeping certain facts with hell because too much information at once is mental overload. And you, being the woman I love, I would never overload your mind. I would rather carry the weight myself that the church say. Man man, yea, all right. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll have the nephew and run that break back right after this. You're listening to show right now. It's the Nephew and it's Frank phone call. The title is gold Be. If your kids is in the car, tell them the Holy Head out the window. I don't want you to miss the prank, but to win for five minutes, you can hit his prank. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Darnell. Darnell. Let's see this, Darnell. How you doing this? Is Scott? Soon with Bigger, bigger and better, where we make you larger in charge? How you doing today? Scott? Who I'm a Scott? So I'm with Bigger and Better where we make you larger in charge. I'm good, Scott. What's up? We were actually, uh given a phone call by your wife? Your wife, is is that correct? Yeah? Okay, Well, um, you know your wife's um, your wife's birthday is coming up pretty soon, is that right? Yeah? Yeah, so a couple of weeks. Yeah, it's coming up. Okay. Have you have you decided on getting or anything or have you purchased anything yet? No? No, I got a couple of days in mind. Um. Well, actually, uh, we got a call from from I think we've got something that's gonna that's gonna really help you guys. And and something I think that she wanted to recommend that something that you probably wouldn't wouldn't think about getting. Oh, I'm only is okay and racking my brain. So I'm on is actually gave us the call. She's actually had an idea you know, what she would really really like for her birthday present? So what's her name? You're company? Bigger and Better? Um, Like I said, she called you. I'm sorry, she called you to give me idea on what I should get her for her birthday. Uh yeah, well this is this is something that's a little a little different than something that you probably would never in a million years think of. But here at Bigger and Better, where we make you large and in charge, we actually do some things that we definitely know you wouldn't have thought of. So I definitely understand her giving what's your name against Sam Scott? Scott Scott get to the point what you're selling actually let us know that there's some things that are really really lacking between you guys, and she would very much like for her birthday where you can be a lot more well endowed. So you know that's what we do here at Bigger and Back, We actually hello, what I could be more? What more well endowed? Sir? So I think really what's going on is Beyonca is really not satisfied right now. She called you to tell you that I'm not when you meet willing doubt my junk. So you're you're you're, you're you're you're inadequate. You know what I mean? You're you're Are you kidding me? What's what's your name? Of? This company in Bigger and Better where we make you larger in charging? Right now? You know you're not You're not larger in charge, and we want to get you to that we're able to come in for a complication your compultation. I'll tell you what. I'm gonna call her right now because usually right now, okay, I'm gonna call her. We're trying, we're trying to do. Do you not do you not think you need to come in. I don't even gonna even be talking to you, mister Scott, about whatever it's going on in my bed room. I'm king so I'm not even I'm not even I don't even know what's going on. This is the first sign of denial, right, I don't have no no, I don't have no problems in the bed room. Well you know, I don't even why am I even still on the phone with you? Okay, but sir, I mean you and now you don't have to wear about here from her. She gotta something to kind of account with you. Then you ain't got you go ahead and close that outca Let me say this. You have a you have a very big ego, sir, you know, but you're not You're not as big as your ego. I want to get you to that point. This is some crazy I've heard some crazy things people staying online. But you're gonna call me talk about my wife called you saying that I'm in ask within the bedroom, sir, you know what? And and and once again, I'm trying. I know you, you're just doing your job, Scott, but I'm gonna have to call her right now. Okay, don't work, it's my number. You're in denial. I'm in denial. You Hello, sir. I really want to help you as much as I can. Listen, man, listen, I'm trying to get my wife on the phone right now. Okay, I know you you got a job to do, but what I need you to do right now? Stop calling me? All right. I'm trying. I'm trying to be nice to you because I'm sure whatever it is she she called you, and you're just doing your job. If they're trying to get you in here to get a consultation so we can get you further along on where you are. Consultation. I don't even know consultation. I don't even know assistance from you, sir. You're you call me no more? Man. Hey, you're small and I want to make you bigger. What what what is this any like bigger? Huh? What kind of job is that? How do you even get a job like that. You apply for this job an when you're a high school job trying. I'm trying to meet Stop calling me, man, mister Darnell. I'm still trying to help you get through the situation. Okay, Are you willing to come in for a consultation. At least we're coming in for a consultation. We can get you further on where you are. Are you listening to me? The only consultation we're gonna have is my fist in your face if you call me again to tell you what I will come in for a consultation. Give me give me your address and everything like that, all your information, and I will come down for a consultation. You're gonna be there. I'm here, I'm here, I'm here the first eight hours of the day, sir. What I want to do is get you lined up with get your let me call my wife. I don't need no damn procedures, give me your info, and you got to work up out here from us. No more. Okay, but right now I know sure to get up for me. I don't want to hang up on you. Understand, we're trying to do your job. You're small, You're small, and I'm trying to make you bigger. Give you hey, sir, you know what I'm trying to persons a little small guy, and I'm trying to help you with your problem. Now. If you're not going to be appreciative of it, then I don't even understand why. Your wife knows you're having your address? Why and we can have this conversation face to face. You don't know what I want with you. It doesn't matter. If I can get on the line, I can figure out why she calls you Lona. You're adequate it many, sir. Here's the problem. You're tiny and you don't want to admit it. I let me get you know me, man, You never see me. You don't know anything about me. I don't. I can't even believe my wife's even called you. But just this is just how you do business. Call me and call me. I'm tiny, sir. So I'm playing something to you. I'm not only the president, but I'm also a client, sir. I don't give up what you are. Okay, okay, then there are some other things that let us know as well, what the what that means. He also wanted me to tell you that this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey more than this show. Your wife just praying, phone calls you bad. Man's funny. Man. I'm on here over