The show opens with no fake news. We get the weekend review and The CEO has his stories. SNL had our attention to say the least with their season premiere. Kevin Hart's new movie is #1 at the box office over the weekend. We get into great detail about Steve's beard. This is the 1 year anniversary of the Las Vegas shooting. Tommy calls in from Nashville, TN. Steve talks about Kanye, himself and Trump. Is $17 million too much for ladies shoes? Pimpin' does his NFL recap. Today in Closing Remarks, we find out the importance of mentors and friendship plus more.
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all bag all suit all looking back to back down, giving the mo like theming buck bus things and it's cobles, y'all. True. Good to stuy guy listening to move to other for stoo bar money. Don't you join? Yeah? Well by joining me, have say do turn out to go? Yeah you go, very you gotta turn to turn the time, lovey got to turn out to turn water the water. Come, come on your thack at it. Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show, Man, one more time. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah I do, man. I thank God for it every day. You know, Um, my message this morning, man is real clear. Uh is something that's been on me to share, and it's it's amazing. You know, Um, God can do some amazing things for you. But what happens along the way is and I don't know that I mean to say, but but the fact that God can do some amazing things for you, that comes adversity along with it. Every single time it it just goes without saying, and I've as I was on this press tool last week, and I was going through everything I was going through, and I was doing what I was doing. I was having a of a fairly I mean well not fairly, but a hugely successful week. I had never seen this type of hatred before. I hadn't seen it. And it's it's a great trick that the devil does. You know, when when God is blessing you and giving you some some some great opportunities in your life, as all of you have gone through, and it is isn't it amazing how some negative thing crops up and that's what you have to focus on. I found out that I don't have to, but you wind up focusing on it and your energy goes over to that to try to deal with it counteract. Wonder why I was happening. You gotta make phone calls? What was this about? Blah blah blah blah blah, and and it and it and it it throws you off the course you are on the beginning of the week. I was so grateful, I was so amazed. I was really thanking God for opportunity for this brief moment, the enemy slides this this little factor in there that causes you to and it requires your attention. You have to pay an attention because you don't know what you're going. Wow, man, let me see what this could really be? How how much dirt is this really that they're trying to do? And so it requires your attention. But in that attention, you lose your focus on really all the blessings and the good thing that God does for you. That the enemy has an amazing trick that he does that, And it was and it was in my head. I gotta tell y'all all week long, man, and I was doing some amazing stuff. I was having such a blessed week man, in terms of press and pr and where God was taking me. And then when I got back, I was talking with my wife and then I was talking to a good friend of ours and they shared something that really helped me out. And they said to me, new level, new devil. You know it's it's it's something really simple, but new level, new devil. Every time you go to another level, every time you go a little bit higher, every time God has a blessing in store for you, every time He moves you in position. Do you understand that the enemy's job is to make you not see the blessing, make you not be grateful for it, lose your focus and focus on this that I just threw in your way there, stumbling block, this obstacle, this trickery. And man, I was, I was, I gota. I just gotta tell you, man, I mean, it was so filled with hatred that I had to I really spent some time addressing it. I you know, I got publicists on the phone. I said, What's what's happening here? You're not watching this? You're not what what? What was? What was this attack? You knew that you didn't know these angles? What what was? And you know, Steve Chill, new level, new devil. If you get a promotion on your job, guess what, somebody ain't happy that you got the promotion. So here comes to Hey, you don't even you don't even really know these people. You you have no idea every time you make a decision to make your relationship with your spouse better. Man, this is it. You know what I'm gonna start doing. I'm gonna do this, man, so me and my girl can go on and have this on. Me and my man can go on and have this watch what happened every single time, here comes the new level, the new devil, the trick. You don't need to do that. What you're doing that for her? She don't appreciate it. He ain' gonna appreciate it. Look over here, man, look at that right there. Ain't he nothing? You know, he missed, He didn't call you, And he said, it's going all types of stuff. It just happens all the time. And I was sitting here talking with this friend, really good friend, very spiritual person, and they said, you know something, Steve. You know, I was talking to Jesus and said I was having this conversation with Christ and I said, God, for real, you mean to tell me every time that something good happens to me? You mean every time I try to go to the next level, every time you put me on the next level. You mean to tell me that I gotta go through this right here? Are you for real? She and then my friend said, Jesus said, they did it to me, and we just fell out laughing. They did it to me, They did it to him. They did it to him for him to go to the next level. And you know, I was just I was just going over the whole story about the crucial fixion and everything that had to be amazing man of all the hate he had endured, all the prosecuting he had doing. They thought, ultimately, what we'll do is we'll nail him on the cross and crucified, and that'll be the end of him. And we'll put him in his tune and we'll put this big stone up there, and that'll be the end of him. But what they did not know was all you was doing was setting the tone for the next level, because eventually the stone got rolled away and he went and got placed with his father where he was headed to. Anyway, he ultimately knew that his ultimate goal was to get to his father. So when you when you when you thought you were doing what you were doing to him, and you put him in the tune, and you put the big stone up in there, and the stone got rolled got rolled away, and he went eventually to where he was trying to get to. That story is in place for all of us to remember that when y'all going through some things, could it be because we're going to a place, you know, It could be just a place in life. It could be just a different level in life. That's all it has to be, but there's going to be the adversarial challenges that come with it, and those are the moments we must expect, expect, and take them head on and still not lose your focus or appreciation for what God has done for you. So in light of all of that, I'm able to say the day that I thank my heavenly Father, I really do for all the blessing season bestowed upon me, and all of the haters and all of the liars and all of the backstabbers and all those people. When you get through lying, when you get through stabbing, when you get through gossiping and doing what you do, I'm still going to the next level. I'm still going. You cannot stop what God Is has in store for you, No one can stop that. Keep your faith right there where it's supposed to be in God, and just remember new level. New devil gonna keep stepping he over there. He gotta do his job now, he is who he is. You know, he's evil, So he gonna do his job. And please no, he has plenty of people who are willing to work for him free of charge. Absolutely, man ain't got nothing else to do. They ain't going away anything to watch you go nowhere they don't like you. I'm gonna do everything I can to show people how much I don't like you. But watch this every single time. When they get through lying, writing it, typing it, saying it, all they're gonna do is watch you go right on up to that next level. All they are is preparation. I have learned some amazing things from last week. I'm ready now new level. Cool with it to ladies and gentlemen, man, I have your attention please in the United States, one from America. There are a few things that you can count on. This happens to be one of them. We are consistently the same. We are not fake news. We are always ignorant. You might be wrong there, sir. Just wanting to have a number that high alone is exactly Good morning Steve for real, Good morning Steve, Hey crew, Hey Julior morning, Uh Jeff. If we get a lower number, we might not be working for that higher number. Well, it's been an interesting weekend, man, a week was Kevin Hard did great over the weekends. The Browns. The Browns at least had me with my head up. Ain't they ain't going out easy? Another overtime maker may feels. I didn't even see the whole game. I was keep proud. Man, he's gonna be a long time. I