Office Interaction and The Not So Friendly Skies - 04.11.17

Published Apr 11, 2017, 6:44 PM

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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know y'all ball suit all looking back to back down, giving them just like themazing buck bus things. And it's tough, y'all. Do me true good at Steve hard guy listening to me each other for stub quickly to listen money. Why don't you join yeah, yeah, by joining me. Honey, say you got to turn ye you run you you got to turn turn turn lovey got to turn out to turn water wanter go come come on your back at it. Uh huh will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on diggon nah one and only. Steve Harley got a radio show. You gotta good for you today. I was thinking about on the way in. You know, yesterday was a really, really trying day for me. There's a lot of work yesterday and I was up. I've gotten so tired at one point man that But you know, I mean, I mean, I had no one to to to explain it to. You know, mom. The fellas that travel with me, they just go, they just go. You know, they know where I gotta be. They get me in place, you know, blah blah blah. But you know, you know, right about when I'm about to complain about it out loud, I also find all of the incredible reasons that I have to be grateful, and it kind of slows down to complain it a little bit. Now, I'm not saying that our days. Man, why I don't verbalize my fatigue or I don't verbalize my man I wish I didn't have to work so hard, or man, but but but but but yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. But when I get through with that, I have so many reasons to be grateful that it does slow it down, you know, and sometimes it might in the majority terms, just flat out stops it because I end up laughing at myself because you know, it's so many things are happening to me beyond my belief, beyond what I asked God for. So there's just some extreme blessings going on in my life. But man, man o, man o, man have I paid? And that that's the part I want to talk to you about today. You know, see a lot of people look at other people and they see what they think is the finished product. They don't realize that all of us, no matter who we are, are still a work in progress. That I have many flaws that I have many problems and have many situations that come, you know, just like anybody else. You know, I'm no different from that, you know. You know, life happens for me just like it happens for you. It may happen in different ways, but just like you know, if it's something comes up at an inconvenient time for you, it pops up for me. You know, if something happens for me that seems unfair, I know that it's happening to somebody else unfairly. But you know, um, I find myself being grateful the majority of the time. I can't say all the time because I'm a human being, and sometimes I find myself complaining about it all, you know, But but I try, for the most part to stay grateful, to stay focused, and it allows me to keep the wheels churning. But now I wanna I want to share something with you about your road to success. You know you've heard me say this probably a hundred times now. Road to success is always under construction, it really is. So here's here's what I want you to expect on your way to changing, on your way to becoming successful, on your way to achieving your goals on your way to getting better. I want you to expect many difficulties. Once again, the road to the road to success is always under construction. I want you to expect many difficulties. But here is the deal between successful people and non successful people. It's how they deal with the difficulties. That's the only difference. It's how you deal with the difficulties, how you handle the setbacks, how well you get up after you've been knocked down. That that's happening to all of us, none of us, none of us are exempt from that. You're going to fall, You're going to be pushed, you're going to be run over, You're going to be tackled, you are going to be lied about. You are going to have setbacks. That's a part of the journey. But how do you handle them? How well do you do you handle everything? See? I want you to understand something. When you set out to be successful, he is difficult. Pet Pablo, who I have probably people? What is it about to quote Pet Pablo? He had a uh a rap album out called Diary of a Cinner, and it was really, man, my favorite rap album of all time because he says some things about his life that I could so relate to. I can't think of the name of the song right now, but there is a lyric a Stands in one of his songs that says, I had a half a tank of gas, two cigarettes, scraping up change in an ash tray, and a voice said, it's only a test of my faith. It said, I had a half a tank of gas, two cigarettes, scraping up change in an ash tray, but a voice said it was only a test of my faith. It's a deal your faith, which is the belief in things that you cannot see. When you say I'm going to make it, I'm going to be successful at it. I'm going to finish college. I'm going to achieve my goal. I'm going to be a better husband. I'm going to be a better father. I'm going to be a better wife. I'm going to be a better mother. I'm going to be a better student. I'm going to be rich. I'm going to start doing more for other people. I'm going to help the less fortunate. Whatever you say when you're sending that prayer up, when you declare that faith, the devil hears your prayer to Now, a sad thing about the devil is he's busy seven and he has people that works for him seven. It's some imps out there that ain't up to no good. You all know them. You've all run across them. They always putting shade on somebody. They always barking at somebody. They always knocking somebody down. These people that they're just busy for Satan. What you gotta be careful of is that occasionally you don't become one of those people. See so when these people, when when the devil hears is prayer that you sent up or what you're gonna be successful at, then your faith is going to be tested. He got people man to come in there and try to knock you off that course. So you can get on back to this old woe is me. I ain't gonna ever be nothing then, uh man, seemed like every time I try to get back up by getting knocked right back. Now, once he gets you saying that enough times, then he can start implementing some other programs. Come on, man, let's sell this dope. We can't get no job now here you go. You're off track. You're going you other way. Now he got you, he got you tied up. Now to the poort where he can get you locked up, or he can get your killed and lose your soul. So now he had worked busy, he all day. What you got to be mindful of is that your faith will be tested, that it's going to be difficult to get to where you are, and you got to stay in prayer all the time talking to your creator about strengthening you for the journey. You have to be strengthened for the journey. That's all you're asking for, because the journey is the journey. You can stop asking God to remove all these problems in these situations because it ain't gonna happen. These are the test of our faith. This determines how bad you want it now. It ain't all. It ain't just God throwing these tests that you You just heard me say that there's another force that he is your prayer to. And he about the business and not letting you become successful, not letting you become a better man or better father, better husband, better better student, better mother, but trying to help more people. His job is to get you off that track. So when he sent his imps your way, you gotta understand that they there to test you. Them haters is there to throw you off course. But guess what them haters is they are also the verified the fact that you on your way. Them haters is there are verified the fact that a change is coming. See, they try to knock you off course before the blessing arrives. Oftentimes the Blessing is on the way. But because we fall prey to hate us and them impst us out there, and them they sayers and all of that, all of those construction barrels and pitfalls we fall prey to that we get off right before the arrival of the blessing. What I'm saying to you this morning is stay focused, stay prayerful, stay on point, get ready for him. Understand that it's just to test to your faith, that your faith will be tested. But you got to stay the course, man, You got to stay the course. It's all right, you will be fine in due time. But you gotta give some of this stuff a chance to play itself out because nothing lasts forever. Ain't no pain forever. All right. I'm just trying to help you with that, because boy, I'm dealing with it all the time. Stay prayerful, God got help from you. All right, Let's go here, listen at Steve Harvey Morning. Eighteen minutes after that, we're welcome to the ride. J'ah Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is show that is in color at all times, vivid color. H D folk, you understand what I say. Here we go Steve Harvey Morning Show, mowning everybody. Yeah, mon, it's so funny. Good morning, really pretty good today. Man, I'm ready to get America off to a great start. Oh, you want to make a America great again? Okay, I didn't say that. Surely, don't insinuate that I said that. You know them Hayters is listening. The next thing, you know, it'll be on the internet. Steve Harvey wants to make America great. I ain't saying a damn thing like that. Cared for the slogan myself personally. Yeah, we were already great. Yeah. I do think this is a great opportunity. I think in this country. I think that's an opportunity here that's available to a lot of people. My job and my mission is to help people accomplish that all right here. I don't know if it's there yet, but I think it is. I