Oscars Recap, Regina King, Robert Kraft and more.

Published Feb 25, 2019, 3:00 PM

Happy Monday y'all!  Last night, the Oscars had some big winners and Uncle Steve hit the town to party.  Regina King and Spike Lee are among the winners from last night.  We have a throwback interview with Regina King.  R. Kelly is facing a minimum of 30 years in his upcoming case.  Church Complaints is here and there is a request for BYOTP.  Terrence Howard publicly supports Jussie Smollett.  Fool #2 brings to light some of the stupidest laws EVER!  Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog tells us about the importance of finding like minded people to keep you in line to your journey to success and more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all have a suit looking back to back down, giving them more like the million bucks things and the Cubs. True good it. Steve Hary listening to the movie together for stum, Please I don't join join me in doing me home. You gotta turning, You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you haven't got to turn them out. Turn the water the water go. Come come on your back. Uh huh, I show will good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man o man o, man Hey, you know to date, I just want to say something um that I don't think I've ever shared this way before. The title is very simple, and that is it's been worth it to me, you know. I just I just kept thinking that this morning, that it's all been worth it to me. And what I mean by that is this relationship that I have with my heavenly father, it's been worth it to me. I can't even tell you the value that it has had in my life. I can't tell you how it's helped me to understand not only my purpose, but to better understand my past. That's that's that's critical, man, because I'm grateful for that, because so many people can't get beyond their past and event a set of circumstances, some calamity that been sets them. Maybe it's been grief something, but it ties so many people up. It's been so worth it to me it, man, it's it's been worth having someone to go to when no one else was there? Do you do you understand what I'm saying? It has It has given me a place to go when no one else has been there. Oh, hey man, we're pulling for you. Hey man, hanging there, hey man, keep your head up, all of that. But I gotta tell you, man, you get yourself in some circumstances and situations in this thing called life when no one can help you but God, When the only person that could possibly understand or know what you're feeling is God. The only person that I'll sit there with you through it all and understand everything about it has been God. It's been worth it to me, man, It's it's been worth it to me. You know. Look, look and the moments of ridicule that I go through because of that, my faith and me saying it too many times. Some you know, people don't want to hear it that many times, or he can't talk about nothing else, or ain't nobody trying to hear all that? You know, I get emails all the time. You know why you think you will, preacher, It's just people just don't get it. So I can't. I can't. I can't help it. Man. I can't explain myself from my walk to everybody that I meet because everybody that I meet ain't gonna get it. Why would I stop to explain my walk to somebody who ain't even trying to walk? I just I just don't have time. But man, I can tell you this flat out as sure as I'm sitting here, y'all. It's been worth it to me. It's been the biggest improvement in my life. I mean, man, as I look back over my life, and forming a strong bond with God has been the most beneficial thing to me. You know, these things you read in your in your in writings in the Bible or or whatever you're reading. You know, when you when you read scriptures and things of that nature. It's it's been around a long time. It holds so much truth to it. I mean, man, it's like, how could this have been written so long ago and still pertain directly to today? I mean that that's amazing. That is amazing to me. That. I mean, that has to be God at work to have written something so complete, so dead on point that if you read it today it means exactly what pertains to today. That's amazing, man. That that's why my my my spiritual walker. It's just worth it to me. And I keep saying it's worth it, because if you're sitting out there and you're tripping like I was tripping, deciding now let me do it. I got a few more things I want to do. A couple more girls. I want to hoil at, couple more things I want to get into. I got a couple more deals I want to do. I got a little bit more dirt. I want to roll up on me a little bit. First, for man, I wish I had known. I really really wish I had known. I really wish I had understood exactly what forming a relationship with God would do for me. But what it has meant to me, man, it's been worth it. It's been worth every person who out there who hate on me, that don't even know me. It's because I have a relationship with him that I'm fine with that, or I don't care for it. But it ain't gonna stop me though, See, because I know for a fact that haters make you greater. I know for a fact that haters validate your your mere existence. I know for a fact that half of them is out of envy and jealousy because of something you're doing that they wish they could do or they won't credit for, so they just now anything all that bam and now you just all over the place with people. Man, I'm so grateful for this relationship that it has not allowed outside influences that do not have my best interests at hard to throw me off course. It's it's just been worth it, man, it has just been worth it. And if you're sitting out there and you're wondering about the benefits of it, I can't even tell you what it's like to know that when bad things are happening to me, the calming piece that I feel that I know that that's gonna be all right too, that I know that this tool shall pass. That I know in my heart of hearts, man, that there's got to be a reason for this, and if I can just hang on in there, he gonna unfold that from me and he gonna let me see it. But the number one thing I always know is I'm gonna survive this one too. That this tool shall pass. Man. It's been worth it to me. It has been worth it to me, man, to have this thing called faith, which is the belief in things that you cannot see, and to know man along the way that, oh my goodness, Man, even though I don't know what's next, or even I'm not really sure about the next step, I do know for a fact that some mooe is coming. I do know for a fact. It is a fact that God will take care of me. It is a fact that He will never ever leave me or desert me. If I just stay hear why I'm supposed to be. He's coming. The Calvary's coming over the hill. He coming over the hill. And when he come over that hill, he's gonna wipe out all this mess down here. That's that's trying to hurt me, that that I don't have to worry about my enemies anymore, that my enemies that are all around you can surround me. You can shoot all the arrows you want. That's not to say that none of them ain't gonna come close. And they ain't gonna say that. You know, I ain't gonna be a little under some pressure, a little nervous about being shot at so hard. But at the end of the day I noticed, for show, ain't none of them gonna stick in me. You could shoot them, but ain't none of them gonna stick in me. No matter what you do, no weapon formed against me, nothing you can't. You can't do nothing with me. Man, I'm so cool. It's been worth it for me. Man, you're listening to show, ladies and gentlemen. Man, I have your attention. Please. This is Monday morning, morning time. Oscar night was last night. We are ill in celebration man, old man, old man. Good morning, Shirley, Good morning, Steve Colin for real, good morning. What's up, Steve? What's up? Junior? Morning up? Hello? Jay? What up? Steve? I'm sorry, Spike is still speaking, so his listenership speak. I hadn't finished up from last night. The next day, he still I was like, didn't want to interrupt it. He's still up there speaking, so he's still talking. Tommy, Tommy talk, and I thought he had lost his damn man. All right, everybody good today colored from n Oscars. Yeah, it was night, a good night. Yeah, you kicked it. You went to a party. We heard you was out of Hollywood. You went Hollywood last night, though, you know what I'm saying. You know, I don't get out much, you know, but I and I go to one. Oh, this must be special where you went? Jay Z being you about a name drop up in here twice name, I can't say both on the just saying jay Z, you know, I can't say the queen quarter quarters. Yeah. Nice, really really really nice class man, very very classic, top top flight man. They have money to just say that they have money, you can tell. Yeah, I don't call. I couldn't have threw that one. Yeah, yeah, I could have threw it, but I'd have had to cancel all trips this year, any other outside purchases other than food, shelter, clothing. You had a roller rink at your birthday party. Yeah, well I wouldn't do if I threw that part out, had to cancel it for next year. But anyway, it was a great party, a great time, great party man Oscars, even without a host. Yeah, yeah, pretty cool. Worked it worked out. Favorite knight at the moment, Favorite moment of the night, Favorite knight of the moment. Jesus, I had a few um, Regina King, Regina Gangin. She looked beautiful. I gotta say that. She had a beautiful white dress. Yeah. Yeah. Did you see Jay Lowell's dress? Yeah, I was beautiful. No, I didn't do Oh you missed a going. That was a nice dress. God. Yeah. Yeah. The Brothers was clean though, Man, them brothers was clean. What'd you think about Spike Lee's purple? I love it. I love I love purple. So I love the fact that, oh Samuel Ale was there to say Spike Lee. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, man, that was really really good moment. All right, Coming up at thirty two after the hour, guys, we'll talk more about the oscars and find out Steve, how was your weekend and all of that. Talk to the crew as well. We'll be back right after this. You're listening, Hey, guys, I just want to invite everyone to start your morning with McCafe donut sticks. Okay, these are incredible, sugary, sweet, yummy don't at sticks. You can head to your local McDonald's and order them. Or you can order them via Uber eats during breakfast hours from participating restaurants through April. Of course, we ordered some this morning and they are really good. Huh, I see, I see, I see you, Junior, I see it so good. Yeah, they're really good, you know, with some coffee or some hot chocolate or something. I'm a vegan and I tasted it was delicious, isn't it nice? But don't tell the mother vegans because they get at a time they get a little crazy with it. Yeah, but during breakfast hours, just go to your local McDonald's or order them via et via Uber eats and you won't be disappointed. They're really tasty and delicious. You'd be sure they never take this. Yeah, that was mine, Junior. They're a great way to start off the Monday morning. All right, listen, coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna talk about the highlights from last night's ninety first Hostless Academy Awards. But right, yeah, they didn't have a host, but they did, all right, they did, all right, yeah they did. Yeah. Right, now, we'll find out what the crew did over the weekend, and Steve, you want to enlighten us a little more about your party. Tell us what did you wear? Start there? Come on party, Steve? What was the party now? Oh? Jay Z Beyonce's gold Pump party. Yeah, you know my invitation. I don't know what nobody else has said, but mine said pimps only. Yeah, that's why I feel. And so what did you rob? Oh? Oh velvet, vel money, green emerald velvet. God, Okay, crushed it, rush it didn't nailed? Yeah? What so what kind of food they got? It? The rich parties? Oh? Yeah, you know rich food. Well, I hate to tell you this, Tommy, but it was no cavea. I'm sure I knew you. You know, so you can go ahead quit thinking you don't got it going on. I mean, there, y'all got some chicken wings or something. I mean you y'all still they forgot where y'all came from. I mean, you know, it was nothing like that. It was. It was. It was cool, man, It was it was just real cool. You know. They asked nobody to take pictures. Ass, no social media, you know. Yeah, people don't know songs. No, No, you have your fun, but if you pull it out, you can't walk ass right out there. That would be real nice to people. Yeah, yeah, they do, they do, they do. I mean, you know, man, because you be fans, man, there's people that you don't really get to see. You be fans of people, you know. Yeah yeah, yeah, like the hull Z. But you know, man, I didn't ask nobody for a picture, so I was I was cool. Man. I had a really really good time. Man. It was really cool man, when you could just go there and not have to deal with all of that, you know, and just and just really what it is. It was. I mean, it was a lot of people that who aren't famous. You know, he didn't throw a party like there was just a lot of people that, you know, you didn't necessarily have to be famous. So it was really cool, man. But everybody was real nice. It was really really nice, man. Accommodating was a good time, you know, real class. Uh you know, man, come on, non hip problem. But y'all were talking about the winners and stuff from the Oscars and man, like you said, I mean, everybody was happy. Forebody that won from for Regina King or Herscheler, Spike Man. So now it is this cool from a Herscheler, he won for Moonlight, anyone for green Book? Wow? Congratulations Greatest Award. A few weeks ago he won the Blue Cheese Award. Oh yeah, and that means what Steve. I called him blue cheese because he'd beat dressed. Yeah. Yeah, I gave the Blue Cheese Award to Yeah. I count that too. Yeah. I've loved him since Remy and the House of Cards. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yeah, he really can. But it was a woman that was great those scenes, all of those scenes. I ignore that, you know, someone else who won. We don't talk about like costume design and stuff on this, you know, normally, but this deserves I mentioned because Ruth Carter won. She's she's a costume designer, and she won for Best Costume Design for Black Panther. Yeah, and it was very hard. Yeah, I mean they were all those period costumes and all of that. The thing that made her win, I think, uh so phenomenal is that she thought of all these things on her own. She created this from our own mind. Now, the period pieces and all that, you can go back in history and look at what they were wearing, you know, back in those times in the eighteen hundreds and nineteen hundreds and stuff. But Ruth Carter, that was her own design because Wakanda wasn't a real play, right, it wasn't a real place. I'm gonna tell you what. The fight scene, the two fight scenes at the waterfall, Uh huh. That aesthetically right there. Yeah, outfits in that scene alone, major, Yeah, yeah, major to me. Yeah, they weren't best set designed too, with the African American around and everybody had Yeah, that was a great Yeah, and those costumes were I mean that's hard. Amazing. Back, you didn't get a phone call or anything, lips everything somewhere. I could have been in there somewhere, put a mask on. Just stick out the hole. Anyway. Congratulations to all the winners, all the winners, and Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga one too. I like yeah, smarts By Yeah, four stars Born for Shallows for that. I like Lady Gaga. Yeah, I love what you chow money, right. He looked amazing speaking and yeah, she's not doing all that stuff that she used to do, where the meat costumes and all that. She's she's kind of done with that or was like one. Coming up next, church complaints with revend Motown and Deacon def Jam in the building. Right after this, you're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news. The oscars were last night. We'll talk about some of the highlights and winners, presenters and performers. But right now it is Monday, and of course Reverend Motown, Deacon def Jam in the building and here with today's church complaints. Hell hell ll hm. That's different Gilvil and united, united as that's what we are. We are one h no matter what you say, we all one, come over all right now take that from the Book of Maze Frankie to be exact. We're not gonna act like one right now old as a different vision in the people we complaints. And here Deacon del Jay, yes, good morning. Past the eye. Well, let's get down to it. We're trying to save some money. Past it. So the rodes who help us stands in the front in the choir, is who gonna be wearing the roads? Says? Nobody sees who's behind them, So the people in the back just gonna have to wear their regular clothes. But they fighting over who's gonna be in the front. But ros is just for the people in the front path. Oh, that's a great ideal for save his money and that out of settling. So we're looking at buying what ten robes by ten rows. If two of you that probably eight rows eight ros well, sister Claren, if she gets in it, we can do six. Moving right along, Pass, we have a problem here. The daycare closes right after service, all right, sister Brunn. The Sparks left exactly at one o'clock yesterday. The problem is is that these people are not picking up their kids on the town. So it's eight kids still locked into the daycare and Sparks is the only one with the kids, so that when the sad thing. But what's wrong with this is though the parents didn't even bother to notify us until this week. Yeah, well, I don't know what we're gonna do with the kids. When the kids have been down in the basement, forth knew how to cook, so they did well, they did well. We have an issue, Pass. Someone has been still in the tarlet paper at the bathroom, and uh so from this point on, we will not have paper in there. You're gonna have to start, they're gonna have to start. Bring when you leave it. When you're leaving the morning to come to Chase, you grab your bible and a roll of paper on paper from now, Deacon, that's not true. Oh, brother Deontay, who was just released from prison or two weeks ago, that's in charge of the prison ministry. He took all the toilet paper and is charging two dollars a sheet in the bathroom. So that's not the male butler attended that you see in the bathroom. That's brother Deontay. He had. Yeah, yeah, he don't even have Mitch cologne and that other stuff. Just the paper, just selling two dollars a sheet. You gotta buy it, because what are you gonna do. You're gonna need at least ten to twelves. Oh well, brother thought, and to spend a sixty four dollars last sun All right, Pastor, talk to these people from me play Sister Darthan May Howard. She wants to be put on the prayer list. And it ain't nothing wrong with her. She just tied it. He and Sister Frieda's name every Sunday. You're gonna have to tell these people you can't just be on the prayer list just to be being on it. Everyone needs prayer, Deacon, I understand it, but the people won't on the prayer list. We have to put her on there. But it's nothing wrong with a pastor. It doesn't matter, deacon that nothing is