Our FLOTUS, Ray J, Jordan, LBJ, Rodman and more.

Published Oct 22, 2019, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Today is another day to be grateful. In Ask Steve, Big Dog answers questions about trends, comebacks and more. Our FLOTUS shows us a glimpse of her workout leading to a discussion of self-care and health. Suge Knight and Ray J doing business together? Could another chapter be added to The Kings of Comedy? Michael Jordan gives back to The Queen City community. Lebron James gets support from Charles Barkley. Rodzilla slapped a man in Florida on his birthday. Today in Closing Remarks, Uncle Steve arms us with the knowledge to push through when it gets real tough, plus more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving the move like theming bus bus things. And it's true. Good at Steve har listening to mother for Steve Barby, I don't join joining me. Have you gotta turn hur you gotta turn to turn them out, got to turn them out, turn the water the water. Come, come on your baby at it, I shall will, I'll come morning. Everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show? Man. I love it when I run up into people and they say that to me. They say, hey, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Then they wink at man, I know they're listening. You know. I got a lot off my chest yesterday. I wanted to clear some things up. And I appreciate y'all giving me a minute, because sometimes you know, you just gotta say some things out loud. Not complaining, but hey, just verbalizing, but realizing that I gotta keep going anyway. And that's for my words this morning to you that I want you to keep pushing no matter what happens. I want to share something with you. That's important, that's very very important. See, you have to give God something too, bless you know, if your prayer is asking for God's blessings, you got to give him something to work with. Now, you know, you gotta show the spirit of appreciation or gratitude. You gotta let him know that you're in it for the long haul. No matter what happens. Don't turn around. You will never ever see what the end could be. If you turn around and go back, You'll never know what the end could have been had you stuck it out. You'll never know how good it could have gotten had you not just weathered the storm. That's the thing that gets most people. They get tough for them, It get hard for them, and then they let doubts set in, and then those doubts become facts and the next thing you know, they give up. Had you not given up, or had you given your best, what the results or outcome could have been. I look back on my life on so many occasions where in college I wasn't giving my best. Now I flunked out. Now it's easy to look at my life nine go yeah, but look at you now. But back then, man, it cost me for so many years that failing to finish, that not giving my all, it cost me a number of years. I wish I could say that it didn't mean nothing, that it was just a blimp on the radar skrein screen, But at the time it was major. And so you have a lot of decisions in your life that are happening now. You may be in your twenties, your late teens, you could be in your early thirties, and it's happening. But guess what you'll eventually get through it provided one thing you never give up. You never turn around and go back. Had I written myself off because of one failure, see, and this is where so many people go but go wrong at two. You write yourself off after you failed at something, the one thing you thought you wanted to accomplish, and you failed at it. Now you write yourself as a failure. Now you go settle on end to life and just see what See what hand you get had when I flunked out of college, had I written myself off as a failure, I wouldn't be here today. When I lost my carpet cleaning company, I would have written myself as a failure and I wouldn't be here today. When I didn't become a diamond distributed in Amway or a direct distributor in am Way, even I would have written myself as a failure, and I wouldn't be here today. When I bought a distribution kit to become a distributor of the Bohemian Diet and I didn't make it, I would have written myself as a failure. When I became an Al Williams distributor and I didn't make it, I would have written myself as a failure, and I wouldn't be here today. Oh, I got a list for you. When I got laid off it for a motor company. Had I written myself as a failure, I wouldn't have made it. Do you need some more? Because I have a story filled with mishaps? I have a story filled with failures. A couple of things now, the grace of God and his mercy which is available to us all. See that's the key, y'all, Because of his mercy, because of his willingness to forgive and to even understand why we do the things we do. In all of my shortcomings, failed marriages I'm talking about, man got it all wrong. Can't blame nobody else. It's just me. Steve ain't have it together at that point in life. I could have ridden myself as a failure the first time I could. I just could have gave up on it after the second one. And please know that this is an admission. This ain't bragging. So before you start in with me, understand what I'm saying. I'm pointing out in my life a series of missteps and failures. But how I still get here today A couple of things. God's grace and mercy is first. But that's the key, that's for everybody see if it's God's willingness to forgive you and God's understanding of why we do what we do because He's said we wasn't gonna be perfect. So in all of your imperfections, your creator told you you would not be perfect. He's sad it to you. It's out there. I don't care which one of the books you read it tells you that. So guess what With that in mind, he has a grace that he has. It's like a grace period. It's like when you don't pay your insurance premium on the day that is due. The next day, they don't just cancel your insurance premium. They have a grace period because they ain't trying to stop this money from coming in. But when it comes to God, there's no money required. He just gives you the grace freely. It don't cost you nothing. So you got tap into that, y'all. You gotta get in touch with that, because that's an important part to making it understanding that His grace is available so when you make a mistake, So when you fail at it, he has a loophole in the contract with him that allows you to make mistakes, that allows you to get it wrong, that allows you to fail time and time and time again. But if you never give up, if you keep getting up, if you keep trying, if you keep striving, if you keep making the effort to go forward and not go back, God has a blessing for you, and He has it in abundance for you, and God will give it to you at the right time. But you got to be ready. Oh, I want it to be successful. But if He had given it to me back then I wouldn't have handled it correctly because I would have made some more mistakes along the way. So you make the mistakes to learn the lessons. Lord they ain't God been good to me. I ain't gonna lie to you. Cool. You're listening to show, ladies and gentlemen without further ado. Let me have your attention, please, Steve Harvey Morty Show is a about to pop off. Tommy here, do you remember how it's done. We're about to pop the pop the pop off. I missed that. That was a good that's what we're doing. Calling for real, Good morning, Steve, I missed that too. That was a good one. What's up, Junior boy? Good morning everybody. Thank you our favorite mentor I know who has been named formerly a friend of the queues. Yes, nephew, Tommy your side. Top of the morning, Uncle Steve, sure, let me not caller and Junior Boy, oh damn, you just must start singing, might as well, saying yeah Tuesday morning. Yeah, yeah I'm still here. I'm still standing. Yeah yeah yeah, little Elton John for you, Yeah, I'm still standing yeah yeah yeah. God is good. What I have learned most is to praise and honor Him in my trials and tribulations, as well as when the sun is shining ever so brightly. If you can do that, if you can praise him when it's dark outside or sunny. The reward that you will receive is beyond anything you can comprehend or imagine. I think you know what I'm saying. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Because you can't have a testimony without the test You know, when I think of bad things that happened, you know what I say? Sometimes when at les I ain't, you know, just say that, well, at Les I ain't. Well, at Les I them five words can help you when you're going through some difficult you just say to yourself, well, at Les I ain't, because you can always think of something that's happened worse. I know I can't. I have sixty two years of previous experiences, and I'm certain that I have had enough bad stuff to happen to me to draw on it in times when I need them when new bad stuff happened. And so right there, so to God, I serve is good. Be here. We're alive. We made it to another day. Today is better than yesterday. That yes, sir, yes sir, yes, sure. And we were covered. We are covered, that's right, man. And the blood never loses its power. No, we don't we are covered. Yeah, man, yeah, so we gotta we got a lot going on today. We're gonna do Steve's favorite segment this morning. Ask Steve. You know he likes this crazy yes segments. Ye, so you're ready, got it? Let's do it all right? Well, coming up at thirty two after the hour, ask Steve right after this. Yeah, yeah, you're listening to show time now for ask Steve. Steve, this is your favorite question and Shirley's out today. I'm not gonna do like Shirley and make you rush you with the answers. We're gonna ask you questions, take your time, do your thing. This is your segment. I'll start it off all right. What random act of kindness has someone done for you lately? Oh? Man, prayer? M hmm. That's that's my favorite random act of kindness. When people say, hey man, we're praying for you, praying for your family. You know? I like that? Oh a dude? Then can koon gave me a dude? That watch store gave me a very rare Cuban cigar. That actor kind of wash yeh, prayer and the Cuban cigar girl behind the girl up. Yeah, that was pretty good. I got one school, I got one, I got one? What popular trend thing? Are you know that? When they say something's trendy? What what trend? Can you not get into skinny jeans? Yeah? I can't get into it. No, I don't even try. The key to skinny jeans if you should be skinny, if you put on the pair of skinny jeans, and you look like a waffle cone, ice cream cone with a lot of ice cream on the top of that little skin ass blag at the bottom, if that's how you look in your skinny jeans, If something is hanging over your skinny jeans, you probably don't need a hat them all. So, ain don't need me putting on a little tight ass pants because I don't like trying to get out of tight ass clothes, especially if you start sway that skinny jeans summy? All right? All right? Uh? What's a good comeback to um? You ugly? Say that again, June, what's a good come back to your ugly? And you ain't right? Fire right back, he's ready. So if one out of every eight people is ugly and you don't see the eight people, come on, baby, stay with me. Now that's good. I like it. I like it all right. We're in the middle of ask Steve. So here's a question, Steve. What's one thing that you're excited about that's coming in twenty twenty next year? One thing I'm excited about this is coming in twenty twenty. Expansion globally is exciting on the horizon for me, and I praise God for it. And it's all because of It's grace and mercy that I can see that happening. So global expansion in twenty twenty is your brand. Yeah, it's happening. That's big though. I'm all right. My question what thing have you never done but always wanted? What is it? Never done but always Oh? Can't say that on the radio but the radio version and socially, ain't no radio version answer to that one. I can't fix that. It's it just does What can it be? Well? I asked, Okay, asked the question again. Let me see if I can hear the different way say it again? What what thing have you never done but always won't it? Right? Yep, yep, can't do that on the radio show. That's saying, ain't no way something I've always wanted to do but have never done it? Oh? Boy, come on, man, I can't boy boy, Yeah, I got I mean I got the same answer you got, so yeah, version of it. I got the version of Okay, let me think of a radio version that I could try. Okay, we'll try, because I would be okay, yeah, I would like to take a yacht vacation for four months. Oh yeah, okay, almost out on the water, but I off the air. I'm gonna clarify that for y'all. Okay, okay, all right, this is something I really don't know about you, man. But what was your first car? Like, your very first car, very first car? Nineteen sixty eight Chevy Belair Biscayne Station. Where down what you rolled in? Yeah? Where'd you get that from from? Oh? It was a nineteen sixty eight. I got it in nineteen seventy six. Any more damn questions? You damn near two hundred and forty thousand miles on it, But you were grateful. Words. I had that bad boy in college. You should put thirteen deep in that rolled on road trips. Got that in seventy six, had it for almost two years. All right, Steve asked Steve, here we go, what are a few secrets to living a happy life, prayer, secrets, okay, discipline, visioning, and you got to have a strong work ethic. I think you can be happy that were lazy people don't do well with with with with creating happy lives or making dreams come true. Undisciplined people don't do well with getting to the happy point in life or making dreams come true because without the work ethic from being lazy, and without the disciplined willingness to do the things that you're uncomfortable doing, you won't be able to succeed. Those are the things that I think are most important. But nothing top's faith, nothing I like them. I like th other answers. All right, that's it for asked Steve, kind of like asked Steve, thanks so much day. You like it? All right, we'll keep it going. Maybe next week, we'll keep it going. You want to do it some more? Is ever true it saying yeah, well I do it that hay other day if you're okay. Coming up next, we got nephew Timmy with run that prank back right after. Yeah, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour. In Entertainment News, sug Night handed the rights of his life over to Ray J and singer Lizzo Crickets has been accused of plagiarism again. I like Lizzo, what's going on with that? But right now, nephew in the building would run that prank back? What you got, nephew, all right, wrong direction, his sister's great. Wow, wrong direction, his sister's great, wrong direction. Hello, thank you for calling. My name is Frederick Stammond. Down the timera, Mie, let me see she's any office one moment. Please don't it don't make sense. But all to go out there like we did, it didn't running in the type of problem that Hello. Hello, listen, my name is Frederick Stammonds. Okay. Now my sisters sist is buried out there. Okay, And we come out that last week on Monday to come out there and pray over that the space was she yell, Now, you as the one that told us that it was a few spaces away from the mother limb. Now we got out there and prayed over my suchter friends as bearer and find out that we were in the wrong space, and they say, you was the one that told it to us. So I don't even know what you're talking about. You was the one that told us that my suster friend, I don't give out spaces. I'm in an administrative office. I don't know where you're white out. All I know is you was the one that told us this. No, yes, you did. You are the one that my grandbaby said that she talked to the woman named Tabor, and you had us out there stand it over some white man's boy, and it wa wrong out of concert. So I can't tell you we're a space to you. So your granddaughter last to you. Ain't nobody lied to me that you had us out there in the wrong space. I couldn't have had you in the wrong spaces. I don't even know the semisteries. You know what. I must send my grand baby up there to talk to you. Okay, I'll be here to fire. You're very mischieved. You know that I'll be here at five o'clock. You don't have a good day, No you don't. You hang up, just phone on me. You have a good day. No, I'm not gonna have a good day. You had me praying over the president's body, and that was the raw one, and where's enough praying over this white man's body? It was right. Hello, I'm listening to you. You don't have an apology or nothing, because I know I didn't tell your granddaughter where a space was, then what did you tell them? I don't even know what your granddaughter is. What you mean the Stamon's family? If we were not that, I don't know who the Simmons family is. If not Simon, that Stamons, Stamons, I don't know a Simon's family. That's what I'm telling you. I'm not a counselor. I don't even deal with family. Here's what I need you to do. Can you go out there and pray over my sister body. I don't know where your sister is buried. It's supposed to have been six maidens away from the mother limb. I don't are there any faces? Where is it? Where is it at sex section two? We was in section two, but there was some white man we was that That wasn't my sister. PRIs Okay, I don't even know who your sister friends is. I do not even know where section two is. Whoever came into the cemetery instead that they spoke to me. They probably did speak to me, and I probably got the information from a conference, but I never told them exactly where the spot was. So they were out there praying over your sister and they were in the wrong