Nipsey Hussle, Weekend Review, Church Complaints and more.

Published Apr 1, 2019, 2:00 PM

It's the first of the month and The CEO feels good.  We have weekend review with Steve and he had a great experience in Orlando, FL.  In Church Complaints today, we find out that there will be two new members of the congregation.  Big Dog wins an NAACP Image Award and Chris Rock goes in on Jussie Smollett.  We mourn the loss of West Coast hip hop legend Nipsey Hussle.  Omari Hardwick is getting heat from the Beyhive.  The NCAA Final Four is set and ready to go.  Janet Jackson is officially in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.  In Closing Remarks, Big Dog reflects on our country and so much more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, back to back down, giving them more like the milling Buck bus things in the cub Me good it stehen to the movie together for student Hadley, I don't join join me in doing me. Honey, you gotta turn you gotta turn the turnow, got the turnout, then turn the water the water go me come come on your back that I sure well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only. It is Steve Harvey. Yeah, I got a radio show. Okay, this is timely for everybody. I'm sure I want to offer you all or some encouragement because everybody needed. Let me tell you something. You strike out on your goals. You strike out on your aspirations. You get headed out on the course to fulfill your dreams. You strike out on the mission to get it accomplished. You have resolutions, you decide that this is what it's going to be, and so you strike out all in it all engines blasting full force right ahead. And then it happens, as it happens to all of us. Here it comes a setback. Here, it comes something pop up. Man. Here it comes the unexpected, all out of nowhere man, a hater, just something that, really, man, is undescribable to you because you're just going along your what you thought was your merry way, and here it comes life. Life just hits one of them bad notes, as it always does, as it always does for all of us, for everybody. Now, when those bad notes happen, when I hate come out of nowhere, when the setback comes up, when when the out of nowhere appears, when I didn't see that coming comes, Here's here's what you have to do. Here is the thing that I have been teaching myself for years that I used to not always understand. So I'm trying to give it to you. You have to be encouraged anyway. Now that's difficult, okay, Steve, what you're talking about. You just told me all this discouraging stuff that can happen, and you said you got to be encouraged anyway. Yeah, man, you have to, because what's happening to you right now, the thing that you're going through right now, the thing that everybody's going through right now. Ain't nobody on smooth sailing, man. Everybody got something and if they if they don't smooth selling, just notice is coming. There's nothing I'm wishing on anybody. It's just that this is life. This is how it happens everybody. So please stop stop getting on the old woe is Me bandwagon? Old Lord? Why met old Lord? Something always happened to me, something always happens to everybody. But here's what you got to do. When you get in moments like this, you got to be encouraged. You got to remember in those times, in those times when it's going wrong, you got to remember all that you've been through. You got to remember all that you've come through. You have to remember those other times when you felt like this and somehow, unexplainably you don't even really stop to say nothing about it. It just changed for you. And the problem that was is no more. And the situation that seems so insurmountable, you got over it, You got around it, You got over it. Sometimes you just got to slide right under it. Sometimes you got to plow through it. But in those times when it's discouraging for you, when you feel like giving up, those are the test. Those are the moments that will determine whether we make it. Or not. I'll tell you one thing for sure. If you give up in these moments, right here here is a foreshow you'll never make it. That that's unquestionably the deal. If you give up in these dark times, if you give up in these what you think is insurmountable moments, if you turn back, now here is the one thousand percent sent for sure, you ain't gonna make it. But there's a bright side to this situation. If you keep your head down, if you keep forging, if you keep pressing on. Sometimes, if you just stand there and sometimes get knocked to your knees, But if you stay in that place, if you just stay there and ride the storm out, my head is bloodied but unbowed. If you can just stay there, if you consider in that moment and ride it out, you will win. You will win, You will pass the test, and you will get to move on to the next level. But there is no next level without a test. You can't get to grade six without passing grade five. You can't be your senior without first being a junior. You can't graduate without fulfilling the hours and requirements. You see, I don't care what you do in life. Look at it it's all set up on levels, but you've got to accomplish the thing before in order to get to the next level. And when you've made those level accomplishments, you get to graduate. Now you can go on and get the masters in a PhD. You can go on and become rich. You can go become wealthy, or you can go or you can go somewhere and think yourself in another set of circumstances. But you got to go through something to get to something. There ain't nothing free. So you can stop that notion about being successful that is easy. Come on, man, if it was easy what we are, what we're talking about, it is not easy. Stop thinking it is. It is difficult. But I'll tell you what's even more difficult than becoming successful. You want to know what that is, Try not being successful your whole life. That's hard. You are listening to a person who has done them both been successful and really really been not successful. And I got news for you. Both of them hard. But I would rather deal with what it is to be something, to make something out of myself, to force myself to go to work when I don't feel like it. This morning was a rough get up for me. But I got up and I said thank you anyway, never give up. And I don't watch this dude too. He even mess around and got close to me because he just never gave up. You can never ever give up. Never. It's not an option. Giving up cannot be an option for you. You cannot do that. It's out of the question. It's ain't conceivable in your mind to quit, because to quit, it's to watch what you get when you quit. Nothing. That is a reward for those who hang in there, who never give up, who forged through, who see it through, Who getting knocked down and get back up, who gets trampled but somehow gathers themselves and get back to your knees. But stay in that place, man, don't ever give up. Don't let go be encouraged. Think of all you've been through, Think of all you come through, Think of all he's done for you. Think of all the times you thought you wasn't gonna make it, but somehow, without you ever even saying thank you, he got through. He got you through it anyway. That's that thing called grace. Now we kind of need that in our life. All I need is a little more grace. You can't give God, no money for grace, man. Grace is absolutely free. It's available to everybody, but you can't get none if you quit. Don't give up. I'll just tell you that flat out. Don't ever give up. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen. It is about to go down for the how many you know what? Somebody should get a calculated out and calculate how many Mornings shows approximately we've done since two thousand and five. Oh my god, let me do that. Everybody? Is this fool's question? No? Okay? Oh today is yeah. I don't do that. So whatever we're gonna do questions today or something like that, Well, I can do some level of ignorance whatever y'all want to do. Charlie's straw berry? Steve Hardy, what was that? Steve? You know I hiccuped in the middle of it and tried to just turn it in. Okay, that was pretty slack. I like that. I like that. I know little moves like that. You know, when you're on stage and you and you hiccup, You got to do something. Colin, for real? What's going out? Good morning? Steve? Even? What up? Junior? Morning off? Whatever? Pimp timming? What was happening. Dog It dog Monday. Baby. The sun is shining so bright, and I'm happy to be alive today, boar, happy to be alive. Man. Had a great weekend work when and hung out with a friend, did a foundation for my buddy self down in uh Orlando, Florida. Went right back to Orlando. I was Disney Dreamers a week before and went right back. How was it? I was pretty cool, pretty cool. Play golf two days in the row. Only gone holes though now not just nine holes. Yeah, I just try to mix in a little bit in a work Saturday night, and I was the only celebrity there, so that was tagged you it, man, I should I should. Let y'all see this picture that my assistant took of me while these people had came up. You know, Okay, now imagine this. Now We're in a banquet hall and we had all everybody's got these big round tables, tables and ten thousand a piece, some of them twenty five thousand. I'm sitting at the table in the middle, up at the front, and you know, during dinner, people were getting up, walking up, and I'm like, it's my back is to the dance floor because we're the first table. You know how the tables be surrounding the dance floor. So I'm in the middle table, middle of the