North West, Flava Flav, Dherbs, Chief Love Officer and more.

Published Mar 4, 2020, 3:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! The only black left in the palace is here to help introduce the show. Let's get it! Kim and Kanye's daughter North West steals the show and apparently has some beef. Flava Flav and Public Enemy have parted ways after 37 years. Our Chief Love Officer Steve answers love and romance questions from The Steve Harvey Nation. We have our good friend A. D. Dolphin stop by to talk about the Dherbs Full Body Cleanse. Today in Closing Remarks, Uncle Steve talks about the most important component of success, plus so much more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all all suit on the don giving them move like the moking Bu bu things and the Cubs. Y'all me through good it. Steve has listening to movie together for Steve. Please Moby, I don't join by join me to be doing men. You gotta turn you gotta turn the turnoun got the turnout, then turn the water the water. Come come on your back. Uh huh. I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, If if I had time enough to tell the whole trip, the whole journey, and y'all would be sitting up in there going okay to Steve, are we gonna play the show this week? But man, it's been a lot of amazing things has happened to me over the years, and not all of them good. It's been some amazingly bad things that have happened too. But I just come on in the morning as a reminder to everybody of the actual goodness of God that you know, man, that these mistakes that you're making, that these setbacks that you keep having that these falls that keep occurring in your life, that they all are leading you somewhere. If you just don't ever give up. That's the key. You can never ever give up because you don't know how the trip has been laid out for you. You know, if somebody had told me years ago when I had the dream of being on TV and then I thought about being one of one of the best comedians I could be, you know, when I when I started, somebody had told me everything that was gonna have to happen in order for me to get there, I would have changed it. I would have I would have said, Okay, well I ain't gonna be that. How about this? See and no one can know all of the events of their life ahead of time. You know, it'd be so nice, wouldn't it. You know, to prepare for it, see it coming, be aware of the haters, always knowing when the backstabbing moment is coming in your life, always knowing when you're go get blindsided by the enemy. We are really great to know that, wouldn't it. Well, that's not how it works. So since no one knows exactly the challenges and the pitfalls and the detools that's going to be set them. It's it's it's imperative that you just don't give up because see, knowing these things, we as human beings by nature, would choose another route. But it ain't the route God God for you, though, See the route God God for you. If you if you're trying to do the right thing, if you're doing the best you can, if you ain't out here just intentionally just messing over, folks. If you use in faith and that's the belief in things that you cannot see, If you have something on the inside of you to keep saying there's got to be more to life than that, then that's that's you. You, my friend, have a great chance here. And if you've ever had that feeling then gave up on it, just get it back, just ask for it back, Just say, hey man, I'm getting back to the way I used to be because there's a change that's available in your life. But you gotta take it. You gotta take a shot at it. Folks. There's a chance for you to get it right, but you gotta take a shot at it. Folks. There's a chance for you to turn this whole thing around with God's help, but you gotta take a shot at it. You see, this decision is yours. The decision to lay down and give up, that's yours. It ain't. It just got too hard for me. Life too much, man, life hard and too much for everybody. What I gotta get you to See, my father used to always tell me, He says, son, best lessons in life to burn your value and learn the most is a bout lesson. I didn't quite understand that being young, but I showed God it Now ain't no lesson like a bout lesson. The one you pay for. Those are the ones that hold to you, that stick to you, that that that started turning you into who you're gonna be. Those are the character builders. See, you got to be forged to get to where you want to go in life. So that's what the challenges and missteps is for. That's what the failing is about. Now, I know you don't like it. I didn't. I know you're not comfortable with I wouldn't. I know you wish it was over sooner than later. I always do. I always wanted to be over sooner than later, because the later manager seems like it's so much I gotta go through. But let me tell you something, man, if you can, if you can forge your way through it and understand that you are forged in life. I don't know. I was on TBN one time when I was doing one of my motivational speeches, and I began to wonder about this experience I had. It Ford Motor Company and my last job after the auto industry started going down, my last job was in the fountry and my job was to stand at the end almost where the engines first come out of the furnace. See, the engines are poured into a mold's hot melted down metal whatever they call it, lava or whatever. They poured into a mole and it goes into this furnace that's extremely hot. And my job was after the heat was applied to the engine block, it would come through and it would go through a hardening stage. With the way it was hardening, they would cool it. Suddenly they would flush it with water. It was just blast water on it. But the fire and the high temperature is what made the engine block solidified. It's because it's gotta get real hot, get melted down first. Then it's got to get poured into a mole. Then it's gotta be pressure, hit with water and all of this, and then it can and it's real hot. Now it's still hot even though its water been shutter. But when it comes out the end of the side, there's a lot of flashing in it, and flashing is a metal from that din dripped through the cast molding on it, just like flecks of extra pieces of metal. My job was to hit this engine block in the front, which is huge, heavy rubber mallet, knock all the flashing off the front, and when it came around back to bam, hit it real hard again on the backside. And that became the core of what the car is. A car without a great engine is nothing. It's just a pretty looking vehicle over there. But if it can't do what it was made to do because the engine block then cracked. So you can have a car look real good, but if it freezes, an engine block crack your car, you can it's over man. You gotta get a new block. The block is the core. But in order for you for the car to do what it's got to do, gotta have a strong engine in it. In order for the engine to be strong, it's got to be forged and stell come through fire, get poured in a mole, cooled off, heated, knocked around, beat on the front end, beat on the back end, in order for it to be what it's gonna be. The moral of the story, folks, is you got to get forged in fire to be what you gonna be. You got to get beat up, you got to get pressure washed, you got to have heat on you, you you gotta get melted down, you gotta get poured into a mole. That's how you become who you are. So the tough things that you're going through, the difficult challenges and the setbacks. I know a brother who went to prison, man, And the whole reason he ended up going to prison because he was looking out the looting window, looking out in the yard at him working out. And then the next thing, you know, man, this brother decided that he was gonna go out there and work out. Well, guess what, he's one of the top trainers in country. Today. You're listening show, ladies, gentlemen, people of all racests, creeds, denominations and choices. Whoever you are, welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show today. I will be doing this show, earl. I will be welcoming people as the only black remaining at the palace in Buckingham. Since Marco has left, there has been an African American in the palace who is an illegitimate son of Charles the old Dude, and he's been back there in the palace and no one knows that, but he agreed to keep the news quiet. He will be here this morning, welcoming everybody to the show. Ladies and gentlemen from Buckingham Palace. Can I have the intro? David please from Buckingham Palace, please introducing the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Sir Earl of Aartingham. Hiy hiy hiy I am hell, I am el, Sir of Aartingham. Good morning for the Sieve Hardy Morning Show. Good morning, shallis straw there? Do you have a condition? Good morning her Black Duke of Earl. The Black Duke of Earl of Artingham is the entire title, Ladies and gentlemen, the young Squire Junior, my main what's going on? Earl? Good month? In the words of you negroes there everything is everything and now the palace jesture the king of fooleriss ignorance. Then I feel comic. Yes, yes, Hello, dude, Hello, jive, please, thank you morning everyone, we are here. Any question from me before we let go and bring Steve back? Oh, duke, well, how is the palace man? How is things going on over there? Palace is wonderful. I do say that I missed Megan terribly. I do. She was a wonderful guy, absolutely wonderful, very soulful. I missed that I'm being the only black steal now, of course were and I would chit chat the kitchen sometimes she'd come in for change. Oh, I just tell he's like, don't let these white folk run you off. And she got him anyway. But I'm here holding strong, the only African American, black British in the palace. Thank you all, and now I'll turn this over to Steven, and anytime y'all need me the rest of the morning, please do let me know. Thank you, thank you in the words of you all. Keep it real today, all right, Steve, and welcome back. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, We're gonna talk about the newest beef between two little bitty rappers. Wait till you hear about this. It's it's kind of a really cute beef and that's all. I'll tell you. We'll be back right after this. You're listening. Before we get to this next story, we have to send some heartfelt prayers and condolences out to the people of Nashville and the Nashville area. Nashville, Tennessee. Steve, it was hard hit by a tornado. Um, and we're just sending our love and our prayers out to our Nashville family. At one on one point one, the beat out there. We're praying for you. We love you. Yeah. Wow, you're in Kyrie. Bad tornado. Yeah, I got to check on my man. Yeah. Man, that's not good. Yeah, but our prayers and we'll keep you updated on this story. Um. You know as news comes in. Wow, Um, we're moving on now. We're going to change gears here. Um. Kanye West U is in Paris. You know how he got there. He may have parachuted in Paris Fashion Week to debut his Yeasy Season eight clothing line. You know, he's still doing his fashion thing. But it was his daughter, Little Northwest who stole the show. North is six years old. She appeared on the runway. She's started rapping Kanye being the proud dad as he that he is. You know, he watched from the sidelines, but everyone was not a fan of North's rap. The team behind Red Carpet Girls rappers Zaza, who is five years old, Yeah yeah, she's five. They yeah, They claimed that North's performance sounded a lot like Zaza's song What I Do. Zaza's team took to her ig to call out Northwest and the entire Kardashian West family for not giving Zaza credit. Now, after Kim Kardashian West caught wend of the backlash, she responded under Zaza's post to let her know that it was all in love and mentioned that she'd love for the girls to get together. So we just, you know, have to hope that this little rap beef is settled a minute, wait a minute, puts down. Yeah, but I mean, come on, her dad is Kanye, Now, come on, It's got in her blood. I mean, you know, for Kim to squash it like that, ain't had no kids, yeah, you know, yeah, so it's all I wouldn't even I wouldn't even worry about that. Kim is smart enough, you know, And so what if it sounds just like another song she's six and the other little girl is five? What they got. That's original. They six. Everything they're doing is something they saw. They ain't thought of nothing. I know. I remember when Kim posted on her ig North doing Oldtime road Uh last year when that song was so hot. So girl, I'm fin to release this new birth. Ain't nobody doing this? Okay, go ahead and try. Yeah, let's squash this immediately. Yeah. For them to even respond to that sound a lot like without giving her credit. It doesn't matter, it doesn't You're fine, your parents are rich, You're fine. It's okay, good. You ain't even having regular problems. You're not gonna have any. Now she's gonna have problems, but they're not gonna be regular. All these clothes in here, ain't got nowhere for this correct to go. Yeah, what what you're It's funny you should say that, Steve, because one of her problems. One of the problems that Kim had with Little Northy was one day a North had on this pink like snakeskin dress and she went in Kim's closet and got her pink snakeskin heels. Now she was fly, but Kim was like, under no circumstances are you wearing my heels? You're I think she was five at the time. Out she thought she was ready for school because North is a little fashion East. It was so cute. North was mad a little feelings were hurt. But yeah, we really enjoying this conversation. This is so good for us, you know, m y okay, you got something else you want to add? Loving this conversation. As Duke Earl about it, I don't know we're talking about sht Oh god, Junior, Oh my god, I've been request that. I love that, Joia, said Duke Earl of Arting. Having here again to comment on something that I know little to nothing about. I dast you say that the little West girl, the lovely little girl, was accused of stealing something by another child? Does that? Kan her? Rap? That that's correct? Well, she stouted, what are you gonna do about it? We're gonna whip her? Ask what are we talking about that? Let's do it. That's right. Start a childhood be that's how you want to raise your child? Kills another girl. You're messing with the Kardashians and the West. They have tremendous amounts of money. Oh my god, yes they do. You don't want Kanye angry with you? Do you, hey, duke, how would you like to live in Kanye West's house and be a duke there? I had never thought of that. Well, that Master Tommy, I might be still be a duke? Could he still be a damn? I would be with one of the sisters. Of course, any one of them take it. It doesn't matter that they're taken. Take me, hell, I want to be I want to be taken, just like the movie Taking three. I want to have my white father looking for me a very special set of skills. Yeah, get him out of here, dude, can go go key. I appreciate you breaking him out. And he tired. Now, yeah you don't kick kick yo yo carecters in and out, you got car. I just let him. He just gets tired, get tired, just drop off. Yeah, yeah, my character. Everybody knows me. Coming up next, the nephew in the building would run that prank back right after this. You're listening to show, all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne will be here with our national news and then entertainment news. Two people are out of work. That's a number one rapper, Flavor Flayve out of work. I didn't know he was walking. Okay, we'll talk about that is did Um and anchor you know him, Steve, you know him Steve and MSNBC's anchor Chris Matthews. He's out. We'll talk about it. Right now. It's time for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got for his nest? I got pecan tree? That's right. You can say pecana, pecan. How you want to do it? Pecan tree. Let's go cat. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach uh LC hey, let me let me Hey. My name is Marcus. Uh My mom and them little next dough to you, uh mister and missus, my mom and daddy little next dough to you. And I was calling because y'all got a pecan tree in y'all backyard. I mean right on the fence line, and it keeps, you know, pecan and stuff keep falling over to my mom and them yard. So I tally to see if y'all can do something man, where y'all can pick up I mean, my mama and them got a little older. You know, we've been picking them up for a long time. But I need somebody to, like, maybe you can cut the limbs back that's hanging over so that they won't you know, the pecans won't be falling over into my mom and them yard because you know, for them to be bending over like they're picking up them pacan and it's a lot of them. So, you know, mister, I just wanted to haul at you and see if you don't mind maybe cutting the limbs back, because even when we turned the lamo on and stuff, man, it just you know, the peconus and stuff be coming out of the lamo just shooting all over the place. Well, first of all, Mama con trills an old coon tree and all. It's fought well, and I can't see me cutting it. Well. I mean, I'm not saying you can't have no body to maintain your yard, but I mean you your mother. You can maintain your mother's yard. So I go by my mother's house, you know, every other day and check on them. But I don't have time to go on the back and pick up pecans and stuff, you know what I'm saying. I mean, if you just it don't seem no more than like maybe four or five limbs that's hanging over there. But them four or five limbs, I mean they they there's a lot of pecans falling off of that. So if you my pacans tree to shady, I go back there. There's no kind of nothing back the okay whatever, sir, I'm not cutting my tree for a little like that. Sir. Listen, what I'm what I'm trying to get you to do is I'm