The Cleveland Browns won again! Quincy Jones was honored by the stars for Q85. Uncle Steve will go to Bangkok for the Miss Universe pageant. Fool #2 murders another one for a Happy Christmas. Pimpin' is beside himself with NFL talk because his Browns won. President Obama is the most beloved among millennials. Trump was high on the list with males. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO talks about having control over your anxiety, not worrying and much more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back a suit on, back to back down, giving them more like theming buck things in its cubs, y'all good it. Steve har listen to movie together for stum hand. Please Moby, I don't join by join me in doing me. Honey. You gotta turn, you gotta turn to turn, got the turnout, then turn the water the water go. Come come on your back. Uh huh, I show will good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show. Real glad about it too, you know. Um, I hope that God always keeps me in the frame of frame of mind to try to be sharing and try to be motivational, and even when it's not felt or wanted by some people. I have people around me who seem to not benefited off or anything, and I can sit with them and talk to them or take meetings with them to try to encourage them, and for whatever reason, you know, they want to just keep going the way they're going. When you run into people like that, you have to pray for them. You have to just hope that one day that they release the chains on their mind and open up your mind to a new way of thinking. A couple of things I wanted to go over with it. I want you all today in terms of motivation. I want you to be aware of statements or old sayings that have been created that you hear over the course of time, and you may be applying them to your life. And I want you to be careful of some of them because some of these old sayings, man, are not designed for people who are dreamers, are not designed for people who have any aspirations of being extraordinary. These are not designs or sayings that people who want to be extremely successful at anything or have high aspirations to put these sayings into your life. Let me give you an example. Statistics say that's it. That's the one who want you to be careful about statistics, say be very careful of stats. When a person says, you know statistics, say one out of every what see, listen to me. These are things that sound like they're good, sound solid advice, but they're setting you up for failure and you can't adhere yourself to a lot of these sayings that's been passed down from generations and it's not scripture. It ain't in the scripture nowhere that statistics say. It's just some people, and a lot of people who have lost have come up with these sayings to justify why they keep losing or why they lost. When I was arst got started in the business, there were more stand ups around now than it is today because the comedy boom in eighty four eighty five was it was gaining a lot of momentums, comedy clubs, comedy nights everywhere. The statistic that a guy told me I told him I wanted to be on the Johnny Carson Show, the Tonight Show. The guy said, one out of every two thousand comedians ever make it to the Tonight Show. Okay, Now, when he told us that, some of the comedians in the room went, well, wow, man, oh that's rough. Because a guy had also said that there was approximately six thousand comedians in the country at that time. I don't know if it was true. I'm just telling you guy was out there sputing numbers. I have no idea how many it was, but he said one in every two thousand will make it to the Tonight Show. And he let the air out of everybody in the room button be so every night before I went on stage, I used to do this right here, Badama da bada la la la da badampa ba la la la da. That was the tonight theme song. I was young, opening act know where near Hollywood, didn't. I was in Cleveland telling jokes at one night us. But that was my thing because I was bent and determined that if it's one in two thousand, okay, why don't I just be the one? Be careful when people say so statistics say because they are set up to ful failure. If you're gonna adhere to him, see that one in so many, it wann't so many people win the lottery. But if you don't play the lottery, you ain't gonna be the one to hit. Now when the dude hit you go while he was lucky, but he played. Here's another one. Maybe it's not meant to be right. Let's go one step further. I guess it wasn't the Lord's will. Don't you dare blame God for something you may have not done yourself because you didn't get the proper education, because you didn't do the things you were supposed to do, because you didn't stay to the task because you quit, turned around and with the other way. Now, maybe it's not It wasn't the lord's will. These are all statements that sound like sound advice, but they ain't all the time, got nothing to do with you. Stop letting these old fogy sayings get in your way of what can happen in your life. Don't put all your eggs in one basket? Who came up with this? Who came up with the If you don't pour all your efforts into one thing, how are you gonna be great at that one thing? If Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordans, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird had not played basketball sun up to sundown, Magic Johnson didn't go to of Michigan to get an education. Land Burry didn't go to Indiana to get an education. These casts was balling. Michael Jordan didn't go to North Carolina to get an education. They went to play ball. They went to do one thing. Tiger Woods didn't go to Stanford to get an education. He went to play golf. Soon as he got good enough, he'd gone. These are guys that put all their eggs in one basket. See what's cool with putting all your eggs in one basket. Is you now can maximize your effort and laser beam what you're doing. Your problem is all you gotta do is make sure what is your basket made out of. If your basket is made out of faith, hope, hard work, and belief, then guess what, that's a good basket. I'm dumping all mine in it. Because ever since I was a young dude, I've been telling jokes, one thing, one thing on even when it got ugly and I was living in a car, I never quit telling them jokes. Man. I just kept believing that them jokes was gonna pay me one day, and I'll be dog gone if it didn't. I ain't take no time off. Go work at Walmart, give me a job, go back to Forward and beg for my job back. Hey man, put all your eggs in a basket. Just make sure that your basket is made up of faith, hope, belief, hard work. Your basket woven by God what you're tripping for. And then here's another one. Let me throw this one that you always have a plan B. That's another loser statement. Why do you have a plan B? Listen to me in order to have a plan B, you have to stop working on plan A to formulate Plan B. In order to have plan B to fall back on. You now have to stop your time working on Plan A to apply some effort to have a Plan B. So in case plan at work, you can fall back on Plan B. Really, who told you that? People ask me all the time with Steve, I don't make no sense. You ain't got no Plan B. Supposed plan A don't work, then I just go get another Plan A. I'm gonna put all my eggs in the basket. If you have Plan B. You are planning on Plan A not working. Man, you're defeating yourself. Where is your faith? Where is your belief? Where is your trust? At one point in time, you got to believe that God could do what he say gonna do. Because he didn't done it for others, he'll most certainly do it for you. Be careful of these sayings that's out here, that's aligned by losers and people to justify why they are not succeeded. Don't apply this stuff to your life, and it ain't got nothing to do with you. You're gonna mess yourself up. Get your Plan A, make it work if it don't ever come to pass then get another plan A. All right, okay, you're listening to show. Ladies and gentlemen, man have your attention please, the introductions will be different today, Ladies and gentlemen. The Cleveland Browns him, damn brown don't one again? Really to Cleveland Baker Mayfield up, Miles Neil, Yes, Lord, God for you, Father God, five winds technically sick. We count the ties of wow. Hell yeah, we count ties as victories when you war a gameleman two years you know what I'm saying at boil, Let me tell you something. To Cleveland Browns beat the carol out of Pam that cameras my dude, but board to with the paum. Then let me say this. What had my heart a little heavy on yesterday even though I was relishing in the joy of winning the game. Texans law Yeah, we know, real, Yeah, Texas lost on a Sunday, that the Browns war. That's his story getting it. That's like, you know what I mean? You know, it's such a happy sad time here on the morning. What was it last week? Last week? Yesterday the damn Browns won, and yesterday the Texas lost. Now did you want to go back to last week. We can go back to two weeks ago when the Browns won again. Wow, wow, congratulations, Yeah right, no, no, no, no no, don't congrat who y'are playing in the playoffs, who y'are playing in the playoffs. Don't grunt