was very proud when I walked in and saw him in overtime. No, he's gonna be that long time. There's a hustler. Hunh. He has no quitting. Yeah, that's what I like. He kept coming back and training, training, blow we had forced to be reckoned with. Now, So can I just ask? Because I know not much about I know nothing about it. Come on, y'all, So y'all happy with this loss? Is that what you's in? Well, they don't care. I'm the only one from Cleveland. Oh, at least have a fight. We were losing. We weren't even in it. He's not as defeated as he normally would be. That's what you're noticing. I'm noticing they put up forty two points. You normally win a game with forty two points. I thought it was yeah, see that, right, Theddy, you're fighting through me And that just threw me right there, like Junior tell him the good dudes. J Also, you wait a minute, come on, Houston, Texas is in the wind color? That asked another question, does that mean Junior get to talk a little more trash in Cleveland. Since y'all, I'm sure you have to say something. You weren't gonna bring it up. I wasn't gonna bring it up. But it ain't that how thing. I'll tell you one thing you showed better be glad him Dawn Brown's ain't win. But in all honesty, I actually picked Houston. This you did, you did right? All right? We gotta go, guys. We'll come back with a weekend review. We'll find out what everyone did over the weekend, especially you, Steve. We know you have a story you always do. And where's your nephew? Uh. We'll be back at right after that. See you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, time for weekend review. So, Steve, you know you always have such interesting weekend stories. What did you do this time? What happened Friday? I was a little under the weather. I was just a little rundown. So I didn't lead a house fry. That's rare. You're you're never sick? Yeah, yeah, I wasn't really sick though. I was just exhausted. I was just I mean, I got up, I couldn't function well. You know that's a surprise to no one, I think considering your workload. You know I was dumping it in this week. So yeah, I can nobody call you lazy. Oh that lazy is not what you could ever be called. And some other names you could be called lazy. And sometimes you don't know how tired you are until you actually stopped your body. Go thank you. Watch this. I was going to collapse. You see me over here. Just peanut butter sandwich and go to sleep. Jay, Do you know how Steve goes asleep when he's really tired. You gotta hear that. You gotta hear this, No the whole production. If I'm at night and I'm real sleepy and I finally make it to the house, I immediately go upstairs and even though I have no hair, I grease my scalp, which saw eight gloves maine control. Then I tied up in a scarf, but that ain't your mama, not on. Then I put on a white T shirt, and under that white T shirt, while I'm heating up a washcloth in the oven on three fifty, I take a glob of vixed vapor rug rub it all into my chest, put a franger full full of it right up under my nose. Take that high washcloth, put it under my shirt, laying on my chest and let the cool and meth all started slowly take me away. Then I get some corn huskers lotion all vasoline, completely smother my feet in it. And then get some of them big thick gray wool hunting socks and pull them up and roll them down, and Daddy is and I fall into the bed and lay on my back. I'm talking about all the way. You can't even tell I'm a man. All you see if they're not on that engine, Mama scoff and I just this is better than cow gone. It just takes me away. What is the al al is on six? Because I needs that cover to do all that. And I put up one extra quill so I can get that breaking a fret gold. Yeah. The only thing on me cool is just right between my eyebrows. That's all you see, because the scarf got the head warm. Right between my eyebrows is the only cool spot over my body. Man, sleep till tomorrow and don't get up to go to the bathroom. Just laying now, man, don't worry about it. Just some moat lee for a while. It's a very warm shiit say, but you gotta stay still after that because you roll over, it's gonna get cold. Yeah, man, you're really tired then this weekend. Huh yeah, that's what happened to me then. But to play golf yesterday with my buddy Dr Phil. Dr Phil Phil, Yeah, play golf and it's just me and him at his golf course. So we wouldn't play golf. You heard him. I think he doesn't silent silence put out there, well sev ducr Phil. He's got to have a few things, you know, so he's standing around waiting for him to come out. So that's what the other people was out o Carla feb we've met Dr Phil though. He was really fun. He was so cool. Yeah, he was really really just a really really nice guy and very genuine and sincere. Yes, he was cool. Oh that was cool playing playing golf with Dr Phil. Wow, that was home with Dr Pepper. Look at your life and your life. I'm with a Dr Pepper. Damn diet Dr Pepper. Play it on, Steve. You're doing a damn thing. Boy. It's a little hate with it too. Making a companion. I had ice cold die down the pepper. I'm in your back. Ye what has happened? Jay? That what you told yourself? Jake, doctor Pelper. Have you ever been on Dr Phil show? Step you have? Yeah? Yeah that's what I thought. That's cool. Yeah, that's really good. Yeah. We live we lived through you. So when you tell you right now, though, the biggest story I got in my life is I'm still on the Vegas with you. That's about tail. But brand on it stop. Yeah, that's it. That's all I did. Yea, Yeah, And I like we're going to work every week. I like that one every week. You guys want you nominated. It's like you want or what's up? You want to go golf trip this weekend? I mean this week? Why not? You think the hell? I'm gonna say, man, I'm gonna get all new equipment like I've been playing, get your gear up to get just rench you some clubs. I'll be home with adopt pepper, fun and diet. Make sure it's diet diet all right? Coming up next, Kanye West. He had a big weekend to Steve uh. He was it was about days in premiere of Saturday Night Live. We'll talk about it right after this you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. In the weekend box office report, we mentioned it earlier, Kevin Hart and Tiffany had ash they had the number one movie in America over the weekend. But first, speaking of big weekends, did you see the premiere the season premiere of Saturday Night Live. Yes, Matt Damon as Brett Kavanaugh did just man. Yes, that was hilarious. Steve Damon came out to the hollywod you know when he came out. I didn't know who that was at first because he looks I thought it was the own the other game, but I thought it was somebody else. That was Matt Damon A damn good. He was as good of Brett Kavanaugh as um uh, come on that plays Donald Trump, Alex Baldwin, Alex Baldwin that plays Donald Trump, and Melissa McCarthy who played He was just as good Steve. He got a little sound. Yeah, oh do we Okay, let's hear it. Let's hear and then we'll get to Kanye Judge Kavanaugh. Are you ready to begin? Yeah, let me tell you this. I'm gonna start at eleven. I'm gonna take it to about a fifteen rift. First of all, I showed this speech to almost no one, not my family, not my friends, not even p J or Tobin or Squeet. This is my speech. There are others like it, but this is mine. I wrote it myself last night while screaming into an empty bag of Dorrito's I'm a good great job man. Dam yeah man man. Alright, lady from South Carolina? Who did she? At the end, she played umf oh Linda Graham? Yeah, okay, So back to Conway, uh man, Okay. He performed as a giant Perry a bottle. Okay, yeah, that's a giant. Yeah, giant Perry a bottle. Uh. And then our girl from Chicago, Adele Gibbons started a performance on a video screen but anyway, okay. At the end of the show, after Kanye's final performance, he did a political rant Steve about President Trump. You know he's a team Trump all the way, but that part was not televised. Kanye claimed that staff bullied him about wearing his Make America Great Again cap, his red cap that he wears, and then he criticized mainstream media. Meanwhile, Chris Rock caught the moment on his phone and posted it on Insta Ram. Take a list of the Kanye Tryina Tralla. You see it ain't laughing at me. You heard him. They scream at me, They bullieve me, They bullet me backstage. They said, don't go out there with that hat on. They bullet me backstage, They bullieve me, and then they say, I'm in a sucking place. You want to see the sucking place. Okay, I'm gonna listen to y'all. Now I'm gonna put my Superman cape ball because this means you can't tell me what to do. Follow your heart and stop following your mind. That's how we're controlled, That's how we're programmed. If you want the world to move forward, try love. Thank y'all for giving me this platform. I know some of y'all don't agree, but y'all be going at that man and them to mine, and I don't think it's actually that helpful. I think the universe has balanced news, our liberal wow, not even present a TV l A New York writers, rappers, musicians, So it's easy to make it seem like it's so so so one side. And uh, I am kind for you. That's all this country said, I couldn't be mean. Yeah, yeah, I