Oprah and The Golden Globes - 01.08.18

Published Jan 9, 2018, 2:36 PM

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Who y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving the more, just like the mosen buck bus things and it's coble y'all. Do me true good to the hut guy listening to me to other for Stobart moby w don't you join yeah by joining me have the same bad do turn on love go? Yeah, you gotta turn to turn turn lovey got to turn out to turn water go, come b come on your back at it. I good minded. Everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, I got a radio show, you know. I eventually wanted to syndicate after I was given the opportunity, But the whole thing about the radio show in the beginning was not my idea. My idea simply was, I asked God to make me one of the premier stand ups in the country. That's all I wanted from me. I asked him that in That's that's all I asked him for. He's done so much more for me since then. He's blessed me with so many more opportunities. He's opened up so many more doors. He's poured out so many more blessings. It's hard for me sometimes, really man, to even take it all in because I feel like, wow, man, billy me, thank you. I mean, I'll take him now. Don't get me wrong, but it can be overwhelming at time. I often used to hear my mother say, who was a Sunday school teacher? And I remember these words all the time. Now, God will open up the windows of heaven and poor out of blessing that you won't have room enough to receive Wow. I kept waiting on that day, Mama, where is that day at? I got plenty of room because I'm dirt pole right now. I got room for a thousand dollars. I had room for you know, a car. I had all that. Now I understand. One of the things, though, that He's done for me that I've asked him for in my lifetime is that he has made me matter. Okay, Steve, what do you mean by that? So? I used to ask God a long time ago one of my prayers was to help me matter that I want to matter to the people that I come in contact me. Look, I just don't want to be a man that they meet. A young guy that they meet, and when they meet me, it don't it doesn't cause a ripple in the in the pond. I want. I want to make ripples in the pond. I want. I want to be that rock that when you throw you try to count the ripples as it go out. I want to be a fourteen ripple rock. I don't know if you know what that means. But when I was a little boy, we should stand on the bank at ponds and stuff and throw rocks out into the water. We should either skip them or we'd throw them, and when they would land in the water, they would create these rings that go out. If you threw it high enough and it dropped straight down in that water, the little rings would start forming out like it would create a little waves. And these waves just look like circles in the water. And I remember one time I made fourteen of them, and that's always stuck with me. As a little boy. That was because nobody in my circle could make fourteen rings, and they all counted them so they saw them. So I enjoyed that because I had made a bigger splash, a bigger ring pattern than anybody else. So I've always asked God to make me matter in my own way, make me a big ring pattern, see, because that's important to me. Now, it was important to me, but I didn't understand why I needed that to be the important part of me. Because here is the other part. You know, the thing that you know to who much has given much is required. You've heard the thing do unto others that you would have them do unto you. You know those those things like that that you learned along the way. Well, if you matter to people, then guess what all of those become a real possibility in your life. See, you can't ask for the yang without the yang. You can't ask for it without without the responsibility that comes with it. See, God can't bless you with a lot, and then you think that it ain't gonna be a lot required. I have people pulling at me all day, but I have to remember that prayer I made. Now, I wanted God to help me to matter. Now this is important, y'all because see, if your prayer is to matter, that means that you want to You want to matter in the circle that you in, No matter how big the circle you in, no matter how small the circle you're here, you want to make a difference. You want to have an impact on somebody's life in a positive way. If that's one of your prayers, guess what God a readily give you that. Because when you do something for the least of these, it's just like you've done it on His behalf or you've done it as him. You know what I'm saying. I don't know if I'm explaining that right, But when you do something for the less fortunate, you're doing God's work. God gonna bless you for doing that. So now here's a deal. So if your prayers to matter is to become an impactful person, then guess what God gonna help you do that, Because guess what, You're gonna do some work on His behalf because you're gonna run across somebody that's less fortunate. You're gonna run across somebody could that could use your impact. You're gonna run across somebody man that ain't quite knowing what your way to going because you haven't been down that dirty dog road before. You could say, hey, my man, let me let me pull your coat to something. You can do this now, But let me tell you what's gonna happen. If I were you, I would consider this that's making an impact. That's like the guy that passed out in the l a named Lou Danzler out there that had this boys and girls sent out there in the hood. And man, I can't tell you the people's lives he impacted. I remember when Eric Davis, a bad baseball player, came back and spoke at the group one time, looking at them kids and hugging Lou Danzling, thanking him man for changing his life. This guy became one of the superstars in the Major League Baseball and then just thousands of people that lives that he affected. And when he passed, what he did was he left an imprint. He left an imprint that's huge. And that's all I wanted. Man. I just said, Man, if I could make an imprint, you know what I mean, It's like you're walking through life, right and you're making footprints and saying, I want my footprints to be so deep that after I'm gone, people can still tell I had come through there. People have can still see that I did out. Oh man, he amen, Amen, Harve walked over there. Hold up, man, look right here, man, Steve Harvey came through here because I want my footprints to be so deep in the sand that I'm matter to so many that even after I'm gone, I can still show you the way that even after I'm gone, I still have an effect on my children, on my sons, so that my sons can look up one day and gonna remember all the conversations we had. Man, my daddy used to tell me this, and maybe I can turn wanted to turn my sons into men. You're understand. Turn my daughters into ladies, you understand, so they ain't got to follow the crowd and get out here. You know, man, you you, you, You gotta wanna matter. Man, you gotta wanna make a difference. And so at the end of my life, when it's all over and the winds is blowing the sand back in my footprints, I wanted to take a while. I wanted. I want. I want several sandstorms to have to come through that before my footprints get feeled up. That's how much I wanna matter. Mattering is important. It's gotta be important to you. What's your legacy, what you're gonna leave behind, what they're gonna say about you. There's a cold thing, you know, when you die and you get a tombstone, tombstone has your date of birth. Your tombstone has a dash, and your tombstone has the date of your death. You would think that the most important thing on that plaque, on that tombstone is your birthday or is the day you left here, But it's not the most important thing on that tombstone is that dash. What did you do while you will here? It ain't your birthday they're gonna celebrate. It ain't the day you die they're gonna celebrate. They're gonna celebrate that dash. What you did while you was here. It's the smallest thing on that tombstone, but it's the most important thing on that. Man, you gotta wake up to matter to somebody, you gotta make an imprint in the saying. You gotta affect some people's lives, and you got to do it all in a positive way. So we gotta wake up every day thinking about them footprints. We're laying down that legacy, we're creating that that that what they're gonna talk about when we're gone moment, what you're doing about your dash. My dash is January seventeen, nineteen fifty seven. That's my date, my dash. I'm working on that right now, now, when I leave here, what I want him to talk about Steve Harvey. Ain't January seventeen, nineteen fifty seven, ain't the date I leave here. I want him talk about that dash man when he was on here. This is what he did. Man, that was my man. All right, let's go. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, bards of girls, people from all around the world. Now have your attention. Please, I have a very very public service announcement to make We are back. It is two thousand eighteen. Officially we are here. Steve Harvey Morning Show, Back in Love again. That's LTD. Come on, come on him, boy, Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Happy New Year, Welcome back everybody. We love you and we missed you for real. We're bad. Happy New Years crew, what's Junior? Happy New Year, Happy New Year? Everybody? Food? Number one am I wanted to nephew, Okay, cool morning. Yeah, we're back, baby, Well we're here. Excited. I had any number one. You talked and said something. Tommy showed confusion. I said, if you use your opportunity, what we're not gonna is you and that damn megaphone. That's your mom so are we moving on go back? No? I said food number one and he said, yeah, that's right. Tommy said that. My wanta to your talk. J Brown? What's going on? Everybody in the A t L. Was Saturday the Dirty Birds did that thing? Whoa care? Yeah you just read my mind? Are you inside my head right now? No? You do not like football? Hush? It's the Falcons beat the Rams. Uh. The Rams just showed their immaturity in terms of first time being in playoffs and time a lot of young players. And then Atlanta been there before. Hurtful last last year. But hey, man, they got a shot of going back if they played the way they played. Anyway, we know who ain't going though. Cleveland got a parade, man, come on and be like that. Man, they had a parade. They're talking about we deserve better Cleveland out parade and hey they I don't know how Hugh Jackson is still the coach of the Browns just two years in the row, oh in sixteen. It may not be his fault, but dog on it, we're blaming him though. We keep going down at a time in school picking play Johnny Man, he can't even get into CFL and we've kicked. What is it, Garrett Miles, He's yet to fulfill his pro chanchel. We need a quarterback and running back, that's all. What are they saying. They're saying that maybe Alex Smith from the Chiefs might go to the Brown Colin Kaepernick still available anybody, But all right, listen, coming up at thirty two after the hour, we'll be back with something funny. We gotta find out what happened over the holidays. Steve, your New Year's Eve Times Square hosting job. You have to tell us about that. You were all over social media. Yes, it was pamping. It was pamping. All right, we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are time for something funny, our first one of the brand new year. So Steve, tell us about Times Square New Year's Eve. Tell us all about it. We saw you most coal hal in the history of television. He gig number one. Vicious Cold. Uh it was it was man, I I put a cold on at home. You me feel cold? You did you? Really? The horrible Yeah, The horrible part was we rehearsed in thirteen degree temperature and we had to do the whole show live to tape, so we did that from eleven thirty to four. From twelve to four thirty, we did that, then we went inside till six and then we had to come out and do two pre tapes at six thirty. Then the regular show started at eight to ten. Then we had a one hour break from ten to eleven for news, and then came back from eleven to twy up thirty. You know every time, and it was one degree every time you on TV. I got to fight for you because my phone text ms you start happening. I got to fight. We gotta argue with people. What are they saying? What are you thinking about? Somebody hit me up with why your uncle got to live? Your pope? Coat on? That's what that means. He looked like bass halls. I mean what we got to fight though, And I'm in church though many where I had. Do you know how cold it was out there? And keeps the heat in? Surely? Yes? You don't have to explain nothing to these haters. I didn't respond to not mad damn person. First of all, one dude asked me why you got on a white coat in the winter? Number one they made it. Tell him it's cash number two. Look cause the code ain't at Burlington. It don't mean coach like that. I felt perfectly cool, pimping and super fly in my cod I ignored all hated you when when you have that scarf wrapped around your head, your ears and your hat on. I knew it was cold. I know that those were actually hear most those they look they looked like I was like, wow, it was it was. It's a head band. It covers your ear. Because I had and I had the two custom made earbuds that go all the way in your ear. They had to make before the show. They had to make them two weeks because they had to mold exactly to your ear because the decibel noise at Times Square is a hundred and ten. If they put a regular earbud, you won't be able to hear the director because the noise level was so high on Times Square. So they put that in your ear and then I had that to cover. It was just cold, man, It was just it was so cold. It was in chr Steve. It was so cold man. I had long depends it was cold. What long depends? What long depend you can down your leg? I had on I had on thermal underwear, cashmere soup turtleneck, Cashmere shoot shoot turtleneck, and a cash mere coat with and I intentionally wore a Foe Scoff had first. I just didn't want to hear Peter Mouth you have. That's why you had my fifty, not alonely what you're saying, more than that they were those And then here's a deal. At the end of all of it, Fox had the highest ratings that they've had in that time frame in over twenty years. You gotta do I'm talking about. It was the number two New Year's Eve special, only behind Ryan Seacrest Dick Clark's ABC's Rocket New Year's Eve. He Let's Move On kept the name and honors, took over Dick Clark production. But they were saying it was cold. That's when you really knew it was cold. Ryan and them, we're saying it was cold. Yeah, people say, yeah, it's cold. Yeah. So Steve, it didn't bother you. I'm glad to hear that it didn't bother you. The memes the next day, because first of all, I don't even know who she is. S scary, yeah, but yeah, but that that don't mean nothing to me. So what I can huh, Okay, we missed something to me because they was texting me and I'm fighting at they were dunking on. We were made. It was cold, That's what I just said. It was. But it uh, it's all good, really man, I kid you not. It don't even affect me because people don't even know, they'd be just talking. But but why you got a week ago put yourself I'm at the church text It's hard to get that texting people to kiss my from church. You didn't know. Hey, nobody put themselves in your position. That smile in that statement, he just saying, that's the first one. And it didn't come from me. There will be something from you, I'm sure. But to getting put yourself in my physicis next year. Next year, the coat will be the topic of conversation again. Real pimps never die, baby, that's right. So wait, are you going back? Are you hosting again? Yeah? How was the check though? How was the chick cold? It in the jacking the weather check night? And they stood again? That's awesome, Steve. Alright, listen, it's Monday. We'll move on. Reverend Motown Tack and death Chammer here for our church complaints first ones of the brand new year. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Ms Anne will be here. She's gonna update us on today's national news and headlines. But first, it is Monday, and it's time for taking death jam and uh Reverend motown with our church complaints. M hm hm Grecian happy, happy new Yeah, yes, we we most graciously gaveled to day. That's right, praising and worshiping and giving thanks to Honora said again, what's around bad? Giving honor and praising for two thousand one eight variously known as two thousand eight. We we should be great full at this turn great for Watch this though, watch this congregation, we find something to complain about. Trip. It's what our call well, ladies and gentlemen, the leader or the trip congregator, the trippings of them, all of the phone yeahs, past and press, I'm pasted it a happy new year to year eighteen. I'm just the messenger, past and that's all I am. The messenger. Don't shoot him. Don't shoot the messenger. Thank you. We're gonna start this. This is a complaint to you, pastor. I'm brother, Robert Louis journ Again, who has been blind for twenty eight years, regained his sight last week. It was America by far. Now Robert has just seen his wife since the Philistine jouring again for the first time. He said he can't see they relationship doing any further. You married them past fifteen years ago, and he wants to file a lawsuit against you for marrying him to a woman that ugly. Well, we've written a song just for this occasion because I knew it was coming. Hit it. I got a big old ugly woman, she's ugly all the time. Really, come on, I got a big old ugly woman. She's ugly, but she's mine. Yeah, And when I wake up in the morning, I think the Lord made me blind. We wrote that song for him, the fact that he could see now and none I'll be yeah, healing comes. Responsibility would corresponded. If you got right moving along, asked the Lord fall because he, Jeff might get he can see now what they do it? Go ahead, al right, Pastor. We have a new member that joined on New Year's Eve that's already starting some confusion in the church. Sister on a roaster. I wants to start a Republican minority ministry. But the call is on you, pastor, if you won't have to do this, well, we're not going to allow that in Hill. Oh it didn't work out for her at the White House. So one bad I said, it didn't work out White ain't no need are you coming? We're different up in Hill. Yeah, we don't vote up in the Hill. We will bring so when we're gonna handle it, it's gonna be a little bit different. Thank you, or Sister Alma Roussel, we wish you well. We know that as a book coming. That's all