spot. That's not my problem. That praying over some white man. That's not my problem, sir. If you gave the wrong wrong spot, if you gave the wrong information, it is just I don't give the wrong information. I told them, yes she's in section two. That did not physically go out there and point to the spot to tell them to pray over that spot. Let me explain what I'm trying to stop from happening. If my people come out there, it's gonna be some Mobodi's getting married, and I don'tlmost nobody to get her. I mean, your family can come up here. It's not going to be no more bodies than buried that. What they can do is come up here writing. We can conversate about this, but it's not going to be an up world here. I want you to go out there and you pray over friends and the body. I'm not going out to pray over nobody's body now, it's not family. Remember I didn't tell them to run information. Do you love the Lord I dearly do, Then you ought to have some sepathy. I want you to bout your head right now. No, I'm going to end this conversation because all the work to do. Now they come in and rust to me. I will be hearing to five o'clock. Can I say one more thing for you? Go that one more thinking, I'm ending the car. Okay, this nephew comment from the Steve Harvard Morning Show. You just got prank COVID. You are crazy, your sister to me because sets you and you just got it baby from nephew Tommy. Bro, you were standing in your ground. You're like, no this guys, you wouldn't prayed over the wrong bout it. That don't mean I ain't all right? Check it out. You gotta tell me one thing, what's the baddest radio show in the land killed? You gotta know how to get to somebody grave. You know you'll wind up at the wrong one. You know, there ain't no streets in the cemetery, so you got to know how to get you know what I'm saying. You get it though? Yeah, yeah, you played too much though, that's that's too far, nephew. Yeah, yeah, you can't be old at praying oldest white man grave and this ain't We're in the wrong grave. That don't work. Yeah, yeah, I'm pretty sure they can't hear the prayer. No house, Steve, that's the true state, even done standing right on top of the grave. I promise you ain't nobody heard it. Columbia, Columbia, South Carolina. The Nephew is coming to town. Two shows Friday to Saturday at eighty three o'clock maddenee on Sunday. You hear what I said? Who Friday? Who Saturday Sunday three o'clock maddenee. And that's the show you don't want to miss Who Friday too? Saturday one on Sunday Nephew Columbia, South Carolina The Comedy House so taught me. The Sunday one is at three at three o'clock. Steve Man. I didn't think it would work at first. I mean I never it worked. It's a new day now, so yeah, because you know I got to be work Monday morning, you know, so I gotta pay attention, you know, do something. I try to get the work on time. Try to you do not? Now you do? We all at work one? Okay? I don't want to stand that. Boy. I used to be trifling back in the day. Boy heard Oh god, I mean, do you call? You really? Call in? I'm listening. He would call, I would call him. He answered the phone, Hello, uncle, why are you? Why are you calling me? What you want? I said, what I want? We at work? Oh wow, work? But this was twice a week minimum at that La nightlife. I was in voided. I wasn't no good nephew. Well, I'm glad you changed a little bit. Coming up, we got entertainment and national news at the top of the hours. You're listening In today's entertainment news, sug Night just handed over his life to ray J. Now, the Death Row founder soldiers rights to ray J, and Sugar is in prison for twenty eight years and trust ray J to do right by him and pick the right projects. Sug think since life could make a great movie, TV movie or even a book. Now keep in mind, you know ray J and his investment portfolio. It includes you know, consumer electronics. You know he has those electric scooters, and you know cannabis business. So ray J is doing this thing. So what do you guys think? Ray A good a good guy man. I like a chance to talk with him at the at the Kentucky Derby last year. Really really clear. I mean I've known him for years, but we actually sat down. Yeah, really really smart, smart kid man and really really putting a putting forth a big effort in the business. Have you sat down and talked to Sugar night? No, I ain't. I ain't been where where he at. I'm not gonna do I'm he couldn't do my next twenty eight inside. Okay, wow, all right, Well that's scared for right Jack. You know he's doing this, But what does he get calling I mean, he gets the rights to do a movie on sugar What else does he get though, I don't get it. Does he get more than that? And I'm pretty sure it's a profitable venture. Yeah? Yeah, he may even bring who knows death records back, you know, the label it could be, That's what I'm saying. So it's more than just a movie. I don't. I don't. I mean, I don't know, I don't know anything. You who knows? Yeah? Who knows? What? I think it would be a good movie, though, but it's not. I mean, it's not gonna even rival competent, you know, not that that movie was a really really great straight out of comptent was excellent. Yeah, it was a really good movie. We know, how what would you uh, what would you all think of this though? What would you all think of a biopic of the Kings of Comedy? Love it? You know, I mean, has somebody had actors really play the role and show the tool because you know this year coming it's twenty years twenty twenty, it's the twenty year reunion of the Kings of Comedy. The movie was it was it always peaceful on two with y'all. Did y'all always get along? Yeah? I mean, you know, we had moments, you know what I mean, But it was always I mean, you know, we had some moments back there now, you know, but mostly it wasn't amongst ourselves. It was with you know, people, that was with people. That was most of the drama. Backs age, the entourage, well not even really the entourage, but people who would get back, like the friends of the promoters would be backstage and bring people and all like that. That was most I mean, you know, I mean we all got along, said and DL and B you know, we was we've grown, you know, we wentn't backstad and all like this what none of that do your time? You're going along? Whatnot? All that no, yeah, no, but the problem we had backstage with the people, and then when we toured with the Queens sometimes dash quare you know, because their crew was back there. Put that in the movie too. Yeah. Yeah, we want to see all that something stopes scene, right yeah, I like that. All right, Well, we gotta switch gears. We gotta get to other headlines for today. See ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Tripp, thank you, thank you, good money. Everybody. This is Entrop with the news. Let's get it go on Capitol Hill. Today, Democrats continue to look into whether President Trump use military aid as leverage to get the Ukrainians to hopefully dig up dirt on Joe Biden and his son. Investigation in the House of Representatives expected to hear from the top US diplomat in the Ukraine, Bill Taylor now Taylors on record as having said basically that it would be unwise to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign, So who have to see what he says President Trump andwhile says that the Democrats are trying hard to impeach him for political reasons only, so he's marshaling the troops. I think they want to impeach me, because it's the only way they're gonna win. They've got nothing. All they have as a phone call that was perfect. These people are trying to destroy the country. It's a very bad thing what they're doing. The President of the United States should be allowed to run the country, not have to focus on this kind of crap. The vast majority of the GOP continue to back Trump, however, if you have indicated that, they'd be opened to voting for impeachment depending on what concrete evidence of wrongdoing terms up. Meanwhile, the US Secretary of Defense Mike Pompeoe arrived in Afghanistan yesterday. That was a surprise. He's seeking to reassure our allies that the US military remains committed to that region. In fact, the Pentagon chief says the Trump administration may leave some forces in northern Syria to make sure that the oil fuels there don't fall into the hands of a revitalized Islamic state. That assurance, of course, coming on the heels of last week's pull out of about a thousand US troops, abandoning America's Kurdish allies who helped the US fight and incarcerat ices forces, but even though Trump's been criticized by both Democrats and Republicans for that one, he stands by the decision. We never agreed to protect the Kurage. We support with them for three and a half to four years. We never agreed to protect the Kurds for the rest of their life. However, the courage in