love me too. All right, it ain't the same, dope. It got to be hell at the house when they run out of something like call of paper, peanut butter, anything, because you don't get one of them speeches from Kanya about making America great. What I don't I don't um see, here's see Okay, he don't want to be Kanye no more? What is he now? He? Okay? Well whatever, Okay, listen, see, you can't make a statement. You can't say that has to be a balance, y'all going at that man's that kind of hard and I really don't think it's helpful. But he doesn't represent a balance. He has a very very one sided or Trump doesn't represent a balance in the White House. Did you did you see him the other night at that rally in West Virginia and he was doing that comedic invitation of uh Diane Feinstein. This was doing a routine on how this woman responded to did you leak the tape? The uh? Statement from Diane? Four Christine for it, Dr Christine. He imitated this woman and the way she did it. He was doing a set. He goes to these rallies man to be humorous and funny, and he he can get away with everything and him and he's ignorant. People just be clapping for every bs statement that he makes. So if you're gonna ask everybody else to have a balance, it's hard to balance for a person that's in the White House is so tilted towards hatred. He does not represent a piece of unity in any area. He out there to trade commissions, talking all crazy, what America ain't gonna do America. First, he's unplugging all of these treaties that's been done to create balance, children from their parents, to create balance. What is that you want a wall to create balance? You don't want to give these doccer kids a passageway that would be balanced. If you would do something that was heartfelt for regular folks, we might let you get away with some of this ignorant mess you doing. But your problem is the ignorant mess ain't balanced with nothing. Now. His whole thing is he's running his deal about how committed, how these country's in the best shape has ever been jobs, African American jobs. All this help, hey, bro, bro, when look can't help y'all understand unemployment when your unemployment run out, there's no record that you being unemployed. So when you see the low unemployment numbers, a lot of times people benefits justin ran out. We don't know where that. It's a it's a lot of that. It's just he has no balance. And then when Yeezy comes out and he says like that on behalf of him, when clearly he could speak up for himself, but he won't. Every time he speaks up, it's against somebody. He was against this woman. He tried to act like he wasn't bedn he turned on her. All right, we gotta go. Coming up. In entertainment news, Kevin Hart is winning weekend box office report coming up, and a Circle of Sisters took over New York City. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Show. All right, guys, here we go. Congratulations going out to Kevin Hart and Tiffany Hattrish and everyone involved in Night School. Night School is the number one movie in America. Man, it is good to be Kevin Hart right now. It is good to be Kevin Hart right now. Night School brought in about twenty eight million dollars and um it was produced by Will Packer. You just mentioned his name, Junior and directed by Malcolm d Lee. Uh, Steve, speaking of Kevin Hart, we want to remind you, Yeah, you weren't here when it was Kevin Hurt's take over last week. So, um, listen to this when I asked him about your beard. How you're feeling the beard, Kevin. People make choices, People had choices, you know, people make joyes. Some I'm gonna be good in bad. You know, it's not. It's not about what we like. It is about what we sept. So you see somebody holding onto it, you just don't. We're doing this because it's gonna be. I've had those moments. Uh, they only suggestion now with me, a little bit of die. It's a little bit let's let's get rid of Let's get rid of that. Ask him, Oh look, let's go stop making it look like you don't know what daytime looks like. No more. A little bit of dying there. I don't hear you laughing, Steve. I mean it's cool an retal sleeper care gonna be. The part that I was piste off about was that little minion in the background, his hype man Tommy. Yeah, that little me. Yeah, yeah, what are you gonna do it? Some die, some die? You need some hype? Where is he speaking of? Yeah, you're going in and shot shot. People can't come to work a lot. There's two many steps, Kevin show. Kevin got a different mindset, see Kevin. Kevin walked around like here lying yes so that before he is Tommy. Ain't that he always jumping on some bandwagon. You know. Now if he wants me to die my beard, he can say that. But I'm not gonna do it though. I'm so fly like this, just so, I seriously, come on, look, I look in the mirror. I'm okay with me. That's why I am. Everybody ain't got to like d decisions. I don't like how talld Tommy is. There not nothing to do about it, shout. I don't like. I don't like Kevin hars height. I'm glad I'm six to. I don't give a damn if I'm ain't in your mungi BUNGI. I don't give a damn if I ain't ever been a nice school or none of that. I think the Lord. I'm six to. All the little last suits walking around looking like a little action figure. I think he said it would love. Of course, I take it back like I said, it was that damn Tommy in the back. Some people make some decisions, some people don't. How long are you gonna do it? Oh little man? All right, another entertainment news Steve. We have to say congratulations also to our home at station in New York City one or seven, five w BLS. The Circle of Sisters was a huge success this past weekend. It was star studded. It featured in Vogue, Vivian Green, David and townil a Man, Brandy Ken, your More, Bobby Brown, Wendy Williams, and a Tory not in Tasha of course she plays Tasha from Power. And there was a great panel discussion, gospel showcase and uh and more deja vu of course from the station and miss and We're they're looking fabulous, So congratulations to them and Circle of Sisters Girl Power. Yeah, speaking of miss Anne, ladies and gentlemen, Mrs Andrew okay, thank you very much, guys, Good morning everybody. This is Andreed with the news. And yes, we did have a wonderful Circle Sisters weekend. If you're in New York around the time that we have Circle sisters, please stop by. You're gonna have a good time, Okay. The FBI is expected to continue with supplemental background check in a Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh this week, and investigation finally ordered by President Trump after Senate leaders press him on the Brett Kavanaugh situation. But White House spokes women Sarah Sanders tells Fox News that that's as far as the President's involvement goes. The White House is not micro managing this process. This is the Senate is dictating the terms. Uh. They laid out the request and we've opened it up. And as you heard the President say, do what you need to do. The FBI, this is what they do. Uh, And we're out of the way and letting them do exactly that. However, the President says, nevertheless that the probe must be quote limited in spokes and scope rather and be completed in less than a week now. The Trump administration did not make clear just what would be covered by this additional probe. Trump only asked for the expanded investigation after key senators, including Republican Jeff Flake, pressed him on allowing GIFBI to gather more info on the sexual misconduct allegations made against Judge Kavanaugh, who states, by the way, he will cooperate. Agents are expected to talk to a woman who says Kavanaugh exposed himself to her when they were at at Yale. Again, Kavanaugh has category denied any wrong doing. Meanwhile, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committed, Gerald Neddler, says he'll investigate Brett Kavanaugh. The Senate does not. Congressmanala was on ABC's this week. We would have to investigate any credible allegations, certainly of perjury and other things that haven't been properly looked into before. If the Democrats take back control of the House after the mid term elections, of course, now that would be chairman of the committee. The full Senate vote on Kavanaugh's nomination has been postponed to the FBI ProBiS concluded. Fifty eight does are being released in Las Vegas later today, marking the one year anniversary of the massacre at a country music concert there. Janet Jackson attended the Global Citizen Festival here in New York City over the weekend, urging the estimated sixty thousand people in attendance to pay attention to the current political situation and vote. On this past weekend Saturday Night Live Show, actor mc damon portrayed Brett Kavanaugh as a close to erupting, twisted faced, angry court nominee drinking water all the time, and Kanye West end of the show, dress as a bottle of Seltzer water, wearing a make of the America Great Again hat and delivering a musical number of sorts. Comedian actor Jim Carry meanwhile has drawing a cartoon depicting South Carolina Republican Lindsey Graham looking at squinty eyed and big tooth as he railed against the Democrats, was supposedly attacking Kavanaugh just to quote grab power tops to the box office this weekend. Kevin