wrote a letter that I released on the internet. It's The letter is entitled to my people and whomever else it made concern. Oh, I wrote a letter. What prompted you to write the letter? Still, it's an people and to whomever else had made concern. I finished it up over the weekend. I just thought it was time that I spoke. So many people didn't hear my uh announcement when I made it after I went to see President elect Trump at the time he had been sworn in. I took a lot of heat from that because just people just didn't know. And so I wrote a letter to my people over the weekend and to whomever they're making sound or whoever else wants to hear this. You want to read it too. I don't know if I'm gonna read it today or not. I may read it, you know, I may do that in my clothing, may do that. Yeah, we want to hear it. You bring it up at the end of the show today. Now there's a line in it that I must forewarn you about. Uh. Of course if you wrote it. Okay, okay, some of my fans, followers and so called friendsh that's one to forewarn you about that. That line. Okay, So we'll come after that. We need to be concerned about. Well, is it any cussing in the letter? Man, I'll never do that, not in print? Was your cousin when you wrote it? Oh yeah, a little bit. Yeah, that was the thoughts. I just yeah, what prompted you to do it? Why? Because things are moving along after the visit m h. And instead of letting people speculate what the visit was about, I just decided to have a bit more disclosure and then tell people what's uh, give them a little bit of what the movement has been so far from the meeting from the meeting, because there is movement, there is movement, and and so I just thought I'm gonna write me a letter before now after this letter, please know, you can feel how you want to feel. But at least the letter states the truth and what's actually happened, instead of just sitting here letting hate us just you know, do what they want to do. Now, even after this letter, the hater isn't gonna be there because that's their job. That's their job. Yeah, well I understand that. And I don't expect them to go away or some of them won't change. Because what did your pastor, Bishop Olmer teach me, Shirley Bishop can have seen Olmer, one of my great friends taught me. He says, Steve, for those who love you, no explanation necessary. For those who hate you, no explanation. Accept them. And he taught me that. He said, man, you can quit tripping. If they want to find a reason to hate you, they're gonna find it m hm. And they're gonna just stay right there. Yeah. So I just wrote a letter. The letter was dear America, but I decided against that. I didn't want to say dear America. So you said dear my people. I wanted to write now to my people. Oh so y'all know exactly who I'm talking to. I'm talking directly to my people, while I'm from the people I have loved and claimed mind entire life, who I never ran away from. M hmm. So he had come get ready. I don't know what this's gonna do. Show should have ran this by my wife, wait a minute, talked to her about it. And you wrote this letter and you gotta release it on the internet. Remember the last time you didn't you thought of something and didn't run it by anyone. This time last year we was on a bike. Yeah, yeah, and a treadmill. This issue, y'all said, don't do that, absolutely not yourself. Yeah, I don't. I can't come up with another idea to raise money for these kids, you know, I mean the sentiment was great, the cause was good, but it was just hard, you know. I mean an hour a day or you know, something like that. We would have probably said, oh, yeah, that'll be great. Four hours a day for thirty days straight, NonStop. Maybe we could do Freedom Ride Fridays, ah and then have like special guests, like if I could get my boy Kevin to come in for a day. His social media platform is massive. Oh yeah, if I could get Kevin to do it with billion to do it, m M. Taylor Swift, Chris and Justin Bieble. Okay, Selena Gomez, how old is she? Yeah? Yeah, she has the most huge following. Yeah, they got a following. She got a huge She's got the most. She's like number one. Yeah, really cute. Yeah, she's the biggest thing on social media. She got Yeah, I think she she she she surpassed Um, Beyonce and the Kardashians and all of them. Yeah, last time I checked, she was number one. A couple of weeks ago, alright. Coming coming up next, Steve has a story about being caught in traffic in Atlanta on that ball and bridge. Wait till we hear this. Yeah, we'll be back at thirty four after you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Four minutes after that. Coming up next, Uh, listen, I'm gonna share with you something that happened over the weekend in Atlanta due to the bridge burning down. My story on the way to family feud, right all right, in Atlanta, this traffic is whole because of the bridge. That bridge, man, it knocked down traffic both ways on the freeway below and both ways on the freeway above. This is so crazy. Leaving Family Feud after I got through taping at the Civic Center, I'm just sitting in traffic on a Sunday, Sunday. So you're at but you you got l a traffic night, not even dark outside, just sitting in traffic dirt, So on a Sunday. Do you know what this is like? During the week On Saturday, I left my house thirty minutes from downtown. It took me an hour fifteen. Then it took so long when we got off on Sydney Marcus, I decided I had to go to bath. The choice was a McDonald's or a CVS. I chose the CVS. Mistake, mistake, everybody, girl. I was in that CVS and these two sisters. It's a cold. I don't know nothing about it. Yeah you got. I don't know nothing about this. These two sisters at the county. I say, excuse me, and I'm trying to push a little bit. Excuse me. Can you tell me where the rest of room is? Yes, sir, just go straight in. Leave lady. Yeah, oh know the hell it ain't. She got her phone. I'm telling me what it bad from girls. Steve Harvey just walked to my stone here now, Oh my god, Steve Harvey. Lord, jeez, let me fix my hell. You look fine. Let me go get the cameras. Oh man, So she said, going to back. I go on the back. I get there. I'm standing there because the dope got a cobe. So I'm calling this lady. She didn't stop listen to me the cosmetic. I laid up to the bathroom. She didn't stop to open a pack a lipstick, started sweat. Y'allstanding that going. Man, damn, look at this girl, I said, baby, baby, what's the code back hill? Oh, here I come. She opened the coat. I used the bathroom. When I came out that bathfood. Kid, how many people it was a least and they read it I'm taking pictures in c I finally get out to the car and oh, my car taking pictures. This girl got her elbow. Oh my real jess elbow. That's how she posed it for. That was the one the experience. Excuse me, man, excuse me, but please please, let's just stay off the car. And no, no, he said, ma'am, please, no pictures of the car. She said, it's in the pocket. Said if you don't want to take pictures in your car, don't bring right she said, He said, no pictures of the car. She said, it's in the part. This is what I wanted. Man, I feel out laughing. I was all right, let's go, man, I just wanted. I want to be there. Want That was funny, st that was very funny. Yes, sir, just go straight in the back is in the left hand. Oh no, the hell, it ain't get down here. Steve is in my stone. When I came outside, Key was laying on the car dedication with a strip of burgundy hair. Across both represent regularly. Alright, get ready, I'm next to the nephew and run that prank back. You're listening to Steve. I we're back for eight minutes after the our time, and gonn run that place back. But then coming up at the top of the hour, U. You know, we got some things coming on and we're saying inform us about it, and we may take some calls on the question of the week. Have you ever dated a co worker or your boss? How did it work out? You can call us at eight seven times nine. Befool what you got? RuSHA RuSHA always messing at the church. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach your sister. Good even to your ma'am. I don't mean to be giving you a call this late in the evening, but I am the new youth minister. I haven't uh my name is Sean Williams over at Missionary Baptist Church, which mine is what happened. Um, he's no longer with the church anymore. Man. Well, I'm not at at liberty to speak up on that. But but what I was doing is getting around and making sure I I met everyone because I haven't met everyone yet and I wanted to reach out to um everyone at the church. But listen, let me, let me get down to some more business, because I've spoken with the pastor. Uh spoke yip, yes, man, I know, but it's okay. I spoke with him on yesterday and we have narrowed some things down over a few changes we're going to be making at the church. And what we want to do was UM. One of the major subjects that have come up, sins that we're wanting you if at all possible, and the deacons were in on this meeting as well, but wanting you to change your attitude when people are coming in and you're seating them. From my understanding, it's gotten to the point where they think, you wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait wait a minute, wait, thank you, I've had a meeting. Well, it wasn't a meeting. I don't want to listen here. I've been ushering on that usher board before it seven years. I am the SAR, and I've been try nuts about it. But I don't understand y'all don't have a meeting without me talked about. But now you're gonna call here and tell me that you're gonna you're having a meeting on me about me being nice, always nice. Well, ma'am, that doesn't seem to be seven now, and they go somebo to call me this don't make no trop? What is it? Well? What that's actually