Good morning and welcome to the ride! Who here is living their best life? We show love to all that have the patience of a saint to work the drive-thru. The comedians give you different situations that just aren't any of your damn business. Right here we talk about how certain work factors can lead to losing sleep. The show gives us reasons to apologize. The CLO has some HARD truth for a seasoned side chick! When do things go IG official? Fool #2 murders another one in the spirit of Adele. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve issues a warning about the grass being greener on the otherside.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time? I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things and the coves not good at listening to mother Sta don't join jo. You gotta use turn hur you go, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you haven't got the turnout? Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your tha uh huh. I shall will a good morning everybody. Y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now wanting only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Um. Five things that I know successful people have to do to be successful. The principles are the same. You can apply it to anything, you know, if you want to be happily married, you know, whatever it is. The principles of success are the same. There are a series of things that you have to do. You cannot skip the steps of success. If you do, you're going to have to go back and step on them anyway. So here's here's here's here's a part man that I want you all to understand about me and and and about how to look at it. You know, you cannot underestimate faith and prayer. You just can't. You cannot underestimate the power of faith and the power of prayer. See for me, this is just for me. Now, this ain't in the scripture nowhere. This is just something I discovered. What prayer did for me was was it tied me to my creator. It gave me a sense and I'm describing it this way, but I'm telling you it's deeper than this. But it gave me a sense that I wasn't alone and an actuality. I wasn't. But prayer helped connect me to the power source that was available to me to get through, get around, or get over whatever it was that was in a way, whether it was just a period I stretched, I had to go through hard work. It had a period I had to go through to learn some lessons, some periods I had to go through from having to pay for some of the mistakes I've made. Whatever the case may be, prayer gave me a decided advantage, especially oh here we go, Especially over my enemies. Now, the majority of people in my life that were my enemies, I didn't want them to be my enemies, Make no mistake about this. But through the thing called life, some things went down, Some things happened from here and then went over here or that way, and a person became my enemy. The majority of enemies I had came out of nowhere. I have no reason to even see why they are my enemies. But you know, life goes on, man. It happens from time to time. Some people just won't let it go. See some people, in their quest to do something to you or to make you pay, they just won't let it go. What it may cause you some discomfort, and some of them may be lies about you and all of this and all of that, but you that that can't prohibit you from going forward. So what I'm saying his prayer gave me the strength, wisdom understanding the carriage to either go through it, go around it, or go over it. But it happened. I do not know how I could have made it. Without faith and without prayer. It would have something would have got me. You two would have got me. The bloggers would have got me. My partners that I grew up with, that we used to laugh behind my back. They would have got me. My friend that would over my mother's house one time and told her. You know what Steve's problem is that telling them jokes? He just lazy. He don't want to work. That would have got me. They didn't know. I ain't really mad at them because they were just All they was doing was basing their conversations and passing judgment based on what they knew, based on what they believed. They didn't believe I was gonna make it. But that's them though. If it was not for the faith, which is the belief in things that you cannot see, I wouldn't have made it because I would have listened to everybody else who didn't see me getting here and went along with it. And then prayer. Oh my goodness, man, how many times has prayer bailed me out? Prayer has bailed me out, press steel, belling me out. Tell you the truth, man, quiet as its kelt. Prayer, that connection to your heavenly Father, that connection to your creator, that connection to that source of power and inspiration, that connection of never feeling that you're alone. You know. I was watching a Bishop Jakes on the TV yesterday and it was a repeat and one of the things he was talking about, well, let me just get to the gist of it. I was going through a portion of my life and I and I went through it for some years, y'all. I had gotten myself into a jam that lasted for years. I'm telling you, for years, with some serious consequences to follow. For years. And I was so busy looking at who I was at. I was sulking sometimes, Man, I'd get on the radio, Man, I'd be just done. I was sulking. My my spirit had gotten low. I had gotten tired of the fight, and I would I would come on some mornings, man, and I will try try not to let on, but I was hurting. I was because I had been in it for years. Man, I had been in this thing for years, and one thing I was doing. I was so busy looking at where I was at. And when I was watching Bishop Jakes, he preached this sermon. He was talking about so busy looking at where you at that you don't even realize that God has been with you the entire time. And you know what, Man, just yesterday, just yesterday, I heard this, and I text him a text, Bishop Jakes, and I thanked him because it was an old message I could tell. And I called a text up and I said, Man, thank you so much. I was just watching you on TV and you told me, Man, something that I that I'll always remember that whatever you're going through, that he's there with you the whole time. But see when sometimes when you're so busy looking at where you at, you don't even notice where he is. And see sometimes, man, that that helped me, and that's going to help me in the future to realize that what I'm going through, that he's there. He's there with me, and he gonna protect me, and he ain't gonna let my enemies overcome me, and he ain't gonna let nobody overtake me, and he ain't gonna let me go under because he's there. It's just you can't be so busy looking at where you at that you don't take notice or where he at. God is always there, He's always available, and the best way to tap into that and know it is you got to pray. Prayer has changed my life. Prayer can change your life. You can become something if you just pray. You're listening to show, Ladies and gentlemen, let me have it, please your undivided attention. This is an official notice that the Steve Harvey Morning Show is now underway. We'll be taking applications for people who want to enjoy the ride for the duration the entire four hours for those of you that have to go to work and have to get out the car or get on the train or get out for various reasons. We do understand, but please pull the drawstring in time so we can slow down. Other than that, I answer is going full blasting. You must dive dropping roll at your own risk because we ain't stopping this here shoulder but nobody, ladies and gentlemen, own and cracking. Steve Harvey Morning Show, sheldy strawberries, can't stop, won't stop. Good morning Stave, okay, callor Pharrell, enjoy the ride. Good morning Steve and crew. What's up? Let's get it locked, Junior, y'all better find something to hold onto morning. Everybody stupid to ten all in the building right here here about Dahl, what's happening? I ain't nothing, you know, living my bachelve. That was a song. I ain't going back and forth living my bechel release. He skifted, But you know that's that. Roscoe Wallace, Roscoe Wallas should come on and do the hits, okay, because you know, I think he would come on and tell y'all that he had something to do with that. I'm like, well, what's what's wrong with the