The Crew Breaks down office romances and Oatmeal does his first Bling Bling Blog.
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all baby all sung looking back the don giving them more just like theming buck bus things and it's touble y'all true. Good to the hot listening to me together for Stuart Moby, I don't join yea yeah by joint being. Men say you gotta turn, Yeah, you go wrong, you'll you gotta turn, you to turn turn, lobby got to turn out to turn the water the water go. Comey, come on, uh huh, I sure will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, I got a radio show, just trying to give God some back, just some back of what even gave me, just a portion, you know. Just I'm just trying, man to to to show some type of gratitude for all his blessings. I'm just trying to, man, just just get it right sometimes, you know what I mean. I mean, man, you just can't. I just can't do what you wanna do and just live wrong all the time. Man, you got it at one point in time, Steve, come home. Man, come on, man, you could do better. I know you can. You know saying and and you know what I had to do. I had to stop saying I'm gonna try to do better, and I just had to say, hey, man, I'm going to do better. You know, trying it's just to put forth and that and then if it don't work, well, okay. But if you make up in your mind and I'm going to do something, then trying isn't enough. It's getting it done is the only thing that matters. See, it's the difference between doing and trying. We're gonna try to win the game or we're gonna go out here to win the game. Now, trying to win the game means that you could lose. But when you got in your mind made up, most athletes will tell you that they go out there with the full intent and purpose of winning and winning. Only see they don't put the second place finish on the cover Sports Illustrated. Second place don't get you there. You you got to win. And now take it out of the scope of athletics, but keep it in that type of type of analogy in life. Man, you just wanna you want to win in life, don't you. I mean, at the end of the day, don't you want to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated The Life. Don't you want to be recognized for your hard work? Don't you want, you know, to be recognized within the bonus structure down at your job. Don't you want to have your plaque up on the wall down at your job. I mean most people do. Some people could care less. Some people don't care about looking good or being their best, And that's cool. But I ain't talking to them though. I'm talking to you. I'm talking to those of you who who who want to be the best you can be. You know, people people kill me when they're getting mad at at people here and he Brown knows and he all up on the employee of the moth Man, the dude doing his job to the best of his ability and he getting recognized for it. What that got to do with all that you're talking about because you ain't up there. It's amazing, man, how people describe other people's success. He's so lucky, lucky, Hey man, Don't they kind of get you a little bit when people call you lucky When let me tell you what luck really is, y'all. Luck is when hard work bumps up into opportunity, when hard work run smack dab up in the opportunity. Some people call that luck. But hold on, let's let's think about this. If you wasn't working hard, an opportunity presented itself, what would you call that? What you call that a missed opportunity? What you call that wrong place at the wrong time, or you missed out on that? But see, when you've been working hard, an opportunity presents itself and it bumps up into each other. Now people want to call that luck, but hold up, here go the part though today ain't paying no attention to. Yeah, that opportunity came by, But if you had not been working hard and the hard work had not ran up in the opportunity, what would you have. No, sir, it's not luck, it's work. It is work, because as a scripture that says, faith without works is dead. Look, I know I use the same ones all all the time, But them the ones I know, I mean what you want me to, you want me lie to, you want me come on here and tell you man, I've been studying the Bible. I haven't. I haven't, I haven't, I haven't. But my mom was a Sunday school teacher. She taught me enough. Though, Now I know different between right and wrong, just like you do. You ain't gotta you know it accused me when people write a strawberry letter? Am I wrong for this? You know? Good? Well, look at let's read your letter? Are you wrong for this? You know you're wrong? What you don't need that's to be telling, you know? But I'm gonna do this anyway. Well, see, go ahead, though, do what you wanna do. But you know what, y'all here, here's the best advice I can give you. This is what I really came to talk about this morning, but I got sidetrack because I listened. You know what, get get out of your own way. So many of us are blocking our own blessings. We're just in our own way. We are in our own way. And one of the most dangerous ways you can get in your way is to do it your way, to get it figured your way, and to lock in on your way. And it's the way it's got to go. Do you know how many people are blocking their blessing? Do you know how long I blocked mine? With that mindset right there? This is how I wanted to happen. This is how I wanted to go down. This is the way I'm gonna go about it, and this this what's gonna happen, lock loaded fire. So I was dead set on doing it my way. Have you ever talked to people man, Well, it's just the way I do it. Look, because it's the way you do it, you think that make it the right way? Do you think jazz because you'd have thought on it long and hard and that's what you really want. Do you really think that your way is the right way or could there be a better way? See? Until I started listening to God and started paying attention to his way, man, I was spending my wheels. Man. I was out here so determined this how I was gonna do it. But you know, I had to learn how to get out of my own way because just because I could do it my way didn't mean it was the right way. I had to get out of my own way. Just get out your way, man, Now, what what what does that mean? That means see, set your goals, That means have your dreams. That's I'm I'm saying, set your goals. Man, I ain't saying don't set goals. Listen to me. Set your goals. What is it you want to happen? What is it you like to have? What is it you like to be? What are you aspire to? Set your goals and set your dreams. Now, take your goals and your dreams to God and ask God to show you how, Man, you can save yourself a lot of pain. Listen to somebody who did it his way for so long. And when I finally got out of my way, out of my own way. When you've heard old people say, let go and let God. You heard him say that I didn't. I didn't get it, but I got it. Now let go and let God. And it's amazing little saying. Though now you know you may not get it now. It took me a bunch of years to get it too. But when I but when I took my goals and my dreams and my vision to God, and I said, God, this is what I hope for, this is what I aspired to, This is what I want to be, This is why I would love to get to. Then I said, help me show me how, Point me in the right direction, Let me follow your footsteps, Guide me and give me a spirit of discernment. Show me who wrong? Because I meet people every day ain't up to no good with me? Every single day. Oh man, man, I can't believe I run up in to you. Man, the Lord told me something's gonna happen to me today. Well, see, I talked to him every day. He did not mention you to me. He ain't said nothing to me. He didn't tell me what was gonna happen. In mind. Now, I don't mean it can't happen because I'm open to it. But it amazes me when people come up to me. Man, the Lord wanted me to tell you this. Hold on, man, I talked to him every day, every day, some days more than others. I ain't perfect. I missed sometimes, but I'm on a daily basis talking to him. So really, man, I'm I'm and I and and and Please know I'm listening as well as I've ever listened before. But but get yourself together, though, see no, your goals and your dreams, and then let God show you how to do it. He'll do it. See see you know how you let him lead you. Listen. Listen, that's all you got to do. If you're talking to God and you're asking him for help, Listen, but don't go with the first thing that happened. Pay attention because here's one way. You know it ain't him. If it's some sin in it, it ain't him. It ain't him. I don't care. Go down there and tell them this right here, and then dellustrating them, mouth that ain't him talking to you. That's not him. You know, it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's um. It's someone important. Man, It's so important everybody, that you get focused, that you aim for something, that you dream of, something, that you aspire to something. But it's the most the best thing you can do. After you do all that, man, get God involved in it. Man, talk to him. I mean, why would you not what you got to lose. You ain't gotta go down there and make no big scene and and run laps around the church and run up there and throw yourself on the altar and scream and flip over and throw money in there. You ain't got to do that. This you and God, man, This you and God. You know you got to serve and praise him the way you do it. You gott let everybody else tell you highs done. It's a personal relationship. People kill me if you don't do it this way. If you don't come here to this church and you don't run around in this circle, and