We are here one day before November 6. Vote Vote Vote. That is the message for today. Isaiah 54:17. Dave Chappelle shows support for Ben Jealous. Obama rallied voters over the weekend. We have the ridiculous things that people who don't vote say. NFL picks are done with Pimpin' and his new catfish skin coat and it's funky. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog continues to talk about the importance of voting and more.
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back all, looking back to back down, giving them like the molking buck things in its tub. Y'all do me true good to the hardy guy. Want to move to other stood, Hobby, Why don't you join ya, hobby, joy into being mead. You got to turn yeah, yah, you gotta turn you to turn out, turns to love. You got to turn out to turn turn water. Wan go, comey, come on your thing, got it? Uh huh, I sure will. A good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, If if if I had time enough to tell the whole trip, the whole journey, and y'all would be sitting up in there going, okay, Steve, are we gonna play the show this week? But man, it's been a lot of amazing things has has happened to me over the years, um, and and not all of them good. It's been some amazingly bad things that have happened too. But I just come on in the morning as a reminder to everybody of of of the actual goodness of God that you know, man, that these mistakes that you're making, that these setbacks that you keep having, that these falls that keep occurring in your life, that they all are leading you somewhere. If just don't ever give up. That's the key. You can never ever give up because you don't know how the trip has been laid out for you. You know, if somebody had told me um years ago when I had the dream of being on TV and then I thought about being a one of one of the best comedians I could be. You know, when when I when I started, somebody had told me everything that was gonna have to happen in order for me to get there, I would have changed it. I would have I would have said, Okay, well I ain't gonna be that. How about this? See and and no one can know all of the events of their life ahead of time. You know, it would be so nice when you know to prepare for it, see it coming, be aware of the haters, always knowing when the backstabbing moment is coming in your life, always knowing when you're gonna get blindsided by the enemy. We're really great to know that, wouldn't it. Well, that's not how it works. So since no one knows exactly the challenges and the pitfalls and the detools that's gonna be set them. It's it's it's imperative that you just don't give up because see, knowing these things, we as human beings by nature, would choose another route. But it ain't the route God God for you, though. See the route God God for you. If you if you're trying to do the right thing, if you're doing the best you can, if you ain't out here just intentionally just messing over, folks, if you're using faith and that's the belief in things that you cannot see. If you have something on the inside of you to keep saying there's got to be more to life than that, then that's that's you. You, my friend, and have a great chance here. And if you've ever had that feeling and gave up on it, just get it back. Just asked for it back. Just say, hey, man, I'm getting back to the way I used to be. Because there's a change that's available in your life. But you gotta take it. You gotta take a shot at it. Folks. There's a chance for you to get it right, but you gotta take a shot at it. Folks. There's a chance for you to turn this whole thing around with God's help. But you gotta take a shot at it. You see, this decision is yours. The decision to lay down and give up, that's yours. It ain't it just got too hard for me. Life too much, man, life hard and too much for everybody. What I gotta get you to see is if you don't lay down and give into it, there's some great things in store for your life. Because all of the things, every lesson I've ever ever learned, the best lesson has been a bought essen. My father used to always tell me. He said, son, best lessons in life the born your value and learn the most is about lesson. I didn't quite understand that being young, but I showed God it now ain't no lesson like a bout lesson, the one you pay for. Those are the ones that hold to you, that stick to you, that that that start turning you into who you're gonna be. Those are the character builders. See, um, you got to be forged to get to where you want to go in life. So that's what the challenges and missteps is for. That's what the failing is about. Now. I know you don't like it. I didn't. I know you're not comfortable when I wouldn't. I know you wish it was over sooner than later. I always do. I always wanted to be over sooner than later because the later manager seems like it's so much I gotta go through. But let me tell you something, man, if you can, if you can Ford your way through it and understand that you are forged in life, I don't know. I was on TBN one time when I was doing one of my motivational speeches, and I began to wonder about this experience. I had a Ford Motor Company, and um, one of the things that I had came to the realization of was that that job at Ford mot Motor Company taught me a couple of valuable lessons. First of all, that I had to be at work on time, because I always was. I had a really really good work record. Man. I was a great employee because I because I didn't want to disappoint anybody. You know, I already saw the look on my parents face when I flunked out of college. I didn't I wanted my father to know that I was a hard worker. And so when I got the job at Ford, I wanted to prove to my father, my mother, you know, the the nay says, hey, man, I know how to stick to something. But my last job, after the auto industry started going down, my last job was in the fountry and my job was to stand at the end almost where the engines first come out of the furnace. See, the engines are poured into a mold. It's hot, melted down metal whatever they call it, lava or whatever. They poured into a mold and it goes into this furnace that's extremely hot. And my job was after the heat was applied to the engine block, it would come through and it would it would go through a hardening stage. But the way it was hardening, they would cool it. Suddenly they would flush it with water. It was just blast water on it. But the fire and the high temperature is what made the engine block solidified. It's because it's gotta get real hot, get melted down first. Then it's got to get poured into a mole. Then it's gotta be pressure hit with water and all of it, and then it and it's real hot. Now it's still hot even though this water been shadow But when it comes out the end of the side. There's a lot of flashing in it, and flashing is a metal from that to drip through the cast or molding on it, just like flecks of extra pieces of metal. My job was to hit this engine block in the front, which is huge, heavy rubber mallet, knock all the flashing off the front, and when it came around back to bam, hit it real hard again on the back side, and that became the core of what the car is. A car without a great engine is nothing. It's just a pretty looking vehicle over there. But if it can't do what it was made to do because the engine block then cracked. So you can have a car look real good, but if it freezes an engine block crack your car, you can it's it's over man. You gotta get a new block. The block is the core. But in order for you for the car to do it it's to do, it's gotta have a strong engine in it. In order for the engine to be strong, it's got to be forged and still come through fire, get poured in a mold, cooled off, heated, knocked around, beat on the front end, beat on the back end. In order for it to be what it's gonna be. The moral of the story, folks, is you got to get forged in fire to be what you're gonna be. You got to get beat up, you got to get pressure washed, you got to have heat on you. You gotta get melted down, you gotta get poured into a mold. That's how you become who you are. So the tough things that you're going through, the difficult challenges and the setbacks. I know a brother who went to prison, man, And and the whole reason he ended up going to prison because he was looking out the loop window, looking out in the yard at him working out. And then the next thing, you know, man, this brother decided that he was gonna go out there and work out. Well, guess what. He's one of the top trainers in country. Today. We are here this morning for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's about to begin. Charlotte Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Steve Colin for rel Good morning Steve, Hey, crew, Hey what up Julie j Anthony Brown. If you don't vote nothing but hate the dog down Monday, baby, Let's yeah. It is about one piece of business, folks. We we cannot say enough how important it is for you to get out there and vote. I don't care what you have to do to vote President Obama. I was listening to him over the weekend. He said this could be possibly one of the biggest elections of our