my call, man, is that maybe we are figured if I would call and speak with you about the matter, that maybe we can get to some type of rectifying this situation to where we can We're gonna recodify here. I'm gonna recotified. You calling me this time a night taught my some meeting. Just don't make no time. I don't apprecionate you're calling me any time a night away? Is bishop, I need to speakship bishops that actually I've been at this church reported seven years. I've been saying, oh my life, this don't make no type of sense. You're calling me here with this matter now often to make me us I'm trying to be a Christian, But you're not gonna ask me to be a Christianity. You just gonna just gonna aditate me with this mess telling me about something. Remember that that's saying that they're having problems when you're seating the people, and that's all that we're trying to get rectified. People don't want to sit down. They want to go over here, they want to go up there. They want to have the children run a two and throw. It's like a bunch of demons a while he's just bucking around in the trench like they ain't got no sense. And I'm not going to have it in my second. My section is gonna be straight. And I understand you know what, since uh, I think if we did this, if you would do me a favor and hold your phone, and if you would just bow your head right now for me, maybe we can come to to get to get the man at my head clean, baby, if we can get your lords it's clean, it's hospital carpet. It don't make no what about buying my head if you could, maybe, if you could close your eyes, since I want to close my said you called me and woke me up by my fleet. I am very knowed at this and I don't appreciate it. I'm gonna tell you right now, I'm gonna speak to me now. Father. We asked that you look down upon the stick. We asked that you look down upon her right now, right now, asking that you put a smile on her face. On Sunday morning, asking that you put some joy in her heart on Sunday morning, asking that you draw all the pain that she in, the anguish that she might be going through whatever demon there is inside. We asked that you draw that demon out. We asked that you poured that demon away from stack right now in your name. We asked all of these blessings to come. Because I don't appreciate this boy, I don't even know who you is. Pastor gave me the numb one and asked me to call I am like I said, I'm Sean Williams. We haven't met yet, and I am the news. He don't, he don't. He don't ask that for the third time. I don't told you, boyshable you respect, that's what miss Let me let me let me say this right here, sister, and maybe this will shed some light on things a little bit clearer. I'm trying of This is nephew timing from Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by System who is also usher at the church. A missing here about this make no sense Lord him, This is embarrassing. Oh my god, this is yes, ma'am. That's that's that's my uncle. This is just a joke though many O Lord you doing is? Do you listen to the show? Everything? I never would have said my test to be on it. Oh lord, jog oh my God got me on this radio accord? Since bid this here to you? How about y'all call me back and we get to the how we do that we do? We will do a plank on her bill and a couple of bills, show a little what is the baddest radio show in the land, The See Harved Morning Show? And look Tommy and hard the mother looks sharing him, Look devil. She is so cute. I love love. This is so y'all. I'm so sorry, Please forgive me. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Maybe this story is just disgusting right here. Uh, if you're recently bought a Fresh Express organic market side spring mixed salad, you probably want to take a really close look at the package. Fresh Express has issued a recall of certain packages after a Florida Uh, some Florida diners, A couple of Florida diners found a dead Are you ready for this? A dead bat in their salad? B a t bat? Okay, the recalls packages can't even that band got in it got in the salad bowl before they realized a bat was in the package. What yeah, this is awful. This I told you it was disgusting. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the pair started to chow down on the salad before discovering uh the bat within a deteriorated con issuing. The dead bat was sent to the CDC lab to check for rabies, while Fresh Express quickly recall the salads that were shipped to Walmart stores in the southeastern US. I just how does this happen? Heard of billy? I'm bad. I ain't need no salads for a couple of weeks right now, because when that's said, when I tell you what, when he was getting tossed up in that salad, he was pissing all over the place, but everywhere, trying to tell you, I don't understand this, but they didn't see it. How does this happen? Oh, he's been into a bat wing man. That's nasty. Nothing anymore. Every somebody at the re to run getting the ass, that's all. Whoever waitress in the kitchen, I start with the waiter in the kitchen, just because they had to see it before they put it in the salad ball. This is crazy. And I walked in the kitchen, real cop. Oh man, my salad, Oh my god, I'd love to meet who does salads. As soon as they raise their hand, the tone changes. Oh you though, ohe you the blanket and black? Yeah, that that was really badgusting. Yeah, well, swing it over to Miss and so we get caught up on the latest overnight developments from the White House. And this is the first time we've ever done news at every day. It's some news out the White House. Yeah, ladies and gentlemen, Miss and Trew. Okay, thank you, Steve Money, everybody. Yes, there's news every day out of the White House, and some other news as well. We had a lot of stuff going on yesterday. First of all, shooting at an elementary school in San Bernardino, California, took place yesterday. Two adults and one eight year old student were killed, then another child hospitalized still this morning. A faris say that a man walked into his estrange wife's special needs elementary school classroom and opened fire. He killed his wife, he mortally wounded the little boy and injured a nine year old another child before turning the gun and himself and a murder suicide. So police say this was no Sandy hook. The children. We do not believe we're targeted. They were. The entire incident was limited to a single classroom, was on the school campus. The suspect had come to the classroom to visit um the female, the adult female that was in the classroom. We believe that two children were the unfortunate recipients of injuries by being in proximity to the female. One child, as I said, remains hospitalized. Please say, the teacher of fifty three year old Elane Smith had only married this guy a few months ago, and she was telling friends that he suddenly changed. He just suddenly changed him. I guess she was fearful of him, and I guess it looks like she was right. Alabama Governor Robert Bentley's resigned. Bentley was accused of abusing his office to try and conceal the affair he was having with the staffer. He was facing impeachment anyway. Bentley's pled guilty to two misdemeanor charges. High level officials from the Group of Seven Industrialized Nations were gathered in Italy yesterday along Secretary State Rex Tillson all focused on trying to convince Russia to end its support of the Syrian regime. Moscow is accused of being complicit, basically in last week's horrendous chemical attacks on Syrian civilians, which are said to have been carried out by forces loyal to President Bashira sat and those attacks killed more than eighty people, many of them children. Secretary State Tilson, by the way, he's doing Moscow later today, he's not actually scheduled to meet with Vladimir Putin. A lot of people all over the world talking about this. When passengers of body United Airlines flight schedule fly to Kentucky from Chicago, horrid fight Sunday night when a man was forcibly pulled out of his seat dragged off the plane in order to provide a seat for an airline employee. This is what it sounded like. Oh my god, Oh my god, my god, what are you doing? This is what's doing? Oh my god, look at what you're doing. And the man said that he was a doctor. He couldn't get off the flight. Flight was overbooked apparently, and they wanted seats for some airline employees who had to make it to the next city, and they offered people four hundred dollars and eight hundred dollars to give up their seats. They didn't have any takers, so people on the plane apparently picked randomly for people to go. This particular gentleman said, look, I'm a doctor, have patience to see in the morning. I can't give up my seat, and airline police got on and took him off. Now, spokesperson for the airline, United Airline says that he's he's sorry, he's going to do a detailed review of what happened, and one of the airline employees who have dragged this guy off has been suspended. This is Antwerp on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Thank you, missying. Uh you know what, We had some really good calls, some great calls last week, so we wanted to extend this question of the week. Have you ever dated your co worker or your boss? Did the people know about it or did you guys try to keep it a secret? Eight seven seven, Steve, what was that sorry about? Have you ever wanted anybody on this show? No? Sorry, Tommy, deal with it? What Carl of the War won't won't save Oh lord? Many ways? Can I say a boy. I don't want you. What what am I doing to make you think that? So I can stop? I'm convinced, Carl, I believe you girl. What am I doing? I don't make eye contact with you. Tom, You're scared to look at my look at my eyes and read my lips. I don't want you to make eye contact with somebody shouted when I'm