dance floor, facing my back to the dance floor. In the stage, people would come up behind me. Have that friend go on the other side of the table and just bend over at face level and take pictures with you. That's when you know you're a real boy. I got I gotta let y'all see he tickled me. Many look at me. Yeah, I love it. That was seven hundred people at this banquet. Yeah, and you're the only celebrity there. Oh yeah, you worked the room. I was sick, but when we got up there for the auction, your boy was crazy. Steve all right, coming up at thirty two after the hour, a little weekend review. We got a preview from Steve Justice right now, but we'll have more right after this at thirty two after the hour. You're listening, all right, Happy Monday, everyone, We'll find out what happened over the weekend. How is everyone's weekend? Steve? You sounded like you had a great weekend in Orlando benefit called Kids House down in Orlando, and uh, one of my best friends, self Bernstein's wife, Maria, heads up the foundation, and he asked me to come down and host it, and I did an auction. Uh, they raised a lot of money. Your boy, Your boy was clowning at the auction. The most they've raised that their auction has been about two hundred and fifty to three hundred thousand. Oh oh, your boy broke all records last night. We had over six hundred and fifty thousand. What are you doing that? Well, you know, I had an auction off stuff, and uh, they were so I had the newscaster buddy of my name, Jim. He went up and he would describe the project, I mean whatever, like a trip over to Europe for six days. You know they had, they had a lot of prizes and who had seven of them to do? And I just I just went at it. Man, Steve Harvey style made it real funny. People. Oh no, no, no no, I ain't do that. All right, y'all, let's start this off here like four thousand. Ain't nobody got four damn grand the tables, it's twenty five. So you just tapped out. Now you ain't got nothing for them. That's Jesus for kids, And it's right, all right. I got four thousand. Right here, they're gonna farty five hundred. We're gonna increments of five. Don't give me no farty one. Ain't nobody fit to be counting like that. I can't keep up farty five hundred. Hell, why am I hill? What I'm down here for? You were telling them how to be Oh man, we was clowning. Man. We had a good time. So I got a lot of people being against each other then, you know, so I just did it. It's one guy, though, was that the thing? He was interesting me because he was weighing the back. He kept bidding, but he kept losing. You know, he was getting now bid and he just he's just crazy. So he got up to this one bid and something was being known for eight thousand dollars, and he said, Steve, he's way in the back. Steve, I get eight thousand, and I want a picture with my family back here. I said, my man, if you do this for the charity, I'll come right there and take a picture with you in your family. Cool eight thousand dollars out front, gos nine thousand, nine thousand, Steve, you ain't got to do a picture with me. I took a hundred of them standing right here. So I go on the back to this guy and I felt bad for him, and I said, ain't man, you lost another bid. He said, I'm just gonna be honest with you. You know, you're not worth an eight thousand dollars to pitch you with you. That was so the audience. But oh, like, you know, why are you doing Why are you saying that about the man? You know, I just walked through. You know, I ain't ain't bothering I said, you you know, said it into the no, I saying it right there, just like that. Okay, we're still live on the air, all right. Well that what I said, live last you know, So I don't I don't know what to tell you is they wanted to just kill the story, keep it moving, you know, better finish the story. Well you know what I mean. You know, it kind of stumped him a little bit, you know, but you know I had got tired by that point. You know, once I get tired, the filters off, so you know, we just had Then they was really laughing because your boy was good bucket funny. Then they had the sheriff who was the head of the one of the heads. He came up with. You can come down and ride with SWAT one day, try on the vest. You can go shooting. You can ride in a helicopter and you can ride down the river canals where they do the drug reinforcement training, and you could fire live rounds right alone. And I said, man, that's great, great, Yeah, who who wants to who wants to? Don Come on, get your head up in there. Let's stop five thousand dollars. Throw your life out the way. That's fall out that damn helicopter. You know, your ass way too much up in that helicopter. Ride down the canal and somebody really starts shooting. Now you took one in your arm. Oh, I had them people screaming, ste It sounds like we did a little stand up. That's what it sounds like it. Let me tell boy, your boy win them. I had. Hey, man, I gotta tell you the comedy muscle is live. And well there we go and s my timing is sharp. Come on, I'm just, I'm just. I've been thinking about it. But you know that it's the problem is political correctness. It's oh wow, yeah, just killing it now at the club. You're straight though, you say whatever the heck you want to. Yeah, but see if I go back, I gotta do like everybody else is doing, and I need your cell phones in the zip up bad Oh yeah, yeah, do you do that when you go out? Tommy and Junior, Now they'd be direct their video man, right that service for I'm not tell you that. Oh it's a service. H yeah, come at that. Yeah, they'll put him in a band. Hey say, Julia lost yourself? That will we not go? But you're mentioning that though, Temmy, because you're still trying to put your tour together type of my ofcle out that one moment one moten to. Yeah, there's some standing that one mode for the guilty. You know, let's go how you feel about that? Steve? He ready you just did, I know, let's go, Hey, tour because politically correct, that's what you think? Yeah, man, because I mean I'm gonna say something crazy. I want to say what I want to say? Well, they look for everything coming out of every Yeah. Yeah, but Steve, I mean you do you do reasonably well on this show? Yeah? Okay, let me explain something. Okay, let me let me just give you the subjects that can't be off limits, but probably it would get you a lot of hurry a. Kelly Jesse Smilly Bill calls me. You're right there. See how I got quiet? That's why I'm going. Oh yeah, church complains with Reverend Bowtown taking death Jam coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Show Tragic news to report hip hop star and community activist Nipsey Hustle was shot and killed yesterday. Unbelievable. Uh, we're definitely praying for his Beyonce, Lauren London, the actress, and his children. Uh so very sad. Oh boy. Also in entertainment news, um, other entertainment news, we're going to highlight some of the winners from the fiftieth annual NAACP Image Awards and Chris Rock Steve Chris Rock ignored the band Jesse Smollett joke, Yes, oh you saw that, right to talk to her, Well you have some inside information. Good. And then Omari Hardwick we know him as ghost from a Power. He's receiving some bashe backlash from kissing Beyonce. Yeah. Right now it's Monday. Reverend Motown, Dick and def Jam are here with today's church complaints. Let's go we m lord, we get in there forward forward. We move in gratitude. My lord, my lord, today is a great day. Yes he is, and we're about to mess it all up with a bunch of complaints. Just let us begin. Go ahead, deacon, all right, Happy Monday to you as well. Past it. Listen, I the deacon board is complaining that passed. I don'tough you know it. But after they did the count on Sunday evening, we are excited, excited to give the news that we are now planning for the construction of the new church. We have enough money to get the buildings. Are we are all go ahead? I just said, my lord. Yes. Now here's some things that are going on. Since marijuana is legal in this state, the new ministry are the higher dimension. It's requesting a smoker's lines to be added onto the new church as well, So that's up to you. You're gonna allowed in to have a smoking line? Well, oh no, no, no, no, we're not gonna do that, not for Mary Wanning legal, so that's why they answer. It may be legal, but the jack Pot Joint of Jerusalem as yet to find a way to make money off of it, so it's not gonna be legal. In the heal, we are smoking ain't gonna be legal in heaven, so we can't make it legal in heal. Okay, all right, ah, let's see the fester Josephine Lockhart. Lockhart is wanting a pool party for her seventy fifth birthday. She wants to wear bikini, and the deacon board is asking that you please put a stop to this nonsense, because done nobody want to see that? No, we don't, but I'm gonna go ahead and approve that, Deacon. Why would you do that nobody wants to see? Well, the pool party won't cost so much, will it, if anybody gonna be there, if nobody want to see it, we didn't throw the pool board pretty cheap. It's just gonna be hugged. And the way she was gonna do it anyway, because she ain't got no money to fly on where She's gonna put some sand in her bathroom around the up, around the bathtub and just gonna step out the tub like she owned the beach. And then we're just gonna put it on Instagram and then make it, try to make it. We're gonna get one of them young kids to photo shop the tub out, and she want to look like halle Berry coming up out the water. That's not gonna ha oh, it's gonna be horrible, but I damn sure we're