The crew opens the show and start talking about the differences between President Obama and President Trump. The worst BBQ stories will blow your wig back. It has been confirmed that Cardi B. has been married since September. Big Dog gives us his advice on marriage and breaks down the truth. James Harden is the 2018 NBA MVP. Kanye West tried to clear up his comments on slavery in an interview with the NY Times. In Closing Remarks today, Uncle Steve tells us his reality as a person of color and what exhausts him and much more.
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The Threat is a new hit podcast from Azzi Media that explores history surprising connections in order to discover how one thing leads to another, like how movie moguls in early Hollywood helps spark the me too movement Today, Get it on I Heart Radio or wherever you listen join be you go with me? Say you gotta turn? Yeah? Do you you gotta turn? Won't the townho turns? Do you love? You got to turn out? Come? Come on? Uh huh? I show well, good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, come on, dig me now, want and only Steve Harvey got a radio show? Man oh man, oh man? How good is God to me? And part of the mission and the reason that I have a radio show is to is to become a share of more and more of a shaff you know. Um. I used to hear my mother say it to me all the time. But God blesses you to become a blessing. And I think the more you understand that about yourself, I think the more blessings will flow your way. I think that once you understand the principle that you know it. But it's kind of tied together with some other scriptures and I'm too knowledgeable about them, of course, as usual, but I do know what I've heard. You know, and you know, if you look at something simple as do unto others as you would have them do unto you, wouldn't you want somebody to help you if you needed help? I mean, look, I'm I don't know how to wind it down into some intellectual lecture. I just know how to get it down there to where I've been able to understand it. If if if there's a scripture similar that it says do unto others as you would have them do unto you, or if that's you know, in a prayer, would not you want somebody to help you if you needed help? You've heard you reap what you so? Do you understand that if you so discord, that discord is gonna come your way. That if you hate, hate gonna come your way. If you blog nothing but negative comments about people, your life will be filled with negativity. If all you do is talk about people, then guess what somebody got to turn that gun around and talk about you. See, it just stands to reasons. So what I've learned in my life and through all the trials and tribulations, that I've had is to take those lessons and share them with people in case you ain't heard it from somebody else. See sometimes, and the reason it seems like I'm redundant at times is what I am is because I'm always trying to find a different way to say the same thing. Because it's a funny thing. Man, You got to hear it a certain way forward to click with you. How many times have I heard a saying and then I heard it a different way that it clicked with me. You know, I've heard of this saying right here, remember this now, everybody is not happy for you. We've all heard that, right, Everybody is not happy for you. Well, that's very simple that I don't need no explanation. That simply means of all the people you know or do not know, when something happens to you and you celebrating it, everybody's not gonna join in on the celebration. That's all that is. But then you take it one step further. My father used to say something to me all the time. He says, son, everybody comes with you can't go with you. I didn't get that when I was fifteen. Everybody comes with you can't go with you. He said, you're gonna lose some of these friends you got along the way. You know, just that the space time, you're gonna grow in different directions. You know you're gonna do something ain't into. They're gonna do something you ain't into. They're gonna want you to go here. You ain't gonna make it. They're gonna disappoint you. You're gonna disappoint him. He ain't never lied. But I don't care where you get in life, how old you get, how far you go, who you think you are, what you make, what you say, what you claim to be. No, this right here, everybody can't go with you. If you are constantly trying to improve yourself, you constantly have to take assessment of the people around you. Because if you're going to continue to go and continue to grow, then guess what. You got to have people that's on the goal and willing to grow. If you've got people in your life that are not on on the goal or willing to grow, how can they help you go or grow? Do that makes sense? So you have to constantly make assessment of the people around you, or else guess what you're gonna learn? The valuable lesson. You know, the late boxing promoter Butch Lewis. I was talking with butch Lewis one time, and uh, man with a good brother man. I'm talking about man with a good brother man Jesus. And I was talking with him and he shared with me a lesson that I had never thought of before. And he told me this. Let me say this clock. I don't know on the time I got. I don't want Yeah, I got that. Butch Lewis told me this one time. He said, every successful man, it's doing what I call he got rope work to do. He got rope work to do. He got to put in work on rope. And I'm sitting there listening to butch Lewis and all the money he had made in all the people's lives he had changed, and all of the moves he was made, and his an incredible skills as a negotiator on behalf of some very very wealthy people. He was just an amazing man with no education. But he read everything. He butch Lewis read all that, all the papers, all the periodicals. That brother knew everything. He said, you got to put it in rope. And I was sitting there listening he said, he is the analogy, little brother. He said, you are on rope. There's a thick rope. You have on no shirt, you have on some tattered clothes. You have on no shoes. Your shorts is cut off just below the knee and they tat it. You got dirt on you and you're sweating. There's this huge, huge raw rope over your shoulder. There's burn marks on all of your shoulder. Connected to that rope is a wagon. That wagon has all your weight on it, all your responsibilities, all the people you're responsible for, all your children, your wife, your family members, your employees, your your co workers, your friends. They all on that wagon. Man, they're just sitting there. He's saying, what you gotta do is you gotta pull that wagon up the heel. Now, only thing with it is, can't nobody help you pull your wagon. You pull your wagon alone. He said. Now, what you can do along the way of pulling your wagon is you can find yourself a good wife, a good woman. He's saying that what that woman does is she get down off the wagon. She fan you while you pull it. She put water on you while you pull it. She put stuff in your mouth while you pull it. She kicked rocks out the way while you pull it. But she but she pull it for you. But she is equally as important as you are on the pull of the rope. He said, you hear me clearly, now, young soldier, he said, now I got this here. He says, it's people on your wagon that you're responsible for. But you want the people on your wagon to help you get your wagon to the top. So what you hope is that they got their foot hanging over the side pushing, They got one leg over the back, or maybe both legs over the back pushing. They got they might have their butt on the wagon, but they push you with both legs. They're back facing your back, maybe some of them facing you with one of them got left leg hanging over trying to push. And you hope that all the people on the wagon you pull it is back there at least trying to help the wagon get to the top of the hill. Here goes your problem. Though everybody ain't pushing, Everybody ain't puck it, ain't bear, body ain't pull it. Everybody ain't kicking rocks out the way. You got some people on your wagon that's just laying on the wagon drinking lemonade, looking at you talking about how long it's taking you to get your wagon up to the top, looking at you talking about whitest wagon is so slow. Then when you start picking up picking up speed, they want you to pull harder, you to pull faster, you to pull more. Then they want you to throw what you then earned on the way up the hill backed on the wagon so they can have more. But guess what, they ain't helping you get more, but they got a sense of entitlement that since you got more, they should have more. Everybody come with you can't go with you. Sometimes you gotta kick the people off the wagon that ain't pushing and pull it and say, hey, man, I'm sorry. I thought I could do this with you, and I thought you was going with me. But it's clear to me you ain't nothing but dead weight. And it ain't my responsibility to carry dead weight anymore. I have carried you as long as I have to carry you. You are no longer my responsibility. I'm responsible for my family, my wife, my children. I'm not responsible for you. You got to get off my wagon because I'm a man on rope. I'm on a mission, baby, I'm pulling. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Ladies and gentlemen, boards and girls, man, have your attention please, Steve Harvey Martin Show is underway. I happened to be Steve, but I would be nothing without the crew, ladies and gentlemen. Shirley, Hey, good morning Steve, the fabulous calling for el. Good morning Steve. What's up crew? This little bitty food June with his happy saying ay every day, we got to see if he all right to day balancing, put him together, get him up out the ditch, pick him up over the float cars, down to the high through the Christis, get him to Ja not here. A lot of work and getting on that last nerve, but he healed. King of pranks, the food nephew term me yes up top top nobody good? Yeah, yeah, my favorite question? What the president did do? Now? What? Man? Steve? This country? Whoa We're an all time low to me? Yeah we are, yeah, yeah, we're just it's like the I don't know, it's just you're right a divide. It's almost like evil against good or something. Yeah, you know, it's almost like that, like you know, this is a movie or something we have never had a president more divisive than it him and him and Jimmy fallon at it. Yea, how do you think you can possibly say more clever stuff than this manna comic? Why though you're the president, don't you have some work to do? And which which says it all takes up the time for the most mundane stuff, and then don't mention the most critical Petty Betty, come over here, something about these kids and wedn't get them back with their families. Come over and say something. But then the Supreme Court them racists up there that uplifted his third version of the travel band, which is now like it's upholding it and it and it kind of sucks in the White House is claiming the victory. So all your victories have a negative connotation. So you're saying, we weren't separated these kids at the border with determ people from coming to our country, Boom, Not I'm fixing where these seven countries Kate brain, these and these people in here, that's Muslim Boom. Who are we all Muslims together as terrorists? And that's not what they are. Look, Islam is a beautiful religion. Who am I to tell another person that their faith and belief ain't right or ain't good and after us our people as a race that have been and persecute it for so long. Here we are having to speak up for someone else because we know how it feels. We know what they're going through. We've been there and are still going through it. You know about these kids, It's like the Republicans said, those are not our kids. Hole, you can't You can't even understand because you've never been in that position. You can stop expecting President Trump to understand because he's never been in a position. What made Obama great worlds Obama came from those conditions. He was a street fighter, man of the people, so it was easy to become Donald Trump is just who he always been. Stopped the surprise. All right, coming up, Steve, we're gonna talk about the worst barbecue meal you had at someone's house or family reunion or something like that. We've got something funny barbecue stories coming up for you this you're listening Steve Barbue Morning Show. All right, Steve, Fourth of July right around the corner, the biggest summer holiday of the year, I guess you can say so. I wanted to ask the guys, what's the worst. I mean, the absolute worst barbecue experience you've ever had, whether it be at a barbecue, family reunion, some sort of celebration. I don't have a worst. I have a series of things. You want to go, Yeah, I got We all got down to I'll go down. This is real quick. Though. My boy called me up. He said, hey, man, we're going over to this barbecue. My boy, barbecue man is off the chain. I get over there to his house where he took that lead off, that old smoking Weena's and Hamburger pants. There was no barbecue barbecue. Now it's bread buzz over there. I'm a grown ass man. Though I didn't eat all day. It's two clock. I came on here to eat Bobby Kill, but he only got the spatula pushing the meat dowth like he doing something. I was gonna kid, that's right here, man. I was so there disappointed. So I go home with a fraternity bro. This is I'm in college, pray brother for the Fourth of July. They're cooking out everything smell good, look good. I'm like cool. He loaded my plate up. I got you straight tea. Here you go, man, I'm eating and I'm eating, and then his uncle come over and say, how you like that cool? I said what I said? I smoked that cool all night last man, I put my frat brothers raccoon. Yes, but Tommy, it didn't look different. You know what it has sauce on it? Always question? That's for real to wonder what said? I had a fight right there. If I don't know what it is, I'm not eating it. They get famous for Bobby Q. Just ain't in a state, ain't rendezvous commissary. This ain't gates, This ain't this, ain't blood souls, this ain't whit molds? Why what where we come from? Man? How did it taste? Tommy? Though? You ain't you know what it has on my sauce on? I kept eating. I was like, this ain't that bad. But the fact that he didn't tell me that just made me hot. All right, here here we go. I want to just go on and talk about the wonder words. Bob Q. We've been at and I have a series on routine. Will forever call her that is that she hated did night for her to hate me? But right, I'm not Michelle Obama. I ever made it a lot of my jokes was gonna give out here? Okay, Well, can I start with why did she hate you as a little boy? Because I studied and she would send me to the store and I take too long, so she would give anybody boys and nickel to go to stove for. She would never give me the nipple because I ain't got all day while you're little stupid ass down there trying to get me the bread. You're fat, you pick? Why lose? You need makeup acress right now? I used to couldn't stay in home, So that's why can't standard all the time. Even when I stopped studied. Well, I wonder when you're gonna quit being stupid. I had speech impediment. I ain't stupid. My cousin, Charles, he's stupid, Your damn son, he's stupid. He had juvenile detention as we speak. How smart he's as oh man, that's why you did like and she didn't like even to that fact. When the family first came to my first comedy club where they died, they're doing line. So she just had no love for a little bit. So this was she made. She prided herself on her potata set. Let me tell you something that everybody came making. First of all, this woman put it heavy, heavy mustard. I've had it with a little mustard, twitter, but heavy mustard, no damn mail. So you got litt no damn mail, heavy mustard. Now you know how you cut little cubes up in the potatoes the same size? Did she sprinkle a whole bunch of celery seeds in it? Them? A little bit of self? Now the celery chunks and the potato chunks and the carrot chunks all the same size, salary chunks in the potato selling, all this with celery seeds on it, wrapped up in heavy, heavy ass muscles. Mr Best, I call this my tanging potato selling. My daddy couldn't dad y'all itself? Men tanging in enough? Why don't you? Why don't you describe the flame? All this sugar honey ice TV. She couldn't stay there and food. Don't put that next to my boby cute And I'm over here doing bill, Bill, make my potato salad for my plate here, Mom, Bill, don't don't put sugar hunted. I t over here. He didn't even want it next to the inside on the stove. Ain't nobody going put it out here without somebody get confused and think me and my wife have made this all right. Listen, Uh, we gotta get out of here because nephew, Tommy is coming back with a run that prank that's right after this run that prank back. You're listening coming up at the top of the hour and Entertainment news, Cardie B has confessed. Yes, she's secretly married off. It was last year. Last year. I've been married for almost a year. Girl. But come on, nephew, let's get to it. Run that frank back, Thunderbolt, Thunderbo who was Thunderbolt? You know he was? He was partly cloud in your name. That's a strip of names like thunderboat, running cat, Hello, hey man, let me speak not here. Who's called hey? Just thund the boat from the club man. What does she get in? Hello? Yeah, yeah this thunder boat man? What does she get in? What do you mean? What did you get in? Uh? She ain't in here now, but you know what I mean? What you need? Hey, I'm trying to following up. I'm trying to actually get an address and stuff. Man. She got me dancing this weekend on Saturday night, and I want to see it. Make sure I got the address to everything. Everything still on. You know I didn't already gave got you dancing? So what not? What you mean she got you dancing? She asked me to do some male dancing on Saturday night. So I went on and took off at the club. And uh, you know she don't already got my my gall ain't she ain't had you do no mail dancing? My girls? She nah, I guess he goes. She goes to school at at night on weekends, so you know notching. Okay, okay, okay, who I named David David fiance? What? Yeah, that's my gal? Hold on, hold on, hold on, squeaker been to getting married. Squeaky squeaky. Wait wait wait, okay, I'm David right, Okay, that that's that's that's squeaky squeaker. Give me my girl. You said you were a dancing I dance that man is I'm thunderful. But how do you know my girl she come to the club on saying this. She asked me about doing some dancing for this coming say that, so she already gave me half the money. He comes to the club on Saturdays. Now, my girl, she go schools on Fairiti. You know, no want listen all right further, I'm blowing way by you trying to tell me Squeaking Mary that you got me really toe up with stuff I don't know. No, no, Squeaky that's what we call her at the club, man, and man, look, I'm not gonna get into all of that. What I'm really calling about is she got me working this weekend doing some dancing, and I'm trying to just make sure that we're on for this week because I don't get my spot up at the club. You're trying to tell Michael hanging out of him buck naked club dance man, Squeak had been coming up in them, man for the last week. He's been there long enough. Help nickname. No, I do know Squeaky for five years. Squeak had been coming. Man, this this thunderboat. Me and Squeaker go way back. No, man, well we're gonna handle when you get in here, so you can you know, handle to or have you gotta handle it, talk to whoever you got to to get your little money or whatever. No, no, no, I'm gonna wait a minute, mane as you're listening, Man, I can't get my slot back at the club that squeaker got to give. Need to remain in balanced, man, even if she ain't gonna do, I need my other winding balance and I can't going to give you the maining balance of nothing. Hey man, I need to ring money money that that she gave you. What you're saying anything, you can just count that out. Here's gonna give your thing. Hey man, I'm under boat gonna get his money. Man, I need my one fit thunderboats gonna get this. Well, then that's what you got to do. And that's what you got to do. Man, I tell you what that's for. Thunderboat into getting no kid talking