Oral Fixation, Curry Divorce, Busta Mask Rant, 99 and more.

Published Aug 25, 2021, 10:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Fool #2 is happy to hear about a kid who may have a future at The Apollo in Ask Bitterman. The Flipmode Squad founder flips out on stage and it went viral! J. Anthony Brown is back with a small request. The crew have a discussion about people's fears that are attached to the vaccine. Your favorite play cousin takes us down to memory lane in the year 1995. The parents of NBA superstar Steph Curry are splitting up after 33 years of marriage. Somebody's oral fixation got the best of them in the air. Today the crew wrap up the show by talking about a woman and what she is doing with her monkey.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all all looking back to back down, giving them just like the milling bus things and it's not doing me good. Steve Hartley, don't joy. You gotta use that turn You gotta turn to turn them out, turning, got to turn out, then turn the water the water. Come come on your back, ah, I sure will. Good morning, everybody. Are you listening to the voice? Come on, gig me now, one and on it. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, I got something for you today. I'm gonna have a conversation this morning about my understanding of grace now that I've gotten older and I've come in to a better understanding of a lot of things I didn't know about when I was younger. This is just my interpretation of grace. Now once again, y'all listen to me. I ain't nobody's pastor, I ain't nobody's minister. So you know, I'm pretty sure you can go to church and get a far more extensive definition of one I'm giving you. I'm just talking to people. You know. Grace is this thing that that God provides for us and grace. It's just things that you get that's really undeserving, you know. I mean, I look at my life as it is today. You know. Look, I work hard and I have faith in God that I do so things are going to happen in my life. But the way my life is now, I don't. I don't. I don't deserve all of this. I don't. I don't. I don't look at it that way. I have been the beneficiary of God's grace. I have aligned myself in a position to accept whatever grace God has for me, and it will be far abundant and exceedingly in anything you could think of. His grace supersedes anything you could possibly imagine. You know, the goals that I set and the aspirations that I shoot for, and the things that I have on my dream board. I have the faith that God give it to me. But what He does with grace, he gives you far more than that. He gives you what He has for you, not what you can see. You can't see all He has for you. It's impossible. Who are you? How can you possibly imagine what he can imagine? How can you possibly think? How he can think? How how can you possibly do what he can do. How can it be that isn't a single mind living or a collection of minds that could have thought of earth? What in your wildest imagination could have made you think of Earth? The stars, the heavens, the oceans, the galaxy, the constellations. What in your mind? What in any man's mind? We can point at it and analyze it, but we show it couldn't have thought of it. So come on now, I'm talking about lining yourself up with God's grace, which he will give to you if you if you want some of it now. But now his thing about grace, it can't be bought. If it could, if it could be bought, I'm telling you I would pour all the money I have and dump it into grace, because, after discovering what it is, it's this goodness that God shines on you simply as a reward of some type for his love for you and for you attempting for you, attempting to do right, not because you get it right. Because if He judged us purely on how we are the right and wrong of it, we would all be doomed, all of us, every last one of us, would be doomed, because we all fall short, we all make mistakes, we all sin, we all get it wrong from time to time. Nobody's perfect. Man. Now I understand what my mother was saying about cleaning the house. All I want is a little more grace. All I need is a little more grace when the last time you ask God for some grace. Now, I'm not talking to you like I know everything. If you just benefit from His grace, which you already have, but if you're not aware of it, you don't know what's going on. Become aware of grace, Get aware of the fact that God does things for you simply because He loves you. He does things for you that you don't even deserve. Somehow, you just wonder how you just got over when you didn't even do the things to get over. Sometimes you don't even know how you got that job you got when you ain't even really do the things to get the job. How you end up where you are, all the education you thought you went and got and had, how you end up where you are today in a much better position than your education could have ever gotten you. That's grace. How I get every place I am today. I didn't plan this, man, If I could have planned my life the way it is. Don't you know how to have have done it? When I was living in that car? If I knew how to do it, No, I benefited from his grace. I'm just a beneficiary of his grace, of his goodness and his mercy. God's goodness is better than your goodness. God's goodness is better than your mother's goodness. It's better than your wife's or your husband or your booze goodness. God's goodness is different. His goodness man covers some stuff you can't even imagine. So why are you trying to put your life together when the last time you asked him for just a little bit of grace? When have you thought of your life in terms of the grace that it has already benefited from? Have you ever done that? Man? Just thought about you know? You hear songs like my soul looked back and wonder how I got over. That's grace, That's all I can call it. Now. Like I said, you can go at church or somewhere ever you want to, and ministers that the wind a school to teach this thing way better than me. I'm just giving you from a layman standpoint. Man, have you thought about his grace. Would you not bewailed to be a beneficiary of his grace? Would it not? Certain? Now, check this out. The better you try to do, the more grace he'll give to you. And that grace can't be bought, Like I said, it's free. You can't purchase grace. But the better you try to become the more the more grace he gets to put your way. So man, just try, why don't you just try to do better? Look, man, quick tip, mina, I'm gonna start next week. I'm gonna start at the new year. Now you now you do that every year, you know, the evers at the new year. I'm eat better at the new year. I'm na, I'm gonna gonna get in here and the new year. If you're gonna do it, you're gonna do it now. Man, You're gonna do not stop trying to do something, do it, stop talking about it, do it now. The best way to benefit from his grace is starting action now in old w now, right now today, what you're waiting on. All you're doing is delaying his opportunity to bless you. You know, man, you know, do you know how many times we do that? We delay his opportunity to bless us by not starting now. If you're gonna get healthy, why don't you start now? Now You're gonna trip a little bit called the holidays coming. But you ain't got to eat bad all the time. You could start eating correct today, you could. You could, and then guess what that could be? Some grace on the end of that. I'm just giving you a little cheap analogy. But do you feel what I'm saying to you? Start thinking in terms of grace, what He has done for you and provided for you that you ain't even see coming. That you know, you keep calling them blessings and I got that a lot of it, and us all it is. But man, have you thought about the stuff that didn't happen to you? You can't account for I. For me, that's been grace and I'm beneficiary of it. And that's available to everybody that wants sub Next time you're talking to him, just check in with grace. See what that is. That's that's better than money. You're listening to show, Good morning, everybody, it is the Steve hide In Morning Show. Get up and face that Wednesday like a man and a woman. Do your thing. Watch out, Dawn, now, what's going on, Chilly Strawberry. It's Wednesday, baby, it is Wednesday. It's humpday. We made it, thank you Jesus morning. Yes, we did it. We all up in a wendy. What's going on, Calor Pharrell? Is Wednesday, baby? What's happening? Yeah? It is this Wednesday. It's hump day, like you just said, this midweek. It's all of those things. So alright, alright, we cannot do Wednesday without my main writing party in my sick but it. What's up, Junior? We in a Wednesday? Baby? What's going on? Man? Huh are you talking to me? Oh morning, Junior. I'm sorry, I ain't perfect. I just heard my name. I said. Hump lest but not least. He is there like the king. He is the King of frank y'all give up from Thomas