looking down at you tall. Yeah, I can't believe you don't see it all? Yeah? How you don't see all that sitting over there? All it is? Look at me. I'm looking at you. I'm looking at wanted a shout leg man on you know where with a hot butt plummeted. Alright, The butterfly or oatmeal is up next. You're listening, even harty, morning shout, We're back coming up next to butterfly blog. Eugena Oldmeal is up next. I'm tired of trying to figure out it's either the Bling Bling Blog. Did he change it? Yeah? Change it to the morning I think the Morning Grill blog or the butterfly Butterfly blog. We don't know. Look at you, get moody, get more to hus's really cording you, Hammy and you j good morning here, everybody in the building. What's up? Oh man, what's up? What's up? Oh hey, open me? What's up? I the mooing blog gonna be your how to swing by the pot or Eastern Sunday. That's all this about. How to swing by the potts. Look at it? Go to the card one. Why is your dad? Oh here to get you on ount on there you get your favorite? Uh me personally, I bumped it bear white, wold a rollater? How read it? That? Hope? That's the one I like? Right there? I bumped the bear white. Get to the poll, rolling by five miles and how and like everybody looking at you? How to swain by the pole? Baby? Roll through there, bump you and let your tenner winter down in a waiver everybody at the pole. That's how all listen, All listen about how to swain by the pole? Road through two times? Stop getting you some chicken on the way home. They see it. Three pace with a biscuit. You know it's your Sunday. No, no, no, I ain't see it. Don't go to you. But I'm just saying like that, right after church, swain by the pole, always swain by the pole. I was stunted. Wha ain't by the pole? Sometimes? Who the hair? I want to swing by the bar? Do anybody out here? One? When the last time people been drive through the park? Who still I do that? About? He? Just but you know, like all my boys like you, about all the people that I food, we swing by the poles? I all what I'm saying this round here? First of all, just the morning green. You ain't got nothing to do with you, Carlin Jr's fairy? Who wants to swing by the park sometime? Yeah? Eastern hunt? Is that what you mean? On meal for Sundays? I ain't been to the park? Yeah? No, nobody want to swing buying park? And who still got parks? You drive through? Who's Who's still do this? Who are you trying to say? Butterfly? Hey? Holdo? Shooting for everybody? Do I mean the mula might see me? You're gonna miss around? I don't mean know who Carl, I don't like me because but you're about to get your head all it is like right though, when you want to when you want to, No, no now now because I don't got tired. You want to have dream? Uh? That ain't what you want now? That will I promise you by you feting that because I don't say I ain't goes that, so you would just let him jump at me and beat me. Ut Stephen, No, I didn't say that. I was telling you to stop asking for the fight. He just said you go if you keep on, but if you stop, we can end it right here, and then you won't. I can't see him and see him and be no, be no puck. I got that man up, but somehow stop it. Oh No, I don't know what. I'm not gonna see him being no punk. I'm a man up. I'm here. Do you even think about what you do? What you can think? Oh? Look at the time, what now I said, I'm not gonna see him? No, no, no, pop, I've been a man up. I go you to Hey, this is the ending of the morning for you. Right now, I'm just sitting around where you know him. I want right you're listening. Thirty four minutes after that, we're back. We're going to the Phone's question of the day is have you ever had a fan with somebody in the office of co worker? Thought about it? How they go didn't work out? Did you make the move? Eight? Something? Seven? Nine? Okay? Our question of the week is about co workers on the job together. Okay, do you have an office romance with your coworker or with your boss? Have you ever dated? Call us? Eight seven seven twine Steve wasn't a secret or did everyone? No? Line three, let's go to Sam out of d C. I good morning, morning, crew. I don't want to say names because I might forget somebody. Good morning, good morning, good morning, hey girl. Saying family a pseudonym to protect the innocent. So I had three, but I'm gonna condense it down to two. Um. The first one was some years ago. UM it was my manager and UM, I had no idea. Just somewhere, out of the blue, my manager just started wanting to give me money. I was a single parent at the time, so I did take the money. As far as I know, nobody knew about it. He started taking me out the restaurants and things like that, but he was married, and I was like, you know what, this has had to stop. And then one day I was working late in the office. It was just here and I in the office, and he came over, um to my desk to um try and kiss me. And I ran and I was like, you know, what that's it. That's it. And I told him, if you don't stop, I'm sorry I took your money. Yes I did. I took it. I'm sorry I took your money. But if you don't stop, them going to EO on you, and it's it stopped. The second one, we had worked together for like eighteen years, and my my um my co workers kept saying, oh, look girl, he's looking at you. He's looking at y'all. Know what y'all do, y'all work and leave me alone. And then they was like, look, look, look I would look over and even wave. I will wave And we ended up getting married. So we've been mad for twenty one years. Okay, okay, Sam, Yeah that was a happy ending. Yeah yeah, because I tell you, I was only two thirty back when the man at Jerry was trying to and I think he wants to be about fifty five or sixty, I don't know, but I'm like, you know what, if I ever get married, I don't want the law reciprocity to run after me, So let me leave this man alone. But we never I never and you never gave him his money his money back. I didn't give him. I intended to but I never gave his money back. That's why he old he was old that kiss, because he didn't get that money back and you didn't. And the second one, you didn't notice him looking at you for real, you didn't know you were You weren't just trying to play hard to get well because you were in petition where he said and where my co workers said they could see him, but I couldn't see him. Okay, So when they kept kept egging me on to say, oh, he's looking at you, he looks girl, do your word, and and then but now I finally did look, you know, because you know, they keep messing with you and I it look. He'd wave, wave, and I'm like, okay, fine whatever, you know whatever. But we did ended up going in our first date. We did ended up like just walking to the mall, just through the mall when the mall was closed. But yeah, like I said, we've been married twenty one years. Wow. Okay, Yeah, that's that's kind of like Steve your story of variation of the girl that you just kept walking by saying I love you, and she was she was ignoring you. It is like that. None of that, no, no, no, no, how it started your marriage at all time. Mine was none but damn or one of the sixty nine relationship. No. I didn't see no bright future. And I ain't never think we was going on where I knew what it was. That's all right, Yeah, all right, thank you, all right, Sam, thank you, thank you. You guys. Have a wonderful day, sweetie. And y'all we come back after the breaking four day after that time, we got a break phone call. We'll be back you. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Uh we back, y'all top of the hour. We got strawberry letter. Alright, but before that food come on, man, Uncle Steve. Huh day moved. Big Mama, call name, Big Mama. What is he talking about? That's the break that's coming up? Good, big mama. Clean your servant. I'm trying to Can I speak to the owner of the company. This is he. It's just Robert. The owner is Robert. It's this Robert. Yes, sir, this is Mr Robert. How can I help you? My name is Carruthers. Y'all y'all clean, y'all clean my uh my, my house. Last week okay, and when y'all moved the further to the clean the carpet. Somebody, somebody moved my grandmother off the coffee table. See not in there? No more? Hold hold on? Do you know what what data we clean your house on? Sir? Last Wednesday, y'all clean my house. He came to your house on Wednesday of last week. What's your address, sir? Bring mother? It's it's mother. Sir. Hello, you said your name is Corrus and we came to your house on Wednesday. If you don't mind, can I have your address? Leave? Yo? B okay Mr Cruthers, listen, if if if we if your grandmother now with your grandmother laying on the carpet, I mean my guys, don't move people, sir, uh, we would not have grandmother, my grandmother. See what was on the See it was on the coffee table. Her urn was on the coffee table. Oh over real mother pete late, y'all if somebody moved it, en the base is still him but dash okay, okay, okay. I'm sorry. So you're saying that you're very well, Mr Mr cruth I am so sorry. Um, I just long with my grandmother, not too long ago, sir. I know how you feel. Now, I'm no, I'm listening. My guys would not have knocked over a EA or something like that, or they would have told me if they are knocked over something. Are you sure that it was my cleaning service? Yeah? I have no nobody have no two different Cardborent cleaning services to come by in the same week. Man, y'are the only ones came by there, y'all the ones that did it, y'all the one more of my grandmama and I'm my grandmama. Go, Mr Carruss, I'm a girl man. Mr Caruthers. I'm sorry about it, but if you would give me your address, I can confirm that that's actually was my custody that came by you. I apologize, sir. Uh, I'm sorry. Oh, I'm so sorry, sir. Now, if can you please just give me