Hart and Tiffany Haddage's film Night School. All right, let's do some introductions. My name is Carrie. I'm here to make a little extra cash so that I can afford this warrant that I got. But that's not business. Welcome to Night School. In Night School pulled and twenty eight million dollars. Steve Harvey Nation find Out of Uncle Steve Smart and his nephew will be back twenty minutes after the hour and a Steve Harvey Morny Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show. Here's some news from our home station in Las Vegas. Steve Old School one oh five point seven, Las Vegas Strong, while Steve the Marquees along the iconic Las Vegas Strip will go dark tonight at ten o one pm. Uh. They will mark the first anniversary of a gunman's rampage that killed fifty eight people. Yeah, fifty eight people at Route nine Harvest Country Music Festival at ten o five pm. A somber reading of the names of victims will take place at the Community Healing Garden Memorial site downtown. And today Governor Governor Brian Sandoval ordered flags across the state to fly at half staff. The strength of the Vegas community is now stronger than ever. It seems longer to me. But to think it was just a year ago when that violent rampage, Yeah, so sad. I mean, yeah, it was just awful. I mean, you know, such a tragedy, you know, the sad thing. It's just some evil people in this world, man, and we're making it more and more um popular to be evil. I really believe that. I believe that we have a lot of copycat stuff because you've got some sick, demented person that thinks they're gonna get all this air time. And we have popularized social media is so much people actually think they're new. People get their news from social media, and people are doing stuff to get likes and attract eyeballs, and they'll do anything. They've thrown morality out the window. News is hard to watch because I think what hurt news to me, my my opinion is what hurt news credibility. What's when all news stations got a blog where you could blog, and then you could see the bad information being dispersed on CNN, on Fox, on Headline News, on MSNBC, on CBS, on a b you can see it, and they they've given it a platform because they want the eyeballs on their website, so they allow people to blog in. You then invite uh, the small minded person in on major credible platforms all of a sudden. I think that's a huge mistake. I actually wish that news people would get rid of blogs and just report factual news mm hmm. And people want fame so much, famous such a drug to be famous, like you say, you know, they want their name out there. They want to be talked about. They want that attention, and that's what they think until they get talked about. Yeah. Yeah, it gets even more crazy when they line about you and there's nothing you can do about it. Try that one on for a little while. Yeah, yeah, that's the part, and then you can do nothing about it. All right, Coming up next to thirty four after the hour? Where is where is your nephew? Steve? We got to get to the bottom of this. We really well, well we'll find out. Oh, right after this, you're listening to Hey, Steve, you have a phone call. I think you want to take this one? Well, what you mean just say hello? Please? Hello? Hey? What's going on? Hey? Look look it's family, Sully. Are you for real? Yes? Along that fake man? Yeah? And I go go ahead. I think I got myself sick, man, I could wait. Wait, you accidentally took some what free Nato? Madaine? I thought I was taking asking, but it was knowledge is free Nato? What is he talking, Sully? Is that like pregnancy? Yeah? Women, I take that? Yeah, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, really, dog, that's what you're gonna go? I my stomach hurry and I'm not She didn't go back and forth with you, all right, he do, dog, You're not fisting. You're not fist to go back and forth with you. I don't get it. I don't, man. You know what I want to tell you. I had a dream that you was opening up for me and uh, we was doing a big arena. Man, you was opening up for me, and you did. I mean, you did, all right, But then I came back. I came out and clean it all up man, and killed it. Man. So I you know what you know? Honestly, dog, I'm just thinking me and you are to go back on the road together, but we gotta switch it though. You gotta you gotta go first. I mean, I gotta, I gotta keep my ass. Yeah. Do you do you have any idea how bad a dream that was? I don't have. No, no, no, no, no, no no. I'm just gonna go with this one right here. You you really think, since you didn't had a dream, that me and you are to go back out on the road and you want me to come out for you coming opening? But what what? What? What's the what's the problem with you opening up? Screen? What? What? What you when I walk off? What? You? No? That's right? Come on, timmy, when you walk out what you think right there? I'm just asking when I get through with this, I'm over. Let let men, how much you want me to do? I don't. I don't really care what you're doing. Okay, but you do know that I'm gonna make the same money I've been making. No, no, wait a minute, okay, first of all, but let me get up. First of all, you're not easy. Let me get in. Let's why why am I giving you the same? Why are you making the same amount of money if you're not the headliner? Yeah? See, because listen to this right here. See you dreamed you as the headlund See, I really am see in real life. And so what happens is I'm gonna get the same money I used to get, and then you're gonna get what you used to get in the dream. He trying to take it back, trying to take it that you understand, But why why why? Why? Wait? Man? Why why am I headlining if I'm not gonna get better money? Because you you see use headlining in your dream, see in real life? And didn't you say we're gonna go back and do arenals? I know we see you was in the arena, calls of we if I ain't on that show, you ain't in the arena even in the dream, I don't the way you had that act. You can dream it, believe it, see it, achieve it all. Okay, So so what hey, man, hold on, hold on time, time, we gotta we gotta go. Yeah, right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry Letters subject. There are three of us in this relationship, but right now before we left off the nephew because he's obviously not here. Yeah. Yeah, you're losing the day's pay because you're not here. Man. Yeah, hey know we cover you all the time. We just covered you another week. Yeah, we can't cover you. But see you off though, But there's no covering What if you don't You don't want to open for me though? And I problem, like I told you, I opened for you. A matter of fact, I do it gladly. I just need one person in front of me so I can get them people in their seats because I'm gonna go out there and for an hour twenty I'm gonna tell a hole my file, and and what you think I'm gonna do when you get You're gonna be stepping in that hot ass tardess on that stage. You're gonna be trying to get them little shoes out of all that glue I'm on laid down. But it's not a competition, is It's No, it's not a competition. But it's some people you ain't got no business following, and I am one of them, Make no mistake about that. You know what? Do Let me understand you. You got this beard different hey man? And then why don't you introduced the prank? I don't know what friendship? What is the pank? But you don't know the prank because you ain't here in the bed right there, right there. That's why you lose it. A day's page, baby dolls and basketballs's? Hey? Timing? Is I need you to wash? Wrote it? Wrote it. It's a great data nursery. This is Felicia. I'm trying to get somebody come down here to five oh one. I'm sorry, five who one? I need somebody did to come down here at the five o one and and clean me up, sir. I think you might have the wrong number. Is just the nurse. I need the nurse to come down here to five old one and clean me up. So this is the nursery, not the nurse. I think you might have dow the wrong number. No there, I need to talk to where nurse are sitting. That's who normally clean me up. I need come down here clean me up. So I really do think you have the wrong number. Where are you calling from? Who? Who? Who? Who is this here? This is Felicia. I'm the director here at the nursery. That's what I say. I need the nurse to come down here to clean me up. I'm bed clean and every all this stuff to clean me up because I've been sending me a long time. No, ain't nobody came, sir. I think you dial the wrong number. If you tell me where you are, I can try to help you. But you ain't done the wrong number. I need somebody to come down and clean me up. This ain't right. Y'all pulled the bill. Y'all pulled the guidio ever comes check on? Ain't nobody come check on me yet? Okay, Well, I I apologize that you have the wrong number. Try hanging up and then dialing if there's a nurse station. Sir, this is a nursery. We take care of children here. This is not the nurse station. I'm not a child, I said, it's this the nurse station. I'm sorry, you're not listening to me. This is not the nurse station. This is a nursery. We have children here. We take care of children. So I think you dial the wrong number. No, they said that