mouse y'all in the building. What's up us? What's what's what's up? It's Wednesday, baby, hump Day, one day away from my favorite day, which is Thursday. That's when my weekend start. I will be on. We all up in it. We're gonna do this, which we're gonna make you get through it. You think you can't get through it? We got you. We got some stuff to help you get through and watch the watch them Thursday over Friday. I just have like Thursday was pizza day in high school. I'm sorry, that's why it is my damn. My favorite day was fish Dack Day, boy Thomas. I racked up on fish day Day, or the breakfast when they had that hot pancake with that boy man, it was on free lunch. You used to stut on free lunch. I swear to god, I couldn't wait to present my card. Yo, you had the best breakfast. I ain't paying for nothing. Look at these eggs as fresh as day ears. You know what, Junior, I agree with you on the day my mama, on the days my mama could afford me to have a hot lunch. I felt so proud throwing that card out there. I lunch that day. Yeah, yeah, like a credit card. Yeah, spipe it dog that first sip. Yeah, man, And look at the difference my kids now, Oh my god, lunch for them at school. It's the bomb they got. They got a food truck to stop. Boy man, everybody how much I don't even know dollars, I got two dollars. You can't eat how much. You cannot eat with two dollars, you are you going to starve? But you can eat, but you won't get full. But they got healthy choices. They got all that. I mean, they got vegan. They got vegan issue high school, not just high school, junior high, elementary. Why do you think, man? Trust me? You ate with that lady in that hand that gave your gave you green beans, green beans, bass potatoes, piece of pick. Come on, now, you hold up the line potatoes that hadn't had a hole in it anyway it was you know, you got at least one strand and your potatoes. All right, we're gonna move on. Guys coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, ask a bitter man. He's not trying to help you. And you see why right after this you're listening to show time now for ask bitter man. Jay. You say what I say, I'm not trying to help you. I have no intentions of helping you. If you get in hell by this, it wasn't intended at all. It wasn't the line right fair if you accidentally get some help, My bad, all right, my bad good. This one. This one is from Benita and Minneapolis, Benita says, I'm in my late fifties and my younger sister just had a baby at age forty two. Her pregnancy came as a shot to us all, and we didn't know she was dating anyone. Seriously, there is a rumor that a prominent politician is the father. But she will not be honest with me. She wants me to help her raise a baby and not question her. I have no problem helping her out, but I think as her sister, she should be honest with me. Should I press the issue? No? No, no, no, they no, your damness, And that we won't even name the boy a girl whatever we know, he'll have no name. So that way you ain't got to be worrying about who is the damn daddy. Who the daddy is not your business? All right, you wouldn't it? And do with you? Stay, I've gone folk, beneg And you know, take your niece or your nephew with no name. I say, we don't even name the child, don't name the job here. You come here, you your sister, Her sister didn't tell her nothing. You ain't, guys, You didn't tell her when you were going up there hooking up. You can't tell her, and now you want you want to know she knew you, but she wants her sister to help her raise the baby because you can help without knowing everything that ain't your business. Let me say, Tommy, do with you. We're moving on. Sierra and Richmond says, I have three children and one of this, one of them is always in trouble at school. School just started and my son has a problem with being quiet. He heckles the teacher and talks about her clothes and her hairstyle. He's only nine years old, and I can't go through a whole school year of this. I also don't want to homeschool him or pay for right at school. He's the one child of mine that gets on my last nerve. What can I do to make him stop clowning at school? Makings of a great stand up comedian? Just thinking that Jake, that's that's that. That boy is gonna be at the Apolo Madison Square. God, he might even perform at the Jay Spot. That boy is a comedian. Do not do not crush his dream and tell him nobody's gonna pay you to be stupid. Don't tell that boy that don't ever utter those damn words, because that is a damn lie in that, right, Timmy jay we're gonna have to whoop. And you know that you know this boy, but whoop man. And my mama said, you can't be down there cutting up in clown. I'm not gonna be coming off my job the food with you. Well, I'll ask junior, Junior, what you say, man, I say, leave him alone. He is the same path I was on. I talked about teachers. Yeah, I talked about the teachers that had hair cuts and stuff. He's on the same path. In a minute, when he gets to middle school, he is going to have his own session in front of the class. He gonna have every Friday in funny, first Friday he's gonna do. At the time I got to the Red, I had the first class show and then I had a show right after lunch. That was I had shows five days a week. But Joe Ja Ja Jaye, tell him where your biggest show was at the bus stop? Your biggest show is at the bus stop on the way home. You could say what you want to say at the bus stop on the way home. All right, we're moving on. You didn't help him, okay. Aressia in Charlotte says, I've been married for six years and when we first got married, my husband cheated on me. I cheated back, and we went to counseling. That was years ago. On the counsel is wearing off. I feel the need to step out of my husband again. It's probably hard for you to imagine a woman wanting to cheat, but I do. I don't think it will help cut down on my frustration. I think it will help cut down on my frustration and arguments in my marriage. I just need a reset. Is this normal? And or am I a weirdough You're not a litt You're not awirdough at. You don't let nobody call you that. You're tired of him and you just need some outside of entertainment and nothing wrong with that. What y'all doing is tit for tat, he tip you tat and then hell tit and then you attack tip and tat. Soon let y'all gonna break up. But right now, y'all just do a tit for tat, Just tip for tat, you tatting heat titt' and then hell tit and then hell tat. And it's not gonna work. It's down I'm don't with you going on. I didn't get your little something you're bringing on, just a little something. Come on back in, but don't don't go out there and stay too long. Now, come in, come in at a decent eye. But you know what I mean, Come on, they're encouraging cheating. She's already hited there. That's not us. Don't play that on us. No, No, I would never cheat. She was hitting. That sounds like that. You know, it's somebody as you if as somebody as you were Wizards seven and eleven, and they're going in the right direction. You just pointing it out. I didn't see the way you're going. Keep heading in that direction, all right. He's the right way to do the wrong thing, you know what I mean. That's the right way to do the wrong thing. Oh lord, sounds that sounds like a play, Timmy, that sounds like a play. Bring to the wish yell ebil theater. Is the right way to do the wrong thing. John Junior in Baton Rouge says, I'm a fifty nine year old married man and I'm dating a much younger woman on the side. Recently, she tried to break it off off of me because she wants me to leave my wife. She told me as that she was ready to have a real boyfriend and a normal life. And there's no way I can let her go because she's very good at what she does to me. I can't imagine her with another man, giving him my good stuff. I know she wants a normal life, but shouldn't I be the only one she's intimate with if I'm paying all of her bills? In a side piece every none in in a side piece situation, you have to make the announcement. An announcement is this, ain't nobody leaving nobody? Okay? You might have to do that every womb every two months. You might have to come out, you know, just to reinforce where you are. Look at him, Ain't nobody even nobody? Okay? Well, Jay, you have done it again, bitter man. Haven't helped anyone? All right? Coming up next, it is a nephew you know it, and run that prank back right after this. You're listening Dave Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne with Today's National News and then entertainment news. Buster Rhymes goes on a rant about mask mandates. Well, we'll get into that. Plus in other entertainment news, run of our Kelly's ex living girlfriends that he controlled their Gail King interview back in twenty nineteen. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. But right now the nephew is here. We'll run that Frank back. What you got, nephew, We're gonna we're gonna eat a little something right now. We're gonna get a little curry gold. Curry gold, all right, yes, curry gold. Let's go. AMU, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach us because mister, yeah, this is Benjamin Dixon. Trevor is my son. He goes to school with your son. Now yeah, uh he went to a birthday party that your son had last weekend. Am I right? Yeah, Well listen, listen. I have a problem with you, mister, because I understand that you all are Jamaican and from Jamaica, but listen, you guys serve the children curry goat. You don't serve kids curry goat. Everybody's child doesn't eat curry goat. Peet. What happened to what happened to ice cream and cake and punch that maybe even a pizza at a birthday party for kids. But curry goat. That's out of the the question. Oh you, oh you mean, but I'm gonna understand. We are to bolt all you mean? You mean middle feed to kid them curry gords. Let let's see them anything. But were you th Bridgren? So what were your tall boat? All you mean all you mean? He'm a problem with me? Oh you have a problem with me. I got a problem. I got a problem with any parents who decides on their own that somebody else's child it's okay to feed them some curry goat. My child don't eat no goat. We eat chicken, we eat steak, we eat cow, We don't eat curry go yo. A birthday aparty? Door he me start birthday a party? I don't want you. And if you wouldn't called me to deal with something, talk some rude more call me when you're when you're on buying a on guano me and a Rendren. We can't you don't know who we are dealing with it all? Okay, I need you to slow it down for me. Man, I understanding nothing you're saying. Ya tell me for fot, don't you call me? Don't tell me for Floyd I'm my phone, you're calling it up. Look man, all I'm saying is this is this is disrespectful to the child, to people's parents. You're going out on your own liberty. Decide on what you're gonna feed somebody. You gotta feed them normal stuff. You can't do that kill. A birthday party is here in the states Man, It's pizza, it's ice cream, it's cake, it's punch down it hot dogs maybe, but not no damn curry goat man. I'm mean you run the shore, bridgreand I don't tell me what to do. I'm me run this, So y'all come tell me both disrespect you would disrespect me a call? I'm like for I'm my ditesecking you boy, calling your phone. I want to know why it is you're doing something like this, And I bet you these other parents don't know you've been serving. Go y'all kiss man? Oh you is ain't you? You want to meet me? I'm shure you. Oh no fun farts, I'll come tell me. Oh you want? Oh you wanna hungry? Oh? Oh? Oh you are brigand who the heir is you? I don't know you from an I'm bridge. Now come telling frobody for and trying of wat it? Yo? You know you get you know you know what can you know? You know somebody on the spring club know it all? Are you do? You want to meet me somewhere? Is that what you want to do? Me? Me too, me me writing me me to right? No, y'all understand me? Me Afred get Oh yeah, you're gonna make me hurt you man if if if I come over there, you're gonna make me hurt you you hit me? Then? I mean this man? Now, I call you because I'm a concerned parent about my child. Uh. And then you got a nerd ahead to tell me you're the one that's in the wrong. Yo. Me, you don't tell me no, no brigand no wrong. You're gonna fund me so I can tell me I feed some big money off I'm telling me about me. No, no wrong, you phone, Yo, just tell them the way end and all I'm gonna comn you. I'm gonna feeding something. Cory go yeah, your family and the kind of leave me. You ain't gonna feed my family. Now. You don't bring my family in this man. You don't bring member. You don't bring my wife and my kids into nothing. You hit me if you want, you I got I got one. You know what, man, I'm gonna tell you, I'm I got something I want to tell you. You listening, tell me. This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got pranked by your sister Patsy. I believe you, man like that? You you Hey, hey, you just got pranked by your sister Patsy bad. She put me up to this, dog boy, I tell you, man, I'm so sweat boy. I need to get a blood pressure check. I got a low I got a little tolerance by tolerance, very low, boy, I tell you that. But anyway, I'm gonna still feed you and your family from churnicles. I better do it to you. I nothing churnle. You know, when you get angry American people really counts in what you're saying. You went on? You went on a gym can run like. We gotta give a shout out to all of the Jamaicans out there. Baby, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Steve Harvey Morning showy to say he was upset? Is it safe time you play too much playing with the Jamaicans? Okay, Tom you know they fast, Tom, and you know that they're fast. You see them move. That's what I need to do. I need to prank one of them sprints on the Jamaican team. We won't understand that whole prank. Yeah, but I'm but I'm a call. But I'm a call like I'm calling from uh um no, no, what's our girl that runs for the States. I'm calling from Huchond. I'm calling from the carriage count. Yeah, yeah, yes, that's not But see when the prank don't go good, that's good. That's right. I knew that was your philosopher. That's good. All right, let's get ready back here there in September twenty fourth and twenty fifth, and Nephew is coming to West Palm Beach flatter. That's right, West Palm Beach Plottera, September twenty four, twenty fifth at the improv. That's right, that's right, take its own sale red now Detroit, Michigan, landing in the in the in the cut, October the sixteenth, that's right, October sixteenth, Detroit, Michigan. I told you who was on that show? That I tell he was on that show. I know, I too was on that show. As long as you know that I'm on the show, that's all that you need to know. But Dominique is on the show, Rodney Perry is on the show, Tommy Tommy Davidson is on the show, and Guy Guy Tory is on the show hosted by your Landing the Cut, Novema. We'll talk about it, Lady Jacksonville, Florida and Daton, Ohio all landing the cut. All right, nephew, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment in National News. Right after this, you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. Buster rhymes ranting about COVID restrictions is making the rounds. That's right. In the two and a half minute video circulating on social media, Buster flips out about various restrictions like mask mandates. He continued his rant and going in about the government taking away what he considers civil liberties. Take a listen policies in this I'm trying to take our civil liberties away. Feels good to be back outside. We outside for real. It's corvid, God given the right to freedom. Right. No human beings apot to tell you you can't even breathe freely. Your mask I can hear COVID out there. I can hear come On doing just the opposite, encouraging people to wear their masks and to get the shots. Come on, because what's the big deal. What's the harm wearing their mask? What's gonna happen? You just wore a mask, or you saved somebody's life, possibly your family member. What's the harm in that? Obviously that's the problem. I mean obvious. I mean if we talk about a mask, Yeah, the mask is for your protection right around you, but it's you first, Like you don't value your own life. It saved you first. You just want to be defiant, You just want to be defining. And but I don't know what you Bust is saying what he says other people cheering him on, because that's just it's crazy. But Jay Jay, think about this, people cheering them on. They fascinated. He might be right? That was that? Was that? That? That? Yeah? Okay, yeah, no, God, don't have to y'all don't have to ever see my face again. I'm wearing I don't care if y'all ever see my face again. Y'all know, Okay, tell him a picture, I tell you what it has done. Time me. For me, I don't have to say watch out there now as much as I you not that you're proud of it. Don't get me wrong, but I'm not saying that. They don't know who I am until I open my mouth. But you know, the masks change y'all left for me. But you should have a man said says watch out there that I bought it. I bought it because you know we're gonna have to wear these masks for a while. Doctor Doctor Fauci said, um, next spring, next spring, maybe when we come out of COVID completely. Next spring. Now they keep pushing the day back because we f fascinated. Yeah, I'm winning the hell out of mind. I'm winning, you know, telling us not to I told Jack last week, I'm not making a lot of you. What I know Mans, your wife, I don't know you like that doing it. I'm not doing you. Ain't breathing in my face. I'm not I'm not being to die for you like this heal. I'm not off that that didn't go well. Can I tell y'all something. There's a guy, young guy on the