your address, sir, let me let me pull some information up in my system and we can we can straighten all this house hold on for one second, please, uh Fabor do do this babing, Go and ask Wayne and Robert you need to come in here for a second. They had to be the ones cleaning Man Carford on last week, hold seld his grandmama earth make my life keeping on that Carbee table. But we're cheping on that Cobee table. It's no ya ya, Mr brothers. I'm sorry. I'm trying to find out this. You know what, when I give myself together, I'm gonna come down there and I'm gonna kick some and the damn place for here. Do you hear me? Listen, Carrothers, Now, just now listen. I'm gonna do everything that I can to help you. But now don't don't you have gonna friend me on this phone, tell you you move my grandmama, and I'm gonna move you. Now you hear me. I'm gonna, I promise you, I'm gonna tell everybody not to use this damn car and cleaning service. Bell don't know what ho the hell on? Now let's listen now, Now, it took me a long time to keep my services together. Certain we do a real good job. Now you're not gonna threaten me. Y'alla for grandmama, that's what y'all do? You move people's grandmama? We sir, we have never had this kind of incidence. A matter of fact, we haven't had any incidents at all. So everything I'm sorry about your grandmother, Sir, we're gonna get everything right away, getting in the newspaper and tell everybody nothing to use this damn service. I promise. I have told you once now you're not gonna trap me about my damn company no more. You understand me, but putting on adding no newspaper and you're not gonna ship there. Tell me what you're gonna do, how to call my sons in here, how to calling that you did there? Own the ones that clean that gout. They're gonna coffee now. I'm gonna find out what happened. But you're not gonna presn my company. You understand. That's how I make my Listen. Now, I don't know how you make you'll living, but that's how I make you. Don't make y'all learning my moving people. Grandmama's man. You move my grandma with my grand mama. Ain't on the coffee table no more, sir, sir, it's I'm sorry that you're grandma not on your coffee table no more. Look, I'll try to find out what happens. We're gonna get this fix for you, but you gotta work for me. Right well, I'm coming down there, writing down to do damn always and start kicking some tell your boys there too. Oh you should have come down here, Come on, bring you, come on down here right now. I'm not setting you and you're look I'm trying to help you, and you want to go off on me like that. But I don't give an a call down here right now. You don't getting even your anentress. I don't even know who you are, and I don't even know if I promise you, I'm whooping your boy Andy if you'll to move my grandmother you my grandmother ma, bro, Mr Carubb, don't threaten me or don't threaten me by my boy that that's my son. I don't take that too lightly. I will come personally to your house right now, beat up and then come back and clean your house for free. Do you understand me? Don't you talk to my children? And don't get trea let me go my damn fine. I one more thing I want to tell you, man, is you listening? What is it? Nephew Timmy from the Steve Hobby Money Show. You just got plagued by your wife. Dog Hello, thanks, he say, Um, no worrybody that that that wasn't that wasn't nobody coming man. You ain't right you you called me. Now you got myself into looking like like then did some bust fast head. Man, you will tell you what you're gonna do with my coming man. You know how long he's been saved my coing to man. You for that, ro Man, Hey man, Robert, I got one more thing there, she man? What is what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show player. Man. I listening to y'all every morning, man, y'all every more. Look here, why don't you tell DT man, y'all need to put a copper cleaning the war over in the Hood Awards cleaning cleaning and the category cap cleaning. Category Man, y'll need to go and put one in there. All right, I got a job that I'm proud that I have. I gotta tell you about this new gig. Y'all ready for it. We're ready. Let's see we think. Dallas, Texas, June at the Dallas Convention Center Arena. Mega Fist Comedy Show A Time to Laugh, hosted by yours truly nephew Tommy. Friday Night, June. I am a part of Mega Fess and I'm proud to say that I am happy to be the host of your comedy show. Headline in the show is the one and only Cedric the Entertainer, and we're gonna make him laugh without any profanity involved. Watch me work, Baby is coming. It's coming June at the Dallas Convention Center Arena. Are you you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's that time, y'all. Buckle up, hold on time, straw very letter. Alright, sexy nephew, thank you, subject my mother in law or me. Good morning, Steve, Carlins, Shirley and nephew Tommy. I will get directly to the point of the letter. My wife and I started dating in September and finally got married. We were only dating seven months before her mother moved in with us. We were only dating seven months before her mother moved in with us. Remind you her mother does not have any illness, sickness, no problems. She works every day and has no bills. But when I mentioned to my wife that I would like to have our family and our house to ourselves, she tells me, my mother don't have to go anywhere. She told me if I wanted her mom to move, then I need to buy a house so she and I and our twelve year old daughter could move into. I understand that I moved from another state to be with her. She already had her own home and I moved in. So now I'm being told that the only way her mother could leave if I purchased another house. But I feel as the husband, I don't get any respect. She talks to me like I'm a child, and whenever she gets mad, I'm degraded to the fullest, fullest extent. Please help me. I'm so frustrated. Wow, a lot of stuff going on out there. I mean, this is just another case to me of a of a brother trying to do the right thing and his trip and wife not wanting to work with him. I mean, so what, it was her house first and you moved in with her. You guys are married now, and that's what you're supposed to do, move in together. What should it matter? You know, after you're married, whose house it is? The problem to me is that your wife still thinks that it's all about her. It's just her house. She hasn't made the transition to being a married lady and sharing what happened to it being our house. Now we're married, these things are ours now. Uh, and now her mother is there, and that's just complicating the whole thing. It seems like they're kind of ganging up on you, trying to force you to buy them a house or something. Uh. She's putting everybody, your wife is and everything before you and the marriage. And in that sense, this marriage is not gonna work, especially with her mother living there. And she's perfectly fine and she could live on her own. This marriage is in trouble. Um, this marriage is in some serious trouble, and uh, your wife is putting it in jeopardy. I don't know what to tell you to do necessarily. I mean, it would be a great thing if you could afford to uh save and buy you guys your own house, so your wife wouldn't do that. But right now you can't do that. So you gotta do something to get your respect back as a man and as the husband. Steve, I disagree with you, Shirley to a degree. Some of the stuff you said I agree with, but I have to say I disagree with you all this. I'll tell you why. Okay, I know what you're saying, and that once you get married, that everything becomes hours and hours and it shouldn't matter. The problem is it doesn't matter. See here's here's a problem that this gentleman has created for himself. And I hope he don't get mad. But brother, I'm just gonna tell you the truth. The problem you created for yourself. You moved out of state to be with this woman and her twelve year old daughter. See, she was single, head of the household before she met you. She is accustomed and used to running things. Most women, I will give the credit to most women, refused to step back because they've been disappointed when men don't step up, so they've taken it all on themselves as they've been forced to do. Now you come along, y'all, fall in love, and you get married. You move out of state into a house that she didn't work and paid for, and Bob, she decides to move her mother in. For whatever the reason, I don't know. You didn't put it in the letter. We can't speculate, but the mother moves in. Uh my hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on hold hold Oh, oh I see something in the letter I didn't see. Oh, this is worse for you, don't you says, we were only dating seven months before her mother moved in with us. Hold up, part, so you was living there dating you weren't married then, according to your letter, we were only dating seven months before her mother moved in with us. Okay, her mother moved in with you after y'all have been dating, then, I'm assuming you got married after that. Okay, all right, no problem, you says, but she's not sick of anything like that. Okay. Now, then you mentioned to your wife that I would like to have our family and our house to ourselves. She tells me that my mother don't have to go nowhere. She told me if I wanted her mom to move, then I need to buy a house so she, I and I twelve your daughter could move into. Okay, now, brother, do you understand see this is you see you trying to arm trick quarterback on Monday that whatever made her mom move in, you was cool with that or you accepted that that was your chance as the man to say, hold on, I'm gonna I'm gonna get your mama an apartment or something or something like that. All hey, if your mama move in, then