congratulate me in that tone. We don't know what we're gonna make the playoffs. I know who y'all playing in the playoffs. We're gonna play nobody right there. We're gonna play somebody, you know what, you know, playing somebody and beating somebody two different damn things. But you know fourteen that went from no wins to five less and you know, and you know, dog, and you can't really bust my bull, not at all, not in the least bit. I don't understand what me is Cleveland Brown fan, yea man you can't know. And he is standing ovation for him. You're hearing greatest thing. Man. What they doing in Cleveland this morning? Oh? Dog, Oh they they still drunk from last night. And hey, man, let me ask you something. The Saints pool of game yesterday didn't then, okay, I missed this last play with New England. Uncle, I didn't see you, my m a. I missed this play everybody. That was the second greatest joy on my son. Okay, New England lost, but it takes a minute to describe the play. I want to hear this. Okay, all right, Uh, we're coming back. And when we do come back, Steve's going to talk to us about the last play with the New England Patriots team. We'll be back to thirty two after the hour right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. Right before we went to break, Tommy asked you about the very last play of the New England game. Now what happened? Yeah, Well, the New England and Miami Dolphins was in a back to back battle game all along lead, no lead, Loveland and then here come New England doing what they do, made a comeback. Well, we down to the last play, fourth down. I can't remember if it was nine eleven or thirteen seconds on the clock, but it was fourth down. This is their last player. If they don't get this first down, that's it. So they were thinking of hell marry into the end zone. So New England put on defense. Gronkowski number eighty seven, They big tight end. He playing back deep, you know, to knock the ball down or catch it. So nobody else would catch it, right, so they put him back deep safety on defense. The Tanner Hill, I think there's a name for the Miami Dolphins, fades back. He goes back, throws a mid range pass over the middle. The guy catches it, takes a few steps, turns, and Ladder rolls it kind of like a push pass latter role to to a guy coming. He head down the sidelines. They close in on him. He faked like he gonna throw it to somebody else, So let me see it was one two. I think it was just two people of testing. He faked like he was gonna throw it to somebody that then cut across the middle of the broke back towards the sideline. Last person to get him was Gronkowski. Gronkowski broke, then Gronkowski stumble, then Gronkowski dove. This dude ran an ends on it through that damn ball out the stadium. New England lost hey Man on the last player of the game. But if you have seen Tom Brady face he was, if you have seen them holding their helmets, you'd have seen the disbelief on Miami's team. Oh, it was a wonderful, wonderful feeling. So wonderful. That was so you had an outstanding week. Oh you had a great Sunday looked like that, don't it. Man, I just you don't even know how. I was just sitting up in here, just you know, I was so sad by the Houston Texans. It was such a happy said moment, happy said. I was happy. I was. I was ecstatic that the Brown Law. I was overjoyed that the Patriots Law, this crushing blow came in was lost to the well. Later in the morning, we're gonna go through all of the week fourteen NFL wins and losses and see how pimping did anyway, Steve, Yeah, when y'all going through that later on this Eastern No, not right now, give it, give it a little time. We have lots of stuff to cover. Yeah, give it some time, give it a little time. Let him marinate a little bit. Yeah, thank you, Simon. Yeah, you got to talk about Jerk Cleveland when for most of the morning until we actually get to week fourteen, I probably yeah, right, I believe like a thousand times already introduce us this morning, just a brown ladies and gentlemen. Baker Mayfield, Miles Gay. Yeah, he went back to Jim Brown. Yeah, that's who. I don't see what the problem is. Yeah, but I mean it has to be a good feeling though, because Cleveland said, there's a great yell. Five wins from three years and no wins. That's that's unbelievable. That's that's amazing. But but we were competitive in all the games. Oh yeah, yeah, Baker Mayfield. Can I ask you got a good quarterback? Go ahead, I need to ask a question. Is it Baker Mayfield that's changed the team around or is it the whole team? No, it's a number of things. Okay, it's not just Baer. I mean, you don't look, man, we needed a quarterback desperately, and we love his name, don't forget Jay. So he's the best quarterback we've seen in years. And he has a lot to do with the success because of his attitude. But we got a running game, we got a defense. We got that boy out of Ohio State that's got the concussion Ward, yeah, Denz Award. We got defensive line, we got some defense that runs to the ball. Got to do with anything, that has everything to do with everything. Okay, go on, sorry, and that's it, man, And uh, you know them boys is like hustling. And now that we even got Hugh Jackson out of there, it's a different mindset in the locker room, you know, it's a different mindset. They even better football team now without huge jack So have they made all the changes that you wanted them to make? No? Hell no? No? What else? What else you wanted to make? Wow? Oh, we gotta get a little stronger offensive line. Okay, we got a pretty good receiving team. I ain't mad at the running back. Quarterback is good, got it? So now I might be y'all might be ill, might y'all might be all round a couple of years. What what made him keep the coach so damn long? I don't know what he got on that? Yeah, yeah, pitches on owner. He got someone that him something else, somebody in a hat with a monkey. But Tom, Tom, what did you say? What you know when you said to yourself? Yeah, yeah, it's pretty bad, yeah himself, Yeah, we absolutely will be out of work. Coming up next, Reverend Motown, Deacon death jam are here where church complaints going up? Right after this, you're listening to stew coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news. The musical celebration for Quincy Jones was last night. Keith Sweat, Teddy Riley and more of the New Jack swing music era got keys to the City of Harlem. We'll talk about it at the top of the hour, but right now, it's Monday, and you know what goes down on Monday. It's time for Reverend Motown and Deacon Deaf jam with church complaints. Yea, who three two one that count that we are here. You know, I decided and I would be more profession now and do it be counted in like they do Steve on the TV show. You know they count here me in. Yeah, they count time me into. I've seen so I decided that I'm gonna get counted in now. Yeah, I need somebody to count me in too. No, you are, I bring you in, see right out, and I do this here that that that's your you did. We're not gonna do a count and then I come into another account. I was gonna count my steps. No, then you ain't got to do that because they ain't see that. That ain't gonna come across good. Okay, Well for six five fold three two one mm, we are here for church complaint, that's right. That's right. Let us begin with this nonsense. Deacon death jail, all right, past it, let's get started here. I the prison ministry casino night went bad this past Saturday. Who people got shanked? And now four people with their arms broke. I'll owe was some play money pass that was down in the basement. You're gonna have to talk to the prison minister. They seem to get out of hand when they're throwing something. See what y'all feelings realizes you You can't have these former inmates that's just getting out and charging him because they're bringing their mentality over here with him. Now, then they're playing cards for conversaying all that this ain't playing money to the hem all right. Then they're shanking people and all this here we're even fit to put over with it. We're gonna stop the prison minister. When you get out of playing, don't don't come to this church. Well, I'm not gonna be the one to tell the prison ministry that they are canceling now. I'm not gonna tell them, well, I'm just chelling right now. How we're gonna do it. We're just gonna cut the prison ministry out. But you're gonna have to tell him that. And you're gonna have to tell him that because they're gonna all end up going back any huh. Let him go to church in prison? Say what coming out here shanking people who wants to get stabbed? Well? Hello, and you're gonna tell him, deacon, because you started this minute. Now I didn't. I didn't start. Yes, did you came out with your nephew too, he needed salvation and you started the ministry. Now you're gonna be the one bread All well, I'm gonna call him from I'm not gonna next. I'm not gonna I can't tell this today's face like that. I you tell it to the airs if it wan't to but you're gonna get it broke back. I'm not getting shanked for this. I tell you that. Pastor next, Dickon, you better move along. All right, here we go out, Pastor, we have an issue. Brother