lifetime, he said, including two thousand and eight when he ran. It's sort of crazy, folks, We've got to vote. I can't tell you how important it is, because we've got to send a message to the White House. You are not who we are, and that's a fact. Man. I'm sorry, but he is just not who I am as a person. He is not who we are as a country. I just happen to believe we're better than that. And we've got to get out those of us who are better than that, who don't believe like he believed, who won't say the things he will say, who won't be as divisive as him. We've got to get out and vote so we can have a better check and balanced system of what's going on. So this guy can't just take the House and the Senate and do what he want to do. Because I'm telling you, man, you're gonna find out very shortly, folks, if you don't already get it, how he really feel about us. Those are fact. He's close to saying it right, He's very saying right there. You know, you know he's already you know when you're coming, there goes my African American. Yeah, yeah, you know, African American should vote for me. What do you have to lose? What? Look, man, we we way past what we got to lose. Stage, We have nothing to lose. What do we gain. We're looking for gains at this point. Quit talking to us about losing. So we've got to get out and vote. Everybody, please, We've we've got to vote. Yeah, it's our civic duty. Steve, You're absolutely right, and I'm just I say I've been saying this all week. I'm so happy everyone on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We don't just walk the walk we talked. Yeah, we do it. We voted, voted, everybody's voted. Because I didn't want to get hung up. I'm taping because I tape on two. Yeah, it's a matter of fact. Me and my wife flew to Atlanta to vote. I had to fill out another form because they say, well, we sent your absent tea ballots out. Now that's sorry, I ain't got it. Check I'm here, we were your wife, Well, I guess that's a whole family fair. Your wife was just in here. But that's how you vote on your private jet to vote, that's what that's when you're doing it for when you got money, that's how you vote and you roll up to the poll in your your g what help Coming up in thirty two after, we're gonna we're gonna talk about what we did over the weekend and more un voting. Uh, coming up into after right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, guys, it's time for a little weekend review. Um, So, Steve, how was your weekend? Would do? I didn't let me see you were off right? Well, Friday, I start in my meeting at ten and I met took all my meetings at the same restaurant. So from ten to four thirty, I said, in the same restaurant, you had all three meals. I was waiting to meet you. Okay, a long line of people. So you had bunch and dinner. Yeah, I had two lunches. Okay, you know who are you meet me? Um? Well, I can't tell you all of who I'm met with, but well, no, not really. I mean, I know what they did. All my means is about getting it together. I meet constantly to try to get it together. So it was getting together meetings. Okay, get it together. You know people listening they think you already got it together. I don't know, oh absolutely, because you know, no matter how together you have it, things are going to change. Everything is going to change. You know. Uh for example, you know NBC came out and said, uh, they're gonna bring out Kelly Clarkson this year. Yeah, so okay, cool. Then if that's the statement you've made, then I have to think of something. And you know, I just make preparations when I hear stuff like that, whether it's true or not, don't make me no difference. You know, I just got office. We just got office. They're gonna take it from me that, you know. Seeing's like this, man, you gotta understand this. Can nobody take nothing from you that that didn't give to you? Okay, you gave us office? No, No, I didn't. I didn't give you an office. God gave you. And so you know, yeah, I'm you know what I'm saying when whenever people start talking about taking stuff from me that they don't even understand it's Isaiah seventeen all day with me. You conformed the weapon against me. But it's not gonna prosper that. That's on you, you know right. I just keep going man, and trust and trust and know that everything works for the good of those who love the Lord. I love him, I'm his child, and so whenever a door closes, he makes room to open up another one for me. That's right. You know, what are you do? You have Isaiah's nomb and me and junior if you the prophet from the Bible years ago. Somebody getting stupid up in here, That's what I like. Come on, Jake, we're just trying to find out. We're going with him right behind them. You got a number, okay? Can I okay? Okay, okay? Then cool? Then can I sense we're going deep? Can I tell you something? So here's the deal. There's a scripture in Corinthians second Corinthians that says something to the fact that now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ. So what I got. What that means to me is see, God promises to always lead us into victory, and that means no matter what you're facing, no matter what's going on in the world around you. No matter what anybody says, you should always be thinking God because victory is on the way. See. So every time somebody has told me they're gonna do something to me, I said, okay, now I must warn you that I'm protected now, So when you think you're doing what you're doing, I'm telling you he he got me, so go ahead. And then I just go on and and and and claim victory immediately. So I just started meeting with people, talking to people about ideas and other things. And I sat down today and here's here's another part I was thinking about. Because I was just thinking about when you're going through something, you're in the middle of something, and you really want to show faith. I claimed victory. So what I did today was I started writing down all of the stuff that was gonna happen to me in light of the stuff that they say it's gonna happen to me. So I went on and I said, uh, you know, I'm gonna have some jobs for some TV people. You know, that's some people who work on my TV. I'm gonna have some job for Uh. This move right here gonna allow me to fully refund my retirement fund. This move right here, I think all there gonna get a purchase of a new home. Okay, you know, I say it's gonna free up some more time for me and helped me increase my global business global. Uh. You know, I probably get have time not to work on this investment fund I was working on. Might as well going to get me another a new office space. You know, I'll start saying. I started looking into them opportunities owning housing projects that's available around the country. Now, might as well sit down, get my Walmart business straighten out, you know, time on your end. Yeah, praise God for all to come. And then the last two things I wrote was he didn't bring me this far to leave. Last thing I wrote was Isaiah fid folks something too. That's what I did today, all right? Now when you know what they're saying when I ain't here now macause I went on that whole rat ain't heard I name yet? You know what they say when when when one private jet land, you know another one is right? You know that's what your that's your takeaway. You didn't get that out of all that, you say I didn't hear my name? All right? Coming up next, it's Monday, so you know what that means. Reverend Motown, Deacon Jeff Jam in the building with church complaints right after this. Cos you're listening to Steve Show, Dave Chappelle is campaigning. Is well, he's on that voting tip to everyone is But right now it is Monday. It's time to have some fun with revnd Motown and Deacon death Jam. Today's church complaints. Gracious Most Octavian died richly, goover Tario what most High? Come on and say that? I said, goover Tarvio. Now you preaching now already in the Most High we gavel on this Monday all right to hell again? What in the world in Rome with this congregation? Deacon has complaints? And as if I call well that book, take it like a come past, to take it like it comes. Well. Here it is, as you know, tomorrow is voting past. And now we feel like a couple of the members of voting against our belief, especially Brother Oldis Riley and who else is that? I think, um, they say Brother Timothy, but and Andre Wilson voting what or they are voting Republican? And I think we need to handle him at the church at before we befotoposed open to make well they can vote Republican. They just one vote, as we need all these votes. And I'm just saying, I think you are to talk to the oldest Riley and Timothy Wilson. Well, I'll tell you what, because I'm not gonna do any such a thing. Why don't we look, I'm not caidding him down there. I'm gonna tell you that. Now. I will just go. Why don't we help brother Biggins and Brother Nathaniel. Oh ye, visions and alight. I thought you were gonna say no violence, and we're not in the same way. We're in the back. But anyway, it's still holy crap, I understand. But this is a meeting moving forward past. The kids are asking that you tell her sister Darline dever out that