gonna see it. All right, Well, I go ahead and go ahead and let them have it. And you want to let her hand, all right, well hold on to your belt on this one. Past to the two Africans joined churches past Sunday. They were the same one that was with Jesse. They they are back and they joined Jack pot Um. They are saying, if you want to be in the more in the spotlight, they can whoop your ass tomorrow night. They're not gonna really hurt you, but they can get you out there a lot bad. If you want to be in the spotlight. Uh, we're going to allow them to come on and become members because we're gonna use them in all of our plays. Well do what they're gonna do and play Oh did you boy? Can act? Any time? You got two Africans acting like they're white and pulling it off for weeks. We got to bring them boys, and then I'm gonna play the lead role. And when they when it's over, I'm gonna tell them I'm the saved Tupart. Come on now, thank you, brother. You see how this just just this could be a parable you know what I'm saying. You know, come on now, I like that. You want me to tell them that day all right to be a part of our congregation? Yeah? Them them, the two brothers, right you you you got more jokes or or or my turn. No, it's I just want to know what day you wanted to get jumped out, because they gonna want to know that. Well, I'm gonna organized that when the two brothers names have not been released, but I have them. Is the two Africans that did the work? Is I follow and I go down? Two brothers, I'll follow and I'll go down. Yeah, it's gone, all right, thank you. I'm gonna get jumped on on Saturday night, dude, and I won't double meat on my sand That's it for church complaints. Coming up in the top of the hour entertainment news right after what can I say one last thing? Yes, I want I want my news in velvet. I don't you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. We're going to talk talk about the tragic news about Nipsey Hustle, who was shot and killed at his store in Los Angeles yesterday. But uh yeah, it was really horrible. But right now we're gonna switch gears here and talk about the fiftieth annual NAACP Image Awards that was this past Saturday. That were this past Saturday in Hollywood. It was hosted by Anthony Anderson. We have to say, Steve Da Da Da, congratulations to you. You won an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Game Show Host for Family Few that home h Thank you. That's really good. That was big man, you know who notified me as soon as it happened. Roland Martin. Oh wow, And I think I was on a plane or I was in the car heading to the plane. That was it Thursday night? Was it Thursday night? Oh? When you were leave? But when was the Image Awards Saturday night? Saturday night? Oh? Okay, yeah, yeah, I was, I was, I was. I was at the function. Yeah yeah, just doing something Saturday night. Yeah, So thank you very much. He was big. You know. The Image Awards really do mean a lot to me. They really really do. Man. I cherished those more than the immage that I get. And I mean that seriously. They they all over my office. Wow, I love those Okay, and congratulations again you won for family feuds, so look at you. Power one for Outstanding Drama, Amori Hardwick one for Outstanding Actor, go ahead, yes, yes, well deserved. I think Blackish. I love Blackish. One for Outstanding Comedy Series. What a brilliant series. Yeah, R and B Newcomer LM one Outstanding Album and jay Z won the President's Award, and Beyonce was named Entertainer of the Year. And then Black Panther, Oh, black Panther, Black Panther won everything everything. Yeah, we're kinda forever. So now we're gonna talk about more about Amari Hardwick when he kissed Beyonce at thirty four after the hour. We will talk more about that. But first, Steve, you said you've already spoken to Chris rock. Um. He ignored the no Jesse Smollett jokes. Rule ye take a listen to this. Guess I gotta present an award. They said, no Jesse Smollette jokes. I know, I know what a waste of light skin. You know, you know what I could do with that light skin that Curly had. My career would be a running Hollywood. Um, that's no no, no, just what the hell was he thinking? From now? I never know? Just you're Jesse. From now on, you don't even get to you no more that you was respects. You aren't getting no respect from me. I was just and you know, but you know, no, Jesse swallowed jokes. But you know, I mean it's human, man, I mean, you know, and people get tight about it. But man, I mean, it's the obvious thing. It's on everybody's mind. And what was they laughing at? They were laughing right at the joke. Yeah, no, they was holly all right, Steve, We got to move on and get to the headlines. Yeah, all right, ladies and gentleman, miss a and trip, thank you very much. Anne. This is a trip with the news. Former Vice President Joe Biden, they're all talking about this one, responding to allegations that he once kissed a Nevada politician on the back of her head on a hair, saying that he's offered handshakes, he's offered hugs expressions of affection through the years, but that he never acted inappropriately. Former Nevada Assemblywoman Lucy Flores published an essay in which she said that in twenty fourteen, while she was riding for lieutenant governor that Biden kissed her on the back of their head. Never do I claim that this was that rises to the level of a sexual assault or anything of that nature. What I am saying is that it's completely inappropriate, that it does not belong in any kind of a professional setting, much less in politics, and that is something that we should consider when we are talking about the background of a person who is considering running for presidents. By the way, Lucy Flores is a Democrat. Meanwhile, Biden, who's close to announcing a run for the presidency, says quote, I may not recall these moments the same way. I may be surprised at what I hear, but we have arrived at an important time when women feel they can and should relate their experiences and men should pay attention, and I will. President Trump is threatening to cut a to Guatemala or Salvador and Honduras, accusing those three nations of sending up the caravans of migrants that have made their way from Central America through Mexico's southern border, and now Trump's were neewing his threat to completely close the US southern border, despite warnings that shutting it down could wreak havoc on the US economy. By the way, as the host of the show Fox and Friends discussed all of this, the chiron or the words that you know go across the screen read Trump cuts USA to three Mexican countries. Of course, there are no three Mexican countries. So Fox later issued a statement saying, quote, we just want to make clear that the funding is being cut off to three Central American countries, and we apologize for the era. Before the apology came to there were a lot of jokes on the Twitter verse about Far and the kinds of people that the right wing network hires. The Democrat led House of Representatives voted to challenge the new pregnant Pentagon policy that bands transgender people from enlisting and those already in the military from serving openly. Meanwhile, US immigration officials releasing a number of Central American asylum seekers into the US into a pop up detention center as far as in Texas say these people are not breaking immigration law. They are lawfully seeking asylum. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development, or hut seeking, suing Facebook. Suing Facebook for letting real estate companies choose who sees ads for housing based on race and gender. Top to the weekend box office was Dumbly Dumbo made forty five million dollars. Jordan Peel's horror flick Us came in number two, and it's going to rain all over the country today. Actually, to Steve Harvey Mourning Hill, you're listening to the string show Boil Boy guys some really sad news. Grammy nominated hip Hop as an activist. Community activist. Nipsey Hustle was killed on Sunday afternoon and a shooting right outside a store, a Marathon clothing store. It's on Slawson in Los Angeles. It left two other people wounded. Nipsey grew up in gang culture. However, Nipsey was incredibly involved in his local community in which he worked to prevent gang violence. He helped spear a major art initiative in his home neighborhood called Destination Crenshaw. Nipsey was doing good work. Nipsey was thirty three years old. Lebron James, fifty Cents, Steph Curry, Pharrell Williams, all of a hip hop community, fans and just people everywhere just are praying for his family. And for his fiance, actress Lauren London, and his children. You know what I see, here's a part, you know, and everybody's has their say, so I mean, what can I say? This going to be as profound as some of the things. As other people have said, the obvious thing is his sick is sickening. Is sickening for his family, for his children, his wife, his fans, is sickening for the culture. But you know, it's really sickening. And I don't want you out and I want to say this and feel how you want to feel. Listen to me. Man as a community, when stuff like this happens in our community, that old ain't no snitching thing, that is not for you, that has nothing to do with it. We need to bring these people who did this to this man and his family and his fans and his friends and his love was. We need to bring it to justice. We need to help solve some of these crimes that happen man so senselessly in this community. And we got to stop this no snitching policy. It don't make no damn sense. Snitching