about calling you ki and all this whole. Ain't I ain't working for to give money a wayne to some under boat like ain't it or whatever? Hey man, look man, it's thunderboat. It ain't lightning. It's thunderboat lighting and worked on Wednesday night. There's thunderboat. I don't know who you didn't talk to already about that, but you need to haul that them. But don't be calling here asking my girl to give you some money. Ain't giving you because she don't make nothing. I'm coming over there now and get my money from Squeaky, ain't I ain't hearing it. Don't make nothing. You think all the money around here, so you ain't gonna get nothing from over unifying so you can wipe that's your mind. I'm coming over there to get my money from Squeaky today. You're coming over here. I'm coming over there to get my money from Squeaky. So't I ain't got time to play. I love my slot at the club. See what you get. See if you get some money, get your leg stunded coming over there to get the rest of his buney. You've been that. Bring you over here because you come for what? I tell you what bring them going over here? And I'm gonna show you lighting it. I ain't know you got some money on ready for she ring here and give you money and wait, I'm struggling. I tell you what you bring your over you won't do and watch one go down. Hey man, all I'm saying is I'm gonna come over there and wait outside down so Squeaky to get there to get the rest of my money. That's what I'm saying to you. You're gonna come over and said outside what I'm gonna come over there and wait outside for Squeaky to get there so I could get the rest of my money over here and said outside house. That's what I'm gonna do with That's when it takes for me to get my money from Squeaky. I'll tell you what you bring over here there and sit outside of my house. And when you get you here, you blow the hard one. That's what you do, You blow the horns. I come out there and meet you and let you know what's going down for bush them and we leave me. She can see you laid out like I'm bout well, come on over and get your money. I'm gonna get my money or it's squeak. You on me a hundred and fifty dollars and I've been to come get I don't give up what she told you about a us Mom? Is she giving you? You gotta be happy with that. You want to come over here talking about you want some old money. You know somebody old thunderboat or hundred and fifty dollars and Thunderbolt gonna get his money. Better, try to go and dance at the club on this weekend, so here you will not be dancing at the talking about sitting out front. Mom, Squeaky, gonna give me my wan thing. You ain't event got nothing to do with this is no way this transaction is between me and Squeaky. It ain't got nothing to do with you, no way her name is, then it's got everything to do with me. You call my talking about chilling you from money and bring you over here. I got your money, Come get you, and I got your money right here and gonna be sitting out front waiting on you. Squeaky. Don't want to ask for me to dance Saturday night. Squeaky, Yeah, I told a three hundred dollars plus kills. Now I ain't gonna get no kill like I'll tell you where I am gonna get my three hundred dollars. I got one fifty and I'm gonna get the other one fifty was Squeaky. Get out. You ain't getting it from me. You're gonna get your buzzon from me. I got one more thing I need to say to you. What you're listening to me? I'm listen, I can hear you. But this is Matthew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got cranked by your homeboy? Who Who's this? This is Matthew Tommy Man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your homeboy. God, you quiz to play too much? Man, y'all had round this. I'm putting on boots. Man, I year up the glide in squabble. I got pikes and bad that I didn't fight the whole man. You're man, y'all, bro, I've been glad with somebody drank Yo. I'm gonna get that. Y'all got, y'all got me? Man, I got one more thing. I gotta ask you, man, what is What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning It is somebody gotta do it. Somebody got to be the prankster. It's me. Chose myself, all right, all right, let me put you on. So on tap right here and a few time me with blazers and bow ties. A night in the city. That's in Houston, Texas. It's a party. Were celebrating women. Got a lot of a k's come to town, so I thought i'd throw my own. So it's Saturday, July seven at the Health Museum Herman Drive. You do not want to miss it. I got the lavish buffet, I got the red carpet, I gotta live band, I got the DJ. I got all that, and I got an open ball. So what more do you want in the summer party? What else? I need? This buffet, open ball, a mission? How much man fall that dollars? Pre sale up? You can go to event right dot com and get your teaket written there. That's the deal. That's the deal. Yeah, beat there with my aunt. You're all right. Coming up next in entertainment news, Cardie B confesses that she's secretly yes, she's secretly married Offset and Steve is going to give some marital advice. Okay, we definitely want to hear that. Two young couples that's coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, well, well it looks like Cardi B and Offset did the dog on thing. They did it in the old fashioned way, after all love marriage and then the baby carriage. Okay, apparently the two have been married for almost a year now. The marriage certificate, Yeah yeah, the marriage certificate list the date as the Yeah, it was doing me and the all right, I just try to keep right. The marriage certificate lists the wedding date as September twentie, two thousand seventeen. This, according to an insider, Offset just woke up one day, looked at Cardi and said, marry me. So instead of announcing the news to their friends and family, they decided to tie the knot right away and got married at the house. For the record, yeah, Cardi B was not married at the time. I mean she was not pregnant at the time. This means that when Offset stage that whole public engagement. Remember back in October, he and Cardi B had already been married a month. Okay, Cardi actually confirmed the news on yesterday. She kept it private because she wanted that moment for herself and I understand that, you know, because Papa Rozzi is all around them, so they wanted something special for themselves. I love it, She says. Our relationship was so new, we had a lot of growing up to do, but we were so in love we didn't want to lose each other, so that's why they did it. Yet. Yeah, okay, so Steve, since you said that, So there are a lot of young people out here that are so in love and they don't want to use each other what advice do you have for for young people that want to get married. Well, first of all, you should exercise patients because, especially when you're young, because the decision you're making today may not even be applicable to one year from now. What you want today is going to change, and what you will accept and who you are if you're young twenty years old, in one year, all of those three things will be different. Who you are will be different, what you won't will be different, what you will accept will be different. All of that changes over the year, I promise you it does. So patient, if you all really love each other, then it won't nothing happen to it marrying a person. And this is not about Cardi B and Offset at all. That's not that they did the thing. I'm I'm cool with it. I'm just talking about in general. A pastor told me something that's stuck with me. He said, when you get married, the only thing that changes is the appearance of your left hand third finger. So if you're tripping before you get married, when you get married, that's what you're gonna do. You're gonna be tripping. It changes nothing. What it does is it's a tool that unifies people. Under the eyes of God, with some vows between you. That's it. If that's meant to be, it will be that way this year or two years from now, And so you might as well be patient and wait, because if you get married at twenty or twenty four, tell me what's the difference if you plan on be married or to see your life? Are you trying to get your six years in now? So you move on to somethinghow that's a logical, experienced answer, you know. But when you're young and in love, it's hard, you know, to to follow those rules. I'm sure everybody's parents told you have told their kids that and everything, but it's just hard when you're young and have no experience and you're just in love, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, all right, listen, we have to get to miss Anne. I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, miss and Okay, thank you very very much. Everybody here we go, all right. This is Andrew Puts the news. The majority GOP appointed Supreme Court has voted five to four to uphold President Trump's controversial travel band, this time on six, mostly most of nations. This was the third tribe by the White House. Now the first one took place only days after Trump was inaugurated. Remember, Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States on kill our countries representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. That band involves seven nations Iraq, Iran, Serious Sudan, Libya, Somali and Yemen and was struck down by the course because officials say was a Muslim band death and that was pure and simple, just a Muslim band. But the Justice have now okay to ban on people from six nations, saying that the US can exclude visitors from certain countries if their presence is quote detrimental to the U S. And this is how President Trump sees the ruling. The ruling shows that all of the attacks from the media and the Democrat politicians are wrong, and they turned out to be very wrong as to how many As to how the many of the Muslim communities see the ruling, they say the Supreme Court has been wrong before, like upholding slavery and segregation, like putting Japanese Americans in prison camps, and that they're wrong this time. And yesterday's primary voting uh in Utah, former presidential candidate and Mormon Mitt Romney was the winner of the US death Senate primary in that mostly Mormon state, and in South