present? There's no time right now? You know he just tell them about living your best life? You wrote that? Did he write that? I mean, let me go get him a hold on many getting care of you. That's what I'm telling I get in there, one not down, get your did he whist? Whist? What can't read? Already? You got a minute? Rosco? Ain't at it? Everybody, Steve cool down. We're going on baby, but what what the problem is? Only all of whoever you ain't reading? I rock cool Wallace. I don't never wrote damn there every hit that either hit Rosco? We was we was asking about little dude Ball living my best life. Oh my man, little dude Ball living Remember I wrote, Yeah, I wrote that for I knew his father, Ris father a little dude Ball and dad and they were big rude Paul she right? Did anybody know that? We didn't have to come back on that one? Never all right? Where you want to just hang on, hang on a right, hold it all too well? We want to see how really l did you are? Uh? Roscoe? Because coming up we also have sister Odell in the building. So at the after the hour be exhausted all right, I'm get out of you're listening. Morning show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne will be here with today's national news and headlines. But right now it's time for the nephew to run that prank back eight and two AM and two hayting too. Yeah, I'm hey, I'm trying to get some Antha. Uh yeah. When it dis Sam? Did Sam? Sam? Okay? Sam? All right? Hey yeah, uh okay, I thought it was Samantha. Okay, it's it's it's Sam. Yeah, Sam, Man, what's up? Okay? Uh hey, my name Calfit. I wanted to reach out to your high at you about uh about uh your girl, right, your girlfriend? Yeah? Yeah, she is Okay, how long I've been together? We've been together about about tending up years? While what's going on? But listen, me and Holiday and each other for like the last few months or whatever. I wanted to reach out to you, and you know, I don't want to call you. She wanted me to call you. I wanted to tell you that you know, she didn't decide that she wanted to start hanging with me. She wanted me to come over to the house and pick up stuff up. Oh yeah, oh, yeah, really, really, that's what's going on. You calling me? She then told you to call me and tell me basically what I wanted to feel, saying, I'm and just have a man and man talk with you and you you that's that's what That's what's going on right now. Don't do it because right now you just talking a bunch of what's up? No what I'm saying any other day, you know, I'm already making room for her at my apartment. I'm just trying to come. Uh listen, that ain't none of it. It's whatever. If you want to come do, come do. But it ain't going out. We ain't. We ain't going out without a fight. I'm not tripping. I'm not tripping with you, and I'm not tripping with all. But you come to my somebody getting from my hall, then it's going down me and you, Me and you. So what's up? You're coming to get up because I'm on the road right now in these trucks, but dot meet you out. So if you're coming to get us, come on with me. Okay, okay, hold on though, hold on to let's back up and see. Like I said, he I'm trying to he lets you know where then when you gotta have no problem, I want to do is come in the house and get her stuff and pack it up so I can get it over to me. You think you're just gonna come in and tell my house and I've been with I don't need you. You think you just gonna be We're just gonna be teachers in kreen. You got me. I'm telling you that you come to my house's going down and that just then she needs to be a woman. Why don't she bring it to me? Why she didn't bring it to me? You know what I'm saying? What what? What? Y'all want to be together? Now? On? She ain't no more? All I know is she was feeling me. That's all I'm saying. She was feeling me. You know she's telling me. I mean, dude, you have a problem with her league, because that's her choice. You know what I'm saying. If she claims she want to be with me, that's what she won't. You know, I ain't knocking what nobody do you understand? But what I'm trying to tell you, she's telling me she want to be with me. So I'm just trying to get you to lift Is it better for me or her to go over there while you ain't there, ain't get our stuff dog all this, then you saying nah, I don't, I ain't got the rational lot some thing with you. She needs to be the one telling me all it is and saying she can't do it. And you man, you man, you know that what you call from man and man, come get up. That's all I'm saying. Come here, Hey, hey, Samantha, Samantha for real, Hey say man, hey, hey hey man, my name is Sam. Man. I ain't gonna tell you that. Already told you that when you call. When you first called, okay, Sam, so listen, okay, wait you know what. I ain't even gonna go back and forward. You then shows me I'm gonna come get up. Hey, all this you talking, you're still on this phone with all that y'all jacking. If you're gonna come get up, I hadn't invited you. So if you want to bring your so over, you come get it. Tom Aiden two old, I've go up two of them. Yeah, but I'll tell you this too. It them black them two down. They don't want to me no more. They don't want to walk with me no more. And like I said, telling something with you. She ought to be woman enough when she's behind the back in the background telling you to come tell me from since that's the man I'm gonna and you came because you're acting like a too, I'm gonna plap. So what for? Okay, well look here, let me go say this to you. Then can I can I tell you what she called me? Man? You tell me you want to tell me? Really don't know what she told you? But what what's up? I just want to tell you she told me to prank phone call you. This is Nephew Thomas Steve Harvey Morning Show, a man saying you all right, I'm stay man, I'm stay man, man, lick hill man. I ain't me ready. I gotta hear you say one more say what is the baddest that I mean, the baddest radio show in the land and Steve Harvest Show. Don't call me smything. No, my name is Sam one. I tell you that when you first called don't call me that. No, No, you don't have me gold off and whoop your ass because I'll do it. Okay, Sam, Lady listening to the show, appreciate love'all. Yes, sir, Yes, sir, catch me Friday Night, Baby, Friday Night on the Old Network. Ready to Love the Nephew is back at it again, whole new season, new singles, twenty Well, now we're gonna have twenty no more. We started with twenty. Yeah, I mean that eight No, no, we're not down to eight the first night, Jay, they kicked people off the first night. How do you know? How do you know that quickly? Yeah? How do you know that? How do you know? You know? It's the first impression. You know some people that you have to have a good first impression on people again, you know, if you clammed up and not used to talk, and they're gonna be like, I don't know about him, I don't know about it up. And guess what when that starts adding up, you're gone. But you know what's coming. It's bad that you don't even get to show your second outfit. That's that's just really bad. You know what's bad to what's bad is when somebody then took off, you know, then took a lead from their job for a few for a month or two. You back already. I was ready to learn. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Jay Anthony Brown, it's time for something funny. Now you put this together. Driving I thought it might be cool that we salute different types of workers. I mean a lot of workers listen to the show. Cafeteria workers, doctors putetitious. So today we're gonna salute the people who work to drive through and then stuff they hear okay any day alright, for instance, let's go No need to cuss, sir, Breakfast is over, okay? Why because it's two o'clock, Sir, wouldn't sa anymore, Junior. This is something that live drive through workers go through. That they have day every day, every day, every day. Sir, you're gonna have to get that muffler fixed, so I can hear you. I can't get this all in if you don't get the muffler fixed. That's every one, sir. I cannot tell you two nuggets by themselves. We sell them in ten twelve. Come on now, I can't just get you two nuggets. I can't do that, man, Sir, did you read your order on the screen. It's we're dealing with drive through workers. What they have to hear every single day. Miss you bought one large fry. You want twenty catchups? Really, that's me you want? You want twenty twenty? You want just wasting? Yeah, just wasting catch up. I tell I'll tell you what this is one that I know they deal with it. Pull up that the latest started talking somebody else talking about ma'am, who's ordering? You are the baby? I can't hear both of y'all who is ordering? We salute the people? Uh? Man, I can't give you thirty extra napkins so you can change your baby, Dick. I can't do I can't do that. Man, I can't do that. Okay, we can't just give away these napkins like that. Wow, you're wrong for that. Figure up we McDonald's. We don't make whoppers. Now that has happened to everyone know that everyone. Yeah, he's one. I don't know why they stopped the mac rib They just stopped it. Okay, yeah, yeah, we're not that's what it means. That's sir, sir. Why you ain't come in if your window don't work? Why you ain't just come in here? Take it? How come you just didn't come in? You can't get if you can't get the window down. You have to work as we feel your thing we're dealing atle you go through every day, sir, sir ma'am, listen, we can't. This is not where you come to book Ronald McDonald to come to your favorite birthday part. This ain't this ain't the winder for that. He's not here right now, see you, ma'am. I know Chick for La sandwiches, it's better, but this hour every day though they are day. Look, I know you to complain, but you can't speak to the colonel because the colonel is never here. He's never been here. I've asking for Davy him on TV, but he not here. This might just be only in my neighborhood, but I know it's a drifty work in an old neighborhood. Look here, Larry worked from twelve mid ninety six. You gotta get your drugs then, for real, junior drive through workers, Hello, worse than we thought. Drive Hello, Hello, ma'am. Can you wake up? Your order is here, ma'am you got we got ten people behind you. They've been sleeping the drive. You have to order something if you're gonna have all these kids play. She just brought the park. You don't have pund This is not a nurse for miss time on that work with us, go through it. Don't say out of them like we don't have anymore. That's what I mean when I say, well, out of them, Yeah, that's what That's what I mean. Is when I say we're out of them, that means we don't have any more. But when mean you out of them? Out of them mean like, yeah, I don't know another way to say it. I don't know. Oh, I'm gonna really respect him next time I go through a drive through. Look, look, I'm at work. You can't drop him off at the drive through window. I'm at work. Wait till I get off. This is this wrong? Cap the baby at the drive wrong? You can't hend the baby through the window. But say, man, say man, I don't know who you bought weed from last night. But I'm not saying weed here while I'm working. I don't know who you bought it from last night, but I'm not not me. Come on, step close it out, drive through workers. What we feel you now, we really do? Yeah, come on close it out? Uh just a damn toy. I don't pack all right? All right? Yeah, we feel your pain drive through workers. You're listening Steve Harp Morning Show, it's time. None of your darned business says. If you see going down, it ain't yours. It's none of your concern, none of Like if you in the barber shop, you even going down for years, Yeah, and you see somebody take somebody else's customer and then't your damn be it? Why why are you in there? Yeah? Yeah, from the other guy. Just move on. What you't like, that's not that has nothing to do with it nothing. The fact that the other barber's feeling is gonna be hurt. That that has nothing to do with you. No, he ain't get in this chick. I'll tell you what. If you go in the grocery store, turn your card down, our fold, black parents choking the key that ain't none down Yeah, back up, yeah, go down to our five, then get your because you can get some of that choking. Yeah yeah, I ain't, sir. You know, I don't even believe that. Hey, what's going on? You gonna be going Yeah, Hey, I wouldn't chuck that kid like battles that was you. Well, you're not me, all right, the kid can really be hurt. Guys, go down and ask what's going on? Damase that little boy no good in hair will while he getting told you not to touch nothing, and here touching, let's touch You don't broke a damn job, pray for it? Yeah, shoking? What you gotta tell me? You see somebody put a cold, nice real buy in baked potato in the refrigerator at work and can't wait for lunch time. You see somebody else going there and eat all that steak and baked potato. That ain't really You don't know what they're going through. You're not gonna have no idea. You don't know what that other man going I know the other man's gonna be mad. Get your small cooler to keep your meeting you and ice it down. You see your girlfriend, You see your girlfriend's fiance, Yeah, at dinner with another woman. Come on, that's probably more than likely a business denner. That is none of your damn How does that concern you? Go by your gift and go to the wedding like you're supposed to. Damn, go get your gift. But when they register that and it's gone, ain't your business your cameraphone? I shouldn't say anything. Oh, that's snapping a photo and sending the down like like she wants to hear that want it. You're gonna mess up her damn day? Now? Why would you do that? Yeah? Why would you mess up the day that she's been planning for her whole life? And that's you coming in here because you ain't got nobody you by your day. You're evil and nash evil and nashic. You're just evil and nashty. You're standing next to a guy, right, y'all in the bar, Yeah, y'all standing in the bar. And he's on the phone saying, Baby, I got to work late. I'm working late. I'm gonnaknock out this last um report and I'm coming on home. What does that got to do with you? Right? That's how does that happen? How does that affect you? At the bar? He's lying, Sha on the other end, has nothing to do with you. But his wife needs to hear about this paper. She need a reason why he not gonna be home at six once, you know, if he's saved, so he got to give her reasons hear and his boys makes her feel calm and reassure that nothing has happened, nothing to happen to coming back down? What come on? That down to the audi, right, Steve. Let's get to the news, ladies and gentlemen. Miss an trip. Okay, thank you everybody, This is a trip with the news. Okay, good news at least hopeful. Police in Beverly Hill say they've arrested a suspect and the murder of fame music producer Clarence Avon's wife, Jacqueline. He's identified as a twenty nine year old Paroli from Los Angeles named Ariel Mayner, whom they say has an extensive record. Authorities say they have numerous videos showing Mayner's car exiting the area near the Avon house around the time that the eighty one year old Miss Savad was fatally shot. Police also say they've recovered a gun, which, according to initial reports, appears to be linked to the murderer. Nevertheless, Beverly Hills cops repeat right now, anyway, Ariel Mainer is merely a suspect at this point. He is, though under arrest. Health officials documented the first case of the omicron variant in the US and San Francisco on Wednesday, and then it was another one in Michigan and a third one in Colorado. There's now one in Hawaii, but there are now I've confirmed omicron cases in New York State. But President Biden's reminding the American people that the path to protection should be well known by Now you're worried about olmacron variant. The best thing to do is get fully vaccinated and then get your booster shop. Get your child vaccinated at one of the thirty five thousand locations in the country, including doctor's offices, pharmacies, children's hospitals, and nine thousand pop up clinics at schools. Vaccinating our children is also critical to keeping our schools open. Additionally, we're increasing the availability of new medications recommended by real doctors. Not conspiracy serious, but to recap. Mister Biden says, get vaccinated, get the booster, and wear your mask. The city of Saint Petersburg, Florida, canceling the inaugural ball that was planned for its very first black mayor, Ken Welsh, because he says, I'm not going. The theme is to be a circus, which many black residents of the once segregated city, including the mayor Elecque, find offensive. Arizona State University says acquitted Kenosha was Kilica Rittenhouse not an enrolled student there. They say Rittenhouse was apparently taking some online classes at ASU as a non degree seeking student. He recently expressed though a desire to study on campus, but when students heard about it, there are several online protests against Rittenhouse, launched by ASU students and other groups, demanding that the university removed the young vigilante from any ASU classes. And finally, looks like black women are making history. Five black women crown the winners of some of the world's most fastigious beauty padgets now including Miss Team USA, Miss America, Miss USA, Miss Earth, and Miss World. This is the first time in history that this has happened. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show, all right, A lot of people are losing sleep because of work, guys. A new study by account Tips finds that forty four percent of professionals are losing sleep over work. As for why, fifty percent say they've been overwhelmed with work, the volume of work they have, the hours that they have to put in. Some of the other reasons for work related sleep loss include a strange coworker relationships, wow. Uh worried that they may lose their job. That's a lot of stress. Yeast, Oh this is a good one. My boss is a nightmare. Have you checked all three bucks at Jake? Strange coworking Okay, strange coworker relationships. Worried I may lose my job and my boss is a nightmare? Okay. So I gotta ask you, Steve. You have a lot of jobs. You have more than anyone I know. Do your jobs keep you up at night? Or you know? Is it if they do? Is it constant or just a case jobs? When I run up into stupidity, that's the only thing I get exhausted for. I don't I you know, I've really found out over the years. I don't really care for stupid people. I really don't. I can't even I can't even play at all. Like if you're stupid, I look at you like you're stupid the whole time you talk. I don't know what we're supposed to do with that information. No, it's just important information that you know about me and my job. My job. I love my job. I look, I tell jokes for a living and play music. All of my jobs to have an element of meat using my god given talent. So I love my work. It's the things that surround my work, like when you stupid. I just can't stand that. Man, No Jay, good, Jay Iger from stupid. And when you're doing stuff that ain't attached to nothing and just has no rhyme or reason, but you steadied doing oh, anyone in particular in minder to anyone at the job. I know I didn't think he was gonna say you honestly, Um, okay, why would I say? It's uncomfortable right now? Yes? Why you uncomfortable? You're not stupid? Oh, I know. I know. You just don't like the way that Tommy goes into the shell when you call him stupid. But let him go in there. When he go into the shell, he can't say no stupid. He's here working. What are you gonna do? He's work. I'm right here. Hello everyone, I'm here. I'm right here. Yeah, yeah, okay, I'm right. He don't stop doing it, stop talking over and around me. I'm right here. All right. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after you're listening show. All right, Steve, it is time for comedy Roulette and Jay explained it to us the people. We have to explain it every week because we get new listeners, rand new people who listen. Man, I love radio. Yes, you know, Steve has no option. We have time to roulette this where we take five subjects. We put the subjects on the wheel. We spun the wheel around and around and around. Where the wheel stops, we'll do the damn thing. What are the subjects? You're ready? Here we go. Number one. I apologize baby, this is the first time this has ever happened. Number number two, Well, when is the baby going to sleep? That is me? Number three? How long is he going to stay in the sixth grade? Once again? Number four, Well you're big and bad. Come on down here. Okay. Number five, I didn't get fired. They just tripping at the job. And here's a bonus. Number six. If you buy cheap stuff, it doesn't last, all right, all right, all right, it's been a day when you want you did not want? Number one? What is it? I apologize baby, This is the first time this has ever happened. That you know. The problem is you. You is the problem. I can't concentrate because of you. You're doing something to me, make me lose my concentration and whatever it is, stop it. You need to focus. Was personal. That was I wanted to stop. Man. Okay, well look at, look at. I want to apologize. This has never happened a folk but me and the microwave went off at the same time. I want to say, I'm sorry. I didn't know I was through any food. Listen, listen, listen, listen. I apologize. This is the first time this has ever happened. I dreamed I was peeing, all right, that's why we both laying here with I'm just saying, this is the third time I was being in my dream. Yeah, when you're twelve, you can't have come on damn day. I'm sorry, but a little uh, this is first time that's ever happened. But I ain't ever been in a committed relationship. I didn't know the rule. I'm so she's putting her clothes on right, Okay, baby. Part is just the first time this has ever happened to me. And since we had worked out a payment and it was so quick on my part, I should get some of that money back. I shouldn't have to pay the full the full price, Okay, I say that. I'll tell you what listen. I really really am sorry. I know I asked for someone doing the commercial break. I don't know I'm gonna finish in the commercial. I'm so sorry. It's for you. Ain't even back. Ain't never happened before ever. Listen. She over here in the pool with her Bikinia because I'm trying to teach her how to swim. All right, I apologize. It's the first hand it's ever happened. Teach the girl how to swim, baby, baby, Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was your mama, dail. I I had no idea. All right, listen. Up next, it's the Nephew, the King of Pranks, with a prank phone call. Right after this you're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my Strawberry letter for today, the subject if you don't catch your mama, I will see that's where you roll your mama. I'm going to over there doing yeah right now, though, it is the nephews turn to give us the prank phone call for it today. What you got in the doctor's visit? The doctor's visit, let's go, kay, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Roger Belton, Please, he's not here a message. UM, my name is Mark ma'n. I'm calling from the clinic, doctor Robert good down. Hold on, I'm sorry, say that again. Okay, can you hear me? I can hear you now. I'm trying to reach Roger. He's not here. Okay. I'm calling from from the clinic, from doctor Robert's office and trying to get some information to him. Do you know when you actually begin No, actually I don't. Um, is everything okay? Uh? Well you know everything's fine. I mean nothing that I cannot be handled. But um, we we're trying to actually get some information to him so that he can actually come back him for the results. Okay, Well I don't. I don't know when I can He's supposed to be here now, I'm not sure when I can tell you're gonna be back. Okay. Well, I'm sorry I didn't ask you earlier. Man, Who am I actually speaking with? This is his girlfriend? Uh and your name is Jan Jan? Okay, so, uh, Jan, you don't you say you don't know? Yeah, you don't have an idea when he'll be back. No, it's trying to make me kind of get a little concerned though, No, no, no, wow, Okay, I'll tell you what. This is the number that he actually loved us to give him a call on his results, and we're not getting an answer. I don't have another number on hand. Do you have any specific time I can actually call back and maybe I'll get him again. I'm you're making my stomach is getting nervous right now? What is what is the problem? Well, actually you know what it is. Man is mister Rogers came in for h to take a few tests, and he took some tests and we actually have the result in and we'd actually really like for him to come back. I don't know anything about I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you, but I don't know anything about any tests. He