they pulled the come clean up every hour they pull the come check on not I've been here. I've been on my new three holl then't nobody comes to check on meet another. I need somebody to come clean me up in the uh bad plant is fool and they just they they just don't come check on it like they pull the check on it they check on. I'm really sorry that they have not come to check on you and your your bad pants. So why would they let us suit here like they do? Okay, so just listen to what I'm saying. This is a nursery. We take care of small children. This is not the nurses station. Song. Oh my grandkids, I got small chilling as my grandkids. I got it, but for the two grandkids that comes in on Sunday. But soon did they leave the people at the nurse stairs and that they treat me bad, leave me here like they're two or three olds on come check on? Can you come down and check the bad plan? Sir? I can't do that. I need to get back to the kids here. That if we take care of etty my kids. No, my kids don't come till they come on Sunday, that coming every sunning out to judge and then comes sleep. They okay, okay, well I'm glad your kids come see you. And I'm going to get off the phone now, but I hang up. You just down the number right when you get off, you're gonna come down here and come thick and clean me up. I'm not going to do that. But I'm going to let you call back and come clean me up. Why gonna do that? Bro? Do not. I'm not a nurse. I'm a teacher. When when when when? When? When? When? When I was coming to be proposed to do the job? You do what the job or whatever your job or that what you do. I work father two years straight and I did my job. Okay, I'm a teacher. That come on down here and do what you're proposed to do, because I don't clean bed pain. You know why I go your young phone, don't do your job the damn it. You're gonna make me man. If you're gonna get you down, you get your uh. I'm going to ask that you're not talk to me like that. Clean and clean me up. I ain't supposed to be sitting here like this all the time. What's your name again? It's Felicia, and I have tied's really really nice to you right now. Please do not speak to me like that. I'm trying to at least you're gonna calm down and quit talking to me like that. I'm trying to help you now. That's just rude speaking to me like that. That This is a nurse er read do right now. You know as I'm talking to him. But David, you're not gonna talk to me like that. That's just rude and disrespectful. Don't speak to me like that. You're talking about kicking I will kick yo in the wheelchair. This seems to be the only language you understand is me talking to you crazy. Since you're talking to me crazy, it's not coming down that you stay in that stake about that what you heard me? I said, you stay in this thank I'm not cleaning up. I've been trying to tell you for to pay us five minutes, but you won't shut up long enough to listen. Get I am not coming down there to clean your Why not? I've been trying to tell you that is not my job. You dial the wrong number talking to you? Who are you talking to like that? We'll bring it on there if you think you can get in your wheelchair and make it down here to the nursery to whom and come the hell owned listen when you were taking a message from it and give it to somebody? What's your what's your message? And n e and uh huh whatever? Uh huh huh what? Okay, you got that part? Yeah? I got that far? Okay, damn what what is that? What do I spell? I don't know what is it? Spell it up? I'm not telling that. You tell me what it is? What does that say? I don't know. Nephew taught me, Nephew Timmy. This is Nephew Timmy from the Steve Avery Morning, your baby. You just got break by your sister Nita while you were sitting up there like what in the world? Yeah, you got me? You got me very I got you. I got you good. I got one question for you, though, what is What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. It is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You got me good? It is the Strawberry Letter for today. Subject, there are three of us in this relationship. Will be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show right now. It is time for today's Strawberry Letter. Guys, if you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on parenting, on sex, and more, please please please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Tell him Steve, you better submit it half a good one. Now, Hey, let's get into it. Is that time stopping the Strawberry Letter? Well, my friends, shut thank you my friends. Junior. Subject, there are three of us in this relationship. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been with my now fiance for three years and I cannot wrap my head around. What I can't wrap my head around is his closeness with his older sister. When we first started dating, my fiance sister called and texted him excessively. They would stay on the phone forever, and she would pop up at his house whenever she wanted to. He told me that she just had to get used to the fact that he was no longer single, and uh, you know, because they had always spent a lot of time together. His sister used to come over to his house on Saturday mornings to do her laundry, and then she would stay and hang out with us for the rest of the day. She often included herself on our date too. She recently bought a condo and she customized the guest room for my fiance with the colors of his favorite NFL team, just in case he ever wanted to spend the night at her place. His sister is a cute girl, and she's successful, but she is single, and she's not making any effort. She's not making an effort to meet or date anyone. I'm concerned that, uh, she is still too dependent on my fiance for advice and event about what's going on in her life. I'm wondering how she expects her relationship to change with my fiance once we are married. Um, we will build our own lives and we want her to feel like she's a part of that. But we must set some boundaries. My fiance is very family oriented, but I'm an only child, so it's different for me. He doesn't want her to feel like he's pushing her away, So how should he do it? Please advise? I think everything in your letter that you've written to us is spot on. I understand how you feel, and I will have to tell you this though. It's going to be a problem in your marriage if your husband doesn't check her, and he needs to check her like immediately. And and why do I think it's going to be a problem in your marriage? Uh, well, I'll tell you because it's a problem right now in your engagement. Um, sin is just way too much in the business. I mean way too much. I mean her popping up at the house whenever she wants to, um, you know, coming over to the house on Saturday mornings to do her laundry and hanging out with you guys all day. Uh you know, her brother has had your fiance is at ample time to ease her into the change. And uh you of course being that change. I mean, you guys have been together three years, you've been engaged for three years. He's got to introduce her to some of his friends where her girlfriends. I mean, how where's her the mom and dad, the family? Where other people in her life? Where are they? Um? You know, you guys got to start bringing another guy along to meet her. You know when you guys go out and stuff. I mean, you gotta be creative so she can meet him and hang out with him and leave you guys along. You know, he's got to have this talk with her, you know about threes a crowd and all that, you guys needing your space, and he's got to get her to understand that things are changing. His life is changing. He's going to marry you, and you guys will be together, and that means she's got to back up and not just pop up. Respect you guys, is is you guys, is privacy and all of that. You're getting ready to start a family. She needs to understand in that. And the sooner you do it, the better. Steve, what, I don't have that kind of answer. I'm just gonna be real with you. I'm sure I appreciate you saying all that, and what you said, you know makes sense and everything, and you know it sounds real clinical and that thing you know, and you know, and you know, maybe this can do something. Ain't this ain't what this is? Okay? He close to his older sister. She thinks she his mama. This ain't just know it ain't a girlfriend. She thinks she his mama. She had got a new apartment and put a room together for his little punk hands in his favorite football team colors. What what you can't now? You got a little twin bed with a brown helmet on it. Where you got a little razing card pillows, And I know how much you like to play video games. I got one plugged up. Something wrong here, something is seriously wrong here? And then uh uh. He told her that she just gotta get used that that his sister gotta get used to him not being single anymore. She know that. You're said she's smart, you said she's attractive. She no, he ain't single no more. But what you got to do with it? Now? Here go your problem? She is, she's single, she's an only child. She's not from a big family. She has no idea or any experience with being close to a sibling of any kind older younger twin. She ain't had that, So she don't understand how