Carolina, Governor General Henry McMaster beat his challenger thanks to an endorsement by President Trump. The head of the Health and Human Services Administration, Alec Hazer, says that two thousand forty seven migrant children separated from their parents at the southern border are in the agency's custody by the federal judge has ordered them to be reunited with their parents as soon as possible, and in turn, for the New Hampshire Democratic Center, Maggie Hassan has been suspended for a week for cursing at the President and footage captured by NBC News, the President is seen arriving at the capitol rotund of the other day to meet with GOP lawmakers about immigration, when a voice is heard calling out Mr President, f you although she did she use the whole word. She didn't force letter. All toys are stores set to close on Friday, Stores with a lot of unsold inventory offering discounts. Folks, they want to think about that when closing of toys. R US is seventy seven forty stores in the US finalizes the downfall of the chain that dominated the toy store business in the nineteen eighties and nineteen nineties. How wherever the market change over time, as you know, and Toys r US began to get lose customers to stores like Target and Walmart and mostly to most recently to Amazon. So it's you know, the market change. Folks were looking for discounts of the police. Finally, today is nifty shoes Day. Oh, I know you were the best entertainment. Today's trending topics and entertainment twenty minutes after the hour and the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show now, guys. According to Fox News, a Republican Congressman named Andy Briggs, Have you guys heard about this from Arizona has introduced an initiative to censor California Democratic Representative Maxine Waters and they he wants to ask for her resignation and for an apology after she encouraged others to confront Trump administration officials. The congresswoman. Congressman Waters is calling for people to push back on members of President Trump's cabinet over the migrant family separation crisis. The President tweeted Congresswoman Maxi and Waters and extraordinarily low i Q person has become has become, together with Nancy Pelosi, the face of the Democratic Party. She has just called for harm to supporters of which there are many of the Make America Great Again movement. Be careful what you wish for, Max. What that's the president, that's the president. Yeah. The congressman called for her resignation and for an apology from her. But then the President doubled down and said, uh, you know, called her again an extraordinarily low i Q person. Uh. With her and Nancy Pelosi, they're saying they have become. He's saying they have become the face of the Democratic Party now. And he said that she has just called for harm to supporters of which there are many, to Make America Great Again movement. So be careful what you wish for, Max. The just from your president. I'm just speechless President with tweets something like this, you got this Congress, I'm just man ignorance. When when you know, long after we're dead and gone, the history of this presidency right here was going down in the books. Yeah, when you know, young people read about him I'm sure they're going to be just a stunt. Dare's gonna be so many hands raising that classroom did what I don't understand. We don't need a little willy and no one said anything. I'm gonna do a series of stuff like that. I'm gonna do it on the radio show. Remember I used a little Timmy stories. Yeah, I'm gonna do I'm gonna do books, you know, like a children's book. You know, you know, look you remember run Jip Run, Little Tom Headed Dog. Yeah, yeah, Yeah, I'm gonna do a series called loul Willie Louil Donald. I can't imitate him because no idea. Well. Um. Congresswoman Maxine Waters Steve responded to the president uh to his claim claiming that she called for violence against his supporters by reading a list of times that Trump has used violent rhetoric. Uh huh, yeah, all of that, the s obs, you know, when he talked about the football players and nearly all right, listen, we'll talk about the divide in this country. That's coming up at thirty four after the hour. You're listening to the stew all right, Steve, So, yesterday there were primaries, there were elections in Colorado, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, South Carolina, Utah, and more states. However, it seems like America is just so divide did um every day we we see more breaking news every single day, like the Supreme Court upholding Trump's travel band. We have to we have a divide on immigration policies. We're still demanding justice for unarmed black men getting shot and killed by the police, horrific school shootings, white women calling the cops on on people just having a barbecue in the park, or or or kids selling bottled water. So what is going on really in this country? What what is going on? I mean, what's your take on It's Steve, I just think that, Um, we're at a time where because you know, um, you have to understand something about sugar honey iced tea. Okay, if you throw sugar honey iced tea on the wall, it drips down the wall. It doesn't drip up the wall. So what's happened here is now the rhetoric that's coming from the White House is making it okay aid for common people to think it's okay to say what they want to say to No more time out for this. This is politically incorrect time out for this holding our feelings in and trying to be understanding of other people. He doesn't do it. We don't have to do it anymore either. So it's it's given an okay to racism and bigotry to rear your ugly head, and it's the American thing to do because we stand on the constitutional right and the flag. The problem with this is the emphasis in this country has nothing to do with God anymore. That little emblem on the money in God we trust. No, they should take that off the bill because this has nothing to do with God. We're doing nothing that's godly. When you separate kids from their mom, that's not godly. When you tell people that because their Muslim they can't come in this country, that's not godly. That's not what this is. They should just put money and power is the source that operates this country. The morality of America is slipping because there is no morality coming from the top, and there you have believe that. It makes it iced tea and slid down the wall and then covered everybody. So they think it's okay, he's doing it. He doing it this right, and we we voted for him, so we can do. But like that brother's T shirt said best t shirt. Come on, let your present get your ass Okay, okay, you listen to me. Don't let your president now because see somebody gonna pull the phone out to make a phone call on somebody and go get the whole phone pushed up in a crack. Really, you're gonna have to pull it out from your throat, your answers ringing you goodness time you can't click over? What do you know? Did you hear the president on Tuesday where he was campaigning in South Carolina. I think we have a SoundBite where he was telling the voters to to get out and vote cat Do you have that play that? So this week it is so important to go out and vote for country, vote for family, vote for values, just man values, vote for victory, and vote for Henry. He is a great, great gentleman. He's a great gentleman because as a group together, we will make America wealthy again. We will make America strong again, we will make America safe again, Henry, and we will make America great again. Thank you, South Carolina. Get your asses out tomorrow and okay, keyword ray Yeah, he said the word get your Okay, that's what they like about him, say like no decorum, you know, no class, They just like just say it, just say whatever, say how you feel. All right? If you want to comment on this, please go to all social benias Steve Harvey F and up next it is the nephew with a prank phone call coming up right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's today's Strawberry Letters subject why do I need a man m But right now it is the nephew on deck with today's prank phone call. What you got King of your daughter, bit my son? Your daughter, bit my son. Uh. We're gonna take time to expound on that your daughter my son. But I can get everyone to turn where you will read where the daughter being the son? I'm headed towards that eighteenth birthday. Here it is your daughter bit my son. Hello, Hello, I set this look do you do you do your daughter go to the Little Academy? Yes, and her name is Listen your daughter and bit my son. Uh, Joshua want on the back. This is Wilton, your daughter and bit my son. You can't just call my house and tell me my daughter bit. Can't be cussing at me. Lady, I just said, your daughter Secura bit my son Joshua in the back, and I just meant no. I just said no. Two things. One my daughter wouldn't bite nobody, and two, don't call my house with this tone. I called with any kind of tone, and I want to call with all I'm saying is your daughter then bait my son in the back. And I'm gonna tell you what I'm saying is don't call my house with this to saying something that my daughter beat your child in the back. My daughter has manners and she wouldn't be biting nobody in the back. Somebody, how the hell you know what your daughter gonna be doing if you ain't there my daughter, you're raised, She ain't your You just come in one month and trying to do some kind of daddy work. But four years old, how nail you don't you know how that damn well? I've been with her for four years. You being my daughter does not be biting people around in the back of the neck or anythingthing like that. What the hell is wrong with you? Don't call my house with you where I get who figure I'm a weekend daddy. I'm calling you about what's going on with my child. But I don't think you got your facts straight. So next time you call somebody to tell them about their child, figure out everything about your child first. All I'm saying is that the people at the academy said secret my son Joshua were in the back. Well, I can't understand what you're saying because I don't like your tongue. So don't call me about my baby. Have her mama called me. That'll