you don't get flipped in and you don't turn a somersault, and you ain't saved, and you ain't saying what did you do? What tongue did you speak? Hey man, you better go have a relationship with God. See what that's about. You understand? Nobody throw you off with all that? All right, all right, y'all talk doing me load here from you? Today? You're listening to Harvey Morning Show eighteen minutes after the hour, Steve Harvey Morning Show, pop waking you up, hoping you up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up. Okay, we're up. Let's get to it's the top of the morning. Baby, yep. Everybody in a good mood today. Junior absolutely morning. But he can running anything. I'm just scared. All you have to do is go to sleep and wake up. It's something, yeah, you know. And so at home every nine and one would leak out mm hmm. You don't know. I'm in one one time. I can't wait. You know. You know how your mamma tell you got to eat all your food. It's kids in Africa starving. And I said, well, you want to send it to him. You said that outlive. I didn't know I had said it outline. I was talking, you're alive, You're still alive. Yeah, Oh my face went straight down in that old meal. Oh yeah, I had old meal all up in my nose. Everything you got back then. Oh, she sat me on back of the head so hard. That's like when I tell my mom, don't worry about it. I was a real little kid, knocked so hard, and don't worry about it. My uncle's told me they put me up to saying that I didn't know and tell me your favorite famous line to your mom. Remember you don't make me knock you into the next week And I said, well, booked me for thirsdy all the way. That's when he came to on Thursday. Hey man, we was at the success seminar over the weekend and a long time ago. You know, I had gave you know, Marjorie car for her birthday on Instagram. M. I didn't show the whole car, just showed the door. Her reaction to it, everything, Yeah, I just wishing my girl a happy birthday. So there's somebody typed in and said, how dare you buy such an expensive car when people in Africa and around the world are started. So I text back, I said, well, hell, they can't need to call something. What is trip? You thought that was the best response. Yet that's the same Steve to say somethingbody that told me about that. Yeah, dude, right there, it's the same. And I've always thought that way, and they can't need to come So what what what is we really saying about? That's crazy? But but today, these kids today, we're not raised like we were raised. I'll just say that. The stuff I'm gonna get away with, I mean, but like it's like parenting has changed. And yeah, these stories man, that's coming out these people, that's convicting the that's committing these foul acts on Facebook live and nobody's importing it. Yeah. It's sad man that we except things. We're so desensitized. Yeah, it's almost like it ain't my business mm hmmm. Which that's not the case because again, growing up, the whole block new if you were doing something that you would tell your parents. Yeah, and they would tell your parents, you know. But now it's just so different. Yeah oh yeah, but if they did though, the double did that, somebody else had that? Oh discipline, my shot outside of the home. So you're down acting like you won't like you ain't got no home training. That's why i'd But that's why your mom would be so mad, because you've got them people down there thinking she ain't up here doing her job. Yeah, don't embarrass me. Oh man, that was Now we embarrass our kids. They don't want you to embarrassing them. Is that crazy? How did it get flipped? They let it get slippened? Yeah, what has happened? I don't know. My mom was still act what what's that, jun Yeah, my mom is still active. It ain't change it over there, not over there. It's head still fully functioned. What's your worst whooping you ever got? Junior? I told you about them hangars in the flow, and I had said I was sick of this shieyeyema. Are you sick of this? You got problems with hangars today? Oh man? If I can beat with them, hang I gotta be with everything. It's bad when they throw you into your dress and everything on your dress a fall on you like a stereo clone. Everything failed. Spare change, spare change. Godly speakers kind of knowing and didn't tell you to clean it up, Shirley. Oh yeah, how my dad in the hallway did laughing. So your mom was a disciplinary and my mom wasn't enforced. My dad only will be about four times, but my mom about a hundred and eighty thousands didn't didn't care. Yeah, my mom did not play. She did not play. But you know what it made me the man I am today. I really think I don't regret it. I don't regret how she raips me. I really don't. M I did then, but you just say stuff in the bedroom when you closed it, dough yealy under your breath. Absolutely. But my worst thing, Tommy, was rolling my eye. And as big as your eyes is, that looks like a globe with s. You got them Atlas eyes. It looks like it's a white man got it on his shoulders, turning, holding over so you don't rolled them gods like she wasn't gonna see it to blink with my ass that size man like to shutter on an old ass camera. Shut. I put this picture of me on my Instagram over the inter of you with me, and all the comments said, oh, we see what Steve means about your eyes. We think they're so big your eyes. Half the comments were about that. So thank you. And we have to go to break coming back something funny. I bet you see, we gotta go to break. You're listening, Steve were brack there is something funny coming up. Ye always got h We want to say congratulations to them. North Carolina tar Heels baby all right in seat double A. Chap told you they did the dog on things and tar Heels boy, yes, sah. I was worried about him for a minute though, Oh you worry They pulled it off. Oh they got funky man. Who the legends out of their dog? Well, I mean, I know, Jordan, what's some legends about it? That's out of that at college right there? James Worth Kenney the jet rocket, he said, Michael Trordan dance card Yo? That yeah, okay, Antoine James all right, yo, uh, stack counts the stack all this stuff? Um? Was it a good game? Was the game not own at your house? The game watching? Yeah? But if he's watching it, I don't, I'm not. I'm not in the same room. Yeah. But you don't seem no other people got more than mustn't those of us? Tommy said, I know what time you trying to say? That if the game on it you're sitting there with your husband, because y'all ain't at the level he as, y'all must be in a studio apartment. Oh is that what he's trying to say? Yeah, your sofa saw some men said, you know el Shateau. Yeah right, you know y'all play small how Yeah you know how you started stuff like that? Hanging out with your man watching the game. That's what I mean, my wife coming there, man, Madred, It depends. Don't know a damn thing about basketball, about nothing. Why they holling because they scored? They made a touchdown, Baby, they scored. There's a basket basketball, you know, different basketball and football. You know the differences. They look if she's looking, but she don't, don't it. Yeah, she's like pretending. Yeah no, she don't pretend. She asked questions. I want her to go. You can't watch the game. I want her to get up and go. Ple you stop asking me that. Who is that? Yeah? I many questions. That few of those teams you don't see spurs on the James winning. I'm gonna use that with the ghost in the bottom of the game. Now, you ain't got to wonder about it. It stayed below all the time. But then my white will bring me something. We'll have some food. I love that. Okay, another slam on me. Okay, I'm getting sick of you, nephew. If home, Yeah, because you know Shirley cook some you're gonna bring your white will bring you some food there, just hoping that's just so you don't have no snacks for your man. At least have that. You at least have that. Okay, First of all, I got to know that the game. This is a game day. Okay, let's start, everybody, it's the game day. So okay, I'll get some snacks. What some popcorn and stuff, right, nos and fries, nacho salads and and you know ko dips and she's dips and what? No, you make all this? Who make it? Some slidders you know, chicken slides, slid little stuff like that to make it nice for you man. So he ain't just sitting up in there, don't know Ifody won't come up with his own Washington game, why coming there with that? Yeah, you heven't got that. He just got some potato chips, a little hot sauce. Yeah, that's it. He likes sprite and a sprite. I'm good. Congratulations took the North Carolina. Yeah, all right, get ready. Up next, it's run that prank back with the nephew. You're listening show y'all. Forty eight minutes after that, I coming up at the top of the hour. We gotta go. And this ain't gonna be here with the latest from the White House. Okay, you know White House and you an't even got to wear there's something going on. I knowed they got this one board here that before he talked, can he get immunity? My lord? He what do you know? And he wants to share? But see that's see, that's that I ain't going down by myself. M hmm. Well he was better by being fired anyway. He didn't like that. Yeah, he's still a little salty. Uh huh. He has some information he wants first days, but Jesus mess who didn't have the information on? I mean, it's got to be somebody either at his level or high and he up there. It ain't too many people higher. Yeah, come on, think about it. Probably who appointed him. Yeah, Hell, I won't a mute it for what would you do? I don't give it for anything? On my say, Oh, pull in that case all right now, for you're gonna run that prank back what you got, I'm gonna run that prank back. Hot check at the church. Shot check amen, you'll speech, you're speech to petition. It's more than I didn't know if it was check or check. First of all, I didn't think either either. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach your Monica system. Monica. Please, this is brother de Sean. I'm calling Actually I'm a member Greater Missionary Baptist Church. How can I help you? Calling you? Actually? About the offering? Now? Did you? I know you paid your ties Sunday? Okay? Now you paid a love offering as well? Right? Okay? Now this past Sunday. Um, I'm looking at a check that you left us with the bank, right right, I sure did. I wrote a check Sunday. Okay. Now the check, ma'am was two hundred and fifty Am, I correct? Right right? I wrote two checks for my ties and the love offering. Right, I wrote one for two fifty for the love offering. Okay? Now what is this call regarding? Why are you calling me? What I wanted to tell you is that I hate to be a bar of bad news, but you your check that you wrote for two fifty actually has bounced. And wait a minute, you said my check bounce? Your check bound? So what I'm doing is calling you about recouping the two fifth as well as you know you you cost us thirty dollars uh in bank fees. Now I wrote two checks. I wrote a check for a hundred dollars. Did that one bound? I don't see to it that that that one bound. All I know is the one that the love offering has bounced. What did you put him in at the same time? Because I wrote him at the same time. They all go in on Monday, ma'am. Now, I didn't put them in at the same time. I've been putting them in for the last two or three years. The problem is why would people right there, brother Shaun was I don't think it matters when when I was there, man, The problem is that I didn't put these checks in. And I don't understand why y'all write these checks to the track knowing that they're gonna bound. There's a lot of people right, good, well not the other one didn't clear. Maybe you didn't have enough money for both of them to clear. What What did you say? Maybe you didn't have enough money in the bank for both of them. The clip and I don't understand why people write in the bank at all. My checks clear. I don't write no rubber checks. Well, you wrote one on Sunday and that's the problem. How are you gonna try to give a look? Wait a minute, I think you got me confused with somebody else. I don't write no bad checks. You didn't wrote to you. I'm trying to be nice to you. When can we expect the two fifty plus the thirty dollars? So that's the bank fees, ma'am for the doll gonna check bouncing? My check didn't bounce. I don't check my bank. And if my check clear, you're gonna pay me thirty dollars for calling me harassing me about a two hundred and fifty dollar check bounce. I don't write no Why would you write check? What? You want to? Sit up in the church and write these big number checks when you know you ain't got it in the bank. I said, why would you write these checks when the money ain't in there? Let me tell you one thing. I don't write no bad checks, and you got a lots calling me telling me my check bounce, y'all. Check is the one that has bound. And you tell you what you do since my check bounce, you paid them, since you got all the money, And don't call me with this again. Hello, don't you hang up on me no more? When when don't we gonna get this two fifty and this thirty dollars? Somebody from the church to my eye wrote a bad check. Check. I didn't write no bad Why are you calling me? Why the treaser don't call me at church? The treasure is I ain't never know the deacon called nobody about no bad check. You're fully thank you you got the money I ain't got. Who is that in the background? Who is that for mine? Who it is? We're both going to the same church, and you're gonna call me? To my eye wrote a bad check? You don't you call me no more? And if the check bads, you paid? Okay, keep passed to know you're talking like this, pass to know you're calling me? Can you after that? Look? When are we gonna get this two eight dollars is what we're looking for from You wrote a check for two fifties and not get to eighty. You you put two fifty in there. It bounced thirty dollars cost us on bank fees. That's to eighty. Where can the church expect their money? Never? Not? No to eight? You will never get to eight. You're gonna make me come by your and my check in what I'm gonna do. What You're gonna make me come by your house and get this money? Bring it? Bring it? Bring it? What is the address on this check? Check? I got it off the check. I bet you you'll be living back and I'm watching you. You bet not be spending no money nowhere. You bet not spend nothing until I get this two fifty plus thirty whatever. I want to know, you know where I am. And you don't call me no more with this because my check did not bounce. I don't see how one check went through and the other bound. Let me say this to you, we cannot accept you back into the house of the Lord no more until you are not. Don't you come in and Sunday until we get coming up and that Sunday, and I'm gonna make sure I find your because you the person I want to see you, and you know what, I'm gonna call the pastor right now and asked him because I don't believe my check bounce you fully. Let me say this, before you called pastor, I got no, I'm a called pastor. No, you should have talked with pastor before you call me with this information. I got one more thing I need to say. You ain't got nothing to say to me. You don't upset me with this I'm talking about I bounced the check. You should have went to pastor before you call me with you. I tall pastor one I got, But I got one more thing to say before I leave. But you're listening. What are you about to say to me? What do you have to say now that you're gonna pay the check? This his nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pragged by your girlfriend. What did you say? Baby? This is what did you say? I'd say? This is nephew. Till me, baby, brother Steve Harvey more to tell. Your girlfriend has pranked you. He just left. Let me ask you one more thing, though, baby, what is the baddest radio show in the land, The Seed Harvey Morning You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Give me that top of one more time. Congratulations North Carolina. He's taking it to the printing pits. I wanted to drive on Williams. Oh wow, that's what you need from that guy. Big time palm hold delivers block, Poe makes burn out ahead to Jackson and he took it down for the five point lande no time outs con saga it's stolen and North Carolina's power was seven seconds to go the game deciding sequence. And this year the confetti it's gonna fall from North Carolina. They're not gonna be the line this time. Come on. They may have kids from the team that's from the area. They ain't nobody, nobody from way over here going, no damning, ain't coming out of scholarship. Tell you to go. No you go, dog, you go where the people recruit you at. They get their players out to pat ten and all that. They might go over to the eighth little bit down coming. Anybody going over that, dog, you cold ball playing. You're on the East Coast. You're going to the A c C, the s SEC. You're going somewhere like that. You ain't gonna go over there, way out there, yeah, way out there. You don't know where it is. Listen, missing is here, Yeah, she's always here. She's very reliable. So here she is, ladies and gentlemen, the lovely, the talented, MS and Trip. Thank you, thanks Earl College, everybody at the Junior and Tommy. This is Antrip with the news. Okay, a lot has gone on all over the world and Russia at least fourteen people now, fourteen people dead as a result of yesterday's explosion in St. Petersburg subway station. Authorities suspect terrorism. The whole city's underground system is shut down, and security has been beefed up on commuter lines in Moscow as well, actually in New York City too, and investigation underway in Russia. But right now they say that it was a suicide bomber who was a cur to stanborn Russian citizen. Families in a small southern city in Columbia desperately searching for loved one swept away by water, mud, and debris from the storms that started they're late Friday. The death toll there has risen to two hundred and sixty two, many of them children. However, a number of people are still missing, and that death toll has expected to really rise. Officials say that at least four people are dead as a result of yesterday's severe weather in the South. Among the dead, and Mississippi woman who was desperately trying to direct rescue was to her submerged car when she died. They say the woman had driven off the road and into a creek. Another woman died when strong winds toppled the tree onto her home. The Democrats say they have enough of the votes to filibuster this week against the nomination of Judge Neil Gorcer's to the Supreme Court. Senate rules say that sixty votes are needed to confirm a High Court nominee, but right now Republicans don't have it. But that still leaves the so called nuclear option, whether the Senate abolishes or blows up the long standing rules in favor of reducing the vote threshold to only a majority vote from now on. Republicans are claiming that this would be the first partisan filibuster in the nation's history. However, Democrats point to last year's unprecedented and disrespectful GOP blockade against President Obama's nominee, Mariic Garland, who Republicans refused to