Finley, Brother Claren's Finley has not been the church pastor in three weeks. Now. Here's the deal. He is locked inside his house. Apparently he is three months behind, and the landlord has bolted and locked him in the house and he can't get out. So and the landlord is not gonna let him out until somebody come out in pay. He's been called aling trying to get out. He's three months behind. Well, I don't see what the problem is. I consider you know see right there, Decon, just go right along with your prison ministry. Ain't just similar to House of Risch very hain't come out. He three months behind here and they watching TV, eating, drinking. He he's out of food. I didn't take something round Now when we're gonna make some plates out the service and take a couple of places round there with him fall Pastor, the man that's three months behind, if we help him with his rent, then he'll be able to come out the house and come on back. Then you said he was hungry, Yeah, so were paying rent. Ain't's still gonna be hungry. Yeah. I fixed the problem that you could fix. Now we could fix the hunger. We ain't got no three months back when not a church? All right, past we'll man to have back on the mortgage on the hill building. Who exactly? Now here's a new situation. I want you to bear with me, Pastor we Um. We have three members that have been arguing and fighting over who was gonna lead the caroling uh for you know, Christmas time, because they go around doing the carolinas. I'm gonna have to let you decide on this because it's pretty rough on me. Here could you. I'm gonna let you figure out who you want. Now. First we have brother Donnie Dixon. Please take a listen to brother Donnie Dixon. Pass me not old gentle, say save ya here my boy cry cry like wow, ohothers now or col Colleen, thank you, thank you. That's not a kid. I don't understand why why is here to run it? That ain't even a criminal? So here is our sister, Reba, Reba jogs Bath. Please take a listener. No whilpon f here's me none know she'll posper No No he walking around? Wh what he side? What you he will stand blood your side? He we come, thank you, thank you's been not leave I fantasier styles for no reason here right go ahead, sister Laretta bills man sweet the sound say come on, thank you, thank you too much, too much, slavery, thank you too much? Not what is we singing like the hounds is coming for all right? We gotta go sorry I like that second later all right, we're coming up at the top of the hour. In Entertainment News, Q eighty five and musical celebration for Quincy Jones. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to The Steven Show. Coming up at thirty four after the hour, A very own grunch, The One and Only j Anthony Brown is Gonna Murder another hit, but first In today's Entertainment News. Last night, the stars, i mean the stars came out to salute the man, the hero, the legend that is Quincy Jones, Oprah Winfrey, Stevie Wonder, Fantasia Usher, Jennifer Hudson, Charlie Wilson, Danny Glover, l L Cool, j John Legend, Will Smith and Moore. Take a listen to eighty five. This is a musical celebration for our beloved Quincy Jones. A man, a hero at icon Quincy Quincy, Quincy Quincy Jones was is and will always be. I love it. I love it. Great show. It was really tackle the show. Yeah, I'm so glad they're giving him Miss Flowers while he's still here. That that's probably the worst clip we could have played, though it might have been a great show with the worst clip we could have possibly. What didn't you like about it? What did did it say? Well? What did you wanted to say that it did? What did it say? What did you wanted to say? Do you hear crippet or something? Somebody who I ain't the Oprah did talking? And then that was it? You wanted to hear key music in the background. I'm gonna find you a clip, dog, let me find you. Man, Thank you the worst time. I'm surprised you weren't there. You say, oh my god, they don't ask me. Well. The stars were there to celebrate Hugh's eighty fifth birthday and his contributions to music, film, and television, his work as a humanitarian and success as a Grammy Award winning singer, composer, and producer, plus highlighting his relationship with Michael Jackson. And you know that was a bond right there. I mean the hits that they made together, Oh lord, hit after hit after hit, and Steve you know Quincy And of course you knew Michael Jackson, right, Yeah, I knew Quincy pretty good. I've been in this house a couple of times. Great brother, man, I love to do Yeah, I love him. I love he deserves everything he gets. Man, he's so powerful in the music business. Change. He changed music, he really did. Yeah. It's a great producer. But he knew music. Oh yeah, oh yeah, he knew music. Yep, and he knew bands. He wasn't just dropping beats and sampling stuff. He was writing music. You're right, he was. That's what he was writing music, right, composing right, No, whole another level. Yeah, that artist today and even now I wouldn't know nothing about I remember we are the World back in that oh yeah, yeah, with Michael Jackson, and to put all those stars in one room and get something like that, that song was incredible, all those The first time you saw it you had chills. Yeah to Bob Dylans. Yeah for his Fansy you feel mad about that part that was in the eighties, right eighty five or something. You do nothing well enough your entertainment. There a lot of stuff going on. We'll get to it as the morning goes on, but see right now it is time for today's headlines, please, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Tripp, thank you very much everybody. This is a trip with the news and welcome to a new week. And here we are. Well it's official White House Chief of staff John Kelly is out by the end of this year. Kelly, retired Marine, a general who has served as Trump's chief of staff since July of last year. The President hasn't named his replacement, but suggests that we'll hear the name sometime in the coming days. Was a kind of interesting word. Was that Vice President to Pence's chief of staff, Nick Ayers was going to be the person who replaced it, but he took his name out of contention. He says he wants to move back to Georgia. In other words, he doesn't want the job, but the White House says that he won't be assuming that position. General Kelly reportedly once referred to Confederate General Robert E. Lee as an honorable man and said that only a lack of compromise led to the Civil War. That's what Kelly, the outgoing chief of staff, the Trump White House set the US State Department reaffirming the Trump administration support for the coalition led by the Southeast and Yemen. That statean coming after US centers vowed to end the US role in the war, a position prompted by the brutal murder of watching the Post columns Shamalka Shoji in North Carolina. Police in Lumberton and the FBI say a suspect under arrest for the kidnapping and murder of a thirteen year old girl named Anniagila. The thirty four year old man, Michael Ray McClellan, is in custody charged with first degree murder, first degree forcible rape, kidnapping, abduction, so many other things, including concealed one of a death. Police say the victim was kidnapped when she went out to start her aunt's SUV before school. She was pushed inside the vehicle, police say, by the suspect, and then he took off with her in a stealing the car. Her body discovered in a body of water several weeks later. A storm continues to pound the southeast this morning with snow and ice and gusty wins, and so far caused a cancelation of hundreds of airfly It's caused hundreds of traffic accidents, and the storms already brought freezing rain or snow to parts of Kentucky, Tennessee, and Arkansas. David Roth of the National Weather Service as the heaviest of the snow expected in North Carolina Virginia this morning and that the levels could break some records. Some places might get with the equivalent of a year of snowfallings for that area. You can end up with black ice from the roads. Now that's going to be a concern the next several days to this area. The governors of North Carolina Virginia have declared states of emergency. Meanwhile, they're asking people to stay off the roads if they ken. Thousands of homes and businesses without power. Many school districts already canceled classes for today. Sad news. Black American industrial designer Charles Harrison has died at eighty seven. Charles Harrison redesigned and refashion hundreds of consumer products. He's responsible for the big plastic trash pan you know with the wheels, the trash can that you can pull. He's the sea through measuring cup. He redesigned the Ken Moore sewing machine, the riding lawn mower, the cordless shaver, even this three D view master. Charles Harrison a native of Shreeport, Louisiana, and Tom said the box office for a third weekend in Row Ralph breaks the internet part to fix the game. Everything goes back to the way it was where are we going back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show? You're listening to show? All right? He is back. Well, Steve, you're headed back to Bangkok, Thailand this week to host the Miss Universe Passion Bangkok. You've