not I want you cutting your entire tree down. I just want you to cut a few limbs, sir, so you know those that way that those are the ones that are hanging over. It won't be you know, the pecans won't be falling over into my mom's and them yard. And and and you know, like I say, they're older now, man, they can't be bending over like that. So you know, I'm I'm just coming to you as a man right now and asking you when you please cut this down to these pecans can quit falling over my mom and them yard. I'm asking you. All you can do is hard from one someone I know your mother. Don't cut your yard. It's it's a guy that it's a guy that cuts the yard. But even when he cutting the yard, these pecans is flying out from underneath the yard. The law more they sooner, lady, we're gonna be breaking windows over that. What kind of long person you have that don't pick up before they cut? That's food? Why am I arguing with you about picking up stuff and all of this. I'm asking you to cut a funking let five limbs so these dog gonna pecans ain't a falling off my mama yard. You you want to cut you you're gonna make me come over here and cut the old I would come cut the whole damn tree down. You ain't gonna put my tree. I grew that tree from when I was a kids, and that tree gonna say that York long as I stay though. Sir, look, I didn't ask you like a man to cut your little funking pecan tree down. Now, I ain't in the hat. What you know? What? Guess what you you? You bad know you can't cut it. I look, sir, tonight today, Rother, this evening, it's either gonna be two things happening. Either you're gonna cut the five limbs that I won't cut, of gonna cut cut the whole damn or corn tree down. That's my tree in any game. Nobody's gonna with my tree. I'm here right now. I'm You're not hearing the yard right now, come on, is you over that right now? Right now? I will bring right on back. You know what you get my numb in the way, got your No, I got it because it's the same. Is one address left than my mama's. You're gonna cut this damn tree down. I'm waiting on them, but anyway, man, I ain't using my crea selling in the long top any wait. I've been waiting on them like you. You didn't lost your damn mind. You live, y'all, puck. I told you once, and I told you twice. I'm old you younger, don't do that. See that's what's right. Then. You know what you can do? Tell your mom to make up a corn what you say by my mama, Tell her to make corn pop and come for me. Tell my mama what break a corn pop with? You? Make a pecorn pie? I don't want no pecoran prob. We don't even eat pecan pie. We're so sick of he's damn becun. You got fallen over in the backyard. You got to do something about this. Man. Now, I'm trying to I'm trying not to hurt you. Oh man, I really am hurt me. Hurt me, come on, hurt me, prettit for me. I'm I'm on my I'm on my way. It's your side side. It is you outside. You know how? You know stay? You know what. I'm here. I'm here, I'm I'm I'm gonna be in your mama bay. Dude. You get out. You get out my mama driveway right now, get out my mama driveway. I want putting me out. I'm you get your you get your back in your driveway. You get out my mama drive way. Get out, you get out of my mama job way. Who I'm now tell you I'm here waiting on you. You get out of my mamma. Get out of my mama. Joy, baby, better go cook me some me because I'm gonna sit here. I got one more thing I need to say to you. When you listening, you don't gonna try to say I'm waiting at you at your mama house. This is Nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your brother. Man, I don't play this tuna. Man. I'm gonna put my man. I'm gonna. I'm gonna, but I don't play. I'm too old for this else, do me a favor. First of all, get out till people yard, go back to your yard. You gave me how blood pressure. Ain't nobody mad about your country none of that. Ain't nobody going to cut it down. Ain't nobody tripping you right? I got a little now, man, I've been carrying my grandkids school. Listen to y'all, y'all, y'all, y'all, boy, y'all man. I got one more question for you. Tell me what is the baddest radio station in the land. LC Ain't there you have, ladies and gentlemen. That's that running that frank back on trade the morning, keeping it stupid, asked promised. I'm gonna always try and keep it stupid. I will be stupid well, dude thing Alabama. That's right, that's this coming sad baby, tickets on sale. I'll be at the Civic Celler and Dothan, Alabama the foollest coming stupid from the come to dough good got nobody, Why are you better? Ask somebody everybody at the church out of the bob shop down and let's stop down at the house a lone. You're betta tell him the food come to town. Man, I gotta go see this food. This food coming down here, gonna have a dog on food. He leaves. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news and some national news and update with miss Anne Tripp right after this. You're listening to show well. Our prayers go out to those affected by the tornado in Nashville. Miss Anne will definitely update us shortly, but first in entertainment news. Legendary hip hop group Public Enemy split over the weekend after an argument between Chuck D and Flavor Flav. Flavor Flav has been the hype man for Public Enemy since the eighties. We all remember him well. Over the weekend, he got mad because Chuck D participated in a Bernie Sanders political rally and he had words with Chuck D over his support of Sanders. Then, shortly thereafter, Public Enemy issued a statement that said that Public Enemy and Public Enemy Radio will be moving forward without Flavor Flav. In other words, they fired Flavor Flay from the group. The statement went on to say we thank him for his years of service and wish him well. Chuck D later clarified that the group did not part ways with Flavor Flavor over his political views. He said the Flavor Flav had been suspended since twenty sixteen from missing a few performances, and that was the last straw. This was the last straw the Bernie Sanders incidents. Because Flav chooses to a party instead of working. That's always so you got to go my life, boy. Apollo Theater was the night that Public Enemy was to appear. I'm hosting the show, Franco. The band leader was Frank Ray True, who hadn't even got the gig yet. They had been in line since ten that morning because Public Enemy was coming. We got all the way down to the end. They started taking the band down the orders. Where's public to me? I had to go out and tell the Apollo Theater that they couldn't perform tonight. You know why Flavor Flav got his ass arrested. Yeah, Block, No, for real, Flavor Flav got They almost told that damn theater up that night. Yeah, all the time that he was supposed to be somewhere, Flavor miss too. Flavor, good dude, man, he just he just so. You need to look at your clock. I don't believe then, why do you have that clock? His damn clock and still at the clock. I had to gonna talk show a few years ago. Flavor war or fur a fur jaging suit with some black and white spectator Stacey Adams shoes on a brim and o'clock. Flavor was sitting on that stage. Swinton like his ass was a runaway. I think you think it was that fur jogging suit perhaps, boy, So that's said man, Yeah, yeah, um. Also out of a job now, Steve. You know him. He's the host of MSNBC's Hardball. Chris Matthews. Yeah, he retired from a show Hardball, after he was accused of inappropriate behavior. He made the announcement at the start of his show on Monday. He said, I'm retiring. This is the last Hardball at MSNBC. And obviously this isn't for the lack of interest in politics. As you can tell, I've loved every minute of my twenty years as host of Hardball. Matthews also apologized for making inappropriate comments about the appearance of women. Uh, saying compliments on a women's appearance. That's some men, including me might have once incorrectly thought were okay. We're never okay, not then and certainly not today. And for making such comments in the past. I'm sorry, and after that he quit. All right, let's move on to miss Anne. Ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Tripp, thank you very much, and good morning everybody. More than a third of the delegates needed to snag the Democratic presidential nomination rough for grabs yesterday because it was Super Tuesday. This was the first time that Michael Bloomberg was on the primary ballot, but after spending more than a half a billion dollars on advertising and organizing, his soule win was the territory of American Samoa. Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders won his own state, Vermont, as well as Colorado. He won the delegate rich state of California. However, Joe Biden was the winner in delegate rich Texas. He also won Oklahoma, Virginia, Alabama, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Minnesota, a state that Sanders had hoped to win. He also won Massachusetts, and black voters are very important to many of his wins, especially in the South. So far, the Associated Press has Biden with one hundred and seventy four delei gates the Sanders one hundred and twelve, twelve to Elizabeth Warren six to Mike Bloomberg. Tulsea gabber. She's in the race, believe it or not. Still, but of course those numbers Tulsea Gober has one, but of course those numbers are not firmed. Both Sanders and Biden are expressing confidence. I tell you, with absolute confidence, we're gonna win the Democratic nomination and mcnomics think about it. This campaign will send down Trump packing Bernie Sanders one in California, like I said, but Maine still hasn't been called yet. More states vote next week. Meanwhile, destructive stores are responsible for big problems in yesterday's Super Tuesday voting. In parts of Tennessee. The Democratic Party had to send voters to a high school, a community center, and a church because some original polling places were among the dozens of places damaged or destroyed by tornadoes in and out of Nashville Monday night. At last were at least twenty five people were killed in four Tennessee counties. Thirty eight people are still miss and schools and court buildings, even the airport had to be shut down. That's in Tennessee. While China reports some eighty thousand cases of coronavirus out of ninety one thousand worldwide. More than newer cases of COVID nineteen. That's coronavirus are popping up outside of China, with Europe in the Middle East seeing some of the worst outbreaks with cases in the thousands. Rat Mugul jay z As joining Rapper Yogatti and filing a second lawsuit against the Mississippi Department of Corrections targeting that state's notorious Parchment Prison, where at least nine inmates have died since January. The lawsuit filed on a half of more than one hundred and fifty inmates housed in that dangerous lock up. The suit ledger's inhumane commit conditions, food contaminated with rat feces, cockroaches, flooded cells, no lights, heat, no fan in the summertime, and no adequate medical care. Sad news. The founder of hair Club for Men, Si Spoiling, has died. Remember I'm not only the hair club president, but I'm also a client. Yew that ad really works. SI Spiling was seventy eight years old. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening, Well, guess what, Steve, we have more relationship questions for you from Steve Harvey FM. Uh. You know you're our Chief Love Officer CLO, so to help. Yes, all right? This is from Sherwanna in Dallas. She Wanna says, Steve, I've been dating a great guy for seven years and we've known each other for thirteen years. Things have been great, and I don't want I want to be with him forever. My question for you is kind of woman proposed to a man? No? No, But the question, your deeper question, is you want to be with him forever? You need to ask the question does he want to be with you forever? And what's in it for him to get married? If you all have been seeing each other for seven years, then what did she say they're doing for thirteen? They've known each other for thirteen, known each other thirteen being seeing each other seven? Did she say how old she was? No? She didn't. Maybe he don't want her, Maybe he just wants something from her at seven years. I think all she has to do is just sit down and say, hey, can we have ain't listening to me? I want to say something to you that I think you should hear. Hell, yeah, baby, what's that? I love you? You have told me that you love me, and we've been together for seven years, Can you tell me exactly what your plans are for me moving forward? You have it. That's a simple question. That ain't That ain't making him marry you. That ain't no ultimatum, And just let him tell you what he wants from you moving forward. You've already had seven years and if he says the same thing that you already got, then he has no other plans for you than what you already getting. But Steve, I'm going to assume that she's a young woman. So and a lot of young women believe it or not feel this way, that it's okay, no, we don't care, blah blah blah blah blah. So you need to laser in on why a woman should not propose to a man. Not that why you can't. But let me ask you a question. If you're leaving it up to a man to say whether he wants to get married or not, and he hasn't asked you, and you forced him to tell you the answer is no, that is a much slicker way to go about it, because if the man wanted to marry you, he'd ask you. You asking him ain't gonna make him jump. If a man don't want to jump, he's not jumping. You're not jumping because you asked him. You. You're gonna get some answers like, hey, you know, I'm trying to give myself together. Y'all thought about it with you. You're gonna hear stuff like, oh, I'm cool the way it is. I love you know why you didn't gonna hear this from right here? Why mess this up? We got a good thing. You want to mess this up? Oh me and got all types of wonderful stuff date make you second guess yourself. We have two more good ones that you have to answer. My Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, it's our Wellness Wednesday segment. We're going to talk about detoxifying your body and getting clean and lean for the spring. Right after this, you're listening to Dave Harpy Morning Show. We all know that healthier living is the goal for many of us, but we tend to make excuses and put off exercising and eating right well. Today we are giving you an easy way to lose your unwanted pounds so you can look and feel your best and be more energized. It's no secret it is the De Herbs Full Body Cleanse. We talk about it a lot on this show because we love it and it's the only cleans you'll hear me talking about. We've all done this cleans and like I said, we'd love it. Joining us now is our good friend and family member, the CEO of d Herbs, Mister A D. Dolphin, Ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, Hey, A D. I gotta tell you again we live for the Hey, we live for it. Nobody says it like you, But thank you for joining us again. We know the De Herbs gets thousands of great reviews online. If you go on there, you can look at the reviews from people that have literally you know, they've changed their lives with the Derbs Full body Cleans. Now, is there one story or one review in particular that stands out for you, A D Well. We just have one recently by a young lady by the Nameless Carrie. She works out profusely every single day, but she wasn't losing the weight, and I kind of knew what her problem was, and she wanted to know what the full body clans actually help her, and I told her, Yeah, I'll give it a try. So if she did the clans, she lost twenty nine pounds and she came to realize the same thing that I always risk that I know and Steve always talked about, you cannot outwork a bad diet. And when you do it clans and when you do the clans, you've got to change your diet. So she did that and she finally got the results that she's always been looking for and now she's headed to her weight that she's been dying to be. Love that nine pounds absolutely, and that was one period of time. What it was, within twenty days. She just did one clans with two hundred and thirty pounds. She went to two hundred and one pounds, and you know, it's changed your life. And like I said, Steve mentioned this all the time, and he's one hundred percent on the money. You can't out work a bad diet. Working out only represent twenty percent of weight loss. Actually changing your diet and making that changes represents the other eighty percent. That we should do it again. I think that we should do it again. Drive me, surely, Junior, you need to come on back, yeah, because I'm not. But Junior, if you notice this, junior. Your crisis when you did that had gone away for a long stretch. Man, You hadn't had a crisis long time, you know. I hadn't had one six years. Consequently you had did that thing, Timmy, would you do it? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I did it before I would do it. Okay, we gonna have to do it. Then we gotta find out a time when we can do it. I'm gonna get my wife involved because I don't want her cooking something that I might want. Okay, all right, on the house and make that suggestion to your wife. Yeah, it's not gonna go well for you, Timmy. We've been riding bikes out, we're doing stuff together. We're gonna do this, going there and tell her she need a clean see what happened. So that's a good thing. We can all hold each other accountable, get a get a cleansed partner. And and the final thing I wanted to talk to you about a D S d Or has been around for about fifteen years now. You've sold over four million formulas. Congratulations on that. So why do you think d herbs has has been so successful for so many years? You know what? The reason why that Derbs for a body cleansing been so successful is because it works. You're talking about results from weight law from ten to thirty pounds within twenty days, a huge boosty energy, stronger immune system, clearer skin. You'll be able to focus and concentrate a lot better. And that's the reason why we're so success. So we're one of the few products on the market that's out there that's delivering what it says is going to deliver, and that's why we're out there kicking back. Listen, you've heard it from the CEO of d Herbs ad Dolphin, and trust me, we've all done it. Go to d Herbs dot com right now and use my promo code radio for a discount when you check out. That's the letter d herbs dot com promo code Radio. Or you can simply pick up the phone and call eight six six four d Herbs. That eight six six the number four D Herbs a D. We love you and thank you for keeping us all healthy and accountable. We appreciate I. Next, it is a Nephew Frank phone call for today. Right after this, you're listening to Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject is my wife is way too relaxed. Now we also have the nephew standing by with today's prank phone call. But Steve, before we went to break um, we're talking about a question from Shawanna in Dallas. She wanted to know can a woman proposed to a man? She's been dating a guy for seven years, known him for thirteen, and she wanted to know, because she wants to be with this guy forever. Can she propose to a man? Well, I know that times have changed, right, and I know young women are taking a more assertive roles, and I'm absolutely fine with that. You can do it. But from uncle Steve, let me show you a slicker way to do it. See why would you embarrass yourself and get a note? Because you're not gonna like the know as soon as he tell you no, guess what you're gonna want to know? Why not? We've been together seven years, we've known each other thirteen. You're gonna go over the obvious facts. So why I embarrass yourself that way? Ask a man what he wants to do moving forward with this relationship? If he gives you anything itself. I want to marry you, and I'm getting you a ring, and you don't like the answer. Here's what your next statement should be. Well, in order to continue this relationship, I really want to be married. Don't say to him listen to what I'm exactly fining you. I'm not listen. In order for this relationship to continue, I want to be married, and if if it's not going to be you, then listen to this line. I want to be married, and if it's not going to be you, here is to catch line, Ladies. Then I want to take other options. Don't say don't say explore other options, because then that means that now you got to go find somebody in a dude, go you ain't got nobody. No, I want you to say this, then I want to take other options. Take other options means there's another guy at me. You heard what Junior said, right, yeah, yeah, I'll be down to Jears tonight getting ready to go buy the round. I'm telling me. I'm telling you, ladies, this is what you do? What what? What? What? What you mean? You're gonna take other options? I want to be married. I don't want to spend my life as someone's girlfriend. I've been with you seven years. We love each other, so you say, and I want to be married. I don't want to be anybody's girlfriend. So I want to be married. And if it's not going to be you, then I want to take other options. That means that says there's another option out there that I might be willing to take. So this is sugar honey, iced tea or get off the pot. Hello? Hello? All right, right time, Well, let's let's go and do this here when we're talking about relationships. Come on, let's slide on into relationship departure. Hello, relationship departure glove. Hey, Brian, Hey, baby, I was um I was calling to tell you baby. Look, I just I just can't do huh what? Oh? Hello Ran ban Hey, this is Greg. I know, I know you was just talking to Vow, but this is this is Greg talking to Brian. Yeah, this is Brian. Greg. I was just talking to my wife. Did you put it back on the phone. Uh No, I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna be able to do that. Why can't you do that? Man? Hey, let me explain something to you. Uh all right, there's some things, you know, long conversations about this. Oh, well, how you know my wife on the first name basis like that? Man? How you who are you? Like I said, man, my name is greg h all right, at the airport? Okay, well airport? Which the airport? Why is you at the airport with my wife? Sport? Hey? Let me hey, hey, all of this is complicated. Okay, it's really yeah it is. Yeah, make it simple for me. Okay, So what I want to explain to you? What? Let me explain to you mann. We've had a lot of long conversations about this. It's something that you when when was this? Why? Why are you about the airport with my wife's with me? And why is leaving with me? Okay? What we're leaving? And what do you mean leaving? Leaving me? Oh? Hell no, put it on the phone. And I don't even want to talk to you, man. Put her on the phone. Put her on the phone, man, and look, you need to put her on the phone right now, leaving. I don't believe that. Now. I want to hear her say that you want to talk to me? Oh here, you're staying. Hey, let me talk to my wife, man, because you you feed maybe baby? Yeah, yeah, yeah, what's up? What's this dude talking about to tell you this for a while, so you think everything, but it hasn't been okay, Why are you telling me this whole phone? What can't you just come home and tell me this? Why can't you just tell me this to my face? Hey? Hey, hey bro, come on man, why are you my wife? Hey? Hey, hey bro? I know this is painful. Man. Now you don't know, you don't know nothing, but I noticed, okay, the ladies, I just put my wife on the phone. If you if you got any ounce of a man, and you just put my wife's back on the phone. All right, bro? Let me, let me let me say, let me, can I say something to you man? Sitement it was less my wife on the phone, but you ain't got to tell me. I'm gonna put it on in the second. But let me say this to you man, say man and wrap it up like because I need to talk to my wife. I just want you to know this, Brian, this is let me. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Mare that show got me to prank phone call you what you hold on? So? So okay, if you point to me, what's up with the airport and stuff? In the back. Then when y'all at the airport, No, bro, your wife is here at the studio. Man, ain't not happening. Man, your wife hold on, I'm gonna let you talk about you all right. First of all, are you all right? Man? Oh man? It was about to be a murder sing man. Look at now, who's a big price? I got you? Finally you could have been a little bit more. You and y'allo your brother. You think y'all the only ones can prank. People say you and your brother be pranking all the time. Man, Man, this is life stuff though. Girl you are happy birthday baby? Oh you got a birthday coming up. Happy birthday, Brian. This yeah, man, looking great? Gifts great? Yeah, man, Let me tuck my wife. Man, I got ain't got no dude, your wife hold on, please? But what woman? You got me? All right? Don't don't you ain't gotta go this far? All right? Every time supposed to be funny. I did feel man kind of started tearing up. But I'm glad to know you fight for me like that fight. It was gonna be some fights. It wasna oh girl, just hey, bring your black don't even stop at red like like I feel bad. I didn't know he's gonna start crying like man, I feel a little bad about that part. Okay, Tom you should hey dog, I love this girl right here't do she even? Hey? Man? But if you any cowpoint that wan get tense right now? Yeah, they get ten Sound like I were leaving in fifteen minutes. Man, sound effects. That's what sound effect? Okays after that, no matter what's right, Steve? Yeah, yeah, probably this weekend. Ye come on, Tommy ten seconds, Dothan, Alabama. Come see me. Don't whoop my head, just come see me. Appreciate you. I'm next Strawberry letter. Thank you, fh you subject. My wife is way to relax. Now we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to morning show. Well, it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and just click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your own letter right here, live this one, right here on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, uh so let's let's go buck it up. Hold on tight, we got it for you. Here it is berry letta thank you nephew. This one says the subject, My wife is way too relaxed now, Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been married for twenty four years and my marriage started out great. My wife was beautiful and kept herself up, and that was what attracted me to her. We started a business together after we got married, and it was hugely successful, mostly because of my wife's sacrifices. She started putting the business in front of our family, and she neglected a lot of her responsibilities to me and her children. As the years