Halloween is over. He is still scanning them. What they don't realize, pastor is h that is not makeup? Are a costume? U don't know what to say to the cherry Well. Sister devil Roll plays several roles for us during oh throughout the Yield, so at Halloween she is the lead off at the Hunted House for thanks Giving, or she actually comes in as the turkey, and at Christmas she plays one of the camel's right right at the major scene. Natural. Yeah, so we don't bother with her at home. So Sister Devereux is a fine, fine woman here to the church that covers so many holidays. You don't want to put that hump on you. Just name a holiday, Sister Sherley, and I'll tell you what you do any holiday. Uh, fourth of July. Fourth of July, she is the explosion. Really, she walked here boom like that. Next holiday, New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve, she is the aftermouth of the New Year's Eve party when all the confedio on the ground, she just layd that with it and bleeding right in. And one more sister, she President's Day. President's Day. She comes in and looks just like Abraham with the beard and everything. Look, jet, we put a stove top calf on that woman. And it's such an experience having hustle blee leaves sister devil roller it in old holiday one. Come on, no goodness, let's move along here past it. Listen, we got an issue. Deacon um Jasper Daniels, who runs the Extreme Funeral Home, says, you are scheduled to preach the eulogy. Uh her brother Jacovid Codway out. Now, this is what you need to understand. This is an extreme funeral home path that they're gonna have him sitting up on the couch where the Xbox remote controlling his hand, and he'll be staring at the congregation. That's how they're bearing him. It's an extreme funeral home. So they have a whole scene right there at the church and he'll be that. So I want you to know they're gonna have him propped up. It's not a normal casket type of thing. Well, my sermon, I've already written it for the extreme funeral alright. The name of this sermony is and what is this boy's name, brother Jacoby Cordway, Jacoby card Will. If you live your life like Jacobe card Will did, you can press x x y Z and jump your head straight to head. There you go again, cause that was c You don't know, but don't get the joke. That's that control C x x Y. Now he'd jumped himself to here. He thought that was chromosome let whatever next pastor the Thanksgiving Pie office is vastly approaching us. Now the pumpkin pie versus the sweetpetator pie contest? Is this sad? Sister Kiana Hutchins and Sister uh Nathana Collins say, you always vote against the pumpkin pies, and they got an issue with ugenin this time around. Well, they could have an issue if they won't, But I have told them. They even tried to make it a racial issue last year because they had a white woman turned into punking pot and the black people turned their squeep tator pip, and they thought it was racial. But I just told them culturally, we don't really do sweet punkin pie, right right, So we didn't eat it. What it is sweeper tator pie just a better pie. You had a contest, are tasted, but the winner gonna be screepy tape better than pearl. Lead me past it. Just put this on you on your man. Sister roadin Ridgeway, won't hert dog Lucky baptized this coming Sunday? Go ahead. I'm tell you right now, Lucky won't get his ass in this water. Now you let a little luck At jumped down in this and we got drained this whole damn thing. I'll tell you what let Lucky jumping their water. Lucky won't be so lucky. All right, and that's a wrap. Listen, Uh, Entertainment news is coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. Dave Chappelle says his backing of Maryland gubernatorial candidate Ben Jealous is not a political Hollywood ploy because he's just doing what he thinks is right. Dave said he's known been his whole life and truly believes he's right for the job. He says, rather than tell people how to vote, he's simply making them aware of Ben's campaign. Yeah, I mean yeah, why are they saying it's a political ploy anyway? I think they're trying to say, celebrities, right, right, let's see what they need to do. Celebrities get one vote, Celebrities had a right to right. You can't say to a person just called a person is a celebrity, that you're gonna do something else you did you know? You know that they don't have the right to do this or do that. You can't say that they got Madda Taylor Swift Um I saw on Instagram today or yesterday. I think it was that she's supporting Um Andrew Gillum out of Florida for governor. You know, yeah, so I mean, you know, like you said, Carla, they have one vote, we all have one vote, and said that. She said she can do what she want to do. She can endure. She's a citizen of the United States. You've got people running campaigns that who are they? As a matter of fact, who is another? Okay, let me ask you this, who is the president? To tell me who to vote for? You are ready to president? So why are you in this? And he's campaigning all over the country, you know what I mean? And run the damn country right campaign since he got in there. Yeah, yeah, he likes doing that. That's what That's his favorite thing to do. It seems the campaign, you know what, he had the nerve to say. But he had the nerve to say that. Stacy Abrams, it's up against a Harvard graduate. She's not qualified to to run for office. I went, she ain't qualified. Excuse me? You was on a TV ship. You ain't. You ain't ever served a single person in no capacity an activist. You have been an alderman, councilman, nothing. You're not a lawyer? What man? Please exactly man. But he said that I went, whoam everybody black with qualifications ain't qualified when it comes to Trump because Obama right shut that down stuff he says was over qualifiedly about them all. But can I ask you another question. Here's what's disturbing if he talking about he wants to change the birthright Amendment, which means that if you were born in this country by and legal immigrants, that they can rescind your citizenship. Half of this country is out. But let me say this to you. His first wife did not become a citizen and to nine, so that means his children. That means his children would have to go can stay here? Yeah? Yeah, Donald Trump Junior Ivanka Yeah, all right, Steve, We're gonna move on here. Time for today's headlines. Ladies and gentlemen, MS and trip, thank you very much. Everybody. Here we go. Sad news though. We're starting out with Brent Taylor, the mayor of North Ogden, Utah, was killed over the weekend in Afghanistan. Mayor Taylor had temporarily stepped away from his job for his fourth deployment to the Middle East with the Utah Army National Guard. CNN reports that the may was killed by a member of the Afghan National Defense and Security Force. In other words, this was someone he was training and the person pulled a gun on him and killed him. That attack is dead. Brent Taylor, the mayor, leaves a wife and seven children. The white woman who who was caught on video harrassing two black women in the North Carolina apartment complex last month has turned herself into the police. Cops said they hadn't been able to locate fifty one year old Susan Westwood since he is and took place October nineteen. I got your girl, how are you? I'm hot, I'm beautiful, I'm one, I'm I live here and I pay rent. I pay almost So what's going on? Because your white friend here is your baby daddy here, nobody cares hot. I'm white and I'm hot. Well, the so called Susan south Park becomes the latest white woman to call the police on innocent black people who are only trying to get on with their lives. South Park Susan has since lost her job and is about to lose her apartment. President Trump is still on the stump for GOP candidates and tomorrow's midterm elections. Over the weekend, Trump was in Tennessee and then in Georgia. You want to see Georgia prosperity and quickly vote for the Democrat. She'll end in quickly. You will end it quickly, and she'll double up your taxes and a lot of bad things will happen. You know, the Republican Secretary State Brian Kemp, who actually gets to referee the vote bax Flight, the contest he's in, he gets to referee it. He faces the stiff challenge for governor from Democrats Stacy Abrams, who would be the first African American female to head the Georgia Statehouse, and the peach state's gubernatorial contest has drawn early voters to the polls in record and numbers. Now, a federal judge has made it possible for even more people to cast votes tomorrow, ruling that Georgia is going to have to relax the restrictions included in their so called Exact Max law, which flags voter registrations that have a minor discrepancies like missing hyphens or accent marks or middle initials. So now those people who are I can vote if they settled a problem by proving proof of identity. Okay, got that fellow appeals court has ruled at residents of Ohio who are purged from the voting roles for not casting bouts over a six year period must be allowed in this week's midterm elections. That's quoting to an appeals court in Cincinnati, with only one day to go before the midterm elections. By