Happy Friday! The show opens and we talk about Joe Biden's comments. Controversial or nah? The CEO answers some of the most hilarious questions in Ask Steve. Will Oprah have another talk show? Janet Mock will be working with Netflix, so congrats! LaVar Ball has been banned by ESPN for inappropriate comments. Should the U.S. pay reparations for slavery? Fool #2 talks about dogs in a low key mean spirited way. He is a comedian, BTW. Today is the longest day of the year and it is the first day of summer. NBA action is finished and the Big 3 starts this weekend in Detroit. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about reparations and more. Have a great weekend!!!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them more like the milking buck things and its cubbing me through good it. Steve harping to the mother for Stu. Please don't you join join me to be you doing me. You gotta turning you are you gotta turn to turn them out? Turn you got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your fa got it? Uh huh? I shall well a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice. I come on Dignity NW one and only Steve Harley got a radio show. I was. I had my head down and it was thinking of what I wanted to say this morning. But it kind of it's kind of be something I've lived for a long time, and you know, for a long time, you know, I had a lot of faith in people. You know. It's strange too, because you know, you know, my mother was a Sunday school teacher, so of course I grew up around it, knowing the scriptures and things like that. Not not a lot of them, but you know, the ones I retained. But having her as a mother was was a huge help and understanding about faith. But even with that, as I grew up, I began to put a lot of faith in people. And you know, I figured, you know, just like everybody else, you know, man if I could just meet this person, or if I could just sit down with that person, or man if I could just get this person to hear my ideal, or man if if this person could hear my track, or man if I could just get this in the hands or somebody in the know. I was, like everybody else, I thought that way. You know, I actually thought that if I could get in a certain situation with a certain person, that if a certain person were to meet me, that you know, it could change everything for me. Oh man, Oh how wrong I was? Oh how wrong I was? How long did I spend feeling that way? And how many of you out there possibly have felt that way before? You know, like even in a relationship, this is the person for me, and you know, you just lay claim to that, you know, not necessarily being a fact, but you just lay claim to it. This is the person for me, This is the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You know, sometimes you know, we just lay claim to stuff. And it's not always what's in our best interests, or it's not always a fact. It's just what we decided we want it. And I was guilty of that, just like anybody else. And I spent a lot of years in my life putting faith in people. Man, if I could tell you anything this morning, it's to stop putting your faith in people and put your faith in God where it counts the most. I mean, you can get something out of this one. See, here's a deal about a relationship with God. It's the same all the time. He never changes. His word is one absolute. His word doesn't have loopholes in it, none of that. It's this is what it is. He's very clear. Now, you can deviate off your end at a bargain, but it don't stop what he says from being true. But if he asks you to do something, if God asks you to be certain way, to do a little something a certain way, and you don't do it that way, then you know you could still possibly get by for a while. But don't you understand that his end of the deal stays the same, and as long as you're not doing it the way you're supposed to, the results are not going to be what you wanted to be. And I did this for years and years and years, and I counted on people, and you know, I got myself in a lot of situations. And I got out one a dire situation that I'd been in for a number of years. But he had protected me from years prior to that. I didn't even know what was going on, and then he made it away. It made me aware of the problem. And then, man, lord ha mercy, I was in a dismal situation. And then at the end of the year, I was free, free from it all. But it was a decision that I had made that led up to that, and in going through that process, I had to learn something. Man. I learned a lot about people. If you want to learn about your friends, if you want to learn about your people people around you, Get yourself in some trouble, get yourself in a situation. Oh man, you start looking around. Man, the field get real clear when you're in trouble. The field clear is out when you're in doubt, when you don't know what to do, when you need help, it get real clear on the play and field, then don't it. Oh, But when things is going right, it's time for a party. We throw in a celebration. We were gonna We're gonna do one down here. Oh man, there's plenty of people on the field. But but but get yourself in a situation. You find out rather quickly that old no, old no, everybody ain't here. And that's when I started learning. And I'm telling you, I had to start learning this for real until I finally got it to stop putting my faith in people and put all of mine in God where it counts the most. Now is that to say that there are people that you can't trust. No, that's not what I'm saying. I ain't say you can't trust him, but you can't dump your faith in him. I got it all riding on what he say. I got it all riding on what she say. Na, Na, No, I hear you saying it. But I'm gonna keep my own on this situation because I hear you saying it. But I'm gonna take this faith of mine and instead of putting it in people, I'm gonna put it in God where it counts the most. Because his word is absolute. What he say he gonna do, he gonna do what he says. He's not gonna tolerate. He's not gonna tolerate. Now, you can make it, you can make it tolerable for yourself, but he's not gonna tolerate it. And that's just the end of the line. And so you know, I'm wondering how many people out there find themselves in a situation like me. Or maybe you've gotten yourself in a situation because you put your faith in some people and now you wound up in a different type of situation. Now, let me ask you, whetting people at the only one that I found when I was in my deepest trouble, when me and my wife were in our darkest situation, was God. It is the only one, was the only one who was just right there, right there, all the way through. Now, let me explain something to you. Because you have this relationship with God, it does not mean, it does not mean now that it won't get it won't still be a situation, you understand. But what He will do is protect you during that period. He'll cover you during that period that it is a situation. He will give you the strength to overcome the situation when it turns into a situation. Then when he cracks it open for you, and the sun is bright and shining. What he don't want you to do is when he gets sunny again, to forget about him, who was there when it was dark for you. See, I used to do that too, you know. I was Oh, man, I did it. I'm telling you right now, I did it. But I'm telling you man, when I learned a very serious lesson, and I watched some people I thought were friends of mine just sort of casually remove themselves from the situation. Then I said, okay. Me and Margie looked around. We said okay, it's just me, you and God, and we started conducting ourselves accordingly. So when it's sunny for us, we remember God. We stay prayerful, we keep talking to him. We thank him for the sunshine, we thank him for the dark days that he allowed us to do, who allowed us to survive it and turn it into sunny days. And we talked to him constantly to protect us of our future enemies. And that's what the deal is. So if I was everybody, I would stop putting your faith in people and put your trust in God where it really does count the most, it really really does. You're listening, ladies, and gentlemen, it's that time again. It's called morning. It's the time of the day that's great and the words of my mother when I used to walk out to the house to go to school every morning. Today is the day that the Lord has made. Boy, let us rejoice and be glad in it. They didn't quite understand that when I was growing up, but it started sinking in. I got it now, Mama. I am glad to be alive today. And however it goes, I know he's working on my behalf behind the scenes, and I expect nothing but great things to happen, even in the midst of turmoiland's trial. I am holding fast to his unchanging hands. Good morning, Shirley, Amen, Good morning, Yeah, I'm locked in load. What's self calling for? Red? Amen again? What's going on? Steve? Happened? And four