we got to buy our own house because I want my family to live under my dominion and our rule, and I don't want to live under you and your mama's rule. You didn't state that. Now I'm running out of time while I can't really get into this for your player, but I'm gonna come back and I'm explained to you how this is really working for you and how really man, you almost you almost gonna have to eat this, almost, but I have a solution for you. But you almost gonna have to eat this. You will have to eat this for a little while. All right after the break of eighteen, after the hour of Steve's response to today's Strawberry letter. You're listening to Steve are y'all back, Welcome to the show port Tuitor letter right after this, I'm just I don't know. I'm one day checked, not yet. I'm blessed, Yes, I'm less. Here's a problem with this letter, young man. The whole problem is you went in in a weak position. You entered into this whole deal in a weak position. First of all, you moved from out of state dating the woman living in her house. Her house, really, dog, it ain't yours, it's her house. You was just dating. She bought that house. You moved back dated then you got married. You're married for seven months. She decided to move your mommy, and she must have said something to and you must have said okay or whatever if it was an argument. The mother's in the house. Now. Now you didn't have enough of this because it's disrespectful because now you want your family to live on your own house, which is the way it's supposed to be. You should absolutely want that. Now here's here's your problem. You go to her and you tell your wife that you won't the mama out. The mama tells you that the only way that her mother could leave is if I purchased another home. It's what your letters say. When in truth, brother, your shoot you can get her mama out there if you purchased a home. So you keep talking like another home, like you didn't bought two houses. You ain't bought two houses. See you bought one. You ain't bought a house yet. But now you're trying to call some shots. I understand that you're married. Now. You would think, though that the mother in law should be a woman enough to allow her daughter to have her own life. But see this, mama, like so many mom in laws, ain't got no life, so now she's gonna have y'all's life. See that's one of the big problems right here. And then her daughter trying to flex and show mama she got to go and cause that's been a girl the whole time. Now she ain't putting out. But see here's the problem. You can't control your wife's actions, and you can't control your mother's, but you can't control yours. So when y'all dated and you accepted it, now you're married, you don't want it no more. So now here's the only thing you can do. You can step up and put your foot down. You can you see, you can be your own man in a small apartment in some way yourself, because if you're gonna sit here and allow people to disrespect you, talk to you like a child. When you know you're a man, even though you went in in a weak position, it ain't ever too late to be a man. You can be a man in your own own small apartment that's yours until you get yourself on your feet and you can buy yourself a house. Then you want to be my wife and bring your twilve year old dought over here that we can go and do this thing. But in the meantime, I'm gonna go somewhere where I can beat a man. Oh I messed up in the beginning, My bad, I thought it. You know, manhood is tough to learn sometimes. But you can make that adjustment. Or you can offer to buy her mother a small apartment somewhere close by. Pay the rent for her mamma to have a small apartment because her mama don't deserve no damn house. Her mama ain't work for no damn house, ain't married nobody. Well, you know, nice guys, this is what happened to you at one point in time. You gotta be a man. Put your foot down. Why no, mama moved around the corner in a small apartment, but your wife then told you she ain't going nowhere. Do you buy us another house? Well, you ain't got the money for another house right now, but I bet you got money for a small studio apartment where you can go be a man all day long and now buy your damn self all right. Today's Strawberry letters posted on Steve Harvey dot com. You can tweet or instagram me your thoughts at my girls Shirley coming up after the break of thirty four after the hour of myth and will be here with this hour's news and some headlines. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, thirty fol y'all, we're back, coming up missing and standing by with this. Uh I was a national news all right, ch'all, she's here with today's national news and headlines. Good morning, miss Anne, Good morning, Steve, Good morning, everybody out there. Shirley carl a time junior. Everyone out there. This is Andrew with news and good morning. Shooting at an elementary school in San Bernardino, California, yesterday has left two adults and an eight year old student dead and another child hospitalized. Authorities say that a man walked into his strange wife's special needs elementary school classroom and opened fired, killing his wife, mortally wounding a little boy and injuring a nine year old before turning the gun on himself and a murder suicide. UH. One child remains hospitalized this morning. Police say the teacher of fifty three year old Elane Smith had only married this guy a few months ago and then told Frenzi suddenly changed and that crazy, and then she got she was frightened. And I guess for a good reason. She just married him a few months ago. A lot of people all over the world are talking about this one. Passengers aboard the United Airlines flight were horrified Sunday night when a man was forcibly pulled out of his seat and dragged off the plane in order to provide a seat for an airline employee. And that's what it sounded like. Passengers say. The staff first asked for volunteers to take the flight the next day because they needed four seats four airline employees, promising four hundred bucks in a free hotel room and then eight hundred dollars, but there were no takers. After that, they say, a plane staff picked four people out for removal, including a man they dragged off and his wife. There's an online call for boycotting United Airlines, especially in China. Since the man was Chinese, he was a doctor. He feels he was targeted for removal because he was Asian, and air traffic consumer activists points out that airlines actually have the right to eject the passenger if they feel they need to. However, United says it's conducting a detailed review of what happened. Yeah, they're reaching out to the ejected passenger. One of the airline officers involved has been placed on leave, and the head of United is apologizing to the customers that there was just an awful scene. Doctor's face bloodied, his glasses askew dragged down. Yet, yeah, and actually it was. I've never seen anything like that in my life. I hope never to see it again. Okay. In South Carolina, Dylan Roof, he admitted white racist who callously gunned down nine black churchgoers during Bible study, pled guilty yesterday to state murder charges and exchange for nine life sentences instead of the death penalty. As part of this guy's plea, he waived his right to appeals and we'll be transferred to a federal lock up. Neil Gorstitch has finally taking his seat on the U Supreme Court, bringing it back to its full nine justice strength and cementing the high courts five to four right wing majority. Alabama Governor Robert Bentley resigned yesterday. Bentley was accused of abusing his office to try and conceal in the fair he was having with a staffer, and he was facing impeachment anyway. He's pled guilty to two misdemeanor charges. And today is be kind to Lawyer's Day National eight Track Day. Remember those eight tracks? Wow? Those in and out. I don't know they would like in it and you had to throw them all out. And now today if your name is Louis, you need to know this also, Louis LOUI, we gotta go back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. That Ryan alright saying, coming up, we're gonna be talking about taxes. Don't go anywhere, Steve taxes. Yeah, that's what we're talking about. And also we're taking more of your phone calls about office romance requestions. I have to hold it over so more. We'll be back at eight after the hour. That's more. Coming back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up next I X text tax deadline is one week away. Coming up next, we'll tell you about the most commonly made tax mistakes that people are making. Right after this, I'm just gonna tasna trade. It is tax season, don't we know, And we're gonna tell you about the most common mistakes people make with the I R s. Okay, Steve didn't ye, they ain't send him something something, But make contact, don't play them off, don't ignore and do something anything. Sorry, I'm sick, I was ill, I was under the talk to some damn body. Don't try to play them people. They do not go away. If you get a letter with red on it, red, yeah, no red, it's read the whole letter birds dog, you get that? Wow? I suggest going down completing your cake. Win a check for at least a hundred navy Look like you fit to do something? Okay, just start start writing to check with a one and a eight in front of it and one zero. You may have to add zero what it needs. Act like you was coming. See if they're one eighty ago. You know. If that don't work, you need to make it an opter for eighteen hunting. You don't fly put another zero on and give him eighteen. But hand him something. You got to give him something that It's gonna be hard to come over that eighteen thousand. But you got about three days. So what can you do in three days to get eighteen thousand dollars sale drugs? You know, let's go to the question of the week. This is so much fun. We had to hold it over for a second week. Have you ever dated a coworker or a boss. Did you keep your relationship hidden or did other people at the office were they in your business? Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, let's go to line one and talk to Ted Ted third. I'm good man, what's going on with your Ted New York tad? How we're looking with somebody at the office? Ever wanted to, ever thought about it would happened? Well, we were in the post office and the lady was the timekeeper. Her husband worked over and he was a letter carrying Jericho. I worked racking letters in Hicksville, and so we became involved, and uh ended up. She became my my daughter's mother. Her husband somewhere, her husband worked in uh sees the Hicksville the Hicksville Post Office and Jericho carriers were in that office, so her husband worked right there in the office. So we became involved and end up. I guess it's the fact that I broke up the family because like I said, she came with me, became my daughter's mother, and uh the lasorship carried over to the fact that, Uh, I realized why her husband let her go so easy. This woman was one that never realized happiness, you know, So I ended up having to stay there until my daughter got out of college because I knew if I left, she would try to make my daughter hate me. You know what. Yeah, you stayed eighteen years eighteen No, it was basically over twenty because, like I said, I stayed till my daughter got out of college, make sure she got to where she was supposed to be. Because the hartest part was the woman was white. Said he would have been okay with it for leaving him because it was for a white guy, but he had issues of being men. This is so deep, this is heavy. Yeah, he didn't got so differently? What else I had for h what's that? What did you say? O? The kids and the other marriage. So then white kids and the other one. Huh so one of them didn't want to associate at all because of being me. The other three were kind of cool with it. Yeah. The other kids Caucasians. Yes, yes, your daughter, your daughter got three uh, white siblings. Yeah. So she used to go to like a birthday party for them, and they used to think she was the help. Wow, so this is not her daughter, it's your daughter, it's their daughter. Yeah, yeah, it's our daughter. Yeah, yeah, it's their daughter. But they think they think your daughter work at the house. Yeah, when she went to their house at a party or something, they were asking how to get stuff. He would have to explain to him, No, I'm I'm just sister. Yeah, but they were asking her to bring them some champagne and stuff like that and pick up the trash around here. That after they watched the kids but ted you said something interesting, you said. You said that she was just an unhappy person, this woman. Yeah, one of those glooming doing people. You know, they always see the bad side of it. Like I started a ski business, right, a black man to start business like way off get rich, queen to get rich, scheme that would never work, and so I beat myself to death making sure this thing works. You know. Now it's the internet business. Like yesterday, I just had my last ski trip. What is skiing business? Taking people skiing? H what is the ski business? I like to make more, get more brothers and sisters on the mountain because it's a very good winner's board. Okay, you know I know a lot of people who ski a little bit Long Island in New York in my business. Calm about this. Congratulations, I thank you, Steve. You know what I got one last thing to ask you. See, I went to the tryout audition for at Night. I went to audition for Amateur Night right at the Apotum, right, but I got hurt, like twelve years ago on uh one of my key trips. So I got my arm in the swing and put the molders in you, Steve, and they like they ex me because I'm handicap. No, no, no, yeah. They blazed on the head Captain spa your field with my radio on and the sound of music. You know it's my That's why they ex your Alright, thank you dad, Polish white folks. I'm on the top and know him to bottom. I'm the only world got him. Everybody know that's the good deal. Thank you. Thanks Ted. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're going to the phone. Our office romance question of the week has been extended because it was so hot, just like maybe your office romance on with your coworker or your boss. Did everyone know about it or did you keep it a secret or did you think it was a secret? Call us eight seven seven, Steve, we want to hear about it. Let's go to the phones. Yes, Steve, okay, Yeah, let's go to the phone. Go ahead, all right, let's go to line too and talk to slam out of d C. I'm a black man, got because I s speed up into a tree, slammed it so hard nobody saw me when the white folks came and said, a black man trying to ski. I'm a black man on some skis, trying to get some mold brothers to sky with me. Quite done, Let's go to line too. I can swim out of DC. I love the name slim Man, a white woe got one of them said, I'll be damn it if I did. I'm not calling him nobody. I want my regular daddy. I don't know the hell listen God the fall the doctor to you there, he's stupid like man, Hello, Hello, hey man. So what happened with you down at the office? You seeing somebody kicked it with him? Whatever? Yeah, Steve, but this wasn't really the office, Steve. It was a penetentio Steed. But she still was my supervisor. H this was that depending. Yeah, I was locked up. She was a correction off, but she was my supervival. You know, you got to clean up or working the kidsen or some stage. No, that's all. We don't but to go ahead and tell us, Okay, I'm gonna gonna say, Steven, don't get man, they're like your boys back in Cleveland. I asked the boys in my neighborhood. I'm in the d C. And uh, they end up being locked was locked up with me, Steve, and I used to use them to watch out for me with men and any gone in the mop room, you know. Yeah, yeah, that's when you go down there in the mop room. We're in the mob room. It's a cause that you tubely called the Tommy. I know that you. I don't want to upset you. I don't want to. I already know when we started talking about some cookie Tommy, you're gonna jump in there. Yeah yeah, Steve, huh but yeah, man, the thing was, man, I got murdered in there, right. I got murdered too. No, I got she had the baby and Jill I got married in older Steve. She was another lady did the lady worked out, the lady that got pregnant, that she worked up, took got played out a daughter about now. She worked there. She was a correction longer, but just knocking him down. After jail. Huh or I had a few of masks, She's I had. I was a decent looking dude back then, plus you know, had a little name in the DC. Let me ask you something. Use a decent dude back then? What what happened? Decent looking dude? He said? Still, that's what I said. Now you used to what happened? What's going on now? I'm still a decent looking dude, Steve. I've just got older, man, that's all. I ain't both fifty three, Steed. That's what fifty three sounds like. Right, Yeah, you ain't bad dog. No, No, I'm still like that, Steve. They still chasing me nasty, don't get them wrong, but kentry And when when they put their job on the line, you gotta be doing something that you were looking like something. Oh I understand. Oh you were putting it down. Oh yeah, I put it down like but see when you're locked up, it's easy to put it down. Yeah yeah, yeah, Steve, they got three thousand men. Somebody appeal to him in there. Well, um yeah, I'll just say something. The question is, have you ever dated a co worker or your boss? Yeah? Time you're not on the pay roll, No, I'm not she will, but I'm gonna tell you the ht just the kick of Oover right here. The warden he was a sage and when I went in there, okay, he became warden man. They knew about the relationship, Mike. They end up. He pulled me in his office one day and say, look, he's left. If you're the man I know you are, I'm give you two options. I'm even gotta find her because I can't add an other officers thinking they can't go around in the jail, or you got to get out of the jail. Which one you're gonna take? I'll say, send me out of the jail man, because she got the income. And they sent me out of jail days later. But get what he did. He put it on my tier. He put it on my tail. Put it last third day right there. Yeah, you was right there on that same tier for the last third day, last third The day was something else vicious, is what he said. Yes, that's that Holland on the third till. Yeah, but that was that's good. But I got murdered two months later, Tea and I had a white outfit on man, come in and y'all looking on fly and gets what you did to some fruit push sould on my white outfit. He'll get mad on me. Wow, she mad because she just had a baby that I got mad too. Mother. Later I would have been mad too, Yes, was wrong for that kind of a little Yeah, that's you know. You tell more. Brother went in when he was like one in this one and t about thirty fold man. I was doing the thing man fourteen years, slim fourteen years. Yeah, yeah, fourteen years. The good thing about it is I'm still mudded to the woman I murried, though. That is a good thing. Good things. You ain't been back in there s Oh no, No, I'm trying to say, Oh, Tommy, he knows you. Tommy, I know doing it too good, Junior. What I'm sam on the show because I've been this through show for years? I know you. Steve put you on this wing and dragged you on the show Man do the Man brown Man College Show. How y'all doing? He knows. Yeah, he listened to appreciate. Yeah, thank you. I've litten to the show what I was in, Steve. That's what y'all know. That's how you know every