the way, a new poll seems to indicate that the millennials are not about to miss this one. According to a survoive survey by Harvard's Institute of Politics, the young people asked say they will definitely vote, twelve percent say they're not voting, six they're not sure who he's going to vote or not. By the way, Rihanna has found out that the Trump people have been using one of her songs. She said, uh, don't touch it. Tops to the weekend box office the film Bohebian wrapping. Here's up Stevie Harvey Nation find out a funkless TeV smarter than his nephew will be back twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show and more political news. Last night on sixty Minutes, sent Ted Cruz tried to rectify what then candidate Donald Trump said about his father and wife, and now he welcomed the president's support. Take a listen, listen. Sten was a hard fought campaign, and then there were hard blows thrown all around. Now I could have said, you know, I've got hurt feelings. I don't like the things he said on the campaign, so I'm going to take my marbles and go home. Frankly, I think that would have been a really selfish decision. Marvel's implies as his schoolyard stuff. But but you know what he said about your father. At the end of the day, it's not about me. It's not about being selfish and worrying about my hurt feelings and and and so listen, I don't apologize for not being self centered and pounding my foot and refusing to work with the president. I'm going to do my job for the people of Texas. Didn't that answers your question? Hanging out Trump's dangling hanging out the right? That is that a boot? He's he's a coward. He's a coward. What he said about his wife, He's a coward. I'm sorry his father. It has nothing to do with serving the people of Texas. What it had to do about him saving his career. Yeah, that's exactly right. He wants to win. He wants to win. What does your wife think of you? I'm telling you what would take that from all if you serving the people of Texas, just people of Texas with said saying about your wife and you know what one of the people in Texas is your wife. Yeah that's right. Well maybe she'll vote for better probably because she get a vote. Yeah, yeah, maybe that's what she'll do. W he tried to rectify it, Yeah, because man, it's just he's a coward. He is truly a coward. You cannot do that to my family. Man. And we cool, yeah, man, no, we're gonna say none about beautiful Ted beautiful. Yeah. Yeah, that's what the president's coming all right, all right, coming up at thirty four after the hour, President number forty four, Our beloved President Obama was busy all weekend campaigning. He was all over the place campaigning hard for these Democratic candidates because he wants to make a difference too. I think he lost his voice. He was going hard. Yeah, and uh yeah he did. He did lose his voice a little bit. Well, you know, two Showski we'll be back to talk about it right after this. You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. Alright, this past weekend was all about stumping and campaigning. Guys. Steve presid it at number forty four and number forty five. They were both campaigning this weekend. Former President Obama was on the road all weekend to rally voters in Georgia and Florida, and Indiana and Chicago. Meanwhile, Donald Trump has said that Andrew Gillum is not equipped to be governor of Florida and that Stacy Abrams is not qualified to be the governor of Georgia without invoking his name. Mr Obama has accused Mr Trump of lying and fearmongering and warned Democrats not to be distracted. President Obama talked about some things that should transcend party. Take a listen, and maybe I'm naive, but even in this period of hyperpartisanship and and tribal politics, I am hoping that there's some folks out there that maybe they don't agree with Democrats all the time on earthing, but but think, you know what, there's some things that transcend parting. It shouldn't be democratic a republican to say your words should mean something. It shouldn't be democratic a Republican to say we don't target certain groups of people based on what they look like or how they're president. It shouldn't be democratic a Republican to say it's wrong to spend all your time vilifying folks and calling them enemies of the people, and then when bad things happen, suddenly you're concerned with civility. Oh yeah, man, okay, because you know that's that's being presidential on so many levels, and does not understand how to be presidential. All he is is he exemplifies what I've always known about money, is that money doesn't change people. It merely allows you to be more of who you really are. Now this president not only has some money, but now he has a position, this ship also and so now, man, he's just doing anything he feels like doing. And he's so transparent. When he was talking about, oh, the momentum got lost this week because of a couple of attacks on the synagogue, and and and and and and and and the pipe bone. It hurts the momentum of what they were working on doing. Then he's tried to fix it, and he said nothing should should be allowed to address the momentum when you're talking about tragedies like this. But it did. Though it did, it stopped the momentum. I mean, man, how how this is? It's actually repulsive man, because you know what, and the reason we have to get to the polls and vote, it's because this is not who we are. It's still our country. Don't let nobody fool you. This is our country. This is ours just like it's anybody else's. And this guy is not he's not indict he's not representative of who we are as a people. I would never take a mother and child and separate them. But you know why they did this because they wanted to send a clear message to the ones coming behind us, We're gonna take your baby from you. We're gonna take your baby from if you don't think that's why they did that, and the separating and and these and these kids still ain't with their parents, and that's what they did that on purpose, that was done in intentionally. We're not that as a people. We don't think that everybody coming over here trying to seek a better life for themselves and seek asylum and and start over is coming to this country south of the border because of the color day skin. Today criminals, drug addicts, and terrorists. We don't really feel that way. I don't really feel like we should build a wall. I don't. I think we should have some type of system in place that works. I agree with that, but we were a wall. I don't see this. I don't this travel band. They get out of here. Yeah, alright, uh yeah, get to those poles tomorrow. All right. Up next, it is the nephew with the prank phone call. Right after this you're listening to. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it is my strawberry letter. For today's subject is my husband jealous of my mom. That's the subject. Right now it is the nephews turn he's here, Yeah, with today's prank phone called what you got now? You married Joe brother? Know what I got to get it out? You mad your brother? Huh yeah, you man? You broke back up to Michael little bit you married your brother? Run it. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach your common Hi, Carmen. My name is Keith. Keith. I'm calling you from insurance group. Hi. How are you good? You and your husband? Uh? What is it? Harvey. Harvey, Is that right? Yes? Okay, you guys actually put applications and actually went in and got your physicals done for Life Insurance, right, Yeah, yeah, that's correct. Okay. I actually I'm calling you from the insurance group. I have you alls, lab results and everything as far as your physicals and blood cuts and things of that nature. Is there any way I could possibly talk to both of you guys at the same time, you and Harvey. Is that possible? Um? Well, sure, he's at work right now, but I can get him on the side. Okay, it will be Uh it would be kind of easy if I kind of explained everything to both of you guys at the same time as that. If that's okay, Okay, some wrong, Uh No, nothing's wrong. I mean I think I need to just try to bring a few things that you guys attention. But I think you know, after that, it's pretty much you guys decision on what you do. But I just wanted to let you know a few things about you know, the results and things that that nature, Life Insurance, the whole nine yards. Okay, Okay, here, hold on, let me see you talking to him on the phone. Hey babe, Hey, sweetheart, Um, look, I got the insurance people on the line. They want to kin get both of us on the phone, uh, to talk to us about the insurance stuff. Hey, Harvey, are you doing this is keep keep from the insurance group? How are you? Hey? Good with that? Nikki? Good? Good? Listen. Um, I wanted to give you guys a call and kind of follow up. And you guys did physicals and blood tests and the whole nine yards, and I want to give you guys a call. It's kind of better if I talked to um both of you guys at the same time. So do you have a minute that we could actually use to kind of get some of this information out to you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna break right now. I'm good. Okay. Great. First of all, we've gotten all your your lab results back everything, and I kind of got a few questions for you guys that I'm a little puzzled on. How long have you guys actually been married. We've been again years okay, now, prior to being married three years. How long did you guys know each other before you got married? About five and a half five six years? Okay, you guys have been knowing each other pretty close to nine years now all together. Yeah, okay, are you actually from the same hometowns? You grew up in the same hometown Yeah, yeah, yeah, we grew up. I mean if I'm I'm sorry, is this question I mean, is this about the insurance or well, I mean there's a two things that's that's actually uh puzzling, Carmen that we need to this. This this is some news I actually didn't want to bring you, guys. I mean, we have to. I have to actually give you this news. Looking at our records, looking at all the test results, and let me be the first to tell you that we run these results over and over and over, trying to make sure we are completely a hundred and right. Okay, it's a problem with the test. Well, looking at our test, guys, Carvey Garment, it's indicating that you guys are related, and nine times out it's end you are you guys are siblings? Hold man, what and I understand the shot. It took me. It took everything I had to make this phone call. I did not want to make it. But looking at our records, and we went over these records over and over and and and the blood works tells us that you guys are actually siblings. Man, help you you know this is not that this is not a laughing matter, not a joking matter. You know, Like I said, I did not want to call with this information. What you did make the call? Man? Look, I don't know what. You need to go back and and and double check your records or something because you've been married three brief check with the laugh man, can you check with the laugh and like paul Us back and Harvey and I and I knew those questions would have come up, and we we went over it. We went over it and over and over it. Y'all need to go over again because Babe, I got this. You make the call and this gotta be wrong. So what you need to do is make another call and called the lab and call us back and let us know that you either thought they made a mistake of are you talking about me and my wife? And I understand it hard, Harry. Let me ask you this is it possible? You know? And this is just a question. Is it possible that your dad and maybe her mom maybe knew each other at some point? And what you're saying by my mom and dad that that that's so straight? Look at you need to have go back and do whatever you need to do. But I think you like you say something like that again, I tell you my back's gonna be coming down. That beat you. I'm saying it like that. Hold on, baby, baby, baby, baby, hold on baby, I got this. Hold on, I got a baby. I gotta baby. I gotta how you're gonna call me with you what you don't know? You from people? Dude like that? But that ain't I don't I'm doing, sirs, bringing you the result for I should bring me results in personally. I do that. I wanted you. That's what I'm talking about. Sorry, even if you beat the messenger at the end of the day, that's still your sister. At the end of the day, I'm gonna want you. Look, I don't care what you're talking about. Nothing. He ain't my damn brother got I'm gonna find out whatever jup you in. You're gonna call me something about brother. It's my wife. I'm calling that. Something done went on the line. Somebody made a mistake, and you guys, my brother and sister got married. I'm not at far for that. Let me tell you that, don't you make the mistake of college. He's in one of these numbers again and don't like. So I got one more result. I do need to get you what you've been talking about them else you got to say? Now that's gonna be. Was the only other touch resont I have, ma'am, is that this is nephew timt me from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend. I told you ain't like her. When I got one thing, I got to ask both of y'all, what is the baddest and I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Harvey more to ship though, yeah the fish fish and I would have never discussed walking. Now what about you and your sister? No, thank you, just ask it happened ac you had cousins, Wow you got they got married first cousin. Now it ain't first, But the fact they cooked, yeah, what are they full filth for it? I don't know. But the fact I'm bet to win and I see everybody I reckon every the space. I had to put it out there this weekend, y'all. I am in uh Tunica, Mrssippi Fits Tuna Casino and Hotel. Y'all. That's no been a ninth and tenth. That's this Friday and Saturday. Tickets on sale right now. The nephew was coming through the following week. I am headed through Richmond, Virginia, and those words are already there sold out. Yeah, that's No. Fifteen through the septake, you know, and I'm trying to stick my chest out of it as some most shows, So you know, I like to just sit on sol out for me. You know what I'm saying. I sit on me alright. And then Grand Rappers Michigan that's Black Fry. Yeah. Well, you know, you know that's how I do it now, just throwing it out there. I'm having it in Grand Rappers, throw it out there like that. Grand Rappers Michigan, November twenty three. That is Black Friday DeVos performance Hall. I am there in Grand Rappers first time ever. That's November twenty three. Tickets on sale red nah, and I will put them on sale. I just like to enjoy sol out, you know what I'm saying. Alright? Alright, thank you, nephew. You heard what your uncle said. Up next, this is Strawberry letters. Subject it's my husband jealous of my mom. We'll find out right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time for today's Strawberry Letter, and if you need advice on relationship, ships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, we are here for you. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. Tell them Mr Harvey please better submit him let us so we can read it live on the air, just like we're gonna do this one. Yeah, bugle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is a Strawberry letter. Thank you, neph you. Subject is my husband jealous of my mom. Here's Stephen Shirley. I've been married a little over a year, and the consistent issue my husband and I have is he thinks that I talked to my mom and hang out with her too much. My mom is my best friend and I am her only daughter. But I don't ever let our relationship trump the relationship with my husband. I hang out with my mom while my husband is at work, and I make sure that i'm home by the time he gets off, and I ensure that dinner is ready for him and the house is clean. However, he still has issues with me and my mom. He told me that my mom calls me more during the day than he does. If my phone even rings during our time in in um quotations, um, and it's my mom, my husband gets mad immediately. My husband says he's never been in a relationship with a woman that lived in the same city as her mom, so he's not used to having to compete for time. But the funny thing is that my mom and I were close like this before we got married, and my husband knew it. Recently, I have made changes and even told my mom not to call me as much, but it's still not enough. He never wants to go to her house, so I don't invite him to go with me. My mom never talks negatively about my husband, and we never really discuss our marriage. I have several friends who have lost their mothers and wish that they could have an opportunity again to spend time with their mom. I don't want to that to be me. I want to love, respect, and appreciate my husband. But should I have to be distant from my mom to keep him happy? Is this killing me? What should I do? Listen, just keep doing what you're doing. I think you're doing absolutely nothing wrong. You're being respectful to both your husband and your mom. Uh, you have even cut back time with your mom to appease your husband. I'm just gonna tell you that I think your husband's very immature. I think he's trying to control you and control this situation. You said your husband knew how close you and your mom were before your marriage, So what's wrong now? Uh? You know, yes, he's most certainly jealous. I think of your relationship with your mom. But but why is that? Why is it? I mean, he won't even get a chance to, you know, to go by your mom's house to maybe to get to know her. He might like her to, you know, and you could all have a good family time together. Your mom sounds like a sweet lady. You haven't said she's interfering in your marriage, and you said she doesn't speak negatively about your husband. You guys don't even discuss your marriage. So police tell him in a nice way, to grow up and that you're happy and blessed to still have a mom to hang out with and it takes nothing away from your marriage. Don't let him pull you away from your relationship with your mom just to keep the peace. That's not right. What he's trying to do Steve. First of all, uh, this it sounds a bit petty and a bit ridiculous. Uh. The