Good morning and welcome to the ride! Someone is touching themself right now. Again and again. The CLO turns the ignurosity way up today. Kanye don't want no parts of DL. Tom Brady coming back got everybody confused. Tommy is letting them fly and he acting scary in this round of Would You Rather. The Surgeon General stopped by to drop some health gems. Big Dog has something in common with K-Ci and JoJo. Kim K gets some heat for comments she made about getting up and working. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve breaks down what giving really is and he drops a couple of real good ones as well.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all all looking back to back down, giving them just like amazing bus things. And it's not me through good Steve Hartley, I don't joy Joy. You gotta use that turn very arm. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come, come on your back, I show will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice I said, come on now, I dig me the one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, Now, I'm gonna be really honest with you this morning. I really don't know what to say. I really don't. I was sitting here and I was thinking, what do I say today. I do know that I want to be encouraging, uplifting and inspirational in some way to affect somebody today. Oftentimes, these conversations that I have in the mornings, they're designed with me because I am. I needed myself, y'all, to be honest with you. I mean, you know who makes the comedian laugh? I used to say all the time, And even though what we talk about in the morning is not a laughing matter, it kind of like is it's who I am today? You know, I need motivation in my life sometimes myself. I think when I get in moments like this, I often resort back to the same thing over and over and over. And when I find myself in certain predicaments, I can always fall back on the same thing over and over. So while I'm sitting here trying to figure out what to say to you, the one thing that I did do this morning that I find to be very consistent in me is that I find myself grateful. I'm ever grateful for the things that God has done for me. I may not always know what to say, but I know how to say thank you. I do. I know how to remember and reflect back on where I come from. I know how to realize where all my blessings come from. I'm very very conscious of my journey that I've been on, the the one that was from then until now, that journey right there is it's been. It's been. It's been. It's been difficult, man, it really really has. I ain't gonna lie to you, um me, becoming successful was very difficult. But as hard as this is to say, I really really mean this. I wouldn't change nothing about the trip I've been on number one, because I can't change anything about it. So I never lived my life life in regret. But the main thing is was I discovered along the way now not doing the process when you're going through rough moments that you can't hardly see the good in it at the time. It's just rough for you. It seems unexplainable, and oftentimes I thought it was unfair. But as I am now, I needed every single thing that happened to me, that happened to me to happen to me. I hope that makes sense to you. I needed everything to happen in the exact order and the exact way that it happened in order for me to be the person that I've become. And that right there, man, is just very comforting to me. Mister Jakes told me one time, he said, the closer you get to God, the more friendly you all become, the more He will reveal to you or the how it comes and the what fays of a lot of things has happened to you, Because a lot of times what troubles us is we just can't understand why we lost that love one back then we just can't understand why we didn't get what we wanted back then. We just don't understand how come our plan didn't work out and we had to fail so miserably back then. We don't understand the answers to these things. Well, the closer I've gotten to God, the more of those explanations have become crystal clear to me. And See, the one thing that I came to the realization everybody is that the things that was happening to me, they wasn't really all bad. They really wasn't that they didn't taste good. When it was happening, I didn't enjoy what I was going through. But as I look back on him and reflect now, it wasn't all bad. Some of those things was so necessary for me to get the information because say, I don't know about you, but I'm kind of hard headed and stubborn. I said, I don't know about you, but I'm kind of hard headed and stubborn. I kind of like to think that I know something about some things every now and then, and the things I am convinced about. I don't really really care for people trying to talk me off mine, so I can be stubborn and hardheaded. Sometimes God knows that about me. So I think to get some of the messages crystal clear through the me that I needed to learn. That was this process I had to go through. That process was my journey, It was my trip. It was my WOA, my pain. Say, everybody got them different, It don't matter what it is. Everybody got a WOA. Everybody got a pain, everybody got a trial, everybody got some tribulations, everybody got some challenge. I don't care who you are, duds, Quit looking at me thinking that I got it going own, so tough man ready if Steve, Yeah, it's easy for you to say that, but you ain't here. You don't know. Wow, Ben, if you would stop hanging yourself up on your pass, worrying about your woes and your troubles and the situation you in, and start praying and start asking God to get you through it. See a lot of times you messed it. You messed a message up yourself, because when you're going through some stuff, you ask God to remove it and take it away. That ain't the lesson. You got to learn your lesson Sometimes it's it's gotta be how to be strong, how to see it through how to bear under it, how to carry that weight long distances for long periods of time. That's how you get strong. The lesson is to make you stronger. But to make you stronger, you got to carry the weight. You can't get stronger. You're gonna go to gym or you're gonna do something at your house to lift your own body weight. See, a lot of people can't even do push ups down. They can't get down, And then the course of a day, give you a hundred push ups because they ain't. They ain't, They ain't never try to daybody. They get to twenty and that shake it so bad they stop. Who that's too much for me. Well, let me tell you something. So I learned to quit praying to take stuff away. My prayer became to give me the strength to handle it. People oftentimes ask me, how do you do all that you do in the course of the day. I don't really know. I just know I can because I know God don't put more on you than you can back. So when you ask me how you do all of what you do in the course of the day, I got God. God is good. He'll get you through whatever it is you're going through. So when you're tripping and you don't know what to say, reflect and be grateful for all you reflect on. Think about God's goodness and watch what He do for you. That's the cold part. Okay, you're listening morning show, ladies and Jimmy, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I've got sunshine on a cloudy day when it's cold outside, I got the month of me. Well, I guess you saved. I guess you saved. What can make me feel this way? There you go. I'm talking about my girl. I'm I'm talking about my girl, Hill, my girl. I've got so honey. What that touched me? Did that hurt? No? No, that touched me? Okay, touching and hurting me, it's different. That had on the way. The rest of my day is gonna go. I've got so much boy, I just touched myself again. I got doing this for you. I'm doing this to get my day, he started. And if you ain't feeling me, that's okay. We'll have another show to morrow. My motto is, if you don't like the show today, praise God if he give us tomorrow. Lady and gentlemen, Charley Strawberry Colin for real, Mississippi Monica, Junior, kill Spades, Nephew Tommy and Yours truth, Junior, Oh, what come on, I gotta understand it. I don't know how does how does Hart singing do that? For you? Well? You know, it's the emotion of it. It ain't the notes, it ain't connectivity work. It's the feeling. Okay, it's a feeling, Junior. Yeah, you know, I'm gonna play something for you a little bit later on and then you tell me, okay, you know, okay, how you feel about it, something that you could relate to, and then we'll see. But it's always the emotion of it, you know. And you've