wrong with a half the people on it. I don't want to pray for nor pastor. You can't say that. I'm so sorry the judgmental pers. We don't have HR at our church. Well maybe we need to get one. Well, we're not having it. That our church we attacked free of type business. We don't have to. And I have a couple of things I wanted to say about the Oscars last night. Barbara Strikes says, show look well last night, Yeah, I love talk. When she walked out, wonderful, she looked like Lady Gaga's mama. But I know that. And I think another one I had heard, Samuel L. Jackson is actually Chadwick Bowsman's daddy. Did you know that Spike Lee had a ring that went across all his fingers. That wasn't a ring, that's a set of brass knuckles. Well that was for radio and love the right thing, love and hate that that thing. That was great, Oh, wonderful. So happy for the Oscars on the last night. M H Spike wo So you think they'll go without a host at the time? Back I don't really care. They're not gonna ask me the hope that's for show man. They might they would never never do that. That then pay he don't know it, don't pick. I'm not really concerned by them asking me. I just throw alie. Oops, you dunk it. That's what I did. Oh, and we know why that is, don't we. First of all, I don't come on, come on, come on, walk into this show. Tommy ain't done. I'm not Tim I Tom can you older than Tim? No, you can't. You can't even You can't run from the fire line to under the basket without passing up. I mean, oh, you forgot your voice. I forgot my voice. Mine has been a little bit off too. What's going on? That's round? Can't sister Charlotte mine your place? She needs the hood that's out? No, you got you to take over announcements. You don't like the way they're going. You're the one with the velvet voice. Could easily do announcement because you don't need glasses with them. Buy focal eyes. Coming up, Lord Jesus, uh, let's see coming up at the top of the hour and Entertainment news, the oscars were last night. Oh no, no, that's wrong. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment News highlights of last night's ninety first Academy Awards. Well, everybody's thrown off after that, we'll be back right after this you're listening to and the Oscar goes too. Well. The ninety first Annual Academy Awards were last night in Hollywood. Didn't have a host, but they went off without a hitch. Most people will agree. Rock and roll legend band Queen rocked the opening of the show. We got to give a shout out to Spike Lee too. Yes, yes, yeah, uh, I don't know if it is it is yeah, yeah, they had some jams. Yeah. So anyway, Queen opened the show. We got to give a shout out to Spike Lee, who was there representing Sport in his gold Air Jordan's purple suits. Steve Yes, yes, the match hat and yeah he was just you know, Spike, so happy for him. Uh. Anyway, um, so much going on. Angela Bassett looks beautiful. She had on like a hot pink She looked beautiful, awful dress. Yes, just gorgeous. Ruth Carter's speech. Ruth Carter won for Best Costume Design as we mentioned earlier she won for Black Panther. Other presenters included Tyler Perry, Queen Latifa, Best Supporting Actress, uh our, our our friend, our family member, Regina King. I'm so happy for her. I could barely get out so happy. Ward of the night last night. Yeah, Yeah, she won for if Field Street Qatar. Yes, Black Panther was the first superhero film to be nominated for Best Picture. It was the third highest grossing movie in domestic history. So congratulations again to everyone involved in Black Black Panther. Yeah. Best Supporting Actor Marshal Yes, the second one boy. Yeah, because he won for Moonlight as well. Yeah, and you know what, um, Congressman John Lewis was also there at the Oscars. Yes, oh, and he got a standing ovation. We forgot he got a standing ovation. Yeah, because he's been a civil rights leader for so long, long, so long. Back there with doctor Martin Luther. King Steve partied last night. That's why he's big, donkey. I ain't even what I want to be right now, man, I mean him, I don't even really know how to be, you know what I'm saying, And that ain't what I do. It started at level party started, Yeah, they don't need to try to, you know, come in fashionably late because you ain't to start this one home. And yeah, wow, it was it was it was star study. It was star stud So what do you guys think that Oscar is gonna go hostless next year? They looked pretty fast not to have a host they really did. Yeah, I mean, and they could. I wouldn't be mad. You know, I don't really kill, you know, once Kevin didn't do it, I didn't kill I think he would have brought something to it as well. I think it would have energy. Yeah, and he definitely would. I'm happy for him that he walked away from it, and um, you know, it just went on. I'm just glad that he didn't have to go through that because he doesn't need it, right, Hosting the Oscars does not make your career or breaking. No. I like the fact though, that he wanted to do it, He dreamt about doing it, and he got the opportunity. So yeah, yeah, yeah, anyway, and the time big night too, Yes, it was all right, Steve. Time for today's headlines, ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Tripp, Thanks very much, folks. As is an trip with the news. Let's get it going. Vice President Pence is to meet with Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guido and Columbia today at what's being described as an emergency meeting of Latin American leaders. Guido won the recent presidential election down there, but he has not been allowed to take office because the loser, Nicholas mcdurou, refuses to leave. Guidoux is calling on other nations to consider annie at all measures to oust m'durou. State lawmakers in Virginia have agreed to a plan to set up an independent commission we draw Virginia's political voting districts. However, the plan was approved by the majority Republicans over the objections of African American legislators like Democrat Lamont Bagley, who heads up the Black Caucus. What this plan does, with the eight members on both sides, does not allow for African Americans to be guaranteed a seat at the table. See a Federal courts struck down Virginia's current balloting districts because the courts said that they purposely lumped black residents together and only a few districts in direct violation of the Constitution. Looks like going to be a due over election in North Carolina, where the very last congressional race in the nation has remained undecided as a result of absentee ballot tampering by a political operative working for the Republican candidate Mark Harris. Dan McCready is the Democrat. He says he's more than ready to go again. No date has been said for the new election, though, when the GOP's Mark Harris, by the way, has reportedly suffered two strokes in the last month. In Texas, a large Confederate memorial slated to be removed from a place called Pioneer Park Cemetery in Dallas. The city Council has approved the takedown, and the effort to remove that sixty five foot statue of Johnny Red began after the racist murders of innocent black worshippers inside a church in Charleston, South Carolina, a few years ago, and the effort was really kicked up a notch two years later after the racist and deadly march in Charlottesville, Virginia. R Kelly do back in court today. Kelly and his attorney appeared in Boncourt on Sadie, where Kelly's bill was seven million dollars he's still in the clink. He's got to call one one hundred thousand. He hasn't come up with him yet. For years, there have been accusations that Kelly was into sexually abusing women and underaged girls. Prosecutor say the latest allegations date back as far as nineteen ninety eight. And finally, Hollywood honored its own last night and with an Oscar ceremony held for the first time in thirty years without a host. The winners were some of them anyway, green Book for Best Picture, Hershaw Lee for Best Sporting Actor in that film, Spike Lee for Black Klansmen. Black Panther won two for Best Score and for Best Costume Design, Regina King one for If Beal Street Could Talk. This has been a trip. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to this string show, all right? So Terrence Howard took to his Instagram page and with a message for his co star Jesse Smallett, he said, we love the hell out of you. Jesse, of course, was charged with disorderly conduct and filing a false police report after claiming he was the victim of a brutal attack. January nineteen January twenty nine, Smallett has been dropped from the remainder of the current season of Empire, which is close to rappering production anyway. Also, according to TMZ, Jesse Smalllett has hard evidence to support his claim the Chicago Police Department got it wrong when he told the media that the Smalllett paid thirty five hundred dollars to able an Ola Sandero to staging attack. The check was written to Abel on January twenty third, twenty nineteen, six days before the attack. Even the brothers Ola and Abel also told the grand jury the payment was for training. So we'll keep you posted on that case. Yeah. And I think Smallett goes before the court on March fourteenth. Yeah. So he's saying that the Chicago Police Department got it wrong. Yeah, that's what he's saying. That's what justice is saying. And um yeah, and Terence is saying, don't be so quick to judge. We love you. Yeah. And even the brothers said, the payment for trans for training, and that's what it says on the check, on the actual check in the memo section, it says training. Yeah, he was I got thirty five hundred four If they can