Iraq and Sirius see things differently. They see it as a betrayal. In fact, they threw garbage and other stuff at the military vehicles carrying American troops out of Syria. Yesterday, a scary case in Alabama, two people under arrest in connection with the apparent abduction of a three year old little black girl named Camille McKinney from a birthday party in burn Hand. Her whereabouts remained in mystery. The FBI's involved a Latina who's been making her money as a senior civil rights investigator, and Ohio has been fired for saying that she hates black people and that black people are unappreciative dogs. Julia cost Her Gramman, employed by Ohio's human relations counsel, went on a racist rant, apparently to a black bartender who determined she had a little bit too much to drink. Asked her to be a little quieter because other patrons who are really saying she's complaining loudly listening to reasons she hated black people when asked about a cause and said, oh no, she was only thrown out of the bar for using adult language. However, the owner of the place has her vicious racist rant on video. She's again fired and today's National knee Day. That's a part of the body you don't think about unless you hit it. Back to the Steve Harvey Mourning Show. You're listening, okay, Steve, guys, let's talk about being healthy. Did you guys see former First Lady Michelle Obama share a photo on social media of her recent workout session. Missus Obama is seen performing a lunge while lifting a huge medicine ball over her head, with a caption, it doesn't always feel good in the moment, but after the fact, I'm always glad I hit the gym. She looks so good. Forever First Lady anyway, Steve Junior, Tommy Now, according to a new survey, the average adult only feels perfectly healthy with no aches, no pains, twelve days a month. Oh well, I know, I know, I ain't having one of them twelve days right now, right now? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That means guys, listen to this. We're only feeling good less than half the year. So let's talk about self care, Steve. You know, we're always talking about living a healthy lifestyle. Give us a point, some tips. What we got to do to right out to some good loving. I feel good, I feel real good, So I'm just gonna feel you right after that day. Always call it always good to get a dose. That way, I sound way more intelligent. Okay, she I don't mind letting him talk, but when I do talk, people go, thank you Jesus. I'm so glad Steve on that. Okay, Okay, you know what, I've been working out pretty consistently. What I decided to do was really invest in my health. I'll tell you what a guy told me. And he doesn't make the living that I make. And I was talking to him and he says, I spend three hundred thousand dollars a year on health, and I went, wow, he said, three hundred thousand net. This guy makes about he makes about three meal a year. He makes a lot of money. That's a lot of money, y'all. I'm not. So he said, he spends three hundred thousand a year and I went, man, that's ten percent of your income spending on health. And so he said, what do you have more important than your health, other than your time on earth? And if your time on earth is not a good quality time, what is that? He said, why would you not spend ten percent of your income to take care of your health? And and that stopped me. And I'll tell you the rest when we come back. Got to tell me this. I don't want to know what he's doing. Okay, Yeah, so I'll tell it you. All right, we're coming up at thirty four after the hour, Steve will tell us more about a healthy lifestyle right after this. You're listening, okay, Steve. So we were talking about healthy lifestyle. We were talking about the picture of Michelle Obama on social media trending, and you were telling us a story about a guy that spends three hundred thousand dollars of his income on health on his healthy lifestyle. That's okay to think about it. Now, Well, he's just doing ten percent of his income. So let's just say your income is fifty thousand, ten percent of that is five grand right, a year for your health one hundred thousand. You're spending ten thousand a year on your health. If you make a million dollars, you're spending one hundred thousand a year on your health. I mean, why are we going to work if it's not for health and happiness? You know, because you're two most important things that your health and your and your happiness. So now everybody wants to be successful and everybody wants to be happy. Your two most important things, excuse me, is your health and your time. So now he broke it down for me. He said, Steve, I hire a trainer who trains. I have a stretcher who makes sure I'm properly stretched. I hire nutritionist to monitor my meals. I do my quarterly blood work. He say, I have a yoga instructor and jim equipment and memberships. Wow. And he just supplements all of his supplements, you know, peels, you know, powders, whatever he's taken. He said that totals three hundred thousand dollars a year, and went he looked good. Good, he looked good. He was sixty four years old. And I said, man, And so he said, Steve, how much do you spend a year And I said, man, I don't spend three hundred thousand. He said, you make it a serious mistake. He said, now you make more money than me. He said, why would you not spend more money. He said, that's a mistake. Man. He said, think about it. Prioritize yourself. He said, how much do you spend on clothes a year? I said, you're talking about me or my wife. He's a one. He said, if you're spending more on clothes than your health, something's wrong. And I had to stop and I said, wow, something's wrong. So what I did was I did exactly that. I got a trainer, a stretcher, a nutritionist, I do my blood work. I don't like yoga. I got all types of gym stuff. I take care of my supplements. And when I looked up, I was spending you know, a bit more. I mean, if you look at Lebron James, Lebron James released it, he spends over a million dollars, Yeah, to stick to take care of his body and stay in shape. He got those special things in his home and stuff like that. So yeah, you know, I think we have to look at it like that in terms of your income, and it all relative based on how much you make for ten percent of your income going towards your health. It makes sense once you think about it. So if you make forty thousand dollars a year and you spending four thousand dollars on your health, that's kind of like a smart investment, right right, that's and that's a r O. I Return on your investor was an O for real, real, and so I just looked at it. I don't have to spend ten percent of my income a year, quite, but I bumped it. I bucked it up considerably, and I did well. When I hired me a trainer. I have a stretcher. I just lost my stretcher. I'm looking for another one because she wanted to move back to Atlanta and so we lost our stretching buddy. You know, we'll find another one. And I got a great nutritionist you know. Oh oh, and shechef so you know, uh the intake, yeah man, so you got it? Yeah man too. I never thought about that. But the way you're breaking it down to as well, you don't have to be a millionaire or making six figures to take care of your health. And no, no, relative to the money you make. It's what you should be investing in your health. Yeah, you're about you Okay, Yeah, I like that. I like that. All right, that's good, healthy lifestyle. We're saving lives here on the Steve Harvey Morning Shower. All right. Coming up next, nephew Tommy, he is here with today's prank phone call. Right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's strawberry letter. The subject is this man has a thing for chocolate. But right now, Nephew Tommy is here with today's frank phone call. What you got, nephew, call it. We're gonna rob a bank to day. Baby. It's the Limo Bank job, the Limo Bank job. Let's go. Come on now, come on, We're gonna rob a bank right now, baby, Good afternoons. How can I you? I'm trying to get Cecil. Yeah this season hein Cecil, one of my boys. Gaming your number, man, I'm trying to get a car service for to night. Okay, listen, this is my personal number. Do you have the main number? Man? I keep calling the main line, but there ain't nobody answer. I had to call that about six seven times. They keep rolling over to it, like go to a voicemail or okay, okay, okay, brother, what's your name Monday? Tony? Okay, listen, Tony. I got a customer in the back. Let me get them happy, can you you got a few moments? He let me get the dope form and all hold the phone. All right, okay, cool, all right, thank you have a good in it? All right, tom? Yeah? What's up? Yeah? Now You've saying you called the main line and you just keep going the voicemail or something like can you call the main line? But you know, I know I'm