went by. My wife also failed to be intimate with me and we went for almost a year without sex. I should say that she went a year without sex because I ended up getting my needs met by another woman, which resulted in me having an outside child. This shook my wife to the core and it was a wake up call for her. Temporarily, she vowed to be more present with me and make sex a priority. Well, now that she has changed her schedule and is paying more attention to me, she has really started to let herself go. She is home for most of the day now, and when I get home, she's still in her pajamas, which aren't very sexy, and she hasn't done her hair or showered some days. She does not clean up often, and she rarely cooks. We will be watching TV and a sexy woman will come on the screen and she will look over at me to see my reaction, and sometimes she comments, there's your type of girl or a woman right there. I don't know what's going on with her, but she's way to relax and I feel like I'm married to one of my buddies. I want my sexy, ambitious wife back, but I do feel a certain amount of guilt for turning her into someone different. How can I fix my marriage and get my wife back to normal? Help me? Well, I'm glad you said that that you feel a certain amount of guilt, because you should feel a certain an amount of guilt. And mister selfish, because you just talk about, you know, the things your wife doesn't do for you in this letter, I don't see anywhere in here where you you know, feel what your wife has gone through the the you mentioned the word sacrifice, but what she has put into building your business and making it successful, you said it was hugely because of her. I mean, you know it's you wrote the letter from how it makes you feel. And that's just a selfish way to look at this. And yes, take a lot of responsibility and guilt for changing your wife in this situation you had an outside child. I mean, come on, really, I mean to me, your wife needs to get back to work. She was in her element when she was building the business and making those kind of sacrifices. She had purpose, she had a reason to live. She was thriving. You know, she was being herself. She was doing what she loved. I think the issue here is besides you, is your wife didn't have a balance. You know, a lot of there are a lot of working women who keep it together and do all those things you know, and and still have sex with their husbands. But your wife seems like an all or nothing person. She put all she had into the business, building the business, and then you know when she came home, she didn't have a lot to give I suppose, So you know, those were two extremes. So her sweet spot needs to be, you know, finding that balance where she can work and do her thing, because she's got to work, because that gives her life, that gives her energy. She she loves doing that. That's where she can be who she is and and then you know, trying to make your marriage work. But it's not a problem just for your wife. You have a lot, a lot, lot to do with this situation. It doesn't even seem like you were really helping her in the bid business that much. You know, you said it was mostly because of her. I keep saying that because of her sacrifices. What did you do? What did you sacrifice? You know? Can you cook? Can you clean? Can you hire somebody to do these things? I mean it sounds like your wife was doing everything and you're just sitting back being critical of what she's not doing for you. So, you know, if you want this marriage to work, I think you're gonna have to make some sacrifices, now, you know that's what I think. You need to make some sacrifices and let your wife know how much you appreciate her and the things that she did for the business and for this marriage. I mean, she's only one person. She can't do it all. Steve, you're a problem upset with this guy. You know, you've been married twenty four years. No marriage is the same after twenty four years. Same thing it took to get your babyhooked, he's gonna take the same thing to keep her. Somebody stopped doing something, and I think it was both of y'all. My wife was built, utiful and kept herself up, and that's what attracted me. We started a business together after we got married, and it was hugely successful, mostly because of my wife's sacrifices. Did you hear what you just typed? You all started a business together and it was hugely successful, And you said mostly because of my wife's sacrifices, meaning she gave up and put in the most to make the business work. She started putting the business in front of our family, and she elected a lot of her responsibility to me and our children over the years as it went by. Oh okay, so now now you building a case for writing a letter. You said, she sacrificed to hugely build a business, which means she did more than you. And then you say, she started putting the business in front of your family, and the elected a lot of her responsibility to me and our children. Now you want the business built, You want the money. That sounds like some a man was say to a woman. Now you want me to build his business bringing his money home? Feed you had he gross you up in here? You want me sitting around the house watching TV. Which all but you got the script flipped on you. When I come back, I'm gonna tell you what else it's wrong. All right, Steve, thank you. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour, subject my wife is way to relax. Now we'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. Subject my wife is way to relax Now, well she's relaxed hers. You and your wife been married twenty four years. Ain't nothing the same after twenty four years. My wife was beautiful and kept herself up, and this was attracted me to her. Now, let me make a statement, sir, I promise you you don't look like you did twenty four years ago. I give you my word on that. I promise you you don't look just like you did twenty four years ago. We started the business together, we got married. It was hugely successful, mostly because of my wife's sacrifices. Okay, so you admitted that your wife gave up the most and did the most. It was her success, her sacrifices that made the business huge. She started putting it. Now hear why you started building the case for writing a letter, say, I know when me and making turn. She started putting the business in front of our family, and she elected a lot of her responsibilities to me and our children as the years went back. Really, dog, now you want the business, you want the successful life, or you want her at the home, cooking and taking kids to soccer, practicing, and and and and banging you to you, to you, to you, just sitting over there like a dishrag well, pardner. My wife also failed to be intimate with me, and we went for almost a year without sex. Hold up, dog, if you go, don't go a year without having sexually there at your wife. That ain't just your wife fault. Dog, that ain't your wife's fault. I can promise you man that UDN did something. Man, UDN did something. Dog, not to move the sex and needle in your house. You've been sitting around powding. But you say for about a year and then you said hold on because this high I know that it got tricky. I should say that she went a year without sex because I ended up getting my kneeds met by another woman. Okay, excuse so it was a year. It wasn't a year before you started having sex. It was earlier. Because you say me and my wife went a year without having sex, I should say she went a year because you've been started seeing this other chick. Dog, you did that before the year was up. But you didn't think Uncle Steve was gonna spot that in the letter because I ended up having my kneeds met by another woman, which resulted in me having an outside child. Oh you stupid, Oh you stupid, you out there. It ain't gonna raincoat on? Is you tripping? Man? Now? And now when you did had a sex after year, you don't put your wife's health at risk. Oh man, this ain't looking good. You shouldn't have wrote me though. This shook my wife to the car and it was a wake up call for her. What way? Hold up? Dog? What did you say? This shook my wife to the car. You crushed her and it was a wake up call for her, like nine nine nine, that's what you get? What dog? You're stupid man. You've been married twenty four years and this is what you didn't learn. You're stupid. Very uh in a wake up for hall call for her temporarily, she vowed to be more present with me and make sex a priority. Oh all this was causing her, y'all you're for real? Are you for real? Man? Well, now that she has changed her schedule and it's paying more intention to me, she has really started to let herself go. She is home most of the time of the day now, and when I get home, she's stealing her pajamas, which ain't very sexy. She ain't done her hair or shower. Some days, she does not clean up off, and she rarely cooks. We'll be watching TV. Hold hold