street, he's like maybe nineteen to twenty. He goes for a walk and my husband and now we're looking. We was like, he goes for walk, he got a mask on, but he walking by himself. He's he don't trust people with the nun in the car drive and all of that. Yeah, all right, Jay, time to move on. Time for today's headline. All right, everybody, it is time for the news with him miss Anne trip and good morning everybody. Here we go. It's another day in Afghanistan, with US forces still bringing out as many Americans and former Afghan collaborators as possible. Now reports so the Talibans seeking to stop the nation's resource and brain drain by making it near impossible to get to the airport. The Pentagon says that flights are leaving and kabble at the rate of one every forty five minutes, that more than twenty one thousand people were airlifted just over the last twenty four hours, and both sides have stated their positions. According to White House spokesperson Jensaki, we have been in direct contact with American citizens, but with sav applicants, a special immigrant visa applicants and Afghans whose departure we are facilitating about how and when to come to the airport, and our expectation, which we have also conveyed to the Taliban, is that they should be able to get to the airport. You know, the Taliban has been ordering the Afghans inside and outside the airport fence to go home, claiming that they won't face any reprisals. But the people apparently don't believe them. They're insisting that Americans stick to their previously announced departure date August thirty first. But of course, besides getting them out, the Afghans have to be delivered somewhere right the Pentagon spokes when John Kirby says, in this country anyway, there's space on some army basis, it's possible that we might be looking at additional US military installations here in the United States. Right now, we are looking. We're working with four of them, Fort Lee, Fort McCoy for Bliss, and Joint based McGuire Dick Slakehurst in New Jersey. Those are the four that are operating now and are beginning to see a flow of SIV applicants. SIV stands for Special Immigrant Visas. In Washington, the House has narrowly passed the budget resolution that provides a framework for President Biden's three and a half trillion dollar human infrastructure planet mister Biden zephyort to expand and strengthen the nation's safety net. The leader of the right wing and many called racist Proud Boys, has been sentenced to five months in jail for stealing a Black Lives Matter flag from a historic black church in the nation's capital and burning it. And Rico Tadio, who says he's Cuban American, He's Afro Cuban American, pled guilty to the charges. A last month, an appeals court has allowed San Antonio County to defy Texas Governor Greg Abbott's mandated a ban on mask wearing, but the governor's asking the state Supreme Court to overturn it. According to a poll on a Christian Post, over sixty percent of born again Christians between ages of eighteen and thirty nine say believing in Jesus Christ is not the only way to get to heaven. They think worshiping Muhammed and Buddha are just as good. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show. All right, Temmy, it's time it's time to check out of Jay's mind. All right, We're going to check it out. I'm you know what I never I never asked y'all. How far y'all want to go into the line. You want to go deep, you want to go midway, shallow? How far you want to go? That's where I take you now. All right, all right, ladies, we're going deep, deep into the mind. Hold on tight and hold on real tight, because you've never been this far deep into the mind of Jay Anthony Brown. First and foremost, let me thank Michael Blacksham were coming to the Jay spot last night, ripped it up. Thank you, Thank you, mother sucker, thank you. So. I will be at Riddles Comedy Club on the eleventh of September, but Labor Day weekend, I'll be at the Asher Theater and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Take it easy, here we go. I want to talk. It's in Myrtle Beach, Okolina. I want to take some time and talk to our How can I say this, man and women are bigger fans, larger fans. We love you. The thing is that y'all have outnumbered us. Now we are the little people. Okay. Back when the day we maybe one or two of y'all, y'all got it now, okay, you got it. You're everywhere your commercials, You're dancing your water skin, you're climbing up on a grate, You're doing every damn thing. Just could you be just just a little tenny bit more nicer to the little people? Just just walk over. Stop threatening us. Okay, we we we We're not gonna fight, dude, we cain't win. We I have numbered y'all everywhere. Okay, y'all got this, it's your thing. Just just could you just be just a little more nice, all right? Just just talking about now, so quick to go zero to sixty, real quicker. The men want to fight, the ladies want to fight. We don't want to fight. We I don't want to fight. I'm too older, damn fight. I'm I got no fight in me. I'll call the police out, film it, but I can't fight. I'm not a fighter. Okay, just know that I'm not the person to fight. And I'm asking my bigger fans, bigger ladies, bigger men, bigger kids, just could you take it, take it down or not? Just just just a little bit, okay, just just I think I think I went too far back. Yeah, yeah, I want to dark darkner I can see my and that's all it goes. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll talk more about COVID right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So, guys, what's going on. There's been plenty of recent news on the vaccination vaccination front. The FDA granted full approval to Fiser's COVID vaccine for those sixteen and older yesterday or the day before yesterday. President Biden on Monday urge more Americans to get vaccinated. So did Donald Trump on Saturday say the same thing. Yes, he did, but he got booed. He got booed, remember that. Yeah, And doctor Fauci recently said that there was a reasonable chance that vaccines for children under twelve could start in the late fall or early winter. That is good news. Please. And a recent NBA NBC poll shows a sixty nine percent of all adults say they've already been vaccinated, versus thirteen percent saying they won't get vaccinated under any circumstance. Under any circumstance, I'm waiting on theos. I'm waiting on the booster whenever they put it out there. I'm gonna go get it. Yeah, Jay, Yeah, I have underlying conditions. You have underlying conditions. We can go get it tomorrow. Well, no, if I could buy it, I go get it, man, I would Oh, y'all need to hook me up. If y'all get this boost I'm grolling. No, no, no, no, is that time to be sick? Now? Now you the whole time when you got the vaccination, don't be sick with us. Me and Jay going to get the boost it. We'll tell you how that go. Now you have it. I mean that would like we were talking earlier about Buster Rhyme. Now we know Buster round great rapper, but I mean legend. He's a legend. He is, He's a rap legend. But if you're gonna get medical information, I'm just saying you don't want to get it from Buster rhyme. You don't. You don't want to be you don't, you don't want to be a magician. When the conversation coming with who told you? Not the way your mask, and then your answer is bust the rhyme told me. I mean that's not right. That just don't sound right. I mean, we love Buster, we love New York, we love New York. It ain't it ain't doctor Buster rhyme. First of all, there's no doctor that has doctor and then buster anything. There's not one doctor anywhere and no thing does a doctor with the last name Buster, because if his name was doctor Buster, you probably wouldn't go to doctor Buster. So I mean, I just I don't know. I don't know where they're getting this information from. What we know where they're getting from, But why are they using it and standing more than cheering? That's right, Buster, I don't understand the misinformation while holding on. That's just like these theorists out there too, that people would rather believe than the doctors and the scientists, you know, and the medical community. A lot of that going on too, and I too. A lot of people just don't want to admit it, but they're afraid to take the shot. And that's what the bottom line is. They are afraid. What's the fear of it? What's the fear? Well, a lot of out there right, a lot of peoples, and and they think there might be some side effects. Magnet magnetizes your body. You can stick a key on your body and then the government will be able to locate you. They're gonna put a chip in you wherever you are. And if they put a chip and then what what what are they doing with the chip? Dang I put no chip? You gotta dem card. Yeah, if you got if you got cabled, they know what the hell you live? I mean, man, it is and he not they like you said, Jay to your point about doctor, Buster rhymes, you got to talk to your doctor. Man, why can't you talk to your doctor and your medical advisor and get the facts? Get the facts. That's good for you, for you and your family. What I can I can't do? Buster, run, come on? Put the round? Would you want to? Don't just make people want to jump? Jump. But there's some good news. A lot of the people that were skeptical at first not knowing what was in it or saying that they didn't they didn't take long enough to research it and everything. So now they have FDA approval. So now those people will go ahead and get their their vaccines and hope we have those. Yeah, I mean that's what they're saying. Yeah, Yeah, I do know. Buster has a song. Say maybe if you give it to me, that's what you want talk about the scene, all right? Coming up next, Guy's nephew, Tommy and today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today's subject, is he a stalker or a smooth talker? And we'll get into that in just a few but right now the nephew is in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got for us, nev. I think it's time to go to the choch. I think it's time to go to the church. The title is God's Eyes Ministry, Gods Eyes Ministry. I want to take some time right now if you would, let's go kid. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to read Clarence Clarence. How are you doing, Clarence? This is Daddy es Man. I'm over at the church mann Wrapt, this church where you're a member of right, Oh, yeah, he's okay. Hey, I'm with the Gems man, and uh you you you actually came to uh this past service, correct Gems the Gems. That's that's uh God's Eyes Missionary and and basically what we do is we watch what's going on, you know, in the in the church, who's coming, who hasn't come? And uh, you know, I don't mean any harm, but this this if my records indicate me right? Uh through um my God's eyes, minister, the gems looking at my books, looks like you this is your first time at the church this year? Correct? Yeah, I mean what can I do for you? Okay? Now when Pastor asked for all the visitors to stand, you actually did not stand? Correct? No, no, I'm remember because you remember there we go. Now you you still work for um? Uh you you you work for them? Yeah, okay, Now what we've done is we've averaged it out that you what what is this? What is this? I mean? What is this about? Okay, I'm on my way to it. So so you probably are you um, averaging about what between forty and fifty thousand dollars on a yearly basis over there week? I mean that. But yeah, go ahead, problem see what we're looking at. Since since you all member, because see you did not stand when he said all members, since you did not stand up? Which what you right there making the you know you're you're you're clarifying that you are a member, and you're making about we're gonna roughly say about forty five thousand dollars. Yeah, which means ten percent is forty five hundred. Now, we looked at the we looked at the books and noticed that you put in fifty dollars in the church on this past east on Sunday. Now, if you put fifty dollars in you know where close. See when you're gonna start cutting into this forty five hundred dollars that you ought to be paying your ties? Wait? What's your name? I like saying, sir, My name is Thaddus Staddius, will a man rock God. Yet you have robbed me? Where see you? You? You you are? Wait minut, hold on, hold a second. You got you got all the stuff going on to the church. You you got uh, you got hungry people, you got people that need salvation and whatever. But you calling me about about some money that I haven't given to the church. Well, well see, and that's what your ministry does, y'all. Call y'all spend all morning calling people. My My job, sir, as a gym God's eyes ministry, my job is to keep an eye on what's going on at the church. Now, when are you gonna start cutting into your tie, you forty five hundred dollars that we see. This is why we can't get the extra wing that pastor wants to put on. Because people are like you. This is why. But what you know what you hold on? A second um, First of all, let me explain something to your brother Thaddius L. Whatever the ministry you are with, Saddish, that's fine. Listen, Hey, I don't even have to explain this to you, but let me explain something to you. All right. I'm this is a one job household. This is all we do. This is a one job household. My wife don't work, but my wife comes to church every Sunday and she pays the tides. And have you checked as the gym ministry, have y'all looked at her tides? Her ties ain't got nothing to do with you. You understand you have to pay your tides. Will a man rob God? Yet ye have rob? You are robbing the Lord. Brother Clarence, you know what man? You know? That's you know? And you wonder why people don't come to church all the time. How you gonna tell me that I could be giving my tide somewhere else? I am the secretary. I am the gym's secretary. God's eyes ministry and my eyes have shown me that you've only given fifty dollars. You're making forty five dollars from the church. I don't know if that is something. I'll tell you that. Who have you been saying? Who? Yes, I have, But that's not none of their business. That's I know, I know, I know. What does it have to do with him calling people and asking them if they're candles? I got this, I got this. Let me handles? Yeah, yeah, you know, I got it. I got to stock got him, I got it. I got I know, I know, I know who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who was that? Sir? That's my wife has been paying. That's my wife's been paying. I died. That's right. Oh okay, I don't have nothing in my books that say y'all paid three hundred dollars on the if she said we paid three hundred dollars, we paid three hundred dollars. Okay, let me ask you this, when are you gonna start cutting into this farty five with a man robbed God? Yet you have robbed me. That is what you are doing, sir, Well you know what you're robbing me, right, now you're robbing me right now on my time where I could go out, I gotta be worked. I can't even go get dressed right now because I'm on the phone with you. I have to be at work in half an hour. You robbed me right now of my time. Let me ask you something. Can you bring your tax return into what I can take a look at it? My tax return? You know, I'll tell you what. I'll bring my tax return if everybody else bring their tax return. If you bring your tax return and pass to bring your tax return, then I'll bring my tax return. We can have a tax return party. When will your tax return? When? Can you? Can you fax it to me? Are you serious? I mean, I mean, I mean if it's is, if it's not too much to ask for. Listen, I'm gonna be honest with you. The next time you do come to church, we're gonna patch you down because we're gonna have to figure out. Oh, hold on, you're gonna pat me down to nextime I come to church and then lay hands on you. Okay, let me ask you this. Do you are you all salary at the church? Yeah? But what does but what does what does what does that have to do with anything. I need to know you. I ain't get ain't gotten you. Look, look it ain't got nothing. When you're gonna bring your forty five hundred dollars down so we can add it, so we can get the wing put on. I'm part of the jams. You bring your money down here, Clarence, isn't it? Dog? Let me teay you something. I don't know who you are. I don't know what this ministry is. I'm with the gyms. Where can we expt it? Man? I don't I don't care. I don't give it. You know what ever says, I don't care anything about your gym ministry. I don't care about you, man, I don't care about any of that. Where you're gonna play this ten percent? Man, let me tell you something. Dollars and just this for real, don't call my house no more with this, with this stuff you about to make it, brother, go off. I mean, seriously, in this economy, in this economy, you talk to me about about me tied and fitted dollars. I'm trying. I'm trying to put a dollar through college. I'm trying to set a sun through private school. And I can't get that done. I'm trying to keep lights on the way, dude. That have to do with the church. I already told you. I don't get ready to hang up. And if you want to meet me and whatever you're gonna do and whatever, then that's fine. Joe. I need to tell you something else about your job. You can't tell me nothing about my job. You don't have to tell me. I need to tell you something about your job. Dude, I'm gonna hang up this phone. Is they a man named Chapman at your job? Yeah? I know, yes, chapter my job. Okay, no, na na, Wait a minute. Chapman is the one that got me to call you. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Baby, you just got pranked, man. Man, Man, look, you got me feeling you got me feeling guilty. I mean, I'm oh man with the with the with the gym ministry. Yeah, somebody getting ready get beat up at yeoh man. Hey, I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, obviously Harvey Morning Show. Huh boy, a way too much. You're a man, rob God, all right, thank you nephew coming up Verry letters. Subject is he a stalker or a smooth talker? We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show this is great news. Guys. Yesterday, right before we get into the Strawberry Letter, I wanted to let you know this. Yesterday, the House passed the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. It is a landmark bill that will right there and reinforce the Voting Rights Act of nineteen sixty five to its original form, giving the Justice Department the tools it needs to combat racist voter suppression laws nationwide. Thank you, and I'll democrat. Yes, yes, two twelve. That's right. As a bill makes its way to the Senate, we need you to call your senator and demand that they pass the bill. Okay, go to when we all vote dot org for more information. All right, vote dot or yeah done. Very serious relics real friend to cheat, which is the only way they can win is to cheat. So yeah, we need to be on top of this issue. Right now. We're voting yep, yes, yes, we are. All right. We're gonna switch gears and now it's time for the Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please please please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter band. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is a Strawberry letter. Thank you enough you. Subjects? Is he a stalker or a smooth talker? Dear Stephen Shirley, Uh huh. I'm a thirty eight year old married woman and we had what you call a world win romance. Romance. We met, fell in love with him three months, and we were married after only nine months. All of my family and friends that met him said he was the one for me and I should marry him right away. He knows how to treat a woman and he's the best lover I've ever had. I met him at an electronics store. I was looking to buy a big TV for my bedroom and he was there to get surround sound for his basement. He helped me decide on a TV, and he shocked me by offering to pay my delivery fees. I went on a date with him the next day and the rest is history. He told me he was going to make me fall in love with him and then marry me. The next day, after our first date, my neighbor called me and said there was a bouquet of flowers at my door. They were from him, and I called to ask how he got my address. He said it was on the TV delivery voice. He said I could expect sweet surprises from him often because he was falling in love with me. From then on, I was showered with gifts no matter where I was. He popped up at my church and had all the women jealous one day. My marriage is no different. It says, if we're on the same wavelength, or he's reading my mind. Yesterday I was at lunch with two of my coworkers and he walked in, and in walked my husband. He said he paid for our lunch, kissed me on my forehead, and left. My male coworker was mad because he paid the bill, and he called my husband a stalker. He said, I need to watch my back before I end up on what forensic files. I'd never taken that into consideration, but he does pop up on me often, like he's tracking me. Am I'm married to a stalker or a real smooth talker? Oooh okay, this letter is really giving me. I'm just gonna go there sleeping with the end of the Enemy vibes. Remember that movie with Julia Roberts, Remember that movie Away from Him? Yeah? How about Enough with Jennifer Lopez Remember that one? Yeah? Yeah, those guys were crazy, and this guy sounds crazy to me too. You're gonna have to get a restraining order. I'm feeling that one day. Is he a stalker or a smooth talker? You ask, Well, sounds like he's a bit of both, because that's how he got you to marry him so quickly. You know, all the smooth talking and all that, all the gifts, all that stuff. You know, mostly stalker vibes, though he's given out because it's weird that he's rolling up on you like that all the time. I mean all the time. He's at church. You don't know he's coming, he got your address. This is not normal behavior. And the sad part is that you haven't known him long enough to really know him. You should have googled him and researched him beforehand. You know, no matter what your family and friends said, marry him right away. Anytime something is too good to be true, usually it is. And you need to talk to some of his exes. I bet you'll get an earful about his crazy stalker ways and past. He probably has a tracker on your car, your phone, cameras, all in your house, everything. Otherwise, how does he know where you are at all times? All of us is a bit much for me, and I would be very concerned if I were you. This is not a game. Believe what your gut and what your intuition is telling you, and don't let on that you're on to him before carefully orchestrating your exit plan. And I'm very serious, Tommy. All right, I'm gonna give it to you just like this. Just notice every time you turn around, the pop up is coming. Okay, every time you turn around, the pop up is coming. You. In the bathroom, you got the dough clothes. He busts up in there with some wet whites. Baby, you want some wet white I got you, baby. You shopping with your girlfriends at the mall. He rolled up on the security scooter something. Baby, you need to ride where you're trying to go. The pop up is real. Every time you're in the washroom. You're in the washroom washing clothe, he pop up out to dry. You need my help on me hip and photy clothe. The pop up is real. I'm telling you. Every time you turn around, the pop up is real. You at the grocery stow, trying to pick up dinner for the Bob of y'all. Here he come out the butcher and the butcher shop in the back. Wait, I think we ought to get the tea? What you think the pop up is gonna be real? You watching the Grammys? Yeah, you didn't sat down and watching the gramm His ass that popped up on the screen. Baby, what's ang? You want to hear? What's song you want to hear? Baby? I got you. You let me know what you need. Okay, every time you turn around, the pop up is real. I'm done, all right, nephew, Yeah, I gotta hear from Jay and Junior. We'll have part two of today's Strawberry letter coming up. The subject is he a soccer or a smooth talker? Coming up? Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we got a recap today's Strawberry letters. Subject is he is stalker or smooth talker? Thirty eight year old married woman wrote in to us. She said she's in a world win romance, World win romance, okay, world the world. When I got caught up after Tommy, we met him, fell in love with him three months. They were married after only nine months. Now, that is quick, quick quick. All of her family or all of her friends that met him said he was the one for her and she should marry him right away. He knows how to treat a woman. Right after their first date, he sent her flowers. She was like, well, how do you know my address? Well, they met in a TV store and he paid the tale. She was looking for a TV. He paid for the delivery, so that's how he said he got her address. Flowers they were from him. He could expect sweet She could expect sweet surprises from him all the time because he was falling in love with her. From then on, showered with gifts no matter where she was. Keyword coming up. He popped up at her church, had all the women there jealous, She says, as if they were on the same wavelength or he was reading her mind. She was having lunch with two of her co workers. He popped up there. He's always popping up. So one of the guys she was having lunch with, one of her co workers, said she might end up on forensic files and for her to be careful. So now she's starting to think, Wait a minute, he does pop up on me often? Is he tracking me? Is she married to a stalker or a smooth talker? Jake? What you got? Oh my goodness, I heard your comment, Charlie. I listened to nephews tommies. The man is just a good ass man. What is the problem when? Why is there a problem that you got? You a good man? You like your friend that he can't be that again? He gotta be. Look, life will tell you when you get something good, somebody always got something to say. Which stuff is going good for you? They'll hit you with duce from that here must be nicey, damn it it is name we want nice? Which I had somebody like, well you down abody like that. He's showing up doing that heat from the minute you met this man here doing nothing but not y'all. I've seen the girls me not here, how y'all talk? He don't come home? He lay that now he comes back, smelling that white diamond. I don't know what I'm doggar got my mama, I'm dogar. This man is putting in the work to make you feel special, and you got a problem. Damn what you want? That's he ain't beating you. He tan you, he's leaving you. He's just paying for stuff, and you are