make no difference. If a mama or daddy call along with somebody, call hello, call her back. Hello? Is this Carol? Why you hanging up on me? Why are you still calling me? And why are you yelling at me? My child didn't bite your child in the back. When I picked up my child. They didn't say to me your child is body in the back. Child every day, Like I said in the first lace, you must be some kind of weekend daddy my child. I'm with my child every day. How you are you I'm with I don't even know who Joshua is. She should have just hit him in the head. You ain't what you ain't gonna do and sit there and talk about my baby. Now you asked me to lower my toe. You know what I'm gonna do. I'm I'm gonna hang up one moment. Hello, Hello, called back, call her back cat Hello, don't hang up on me no more like I'm again. I'm gonna call you until you tell me why you your child and beat me? Is it just bite my child in the back. I am not in the mood to play with you right now. You're gonna miss trying to get you and your child, You and your child? You don't why whoa whoa? Guess what Shaquira got her daddy? You're talking about whipping somebody? Daddy else to say? You can't call my house and threaten me and my job. If my child beat up childhood, that's what your child is up. He got who daughter whooped your sons? This probably want me to last trying the little fat not in Those kids'll be talking about when the fake facts she didn't bite him in the back. She might have worked, but my daughter don't play. Now keep talking. You found my phone number, fred my address and have kills. Daddy? Beat you what I said, bring your over here with my babies, with your baby my baby. Daddy gonna whip you. Bring it on. I'm coming over there and beat you and your child. You don't call a woman and telling you coming over to beat hun You come over here and beat her. Daddy, Come over here and beat your kills. Daddy, he don't he don't want not to me. You don't want it. I'm on my way overout now, bringing on somebody gonna get dake. Daddy. He ain't got no damn job. He got a job. Y'all gonna make me come overout a night. Bring it on right now? Do you know you know what I'm gonna tell. You're selling over to tell me something else. You're gonna get bit and your baby gonna get bit too. You don't bite me and my baby she carried, are gonna whoop? Yo? Can I say something to you? Say something to me? The few timing from the Steve Harvard Morning Show. You just got prank you. Oh I am shame. I am just got pranking. Your sister Glenda told me she said they could give me. She said give my She said you always time and never give me that. Oh. I told them that wouldn't happen to me. But you can't call somebody talk about baby. That's that's where it killman. Don't don't call nobody about it. You got my heart hurt. Look, can I ask you something? Let me ask you what is the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. You if you're gonna you're gonna go with somebody about their kids, you gotta go with the mama push the bull man play too much. It's button pushing to if somebody's mom whipped your behind. I think no I can do. Yeah. This coming from because everybody got time off. Oh yeah, because it's the holiday Friday. You yeah, people got time off. When I tell you what Friday the thirteen through the July thirteen through the fifteen, and that thirteen was a Friday, I would be in Jacksonville, Florida. Come hang out with me. That's Comedy Club of Jacksonville. Don't come to Whoop to Whoop. Maybe just come to enjoy this show. Don't don't let Junior, Okay, don't let your friend. July twenty two, Baby Uptown Comedy Club in Atlanta, g A. I will be there as July twenty two. All right, just over here, just waiting on somebody make an attempt on my nephews life. That's what's gonna happen. They're gonna try to kill and I got to beat that for security. Okay, well listen to the US Open Tennis Championship. Thank you, nephew. Uh will no longer penalize players for becoming mothers. I love this, I love it. Starting this year now, the tournament, which runs from August to September ten is changing the way its seeds players coming back from giving birth, which is great news for our girl, Serena Williams, who just came back, of course, a couple of months ago. The move is in response to the controversy from this year's French Open where Serena, the former number one player and twenty three time Grand Slam champ, was not given a seed because she took thirteen months off to have a babe. So there, you know, they fixed that, They fixed it fixed. There's a lot of companies. Yeah, they fixed that. You want to have a baby, you can have a baby shirt. I'm I have baby fever. Yeah, Carla wants to have a baby. And you know what, some companies give men time off too. Don't know what it is. I probably should have took some time. You would have never been at working. Was a mistake when you started. Ain't gonna lie to you. I mean, who in here playing the key? We have to come, We have to go sub change and handsome woman walking and I'm pregnant? What? Oh, I'm not on the wall. What would you say? I'm pregnant? Were having a baby? Today's Strawberry Letter subject is why do I need a man? That is up next, and we'll do that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Thread is a new hit podcast from Azzi Media that explores history surprising connections in order to discover how one thing leads to another, like how movie moguls in early Hollywood helps spark the Me Too movement. Today, get it on I Heart Radio or wherever you listen. It is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need some advice on your relationships, on dating, on sex, on work, on parenting, and more, we have it for you right here on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All you have to do is send us your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. It's just that simple, right, Steve, You know it is Mary got asked me participation. You don't really care at all? But the lion though, people think were right to make the letters up in its number one, I have a very active imagination. Nope, buggle up, hold on tight, we got it here. It is the straw very lettle subject term. I'm like gon subject. Why do I need a man there? Stephen Shirley, I am a twenty seven year old divorced female with no children. I work full time and I am in school full time. I am finally able to pursue my dream of becoming a comedian. Since my divorce, I've been very happy being single and care free and dating. I don't want a serious relationship right now. See in the past, I put all of my time and energy into helping my ex husband build his comedy career, and like a dummy, I let my goals and dreams get lost in his shadows. My friends say that I'm not getting any younger and I should want to be settled and married again, but I don't. Right after high school, I enlist did in the military, and I got married young. So I missed the best part of my twenties. Now I want to put myself first. The guy that I've been dating regularly is also pressuring me to settle down. I told him straight up that I'm not looking for anything too seriously, but he doesn't get it. He told me that I need to learn how to balance work and my social life so we can be together. This brother is fine and all, but I don't want to throw a man in the mix right now. I don't want to end up on my second marriage and wishing I had done things differently. Is there something wrong with me doing me for a while? Why do I need another man? Your thoughts, Well, I'm not quite sure what what you want here. Um. You started off talking about you know, you finally are going to be able now to pursue your dreams of becoming comedian. Um, now that you're divorced and everything. You also talked about how you helped your husband with his comedy career. You diverge your deferred your dreams and goals to help him and every thing. So and now you just want to do you. So that's how you started the letter off. Then you talked about, you know, how you're in a relationship now and uh, you know the guy is pressuring you to to settle down and be serious. Your family's pressuring you to settle down. So do you want to do you? Do you? I mean, nobody's stopping you. You're okay, It's it's okay to do you. It's okay. People do it every day and all the time. Um. Do are you working on your comedy career? You know? Um? Being in a relationship won't necessarily stop you from doing that. I mean, you're a woman, you can multitask. We do it all the time. So what is it that you're that you're really asking other than um? Uh? Is something wrong with you doing? You know? The answers no to that? Why do you need another man? Uh? You don't need another man to you? You don't. Uh, you may want one, but UM, I'm just a little confused. What you what you want? What do you want? You want to be a comedian or you want to be in a relationship. If you don't want to be in a relationship, don't be in one and and work on your comedy career. Um. That's all I have to say to you, Steve Well, The comedy career was confusing in the whole better because first of all, you're talking. When you say Shirley and Steve and you come to meet with this side of it, I'm able to see the comedian side. I understand totally and completely. Does nothing. Nothing you could tell me about this. This is what I've done for thirty three years. I'm an expert at this. I may not be good at a whole lot of stuff, but just I got a lock on this. Yet I know how to do it. I've done it. Here's here's your problem. You're this divorce woman who doesn't want to be in a relationship right now, but you seeing somebody. I'm confused. Now, if you don't want a man, then don't have a man. But what you can't do to people. You can't turn around and do to people what other people have been doing and think it's all right. That's what happens to women they date a man that don't want nothing, sins, But do you want to just have something? Then when the woman want to get sins, he tells how, oh, this ain't what I want right now. But hold up, you wanted everything that came with it, but now you don't want a man, but you're seeing the man and he finding all that and he pressured me to settle down. You told him I ain't looking