complimenters. Morning of the youngest of the comedians on the show killed junior speech. Morning up. I appreciate that the oldest one on the show, for the legend, the one who helped nurturing me in my early days of comedy, taught me more things I knew about comedy to day than anybody. Ladies and gentlemen, Jay Anthony Brown, Thank you so much. Steve Harvey, that council's church with two am are gathered, hallelujah. And then the one that we're all trying to explain but somehow has managed to become the king of pranks. Nephew, Tommy, your size stupid is in the building. Thank you so much. So what's going on with this election? You all were having a discussion before it got started. What's happening? I was asking why Booker and Biden were arguing. Yeah, Well what happened was Joe Biden said something about segregation is back in the day, how he used to work with them and they got things done. Uh, And he's refusing to apologize for that because Booker and I think Kamala Harris took an issue with it that he even brought the segregationists into the conversation, the fact that they used to do something. So he's refusing to apologize as a matter of fact that yeah, I mean made it very clearly. Yeah, like their politics, he just worked wanting to get stuff done and that's it, and they wanted to apologize. He says, I'm not apologize. Yeah, And he also said I don't have a racist bone in my body. Joe Biden said that he said Booker should apologize. Uh, he knows better. Biden said, I do not have a racist bone in my body. So this is graz It was at a fundraiser on Tuesday night when when m Biden, you know what, I was just talking about him an apology. Yeah, that's what I just said, because yeah, he's saying, yeah, he's saying, you know, they're saying trying to say that he's a racist. Biden is like, that's not it anyway. You know what the Democrats are doing. This really pissing me off that the Republicans are not doing. The Democratic candidates are forming a circular firing squad and they put somebody in the middle and then they all open five they end up shooting each other. Yeah, this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. When you have a person that you could turn all this venom two, who is outwardly doing you thank you the Hope Hicks up to the Congress and got hunted not answer questions. Yes man, come on, yeah, all right, Steve, we gotta move on. Coming up at thirty two after the hour, we're gonna do your favorite segment asked Steve. That's coming up right after this. You're listening to show. All right, guys, time for asked Steve. This is Steve's favorite segment. We get to ask him questions and he gets to answer our only request. This is another question answer short, because you waste time. I'm with that. Why do you hate that so much? All right, Steve? He does? All right, Steve, here we go. What's the lames lamest excuse that you've given to get off the phone with someone? But you got a lot of those? Come on, Oh the lamest one of my one of my best ones is that the swimming pool is on fire, literally, women pool. Somebody spilt some oil and the women pools on fire. Grease fire throws people into it, does for real? You gotta gotta go. That's crazy, Steven. Right, lame hell? There's a rating hill? Oh god, yeah, yeah, yeah, tell me? Come on? How about this? How do you handle how do you handle people who won't stop talking? Oh? I know, despite playing a non verbal clue, I ain't got I just walk off. I just walk off, though, well do they notice? They're so busy talking? They don't even notice that. I'll do it while I'm looking at him. I give him one last blink that and then I turned and walk off like that. I've done that a bunch of time parties, all kinds of stuff. I walked right off. Stupid. My kids was in my office one day, just talking to me, asking me. Got him walked out on the backyard lit a cigar. Fuck it all? Come on, all right, other than a plunger, what is something that you need to buy a long before you need to use it? In insurance? What is it? Insurance? That's an insightful answer right there. Really, that's one of the most important things you can is all right? Right? Kay? Okay, you just saw a comedian and you this has happened to you. He or she was Hall Rubbo. Yeah, Hall. When I say haw, come on, you don't want to crush their dreams? Yeah? What what do you say to him or her? First of all, do not make direct outcome like no, So, first of all, do not make do Rick I contact Okay, let me. They come out stage and they're all excited. Hey Steve, what you think what you comedy? Yeah? How was that? What? Let me ask you something? What did you think? I thought it was great? I mean, did you see it. Well, yeah I saw it. I saw it, And let me explain something to you. Why do you think it was great? Well? I was out there. I made a connection with the people right there. Listen to me two things. You was out there, that's all you want. The connection you made was not the one you're looking for. We are here for last. You didn't get none. Well, where should I go from here? What should I do next? Back to your job? A lot of comedians, man, you got to pull up parting up. You need to reconsider this man, Say what you do? I think that happened a chance the rapper recently? Yeah, you need to do the stage. Yeah he tried to do a comedy night and he bombed no to say what chance do? Yeah? Yeah yeah, yeah yeah I didn't know ye all right too yeah all right, uh okay, Steve, this is a personal thing. Just want to know. How are you feeling, How are you doing? You had hernie hernia surgery about a week ago. What's the I'm pretty good man, I'm feeling better to get stronger day by day. Steal some irritation, you know. I got to watch how I moved. Can't do the real sudden. Oh but I went back to work to family feud for the first time the other day, and for the first time in five weeks, I worn't standing up paying for you. Okay, healing is working out. Yes, I'm not, but I'm fine and I will be fine. Yeah, you're on the men. That's good. That's good. That's as Kemia to Pi. Pick one that you want to have in a small body. Good. Next question, All right, Carlo, you got one? Yeah, yes see, sorry, here we go, great greatness. Right, today is the first day of summer, Steve, what is one of your favorite summer memories to the boat? Every year? The boat? And what's so great about the boats? It is, uh, the one place that I've found that our con vacation and really totally and completely recharge my spirit, my mind and my body. Uh. It's so relaxing. Oh and it's just me and my wife and it's my best friend and we talk and we and we work through a lot of things out there, and we talk about our kids and grandkids, and we sit around and I date her. I date her the entire time. I take my wife to dinner every night. That's nice. That is nice. Yeah, I love summer. What y'all going through a rich people. I mean they work on their marriage, that's what he's saying. But they got a great man. Where are they going? All right? Listen, Uh, if you want to ask Steve a question, go to Steve Harvey FM. Coming up next, it's the FH. You would run that prank back? Right after this you're listening to show Coming up at the top of the hour Entertainment News. Is Oprah thinking about bringing her talk showback? Maybe? Maybe? Also transgender woman of color Janet my has made history. But first the nephew is here? Would run that break back? What you got now, Shirley, we are going to run with comb and brush run it? Catch Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach list Yeah this hey listen. My name La Sean. Uh. Did you have a uncle had passed away named? Yeah? All right here your uncle? Right, yeah, that's my uncle. We were at him about three and a half months ago. Right. What reason why I was calling was I'm the person that actually cut your uncor hair when he passed away. Okay, so the reason why I was calling is, uh, the situation is when I cut his hair and I know you don't know the history about me, but my daddy and my granddad was bob Us. We all bob Us. Okay, get you come on, bro, get down because the bob because you try my my uncle man. And I'm trying to see what's going on forever, okay, And I'm trying to call you like this. But what I'm telling you is that my granddad and my daddy, they dare passed down a brush and a comb. To me, Okay, that is like a tenimental value. Okay. But for the for the last two to three months, I ain't been able to find the comb and the brush that I used what I had cut here now okay. And what I was trying to call and tell you, was it that I can't find it? What what I'm trying to see? What I'm gonna kid? How many kids school? So so what can I do? You find? Comb? Brother? Father? That's what I'm saying. When I did miss have and edged it up at the funeral home, that's the last time I remember having it, dude, three months so many right, right, it's about three months ago. What I'm trying to say is I left the comban