make me look like they do. Yeah, they got bodies, that's for sure. Yeah. Yeah, they said. Jesse Smaller was doing a music video and so he had gained weight and asked them to help him get in shape, get in shape for the video. So well he's called Mark. If he just wanted to gain weight, I can show him how to do that. No, he wanted to lose the weight he was, I show you how to do this him. You know Christian Bale for he was in the movie um U, that was just no, not the wife, but yeah, vice he gained forty pounds to play Dick Cheney. Forty pounds really yeah, forty pounds, No one. I don't know who that want? Yeah you didn't know who it was? That was Batman? Yeah yeah, Hell I gained a hundred pounds after college doing what for no damn reason at all. He just didn't see it coming. Yeah, it's fun gaming weight. It is putting the weight on, it's getting it off for work anyway. Yeah, and that's part of their job. You know. If you have a role that you want and it requires you to game forty pounds, you gotta do it. Yeah. Yeah, they committed. Yeah and then what right, what raging bullets. But then they lose itself, all right. Coming up at thirty four after the hour, more about last night's Academy Awards. Right after this, you're listening to show, and the Oscar goes to we talked about the ninety first Annual Academy Awards. They were last night in Hollywood. We've been talking about them all morning. That's what everybody's talking about. Here's some of the highlights. And the Oscar goes to Regina, and the Oscar goes to Hannah be Cler that you design black black panther ut. The Oscar goes to hershal All and the Oscar goes to Jollie Whittail Davide. Okay, so there you go. I mean I wanted to do our Oscars today. Two okay, good. You know we gotta have categories. Who has the biggest lips on the show? You? The Oscar goes to you. I give me an oscar to who's the smallest on the show. Oh that's you mean? You mean the small hike? Why is that a category? What do you up said about? He just asked, I don't want no dog gonna oscar for that? Why go ahead? Give me the damn off. Come on, what thank me? When you get a should be grateful? Trying to get you ready man from when you win the real one. The monsters got a shot of getting a real one. Yeah, okay, all right, so I got what I got right now? The short shorts, who's showing who's the stupidest? Another one? You got two oscars? Wild Road? Who is most likely to succeed that you? Yeah, I'm talking most likely to succeed from where they are. Success isn't where you are success, it's where you are from where you started. So where you're giving out oscars? So you give them who do you think it is most likely to succeed? Probably Junior? Okay, all right, I gotta not. I you got the speech basically because the youngest. First of all, I wouldn't thank devid Lee, devil Lee and Alicia Carroll for making me. I didn't. I didn't know. Thank your team. I'm gonna think my Bonne Show team. Steve Sharlette called it, Timmy Jay. I couldn't do it without y'all. Man, Thank y'all. Thank granted, Thank you, granted for no reason, just because I ain't never warned nothing before, But thank you granted and and I'm Steve, thank you again, great speed, Thank you wasn't too long. That's it. I'm gone. Who's the one on the show most likely to get us put off the air? And yeah, I thank it's Jay, bring out him if we just let him do him? Last one hired, first one fire. Yeah. I like to thank everybody for this award and so ulf rateful. But what take your show? Damn? This is now we're gonna vote on this right here? Who on the show think they know the mote? It's a toss up between I know what you're gonna say, don't. I don't. I don't want to say name because this this this is a drag out two weeks right here. People not speaking to you. That's how about this? We all know who the winner is. We all know all right, next category, nobody said it? He went Steve. Yeah, Who on the show think they know the motion? Yeah, Mississippi Monica, it was a close sucker. I know, I know you. I might thank the Academy is most damn bossy? Yes, yes, thank the Academy. Thank you knowing my usband, my baby girl? All right up next it is the nephew he just won the oscar for the shortest. He's gonna he's gonna have a prank phone call right after this you're listening, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today's subject. He's the daddy, but I'm the father right now it is a nephew here with today's prank phone call, which you got nef freedom papers? Huh freedom papers? Hey, let's just run it. Yeah, you know, on running freedom papers. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a Domingo. Yeah, this I'm speaking Hi Domingo. My name is Scott. I'm calling from FPI. Wanted to give you a call about actually, uh using our services. If I think you'll actually like it, the FBI would definitely like to get you on board. What is it FPI is Freedom Papers Incorporated, Freedom Papers Incorporated. What we do is we actually make sure you get freedom papers and you can purchase them from us. And what I can do is I can get you freedom papers for you and every individual at your home for roughly eight hundred bucks or under. What what are freedom freedom papers? Well? Actually, what this is? You know? I mean are you are you familiar with like um, say, if you are an alien from another country and you need a you need a green card to be here. Are you familiar with that? Okay? So what what goes on with Freedom Papers Incorporated is when you sign and get freedom papers from US. What it does, it's, uh, people who are African Americans our papers let them know that you're actually a free person in this country. Oh oh oh, I've been free. I'm sorry. There ain't no flavor going on. You talking about well I'm freeing? Well you you you may be, but you have to actually show PaperWorks for that. When they when did they started? Sir? This is all over the news. You have to have freedom papers within the next six months. Every African American person, it's gonna have to have freedom papers and have them on on the you know. Uh, it's it's like keep on a driver's license or a checkbook or something. You're gonna have to have your freedom papers on you. That's some, that's them, that's some. I'm free. I'm not about to pay no money when I'm already free. Okay, but you're gonna be sure. You're gonna need paperwork to show your freedom. And you don't do you have any freedom papers at this point, right now, No, because I don't need freedom I'm free, sir. I don't think you quite understand. Do you understand that you could possibly if you're caught without your freedom papers, you could be taken into captive and actually have to work for so many years in order and then later on you might get your freedom. But right now, right here, if you buy freedom papers from me, I can I can fix it where you don't go through that you can actually get separated from your family, Sir. I'm not going to buy where they gonna send me to where they gonna deport me to after I ain't never been there. No, No, you're not going to Africa. You could be actually here in the United States working on a particular farm of with a lot of people who don't have their papers. If you haven't gotten this news, I do apologize. But within the next six months you're going to need freedom papers you anyway, sir. Like I said before, I'm Scott with FBI. No FPI, No, sir, it's FPI Freedom Papers Incorporal. I don't give what it is. I'm not about to pay no money to be free, sir. You have to have paperwork on you to show that you are a free citizen of the United States. Hold how you get my number anyway? Sir? We have a list of numbers of people that we don't think have their freedom papers, and your name actually popped up here in our database. So you men nine pop up on the okay, sir, I'm trying to give them a number. Sir. We have a database here of people who we don't think their freedom papers. Your name is actually here. After talking to you, it seems like you don't have your freedom papers and we want to make sure you get them. We're letting you know it's two hundred dollars per person to get these actual paper So you're telling me you got database and you're just talling black people all around the punches. Well, no, sir, what we're doing is we're calling African Americans and let them letting them know that they can actually buy freedom papers from us, so they don't have to be if they're if they're if they ever get captured, then what can happen is is that they can show their papers and not have to deal with the problems that we already free. You're gonna have a whole bunch of runaway because we ain't paying. I'm not saying they might, but I'm not saying sure. You're gonna have to have your freedom papers on you at all times. That's gonna be the law within the next six months. So what I'm trying to end can sell you freedom papers so you'll understand that you you have everything that you need. You have your driver's license, you have your freedom papers, and whatever else did you carry on you you had let's be out your money. Called me on my phone this Sunday. It's wrong with you freedom papers. I ain't getting you, are you? I'm Scott, sir. I'm gonna associate here at FPI. I ain't heard about that SPI. You just want to check from me? Think I am about seeing you some damn money, y'all. Kiss my sir, sir. I understand you. But what you gonna understand is within the next six months you're gonna need these papers. Well, they're gonna have to catch my saint ten. Okay, sir, don't you don't you want to be free? I am free. Everybody's free. We got a black president. He's gonna have to get freedom papers. I buy from