got to you got to you know, I think, Junie, you got to lend yourself to that a little bit more often, because I'm not sure if you do. That's because I just saw it to look on your face and everything. It was all on your count. You was gone. I have to I leave here. When I do that, I enter the realm. Yeah, of oh my lord. Yeah, I'm trying to find something, m what you could relate too, Okay? Looking for something? Oh yeah, he probably now, Junior, you could relate to this right here, here we go. Let me play it a little bit loud meson single. They didn't give a damn about the note either. Alight, all right, listen, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna start the show up with Nephew Tommy's run that prank back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now to start your morning off with run that prank back with the nephew. What you got, nef h you heard me? Got what you want me to do? What is it? How you want it done? What you're running back? Running it? Yeah? He knows. Okay, okay, okay, I'm not You know that. You know there's levels to it, you know y'all. You know one the teen A to Z yesterday. All right, calm down, ageless, I got it, I got it. Just trying to speed you alone. Thank you. You know I take the same amount of time on the new prank. No, hey, catering mistake, hatering mistake yet, dog, if you would, We're gonna be extra ignorant to day. Come on down. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Tammy. Please. This is sing hey Tammy. This is a dexter Um over here caterin. We catered your your aunt Bridges. Yeah, that's right, that's right, that's right. How are you doing that? Sair's good to hear from you. Okay, good good. I'm going through the paperwork here and I know we have an invoice for you all. I wanted to reach out to you. This is not a bad time, is it. No, this is a good time. Okay. So, first of all, did everybody enjoy everything that we put out for you guys? Yeah, we had a good old time. Monty Bridget she was so happy. There was no better way to bring in her sixtieth birthday party. We had a great time. The food was delicious. We are so grateful, So thank you so much. You and your team did a bomb job. Okay, good deal, good deal. I was here when they loaded up the van and everything, and I wanted to make sure. I wanted to follow back up. But listen, I'm looking at the paperwork and we had a little mishap, and I wanted to let you know that we're not going to um, we're not gonna charge you guys for the chicken because they made a mistake and they put the wrong pan on the van and they I noticed that the chicken was actually still here, So we want to take off take that off, and I won't that won't be on the on the envoys, So I'm taking all the entire cross. The chicken will be completely taken out. Okay, real quick, let's back up a bit. Because we had a lot of people at the party, we definitely had chicken. Yeah, I know you had you order some moother chicken. But like I said, the guy put the wrong pen on the on the van, you know, and actually this mother chicken was actually still here, uh you know, here here at the at the shop. So you know, like I said, we made a mistake. I'm gonna take it off and that'll probably not your you know, like a couple of hundred dollars off off of you, as price liked. So so what are you saying? So what were we eating if it was this mother chicken? What was it? Uh? Well, miss Tammy, Like I said, you know, I got on this kid for making this mistake. You know, I got on the real bad about it, but you know, putting the wrong paying on there. But like I said, this what you guys had was it? That was a chicken? What was it though, That's what I'm asking you. What was it? That was actually what he put on there by mistake mis telling me that was that was rabbit? What? You can't be serious right now? Are you out of your rabbit mine? Are you serious your call? No? Tell me that your team put the wrong trade on the trucks and then served it to my family. And you're trying to call me about two hundred dollars? Are you serious? Who more than that? You owe me more than that? You don't know who the because allergic today and you're calling me about two hundred dollars? Are you out of your mine? Well? I wanted to credit you all that. You know what I'm saying. No, and then there's gonna be no credit. There ain't gonna be no credit. It ain't no credit? Do you mean credit? Richard could have died, Monty could have died. Lucia. Uh, we got kids in there. You don't know what dietary needs? Are you crazy? I mean, would you say you liked it? Though? It don't matter if I liked it, I can fall off the night. Stupid. Oh, I'm getting an attorney. I'm done with this. This is stupid, And who do want to eat bugs? Bunny? Does that right to you? H Are you stupid? I'm so annoyed right now. Seriously, let you know, woods people, leen, no country people go with you. Okay, what what what? Y'all liked it though? Right? No, but you're gonna like my foot up ya stone, that's what you're gonna like. I'm gonna beat there or later, because y'all it's a stupid yo' the stupid my fook gonna be up yo, and y'all it's gonna be hopping around like a rabbit, the rabbit that you serve me. Oh okay, okay, let me ask you this here, No, abl a, miss Avery is your mama right? What does my mama gotta do with this rabbit? What's you gotta do with this? Okay? See, your mama got me to call you. This is a few timents from the Steve Harming Morning showy d mean your mama to you? I'm so sorry. Oh my god, this is crazy. Oh my god in the morning. This is crazy. Y're crazy, y'all are gonna get it? This is crazy? Oh man? All right, damman, tell me this baby, what is the baddest that I mean the baddest radio show in the late the Steve Harmy. You are right, May Yes, I'm just so glad I didn't have rabbits. I'm so glad you have it. The catering mistake, ladies and gentlemen, The catering mistake that is none far more ignorant than I. Yeah, argument, no rabbit in your system ain't gonna bother you. Chicken and rabbit mistake is very possible. Okay, next time, next time you caterin, get get get the rabbit into the rabbits. Rabbit does not taste like chicken. If your rabbit taste like your chicken, you can't cook chicken. You need to quit cooking chickens rabbit. All right, nephew, thank you. Coming up next, it has asked the CLO with the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey in the building, ready for your love questions. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and trending headline former President Barack Obama tested positive for COVID nineteen plus. An entertainment news Kanye called out one of the Kings of comedy. Who's not true, Steve? It is d L Hugh Glee, All right, we'll talk that's right there now, wait a minute, Yeah, we'll sell you about it. And did you say Will Smith's interview with Gail s Gail King, Will Smith said that he's never been unfaithful in his marriage and neither is Jada. There's no infidelity in their marriage. To interview t yeah, I am, I'm okay. Well, we'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it is time to ask the ClOH Brittany and Louisiana writes, my older sister is married to a man that is my age, and she talks to him like he's a child he can buy it than me, and asked if I could talk to her for him. And I tried talking to her and she accused me of wanting her husband. What did I do wrong here? You got into marrital business, right right, you're right. He the young boy should have never bought his marital troubles to you, and then you took his and her marrital troubles back to her. That's what you did wrong. Stay out of people's marriage because it ain't gonna ever work out. She married the boy that's your age, and he acts like a boy. And he just went and told you, my mommy talking to me play, can you go in? Then talking to her? And you took your ass in then, and she didn't cuss both y'all out. If I was you, I'd be just as scared as your sister as he is. All right, Moving on to Confused in Tampa. Confused says, I'm a thirty seven year old married female and I have a boy friend on the side. I butt diled my boyfriend and he held the phone as my husband and I talked about the sex we had the night before. My boyfriend was upset, like he didn't know I still have sex with my husband. Is this a sign that it's time to cut him loose? Oh, he didn't hit it. Well, I understand. He don't want to hear that. You know, even though he know he hit, he is second place. He don't want to hear. He is second Yes it is. We can't hear. And your ass needs to quit cheating. If you're gonna be blood dialing people, you got to put