was created for criminals from the philosophy of if you gonna do the time, if you're gonna do the crime, you gotta do the time, and that was what it was for. Now what happened is all of these people got because in prison, if you snitch, you you know what's gonna happen. Right, But when these people get free, they have bought this same philosophy back to the neighborhoods that should not apply to us. We have got to report these incidents. Somebody saw something in the front of this man's store, in front of somebody saw something and guess what, somebody knows something. Because you don't do this and don't tell nobody whoever this driver was. Somebody knows something. Man, Somebody need to come forward because it's crazy. Man. There's got to be justice in this, and I want the same uproar. Y'all got about this from the police department, as you got about Jesse just because you think he lied. Now everybody coming forward with that? What about this? Now? All right, Steve, We're gonna move on and coming up next at thirty four after the hour, actor Omari Hardwick is reading receiving a bit of backlash for kissing Beyonce at the NCP Image Awards. We'll talk about that right after this you're listening to show well. Congratulations going out to Beyonce. She was named Entertainer of the Year at the fiftieth annual NACP Image Awards Saturday Night Now. During her speech, Beyonce graciously thanked her fellow nominees in the category Take a listen. Okay, Regina King, I love you so much. You've taught us patience, persistence, and how to be masterful in your craft. Chadwick Boseman is teaching children to dream and to see themselves as kings. Lebron James has taught us to strength that strength of all forms and leading by example and providing education for our kids. Ryan cool Good tells our stories in a way that celebrates our history, improves that we do have power at the box office. And I'm honored to be included among all of you and to be a part of a vital, thriving, beautiful community. Thank you so much INACP God bless you. I hope y'all had a great night. Thank you. It was very nice speech, very gracious, very gracious, Yeah, very gracious. Yeah. She's always that, uh huh, yeah, she's always been in the business. You're absolute, all right. And then to okay, Steve So. On a related note, while at the awards, Amari Hardwick we know him, of course as Ghost from Power. He's receiving backlash now for kissing Beyonce in front of her husband, jay Z. So While greeting Beyonce, Omari went in for two kisses, including one near the mouth, and now Amari is getting backlash. People are tweeting two kisses too much. A handshake would have done the job, and others are saying women don't need to be grab hugged, or kissed unless you were their husband, our boyfriend, unless you were their husband or boyfriend. It wasn't bad. I saw this man. It wasn't bad at all. I saw it. It wasn't bad. He wasn't being just older man. Let me say something that I know jay Z. We're not like close friends or nothing, but I know him. We always have respectful conversations with one another. If you want to know a man, jay Z, Sean Carter is a man. If it was a problem, y'all, ain't got to be tweeting. You ain't got He would be stepping to him now. Even if he didn't see it, he would stepped to him now. He a man, y'all tripping man, Quit worrying about that, Amara, Harard? Can you think he crazy? Gray? Do you really think this brother is crazy? I don't think so. It was respectful. He hugged up, he picked it, packed, and he packed again. That's it in Europe. I hate to tell y'all this, but it's a double kiss to everybody, kiss each cheek, even many. At the moment we do something, we ain't got nothing else to do. He got a problem. That's one kiss to the one pack. It's a simple hand. Shin't shouldn'body to kis U? Simple? Man? Man, get man, go somewhere, Please find something else right there. But you know, man, her fans are just fierce. Yeah, and I don't want to say nothing about that. It's coming for you. That's real. They answers real. No, No, they're an actual be high not to be played. Yeah. Yeah, So I ain't talking about them, but I'm just talking about people in general, you know what I mean? You know, look, it's okay, man, and they protect that girl. And man, I wish I had off, No I need. I don't call it something that. What was everybody commenting on Harvey's hundreds? Yeah, no, no, because it ain't gonna want money. It was harmless, completely harmless, major respect because I'm gonna tell you it ain't a dude in this business that don't understand what Sean Carter is from. Ain't nobody for disrespect this man an this guy's makeup, who don't know, who don't know? Dog? Come on, man, this ain't no punk ass student here in front of this world. This dude is the real deal. Now, ain't what you want? Everybody? Relax? Yeah, I chill pill right there in front of everybody. All right, Well, uh, it is April Fool's Day, and the nephew is right here. He's in the building, right here, right here, with today's frank phone call. We'll hear it right after this. You're listening to morning show coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. Subject Doggie style lifestyle, not what you think. Downy boy, down boy, down boy, down boy, down boy. Okay. It is April Fool's Day today, though, and the nephew is here with today's frank phone call. What you got now? The fool is here? Today is today? It's your day, baby, wedding and a funeral. Thing. Wedding and a funeral. Yeah, let that all sulky it right there? Yes, and a funeral. Run that kid, quick funeral. Hello to Ryan. Hi, I'm trying to go Ryan, Ryan, how you doing. Hey, I'm good. I'm a second. This is Josh. Josh was over at the I want to be officials at the church where you guys are getting married tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, how you doing? Man? They want to thank y'all for that too, man, we'll appreciate it, sure. Yeah. Well, we definitely hope to make you a member here soon or later, since you guys are getting married. You know, hey, man, you know I'm trying to get this worst schedule change up. You know what I'm saying. They got me working on Sundays now, man, So soon as I tweaked at the mood that around a little bit, I'll be there. Okay, listen, we have a bit of a situation that's come up. We had some problems and miscommunication and it's definitely been on the outside. They had your name, Ryan down here with your phone number as well as you're soon to be wife Sonya. They had her name here, but we didn't want to call her with this. We wanted to just reach out and talk to you and see if it just makes you aware of what's going on. Okay, what's what's going on? Man, there's been a mix up on scheduling. I don't know if you know such an older make she passed away a week ago old and you're not you're not a member of the church, so you wouldn't know it. But she's one of the one of the oldest members here at the church since the older maid passed away. And what's going on is you all's wedding is tomorrow at twelve o'clock, right, but the actual funeral is at three o'clock here at the church. Okay, uh, but Shae began, Brother Josh Josh, okay, look at Brother Josh. Um hey, man, we we we already got this thing in motion. Man, we didn't stand now they have been a two hundred differentations. Man, I mean blessed old man and and and I understand that, but but but I mean, you know, she's there's no way we could have moved it around down the figures problem. The funeral home is bringing the casket first thing in the morning. So what I want, what I wanted to make you aware of, and I didn't want you to tell your wife this. But the actual casket will be in the Saint ary, but we will have it. Hold hold hold of man, are you serious now? Look at y'all need to move this round. I don't know what y'all gonna do. Y'all have a fellowship hall in the back or something like that, werena, Ryan. The only place we can actually put the casket, and if we didn't put it there is in the actual room that you'll you'll soon to be wife would be changing in. That's the only placed about my wife infortually changing the room when the dead body. But you can't even what it was. And you know what, I understood that that's the first thing I thought of, I said, And that's still put the casket the way it goes for the people, and we're gonna cover it up. And see, basically, you actually didn't. But I can't even believe you calling me, would man? Look at it and excuse my french man. Yeah, I knew I need to get back in the church, I really do. But right now, Doug, this ain't going down like this. Man. We didn't already paid the money and first. First of all, First of all, you know she I don't even feel like she may had to pay, you know, to hold no winding over a hunt hurt where she paid times a. That's that's the first thing. You know. I ain't like that from the jumping, but I wouldn't hear it when winning, because she wont her past to marry us. And now you got to near to tell me that y'all will arrange something. That funeral gonna happen the same day as my wedding and my wife's got to get dressed in the room with a dead body. Well, no, we're not gonna put it in there, bro, Like I say, I'm putting that body first thing in the morning. I'm gonna put that body in the right there in front of the fullpit, and we're gonna cover it. Now, what you're getting out of is you get more flowers, because there's gonna be flowers from the funeral. So I'm thinking that's probably gonna be a little bit of a person point I just wanted you to be on. It's probably gonna be more people