called at the last minute that I'm trying to get a get a car for the night man. Okay, what you need listen, we gotta we got the suv. We gotta up to Dan or two. We got a couple of limits white up black. What you need if I could get I guess like a black limits ain't be cruel? Okay, we got that. We got that. What time where I'm picking you up? With time? What the cost? You know? For an hour? Because all I need is an hour? Where's it's sixty five hours of novur? But we only do three hour minimum the first three hours sixty five okay, okay, okay, see we'll see. See all I need is an hour man really like forty five minutes? So do you think they will work women where you can't get them? So you're dealing with me? Let me see. I'll tell you what I'll do you for one hundred and fifty dollars and I'll take k But now I want you to know. I'm gonna let that know everything. So I got to have either credit cards or received it something on the KVE to let them know. Because I'm not no quicker brother, I'm gonna let them know everything that I'm doing with that furth fight one fifty. I didn't give you one fifty. When you pick me up, that's no problem. Then am I picking you up? And at what time? All right? I'm at ninety eight Village Drive, ninety eight Village Drive, okay, when I need twenty? And when am I taking yourself? I'm going downtown on Capital Street, downtown to Capitol Street, all right? And what time am I picking you up? You could get me like at eleven forty five to night, that would be good. Then forty five okay, at forty five minutes. If two an hour, you're gonna need then four to five to next two especially twelve forty five, twelve thirty four five. Okay, good that. Um, let me see and downtown Capital. What you didn't give me an address? I don't even know the address. I'm going to um to bank bank downtown all right, right? Um? Can I ask you something Tony? Right? Um? Yeah, I'm trying to get any business. You know, we don't ask questions usually, but a banking knight's gonna be closed. I mean you you're not going to work because I gotta take you back. So you're dropping off to something somebody or something like that. No, no, I ain't dropping no, no, but I'm picking something up to see. What I need you to do is just right here. I'm gonna go in there and I'm being there probably like about fifteen minutes. But when I come out, man, I need you to out of car running and we need to get side of there. Why man, you ask me to run you down to a bank at midnight and you kicking something up at midnight and I got to be ready to go when you come out, Me and my boys when we come out of there. Just when when we get it. When we get back in the back of the limo, I need you to. I need you to put the pedal down, man, and let's get out of there. Look here, yo, you young brother, Well I hold you man, I'm twenty four. Yeah, that's what I figured. Look here, man, it sounds like you in some kind of shaping. I don't do that, brother. That's that's man. Yo. You're a driver, dog. Your job is to drive. If you pick somebody up, first of all, you ain't gonna be asking nobody where they're going, what doing. You're supposed to drive. Let me what I'm telling you here, man, Once we come out of the bank, drive try let me stop it. That's why I'm driving stid it working somewhere else driving because I was tign it like you at one time. But let me tell you something. But I don't know your business and really don't care at this point in time. I'm not doing no crazy like this it. Brother. Let me tell you something, man. What you need to do is get your young into some type of training school or something to find yourself a job. You're gonna go down and the enem gonna blow your brains out. I ain't really trying to hear all this light here. What I'm trying to do is pay you this one. I'm fifty you driving me where I'm trying to go because you ain't even back if I can't, Brother, you can't get right now, not even your advice. You need to listen to me. That's what's wrong with you. Y' now, y'all crazy? Get rich right off overnight, taker or you need to slow down because they got something you feel me. They gotta hold on. Hold hold on, man, hold on what you know? You don't know nothing you don't know. Man, I need to know what. Brother, how you gonna be preaching to make out? Because I've been that man, That's what I'm driving a limo because I've been that, young brother. I'm trying to keep you from going that because you won't like it. Look at Tony. I don't know what to tell you at this point. First of all, I'm not doing it, so you can cut that out. Okay. Now, I'm thinking of you and all the other young brothers to do this. Thumbs you watch two many of the movies or something. Brother, you need to get your great because they got a place for you. Bro. Let me tell you something they read. Mom thought I ready anything. My Mamma told me. They didn't want me to know. They cut it out. Do you feel me? They looked at me every night where they wanted to fed me garbage that I had to eat or die. You ain't ready for that, man, You ain't ready for what. I think he got your land. Your brothers don't know what going on out here. You got it too easy. See now you're talking about going down they robbing the bank. You ain't no bank robber. You don't sound like no thud go real a remo. The way you're going, you ain't making nothing because they were blowing your young I way about their paper. You don't understand that. And you show you ready for no jail because I say one more thing to you that yeah, what is it? All I want to do is tell you it is that I'm nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And you're going card. They don't got me the frank phone call you. I don't give a who you are. If you around with them folks down town, they're gonna blow you where. They're gonna get your one hundred years under the jam. Did you did you just hear what I just said, though, what you said something about with my partners, you know I no, no, no, no, I said, I'm nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your boy the other another driver. Cordell got me the plank phone call you if you tom oh you mean Steve Harvey on the radio. No, man, no, no, no, this is are you serious? Man? Ain't cecil, your boy. Cordell got me to pray. Phone call you man. I'm gonna get that. I'm gonna get that. When you let my fire man. I don't know that. I mean my fight move fower. He say, be careful, he say, big, Cecil. He's been he's been down there. He didn't done some time. Isn't that been that? Man? Come down, baby, come down, man. I got one more question to ask you, man, what's the baddest radio show in the land. I want the Nephew Tommy, but the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I got you, baby, me and your boy got you. Yeah. Well, I'm gonna get here. May man meet you brother. I old you want to old school? Right? There wasn't he man school? He wasn't about no, he wasn't he trying to help him. You're feel to get yourself in trouble, young man. That's what you're feeling to do. Thank you. You know what you're doing. Man, Nobody come on the limo to rob no bank anyway. Stupid stupid Friday, Saturday Sunday. I'm gonna be real stupid Friday Saturday Sunday, Columbia, South Carolina at the Comedy House. Two shows Friday to Saturday, and a three o'clock three o'clock PM mattenee on Sunday. Tickets on sal Red Now the Nephew, the food. Let's coming to that. That's all I got for you. That's all you got for us. Well, how's it going? Ready to Love? Ready to Love is popping? Man? Oh my god, we got Yeah. The first episode got the best views that had el past the whole first season. So I'm exciting. I gotta learn these numbers, my man over here be knowing all the time. I do not know numbers of television. I got some rating. I got some homework to do. Yes, well here's exist you still alone? Yes, that's the number. Yeah. Oh, don't wear it though, don't wear don't we then notifire? I hope that episode. Uh Tommy. It was pretty good, pretty good, Thank you. I got them ready to love ten East to nine centur don't miss it on the own network. All right, coming up, nephew, top of the hour. We got today's Strawberry Letter, and mister Harvey will read the letter right after this. You're listening to show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationship, dating, work, sex, Harrington and Moore, submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. My girl, Shirley Strawberry is off again today, so Steve Harvey will do the honors and read the letter and I'll respond. So let's go, nephew, let's go. Let's go. Buck a lop hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is the Strawberry Letter. Yeah, Strawberry Letter. Everybody subject. This man has a thing for chock huh. Here we go, did Stephen Shirley. I'm a divorce fifty eight year old black woman dating a sixty one year old white man