here looking at up in the mirror. It's kind of I thought I was good, but I got nervous. Man. What's the baddest radio show in the land. Come on now, you know it's a Steve Harvey radio show? Man, Come on, all right, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening, all right, it is time for juniors truth be told? Yeah, yeah, all right, surely. Thanksgiving. Yeah, we have discussed all of the things we discussed when people need to brain food. Yeah, get what time? Dinners start? Time again coming. We've discussed all the one thing we have not discussed what the one thing where your ass need to leave? Oh again, yeah, we have that discussed. Now people. People don't know when to leave. There's time you need to leave. There are statements that will be made you need to adhere to and understand, like, well that's it. See when you hear that, start getting your keys in your hand. He hits some jaane something. It's time to go. You can't spend all day here. Dinner start at too. Treat it like a restaurant. How long are you staying that? You sit down to two by three thirty? You go same way about I would ever to have because I would have about the game. You ain't come up here for the game. You came to eat. If you full, If I see you kick off of shoot your ass got to go. Let me catch your shoe off. Yeah, you ain't staying here all day now, my mama tired. She didn't cook that thing. She can fit that body. What else can we talk about? We discussed everything. We know. Walter got out of jail. We know had it, had a hard transplant. We know, yeah, we know, we know Melball had another baby. We got all this after we come still having kids, Mail still have kids with your mate. Your name Meilball? You probably yeah, you probably have still now you probably through haven't been anybody that name Meilball. They took what is the name have to do with it? Steve got a lot do what your age? If your name is Agnes, you probably didn't have all your You probably got your grave. But we hadn't covered everything we can talk about. No, we know Julia went back into rehab. We got that. Everything is covered. Let's just go ahead and go home. We just need you to go home. That beat she's through having its Fatrice, Beatrice, beats Odetta, it's not having got out of that. I'm giving you the names where I could assure you, if this is your name, you are at an age where you are beyond child bearing. So Journals so Jurn is through having baby, had one, you want another one? Go ahead? Henrietta, hen she through having kids? Henrietta two? Yeah, what do you know? Go ahead, Gwen, because she got a fifty two year old names see his names. Once you have an old name, you can quit having babies. If your name is Barbara, you're probably through having kids. I'm just saying, ain't nobody named Barbara still having kids? Not Bob, have a kid having been through having kids? Betty done, here's Gladys. Yeah, that's right up there with Agnes. Yeah, I'll tell you who through Jackie else, I'll tell you that. I'm sorry. We can't always over there. We can't. I no more kids? All right? What's that? She went there? Carlin already said Shirley, Betty, Shirley, Mary, Marjorie, all of that. Yeah, Margaret, last night, I ain't even sleeping in the bed last. Oh, Esther, Steve, you forgot about Esther? Yeah, because Rose slept with his last I took my shower, man, I was tired of hit because I fell asleep in my office. So I went those stairs. I took a shower, came into the bedroom. Out of my bathroom, put my light on on my little phone. Rose in the bed. I just turned around. When I don't stay, I'm not fitting to do this. Have her set her? Damn heal in my eye. About Winton, Stephen, Winton was a little many kids, man, they just they sleep bad. I was a bad kid. Gonna wear to go. I gotta go to work. You in here sleeping bad on your side, right back to your room out to damn bad? Why are you waiting? Noah in his bad? Why are you got to sleeping here? Okay, well, Papa don't sleep with you. But it hurt it though, Yeah, Papa want yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Papa want to get a little p and N time. Yeah that Papa, Now that to you, p and is a little something else to me him, Steve, Okay, hey, can we tell you about Junior? Though? We forgot to talk about the at the Jay Spot on Taco Tuesday. We forgot to tell you about Oh yes, y yes, I mean Steve. You would have been so proud of him. He it was packed, first of all, thanks to everyone who came out out. He junior was so fly, he looked good. He Apart from that exactly Steve would have been to be he went to work, Steve, he did, he wasn't work. Yes, he was very good. He told me he was funny everything, everything that you would have wanted him to be. So I just wanted to say, congratulated when you go down and then I know it is. Oh yeah, taco, the taco good too. Yeah, the tacos Like I told you, the tacos are good taco to Yes. But what was his boot there? Monica? Yeah yeah, Monica was tell you so, y'all really ought a quick fooler? Man? Oh you're Monica man mind crazy? No wait a minute, okay, everybody you men love crazy. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to stow all right, Steve, who who's the house guest or person coming by for Thanksgiving? That that you're not looking forward to sing, who is it my mother in law's sister's husband. What? Who is that dog? I don't even know? It's Ernest? Why the whole time? Yeah? Your mother in laws a dream. I love her, we love her. My father in law is that? And daddy? I got the best. I never had a complaint. Man, we're happy. We enjoy each other. They can't stay in my house long as they were. Ye, I love them. But her sister husband, what's wrong? I don't know, that's what. That's what's wrong? I don't know. So they come to dinner what we was having a prayer one time my mom in law said, let's all whole hands, you know, the huge kitchen. Yeah, about twenty people. Everybody go around and say what they think. Yes, okay, now I ain't like this here because there's too many people. And I didn't know half the people that was in the circle. So and then I really don't care what you're grateful for because dinner is ready and we can talk about this. Why we eat? You know? But what is all this beforehand? And it got around to everybody, and this one lady took a long time, but hers was the best. So I broke from the circle and started clapping because I wanted to try to end it with applause, right, and you're not posted a clap doing prayer. But I just tried to wrap it up and it kept going. And I'm holding this dude's hand. Now. I don't know nothing wrong with him until it got to him and he started talking about what he was great for folk. He said, I'm grateful for the weather and that we had the jacket's home, and that the fact that you know, the everything at the grocery store is fresh, and that we can go go by there. And I think I thank him for my cars too, that come on in the morning and take her safe. And then I want to thank him for the freshness of the potato chips in the bag. Sometime now, I'm sitting there, I'm looking upside his head, but my whole body trimming because everybody got their head down except Winting, which is looking up hitting full blown hollow motive and me, yes, face talk, I'm over here. My whole body is shaking. I'm laughing so hard, trying not to blurt it out. Gives my mother in law, she holding my hand on the other side. She squeezes my hand to try to help me through it. That ain't stopping nothing. I got, who is this man? Then my other son, Steve, he opens his eyes and he starts snickering. My son's me and my sons is in hollow modoy this to us, yilah, And I've given him for permission at laughing stuff like that. So I looked over to the left of the circle and my wife is glaring at me with them a little green eyes. I'm talking about glaring. You don't suit if you don't pull it to together like when she said that. And then I think the Lord, I gotta tune up the other day I had. I had to let everybody hand go and leave the circlet up. Yeah, thank god I got a tune up the other day. I look in my office. I'm holly wrong, I'm holly Next thing, I look up Winton in the office with me because he couldn't handle it. I love it. That was it, all right, Steve. Time for today's headline. Ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Trip, thank you very much. That's right they saying it. You could pick your friends, but not your meltis. I always say that around Thanksgiving. Remember that, according Wisconsin has set bail for the man accused of driving his SUV into a Christmas parade in Walkershaw at five million dollars, which Court Commissioner David Herring says is totally appropriate. It's extraordinarily high, but it's an extraordinarily big case. It's an extraordinarily serious case with an extraordinary history of this gentleman. Alleged driver dal Brooks faces five counts of intentional homicide, which is expected to be ramped up since now a sixth person has died, a child. Jurors and Charlottesville, Virginia have found that the racist organizers are that Unite the Right rally four years ago are liable and for twenty five million dollars. A civil suit was filed against the white supremacist in connection with the injuries suffered in that horrific violent demonstration. A federal jury has handed down a verdict in the case of three major retail pharmacy chains, saying that they did not do enough to stem the flow of opioid medication pain medication to two Ohio counties against CBS, Walgreens, and Walmart. Walmart actually provide the example now for city and county governments looking to hold drug store chains responsible for their roles in the US opioid crisis. President Biden says that despite the recent inflation, the nation's economy is on the rebound. He's ordered the release of some fifty million barrels of oil from the nation's strategic oil reserves and hopes of bringing down gas prices. But in the meantime, Biden says there are already some things to be grateful for this year, record job growing, the strongest recovery in the world, and most of all, the chance to be together again with the people we love on Thankskimming's and Triple A says it even with the higher gas prices, holiday travel this week has almost completely recovered to pre pandemic levels. If you're flying, don't expect any open seats. And as for driving, Triple A's predicting that fifty three and a half million Americas are going to be traveling within the US for Thanksgiving this year, about a thirteen percent jump over last year, with air travel up by eighty percent last year. A lot of folks drove. You know, the jury has now begun liberating deliberating rather the Ahmed arbery case, where three white men are accused of murdering an innocent, unarmed black jogger in Brunswick, Georgia, and tis the season for giving out turkeys? Well, of course we did. Steve Harvey gave him out yesterday. None other than Slick Rick got into the turkey giving things in his Bronx neighborhood in New York City the other day. You know, it's just been a good thing, you know, to look out for the community that you're from, that you came from. It's easy to take some pressure off of the people and let him get some free, free stuff. Instead I would to go out there and spending little chips. Dobbo Babbo. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show, guys, time to have some fun. We gotta ask you, is there a member junior your family comes to mind, but is there one member of your family? Because I love his family, Uh, that's guilty. Is there one member of your family that's guilty of just always being a problem, just being a massive Thanksgiving? And what have they done? That's them? Not ten MARTA's gonna be there, David, Uncle Jay, Uncle Red. It's gonna be some people that's gonna be some problems. Okay, So that's why I say, sir, when you come to our Thanksgiving, get in your clique. Don't go over somebody click getting your click pause. I'm with each other. Your families had clicks like that though time prisoners. Hain't with the prisoners. They got all kinds to wait what you can't be free? Ain't never been a prisoner to talk what they talk about over ain't get they clicked up. Everybody has been locked up. They all they all together. They're the card table, domino table. You know they're over there looking with mirrors around corners conversation if yeah, you have no idea what they talked about, what they're talking about. You don't know about going to bed at nine lights out? I don't know nothing about that. You don't know why would you be over there. You don't know how they got the cell phone in the in the whole You don't know how to get them in. You ain't contribute to You don't know you Yeah, you don't know about unscrewing the lightbulb, crushing it in the in the whole town, and what you're doing with the you know, you don't know them about that. He put it out in the hallway. That's how to hear the guard coming. Yeah, you don't know this that click, I wouldn't. Yeah, you ain't never hear to shank any You ain't never come on let them know. That's you don't have no bits over in that conversation. What do you know about how to press your pants? You don't know about putting your pants in between the mattress. You don't know about that and lay on it to get a criss. Why would you be talking? You don't know how to make top running in the commode. You don't know how to do that. Yeah, no idea, that ain't for you. That's when you were at your leave. What you're doing over that? I love your friend. You can relate to bring the cause more than just payments and let somebody going to school. Your had no biness over in this car. And then when they compregate that they always congregate in low light. They don't never be an open every time I can't get together the ass in the ConA winds low ledge. He over here trying to talk to us. Ain't got one recipe to make hooch. You ain't never had fermented fruit in your damn life. Put you over here for man, do they bring anything to the dinner journia? Hell no, they take all the scraps and make something with it. You're listening at everybody this Thanksgiving time. You at your mama's house, you at your friend's house, you just gathered around you in the living room, kitchen or this, and you're having these conversations. Two things, you don't have all the information, and the other one is they don't make no damn sense at all. But what you're talking they sound something like this. Now, last year, we was over at um that see, we was at um whose house was at last? It was Charlotte, that was We was at Kenneth wayne house last Kenneth Wayne, Kenneth Wayne, Kenthethwayne. Yeah yeah, yeah Kenwayne. Because what happened was