damn think you ain't missed a minute before you go, brother, let me take it is here. I was working. I'm still working in Steve. But when you came the d C and malt and p harm depot my bench down six eight something like that, Man, I was it work late just to come up. Damn meet y'all. Man. I should appreciate you. Man, Man, I respect your president. I like what you're doing. Man, keep to head up. I will thank you man. I love you boy. Okay, Man, y'all take care of you. Thank you. Slam you too. Slam a good one. I don't know. I don't know how they say buying the pin, but that's just thought. That was You're not in any boy, He's out, y'all. Y'all understand. Sure they call y'all just had a pittent your conversation with Slam. That was that still in? Oh? Okay? For what can we just say this? Inmates and correctional office are not coworkers. Let's just get that they're not. I just want to let y'all know what the question of the week is a coworker you're listening to show? That was something? Huh? All right? Coming up next past your motown deacon death jam and give me all me. He was like here again, late again, asked elbow, double colic Reverend Molton. Yes, and I am the irresistable beacon death jam that you're not. But we're gonna allow you to see hang today's time for church complete. Yes, any are complaints coming from this church? U and they expounded a poem by our bolustrious deacon. Yeah, go ahead deal ah hash that. Uh. We have a nineteen year old DeMarcus and Williams ellis fine to know, Riley Singletary Witherspoon ladermo Field does not know who his father is, so he carries all the last possible names of the candidates. He's upset that in three o'clock service this past Sunday, Uh, his full name was not in the program, as one of the minds in the Man ministry, and he wants an official apology this coming sound to this coming eastern Sunday past the ministry. That's nineteen year old Democats and Williams and finding riding finger tear it with the spoon a lot of out. We're not putting all them damn names in the program. We got all that needs to be listed. And what we can't do is have one mind taking up nine lines on a program. So we're all I want to tell is or Demetrius or the ninety year. Yeah, the mama has been a more repovershed seven times. I think enough shame has been bought on the family. You're not gonna know your daddy. So my suggestion is the one you like the most and ride with that next week. H now, pastor uh, govern yourself and calling me with this now. Sister sister Zoanthea Figgins is now fourteen months pregnant. She does not know why the baby won't come out, she said. She uh. She thinks the baby overheard the fact that she is behind on rent and car note and don't want to have anything to do with this foolish she said. Sister Figgins would like you to get down there and talk the baby out of the wound. Would you help out on that. We need to kill this foolishness. I have told you all that this woman is not pregnant. That's her stomach, that's all that use. Let it go. I've seen her coming out of every drive through round time. That is hard. This woman is not pregnant. We need to cut the foolishness out and there will be no talking to no baby. That ain't down well, he wants you to get out of here and talking. I'm not getting down there talking to nothing cause that ain't no baby. All that food that's in she could have something. If he would, she would get a cold and clean. Oh mater D has a cold and cleans. Have been on Steve Show for about four years now. That's right, that's that twenty five pounds of impacted waste that A D. Darker been talking about. Thank you Deacond. She's not pregnant. No, no, ma'am, nobody's pregnant dead you got had the elephant buddy. M All right, well we will come on d too much longer, all right past your sister Ranita Thompson. It's saying she's not just stop and take cold. I'm sorry, I'm not go ahead of what come on coming, and you stopped me. Sister Ranita Thompson is saying she's not having it this Easter pastor. She is the one who has the son with a D h D. MALIEK. Thompson. Last year, he did uh, didn't get to finish his speech because in the middle of it he started rapping Tupac lyrics, and you stopped him right when he said, how do you want it? Um, he is upset that he's not having it this Easter. She wants you to let him finish his entire Easter speak no matter boys, A d H d H d A. He he can't pay attention to a damn thing. Now. What we're not gonna do is turn this into some pol concert by some ignorant boy that wants to intertwine wrap into his Easter speech. Now, if you got the stention span of a fruit fly, let's give him a simple Easter speech this year your speech, boy, Since you can't pay attention long, it's gonna be Jesus Well, you're listening all right, y'all Here we are. Thirty four minutes after that, it's now time for them back to back jail. Hey, y'all, coming up, we got time for just one more thing. Uh, Sharla got a story about a family member that criticizes a woman for what she wanted to do. Win, You've got some interesting this This is crazy though. You're listening to the Steve Hardy Show for eight minutes after our Coming up next, we got terref for just one more thing Shirley got a crazy store force. Right after this all right, a British woman shared on the Internet that she had worn the same outfit to three weddings, two of which featured many of the same guests. The woman's cousin told her it was disrespectful and rude to wear the same outfit multiple times. Folks on the internet sided with the woman, noting that it's perfectly acceptable to recycled dresses. Plus men wear the same thing all the time, and no one questions that she did try to change things up with different handbags and accessories. But apparently her choice of clothing really irked a member of her family. After sending her some of pictures of the affair, a cousin told her, it's a shame you couldn't be bothered to wear something different. The woman has been wondering whether or not she was really in the wrong, but it turns out most people are siding with her and think her cousin is nuts. And I'm siding with you as well. You could wear whatever you want to wear and it's not rude and it's not disrespectful. Maybe that's the only dress she has, I mean, but you know, I mean, she ain't in the win, right, right, you're always a disrespectful though or rude. Come on, definitely a ladies don't. Yeah, because men can wear the same suit and change ties and they're good forever. If you watch little big shots. Yeah, the same thing on every Sunday, the same suit than the exact same thing than once you just lied what it's made the same. It's not the same suit. The suits are identical. Okay, you know, just someone to go to cleaner. Sometimes I got another. I got four of just like that. It's like, I see what you mean. If I have a dress, a particular dress that I like, I may take it to a dressmaker and say make this for me in this color or something like that. Yeah, same dress, just a different color. You're saying, same suit, same color. M Oh, yeah, I do watch it. I haven't watched it. I didn't watch you yesterday, but I do watch it. Yes, I love it Sunday today to day. But the notices, right, I didn't. I didn't know. Well, now that you've mentioned it, I'm looking for I'm gonna be looking. No. I always wear a black suit, white shirt and black time. Oh you said that, because if you if you don't want to make thinking about you. It's about the kids. I think I do remember you saying that one day. Yeah, that's why you wear the same suit. Okay, that makes sense, Steve. Make it about this cute, little, adorably talented little kids. I got some talent, but she had a lot to say about the woman in the same dress. So what I wouldn't care because I'm gonna wear with my suit and the Steve party, Tommy party, Oh y'all's party don't matter. Okay. Now I got invited to a wedding UM and they put on the invitation you have to wear earth tones okay, like brown, like beiges, like um tans. And I was struggling with that a little bit because you know, I don't wear brown is not a color that I wear a lot, and to wear to a party. I was like, Okay, I'll try this. I mean, you know, try to go along with what they ask you to do on the invitations. Yeah, what color draws y'all will come from? You're talking about? I'm just gonna I don't wear white draws. Do y'all wear white? Drowne? Just black or nude? That's it? Black or new? Yeah? You mean black or nothing? Nude color? They got a nude color? Yeah? Just your Yeah, what about your drawers? Called? I like black? And where are you wearing? Yeah, we're underwear. We don't wear their panties like yeah, yeah, I don't like I like yeah that too? Yeah what else too? Yeah? But you asked the color? Okay, yeah stupid? Huh? Either was either color you mean? Yeah? I do? I told you black or new pennies all calls. Eventually they're gonna end up thone. I hate you with every fiber of my baby right now? Is this appropriate? Surely? No, it's that this color drone. We told you the color. That was enough, That was more than you needed to know. But no, he got to keep going this one, Yeah, he got to keep going. I knew I was gonna drag him in. We was talking about this woman at the wedding, were the same dress? How do we get to this? And then I mentioned I got an invitation to wear earth tones to a party, and I was struggling a little bit. Yeah, I would have been struggling with that. Yeah. Yeah, but it's the challenge. I'll do it yet, No, no, no, it's coming up, It's coming up. Yeah, what kind of draws do you like a man to help clean? Boxing? Yes, box of brief clean frish? What women like tidy whitey Huggies? Still making up on that note, come on take us home, Steve. For all Steve Harvey K tests, No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.