you. Kiss, sir, You're gonna have to pay for these papers one way or the other. Okay, I'm trying to I gave you a call. I trying to be nice to you. I'm letting you know now you're gonna have to pay for your freedom. I'm not pampered, sir. Everyone will be captured if they do not have freedom papers. You tell you right now, catch me, sir, Sir. You're going to get captured when you least expected. Sir, You're going to get captured when you least expected. I'm gonna be you twom to can'take. Y'all gonna have to catch me because I ain't paying. I didn't look at up on the computer right now. I can't find it. Scam trying to get my money in. Are you on the computer? Yeah? Okay, Can I tell you one more thing? Can I can I get you to google something else? Put in put in n E pH e W all right t O M why once so nephew tom Me, This is nephew Tommy man for the Steve Harvey morning. Your your wife Mariffa got me to frank phone call you man. Y'all happy about to say is free already? You about to get played as long as you all right, man. I gotta ask you one more thing though, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lane? The Steve Harkey Morning the Show and nehing that's pretty good. I got the mint that was. Now you gotta give me that one, that one right there, and I deserve Oscar for that right there? I did. You already got your Oscar for the shortest. Okay, what that dad is right there? Freedom paper readom papers? Don't get caught without him? Y'all better? How do your paper? Shut up? It's going down. I am. I am in Arlington this coming week y'all Allington. I'm at the improv man, and that thing is just about soul out. So I want to thank y'all in Dallas, Allington, everybody around the way. The Nephew was coming to town. Be there Thursday, Friday and Saturday and the a Arlington. The Nephew coming to town. So if you're listening to us, get your tickets. Got a few. I'm left. I'm gonna say it right now. Okay, how is this past weekend? It was good? Really? Yeah? Man, West Palm Baby, thank y'all again for coming out to see the nephew, we had a good time. I'm still time. I made it work on Monday. You, Now, y'all gotta give me an oscar for that. Now you don't get enough here, you don't you know little oscar? Can I get some kind of You've got an oscar for being little? Yeah, you got a little oscar for being a little You and your stature the same. Hi, you the only person need help? Tom? All right, coming up at the top of the hour here soon to carry out to the car. Thank you, nephew, Trey, take us out to the car. Subject, he's the daddy, but I'm the father. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show. All right, it's time for today's Strawberry Letter. If you guys need advice on relationships, on work, on sex, dating, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air like we're gonna read this one right now. Buckle up, hold on tight. We gotta full you here. It is Strawberry letter. All right. Subject, He's the daddy, but I'm the father. Dear Stephen, Shirley. I am a thirty year old single man and I had a special lady that I dated for four years. Over the years, we had our differences, so we were on again, off again. During one of our off periods, she dated another guy and she got pregnant. Things did not work out with the guy, and she and I got back together and I vowed to raise the baby as my child. My girl and I have paid for everything that this child has ever needed. Now, my girl and I have called it quits for good. I still love her dearly, but there is no romantic involvement whatsoever. I also still love the baby, and I planned to be a positive fatherly role model for her and treat her like a princess. My ex girl doesn't have a problem with it, but the baby's daddy does. He and I have always had a little tension between us, but we've been cool until recently. When my ex girl and I had a big birthday party for the baby's second birthday. I paid for the party and I hired a photographer. The daddy came to the party for a little while and he brought two gifts for the baby. When I got the pictures, I put them on my Instagram page and the baby's daddy got mad. He sent me a tech saying we need to talk. Man to man, I'm about me doing too much in his daughter's life. He told me I need to step back. I told him he needs to step up. My ex girl has never has never asked the daddy to do more for her and the baby because she knows I will do it. The daddy is a convicted felon and he's been in and out of jail for the past three years, but he can still do better at raising his child. So what do I do? Should I ease up and let my ex girlfriend care for the baby alone. I don't need the extra drama in my life. I'm just trying to do what's right. Please help. Wow Wow, was write Steve Um to the To the letter writer, I mean, aren't you a good guy? And only at thirty years old? I have to say thank you for all that you do taking care of this child that's not yours. Um. Your girlfriend broke up when you I mean you and your girlfriend broke up when you were in one of your off seasons. She went off and got pregnant by another guy. You still love her, You're still loving this child as if it were your own. Congratulations to you. UM, you know there are a lot of men who would not be in your shoes right now. I just have to say that. UM, you know so, so we just you know, give you Matt props for doing this. UM. I love the line. And Steve even said when I read it, Uh, when the dad asked you the baby daddy asked you to step back, and you told him to step up. And that is the issue here. He's not stepping up. You have known this baby and love this baby and with her mom, so you feel a part of this baby's life. So you do step in and step up and take care of things when when it's needed. But now I gotta ask you because it doesn't seem like it seems like the little girl has two dads. Does she know who her real dad is? Does she think you're her dad? Or what is the situation? You didn't make that clear in the letter. It doesn't matter, you know, if the dad's a convicted felon, as long as long as he's doing his responsibility as a dad. It doesn't sound like he is. I do think in this situation you may need to step back. Let the mom and him get it together, whatever their relationship is, to take care of this baby. You know, she if you're the real dad, and apparently you are, go ahead. I mean if the other guy's the real dad, excuse me, and apparently he is. Let's see what he's going to do. He's the daddy. He want you to step back. It's not your biological child, So perhaps you should step back and let this dad take over and take care of his child. See what he's going to do. You can wait it out. You said you don't need the extra drama. Just wait and see what they're gonna do, and maybe that'll make the mom step up and require more of the real dad too. Steve, all right, we got a problem here because I have to straighten something out. I think I don't know if people are going to agree with me on this, but I've talked it over with several fathers because I've lived this predicament. Here. He's the daddy, but I'm the father. All you have to do is reverse daddy. He's the father. He's the father of the baby. The father is the person who provided to see that's the father. The daddy is the one who takes care of him. The one that the baby turns around and says, daddy, can I go to school? Daddy? Can I have some icecream? Daddy? Can you take me to the park? That's daddy. I've often said this, any male species, any member of the male species, can father a child. It takes a special man to be a daddy. And you saw and you, sir, that wrote this letter, are that special man. You are that special man. You're the daddy. I just I just want you to understand the terminology so you can understand what you really got going on him. He's the father because on the birth certificate probably would have to have his name. You know, he fathered the child. He fathered the child. But that's just one step. You know, if every father would act like a daddy, then we could solve all these problems we have in our communities, and we could solve all the problems of having mentors. But see the problem is, brother, every father don't act like you. Every father shucks hiss his responsibility and walk off and act like them kids don't exist. That's why you are needed as so much as the daddy. Now your girl and I y'all, and finally called it quits for good. You still love her, but there's no romantic involvement. But you say you still love the baby, and I plan to be a positive fatherly role model for her and treat it like a princess. I applaud you for that. My ex girl don't have a problem with But the baby's father does. You say the baby's daddy, but he ain't do it. Daddies do duties. Daddy's is who the child can call daddy. Daddy. Very few women, very few children go father, They go daddy, And so the father got a problem. Now, y'all had always had a little bit of tension between us, but we've been cooling too. Recently. My ex girlfriend and had a big birthday party for the baby's second I pay for the party, Hi to photographer. Guess what then he show up, Disney Dad. Here he comes. Ain't brought a damn thing now he Disney Dad. I got something for that when we come back right after this. So you just stay tuned because now you're don't paid for everything. Now here he come, Disney Dad. You don't pay for parties photographers, and he bring it a little too little park As Givesney here he comes, all right, Steve we'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hour right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Let's recap today's strawberry letter subject. He's the daddy, but