that I met on the dating site for black people. I thought it was strange that he was on the site that is for blacks, but I guess he likes what he likes. Well, this man fell head over heels for me. On the first date. He got up and kissed me at least four times that night while we were at dinner. Well, since then, he sends me text throughout the date at least ten a day to tell me he's thinking about me and he misses me. We go out on dates twice a week, and we've had and we have sex at least once a week, and he's great in bad So this man is a dream come true. Right. Well, I got a few problems with him, and I need your advice. I have only known this man for a month and he told me that he loves me and he's been shopping for an engagement ring. He wants to get married by twenty twenty. The other problem is since we started having sex, he now likes to refer to me as his black or chocolate everything. I went from being a hot babe to a chocolate hot babe. He now refers to me as his beautiful black girlfriend when we on dates, and it's getting on my nerves. I will have to have a conversation with him in due time, but I need to make sure that I'm going to stay with him. First, he was on a dating site for black singles, but he says I'm the first black woman he has dated. So my question is am I trying to create a problem where one does not exist? Is it possible that this man did fall in love at first sight and he's just happy to be in a relationship with a black queen. Please give it to me straight, Shore will well my queen. Here we go. It sounds like an easy fix, though, I mean, you have to talk to this guy, and you have to, you know, let him know that there is an issue that you'd like to address with him, and let him know it's a sensitive issue. So if it's bothering you that he you know, it sounds like it's a racial issue for you. So if it's bothering you that he is calling you, you know, chocolate or black anything, you need to let him know that because in any relationship, regardless of race, any relationship, if you have an issue with that person, there's going to be some things that are said or some things that are done that you aren't going to like. And so you have to be able to talk to that person about it. If you're not comfortable with that situation. Now, as far as you guys, you know, moving too fast. You haven't been dating for that long, so you have to decide. I mean, you're fifty eight years old, so you should by now have a good judge of character, and so you should know if this is a guy that you really want to be with, I mean, if it feels good to you, then you have to move forward with this relationship. And so if you have to decide, you have to say, if marriage is what you want, then this is a guy that you should be with. Otherwise then you need to step back and see what's going on with this relationship and take things slowly. So you have to determine if you're moving too fast. But you are fifty eight years old, so you have to decide if you want to get married or not. And then you know, talk to him about this racial issue that you're having about black or or chocolate or things like that, because if you were dating a brother and he called you black or chocolate or something like that, you wouldn't have a problem with it. So maybe he's just not aware that that's a sensitive issue with you because of his race. So you got to be able to talk to him about that. Okay, Steve, Well this is a different one. So here we go. Yeah, fifty year old black woman dating the sixty one year old white man made him on a dating site for black people. See, he ain't the only one that's weird. You weird too, see, so let's not just put the weirdness on him. Is it weird that he was on a dating site for black people? It ain't weird that you picked the one white man that's on the site for black people. See everybody playing playing a little thing here. Now, he liked what he saw. You like the fact that he liked what he saw, and you like what you saw. So we really ain't got no problem here, two people and found each other. Sound like to me? This man faith fell ahead over heels for me on the first date, got up, kiss you at least four times that night while we was at dinner. Since then, texts ten a day thinking about me, miss me. Y'all, go on dates twice a week, we have sex at least once a week. And he's great and bad. Okay, man ain't nothing rare. So this man is a dream come true? Right? Well are you asking me? Well, it seems like you you're happy, right, now, But you got a problem with him. You've known this man for a month. He told me he loves me, and he's been shopping for an engagement ring to get married by twenty twenty, that's month after next. The other problem is since we started having sex, he now likes referred to me as his black or chocolate everything. You know, this is my little black one, this is my little black hunted bunch, this is my little chocolate thing. Well, I know why he's doing this as a man, and I'm gonna give it to you when we come back. I knew exactly what's going on, but you got to find out if this is something you Yeah, I know he's a dude. He's a dude. I know exactly why he's doing it. Okay, all right, s's gonna break it down, all right. Part two of his response at twenty three after the hour you're listening, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. This man has a thing for chocolate, Steve, Well, here's this fifty eight year old black woman who met this six one year old white man that have met on a dating site for black people. I thought it was strange that he was on that site for blacks. Well, I think it's strange that you got the only white man that was on the site for blacks. So now, I mean, let's let's just be real with it now, sisters. So we really ain't got a problem here. There's two people like what they like. You like hearing he like you, she said, But I guess he likes what he likes. Well, don't you like what you like? All the black men on there? You end up with the white man? What's the problem? Ain't no problem. Y'all got each other. What's the matter? He went on date got I kissed you four times at night, text you ten times a day. Y'all gone dates once a week, we have sex. We're gonna dates twice a week. We have sex at least once a week. He's great in bed. So this man is a dream come true. Right, I got a few problems that I need your I've only known this man for a month. He told me he loves me, and he's been shopping for an engagement He won't get married by twenty twenty. Okay, you don't think this is moving kind of fast? I do. After thirty days he wants to buy an engagement ring. You don't even know him, because now you've already developed this one problem in thirty days since we started having sex. He now likes referred to me as his black or chocolate everything. I went from being a hot babe to a chocolate hot babe. Well he should have called you his hot chocolate hot chocolate babe. That would have been. But he now refers to me as his beautiful black girlfriend who we own dates, and it's getting on my nerves. My question to you, if he was dating a white girl, would he called her this is my beautiful white girlfriend. But he has referred to you as his beautiful black girlfriend. I'm going to teach you something now. Now you his black this or his black that, and his chocolate this and his chocolate that, and you're gonna have to have a conversation with him in due time. I need to make sure that I'm gonna be staying with him at first, because he was on dating side for black singers, but he says, I'm first black woman he's dated. Wait a minute, hold up, okay, see it's too much going on him. He on the dating site for black women. You the first black woman he ever dated. He's sixty one, really, really You've been attracted to black women for a long time. That's why your ass is on the dating site. So let's just gonna stop this right now. This ain't brand new, partner, Now, if it is brand new, I want to tell you why you are being referred to as black this and chocolate this and black this woman. Because there's an old saying that women of color are the forbidden fruit. There's an old saying. Now I'm just gonna teach you something. You don't have to be stuck on the old saying or not. Is it because this is new to him? Is this because you are a novelty to him? Is this is because you are fulfilling a fantasy to him? Is this because you are this item to him? Could you have become his very own prize possession? I finally got my very own chocolate souler, so I got my own blackness or that? So now the extra label is because is fulfilling a fantasy that he's had and now he has it and men have to put it in a category. So you are my black, hot black thing, my hot black chocolate babe. He wouldn't say none of this if you were white. But now since you getting called this or that, and you've only known him