brush and you know what, went to the funeral home and did his have Okay, And I talked to the funeral home and they told me that, you know, if I'm trying to find a comban bro I got to get permission. Is the coma brush? What's the color of the coma brush? That both from black? The comban black and you got all kind of combs that black and gold man. No, no, don't see. What I'm saying is the comban brush is black, and I know I lost it, but I'm almost certain about where it is. Okay, So if you're certain about where it is, why you called? That's the reason why I'm calling you because I'm almost certainly not left it with him. You're listening with my dead. So I called funeral. They told me I need to call you in order to get permission to get it. Oh cause you call funerals, get permission from me that you can go get the comban brush from left the funeral. You can go down there, say God, no, no, no, see the comban brush ain't with the funeral. The comban brush is in there with your uncle. The comb and brush is in the Can you talk about I mean the other stage? You got to say that again? What you say? What I'm trying to say to you is that the comb and brush is I'm trying to say, just say what I'm trying it. Man, The comb and brush is in the casket with your uncle. Since the lad is six feet we'll see. See. What I'm trying to say is that the comban brother is sentimental value to me, bro it couldn't have been too value. But if you lost it, what now what it was got value? You know my work? So I just really got caught up in my work. If you talk about teller left with my uncle that did three months ago. Man, what color is you talking about? Brod All. I'm trying to do what you would see if if you don't mind approven for them to brain the body up so I can get the comb and brush you know lost what's see about it? For comb? But but see But what I'm trying to explain it this sentimental value. I'm trying to get you out of the brain the body up so I can get my comb and brush out of it. Because, like I say, my dad and my granddaddy was bombed. This whole thing ain't your sentimental? Man, you're talking about my dead uncle, man, and you're talking about bringing him up out of the ground for comb, Man, I just got these to start crying around you, and I understand what y'all going through as as a family and stuff, and how you trying to go about doing this all. Throw it off on boy, because ain't nobody digging up, nobody to bring back no no brush man. Then you look. Got me tissed off now, man, because you're calling to me talking stupid man. You talk about put on my mom huncle man. That's man that's got giving a look now, I ain't trying to start nocause you talk about comb and brush man only. But I understand all that. But this is sentimental value, man in the middle of me. Man, just something that my people little sentimental relief. Okay, go to my favorite uncle. Man. Okay, you're talking about putting up this body. Man, I got pall, But hey, man, I don't want to give because my care and that long man. You shouldn't know how you got pretty man. If we don't get out like this here, man, I ain't ever seeing and argue with you to look, I got some tea. I got something. I mean when you staying, let me say this. I got some people that's here with me right now. You know some of my friends and we got some shovels so I can actually go over and and go on and get the caller. H and in the morning, ain't nobody gonna even know you ain't gonna go get now with the hard board to say what you don't get? You gonna dig a. We're going to get a coment. I got him sail with two. You're talking about going said the test called dig a my uncle Andy. Man, I'm trying to get my comb and brush back. I ain't trying to have no problems with you, but I want my comb and plush as you think you're talking to them. Man go wrong, groom going wrong, great boul warm on the safe cold they got him abouncles I didn't know. Ain't nobody this an't even about your uncle? This lord in that this you got lord to be holing in me hard? Anybody howling at you? Man, I'm telling you in I got a callment bush in your uncle kack it, And I want my busch. What you did want that you might with dig too? Say what the bush and you're gonna find right, don't hear the brown YEA told you you're trying to do. You're trying to dig a grateful man. Do you this bed, I've been trying to get these I stop crying, Ma may I didn't with his body. I didn't, baby boy, I understand what you're gonna do. I do, I do it. I told you I know why cray his head and I wanted like a come digging on somebody about it? Man over calling or bush? I got it. I just tried to call you like a man because I want to get the comen brush. And I didn't want to go without get your permission. Now, if I gotta go without getting your permission, we are always read. You don't know me. The CRD with Rea just card with reaf sent them miss the man just cry with me. You'll put you'll come. I want to say something else to you. You want, he said, Are you are you listening, dude? Coming from the Steve Harby Morning Show? You just not pranked by your boss? Right? Hello? By? Your boys got a brush of the cord? Who I think I needed that? Cry? Andy man? I gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? You know, like I've noticed morning? Did I get your all right? Coming up at the top of the hour thanking if you entertainment news. Right after this, you're listening to morning show. All right, Well, if you missed the Oprah Winfrey Show, you might be happy to hear that she's considering a reboot. Well yeah, yeah, that's big news. Right. While promoting the path, made clear Oprah teas the idea of returning. She said, I would love to make that happen, let me tell you, but maybe not every day. Oprah went on to say, for twenty five years, it was perfect. She said, the only time I missed it was during the election or when something really big happens in the news. I think, o gee, I wish I had a show. Um, but you know, I mean the fact that she's considering it once a week is almost good enough. She was absolutely the best that has ever ever done, the absolute best. Man. Yeah, and if she want to go back, she can go yeah. Yeah, once a week, twice a week, once a month. Yeah, we'll take yeah whatever, Yeah, we'll take it. Yeah, what will be there? No, I'm just saying we watched it in front of because she's not fitting high unit Jay crush that dream. Matter of fact, that's not a drink, that's not a possibility to take that off your vision boat she might no no, no, no, no, no, Oprain coming out there doing a little mona lage. No, she's not open door law. Your dream is. It's just user Oprain fit head you two food citizen Wenn. Yeah, and also in an entertainment new Janet Janet Mark, I should say, is making history. She just signed a three year, multi million dollars deal with Netflix that makes her the first transgender, transgender woman of color with a power to call her own shots at a major content company. Her deal allows her to serve as an executive producer and director Ryan Murphy's forthcoming Netflix series Hollywood. Janet released a statement saying, as someone who grew up in front of the TV screen, whether that was watching talk shows or family sitcoms or VHS films, I never thought that I would be embraced, she noted, And then she said, and more than embraced, given not just a seat at the table, but a table of my own making. So to you, Janet Mack, we say congratulations, we'll be for your show on Netflix because they definitely need content. I love that. Yeah, she might need writers out whatever, je Janet callers me and Junior. She's the boss. The opening monolog crew. She's the boss and the director. So hey, shoot your shot, right, we're not just regular writers, we're Ammy now. Dominated just want to put that out there. That's for life though. Yeah, that's on your resume. Yeah that's big. Yeah. Come on. There are people that work in TV and movies and everything all their lives, all their careers and never get any awards, Amy winners and Emmy nominated in this room, right here in this room. Yeah, what are you? Yeah, he got the Immies, like shaking bake. We helped. Yeah, nothing to say about that, Steve. Yeah, they did help. Yeah. Boy, it was fun working every day was Yeah. Steve talked to us crazy everything. He didn't miss the day like you don't do you know that charges him? Yeah. You know what I liked the best and didn't like it was the Walk the Wally, the Walk of Shane. Oh oh well, time for headline, Steve. Let's go, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Ann Trump asan good morning everybody out there on this Friday. This is andreputs in news these Trump administrations claiming that the Iranian shot down an unmanned US Navy drone yesterday over the Straits of Hormuz. The Pentagon says the surveillance drone was gathering information over international waters. President Trump calls US downding a big, big mistake. However, the