I'm the father, But you switched that around. Recap. He's the father, you're the daddy. See, he fathered the child, but being the father of that, he gives you certain rights, of course by law. But the respect that's gonna come from the child is the one that she got, that she calls daddy, the one that's dad, the one that's walking her to school, taking her to the park, whole in her hand, going to father, daughter dances. That's the one who really deserves the credit. And you, sir, deserve a lot of credit. Now we got a problem because there's always been a little bit of tension between you and homeboy Hire. But see now the problem is okay, it all jumped off when y'all you threw this big birthday party for the baby's second birthday. You pay for the party. Hi, the photographer, the daddy came to the party for a little while. He bought two gifts for the baby. Then when you got the pictures because you were proud daddy. You posted on man, look at my little baby over here, put him on the Instagram bread and the baby daddy got mad. But see, I bet you the baby daddy didn't put it on his Instagram page. Betty didn't. Probably didn't, just like he didn't pay for the photographer, just like he didn't pay for the party. But he bought two gifts. But he came to the party you paid for. See, that's why did daddy be getting tight at You're gonna roll up in here while everything's sponsored. Now you're gonna play Disney Dan like ding ding ding ding here. I'll come, Oh bro, come on man, Okay, you put him up. He's sent me a text saying we need to talk man to man about me doing too much in his daughter's life. So if you didn't throw the party, the baby weren't gonna handle party because the father show wasn't chunking out no change for no party. But the daddy did so now he said you're doing too much in He told me I need to step back. Then you told him right, You told him he needed to step up, see not not see see, since we're talking man to man, you gave it to him right between the teeth I'm talking about. No, I need to step back. No, no party, then you need to step up. But see you doing what daddies do because you know how to do what daddies do. Now you're making him bad. No, he making itself look bad in and out of jail. And now little people can get in and out of jail and be great dads. But obviously he ain't doing that though. Now, if you want to be the girl daddy, quit taking your ass to jail and through every every time you get on probation. Come on, dog. My ex has never asked the daddy to do more for her and the baby because she knows I will do it. The daddy, the father is a convicted felon. He's been in and out of jail for the past three years. He got to fix that part of his life. If the children is so important to him, then be available for your children. But he can still do He can still do better at raising his show. Ya can't. So what do I do? Should I ease up and let my ex girlfriend care for the baby alone. I don't need the extra drama in my life. I'm just trying to do us right now. Shirley's exactly right. If the father wants you to step back, technically, legally, you're gonna have to step back or else it's gonna be some drama. But see when he don't step up, then if he don't step up, then the daughter gonna be lacking. And we just have to see how I go. But see, the mother gonna have to get involved here a little bit and say, hey, look, you are gonna have to step up and do the right thing because this man loves this little girl and he's willing to do the right thing. Now what you're gonna do. But that puts you in a hard place, man, because now she got to speak up for you, and it puts her in this part a hard place because maybe she would love for the father to have an active role in the daughter's life, as do most women. Most women would love for the father of the baby to do the right thing. It's just a dog gonna shame that there's so many out here who don't want to do the right thing by their children. So we have a dilemma. But you told him right, you're gonna have to step up. So just hey, man, you're about to be in a thankless position. Bro. I hate to tell you this, but you may be in a thankless position. But just stay in the background. If the baby needs something, get it for when you go over there and speak to him and play with her. Just go ahead and do it. Stay out the dudes way, because you know ain't no telling what he would do. He already ain't making a lot of solid decisions. So you know, man, you don't want to be put yourself in a position where you got to get yourself locked up too, So you gotta step back, be there in case the baby needs something. Ain'tn't need it to baby suffering because her damn father makes it irrational decisions and you're gonna have to play it in the background. The baby gonna get older, he may go down and get his ass locked up for thirty years he keep on, So you know, just stick around, man. But right now it's gonna be a thankless job. You do understand that. But if you could be there to help the lady out with a child, that's an admirable thing to do. It won't be a lot of thanks and benefits for it. Maybe you can go by and see the girl who butt hole ain't around, but you gotta be careful because if you roll upon you, it's gonna be a problem. You do understand that. And the real problem ain't the baby. The real problem is the woman. She ain't trying to make it no problem, but he kind of created the problem for itself because he can't stay out of jail, so he jealous about the baby. But he don't want you up around his wife, around his girl, because you making him look bad in front of the woman. That's the real deal. So please understand that. Keep doing your things supported when you can. It's gonna be a thankless job. Soldier. I'm sorry to tell you that, but eventually it can turn around. You may end up with the little girl in your life anyway. What a good guy, right, Steven at just thirty years old. Man, he's on point, he really really is. Don't stand up so hard that you get yourself in a bad situation with this butt home and then you and jail too. Don't do that. Step back, play the game. Yeah, and when you need it, you'll know it. Boy. Oh boy, well, I mean you know all right, here we go. Listen. You can email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM. Now coming up in ten minutes, We're going to replace a replay our interview with now we can say Academy Award winner Regina King. Yes, Regina won the award last night for Best Supporting Actress, and we're going to replay that. She was on our show last month in January, and you'll hear it right after this you're listening to show. Listen, guys, we have to take a moment to send our jolens is out to Ti and his family. In case you don't know, Tis sister Precious Harris passed away. She was involved in a very very serious accident down in Atlanta. She was sixty six, and Steve, we just want to send our condolences out to Ti. Condos soldier losing a love on its tough. Everybody on this show know what that feels like. So condoleas is go out to Tip, King of the South and all his family. Man, that's a tough one man. You stay strong, Soldier. Be praying for you. Yeah. Yeah, very sad. Yeah, but I mean he did have good spirits. I have to say. On Instagram one of the posts I saw he was playing the BGS more than a woman, just saying that she was more than a woman, and she was in every place celebrating. Yes, yes, absolutely, we're gonna switch gears here again and we're gonna talk about last night and the Oscars. It was the ninety one annual Oscar Awards. It didn't have a host. We all know Kevin Hurt decided to decline the hosting job. Congratulations to all the winners, Spike Lee, Regina King, hers by Ruth Carter green Book, I mean, so many people, Lady Gaga, on and on and on, and we're just so proud of our girl Regina King from back in the day when we used to watch her on two two seven. Now yeah, yeah, boys in the hood right, and yes to winning her very first Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. She won for the role of Sharon Rivers in the movie If Beal Street Could Talk, written of course by James Baldwin. Just in case you missed it, here's our interview with I love saying this Academy Award winning actress Regina King. Nice, please welcome to the show. Everybody with her acting a miss Regina King, Yah, I still watch two seven Wow. Congratulations. First of all, we have to say, Regina on winning the Golden Globes and Critics Choice Award for Best Supporting Actress Man oh Man. Yeah, pretty exciting, I'll say, uh think, yeah, you know what. I have to be honest with you, Regina. When I first heard the title of Beal Street to Talk, I thought it was going to be about Bill Street in Memphis. Yeah. Well yeah, I mean, you're not the only one. I think. When James Baldwin wrote the book, it was saying that there's a Bill Street in every city. Yeah, you knows. The movie takes place in Harlem, and the book story act takes place in Harlem. So there is a version of a Bill Street in Harlem, in La wherever you are, that's your version of a Bill Street. Yeah. Your role in this movie, it was just fantastic. You played that loving mother, that mother that never gives up, that believes in her children, that loves her husband and just just family. And I love that about the movie. And you won these awards. How does that make you feel, Regina? Well, I mean, and I'm not going lives. Winning always feels good. Of the one hundred yard Dash or a Golden Globe Award, It's especially exciting because for us, James Baldwin is like a Shakespeare of our time. You know, he we read his essays, we watched his interviews, and he just was always