for anything to sis, but he don't get it. He told me, I need to learn how to balance work on my socialize so we can beginner the brother fine and all, but I don't want to throw a man in the mix right now. I'm doing me like Shirley said, go do you go? Do you? But I got news to you. Let me let me help you clarify one thing about this coming. You don't work full time and go to school full time and then turn around and say you're stand up comedian because you're not. You're not stand up comedians are stand up comedians. We're not waitressing m we don't work and shoot stove. We're comedians. We we we got it all riding on this hill. And let me tell you something else. You helped you let me destroy a couple of mills in this letter. Don't nobody know you are your hut. I have a career you to build his up to, and that way is because we don't know who he can't die? Yeah, come here and talking about I helped his career? Who is here? So we can see just how much of help you wash. You know, I'm twenty seven. Who is this boy we ain't never heard of by now? If he was in anybody of value in the comedy business, one of us would have known. He just got divorced from seven year Oh you're talking about rock t New Okay, yeah, cool, See we would figure that out. But that's not the case. You're not you're trying to become a comedian. How do you do that? What are you doing to prepare to become a comedian? If you just want to do you, let's not dry coming into it, because full time job and a full time student isn't enough. This is enough for most people. So look, at the end of the day, you don't need a man, but you may want one in the future, so do you. But sooner or later you're gonna want to get done. Listen to me again, do you? But sooner or later you may want to get done. And you don't push the one dude out the way they want to do you. You don't push him out and you think he's still gonna be there when you could get yourself together. Nope, I don't. We got more of what we come back if you hope more because you may not want no mornes and we will have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hours subject why do I need a man? Right after this you're listening to Steve by Steve. Come on, let's get to part two of your The subject is why do I need a man? Okay, you don't need Yeah, sweetie, you don't need a man. That's not about that. Baby. You can live your life without a man, do you you? Matter of fact, you can go get another woman that has always had an appeal to me. What I can understand if she wanted another woman, because I have to I've had those same feelings. You don't have to get a man. Why do I need a man? You don't just keep doing you? But if you don't need a man, then stop fooling with them because you're gonna mess why the food with somebody that ain't gonna hear this. You need to grow up and settle down. You can't play with these men out of here. You don't want a man playing with you, So don't come out here playing with no man because y'all can't do the game like we do. I'm gonna just explain this to you now. I don't care what rap records you to listen to. You can't do this the way we do it now. It's not gonna work out for you the same way. Our recovery skills are much greater than yours when it comes to getting it back together, especially after you sold your reputation. A man can get his retation reputation back way faster than a woman can. You're talking about it is a double standard. It is a double standard. My father taught my daughters a long time ago. I mean talking to my sisters a long time ago. You can't do what I do and still be a lady. Hello, you just cannot do what a man does and still be a lady. Somebody gonna disrespect you for it. And does that make it right? Absolutely, especially what I do. But is that the way it is? If I slept with ten minutes ten women, I'd be damn Steve, you doggish? Okay, you can survive that. You sleep with ten men, you become whoolish. You can't survive it. You can't and it's too ugly. Try to survive now. So if you don't want a man right now, you don't need one, just go, do you? But quit seeing me just gonna do you then when you want somebody, then you make yourself available. But quit leading these people down the donnybrook Pam, and I don't really thank you. Then the letter isn't funny, not one joke. She didn't even say nothing human. Ain't trying to make it out a little like something. Give me something that you might stand a chance in this big seven year died at your husband and you left yourself alone. Who is he that's is that offensive to you? Steve? Going down the list, I'm like Kerra hard he this ain't his girl. Okay, this ain't d C fly girl. Don't sound like Chico Bean. Okay, who the young dudes out there? It don't sound like it is real girl, d lay girl, j read girl, none cold, It don't sound like none of them. Uh you know who? I died laughing that the other day that day, I'm like, some people were talking about why don't you dress your age? Huh Mike el say, f y'all these are clothes. We were these clothes, cross colors and all this way for y'all got help. These ain't nothing new. Jesus are close. He out on a son at Jersey and I had he said, I ain't even to wear them. Steve Harvey SUPs this part I wear somebody a man. You get offended with Mike Up said that you think I care about that. I can't even tell you how that. Don't move the need with me. That's what I've been going here and put these suits on four more times today. I don't know they're gonna pay me to put them suits on on four more times a day. If I told your answer gonna get a SUPs, I promise you you would, though, listen to me. I promise you if you knew what I made today, you can't you and over there and get you one of those suits. I'm not stiding nobody, y'all. Please, no Steve Harvey wearing these suits. This is my brand, so it wasn't my girl. These are closed, he said, after y'all talking about Jesus our close y'all little pos They have no clothes. But he said he's gonna be dressed like that till he that dog, I'm dressing like this till I said go ahead else And you know what me too? Now I am. Can I issue a warning? We threw the struggle and I can't tell you something up on my talk show. This new talk show season, I am flipping the squitt What do you mean? What you do? My wardrobe changes? What? Yes, my wardrobe will change. You've never seen me this way? Well you the skinny leg down? Yeah. Switch, I'll tell you exactly how who is gonna be by the whole season on? It's will still dressing you. Oh that's my guy. What is the most talented wardrobe guy I've ever seen. We've collaborated and put together the new style of Steve Harvey on the talk show. I'll be the same guy on Family few as I got to. But on my talk show I'm gonna wear my newer style suits and dressed like I've been wanting to for a while. Anyway, all right, we'll see stuff that I wear on a personal I'm on not wear I'm on TV. I'm just to reinvention. I talk to you all about this a hundred times, and I am a firm believer in reinventing you. Oh yeah, constantly reinventing you. The next change in Steve Harvey's wardrobe will begin September. Okay, September. The tip to see it tell the people about blue cheese. Blue cheese is what they called me. And why is that they called me blue cheese? Because I'll be dressing alright, Steve, we gotta go email at their instagram as your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey f M and this Thursday a one hu this Thursday at one pm Eastern time, please join me for with the Strawberry Letter live after show on Facebook. Gotta say thank you to the guys once again for filling in for me last Thursday. You guys are crazy, right, I was on a plane coming up in ten minutes. Asked Steve. Questions from um from our Steve Harvey FM all social media pages. Okay, questions from you our audience. All right, cool, let's get it on right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time for Asked Steve and Steve today. All of our questions are from all of the Steve Harvey FM social media pages. Carla, you have some questions for us, Shirlie, Steve, you're ready, yeah, okay. This one is from our Instagram page Steve Harvey FM. This is from at plumb Sugar. That's a cute name, Sugar, very cute. All right, Steve, how can you manage up the strength to do what you want in life even if it hurts others? Hashtag as okay, say that again for me? Hey, attention, I'm paying attention. I'm trying to be clear about what they're saying. I don't like that when you talk to him like that. Here's me shortly, what what hi you? In the ask Steve say, ain't nobody email ahead? Alright? Fum plumb sugar on the gram? How can you manage up the strength to do what you want in life even if it hurts others? Well, you can't understand what you understand perfectly? Now, how do you do muster up the strength to do what you want in life even though what you want to do hurts others? Well, First of all, let's go over a couple of things you must first manage. Is what you're going to do going to better the situation for you and your children, if you have children involved, if there's another person involved, it's what you're wanting to do going to better your situation or their situation. Now, that's only important if the person that I'm discussing or you're talking about in this question matters to you. If the person doesn't matter to you, why are you considering how they feel about it? Secondly, you need to analyze why are they hurt with your decision to do what you want to do? Does it cause them to see less of you? Does it cause them to get less of piece of you, less access to you? Or will they feel like they won't share in the moment with you? If those are the things that are happening, is that self manipulative on their part or self motivate national on their part because they want something to slide to the side of the table. If all of that's true to the negative slant, you should go on and do what you want to do. But if they have a point, if you're doing what you want to do is going to hurt others and you care about the others, you have to consider. You have to weigh it out. Is a result of what I'm gonna get up, This thing that I'm going to do, is a result going to be better for us and me? Then if I