Persians say they were picking up pieces of the thing only ten miles off their coast and that it was not as far away as the White House claims. And now we hear from the New York Times that President Trump approved military strikes against Iran last night in retaliation for the shooting down of that surveillance drone, but he reportedly changed his mind at the last minute. Trump, they say, initially okay to attacks on a number of Iranian targets, including radar and missile batteries, and then decided against it. Meanwhile, the FAA has issued of emergency order banning American operators from flying over parts of Iran Irani in controlled airspace. That's just in from the New York Times. The FBI reportedly looking into what may be going on in the Dominican Republic, where several American tourists have died in a mysterious circumstances since January. Right now, the FEDS are analyzing alcohol samples from the Hotel Mini Bar at the Bohea principal resort to see if there's anything out of the ordinary. The Post reporting that the Ministry of Health down there has collected blood samples from those who died. Meanwhile, there has been no mention, any mention about an investigation to how an African American couple from New York Upstate New York lasting headed for the airport ended up dead, the man floating face down in the water and the woman unconscious on the side of the road, and she later died. Nobody's mentioning that case. Well, he's back. Alabama Republican Roy Moore says he's making a second run for the US Senate. Last time around, you may remember the twice ousted Alabama Chief Justice, who was married, was accused of improper sexual misconduct for allegedly running after high school girls for sex. He was defeated by a Democrat, Doug Jones. Republican Party officials discouraging his candidacy. So as President Trump, but more still very sure of himselves going against President Trump at all. I'll support President Trump. I'll vote for President Trump whether he votes for me or not. We'll see. Can I win? Yes, I can win. Not only can I they know. I can't he's talking about the local GOP big because I guess we'll see. Seventy two Philadelphia police officers placed on administrative duty because of the social media posts they've made. Authority say. Many of the cops commented say that they call for violence against Muslims and protesters, and black people and immigrants, those accused of crimes. They say. Some posts even celebrate a police brutality and violence against women. Seventy two Philadelphia cops and finally, everybody, it's summer, summertime, summer time, summime. That's right, summer today. Now back to the Steve Harvey Mourning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Mourning Show. Well, in the wake of LaVar balls. In a appriate comment directed at ESPN's Molly cureum Rose, Molly cureum Rose, he's been temporarily banned from all ESPN platforms. What did what did he say? Take a listen, take a little ahead, go ahead before I give back to him? Well, var can I switch gears with you? Because I have a question here anytime, let's get there. You asked for it, Steve, That's what he said. Smithson, Oh lord, yeah, so ESPN released a statement there will be no LaVar ball on any ESPN platforms heading forward. Um, so that's it. Put one time too many. Yeah, one ball has messed it up for three balls. I'm tid to tell you that right now. Yeah, ignorant, it's your ball. Yeah. And people, you know, they condemned him for that remark. They were upset. He said afterward that he wasn't trying to say anything inappropriate to Molly. She said she thinks her husband, Jalen, though, would like levard to apologize publicly to her. Yeah, you think that's gonna happen, Steve Well, Jayalen is my boy. Oh were good, And I wouldn't make the apology myself personally. I would make it just to make sure there was no misunderstanding, because look, even if he didn't mean it that way, and I could understand how he could say that, you know, because he's just talking fast. You can switch gears with me anytime. I mean, you know, now, if he looked at it up and down, you know how you get that up and down? Look, then I got I got what that could have meant. But the fact that it was misunderstood that way, he should have say, hey, look, I mean, I think he's saying I'm not apologizing, but I'd apologize publicly just to stay straight with another man and his wife because I don't want abody doing it to mind and feeling some kind of way. I would apologize just to even it, you know. Yeah. And they said he said some things inappropriate in the past, women right to women's Uh huh. So that's why ESPN took the stand that they did, and Molly says she felt it was inappropriate as well. And that's what it is. That's it. That's that's that's it. In a nutshell. Yeah, if she perceived it any kind of way, then we have a problem part yeah, in this climate today or outside of this climate. Even before the Me Too movement, Man, my wife made me understand something real clear, like, you know, we'll be discussing something and she would get her feeling to you, that's a baby. I ain't mean that, she says, Steve. The fact that you didn't mean nothing, didn't mean it the way I took it hurt my feeling. And I guess what I got to do. I got to fix this. From my college. Yes, yeah, the fact that I don't even see what she talking about. That ain't got nothing to do with it. Parton the fact that I watched her shut down. It's the part I got to not deal with, and as her husband, I got to fix that. That's right, all right. Coming up at thirty four after the hour, here's a question should the US pay reparations for slavery? Right after this, you're listening to the morning show, there is a fiery debate and it has erupted at the first congressional hearing in a decade to explore whether the descendants of US slaves should be compensated. Actor Danny Glover told the panel that reparations would cure the damages inflicted by enslavement and forced racial exclusionary policies. Economists Julianne Malveaux wants Congress to address structural inequalities affecting black Americans. She said, when zip codes, when zip codes determine what kind of schools you go to and what kind of food you eat, these are the vestiges of enslavement that a lot of people don't want to deal with. I mean, they're voicing their opinions. This is what they're saying about. Why the reasons we should get reparations. There's an author kind of heath see Coats. He argued that compensation was due not just for the historic injustice of slavery, but for the discrimination and depredation official and unwritten the community has been subjected to in the time after emancipation. So the question is, yeah, that's beautiful. Yeah it was. So should the US pay reparations for slavery? Yeah yeah, not according to Mitch McConnell, but he voted for the African American president. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, So it's um, it's uh see, here's the thing. In order for this to even possibly possibly a remotely catch wheels, people of color and people of non color who are on board with this have to organize and get a unified, voted upon constituency of people who deal with just the facts and who are put in the front to argue the point. See, what happened with Black Lives Matter is you had too many people speaking and then right in the middle of the Black Lives Matter you movement, one person bought up reparations. Now, look, if we're going to do this, we're going to have to get a solidified group of people who are going to make a movement to put this before Congress, to put this before the Senate, to make it an actual bill where it has some grounds and validity with the designated points and a plan to carry it out. That's the only way this works. You cannot have one million people screaming different reasons for reparations. We've got to come together and decide who will be the unit to represent this cause. Who are the lawyers that are going to formulate this for us, Who's gonna take it before the Congress in the Senate? Which congressman or senators can we get backing from to present this in the way Because you are talking about a huge sum of money, you're talking about something that has to have validity to prove, like that gentleman who said the constitutional part of it, then you got to have the people that can prove the barren landscape that the hoods were created. You've got to prove that the Willie Lynch letter is really still in effect. You've got to prove the economic disaster even though it's out there. Everybody knows that we are because of our zip code, we are educated differently. Everybody knows it, but the people or in power don't give a damn matter of fact, they help create the policy to keep these things in place because they know if they can control your income, they can control your actions. You're right, Steve, That's one thing too about Elizabeth