your phone up, man. You got to get that thing. Well, you as soon as you hang up your phone cut off instantly. Yeah, usually smarter cheaters than this. Well, why she she's getting busted? Yeah, but what was she supposed to do? Since you know so much? No, I'm just you shut up, just saying women are better. We're gonna tell what ya that's a that's a known fact. That shit she have done. Surely. Yeah, of course she shouldn't have had her phone right there that she could butt dial it. That's all. Usually women are smarter. We cover our tracks better, all of that. It's a known fact. Back, girl, don't don't get mad because because of the truth, because we damn show have our phone up right this. Yeah, yeah, so Joe, Joe, when you see your man sleep with the phone duck tape to his thigh, your attitude, he is trying to protect you, when you see the phone on the nightstand and the batteries somewhere else. Hello, you know what he's doing. Yeah, you're not getting She sucks and cheating, so she needs to stop. She's an amateur, right, all right? Next question, moving on to Amorous and Philly Amareus says, I'm living with a cousin to help her out financially while she's pregnant. Her dad beat baby. Daddy has been staying at her house for the past week. So I told her he needs to chip in on some bills. She told me to mind my business. Should I move out? Yeah? Yeah, see you staying with her to help her out. Uh the dad be boyfrid and it came over now he drained in the money too. You go to hush, She tell you, stay in your business. Take you and all your business and money to and money and to another apartment, and then you ain't got to pay for nobody help yourself. Damn you. Let me let me tell you something. This This has been a free out for you. This is get out of jail free car. I'll be out of Oh. I got to mind my business. My apology, baby. Let me go over here where I could mind my business. And I am so sorry. I should have never gotten in between this. Who am I to do his damn job? Girl? Let me step off. Come on, Steve, that's right right now, so soft our mama. Moving on to Sean in Tennessee. Sean is a forty year old single man, and he lives in a townhouse next door to an older black lady. From day one, she harassed me, he says. She asked, how can I afford to live there, and she asked, if I'm a drug dealer, I feel like I might need to curse her out. Can you offer a better solution for dealing with this evil old lady? Sean? She will ye, that's all they see, h she won him. It reversed. See as you get older, it reverses. See when you was young and a little boy, and you like the girl, you picked on, the pull the hair, all this hid mesters push you know, when you get old, it's the same harassing. It's just on the do what you're doing over here, you drug deal up in hire. What you need to do is slide over that with some weed. Come and sit down with him, take some edibles. Come on and sit down with him and make new friends and she will be all right. Now. I already know she ain't fine because he would have put that in the letter. Oh she looked like an old evil ass walmer. Sometimes you got to do un fine things though on Sometimes you got No. I'm not a fan of that. I don't really, I don't like. I ain't I ain't never slept with nobody to wear a house coach. I ain't brother just a house coach. Boy, you're missing out. You ain't never had a sugar april. But you're missing up boy. I've never been with nobody. Wear girdle, not spank gird girl. Don't hate on space girdle. You got girdle on hold of you. I ain't never had to wait. I ain't had nobody cinnamon pantyholes blod did with the page coffee. You ain't never had. You ain't never had nobody with their pantyhole tide right there. But to me, you ain't never had nobody like I ain't never I ain't. I ain't never had a woman that could put her breast in her apron pocket bring down attractive to me, we got to go crazy, coming up at the top of the our entertainment news and more ignorance. You know where you are, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Back after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Former President Barack Obama announced that he has tested positive for COVID nineteen, with his symptoms limited to a scratchy throat. I've had a scratchy throat for a couple of days, but I'm feeling fine otherwise, Obama, who is six, He wrote on Twitter, Michelle and I are grateful to be vaccinated and boosted, and she has tested negative. Good good, very good good news. Yea, he looks healthy. Yeah, he always looked good. Yeah he looks good even. Yeah. All right. In the other entertainment news, Steve listened carefully to this one, and guys, because Kanye is just all right, he's beefing now with d L hugely okay. After dl accused Kanye of stalking his ex, Kim kardashian Ya, took aim at DL. He wrote, I am the glitch. DL. God does not like you. You have no favor. Your family hate you. I would hate to be related to someone who used to be famous. Now you're just known as a broke pawn at least Oprah goat billions, allegedly in quotations. Come on, leftists, y'all gotta do better than DLLE this. Ye bring the real smoke, baby, show your real face. In another post, Kanye suggested that he might be paying Dale a personal visit soon. He wrote, dls and calabasas Yo, God is good. So then Delle respond this is crazy, right, So then wait, listen to what Delle said. Dlle responded, m and its weird that Kanye supposedly has all of the goons who will kill for him. But will I get his prescription spilled? Here's the thought? Come on, he said, here's the thought. While you're on your way to kill me in Calabasas, how about dropped by a CBS CBS and pick up his zan x L. Yeah, very serious. Yeah, come on, pull up, man. You know I didn't said with you before. Well I said, with that brother minute, time to pull up. It ain't what you want I'm telling And if y'all, if y'all do, get the scrapping all my cash on dal because you have no idea. Yeah, you have no idea. You've been a little you've been you've been a little uh political socially conscious rapper. Were from an ass whooping la, not the whole totally different thing. Yeah, we're from a whole nother. When you can come out of my house in Calabasas. Yeah, he lives a count Yeah, come on, man, back my guy. He got too much. And you ain't got to call him a leftist because you ain't really no rights. You ain't even really on the right. You're wrong. Come on, yeah, we all go. Man, I don't know why are you going at d L yell, ain't your problem? Come on, leftist, you could do better than DL this. She ain't bring the real before these jokes. Just Kanye, you just might want to check into that. Yeah, all right, we're moving on obvious because you have billions, don't fix everything. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, we gotta move on to Will behold on one second, don't go out there by that man family. I'm telling you, man, I'm telling you here a different guy this would have been round him too. That that's what let's hit it. Listen to me, don't go out there. I'm he's taking the threat to Steve against his family, very sick. All right, we're seguing to Will Smith. Okay. He told Gale King in an interview that there has never been infidelity in his marriage to Jada. Take a listen. You both have talked very candidly. It's a very famous story infidelity in the marriage and how you navigated that. Never, there's never been infidelity in our marriage. Never been infidelitia never. Jada and I talk about everything, and we have never surprised one another with anything ever. So so you told each other what you were getting ready to do is that it's infidelity, it's true. Yeah, it's an open marriage. Then, yeah, that's what I got out of a Yeah, what's in the water in California? It's something in this water? What is It's something I want to see what This story will take a very ugly turn, hard left. This story has lawyers in case number violence. Please police report yellow tape. It's gonna be all kinds of stuff involved in this story. We probably won't even make it the Gail key. Can we play that again? Though? Can we play Can we play it again? Let's play that again? You both have talked very candidly. It's a very famous story, infidelity in the marriage and how you navigated that that time. Never, there's never been infidelity in our mag never been INFIDELI never. Jada and I talk about everything, and we have never surprised one another with anything. Ever. That's not that right there, No, no, no, let me tell you something. Hats off to Will Smith. I take my head dog right, Joe, Lie, Will don't big big winners