such a passionate person and always spoke for us so well and captured the black American experience so well. So to be in a project that's bringing younger people to his words and knowing the history of James Baldwin and what he means to us, that's that's an honor. I mean, this is the first American adaptation of James Baldwin novel and I get to say that I was in it, like that's kind of badass. Yea. We got to see newcomer Kiki Lane do an amazing job as your daughter. What a great young actress she is. She plays Trishan the movie, as well as Stefan James, who started as Fannie in the movie. So, I mean, what was it like working with these young up and coming actors. It was a treat because both to Fine and Kiki, they're not in this to be celebrities. They are truly artists. They are actors. They studied, they do their homework, they are professional, and you know, you always are kind of you. You're hesitant when you come into something and you know you're gonna have young talent, you don't know how serious they're gonna take it. And they understood the responsibility that they had and they held each other up. They were just amazing partners for each other. It was It was a joy to watch. I cannot wait to see what else Kiki's gonna do. Her next film is Native Sun. So that's how serious she walked about. Yeah, yeah, she's coming for it like that. Yeah. I really did feel the love between this young couple. You really felt it between them. So we look for great things from them. But Regina, we're so happy that you know, you took the time to just stop by and say hey to us. Anything else you want to tell people that haven't seen the movie, If Bill Street can talk, I just encourage people to go out because this is just not only a love story between a young couple, but if you see the love for a five that a father has for his daughter, you see the love that coman character and I that we have for each other, and you don't often get to see that, especially for pieces that are period pieces that take place. You know, this takes place in nineteen seventy and you get to see us loving on each other. You get to see sisters loving on each other, and especially for young women, to see how a young man is supposed to care for them, yes, and love them with care. It's a beautiful thing to see. All right, So, Steve, I don't know, I just really I kind of felt she was gonna win it. It just seemed like Regina was going to win. It really did well I was hoping, so anyway, absolutely, but anyway, congratulations again to Regina King. All Right, listen, guys, coming up at the top of the hour today's comedy segment. It's called new Stupid Laws. Jay will be back to explain right after you're listening to show. All right, So Jay, this is called new stupid Laws, So please explain this. I will definitely do that. Um, California is trying to pass a law that's going to be illegal to sell fur, and except in Beverly Hills. They're trying to outlaw the selling of the fur. This is a stupid law. It hasn't passed yet, but they're working on some boats to come up. So since I said this is a stupid law, they're not gonna stop there. They're gonna come at us with more stupid laws. So here's a couple of stupid laws. You can go to the strip club, but the strippers are not allowed to move. You just have to stand still. That's a stupid law. Over make it rain, and if you do, you have to use quarters to get hurt. Your stupid laws and stupid lars. You can only take six selfies a month. People get hurt. They're walking into If people get chicken wings will be out lawed. What we're marching, that's that's Dominoes will no longer deliver. You gotta go pick it up. They probably working on that. You'll be able to get high in states that you can get high end, but you will be not allowed to get the munches. That's against the law. And you the Chinese food, you only get one soy sauce one. Oh, I would be mad at they doing that night they're doing that now can have but the one take a one? All right on the outlaw lace fronts. What that's gonna be a problem. Yes, yes, that law is gonna get broken. Sod Yeah, people with more than one gold tooth in amount will be breaking the law. Whoa I got some cousins up. I have a listen. Women who draw their eyebrows, I'm way above their forehead will be breaking the law that needs to be a law on your brow. So sometimes that's surprised look at too much. I'm not with that one. If you wear a jogging suit and you look like you have never been jogging, we're gonna give you a ticket. I'm with that. I'm with it. You can only change the channel in your house three times. That's it, the channel three times. Yeah. White people can no longer use the word bro at all. At all. Bro. They can't refer to black people as bro. Man. White girls when talking a months when another cannot use and then she says, and then I says, and then she says, and then I says, and then she says, and then I said, And they last on the book. Change double dip at a party. Everybody at the party can whip your ass. Oh yeah, that's already an effect. I believe you ever seen somebody put their fingers in that. I'm like, wait a minute, man, that conversial they do, Oh yeah, oh yeah. The guy dips the chip in the dip, he eats it and falls on the shirt his girlfriend takes a chip, gets to dip off the shirt. She has a little bit on her lip, and he takes a chip and gets it off her. I got a couple of laws. If you are un attractive and want to change the color of your hair, we must have a family vote. I like that. I like that. I just change my hair. You're not attract well, no, no, If you was ugly, women came shot, but once a month, but never longer than two hours. Oh go to jail. Oh no, we just be crowded to him. But we're gonna break out. How about that, We're gonna Scapelton County. Here they come. That makes sense, No, it doesn't, Junior. We don't ugly people. All ugly people shouldn't have to work at night and not so dark. Do color of darkness helps? Wow, I'll tell you one. All ugly feet must be an enclosed shoes like that one. Yeah, but they don't know it. They need to be also another one ugly feet is an extra twenty dollars for pedacute man. And you must bring your own glove. That's right. You go to church, you can only bring one bible. That's it. Just one, Okay, that's six Bibles in a bag. You're not allowed to do that, Okay, I'll tell you that. To be talking about church, some laws. The invitation to Christ should be no more than thirty seconds. That's right, that's right. We ain't gonna sit up be in beg you to come get your life change. Is there somebody else? It's just somebody else? Got another one. I gotta know. If you drive the picture of the Last Supper, nobody up there should look like Martin Luther King. Okay, two ugly people should not be able to make love. They're gonna bring another ugly person in this world. So we need to stop that. Yeah, because he thinks he's cute. He don't know it. Oh, if you're in church and you stand up to testify and we thank you lying, you should go to jail. You should go to jail. And here, why would you lie about something the Lord? You know, just you know, you know, just to make it sound good, you know, but we judge it in charity. Yes, wow, ohat that one ruthless alight, man. I don't want to I'm not trying to fat shame Shirley. I'm just saying, if you are a large person, and you show up late to that middle seat. We need you to get to that middle seat earlier so that everybody don't have to stand up. Get there a little earlier. That's what I'm saying. Last, that's it, Come on, last one. If you think the sermon is about you more than three times a month, you have to put in an extra thousand dollars. Who talking? All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Show. Illinois States Attorney Kim Fox held a p conference this past Friday where she detailed the charges against R. Kelly. Four victims or testifying against R. Kelly as part of an upcoming sexual assault case, at least three of whom were under seventeen when a crime was committed. The incidents happened between nineteen ninety eight and twenty ten. Kelly is facing a total of ten counts of aggravated sexual abuse, which is a class to felony. If Kelly is convicted on all counts and receives the minimum penalty, that thirty years. The minimum penalty is thirty years. And you know something, man, this is like I didn't I didn't know it would come to this. This is all it's my belief. This may not be true, but this all came from the show the Kelly. I think that it it sparked and aggravated so many people people take another look, because you know, as I was watching it, as we all said, we were all surprised by the documentary documentary. We were sitting there going what because I mean we we just did not know it was like that. I didn't know it was that many people that had that story. I didn't know that woman went to LA with the camera and tried to get her daughter. I didn't know any of that. Yeah, and when you saw it, man, I think I think that's that. I think that really got some people going, yeah, and the latest victims to come forward, right and the latest whoever this person was sent a tape to Michael Avanati and he turned it in and that's yeah, and that's what started it back up, Steve, you're right and as surprising pause, I don't think R. Kelly changed his actions at since the documentary came in. And I don't. I just don't know. And I was surprised to hear um that in one of his court cases back when he was going to court. They said when he came out of court, when he was acquitted or something, he picked up a young girl that was outside in the crowd. It's one of his supporters