Warren. Isn't she the one that's talking mostly about reparations in her campaign platform for twenty twenty. But see, I'm careful about people who are just doing it for because all they're trying to do is get black votes. Right now, this ain't new, So don't come because it's an election year and start talking about reparations for black people. And you never gave a damn bottom until you started running. But I definitely like what you're saying about. It should be an organized effort to get it done. It has to be the only way. It can't be your screaming for it right right, All right, Steve Harvey Nation, we want to hear from you about reparations. Go to Steve Harvey FM and comment. Now. Up next, we're going to switch gears here because the nephews in the building with today's praying phone calls coming up right right. You're listening Morning show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after the hour it's my strawberry letter for today's subject, Maybe I should hang out with my ex two. But right now, oh yeah, yeah, right now, the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got for us, nep You know what, Sirlett, I think I've come up with an incredible I'm actually just brilliant. I'm a genius. To listen to me, you stop saying that. Stop saying that. No, no, it incredibility and genius. She's two different things. You're not. The man is a genius. You're my genius. Because all you gotta do is listen to who telling you the man is a genius? Dannis genius. Genius can't tell you here, genius, No, no, anybody that got to tell you who they are and what they do, it probably ain't. Okay, okay, okay. So when you he it is, I want you to just let me know what you think afterwards. That's right here. I come up with this. This is a four three relationship. Bold days with your wife and then the other three days your wife is with me. Four and three head is four three relationship. Come on, cat, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach my reaes. Yeah, this him? Hey, my reach. My My name is Devin Man. How are you doing this? Even a brother? Oh man, I'm kind of sleeping man working? Nice? Bro? What's going on? Who is this game? This is Devin Man. I talked to your wife, Kesha the other day. That's that's your wife, right, Yeah, that's my wife. Yeah, I talked to you. Why she in right now? No? She an't it work? Bro? Okay, okay, I apologize. I ain't me to wake you up. You work at night or something? Yeah, I'm a crane opera at night, bro, North. People don't call me. That's three o'clock. You know what's this? What is? What is a big collect or something? No? No, no, no, no, no, no no no. I talked to your wife, man, she's interested in this. Think we got man called a four three relationship. She told me she wanted me to call back and talked to her husband about it, and she gave me the number to hit you up at the house, man and let you know all about the four to three relationship because she's really interested in it. For three relationship. You say you talked to my wife about it? Yeah, I talked to Keisha a couple of days ago. She gave me the number, she said, called him back. He'll be at home at this time. You can hit him up and see if he likes she said. But she definitely likes it, man, And she wanted to see if you would be interested in the four three relationship too. You know, I want to get your approval on it before we went in it further. But your wife was very excited about it, man. She was wanted to get started as soon as possible. And I wanted to see about contacting you and making sure that you agreed and approved on everything. But she definitely wanted to get your blessing and get your approval on it. Yeah. I'll try to do anything to make her happy, though, but I got to get some moment some information about this. What is said again for three? No, No, it's a four three four three relationship, is what it is. I'm willing to listen. Okay, well listen, man. We're probably gonna get started right away, probably Monday. We'll get started on Monday. Uh, you'll go through Monday through Thursday and then uh, and then I'll pick up you know, Friday through Sunday, man, and we'll go ahead and get this thing start. I think after a month. You're pretty much catch on everything. You know, there's something gonna be shipped to the house. Uh pick up. She hadn't have mentioned any of this to you, nothing's to me, okay, all right? Well what this is man? A four three relationship, Maurice? Is this? You know, you spend four days with Keisha and she comes over to my place and she spend the other three days with me. That's what a four to three relationship. So see this kind of frees you up man on anything you might want to do on those other three days. Man, where she might be tying you down. You know, so four them days, you know you would her, but the other three days you kind of have some free time to yourself. But she'll be over with my so on the other three days. That's what that's what Basically a four three relationship is part of me? So I say what? Noow, I say part of me? You say, she will spend four days with me, three days with you. That's that's it, sir, That's the four three relationship right there. Maurice. You know you're you're really gonna like this man, Like I say, she was excited about it. Hold are you serious? Uh? Yeah, I'm there serious, man, like I said, Keisha was excited about holo holo name. I know wife ain't discuss you about relationship spending four days with me? Three days? Was he? Man? So you're talking about my wife? No? Yeah, I know she Hold up? What name again? My name's Devin, Devin, say bro, I don't play James man. I don't know how I got my number. What's I mean, Maurice? What's wrong? I mean a lot of couples are doing what's wrong? That's my wife? What you're talking to? You ain't talking to no plot? What's about you're talking to Doue? Okay, Well listen, man, A lot of was are doing the four three? Man? Give what other couples is doing the hard But my wife and me ain't interested in no over three relationship. I can't be I can't believe you walk for this man. Oh you're saying you're calling me talking about all three relationships? If I told you I work in night, why I didn't know you worked that night? Man? Like I said, See when I came over last week, man, hold on on on, you came over well last week. I know you ain't feeling seen without thank you for the thing. You bet, I said, you bet. I said, go ahead, go ahead, say it, go ahead, go ahead, player, you've been talking. Don't stop now, go ahead, Maurice Holder, do just getting you know I'm a player. I'm up now. Don't want to said? Go ahead? All I'm saying. I came by there last week many by, Wow, I came by your house? You come by my house? Okay? Are you at eighteen four brill get by being here for the last here years? Oh? So give me here about your health? Okay, because because she said, okay, she said I did call she should right now? Because this first man, first of all, you the walk, he's gon tavern. You've been in my house? Okay, play okay, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. Okay. If you're not interested in the four three man, then I won't. I won't be wasting them one more tie? You really? Are you wait? Time calling me with my little wife. Don't tell you about she want to go three? And she never told me nothing about pleas you got the wrong home ball and nothing wrong my relationship? Okay, okay, So why would she tell me she interested in the four three man? Give up what she told you? I know I take care of my dead room. All right, three I wish she Willie is three days. I wish she would anyway. I know you how you know it? I don't know you're for manic. I don't mind taking off one tonight to sell what going on my house when my cleaning night, working off night. Now I'm gonna ask you again, how do you know us? Man? I know y'all through Tommy Man. Who is Tommy? Tommy Who Tommy Man, Maurice, nephew Tommy. This is nephew Tommy Man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Dog Your white Keisha got me to break phone call you man. You're talking about the Steve Harby Show. Yo, Man, if you tom the little ball a head mister Steve Man, I know y'all ain't with me, Man, I know with me today? Man it spaid next you tell him now why you watch Steve? Need to be over here. Just slept got your ball, you little fall head. But you ain't got nothing that's throuper man. You know I got to go to fort to see the ship. You got to go to work. You work at night? Man? All right, all right, Marie, I'm gonna go back and sleep. Man, But one more thing, though, tell me this man, what is the what's the baddest that, I mean, the bad that's been cute? You? I wish I was there you. Hey, man, what's the baddest radio show in the land? Man, Steven Harvey Marty Show. No that I don't have geniusly done this thing. Somebody tell me come on that listen to the You so damn stupid to even think that you were, because that's and that black what he hadn't fully accepted. Come on, Baby Team, Tommy Team Luke Kemi up in here, Baby team. That's that hey, hey, partner, that's that Chimo talking. You almost lost it as the Kabo talk. We're on the radio. Baby, We're on the radio. I'm sorry it is early. Yeah, all right, thank you, nephew. We think up next is today Strawberry Letters. Subject. Maybe I should hang out with my X two. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to show Time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. Surely I just want to clear something up. What is that? You know? For people that think I'm hard on Jay Anthony Brown? Uh huh, Jay, you want to tell them the phone call? Or do I have to tell them the phone call I got before I went into surgery? What's phone call? I tried to find a call say all this, but I couldn't go ahead and tell him. I just he gonna called me before I go into surgery. I'm thinking something wrong with my dude. He called me and say, man, you are you going your way to surgery? Yeah? Go in this morning, man, show hope your punkert ass don't die. That's how lou do it. That's one time dog. Hey, man, you're about to go into surgeon. Yeah, man, I'm thinking, you know, you know Jay got leukemia. You know something wrong? So I called my dude right back. He said, you're about to go into surgery. I said yeah. He said, show hope your punkert ass don't die. Now that's the love right there, so long, and that's how we talked to one another. Yeah, man, I said, well, I'm gonna try not to man, praying for you that after Yeah. No, here's the sad part when he called me when he got out of the sad. Yeah, I said, ja man, I said, Jay, I'm good. No, he didn't know it, Steve. Yeah, that's how we've been doing each other. So people in here, it's all it's calling in time. Why are you so hard on him talking about that's that keemo talking and all that, all that, but you guys make each other laugh and you know, yeah, that's what it's about. Yeah, brother, yea baby, baby Listen, you can't get mad at Jay about this? Why would he? Because that's how we do each other. I say it, don't wear about it. You know, I'm trying to be going a long Why would you say that you're free and is sick? You should be praying for him, I am. But they ain't got nothing to do with it. You guys go hard. But that's that's the love between. That's it's love love. Yeah, all right, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one today right now. Let's go, Nephew buck alcohold on tight, we got it for you. It is the Straw Mary Letter. Okay subject, Maybe I should hang out with my ex too, Dear Stephen Shirley, I married my wife and I have a five year old daughter. I'm married and my wife and I have a five year old daughter. My wife's relationship with her ex boyfriend is not normal, and I seem to be the only one that has a problem with it. Over the weekend, my wife took our child to a birthday party at her ex boyfriend's home. Her ex boyfriend and his wife invited my wife and my daughter and they went. This bothered me because I've spoken with my wife a few times about her close relationship with her ex. She doesn't see it as a problem because the guy is married and has his own family. It doesn't help that the ex is the cousin of her best friend, so they are always hanging out together. I'm not insecure, and I don't believe she's attracted to him, but I never trust the man in this situation. I don't know why she has to talk to him at all. I could see if they shared a child together or they had business ties, but they don't. I find it to be very disrespectful, and ladies, you know, if the shoe was on the other foot, you would lose your mind. We've been married for five years and this is the only problem we've had so far. Whenever I bring it up, it creates a lot of tension and she tells me that I'm overreacting and I need to learn to deal with it. She would not be able to deal with it if I went a happy hour with my X a few times a month, with my X a few times a month. So how should I handle this? I want to speak with the man, but I really don't want to look insecure or soft. Am I putting too much weight on this? I say absolutely not, because how you feel about the situation is how you feel about a situation, and they're valid. And this is a problem because you're right. If the shoe was on the other foot, meaning ladies, if he kept a close relationship with his ex, this would be a disaster, it would You're absolutely right about that. I think your wife should consider your feelings in this situation. I think you know, when you're this close it can bring problems. You could you know, you never know what can happen when you're this close in a relationship, and if it bothers you, Why isn't your marriage more important than her relationship with this X. I don't get it. I think you're right. You know, if you start, and you know how men are. You said it. You don't trust the man in this relationship, so you do trust your wife. So you know, I don't suggest necessarily that you go out with your X because that can create a whole another set of problems in your marriage. I just think you should just try and deal with your wife, really, let her know what it looks like, how you feel, what's what's going to happen, how what could happen, and then deal with it that way and maybe she'll come around. Steve, No, it's easy for me right here. Pardon the first of all, let's just get this out the way. Your wife's relationship with her ex boyfriend, it's not normal. You said that, and you seem to be the only problem with it. And over the weekend, your wife took your child to a birthday party at her ex boyfriend's home. Now her ex boyfriend and his current wife invited my wife and my daughter, and they went, they ain't invite you, they can't invite you. They invited her and the baby, and then she went. This bothered me because I spoke to my wife a few times by her closeness with her ex. She don't see it as a problem because this guy married, got his own family. What is she still dealing with him for this? Your ex boyfriend? Y'all, ain't got no child together. Ain't like it was day child? This your child? Why is she all up in this dude's face on any damn level? And they always hang out together? What all right, Steve, hold that, hold that all that you have right there, Hold all of that. We're gonna get into part two. Yeah, all the bigger, get into a part two of your response. Coming up at twenty three after the hour. Subject of today's Strawberry letter, Maybe I should hang out with my ex two? You're listening, all right? Come on, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry letter. Subject maybe I should hang out with my ex two. I don't understand this letter. I really really don't from the hunt because, yeah, this don't even have to be a problem. This man has a wife and a baby with this five year old daughter with this woman sher relationship with her ex boyfriend him is a problem. They're married now, her and her ex boyfriend still have relationship, and over the weekend, his wife took their child to a birthday party at the ex boyfriend's house. Her ex boyfriend is now married, and they invited my wife and my daughter and they went, they invite, ain't you partner? See I'm worried about this part right here. Why ain't get the invitation? You won't everybody married? Well this bothered me because he spoken to his wife a few times. By the closeness to her ex. She don't see it as a problem because the guy's married and got his own family. Well what you over that photo? Why you still got to have a relationship with him? I know y'all slept together. It don't ever leave a dude's mind. She doesn't see it as a problem because he's mad, So they're always hanging out together too. Now, I'm not insecure, and I don't believe she's attracted hill Man, stop, man stop. You are insecure. That's what this whole damn letter is about. You are insecure. Ain't nothing wrong with that partner, But you can put a stop to this, hiroo. And I don't believe she's attracted to him. She was, okay, she was, and he was acted to her. Now, if he was attracted to her, I can tell you right now he still is because he or man and you refer to that end the letter, you say, and I don't believe she's attracted him. But I never trust a man in this situation because you know getting here, well, once we was attracted to you, where that goal? What you do with that? Because you got married. Man told me, when you get married, the only difference of the next day after you get married as appearance of your left hand. Third day, everything you liked before you got married, you're gonna like the same damn thing the day after you married. So now he liked her once he liked her. Now you can't tell me she don't walk in there and this dude they send it. Man, I slept with oover there. Oh, you can't tell me that. That's a crazy situation. And she said, I don't know why she talked to him at all