Smith, your boy Steve Harvey, give you one thousand percent. That's the story you going with. Don't you let Gael King talk to you. Never, I've never been here forgether. Now that not a damn thing. All right, all right, there you have it coming up. Listen to me coming up in twenty minutes after Steve Harvey Morning Show, and we'll talk with the US Surgeon General, doctor Vic Murphy right after this. You're listening show everybody, I distinguished guests this morning and starting to be a family member. He's on the show again. This is the twenty first Surgeon General of the United States, and since we're in a year two of the COVID nineteen pandemic, he's joining us with some information on what's the most important right now. Getting boosted is a top priority as mass as all of these mass mandates are changing, so we're happy to have him give us an update this morning. Please, welcome to the show, doctor Vivic Murphy. Welcome, good morning, Thanks so much for having me back. Now, man, thank you for coming, because you really help get the facts out for a lot of our listeners. You know, because like we're talking about, you know, we're in the second year of this pandemic, and the COVID vaccines for children under five have now been approved, but many of the vaccinated parents have not gotten their youngest children vaccinated. Let's talk about it. Why is that, sir? Well, it's a great question, Steven, and I'll tell you right now. We've got vaccines for kids who are five and up, and you know, I wanted my kid and his five actually my son, and so I was able to go and get him vaccinated. But we still have the majority of parents with kids five to eleven who haven't gotten their children vaccinated yet, and we are still waiting for a vaccine for kids under five. I want everyone out there to know where ever, the FDA and allsocin government are working as hard as they can to make sure we get that vaccine as soon as possible. That we have to wait for that data to come in, and it's not quite in based on what the companies are telling us right now, but as soon as it is, we will get that data evaluated. We'll make sure we have a vaccine for kids under five. But part of the reason I think we still have so many kids who are not vaccinated is I think there are more parents who need to hear the messto why this is so important. And I know some parents have questions about it is safe, is it really necessary for my child? Here's what I would say to that. Number one, these vaccines have proven to be very safe in kids. Number two, in terms of are they effective, yes, they've also shown to be particularly effective at the most important job, which is to keep your child out of the hospital and to save their life. Some kids who are vaccine may still get infections that are mild, but again, the most important job of vaccines save your life, keep you out of the hospital. And finally, is it necessary? How would say yes? And here's why. Because we've lost hundreds of kids to COVID in the last couple of years. We know that even though kids do better than older adults, they still get severely ill. We've had thousands of kids who have been hospitalized, and when you go to the hospitals you talk to the doctors about those children, they'll tell you the vast majority of hospitalized children have not been vaccinated. So for all these reasons, you know, to protect your child, to protect people around them, because they can also spread the infection if they get it. Please do vaccine your child. That's what I did from my child, and it's what I hope you'll consider for you're a kid as well. Well. Hey, listen, that's great foration because it helps dispel the stuff. We're gonna be right back with more with doctor Vic Murphy, and we want to talk about something that was said on CNN uh the last week to kind of clear that up for everybody. We'll be right back with doctor Vivic Murphy. You're listening, all right, We're back everybody in our special guests this morning is the twenty first Surgeon General of the United States, doctor Vivic Murphy, and we were talking we're talking about the vaccine this morning. And doctor, let me ask you this because last week on CNN you stated that there's been misinformation that has had a profound effect and impact on COVID nineteen and our response, how do you plan to turn this around? We'll see, this has been a profound problem during this pandemic, and we all know that there's always misinformation circulating about something, right. We counter misinformation on the internet, on social media. Sometimes we get in text threats from our friends. But something is different now, which is at the speed and the scale and really the sophistication with which this misinformation is spreading has really increased during COVID and the consequence of that has been that many people have been turned away from things like vaccines or treatments that could save their lives. Some people have even been led to believe that COVID's not real, and we know it's real. So how are we going to address We've got to do a few things, you know. Back in July, I issued a certain Joel's Advisory and address and help misinformation. A few months later, I issued a community toolkit that has concrete, tangible tools people can use to identify the misinformation and to address it in their lives. So we're going to need individuals, each of us, to raise the bar on what we share. Sometimes we will share information that seems like it's legitimate, we don't actually check the sources. But if you check the sources, you're not sure if something is coming from a credible scientific source, and don't share it because there might be misinformation. We're also working with technology companies and urging them to take steps to help reduce the spread and misinformation on their platforms. That's a place where we're seeing so much of this spread, and that's where people are telling us certain counting misinformation is on social media. So, you know, we want people to be able to say what they want to say, do what they want to do, but these platforms also have a responsibility to make sure that they're not causing harm to people's health, and we're urging them to step up and take responsibility for what's happening on their platforms. So those are some things that we're doing. Finally, I'll just say we also believe that healthcare providers, doctors, nurses, others who are trusting their community, they have such a vital role to play right now. They've already done so much for us during the pandemic, but we want to make it easier for them to have their voice out there in the community so people can hear directly from people they know and trust or credible sources. You know, the pandemic is also affecting the mental health of both young and old. You know, you got loneliness, you've got isolation. It can be significant problems for a lot of Americans. We cause a What are some of the ways to combat that? See, I'm so glad you raised that, because this is the invisible toll of the pandemic, is the impact on our mental health and well being. And the thing is all of us have been impacted in some way, whether you struggle with mental health concerns before the pandemic or not, it's really strained many people's sense of well being. Has led to great a rate of anxiety and depression and loneliness among kids and adults. And so here's what we've got to do to address is I think number one, we've all got to realize that there is nothing wrong with you, fundamentally, nothing that says that you're broken or that you're flawed in some way. If you're struggling with your mental health, we all do at some point. We may not talk about it, but it's if you struggle with your mental health, that's more evidence of being human than anything else, because which is a part of the human experience, and there's nothing wrong with reaching out and asking for help. For two, we've got to make sure that help is there for people when they struggle. Now, we have work to do in increasing access to mental health services and treatment in this country. It's not as easy to find a therapist, to find the counselor if you needed, and we've got to change that. It's one of the reasons why President By has made big investments in getting counselors into schools and why he also talked about a broader mental health agenda that we're going to work on for the country to increase access to care. So you don't have to be therapist or psychiatrist to be able to help somebody with their mental health. Just need to be able to show up in their life with an open heart, with love and