one. Yeah, you know in the in the document. Yeah, oh yeah. I was just like crazy. And I think after his acquittal. I think after his acquittal, I think that was some behavior that just remained the same. Yep, and it just came back you know. Well that's what it sounds like with this case right here after Yeah, because man, I mean I was crazy. I did not know that woman. They had a camera following her to that room to get her daughter in la. I was sitting here and going like, wow, this is reality TV for real. Yeah. And he's going to have his day in court in March as well. If this is truly, he needs to do jail. Yeah yeah, all right. And the other news guys, New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft was at a pre Oscars party in Beverly Hills over the weekend. However, Craft has been charged with two counts of soliciting process toots down in Florida. He's been linked to sex workers and a spa there, and that spot was part of a sting on an international human trafficking ring. Ten spots in Florida have been shut down. The charges against Craft are misdemeanors at this point, and he hasn't been arrested yet. He's denied the allegations. Yeah, he scored more than the Patriots. He should be you call him my name. But you know, man, he's gonna he's gonna walk from this. Why because he has so much money or they can't prove anything absolute both. He got lawyers, he got money. He gonna walk from this. I don't know, you know, as as if not if they can tire to sex trafficking, Yeah, awesome young girls, but if you don't bought, if you don't pay for sex from a willing adult, you know, I don't see that. Yeah, oh not at all. All right, we'll have more of the women have been trafficked. You got a problem coming up right after this you're listening to and the Oscar goes too well. The ninety first Annual Academy Awards were last night in Hollywood. Didn't have a host, but they went off without a hitch. Most people will agree. Rock and roll legend band Queen rocked the opening of the show. We gotta give a shout out to Spike Lee too. Yes, yes, we yeah, I already know it is doing it is Yeah, yeah, they had some jams. Yeah. So anyway, Queen opened the show. We got to give a shout out to Spike Lee, who was there representing Sport in this gold air Jordans. Yeah, purple suit, Steve yes, yes, the magic hat and yeah he was just you know, Spike, So happy for him. Uh. Anyway, um, so much going on. Angela Bassett looked beautiful. She had on like a hot pink She looked beautiful, awful dress. Yes, just gorgeous. Ruth Carter's speech. R Carter won for Best Costume Design. As we mentioned earlier, she won for Black Panther. Other presenters included Tyler Perry, Queen Latifa, Best Supporting Actress. Uh, our our friend, our family member, Regina King. I'm so happy for her. I could barely get out so happy. She won Jana Ward of the Night last night. Yeah. Yeah, she won for if Beal Street Katalk Yet Black Panther was the first superhero film to be nominated for Best Picture. It was the third highest grossing movie in domestic history, so congratulate relations again to everyone involved in Black Black Panther. Yeah, best supporting actor Herschel, Yes, the second one boy, Yeah, because he won from Moonlight as well. Yeah, do you know what um? Yes? Congressman John Lewis was also there at the Oscars. Yes, oh, and he got a standing ovation. We forgot that he got a standing ovation. Yeah, because he's been a civil rights leader for so long, long, so long back there with doctor Martin Luther King. Steve partied last night. That's why he's big. Donkey. I ain't. I ain't. I ain't even what I want to be right now, man, I mean him blow. I don't even really know how to be, you know what I'm saying, And that ain't what I do. He started at eleven party started, yeah, trying to you know, come in fashionably late, because you ain't to start this one home happy. Wow. It was. It was. It was star studded, It was star stud good. So what do you guys think the Oscars are gonna go hostless next year? They were pretty fast not to have a host. They really did, mean Yeah, I mean, and they could. I wouldn't be mad, you know, I don't really kill you know, once Kevin didn't do it. I didn't care. I think he would have brought something to it as well. Yeah, I think it would have the energy. Yeah, and he definitely would have. I'm happy for him that he walked away from it, and uh, you know, it just went on. I'm just glad that he didn't have to go through that because he doesn't need it. Right, Hosting the Oscars does not make your career or break it. No, and again, congratulations to all our winners. Will be back with our last break of the day and Steve's closing remarks right after this. You're listening to all right, here we go, Steve, last break of the day on this Monday, first day of the week, big Oscar night last night, a lot of winners, um, and of course you're back with your closing remarks, so let's have it. We're ready. My remarks to encourage everybody as always this year, I wanted to make that a point of conscious effort to do that this year. But I wanted to say, Uh, one of the things about becoming successful everybody, and I want you to think about this is, uh, You've got to be beyond aware of your surroundings. You've got to get laser beam focused on who you're associating yourself with. That's a critical part to this thing. Man, if you want to be successful, you're gonna have to surround yourself with those on the same mission as you. They're not hard to find. You only need one. You need one person, man who kind of thinks the way you do. One person who wants to get out of the circumstance that you both may find yourself in. One person who might like to make it to the top. You need to find one person who wants more out of life than what's being offered in your surroundings right now. You just need one person who's willing to work just as hard as you are, as close to it as possible. You need one person who's willing to stay late when everybody else is going home. You need one person to meet you early. You need one person that you can call to say, hey, man, how you doing. You hanging in now? I'm hanging in there too. How you how your vision board looking? How your dreams coming along? Man? You need that somebody. It's always good to have an accountability partner, but find it. Find it, man, because it will help you. Because sometimes when you're down. It's good to get a call from somebody that's on the same mission as you, to be able to say, hey, man, keep your head up, I know you might be going through some stuff, or just say hey man, how you doing. Man, I'm glad you called. Man. Man, I got some bad news other day, Man that I thought it was gonna work out, but it don't look like it's working out. Okay, cool, ain't no problem, man. We could straighten that out. We can straighten that out for you. You gotta have that in your life. So find some groups, a group, something, surround yourself with those on the same mission as you. Now you all have an advantage now because you all in that the era of technology. Do you know that there are support groups for just about everything. If there's support groups with specialized diseases. I talk to a friend of mine who has this ailment that's very unique, and they said that they went online and found a support group of people and this is very very rare condition and they have a support group. Well, if you look online, there's people trying to be successful and practically every field. As people are trying to get over in real estate, people trying to get over on the internet, people trying to get over. In the fight game, people trying to get over. It's so many people that's trying to get over, and chances are the feel the feel that you're in. So you know, I want you to find yourself these people. Find yourself somebody who's on the same page as you. Get yourself some support, get in a support group, find way to get an accountability done. Someone man to share your hopes and dreams just like you do. It's available, y'all, It really really is. And that's something that's very important that I want people to start thinking about and considering. Don't try to do it by yourself. Now, let me throw this at the end of this. If you're having trouble finding somebody, I have a suggestion for you. God is available twenty four seven. He really is. He is available twenty four seven. He's always there when I can't find nobody. God is always there. He's always available. It's amazing, man. And you know what I get most from him. I get comfort in knowing that he got me, even when it looked like everybody else thinking they got me. I always take comfort in knowing the fact that he has me. Like I said last week, when I look back on all the days where it looked like I wouldn't go make it. I look back on all the times I didn't think I couldn't do it no more. When I look at my track record for surviving bad days, my track record for surviving bad days is one hundred percent. Yours is too. Ain't God good? He ain't y is man? Yeah, he is all day long. God got you, always has, always will when you can't find nobody else. Now, remember God is available. Prayer works. Those are my remarks today. All right, Steve, drop that mic? I dare you to try? Was that it? Yeah? I dropped, I dropped it on my chest. I'm gonna do it again. That's a fabric. Sounds like you're fighting with it. Yeah, we need a mate for you just to drop. Yeah, a problem kind of how to drop these big mics with blow somebody's ear drums out and we'll need that mic, Yeah and our ears. We folk. Yeah, have a great weekend for all. Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.