don't do it and stay with this person and keep from hurting them, is their hurt going to outweigh what your action is going to produce. That's the best way I can put it. Does that make sense? Yes, yes it does. All right, here's how can I get my fifteen year old grandson to be a part of your mentorship program? You just completed the Steve Harvey mentoring camp. You have to register your son with the proper information letters and everything. Bio is everything, medical reports required, everything. Okay, where are they going on? Steve Harvey Foundation dot com, Steve Harvey, But Steve though it sounded really good. Though, I gotta give you that you faked until you made it. I love it when you courted him though, you give me, got me? Harvey Foundation dot com. What's next? All right? Ready for another one? This one is from the Graham from Instagram. This is from on a Schamir. Al right, here's the question. Can you please do a stand up tour? Mr? Steve Harvey too? But I'm afraid because the political climate has changed. It's so PC right now, and because my whole career now a sponsor driven. Radio and TV are sponsor driven. If I say something that I think is funny, somebody take offense. They started complaining I lose one sponsor. They all gonna pool and the way you all, the way they judge comedy now you can't even do it anymore. The president is tweeting about comedy. You know, you lose your jobs over jokes. Now, all somebody gotta do is be offended. Oh how could he has nothing to do with comedy anymore? So I would love to. I really thought about it, but I don't think it's a smart movie for me at this stage. I think I think I should take the bout it I took. I went out on top gracefully, selling out everywhere. I'm gonna just ride with that. Thank you for asking, because I showed one too. It's in your heart, man, I will all to just go do one and just take all the cameras from everybody at the don't put them in them bags, and just go and ripped one. That's what Chris Rock does. He makes you turning your phone when you go in to the venue mm hmm, and then you get it back when it's over. So that's we haven't heard anything from him, I mean about you know, anything that was bad. But I guess Steve, he's not sponsor driven him and Chapelle can say what they want to say. Yeah you're gonna take them off TV. Yeah, now you what you're gonna take the radio show. So they are a lot more freer and can be much better at it than I would be at this stage. Okay, all right, okay, another question, Uh this is for Twitter, uh to t M you direct? All Right, here we go. When it comes to entrepreneurship, what are the main qualities you should have when starting at ground zero? How do you make it work? I'm speaking for all young entrepreneurs, Mr Harvey, that that's the question. Well, you gotta have a series of things, Okay, Okay. You gotta have a fierce desire, you've got to have a huge dream, you have to have unrelenting faith, and you have to have a dog matic work ethic, dog maddic. It can't be anything else. All right, yeah, all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, James Harden a m v P and Kanye attempts to clear up his slavery comments. All Right, we'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning Show. The NBA handed out its awards for the two thousand eighteen season, and to no one's surprised, Houston Rockets guard James Harden won the MVP award. Alright, alright, alright, alright, m v P. Still, while many would argue Lebron was a better, uh better player, most knew that it was Hardened that was going to receive the award Hard and Leather League in scoring with thirty point four points per game while guiding the Rockets to the NBA's best regular season record. How about that, Steve Harvey. Now he's deserving. Yeah, he's deserving to be v P. They didn't. They didn't. They didn't. H they didn't. They didn't slide it. Now, Lebron took a team that had no business being there there and Lebron's a bad boy. He's the greatest basketball player on the planet. But the m v P numbers got put up this year by James hard did he did? He did great job. Man. I will say this though, I saw the speech that he gave. He just should have just had the basketball is just taking and dripped off. Yeah he yeah, you know he didn't know. No, I'm just saying I saw the speech. I saw speak I'm from you. I love Jane. Uh huh. I just wish he just had the long speech. Hey, thank uh y'all. Uh In fact, yeah, uh mama, we need to hear the speech. Play pull the speech up. But you're not called me. I was sha. I turned my rocking hat bround back and I said, I mean James talking like this. You should have heard the Kimmy Matambo. I thought it was that he got the crag saying Walter. I thought the cookie Moss was on TV. Thank you, thank you, I said, the cookie moster got the water from downstairs. Pull it up, pulling it up right now. What You're not gonna called me a lot? His last word on his speech. You tell me James hard last word was swag. The last word swag. You can pull it up because you're not gonna call me, don't lie. Didn't wear that. I thought of hey, like he's represented from check for Life. That that kind of prints too much. Let me and then m m y'all pull it up. Yeah, called me last because I'm from us, because I was, I was in bed. I know, Steph curry to ye before you know, you know, Okay, hang on, hang on, hang on, I'll go to God Man, I'll go to God um h Hugh shout out to the n b A, n B A and all the legends that paid the way for me to be able to play this game like I do, um and like I love. Um. Huge shout out to the Rockets man. Uh, whole city of a Channel Uh Tillman, Yeah, Yoni, Uh Tad Darrow fell Um you know all the coaching staff, training staff, Jason Boss, you, Jones Swerve. Um. I know I'm missing somebody off the top, but um, this is everybody that helped man. From the equipment guys to the ball boys. Um. You know everybody that helps um to give me to where I want to go. Um. Shout out to my family, my sister, my brother, Uh, me's my nephews right. Um, your moms. Uh, I'm not gonna get here. I'm not get you most you know I'm not gonna get you. I'm not doing all that. But she's my backbone. Uh. Good times, bad times um uh uh yeah man. We want to give in one life and and I'm happy to my mom like I wouldn't have it the other way for real. Um, six men in a year to leave you food. Shout out to all the youngest man. I got a dream, gives you the We're gonna take it, gonna chanse that dream, right, I'll see our next year. That wasn't as bad bad as I told. Yah. Yeah, huh hey yeah mama, Yeah, but hold on, pull up the kimmy my Tombo, please please play. But I understand where he's coming from because he was speaking from his heart. He was trying gave love to his mom. Yeah. Yeah, his mom was on stage with him. Yeah. So yeah, I'm not being I'm from Houston expecting the trash talking. You and your day have turned on you. But forget them where the trash told? You wanted him to try? What did you want him to say? I told y'all ask This wasn't even a debate, man. Yeah, they wanted trash talking from James hurt Man. You can't do that. See this this is our merch smelt. Yeah, you got to thank people that got than He thanked them. But you remember Russell Westbrook talk crazy to you? Do you remember that got your shipped off? You don't want to bring that up. Remember Katie, what I do with an m v P. That's why he got it. He was playing his hard eye say something, let me get let me get comed here. I'm gonna tell everybody, Junior he got up there. He thank god, Doctor's mom. I got to Yeah, the team advice, how to ask you just want to come on, everybody, come on, Hey, hey, I'm jaying hard going out here on the front row. So that's what Junior was looking for a little bit more trash talking. Yeah, okay, I understand that if you're from Houston and all the stuff. He had to go. You know how long that one you got the call forget it forget? No, no, no, you're gonna do me. You hadn't have you staying out all right. More to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. Yeah, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right. In entertainment news, hey listen, Kanye West is trying to clear up his comments on slavery. Uh, he did it. In a New York Times interview, Kanye opened up about a state of mind during that infamous TMZ rant when he said the slavery was a choice. He also revealed that he was scared that his wife, Kim Kardashian was going to leave him after those remarks, He says, there was a moment where I felt like after TMZ, maybe a week after that, I felt like the energy levels were low. Kanye said, I called different family members, and I was asking, you know, was Kim thinking about leaving me after TMZ? That was a real conversation. When asked to clarify if he really believed that slavery was a choice, Kanye said, he never said that. I said, the idea of sitting in something for four hundred years sounds sounds like a choice to me. I never said it's a choice. I never said slavery itself, like being shackled in chains, was a choice. He explained, That's why I went from slave to four hundred years to mental prison into this and that if you look at the clip, you see the way my mind works. There you go, I'm confused more. He said he never said slavery was a choice. He you know, said that the four hundred years that sounded like a choice. Sitting Kanye had kind of spoken out of place, marks was gonna be taken in a negative way, but rightfully so if you listen to it, it sounded exactly that way, and not everybody was wrong about it. Now you're intent. I think his intent was true. I think Kanye intentionally meant to say what he's explaining to us now, and it came out wrong, horribly wrong. But that's the part he's paying for. And you know, people make mistakes, so he made the mistake. Well, did you understand what you did? Free? Did you understand any of it? He said he never believed that slavery was a choice. He said, he never said that. He said the idea of sitting in something for four hundred years sounds like a choice to him. He said, I never said it's a choice. I never said slavery itself, like being shackled and chains, was a choice. That's why I went from slave to four hundred years, to mental prison to this