never been? Huh? Did I stay heading back heading to Thailand? Bank? No, I mean yeah, I'm thinking heading back to the Miss America a Miss Universe pageant. Okay, anyway, you're wild, Bank, You do know that they will really like when you say wild? What do you what do you mean? It's crazy? They say it's bananas like New Orleans, like Bourbon Street time twenty whoa, No, No, Me and my wife gonna be in our hotel suite. I'll be looking out the window at the river. I already saw my sweet ned thing. Well, I know what I'm staying. Everything ain't got to wear. But but you want now maybe back in the day, I wasn't gonna partake in no Bangkok wild? It's ever Well, you know what, that's just the city. You don't want to get in troubling. You don't don't have something in your mouth. You've never heard that. You don't want to be in New Steve Hoy gets in trouble in Bangkok. Yeah, I don't care what it is and what something happens. All they say is Bangkok's got him. Now, no m that man, I'm through you to leave walk down the street of leave on well you know yeah, I mean yeah, I'm gonna go down the streets a couple of times. You know I won't be going off. You don't do them adventures. Well, Junior is gonna be there. Somebody's gotta be hang out with Junior. Go up and see the wild Bangkok. No, we ain't. We're gonna see what's cross street from the hotel. I'm turning this one corner and get an ass all back. We're gonna go out. We're gonna go ahead. Dog, hey, dog, dog ji jie. I've been taking un nowhere listening. Even if I got you, go out late at night and experiences city man and night in the daytime and go take some pictures some self. Yeah, you got to post something in you're supposed to do well. First of all, let me explain something to y'all. The flight is for elf like twenty something hours. It's twenty four to one, okay, so I'll be in the air for twenty one and I'm fifteen hours ahead. Oh wow, of la. So here's an aside question. So I don't know when I'm getting out. I think I get that Sunday. Huh. I mean, man, it's really nice. Man up front, I'm in the back of here, sleeping upright. Yeah, I'm standing up. I pushed my button to recline. I moved two inches. I'll be good, all right. Tell the miss Universe page in a three hour event will be live Sunday night on Fox at seven pm Eastern. Congratulations Steve coming up next. He is here j Anthony Brown to murder another hit right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right, Steve introduced him. He's here. Well, I don't feel like being in the Christmas bid, he is, No, No, I don't. I don't write happy Christmas songs because there's enough of those happy Christmas songs get lost in the shuffle. All him, deck the halls. Who the hell want to hit that over and over right for the sad and down track Grinch all the way? Hit it Hello. Then it's Christmas time again. I can't believe it's in man a soul on priper the time just past leave by I'm feeling kenning from my aweend night, but I haven't trinket part by our damn it is Christmas as over friding fighting people inside fiding. I'd rather last week on the show, Lady, Please nobody my father love today. I can't even push them on while it just says no way o damn Christmas, shock Christmas, Love, Christmas, Happy Christmas. No hos ho, you're a mean one, mister Graham Ja singing to somebody. Somebody refused if you heard some notes too many happy Christmas songs out every year, somebody got a Christmas album happy happy that I'm in. I'm in the lane all by myself. You are I want to be got a tree up, Jane? No, did he insult your offend? I can't imagine my house on no tree. Especially grandchildren grand well that they want to see tree go to the other granddaddy house because ain't got one. Tell me, ain't buy them gifts, Jay, Please tell me that. Yeahs oh, it ain't well, you don't don't put it under the tree though, that it's just sitting up on the coffee tap. It's just sitting up on the coffee It ain't wrap the nut on it. That hey, laptop over there, that's yours. That's how j pass that give? Oh it's killing the bag, Jake, want to take it back? You never know? You know who won the iPhone? All right? Well, keep myself so sad. That bike over there that yoursn't man? You no guessing nothing. You have to do better. We're gonna we're gonna have to help you working on. Yeah, celebrate Chris. I'm gonna tell you right now, I have known him way longer than all y'all. You can stop. It's deep ending. Have you Have you ever invited him over to your house, Steve? For Christmas? Maybe not having his unhappy ass, that's my damn holiday. I'm trying to cheat his old as by himself, Steven. Where is he gonna eat and stuff Christmas? That's where he needs to be unhappy as to day house. He's gonna eat Christmas dinner, Steve. He don't have a Christmas treat sad An he got diabetes. I'm not saying because you know he can't eat them yams. You know that he over here sad. We can't have no cake too much? All right? Coming up next is the nephew he's got the prank. Phone call right after this, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's Today's Strawberry Letter, the subject you can't hide a beautiful body. You heard me, you can't hide a beautiful body. Nobody said nothing about naked Tommy. Okay, right, well, if you ain't gonna hid it, you got to let it out. If you're gonna let it out, you got to get naked. But as we're talking about okay, we're talking about the prank right now, that's what we're talking about. Shoplift shop lift up. Get him on the phone, shoplifted. Hello, Yes, I'm trying to reach a Tanya. Please, Hi, Tanya. My name is Daniel from the head of store security. Here at your job. Uh listen, I'm trying to see um, I'm gonna have to I know to day's your day off. I'm looking at the schedule here. It seems that you don't come back in until Saturday. I'm trying to see if it's possible I can get you to come to the store. There's a bit of a situation I want to discuss with you. There's about eighteen hundred dollars worth of merchandise missing from the store. But yeah, it's about eighteen hundred dollars worth of merchandise. And we definitely know that this is a in house situation. This is not someone walking in shoplifting. This is definitely an in house situation with employees who have evidently been shoplifting from the store, taking things, and we want to get down to the to the roots of the problem. Well, ma'am, it's uh, it's been brought to my attention that there's a possibility that you may be part of this situation. And I don't steal. You don't call my house. Using me is stealing. I stole nothing from nobody. Okay, well, my hangar man, what I'm trying to do is just trying to you, trying to say out and stole something and I stole them. Okay, wait just a second. Now, do you have a sister named Cynthia? Yeah, what about it? Well, now it seems that here on some of the footage that we have on camera that it's a possibility that it seems like your sister's actually wearing some of the merchandise that we sell here in the store. Okay, just because she wears something that we sell in the store, don't mean that I stole it. Well, we don't see where she's act. I backed the footage up as far as I could. I don't see any footage of where she purchased this particular merchandise. And my assumption is maybe you gave it to her. I gave her And just because you don't see what somebody purchased it, don't mean that it's been stolen. Okay, here's what I'm gonna I'm gonna just get to the chase of this. Tell you what I'm gonna have to do. Is this if I can't get you to come to the store man. And matter of fact, here's another question for you before I go any further. You have children at all, Tanya? Yeah? I got children, wife, because I'm missing a lot of baby merchandise as well. And you know what, you know what you're really cruising for this morning? Okay, because you don't call somebody on the off day accusing them of stealing. Okay, here's what I gotta do. Are you coming into the office so I can talk with you. I'm not coming no where on my off day. Well, then what's gonna happen, missus Tanya is I'm gonna have to actually come to your home, check your closet. I'm gonna have to check your kids and see if they're check and see if they're wearing merchandise that comes from this. Come to my house if you want to, and they're gonna take your somebody here in the body back. Excuse me. You heard what I said. You heard what I said. You don't call nobody. I bust my death store. I bust my to death store. You understand me. I work hard for y'all. Okay, you you've been busting you. You've been busting your car here excusing me of stealing. I ain't so from nobody. I don't have to steal. That's why I work all that. You understand. I think you've been busting your butt. Taking stuff is what you've been doing. You've been from nobody. You understand me. I do not steal. I'm gonna come over there. I'm checking your closets things, but it ain't no season, understand And I'm checking your babies as well. And I'm making check my babies to see what happens. You put your heads on any damn thing in here. And see what happens. Okay, I don't want to have to drag your butt here. Oh you're gonna drag somebody? Oh, now you're