unhappy always for playing. You can't wear. I couldn't get out. I can't take enm over. He just paying for stuff. It's sitting lowers and every time I turn run, I got candy and he's buying me. Yes, I can't take this niceness. Damn, what do you what do you woo? It's a it's a lady right now listening riding the bus. Ain't got no damn body because I take him off your damn hen you wanting sending my way? Send him over here. I should how to treat the matters and friends. Am gore always in you. They're always in your ya. When you got a good thing, you know, it's not like, oh no, I'm just and when I'm just saying you got a good man? Enjoy it, okay, j pop up, Damn enjoy the popery. I'm gonna be honest with you. You know, Timmy, I disagree, Shirley, I told you disagree with you, me and Jay on the same thing as I put it on my paper. What do y'all walk? Because yesterday y'all asked the question why do men cheat? Yeah? He is the man. Ain't cheating you're talking about he popping up. Well, at least you safe. He's showing up where you at. At least you safe. You ain't got to worry about nothing happened because he always dare. Why your trip he there for? You? Don't worry about it. He showed up at church. You know how many women out here want they man to go to church. You gotta man that go to church? You man? How I don't understand. It shouldn't be why men cheeks? No, why men buy gifts? The question we should be asked why men buy gifts? Because you're questioning the gifts he getting you? So what take the call? You know how many women want a man or bottom a brand new car. You got it and don't want it. I just want to God, I wish I was that type of man. I ain't here. I ain't even close to him. I ain't even gonna be him. If you date man, you're gonna hope I come to church with you, and you're gonna wish it. Get these damn flowers. He throwing it on the regular. Now, let y'all ask me, so where it's something jump off? I ain't gonna be there. Hit all right. Post comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Coming up. More of Junior in forty six minutes after the hour of Sports Talk. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time now for Junior in Sports Talk. What you got Junior? Yes we do, we have sports Talk. But let me just remind everybody. Labor Day weekend September third, fourth, and fifth, your favorite play cousin gonna be in Birmingham at the Star. Doome go get your tickets. Gonna be eating it, Gonna be crazy September third and fourth and fifth. Two show Friday, two shows, Satty one Sunday, first show out since COVID, Gonna be crazy out a lot talk about get take the stardom dot com. I cannot do two years off. I know that I can take y'all can't take two years off. Coming back out man, y'all get tickets. So yesterday we talked about the race over the weekend, right we caller, We're a team. Don't don't separate yourself from the sea. We're a team. I had an embarrassing moment too. My nickname was only ninety nine yards in football, right down, my nickname ninety nine because all I get ninety nine. The reason why I was ninety nine callers because we was on the one yard line. On the one yard line. I playing wooly Ridge High School, which is pretty much yeah school. This is nineteen ninety five playing wooly Ridge High School. No lie, I went to Paarlanta High School. We only had eight blacks on the team. Okay, all the blacks played all the skilled positions, played offense and defense. I was running back, kick return, punt return, everything. Don't reverse to myself. We just was all the fast people. So we're on the one yard line. I take the ball, I get the ball, and I just fall forward and I break open to open field. I'm in a wide open field. I ran from the one yard line. I know you don't. I ran from the one yard line and Robert Statton, who won state in the hundred yard meeting hundred meeted dashed uh in track, caught me. Walk down, walk me down at the other one. The next play we fum with the football to the one. I can't do a hundred. I gonna do nine to nine. The next play, Jerry Cooper full with the football at the one. That was the game. So everybody got you did a good job. I don't. No, no, no, no no, I should have scored. You know how hard it is, Jake, So I run somebody who looking at you for the tack of you. He looking at me as he running. He owed you, He owed me. All I'm doing is appired time. He looking at me like, you know you're gonna get tackled. Yeah, I'm going to context. But it was at the other one. So Danny, I'm not just making fun anybody the hell I had money. All right, we'll do it yourself then next time. All right, thank you, thank you you, And you're coming up at the top of the hour. Celebrity breakup news. Steph Curry's parents file for divorce. We'll talk about it. Thirty three years of marriage. Wow, we'll talk about dating after divorce when we come back Jay right after that. Wow, you're listening to the Morning show. All right, guys. In celebrity break up news, this is kind of sad. NBA players Stephen Seth Curry, their parents Sonya and Dell Curry are getting a divorce. The sad part is they've been married for thirty three years. That's really sad. Sonia del released a statement saying, after exploring a trial separation over the past year and much thoughtful consideration, we have decided to end our marriage. As this comes with a great deal of sadness, our focus and desires for our families continued happiness. Uh. Sonia and Dell told people. Uh. They told them this in a joint statement. They said, we are so thankful for all of the many blessings and successes. Um, I have a question, question, I have a question and the break up? Who gets stiff and who gets the other brother? Who gets? Who gets? Who gets Seth? Who gets and who gets stiff? Yeah? Yeah, yea. They have a daughter. Is she married to Doc Rivers? Yeah? Rivers? Well, I mean that is sad news. Who gets staff? The big thing is who gets stiff. Yeah, that SEMs like there's no art all of that, though not anymore. I don't know where to started at a time. No, that's what they put in. Thirty three years. Thirty three years. Yeah, you would think, you know what would be so bad? But you know, you know, behind closed doories, you never know how many years. But the great thing is that his mom is beautiful. And uh, a lot of men are like going crazy over you have given birth to Steph Curry. You're not gonna have no problem with with with another man. She ain't gonna be on the market that long. Then knows that if they'll know that, Yeah, he knows all right. So here's a question for you, Jay, here we go. How hard was it to return to dating after all I started this all I got divorced. He'll you talking about how hard it was hard at all? Could that be why there lies the problems? Yeah? And and just can't say and that's why you single? But seriously, how long did it take you to completely get over your divorce? Never took me no time to get out with No damn beforce. Don't take me in long shirt. It took me a long time. I have to say this I have to put this out there. Out of all of my marriages, huh, okay, it was always me. It was never I'm mad. Yeah, it was it was me, you know, and just you just get tired of them. Jay, what happens as as as you know, you ever have a test and it's all of it's all of it was everything, just can't be bothered. Yeah, I just I don't know. Did you ever roll up in the bed and said like, I'm tired of this and said I'm just no, no, no, Junior. They know, they would know that is crazy. Crazy. Sometimes things are better off unsaid. You know what I mean? Every time I come into bedroom, you in here. Wow, I'm not an abuser. I don't fight nobody. I'm not hitting anybody. Yo. How many mornings of silent breakfast you've had JA in your life? Well? None, because I would leave, Junior. So I'm not gonna hit my thing. I'm gonna have peace in my own damn house. I'm gonna go for calves. I'm not pull up in my house, in my own house and not have peace because that's what I'm working for us. So one of us got to go. I'll go get me a room or something to you leave because somebody's leaving because you're never there. You might be right, you might be right. What're arguing? This is crazy? All right, we'll have more of the Harpy Morning Show coming up in twenty minutes after right after this day. You're listening to the morning show. All right, So did you guys see this woman on Spirit Airlines? This was trending on social media that lit up a cigarette. What just that they were getting ready, they were getting ready to land. Any of you. I don't agree with it. I don't agree with his shirt, but I understand spirit of making light up. Now I I'll just get the same thing. There is no spirit when you fly. Best they need to stress us out. So deal with what is the deal with Spirit Airlines? Now? Your bag? Two hundred dollars? Your take charged for everything, every single thing? Everything? Yeah, nor carry on costs. Carry on cost is how to get their money? Yeah? Well they yeah, the flight was from Detroit to Florida, bide land that she lit up a cigarette and she and they told her, the fellow passengers told her, you know, she couldn't do that, and she said, it's been a lone day, so long day. Yeah, then that's when that's where they when the poo came and got on board again. No, I was saying, the police came on board and there was a woman in the back of the plane that was just talking, talking, talking. Police officer turn around yet to her and say, believe it or not, ma'am, we actually can do this on our own. We don't need your health. Yeah. In other words, shut up for we arresued. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. All right, So guys, what's going on. There's been plenty of recent news on the vaccination vaccination front. The FDA granted full approval to Fiser's COVID vaccine for those sixteen and older yesterday or the day before yesterday. President Biden on Monday urge more Americans to get vaccinated. So did Donald Trump on Saturday say the same thing. Yes he did, but he got booed. He got booed, remember that. Yep. And doctor Fauci recently said that there was a reasonable chance that vaccines for children under twelve could start in the late fall or early winter. That is good news. Please please. And a recent NBA NBC poll shows a sixty nine percent of all adults say they've already been vaccinated, versus thirteen percent saying they won't get vaccinated under any circumstance. Under any circumstance, I'm waiting on the bos I'm waiting on the booster. Whenever they put it out there, I'm gonna go get it. Yeah, Jay, Yeah, I have underlying conditions. You have unlying conditions. We can go get it tomorrow. Well, no, if I could buy it, I go get it, man. I would. Oh, y'all need to hook me up. If y'all get this boost I'm growing. No, no, no, no, there's that time to be sick now, now you the whole time when you got the vaccination. Don't be sick with us. Me and Jay going to get the boost it. We'll tell you how that goal we come back. Now you have it. Like we were talking earlier about Buster Rhyme. Now we know Buster great rapper, but I mean he's a legend. He is, He's a rap legend. But if you're gonna get medical information, I'm just saying you don't want to get it from Buster rhyme, you don't, you don't want to be you don't, you don't want to be a legal when the conversation coming with who told you not to wear your mask? And then your answer is bust the rhyme told me not. I mean, that just don't sound right. I mean, we love Buster, we love New York, we love New York. It ain't it ain't doctor Buster rhyme. First of all, there's no doctor that has doctor and then Buster anything. There's not one doctor anywhere and no thing does a doctor with the last name Buster, because if his name was doctor Buster, you probably wouldn't go to doctor Butter. I mean, I just I don't know. I don't know where they're getting this information from. What we know where they're getting from. Why are they using it and standing boar than cheering? That's right, Buster, I don't understand the misinformation while we're holding on. That's just like out there too, that people would rather believe than the doctors and the sun aists, you know, and the medical community. And I've been to a lot of people just don't want to admit it, but they're afraid to take the shot. And that's what the bottom line is they are afraid. What's the fear of it? Right? Coming up, it is our last break of the day on this Wednesday hump Day, the last break of the day. Damn it, excutive, That's what I said to Also coming up in forty nine minutes after, we'll close out the show. All that's coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This story is crazy. I can't even believe this is a story, but it is. We're gonna just say this is monkey business news. Okay, this is out of Belgium. Officials in Belgium have banned a woman from coming to the zoo to see a chimpanzee because of her relationship with this chimpanzee, the champions named Cheetah. He lives at the Antwerp Zoo in Belgium. Officials dare say the woman has been visiting the thirty eight year old male chimpanzee for the last four years. And this is the crazy part. As if that's not crazy enough, she claims now that she has a relationship with the monkey. Who heard me she did she did her bow, her man, her boyfriend. I have the actual real story about because I did some research on this and out what's going on. Let me explain, let me break it down to you. It's true she does have a relationship with the money, but the white lady is his outside piece. He has inside piece inside, and it was going and she was she didn't have no problem. She's going on with it. But then all of a sudden, the monkey is catching hell from his inside piece. You know, every time he asked her, what could you pass banana? Won't you get your white woman? You know, do you want to go swing on the money, But don't you go get your white woman? You know they're gonna swing with you. So what he did he asks the zoo people, look y'all got to help me out here. I'm in a jam. I'm between two women. It's two women. They both won't me. I mean, look at me. They won me. And that's just that's just part of it. So that he asked the lady he has the zoo people, could you break this? Could you, like you have to talk, not when you want somebody to help you do some dirt? Could you just tell her nothing? What chea you have to If you could just tell whenever you in that right time, when you get your home was and do some dirt. You can't yell that out look out to be low. You do it time and let me here, let me it's it's almost like our boy and planted out of apes. I mean that were gotten ye meet me in the back of the zoo when they're closed. I mean, you guys are right though, because the zookeepers are saying that their relationship is social problems for Cheetah and the other chimp. He developed such a tight bond with the woman, he's being ignored by the other chimp and hasn't been accepted back. And I mean he literally said, look, I got to live here. This is where I live. I can't have her coming up. But every days there's a way for Cheetah to still be a player. I mean, Tita shouldn't have to lose. He shouldn't have to lose his white woman. If you don't want to tell you know what I'm Cheetah got to figure out how to run that game, you know what I'm saying. Cheetah got in and then y'all y'all want y'all move me to another cage, you know, so I can debate to spread around like I won't do that's a way to do. This man cheat ain't gotta lose his white woman, you know what, agree with you? He needs to put his monkey foot down and say how this is gonna be ran okay? This woman jun well, you know, cheetah under lot of pressure because the woman in the cage is not happy at all because every time every time he see him put them suspenders on on Sunday, say so, you're just gonna live up to your name. Hunt, You're just gonna be a cheetah to day hunh. So you're gonna live up to your name that you feel And he just buckled his suspenders. I'm going to the glass. What's the glass? Yeah? Could the white woman put that hand up on that glass and they meet? Right? That's right like the movie? Yeah yeah. And then and then the woman indicate the monkey in the cave knows something other he dined this splash of water all over his body. Oh yes, you're getting ready for your white woman to come up there. I see, I see what you do. You know she gonna you know, she gonna have a praid. Let me find out, Let me find out, Let me find out. You and this white woman doing something outside this glass. Let me find out Jake, Jake, won't you tell him? Jake, get out of here though. Tell him Jay about when when his inside woman and the outside woman meant at the glass, the inside woman said, looking ahead, look ahead, trick let me jay something. You don't be bringing your ass up? No, mo see my man. Okay, don't let it over food crazy, don't think I don't know where the extra banana's coming. Oh, we know, but Cheeta Cheetah Junior got food. Cheetah Junior don't need no, don't so okay, Cheata Junior is well taking care of baby. Let me find that they're not happy with you. What y'all should be asking, like yesterday is why do monkeys cheat? That's what you need to be relationship with humans. You couldn't have a boot monkey. When you swing it from tree to tree, that's something to see. That's sex. That's sex. Oh the fluid motion, Oh that's glue. He just branched the branch with it. Ain't wrap around the tree. That's a mess. That is crazy. That is very crazy. I've never heard what the female monkey is. Not having it though, all right, we gotta get out of here. Just around juss. All right, everybody, we we'll see you bright nearly tomorrow. Money with the Steve Harbin Morning Show. We gotta go, y'all. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.