in the world our sister can be that close to her brother. Now it ain't not not well careful either, but just the way it is. And and Sherley is absolutely correct about the marriage piece. If this don't get fixed, befoto marriage, what the path? The pastor told me one time, he said, the day after marriage, the only thing that changes the day after you married is the appearance of the left hand third finger. Nothing else changes, nothing else changes. What who's gonna happen? He gonna suddenly? What now it's gonna be more it is? What do you want her to do when we get married? When you you get married, she's still coming over there. Now you want to set some parameters. But he don't know how. He just said he don't want her to feel like she being pushed away? So now what we're gonna do? So when we come back, there will be a reenactment, count on it. I live for those re enactments. I'm gonna be this time. I'm gonna be to dude, trying to explain to you my wife, why my sister gonna keep coming over here right after this? You don't want to? Yeah? What is that's no surprise? Yeah? Yeah? And Jay, you play an awesome woman. I wanted to be the sister me. But that's what we can do. That that's cool. No, no, no, I like that too. Let's go with that. Look, we'll have part two of Steve's response and a reenactment coming up. Yeah, at after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, let's recap today's letter. There are three of us in this relationship. Oh, this lady merode in because she mad because her hud fiance saying real close with his older sister. She didn't got a new house and then put a room in it for him and painted his favorite football team on it like he nine. She worried that when she getting married nothing to change it ain't and then, uh, she don't understand because she's from single parent. She is she's been the only child, so she don't understand dynamics and family. She don't understand how anybody could be that close. So she has no sibling. So we decided to do is re enactment. I'm the guy, and Jay, who you gonna be this time? His sister? You're gonna be his sister, trying to explain who I guess why we're gonna stay together. All right, let's go Hey, hey, Connor, how are you doing? How you doing today? Hey, I'm glad you came over you. No, No, I'm shore glad. I'm so glad you let me over. I got everything you know. I got brown all dressed is dressed up like the browns, and everything is that you like by the boddamn cooking by the bed. Yeah, all that because I know that's what you like. So I got all that for you, with everything you like. I got chocolate mill you got did you get blogning? I got Belogne slice like you like? Boom boom boom. I got the Jesus you like that everything. Hold on, hold on SpLD hold on SIPs, hold on sip baby. Did you hear that? She didn't put all that in her house for me? So that's over here. Whenever you whenever you're over there with your wife, when you feel like you want to kick back, you come over here. Yeah. Yeah, because you know, because you know what sins. My wife ain't got all that. She ain't got none of that over there. Boom I got told me, told me, told me we wouldn't need no bologning. I don't even know why you would marry her somebody like that who don't like Belogning. Well, you know what what they hold up those since you know she grew up well off and everything, and so you know what, did you know? M hm, reunion. That's gonna work to me, just to me. We'll hold on, baby, hold on now, you know, don't say that she a nice like Belogny who don't like Belogning. I don't know how. Yeah, I don't know, man, I've been trying. I ain't found nobody. I ain't never met nobody that don't like Belogne, godly that ain't even Christian like, Yeah, that's simps. You think she's satanic though, I think just by hearing that, just by hearing that, yeah, man, you know what's devil to me? I'm gonna have to look into that. That does that get out? Because what is devil worshippers? They don't yeh. The Belogney argument, man, I ain't even even I hadn't even thought. I've looked that up on the internet. Huh, you haven't seen the vampire the Belogning sandwich. I'll be dog on' look you can come, but she can't come. The devil can't come over. No, wait a minute, Wait a minute, wait minute, baby, hold on now, hold on, sis, Sis, come on, now, come on. Now, we don't know that she the devil. I told y'all gonna look it up on the internet. And it ain't no signs that she the devil. She really is a sweet person. But you know, you know, let's let's google and give it a chance, you know. And then but I'll tell you what google. But hold on, hold on, let's take it over big Mama's how call big Mama. She know that kind of stuff. Mama will tell you you can google it, move doogle it. I don't care, but see big Mama or no, listen to me what big Mama do? Hang a chicken foot around her neck? And then with no, that's what I'm talking about. Man, I'm so glad you're my sister anytime. And they got the pantry stop with anything you like. Why isn't she Why isn't she in a relationship? She's who's the other voice? And I thought it was just you and me. I don't know, you know what? She got another sister too. I'll be bad. We're an only. She's an only. Yeah, that's what that ain't no sister, I don't know who they do I think that's a ghost? You know what? You know what? That is spooky? That is damned spook? Why he whispers, amazing it out? Didn't you? I'm gonna have to break up with her. Yes, it's just a reunion that is not gonna work. And I've got which I'll get you back. I'm glad. My head is to thank you sis anytime I'm here, key man. Look at this room right here, appreciated brownish one made it where orange profs. Only a sister would do that for you? Did your wife making any brownies? Will? Well? She allergic to nuts? Good answer in scene again, she's a cute girl, unsuccessful. Why is she still single? Man devil? But you don't see he's still being carried out. Let that go out. She's allergic. She needs some friends about she does? Yeah? Does it ain't gonna work if he married her? No, she's not going away unless you really set some boundaries. Yes, seriously, they have to. She she's got to get out of their relationship. She has and somebody else has to get out of character right now. Not the wow too close? Wait? Yes, and you know what else she needs? She needs the laundry room. She needs to wash her and dryer. That's what she needs, all right. Listen, guys, we gotta go email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM or at My Girl Surely now coming up in ten minutes Kanye on Saturday Night Live, and we'll be back right after this with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Pempin will be in the building. See how he's feeling today. Yeah. Uh, they're gonna recap yesterday's NFL games, But first, Steve, everybody's trying to figure out what's going on with Kanye with his Saturday Night Live season premiere. UM after his after show performance, it was a political rant about his friend who he supports, Donald Trump, the President. Kanye performed on the season premiere of Saturday Night Live as a giant Perier bottle. Uh. Then after the yeah, I don't know, I don't know what the significance of that one can yes, you know, when yeah, whatever he name is, when he came to do a celebrity family feud, m H, we talked about both of us going up to see Donald Trump, and I think what happened was he took it as a chance or for healing. I really do think he thought that he was going up there for a chance at healing. I thought I was going up there to possibly, since you know, Ben Carson was the head of Hood, maybe I could do something for you know, the underprivileged people and get some better housing, turn some of these schools and blow blows A long story short, it did. It did not work out that way. So I came back and got the realization that he is who he is. Yeah, and I've seen him do nothing, you know, to to try to He just doesn't. He's not doing anything to bring the country together. Now. What Kanye is having a tough time doing is trying to get us to be kinder to him when he's kinder to no one. This is the most non presidential man we've ever had. What is it to support? I'm telling you, man, When he was doing this imitation to Diane Feinstein down in New Orleans, I mean down in West Virginia this weekend, man, I watched I watched it. Man. It was ugly. Man. Let me ask your questions if if Kanye is defending Trump, who is not kind? Does Kanye come off as not kind himself? Well, he comes he's coming across as not connected to the masters kind. You know, he's just coming along as not Are you not paying attention to what he's doing? That's are you saying Kanye is out of touch? No, he's not out of touch. His messages love and the messages love. But you're asking us to love a person who exhibits love towards no one, and we just ain't that good at Christians, man, I'm sorry, you know, man, it's hard to show Christian love. Okay, Look, here's a deal. Kanye is asking us to love a man who's not exhibiting love at all, and as the leader of the most powerful nation in the world, he does nothing to unify people. All he does is make statements to separate people. So people who have a separatism, a separatist type of agenda, skinheads, clan