even interview, and they say that was basically a year long partisan filibuster. Meanwhile, lawmakers on both sides of the AISLD dismayed over what's happened to governance in this country. One of them, Democrat Leahy, who had voted for six Republican Supreme Court nominees in the past, promis to use whatever tactic is necessary to get his way, even if that means forever damaging the United States Senate and for its forty two years. I've devoted myself to the good the Senate can accomplish. But I cannot vote solely to protect an institution when I fear that the Senate I would be depending no longer exists at Senator Patrick Lahy. The full Senate is expected to vote on Gorcer by the end of this week. Georgia Governor Nathan Deal says he's looking for money from the federal government to help repair that heavily travel section of five that collapsed last week due to a fire. They've charged one man who says he's a crack addict and he's homeless. Their annual basil Elobi and today is National Hugger Newsperson Day. Yeah, there really is a day. And National eat a carrot, Danny, carrots are good for you, Doc. And now this is anthrop on the Steve Barbie Morning Show. All I thank you, miss san Now. According to a survey by vault dot com, fifty percent fifty of all workers have had an office romance. Of those surveys said they think dating a co worker is cool, even if that co worker is a boss. Have you here's a question for our audience. Have you ever dated a co worker or your boss? Did you keep your relationship hidden or did other people at the office No? Eight seven seven twenty ninon Steve Boy, that's deep that question. Yeah, have you ever dated a co worker or your boss? And seeing you are the boss, Yeah, let's hear it. Let's hear yours before we go to the phone. He answer that like like like you haven't what you want me to come back down and hit don't even could just be down here by no damn check. Really Yeah, that's unbelievable. M hm, I am. I ain't know nobody I work with. But you know a lot of companies have policies, and you know you're not supposed to get together with a coworkers or data coworker. You know it's in the handbook, the employee handbook. You know you post prayed me enough to live on that what happened? So now what you want me to do? You want me? You you you? You want me to be all I can be? But you ain't gonna be had what you? What? What? What I need you to be? What are you mad about? Right? See? Was that was that at work or school? That the story that I love so much that you always tell about. Used to tell the girl I love you every single day. That was a job a full moti come and she finally broke. That was my first job right out of college when I flunked out. I worked it forward. Huh, chick named mariad Man. I walked past her every day, told I love find his chick on that whole line though in the plan. So you just would walk by and say I love you. Yeah, dudes, be laughing at me. You stand college boy just gonna just keep saying that she ain't tysh ain't talking back to you, you know, old Huh, you ain't getting nothing, ain't no return on this investment, all stupid. I love you every day every day a year, a whole year, the whole year. You're Oh, you're so committed when you commit to something committed I wanted. So what happened. How does she break down? One day she spoke back? That was it? She say, I love you till what is? She say? No? She said, hi, how are you all I needed? I said, my name is Steve. I already know your name. She said that's right. I said, cool, I love you and walking man. You next day m h Marie, I Steve love you walked off a year. This start would be scary though front of everybody was no stalking, no sea. She can expect that I love you every day, she being. Then one day, man, I said I love you, and I blew up kiss everybody in a little lyne laughing right here, blowing kissing. And then one day, man, I blew a kiss and she blew it back. Progress here if you lean hard enough, come on, man, so I'm gonna have So. Then you guys started day eating. Yeah, stop dating, I quit going home. Yeah she had a house. Yeah ye wow. Carla has a story too. We'll get to that, I'm sure later this away. Uh you you know what, you you dated someone and not just dated that at work? Huh okay, coming up? Some of the one who called a kid his car. Oh yeah, I'm talking about the one she married. Oh oh yeah, we're gonna we're gonna talk about yours too. All right, the butterfly or or Oatmeal is up next? Is it? Is it oatmeal Day? You're listening to show back? Coming up? We got the butterfly blog. Wait a minute, I don't know who it is it butterfly or the oat Meal. I don't know. Somebody's gonna come ahome and tell what happened? Ready to do? What it's like? Good morning everybody else? Really Junior and the one and only the game I don't see high and what it's like. Good morning, give money? I up here doing my poet. Just just notice here when I come in on Tues the third, just notice, ill, this ain't there. It's not because see the butterfly blow. That's not want I'm attested to. I'm gonna say that right now. Yeah, it's here, right here. Here's the blame blame that we do like that that week before? What i't even to do be a butterfly looking here to date the day my blog is about. But you said, oh, oh, it ain't the butterfly blog to blame. Ain't blow the blame blame block already say uh, say this right here what what what? What I'm what my blog is is the sixy chick got Land, the sixty chick got land. So here you're the grocery stow. What I'm looking for is the store to sixy check out last. I ain't wait. They got people to fifteen items and list like this. Yeah, if you six you did sixy chi got land, you already in the hood. If you're lugly, you know not to be you got lad. Okay, So what we would like to do with the mostily the grocery stove or whatever. Get in the sixty chick out land. If you sexy and you let him know you got there from the old meal blame blame, blow mab. You're in the sixty chick ot land. If you know you're on the skiller wanted deed, if you know you ain't nowhere near sal you know they are way up not to be in the sixty chick a land. That's I don't know, I'm that's the blow for the day to see. This ain't whole. This ain't whole. Get on out of here. Yeah, what are the recruirements stuff? We I mean, I know to be sexy, but like what like what I have to look like like you and coldy is six and ladies, I can see y'all in the sixy chick, right, but you're some lady to rolling up in there. Get into two old meal. Your Monica can show get Mississippi Monica, babe, Mississippi Monica. Now now she she she she low body up top, but enough but on the bottom though, I don't make up for the top. Low body up top, that's what I thought. Yeah over oh, man, keep us girl. Oh he was an attractive lady. I'm sorry. You know, I've been talking different for a long term. So you gotta keep me on this whole trying to be just a shiver what it called chivalrous. Yeah, they're right there, so I'm trying. You just gotta worry. I'm all for you helping me. I'm out help me with my life. Now, you don't understand who've been guiding me all the time. I wouldn't let y'all know this old meal with with the blame blame blog. How's the butterfly? You talked to the butterfly right here? Did y'all like that? Yeah? Like that? You didn't sit here? Man pumped him up like he led the blame, blame blog and got people standing there lying at a damn groceries stuff. This is what you want on to write a blog about standing in lying at the dog ground grocer That's what you want, everybody, lega. What I need is that it is not new to harmy. No better, I ain't gonna better put on how to tap all. I'm saying to you, Danny Land, if you six stand over you with your ITAs, I don't know. I'm saying, thank you man. We'll be right back with more of the blame, blame, blog, blame. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. According to a survey by vault dot com of all workers have had an office romance, of those surveys said they think about dating uh coworkers cool. Um, they think dating a coworker is cool, even if that co worker is a boss. Have you ever dated a co worker or your boss? Did you keep your relationship hidden or did other people at the office? No? Eight seven seven nine Steve eight seven steven Um. All right, here's our quest sin of the week. This is a good one too. Have you ever dated a co worker or your boss? Like all workers have had an office romance. So we want to know have you ever dated someone at the office and did you keep that relationship hidden or did other people know at the office. Let's go to the phones. Let's go to line seven and talk to Joy out of Nevada. Joy. Good morning, Hello, Joy? How are you? How are you dolling? I am amazing. Thank you for asking. I just want you guys know I love you so much. Thank you. Joy. I was a program manager of program directors of Blind Center of Nevada and part of mine at the Blind Center. Okay, is you blind? Are you? No? You are? Oh? No, Jesus no what else? Perfect? I'm that perfect? Hilarious. So part of my job duties were to recruit and also conduct intakes for new members. So there was a gentleman that I didn't intake four and probably I would say maybe a month or so after he started coming to the Blind Center. Um, he began to pursue me and little subtle flirt here and there and whatever, and I just never really gave it the time or the day because I did kind of tell myself that one thing I would never do with the data member of the Blind Center. So so how did he get you. Was was he using like real tricky lines like you look so beautiful? He he did, But but he's