were trying to watch the game and they had the small ass. They had a small tea was zenas. Yeah yeah, So you're talking about Kenneth Wayne that marriage visited his ring fa Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Y'all think y'all, y'all think Ricky gonna get out and then be able to make it the next year's Thanksgiving. I don't know, he's miss he's missed seven. I don't know, I don't know. This is the call he goes off of parole every year. Yeah, I heard this girl, Carlicia is gonna bring just bring the turkey and addressing. Yeah, but you know what the prison when heard about her, she had seen somebody else, and they would take her to the prison to see him. Why in the course she kid somebody else, she'd have had two babies. Why Ricky in now that to babies? Why y'all keep back like y'all don't know this. But why she named that second baby though? Why she second baby? The baby daddy name is Rickett. And she told Ricky she would have had a slow pregnancy and the baby is his. She said the whole two years head in there that those was his babies. She and he believed it, and he believed it. Now the baby don't look like Rickett. The baby looked like little Richard. Ain't rich That's what I seen. Got the hair cutting, everything got him just like just like. And his first words were shut up, shut up the baby. That don't know what that was. But I whip Baba blue back back. Yeah, it's amazing. Three years old, he was a baba lue Bay. Yeah. But what strange is the baby looked like little but have you seen the daddy. The daddy looked just like Chuck Barry. He does. That's crazy. Not that is really crazy because I saw him at the Walmart with him and I thought it was Miles Davis, really like, oh you know who that is. That's not him, that's the grandmama. That looked like Miles Davis. I remember, Grandmatty. It was Hattie. It was remember, just like Miles Davis. Yeah, yeah, she looked just like Listen, I don't want to worry y'all with that, mama. Okay, go ahead. We didn't ran out of cram Bear sauce. IM just telling y'all we didn't ran out of cram Bear Cranberry. Well that's not the sauce though, that's the actual berries. And don't know nobody like that? Ask something? What is anybody in anybody's size? Me hungry? Yes, that's why we're all here here ready, ready, you're ready to ate one time? I just you know it ought to be time for for uh, you know, for backing folks. Yes, we got to pray again. Who's gonna say the prayer this time? No? No, we don't know, we don't. Don't don't you let memory still bless It's still blessed. Amen, you don't bless it? Twice? Yes, ma'am. Some kind of Herbert to get his hands after potato salad handswhere means go nowhere? Thanksgiving convos me coming up next, Thank you? Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. You're not going to believe my strawberry letter for today. The subject is you can't have your cake and eat it too. But wait till you hear it right now though, the nephews in the building with today's prank phone call, what you got for us? Nap? I want to date your mom? Oh see right there, I want to date your mom. Steve, how would you do it again? Please? Let's uh. Today's prank is I want to date your mother? See you need on That puts some moment, Yeah, I mean you know, I mean I can't tell you how the prank because obviously you're the king of it. But I was just talking about the introductionist could use a lot of one. Yetta, put some more flavor on that, and I see the flavors in the prank. Yeah, we'll put some seasoning on that intro though. Yeah. See that's that's where you are not different. And so once again, just do what you want to do, all right? How did you say, I'm sorry, I can't I want to date your mom? Do you man? Run it? Clue? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach I'm trying to reach miss Burns. This is James. This is our son. How you doing man? My name is Gordon Gordon. Just recently joined the church man within the last month, and I was trying to get in touch with Miss Burns. One of the members gave me a number, but I guess they they must have gave me the wrong number. I guess it's is this a home number or what is this? A hell of Hello? Who? Who? Who is this again? My name is Gordon Gordon. I'm a new member at the church. Yeah, this is just your number. Yeah, man, this is my phone number. I'm James, I'm my son. Oh that's your mom. Okay, that's your mother? Right all right? Well, yeah, my bad man. I was trying to get in touch with miss Burns now is did you have a sale or home number somewhere I can get in touch with Miss Burns Wait to time time, tell you your name is what? Gordon? Gordon Gordon. I just joined the church, man, so I might not have met you yet. Jane. Okay, Well, God bless you man, Thank you man. I appreciate it, because is it anyway I could get your mom's home number from. I mean, you're just joining the church. I mean I don't I don't see why you wouldn't be able to talk to it. I mean, is there anything there a message I could pass someone to it? Though? Uh? Well, yeah, I mean I'm trying to see if it's all right for uh, for me to take her out. I've been seeing them for the last up. Hold up, Hold up, hold hold till about that you You were just saying to you a new member to the church, and somebody gave you or they were attempting to give you my mother's number, and you're asking me if you could take her out. Man. Well, I wasn't asking you. I thought I had her phone number. I guess they gave you your number by mistake. You know, that's my reason for Carl. I thought I was gonna get her. I want to take her out, you know, maybe to dinner or something. Well, I'll be quite hotest, man. I just came back home from overseas, from fighting and everything. Man, And uh, I mean, you know my pops just passed away not too long ago. And I ain't you know, I ain't too keen or my mama going out with somebody and beside you, you don't even sound like you. Hey, she in the sixties. Man, older you man, I'm thirty six. The hell out of you? You how old man? I'm thirty six, I'm thirty four. What is you doing? You do realize my mom is pushing sixty? Right? You know what? Man? I look at it like James, Right, James, I look at it like it's you know heyes, ain't number but the number man. It wasn't your heart man, And how you carry yourself? You know? Yeah? But my hey, but my mom ain't know cougar like that. And I knew she ain't coming after you all right now. I remember telling me that she trying some new things at this church, but going out with some thirty thirty? How do you you? You a baby? Man? I'm thirty, I'm thirty six. Dude, man, you like my brother. Something man ain't nowhere in the world. My mama gonna be dating, okay, than Dan. Let me say this man. First of all, I ain't even know I was calling you. Second of all, I'm calling and speak with her. I'm not calling trying to get permission from you. Miss Burns is a grown woman. And whoa, whoa whoa talking about now. I don't think you're every man. I just came back from fighting overseed. My pops passed away not too long ago. I am the man of the house. Let's get that straight right now. All right, I don't care if I'm still living at home or not. I'm the man of this house, all right. You calling the ass my mama on a date, you might as well just stick the church dog, because you know, as I said, be blessed, But it ain't gonna be