it was when you quit, you were setting up a book. But be careful now called sloppy Steve Branyon has come out with a book with this other man. You see what's happening the hill. You know your black as in trouble. So I'll be careful with what you say about that man's up there in the White House. That ain't none us vote for all right past the eye, Sister La Vanderlin Rockamo has opened a weed dispenser in the church name without our consent, just started in June of twenty seventeen. She has a growth over two point five million in six months. What do we want to do with how well she is a memory her and the name that she's chosen for marijuana dispissally here at the church is quite afropos. We are the jack pot sho joint. This is the jack pot joint rooted, I would not pot enjoint. Bringers on and a special announcement to be made. She and I are being married next month. Did you already have a wife. No, I don't have a wife. I'm a single man. More time I get married to no woman. I'm married to the hitch past. The speaking of the single ministry, the single ministry, won't we wek yeah, don't stop, come on with it, shake it. What your mind. I gave you the single ministry your money making. Come on here. And the single minister wants to use the church on Friday nights as a club. The club is called Holy Fun. They tried at this past Friday. The older members are against the project because it was twerking going on all Friday night. But the call is on you we have the single minister can't continue. Well, we're going to allow of single ministry took tenure. But the problem we had on yesterday Sunday was the praise team had picked up twerking and was using it on Sunday around the edge of the baptismal pool. That got to stop. You can't twork around the baptismal poop. That's not the question. Is there someplace you can to work in church after church? But not in it, especially with them feing baptism roles on. Sister Shamika got baptized Sunday and came up working for deacons fell in trying to save. Just got to stop a a pastor last but night, least um. The pole ministry is asking for a baby all budget. They've been getting pole burns on their fads when they pole dancing, but they need to baby all on the pole. They're gonna work out. Did you stop that right now? You need a grip on that pole that we'll have so many injuries. Put baby All on the pole and he can't even hold on to a pole. All right? Listen, coming up at the top of the hour, we must move on. We're gonna have some of last night's highlights from the Golden Globe Awards, plus MS and will be here with today's national news. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning show. Uh. The awards season kicked off last night with the seventy five annual Golden Globe Awards, honoring the best in film and television. It was hosted by Seth Myers. Hollywood women joined forces last night to fight sexual harassment. UH. Some of the actresses wore black and solidarity for victims of sexual harassment and abuse. Here were some of the nominees Game of Thrones, of course, UH, this is us Blackish is rae uh Insecure Best Actor Denzel Washington for Roman Q Israel. Esquire saw that movie Best Supporting Actress Mary J. Blige. I was nominated for mud Bound. The more highlights from the Golden Globes last night. Throughout the majority of my career, I have benefited from color blind casting, which means, you know, like, hey, let's throw a brother in this role, right, It's always really cool. But Dan Folman, you wrote a role for a black man like that could only be played by a black man. And so what I appreciate so much about this thing is that I'm being seen for who I am and being appreciated for who I am, and it makes it that much more difficult to dismiss me or dismiss anybody who looks like me. So thank you then, plus Oprah Winfrey, congratulations going out to her. She received the Lifetime Achievement Award. I'll take a listen in Sydney. Received the Cecil Beida Mille Award right here at the Golden Globes. And it is not lost on me that at this moment there are some little girls watching as I become the first black woman to be given the same award. So I want all the girls watching here now to know that a new day is on the horizon, and when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of them are right here in this moom tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men fighting hard to make sure that days become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say me too. Again. And congratulations by the way to Mary J. Blige. We mentioned she got a nomination from mud Bound. She also got her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Yeah, she's getting it, so congratulations to her now the Golden Globe. Yes, of course, show I have gained six pounds over the holiday. Got to do that. That's an award, that's an achievement. You were nominated most pounds gain. Congratulations, congratulations, good work. Okay, the Golden globes, like we said, really good last night. Uh, Steve, we talked about it earlier. This brutal cold that's going on in the Midwest, in the Northeast America. Uh, we're dealing with it in some form of fashion. I know in l A. It seems like everyone has the flu. Even though the weather is great. It seems like everyone has the flu. But it's time to get to the latest news and weather. Let's welcome back miss Anne. Happy new year, miss Anne. Ladies and gentlemen, Thank you everybody. Good morning, and welcome back guys. This is and tripped with the news. I'm sorry, so sorry. Yeah. President Trump's one time chief strategist, Steve Bannon is now backing away from the unflattering statements attributed him about Trump and his family and the book Fire and Fury's saying I'm sorry. Basically, after excerpts of the new book were published last week, some of Bannon's in bright Bart News is big right wing contributes back to a way. So Bannon now says his support for Trump is unwavering. He calls Don Junior, by the way, a patriot and a good man. That's even though he's quoted in the Michael Wolf books called the younger Trump's meeting with the Russians treasonists. The President called Bannon sloppy Steve and says he's lost his mind. President Trump, by the way, has gotten rid of the commission he's set up to supposedly find the five million votes he claimed were illegally cast for Hillary Clinton last November, votes he blamed for his losing the actual popular vote two years ago by more than three million. Trump leveled those fraud charges without ever offering a shred of evidence. Many states dismissed the whole idea, and the panel never issued any findings. By the way, it's reported on Wednesday. On Wednesday, President Trump is gonna announce his winners of his quote most Dishonest and Corrupt media awards of the year. Stay tuned to that. A lot of news organizations say they actually want to win it. The city of Charlettsville, Virginia requesting reimbursement from the Commonwealth for the expenses incurred related to the deadly white supremacist rally back in August where an anti racist demonstrated was run over and killed city officials in Charottesville, asking for more than two hundred thousand dollars in reimbursement for the money spent on security, police, fire, and other personnel. The decision on that, by the way, is up to the governor. American Airlines is apologizing for accusing two members of the NBA's Memphis Grizzlies, accusing them of stealing blankets. Stewardess accused them of taking blankets that they asked for and were given and threw them off the plane. Once again, she was wrong. Just a few months ago, the nuble A CP advised Black Americans not to fly American Airlines because of several possible racist incidents, and according to the dictionary dot com, the words Dozier, collusion, and fury was some of the most often looked up words last year. However, the most looked up word for seventeen was complicit, which showed up in all sorts of stories, some climate change to mass shooting, to the opioid epidemic to sexual hariss when they used complicit a lot last year. The winner at this year's Box Off this weekend's rather Box Office was Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle for the third weekend in a row. Spencer thinks we got sucked into Jumanji and we become the avatars we chose. Don't look at it. I don't have my Claren, and all I see around here is pol Well, I don't have to top. Twenty minutes after the hour, Eugene the Butterfly coming up. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, please introduced j J. You then introduced the butterfly, and then the butterfly. Take it away. You know how it goes. Let's go. You know what dose he has is the first time in the new year. Come on people, Butterfly, Butterfly. Good morning everyone. Oh my god, we are back. We are back. We are back. Good morning, geting butterfly. Good morning. Yes. I have some conversation with some people over the break and they think you should change your image, like like a new nickname and not butterfly anymore. What well, my friends used to call me sugar Boots. Is that sugar Boots? Yeah, how did you get that name? That's just it's a long story. But you know what, Stephen, you're talking about changing image. That's actually what my new Year's resolution. I was gonna ask you how what yours was. But here's my new Year's resolution, Steve. I want to dress more like Yal. So I'm thinking if I start coming over to your house in the mornings and just we can start getting dressed together, that's something I really want to do. It's going to work. But I want you know, after seeing you with that white coat on New Year's Eve, baby, I said, you know what, I got to change who I am. I do so I want to be more like Yale Stephen in front of that, but you are my you are my fashion mentor. So I want to I want to dress more like ye What what did you No? I said, that's gonna be hard because you built bad shape. Yeah, you know you're supposed to be my friend and your friend, but keep you're making punches at me and I don't like. No, I'm just saying that's not happen. What what do you mean? He walks different? He got a poor hamstring all that. Now, you gotta get your pipa together down do this. That's trying his body. Why are you trying to keep trying to get out of that? But they're different people. Wouldn't you try different personality? Yeah? Right then, very well, So can I come out in the morning and we start getting dressed. That's not gonna happen, Jay Anthony Brown, I'm gonna say it one month time. I'm not talking to you right now. Now we're friends. We could have a cup of coffee after the show was out, but as a right now, say what that is not? Oh, butterfly, did you know that today was National bubble bath Day? I heard about it. But you know nobody on here takes you back. Well, everybody takes showers. There's not a lot of people who who took a shower who took a back lately, everybody had been taking showers. Bass and something overrated there. I just ranke off. I'm in a that sounds nasty. Sorry, Butterfly. A Brown coming up to murder another hit and we'll be back at thirty four after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Jay is here to murder another hit. Please introduce him, Steve, Ladies and Gentlemen, hit murdering himself. Jake Anthony Brown, Well, I really have to set this song up because man, no, no, no, listen to me. Listen, listen, listen. This song just takes the year and we wrapped a whole entire year up two thousand and seventeen. So you might lose some friends, Steve on this one. You might some people who you kind of got back in your graces may not be in your graces after this. You don't care at all. Well, the theory is this do something. If you asked me to come over here, if you're in the news, we can make a song about your game. Not let me get my plug in because I might not be able to speak after this. Taco Tuesday is going down at the Jake's. But this week passed, Jake. I passed by your comedy club the other day. I don't even know where it was. I went over on Inglewood on Market Street to the Hats though. Oh yeah, I know that place. Yeah, then they got some hats in there. Man New Year's Eve. Yeah the well buck I got, I got got tod it this week cocko tuse the song I hit everybody. I don't leave anybody out. I got everybody. Come on, everybody hit it. Let's start when I'm a Rosa Cole ridges to stop Willy in the White House, But Trump said, no, sir, how about Wendy Williams painted on TV and she was burning up the lady Liberty. Then there's Mr hart y'all first name Kenthn. He got us once, turned around and did the same thing. Hello, Hammy Weinstein pulling natural dinger link hold, they lock you up and see your ass away, the same thing Mr Steve Harby with Trump. I'm gonna let you go because I need to check from TV and radio. Crying many times, crying by your doctor, had so many times you could have sold by the water, he Bill Cosby. None as Mr Jello. Ladies say one drink when you you ain't a knife fellow, or thal Simpson out of jail, Old j C with a butter knight. I think it's best to run away. That's right, Baby's two eighteen. I'm gonna need new people to do stupid stuff in the two eight and I can't have the same people doing the same stuff in the net ship rub out. I don't need new people. Oh, I ain't done it over, remember check this out. Robert R. Kellis stepping in the name of love were you locking women up for your little nest club? Yeah? Yeah, us shut so the ladies. Trust y'all, I protected sex to the clinic. They're gonna rush shot. Don't forget Candy Be she's the next dancer. I had one hit. Now she needs up by nancer in with camer nacky. He got down on one knee because it was down in the upper liftalent ten. Yes, I'm gonna need new people. And it's too eighteen. Y'all go, you famous and you do something stupid. We don't say about Mr Ron Hawkins Junior. Don't say about don't get mad at us. He didn't put it in the noodle. We just put it on a song. You know how to go two? Yeah, that was good. That was good for you know you? Five? Oh God, I think kate to work. I won't be talking to you no more death, but you won't be talking to me. Is that just stop? Radio? Not TV? Everybody? Man didn't he's talking. He said he was good. Yeah, he said because he needed to check. Damn what he heard? What he said? My job up. Tommy has a prank phone call. We'll do that right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter. But up next right now, Tommy is here, the nephew with today's prank phone call what you got nef? Surely this is Shane Leon. Shane Leon, say it with me, Leon, Yes, play that thing for me, please, Steven say, I didn't say, he's still mad, Shane Leon. Look, you're going to talk to us every Yeah. I don't know what to hear. Leon got fancy with it playing Junior loading the bear man. Hello, thank you for calling me. Hello, I'm trying to reach the cold Please. How you doing? Listen? My name is Leon, and I was calling you to see if you had any booth rental in the salon that you're working. I'm sorry, don't your name? What's your name? Leon? I mean my real name is Leon, but my artistic name is Leon. Leon is what they call me le. Okay, Um, Actually I do have faith for another person to come in at work. Um. I am in a sweet Um. It's rather small in here. If you are interested in coming in working, I would really like to have someone come in and work with me. That would be nice. Can I ask you a question them, what's your background? What do you do? Well, actually, I've just moved here to d C. I was actually living in the Los Angeles area, and you know, I've been doing hair there for the last probably fifteen twenty years. I've been doing hair, uh, definitely licensed. You know, I just moved here, but I've been doing here here for quite a long time. I specialized and only doing females hair. And um, you know, just looking to get into d C and get back to work, and I really want to find a place where I can do some hair and and you know it's gonna take me a minute to get some clientele built up, but you know, I know my work is good. Okay. Well, UM, I am in a high traffic area and I think this would be a great area for you just coming in from another state, especially California. UM, is it possible you can come in and take a look and see what you can You know, I'd love I'd love to come in and take a look and see what. I don't want the type of work environment you have, and so I'm I'm understanding that a lot of people that do have and have different rooms. Is that's how this setup is yes, that's how it's set up. However, I did you actually have you actually have a sweet? I do have a sweet. Um, it's a double sweep, so there is room for another technician. Um. But you know, with the being such close quarters, you know, you gotta gotta kind of get a feel for the person that's going to come in and work for you. So all right, rightly's gonna be working real close to each other. Understand. You know if we kind of meet each other, you know, we can get a feel for each other and see if you can work. Let me ask you something. Have you have you had a PHS? Have you worked around a PHS person before? I'm sorry? Who a PHS? Have you worked around? I mean that's that's pretty much what I do. Have you worked around a PHS? I'm not I'm not familiar with that term. Is that a California term? I don't with PHS? Is? Um? Private hair specialists? Have you worked with a private hair specialist before? Um? Well, I would consider myself private being so I'm in the sweet, but where you would be working out in the open with myself? So I don't know how private you would be? Oh no, no, no, no, no, you know you don't understand where it comes from. I'm a phs okay, private hair specialists, and what that is is I I do women's private hair, like if they want removal from under their arm or their chin or you know. But most of my work actually resides in the bikini line. Uh. You know, I'm an artist, so I've known to put your name there. I can die at a different color mohawk landing strip, you know. Let me let me let me stop you right there. Um, you did call and say you were hairstyles, and the last time I check the hairstyles, they'd be style here the hair on top of the head. Leon does hair. It doesn't doesn't necessarily have to be the hair on the head. I'm just saying, I style Leon, Sri Lanka. What's what's your name again? I'm sorry, she Leon. You cannot continue to get this wrong, Shane Leon. Okay, I'm sorry. What was the name your mom gave you? Because my government name is Leon. But okay, Leon, Leon, Leon. Again, this is a suite and you will be working in the open with myself and my clients who are accustomed to having a professional setting. Um, and I don't think it would be appropriate for you to have someone come in and have a landing strip, an airport, a plane, their baby daddy's name. But I don't, I don't at all. Whatever you do, that's not what we're about here. Are you trying to say that you're not open for new ideas? I'm sorry. If you consider that a new idea, then I'm giving you phone number to someone else, because we're not gonna do that here. I haven't. We're not. Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me. You called my salon. Where did you even get my number from? Why? What made you think that you could call my shop? And then this is what we do? When you could come here and you could do that, well, I'm thinking that you would be open for something new. Why would you think that I'd be open for that? Who? Who told you that? What I mean? I'm not saying that you came all the way from California and you called me. You're not coming to my salon to call your name, anybody else's name, and you have a landing strip, any type of initials. Okay, this is a professional salon and we four hair, the hair on the head. That's what I'm doing. I'm staring hand of the head that I said stone here, that's what she does. Look you, I'm sick of you. I'm sick of you already. So you know what. This is not even gonna work. This is not even gonna work again. We're not doing that here in my shop. I'm sorry. I hope you can call someone else and maybe they all accept your crass. I'm sorry that your career would not a big successful as as you would like it to be because you're not open for new ideas very successful. Thank you. You know what. I'm gonna come over the pass out fly in front of your shop, letting them know about she Lean and letting them know also that you are not who you really are. When are you coming? Are you coming today? Don't worry about when I'm coming. I know where you are. I'm here right now. Can you come today? Please come, I'm coming to day. Please come over here, because I'm gonna be that outside waiting for yall. Bring you up overhead, bring it because you did not have understand outside Malone's great machlon. What you're not gonna do is denying Shane Ley. Y'all. You're not gonna Denash. Please come over here because you will catch the front, stay smoking back to California. You bring you over here. I'd one more thing you need to say to you? Thing to say to me? One more thing he needs to say. Are you listening to Shane Leon? What is it? That's his nephew told me from the Steve Robin Morning Show. You just gotta pre by your girlfriend, miss Sean. Hello, Oh my god, I'm gonna keep you and heard nobody everybody. I got one more thing, I mean, what else you got to say? What is the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey? To show? That is Leon? What y'all think here? I just want to know? Was that stupid? That's all new year? Still stupid? That's all stupid eighteen stupid. You've still got your job to be thankful for that stupid stupid. Yeah, at least you don't take it too far with the wrong Steve nineteen seven. But I'm back on Steve. Steve. You guys have been friends, you and Ja for years? How many years? Been? Everything? Everything ends one day? But on nothing ask forever, accept the word of God. Everything? But what specifically got you a little upset? Steve? Serious murder year. First of all, the audacity. Are you to put me your damn on my damn show. I knew that, you know, at any point you could have said, you know what, man, I really think? Man, I can't now I'm gonna do it. Man, you know anything news, I'm gonna do it. Yeah. You know how Jay thinks nothing gets in the way of the joke that you already knew this though, nothing gets in the way of a joke except your damn job. Do you agree the song was good? Though? Hold the job job. I'm just not talking to him. Coming up at the top of the hour, today's Strawberry Letters on deck. Plus we're gonna tell you about two Capricorn birthdays. What about I gotta tell you what he's saying the writing room earlier. I don't know you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, the strawberry letter is up next, people, And and wait till you till you hear this crazy letter. You know it's gonna be crazy. But first, here are some Capricorn celebrating birthdays today R Kelly Steve R Kelly turning fifty one today. Wow. And then who knew he shared a birthday with North Korean dictator Kim John Un. He turned Kelly birthdays today. Yeah, you're only gonna put sixteen candles on the cake? What happened? Thank you? You can't keep a job. Trying to help you here. You don't know how to alright Kelly birthday to day fifty one? But just said he was doing why that sixty? Kendon? I thought these cupcakes doing here? Do you lose your job to one? I was gonna have a job anyway. I was saying, our Kelly shares a birthday with Tommy Kim john n who turns thirty four. He's only thirty four. Come from four to wow? Yeah, I have to agree with you, Steve definitely. Yeah six he got you know that that is an alfalfa here? Cut? Oh he talking to me? I'm sure no. I wasn't talking to you. I said, I'm talking to for hair cut and one of my old Yeah who knew that? Really really young to have all that power, all that power. Uh. Speaking of Kim John Un, President Donald Trump said on Saturday that he would be open to talking with him. Uh. You know he named him little rocket Man. Uh. You remember on New Year's Day, both Trump and Kim john when were talking via social media about nuclear bomb. Yeah, I had no clue. Yeah, man, it's not a joke, guys. Yes, Steve Bannon's out. He said he doesn't even talk to him anymore. The President says that, and he that he lost his mind. He said that about Steve Bannon. Friends break up? Now, what'd you say? Would you say? Jay? Friends break up? Sometimes? Interest asked you? He interesting Trump and J I'm not talking to him. Let's play that little part where he talks about Steven him So, okay, okay. Then right after we play that, let's play the race again. And then let's post. Since we got pictures of me and my coat up, let's put a picture of Tom and hamstring bruise that Wait wait, wait, wait, I gotta tell you all this story. It's real quick. Let me tell you all this. So, so, me and Jackie, me and my wife. Out of the restaurant. I go wash my hands, use bathroom. I'm standing in the urinal. Somebody stands next to me and it just towers over me. I'm like, damn, who is that? I don't want to look right most and I couldn't help it. I look right anybody, So I looked it's Robert, or damn Robert, I just text you yes to a few days ago. He said, oh, snap, Tommy, and then he didn't say nothing else. What your hell made you run that race? I told Calhoun to stop you before you took off. Yes, I tell him he gonna pull her hands thinging, damn it if you didn't do it, I said, Robert, why are we standing here talking about that right now? He said, because I saw the race. I watched the whole thing zipped up, zipped up by the I don't need to wat Shirley, What did he say? What did who say? He asked, they zipped up? Buckle up here. It is straw everybody subject in desperate need of love. First, let me say that I love the advice that you and Steve give to those with dilemmas. I've tried to ask for advice from others but got a little shine backed away. But I'm at the point where I need answers. I'm not sure where to begin, but here I go. I'm head over heels for this guy that has straight affection problems. He says that he loves me once in a while, but it's like pulling teeth from his mouth. He basically says that when we're going through crazy situations like near death experiences. When I bring it up, he says, you should know how I feel I'm with you, right, garbage like that. Surely I'm the type of woman where I'm not only where I not only need to hear it, I need to feel it and see it. I guess you can say I'm an addict for love and all my relationships past and present, it's like I need that fix of showers and showers of love. I try being with other guys and they've wined and dined me, but it's like my guy haunts my mind. I honestly do think that he loves me because I sense it when we are together. Oh yeah, we've been together for about three years, but he still hasn't popped that big question, will you marry me? I guess what I'm asking is what should I do? Should I stay with him? And if so, should I settle with what love he has to offer me? Because of how much I love him and can envision myself with anyone else. Your advice, whether it is harsh or not, is greatly needed. Thanks a bunch desperately in need of love, um dear desperately in need of love. I just feel like you need some empowerment and and you know in this situation, first, why is sister gott to be desperate? Let's just take desperation out of the equation. You got a man, you're crazy about him. You're upset that he doesn't say loves you enough. Now. I know, as a woman, we do like to hear it when our man says he loves us. We like it. It makes us feel a certain way. I can't deny that. But does it make you desperate? And doesn't make you an addict for love just because you want to hear that, No, it doesn't. It just makes you a woman who's who's really into the act of love. You know, you like being in love, but it just doesn't sound like your man is into it. You don't need showers and showers of love. You just want that because at this stage, right here, in this relationship with him, you need that to validate uh you who you are. When when he you know, when he shows you that he loves you like that gives you stuff, then you feel like he really loves you. Um, you just gotta believe in yourself and have confidence in your confidence in yourself, or you're never gonna be happy no matter who it's with, You're gonna always have that desperate feeling if you don't get what's right, you know, get you right first. It's okay to love someone, but you gotta ask yourself. Are they worthy of your love? Can they return it? How does he treats you? You've been with him three years. You ought to know something by now as a subject of marriage. Even come up. It's okay to love him, got to love yourself. I can't say that enough. Um, what he's doing right now, he's gonna do for the of the relationship. He is not gonna change. So it's up to you if you want to stay with him, definitely don't settle though, you know, definitely don't settle Steve. After that, if you want to respond to the letter, go to Steve Harvey dot com and you can respond and read it. All. This should be done in her time. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's get to your part to response to today's Strawberry letter subject in Desperate Need of Love. First, let me say that I love to advise you and Steve give to those with dilemmas. I've tried to ask advice from others but got a little shine back the way. But I'm at the point where I need answers and I'm not sure where to begin, but here I go. I'm head over heels for this guy that has straight affection problems. He said he loves me once in a while, but it's like pulling teeth from his mouth. He basically says, it's when you were going through crazy situations like near death experiences. When I bring it up, he says, you should know how I feel. I'm with you, right, Garbage like that, Shirley. I'm the type of woman who I not only need to hear it, I need to feel it and see it, I guess you can say. And I'm I'm an addict for love in all of my relationships past and presidents like, I need that fix of showers and showers of love. I tried being with other guys and they have wined and dyed me, but it's like but it's like my guy haunts my mind. I honestly do think that he loves me because I sense it when we are together. Oh yeah, we've been together for about three years, but he still hasn't popped a big question when you married me. I guess what I'm asking. It's what should I do? Should I stay with him? And if so, should I settle with what love he has to offer me because of how much I love him and can't envision myself with anyone else. Your advice, whether it's harsh or not, it's greatly needed. Thanks again, desperately in need of love. Well, your advice, whether it is harsh are not, it's greatly needed. I specialized in the harshness of advice. I figured harsh is the best way to go sometimes because at this point, for you to write a nationally syndicated show something is really the hell wrong. You tried asking your other friends, then you get shot well, basically because you know they ain't gonna tell you what you want to heal. I ain't gonna tell you what you want to heal. But your letter says that at the beginning, and at the end and all through the middle, desperate, desperate need of love, Desperately in need of love and greatly needed. You know, lady, your real problem ain't your man. Your real problem is you. Because you're desperate and you have an addiction because you say it in your letter. I guess you can say I'm an addict for love. Anytime you're an attic for anything, it's an over abuse of one thing. You know. They say if you drink too much water, it could kill you. They say that. I never knew that. But if too much of anything, You drink too much liquor, you smoke too many cigarettes, you take too many drugs, you stay up too long, you sleep too long, You eat too much pork, you eat too much sugar. You don't all of this. Anything in excess is bad for you when you excessively in need of love. I don't know what happened in your childhood. I don't know who didn't tell it to you enough. Now you want it all from everybody else you meet. But let me tell you what's gonna happen with your little needy self. First of all, when you write me a letter, don't all through your letter, you needy. My guy has straight affection problems. He said he loves me once in a while, but it's like pulling teeth from his mouth. Okay, but don't he tell you that. He basically says that when we're going through crazy situations like near death experiences. The hell been happening in y'all? Three years near death experiences? Who y'all keep having operations? Y'all gotta go down there and see by each other what what happened. But at least in the moment of crisis, the man is there for you. What do you want? I can't count for you the women I have heard talk to in my lifetime who have let a good man get away because their qualifications and expectations of a man was ridiculous. Ladies, you can't keep want the man to love you the same way you love him. That ain't how we love. Now this man coming in here near death experiences and he's steal with you. When it all break down and go bad, he there by your side, and you know he loved you because you say you sense it. But see then when he when you want him to say it all the time, he said you should know how I feel, right, And then you say gobage like that. Well, now I guess what when he do show you affection, you shine that. So now you want your man to keep showing you with it, But every time you get it from him, it ain't enough, which leads us not to continue to give more. Now you've had all these other guys that been wind and dying, you would shower at you with the expressive gifts and all like this, but and you got to have that. Then you try to throw me off and say, Shirley, I'm the type of woman right there trying to get somebody to go along with you. But you're messed up, cause Steve go answering the letter too. Now you've been dating a man for three years and you wonder why he popped a big question. He'd go, don't know, man, wanna sign up for a life with a needy ass woman? Men want to be need at but we don't want to sign up for no needy ass woman. I got to sit up under you, I got to be with you. I got to tell you how beautiful you are. I got to shower you with these flowers give. If you ain't getting that, then your ass ain't happy. Who you know finn to sign up with that? The man you got ain't signed enough for that, and the other ones you had in your past ain't signed up for it, And you've feen to be lonely the rest of your life because your ass is needy. Stop expecting everybody to make you happy and make yourself happy. Hey't nobody make you happy but you? And obviously, lady, you ain't happy now you want everybody come along and make you happy. Your needy, lonely ass to be needy and lonely for a long ass time. Ain't nobody been to marry your needy ass? Wow? Yes, tell Steve, I said, hey, tell him. He's not talking to you. You can talk to him. You can talk to him. Okay, we're tell him. I heard Steve. Come on, this is so awkward for us. We're in the middle. You guys are friends, you've been friends for years. Oh yeah, well well, I mean maybe what's the problem though? You fired him and you're not talking to him. Don't you think that's the problem, Like a major problem. I'm still here. You guys got talking to him. I feel like fraido he got killed and godfather, godfather? Yes, Oh, I thought you were talking about a fraidough in ah Lord of the Rings. He knows the movie. I love Lord of the Rings. I haven't seen all of them. They've beenn't do anymore than I haven't heard anything. Yeah, George Wallace, Mom is doing called Lord of the Onion Range. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, the guys are here with today's comedy segment. Jay, come on, this is out of your mind. You're still work here for now. Tell us what is has to do and how women can take anything that a man does, anything, any any little movement, any anything, anything and make something out of it. By the way she phrases it like it makes you feel as if you're doing something wrong anything for instance, Oh, oh, you taking showers? Now, what's wrong with that? And we got one in the band. When did you start taking showers all of a sudden you showering up? That's self for phrasing right there. When did you start wearing that fragrance? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, that's not what you usually wear. But yeah, I just I was in the department stone. I saw, lad, you're changing up. Now you're changing up fragrances when they they start with, I see you got some new shoes. Yeah? When did you start eating toast? I never knows you like toast? Toast can't even have Yeah, I just wanted to try cut you cutting bread in half? Now, so we cutting off ends, don't the crust we don't eat crushed them all? Yeah. The food yeah, yeah, always something all of this I love right here, just when you start buying new socks, yeah, well old sock for l Yeah. I get this one all the time. What is you doing on that side of time? Yeah? Why are you aver that? What did you're doing in sugar lane? That's what I want to know? What you do over there? Who you know? Yeah, Carlos from Oh higg one. This is when this when they say it just really bothers us because we be mine my own business on the phone. Maybe they just laughing, having a good time. What's so funny? I'd like to laugh too, Yeah what what? What a head back? Laughing and there that Yeah you're cracking out. Yeah, my favorite segment of two thousand and eighteen right here, what I saw you scribbling? What you scratch it out? Phone? Yeah? You got see your sound you wrote up down, scratched up? You were scribbling what you scratch it out? Yeah? Oh I got one, Steve, I got one, Shirley, tell that one. Jay has one, Steve, Okay telling me go ahead? Since since when you started liking that song? When I never know you like, hey, oh, that's your jam. I got war, I got war for you? Ready for this? What you gotta bring it? Why girl keep calling you? Your dogs were friends? But what do you keep calling your photo? Girl has replaced? I got I got this one about a monica. So you you didn't went from zess to dove h. So you didn't went from zes to dub. That's what you're doing now you're doing dub. Who got your own? Who put your own duck? Yeah? I got one? I got one. I got one of that one. So you went to the mcdown's on the other side of town a stroll on? Yeah, okay, yeah, okay, So now so now so now you you're going to church? Are you about the Lord? Now? Who is this? When you start eating Mediterranean food? I got so? Why you got to be at every taco Tuesday? What's down? That so good? Taco down? Are you Mexican? Now? Where you know how from? At the bank? Coming here every day? Any time? I knowiced cleaning? Yeah, people always speaking. This is my first time in here. Yeah yeah, no, no, so I see y'all friends on Facebook? We ain't friends on Facebook. That's the big one, right there. I love it. Don't hit that boy, don't hit that like but nothing. Yeah, be careful. So you're hugging people around the waist when you take pictures now, huh. We gotta have our all straight up in the air. We gotta be arrest. We're getting arrest. So when you start wiping stuff off my face. Yeah yeah, oh boy, got some sleep in your eye, just was giving it. I'm just getting sleeping. Or you like baked chicken down all of a sudden you chicken out. Okay, that's what we're doing. I'm stupid. You're eating baked chicken. Since when Since when you got to where you want to hold my hand? Now? When we got when they start here this hole in hand? When that start you started wearing your ring again. Huh. You can't win alright, come with Steve closes out o this. I'm through you through now, you through you? When you start crying after six, Oh my god, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Michael Wolfe remember that name. Michael wolf He is the author of a controversial new book, Fire and Fury. It did els the first year of Donald Trump's presidency. Uh and he was on Meet the Press yesterday and recently appeared on the Today Show. Wolf has come under fire from the White House, which has accused him of fabricating many of the claims in this book. But Wolf insists he is comfortable with everything he wrote and that he has recordings and notes from every conversation he had with the President and others inside the administration. Okay, Trump's lawyer fired off a cease and desist letter to block today's publication of the new book, which Wolf says only helps him prove the point of his book. He says, this is extraordinary that a president would try to stop the publication of the book. And as for Wolf's credibility being questioned, here is Wolf's explanation to Today's show, Savannah Guthrie, take a listen here. We got work like every journalist works. So I have recordings, I have notes. Um, I am certainly and absolutely in every way comfortable with everything I've reported in this Would you release any of those recordings since your credibility is being questioned. My credibility is being crushed, questioned by a man who has less credibility than perhaps anyone who has ever walked on earth. At this point, Wow, baby's got down that Steve. You say what cha to anyone that has ever walked on earth. Though, that's crazy. Don't come for him, Do not come from Michael Wolf's okay, He also said. Michael Wolfe also said he spoke to dozens of people inside the White House, and one percent of the people around him question his intelligence and fitness to do the job. Um, adding they're talking about the president now, adding they all say he is like a child, and what they mean by that is that he has an immediate need for gratification. It is all about him. Wolf claims that people he spoke to describe the president as a quote moron and an idiot. President Trump rejects those assertions, of course, and said that he is very stable. As a matter of fact, he is a very stable genius. All right. Uh, he tweeted, he was an excellent student and won the presidency on the first trial, Right Am, Barack Obamba and Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter. I'll tell you everybody who ran the first time. Yeah, so, I mean, and and Michael Wolfe was actually in and around the White House. I mean he was the air he you know, how did he get in? Yeah? He had he had to have access they said he had access, he had to pass all of that, so they knew he was there. So, I mean, all of this stuff is just made up. Now, that's what they're saying that they're calling it a fiction. They're calling the book fiction. Now, yeah, I got comebacks, is funny. I'm a stable genius. Yeah, yeah, he could come up with him. Yeah. Here's the deal. And I've said this all along. Here's a seventy year old guy who has made billions of dollars. He's just an old rich guy who had a reality show, who's been on the cover of Playgirl magazine, who has been an international playboy. He is now the president with no political experience, never worked on the streets to help people, He's never been in any political office, ain't been mayor, Alderman counsel him in nothing, And now he's the president who is just non presidential on almost any level. Now, does he have some good business ideas? I think he might be onto something business wise. Does he have any people's skills? Not a single one. Does he uplift and try to do the most for people? Not at all? I mean it. Does he have a clue as to what the common man thinks? He feels not and will he listen to people who have that advice for him? No? No, but his base. Have you ever talked to the base personally? Yeah? Hey, man, I wish I could think of his lady's name. Have you seen the lady that was defending Judge Roy Moore that they hired the campaign manager, his campaign manager, the white lady, blonde boy. When you listen to her try to justify Roy Moore, it was It's ridiculous and it just goes to show you how bipartisan this country is. Look, Republicans know that this guy, Donald Trump is not presidential acting at all. They know that he goes against everything that's ever been Yeah, they knew that even before he you know, they thought he would become more presidential. But they try to stand with him. If you look at just flip between CNN and Fox News, just do that one day that all they've been talking about is the book I'm talking about is to Russia investigation. All they've been talking about is this turmoil in the White House. All they've been talking to about is Donald Trump's unfitness. You go to Fox, all they're talking about is the Clintons are now under investigation. They're gonna reopen the investigation. Clinton, did they do did they take foundation contributions for political favors? Uh, look at these immigrants. We need a wall. This is what's happening with immigration. And the president has approval skipped approval rating. Jobs are up, unemployment is down, the stock markets at all time high. That's all Fox say and all c and then say is what's wrong? It's this the craziest thing I know. His wife looked, she looked tired, she looked like she fed up with it. Book. She cried, she was distraught. Hell, a lot of people cried the whole weekend. You're listening Steve Harvey Show. All right, Uh, we talked about author Michael Wolfe and his book that's out today, Fire and Fury. Um, it's all about the president and the White House right now, the goings on in the White House. You know how he's questioning the president's credibility and and his fitness to be president and all of that. And the president klapped back and said he's a very stable genius. Well, Dan Rather tweeted, Uh, you remember Dan Rather used to be on sixty minutes for for years and years. Anyway, he tweeted, Yeah, a legend. You're right, dear Mr President. A good rule of thumb is that when you've got it, you don't have to say it. People know. That holds true for wealth, compassion, faith, and yes, being a very stable genius. Sincerely, Dan. So there you go with the president, with the President saying, you know, tweeting, he's a very able genius. Dan. Rather, it's just saying, you don't have to say it. People know it. You don't have to, you know, remind us, we'll figure it out. Yeah. The awards season kicked off last night with the seventy five annual Golden Globe Awards, honoring the best in film and television. It was hosted by Seth Myers. Hollywood women joined forces last night to fight sexual harassment. Uh. Some of the actresses wore black in solidarity for victims of sexual harassment and abuse. Here were some of the nominees. Game of Thrones, of course, Uh, this is us, Blackish is Sterray, Uh, Insecure, Best Actor Denzel Washington for Roman Q Israel. Esquire saw that movie. Best Supporting Actress Mary J. Blige was nominated from mud