not he's not totally blind. He's legally blind, but he's not totally blind. Excuse me. Meaning what that means is that, according to the American Disabilities Act, if you have a certain amount of visions, sometimes you are categorized as completely which is where you have no vision at all, or where you have some of your visions. So you're not just you're not you're not blind enough to be considered totally blind, but you are blind enough to be considered legally blind, which means you cannot hold the driver's license and you have to walk with a cane if need be where you see you a little bit, actually if you see me quite a bit. Yes, you know you called him to the signor already know people. You know it's easy to get on the ground and find your damn contact. But when you got enough in your red that's a double last stop it you're enough servant D D C. And I don't know he he does. He's not blind enough to have a service off dot. That's what I'm saying. That's my service dog is like when you're sick and they can tell you get sick, and he stopped. I need a dog know how to read it down traffic light, cross the street, helping me fall down off your courage and stuff. Get me up on this to see and I don't because my retness is detached. I apologize, joy alogize. Okay, let me ask you some can you see I am completely I'm totally fighting. I have no Okay, So you slept with the dude that couldn't see I didn't know. I didn't. I didn't. I mean I slept with them after we married. We got married. This story they went on a blind date. Yeah, they went on a blind date and she didn't had to fix herself up at all. He didn't see. Oh the base. I hate you guys so much. Oh God, well's try. I'm glad it turned out happy ending for you, and thanks for calling. Okay, Hey, y'all. When we come back from the break for day after the hour, Tommy the King is in the building of the prank phone called We're Gonna Let it Match. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. I tried. We're back coming up at the top of the hour. We got strawberry leather. But come on, food, let me jump right on in here on this here years up wedding and a funeral. Hello. Ryan, Hi, I'm trying to Ryan, Ryan. How are you doing? Hey, I'm good. I'm a second. This is Josh Josh over at the I want to be officials at the church where you guys are getting married tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, how you doing? Man? They want to thank you all for that too, man, Well, we'll appreciate it. Yeah. Well, we definitely hope to make you a member here soon or later since you guys are getting married. You know, hey, man, you know I'm trying to get this work schedule changed up. You know what I'm saying. They got me working on Sundays now. Man, So son it I tweaked at the mood out around a little bit. I'll be there, Okay. Listen, we have a bit of a situation that has come up. We have some problems and and miscommunication and it's definitely been on the outside. Uh. They had your name Ryan down here with your phone number as well as you're you're a soon to be wife, Sonya. They have her name here, but we didn't want to call her with if we wanted to just reach out and talk to you and see if it's just if you're aware of what's going on. Okay, Well, what's what's going on? Man? There's been a mix up on on scheduling. I don't know if you know took the older make she passed away a week ago and you're not you're not a member of church, so you wouldn't know it. But she's one of the one of the oldest member kid at the church. So the older may passed away. And what's going on is you all's wedding is tomorrow at twelve o'clock, right, but the actual funeral is at three o'clock here at the church. Okay, uh but Mahane begin brother with Josh Josh. Okay, look here, brother Josh um hey man, we we we already got this thing emotion, man, we didn't saying now they have been a two hundred differentations. Man, I mean blessed and and and I understand that, but what I mean, you know, she's there's no way we could have moved it around. Now the figure Solum, the funeral home is bringing the casket first thing in the morning. So what I want what I wanted to make you aware of, and I don't want you to tell your wife this, but the actual casket will be in the sainter area, but we will have it. Hold hold on, man, because you're serious. Now, look at y'all need the moodest round. I don't know what y'all gonna do. Y'all have a fellowship all in the back or something like that. Uh Ryan. The only place we can actually put the casket, and if we didn't put it there is in the actual room that you're soon to be wife would be changing it. That's the only place that I could, thank you, my chief, could have change in the room when the dead body. Are you kidding me? What? And you know what? I understood that that's the first thing I thought of it. I thought, I said that you'll put the casket away. It goes for the people, and we're gonna cover it up and see basically you actually get in. But I can't even believe you call only would the man look at and excuse my french man. Yeah, I know I need to get back in the church, I really do. But right now that this ain't going down like this, man, we didn't already paid the money when first, first of all, First of all, you know, she shouldn't. I only feel like she may had to pay, you know, to hold a wedding over a hut hurt where she say times at that's that's the first thing you know that I ain't like that from the jumping, But I wouldn't hear when women because she wants her pastor to marry us. And now you've got the nerve to tell me that y'all will arrange something. That funeral gonna happen the same day as my wedding and my wife's got to get dressed in the room with a dead body. Well, no, we're not gonna put it in there. Bro. I was like, I said, I'm putting that body first thing in the morning. I'm gonna put that body in the earth right there in front of the bullpit, and we're gonna cover it. Now, what you're getting out of is to get more flowers, because there's gonna be flowers from the funeral. So I'm thinking that's probably gonna be a little bit of a pert point. I just wanted you to bear. It's probably gonna be more people than you think because some of the people that's gonna be at your wed and it's really for the funeral, he a colola. Man, are you serious right now? I mean, look at doctor. I didn't paid for this when that happened at this church, man, okay, ain't And no disrespect to the lady that is past called so family. I ain't playing to not putting the dead body having no funeral at my wedding. Man, that's crazy down there church too. She's a member of the church too. I don't. I don't give it. I don't be no member of the church. Man. I've been paid for this wind and it's gonna happen tomorrow. Man, you're my six and putting dead body at my wedding right, I mean no distance. But the woman has passed. She's not gonna get up. I mean, what what does it put The problem is your called me with this man the day before my win and we didn't schedule there six months ago. I spent thirty thousand dollars on this wid okay, and I gonna tell me that we got to share our win with a funeral. But the hellers on with you man, something do you want to have your wedding as this church? I'll pay for them? And what you meant I'm having the wind. Okay, I'll tell you what lit they about the bit in the morning, I wrote right out to the street, paying y'all sing in the front and then and and throw flowers like throwing rice. But we're gonna have a win inside the saint here tomorrow. I promise you that I care. I assure you that it won't be I have no other place to put the body. Okay, well i'll bet your find someone to put it if I get that a mark. It's about it, man, It's gonna be a couple about it. And that ain't you got two choices? To move that funeral or to reimburse me back the thirty thousand dollars out of an hour to spend those only two choices. I want to hear about it. Meet me at the front door to night with a thirty thousand dollar cash your check always said to have this win up in the to morrow. Marning. You heard me. I ain't playing. I ain't playing at all. No jokes. That's wrong with y'all. Man, You can do something else. Understand that nothing. I don't want to hear from you. Man. All I'm saying is it's gonna be a win. At this church tomorrow without the did about it. That's all I'm saying. Push it to the band man. There's there's one more, a bit of an issue that I need to tell you. Also, what can be worse than a dead about it? What issue can be worse? Dead boy? That wing man? The issue, sir, that is worse than the dead body? Heals this deals a few times from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your best man, Jeff got me the prank phone call you so what what you know what? Babe? The bench man about to get the best bloop when he can possibly get man playing? Then God lead that day. Just get the bist beat down possible band. I'll tell you, Hey, one more question. What's the baddest radio show in the land? Ran the Steve Harve Good Morning Show. Babe, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Martin Show. It's that time. Buckle up, hold on tight st baron. Let subject how to put your man on black? Asked about being a liar. I read the book and of course I loved it. I've been dating a guy for a year and of course in the early stages it's all good. Then I started demanding that we start doing more things than just him coming to my house more often than going to his see he lives about one hour giver take. I've been to his house, but we didn't stay. We stayed at a hotel, but the city was doing work on the street, hot