of Dog. You crushed a woman. You crushed her, man, You took her spirit, You cheated on after she's sacrificing Bill Charles business. Then you made that sacrifice the reason she neglected you, the children and the family, and which made that the reason that you went out and got the other chick, which is the reason you had another baby. And then when she tried to steal hold the marriage together, she was crushed. So now she at the house where you won't her. But now you're talking about she don't shower someday she crushed man. She don't clean up off and then she rarely cooks. We'll be watching TV and a sexy woman walk cross the screen. She looked over me and see my reaction and sometimes comments that show type of woman right there. Yeah, you know why because she waiting on you to do it again. She waiting so now hold up, so now, so now this one I'm willing to bet. I'm willing to bet now that she at home and won't cook and clean. You haven't probably got another chick. Wow. Yeah, it's her fault because she got her the Jamazon. But you know why she got a jamazone and at the house all day because you crushed her. Dudes, kill me man, after we do something to a woman. Yeah, we don't understand her reaction. Now she's sitting up looking at time about that's probably your woman too, But she and I know it's I don't know what's going on with her. You don't know what's going on with her. Flushed her. You took her dreams from her. She built the business and sacrifice for her and her family and find out you don't want her to have another baby. So if you don't want me, when I'm getting sexy phone and y'all still ain't having set because you're screwing somebody else, Pardner. I don't know what's going on her, but she waged too relaxed, and I feel like I'm married to one of my buddies. I want my sexy, ambitious wife back. She probably want her sexy ambitious husband back. Remember you didn't sacrifice for the business. So now she got some low level, low ass ambition playboy sitting at her house. She probably won't the huffing back. She thought she had a man. You shouldn't have wrote me, dog, You really shouldn't a dog. We gotta go. Thank you, Steve. You can leave your comments on today's letter at Instagram, at Steve Harvey FM, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up in ten minutes. We'll have more relationship questions for you, our Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve? So um, you're our Chief Love Officer CLO. So you know, yes, yes, people email us and they want relationship questions from you. So earlier we heard from Showanna and Dallas who wanted to know is that okay for a woman to propose to a man. Now this one comes from Birmingham. But there's no name attached to this one. It's anonymous and you'll see why in a second. It says I'm a side chick and I know it, but I think I should get the same treatment as the wife. We have a two year old daughter together, so I'm not going anywhere. Why can I get the same benefits his wife gets? CLO, you're up cause you de side chick. Why do you, who have a child with this man and all the side chick not get the same benefits as his wife Cause you ain't the wife. You was the side chick and you steal leaves the side chick. Let me explain something, ladies about him that you're not going to all. Men don't give promotions. Oh once what you are? Men don't give promotions. You are what you are when we hire you. That there's no promotions when we hire you. If you are hired as the side chick, you're not fitting to be the wife. You are the side chick. That's it. And the reason he not gonna treat you the same is cause you ain't ever been the same. He bought you no house, he didn't got you pregnant, and you're y'all didn't had a baby. Why can't I get it? You ain't because you're not her. You're not her, You're not missus, you miss you the side chick. You went in as the number two. Men don't give promotions now, don't get me wrong. You can start off as a girlfriend, eventually become a fiance and the wife. But at one point you are the number one. See if he asked you to be his fiance, you number one. If he never asked you to be his fiance, evil, you could be one of the ones until we ask you to marry us you might not, or if you're dating, you can be the one. But just know this, if you're the side chick, you will die the side. Hello. All right, we have more questions for you, Steve, coming up at the time the hour. Well, we have more have more questions for our Chief Love Officer. Relationship questions coming up at the top of the hour right after this. You're listening, Steve. This is from Cynthia and Maryland. She addresses you as mister CLO, Chief Love Officer. W you are? She says, I am a mature single woman and I think you should do a single's cruise or your single listeners and fans. She says, we can mix and mingle at sea, and we can call the cruise the love boot. You would you consider this, Noah, because I got a couple of questions when you say I'm a single, mature woman and you want to mix and mingle and call it the love boat. Howl? Yes, don't nobody remember the love boat? Don't nobody remember the Julie? Listen to me. Old people on a cruise ship a fun. Here's a problem because you gotta stay out there a week. You can't get away from the ass. Now you can come to saying this soul. There's a lot of single people are saying this soul that way. If you see them that look them down there on the beach, go to other way on the cruise ship. You gotta walk that way, because that's why the buffet on the problem. You can't You can't escape nobody on a cruise ship. So no, I'm not gonna do a single with him me and then I'm married. How much fun that's gonna be for me? Y'all out there single in meanland, Me and Marge. You're sitting around taking pictures. Excuse me, Tommy did you really want to say that I can't get away on cruise. Sometimes you walk away from your wife for a minute too. You know, we came in the cab where everybody asking you at the time, it just didn't sound right because he talked about you can't get with me a wife, and we talked about to see. Yes, that's what I'm asking you. Do you really mean to say this stuff you and your wife allowed where people can hear you? Crazy? My wife knowing work, Shirley, stupid, he says. Stupid mans don't work. Yeah, Sully, that's that's what Junior is exactly right. Stupid mans don't work when they're supposed to keep after he mean and saying yes. But he just doesn't think before he says things as a married man though. That's what I'm does key words. He doesn't think, Yeah, yeah, Do you want me to think about what I'm gonna say before I say it? Right there? Well, I mean when it pertains to your marriage. Yes, no, no, no, Tommy, I think you should continue to just just as surprised as everybody else. You go, that's it, right, Then you're encouraging Yes, yes, keep surprising us, including yourself. Yes, yes, that logic, right, there is just what we need. So now we won't be doing a single crew for old people. You got any more courses of that shit? Okay? This one? This one is from June from Ohio. She didn't say where. She just wants to know how soon, Steve, should I introduce my new man to my four kids? First of all, how old are they? Secondly, well, now I think they ranged in ages. I think she said from ten to seventeen. Well, if you're gonna introduce your new man's who it is, it's a little bit late for this. I mean, obviously you've claimed them as your man. You need to hear them, introduce them to the kids so they can get a feel for each other. Because you are now what's called a package. You are a package deal. Now, after man really loves you, he comes, he knows that these children come with the package. There's nothing wrong with having kids. I'm gating a man. It's just a man has to understand the most real men get it comes with a package. Ain't know. Hey, hey, I don't want all them kids around us, these hawkeys. So immediately, all right, you've done it. Now he's your man. You want you make the claim you got to introduce Okay, all right, Chief Love Officer putting it down Today it today, Though we'll be back. We might have one more for you, Steve, coming up on the se Morning Show. More questions, more music, more everything in twenty minutes right after you're listening, Steve, We've been just sprinkling questions for you throughout the morning from our listeners who want to ask you relationship questions. As the CLO the Chief Love Officer, here's our last question of the day. Uh. This one comes from I think her name is uh Sharon, Yeah, I was from Chicago U and says, I know you've got lots of these letters, but I would really like your help. She says, I just want to find happiness with a man. I know a man can't make me happy, but sometimes I get lonely. I want to find my best friend who can love me as much as I love him. Can you please give me any advice or suggestions? And then she also asks his nephew Tommy single. No, you