threatening me. I don't want to drag of your house security guy. You tough security guy. You like your job that much you're willing to die for that? Huh? Who said anything about me? Dic? I did come over here, and that's what's gonna happen. That's what happens when you put people on the off days, you get hurt. Okay, I get a couple of damn days and y'all gonna call me with this? So are you threatening me? Now? I'm threatening you? Then you just called that you was coming over here. Yes, I did bring you. I'm don't bring your security. I'm all don't let me tell you something. Okay, I get you. I can have you brought up on charges. You know that. Bring me up on charges and see what happens. You see if you get that first. I'm on my way over there now to check you and your kids. You understand, man, I'm over here to check me and my kids and see how they checked. Y'all some out of here. Let me tell you something. Now, you got to tell me. You ain't got nothing to tell me, You ain't got something. Why don't you go ahead and tell me what you took? Maybe I'll go light on you. I'll go like, think I'm stupid or something. You don't sound like a damn food. Why don't you tell me what you took? I took? I bet you teaching your little kids over there how to steal too. Aren't you what what you teaching kids? Hey? Hey, hey, hey, now you hey, hey, hey hey hey hey, don't call me with this on my stake. Let me tell you one mother, Are you listening to me? I got one more thing to say to you. You ain't got nothing else to say to me? Are you listening? What this is? Nephew? Timing from the Steve Harbin Martin Show. You just got prank? Your sister sid to you? Okay? Okay? Are you and that broad want to play games? Okay, y'all want to play right? Y'all got joke? Y'all got joke. I got Joe for both of y'all. I'm around here taking care of her and all her ugly play with me and all day all right, tell you, she told me, she told me, she said that Timmy be be pranking people. You can't nobody get me that on crazy stuff that come to people don't know. Somebody calling and tripping with this, She told me you couldn't you thought you couldn't be got. That's all right, y'all got me, You've been well. I love you. I got some bug like all right, let me ask you one more thing. What is the baddest radio show in the land but Steve Harvey Morning Show? Now? Now, somebody call y'all, Oh, do you think you're really going in? I'm not. I don't care if you got my number. I'm not coming up. We need you to come down so we can talk about it. How many people you really think gonna come down? Come down? Sir? No, sir, go on. I got a lot going on. I gotta thank everybody in Detroit. We sold out The Fox, stead of Me, Earthquake, John Pops Witherspoon, Oh my god, Dominique rob Man. Rob Man is still a beast Man. The next show coming up is uh Columbus, Columbus the Club, Me and Earthquake looked like two old last men. The kids. I ain't gonna That's what I'm trying to figure out. Both of y'all fifty deep? Do you have to get in the club to know I'm too old to be? Ja? Ja talk about eight It's about eight steps Jay, when you say this, ain't well, not supposed to be here? Man, shoot on happened to you in Boom or something steam a while ago. No, no, that happened to Boom and uh, Johnny, somebody's kids call and go. We was all together. They said, hey, man, ain't mister Harvey friend named Boomerang. First he said, it's these two old dudes and these plays with these hats on and these suits and everybody to look at. They kept describing what they had on, and then the little dude say, ain't mister Harvey bought it? God be he got all the pinks. All right, Thank you guys, thinking if you tell me up. Next it is the Strawberry Letters subject you can't hide a beautiful body. You're listening to the Steven Show. It is time now for my Strawberry Letter for today and listen. Guys. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit strawberry letter. Okay, bau hold on tight. We got it for year. Hibberty is the strawberry letter. We can be reading yours, just like we're reading this one subject. You can't hide a beautiful body. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a thirty year old single woman without any children, and I've been dating a forty one year old man that has three young daughters. We've been together for five months, and all of a sudden, he does not approve of how I dress. He told me that I dress as if I want attention from other men, and not like a wholesome woman. I am a full time legal assistant at a popular law firm, and I take law classes at night. At work, I'm in heels and pencil skirts, and on the weekend, I dress for whatever the occasion is, and it's my own personal style. I have a beautiful curvy body, and at my age, I don't see the problem with me wearing a top that shows a little stomach or a dress that shows off my curves. He didn't have a problem with how I dress when he met me, but now he has been talking about it NonStop. I recently met his daughters and I was dressed appropriately in jeans and a sweatshirt. He still said that I need to do a better I need to do better at sending myself in a more wholesome manner when he met. When he and I met, it was not wholesome. So why does he want me to seem wholesome now? I never intended to be a role model for his children. He says he wants me to be more like his friend's wife. And that's all fine and good if I were an older, stay at home mom, but I'm not. Why is he bringing this up now and trying to change me. I'm at the point where I want to settle down and he could be the one, but obviously I'm not the woman he really wants. Could this be a deal breaker? Please advise? Well, you know what, It depends on how you look at it. It could be a deal breaker if he's like this controlling dude you know that wants to tell you how to dress and you know, compare you to other women like he's doing in this letter all of that. It could be that, or it could be he's considering you for a little more serious role in his life. Because I don't understand why he would even be concerned about how you're dressing if you're not dressing like, you know, a stripper or something in front of his friends and daughters. Dressing for him in private is one thing, but there is something to be said about appropriate dress in front of others, especially young impressionable girls. I'll give him that. Although you said you were dressed properly when you met his daughters in jeans and a sweatshirt, you didn't say that your tummy was out. You didn't say any of that. I mean, this guy does sound controlling, He does sound bossy after only five months in. And remember what he's doing now, how he's talking to you now, you guys haven't even made the six month mark. That's how it's going to be in a relationship and into a marriage. So you're gonna have to decide if that's what you want. I mean, you have your own personal style, and you said you don't see anything wrong. I mean that's what's fashionable. Crop tops are fashionable, you know, as long as you're rearly had on one in the order in the dr at all at all. I mean, you could do things tastefully. But we were at the beach. Can we just say that Steve, we were we were it was a swim party and everything. We weren't that no beach. We was on the inside in the auditorium, but we saw you. I don't know where you came from from the beach. Look't on that anyway, back to the letter, you can't hide a beautiful body as a subject. So you know, even though you never intended to be a role model for his children, sometimes we're thrust in those positions. You know, you're dating this guy and he does have daughters, so you have to consider that when you are around them, you're you're You're not there um their mom or anything, but they are. If you're around their dad, they are looking to you for certain things. So you know, I'm not telling you to cover up and dress like a nun from headge tour or anything like that, but be mindful, especially around the daughters, of how you're presenting yourself. Uh, you know, just do that for their sake. Okay, come out of yourself for a little bit and just do that for their sake. As far as you and this guy goes, time will only tell. If he continues to be controlling. He sounds like a nagger and all that already, But you gotta decide if you want to deal with that, because it's not gonna get any better. And yeah, when you're fine and beautiful, you can't hide it, you cannot steve let it out. Well, this is a real simple fix right here. Appreciate everything you said, Sherley. Here's the other side of the coin. See the way you dress, that's how you got him. The way you look, that's how you got him. See he liked all that when he saw you. That's what got his attention. You had what he wanted. That's why y'all together. Now, the little pencil skirts, the tight fit, the crop tops to cleave it showing, the rep skirts, the fitted sweater, y'all go out on weekend, you dress how you want. Bam, that's got it. But now he want to change. Well, see the problem he got now is he probably need a nun. He needed to date somebody that's a little bit different than you. And I'm gonna tell you why. Here's I'm first I'm gonna get into this right here. You thirty