than you think because some of the people that's gonna be at your wedding. It's really for the funeral. He hold of, man, are you serious right now? I mean, look at doctor. I didn't paid for the wedding happened at this church, man, okay, ain't And no disrespect to the lady that is passed, called bless her family. I ain't planning to not putting no dead body, having no funeral as my wedding. Man, that's crazy. Down on that church too, sir. She's a member of the church too. Hey, I don't give a I don't being a member of the church. Man. I've been paid for this wind and it's gonna happen tomorrow. Man, you my six And of putting the dead body at my wedding, run run, I mean, no distanspect. But the woman has passed. She is not gonna get up. I mean, what does the pout. The problem is y'all called me with this man the day before my wind and we didn't schedule there six months ago. I got to spill twenty five thirty thousand dollars on this wid Okay, and you're gonna tell me that we got to share our wind with a funeral. But the hiller's won't with you? Man, something, do you want to have your winning at this church. I'll pay for them, and which we won't. I'm having the wind, okay, I tell you what. Lift it by the bit in the brd I wrote in the right out to the streets playing. Y'all just stot things in front, and and and and throw flowers like throwing rice. But we're gonna have a wind inside the same year tomorrow. I promise you that I can't. I can't assure you that it won't be. I have no other place to put the body. Okay, well i'll bet y'all find someone to put it. If I get that a march. It's about it there. It's gonna be a couple of about it in there. I ain't got two choices to move that funeral or to reimburse me back this thirty thousand dollars out an hour to spend those only two choices. I want to hear about it. Meet me at the front door to night with a thirty thousand dollars cash hier check. All we say to has winning up in that morrow morning. You heard me. I ain't playing. I ain't playing at all. No jokes that's wrong with y'all. Man. You can do something else, I understand, that I don't want to from you. Man. No, all I'm saying is it's gonna be a winning at this church more without dead about it. That's all I'm saying. Push it to the band. Man, There's there's one more, a bit of an issue that I need to tell you. Also, what can be worse than a dead about it? What issue could be worse? Dead boy? That we the man the issue, sir, that it's worse than the dead body is. This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your best man, Jeff got me the prank phone. Call you what you babe? The bench man about to get the best blo he can possibly get? Man playing then got lead it is get the best beat down possible band. I'll tell you, hey, one more question. What's the baddest radio show in the land? Ryan, the Steve hard Morning Show, babet King of Price? You had a king? Okay? And I can I show you about how I am the King of jazz? Can I show you that? What? Yeah? Okay, all right, got a little something you check it out to Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's given you a chance to win an unforgettable trip for two to New Orleans Experience, a weekend check it Out Experience, a weekend of live music plus your Lieutenant private screening of the upcoming movie Bolden Now a Bolden is a film about Buddy Bolden, the unsung American row who invented jazz. This also includes AM three nights, hotel, accommodations and more. To enter and get rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. All brought to you by Bolden coming to theaters Friday, May third. That's Steve Harvey HELFILM dot com. You could be the winner. All right, thank you, nephew. Come on, it's time now when we come back for the Strawberry Letter. Subject Doggie style Lifestyle. Wait to hear this one, Okay, okay, we'll be back with it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice in your relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. It's just that easy. It's just that simple. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one today. Okay, buckle up, hold on tight, we got it for you here. It is a Strawberry letta subject doggie style lifestyle Pere Stephen Shirley. I am a twenty seven year old woman and I just moved in with my boyfriend. We've been dating for one year and we have a great relationship. But of course there's an issue, or I wouldn't be writing you. I love making is very good, but we are never alone. When we're intimate. There's always four extra eyes very close by staring at us. It's his dog. He has a Doberman and a German Shepherd, and these dogs are very spoiled and run the house. When my boyfriend and I get in the bed, they jump into. Since I moved in, my boyfriend has forced them to sleep on the floor next to our bed. Since I didn't want them in our bed. I have asked them. I have asked him to put the dogs beds in the guest room so they can sleep in there at night. But he says I'm being inconsiderate and silly. He says they're dogs and they don't understand what we're doing when we're intimate. But it creeps me out. They always come right up to the bed and stare at us the entire time. I have asked my boyfriend over and over to close our bedroom door and keep them out while we have sex, but he says they will wind the entire time and spoil the mood. I think this is very weird. I can't enjoy sex with these two big dogs breathing on us. How can I get them out of our bedroom? Or maybe I should go and let the dog stay. I didn't sign up for this doggie style life. Please help. Wow. Yeah, I agree with you. This is weird. Okay, watching is watching. I don't care if it is dogs watching. I don't care unless you're into that sort of thing, and clearly you're not. This is weird. I mean, I think your man should definitely put his dogs in another room or give them something to do while you guys are doing it. I think that's only normal. I mean, I know people love their dogs and they're crazy about the dogs, and they treat them like people and all of that, but this right here is ridiculous. You're uncomfortable, you know, it makes you feel creeped out and everything. I think he's being disrespectful to you, putting the dogs above you. I think he is, you know, because since you're officially moved in now you know, I know, it hasn't been that long. It's only been about a month or so, you say. But guess what, it's your house too, so you get to say something about, you know, how you want your house to be run. You're the woman of the house. That means you shouldn't be uncomfortable in your own home. You shouldn't be uncomfortable in this relationship. It sounds like he's disregarding your feelings. You don't want the dogs in there during intimacy. He doesn't seem to have a problem with it. Is this a deal breaker to you? If it is, you're gonna have to keep it moving Steve, Well, well, well let me just say this right here, if we really in here, tell about some damn dogs. Yeah, yeah, yeah, there what we're talking about in the bedroom dog now twenty seven year old ladies. She'd moved in with a boyfriend. They've been dating for a year. They got a great relationship. But like she said in her letter, you know, something gotta be wrong that I wouldn't be writing y'all. I love making this very good. But we're never alone. It's always extra eyes very close by. And it's two damn dogs. Now, these ain't chas and you know, you know shit sues, and these ain't little picking knees deesus German shepherds and Dobermans. Yeah, these two damn big ass dogs now all up in the here. And you got these big dogs in your house and you want them in the other room. Now you had your you had your boyfriend kick him out the bed. I didn't understand that they're getting up in the bed now they ain't Why we stay get in the floor, his sheets, his best bread steak. Because she let me explain something to you. Dogs smell like dogs. I don't kill who the hell you bathe them every day? Dogs still smell like dogs. Now as soon as you bathe them, they're okay. But don't let the ad run outside and come back in. They goes outside and gets a lot of dogs on them, and now they back in the house. So now you want them in the other room. You ask him to do that. He says, you're being inconsiderate. Wow, okay, Now how old is your man? And is he stupid? Don't you think they're on the same age. How old is your man? And is he stupid to tell your woman you being inconsiderate? Now, Shirley said it right, because you're the woman of the house. You can't be uncomfortable in your own home ever. Ever. A woman should never be uncomfortable in her home. Ever. I got news for you. A man should never be uncomfortable in their home ever. And your children deal with it. But even a child wants to come home and be comfortable. I don't care if it's just in their room. Everybody wants a place where they can go and be comfortable. But the dogs can't have the run of the house. Shirley's absolutely right. You deserve to have comfort in your home and you can get it. But now he's saying all they do and is stand. You didn't ask him to put the dogs in the grass room, but he said, you didn't consider it. And silly, Wow, you're silly. You're talking about put the dogs get and you silly, he said, they dogs, and they don't understand what we're doing. But they wondering, though they might not know exactly, but they damn show wondering. Their heads is tilted. Oh, their head is cocked to one side. Now, what your damn problem is? It's dim damn dogs. They big dogs. Now, if y'all don't get them out of that room, they're gonna eventually what now that they jumped up on the bed anyway, not then, I'm just gonna tell you what's gonna happen into this. If we don't get the dogs out, they gotta go. I'm gonna just can I wake up the other night with your werman licking your hand? Man, it freaks you out? God, damn this shout him through that seting like Tommy Jay and a cat call m all right. We'll have farst two of Steve's response coming up in twenty three after the hour. Subject of the Strawberry letter today doggie style lifestyle. Right after this you're listening to morning show. All right, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letters. Steve alright, seven year old with her Man Tyler letter is what's your doggie style lifestyle? Wow? She got moved in with a boyfriend. Been there for you? That the dogs is getting on the nose because when they intimate, they ain't never ruined by their self. Day in the watch cry Now she wants the dogs to be put out. He didn't told a girl he ain't putting them out because she being inconsiderate and sitting what you think the dog thinking? The dog don't even know what's happening. I promise you that big asses wondering what is all is moaning? What is all? Is driving? Why y'all naked? You're fitting to heal someone? Next thing, you know, you're gonna have a dog moving in clothes because dogs like to sniff. Now, I'm just telling you facts about dogs. That's their primary sense. It's not feel, it's smell and taste. Those are the two things that drive a dog. They gonna eventually comes sniffing around. Now I'm a little edgy when the dog is sniffing me with my clothes on. Yes, now I'm somewhere ass nicking. What I can't have is that little cold lass nose touch me. You know the nose be cold. Yeah, you on your back and all of a sudden you feel this little cold dot on your ass. We really need this visual. Yeah, you need this visual because we gotta get these dogs out this rule. Now I'm trying to help this lady wrote this letter. Now you think you're tripping right now. That's because they ain't moved in to participate, but them dogs is fitting to participate. Oh we played. They thank y'all in that planning. They're gonna want on that. That's gonna start with the breathing. Then it's gonna go to sniffing. They're gonna get the smelling up round. They're gonna be smelling your breath. Feither. Now, he might be all right with that because you know how it probably had a little cold nose on his ass before I'm telling you he has. He'd been in that house with these dogs. You inconsider you silly, because yeah, he comes. They've been in the bed before she moved in. He's slapperty two, big ass dog. Damn staking my damn dog. Smell like a dog. He got bad breath, man, Go get away from me. There are a lot of dog lovers, Steve. Let you can be a dog lover. This my joke. My joker is for people that ain't dog lovers. This, my joke is not fun. Dog lovers. You might not. I don't think that's funny at all. But how high it is to me? She says, they're very spoiled and they run the house. Hell yeah, this spoiled they run the house. But now here, come on, see now we didn't breathed and we'd a sniff. I ain't got nothing to tell you said it wasn't next now okay, yeah, if we hadn't done all the breathing and all the sniffing. Tell me what you have seen your dog do that makes you uncomfortable? And every red body is uncomfortable with it, even a dog lover. How many times you've been sitting up there eating your plate and you look over there and he gnash, it's going to town man, because Marjorie loves dog. But damn bad. Sometimes we get in front of that fireplace and ain't nobody looking, and Bad just started looking everywhere, and now Marjorie don't want the damn dog no more. Stop it. Bad and Bad be looking up like what do stop? And I'm looking at him going, oh my god, is that the gentleman? Yeah? If I could do that, you could do? What if I could do what my dog dog? Go to myself, man, you know the moments I would have been in hat. You're so crazy, Steve? Where you and I ain't coming in today? What's happening. We're busy. I'm doing so so. Now I ain't said nothing nasty. I'm not said nothing crude. I'm allowing you to write your own joke on your way to work. But we all know what our dogs do that embarrass us. Yeah, well, he gonna walk up to you and really embarrass you. He said, wait a minute. Oh oh, everybody got to oh, oh oh, everybody got the ears out. Now, Oh, why we're doing first, He's gonna start with Jess himself. Oh, there's what we're doing. Dogs are smart. You've got to get these dogs out of your bed room because eventually they're gonna want to make a participate. Is this a deal breaker? I think it is. Now here's what I think you could do, young ladies. This is I think you can solve the problem. You're going to have to issue an ultimate made them either you put the dogs out of the bedroom and get comfortable and make them get okay with being in the room. They gonna learn to stop the whining. They're gonna stop. And if you don't get them used to it, then you're gonna hear my wine and we're gonna see which one of these you like better. The dogs wine than of my wine, because my wining comes with consequences. I'm not making love anymore in front of these damn dogs. I'm not doing it now. I want to be with you, but I'm not doing it anymore in front of these dogs. Period. Secondly, if that don't work, here comes the other ultimating. Either you put the dogs out or I'll go out. Let me go back to where I was until the dogs can sleep on their own, because all you want to say our privacy. You want the dogs sleeping in another room. You didn't ask the man to get rid of the dogs, You just ask them to move the dogs. He had them when she moved in. So those are the ultimatums. I can't do this anymore with these dogs. I'm uncomfortable. Call me silly if you want to, But I tell you who really gonna look silly? You? And there with them damn dogs and y'all looking at each other. Now they can lick theyself. Yeah, they gonna be fine. Hello, And can't you train dogs, Steve to do what you can? Train dogs to sleep alone and everything? Yeah? All right, guys, we gotta get out of here. Email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM. Now coming up in ten minutes, we'll talk about the shocking and tragic death of hip hop star Nipsey Hustle. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Very sad news. We've been talking about this all morning. Grammy nominated hip hop artist and activist Nipsey Hustle was killed on Sunday afternoon in a shooting outside of his store, the Marathon Clothing Store on Slawson in Los Angeles. It left two other people wounded. Uh. Nipsey grew up in gang culture. However, he was incredibly involved in his local community, in which he worked to prevent gang violence. He helped spear a major art initiative in his home neighborhood called Destination Crenshaw. But just a couple of hours before U, Nipsey tweeted, having strong enemies is a blessing. Having strong enemies is a blessing. He tweeted that right before he was gunned down, he was thirty three years old. Um yeah, lebron j I I just don't. I'm so, I'm so tired of our self, hatred of one another. I'm so tired in my community, in our community, of how we have devalued life to the point where we just taken it. Something is, something's desperately wrong with us. We were We live in a sick world, and our community suffers even more sicknesses because of opportunity and exposure. But acts of senseless violence like this, I mean man with no consideration for human life, with no consideration of this man's children, no consideration of his wife, his mother, his family members, his friends, nothing. Man. We've gotten to the point where we're so desensitized that we are doing this far too frequently in our community. It's just and I and look, I know what poverty does. You know, people say that the root of all money is the root of all evil, the lack of money. It's the root of a lot of evil that I've seen, the lack of it because people get so much in despaired. Now, that's not all poor people, though, So please don't get me wrong in that. So let me just make sure that I'm clear. It's what I'm saying. I'm not saying because you're poor, you're violent. But in some people's quest to get money, they have no problem perpetrate violence. It's what I'm saying. And I've seen more poor people commit acts of violence in the name of getting money, getting paid, That's all I'm saying. But enough is enough. But even in your act of getting paid. And look, man, I understand what it is to want money, I really really do. I want it some desperately. I wanted some desperately, man, because I was just sick of it. But not at the expense of another human beings, lie, not at that. Not. I was never that, not for money. And it's just sad, man, It's just really it's sad on so many levels. It sends the wrong message to our young people. And you know, we this gang affiliation stuff, man, is one of the most ridiculous things that we've done in our community. And I'll just say it, and I've talked to a lot of bangers and they know why I'll stand on this. It's it's so senseless. We're fighting over something we don't even own, you know, own none of these streets. Most of us don't own nothing on the street, you know. And then the people who do become homeowners are terrorized in their own neighborhoods because gang bangers is out here and making it unsafe to walk and go to school and go to the store and go to church, you know, man, And we got these gangs out here that terrorize innocent people. You know, got people paying extortion money protection services. We're just extorting, man. We just we just sick right now and not just And of course this is happening every day to majority of the things that's happened is to non famous people. It just gets an extra light. It gets a light put on a period when it happens to somebody that's quote unquote or celebrity or famous. But this going down every day, y'all. This is going down every day sowhere. Yeh sens very sad. Yeah, it's very sad. I mean, you know, I see my husband, he follows Nipsey hustling. He came home yesterday when the news broke. He was like, man, he was one of the good guys. He was making a difference. Yeah, man, you know, he was like, this is senseless what we're doing to each other. I mean, man, this kid, this kid had turned his life around. Yeah, grew up in game culture and was now I was doing everything in his power talking to the red and the Blue side. Yeah. Now, this dude was about it, man, And I don't even I never don't know him personally anything, but just knowing what he was about. But let me say this though, whatever he did, it didn't it didn't deserve this. Whatever your beef was, it wasn't this because he didn't kill you. Why you kill him? Man? See you know, man, look, if we were talking to an eye for an eye it do you know how many how many less crimes it would be. But see, because most of the stuff we're doing it it's it just overreacts so much. If you had a beef with this brother that stopped it, Now you gonna go to prison for the rest of your life. You ain't her. You ain't her. You're gonna go to prison the rest of your life. And now some more families is gonna suffer because it's it's some more mother's gonna be missing. But the problem with Nipsey Hustle's mother, she don't ever get to talk to her husband. At least yours can come down there and see you on someone. Huh. That's sad. That's craziness, man, that's sad. It's crazy, is what we do. Yeah, it's just we'in a dog space. Mana you know your hearts are broken for Lauren. Man, you know what almost hurt? Man, this woman, father of her child, dog, this woman, these kids? Yeah, Ovo what still trying to find that, figure that out, whatever it is? You know what is your monk? Ass getting ready to say, man, get out of here. All right? Well, uh coming up at the top of the hour, we'll switch gears a little bit and talk about the NCAA Final four. Tommy, Junior, Steve, it's set. We'll be back right after this. You're listening morning, all right, Charris on you men's final four. Nc's set, Man, it is set. The final flows here. Man, we got you know something, Junior, what's up? I didn't see a game I was on the OHA. Oh my gosh. Auburn is in as a five seed. They play in Virginia and Texas Tech at the three seed playing number two Michigan State te Michigan State against Auburn and Virginia. Yeah yeah, wow wow. So who's what's missing for you? Steve? What's Duke is missing? That dn't blew everybody's bracket up? Yeah, Duke is missing. Auburn then shattered everybody's bracket because nobody picked Auburn. I can promise you nobody picked Auburn. And I didn't think Auburn would get past Kentucky after they lost their started player. Yeahs came in the warm. Hold up, man, but Texas Tech don't? Yes? Can I say something crazy to you? Man? Do you know Texas Tech could win this whole thing? You think so? Them boys is bad? Yeah? Man, them boys played defense. I'm talking about forty eight minutes ball hawking hair, red Red Raiders. Baby, they ain't love it, Tommy, Yeah, they love them. Okay, but you know what that's this crazy thing about. I could not believe all but did Kentucky. That was the play good ball? Man. I watched that game. They played some good ball. That was the shocker. I know, Charles barkingshe going crazy? What oh covid? I mean? I mean blocking? Hold on, wait, man, hold on, hold fight the fun when the final fuck? No, okay, calling them then make it to the final. Fuck that ain't make it to the Kenny. Then we aren't even talk about Kenny. They weren't gonna make we Earnie, Earnie, We're in the final five seven man, This is craz to put that. But that other game, miss Man, that Duke Michigan State game. I had to give it to him. Michigan State took the league off of three from goings with thirty four seconds left on the c They took the league with a three. It was sixty five sixty seven goings comes down man power four pulls up, knocked down a trade with thirty four seconds left. Oh man, Duke had it. They had it. But nah, that's it, man, it's set now. But you know, Duke, they last two games, last second, they've been ruggling. Yeah, they can't. Um, I don't. I didn't. You know, man, it's so not as boy as Zion. I want you all to know. He is the truth. I'm gonna just tell you this right now. And I watched them both very closely. It's better than Lebron at eighteen Bye bye bye, a good gap. I'm talking about. Uh. If he stayed in college, he would be a miracle. It would just be a miracle. He's he's a one and done guy. He's one and done. He's at the top of it that you're not picking anybody over him, No, No, he's the team. And I got another thing I want to say about it too. And you know I always said that I didn't want Lebron to come to l A. I always said that we all agree, absolutely always said that. Now they're saying they're resting Lebron so he doesn't further injure his growing, that's not the truth. I don't believe that. I believe that they're resting Lebron because they know the season is done. They're not gonna injure get him injured in meaningless games, and they're they've thrown in the tile. We're not gonna make the playoffs. Let's go on and lose these games and get a better shot of a lottery pick. That's exactly what they don't. Bro. You tell you gotta be kidding me, because you leave Bron. Lebron out there here, competitor, He's gonna find a way to win. They don't want that. We don't need the more wins. We got enough. Now, let me ask you something. How's the lottery system done? Now? Now it's like the fourth the last four teams US finished last finish worst. I think they have like a different percentage. Now he's broken up, somebody's gonna have a higher percentage in the other three are gonna have the same percentage. It's the first picks, right, but those last teams will get the first four picks. Yea. And the Lakers just need to be in it. And that's why Lebron ain't playing the rest of this season. But I think I think I think Lebron is disappointed because I think that they made promises to Lebron that they could not keep or deliver on. And I think I don't think Lebron is a happy Laker. I don't think. I don't know. I haven't spoken with him, ain't sparking, spoke nobody in this camp. This just us doing just boy trash talk, just boys talking trash. I just don't think he's happy as a Laker, But I do think he can play. Ain't nothing wrong the growing. Hell, I rest my growing all the time, not that I want to at the rest of it. I think I got a pool growing right now. It's the same in ye Yeah, you're right. My groun hurt. If I talk a lot, that's a different growing. Yeah. See, Shirley, just all us just how me and talk stuff, he said, Michael. If I talk hey something, yeah, yeah, I pull up something talking pull something. Yeah, Man, So I think I think. I don't think Lebron is a happy Laker. I think that they I think that the management of the Lakers has said some things that's disrupted though. I think the coach is concerned about his job. Oh definitely he gone. I think he gonna be gone. He's gone. Won't be the year. But you said it right though. When they put all them guys on that on that, on that list to be traded, Yeah, that killed him around. Man, hey, dog, you messed their head up. Yeah, so you would trade all of us from Lebron. I knew something was wrong with him when Lebron broke Michael Jordan's record and they all gave him a light high five, and when he was climbed by myself and ain't nobody going on and stay deserving? I watched men, many didn't, Dog, They just stayed away. Whatever. Yeah, a little Rondo sitting on the other side of the team bench. You know, Rondo got is emostly so long with him any day. Yeah, once he spent on Kyrie that day. That I mean, Chris Paul, see you, Jess, Dog, you know what you're doing that back You sound like Chris Rock on Jesse, what did you think it? We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. Guys, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. We gotta say congratulations going out to Janet Jackson for being inducted finally into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Yes, all right. She thanked her fans. Nicholas's been with me every step of the way, through all my ups, all my downs. I never have and I never will take you for granted. I love you with all my heart. Thank you so much, Janet. Can you shut you You think Michael was talking? Yeah? They all sound alike, don't think Yeah. Yeah. Janet was inducted by Janelle Monet. Janet became the six member of her family in the Hall of Fame, following her brothers and the Jackson Five, and Michael is also enshrined as a solo artist. Janet did not perform at the ceremony, though a source told The New York Post that that is because Janet is preparing for her Metamorphosis residency in Vegas, so that's been her focus, but others believe that has more to do with the family suit against HBO, which will air highlights of the ceremony on April twenty seven, over the documentary Leaving Neverland, and we know that why why she didn't perform at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Because normally when you're inducted, then you perform, that's normally how it goes. Yeah, but she didn't perform because they say she's preparing for her residency. She's going to have a residency in Vegas. It's called The Metamorphosis. Um, that's the name of her show. Anyway, that's been her focus. They're saying that's why she didn't perform, But others think it's because her family is suing HBO, and HBO is going to air some of the highlights of the Rock and Roll in Inductee ceremony on twenty seven. Yeah. Yeah, so there's family is suing of course over Leaving Neverland, the documentary. Okay, okay, so you're gonna be in Vegas though, yeah, yeah, I'm going I'm going to that. Yeah, gotta go to that. Yeah, So that's why. But congratulations, it is a happy time for her. She won, you know, and everything, so that's really good. She does she definitely did some records. Oh yeah, I'm gonna take my wife with me, excuse me to see Janet? Yeah yeah, I'm okay. Well, I mean we're there other choices, what are you what are you talking about? Of course, I'm gonna get two tickets that's not buy each other, because I don't want her to see me holland louder than huh Jane. That's what I want to see is when y'all walk through that door and you take her to a seat and you go sit somewhere. That's what I want. Can you feel that for me? Well, Steve, you know it's hard for Tommy to control himself. You do know that you go, she go, someone's on the stage that he really likes. I'm just saying, excuse me, did Tommy tell us Janet? Yeah? Yeah, oh yeah, I'm gonna call I'm gonna call her for tickets like you call me for tickets. Ain't the saying we never saw a pictures? So yeah, we never saw pictures. Call in, That's what I'm gonna do, matter, Calle, and we can put a stop it this. Yeah there you go, yeah, do that. Every time you have a call in, we end up talking no, no, no, no, No, that's good. You'll go ahead and have a call. And don't worry, Tommy. I'm not gonna tell them about the time you lost your mind when Fantasia performed on stage. I'm not you just did it. Oh we all know? All right? Yeah, man, Tommy, I'm scared for you. Your wife was sitting right next to you. All right. Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right you're listening Harvey Morn Show. We're gonna talk about the fiftieth annual NAACP Image Awards that was this past Saturday. That were this past Saturday in Hollywood. It was hosted by Anthony Anderson. We have to say, Steve Denta, Da Da, congratulations to you. You won an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Game Show Host for Family Few that Home. Yeah, thank you. That's really good. That was big man. You know who notified me as soon as it happened. Roland Martin. Oh wow, And I think I was on a plane or I was in the car heading to the plane. That was it Thursday night? Was it Thursday night? Oh? When you were leaving the When was the Image Awards Saturday night? Saturday night? Oh? Okay, yeah, yeah, I was, I was, I was. I was at the function. Yeah, you were auctioning things, yea doing something Saturday night. Yeah, so thank you very much. He was big. You know, the Image Awards really do mean a lot to me. They really really do. Man. I cherish those more than the Emmys that I get, and I mean that seriously. They all over my office. Wow. I love those. Okay, and congratulations again. You won for family Feud, so look at you. Power one for Outstanding Drama, Amori Hardwick one for Outstanding Actor, go ahead, yes, yes, well deserved. I think Blackish. I love Blackish. One for Outstanding Comedy Series. What a brilliant series. Yeah, R and B Newcomer LM one Outstanding Album and jay Z won the President's Award, and Beyonce was named Entertainer of the Year. And then Black Panther, Oh, Black Panther, Black Panther won everything everything. Yeah, we're kind of forever. Uh So, now we're gonna talk about Steve. You said you've already spoken to Chris rock Um. He ignored the no Jesse Smollett jokes rule. Take a listen to this. I got an award they said, no Jesse Smollett jokes. Yeah, I know, I know what a waste of light skin. You know, you know what I could do with that light skin that Curly had my career would be I am running Hollywood. Um that's no, no, no, just didn't What the hell was he thinking? From now? I never know you're Jesse from now on, nor even get to you no more that you was respect. You're getting no respect from me. I was, and you know, but you know, no, Jesse swallowed jokes. But you know, I mean it's human, man, I mean, you know, and people get tight about it. But man, I mean it's the obvious thing. It's on everybody's mind. And what was they laughing at? They were laughing right at the joke? Yeah no, they was all right, Steve, thank you. We'll come back and do our last break of the day and have some closing remarks right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Here we are last break of the day on this Monday. Uh, please leave us with some closing remarks like only you can do. And congratulations. We have to say this one more time for your When Image Awards for hosting Family Few, Best Game Show host. Congratulations. You know what in light of what happened to this young brother, Nipsey Hustle. It was so disheartening to hear. He and I were not close, so I didn't really know much of him at all. You know, we've never had him, you know, lengthy conversation anything like that. But I was just thinking about the senseless murder of this young man. Um. What I want to talk to us about is, you know what what has happened to us? The explanation can be very very deep, and it can be it's a way, it's a wide wide range of things that we can point to that has called as this world to turn the way it's turned. And this world has always been in an ugly place to be in for a lot of people. But it's it's it's pretty bad right now. And at a time when we were all hoping it would be a lot better for all of us now. We were hoping that racism had been faded by now, you know. We were hoping that the country was open to people of all different religions. We were hoping that we would be big enough to accept each other's sexuality. We were hoping that we would always remain a country that the statue of liberty supposedly was to stand for out there. None of these things have come true. It's one of the core reasons is we are such a country of little faith. You know, we have on the back of our dollar bills and our money in God we trust. But I mean, really, then it must be obvious that there's a lot of people who don't trust in it, because there's a lot of people in this country doing doing the devil's bidding, and we've we've lost touch with our creator. We're our more compass is broken. We want to continue to call ourselves the greatest nation in the world, but this greatest nation in the world has a lot of problems. Now I'm from here. You know, I was born here, I've survived here, I've been downtrodden here, and I've thrived here. I've been through the whole gamut, and I'm gonna just say this, it ain't been easy. This country called the United States did not make it easy for me. I don't know that I could have been when I am anywhere else in the world today, But I'm just saying this to you that this country did not make it easy for me, as it don't make it easy for a lot of people. So this nation that we want to keep saying it is the greatest nation on the world in the world, has the highest prison population in it. This nation that we want to keep calling the greatest nation in the world has the highest murder rate of any country in the world. We leave the world in murders. Man. You know, you can say what you want to say about Mexico. You can want to say what you want to say about Venezuela, you can say what you want to say about the Motherland. But I got news for you, man. We tripp it. We over here, man, like the greatest nation in the world, but we keep it knowing the fact that we have some of the greatest problems in the world. Oh we may not be the poorest, but we dog gonna show ain't the safest. Oh oh oh. We may have far more opportunities and freedoms than everybody else, but we're so free that anybody can walk in and buy a gun, and then walk in any school, walk in any theater, walking only church, any church, and open fire. Were so free. Oh yeah, man, were free, And we're the greatest nation on earth. But we can't get so many things right. We got at the highest office in the land, tweets going out on a daily basis about things that he shouldn't even be talking about. We have with us right now, probably the most unpresidential president we've ever had. The gig is up for me. I keep saying, this is the greatest nation in the world. But man, when I look at the problems we got, see see what we can't keep doing is painting ourselves as the greatest nation in the world and not try to continually solve the problems that keep us from being really a greater nation that we could. Or are we just a great nation? Are we just the greatest nation in the world for a select group of people? Oh? Now I think now, I think out to find what I'm trying to say. We're the greatest nation in the world for some people, but for the rest of us, we still under oppression. We're still fighting for voting rights acts, were still trying to keep ourselves from not getting killed on the way to school and from school. I'm not convinced that we're the greatest nation in the world as long as we're gonna keep leaving this in gun violence and impel for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, we're prohibited. Participants must we live at US Residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.