and that. If you look at the clip, you see the way my mind works. Well. While a lot of people were ready to cancel Kanye after the controversy, he said he's not worried about losing his black fan base. In fact, he said that it's not going to happen. You're not always going to agree, but you're not going to leave. That's what Kanye said. Well, they can't leave lead you. Black fan base can't lead me because I've developed. I've stole a song from Temptation. I know you won't leave, but I received, yeah, and if I have to, big and please for your sympathy. I don't mind because you mean that much to me. They just mean too much. I can't leave black people, no matter what I could, in no way they mean too much of me. I know. You have to misunderstood me on quite a few days out of done Trump visit was the biggest place. You will never be able to let that go. What did you say, Well, you know, I went up there to try to do something that ain't worked over. I ain't been back. Well, you know, you gotta take a chance with you know, if you can get something good out of this. Just like you said about Kanye, you're intense. Three people keep putting them in that's you're both working opposite that X. But they're still together. They're still together. They have three beautiful children family, So which feats Kanye? See right there? Alright, coming up, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, well, well, it looks like Cardi B And Offset did the dog on thing. They did it in the old fashioned way. After all, love, marriage and then the baby carriage. Okay, apparently the two have been married for almost a year now. The marriage certificate. Yeah, who I love. Yeah. The marriage certificate list the date as in the me goes Yeah, it was doing me and the like. I just try to keep track of everybody, right. The marriage certificate list the wedding date as September two thousand seventeen. This is according to an insider, Offset just woke up one day, looked at Cardi and said, marry me. So instead of announcing the news to their friends and family, they decided to tie the knot right away and got married at the house. For the record, yeah, Cardi B was not married at the time. I mean she was not pregnant at the time. This means that when Offset stage that whole public engagement. Remember back in October, he and Cardie B had already been married a month. Okay, Carti actually confirmed the news on yesterday. She kept it private because she wanted that moment for herself. And I understand that, you know, because Papa Rozzi is all around them, so they wanted something special for themselves. I love it, She says. Our relationship was so new, we had a lot of growing up to do, but we were so in love we didn't want to lose each other. So that's why they did it yet. Yeah, okay, so Steve, since you said that, So there are a lot of young people out here that are so in love and they don't want to use each other. What advice do you have for young people that want to get married. Well, first of all, you should exercise patients, because, especially when you're young, because the decision you're making today may not even be applicable to one year from now. What you want today it's going to change, and what you will accept and who you are if you're young twenty years old, in one year, all of those three things will be different. Who you are will be different, what you won't will be different, or what you will accept will be different. All of that changes over the year. I promise you it does. So, Patients, if you all really love each other, then won't nothing happen to it marrying a person? And this is not about Cardi bing uh offset at all. That's not that they did the thing. I'm I'm cool with it. I'm just talking about in general. Up Pastor told me something that's stuck with me. He said, when you get married, the only thing that changes is the appearance of your left hand third finger. So if y'are tripping before you get married. When you get married, that's what you're gonna do. You're gonna be trimping. It changes nothing. What it does is it's a tool that unifies people under the eyes of God with some vows between you. That's it. If that's meant to be, it will be that way this year or two years from now, and so you might as well be patient and wait, because if you get married at twenty or twenty four, tell me what's the difference if you plan on be married the rest of your life. Are you trying to get your six years in now so you move on to something else. That's a logical, experienced answer, you know. But when you're young and in love, it's hard, you know, to to follow those rules. I'm sure everybody's parents told you have told their kids that and everything. But it's just hard when you're young and have no experience and you're just in love, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, all right, Steve, coming up closing remarks right after this. You're listening to all right, Steve, here we go, last break of the day. Um, some parting words for us with your closing remarks, please all right, Um, I guess so without thinking about this much, I want to talk to you about life, how fragile it is, and I want to have something to say about m You know what, I'm really not gonna get into the whole situation because, like I just be honest with you, there are times, there are actually times when I'm actually sick and tired of talking about it. I am exhausted with the fact that the color of my skin has to come into play in my everyday life, my just day to day. I don't know. I really can't think of any days realistically why I do not have to consider the color of my skin, the shape of my nose and my lips wherever I go. The situation i'm in, I very rarely I can think of a day that I'm not made aware of it or I have to factor it in. If you're not a person of color or minority, you may not even be able to understand what I'm saying. But I'll just give you an example. When riding in the car and being stopped by the police, as me and my buddy Greg Calhoun was doing last year after golf out in coming from Montgomery to Alabam him in his car and we were speeding, and we were supposed to get pulled over. We were speeding. But what I had to do was immediately become aware that I am a black man. Skip your money and your fame. I don't have time to throw that out at you. I got to get and start preparing myself. As the officer approaches the car, I must understand without him getting my I D. I'm a black man, just a black man. So I put my hands up on the dashboard and the officer came to the passenger side and said, why is your hands on the dashboard? I said, because I don't want nothing to happen to me. The officer said, while that's acting mighty suspicious. I said, no, it's not. I'm just being safe, officer. If you don't mind, she said, well, I'll need to see I D. I said, my I D happens to be, you know, pouch in the back seat. I would have to reach. She said, we'll go ahead, and I was tense because I didn't. I didn't want to be mistaken. When I'm on an elevator and I get on, I am conscious of the fact that me and my guy are the only ones on the elevator, when I go to golf courses, and I oftentimes see that there are hardly any African Americans out here. It's just me and one maybe the foces something that I'm playing with, and and and I'm just always aware of it. If you're not that, you don't have to be aware of it. But it's the awareness that becomes draining at times. It's the fact that you got to be the only one on your floor, the only one on the elevator, the only one in the cubicle, the only one in your department, the only one at the meeting, the only one in the cafeteria, the only one on the on the trip, the only one, the only one at the hotel, at the front desk, the only one, the only one, the only one's kids that's in the recital, the only one's kids that's after, that's on the soccer team, the only one, the only one, the only one, the only one. Gets to be exhausting at times. This will not change. And two more people who are not of color can try to empathize or sympathize or generalize or something with us to say, you know what, I don't know how that feels. But I bet that ain't right, because, as I've often said many times, slavery didn't end just because black people got sick of being slaves. We were sick of it the thought of it. When they put us on the boats. Nobody wanted to ride the boat over here and come be no slave. Nobody was under the belly of them slave ships, going, man, this is nice. It's gonna be a new opportunity. Nobody. So I want to wake up and just see what it feels like to just go about my day without having to calculate my race, without to have to calculate the color of my skin, to watch other people get paid a certain amount of money and then you don't get paid a certain amount of money with the same type of ratings, and then you got you got to incorporate something else again. Now, I've been very blessed with the life that I have, and I would not trade mind for anything, with all this sick and tire of being sick and tired. Also, what makes this also tolerable for me, it's my love of who I am, my love of our power to overcome, our power to maintain in the struggle, our power to still be something where we were brought here to simply be nothing, So for us to have accomplished what we've accomplished, I'm grateful and awful proud of that. So I guess my pride just keeps me going on. I hope that God will continue to let whatever light that I can let shine through my existence to inspire someone else to overcome when it looked like you ain't gonna make it, Because that's exactly what I've done, by the grace of God. I have overcome against all the odds, even when they said I wasn't gonna make it. And even though I'm tired of being tired, I wouldn't trade places and be nothing else, no how, because it in this struggle has taught me so many items of strength. I've learned so much about myself. My soul is strong, my spirit is strong. Thank God for that. Y'all have a great weak it for all. Steve. Every contest no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US resident at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules. Visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. H