and he forty one. That's eleven years. That's a gap. That's a gap, and it's a real gap when it's more than an eleven year distance. Eleven year difference. It's probably more because he's probably an older forty one, if you know what I mean, he probably an old, stuck up forty one. Then you might just be a little bit younger thirty. But you're a lawyer, you work at a law firm, you got a career. You gotta go to work appropriate. You can't go in there looking like anything like like like like you know, you can't go to work looking like you a case. So I think you and you're okay right there. I think what's really happening here is this eleven year age difference is bigger than eleven years because in his mind he wants something else. He wants something else from you now, and now he trying to shape you like that because he turned around and said it. He wants you to dress like his friend's wife. And you said that be fine if he was a forty some years stay at home mom. But you ain't got no kids. I don't I don't know who he rot, but you all have to decide it's what you want from him worth giving him what he wants from you. All Right, We'll come back with part two of your response at twenty three after the hour. Right after this you're listening, Let's recap today's strawberry letters, Steve. Let's get to part two of your response, subject you can't hide a beautiful body. Well, this thirty year old lady married his old ass for the one year old man with these three damned daughters that she ain't got no kids. They've been together five months and he don't approve now how she dressed. You know, he says you dressed like he want attention from other men. See that's crazy, because see you dressed got attention from him. Now that he got you, he don't want nobody else paying attention to you. This is the beginning of something greater. Now, I really do believe that this dressing is the beginning of something greater. And like Shirley said, he could be very controlling. Next thing, you know, you can't where it is. Next thing, you know why you're going over there? Next and you know why you spending that. Next thing, you know, I don't want you driving that car no more. Next thing, you know you ain't gonna hand no friends. I don't see a problem with me. Man or top to show a little stomach or a dress that shows off my courage. He didn't have a problem with you dress how he met me. You don't don't write it didn't. But now I've been talking about a non stop that's called some of his damn friends is looking at you. See now he's starting to notice some of the other men looking at you. Now he's feeling sort of inadequate. You know, I don't want you to do this. I don't want you to He feeling some little little bit of insecurity too. I think I recently met his daughters and I was dressed appropriately in jeans and a sweatshirt. He still said, I need to do a better presenting myself in a more wholesome matter, with the hell and wholesome. That's what I'm saying, covered up from head to tell. So why you want me to seem wholesome? Now? I never tend to be a role model for his children. Okay, Now let me explain something. You can't say that. I can't say that to him, man, I ain't trying to be no damn robot for your damn kids. I can't say that. I don't say that, lady. He ain't gonna handle it good, all right? He says that he wants me to be more like his friend's wife, and that's all finally good. Well, he should marry his friends. He should just go dates one of his one have have. His friend's wife introduced him to some of her friends. They all three kids at home. Yeah, drive a minute, van, it all, it's all good. Ain't nothing wrong with that. But you're gonna get out this little fan sass call you guy. You're gonna get yourself a minute van, get down here to this damn save a lot and get you some damn groceries. Wow, that's what you're gonna do. Why is he bringing us up now and trying to change me. I'm at the point why I want to settle down. And he could be the one, but obviously I'm not the woman he really wants. Well, now, hold on, let's just take these last two statements. I'm at the point where I'm ready to settle down and he could be the one, could be the one, and but obviously I'm not the woman he really wants. Okay, he could be the one, but obviously I'm not the woman he really wants. Could this be a deal breaker? It could be a deal break. I think what you should do, though, is wait a little while and just see how it goes. You know, don't make a commitment. Just stay in this relationship and see how I go, see how heavy he gets with what he wants. You know, you know, some of the little changes you can make in your dress might be good for you, but then some of it might not be what you want to do. You can't just totally flip the script for this man and he flipping the script for you. I will flip the script for a woman if she flipped the script for me. This as long as I get flipped, that's got to give flippant a woman flipping. That's what j J J. The woman he used to date big slid. It ain't gonna go like you playing whistle no no, no, no no j. That's how he liked it. You ain't been flipped for no. I don't either. I can't how come out facing the head boy, that's not a good feeling. I don't know what you're doing. You flip me coming out when it is going WHOA what we're doing here? Calling? Calling sexual time out? It's too hard. Can't flip me because usually when you get flipped, it's followed by shut up. But yeah, you mean about to say, soon as you get flipped, your respect is taken. No, man, you're not gonna talk to me like that. No, no, no, no no. If you keep getting flipped, it follows up with a slap. Oh man, this is this is scary. Listen. Yeah, you know now that you look at it, Tommy, as I was doing light flipping, this is aggressive flipping. Also, once you get flipped, Once you get flipped, you get this baby, fix me my play, fix your damn I don't place, I can't get the sandwich, I can't get the same. So you're going to lead the covers off me like that? This right? Yeah? Yeah, you don't want to get flip. Yeah, take your flip back, Tommy, m Yeah. Yeah. But Steve, it seems like he's getting progressively worse though they've only been together for five months, and he keeps bugging her and nagging her about this. I mean, you know it's the beginning of something. Yeah, yeah, and it's happening now. Controlling is not fun and this is five just five months. If yeah, they're in a full fledged relationship, and this is how he is. If he's controlling and you have nothing to say, it's just gonna just remember this old saying right here, ain't no fun when the rabbit got to go. All right, look, we gotta go email us or instagram us guys. Uh, your your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey f M. Coming up in ten minutes. Janathony Brown's Evil Things to Do before Christmas? Wow, man, right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, all of us here at the Steve Harvey Morning Show, we can hardly wait till till Christmas, most of us, right, uh, except for you know who bitter Man slash the Grinch. We call him the Grinch around Christmas. Janthony Brown. Steve is here, your friend. Now, this is his segment. He's calling it Evil Things to Do for Christmas. Give because I don't know why I have been dubbed the evilest one on this show because I'm not the evils. Oh, but you the only one? Yeah, you are not the evils evil. We didn't have evil. Yeah you brought evil in all right. These are evil things to do over the holidays, by your truly Jamie Brown. Number one, Get yourself a lawn chair, huh, and go to one of those stories electronic stores and just sit outside and watch people try to put a big ass TV and a little last cop. That's so much fun. Bring a lunch, just bring it. Yeah, your best part winning the guy who works at his stuff got to go back inside. Yeah, that is the best fun, evil ass thing to do for the holidays. Load up four or five baskets, load them like you're gonna shop, and you walk out to leave one because you know somebody to put that stuff back. Leave it at this you're not buying any of it. Oh, this is a real good one. Come out of the store, go to your car, back out, pull back in, back back out, put back in, and then then get out. Go in and then come back out, back out, go back in, st get your friend. Some people think they go, oh my god, just to look on it. He's not leaving. Let's get back back out there. It's another one. This is so much fun. Put all your trash in a big box, huh. Wrap it up in Christmas paper, put a bow on it, go to the mom, set it on the hood of your car, and just watch people steal it. It is so much I like that love that one. To see them drive around like, oh, there's a box on the car and get it, get it. That's a good one. Him get on the elevator. Wait, do you see somebody with a whole lot of packages? And hurry up. I'm come on, I got it. I'm holding the elevator. I got it. And when they get there, you let that dope close riding. Got to yell at it's gonna I tried. I tried to right, I do I do? I do that a lot elevator ride with nobody. I try to act like I'm trying to press sorry, start sorry, here's another one. Get in line, but Santa Claus. Sit on Santa hold