because you let her. I could see if they shared a child together or they had business ties, but they don't. I find it very disrespectful. And here's the kicker, and ladies, you know if the shoe was on the other foot that you would lose your rabbit. Mind. You already know that married for five years and this is the only problem we've had now whenever I bring it up and create a lot of tension. And she tells me, I'm overreacting and I need to learn how to deal with it. iFIT to learn how to deal with a damn thing. I promise your sister, I'm not fitting to learn how to deal with a damn thing. Who you're talking to? I gotta I got. I'm overreacting and and the screening tension in our marriage because you keep bringing your ex into our home a man prob Let me explain something new. If you went to your happy hour with your ex wife a few times a month, she'd have a hearted yes. So how should I handle this? I want to speak to the man. First of all, don't say nothing to that man. Your man didn't take the vials. Your wife did to leave all others and cleave only unto you. But she want to hang on. Look you know what I'll tell you. My wife dog, she was playing something like this from me. Take your hands down there one more time, and when you come home, see if he'll make all these payments up in here happy out there? You know you know what. Let's let's let's see if he's gonna pay for all the day on vacation. Call him close down there, and in receipts and stuff. See if he went in the chippy end on this right here. Take all these bills down there and see what's one of these he gonna pay, because he gonna have to pay all of them. Because I'm through. You're not gonna disrespect me with your ex and expect me to sit here and take it because you want me to be all right with it, whether hell, I ain't sitting up in here talking to me like I'm crazy. I got to learn how to deal with I'm not dealing with a damn thing. I'm not dealing with your ex in my life. I'm not dealing with my wife's sitting up in happy I with no the man. You want to go to happy hour with him, call your hands down there, but you will not do it as my wife, no more than I can go do it as your husband. Man. I can't go in here and tell it's crazy woman, I'm married. Tough to go to happy hour a few times a month with some EXI guy, what what you got to be kidding? Me? And for all y'all out there, I'm a woman ought to be able to have friends. You can have all the friends you won't you just can't have all them friends and a husband. See, you're gonna get all the damn budd as you want. A matter of fact, you ain't gotta miss no more happy hour. They ain't got miss nade. A matter of fact, you up it jealous. A few times a month, you can call your ass down that day, the happy hour, every day, happy the whole damn hour. I don't know what you're gonna do about the mother twenty three, So enjoy yourself as that damn happy hour. I wish you would be sitting up here talking to Steve Harvey that you fen to do this here. I'm gonna love. I'm not dealing with a damn thing. And that stopped today. Now call this podcast one more time, call his podcast one more time. He's sitting up here talking about you. What are you gonna be X? I leave in a hobby. I got two h wif you think I won't really see where? All right? Listen, we gotta get out of here. You can email us or instagram us your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM. Or you can check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour, it's National take your Dog to Work Day an Ugly Dog Day. So, um, we got to talk to Jay about if he has any dogs in his dog stories. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, so today is the first day of summer and take your Dog to Work Day and Ugliest Dog Day. So Carla and Steve have dogs, so does Tommy Junior doesn't have a dog. A dog? Nahum? But Jay, where where are you with this? With these dogs need to be at home or any yard. I'm not that's just me. I know people. I know they're emotional dogs. I can let these dogs survous dogs. But first of all, you work in a place it ends up being too many damn dogs. That's what happened one dog. But then it's like dogs every damn well. You know that, that's what happened. You know you're okay? The National Dog Day night. Now everybody got it. You got dogs bringing dogs, so dogs every damn well. So we need to nip this in the bud. Keep your damn dog home, keep your dog home, don't bring your dog to work. I mean I go on to you like you leave, I'm gonna go to the office and you're not in there, the dogs sitting in there, and I'm like, I'm like, I'm coming to talk to you, the damn dog and then where the dogs don't know where the head is. I'm just just me. I'm gonna I just don't hate dogs. I would never can't do it, doll, I would. I would never do that. I would never tease a dog. It just just it's too minute. Damn dogs. That is a funny visual though. You go in and talk to your I love to do I love this is my favorite thing to do. What I love to go down to the when it sell dogs? That are you doing? You want to be adopted? Who with me? Well? Guess what you ain't going? That's your favorite thing? Hey? That scooters? When you let me go say I know, I know, I know, I know. Guess what you ain't going? Day? How is that right? On any level? Though? You crack it up over there, you're through, I'm a brain fancy. Yeah, if you could you have a dog jay and walk the dog, you know, and seed it and all of that, you wouldn't do that. You didn't have to take it to work, but just take care of it. Dogs are part of the family Jay, not this family. All right, I guess we know where Jay stands on dogs. Coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna talk about the first day of summer. Then the fact that today is the longest day of the gear. We'll do that right after this. You're listening to first day of summer. Guys, Happy summer, everyone, Happy summer. Longest day, the day to first day. Yeah, yeah, longest day, longest day, the longest day. It's the longest day. Food. It's just the longest day. What you mean, longest day? Yeah? Just what is safe daylight? He is a genius. It ain't twenty four hour days. It's twenty five hours. It's the longest daylight day day boy, day from sunrise to sunt said, dash your day. It ain't talking about your night. You know what I'm in an hour, sees him. It could be twenty five hours. How about that, it's twenty six right there. Hey, stupid, Hey, hey, listen to the dumb and dumber. Listen to me. Yeah, yeah, listen to me, both of y'all. I'm tired of both of y'all. Listen to me. This does not require discussion. No other radio stations having this comes. Ain't nobody just saying the debate? Why ain't you damn bist because you ain't got nothing to do with it. It's just what it is. It's longest. Damn it's thirty seven hours that how about that? Damn it? Okay, cool, Listen to me. Listen to me. Listen to me. It doesn't matter. I don't know why listen to me. Listen to me. It doesn't matter what the tour You say, to day is the longest day. How do you know that? Because because that's what they said, you ain't all you can do. All you gotta do is to mention to day. If you look at today with the time sunrise came up and when it's gonna set due to the time of the clock, it'll tell you right now that today, according to the axis that the Earth spins on the rotates around the Sun, that today is the longest day that scientifically proven. And your stupid ass is not a scientific You don't even really know. You don't even really know if it's if it goes around the sun. You're just taking that nobody nobody has measured the whole day. I tell you, I'll tell you what. Hey, let me tell you, my son, you can't measure time foods, So let's stop talking about it because it's not innate objects. It's not innate objects. Secondly, if this earth ain't rotating around, that sun's getting your ass is gonna dad, that's where we are with this are if we ain't sitting on this because y'all too stupid, ass, I know, I just need to know what the extra part of day? What do we do with that? Because now, don't take your extra day down there to chemo. That's what we're gonna get, the whole extra couple of hours of day. And I need to know because I wasn't prepared for, right, what do we do with these day? It's the day that the Lord has made. Let us joice, rejoice, just rejoice and be glad in it. This is the reason I don't like talking to foods, just the reason, right. No, the problem is you don't know what you do with this extra day. I'm not having a problem with the extra day I'm enjoying. So is the radio show longer? Yo? Yo? Let me sh up doing it and starting to feel like it's to you right now? Yes is to me? Yes? Because we're talking to these two foods, way too long. Team Tommy is exhausting us draining. This is but we can talk about this another day. About at the end of the day, guys, Oh my goodness. All right, listen, coming out more music, more ignorance of the stupid show. At twenty minutes after the hour, right after this, what's the longest day? You're listening to Steve Morning Show? All right, so, junior, you have some sports news for us up. The NBA is over. Oh yeah, but guess what we still got some more basketball time. I forgot Steve. Big Three start this weekend. Oh nice, due start season three, Big Big Three starting off this weekend. Indeed, we got something to watch. Yeah. At NBA players on the court putting out the real basketball. They punch, they fight in this love this game right here? Oh hard here this ain't this? Ain't that soft basketball? Then it really is a great league. It really, it's really really good basketball to watch. Three on three is really really it's Cats out tim Atlanta. They're gonna be in Brooklyn this season. Man, you have to really respect the NBA league because have you ever stood next to NBA players? Yeah, yeah, really really exceptionally tall and if you think you for the Jets go score like you wan't too. It's probably not gonna happen. Now. Kobe don't look the same on TV as he do in person. Kobe looks he's he's a timid day. Even the ones you think short, yeah, like once you see him like, whoa, yeah, there's very well time you probably need to conversation. We don't have to, just al right. Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty three after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, guys, time for ask Steve. This is Steve's favorite segment. We get to ask him questions and he gets to answer our only request. This is another question. Answer short, because you waste time with dad? Why do you hate that so much? All right? Steve does? He does? All right, Steve, here we go. What's the lame, lamest excuse that you've given to get off the phone with someone? But you A lot of those come on? Oh the lames. One of my one of my best ones is that the swimming pool is on fire, literally women pool. Somebody spilt some oil and the women pool is on fire. Grease fire that throws people into something it does for real, You gotta gotta go. That's crazy, Steve lame hell there's a rat in here. Oh god, yeah, yeah yeah. Tell me, Come on, how about this? How do you have the people who won't stop talking? You know, despite plenty of non verbal clue, I ain't gonna pro I just walk off. I just walk off to them. Well do they notice? They're so busy talking they don't even notice. I'll do it. While I'm looking at him, I give him one last blink like that, and then I turned and walk off. I've done that a bunch of time parties, all kinds of stuff. I walked right off. Here's stupid. My kids was in my office one day just talking to me, asking me because I just got him walked out on in the backyard a little cig off, fuck it off? Come on, all right? Other than a plunger, what is something that you need to buy a long before you need to use it? Yce, that's an insightful answer, right there. Really, that's one of the most important things you can all right, all right, coming up our last break of the day of the week, and some closing remarks from the one in them Lea Steve Harvey right after this at forty nine after the hour you're listening to Steven Show. All right, Steve, here we are, last break of the day. It's been a good Friday, a fun Friday, the longest day of the year, first day of summer. Enjoy your summer if we ever get one. Right. Hey, Um, Steve, Yeah, I got a text from our affiliate whu R in DC saying that, Yeah, saying for me to let you know that DC News was all a buzz about your closing remarks when you talked about Juneteenth and reparations and all that. They said. They included in soundbites in their news and local TV just you know, wanted to let you know that. Let's let's play the closing remark, you know, Um, the Mitch McConnell remark about how he don't see how African Americans should receive any reparation rations, and the reasons he gave were because none of us that are living today was responsible for that back then. That's an interesting statement to make. You know. They have very selective memory when it comes to doing what's right, and they will they will remember what they want to remember to stay right. First of all, he said we've done everything to erase or write our original sin of slavery, he said, we So what he used was, first of all, the Civil War. I'm not a historian, but I was always taught that the reason we had the Civil War was because the group of Southern states decided that they want to keep slavery, and they didn't care the fact that Abraham Lincoln was up there talking my friend them. They weren't having it. They weren't going with this conversation. So we're gonna have civil war. They don't care about nobody up there talking about No, we gonna let them go. The next thing he said that they did was to help with slavery was civil rights. Civil rights were not given to us. Civil rights was marched for, boycotted, four walked for, set in for, rand for died for. What I remember of civil rights trying to get them was watching bull Connor sickt them German shepherds on all them innocent people and holds them down with fire hoses. That's what I remember a lot about civil rights, how we had to fight to be considered equal by so many who didn't want us to be. Then his last example of making a right for slavery was to read, we elected an African American president. Well we didn't. A lot of people did, but it wasn't you, Mitch McConnell. So stop saying we like you've been on board with civil rights in the Civil War, on the right side of right for us whole time, because you really, I really don't think you have. I don't think you understand. And then he said that he doesn't see how those of us who were not here back then, those couple hundred years ago shit even can be held responsible for that. And he doesn't see how we would even know where to start giving out the money to who. Well, let me help you understand something. You say that you don't want to be responsible for something that happened I think he said a hundred and fifty years ago. And he said he didn't want to be responsible for that because we weren't there then. Well, you weren't there when they wrote this constitution that you love to throw up in everybody's face. You weren't there then and old, but I have some vivid remembers the memories of that too. Remember when women weren't avowed allowed to vote. You know, there was your fault fathers had to put that into constitution. Do you remember when your forefathers, Mitch McConnell put in the constitution that African Americans were three fifths of a human being? Remember when that was put in there. I had to change that, didn't you? Oh? I forgot. But that whole time you was fighting to make amends for slavery yet instill everything I knew, and they power that they was doing was trying to reinvent slavery to make it come in another form. Or you successfully did that. You made ghettos, and you made ghettos become farm systems for prisons, and you found a way to incarcerate us, which was to enslave us. And then you created unjust laws that incarcerated people of color and women of color at a higher rate than people of non color. You selected certain poor crimes like rock crack cocaine, and you made it more time than you could if you bought the more expensive drug, which was white powder. So you got less time for having white powder than you did for having the poor drug. But you needed to pour drug into the communities because you needed to farm system to flourish the prison systems. Oh excuse me, this is the same country that's trying to make right for slavery. Now, there are a lot of great non African American people who have done some amazing things against the fight for slavery. Because we didn't end slavery all by ourselves. We didn't. Slavery didn't end simply because black people got tired of being slaves, were tired. Today we got off the boat. I can assure you that was the case. So what has happened over a course of time is there have been some lot of great non blacks who have aided in the assistant Quakers and freedom houses along the way in the underground railroad, and safe houses and places they could stop and rest and get water and be hidden from I got that. But we ain't talking about them people. We're talking about the elected officials that keep passing the votings rights law that y'all keep have to vote and find out if we should be allowed to vote again or not. That's that's that's the America. I know. I won't be sitting around me personally waiting on your reparations because I don't think you're gonna allow that to happen. Because quietly speaking, I think Mitch McConnell said what a lot of people really feel, and that's why. Ain't nobody got mad at him yet? Accept us. That's it for today. My clothing remark drop it. Y'all have a great weekend, then let's go do that for all, Steve. Every contest purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.