water gone gas off. The thing is he asked me to move, then I told him I would. He claims he wants to get married, But now I think about it, if it was the serious, if it was that serious, he would have already asked. Right, we haven't spent any holidays together. He always comes the next day with the excuse I had to work my second job, the kid's mother just dropped them off, or my family kidnapped me. So I wait a couple of days and ask, so, what what did you and the kids do? Then? Oh, they left with their mother. I went to sleep. Oh and he went to sleep. I guess she's saying. He told me he had been divorced for about a year, but more and more I don't believe him. So should I ask him a date of divorce or asked to see the papers? Or should I just leave it alone? I mean, you know you can ask for a date of divorce. You can ask to see the papers. But bottom line, this man is married. Okay, wake up. I mean you know you said that. Um, you read and love Steve's book. Well remember the part in Steve's book about getting to know the man, about asking certain questions before you know you give out the cookie and all that. Well, obviously you've done none of this, and uh, there's some major clues in this letter. In a year of dating, he only came to your house. You went to his house but didn't stay, and then you went to a hotel instead. I mean, didn't you find that kind of odd rather strange? You know, you don't spend any holidays together. He comes over the day after he is so married this man. You know that's a major clue. No holidays, all of that. So so what are you doing on holidays sitting at home waiting on him to call you? I mean, come on, Yes, he's lying to you. Forget what he says, it's about what he does. This man is just married, and you deserve so much better. Clues are all in this letter, Steve, Um, how to put your man on blasts about being a liar. That's gonna be so many men just gonna be honest. Oh, man, just forgive me. That's what I him. Um, ladies, Um, yeah, is it? Is it really all the time that your man is lying? Or is it you don't want to just trust and believe the truth about yourself and what you already know. See, sometimes it don't necessarily have to be a lie. See. So okay, I'm gonna walk you through this now, this one right here, ladies, I'm gonna tell you we've have a few problems already. Know because what I'm finished sharing with you now you probably ain't gonna like it again. But here go to deal though. Um, they're early stages of relationship. Is good. Then you started demanding that we started doing more things than just him coming to your house. Uh, he lives about an hour away. You've been to his house, but you didn't stay. You stayed at a hotel, you say, But the city was doing work on the street, hot water, gone gas, all on the whole street on the weekend. You there, and who tad street up on weekends. I'm just asking you know, we're doing we're doing We're not doing math. We're doing a rhythmetic. We're doing one plus one is okay? Now you stay at a hotel Uh. The thing is, he asked me to move, and I told him I would, and he claims he wants to get married. But now I think about it, was he that serious. If he was serious, he would have already asked right. No, not necessarily true. You know, sometimes women off the times want to get married long before the guy asked. So you can't use that. That can't be your thought process. We haven't spent any holidays together. He always comes the next day with the excuse I had to work my second job. The kid's mother just dropped them off, and my family kidnapped me. What Okay. Now, here's the part that I want women to get. This is the truth about every single living man. This is how we are. Are you ready for this. I'm a man prioritizes everything. We put everything on a list of importance and in the order that it is important to us. I don't care who he is or what he tells you. What matters to us. We listed in our minds and that's how we go about taking business. Take care of business. So, ladies, if you feel in second, it's usually because you are second. Now that ain't always a bad thing, if you just you just need to know what you second to. Now, if you're second to the job, you gotta understand that. Don't us always think cause you second something wrong? And I got you want to be first, and you got every right to want that. But if a man trying to get his money right, you fit to be second to that. Please understand that, because that's too critical to us to determine who we are. So now I know that he prioritizes. Now when we come back, I'm gonna show you how to read the priority list that me and make, and you determine if the priority is legitimate or not. Cause that for a strawberry letter for you today. Feel you're all right? After we'll be back. I got more on the strawberry letter right after this. Don't go no way, some guys. Guy, Uh, this strawberry looks here we go, Uh, Folks, This lady right here knows something it's going on, but she don't know what. Her man doesn't doesn't spend enough time with us, she says. All he does come to her house, she can't go to his house when he go over there. They stay in hotel caused hot water and gases off all the time, and um never sees the man on holidays, and Uh says, just because of his second job. The kid's mother has just dropped the famine off and they kidnapped me. I can't spend no time. But he showed up a couple of days later he says he's been divorced about a year. The ladies starting to say, she don't believe it. Uh, Should she asked for a date of divorce, or see if the papers are intact for the divorce? Or should I just leave it alone? Ma'am? Women all the time ignore the one God given gifted He's given to all women. And that's intuition what I was saying before. Here's what you can know about. Men always prioritize everything, and if you're feeling second, ladies, it's usually because you are second. Now, being second ain't a bad thing. It just depends on what you second to see. If you got to be second to the job, you have to understand it as bad as you want to be number one. But please let me help you understand something. Until a man gets his finances in order, until he gets his direction clear about who he is, then you can forget him being to you what you need to be, because he first has to fulfill himself, and he gonna do that first. Now, as wrong as that may sound, he has got to get that in order. So, ladies, those are you just feeling like you second to a man's job, Please understand, But this is how you determine if you are second to a job, Because here's the fact about us that a lot of y'all don't know. A man tries to make more money so he can be more. We make more so we can be more. Here is the thing about money that a lot of people do not understand. Money allows you to be more of who you really are. So if your man truly has a second job, he is making more money so he can be more to somebody. Now, if you ain't seeing him on the holidays and you ain't going nowhere except he coming to your house, he's making the extra money to be more to who. Well, they damn show, ain't you you? So Now, once again we're doing arithmetic. One and one is too. Maybe the kids is living better, maybe the kids mama living better. Somebody living better causing the two jobs. But it ain't you though. So now you're not only second to the job, you second to the kids and the ex wife and now you're a third. Probably I think he's still married all right. Today's letter is posted on Steve Harvey dot com. Uh so crazy, Steve. You can tweet your Instagram and your thoughts at my girls. Surely now coming up after the break at thirty or four after the hour, miss and will be here with today's national news, and then we'll have some more highlights from the game last night, Gonzaga versus North Caroline to you're listening to show coming up in fifteen minutes, our financial contributor to the show for trist Washington will be here. She's gonna discuss National equal pay Day. Women's salaries are still playing catch up to men's what well, you know, women's salaries might be playing catch up. Me and my wife has been a majority of momay. I think she just keep making me into so congratulations ladies, they might not be paying y'all. Y'all show getting it on the other congratulations, we got a lot going on today. The Men's championship game was last night, great game. We got some highlights for you. I wanted to drive on Williams. Oh wow, that's what you need from that guy, big time, palm hold deliver black pipe makes burn had the checks in and it takes it down for the five point League, no timeouts, Gonzaga, it's stolen and North Carolina's power was seven seconds to go the game deciding sequence and this year the confetti it's gonna fall for North Carolina. They're not gonna be denied this time. Congratulations to finals champ North Carolina, Tar Heels or somebody. Then we're gonna have the latest on the eighty five bridge collapse. Crackhead burned it down in Atlanta. That is the wildest story man and burn the whole. Yeah. Man, they had their brother on camera. I would damn though, we probably wear a free him. Yeah, we go from him and he got Yeah, he got housed, he got Howard food. Wow, he came up. Damn bro boy. Just the worst thing that happened to the city. Probably the best thing he happened. And he's gonna be able to go cold Turkey and get all dressed. What a story. Ladies and gentlemen, here she is. Please, welcome to the show, the Lovely, the Talented, our very own this and trip. Thank you, Thanks Steve. He introduces me. Sounds like somebody big. I like that. Good morning, everybody with the news, everybody talking good morning, sweethearts, God morning, everybody. You know this is real big. The Senate Judiciary Committee has approved Neil Gorser's court nomination and send it to the full Senate for a final vote sometime this week. Now, the vote was strictly along party line, so it appears to move the full Senate toward a partisan showdown later this week when the final vote is taken. That Democrats say they have enough votes to filibuster gorsers shoes confirmation. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell says he's not shocked, but not entirely surprising, given that the Democratic leader announced before the nomination was even made. It was hard for him to imagine a nominee this president would nominate that he could support. Of course, Mr McConnell led his party into not even considering President Obama's choice for the High Court slot, accusing to even allow a courtesy call from foreign President Obama's nominee for almost a year, and Democrats say that was like a year filibustering a Democrat extended lead to Suck Schumer's calling the Republicans to with the nominee that all size can support. Georgia Governor Nathan Deal says he's looking for more money from the federal government to help prepare a heavily travel section of that collapsed last week due to a fire. Was a three hundred fifty foot section of concrete, and the blaze allegedlie caused by an admitted crack addict named thirty nine year old Basil Elobi. He's also homeless by the way. Ellerb faces charges the first degree arson and criminal damage to property. So he's in jail. I guess he's getting three hots in the cotton. Now. Fifty years ago today, the Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Delivered a strong takedown of America's military invention in Vietnam. Comes when silence is betrayal. I speak as a child of God and brother to the suffering poor of Vietnam. That was delivered at Harlem's Riverside Church April four, nineteen sixty seven. On April four nine, Dr King was assassinated. Today's National Vitamin C Day to National hug a Newsperson day, yet really is It's also a National rat Day. I think that has something to do with it and National Guardian angels Day. Good morning. This is and Tripathy Harvey Morning Show. Give it right, Thank you, miss Anne. Now, when we come back from the break at forty eight after the hour, our financial contributor Purchas Washington will be here. She's gonna discuss women's salaries are still playing catch up to men's salaries. It is National Equal Pay Day. Ladies, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey as promise, Our financial contributor Patrese Washington, along with Shirley and Carlin, is gonna discuss National Equal pay Day. Financial contributor Patrese Washington is here uh to help bring awareness to a National Equal Pay Day. Women earn less on average than men, They must work harder for the same amount of pay, and the wage gap is even greater for most women of color. Shirley Carlin, our financial contributor Patrese Washington are here to discuss this. Good morning, Patrese, taken away, Shirley, you got it. Good morning. Finally someone who's speaking our language, who standing up for the women the sisterhood. As morning, Patrese. That Steve mentioned today is National Equal Pay Day nationwide to highlight how wages differ between men and women, and joining us this morning is our resident financial expert. We have to give you the proper introduction, Patrese and best selling author. She is joining us to talk a bit about national Equal pay Day and to introduce her. I can earn more movement, Let's find out more. Please welcome to the show, our friend, our financial guru, the one and only Miss Patrese Washington. Good morning, Good morning, Carlo. I'm trying to Patrese, Patrese, Patrese speak louder for us, please, Yeah, can you hear me now? We can hear you, Okay. I think it's because I'm so pumped up. I just came off Twitter where I saw men tweeting about the fact that equal pay Day is a myth and it's not real. So I'm a little ticked off that. Yeah, I work with women every day who will come and tell me that they know for a fact that the male who has the same job title as them is getting paid more that if they're a woman of color, they know that a majority woman is getting paid more money for the exact same job title or same job duty. So this is not a myth. This is real, and this translates into women essentially earning seventy seven percent of what her male counterpart earns for similar positions, and if she's a woman of color, that percentage decreases. So I'm I'm picked off about it and should be you let me find out that Junior and Tommy and Steve are getting well Steve okay, I'm Steve does get paid more than we do. Junior get paid more to us? Oh after that? All right? Today is National Equal Pay Day, Patrese. Now is this a fairly new national day? What exactly does it symbolize? How? How can we, you know, take advantage of this to the fullest? Patrese? What today symbolizes is the day where a woman will finally make what a mail made December. So essentially with this day is saying that a woman had to work another three months and some change into the next year to make what a man made on average last year by the end of last year. And so what causes this disparity is the fact that a lot of people will say, and this is why they say, there's a myth, well, women choose lower paying jobs, men choose with your careers, and they attribute to the wage gap to differences in the amount of work experience, which could be true because we also are out of the workforce more because usually we need to have children for periods. Thank you take care of our parents, But that only accounts for sixty to seventy of the pay gaps. And what I really wanted to do was address where the research says that women are also not asking for more. We're not negotiating our salary. A lot of us are taking the first salary offer to us. But what happens is over the course of our career, we could lose five hundred and thirty thousand dollars up to eight hundred thousand dollars if we do not start negotiating earlier, which is why I created to Earn More Money movement for women. Let's talk about that, Patrese, you have launched the I Will Earn More movement and I can Earn More dot com. Tell us about it. You hear the music, but tell us about the I Will Earn More movement. We want to get involved. The first part of the movement is about taking the pledge, because this is the mindset. As women, we have to have the mindset that we are bold and competent, and worn what we want. And so the first part is about taking a play one of the things that I commit to, giving myself permission to ask for more every time I'm offered less to what I'm worth or what I truly want. And once you make that commitment and take the pledge, then I introduce you to twenty action status to help you do that. Okay, I love it again. Go to I can Earn More dot com and take the pledge today. We gotta get our money, ladies. We gotta get those checks coming in to get those coins. Okay, I can earn More dot Com. Take the pledge today, Patrese. It's always a pleasure. You always enlighten us. Get our pockets in, our in our handbags, and our purses ready to be filled up with cash. We love you, girl, Thank you so much. Thank you. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show all right now. According to survey by vault dot com, of all workers have had an office romance, that's over half of all workers. Okay. Of those surveys said they think dating a coworker is cool, even if that coworker is a boss. Have you ever dated This is a question of the week. Now, have you ever dated a co worker or your boss? Did you keep your relationship hidden or did other people at the office? No, I mean yeah, there are a lot of them. I mean, you know, people are offices are filled with attractive people. They have to have jobs, as you know, and they have something you're attracted. Yeah, you're attracted to people at your job. That's common, I think. Yeah, common common? Right Carla who married one of our coworkers, Wow, really she was as Yeah, it wasn't your boss. I was not husband's boss. We worked in two different departments. Really, yeah, was it a secret? Was his boss? Right? No? I wasn't. Was it a secret? Yes, we thought it was a secret, but everybody in the office song when he had your ass mashed up the break room they called it he had your get a copy and they're looking to break room your head. I hate this crap at seven seven machine, it just kept going. I thought it was a secret, though. When we announced we were engaged, everybody said, we know, we knew about time. The whole office was at our wedding. They knew. All right, here's the question of the week. Uh, do you find someone at your job attractive? Have you dated someone, uh your boss, perhaps at your job. Did you keep the relationship hidden? Did you hide it or did you tell people? Eight seven seven twenty nine steven eight Eric out of Iowa today. Good, good, what's your story? Oh mine? Uh? Well, actually I was working in two different places, A piece of hood and uh a burger king and the piece of hood I was working at. The manager is now the mother of my oldest child. And the burger king I was working at the managers now the mother of my two middle children. Yeah, it was right, I mean we didn't. I didn't hide it, you know, I didn't. I didn't really care who seeing that. I was just you know, I've seen something my life and I went forward. Yeah, now this was where, not what type of place I was. The first one was piece of hood m she was a managed I was