hasn't told me anything about going to a clinic or anything like that. I see, So what kind of test are you talking about? Well, I mean, I'm not I'm really not at liberty to give you any kind of information unless you're actually on the paperwork. So I'm you know, it's not even something that I can discuss unless the patient has signed off that you are the next of ken or the person that can we can actually give information to you do you? I do, and I'm pretty certain I mean the way we operate in this household. I'm pretty certain that that I'm on the paperwork. So would you please we pull up roger stuff on computer here and I'll see what I give me one second, please sure, Okay, okay, let's see now, let me scroll down for next of ken. Okay, I got a Janis. That is me. I mean everybody called me jam but that's me Janie. Wow. Okay, tell me your name again. I'm sorry, what's your name again? Mark? Mark? Like I said, I'm the clerk here at doctor Robert's office. I guess I am at liberty to tell you what's going on. Please do mister Roger came in and took some STD test STD yes, and I guess at this point I should just maybe both of you guys would come in and wait a minute with everybody, and everybody wait a minute. Mind, no no, no, no, no no no, I need you to finish what you were just saying. Well, that's what I'm saying. Man. What has happened is he's been diagnosed with UM as well as you gotta be kidding me. You have got to be kidding me, okay, I'm not hearing this. Do you understand what that means? Do you understand that he lives in my household? Do you understand that that means that he has been dipping somewhere else? Because I have been not doing anything that would even come close to bringing something to him like that. So it's how apparent that this man has been outside of my household and doing when he has no business doing and bring it back in. Man, I'm not at liberty to make any accusations like that. I cannot say anything like that. All I can say is I'd like for both of you. You know, it'd be good for both of you guys to come in and because one tell you about this is something treatable, it is curable. I don't care about it being treatable or curable. What I care about is the fact that he apparently has been somewhere with some trick and brought something back home to my household. That's what I care about. I do understand that, mister Jannis, I do, but you have to understand my position and what I'm trying to do. I'm just trying to reaching out and well, listen, you happen to call my household. You just have to be on the end, on the other side of it. I am sorry you're getting most of it, but I tell you what what you need to do is you need to make him an appointment and I will meet him there. He will be wait wait, wait, wait, wait a minute, wait a minute. I'm sorry. You need to make him an appointment to come out to take a look at these results you're talking about and guests who will show up at the door before he gets there. Me, that's I think kid. Wouldn't better for you just missing to tell him what's going on. Since I'm you know, this is the plan you need to give him. You need to give him a call and give you a cell phone number. Yes, okay, I got it. Okay, you call him and set a twelve new an appointment to trust me when I tell you, when he walked through that door and see my face, he will know. Okay, okay, missus mischares. I'm not trying to create chaos to let mister Roger know that we need him to come actually into the building. Could give two about a call. All I know is you make that appointment. I will get there before he gets there, and his own I'm telling you that's how it's gonna roll. Do you understand me, miss missus, misses, I can't allow any chaos to be going on in the building. I cannot allow that. Let me know you're creative. Let me tell you something I don't care. I could care less about what you feel about it and what you can and can't. All I'm telling you is you call what I call looking for mister Rogers, you called his stud to be white. Correction correction stud to not be white. Okay, I got one more thing I do need to tell you, though, mister you know what I can't deal with another thing. I swear to God, don't tell me anything out, but I do have a wiper. Make your appointment. That's all I care about. You. Make your appointment, make your point. But I need you to ask for somebody when you come to the clinic. I need you to ask for one person and then they will take care of you. Who who I need to ask for us? Okay, you need to ask for nephew. Tell me from the Steve Harby Morning Show, because that's who I am. You just got branked by your husband, Roger. You know what me? Tell me? Let me tell me. I listened to you everyone know. Oh my goodness, I am so embarrassed. And wait till I see right all right? Oh my gosh, I am, I am. Oh, I'm done. I can't believe you me. I got. I got one more thing I got asked. Okay, what is the baddest that? I mean, the baddest radio show in the land, the one I wake up to every morning, the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Come on, uh, come on, come on, get a practice. Did you do that? Oh? I felt her pain? What isis? Women? Be funny? Disease though wouldn't be really funny. Oh my god, good one man, Thank you man, thank you. I wove my heart about the prank. I guess that's why they call you the King of pranks. No, he's the king, damn, And I am rising to be the pranktice. I ain't rising to be the king of grits. You hit me, just good grits. G R I t Z. I'm getting so much, so many people hitting me back. Let me know how they like the grits. And I'm just letting y'all know, y'all gotta tryump just good grits. I even got chefs hitting me up. I'm sending them out. Oh my god. I promise you y'all just just go buy. Let me know what you think. Shoot your boy email and you know we're gonna we're gonna rise these grits to the top. I promise you you do not have a flavor like I got. Just Good Grits g R I T with a Z on the end, Just Good Grits dot com. It's I'm gonna go buy song. I go buy the first pack though I worked with. Okay, thank you, nephew. Up next, about four minutes after, it's today's Strawberry Letters. Subject if if, if you don't get your mama, I will. It's coming up right after this. You're listening to show all right time now, guys for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, on sex, on work, on parenting, and more, please submit your letter to the Steve Harvey FM dot com crew and click submit Strawberry Letter and we'll take care of you. Will read your letter live. It could be your letter live on the air like we're reading this one right right, answer, right right right, So it buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the strawberry let us subjects. If you don't get yo Mama. That's what it says in the title. If you don't get yo Mama, I will Dear Steveson, Dear Stephen Shirley. I have found the man of my dreams and we've been together for five years. We have one child together, and I'm pregnant with our second child. Our relationship is great, but my boyfriend's mother is a huge problem, and I'm fed up with her inserting herself into every aspect of our lives. She comments and how we parent, our finances, my decorating style, how I cook, and my housekeeping skills. Recently, our child was sick and she caused a big scene in the hospital, saying that it was my fault for not taking better care of her grandchild. My child is young, and she constantly critiques him, which makes him not like her very much. Last week, she told me that she hopes the new baby is not a brat like my toddler. My boyfriend seems to overlook her insults when she goes in on him, but it's hard for me to hear her telling him that he's a sorry excuse for a man. I have told her that her behavior is unacceptable, and she said that she's just having us much needed advice and constructive criticism because we're young and don't know anything. Stephen Shirley. We are in our early thirties and we can take care of ourselves. I'm starting to think that she might be right about my boyfriend being sorry because he won't talk to her about her foul mouth and bad attitude. I have told him that she is no longer welcome in our home and that I do not want her to have a relationship with our new baby. I don't need this stress during the last trimester of my pregnancy. How