some passion, but the willingness to listen to them without judgment and to be there and to support them. That is worth its weight in gold. See our friendships, our relationships, These are the foundation on which we build our mental health and our overall well being. I believe that's our absolutely well said. Thank you for sharing that personal information. That's doctor Vivic Murphy, everybody, twenty five, Sergey General of the United States. We'll be back with more Steve Harvid Morning Show right after this. You're listening Dave Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today, the subject right situation with the wrong man. We'll get into that in just a bit, but right now it is time where the nephew and today's Frank phone call, Neff, what do you have for us today? What's on the man? You can tell me. Let me get your little sipp and it's stupid right here, Come on, get a little sip and it's stupid, all right. Make you feel good and I listen. I know my titles might throw you sometimes, and this one right here. You know these things happen. You have to be you have to understand that things happen. All right. So today's title is I dropped your wife. Okay, I dropped What it can happen? Call I dropped your wife. We're trying to make sure everything all right, but hey, I dropped your wife? All right? Fellas buck a lot. Hold on, idiot, let's go slow. Hello, I'm trying to reach Tony. This is Tony Tony. How you doing this? Is nephew Tommy. Hey you Tommy. I can't believe you're calling me. Okay, you sent an email and to prank your eye? Yes, oh my god, I sent that like months ago. I didn't think you were going to call me. Yes, I'm calling you. Naw Hong, y'all been married eight years? Okay, that's my heart. Okay, let me ask you something. What makes your husband just go off? What can I do that? You know there's a button for him that you don't want to push anything that has to do with me. Let me tell you he is crazy about me. If anybody mess with me, if anybody tries to go off on me, he will lose it. Okay, okay, oh what are we gonna do? What? I'm so excited? Oh my god? All right, okay, you know what? You know what? Okay, take this out? Okay? Can you click over on a three way? Can you call him? Okay, I can hold it from my phone. Is gonna be on the phone right, yeah. I want I want him to think that I got your phone. Okay, I'll tell you what. You just click on and get him on the lone. Just click over so when you click back, you can't say nothing. Now, you got to be quiet because I'm gonna at the end, I'm gonna let you talk to him. Okay, okay, hold on there, I'm here, okaying, all right, you're hitting you to something? Okay, okay, okay, Hey, what's up? Uh no? This? This how you is? This? Is this? Darren? Yeah? This Darrenel was this? Uh hey, we gotta build of a situation with with Tony Man. We got a situation for real. You just my white phone who is this? This? Uh? Actually, who is this? We're trying to get Uh, Tony actually twisted our ankle, man, so we gotta get her to the emergency room and get her checked out. She twisted her ankle? Howd you twisted? Wait? Wait, wait, wait back? Who who did you say? Who is this? How did Tony twist her ankle? Actually? She she she fell? And man, look, look, my wife is with her mom right now. Who who and who are you? Howd you twister her ankle? And why are you calling me? Why isn't her mother somebody calling me? Who is this? You never told me her name? Bro? No, I'm a friend. Man, shit, didn't fall? I actually dropped her? How you how did you drop her? What do you mean you dropped her? We had a couple of drinks at the hotel, man, And she say, wait wait wait hotel? There you mean the hotel? My wife's polled to be over her mom's house. Now you calling me from her phone talking about you dropped her, y'all at some hotel. But why y'all even at the hotel? What hell are you talking about? A hotel? Bro? What is my wife? Where's Tony? Why? Well? Why ain't Tony on the phone. Why you gotta call you gotta calm down. You calling me from my wife phone? Tell my she hurt? You dropped her y'all at the hotel. She's spoke Mom's house. Bro, where's my wife? Man? Sees it? Tony, I got it, I got it. Just hang on so Tony, I got put on the waters on the phone. Man. Hey, dude, just I need you to come down see him. I know I'm now you're talking abou y'all about to go to the emergency room. You dropped my wife, y'all at the hotel. Dog keeps putting my tip for the phone before y'all be in the emergency room. Hey, man, listen, you gotta calm down. Tony already embarrassed. Dude, I don't even know who the hell you are. You still ain't telling men. Put Tony on the phone. I'm gonna listen. Man, you gotta chill out. Man, I'm just for playing, okay, Man, I'm a friend. But tell you what. I'll tell you what put in the emergency room. Tell me where y'all lt I come to the hotel. I get my own white and taking wherever she needs to know. Tell me where we As soon as Tony get dressed, man, I'm gonna get her there, okay, as soon as she gets dressed. What do you mean? Hey man? Real talk? Where y'all lat man? Where are you putting Tony on the phone? Man? I'm not putting Tony on YouTube? Alright? Man? Why are you screaming at hall? And dude? I swear to guy. I swear to guy. If I find out where y'all left, I'm gonna come with her. It's gonna be once for you at Tony. Hey, hey, man, where y'all laugh? For us? I'm cool where y'all last? Sell me where y'all laugh? No, No, I'll tell you what. Man. I'm gonna get Tony's ankle taking care of and we'll get somebody to drop a back off at the house. Okay, take I'll drop off at the house. Man. Just get me where y'all at. I want to come get my wife. I want to make sure she get the treatment that she need. Bro getting where y'all at, don't go no where. I want you to be there when I come and get it. Don't go no where where y'all at. I can't do it. I mean, we don't it's on you on the phone. MANU put my wife. I'm not listening. Let me talk to my wife. Bro. Hey, man, it's the reason why I'm calling. Man. She embarrassed about all of this, and she gonna be bored than brass. Want they okay, this is cool. Ain't to tell ain't gonna need to be embarrassed. I love them, man, that's my girl. Man. Let me let me hollight my wife. Bro. Please, that's all. No, no, no, I already no wife phone bro. Listen, dude, let me look real talk. You still ain't tell me who you want? All I know it's you calling me telling my choice. I don't tell us with my wife. He put us. Let me tell you something. Don't don't let the lord that ankle woul him. You say it's wrong of my wife. Get your whoops. Dog. I'm telling you. When I further who you are, I'm fusting you. Put my wife on the phone. Man. That's all because my last time ask you, dog, I promise just hey, heyne see you too. I'll write man, you call right. Don't want my wife on the phone, bro, that's all I'm saying. Are you gonna lead time? That's what I'm you got to leave town, my man. You gotta leave down. You want to do? Who you want to talk? Let Tony decide if she want to talk to you or not? Okay, here put decide Tony? Do you want do you want to do? You want to talk on? Don't even ask? I ain't man. You'll see what Tony want to do on the phone. A man, baby, pull, I don't even know you. Man, put on the phone? You you schedu tid me? Your name? Tony? You want to talk to him? Hell? Yes, you want to talk to me? Man, I don't even no idea. She bashing on jump question you're the phone? I phone Tony? She is man? Yeah, hey, baby, cray baby, go on? Baby? Who Tony? Tony? Look, I ain't I don't have time for games. Where you ask? Who you went? That's all you gotta hill me? Baby, just calmed down. I got something to you, Tony. Are you listen to me? Baby? You gotta listen to me. I'm listening. Are you listening, yes, listen to me real carefully? Okay, where are you at, Tony? Baby? Are you listening to me? Yes, I'm listening. Maybe you just got prank my nephew I'm laughing right now. I love you. Yeah, okay, girl, that's cool. You got me, you got me. Huh, you're proud of that? I am what am I proud? And some of your best work. I am elated my work. Oh, he was mad, he was hot hot. You got my wife phone and you own it. I don't. Oh, I was nervous all the way through that one. I don't know that one was gone and I ain't man, no moment with my wife. Man, let me just oh, I know that I know that trick right there. I know that trick. No, no, no, I'm cool. I'm cool this one. My wife on the phone. No, we we But I want you to be there when I get that on. I need you to be there too. By baby, Hey baby, what who the hell is that? That's a great stupid feeling this morning on that great getting up stupid it's the nephew. What you see? Hey? Tommy? Man? Your question? Were you over joy over joy oval, exhilarated? What? What? What big word can I get? I was all that excited. That's the word. Well, most big words, most words is big to you. That's fighting a lot, exciterrating, I was excitating rating. You got you gotta admit on that home run right there. What that right there was ignoranty? It's best man put a stamp on my stupid for me. Man, I saw what I want from you. Give me credibility of my stupid that you got on your radio. Look, we gotta move on to the Strawberry letter that's coming up next. The subject is right situation with the wrong Man. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show all right time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now, and you never know, it could be yours could be. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is a Strawberry letter subject right situation with the wrong Man. You're Stephen Shirley. I'm a twenty nine year old woman and I've been dating the greatest man on earth for about four months. I wanted to do things right this time because I could see myself marrying this man. He said he knew I was going to be his wife the moment he laid eyes on me. It was his idea to wait to have sex, and it was him that spoiled me with gifts, moonlit walks, and home cooked meals. He said he wanted me to fall in love with his personality and enjoy spending time with him before we even got into having sex. Everything was going so fast and I wanted to be with him all the time. So as soon as he asked me to move in, I made plans to make it happen. Then one day my intuition kicked in and I hit the pause button. I decided I needed to have sex, see him naked, or at least rub upon him before I went any further with him. I was in the habit of sleeping with the guy soon after I met him, so this was odd for me, but I was trying to do things differently this time. I at least needed to see it. When I started grabbing forward playfully, he would pull away and tell me to take it easy. He always slept on his stomach so I couldn't touch it. One Saturday morning, I decided to get a bobby pin and unlock the bathroom door while he was in the shower and pretend to be a sexy, naked burglar. I had planned to seduce him, and it worked well almost. He was shocked and he was amused. I was not. I jumped in the shower and got the worst possible outcome. This man falls short, very short of what I was expecting. It was quite an ordeal in that shower, and nothing about it was good. Now I'm planning to move in with a man that doesn't measure up down there? Would I be silly to leave him over this? Well? I mean, you know what, can we say? You have a problem because this is not what you want and we can't fix this for you. You can fix this, and of course that depends on how important all of this is to you and what you want. It should be important, though, because sex is vital and relationships and in marriage, and you guys are planning to marry one day. But again, what do you want? Do you want a great man in every aspect except in the bedroom, or a man who knows how to make you his sex slave but treat you like crap everywhere else? Those are your kind of your choices? Does size matter or does character matter? Will you eventually cheat on him? You know you you know what you can and what you cannot live with. So if you don't think you're in this for the long haul, which includes living together and eventually marriage and of course sex with this man, who you say falls short, it's better to end it now than to ignore the problem and move in with him. I think it's selfish if you don't let him know how you really feel. He's probably thinking he's got it going on because no one cares enough to tell him he's bad and bad you understand that it's much easier to walk away. But if he's a good person, tell him and teach him how to love you. Of course, you know you can't do anything about the size, Steve to teach him with what you just said, teach him how to love you. My question is teach him with what. We're in a painting class, and it ain't got nothing but to have on the brush. We don't have to handle. We just got brush ham we need to handle if we're gonna take the art class. Surely I listened to your answer, and I can't dispute anything you said, sweetheart, because you tried to help a person I know going into this letter, I can't help her. I'm telling you right off, I know nothing about this. As a matter of fact, I've had a direct opposite problem. Mind tid damn life here where he so I ain't sorry, Uncle Steve can't help you, but let me try. Well, I don't know if I'm gonna help you. I'm just gonna point out a couple of things. I've been dating the great guy four months. You want to do things the right way, so you could see yourself. Man, this man he told you knew he's gonna be your wife. You was gonna be his wife at the moment he saw you. It was his idea to wait to have sex. And it was him that spawled me with Gilts because he knows what the problem is and he trying to get out in front of it. Let me spawl you with gifts. Don't worry about that sex thing. I want to marry you. I'm spoiling you with Gilts. We're going to moon and walk, we home cook. You ain't got to cook a damn thing. I am your everything because in a minute, I ain't gonna be a damn thing one more time, one more time. I am going to be your everything because I ain't gonna be a damn thing. And he know it's coming. He said he wanted you to fall in love with his personality. What man says that, m I want you to start it and fall in love with my personality. I never said that, said no one ever. I've been fund in my whole life. You don't like my my personality going to marriage dry asking well when we come back, No, the truth comes out, all right. Part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes. Have to be our subject right situation wrong man will get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right? Come on, Steve, let's recapt today's strawberry letter. This subject right situation, wrong man, Lady Ben dating the greatest man on earth for about four months. I wanted to do things right this time because you can see yourself man and this man as a matter of fact, when he saw you, he said he knew he wanted you to be his wife the moment he laid eyes on you, and it was his idea. Now listen to this now to wait to have sex. And it was him. That's far me week gives. The reason being is because he was willing to give you everything because in a minute he wasn't gonna be damn thing. We're going to share everything for not a damn right. All we on moonlit walks, this boy cooking food at the house. He had probably went to chef school. He didn't had to her up and develop all kinds of skill. Said, he wanted you to fall in love with his personality and enjoy spending time with him before y'all got into having sex. Why because that ain't gonna be a damn thing. So fall in love with my wonderful personality he mean lit walks. All this cooking smalling you with gives diamonds. Everything was going fast. I wanted to be with him all the time. So then when he asked you to move in with him, you made plans to make it happen in one day. This thing that all women have that they often time times ignore, this thing called intuition, kicked in and I hit the pause. But I decided I needed to have sex, see him naked, or at least rub up on him before I went in. It further slipping away from me Shoda see on earthquakes. I g page hilarious. Really, so I decided I needed to have sex see him naked, or at least rub up on him before I went any further. Because see, I was in the habit of sleeping with a guy soon after I met him. So this was odd for me. You know, I usually had my old you know, blankish tendencies was out. But I decided not to have my blankish tendencies out. You know, I at least needed to see it. I started grabbing for it playfully. He would pull away and tell me to take it easy, because you don't realize you grabbing for nothing. You don't know that you damn they're gonna have to tell a fabric off my plants to discover anything. I ain't got nothing for you right now. Even when they get ready, it ain't gonna look ready. It simply means the word a ten hut simply means huh, yeah, that's that's your man. Gotta biggest, small got a problem. I'm just telling you what. I biggest small got a problem. See he big with gifts, personality, cooking, moon lid walks bigger, but he's small down there. He would always sleep on his stomach, so I couldn't touch it. I can't sleep on