a worker. And the second one was burger king. Again, she was a managed, I was a worker. So you ain't really there for fast food. You're just in there for fast moves. I got paid access, so I wanted really trippy. You know, yeah, I'm turning people that Wendy need to watch out on alert. Here come comedy making babies. Were you working now? Well? Right, now actually standing outside. Uh was trying to apply. So we speak where I'm standing outside of timp Agen see right now from the applies we speak, Well, leaste your work, get that. Yeah, no problem with that. I want anyone in the words of my groother, if you got a problem working, you got a problem living, that's right, that's right. And you take care of your kids. Erk. Yes, ma'am, I'm all four of them. I got four girls. Oh wow, man, did they have a fun? Open you up a pizza Hamburger place? You are? You already to know what you're doing? Right? I know I know how to cook. I get out in the kitchen too to Uh you heard that too. If you work your magic at that temp agency, you really won't have to go get no job. They've just seen you a check if you hit the right one over that still listen to America. I'm not, but I'm just looking. I like people way more stupid. All right, Okay, nothing to add to Steve, Yeah, nothing to add Steve to Not really, I'm just gonna let that one. Yeah yeah. Protection maybe I don't know I know safe sex behavior? Yes, all right, thank you, Eric, I appreciate that. I am a blessing. All right, I hope you got the job. Is he gonna be your father? So as you get ht just congratulations now we can just you're listening. Eighteen minutes after that we come back motown to death jam up next in an office relationship, we need to get in on the question of the day. Are you with me? Deep? I am right KNT with you? Pass Have you whoever had a relationship with someone that you work with? Yes? I have. Sister Gertrude, Yes I have. They mean, just say that. We'll go ahead, Deacon confess Sister Gertrude Jollivet that works up at the front of the church on Wednesdays when um, the regular secretary is not here. We have had a moment on Wednesday being hump day. Okay, and then let me say that I have been with Sister peur Lean Patterson head on the usher board on several occasions myself. Yeah, I did not know that we are got involved. We were both wearing white gloves. Your turn, decent, Mmr Jim Miller. Do you remember how he used to lead the song in the choir and one day we actually had a robe exposing relationship. De Rob and I said the fact man. And then I'd like to point out a relationship our head with sister Darchelle McAfee was the woman that hid all the Easter eggs for the kids on Easter egg Hunt. And she was been over hiding the edge and I couldn't help your turn crazy. I don't know if you remember she says cakes and ties after church, your Gondolin sister Ugandol and Wilson, do you remember how Oh? Yes, well there was a moment where I didn't have my money from passed, but I paid in other ways if you understand. Also, there was one opportunity I had with sister fraud Line Wilkerson was at the car wash raising money for the building for I just pulled up in my Cadillac and her T shirt was wet. That was the very first or wet T shirt contest ever food by the church. And she was leaning over with the sponge washing the hood of my car and I was on the inside and Lord had messed him. Donals was mastered up. Get I rolled a wonder down and started on the door. Go ahead, yes, my sister, let's to say this, Sister Alexa, say this Pastor. I used to work in the I'm sorry shared its sister Lexa say this. She worked in the college in the parking ministry, parking lot ministry, and one day we cracked that trunk on one of them calls and laid back down. But the problem was is that the trunk closed on us. Other than her head being pressed up against this bad time, we had a great moment and also the last one in our African outreach Minish African Outreach Ministry. I had flew into the Soudan and I met Mersh Shawn under Buganda from Rowanda. I said, I met Buganda from row and we had an affail at the Rowanda Hotel. That's where I met Don Cheetah. Until with Don Cheetah in Dog Skinned Chicken in the background, that's tell me you wouldn't have done it everything you just did. These are officer fails that we've had and come to a confessionary form at the church. Won't you won't you join us today in reminiscing going down in the words of Minny Rippleton, back down memory lay, I thought I saw a photograph. Come on a seven seven twenty nine, Steve. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Thirty four minutes after the hour on this Uh, two days time for the back to back, James, come on, let's go, we go back. We got time for this one more thing. We don't have a full day to day. Were crazy day talk it out, talk it out. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. We're back four d eight minutes after the hour. We come back. We got time for just one more thing. Asked me, what the one more thing gonna be? What's the one more thing's gonna be? I don't know. You know, this is what it is, Steve. When you're looking for a boost in the bedroom, it could be as close as your next meal. Here's some foods. Now, these are foods that can help you spice up your sex life. You're ready. Yeah, we already heard about oysters. And the reason oysters are good for your sex life is because they've got a lot of zinc. And if men are low and zinc, you gotta eat. I didn't try, you try. You're trying the oyster? All right? Maybe you like this one salmon? Uh, it's packed with omega threes that helps keep the blood flowing like it should, you know, keep your energy up. All of that steak high and iron. Tell me you like steak. It's high and iron. It helps your stress and energy levels. Would you say on steak? Yeah, but anyway, it's just up my steak in take My blood type requires more meat, Yeah, yeah I do. I don't fish, but I do really well all on meat. Other good sources of iron are nuts, eggs, broccoli, and cereal, just so you'll know. And asparagus. The B vitamins and asparagus help with your circulation. So just so you know that. Okay, Yeah, but when you go to the bathroom a asparagus something else? Yeah, yeah, yeah, it does something through your pH to your pH balance or something. I do something to your pa anyway, I was trying to be discreet. Yeah, but you different. You'd be standing there when you come back up on you your knees buckle. You think you're sick or something. Yeah, you think you p and in a public outhouse, you have a step through working construction toilets, the little portupo just yourself. I can't dog. I don't know who uses the bad foom in the porter party. I mean you have to use it. Use it. There's no way I'm been to sit in this box. Now, that's right before a porter party right in my truck, right there in my true yeah dog McDonald's cup first anything, but then yeah, i'd you know the cup trail you get. Yeah, yeah, I use a bad foom in that before I go in that quarter party. Alright, alright, okay, I'll sit on my glove compartment and go right in there and shut that dope until I figured and shut the dope. Just shut it up in there, that dough man, and throw that little Christmas tree down. I got hanging on my rear view mirror Christmas tree. And yeez, let's move on. Water, water, if you up the center console, let's sit right there. You know how they got all them USB ports and that you go right there? All right, we're still talking about foods now that can boost up your sex life. Water, as I mentioned, being hydrated keeps you from feeling is stressed and fatigued, so it helps to rev up your sex drive as well. Um Oranges, they say, and tangerines really high in vitamin B and stuff, and when you're low in this vitamin, it can lead to low moods, which doesn't help you know your sex game. Okay, oats oats like oatmeal and stuff like that. It lowers your cholesterol and that keeps your arteries clogged from being clogged. Okay, then all on my nights stand, I got oats and tangerines and throughout the day. Not in your nights stand, I thought falling out. We didn't take a bite out before we get I don't know how to work steak steak, and it's just it's you, damn it just too much. You're not bad this room spell nothing now? Walnuts? Tell me walnuts a great source of omega threes and vitamin E. Both are good for the heart, which keeps your energy level up and your blood moving to all your parts. Okay, so you want to keep your bad room smell like a fish market with a second, just hold right hand side of croke. Get everything on this right And then surprisingly they're saying coffee is good their health benefits to coffee. It can, it can. Why Why do you say that because I drink coffee. Yeah, it says it can recharge your energy after a romantic dinner, so you won't be sleepy and you can enjoy the rest of your evening. You know what I mean? Yeah, Like I'm gonna workout today with Lee Haney. Man, something to do about me? Four expressos, I do a quadruple expresso and going down there. Yeah, I'll tell you, I like a double if you ain't used to it, but you drink a double triple espresso and going to the gym getting knocked out man, mm hmmmm. So there you go. The foods that can enhance your sex life. Hey, y'all think that's it for the day. Alright, okay, alright, good day, good day, Good Tuesday. Yeah, wrapping it up, y'all. Have a great weekend. Look forward to seeing y'all on Monday. Have a great weekend. Look forward to seeing y'all all Monday. To step further in. Yeah, that's pushing the blessing forward. For all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.