quite supremacist hate groups, they can say, okay, then we feel like it's okay now to have his separatist viewpoint, because look, it's what the man who's holding office in the highest nation, he's absolutely fine with it. This country is so divided, right, now Steve, and he hasn't played a major role in its division. Yes, in this division. And he said when before he ran, he said, if he ever ran for office, he'd run as a Republicans because they're so gullible. And he knew what he was doing. And he plays to the base. He goes to these rallies and he tells jokes. He'd be doing sets. Yeah, he has such a need to be liked. Yeah, what listen to me. He was in West Virginia. Why are you still saying, you know, I won this election fair and square. Okay, here's here's what he did the other day. You remember when he made the statement in front of the U N and he was and he was made statement that this disadministration has done more than the Intermention in the history of our country, and all the people started laughing. He came back and said she and then tried to say they were laughing at me. They weren't laughing at me. They were laughing with me. We were having a good time. It was terrific. We were having a good time. So that's why you said, you weren't expecting that response when they laughed, because he didn't tell it as a joke, right right, he was very serious. He was serious until they laughed. We know difference with bro bro professional. Listen to me, that wasn't a set up to that joke. The fact he said it was the joke. Oh, I've been in the laugh being of a long time and I know difference being with and act and you know right away. Yeah. So as far as Kanye is concerned, I think it's tweet too surely about the abolishing the Amendment. Yeah, that's the one that's about the thirteen Amendment abolishes slavery. Right, that's the one we're talking about, right, Yeah, Kanye tweeted that yesterday that they should get rid of the Amendment or something. Yeah. What I'm not coming back into plantation. What we need to amend is we need to amend uh uh, the Second Amendment, the right to bear on We need to amend that. I'm not saying people can't have guns, but we gotta make some law changes. We need to change uh, this freedom of speech because people now have taken it to the point where they're just lashing out to hurt people and it's costing people. It's very evil. All right. Um, Coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna switch gears. Stop talking so much politics for a minute and bring Pimping in so he can recat week four of the NFL. Okay, right after this, you're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning Show. Al Right, guys, get ready pimping, come and take the mike. Look at all the rabbit fur. Time to talk football. There is pimp real. Hey, hey, hey, hey, what's that? What's what's so? What's up? What's up in anybody? What? What's going on? Junior? What's up? My hero? So? Boy, you better know it. Man, You don't track you track it. You know what I'm saying. You got divorced, you know, Yeah, you know you clothe your wardrobe. You're gonna do it a little bit. You ain't got no furt I. You don't to get some fur party. You can't be he'd be playing sh stuff playing I don't know what the pipers playing. That's the whole super You don't need don to play. Sure you ain't six now, Yeah, you gotta get some fur man. I turn you on. I'm gonna take your shopping with me. Were going up to Cleveland. What's the place Mr Albert's man in clean y'all don't shopping at one place. I don't shop doing here. Now I'm gonna see this leggings and brown up in Detroit. I don't go away for cleaning in Detroit, and ain't on the place you're always doing Super Flying, super super Fly over that night you got the curls and everything waiting on it. I'm going in and get a roller set. Yeah, this is one. It sounds like with pims clap, you know what I'm saying. Well, let's get it on, Junior. Yeah, pipping man, it's a pretty good week for you. Man, I don't know, let's see all right. Yeah, sensing that and let us sensing that. It beat the Falcons thirty seven to three. That was your push game though, Yeah, that was the push game. Yeah, ain't done the push. Yeah that's good. Tampa Bay as Chicago and the Beast with crazy. They stopped the mess out of Tampa Bay forty eight to ten. Yeah see, I'm not that right down that two in the road. That is pure Chicago. Yeah you did on this over I hear Pippen hit the bump of the road right here. Dallas beat Detroit six to Noah, Now, yeah, man, Dallas beat the tronk. Yeah, man, last second field, gou damn Detroit. We was winning, We was winning. Man, I had just went in the liquor stone. I this ain't no surprise. You got this with the green Bay. Just shut out Buffalo. You can't send up here, Josh green Man pro like Rodgers. Ain't even to him. I Philadelfa, Tennessee. The Titans beat the Eagles, now six, Yeah, I picked man man scow three. Man say it ain't so, it's so him. It's so so man, I Pippo, you won this one too. He'll stive bead Indnapolis. Hey, man, I sure want to celebrate where it's Timmy. Oh, he ain't come in day Pipper here't come in to day time. Oh that's right, it's Monday. He's a yeah, he's that ain't what it is. You know. He ain't a real pimp. He don't know how to stay all light still checken traps and come on in. Then New England. Man, the Patriots won thirty eight or seven? Pipper, Yeah, yeah, you picked Miami on that one. I don't well, I'm not gonna pick' I don't give damn here. They went on the dust of that game. I ain't picking. I know that's right. It ain't pimper, It ain't pip No one nowhere in Boston not e knew. You can't well you can't all that Patriots stuff and no summertime. You know, ain't gonna wear red whining blue. You know, find rabbit he red him Pimpo New York Giants. Man, they lost to the Jacksonville jack wear Jack's thirty one the time I tuned you, you did, Pipper? You did? How many? I lost? So fun Junior? Right now? Yeah, you have three? Right now, let's go all right man, this one hurt right here, Pipper, this makes number oh man, Cleveland Browns Man, don h I know. Down let me tell you something, No, y'all the pimp of the year or the pimp of the week, and one it goes to the Cleveland Brian down Man, y'all gave was Hope the wrong game. You know we're year after year no Hope. Man. We was in the m boy. Baker Mayfield, Yeah, man, what you think about Baker, Pipper? I think it black man. Don't everybody I know black? Got to name Thomas Baker? He was black and curtain Mayfield he was black and him the song I Come Out Too, that's from the That's from the super Fly movie. Man, that's Freddy's Dead him. That's Curtis movie. Yeah. I'm telling you, man, some all with this white boy. He needed to take ancestry dot Com. He need to check, Yeah, because I think he's some black peoples where he don't know about. All Right, Seattle in Arizona, Man, Seattle be the Arizona. You got that with twenty stepteen. Got another one, all right? The New Orleans Saints of the New York Jazz. The Saints one, I told you another one come to bring it home? Yeah, San Francisco at Los Angeles, Man, the charge has won. Didn't I tell you picked that one too? Do we need to hold up and come back with this now? Piping the lab one? Don't you got this? With? To Baltimore over Pittsburgh, crows it at, got it up? That's I got ten Winds and foe Loft. What's the Kansas City and dev A Broncos. Who you got Kansas City? Kansas City? Thank you guys, Thank you pimpin. As always, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Ye you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Carla, this story is for us ladies. Okay, all right, So what would you say is the most money that you would spend on a pair of shoes and some Lubutans or Jimmy Choose or you know. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's about average. Unfortunately, yeah that's how average. Well, no for lubutans design now just for the red bottoms or you know the designer shoes out there. Yeah, so how about this Steve seventeen million dollars for one pair of shoes? And who has that kind of money? No, I don't, not even he would pay that he got it? No, No, my wife coming by. Baby, Look I just bought these, got so much, they got seventeen million, give you one. Let's do it. Reenact Hi, baby, you like my new shoes? Were they cute? They're so cute? Yeah, I got so much. They cause oh h cold cold thousand cold baby, molding the thousand. Yeah. Sorry, I went a little over this time, baby, spent some shoe deal cold cold. Oh I'm going wrong. Way, Let hunted. You're playing the game. You wanted be in the background, higher highbee, baby, I know been here where you ain't spend no shoes? Of course, you know I didn't spend twenty five? Do you like him though? Do you like him? Maybe they're all right? They fly? But now you know that a lot of money. Honey, you got it? We hire though, higher, babe, babe, baby, you can't five thousand dollars? Have you lost your mind? You just spent five shoes, baby, No, not five thousand more than that, baby, not, baby, hold on, you bet not say you spent dollars. It's almost my birthday, baby, It's almost almos birthday. That's how I know you ain't spent. Girl, you spent ten tho dollars. It's gonna forever almost