no blessing from me to you. I tell you that right now. I'm not looking for a blessing from you. All Bro. You might no bless but I respect the fact that you've been overseas and you've been fighting for this country. Okay, But if I decide I want to speak to Miss Burns about going out. I think miss Burns has every right to decide if she would like to go out with Gordons or not, and Gordon wants to take her out. I took up holding up. Look, bro, I don't care how old you say you are, all right, Number one, you're too young, as I already mentioned. All right, this ain't going down with you and my mama. I'm straight up, hey man, that's for your mama to decide. No, no, that you you bringing up my mama. You letting the word your mama come out your mouth again. That's gonna get you up, all right. I don't know where you're from. I don't give how old you are. I'm pretty sick. I know what church my mamma go to and and it ain't gonna be her and you you ain't gonna be asking her out, all right. I don't give what it takes. I would show up on Sunday, catch up in the pulpit or wherever you're gonna be sitting in the back of the choirs. Don't matter. Something is going down. You were not gonna get with my mama like that. You got that. That's up for your mama to decide if your Mamma want to go out with me to dinner. Ain't looking long with that? Man. I'm I'm deciding it right now. It ain't gonna happen. I told you before d blessed or get your woo. You got two choices, all right. I didn't fight sees three years to come back and also deal with my daddy did and then come back. I'm suffering from PSD. Dog, I don't know what I'm gonna do unless you want to get it like that. Suffer from one a PSD post traumatic stress syndrome, and I will release all that on you. You got that. I don't play. Hey, man, listen, I don't want no trouble. It don't matter to me. You can count you. Okay, Look man, listen, I ain't trying to have no trouble about you. Man. All I'm gonna say is this right here. I'm I'm gonna I talk to you mom on Sunday. Okay, you ain't gonna tell them? Are you not hearing me? Man? I'm okay, I'm crazy right now? Okay? Can I say this? Can I say one more things to you? Man? You explode? You ain't got nothing else to say? I got one more thing before you explode. Man, is you listening? Yeah? Man, James, what Hey man? I want to tell you this. Man, This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey morn To Show. Your mama got me the Frank Ball call you get the out of here this rule. Hey man, this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man. Your mama told me. She said, my son been overseas, he's been fighting. I'm glad to have him home, she said. We gotta back in the spirit of laughing. Man, my mama, are you Are you kidding me? Man? We got you good. We listen to this show overseas. Man. First of all, I gotta say thank you for fighting for this country. I want to ask you one more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land? Man, Nothing but the Steve Harvey more than Show. Get it overseason in the States. Though, Thanks man, you always you know you did. Yes, you play too much. You don't already know. Mama's me a little too, though, don't. Of course, I wish you would talk about dating. Man. I might call you next week. I might call you next I want to date your Wow, yeah, I shouldn't stay it. See that's just see that's you too far, but you go too far a lot. That's you right there at that edge. But he usually goes to the edge. He steps over it sometime. You you think I'm mobile now perfectly? My God? Is this reverse psychologist? No, I don't matter, don't psychology. Don't work with him. We're getting ready to get to the Strawberry Letter. Okay, up next the subject you can't have your cake and eat it too. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to all right, guys, it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one today. So before I actually read the letter, I have to do a disclaimer here and ask you please listen to the entire letter. It is not what you think. Okay, it's gonna get a little crazy in the middle, but stick with me, all right, please, thank you, Buggle up, hold on tight, we got it for you here. It is the Strawberry letter subject you can't have your cake and eat it? Who All right, one more time? You can't have your cake and eat it too, Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been dating a guy for six months and he's one of the sweetest men that I've ever met. This weekend, he disclosed some information to me, and I need your opinion. He and I met when I moved out of my condo. He was a supervisor of the moving company that I used, and he was very professional and handsome, and when he asked me out, I accepted. We started out as friends and now we're in a relationship. On our first date, he said his favorite thing about me was my skin tone and how soft and supple it looks. I have not had that much attention in a while, so I was overjoyed. Whenever we go out, he caresses my skin with his great big hands and kisses my shoulders and neck. We finally got intimate over the weekend and it was everything I hoped for I had hoped for, but then it got tricky. After sex, we were lying in bed and as usual, he was rubbing on me and kept saying how he loves my skin. He then whispered to me, I just want to eat you. I giggled and turned to look at him, thinking he wanted to go for round two. But then he said to me, no, I literally want to eat you. I looked at this man and asked him to repeat himself. He said he fantasizes about eating a part of a woman's body, and it's a big fetish that he has not been able to live that out. He elaborated that overseas it's a big thing where a man will take part of a woman's buttocks and eat it. He said he's been fascinated by cannibalism since he was young, but this is just a fetish and nothing serious. But you heard me, Okay, that's what I said that He said he's been fascinated. Let me get through the letter, please deep. He said, he's been fascinated by cannibalism, yes, since he was young, but that but this is just a fetish and nothing serious. So I need to know if this is really just a fetish or should I run before it's too late? Have you ever heard of such? I'm falling for this guy, but I don't want to end up with my butt in a frying pan. Please help me, Okay, I mean all I can say initially is what uh wth? I mean? Really, did I read this correctly? Like you know you said in the letter? Did you hear this correctly? People don't eat people. That's not what we do. What is he talking about? I mean, this is a fantasy he hasn't been able to live out yet. Uh listen, Sure he could be just kidding and this could just be a fantasy and he doesn't really mean this. Sure a booty burger. I mean, he could just be kidding. But but why take this chance? I mean, seriously, he knows too much about it. He's researched it. Uh. No, to answer your question, we've never heard of such cannibalism and things like this. I mean we know what it is, of course, but we haven't literally heard of anyone doing this. And yes, I would run. He sounds too freaky. I mean, yeah, he sounds too freaky and crazy to me. That's not freaky to you. No, that's beyond. That's beyond. Yeah, it's beyond. Uh. He he wants to literally eat you. The term is called verare philia. If you guys want to know vare philia. All