for a month. What I want you to do is take your time, slow your role with just diamerine. Because right now y'all having y'all going out twice a week, he having sex once a week. He's great in bed. The only problem you got it you black distress. Have y'all gotten mad at each other yet? See this is going to happen in the relationship. Have y'all had a real, real disagreement and then with it, because then you might find out that you might be a little bit molding hot chocolate. Okay, yeah, all my black girlfriend, you might find out that you might be something else. So I think you need to let this relationship develop a little bit more to make sure that you're not part of a fetish A long time for feel fantasy and just up in here. Finally he got his very own black or his own chocolate. Now that's not the case with all interracial couples. I'm just referring only to this Strawberry letter because there are a lot of interracial couples that working just fine and don't have all these references. Or you could have that little reference every now and then you know like you might want to call him, you know you you my little frosty snowpop. You know you my little snowflake. You know you might want to call some of that, you know, and he get cute with you. You know you're my little chocolate drop. You're all that's sexy. But you know you feel to be my little white eye sickle or something. You don't stand now, well, we're feen to put the names on each other. You gonna get called something. Yeah, I'm just telling me, Hey, we all you my little snowflake. You feel to be something? All right, But I think y'all just wait until you get mad so you can find out. Make sure you ain't be something else black or chocolate. That's my advice. Alrighty, mister Harvey, Man's coming coming. I love it. A girl coming up. Make sure you check out the shotint Letter podcast too. Under Man coming up. Forty six after the hour, Michael Jordan opens two clinics for the underprivilege in North Carolina. What did your dad say? You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show? In Trending news from our homestation in Charlotte V one On one point nine, Michael Jordan donated millions of dollars to build two state of the art medical clinics that will offer primary and preventive care along with behavioral health and social support services for people with little right to no health insurance and Michael Jordan he got emotional during bright the ribbon cutting ceremony, saying it was important for him to give back to the community. Also guys checked us out. Michael Jordan did an interview with Craig Melvin from The Today's Show and Take a Listen. When Craig asked Michael Jordan, why is he more outspoken than he used to be? Take a listen change? Why are you more outspoken now than you used to be? You know, when I was playing, my vision in my tone, vision was my craft. I was a professional basketball player, and I tried to do that the best I could. Now I have more time to understand things around me, understand causes, understand issues and you know, problems and commits. You know, my voice, my financial support to Looking back on your playing days, do you wish that perhaps you had been more vocal about certain things. I never look back and change things. For whatever reason. I like that. I like that, I like I like that answer. He can't change it. He was committed to his craft. The fact of the matter is what what are you today? And what he is today as a great So this is an incredible move that he's making. But I think people don't have never given Michael Jordan the credit that he's that he deserves. I don't know if people really understand the amount of jobs and opportunities that Michael Jordan has created. And I think that because he's not as vocal as a Lebron James or Colin Kaepernick and didn't stand for causes and stuff. Like he said, he was dedicated to his professional basketball player. But now he can donate his money and his time to other things and we all develop as people, and I think this is a perfect time for him to have developed into who he is now. I mean, you look, man, him donating himself to that craft. That damn jump image is global, and if you don't think it's a lot of people with jobs black and white because of that Jump emblem, you're sadly mistaken. Junior has it all right now. I bought some Jordan's shirts the other day with the jump man on it, long sleeve workout shirts. Jordan still the dude, man number one sneaker. Trust Yeah that that Tyler greatest basketball player will be his from now on. Yeah, yes he will. Yeah, but he's doing great work and community in North Carolina. All Right, coming up, let me tell you guys this. At the top of the hour, we're gonna talk more basketball. We talked about Michael Jordan. Now we're gonna talk about Lebron James and Charles Barkley is defending him for all of this drama about China. We'll talk about that. Yeah, at the top of the hour you're listening. Lebron has been taking a ton of heat for condemning Houston Rockets GM Daryl Morey for posting a pro Hong Kong tweet and creating this whole, you know, international incident. Lebron says that mister Mory wasn't educated on the topic before weighing in on the issue publicly. Now, people were hoping that Lebron would go after China for attempting to you know, uh, stop people having free speech and punishing people who criticize the government, but that really didn't happen, So, you know, Lebron got a lit to backlash about that. Anyway, Charles Barkley defended Lebron. TMZ caught up with Charles Barkley. Take a listen, American competent does business China. Why shouldn't Lebron not be able to protect his financial efforts and the NBA at night there? Lebron is passionate about the things he wanted to be passionate about. We don't get to tell him what we want him to talk about it. I mean, I'm pretty sure that's the other stuff going on in other countries. We don't ask their opinion. We don't get freak freach in China, you get freak speech. In the United States, you don't get there. In part your values in other countries doesn't work like that. I can't go to another country. So we're gonna do things our weight. So you know you heard. So what do you guys think? What do you think? Steve Well, I think he took took up for him very well. I think he did too. I think part of what Lebron was trying to say in the beginning was when they were talking about canceling basketball games over there. Out of players is over there, you know, and you send out this tweet and you got all these American players over there in a communist country. Yeah, this could go anyway for them. So I think what Lebron was trying to say, and he didn't probably said the best way was. I think he was trying to say, Hey, look, you're passing out these tweets. You got us over here, you ain't really educated on what's going on now. That ticked off a lot of the protesters, which I understand because they want to have freedom of speech. But Charles Barkley made a great point. You can't go to another country telling them that you're gonna do it chow way over that. It don't work that way in the real scheme of things. Even though freedom speech is perfectly finding well in the United States, but even over here it's not anymore because of all of the movements in the United States. What freedom of speech do we have anymore? Say the wrong thing over here and see what happened to your whole career. Tweet the wrong thing and see what happens to your whole career. So freedom of speech is overrated because it applies only to certain people and certain new things. We don't have freedom of speech anymore because now if you freely say what you want to say and somebody complain about it, you're gonna pay for that. Well, Lebron just you know, just like this example, he tweeted what he wanted to say and he got, you know, a lot of backlash from that. As where the NBA commissioner, Adam Silver, he said he is still working on rebuilding, you know, the relationship with China and doesn't know if the league will go back to play games in China next year. So yeah, there you got. Yeah, that's yeah. You don't want to offend Chinese people, no, because there are Chinese people who want to have freedom of speech. There are Chinese people who live in a communist world. There's Chinese people who are spiritual, practice different faith with religious So you can't make a broad sweeping statement about Chinese people. You can't do that. So it's it's touching gold with the however you want to say. That's why I really can't say anything definitive. Right, So we'll keep an eye out on the start right to what the NBA. We'll keep you posting what the NBA is going to do about this? All right, we'll come back at twenty minutes after the hour we're talking about more trending news. We got some music for you. We got some fun on