up the line and just pull out a long ass. This just to the kids get irritated to where they start crying, and then I hard idn't want to get a new house. Just as long as you can talk to Santa, the better. Oh another, get you a stuff. This is a good one. This is go ahead, get you a stuffed Santa Claus tied to the hood of your car, and then drive around like you hit Santa Claus. Hey, that's one of them inflatable Santa Claus. Hold to and drive by school. And hey, what's going on? The little kids are? There's a real doing in It's kind of tricky. What is what are we doing here? Little things to do over the holiday? Kenzie Brown? Find your ex girlfriend? Yes, right on the back of her car. Merry Christmas. Ho ho ho kchen. Here's the catch? What's the catch? Two of the whole holes have been written by paint that will wash off when it rained. So in the back of the car. Just said, men, Christmas, Hole two gonna come up and last, but not leave because you know these people are so sick. You gotta go to a quanza party. Uh huh dressed like Santa Claus. Oh, man, they gonna lose the mint. It real. Let me, I got a cousin man who celebrates not serious. They do not play seriously. Man, I gotta I got a family member to do that too. Man, I just what you know, I'll be trying to be respectful of my sad dog. I can't. Hey, man, why don't you get back to your African roots? I said, bro, I'm in touch with my actual route. But I do like Christmas. Yeah, yeah, you don't even understand what Christmas is. I might not, but I show don't understand what quantity is. So let's me and you, I said, but just understand, dog, my whole life I grew up with Christmas. I just kind of like it. I ain't goin to stop. Yeah, you should stop. Every black person should stop, dum dog. That's a hard seal. Yeah, I can't celebrate a holiday the same age as me. Christmas way older than me. And quans are both got here? How long is quans is? It's a certain amount of day. It's cool for the people that do it, man, but they be on such an angle man, for you, not Joe in an end. Well, for those of you who celebrate Quanza, happy Quanza. For those of you, yeah, celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas, and for everybody celebrate happy all of that. It's happy holiday. Yeah to everybody out there. Do you I do want to see Santa Claus go to this to this quanza parted on? All right, Uh, listen, coming up. It is week fourteen of the NFL. Steve, guess what happened in the building right after this? You're listening to the Steve Harpy Morning Show. All right, guys, it is that time, week fourteen of the NFL. You know who's in the building, deep one, the only pimpion. I'm early, I'm erely, I'm early. I can't handle. I'm only a time for probably in the touch and I hate to get on in the hill leave land. I'm damn brown won the game, had to give it. You're early on time. You know what I'm saying here fast, I'm talking my leg out. I'm getting here. I fell off up in him, man, And you don't like this lord who flew right over a hill? Man? Why are you so happy pimping countor Browns? One? I knew it. What do the pimps do when the Browns win? Yeah? We pimp? What you think we do? You like this here that I got on? Yeah, it's nice, man, it's nice. You know what? You know what? I wore this man, just for the Browns today. This is this is this is that that black? This is black pamful. Oh you know a lot of Pampers. Yeah, this pamful pamp not pam pamper. So you can't get panther nowhere. It ain't enough black panthers to make up a damn pojamas. Yeah, but this pamphor though, they just sell this in Cleveland that missed owners right here. It's called pump black pomp. It's nasty though, ain't it? Dude? You know? And I stole a collar from James Wilder at the fight. I WoT the chicken feathers around my neck. That's just not as much. But that's all right. Cleveland came in for the week. Yeah, So what's up? Junior's having a pipper? I don't even really care. Twenty six to twenty. That's all you need to know. Well, let's go down and listen anyway, because I might have something to say anyway. You know, what's it? What's up? Shilly? Hello? Good morning, pimpin. How you doing? I'm good Mary? Christmas, Happy holidays. M It was real good. You know what I'm saying? You do? So juice up. Junior's heading Van value game? What a pimp are you doing? Man? And what's your name? You hate man? Hating on me a little bit? Now watch it. I'm told you trying to talk like me? Stay over here, Jo, always trying to talk smooth. You ain't smooth. I'm sexy first and formn you ain't neither one of them who's been lying to you? Okay's happening. Let's see how you did man, New York Jets uh at Buffalo Jets win twenty seven to twenty three. Nah, I think I picked Buffalo. Yeah, okay, okay, all right, I don't have to ask this. When Carolina at Cleveland Browns, Oh, you're gonna bring it up right now. I picked Cleveland, Cleveland picked down? Yeah, good man? What else you got? I got Atlanta at Green Bay and the Packers won thirty four to twenty. I forgot who I picked. Got him Baltimore at Kansas City Chiefs and the Chiefs win twenty seven twenty four. Pretty show. Tell him Junior got New Orleans at Tampa Bay. Hell yeah, I picked that one. You brother know. I'm on the road States On twenty eight fourteen, Let's see what you did with this New England Patriots went to Miami and the Dolphins won thirty four to thirty. Tell him, Junior head last play the game thirty four thirty three. New York Giants at Washington Redskins and the Giants this week, I don't even know. I was just good. I've been just cheering for the Browns. I know. A woman Indianapolis at Houston Texas and the Coats win twenty four twenty one. Yea, I set up, Pully. We ain't sorry. I ain't seeing you signed, but you launched. You ain't the Browns This week, that's Cincinnati, Cincinnati at Los Angeles, Charges and the Charges one twenty sixty twenty one. Yeah, pick that killing Huh. I'm all right. Denver at San Francisco forty nine Ers win twenty to fourteen. I got picked. I haven't got picked them. Forty nine Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Dallas and the Cowboys win twenty nine twenty three. Right there, that my push game, that was so everything cool with me. I didn't give it that. How about this one? Pittsburgh at Oakland and the Raiders. W don't I picked Brisbane. I don't even like Brisbane. You don't even know a Detroit at Arizona and the Lines win seventeen to three. Pick that Troit. Gotta get the players up there in city Sliggers and Broadway. Jack's up in there, you know what I'm saying. Okay, go ahead? And Los Angeles Rams at Chicago and Shytown one last night, man, I don't know how to hill fifteen is six some crazy though, I'm glad though I didn't pick them though. All right, and who you got for the night? Pimping tonight Monday night football Minnesota at Seattle, Oh Seattle Man Okay, Russell Wilson, Man to the bad ship Keller. He don't win the game. He didn't won again, I ain't gonna lose. You know what I'm saying. It's like that, man, Man, it was all good. Man what I do Junior? He only lost three games? Pimping it only three that's quite Improson, that's pretty good pimping. Be picking. But you know the reason I be the reason I really pick so good surely white pimp and white, because I don't really be picking. O choose sounds like quillims. We'll be back with more of the scene Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. Congratulations are in order for former President Barack Obama. Of course, he was the forty fourth commander in chief. He tapped the list of the most beloved celebrities among millennials. His wife's Michelle Obama, was a close second, with Dwayne the Rock Johnson rounding out the top three. Yeah wow. Others include he's on the list. Uh, well, he's favorite among men. I'll say that amongst me. Yeah, okay. Others include Rihanna, Beyoncee, Ron James, Oprah Winfrey, Tom Hanks, Bill Gate, Thorna Williams, Steph Curry. And to answer your question, Steve Donald Trump is on the list for a millennial's favorite, just among men though the women, No, but the men yet? What? Yeah? Yeah? But you know, I think it speaks a lot, man, when you're talking about what people they liked the fact that he then had playboy bunnies and and pawn stars and so they hate them off and rolling with them. Man, there's people that like that, man, But the morality of the presidency is really no place for that. No. I was thinking the other day, man, you know, the support that the Republicans are given this guy, it's so unfounded. My question to the Republican Party, if this was a Democratic president that was doing all of this, would you support that? If Obama just Obama? Would you support that? If he was a Democratic president? What would what would you be saying about it then? And I promise you would be totally different. This is just about party, man, This is party at your people, at every angle because it's no way. I don't care who you are. Man. You got to know this, sun, you got to know that. Man, this ain't right. And then that tweet over the weekend, Uh, that proves it. You know, I'm clear. Thank you findings now that they didn't got man dog day tying this something. Man. But you know