right, yeah, you know that. All right, Steve, I'm done. I think she should right, this is too crazy. Well, let's go over the letter and just go along on the journey that this letter was taking us. On day six moths dating, this man wanted the sweetest men she ever mad. You know. He was a supervisor of a moving company that moved her. Professional, handsome, and so he asked her out. She said, all right, Well they started out as friends with they in relationship now because on the first date he told her the first thing he laughed about it was how skin tone, how soft and subtle it looked. Girl. The attention about to dry this girl crazy. She was over joy When we go out, he'd be caressing your skin with his great big hand. Because then then furniture moving hands. You know, he got the big ass hand he picking up frigerators. Gosh, you're this big man ass hand kissing all over your shoulder. You got enter it over the weekend and large, jeezus who it was everything. Then it got tricky after sex y'all was laying in bed, you know, just like, oh, you're just rubbing on you kept saying, love y'all, skin then he whispered, I just want to eat you. Now we've all heard this before. Careful, all right, let's gone ask men, Steve. Hang on. We'll have burt two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Subject of today's letter. You can't have your cake and eat it too. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Let's get back into the letter. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Let's recap. Ain't no damn recap. She didn't got to moving company boy, she'd have fell in love with her and he out on the date with her, telling about the favorite thing about her was her skin tone and house off and supper. Oh, she hadn't had this kind of tension in the wild. She was overjawed, go out caressing the skin, had the great big hands kissing all on her shoulder. He had the moving man hands. Yeah, picking flipping, taking whole rugs down by self, down the steps, picking up on walls and moving entertainment summers. All this boy, powerful, So you finally got intimate over the weekend, and Lord of Emrcy, it was everything she hoped for. And right after she said everything I hope folk period. But then it got tricky. Oh, they land up in in the after glow, laying in bed just like you, just love it him bed. They kept telling me how much he loved my skin. Then he whispered to me, I just now she giggle turned because she want to say yes to this. That's what the giggle was about. And turned and looked at him, thinking he wanted to go for a round two. Na. No, now you was hoping that he was talking about what you thought he was talking about? That what he that what the giggle was for. But then he said to me, now, I literally won't he I looked at this man and I asked him to repeat himself, because you know what, if that's what you really want to do, just gold say it to him. But I don't know what you mean by literally, so I asked him to repeat himself. He said that he fantasizes about eating a part of a woman's body, and it's a big fetish that he's not being able to live out yet. Now, at this point, you need to be sitting up in the bed. You need to sit up. You need to start eyeing his ass because this this is going somewhere else, and then he elaborated that overseas it's a big thing where a man would take part of a woman's buttox and eat it. Now, I don't know wearing this letter. You kept typing, but this would have been a hard letter to type. You want what? I don't know who this sister is, but this conversation with you want to eat, You're gonna take you, You're gonna cut who assld hold on it words, You're crazy? He said. It was fascinated by candid cannibalism since he was young. But this is just a fetish, and nothing says so I need to know if this is really just a fetish or should I run before it's too late? What the hell did you just ask us? You're trying to figure out this a fetish? A man just told you that he wanted to a slicing your ass, just you know, like his cheese, like like you just a ham a honey break sitting up on the table. It was just wanting a slice of your ass. Caused now he'd talking about this overseas. He's been rubbing on your skin. Now love the texture. Now, he said he'd been fascinated by Canada cannibalism since he was young. But this just a fetish and nothing said. Now he's gonna cold part right here, So I need to know if this is really a fetish or shit? I run for us too late? Have you ever heard of such? I'm falling for this guy, but I don't want to end up with my butt in a frying pan. Okay, so what is you're typing? Fa Now? You might be falling for this guy, but you ain't gonna be able to fall on your ass because he gonna be the NATed. What you're gonna wake up one night numb You ain't gonna know what's going on, and he gonna be sitting over there with a plate with some hot sauce. Ain't gonna have a napkin rounding that babe? What you eating? Now? He didn't numbed you while you sleep. You ain't up your little booty just tingling. You don't know half of it. It's over there on that damn plate. O God, sitting over there and got some hot sauce, and he just chewing your ass and don't even know it. Show stupid behind talk. Have you ever heard of such a thing? Hell? No, we're black people yeah, hell no, we black people now first, and letter was kind of sexy. He he hell he talking about taking a slice of your ass, and you don't run into us and you send up in here. I don't want to end up with my butt in a frying pan. You gonna do God, your little biceps and that everything else like a little five meat. Now all right, look, we gotta get rid of this food. We gotta let the people know that they can email or instagram us their thoughts. Email us. Nothing like this again. On the Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, or check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. You're listening Steve Morning Show. Well, some exciting news for you, Steve. You're launching a full menswear clothing line. It's called the H by Steve Harvey Collection. It is designed by your personal stylist, Ellie Carmo. Yeah. Now, let me help you out and understand something, y'all. We're releasing this in capsules. I'm starting with the all new tie collection. They are fabulous. Go to the website H by Steve Harvey dot com. H It's the new signature line I've created with Ellie Carmo, is called H by Steve Harvey. All the ties on here are forty nine dollars now. The reason they're forty nine dollars is because I put a lot more into these. You know, I used to have twenty nine dollars ties and stuff like that. Those days are done. I want everybody to get balled up. Look your best these is nice. I'm on the website. Go to the website. It's a nice website. H by Steve Harvey dot com. Get your Christmas gifts read finally, give your daddy, your husband, and your boyfriend, your man, your uncle, your girl a neck tie that they really won't How many ties have we gotten through the years that just sit in a drawer. A damn Steve Harvey tied from the H collection so I can be balled and ladies, I'm telling you they they are really really great quality ties. That's different about these times. Oh the quality and the richness of the color. I gotta hold new and I'm releasing it in capsules, slowly but surely, because I've changed the suit line completely, all