first question I have I wish I knew in the letter is how old is he? But let's start with what he claims. The problem is, you hang out too much with your mama. You're her only daughter. You and your mom are best friends. You know. Look, women have that relationship with their mothers. I know several women who had that relationship with their mom. I also know several women who wish they could have that relationship with their mom. So, dog, you trip it. Here's what she says. She said that he told her that, Okay, first of all, you hang out with your mother doing today? When he come home, he got a meal, the house is clean. Damn dog? What you want? He said that she calls me more. He told me that my mom calls me more during the day than he does, and she should. Dog, ain't you at work? Done? Dog? Ain't you at work? What are you calling your wife that many times about? And what are y'all talking about? Now? Women have a lot more verbal relationship when they're in a relationship with their friends than we have with our friends. Admittedly, so I don't call, no do every day? Chop it up? Well, I'm don't. Hey, man, you here, now, I got no dude that I call every day. Women they it's her mother. They talk every day. It's okay, man, that her mama called her more than you do. Her mama might not be working. You're working partner. Then this girl had made some changes and told her mom not to call as much. But even that ain't enough. He don't ever want to go to her house. He jealous. You know what your husband hobby? Your husband needs a hobby. He needs something to do other than worrying about how much you and your damn mama talking dog. You ain't got nothing else to worry about. She's not talking to no no dude. She ain't spending time at work with her boss. She talking to her mama. And you got a problem with that dog. You need a hobby. Now, let me say something to you. Ma'am here tripping because you hang out with your mama. Didn't let me ask you, because who can you hang out? Who can you hang out with? If he got a problem with you and your mama, you bet not go get a friend. You you you're not gonna be able to have no girlfriends. So now that we understand that, let's get that out the way. Now when we come back, please, this is time for re enact Yes, yes, yes, all right, Steve, we're waiting for the re enactment when we come back. We're assuming that Jay it's gonna be the be the mom or the or the wife. Alright. So today's strawberry letter, the subject is, is my husband jealous of my mom? We'll have part two of Steve's response and re enactment when we come back at twenty three after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the stew All right, let me let's recap today's strawberry letters. Steve, the subject is, is my husband jealous of my mom? All right? And this woman can't talk to her mama because her husband say they talked too much. Now, she keeps a clean house, he's always got something to eat. But he said that her mama called they talked too damn much, and that distance got on his name. They don't need to be talking this damn much. And here he don't understand what this is for. So now his problem is you talk to your mama too damn much. She needs a quick calling here. Wow. Well, so all I think we need to do is we need to just go on and just see what's happening, because my names have been when when we got to just just you just get him there, all right? Can't I'm Tanya and you on you you can't be earl. That's too old, that sound. Hey, Dante, what's up? How are you doing? I just got a phone with my mama. Was talking to my mama. You got a phone who I don't but my mom talking to my mom's wish came in. You you've been talking to your mom again. But just about the third time, she calmed, she called earlier to day. I mean three times. My mama can't called the house really, seriously, three she didn't call here three damn times. Sometimes I ain't called here but twice, Dante. I mean no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no no no. I'm supposed to be mad. It's what I'm supposed to be doing. You are man, You married at work working. I'm telling my MoMA on the phone where you at work? I can't talking the phone. You just said you were talking on phone three times. This was the third time we talked today, and I hung up when you came in the house. Really, I can't that my mother? Oh you hung up when I come in, so you wouldn't be talking to my mama. So you're saying, Mama, I can't talk my mama phone. Really seriously, Oh, you and your mama must have been talking about me if you got a hangar come in? Really, I go, hey, hold on, I go that with it there day, don't I'm gonna talk to Let me leave this down. I don't talk to my damn mama. Okay, no, no, no, no, you talk to c called here. Y'all be in there laughing and go down. You even leading room with crand called the house. I don't crag my brother. This is my Mama's that different? I think a brother. I did mama talk my brother? See see what you see? See looking? She let me teach. So you p posted to be close to your brother. You ain't posed to be close to your mother. I'm having a hot flad. You teaching me that now, were teaching? Oh you never have flash? See see see now you know what you didn't did? You're about to have flashes that your mama have. Now you you you're so close. Now you didn't have hot flash. Yeah, let me just break it down. Give me three reasons why my mama can't call him. Okay, one reason she called here too damn much. Don't make sense what else she got? The second reason she can't call hell because she called Hill that take off time where we could be talking. Don't make sense what else she got? And then and then and then the third reason, Uh huh, I don't really care for your mother. Oh, let me just say this. I know it's gonna hurt your live feelings here come racist just because you don't like your mama. Don't mean I haven't locked my mama. Okay, wait a minute, hold up, Hold up, where you get on like my mama. I love my mama. We just all the time, my mama. Last summer, you ain't talk. That's how you posted to beat. I called my mama last summer, asked her how she would do it. She said, fine, I hung up. I'm gonna call again at Christmas. That's you induced me. And then my mama want to talk to me on the phone. I'm on the damn you talk to your mama herey date, keep talking to your mom. You gonhead to live with your mom my mama's gonna be the first. Oh oh oh, I see. Oh so now you rather live with your mama than to live with your hug? I mean, dan take and who the hell is you told me your girl name with two back when you try to be key sha, We stopped that. Then you went to tell y'all said, okay, I'm gonna be early. Y'all said the two worlds. I said, now you're gonna call me Earl. You know why you can't stay focused on the big because you are not talking to your damn mom pull back in media mad. He gets mad. We said we couldn't you hear? I want mistake and Earl is from the chad from the cha do what what should um? She has a problem, you know, because what she needs to do is she shouldn't sever her relationship with her mother. And I mean, and this man really needs to grow up. He really need to go to therapy because he needs to find out what his problem is. Is he controlling? Is he is he upset because he don't have relationships like that nowhere? You know? He needs to find out why he have a problem with a woman that's got a relationship with her mama. This ain't one of her girl friends or no dude down at the job. You got a problem because she talked to her mama too much. Man, brother, you could spend that time be doing anything. All right, Thank you, Tanya, Thank you, Dante. Very good. All right, guys, you can email us or instagram. What's your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at Steve Harvey f M. Now coming up in ten minutes. Stuff that people say who don't vote. Okay, yeah, but we want we don't want to hear this really because we want you to vote. Okay, we do want you to vote. Come on, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, you're here now with stuff people say who don't vote. You know what this this, this, this is not going to be funny. It's really ridiculous. These are ridiculous things that people say and reasons they give for not voting. Here's the first one. My vote don't count, yes, it does. Stop saying that. Here's another one. Voting don't help anything. I got news for you. Voting helps everything. If you don't vote, guess what we have now we have president. Okay, here's another one. I don't have nothing. To do with politics. Well, let's explain something of you. Politics show got something to do with you. Not because politics creates policy and policy it's what you have to live by. No, that's good, that's good. Yeah, Next I go vote. Then what food? Food? Then you voted. You made a difference. You send a message to New York. I mean, I mean to Washington. You sent a message to the people who are elected officials. You send a message to what you want and want. You send a message for what you think, want and feel. That's right. That's what this is. Stuff people say who don't vote? Who? Here's another one. I heard, only stupid people vote. Excuse