wouldn't know it from this show, but he's actually he's actually got some sense after dumba has stuff, he said, But yes, why you don't know that by now? Is even more amazing. Well, Sharon, here's a deal. You kindly said a contradictory statement. I want you to be careful of every word that comes out of your mouth, because where does it come out of your mouth for the things that you are attracting to yourself. So you said, I want to find happiness, and then she said I know a man can't make me happy. Yeah, she did say that. She says, I know a man can't make me happy, but sometimes I get lonely. You have to change what you say. When we come back, I'm gonna give you an example, and what a suggestion for you. Okay, we'll be back with more questions for the close. But on the radio is sad right after this. You're listening all right, Steve, you're on your last question. It's from Sharon out of Chicago. Uh, I got one from ray Nod. Ray Nod got a question man off. Oh Jessie. She says she wants to find happiness with the man, but she knows a man can't make her happy, but she gets lonely sometimes she wants a best friend who can love her as much as she loves him. And it is Nephew Tommy's single she threw that nephew, Tommy isn't a single stop looking for man. The Bible says, when a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing. Have you ever thought of asking God for the man and then asking God to share with you the things you need to do to attract the man you're looking for? A lot of times when you ask God for something, you haven't prepared yourself to receive it. So the thing that you're asking God for, you have to make sure that you're the person that would be able to receive the thing that you're asking him for. You can't ask this God for this wonderful man if you ain't a wonderful woman. So you got to ask God what are you doing wrong? And ask God to send you the man that's for you and to help prepare you to receive it. Go ahead, Ray now, okay, yeah, let me read this from Ray Reynard is married. He say his number two, then found out about a number three and now three and two is threatening to call number one and Raynard wants to figure out how to keep out the number and not lose Now one up, well, Raynard wants one, two and three. Yeah, Ray, now you're in the world of trouble because two and three is five and if they get together and call number one, man, you have a serious problem on your hands. Yard. So I would suggest to you, if you want to hold on to number one, let it just be a number one. That's my strong suggestion to you who keep losing it. Yeah, Raynard and Ka Tommy sound like yeah, oh boy? Okay, listen, I have a quick question for you as we go to break, and it will be our last break of day. By the way, which of these NBA players have never played in March Madness? Check this out? Is it a Michael Jordan's b u Stefan Curry or see Lebron James Lebron never played in March Madness? Lebron Lebron? Jay? Why you ask him? Question? Sir went straight on? I can ask him? Did you guys? You guys? Yeah, well you know why it's hard. Moses Malone ain't never played in one. Haven't got Thatt ain't played in one? Kevin Garnett ain't ever played in one? Don kill you guys know your sports? Okay? Who all right? Coming up our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. Here we are last break of the day. It's been a good day, um on this Wednesday. Yeah, hop day. We got through it, Yeah, got through it. Yeah. So see, if you want to impart some wisdom on us as we leave, well, I think I should talk about dreams because it's such a major component to your success. Dreams are such an important component to success. You can't underplay dreams. See, let me tell you something. Education is necessary for certain fields and professions. You want to be a doctor, a lawyer, a dentist, a pilot, a scientist, a teacher. Education is so necessary for many professions in this world. But there is nothing, and I repeat, there is nothing more important than your dreams. Your dreams have value. Your dreams wake you up in the morning. The dreams give you hope. You know, I'm not saying education doesn't do that. But education don't wake you up in the morning. It's what you dream and hope of becoming with the education that wakes you up. It is your dream that causes you to even get an education. If you want to fly a plane and that's your dream, your dream will cause you to do the things necessary to accomplish the dream. That's why I tell people educators in all, if we spent more time talking to our children in our school system about their dreams and visions, we could reduce the dropout rate. But what we're doing is we keep talking to kids about the education, and we're not talking about the kids for the reason for the education. You gotta get your education, because you got to finish school. Finish school for what we have got to take time out to talk about their dreams and visions. I tell parents all the time. If you're not talking to your kids about dreams every ninety days, that's a mistake. Man, that's a mistake because young people change more often than you think. But if you're not revamping your dreams every ninety days as an adult, you're making a mistake because guess what you change also now you know may not change as often as your children, because you become a little bit more subtle when you're older. But you've got to refurbish these dreams. You gotta dust them off. You gotta keep reminding yourself or what the purpose is, because the dream provides purpose. You wake up in the morning because of what you dream to be. You get excited when the lawn clock get our goals off because of what you dream to be. Man, don't let nobody fool you. Now, listen to me. I'm gonna say this again. Education is important and it's critical to certain things in life, but you can actually make it in this world without one. Now, do you need to have some basics under your belt? I strongly suggest you do. And I'm not saying at all that you don't need school, because you do. School offers you a way to become well rounded. That's the thing that school does for you a great deal. It not only educates you, it gives you social skills. It teaches you how to be well rounded. It teaches you now to adapt, It teaches you the tool of memorization. So I'm not knocking it at all. But what I am saying to you, if you are like me in any way and you just not a school person, what you gonna do? You can still be something. If you've blown your education opportunity in life, you can still be something. If you just don't feel like you can do school again, you can still be something. Because the scripture says a man without a dream or vision shall perish. I'm old the Bible inside out. I don't know if I didn't go to theology school anything, so I can't quote it like people can oftentimes. But I don't really don't recall ever going to Sunday School or any service I've ever been to and read a scripture about how necessary your education was. But I have seen repeatedly that a man without a dream or vision shall perish. See the reason you'll die without the dream of the vision, because without the dream of the vision, you'll give up hope. You've heard so many people saying, keep hope alive because it's necessary. The dream, the vision. What you see for yourself, your hope for tomorrow, that impossible thing that nobody else can see except you, that thing that floats around in your imagination, that keeps pushing you to make you think that's something out there other than this. For me, If you wake up in the morning and you keep saying yourself, man, that's got to be more to my life than this, that's because it is. That's because it is. Your visions and dreams are out there. And let me tell you something else. You got to make your dreams and visions so big, so big that it causes you to overcome all of your fears. See the fear of failures in number one cause of failure in this country, because people are afraid to fail. But you have to have dreams and visions so big that it just overcomes all of your fears. You've got to want something so big, so dynamic to happen in your life. Man, that you've got to make this happen, and the fear is secondary to all of it, and it will cause you to push through. You've got to dream of something so outstanding that in order for it to have to in order for it to happen, you absolutely have to have God's help. If you're dreaming of only stuff that you can accomplish yourself, I got news for you. You ain't dreaming big enough. Start dreaming big. Increase your dreams. They would change your life. It would change your perspective. It will cause your hope to grow. All right, those are my closing remarks. All right, Steve, All right, yes y'all have a good with hey, and can I say, have a great week here for all Steve. Every contests no purchase necessary, void were prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Day Harvey Morning Show.