the shirts. Everything is different now because I decided to get involved, got my stylist, Ellie on it out of Paris. He's concerned mister Harvey, we health to get the quality up for people. Okay, cool, let's go. The ties are out now, go to the website right now. H by Steve Harvey dot com. H by Steve Harvey dot com, and by all of the ties that's online. Why not, hey man, hey, hey, get one of each, get two. You can only four one, get one. They got different colors, different patterns. I've got a handbone on that and I'm really proud of and I got some solids on there. You notice I wear a lot of mono, monochrome, monocraphic, whatever you want to call it. Monochrome looks Monald Craft. So if you want to match your shirt and your tie a little bit closer, give you that again, monimalistic or surely say it's monochromatic. But you know, you know, yeah, yeah, you know, you know monochrome. You know you know mono mono. But everybody please go to the website right now and take a look at it and place the order for the man or the woman in your life, whoever wear ties in your life. But they real BASSI h Steve Harvey, y'all sell it out for me, hurt my feelers is sell it out all right, Coming up next more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This portion of the Steve Harvey Morning Show is brought to you by your good friends at Walmart Family Mobile Stay a Step Ahead with Walmart Family Mobile with nationwide five G coverage powered by T Mobile. Plans start at less than twenty five bucks a month. Walmart Family Mobile Stay a Step Ahead five G service requires five G capable device availability, coverage and speed varies. All right. Going home for the holidays can be a nightmare for some people who dealing with bickering family can ruin anyone's holiday, But the real horror comes when it's time to go to sleep. Being forced to crash in either your childhood home or a relative place over Thanksgiving or Christmas, I can't even imagine why they staying it can definitely get awkward, which is why it shouldn't surprise us that a new survey finds that fifty two percent of adults say they've made up some sort of excuse specifically to avoid uncomfortable sleeping arrangements over the holidays. Fifty two that's over half, So you should yeah, if I can't walk to my kitchen Friday, I have to thank him in my drag. There's a problem. Hey, listen to me. Why does holidays have to be for all family? What do you what do you mean? You know, ain't no law say all family got to come over. All family got to be together. Most of these people in your family that you don't like anymore, I'm married and have their own family. But when you invite together, the family is coming together. Don't you invite who you want to invite over your house but you don't like them and you're gonna have them over. Yeah, well you're trying to tolerate them. But that's the problem for the occasion for the holiday. Yeah, I don't do that. I don't do that, and my wife honors that request to me. Don't have nobody at my house on my limited time off that I don't like. Just do that for me. Is that a lot of way about people that go over their mom's house, right, or they go over their parents' house and they gotta stay and put up with people that they don't like for the sake of their parents. You know what I'm saying. That's on I don't go know where I ain't liked. I think here's the biggest problem. Not you, but you may not like who's coming, but you dealing well when they get down, I'm gone, yeah, like I'm cool with the family. It's who the family brain with them, and that they don't tell you. Once again, my wife got a cousin, always gonna bring somebody. We don't know who the hell he is, and you got you. You can't relax. I don't need I need to get him to have two spoons and keep clicking them to gel so I know where you at. Well, when you invite them, do you say plus one? Or you just invite them and they bring someone? They don't look you Now, she just come over with somebody new every yeah, oh they already en route. Kind huh. My aunt, my grandmother sister. When she come over I leave because ain't nobody telling me about her condition either at anybody told me. She her memory going yeah, see, I don't like see, I don't like that because she's surprised about everything. She don't remember nobody nothing, and spent her Hey ain't and she said, who who is that? Who is that? Who is right there? Yeah, you don't want to do that. Five hours of that. Here your plate? What's this on this plate? What is that? That's turkey and dressed that? You don't know? This is the reason we're here today. You don't know that, then you gotta mash up, you know what I'm saying? Like she go to the restroom, didn come back and say Hi, I get to the bathroom. You just left out of there. No, I'm not gonna do it for five hours. I'm sorry, I'm not doing that. I leave. You ain't got to come over. Have the reason wakes when you see it? Man? You know who else I don't like. I don't like them people that come over to the house. What and take more food with them than they come on? I'm telling you, man, Like, are you for real? Man? Yeah, you're just gonna cut out half a pan of dressing. You got a spatchlor, you take it so much dressing out you're you're using a spatching the dog. But you in that three foul time? But do they bring their own aluminum foil in their bags? Stuff being in the car? Ye have to go kid? You know what? They got these new ziplock bags just bigger than a gallon big the show right after these jams you're listening show. Dandally Brown for the Steve Having on the show. The question is, who's the person in your family or in your life that's always borrow money? My sister, she owes your money right now? Like how much? I'm not even gonna say, my son, my cousins, my cousin as well, my sister. Bout is a giveaway. You don't even look for it back. No, no, Also my brother begging Billy. If you could get the money back that your brother owes you right now, how much would it be? Hundreds of dollars? Hundreds of dollars, thousands of dollars? I Jandary Brown for the Steve Ivery Morning Show. Who's the person in your family that's always borrowing money? Answer is there? You know what, it's not borned if I don't give it back, it's not my sister. If she paid you back right now, how much would it be? Who was ten thousand dollars from my dad? He owe your money right now? No, actually doesn't my sister if she paid you back right now, how much would it be? Four hundred dollars? One of my uncles, how much does he owe you right now? Probably a couple of hundred. Do you think you'll ever see that money? No, he never pays his bets back. Me. You owe your sister money? Yeah, you paid her back? How much would it be now? I'm pretty good? Pretty good? David Brown for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Who's a person in your family is always borrowing money? Steve? Steve Harvey, Steve didn't borrow no money from you? The money from me? How much? As hell? You're right now a lot of money because I said this suit never come in favorite quarter. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Guys, time to have some fun. We gotta ask you. Is there a member junior your family comes to mind? But is there one member of your family? Because I love his family, Uh, that's guilty. Is there one member of your family that's guilty of just always being a problem, just being a massive Thanksgiving? And what have they done that one? Not? Ten Martin's gonna be there, Uh, David, Uncle Jay, Uncle Red. It's gonna be some people that's gonna be some problems. Okay, That's why I'm saying shirty. When you come to our Thanksgiving, get in your click, don't go over and somebody's click getting your click. Let stay with your people, because I'm telling you go up. It's mingle with each other. Families had clicks like that though time prisoners hain't with the prisoners. They got all kinds to wait what you can't be free? Ain't never been a prisoner to talk? What they talk about over the prison? They click up. Everybody has been locked up. They all they all together. They're the card table, domino table. You know they're over there looking with mirrors around calling. You didn't know if Yeah, you have no idea what they talked about, what they talking about. You don't know about going to bed at nine lights out? I don't know nothing about that. You don't know why would you be over there. You don't know how they got the cell phone in the in the hole. You don't know how to get them in. You ain't contribute to the talk. You don't know you, yeah, you don't know about unscrewing the lightbulb, crushing it in the in the whole town, and what you're doing with the you know, you don't know them about that. He put it out in the hallway. That's how to hear the guard coming. Yeah, you don't know about this. I wouldn't. Yeah, you ain't never hear a shank any You ain't never come on let them know. That's what you don't have? No fits over in that converence. Say what do you know about how to press your pants? And you don't know about putting your pants in between the mattress? You don't know about that and lay on it to get a cross? Would you be talking? You don't know how to make top rumming in the comole. You don't know how to do that yet, no idea that ain't for you. That's when you were at your leave. What you're doing over that? I love your friend. You can relate to my bringing cars, more payments and somebody going to school. Your hand had no business over in this corner. And you know when they compre gate that they always comeregate in low light. They don't never be in open. Every time they get together their asses in a cone is low. You over here trying to talk to us, ain't got one recipe to make hoop. You ain't never had fermentuted fruit in your damn life. Put you over here for man, Do that bring anything to the dinner? Jair? Hell no, They take all the scraps and make something with it? All right, Steve coming up closing remarks right after this. You're listening. Here we are last break of the day. Guys. It's been a pretty fun, crazy, crazy ignorant day on this Crazy Ignorant Show. A lot of fun today. But Steve, now it's time to get a little serious. And so I just want to encourage people to do something really really simple today. And I think this is something that most people would agree to want. It's really this simple. Everybody should want more for your life. I'm talking about your life right there, the one that you have. You should want more for your life. You should never allow yourself to become complacent. Now, I want you to understand something. Some people get complacency confuse with they don't want to seem ungrateful. Once again, some people get complacency confused with not wanting to appear ungrateful. Well, I don't want to keep asking God for nothing because I don't want him to think I ain't grateful for what I have. Well, thank you for it. Then that's really simple. Simply thank God for what you have. That's the gratitude. But then it's still okay to want more for your life. Here's the good news. God actually wants you to have more for your life. God is really looking for people to show off. He really is. I happen to raise my hand all the time in volunteer I do. I just say, God, pick me, come on, do me, use me, show me. Now that doesn't mean I'm perfect. I'm far from it. But I do want God's blessings to be able to flow through me, So I keep an open channel in my life for that stuff to flow through. First of all, I want more. That's the beginning of getting it. Then I have the good sense to ask Him for more. You have not because you ask not. Well, I happen to be a big asker of stuff. So now I want more. I ask for more. Now here's the trick to asking for more and wanting more. You have got to be willing to do more. Oh, now you gotta do more. Now. That's the one thing that stops so many people both from having and wanting more for their life. If God will give you blessings and God will increase your measure in life, if God comes to give you life and give you life more abundantly, if He's promised to do that for you and what you have to do in return is you have to be willing to do more. See you, you can't get more without doing more. Convenience is built through inconvenience, you can stop wanting what you see everybody else with and you ain't willing to do what everybody else did to get it quick look at it Oprah's pile over there. If you ain't willing to do what Oprah did, which Tom, an average person is not because an average person wants to be comfortable, and you can't be successful and stay comfortable. I was interviewing the wrestler on my show yesterday, Dave or Teach. A great story man. This cat was really out of it, really really fascinating story he had, and we were talking and he was talking about living outside your comfort zone. And I told him one of the things that I've had to learn how to do in order to become successful is I've had to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. He said, wow, Wow, that's a great way to put his step. I have learned how to be comfortable while I'm uncomfortable, because in order to get successful, you have to be uncomfortable. You have to do things that you don't feel like doing. All the time. You have to show up when you don't want to show up. You have to be there when you feel like being somewhere else. You have to say yes a lot of times when you really want to just say no. That's where you're at, man, that's how you become successful. But you can't keep asking God for more and you ain't willing to do more. It doesn't make any sense. It cannot happen that way, folks. So come on, I want you to want more for your life. But there's a scripture that that bags that up too. It said to whom much is given, much is required. Now you don't want the requirements, then he gonna have to pull up on the given. But if you want the given, know that here come the requirements. So one more time, if you don't want the requirements, he gonna have to pull up on the given. Do not be the one who blocks your own blessings. Want more for your life and be willing to do the things to accept and receive more. It's just discipline. It's just some more work. But if you just cut out some of the bs man man, just cut out some of the happy hours, just cut out some of the drinking, you can't smoke one every day though, you can't go to all the clubs. So man, you're just gonna run all the women. That's that's that's, that's what you're gonna do, all of them. I got news for you. Man, can't be successful, then you can't drop it all for all. Steve Every Contests no purchase necessary, avoid where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.