me, only stupid people don't vote. Let's stay with it, y'all. I'm trying to get you all to the post. Here's another. I don't feel like standing in that line. I'm pretty sure that the man that Oprah described the Mosses father didn't want to walk six miles, totally hit the wrong pole, walk another six miles, told he was at the wrong pole, and then walked the last six miles and told him he was too late. I'm pretty sure that people didn't want to get killed and hung for trying to vote. I'm pretty sure of a lot of things. So you don't feel like standing in line. Oh but if it's time to buy a lottery ticket, you got time for that. You want to go down there and get in that line to ride the Stretch roller coaster, and that line, say forty five minutes from here, and you still in that damn line. A lot of nerve. Yeah, you want to get in line, get that new iPhone? Y'all lined up for that? Say it Black Friday, the stores open. Yeah, this is These are things that people say. Who don't bother to go to the polls on election day. They already know, they know who they are. Yeah, yeah, my vote doesn't matter. They already know who's going to win. No, you don't stop you see that's they already know who they want to win. See, don't don't nobody know who gonna win. That's why they count. See they have a count all that no one knows who's going to win. We all thought Hillary was gonna win. Remember that's what they all thought. Donald Trump thought, even he thought he didn't believe he won. The Nick morm I got better stuff to do. Well, if the right, if the wrong people get in you won't You won't be able to do this stuff that you want to do. Yeah, I don't find anything about who's running. Excuse me, I didn't find out anything about who's running, So I'm not gonna vote. Where Wait a minute, First of all, where have you been living? Uh? Get off the internet and watch the news. That's all everybody's talking about. It's the biggest news story of the past three months, the mid terms. You ain't got the here, okay, But to notice I don't like the Democrats, Republicans or the Independence, Well, I got news for you. I don't care for some of the people in each one of those parties, but I do care about the policies that they made, I do care about the message they spread, and I do care about the legacy that they leave. So what I would like for you to do is get to the polls and vote. Let's stop the excuses. Let's be adults here, because this is important. You the last time you heard me barking about voting like this, what's when Hillary Clinton was running and I didn't vote and I didn't pump it this hard, right, But man on, man on man, this is way bigger than when Hilly was running. Because you've got to create a check and balance system up there in Washington, d C. And I'm the morning show guy on in in the city that's listening to me right now, and I'm telling you how important this is, man, And listen, I'm telling you that you've got to get to the vote because what they're really talking about doing to you. You're not going like it, no, sir, And they're hiding it, but you're not going to like it. The the economy is great. But the reason you don't feel the great economy that this man had brought back, this manufacturing and job markets is great and unemployment is is low because it doesn't affect you. Because the the economy is great for rich people right now, the economy is not great for poor people. Well that's just thank you, Steve. That's just some of the stupid stuff people say who don't go out and vote. So please don't let that be you. Get out and vote. Get please. Yeah. All right up next, we're switching gears big time. It's week nine in the Envy in NFL and Pimpin will be in the build teen all right, right after this you're listening to all right here we are. It's week, none of the NFL. Let's see how pimping did. Bring him on there, bring him on coming? He coming on? You're starting the back man? Is he back back there? Man, he's going to run to the minut side, pigeon toil run. He'll be talking to anybody got him like that thing shown down in its silk. Just how to head to stop in Holland, Mississippi. Monica, Yeah, aloom liken. Then the simp boy. You know what I'm saying. It's her birthday tomorrow, pimping. Oh okay, I'm glad you told me that birthday on election day. It's good. You know, we need to go see what your polls is saying. It was something Monica. She don't never speak to me, so I think she's scared of me. What's some Monica that. Don't be scared, little girl. It ain't nothing to be scared. Uh, I'm not. In fact, I want this coat for you today. This serious nice? I know it is. Yeah, y'all ain't saying nothing, mind? Did you see this? I love it? These scales, this is this is yeah, this is catfish. You know, like you shop skin a catfish skin so it don't steak what you're talking about what scales? Don't you? Just you you man? Though, it don't steak. It's just funky and I like it. In the back. You got the whisker sticking out. Man went on and put some fron it anyway, man, catfish with fert never been done. You got that right? Oh that's right, this is nice. It's anyway. Hey, Monica, I'll be talking with you sometime maybe. Hey, what you're doing for your birthday tomorrow? I'm happing. They almost found a man like I'm talking to myself. Yeah, someone's handing there, everybody some shing Hey, pimping. Let's see you ain't nothing good? I love catfish. You just want to throw that out? I know that's right. What's up, Junior? I mean home? Oh no, no, no, no, Colin, what's happening? What's up? Pipping? How you doing? Ain't nothing shopping? Anything? That was up? Junior? Pimping my hero? Yeah? AMA's up? Ja man, I'm loving that code Pippen. I'm loving it, man. I know you know, I don't know what didn't have me? A time of relationship been changed a little bit because you know, going on. But it's what's up when you Timmy, you're good. I just you know, don't It's just I feel like we ought to fry your coat. You know you got catfish on see right there? You know for you not even to be cool? You know, Hold up? Hold up, hold up, hold up? Look at the inside. What is that? That's can meal right here? Is killing the game? The lad Yeah, it's those hot souce pockets. You got the hot South Pet souce real. Man, know what I'm saying. So let me ask you this here, Pipper, your shoes look like they gooferent colors. Is that rainbow trout? What is that? Oh, Pepper? I don't think he likes Hey dog, why would I put some trout with some can you didn't like that trout? One? One thing I don't need is no help put my mouth fish together? You know you want to talk for about man? Well, come on, Jr. Alright, pivot. Uh, We're gonna see how he did ye, I think it pretty good. Well, let's see Los Angeles. Charles just beat Seattle seven team. He didn't pick that? Say that? Say that all right? Then, New Orleans? But can y'all all here to hate? I feel something I don't know if that's what that was just something just saying, can y'all here? He don't even know it. Go ahead. The New Orleans Saints beat the L A Rams forty five to thirty five. What did he do there? He didn't pick that? That's you didn't pick the Saints? Who but because of L A L A O? Alright? Alright, alright, old catfish head. Okay, so, Kara City Chiefs beat the Cleveland brown And you know what, Tommy, what's wrong? You know I'm gonna just start the junior dude, because you just know what I mean. I don't come in here for I hate. I'm love. I'm gonna pimp's Go ahead. Can City Chiefs beat the Cleveland Brows? When we picked if Cleveland, I'm god, gotta pick Cleveland. What I told y'all who was gonna win? He did say? Who gonna? Minnesota Bikings beat the Detroit last night? Detroit? Yeah, I understand that one. Alright, Pittsburgh Stailers beat the Baltimore Rady know what hold on? Did you say the Vike is over the last? Yeah? Yeah, he picked he picked the Vike. Okay, yeah, but I'm just I'm I'm letting you go on. And say when he ran off the first three that all right, all right, Junior, Pittsburgh Stevelets beat the Baltimore Rady picked it, okay, pick that. He picked up townd you. Miami Dolphins beat the New York Jets. He picked it alright, Okay, okay, Chicago Bass beat the Buffalo bill pick it alright, hold it right there. Tell me we gotta take a quick quick break right here. We're coming back with the rest of the picks the rest of the games. This is week nine NFL with Pimping in the building and little pimp hand. We'll be twenty after right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Uh, we're back pimping still in the building. We're talking week nine of the NFL. Yeah, you know, I got a head that you know what I'm saying, you can't do this job. Not be cool? Go ahead, Junior, We'll go ahead on me. I'm not you not can't go ahead. I know this, dude, right, He ain't said major thinking about that cap. Today was about that catfish coach, and it's always something that it was just like, damn that little man come around and chat when I do that can the poem you're coming to fully, because that's what it is. Now I don't know what it is. Carolina Pathers beat the Tampa Bay Bucks forty two. You know it? You know it? Cam and Steve? Did you know