Bound. Plus Oprah Winfrey. Congratulations going out to her she received the Lifetime Achievement Award. I'll take a listen. In two Sydney received the Cecil Beda Mille Award right here at the Golden Globe. And it is not lost on me that at this moment there are some little girls watching as I become the first black woman to be given the same award. So I want all the girls watching here now to know that a new day is on the horizon, and when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of them are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say me too. Again. And congratulations by the way, to Mary J. Blige. We mentioned she got a nomination from Mud Pound. She also got her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Yeah, she's getting it, So congratulations to her. Now the Golden Globe, of course show when I have gained six pounds over the holiday, got to do that. That's an award, that's an achievement. You were nominated most pounds gains. Congratulations Steve, Congratulations good work. Okay, the Golden Globes, like we said, really good last night. When we come back, we're going to talk about Steve. You'r Cleveland Browns. What about them? We have zero in in some way? What what do you want to talk to them? They got a better recordar your challenges. Shut up, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve. The hopeless condition of your Cleveland Browns And yes, I say you're Cleveland Browns. You're Cleveland Browns. They were blamed for an Ohio man's death, Stez. And this is this is really sad. I mean, and Ohio man passed away after suffering from a long illness. His affliction here it is being a Cleveland Browns fan. His name is Mr Paul Stark. He died at just the first world reporter what him? What are you saying? Myself inflicted? At least people didn't die following the damn frown His family, you know, they published like a little tongue in cheek obituary saying his condition was exacerbated by the hopeless condition of the Cleveland Browns. Mr Stark died days before his team lost its final game and kept off its winless, winless season. The obituary did, however, share glimmer a glimmer of optimism. It added that Start passed out before the Browns were prepared to turn the corner. Steve, No, No, there's no corner to turn you own sixteen two years in a row. You have to end. You gotta turn around. This ain't no corner. You gotta make it you turn What do they do though? I mean, seriously, first of all, even I care about I have no idea how this coach is steal the coach. Any other team would have fired him. You're saying, second, yeah, is he dating anyone? I mean, you know who would date him? Steve? He losing? Who gonna sit out there in the frigid cold Sunday to your job to watch you? Pretty soon? Someone would have had know how much you have to know about six? Dang took a turn? Yeah, are you gonna turn in the corner? I said he'd been there for thirty six with thirty two games or something like that, and he's still got his job. I do one damn song and get you right, Jay, get real. I ain't gonna let you do me like you did them over there, if you were the owner of the Browns, the coach would have been to talk about him. Jay. You can't even say his name now, Jay Anthony Brown. What he went over there and ran their raids in the ground. You're not gonna come over The rains went in the ground when I left, Yes, don't put that out there. When I left, they went down. I just started losing mark. No, no, no, they lost markets when they left. J left. I mean he left, he got caught up. You forgot. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, Steve, just one more thing to close out the show, starting two thousand eighteen with closing remarks. Yeah, you know, first I wanted to say our cardless goes out there an incredible brother that was on the radio for years at k g l H, and his name is Cliff wooster Man. When I heard that, it was unbelievable to me, and I just recently heard it. I was so late to the table. But first day back, I want to say our cadoles and heartfelt sympathy. God is out to his family. But know this though, that that brother right there left an incredibly lasting impression. That that brother right there was one of those special men. Cliff Winston was a special guy. He was one of the most like people in radio. I really don't know anybody saying anything disparaging about the brother. Cliff Winston was one of the rail ones. He was one of the great radio people, man, and I just wanted to send that, say that out for Cliff Winston on that first day back. So rest in peach, brother, But man, sold your job well done. Of course, you know the good always go too early. You know, we don't. We don't like this as people, but it's not our call, and so those of us that are left to deal with it, we just had to remember the joyous things that he did. He was a great brother. So Cliff Winston one of the great ones, Yes, sir, now uh. This year I had talked to the crew and I thought closing out the show on a positive note, to try to be encouraging the people, would be important. I all have had a very interesting life. I used to always wonder why God allowed so many things to happen to me. I was so tripped out, man, growing up with a stuttering problem, you know, flunking out of school, third marriage, um, lost everything I've owned, twice, homeless, living in a car, and I used to just be questioning God about all of it. And as I got older understood. Somebody sent a message to me one time to said, everything you're going through is preparing you for what you ask God for. Everything you're going through is preparing you for what you ask God for. So little did I know that all those moments in my life, that I would have those to advantage now that now, because I have a radio show, a TV show, there's so many other things going in my life, I actually can spread the good news of hope, of encouragement. That I can tell you how to get up because I've been down. I can share with you how to get over because I've been under. I can tell you how to do better because I've done worse. I can tell you how to do good because I've done bad. I can tell you how to win because I have lost. So everything you're going through is God preparing you for what you ask God for. And so I appreciate my life now, and that's in going into two thousand and eighteen, I would implore everybody to appreciate your life where it is right now. Stop complaining about the things that you don't have, and let's take a real good case of inventory and start focusing on the things that we do have. Whatever measure of health you have, you are still here. Whatever financial situation you're in, you still here. And at the end of the day, He allowed you to see two thousand and eighteen. And the reason that you are seeing two thousand and eighteen is simple. It's because God ain't through with you yet. It's because God has something else in the store for you that He has yet been able to give to you yet. And so you should be in receiver mold. You should live your life in the life of expectations. You should take advantage of this new opportunity that's given to you. If you don't have the right attitude, you know you can change that. That's the one thing you can control, what goes on in your side, your head. You ain't controlled by the devil. You are controlled by your thoughts. If you think godly thoughts, good things happened to you. If you think devilish thoughts, bad things happened to you. But you have the power of choice. Here we are the one creature that God created where we have the total power of choice. We can live where we want to live. We can do a cold climate or a hot climate. Well, you have a choice with your mind set. If you change your mind, if you change your attitude, you instantly change your altitude. This is two thousand and eighteen. Take advantage of this opportunity that God has given you. Some of these changes is gonna have to require a sense of bravery because one or two of these decisions are so big that's gonna make you fearful. Being afraid is a part of it. I'm afraid from time to time with decisions I have to make. I'm faced oftentimes with decisions man to make me wonder and second guess myself and even thinking if I shield or if I should just stay still. But you can't go forward and stay still. At the same time, you can't advance and progress without stepping. Stepping requires a certain amount of bravery. But certain steps you take are gonna be fearful. Everybody is afraid, but you got to face it though, deal with it, and take God with you in these decisions. Quick tripping yourself out. That's what God is there for. He provides strength when you're weak, He provides guidance when you confuse that's what he do. So two thousand and eighteen, why don't we all take advantage of that? I know I'm gonna try to do it more and more as the year goes on. Start your two thousand and eighteen off with God. Okay, put some God in your life and have yourself a better two thousand and eighteen. Two thousand and eighteen can be the best year of your life, y'all feel me? Yeah? Steve? Does that mean gets his job back? Then? I think about it tomorrow? Does he come here? God? Stuff? God ain't got nothing to do with him. He did that anybody, He gave him the power to decide, right. That's that's the short for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.