can I get this man to step up and get his mom in check? Please advise? All right, first of all, let me tell you this. Not welcoming her in your home and not wanting her to have a relationship with the new baby, that's kind of hearts. Okay, Now, is your boyfriend and mama's boy. I have to say yes to that. I have to say also that you're right. Your man should be checking his mom in a respectful way. She is too messy, she is too involved in your relationship. She's too petty. She does need to get her some business. I'm in agreement with all of that, But unless he says something to her, she's not gonna She's not gonna pull up. You've already said something. But you're right, you don't need this kind of stress in your last try trimester of your pregnancy. But but how dare she though? I mean, what's what's all this disrespect? Has this been going on for the entire five years? I can't believe you guys have allowed it to go on for so long. And I'm gonna ask you this. Do you think it has anything to do with the fact that you guys aren't married five years, two kids later, that's a lot. Maybe, you know, she might be messy and all of that, you know, with her ways and everything, but she might also be old school and she wants you to to stop having children and making you know, making babies and all this and go ahead and tie the knot. You know. Maybe that's where this is really coming from. Just something to think about there, Steve. The mama is out of love, yeah, and period. It sain't got nothing to do really with the boy or the girl. The mama is way out of line. Now. With that being said, whose job is it to check her the sun? But surely hid it. This a mama's boy now, and we got a little problem, but I got news for it. He doesn't even have to be a mama's boy, because it's not that he's over there all the time. It's that she interjects herself into y'all's every aspect of your life. And you just won't get him to say nothing. The dude that don't say nothing to his mama's really not because he's a mama's boy. This ain't nothing new to him. Let me get to the letter. She comments on how we're parent our finances, my decorating style, how I cook, my house cleaning, and then your child got sick and she calls a big scene at the hospital saying it was my fault for not taking better care of her grandchild. It's just half a crazy. That's how you get a person arrested. That's how you get child protective services, That's how you get children taken from people. She's got to be crazy. Once you start making these statements in the hospital, they starts checking real closer. Yeah, my child is young, and she constantly critiques him, which makes him not like her. Very much. See, this is an old battle acts right here, this health right here. She ain't happy with herself. So she ain't happy with you, the way your parents, the way you clean, the way you She ain't happy with the grandchild. She ain't happy with her son. This is an old, old battle ax. Last week she told me she hopes the new baby is not a brat like my toddler. Is she serious? What's wrong with her? Man? She's just a nasty person. My boyfriend seems to overlook her insults when she goes in on him, but it's hard for me to hear her telling him that he's a side excuse for a man she raised him. It's her son, You're side excuse for a man you raised. So you know, let's get some of these fingers pointing at you. I told her that her behavior is unacceptable, and she said that she's just giving us much needed advice and constructive criticism. Take the word constructive out. It's just criticism and it's not much needed. It's that you do it all the time because you funk it, because you ain't happy with yourself. She says, she's doing that because you're young and you don't know anything. Stephen Sherlett. We're in our early thirties and we can take care of ourselves. I'm starting. She thinks she might be right about my boyfriend being sorry. Okay, she's winning now or she gets you over the leaning that right there, she winning. Don't let her do it, you'll dode. Ain't sorry. He just won't talk to her about her fire mouth and bad attitude. You know why this ain't new to him. He grew up with her, her bad attitude and fire mouth. He grew up with it. He don't even hit no more. It's the norm for him. This is new to you. So what you're tripping on, he's made the adjustment to He don't even hear her. Wow, he been't cut her out? All right, Steve, hang on, we'll have part two of your response to today's Strubberry letter. If you don't get your mama, I will at twenty three after the hour, right after you're listening. All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strubberry letter. If you don't get your mama. Recap The old mama is an old battle axe. She's not happy. She better she evil. She don't like nothing. She debased this woman out in the hospital. Damn near got in trouble. Talk about you hoping the new baby ain't like just brought you to raise Wow? Wow she evil? Yeah, she don't like the way the lady cook clean dou house parents nothing evil was ugly. She say her son is a side excuse for a man, and that's who she read. Now I'm starting to think she might be right about my boyfriend being sorry. He's not. He's just used to her because he won't talk to her about her firemouth and bad attitude once again, because he used to her. He grew up with the firemouth and an attitude. That's just how his mama is. She didn't just get this way. I've told him that she is no longer welcome. I've told him that she's no longer welcome in our home and that I do not want her to have relationship with our knew baber. Okay, that's not cool. I got she ain't cool at all. But two wrongs ain't gonna make it right. You told your husband that his mama ain't welcome in our home no more. You got him in a bad spot. You got him in the horribles because it's crazy as wrong as she is. It's still his mama. He loved her. I don't need this stress during my last trimester of my pregnancy. How can I get my man to step off and get his mom in check? His mom has never been in a check. This ain't new, so I don't know. You know, he's got to sit his mom down and go, mom, this my family. I loved them. Yeah, and he's got to make the case in point to her so she can lighten up, or you're gonna lose, you know us, because I'm not gonna keep bringing my girl around for this here, for you to do this to her. And maybe she'll come around. I don't know, but I don't think she will because she old old hell, old battle lass. Oh, I'm talking about cranky with her anchor on a big old rusty anchors a mean she's a mean woman. Man. It's hard to deal with people that stak She did everything but call her ugly. She really did. She insult her everything, her cooking or cleaning, her decorating style, how they parent their finances, the brat right, call the baby a brat, her husband a boyfriend is a size useful of man. Yeah, and then she said they need it they need her advice because they're young and they don't know anything. Man. Yeah, and then she's pregnant with their second child. Who she's right, she doesn't need that kind of stress. No, she don't. Your main concern is the healthy your baby. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, he definitely needs to sit down and and talk to his mom. Maybe they can do it together, you know, look, let's try to get along as a family. Huh you mean together with the baby mom. Yeah, I mean they maybe the two of them can set the mom down and say, look, we we can't do this. Because if they permit present a united front to the mom, maybe she'll get it. And where where's the dad? Where's her husband? She doesn't have one in all this. He left when he was a boy, when the son and he got hit by a car. When no, I'm just saying he father might not be in his life at all. Nor is he trying to get back over there because he got to deal with her. Yeah, but they gotta do something because I you know, like I said, I think it's harsh if she doesn't want her in the new baby's life and not to come over there anymore. They have to work that she don't like the first baby. Yeah, yeah, she called him a brat, right, yeah, she's she's a mean, mean one mama right there, man, Oh yeah, but you're right, he probably tuned her out. Oh don't even yeah, no, no, But does she just walk up in their house and start talking or what? How does she get in there? They have to let her in, so probably the door. Yeah, they're gonna have to sit and sit her down and really really talk to her and tell her about herself in a respectful way. H good luck with Dada. But her question is how can she get her man to step up and get his mom in check? Maybe if they both do it together, because yeah, his his her son has tuned him out, tuned her out, like you say, step yeah, yeah, I mean completely tuned. It's such a bad case right here, because you know, just put an ultimatum down about mama can't come over the house no more, and I don't have a relationship with the child because her mother is so evil to her first baby. Yeah yeah. And then Shirley, there's something to play with them not being married, but it wouldn't matter to her. She's an evil woman regardless, right right. She might can be using the fact that they're not married, as the excuse, but she would be nasty to the girl if they were married. Yeah, all right, guys, we gotta get out of here. You can post your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey f M. And check out our Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Okay, our Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. You can hear today's letter coming up next more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Morning show all right time now for our Chief Love Officer, the CLO, the one and only Steve Harvey. Steve, you know you get to answer questions from our listening to Hey, Hey, hey, stay in your everybody right, I just stay in your pray, you stay in with your past, to stay all that day. You ain't in this? Hi? Yeah, Jay, you got to stop before you get stupak get out. I didn't say nothing, but I'm let me tell you what your team member said. If you're the chief, what am I? That's what he asked Steve, And he gave a list of title. I gave him a whole lot of stuff he was, but what he was? But Steve, these are from grown women. Okay, these are from good and grown women who need your advice. This one's from Sarah out of New Orleans. She says, Steve, I'm sixty one, I'm sexy with my Angela Davis Fro. I'm in love and I can't get enough of my man. I want him for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, morning, noon and night. He's sixty five and we have such great chemistry. There's one problem. He's been married for the past thirty years, but he says he wants to leave her from me. I hope he isn't just leading me on. Should I trust him? Excuse me, lady, have you not heard this before? I mean, you're sixty one. You've never heard of a married man saying he wants to leave her. Anybody who wants to leave somebody and it's really wanting to go, can leave. He's been married for thirty years. He ain't going nowhere. He's sixty five. Let me tell you why he can't leave. He can't mess up his pension, he can't mess up his medicare. Come on, he can't mess up his insurance. He took close to the tape to make an idiotic move like this. Now too close to the tape. He damned that out. He didn't live wig motor, he got left. Don't talk to him man this close to the damn tape and ask him to make thirty year old decisions. He's on the back nine of golf. He's on the back back nine. Lady, you got it. He has a wife. It's not you, Nope, you're the chick on the side. You know why it's so good because y'all ain't got no bills together. Y'all ain't got no medicaid together. Y'all ain't trying to make no house no together. Y'all ain't got no grandkids. Y'all ain't trying to prepare for retirement. That's why it's great. Go put that other stuff on it. You ain't gonna like his ass. He's down to the little bit of milk left in the cereal. That's where he is down to, y'all stupid medics. After the hour, we'll have more from the CLO right after this. You're listening to show, all right, So Steve, here's a question for you, since you're the CLO, the Chief Love Officer. All right, how long do you think it takes before couples, you know, have the talk about how to label their relationship. And I'm asking you that because a new study. This is according to a new study, uh it says that it takes on average six weeks to have what you know, what we are talk and to label the relationship. Well, you know when you have to talk about your relationship and putting labels on where are we going? Where you know? Isn't it what are we doing? You know? What are we doing? Should have it at is a restaurant? No? No, no, no no, I said, you know, like when when and what time in the relationship should we have it? I think ninety days? Okay, I think for a woman's sake, I think a woman has to get a determination, get some type of idea of where this is going. Okay, when she finds out out, just give it up because that's ninety days. Well, you know what you don't have to do as a guy a minium by don't mean give it up, do it, but go ahead, but you know, um, ninety days. You should have an idea what it's going. You've every right to know. And ask a man what it is his head? Okay. Another question, Steve, how should they bring it up? How should you broach that subject. No, damn text messages. That's for san you know. You know, if a woman is curious about what the relationship is, she got to bring it up. If a man wants it to find it, he needs to break it. But and how should they do that? That was my original? Hey, where we're going? Just right out with it? I said, where we're going? What is all this? What we're doing? In that tone? No, but that's the man, because that can't be the woman. Well, hello, wait, surely don't rush pass that. Wait baby, I'm just asking too, though, Steve, don't you think that. I don't know, for women sometimes they might feel it's kind of awkward or they don't know how to do that to just come right out with it and say, hey, where are we going with this musaship? What are we Yeah? That you just saying, come right on out with it? Well, I mean, you know, you could try to like round about out. So can I ask you a question? Yeah? My girlfriends are starting to ask me what type of relationship is this? What should I say? Okay, you know what should I be saying to people? And let him give you an ode? Yeah, that's what that's now, that's what I wanted to know. Yeah, how that's what I figured. But that's good, CLO, that's good. So wait like ninety days to even bring up the talk and kind of ease into it. You're saying, kind of ease into it, right, ninety days, ladies, you have every right to be able to say, okay, so what do we have? Especially if ninety days you start passing out that cookie. There's no reason for you to pass out the cookie and not understand what it is. Okay, you know, if we're if we're in a committed relationship, you should know that. I want to know that before I passed out to cookie. Yeah, right? Is this a monogamous relationship? Are we committed? Exclusive? Are we exclusive? What is it? I need to know? Okay? You know that makes sense, don't Oh? Yes, yes, yes? And then you say when you want to bring the subject up, you kind of ease into it, you know, just slide it to him, you know what I mean? Hey, look, no, we've been dating for a while and my girlfriends and co workers are starting to ask me what is this we have? So I mean, how would you like for me to address you or describe you what I'm talking to other people? You know, kind of put it on them a little bit. Yeah, and what and what should the woman say if the man asked her? Or will a man ask her that question? Oh? Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course I don't do they want to know? And what should the woman say? You know, the truth? I mean, you know, a guy could say, hey, baby, look we've been at this for a little while. Are we exclusive or no? And then if it's exclusive, you gotta tell him yes. And if it's not thing, you just got to say, hey, no, it's not really, do I'm seeing some other people? Okay, all right, right, just exactly, Thank you, Celo. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening every morning show. Wait a minute, the phone's right now. It's a deal. Hello, Hello, Hello, it's me. I know who it is. I'm aware I was wandering the old these years we would like and then we already went over over. We already went over this everything. We went over everything. They say the Times. Boy, but I ain't done much here. Okay, well, you know it's time to move on. Hello, Hello, I'm here. Can you hear, Yes, I can hear. I'm talking on the phone. I'm in Californe. Your dream about who are you? Okay, Well, that's over. We're moving over, younger, we moved on and free. It's time to move on. Let it go. I mean, I've forgotten how it felt before the world. Fellow, it's such a deal, you know, we move on. It's just I forgot. Can you just let it go? I mean Jesus, okay, hello, Hello, you don't have to scream. I'm right here. Yeah, you called more than a thousands. I should report your mind. Yeah, I'm just okay, it's good. I'm hold with it. Yes, let it go? What now? How I'm fine? I mean what it's solf? Didn't let it go? Adell please you're listening, show all right. A lot of people are losing sleep because of work, Guys and you. Study by account Tips finds that professionals are losing sleep overwork. As for why, fifty percent say they've been overwhelmed with work, the volume of work they have, the hours that they have to put in. Some of the other reasons for work related sleep loss include strange coworker relationships, wow, worried that they may lose their job. That's a lot of stress. Yeah, Oh, this is a good one. My boss is a nightmare. Have you checked all three bucks at Jake strange coworker okay, strange coworker relationships. Worried I may lose my job and my boss is a nightmare. Okay, So I gotta ask you, Steve. You have a lot of jobs. You have more than anyone I know. Do your jobs keep you up at night? Or you know? Is it if they do? Is it constant or just ocase? Exhaustion from my jobs just when I run up into stupidity. That's the only thing I get exhausted for. I don't I you know, I've really found out over the years. I don't really care for stupid people. I really don't. I can't even I can't even play at all. Like if you're stupid, I look at you like you're stupid the whole time you talk. I don't know what we're supposed to do with that information. It's just important information that you know about me and my job. My job. I love my job. Look, I tell jokes for a living and play music. All of my jobs to have an element of meat, using my god giving talent. So I love my work. It's the things that surround my work like when you stupid? I just can't stand that. Man. Is that no Jay? Good? Jay? Ignor different from stupid? And when you're doing stuff that ain't attached to nothing and just has no rhyme or reason? What you steady doing? Oh? Anyone in particular in mind er, just anyone at the job. I know I didn't think he was gonna say you honestly, um, okay, why would I say? It's uncomfortable? Right now? Yes? Why are you uncomfortable? You're not stupid? Oh? I know, I know. You just don't like the way that Tommy goes into the shell when you call him stupid. But let him go in there. When you go into the shell, he can't say no stupid. He's here working. What are you gonna do? He's working. I'm right hello, everyone, I'm here. I'm right here. Yeah, yeah, okay, I'm right here. You stop doing it, stop talking over and around me. I'm right here, all right. Coming up the last break of the day, Steve will have some closing remarks for us. Don't go anywhere. We'll be back at forty nine minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, We've come to the end of the road for this week. This is our last break of the day on this Friday. Leave us with some closing remarks. Please, you know something, man, I'm not gonna take long to tell you this, but what's the old say that the grass is always greener on the other side. So when you hear that, what they're saying is almost like a warning to people be careful because it always appears that the grass is greener on the other side. And so many people spending their life standing at the fence looking at somebody else's grass and then acknowledging the fact that the grass is greener, it causes you to do nothing about your own yard. And then some people have the audacity, and you see it on the internet all the time that if they look over there and your grass is greener, they try to kill the grass or throw some weeds in it. But you know what I come away with, I don't worry about that because here's what I know. I'm too busy working on my own grass to notice if yours is greener. That's really the truth. I'm really so busy working on my own grass that I don't have time to notice if yours is greener. Because if it is greener. Let's suppose your grass is greener, why can't mind be just as green. I ain't saying we're gonna have the same yard. We're just talking about the color of the grass that's in your yard. You don't have to have the same size house I got. You ain't got to have the same size house it ain't got. You ain't got to have the same size house Oprah got. You ain't gonna have the same size yard they got. But if you take care of your business, you can have grass just as green as everybody else. If you just handle your business. The gold in life is to get your grass to be as green as it can. So when you go outside to pick your crops, it got some fruit to bath. And God will always supply your needs. So even though it may look like somebody got made more fruit and they orchard, let me tell you something if you can't. If you got an orchard full of apple tree, a thousand apple trees, and I got one apple tree in my yard, but you got a thousand apple trees in your yards. When it's time to eat, how many apples can you eat? Let's say you eat apple six apples that make you fool. My one tree got six apples on it, so we both fool. See at one point in time, you're gonna have to get content with where you are in your process of the journey. Stop looking at everybody grass, Stop looking at everybody orchard. They grass greener than mine, They got more apple trees than mine. Hey, man, eat apples off your tree. You might find out that you have enough. But if you could wear and counting mind, you're gonna mess around. Let worms get on yours. I'm too busy working on my own grass to even notice that your grass is greener. Change your commitment to everybody else, from everybody else's business. Change your commitment to your business. If you the time you spend worried about them, looking at them, talking about them, if you took that same amount of time and spending on yourself, you have any idea what you could accomplish. That's why haters man in so much trouble. Man, you don't even understand. Let people hate all they want. They tending to too many other people's business. Don't get into hate business. It serves nobody. And that's another thing. Somebody asked me how to I deal with my haters? I keep all my haters in my classroom. I just got them watching me because that's all they can do. They can't stop nothing God has for me. They can't take away one blessing God gives me. They can't do nothing to me. You can't bring no harm on me that I won't be able to survive. I'm not saying that it don't bother me sometime. I don't. I'm not saying that people don't attack me sometime. But when you get through attacking me, I'm a weather, you're storm. I'm Isaiah forty three one and two. I can walk through the rivers and not be overturned. The waters would not overtake me. I can walk through the fire and not be burned. Nor were kindling set upon my clothing. I wouldn't been through some fire situations and came out on the other side. And if there was no kindling, there was no signs that I was even in a fire. Now, understand something, but that scripture does not say that when you walk through the fire that it ain't gonna be ungodly. Hota. Now, it's been plenty hot for me on plenty days, many occasions. Oh, I'd have made some mistakes in front of the world. Before I didn't had to deal with some stuff. But when I got through, what no signs that I was ever in a fire. That's the God, I said. I have no concern about what people say they're gonna do to me. I have no concern about how green your grass is. On the other side, I have no concern about how many apple trees in your orchard. I'm too busy tending to my own grass to even notice that yours is greener. And if I do look over the congratulations on your beautiful green yard, I'm getting mine there too. That's all it is. Fix your attitude, change your attitude, you'll change your altitude. Those are my closing remarks. Sure drop the mic, I have a great weekend for for all Steve I contest No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.