to Steve introduced last Friday? The Blue Cheese gave it the cam. Did you see that? That's big pamper all y'all know Steve, Steves stealing on continue game, recognize game, Steve. That clean this whole line. So Steve, don't start passing out to the Blue Cheese and wont he puts thought into put a lot in. Come on, let's go. We got to go right up. Houston, Texas beat the Denver Broncos nineteen seven, right there, right, yeah good? This week I do good. Atlanta Falcon's beat the washing the Redskins thirty eight to fourteen. They packed that all right? Now, who did you pick with New England and green Back? Okay? And tomorrow night. Tomorrow night is a Tennessee Titan. What I'm sorry tonight is a Tennessee Titans versus of Dallas Cowboys. He picked Cowe. You know what, I don't really care for the Cowboys. But then the Titans ain't one and nothing so and then they got the new quarterback. I don't know who to pick with that. I'm gonna quit pick in my heart and I'm gonna just go with who got the skills play, and I'm gonna go with Dallas. Okay, you're gonna go with Dallas. This is one. Itsels like queen pimps. I see y'all later this week. Hey, I got to go because I got just I'm being to drive to vote. I leave now, I know. I just like to drive around the place in my callac so everybody can see me, and I gonna vote. Start wearing that funking fish coach, and you don't tell me what the way? Hey, hey, hating Napoleon Poler. Of course you didn't have her baby, No, she just revealed. You know, you're sitting up in here dressed like cap'n Crunch anytime I said, and then you want to be talking about me. You need to slow down, ponder. This ain't what you do. You ain't no pimp, ain't been no pimp. You don't understand pimp game coming fishing for see. You ain't got to understand that him. I don't understand you're having no damn job even call you what you gotta go, You don't get You don't get to call me online. And when the catfish had called me only you ain't you tripping? Damn? Why don't you get some platforms? The Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Dave Chappelle says his backing of Maryland gubernatorial candidate Ben Jealous is not a political Hollywood ploy because he's just doing what he thinks is right. Dave said he's known been his whole life and truly believes he's right for the job. He says, rather than tell people how to vote, he's simply making them aware of Ben's campaign. M Yeah, I mean yeah. Why are they saying it's a political ploy anyway? I think they're trying to say, celebrities, right, right, let's see what they need to do. Celebrities get one vote, celebrities had a right to right. You can't say to a person just called a person is a celebrity, that you're gonna do something else. You did you know? You know that they don't have the right to do this or do that. You can't say that they got mad at Taylor Swift. Um I saw on Instagram today or yesterday. I think it was that she's supporting um Andrew Gill him out of Florida for governor. You know, yeah, so I mean, you know, like you said, Carla, they have one vote, We all have one vote. And Hope said that. She said she can do what she want to do. She can endure. She's a citizen of the United States. You've got people running campaigns that who are they? As a matter of fact, who is another? Okay, let me ask you this. Who is the president to tell me who to vote for? You already the president? So why are you in this? And he's campaigning all over the country, you know what I mean? And running damn country right campaign says he got in it. Yeah, yeah, he likes doing that. That's what that's his favorite thing to do. It seems the campaign, you know what, he had the nerve to say. But he had the nerve to say that. Stacy Abrams, it's up against all Harvard graduate she's not qualified to run for office. I went, she ain't qualified. Excuse me? You was on a TV ship. You ain't. You ain't ever served a single person in no capacity an activist. You have been an Alderman councilman. Nothing, you're not a lawyer? What man? Please exactly man? But he said that I went everybody black with qualifications ain't qualified when it comes to Trump because Obama right shut that down stuff. He says, all was over qualified about him all. But can I ask you another question? Here's what's it disturbing if he talking about he wants to change the birth right Amendment, which means that if you were born in this country by an illegal immigrant parents, that they can rescind your citizenship. Half of this country is out. But let me say this to you. His first wife did not become a citizen and to nine, so that means his children. That means his children would have to go can't stay here? Yea yeah, Donald Trump Junior Ivanka Yeah. Alright, coming up our last break of the day. We're going to close out the show you're listening to show. Here we are Steve, last break of the day. Time for some closing remarks. I cannot get off of voting. I cannot tell you how important it is. I cannot elaborate, stress point out, I can't overdo it. This is critical that we vote. Listen, folks, we have got to send a message that we are paying attention. We need to let people know in Washington, d C. That we want to be represented a certain way that we are not. This country is ours, as flawed as it is, it's ours and it's still the best country in the world for us to live in. The opportunities are here, and like I said, it's got some problems. I'll admit that. But you know, look, at the end of the day, we still have to be better than we've represented ourselves as right now by this forty five president, we have got to show him and other people that we expect more, that your words do matter, that you can't just tell us that you try to tell the truth whenever you can. I mean, he is so transparent, but that's not who we are now. Man. You you hold the highest office in the land. You are held to a different standard. Why we lord the standard just to allow him to become president is beyond me. Now, let's let me tell you what I hear Republicans say that is true. He has helped the economy. Okay, let's give him that. He's bought manufacturing jobs, more manufacturing jobs to the United States. Let's give him that. Let's let him take credit since he is in office, that the unemployment ragis the lowest has been in y'all, and there are jobs available. Let's give him that. Okay, cool, let's give him that. But if you're asking me if I would rather have that in place of the divisiveness that we've seen in this country, the bipartisanship that I've seen in this country, the hate being spewed to people who don't look like him across this country, the stripping parents from their kids in this country, the false impression that all immigrants are drug dealers and criminals and rapists, that we've selected seven Muslim countries and banned them from traveling into the United States. That's not who we are. That's not who I am as a taxpayer. That's not how you are as a taxpayer and a citizen. Okay. If that don't move you, how about this right here. How about the fact that there are some people who are running who are willing to go up to Washington, d C. And say, hey, enough is enough. Stacy Abrams in Georgia, Gilliam or Gilliam down in Florida, EPs in Mississippi, the guy that boat right, bart right, I don't know his name, that's running against the tired crews in Texas. The guy in New York, the woman in Pennsylvania. It's so many racist man, where people are going. Enough is enough, And look, I don't care if you're Republican or you Democrat. At one point in time, you gotta look up there and go, man, what did you just say? That is so not cool that you use everything to make it about you, that somehow these people who died in the synagogue and the Kroger and these people have lost their lives this past week. They slowed the momentum that you all had in the Republican Party because you couldn't discuss what you wanted to because you had to deal with this and then you try to straighten it out. But then you went right back and just said, you know what, But they slowed the momentum. It's always about him, it ain't ever about us, it ain't ever about you. This is a dangerous time for us. You listen to him, it's all ways about him. It ain't ever about us, it ain't about you. We got to get to the polls and send a clear message man, that We're not just gonna let you do what you wanna do for the next two years. And if he make it these next two years, man, that red wave gonna be serious. Man. And they already have manipulated and gotten control of the electorial system. Man, this dude gonna win again. Even if he lose the popular vote, the electoral vote gonna get him in again. We gotta send a message, man, We got to vote. Everybody got to get out and vote. President Obama said, this is the most critical vote of our lifetime. We got to get out and make it happen, y'all, no excuses. That's right. Tomorrow we vote, yes, yes, sir, drop it, baby, drop it, Drop them votes. That's right, drop those votes. Wow, that was good. Yeah, it's important. Election tomorrow, tomorrow, get your vote. Have a great weekend. Contest no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.