be your birthday ahead of you said. I asked, you said, what do I want for my birthday? I what did I say? A pair of shoes? So okay? How much? Watch your shoes? A million dollars? Say yes, honey, these dumps. These are real diant these are real diamonds. The Passion Dion shoes. They're diamond and crusted gold, leather and silk silettos. They're designed Queen Pim. They're on display. We're gonna get in, No, baby, I love you, but noticed, I'm going to go to prison. They have two flawless fifteen Carrott diamonds off the toe. I'm going to go to prison, and thirty six smaller diamonds, which I've been I don't have to pay for the shoes to the world's most expensive pair shoes. Cool, you can have them. I'm not gonna have to pay for I'm just going to go to prison. How shoes are so shiny? I love them. I'm going to prison. I'm kidding. Who you got him from on the social media? And tell us what you think about these shoes? Okay, and how much did you spend in your most expensive shoes. We'll be right back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Alright, guys, here we go. Congratulations going out to Kevin Hart and Tiffany Hattish and everyone involved in Night School. Night School is the number one movie in America. Man, It is good to be Kevin Hart right now. It is good to be Kevin Hart right now. Night School brought in about twenty eight million dollars and it was produced by Will Packer. You just mentioned his name. Junior and directed by Malcolm d. Lee. Uh, Steve, speaking of Kevin Hart, we want to remind you. Yeah, you weren't here when it was Kevin Hart's takeover last week. So, um, listen to this when I asked him about your beard. How are you feeling the beard? Kevin h People make choices. People made choices, you know, people made joy some I'm gonna be good in bed, you know. It's it's not about what we like, is about what we accept. So you see somebody holding onto it. You just I've had those moments. Uh, they only suggestion now with me, a little bit of that man, Let's let's get rid of Let's get rid of that. Ask him, look, stop making it look you don't know what daytime looks like. No more. A little bit of dying there. I don't hear you laughing still, Oh no, No, I mean it's cool. I don't little sleep with care. The part that I was piste off about was that little minion in the background, his hype man Tommy, Yeah, a little me, Yeah, yeah, what are you gonna do it? Some die? Some die? You need some hype? Where is he speaking? Yeah? Are you going in? Shout shot? People? Can't come to work a lot. There's two many steps. Kevin shot. Kevin got a different mindset, see Kevin. Kevin walked around like here lying yes, so that for he is Tommy, ain't that he always jumping on some bandwagon, you know? Now? If he won't me to die my bid he can say that, but I'm not gonna do it though. I'm so fly like this, just so, I just seriously look, I look in the mirror. I'm okay with me. That's why I am. Everybody ain't gotta like these decisions. I don't like how tld Tommy. There's nothing to back shout. I don't like. I don't like Kevin Hart's height. I'm glad I'm six to. I don't give a damn if I'm ain't in your mungy bungy. I don't give a damn if I ain't ever been a nice school or none of that. I think the Lord I'm six to, all the little last suits walking around looking like a little action figure. I think he said it would love. Of course, I take it back like I said it was that damn Tommy in the back. Some people make some decisions. Some people don't. How long are you gonna do it, oh little man. All right, when we come back, last break of the day and Steve's closing remarks, you don't want to miss him. We'll be back at fort nine after all right, Steve, it's time for your closing remarks. Okay, today I thought a good subject to talk about was about I think mentors being mentored, how to attract the right mentor. Um. I don't care what you're thinking of doing in your life. I don't care what decisions you've make. Somebody has already done it, attempted it, gone down that role, made the attempt. Maybe not your idea specifically, but the route to get there has already been traveled for the most part. Uh. If you want to be successful, that are successful people. If you want to be a star athlete, there's a star. You know what I'm saying. I'm saying to you that whatever it is you're trying to accomplish, somebody has already taken the path. Now, finding these people is really really not that difficult. Now getting in front of them is where you're gonna find the difficulty. So let me give you a couple of suggestions. What is the best way to approach a mentor. What is the best way to approach a mentor of means and a mentor with means, because that's that's two different people. You know, Martin Luther King was a mentor of means. He wasn't a wealthy man, but Lord have mercy man. The knowledge that he could have given you about struggling and overcoming and and and stick tuitiveness, those those lessons he could have taught you would have been invaluable. So you have two different types of mentors. You have mentors of means and mentors with means. Now, if you can find the two combined, that's even more special. But you're getting into more of a rare territory. Now. It's harder to find mentors of means and with means combined because how do you get to that person? How do you get to the Oprah winter fleas. When you find someone in your life, or you meet someone, or you hear someone, you put them on your vision board. I want to meet this person one day. I would love to have a conversation with this person. You have to understand something. Most people with means of any kind, like Bishop Jake's, he has a lot of means. Man he deals well financially too, but he is also just a man of wealth of knowledge. How do you get to these people? Well, several ways to do it, but if you can somehow find that way, because there's no specific way right when you get in front of this person, I want you to understand something. When you're facing them, they don't mind teaching and sharing because most people of means are great sharers and great teachers. A Bishop Jake's, Joe Oldstein, that brother that has the app out the hip hop uh preacher Eric Eric Thomas. Brothers like that too, and I listened to him man a lot of times. But getting in front of them, taking their course or whatever you might do. When you get in front of them, they don't mind teaching and sharing. They will mind giving you money. See, most people want to meet them mentor so they can present an idea to him and get some financial help. That's the quickest way to run them off because everybody is used to that. Do you have any idea? How many times in a week I'm asked for money? It's sickening. But if you come to me and say, man, could you just give me a piece of advice? I usually don't have no problem with that. I got time for most Anybody that wants some advice wants me to share a wealth a piece of knowledge. That's okay. So when you get to these people, have a plan to be taught something. Ask him to teach you to fish, not to give you a fish sandwich. Ask them to teach you to fish. They don't have a problem with that. Now in several ways to get in front of them. But when you do get that, when you finally do meet them and meet the main as difficult as you think. Now, if you live in you know, New York and your mentor lives in l A, you're gonna have to find a way to get to l A. Oh, you gotta find out when you come to New York. You gotta do some research. But you have mentors closer than that. You have somebody who's a really well mentally balanced person that you need in anation from. You have a person who seems to be doing really well with a wife and their children. You need information form because it's all a balancing act. You can't be successful in your business and while your family sitting over there struggling and in ruins is not going to work. Once you learn the traits of success. It it filters over into every other aspect of life. So you gotta have a balance. You can find these people right here. Don't ask them for money. People want to share and teach and give you information. Everybody needs a mentor. You cannot make it without mentorship. You know, there's an incredible saying, and we ain't got to get into why so incredible. But friendship is essential to the soul. You know why friendship is so essential to the soul. I've lost my mother, my father, I've lost my brother, I've lost my best friend. Before. You can live your life without your mother, you may have to eventually one day, you can live your life without your father. You may eventually have to do that. One day. You can live your life without your uncles and your relatives. But you know what, it is very very difficult to live your life without a friend. It is very very difficult to live in this world with no friendship. Nowhere money you can pick up. It's man, you got. Friendship is essential to the soul. Do not avoid mentoring. Don't try to do it all by yourself, because nobody gives to the top by yourself. There's no such thing as a self naze man. You got to have Amaze For all Steve Every contests. No purchase necessary, avoid where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening. She was the main herday morning show