my stomach. That's one of the reasons I can't sleep on my store. Throw my back out every chance you did. You bring that up right, It'll be like sleeping on a little hill. Okay, No, I'm not not yet. So he was in the shower. I wanted to go in that neck and and pretend to be a sex at burglar. I was gonna seduce him, and it worked well almost. He was shocked in the muse. I was not. I jumped into show and got the worst possible outcome. This man falls short, very short of what I was expected. It was quite an ordeal in that shower, and nothing a body was good. Now I'm planning to move in with a man that don't measure up down? Now? Would I be silly to leave him over this? Well? Shirley said, you got to measure all the stuff that he had when he don't have. I never heard these things right here. I'm used to hearing stuff like wait, wait, wait, okay, these are things I've heard enough already. I've heard stuff like Lord, I've heard stuff like you gotta stop stop. I've heard how much more, and you now how much more? I've heard. I can't take all. This letter is not about you. I've heard. Give me, give me, give me a minute, give me a minute. Wait. You must prefer things over think. That's what we're dealing with. To hell things over thing or you can get things and nothing. All right, you got the makeup decision. Things over things, thing over things. It's her decision, that's for sure. Thank you, Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey Come and Facebook. Are you check? Just walk in the room and say to him, Hi, man. Coming up in forty six minutes after the hour, Junior and Sports Talk right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time now for Junior and Sports Talk. Junior what you got? All right? Everybody? The biggest news and sports right now. Tom Brady is unretiring and coming back. He said, these past two months, I realize my place is still on the field and not in the stands. That time will come, but it's not now. I love my teammates, and I love my supportively. They make it all possible. I'm coming back for my twenty third season in Tampa. Unfinished business. LFG Man, I know hunt thing. The dude that bought Tom Raider's last football that he threw four touchdown, caught five hundred and eighteen thousand, and the next day he unretired. Did you get your money back? Wow? You can't get you that's a loss because he fold to throw another one from now your man, that's out. That's what you're stupid ass. That's a lot of money. Yeah, sports member, damn ball ain't even one hundred dollars. You could have just bought one and said time through it. How are your line skilled? Yeah, that's a motter fact. I'm going to go down. I've been to go down to Dick Sporting Good. I could have had the first one he ever threw. Yeah, the first one he threw to a white person. I'm having first touchdown he threw to a black person. I'm gonnah the one that they took the aut of in that playoff game. Yeah, and buy all of just lying man, welcome back Tom Man. I know that, But then you know what, dude look like he can get. He just left not even surprised. Yeah, they say he was getting on Jazale's nerves. Somebody said it over tied because the gas prices went up. I like him want to I don't think he ever wanted to quit. He went home and actually won the argument. That's what happened. He went home to run arguments so he could play again. I think he went home and found out what it was really like to be home, to go to rehearsal. Pradity. Yeah, daddy, daddy, can we go now when it's your turn, sweetie. That's just what being at home is about. I'm fit to fix this. Go back just feels what I'm fisy to do. When you return, if you're gonna be through with it, what everything? When you retire, dog, it's gonna be the sweetest return dogs, Like when I walk away from Stand up Dog. One thing about me, Man, when I go, I'm gone. I'm not going to come back on the radio show. Comeback on when you're done. You're as yes it man. Welcome back to all right, Junior. Thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour. Kim Kardashian receives backlash for her advice to women. We'll talk about that right after this you're listening show. Well, Kim Kardashian is seving some backlash for her advice to women. In a recent interview with Variety magazine, Kim said, I have the best advice for women in business, get your blanking a up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days. Well after saying that, it prompted a whole lot of backlash for Kim. People were posting comments on social media. One follower said, so they are women out here who work really hard, and those with fewer economic advantages than you have are not just working hard enough, and they are to blame for their misfortune. Question mark. Multiple people posted, Kim, you grew up in Beverly Hills with successful parents. You are out of touch. Has several seats, Yeah, yeah, yeah, they let her have it. Yeah, they let her have it. So do you think Kim's remarks were insensitive? Steve? What are you saying? What do you well? She just didn't take the time to think it out. When you when you make a broad, sweeping remark about women and the problem with most women, which is not a true statement. Most women are really really working their tails off, I mean, putting it all in. Most women. A lot of women are trying with everything, especially with the resources that they have, which will take a little bit longer. I'm here to tell you that when you come from nothing to turn that into something, it's a longer journey than if you start with something turning it. Turning something into some mode is way easier than turning nothing into something, trust me, when you ain't below the old yes, see, if we could all start equally, that be a great conversation. But we don't get to start, even most of us. And and you know, like first first man, when you're just trying to get to the surface so you can breathe skip getting on the starting line. I just I'm trying to tread water so I can get my nose about so I can breathe. That's an accomplishment right there. That's why you can't judge success by where a person is in life. You judge your success by where a person started. Light See, it's the starting point, man. That's the cold part about this man. That's why, man, you gotta have people with stories to tell. You know, like Donald Trump, I became a billionaire because my dad gave all of us a million dollars. True statement, true statement that he made. But that's a million open. Here's the part that he didn't left out when his father passed and left all that money, those children split that money too, Rumor says. Rumor says that he left eight hundred million and each child got two hundred millions. I am here to do right there to tell you that I can make it from there. The good news. Right. But now, if you're from the background and you don't even have you don't have any money, you don't have a parent that can give you money that let's say, they can give you just love and guidance. Yeah, because they don't have money. That's it. That's all they can give you, loving guidance. Yeah, yeah, that's it. Now you got to go from there. Yeah, ain't nothing wrong with that, But that's a different starting point then your dad is a lawyer and your mom is a celebrity. That's a little bit different starting point. And I just think she missed it. I think Kim was trying to be encouraging, but I think it's just because she really is a cool person. Yeah, she seems to be facts her respect their hustle, the cards. Absolutely, nobody's hating on that. But when she said that part, it's like you've never been without, so you can't judge that song would Yeah yeah, Steve, Yeah yeah, that start point is everything, don't Yeah, I gotta tell you boy who absolutely absolutely that damn below zero Whoo. That's a hard asshole right there to come out of. You're right, You're right. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to show. So, um, you got a question for everyone. How are you doing with the spring forward and the time and all that. Have you adjusted to the time? Are you still off a little bit? Oh, Steve, here's something for you. Take a listen to this real quick. You don't even understand. That's my jail, Steve and Junior living away from me. Yeah, singing that all morning because that's my jail. Don't Junior's problem was, he asked me. Junior says, um, why do you put so much feeling into it? Is not the note that matters, it's the emotions, and I can these are professional singer. This is Kathy and Joejoe play it again from the days. Sitting away from me has nothing to do with the note. He so when I I'm in there looking away from me, that's the feeling man spring for al right, thank you for Casey and Joe Joe for that's the juniors group. Juniors group coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Yeah, and they sound good on tour. We'll have a round of would you rather right after this. You're listening to morning show time for would you rather? Would you rather eat rotten eggs or drink sour milk? Yeah? You can all that up. Man, I'm gonna go with that sour milk. That's that's close to butter milk. Yeah, okay, yeah, my sister would take that. That rotten is Hey, you got problem though, Come on, junior, what you got Yeah, I'm gonna go with the sour milk. I can't. I've had bad milk. Well, I poured it on seal before and knew it was silent. But that's all that's all you had had. And I'd be damned if I was gonna let my crazy here daddy see me rate that in the trash. Whoa, oh you're throwing away food now? Oh oh you're buying groceries. You got money? Okay, all right, moving up? Do we hear from the nephew, No, no, you did, and move on. No pick one trash with that seal. I'll tell you what your dad, I guess something. I gotta follow them because I don't want the egg. I gotta go with the milk. Anyway it is, I'm going to throw up on you daddy here, all right? Would you rather date someone with their ex's name tattooed on their chest or date someone who's ex lives next door? Would you rather date someone that has their ex's name tattooed on their chest? Or would you rather date someone whose ex lives next door? I'm going with the chest. I'm gonna see you from behind more than I am going from the front. Anyway. Wow, Wow, are you sleepy because you just off? Wow? Flying off? You asked me? Think about your answers. Yeah, I'm just going I'm not pulling up every day and he right there. That turn into a fight time till my launch next door launch. Yeah, I'm not doing that. Floyd, Floyd, stay right next door. No, you can have that tattoo. I just I just I just missed you. I probably misread it. Anyway, You're not getting any wrong anyway, all right, one more, one more? Would you rather get stuck in an elevator with your ex or with your partner and they're ex. M No, I don't go with the partner. I'd rather get stuck in there with my partner and her ex as we can do that at least we get something out of this. What you say, Junior say, I'm going on. I'd rather do that, Okay, okay, all right, nephew in the elevator or with your partner in their ext Come on, don't be difficult elevator with your ex. You scared? Really coming up forty nine minutes after break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this you're listening to show here we are, last break of the day on this Tuesday. I want to say thank you to doctor Vivic Murphy form coming by the twenty first Surgeon General of the United States, keeping us updated on the COVID nineteen situation in America. Always good to chat with him, Steve. Yeah, given us backs. Yeah, here we go. Uh my clothes remarks today, it's something that I had, I've learned, but I found a way to put it together this weekend. You know, as I was sitting around thinking and we've often talked about on this show. I've always talked to you about the law of attraction and how it works. And the law of attraction simply means the thing that you put out are the things you're going to get back. And it doesn't really matter if you believe in it or honor it or accept it. It's just the way it is. It's it's a very simple thing. The law of action is real. It doesn't matter. It's like when I'm talking to people, somebody tells me they're an atheist. It's okay. Just because a person says there isn't a God, that don't mean that. Don't mean it ain't or you know, you can take that line of think it if you want to. And that God is real. You may not choose to make it real in your life. Oh but you will because it's you just will. But that's not an argument here for me today. I'm just talking about one principle, and I want you to start thinking about how you give, because giving is one of the very very important laws and principles of success. Giving is a universal law, you know, And the way you have to give is this, and this is what I've come to learn about it. When you give everybody, you have to give willingly. You have to give graciously. That's the way you have to give willingly and graciously. You just give. If you see somebody on the street, you're just Gil. If you see somebody in needs, you just gil. It ain't all times somebody asking you. But if they do ask and you got it to give, just give willingly and graciously the why they needed, the what they're gonna do if you need it back, and all like that. That's a different type of giving. Because I'm gonna tell you something. If you have to think before you give, and then you decide to give because they've answered certain questions, you're not actually giving anymore. You're trading. I hope you understand what I'm saying to you. If a person asks you for something, you got to think about it and you gotta work out terms and arrangements. That's not giving. That's trading. So don't get mad when the trade agreement is broken. I gave you this, I gave you that. No, that was a trade agreement. See you, you've lost You've lost the genuine part of giving, which is willingly and graciously, because you turned it into a termed agreement. So that's not the same blessing, y'all. It's not the same blessing because those things that you've done for the least of these, so have you done unto me. I'm just paraphrasing the scripture. What God try it helps us to do is we have to give willingly and graciously when we can. Now, if you loan the personal money, I'm not saying you're not supposed to loan. But when you loan the money, I understand what it is. It's a trade agreement. I'm gonna give you this in return. I want that, and that's cool. Ain't nothing wrong with it, But it's not the same as given. So when they don't give it to you, remember when you came to me you needed this. I gave you this, and I get you didn't give it willingly. You gave it with an agreement. You were trading. And here's what I want you all to understand. And I had to explain this to an employee of mine. If you're not willing to do more for what you're being paid for, then you will never be paid more for what you are doing. I'm trying to tell you something now, and I need for you to hear me, because this is an important thing, because a lot of people are blocking a lot of blessings this way because they don't understand the importance of pouring your all into something. How it comes back to you, if you're not willing to do more for what you're being paid for, then you will never be paid more for what you are doing. That's a fact. You ain't gonna like what uncor Steve just said. You ain't got to want to believe it. I ain't gonna do all this downhill, okay, and you don't have to. I'm telling you. If you're on a job and you're doing just enough to get your check, then guess what. Your blessing is always going to be just enough. But the moment you become willing to do more for what you are being paid for, the moment you opened up the windows of heaven, and you will soon learned that you will be paid more for what you are doing. I had to learn that, and I'm so glad I did. I hope this is sink it in, man, because this is about truly about giving. Even on the job, you got to do your best. You got to be willing to do more for what you're being paid for, or you will never ever be paid more for what you are doing. So you can quit looking at the CEO of United Weight. Why they make all that money? The salary I read one year long time ago for the and it's probably going up. The salary for the CEO of Red Cross Unity Weight, one of them was five million a year. How they paying that man all that money? Maybe because he was doing more than he was supposed to do the money and the time he was given, and so now he's being given more money for the time that he's giving. Does that make sense? It does to me. That's why basketball players make what they make. That's why the owners of teams makes what they make, because at one point in live, one point in time, they did more than what they was being paid for, So now they get paid more for what they are doing. Sound right to me, y'all have a great day. Those are my closing remarks. God willing, We'll see y'all tomorrow morning. Hey, y'all talk to God. He loved to hear. Fun for all Steve. Every contests no purchase necessary, void We're prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com You're Listening show