you can't indict a sitting president. But they're even talking about changing. Man. But you know the other day, that's what I was saying. You can indicting, but you can't. You can't. It's something you can't do, right, But you can't indict, You can't bring charge. I don't know what it is. You can't. But he's sitting there snug as a bug. Man. Well, and ain't nothing gonna happen to his kids, and rightfully so he gonna pardon them. So if you give them some time, they're gonna get part. Yeah. I mean, and if I was a president, you ain't saying to my kids a prisoner here. You know you're part of your kids, he y'all. Yeah, and y'all, and quit talking about he should pardner, they should be held to the highest that of the law. Yeah, yeah, they ship, but they ain't. Yeah, but but I'm a part. But these people voted for this man. You don't really take vote again in twenty It's it's it's people who think I voted for him. It's it's people who think I'm Steve Harvey. They think y'all friends, man all that after Manu. It's it's it's people that think that I'm like support him that they don't even understand that, they don't even understand. But it is what it is. You just gotta keep living. Yeah, well, the most important thing is that you voted. That's what I said that you voted period for Hilary Nan Hyans had then left in this ignorant as campaign. You didn't go to you didn't went to Milwalk. Yeah, all right, listen, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In Today's Entertainment News. Last night, the stars, i mean the stars came out to salute the man, the hero, the legend that is Quincy Jones, Oprah Winfrey, Stevie Wonder, Fantasia Usher, Jennifer Hudson, Charlie Wilson, Danny Glover, L L. Cool, J John legend, Will Smith and more. Take a listen to Fine. This is a musical celebration for our vote. Quincy Jones a man, a hero, an icon. Quincy Quincy Quincy Quincy Jones was is and will always be. I love it. I love it. Great show. It was really tackle the show. Yeah, I'm so glad they're giving him Miss Flowers while he's still here. That's that's probably the worst clip we could have played, though, might have been a great show with the worst clip we could have What didn't you like about it? What did it say? Well, what did you wanted to say that it didn't clip say? What did you wanted to say? Do you hear clippet or something? Somebody who I ain't the Oprah did talking? And then that was it. You wanted to hear music in the background. I'm gonna find you a clip? Dog let me friend man, thank you the whole time. I'm surprised you weren't there. You say, oh my god, they don't ask me well. The stars were there to celebrate Hugh's eighty fifth birthday and his contributions to music, film, and television, his work as a humanitarian, as success as a Grammy Award winning singer, composer and producer, plus highlighting his relationship with Michael Jackson. And you know that was a bond right there. I mean the hits that they made together. Oh lord, hit after hit after hit and Steve you know Quincy And of course you knew Michael Jackson, right, Yeah. I knew of Coursey pretty good. I've been in this house a couple of times. Great brother, man, I love to do. Yeah, I love it. I love it. He deserves everything he gets. Man, He's so powerful in the music business. Change. He changed music, he really did. Yeah, such a great producer. But he knew music. Oh yeah, yeah, he knew music ends, and he knew bands. He wasn't just dropping beats and sampling stuff. He was writing music. You're right, that's what he was writing music, right, imposing right, No, whole another level. Yeah, that artist today and even now I wouldn't know nothing about I remember We are the World back in that oh yeah, yeah, with Michael Jackson, like to put all those stars in one room and get something like that. That song was incredible, all those the first time you saw it, you had chills. Yeah to Bob Dylans. Yeah, for his fans, you feel mad about that that was in the eighties, right eighty five or something? You do nothing well another entertainment. Uh, all right, to hang tight, everybody coming back with our last break of the day and Steve's closing remarks right after this at forty nine after the hour. You're listening, all right, here we are Steve, guys, last break of the day. Steve send us home with some great closing remarks for today, had a good day to day. Hey, my closing remarks today is something that I want to share with you all that I've been kind of are dealing with a lot lately, and I mean a lot. And the only reason I'm sharing it with you because I think there's quite a few people who can relate to this. The thing that I'm trying to correct in my thinking. Uh, you know, the Bible says be anxious for nothing, and there's I'm pretty sure that are people who could explain this a lot better than me. But being anxious for nothing means, you know, in other words, don't worry so much about what's going to happen, don't don't want something so badly that it consumes you. Don't keep wearing about something that you want to see happen that you're expecting to receive, that you want to be gifted, that you want to acquire, whatever it is, be anxious for nothing. Now that's hard to do. It really is because naturally, as people, including myself me personally, I have a tendency to focus on the things that I want. Here's the problem with it, Here's a twofold problem with it. When you focus on what you want, Number one, focusing on it, it shows a lack of faith. Because everything you've ever needed, I mean, really, just ask yourself, hasn't God always done it? I mean, what you need it. You may not get everything you want. Everything you want ain't good for y'all. Can tell you that right now, I wanted a whole lot of stuff turned out not to be good for me. But everything you've needed God has taken care of. So being anxious for his will to be done I mean, I mean being anxious for Him to do something in your life, which is something He's always done. It just it just exhibits a lack of faith when you become anxious for stuff. The second part of it is is it causes you to lose focus on what you already have and once you lose focus for what you already have. You are no longer showing the level of gratitude that you need to exhibit in order to move your life forward to the next level. That's a dangerous trap, and I find myself in it oftentimes, and I'm just gonna be I'm just gonna be honest with you. So what I'm trying to learn and teach myself and become comfortable with it's how not to be anxious for nothing, realizing that God has always taken care of me. God has always taken care of you. God has never been late in this world. He ain't ever been late, not now single time. He always comes through with everything you need. He may not come when you want him, but he ain't never laid. So I have to get comfortable in knowing that He has always come through for me. He has always delivered for me. So why am I being anxious? And in my anxiousness for what I don't have, I now cause myself to lose sight and show the proper amount of gratitude for what I do have. And gratitude is one of the major components of the principles of success, because the more you are grateful for the more God will give you to be grateful for. You See, so sometimes I trick myself out of blessings by overthinking it, over wanting it. I mean, I'm not saying you're not supposed to want anything anymore. You will, but don't be anxious for it. Don't be sitting up fretting about it. He gonna do what he's supposed to do. And then, in another word, God don't really need your help to accomplish nothing. He really don't. He can get all this done without you. Get out of the way. So you know, though, that's something right there. It's been one of the man Ain't focuses. And when I get it right, When I when I'm not anxious for nothing and I do show the right amount of gratitude for what I've already been given, it releases pressure from me. You know, you've heard old people say, if you're gonna pray about it, don't worry about it, and if you're gonna worry about it, don't pray about it. And you know, sometimes in my anxiousness, I'm praying for stuff over and over and over. But you know, if you're gonna pray about it, you got you got you gotta not worry about it. But if you're anxious for something, you're worrying about it, you're just worrying about it. And that right there is not the way that is done. It's just not the way it's done. And I've been learning over the past month or so really how to focus on that a lot better. And that may be something that you might be looking at two or going through And I just wanted to share that with you because because you know, it could be something that you might be dealing with two And I'm just sharing with you that you ain't the only one going through it. You ain't the only one feeling some kind of way about it. That in actuality, a lot of people might be doing it, and we're doing it injustice to ourselves. So be anxious for nothing, trusting the fact that God has always taken to every way better than you've taken. Community. Save those are more clothing for all. Steve Harvey Contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to show