the Steve Harvey Morning Shop. You're listening. This is some crazy news right here. Listen to this guy's former NBA great Dennis Roman, was formerly charged with battery for allegedly slapping a man in the face at a Florida bar. Now this was back in May. Dennis Roman, he has pladed not guilty to the charge and was celebrating his fifty eighth birthday with friends with one sap Dennis back though, I'm just telling Okay. So he was celebrating his fifty eighth birthday with friends when he got into an altercation with a man who claims Dennis Roman slapped him twice with an open hand unidentified man. Yes, oh my goodness. Now this is serious though. This man said he suffered swelling in his face, and he filed a police report two days later. If conve acted, Dennis Robin can face up to a year in jail. He won't be doing well. I don't know you've been Get on that plane and go back over the way. Feed what you're fenn to do. This is an accusation, you know, innocent to proven guilty. I've seen a lot of people bring a lot of charges against people that didn't have any validity to it. He might have slapped him, he may not have. Did he have a dress on, you know, dinner dress. I'm just saying bridal gowns. We will be back. You're listening to the Dry Morning Show. In today's entertainment news, sug Night just handed over his life to ray J. Now the Death Row founder soldiers rights to uh ray J and Sugar is in prison for twenty eight years and trust to do right by him and pick the right projects. Sug think since life could make a great movie, TV movie or even a book. Now, keep in mind, you know ray J his investment portfolio. It includes you know, consumer electronics. You know he has those electric scooters and you know, cannabis business. So ray Ja is doing this thing. So what do you guys think? Raja's a good a good guy man. I like a chance to talk with him, like Rayel at the Kentucky Derby last year. Really really clear. I mean I'm known him for years, but we actually sat down. Yeah, really really smart smart kid man. Have you sat down and talked to Sugar Night? No? I try nine. I ain't. I ain't even know where where he at. I'm not gonna do I'm not can't do my next twenty eight inside Okay, wow, So what does he get calling? I mean, he gets the rights to do a movie on sugar? What else does he get though? I don't get it. I think it would be a good movie though, but it's not. I mean, it's not gonna even rival Compton. You know that movie was a really really really great out of straight straight out of comp very good. Yeah, it was a really good movie. And we know how what would you uh, what would you all think of this though? What would you all think of a biopic of the Kings of Comedy? Love it? You know? I mean, has somebody had a really played the role and show the tool because you know, this year coming is twenty years twenty twenty is the twenty year reunion of the Kings of Componce the movie was it was it always peaceful on two with y'all? Did y'all always get along? Yeah? I mean, you know we had moments, you know what I mean? I mean, you know we had some moments back there now, you know, but mostly it wasn't amongst ourselves. It was with people. That was with people. That was most of the dramas. Backstage people who would get back, like the friends of the promoters would be backstage and bring people and all like that. That was most dramas. I mean, you know, I mean we all got along said and DL and B. You know, we was all we've grown, you know, we weren't backs there arguing and all like this. What none of that? Do your time? You're going along? Whatn't all that? Yeah? No, But the problem we had backstage was the people. And then when we toured with the Queens sometimes Dash Square, you know, because their crew was back there. Put that in the movie too. Yeah, yeah, we want to see all that scene, right, yeah, I like that. All right, Coming up, we will have Steve Harvey's closing remarks happening at forty nine at the hour. You don't want to miss it. Right after this. You're listening, all right, guys, we are here last break of the day on this Tuesday morning. It's been a busy Tuesday, but it's good day. Yeah, we are here. Steve Harvey, you got some closing remarks for us. You're gonna drop some knowledge. I think the best way for me always is to just be open and honest about my own experiences in my own uh life. Somebody asked me yesterday, It said, man, how do you do it? How do you keep going when things seem to be going so contrary to I'm sure the way you wanted to go? And of course, you know, I always kind of have an idea what people are talking about, even though I don't address the majority of it. But the question was a sincere question, and they weren't saying it to me to be mean or to get a conversation started. They will seriously ask me, man, how do you keep going? How do you manage to just show up and do your job anyway? When so many things around you seem to be swirling, so many things being said, conversations anything. I said, Well, here's a deal. I have been able to survive all the things in my life because of my faith. I'm just being honest with you. If God did not love me the way he does, if God did not give me an extent to me his grace and his mercy the way he does, I don't know how I would make it. But because I have this unwavering faith, the belief in things that I cannot see because I understand that he covers me. I understand that Isaiah fifty four seventeen exist. I understand that Isaiah forty three one in two exists. That I can walk through the waters and rivers and not drown, and walk through fire and will not be burned, nor what kindeling set upon my clothing. I understand that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I understand that there are principalities at work all the time. I understand that the devil's job is to rob me and you of our destiny, and he would challenge that any way he can. If he can't get through to you, he will get through to someone you love. If he can't get through to you, he will get through to somebody you care about. If he can't get through to you, he'll come through a co worker. If he can't get through to you, he'll come through a supervisor. If he can't get through to you, he'll use social media and ego find a way to get to you, to shake your faith. The thing that maintains me in all of it is my unwavering faith in him. That God's promises are true, that he promised never to leave me, that he promised that He would be there and ever present presence in my life, that he would always never forsake me, that when it looks like it's going all wrong, that He is behind the scenes working on my behalf and behind the scenes working on your behalf. That relationship that I've formed over the years with God, that I've tightened up this year is the reason I can stand and face all of my trials and tribulations and stand strong and still go to work and keep a smile on my face and keep moving forward. The fact that I handle my triumphs and my tragedies the exact same way. The fact that you can't look at me and see no signs of struggle on me, it is because of my unwavering faith. The reason my faith is able to stay so strong is because I've discovered in my sixty two years of living that God has kept me even in moments when I didn't know how I was going to be able to keep myself. Because when you have a relationship with God and you're leaning on his promises, and all of his promises are true, what do you have to worry about? What can man do to you? If God is with you, who can be against you? Who what problem or what person can you name or come up with as greater than God? I can't. I can't think of anything. What problem do you have that's bigger than God? I can't think of anything. What situation do you think that God can't bring you through? If you look back on your life and realize that He's brought you through every other one you've ever been in. Every situation I've ever been in, God has cleared me through that one. He's done the same thing for you. Just look back. Name the one thing that God hasn't brought you through. Name it. If He ain't bought you through it, He's currently pulling you through it right now. You know how I know that's true because you can hear me. God is a very present help in the time of trouble. The reason I have relationship with God is so when I get in moments like these, I don't have to introduce myself to it. He has heard me before. I have called him on a daily basis when it's going good and when it's going bad. So when he go bad and I show up, he recognizes me that I am his and he is mine. That's why I can keep my head up. Y'all do the same. Y'all have a great weekend. Those are my clothes are remark I'm already dropped him, Mike. Y'all have a great week Yes, Yes for all. Steve Every contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening st