Good morning everybody, The CEO talks about his time with his fraternity brothers. Something Funny is back. Nipsey Hussle is having and intersection named after him. His memorial service is at Staples Center today. The talks about Magic Johnson quitting or resigning. Sheryl Underwood stops by to talk about Nipsey, Maxine Waters and more. Oprah donates $2 million to Puerto Rico. John Legend learns how to swim from an Olympic Gold Medalist. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about how our will is tested throughout our lives and more.
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like the Millian Bucks things. And it's not doing me true good. It be Steve har listening to the movie Together for Stay, don't you join join me? You doing me? You gotta turn hurting them, You gotta turn to turn them out, turn, got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your faddy, huh. I show will good morning everybody, y'all listening to the bars, come on, dig me, no want and on it. Steve Harvey got a radio show, Man on man on man, grateful for It comes with a huge amount of responsibility. I didn't really know I was gonna have to be this responsible, you know? Um, can I share something with y'all? I started out to Finally I had gotten on track and was able to see a way to even pursue my dream. It has been a long, a long trip that I've been on, and I've gone through so many phases of it. It is rewarding along the way to accomplish your dreams. What I'm saying is this, let me let me put it together, because I got so much running through my head right now. You know it's it's one thing to accomplish your dream, but there's joy in the process of achieving it. See, some people are so caught up in the goal, the final goal, that they find no joy, no enjoyment in the process. If you have found what it is you want to do and you strike out on that journey, please understand you are far more blessed than the average person. Do you understand that to know what it is you really want to do, to find your work in life, your purpose, to find out what direction you want to go in, is such a blessing. The average person if you sit down and talk to them, oftentimes don't have their life on track. And it'd be some people that you're looking at you think, God it going on because of their appearance, their swagger, or they walk like it, they talk like it, they look like it. But if you sit down and talk to the average person, the average person man does not know what their purpose is, has not discovered what they want to do, and have no idea how to get there. If you are on the other side of that, if you understand your purpose, if you have an idea of what you want to be, and you are on your way there. You are truly blessed, and in that blessing, you must recognize it as a blessing. You must recognize the fact that you are you are on the right side, and that there should be a sense of accomplishment and a feeling of pride in you that you are on track to accomplish your goal. See what used to happen was sometimes I used to keep my nose so on the grindstone that I wouldn't even look up and realize. Man, hey, man, I know you're trying to get here, but Steve, hold on, man, can't you see what you you've done so far? Can't you find just some joy in the process. See, a lot of us lose the joy of the blessings God has given us because we're looking at the end. Tomot, I ain't there yet. You on your way. I'm gonna give you an example. I had a friend who told me that they wanted to be a million now, and they asked me some questions and I told him, so they started the process. And I am telling you, this dude works extremely hard. So about a year later we were talking. He had found this business. He had set his goal, and he was working towards it. Then about two years later, I ran up into him again. We were talking about it and everything. It's a man really really appreciate advice, he said, Man, but this is all jacked up, man, because I still ain't made that million I was talking about. I said, well, hey, man, just just keep at it. It's coming. He's a man. Keep at it. Man, You know how long I've been doing this? And I got quiet because, yeah, I know exactly how long you've been. It's been two years now. And I didn't say that to him, but I said to myself, yeah, two years. He said, Man, I've been grinding so long. Man, it's just it ain't having it from me. I said, wait a minute, man, hold on, hold on. I said, about how much you're making right now a year, man, about two hundred and fifty thousand. I quit breathing. I said, well, my man, two years ago you didn't have a clue. Two years later, you're making a quarter of a million dollars. I said, man, do you understand how blessed you are? I said, Man, your family was about to get put out two years ago. You don't bought a house. Yeah, man, but this ain't the house. I really won't. Ohoa, Pardner, whoa I got that? I got that house? You really won't make Mike call five eight million. I don't know. But man, y'all got a house. You're making the payments, you drive it. You ain't out no more. I said, holder. Man, you got to stop. I said, you got to stop. I said, man, because right now, man, you you coming across as real ungrateful to me. So I know, God, who has done all this for you got to be looking at you with his own folded. But then he God, so he probably handling it all together different. I was just speculating with him, and so he said, Man, why are you tripping like that? Man? Man, you act like don't nobody want to have none but you? I said, whoa, man, where are you going with this conversation? I said, Oh, I didn't come to you. I just came to you and ask you how you doing. And I'm trying to point out to you that the journey that you started on, that you are on your way, and you are in the process of accomplishing your goals, and can you not feel some joy and some pleasure in your accomplishment? Quit tripping on the fact that you ain't made a million yet you on your way. You don't went from your He thought, this dude was making fifteen thousand a year. You making quarter of a million dollars in two years. May come on, man, can't you see? Can't you see? So? He said? Eventually a man, I kind of see what you're saying. But that ain't about nothing to me because I ran up into him a year and a half later. How you doing, man, man, I showed, wish I'd appreciate it my life when I had it like that. I said, what you mean, had it like that? Man? Just fell on some hard times? Man, I'm right back why I was. And then we talked. I said, hey, man, don't worry about it. I said. Once you know how to accomplish something, I said, you just reapply the same principles and start on over again. Man, you know how hard it is to be to start over. Okay, my man, hold up, partner, you can do yourself like this again. First, you wasn't grateful for what you had. Now you're looking at the fact that you might have to start over, and you know how hard it is to start over. But you have the knowledge the principles, and you got a little bit of money to go on and get it going again. I said, Man, don't keep doing this to yourself. I said, I mean, you ain't grateful no matter what God do for you. So what you need to do, partner, stop reassess yourself the fact that you were not grateful in the first place. Could that be the reason why? You know? Man, maybe I'm not calling it because I ain't God. I do not know how he think, nor do I claim to know. But let's just imagine for a moment. Let's just say, maybe for a moment, maybe God said, Okay, you ain't happy with this. Okay, didn't handle it your way? You obviously ain't happy with the way I'm bringing it into your life. You want to handle it your way, Go ahead and handle it because he will let you have it your way. Can I tell you that he will let you do it exactly the way you want to it because He gives us all the power of choice. So then maybe he said, Okay, you don't appreciate the way I'm doing it. You don't like the favor I'm showing you. You think it's take it too long. I'm gonna let you do it your way. I'm not gonna turn my back on you. I'm just gonna let you do it your way. Just just say maybe he said that. Now he right back where he was. So what I try to get the young cat to understand was, man, appreciate your life for what it is, because like life, Jenny's got that song that he got out off this album. Still, I still believe it could have been worse, and now that it is worse. What's on your mind now, folks, if you are on that side of life where you have figured out what you want to do, you know how you're gonna get that, and you know your purpose. You're accomplishing what the majority of people never ever do. So be grateful for your process. Don't tumble yourself, don't throw yourself off the cliff. It's gonna be all right. Success takes a measure of time. It is not easy. If success were easy, everybody would be successful. All right, y'all. I'm sorry this morning if I sounded a little all over the place, in a little jumble, but that's how it came to me. So you know, y'all, keep your head up, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, animals, creatures, insects, birds, foul lizards, mammals, see creatures, jellyfish, donkeys, pilgrims. How y'all doing this morning? What's up? Shure? Hey Steve? How are you good? I'm good? What's up with your call? The Hey Steve? What's what's up? Little people? What's up with you? All? Right? Tommy Tom big dogg and dog? Yeah man yo yo yo, so uh welcome block. Now, thank y'all for yesterday. I needed that. We are here for you this. It's just been a lot man. Just you know, you know they say pressure buster pipe. Sometimes you just gotta set your pipe down. Getting boy, I'll fix that. I just put my damn pipe down. It's a new revelation. Yeah, that your pipe down. Dog, you're running too hard. So I appreciate everybody. So I heard y'all had a good time. Yeah, we have fun fun yesterday. Any questions for me? Anybody want to know anything? Anything bothering you? Anybody? Well, what did you do yesterday? Since you didn't burst in your back anybody else? I don't know what. I don't know why y'all up in that one? Questions you didn't qualify? Well, have you started preparing for the vacation. Yet now the countdown begins. Now. It would have started on April one, but I had this weekend with a bunch of frat brothers. I didn't start countdown because I was just trying to survive the weekend. I hadn't been up. I've been up three thirty am every morning. Oh but I found out something. Man, I'm in I'm in pretty good shape. I didn't know it because I was in the room full of old as men sleep. No, I was waiting people up to get out my damn room. One dude told me, who ain't we ain't really all that tight? Man? Just going in there? Man, I lock up when I leave part. I don't go to bed with nobody in my damn room. I'm sleep No y'all in here, no part of the damn how that walk? Hey, man, you get your ass out. I locks and bolts my doors and that little sliding patio dough. No, I get something to get in between that two and nobody walk in on me when I'm sleeping. I getting this bad room. I locks that damn dough too. That's the way I go to sleep. Don't you have security, sir? No? I don't take nobody because I went my boy, you know, I didn't have to worry about that. Yeah, so it was interesting man. So I went on, I put it out, got all right, you know, dropped that video on them, that video with you was getting I gotta give it to you. I let him. I'll just let you know. I wasn't gonna do it. It gave me life, Steve. And then my son said Dan, let him have it. Yeah, let him. I said, all right, I'll say, Steve, say let him. Have you had your dark glasses on in? Oh, make a saph five mold? All right? Coming up at thirty two after the hour inside something funny? Do you guys pretend to know information and conversation? Sometimes? Let's think about that. Yeah, we'll find out right after this you're listening to show, all right. Sometimes we all find ourselves in a conversation, okay, be a political, scientific, educational, financial, even hip hop pop culture based conversations where we just have no clue, I mean, clueless to what the person is talking about. Okay, So sure to do with sports busted. So do you guys chime in and ask people to to get you up to speed or do you just not in agreement like you know, you know, like I actually get into conversation. I wanted to start with you. Yes, I don't get into convert like bringing up a subject course. You know, I ain't got nothing now, I don't know nothing about it. Engineering making a bridge? Oh man, You know me and my father man used to work construction. You know, I used to work on bridge. We remember had the cracks in the bridge. So I knew all about the structural design over bridge, what called the fracture spaces in it. And I just didn't let that. Yeah, did you or your father go to engineering school? I mean take engineering and construction company? Or no? No, no, no, Now we work for this company, Frank buddy, thank buddy. Contract. Have you ever driven over a bridge? Oh? Hell yeah, I've been on a lot of bread. That's how we knew how they cracked. You know, structural engineering position is what we would take hold was the uprooted problem that diverted the situation into a cracking. First, he sounds good talking about there was like a board game like the go ahead, go ad call. I was gonna ask him though, so how would you what would you recommend to update a bridge? Well? I think update is a very very bridge. The Golden Bride Bridge has been needing an update and repairing. You have been several earthquakes as we wreaking the foundation. But I think what we're gonna have to do is we're gonna have to do a section at the time. I think we're gonna to break that bridge in half. So we had this one way traffic on one way, and then once you get the one one lane blocked off and then you can do the restructure work on the other side, and then you reinforce it up under with welding beams and that a joint on them back together that way to fix that whole thing. You mentioned earthquakes. Um, I was wondering, you know, we're out here in LA what do you know that a lot of seismatologists have been on the news lately saying there's a possibility that there could be an earthquake coming up soon. You agree with that? Four point seven? Four point seven? What are you basing that on? Yeah? Called lands four point six you predict? Are you a seismatologist? Buy any chance you have you know anybody that is? No, I'm a quake intologist. Yet so far, so good. Yeah, anything, just anything I couldn't got can get right with it. In houses, houses, you know a lot about houses. Yeah, I grew up in a housing project. Aetologist. I meant seismologists, seismatologists. That's why I said quake, because I knew you didn't know what you're Go ahead and come. You know, do you know anything about designing airplanes? Oh? Absolutely absolutely? You mean like the engines and stuff are inside? Which one, Well, let's go behine. Rose Royce is number one engine manufacturer of jet planes in the world right now, now that I believe that's from you. Yeah, I believe Rose rots is number one jet manufacturer of engine parts and motors in the world today. And so whatever I'm picking out a plane, always go Rose for engine. Okay, what's the best um feat to get up um altitude? Or you want to fly at least thirty three thousand, but if you're in the war substantial plane, you can get up to forty nine thousand, which did at that point you see the curvature of the earth. I cannot argue this. You up there in heaven on my if you forty nine thousand feet and a G five, you can see the curvature of the Earth ahead. Wow, the planet, so you can see that the world is wound. Wow. No, and that's a fact. Is I can't argue with you because I have new idea abot three thousand altitude. Yeah, will need anything. What do you think about these people speaking of that thing? You're talking about the world and earth and planet? What what do you think about these people that are now saying that Earth is flat? They're coming out saying that. Oh they say that they ain't never been up for nine thousand. I see all they've been on it, delta. Don't do for nine thousand. You got to get on something else here. And I'm talking about most could be talking about the world is flat? Just shear ignorant. Yeah, if the world is flat, how come China over that? It ain't make it dough. You got to be able to see China if it was flat, I like thinking, or you can drive over there to it. Yeah, right, what do you see? If the world was flat, you wouldn't have to worry about it wouldn't have to be no times over him because it's gonna get half the world would be light. At the same time, you dropping knowledge. I think he the card is tilted in his own sphere and it rotates. You'll never get that. Cord of the world is always different from those three four. But I do like daylight savings time though whatever, well, they're not gonna do that anymore. They're gonna cut that out because farmer ain't whether it used to be in the United States and men, but they don't do daylight saving the way else put over hill. Let's review. So you knew about bridges, everything about earthquake, yeah, times, yeah, I just get with anybody, but real quick, anything come ahead. Global warming, global warming, it's happening. I don't give a damn what true. It's happening, and it ain't got nothing to do with the cold weather like his stupid ass steak, nothing at all. Global Warming is real. It's melting the glaciers at an uncommonly rapid pace, thus producing more weather. Change is globally because the moisture is not a conversation, is forming in a cloud formation and giving us a radic weather in places that we wouldn't normally have it. Thus global warming is real. And the glaciers are decreasing at point seven inches pern seven inches every six months. You've been Yeah, he's watch I watched National Geo did and I'm not a weather man. Coming up next more fun with the nephew, run that brank back right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, and entertainment news was Nipsey Hustle intersection renamed has been renamed and today is Nipsey Hustle Celebration of Life Memorial service. Also another entertainment news, Michael Jackson is the tie turning. But right now the nephew is here to run that prank back. What you got now? Me Jesus, he was in for you yesterday. Yes, me and my Jesus. That's what it is. Me and my Jesus. Go ahead, let me hear you see it. Me and my Jesus. Me and my Jesus run a cat. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach his sister. How you doing. I'm giving you a call on behalf of Baptist Church. You are a member there? Am I right? Yes? I am? Okay, listen um, I'm calling you. They some of the members have gotten together, had a meeting and wanted me to give you a call. It seems that a lot of them are complaining about Sunday services that go on and wanted for me to give you a call on their behalf so that we can see if we can address the problem and talk to you diligently as possible and try to get the problem rectified. What's going on, Well, it seems like that a lot of members are complaining. I'm sorry, and what is your name again? My name is Man. I'm not actually a member of the church. I've just been the one that they've been asked to give you a call and try to talk on the members behalf, so maybe we can get this problem rectify that you that they have as far as you are concerned, Now, okay, go ahead, I'm just trying to see what this is in regards to go ahead. Well, it seems like the members of the church are complaining about that you're doing too much shouting at church on Sunday, and it seems to be going on every Sunday. You're running up and down the aisle and you're shouting all over the place, and it's me. I've been singled out about my shouting. Is that what you're saying, Well, ever, Dinny is distracting man, You're distracting everyone from getting the word and listening to the word and being involved in the service. And that's the purpose of the calls, to see if we can get you to tone it down some. Okay, So the whole church is complaining about me shouting the way people run up and down them off every Sunday and almost playing cart wheels and flips, and they're singling me I complained about me. Well, ma'am, I don't know how it is that you can see everybody else doing cart wheels when you're the ones that they say is the one that's doing them. You don't how am I being singled out? Man? All I'm saying is that they're saying that you're doing too much shouting and too much running at this church. Now I'm just the message. Okay. Well, they can't tell me how to shout. They don't. They can't tell me what's going on in my life, what's gonna keep me from praising God? And they I mean, they could just they could go somewhere else with that, but they're not gonna tell me that I can't praise my God. They don't know how good God it's been to me. And you know what, I understand that I agree with you wholeheartedly, but it's becoming a distraction. I mean, they was at the point last night talking about should we put some seatbelts on the pews so so you can stay down we stay, We'll put some seat but high. They gonna tell people they can't shout in church and praise God. What don't we come to church? Far? Well? You do come to We need to be trying to plase God and get they all shout on and stop looking at me and whatever about what I'm doing. Were gonna need you to quit running up and down these aisles and doing what you go. I'm sorry, you know, I'm trying to stay calm. I'm trying my best. Who Jesus, chief sir that that's not happy? You can't tell me I gotta stop shouting. Okay, man, But let me ask you. Are you running now? Aren't you just standing still talking? Because I don't have to run right now? Okay, what I'm trying to get you to do? You know? I like, if don't want to run up and down this street right now, I can run up and down the street and place God. But they're not gonna tell me to stop shouting at church. Can we get you to be a little bit more served as what we see. Man, let me let me go ahead and go further on what they do. The spirit moves. Okay, well, let me move and tell you what they've told me. Now. If we can't get to the point where you can, you know, tone it down, then we may have to ask you to leave them. Ask me, Jesus, Jesus, you let them ask me. Why don't they want me to leave the church. I've been at that church for fifteen years. I'm not leaving the church. I'm gonna run up and down. I'm not gonna run on the church where I feel like it not not now, listen, that's all I'm okay, go ahead, I'm gonna be there. I'm going to I am going to be there on Sunday. Man, and I have been the person that's been appointed to make sure that you're not running up and down these house and shotting like this. You got to keep yourself reserved so people can hear the word of God. You are standing in people's word. That's what you're doing. You're in the whale. If they come trying to send me down, I'm gonna get him a word and it ain't gonna be your God. So I left him. Put that hands up on me here now listen, I'm telling you that. Now you could say I haven't been in that church fifteen years. If I want to run, dad shot, jump quitting, whatever I want to do, I'm gonna doing it. Ain't nobody gonna stop me. You're gonna have to stop this. This past Sunday was your last Sunday doing it, and you're not gonna do with this Sunday. Like I said, just why let and I'm telling you could tell the unsues, the deacon boyd, the deacon as, the minister's wives or who all asked you want to tell let him put their hands on me and see if I don't swing on them, I'm gonna come run about the spirit and swing on it. I'm telling you that now because he said, you really push me there on and tried. I tried. Let me ask you this here where you're trying to show that I'm saved and never but you make it you if you're making me revert back to my own ways, and you you really for me off, that's what you're gonna do. Okay, Well, let me ask you this, Why is the god at right now, and you where's the one that say it was the God was telling me when I was trying to be called with you at first, to tell you on me calling me with this fun old listen this, But now you have made the other side of me rose up. Well, you wouldn't raised it up in you wouldn't raise it up in me too. Guess what come? Signing? You're gonna set you in that pew and you ain't gonna you know when you call yourself a man of the pew. Okay, all right, I'm right. We're gonna see how well I'm not sitting at pep matter fact, first day side of the morning, I'm going the past. Oh yeah, well deacon you are whatever your name is, I'm gonna telling about it God, matter how long were you you need to lose, I would be talking to Pastor myself and letting him know about this situation. You don't talk, You don't. We can call pass right around your pass right. You don't talk to pastor. I talk to pastor. I'm the past I don't man at this church fifteen years. Like I said, No, I'm telling you old Jesus, j old you feel old Jesus not not not not see just like this here, you see how you calling on him and you're standing yeah, because I'm calling on him to kid me from just really going to cuss you out right there because you didn't really hit my nerve. I got one mother, I ain't gonna need to say to you, lady, you got a fan real quick, because you're gonna talk to this operator that's his nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got a prank by your girl. You're not you know, I'm oh, I'm I'm gonna kick but cursing on the parkeet. Okay, Jesus, I got one more thing, baby, let me ask you something. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Harvey Morning, Me and my Jesus. I don't run hitter. Hey man, you can't tell that woman how to preak. Go. Come on, man, get a prank of song. I don't hear enough playing Harvey. Where's Carl where shirt? I'm not getting enough right now? Get a prank of song. You're the greatest ever live. Thanks sometimes tell me your greatest trip is your greatest week. That's true, all right, listen coming up at the top of the hour. Entertainment news Thank you Nephew will come back right after this you're listening to show The intersection where Nipsey Hustle opened his marathon clothing store will be named after him. South Los Angeles City Councilman Marquis Harris Dawson announced that the intersection of Crenshaw Boulevard and West Slawson Avenue will be renamed Urmius Nipsey Hustle Ashadam Square. Mister Harris Dawson said Ermias Ashdam, known as Nipsey Hustle, was an icon and West Coast hero. Nipsey's genuine nature allowed him to be a light to everyone he interacted with, from family, friends, fans, and his larger community. Nipsey will always be remembered for delivering a pure, authentic Los Angeles sound, his numerous philanthropic philanthropic efforts, his innovative, community focused business mindset, and his humble heart. Wow. Nice, that's big. That's big. Yeah, And that happened very quickly, huh, you know, And I'm just gonna really have to be really honest. I did not really really get the gravity and understand the magnitude of what this young man had accomplished and done. I just didn't because I didn't I didn't know him personally. I just people didn't know Steve. I didn't know it came out, you know, what he was doing in the community. That's why it was so heartfelt. After, you know, people started talking about what he was doing and people started realizing what this man contributed to the community, then that's when everyone was like, wow, well let me take another look and see who he really was. He was really people just did not know. They didn't know. No, he's powerful man, and I didn't. I was just listening to when I did Huglish. I was listening to his daughter do this thing that she calls millennial Moment, and she was talking about his music and what he was saying. And I just didn't know, you know. And I was listening to my son talk about it and his best Fridge and a twenty seven, twenty six years old, and I didn't know this cat was that man. I just didn't know the principle of some but walking up to a man and taking his life away and not even understanding what you've done, what you've done, and over what the oval what man, Do you understand the magnitude that you've done and over what? Man? And that's why you know not to change it. But that's why this Minty program is so important, because we've got to get young men, got to get them mentally tracking right so that they could start thinking of life beyond todate and start realizing that mistakes you mistakes and and things that you today can have a profound effect on life for yourself and as well as others. You can't just live in the moment all the time. There's a future to this thing that he's young man to kill his brother, whoa man had children and many but you know, you know what? And and besides that, did he ever think for one minute what was going to happen to himself after he did this? You could not have thought this out at all, because if you would have known, if you would have thought this out for just a brief moment, that's why, man, we gotta quit loving drugs so much. Man, if it's gonna have you out here thinking where you out of you incapacitated, and you out yourself. And I'm not saying he was that, but I'm just saying there's a lot of people out here making decisions under the influence. We gotta start thinking, man, yeah, and and and now your life. Okay, you didn't took kids, but he can't ever come back. But now you you got a mother and a family, so where and they're going a while. And now what you've done is now they're suffering causing you. All Right, Um, guys, it's time to move on. Now we're gonna go to headline. Steve miss and Tripp Thanks guys. Good morning everybody. This is a trip of the news. Lawmakers from the House of Representatives of demanding Donald Trump's tax returns from the i R S. The deadline was yesterday, but still no tax documents showed up. Meanwhile, the President continues making the same argument about them, which is I'm still being audited, and who cares anyway. I would love to give them, but I'm not gonna do it while I'm under other It's very simple. Remember I got elected last time the same exact issue with the same intensity, which wasn't very much because frankly, the people don't care. Meanwhile, Treasury Secretary Stephen Manushan tells lawmakers his department will follow the law and continue to review the House requests for the documents. Democrats lashing out of comments made by Senate Budget to the Senate Budget Committee yesterday by Attorney General William Barr now Bartol legislators that he thinks there was some spying on Donald Trump's presidential campaign and suggested there might have been something funny about the original reason for Robert Muller's Russian meddling probe. However, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi thinks there may be something a little funny about the way the Attorney General has been acting. I do believe Special Counsel Mueller is a person to be respected. Remains to be seen what his report is. When we see it, we can make a judgment. I'm very concerned about the statements made by Attorney General Barr. I think that they undermine our constitution. They undermine the role of the attorney general. He is not the Attorney General of Donald Trump. He is the Attorney General of the United States. No surprise, looks like Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyah, who has been reelected. His main challenger conceded defeat. His net Yahoo's right wing allies have won a majority of the Knesset Meanwhile, Net and Yah, who still faces corruption allegations and possible criminal charges within months. Donald Trump, by the way, wildly popular in Israel. He called Net and Yahoo to congratulate him on the win. Security expected to be tied. For today's memorial service a rapper, businessman and community activist Nipsey Hustle a public service being held in Los Angeles as a Staples Center today after a funeral procession through Hustle's Crenshaw neighborhood. The Staples Center holds twenty one thousand people and after complimentary tickets too, the memorial went online Tuesday morning. Fans snapped them up in under forty minutes. Sad news. Johnson Publishing, owner of the legendary Ebendy and Jet magazines, has filed for bankruptcy and Ebdey and Jet black Americans could see their community reported on as it really was instead of how it was seen through the eyes of the mainstream US media. Johnson Publishing file for Chapter seven bankruptcy protection in Chicago yesterday. Officials say the black owned publishing company was caught. They say a quote tidal wave of marketplace changes. South Dakota expected to get thirty and there will be an abundance of nam. The memorial service will be heavily guarded from multiple agencies and organizations, all with the intention of keeping the memorial peaceful and drama free. Please, people, please, let's keep this peaceful and drama free today. Security will include members of the LAPD, members of the Nation of Islam, as well as Staple Center personnel. People will also have to go through metal detectors and undergo bag checks at the entrance. So what is clear. They're taking the security pretty seriously. Nipsey Hustle's memorial service is today at ten am at the Staples Center and Steve Nipsey Hustle's mom, her name is Miss Angelique Smith, shared some encouraging words of comfort she wanted to comfort the fans and his friends on an online video. Here's some of it. Take a listen. When you live your life and you have God on your side, when God dwells inside of you, there's no fear. Everything is in perfect order. Everything is in the divine, perfect order of our Creator. I have perfect peace and I have strength, and I want to lift you up. Please do not stay down or not stay not mourn, because Nipsey is great and now he is even greater because he has no bounds and no limits. His energy is everywhere. Wow, that's probably the most powerful thing I've heard a mother say who's lost his son. And out here in La it's a bunch of mothers to lost some sons, and they said some profound things. I think that women are so strong to lose a child to violence, but it's some mother's been saying things like this for a long time. But you know, it's really crazy because I've been reading this book not a book, but it's a daily thing called In My Presence and talks about is when you have a real understanding of your relationship with God and how it works that in the midst of controversy and termol you can still find perfect peace. And that's what it was talking about, and that's what this woman has. And she's found perfect peace in the middle of a controversy and a thunderstorm, and that's an amazing thing. And that's what I'm trying to learn myself more, to just be in his constant will and understand that everything that happens happens in divine order and in a perfect place. And if you in his arms, you have nothing to worry about. Yeah, and that's basically what she was saying. The family held their private viewing and their private memorial yesterday. Um, okay, we're gonna switch gears here. Now, coming up at thirty four after the hour, trending sports story, Magic Johnson stepped down as the Lakers president. Plus how will the playoffs look without Lebron? Uh? Okay, we'll be back right after this. You're listening to show, all right, guys. In today's trending sports news, Magic Johnson abruptly resigned as a president of the Lakers after the team's first disappointing season with Lebron James Now. Magic said he wasn't having fun being a team exec and wanted to go back to being a free bird who can't be handcuffed and be able to tweet about NBA players and topics without being fined by the league. Lebron and some of his Laker teammates decided to party Tuesday night after their season finale loss against Portland. Now, Steve, there are Lebron trade rumors. Um, how do you think the NBA playoffs will look without Lebron? I mean, you know, I think they're gonna look fine. I think they're gonna look fine, You got enough players out there. Basketball is not one player. One player does not determine this league. You look over there and Philly and you got Joel Mbebe, you got that Simmons boy, you got Butler over there, you got that other dude that's ball. And then you go up to Boston and then you got Kyrie, and you got Tatum and you got them boys, you know, And then and then you go up there to Milwaukee, and Lord have mercy, come that boy, that boy right there, and they bawling. They got players. That little boy, that little dude that came out with the Hawks that I thought wasn't gonna be Trey Young turned up the flames on their ass. You know you're saying you won't miss Lebron, are you? Well he left Cleveland, so I mean he left Cleveland. I told y'all when he left Cleveland, I said, the worst place he could go is to Los Angeles Lakers. The worst place he could go because now at the Lakers, he'll never see the finals again. No, not with Houston over there and not with gold Ish sha n No, Lebron will not see the finals again at this stage in his game, and and and with and with the inability of the Lakers because they hated the Lakers, man everybody, and they're not sending no talent over there to the Lakers. They're not let me ask you questions. Because Magic Johnson, you know, this is interesting. He was a big part of getting Lebron us you know this past summer. So well, now he quit and then he quit, you quit, resolve mean you feel you better know Lebron probably got a little something to say about that. He wasn't involved in the firing, but I'm saying, you gotta be. He gotta be a little put put back. Yeah, he quit, Tom, What do you think of the tell the truth? Magic Quick? You know, there's always a thin line to me with with resigning and quitting. I never know which one he really is. Yeah, both of them stated, yeah, they did exact. Say right, you resigned to quit as the same then you get fired. To me, it's all the same. I think I designed this corporate quick good right, and Magic quit. He wanted to control his own destiny. Did he quit before you know, before the firing came. He didn't even tell Jenny Buss. Yeah, I don't think Magic was gonna get fired at all. I think what happened and was I think he saw himself in a bad spot and there's no way out of it he sees. I don't think he saw a way, just like I didn't see no way of them landing a top free agent. They don't have enough to get the boy out of Dupe to come with Magic next year unless they get the lottery pick from somebody, And who in the hell is gonna trade away the rights to design because he's a franchise potential. He's a potential that Lebron had when he came. So, you know, I just think that he got out. He saw it wasn't gonna be nothing Magic is gonna be. I mean, Lebron's gonna be hurt because you can't. I'm a Magic fan, but I think just talking trash about sports and business and taking outside to that's my boy. I think he got out because there's no way to fix this problem in Los Angeles. You pissed off all the young talent when you was gonna trade all eight of them once you made that list. Now, oh God, all right? Up next the nephews in the building with today's prank phone call right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject my husband and I were being filmed. Yeah right now, Yeah you heard it, but right now, but right now, the nephew is in the building today. Anybody being I don't want to see you right you don't know who these people in these ain't paunched a Yeah, this is wait to hear this letter to next neighbors. Yeah, they ain't been to be in shape. Right now, nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got now? Go big or go home? You heard that before? Right? How many times are you here? Go big a lot? Ah, go home? I've heard, I've heard too big. I'm going home. Have you now big? Oh? Go home? Running cat? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Darnell. Darnell. Let see for this, Darnell. How you doing? This? Is Scott soon with Bigger, bigger and better, where we make you larger in charge? How you doing today? Scott? Who I'm Scott? So I'm with Bigger and better, where we make you larger in charge. I'm good, Scott. Look what's up. We were actually uh giving a phone call by your wife your wife? Is that correct? Yeah? Okay, well, um, you know your wife's um, your wife's birthday is coming up pretty soon? That right? Yeah? Yeah, so a couple of weeks. Yeah, it's coming up. Okay. Have you have you decided on getting or anything or have you purchased anything yet? No? No, I got a couple of days in mind. Um. Well, actually, uh, we got a call from from I think we've got something that's gonna that's gonna really help you guys. And and something I think that she wanted to recommend that something that you probably wouldn't wouldn't think about getting. Oh, I'm only is okay and racking my brain. So I'm on is actually gave us a call. She's actually had an idea, you know, what she would really really like for her birthday present. So what's her name? You're company? Bigger and Better? Um, like I said, she called you. I'm sorry, she called you to give me idea on what I should get for her birthday. Uh yeah, well this is this is something that's a little a little different than something that you probably would never in a million years think of. But here a Bigger and Better, where we make you large and in charge. We actually do some things that we definitely know you wouldn't have thought of. So I definitely understand her giving un what's your name against Sam Scott, Scott Scott get to the point what you're selling actually let us know that there's some things that are really really lacking between you guys, and she would very much like for her birthday where you can be a lot more well endowed. So you know that's what we do here at Bigger and Beat. We actually hello, what I could be more? What more well dwed? Sir? So I think really what's going on is Beyonca's really not satisfied right now. She called you to tell you that I'm not when you meet willing doubt my junk. So you're you're you're you're you're you're inadequate. You know what I mean? You're you're uh. I guess maybe maybe very impotent. I'm not sure, but are you kidding me? What's your name of this company? Bigger and Better where we make you larger in charge? And right now you know you're not You're not larger in charge, and we want to get you to that way. You're able to come in for a consultation, your consultation. I'll tell you what. I'm gonna call her right now because usually right now, okay, I'm gonna call her. And we're trying to do because we just don't do you not? Do you not think you need to come in. I don't even think iven be talking to you, mister Scott, about whatever it's going on in my bed room. I'm king so I'm not even I'm not even I don't even know what going on. Whatever you can say whatever service. The first for me that's gonna increase me in the bedroom is the first sign of denial. Right, I don't have no I don't have no problems in the bed room. Okay, well you know, I don't even why am I even still on the phone with you? Okay, but sir, I mean you and now you don't have to wear about here from mer. She gotta something to kind of account with you. Then you ain't got go ahead and calls that outcasterne. Let me say this. You have a you have a very big ego, sir. What I want to was, you know, but you're not You're not as big as your ego. I want to get you to that point. This is some crazy I've heard some crazy things people sail online, but you're gonna call me talk about my wife called you saying that I'm in adequate in the bedroom, Sir, you know what? And and and once again, I'm trying. I know you, you're just doing your job, Scott, but I'm gonna have to call her right now. Okay, don't work. You're in denial. I'm in denial you Hello, sir. I really want to help you as much as I can. Listen, man, listen, I'm trying to get my wife on the phone right now. Okay, I know you you got a job to do, but what I need you to do right now? Stop calling me? All right. I'm trying. I'm trying to be nice to you because I'm sure whatever it is she she called you, and you're just doing your job. If they're trying to get you in here to get a consultation so we can get you further long where you are consultation a consultation. I don't need no consultation. I don't even know sisters from you, sir. You're so call me no more. Man, Hey, you're small and I don't want to make you bigger. You want to make me bigger? What? What? What is this any bigger? Huh? What kind of job is that? How do you even get a job? Like? Do you apply for this job any where? You're a high school job. I'm trying to stop calling me man, mister darnell. I'm still trying to help you get through this situation. Okay, are you willing to come in for a consultation. At least we're coming in for a consultation. We can get your furlong where you are. Are you listening to me? The only consultation we're gonna have is my sister in your face as you call me again to tell you what. I will come in for a consultation. Give me give me your address and everything like that, all your information, and I will come down for a consultation. You're gonna be there. I'm here, I'm here, I'm here the first eight hours of the day, sir. What I want to do is get you lined up with get your let me call my wife. I don't need no damn procedures. Give me your info, and you got to work out here from us no more. Okay, right now, I need to get up on me I don't want to hang up on you, and I understand we're trying to do your job. You're small. You're small, and I'm trying to make you bigger. You. Hey, sir, you know what I'm trying to help person that's a little small guy. I'm trying to help you with your problem. Now. If you're not gonna be appreciative of it, then I don't even understand why your wife knows you're having your address? Why and we can have this conversation face to face. You don't know what why your wife call here. It doesn't matter if I can get on the line. I can't figure out why she calls you because adequate many sir, Sir, here's the problem. You're tiny and you don't want to admit it. I ain't let me get you know me, man, You never see me. You don't know anything about me. I don't. I can't even believe my wife's even call you. But just this is just how you do business. You don't call me and call me I'm tiny, sir, So I'm playing something to you. I'm not only the president, but I'm also a client, Sir. I don't give up what you are, Okay, Okay, then there are some other things that let us know as well. What the would that means? Too? Wanted me to tell you that this is nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey more than this show your wife just prayed for called you bad. Man's funny man. I'm on here over here, looking at up in the mirror. Kind of I thought I was good, but I got a little nervous now. I was like, man, what's the baddest radio show in the land? Come on, now, you know it's a Steve Harvey radio show. Man. Know everybody can't be beat. You know what I'm saying. Tommy, Huh, Tommy, listen to me. Come on, you think they're too far? No, no, I don't think it's too far. I think somebody gonna hurt you. I mean, you know what I mean. Man, if he could, you ain't be. If he ain't bigger, ain't man, Go get yourself bigger. You can go. You can get bigger. Now they got all kindstan about that you can be bigger. What you could be bigger? So you ain't got no security with you when you got here public I bet he, I bet he end up getting security for twenty nineteen go out because you know he kind of cheap coming on't like spend money. But I can promise you he's gonna have to take fifteen sent his income. Somebody man around the clock too. Oh, he's gonna do something to his gate. All that the chateau baby, All right, well, thank you nephew for that. Next Strawberry Letters subject my husband and I were being filmed. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for today Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. It's just that simple. We could be reading your Strawberry Letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one today. Buckle up, hold on tight, we got it for you. Here it is the Strawberry Letter subject My husband and I were being filmed. Here's Stephen Shirley. My husband and I are in our early thirties and my best friend asked us to house sit for her and her husband while they were out of the country for a month. They have a very nice beach house, so we jumped at the opportunity. Everything was going great and we loved it there right until the third week, when a mutual friend of ours called me with some crazy news. The mutual friend said she had talked to the owners of the house and found out that there were hidden cameras all over the house. I knew that the homeowners are in some sort of an open marriage, and they often had threesomes and liked to watch others have sex, but I had no idea that they would have cameras all around the house that my husband and I were staying in. I found out that the homeowners have several videos of my husban and I having sex all over their house. When I called them, they admitted it and said it was no big deal. They said they really loved the videos and there for their personal use only and they will never share them with anyone else. I cursed them both out. They said that if my husband and I had the nerve to have sex all over their house, then we had no right to be upset for being filmed. She said, it's their house, so they have the right to keep the videos. I asked our mutual friends, and they agree that my husband and I should not be upset at all. This has ruined a lot of my friendships. Do you think the homeowners are wrong or are my husband and I to blame for this? What should we do? Please advise? I don't think. I don't think your husband, you and your husband are wrong at all. I mean, they asked you to house sit while they were out of town. This is your best friend. I think the home owners are absolutely wrong. They should have told you, guys. They should have told you guys in no uncertain terms, you know, watch yourselves because we do have camera equipment in the house. Um, this is spying. This is invading someone's privacy and your right to privacy. Isn't this illegal? Yeah? This, I think this is illegal. You may have a court case. You may be able to soothe them to at least get your tapes back. Yeah, they should have told you, uh, you know, especially if they're using the film for their own sexual gratification. And just because they have open, open marriage doesn't mean everybody else does. And I think they tricked you guys. I think, um, I think you have a case. This is really an invasion of privacy and you all did it all over their house. Wow, while slow down next time? How about that? I mean, I get maybe it's the lure of the b CH house and all of that. You said you jumped at the opportunity, but yeah, they're they're wrong, and uh, you know, if they don't give you the tapes back, you might have to sue them to get it back. Steve, Well, amazing, How don't see that? Year? First of all, y'all in your early thirties, your best friend asked y'all the house sit for her and her husband. Why they out the country for a month? Now, beach houses normally ain't in high crime districts. Not normally, I don't know what state just is in. But they asked you the house sit for a month. Why the ask y'all? M why why they asked? Y'all? Best friend then Kate be their only best friends based on what I read and left because I'm sure they're not swan with some more friendly people. Okay, so I am. I ain't buying it today to day they're best friend? No, no, no no, no, no, they're best friends? Is really over that clown they swing? So you jumped out the opportunity. Everything was going great. We loved it right until the third week, when a mutual friend of ilays called me. Now, mutual friend means they friends with the wild couple too, So now they called you with some crazy news. This mutual friend said she had talked to the owners of the house and found out that they were hidden cameras all over the place now here where it gets kind of crazy to meet. I knew that the homeowners are in some sort of an open marriage right way. Hello, y'all best friends, y'all best friends. You ain't you ain't think you knew this. I knew, she said. I knew that the homeowner in some of us to open marriage, and they often often had threesomes and like to watch others have sex. Now you ask somebody the house, and you know all about this right here, you know all about it. But I had no idea they would have cameras all around the house. You just said they like to watch. Well, what you watch that and that don't evolve a camera? I like watching TV. That what's evolved cameras? I like watching Netflix. Guess what's on Netflix? A bunch of damn cameras. She couldn't have met life watch them live? Do it live? If you like watching somebody live. You ain't gonna record Hello, port is big who you know like watching other people have sex? But ain't gonna record it? What that's you're not being a thinking person. But I had no idea they had cameras all around the house that my husband and I were staying there. Well, what what the house? What the house? You think they had the camera's in if it wasn't the one y'all staying there, they ain't got but one. It's down there at the beach. And you know they often have threesomes, and they enjoy sex with threesomes, and they watch each other. Where is the shock at? I found that the homeowners had several videos of my husband and I having sex all over the house. All y'all just down at the beach house, clown, y'all are all out on the poach everywhere, all down there at the foot of the steps, in the sand, y'all all up in here, got saying all in the living room flow, you're on the steps, They got all of it. You in his office on his desk. You just in here, clown, and you're on the kitchen table. You rate the all the cups and dishes on the damn floor. Wow, you didn't open up the refrigerator. Set her ass on the same shelf that the ham is on. Oh, y'all listen here, clown. Well see y'all back down on the washing machine. You don't cut that machine on spin cycle, and y'all just in there, just a hum, and y'allself happy, all right? Hang on, Steve, hang on, none gonna tell you what she said. She called. Well, we'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hours. Subject of today's Strawberry Letter. My husband and I were being filmed. We'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letter and get part two of your responses. It's a little couple of the house set a beach house for one of their friends that they know is in some kind of open marriage, and they have threesomes all the time often, and they watch enjoy watching other people have sex. Then a mutual friend called Hunt told Huh that they told them that they got hidden cameras all over their house. Well found out that homeowners had several videos of her husband and her having sex all over the house. They was at the foot of the steps down that way where the stays tested the saying. They started down there and then they went under the porch. They got some camera down there too. They under the Yeah, just listening to waves. Then they came up there and fell all in that bay. Wonder that they just on the couch, all in the float, one leg up on the coffee table. They kicked all the mints off the damn coffee table. They just climberator. Yeah, they didn't raked all the dishes off the table. Just breaking. They're just breaking out of people that's watching all this on the video and tallying U the invoice because you got paper all this stuff right now now you know the refrigerator moved the ham out of the way and put her ass on the same shelf that the ham is on. You just in't here and just having fun. And you in the laundry room, ye, putting on a spin cycle where everybody did that happened? Then you called them and they admitted and said it was no big deal. They said they really love the videos and they are for their personal use. Owner that this is a setup to get you hot. Oh you like what we did girl? The way he did this, and then the way what you did to him, girl, We like, damn, oh you were so hot. Well, I think hot to this trap game. You ain't never seen the trap game. This how the trap game was. Then ain't gonna show you the videos. Let you see him and let him. Oh my, this is the party, love, this is my paporite party. Then the guy's gonna be talk, gonna put you off at first, but then he gonna this is my paper party right here, watch this, watch this. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. This guy's great, the Scot's great. High five earl high five girl. And they said this for their personal use and they'll never share it with anyone else. I cussed them both out. They said that if my husband and I had the nerve to have They said that if my husband and I had the nerve to have sex all over their house, then they had no right to be upset or being filmed. She said it's their house, so they had the right to keep the videos. I ask our music for friends, and they agree that my husband and I should not be upset at all. This is ruined a lot of my friendships. Do you think the homeowners are wrong or are my husband and I to blame for this? What should we do? Please advise? First of all, Shirley said that they should have told you, and I agree with that they should have told you. Let me explain something to you. Get wild up in here. We got We got cameras that everything aware. Now if you want us to cut them off while you're in here, we will. But we filmed ourselves doing the wild They we don't want that. They should have told you, but they did. Now, they didn't filmed you. They got video. They're on vacation watching y'all's things. You and your husband. You don't know it, but y'all asked pot I got you might work down in Kola Song, But I got news. I got you might be the director of fifteen chick fil as. And y'all ain't emoting on something. That's how much y'all love the low. But I got news for you though. Y'all all this pawn star. Now, Shirley says, you can take an accordance to for these tapes, and I'm telling you you will lose because you have no case. It's spying though, invasion of privacy. You're in the middle of their home. No, no, No No, this is their home. They don't have to tell you nothing. These cameras in the privacy of their home. I can promise you this ain't the case, but I don't know. They don't have to tell them that they are being filmed. If you in their house, they could say them a security cameras, restaurant. They can easily say these a security cameras. They did not tell us that they were gonna have sex over our house, so we didn't think it was necessary to for on them. Well we're married. How about this right here? How about this right here? Well, how about this right here? I forgot to tell them that we had these cameras in the house. How about this right What you're not gonna do is be able to soothe them for filming you in their house. Now, if they came to your house and set up cameras, that's a lawsuit. But you ain't gonna get nothing from them. No, how so, I don't think you have a lawsuit at all. I think you got to beg for them damn cameras back, I think, but I probably think what they're gonna have to do, you're gonna have to do a little tricky stuff. Get them down. Yeah, I think you're gonna have to go on and do what they really want you to do. Get them tapes. Yeah, you're gonna have to come and do something with it. We'll get you the taper. When you little action for what you do, they cannot take them to court. They'll lose if they go to court. I'm not a lawyer and I'm not expert on but I don't see how you can possibly win if you were filmed in someone else's home. Let's say I'll give you an example. After Playboy match, Playboy Playboy Match, every square inch of that place is filmed except for one ever ain't known you could do about it. It's it's filmed. But you notice of all the years, all the stuff that went on off there, you ain't ever heard nothing. But does he tell the people that they're being fair telling well, how do you know? How do you they told me Steve every thing up him? Well, they tell some people. So he made me a tent when he was on the radio station, and he made me that tent in the back, said this for Steve where he can have some pride, you know, back wild boy? That did? I needed that. So but I'm saying they did tell you what that they were being filmed in. They didn't tell me nothing. That's everybody went up there, NewBoy, I mean, and I met you halfter that night. Ain't like he said, Steve, everything's filmed. Be careful. He said, I got your private tip back there where you can have some private time. Okay, And he knew how to treat yea. So you know, but if you went down in that grotto, inside that cave, in that screen pool, what no cameras in that I did? I went down. I'm gonna tell you one thing right now. What he was bloody the greatest. You have to give it to Jesus. Let me tell you what that old boy right there play off PERSONA. All right, guys, we gotta get out of here. You can post your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey f M. And check out our Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Okay, our Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. You can hear today's letter. Uh and coming up in ten minutes, it is our girl from the Talk, the one and Only Cheryl Underwood. Right after this you're listening show coming up at the time of the hour. It's Carla's reality update. But right now from the talk, it is our girl on the waters, still sitting in the chi still sitting in a child that night. It's got to be at least a ten or a DP. So that's it. Is he doing a dog on that. Hey, you know, before I get started, I gotta say something about the I think today is today, Nipsey hustle home going today, and and I want all their brothers and sisters talking about what we're gonna do now. We're gonna pick up that baton that that Nipsey handed to us. He may not be on this earth no more, but he's in spirit, and I'm glad that the nation and all the community is coming together and we're gonna continue what he started. Don't trip if we're gonna stop this thing out here and we're gonna love each other and continue what he started. Any brother to have a boy up the block making sure giving people jobs and making sure that they had food because he would put the restaurants out there so you can get healthy food. Don't let Nipsey life be in vain. We got to keep it going and let him know he loved him, because you know, he was just one of the good ones. He was one of the good guys, and that's why we kind of sad that this happening. But we can stop this. He started it, We're gonna keep it going. So I just want to I just want to say that because everybody all over the world loved this brother, and I wish he would have got his flowers while he was living so he could see how he's bringing people together, you know what I'm saying. So I just want to say that from me, Sheryl Underwood, because he was a good brother. When I saw the brother, he always said, you made me laugh. That's it. That was all I needed right there. So I'm just I'm just saying that. So what y'all want to talk about? What y'all want to talk about? Congresswoman, you see Manuchi try to fix his face with Maxine was lighting him up. Well, let me talk to the Honorable congress Fromer. Max them up because he knew what the law was. Don't let me hit you in that. Can I say the A word? Can I say? She pretty much said, yeah, can I say that? Thommys? I just said, good. Max See was like, don't let me hit you an ass with this subpoena because I can. I like when she'd be and she she'd be like, don't tell me how to do my job. You're talking about bang to gravel. Shut up, man, you know what. I'm just glad that we got somebody with the skill that can do it like Maxine Waters do it. And we got to keep her strong to know that we got her back, and we will not tolerate this type of disrespect. So we will meet you at the polls. We got to go there and then we got to go in and we got to vote and fill out your senses for him. See, we gonna show them who we truly are and that you will not disrespect. Don't y'all got some of the footage, because see, they don't believe us. Call us, they don't believe us when we're talking about this stuff. So they will believe what they hear. This ain't fake news. He was disrespectful when it did it. Manngresswoman Maxine Waters, let's hear it. Listen, listen to this. If you'd wish to keep me here so that I don't have my important meeting and continue to grill me, then we can do that. I will cancel my meeting, and I will not be back here. I will be very clear. If that's the way you'd like to have this relationship. Thank you the gentleman. The Secretary has agreed to stay to hear all of the rest of the members. Please cancel your meeting. So is it possible you could give us another fifteen minutes to get to know I have a foreign leader waiting in my office at five thirty. Okay, I agreed to stay longer. It will be embarrassing if I keep this person waiting for a long period time. But I not originally heard was five thirty rather than five fifteen. I said, you may leave anytime you want, and you said, okay, if that's what you want to do, I'll cancel my open man and I'll stay here. So I'm responding to your request. That's right, that's right, played it right back on, play to tape, right back on this what you said, and that's what I'm agreeing to. And see he's stupid talking about this is embarrassing. The whole administration is embarrassing. That's what it's embarrassing. All y'all need to resign up there. And I'm a Republican and I can say it. It's embarrassing to have y'all representing our country. That's what's happening. That's embarrassing. And she did the right thing by saying, oh so you said you could start. You said five thirty. I heard five third, you hit five? Heard of Chyl? I heard you know what, Chryl? I think that music is sounded like House of card Man. Well, you know Frank underwood Y, you know what happened to him? We do, we do? Well, Let's talk about something fun real fast. Let's talk about something fun. Can we blow up the theater with a bunch of people to go see Little because I just want to make this the number one? Can we make it the number one movie so that we can have more movies out there? And then it looked like a fun movie and we just don't go to the theater like we should. You know, let's support. Are y'all going to see it? And Regina Hall and little Marse Martin the youngest executive producer ever. Yeah, I'm gonna need how to hol a us. So you know, we need to make some more Tommy, come on now, me and you Claude. We can remake Claude. You're gonna be James Earl Jones. I'll be well. At least you didn't say you were gonna be James Earl Jones for a change. Now I'm a little too dark to be James Earl Jones. Thank you for not doing that. But I did get that little part in the Lion King. You know they got they got the little the little what's the is it a man's real? What is it with the blue with the red nose? Yeah, I'm the start. I'm the Start. They wouldn't even know that's a little symbol if I didn't hold it up and look how slip my Look? All right, hey, Cheryl, we gotta get out of here. It's time for me to go. Yeah, thank you, Cheryl. Coming up at the top of the hour, Carlos Shirley, Wait, I know you're closing, but tell everybody come see me at the Barclay in New York City Friday. I need all them tickets the April Fool Comedy show. I'm gonna at the Fool. And I slipped and called somebody a name, and I'm gonna explain it at that show. I got jokes. I got jokes, So I'm sorry, Charley, go ahead. Okay, if you do have jokes, go see Cheryl at the Burke lay everybody coming up. At the top of the hour, It's Carla's Reality Update right after this you're listening show, Come on, tell me get ready to get ready, buckle up and hold on tight. She is here. It is Reality Update with who Carla Fellow? Thank you, Naphew, thank you for my intro. All right, let's get going. Reality Update the reunion show where Housewives of Atlanta. So yeah, Nini accused Porsche of being a bad friend. They both accused one another of not supporting each other, went back and forth. Nini well, Porsche said that Nini didn't come to her baby Gender Revealed party. Nini said she was in Canada. Portion Ninie is off the love in Canada, love her Yeah. Yeah, So Porsche told Andy that Ninie ain't been a none of her Vince she actually she actually said sugar honey, iced tea. But anyway, Ninie said the same about Porsche. She they're not supportive of each other. So that was that. Then Candy and Eva, Yes, yes, why do these women pretend to be friends? Well, this is not really Porsche was really hurt by it too, yeah, yeah, I think she's done with trying to be yeah, to be Ninnie's friends. Yeah, that's exactly what she said. So moving on to Candy and Eva, they were canny kind of felt that Eva, you know, was throwing shade earlier in the season to darker skinned women. After there was a clip where Eva was talking about you know, Porsche's friend Shamia, you remember her, and she said Eva said that she was black, but not with the queue, and you know, Candy was kind of offended by that, but Eva said she wasn't trying to offend darker skinned women. But Candy said, yeah, well I'm a darker skinned woman and I was offended by what you said. And I think the viewers thought that too. I thought it too when when she said it at the time. But you know, Eva tried to fix it and kind of apologize if she offended anyone. But that's the thing about Eva, That's what they're saying, even when you throw shade, whether you think it's cute shade or whether it's funny, it's still shade, but you never own it. Yeah, that's their issue that they're I think that they're having with Ni with Eva, Yeah, trying to participate voice on this show. Yeah, literally on your show. Well you you'll be interested in this part of the Union show. Nini said that she felt that Cynthia's constant use of the hashtag chill, but Cynthia created it for her and Mark Hill. I'm sorry, Mike, Mike Hill, and there's a love connection there, so there were some issues about that. Take a listen to this explanation with Nini saying that Cynthia was insecure. Take a listen. I have a question why her posting all the pictures of her and uh, Mike, Mike, why does that make her? I did not say that her posting pictures of my heart might make her insecure at all. They asked me about the hashtag chill. Chill does that That's how I feel about it. But that's just why you just see me because it seems like it's overdone, like it's an overkill over chill. A girl can't have an opinion, all right, okay, But I have been the most supportive of Cynthia and Michael this fight with any of these girls because that's my feeling, and I can I just damn, but can I just have an opinion? If I want to you can't have an opinion, but you can as your friend, as my friend. Really, okay, well, we would talk about that. It's like, oh, it's great, it's amazing. I think it's amazing. I would ask the question I gave my opinion friend, like your opinion friend like a lot. I always better be supportive. So okay, over the words the word HENI is not having. She's not having well, I think. And then the issue with you know, Nini without saying it in that moment, she has some issues with Cynthia and she felt that Cynthia played her at the end of the season. So that's why she's that friend. That's why she's throwing all that out there because she feels like Cynthia played her and backstabbed her by inviting Kenya to the party that Cynthia's a party that she had for her cocktail drink the launch party. So that's that whatever Steve that is Steve ut of reunion will continue next Monday. Yeah you know they're gonna have three mate. Yes, you know it's not over and I am here for it's all right, So hit me up at lip Spark. Car Let's tell me if you're on team Ninnie or Team Cynthia, and we'll move on now Real Housewives of Atlanta. So that was that, let's go to Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Steve j but he wasn't On this particular episode, Curly Red invited her. Listen to this, Steve curly Red, she invited her ex young Jock to her engagement party, now her fiance. He was like, what's up with that? She's like, she's over her axel. It should be cool. But Jack's new lady. She's a boss man. She's doing big things. She's an attorney, and she wants to go to her man's ex party, the engagement party. And so he's not down with the drama. So we'll see if they are going to attend the party. Now, let me talk to you guys about this because I want to get Steve's opinion on this. Scrap scrap de Leon. Now he was in prison, he Da Leon. He was in prison on house arrest. His baby mama threw him a party. And Tiara, that's his baby mama. She didn't go see scrap when he was locked up. Actually, she got married in a whole bunch of other drama, had a baby and everything. But now she wants him back, and he's moved on. He's dating Moniz, who was on Love and Hip Hop Hollywood. Long story short, Tiara through this party for him. He left the party. When Monice arrived outside, she text him told him to come out. She was mad at his ex through this party. He leaves the party. He doesn't tell anybody he's gone. Then his baby mama comes back and asked him about it, and then she hits him face yes, and so security yes, six she she really went in and hit this guy's security and the producers they all jumped in the scene and they stopped it because this guy is on parole and he's on house arrest. So he walked away. He walked upstairs. He doesn't want any trouble, he doesn't. He got pretty much. Yeah, he didn't. He doesn't want to. He doesn't want to mess upistical Corrolla. He doesn't want any of that. And I just I don't know, you know, all this drama with Tiera, you just you know, you can't put your hands on nobody, and uh, I just think that that was a little little too much. Um. This show is just it's a lot. Yeah, it's a lot going on. So hit me up at litspart, Carla, let me know what you thought about Loving Hip Hop Atlanta, Real Housewives of Atlanta, And I'll tell you about Kim Kardashian wants to be an attorney and she's working on that. Yep. Then we'll talk about all of that. Yeah, we'll be back at twenty after. Yep, you're listening to show. All right, guys, here's a trending good news story for a change. This is some good news. Oprah Winfrey has donated two million dollars to Puerto Rico. You know, Puerto Rico is still struggling to recover from Hurricane Maria, and Oprah says she was inspired by Hamilton Broadway star Lynn Manuel Miranda because he's been doing work on the island. A million will go to the Hispanic Federation and another million will go to the Flamboyant Arts Fund. Oprah sent in a statement that she wanted to join in the revitalization efforts of an island so rich in culture, beauty and heritage. The needs of Puerto Rico and our fellow American citizens following the tragic hurricanes are still very real. So there you go. That's why that was good two million dollars to Puerto Rico. Yeah. In other trending news, John Legend recently started taking swimming lessons um and it certainly looks like he's getting tips from an expert. Olympic gold medal winning swimmer, Ryan Lochtey Steve is teaching John Legend how to swim. He shared a video of him swimming with him, captioning it not a bad from Ryan Lochtey. Yeah, yeah, and Ryan Lochtey we all know from yeah, because I'll be out on the water all the time. I fall in and be held Nah you swimming? Na, I had you swimming three? You know I won't I have somebody with the same lengther arms just in. He swimming real fast. I'd have seen his women looked like he's asked it, getting it when coming to jas like a little bitty baby turtle that them finally come out to say, and just be scampering his ass over to that water, trying to get to that water for the hawks. He just asked, that's how tim swim. Somebody with long Yeah, you touch your son how to swim? Right? Tell me? Yeah, well, hell I talk know how to swim. I shearan I know enough, how to you know, stay up for a couple of seconds. Ain't got long though, Yeah, you should do that. That would be something fun to learn. Do you get scared the scuba dive? I've never been in the pool A couple of times. Guard did some exercise and put these twenty five pounds weights in my hand and walked in length of the pool underwater. Oh you know stuff like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, good exercise. Yeah. Your heart rate be a lot high for no reason, Jeff from holding your damn brew all right. In other trending news, the question is now becoming is the tide of public opinion turning in favor of Michael Jackson. It appears that HBO has stopped airing Leaving Never Neverland. That's the controversial documentary about Michael Jackson. That coincides with more doubt being cast on the testimony of alleged child abuse victims Wade Robeson and James safe Chuck. Today, Britain's son Tabloid published a photo proving that the train station where safe Chuck claimed he was abused in nineteen ninety three was not yet built. They're also inconsistencies involving the ranch and Amusement part Bumper Bumper Cars and Roller Coaster. Oprah is one of the ones who appears to be changing her stance on the accusations. She's pulled the interviews she did with Wade Ropes and and James Shakes Safe Chuck that had been posted on her YouTube channel. Hey listen, I am a GISs abuse of children in any way, grown folks women all today and I didn't see it because I've always wondered why now after his death and his inability to defend him itself or retract or you know, to contradict any statements. Now don't mean it's false, but it don't mean it's true either though. All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to show. The intersection where Nipsey Hustle opened his Marathon clothing store will be named after him. South Los Angeles City Councilman Marquis Harris Dawson announced that the intersection of Crenshaw Boulevard and West Slawson Avenue will be renamed or Maia's Nipsey Hustle Ashdam Square. Uh Mister Harris Dawson said Ermias Ashdam, known as Nipsey Hustle, was an icon and West Coast hero. Nipsey's genuine nature allowed him to be a light to everyone he interacted with, from family, friends, fans, and his larger community. Nipsey will always be remembered for delivering a pure, authentic Los Angeles sound, his numerous philanthropic philanthropic efforts, his innovative, community focused business mindset, and his humble heart. Wow. Nice, that's big. That's big. Yeah, and that happens very quickly. Huh. And I'm just going to really have to be really honest. I did not really really get the gravity and understand the magnitude of what this young man had him. But she didn't done. I just didn't because I didn't I didn't know him personally. I just people didn't know Steve. I didn't know. It came out, you know, what he was doing in the community. That's why it was so heartfelt. After you know, people started talking about what he was doing and people started realizing what this man contributed to the community, then that's when everyone was like, wow, well let me take another look and see who he really, why he was really people just did not know. They didn't know. No, he was powerful man, and I didn't I was just listening to when I did deal hugleish. I was listening to his daughter do this thing that she caused millennial moment, and she was talking about his music and what he was saying. And I just didn't know, you know. And I was listening to my son talk about it and his best fridge and a twenty seven, twenty six years old, and I didn't know this cat was that man. I just didn't know the principle of some but walking up to a man and taking his life away and not even understanding what you've done, what you've done and over what the oval? What man? Do you understand the magnitude that you've done and over what man? And that's why, uh, you know, not to change it. But that's why this mentoring program is so important, because we've got to get young men, got to get them mentally tracking right so that they can start thinking of life beyond todate and start realizing that mistakes you mistakes and and things that you today can have a profound effect on life for yourself and as well as others. You can't just live in the moment all the time, there's a future to this thing that this young man to kill this brother whoa man, man, Beyonce. I mean, just but you know what, and and besides that, did he ever think for one minute what was going to happen to himself after he did this? You couldn't have thought this out at all, because if you would have known, if you would have thought this out for just a brief moment, we gotta start thinking. Man. Yeah, all right, we'll be back with our last break of the day and some closing remarks from Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Here we are last break of the day on this Thursday. Um, take us home with some closing remarks. Uh. You know, somebody sent me something a while back. You know, I keep stuff that people send me because a lot of people send me things when I know I'm going through something. A lot of people send me stuff when just to say, Steve, if you're out there talking, man, here's a thought for you. And one of the things that I've learned in my life is that all of us are going to be tested. We're going to be tested and tried throughout our life. It's these tests that are presented to us that has allows us an opportunity to grow. Every test that comes your way is an opportunity for you to gain some valuable knowledge from it, and so throughout life you will always be tested. Everything that happens to you is not just because the devil is busy. Some thing's happen to you because God has to present certain things for you in order for you to learn how to deal with it, which better prepares you for what you ask for later in life, or to prepare you for what God is going to present to you later in life. So when you're going through hardships, you gotta understand that these hardships are preparing you for the future. And like I've been saying a lot over the past few weeks, if you think about all your hardships and your tough days and your rough days, your actual record for surviving bad days all the way up until this point, y'all, is one h And that's a pretty good track record. Now, in this test that God is going to present to you, somebody sent this to me on a plaque, and it's said that life has many ways of testing a person's will. I want you to hear me clearly, it says life has many ways of testing a person's will, either though by having nothing happened at all, or by having everything happened all at once. Do you know how truth of statement that is? You get tested by? First of all, a person's will get tested by either having nothing happened at all. You know how hard it is man when you ain't got nothing going on? Do you know how hard it is man when you can't get nothing popping? You know how difficult life can be man when you just can't seem to get it right? Do you know the difficulties you face? Man who ain't nothing clicking on none of the cylinders, Man, ain't nothing happening at at all? That's a test, man, that's a real hard test. Man. That's when you're sitting up that man, going Lord, Heavenly Father. And now it's preparing you and conditioning you to get closer to God, because I'm telling you, man, you can't making in this world without God. Now you can keep on trying this way if you want to, But I got news for you. You can lock in on this from this fact. You can't make it through this life without no God. You can't do it. You cannot do it. It's too difficult. And one of the tests to get you to draw closer to him is sometimes a person's wheel is tested by having nothing happened at all. But here's the other way you get tested. How about this one? All by having everything happened all that wants How many times that didn't happen? Man, when it just felt like man, it's raining cats and dogs on you. It's almost like, man, you can't catch a breaking. Ten minute ago you couldn't catch a break to get something happened, and now all of a suddenly look like you can't stop this thing from happening. It's just snowballing on you. Man, that's a test. You know what. God has wanting you to get close to him too, so he can take some of that weight up off you, so you can take your troubles to him and tied to him, so he can prove to you that you ain't in this thing by yourself. See, you ain't in life by yourself. When it ain't you ain't got nothing happening, and you ain't got and you ain't by yourself in life when you got everything happened, You need God. Man, I kid you not, and you know how I know what I'm talking about because you're looking at a man who tried it without it, and I knew better. My mom was a Sunday school teacher. I knew better than to turn away and tried it in my way. But I did it for years and I made you know what I mean, I made a mess out of myself. I was turning myself into a big old glob or nothing. But he got my undivided attention one day when I was at a real low point, on one of them days where I thought't gonna rise no more, on one of them days where I thought, man, i'n't had enough of this. I ain't never thought about killing myself. I ain't never thought about checking out. The thought has never crossed my mind. But I'm just talking about I just had some days, man. We're just felt like man said like, yeah, I can't do no more this hill. When I was living in that car, I had some days man when I just said, Man, I can't do this no more. I'm gonna go home. Man, I'm gonna go home my mom and daddy. Man, just see if I can stay there until I find a job. I almost did that, because you know, what what Nothing happened at all? I couldn't get nothing clicking and right about the man, I just say, as Scottison, man, can you just show me a sign that it's gonna be our next thing? I knew? I called as some machine in my mama's house and it was a message and it was a guy named truck Chuck Sutton that showed time with their power. Next thing, you know, man, next thing? You know? That weekend I was on TV for the very first time, and do you know something that I've been on TV every since then? But it was real dog from me four minutes. But he always comes. Life got a lot of ways and testing the people. If I haven't got that happened at all, happen Paris. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void ware prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. 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