New Years Eve, Sensitive Crew, Nobody Is Looking, Fearful Spouse and more.

Published Dec 31, 2020, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! It's just one of them days and it's the last day of 2020! Have you ever wanted to say something to your spouse and won't because you are too scared? Junior tells us how he really feels about J. Anthony Brown. Bitterman gives us the reasons why he needs a wife. Fool #2 gives us the stuff we do when nobody is looking. In the last Comedy Roulette of 2020, the crew talk about the things that you say to yourself when you are mad. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about what everyone must face on their journey to success.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit, back to back down, giving them like the milling bus bus things and it's not true. Good Steve to mother, start joy. You gotta use that turn running arm. You gotta turn to turn them out, turning, got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your baby, Uh huh, I sure will A good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on now, dig me want and only Steve Harvey got what radio show man? What you're doing with it? Trying to do the very very best I can with it? I really am. You know, I get tired sometimes on my journey. I'm not gonna kid you. UM. Trying to make something about yourself is a task. UM. If you want to attempt to do something and and and understand going in that that. If the thing you're trying to do is to improve yourself, to better your position, to better your relationship, your family, anything, you're trying to be a better you. You're trying to make more money, you're trying to get it together, you're trying to change if any of those things are in your hopes and dreams. Know this right here, you are about to face some challenges. But you might as well go ahead anyway and face those challenges, because if you don't, you have a whole other set of challenges to face. You know, it's a it's a it's an amazing thing. Man. How people sit around and they watch other people strike out to become successful. They sit in the stands watching these people play out these games, and they and they, and they criticize, They boo, they laugh at their efforts and everything, and they talk about the fairies. He missed that game when it shot. Boy, he sucked. Man, he did this. He ain't worth that. I hear people who sit and stands who criticize people who are out there on the playing field. Now, when you're on the playing field, you have a set of challenges in front of you. You're going to be open to criticism. You're going to be open to ridicule. You're going to be talked about when you don't know the people who are talking about you. Now here's the upside to being the player on the field that's facing all the challenges, to criticisms, the laughing, the joke, to being talked about he has something going for him. This person, boy, woman, child, girl, man has an opportunity to win. They have an opportunity to win. And then the game of life. Just because you lose one of the games, or you lose one of the matches, it don't mean you've lost. You don't get put out. You keep playing. When you're playing, here's the upside. You have the opportunity to win. And but guess what, You're gonna win some of the matches. You're gonna win some of the points. You're gonna make some of the dunks. You're gonna hit some of them over the wall. You're gonna hit some of them out the park. You're gonna score some goals. You will if you're playing the game. Here's the problem with the people who don't face criticism, who nobody boos or cheers for, who sits in the stands and knows neither victory nor defeat. Those people, without realizing it, are facing a set of challenges also. And the challenges they're facing is how I'm gonna live with myself? What I'm gonna do? Now? What direction am I going in? Where am I gonna live? Wonder what job will hire me? Wonder if I can get paid for criticizing all woe is me. I can't find the purpose in my life. And man, I'm just waking up in a state of confusion. I don't know what to do. Now, let me ask you something which one of them said, of challenges you rather be faced with. Because if I'm on the flow playing, if I'm on the field playing, if I'm out on the court playing, then guess what I got a chance at winning? But guess what I'm doing every day while I'm playing. I'm strategizing. I'm waking up with a purpose. I'm waking up trying to come up with another angle. I'm in pursuit of a goal every single day. Versus the people in the stands who know neither victory nor defeat. Get in the game. Face the challenges. Better yourself, better your wife, better your children, better your condition, better your employment status, better your job, better your career. Take a shot. Come on, man, what you're waiting on? Because the alternative is to watch other people play the game? You know? And I just do Sometimes Sometimes I just I get Forbes magazine or Money magazine, or sometimes I still grab a copy of rob Report. I just flipped through it just to see. I used to get these this book called Unique Homes. Unique Homes is a magazine that just has a lot of extravagant houses that's on sale across the country, across the world. I used to flip through. Man, let me just see, man, what the people that's playing the game out there doing. Stop watching other people become successful when you could very easily be you if you make the decision. But when you make the decision to become successful, get ready for a series of challenges. I think it's more difficult not to accept the challenge. I think it's for me. This is just for me. It may not be the case for you. For me, I think it's far more difficult to wake up and just see how life gonna go today, because man, it could just deal you any kind of hand today. You understand, I don't like, you know, spades. Let's let's talk a card game, folks, the game of spades. Really, man, it ain't a whole lot you can do if you don't get no spades. Really, it's a little couple of little strategies you're gonna do. But you can have all this age keen Queen Diamond, all you want. But man, you ain't got no spades. They're cutting them. You're in trouble. Be it whist different game. You can create what's in your hand. You got dealt a hand too, But you can create a hand. You can call a trump. You can make diamonds your spades. You can make it hard to clubs your spades. That's what I'm saying. That's what it is. You can do something with it. It's a different game, man. You can strategize. I would rather have a say so in my life than to wake up every day and just see how it's going. I think it's more difficult to not accept the challenge to be something than it is to accept the challenge to be something. I think it's more difficult to sit around and not be nothing. I think it's harder to watch everybody's life going somewhere but mine. I think it would be very difficult for me to sit here and hear them talking about other people and never mention my name. I would be difficult for me to see everybody rise and getting promotions accept me. That would be difficult for me. It may not be for you, but for me it would be quite challenging. I would rather accept the challenge of making something out of my life than to sit there and criticize those and then watch and see how my life just may go. Okay, just a thought. Today you're listening, ladies. Uh I. Normally I would say ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, but not today. Ladies. Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Fellas we own. Boys and girls, go to your wound. Definitely, this boss to get ignority today is about to be one of them. Oh the day are you gonna embarrass me? Steve? You know what, Sherley, I think I am today. Today is gonna be the day that I dedicate almost everything I say to embarrassing Sherley. We're gonna do ask the CEO today, okay, and we'll also ask motivational questions from the crew. That's the only time I try to be serious, okay. But other than that, though, let it rain, I'm gonna be embarrassing today. As much as Tommy is stupid, I ain't, Man, that's a high. I'm talking about the degree I quit today. Man, it might yeah, I don't know. We can take all that in the emergency room. They call it cold ran. Let's go there. Let's go. I will be answering any questions today, any questions at all. Okay, we are going to hell. You can ask me a serious question. You can ask me an opinional, opinionated question. All things are open and fair game today. All right, stupid, too cool, let's go, Tommy. All your questions is most us okay? Okay, and I and I embraced that. That's the problem. All right, y'all want to start it? Y'all scared? What's happening? We jumping it off off the time? Yeah, I didn't do it right here, so well you know you you know it ain't no time like right now? You know, Okay, when I start off the it's Timmy for show ugly then they just start damn show how it really ain't even I don't know why he fights it because he ugly for real this all week though, No, but it's coming. That's not gonna be ugly all week. Tommy, You're not ugly? Thank you say talking? She always trying to take up self right right, Jilly? Don't thank you Sean either. Well that's a little false. Well now, Steve, wait a minute, I can speak for myself here. Well, he ain't got to be really funny looking. It's still at the same spot. Okay, we'll go with funny looking strange. Okay, Tommy, let's take ugly off the table. Matter. He's married. He's having strange looking but they ain't got nothing to do. A lot of strange looking people married. Well, he had to find someone to marry him, his wife. It's what he needs to be grateful for right there. That's why he needs to be I need to be praising him for that. Especially that girl you wouldn't got. I don't know what she was thinking. Surely she could have done better. Are you crushing man? Yeah? That's hill. Yeah, Steve, I told you about crushing people. What I tell y'all was gonna be to day show. Come on, I tell y'all was going to embarrass you to ye. Yeah, and you're doing get started at the gate. Yeah, we'll be back with moti Is. Steve, tell me that when we come back, I'll tell you that I take come on here and ask me you're listening show. Well, now, anyone in a relationship knows that no matter how much you love someone, you know, kissy, kissy, smoochie, all of that, how much you love them, there are things about them that get on your nerves. Okay, I redded Pole asked, what's the one thing you wish you could say to your spouse or your mate but you cannot bring yourself to say it because you know it's gonna cost World War three? Up in there some head, you know, like little bitty gripes like we can just go with that. I've got all right. Oh why don't you shut up? Oh? Uh, okay, let me, that's not me. Let me just let me. Let me ask this question before you jump the gun. Mister Harvey, you say it what you want to say, but you don't say because you skate it to your spouse or your mate or your significant other? Did you miss your part? Is there something you want to say to your wife your significant other but you're too scared to say? I'll say it one more time. Why is my answer not sufficient? It's not that it's not sufficient. You got a lot of aggression on you. Yes, are you serious? R don't act like y'all see what killed me? Not not now here? The two foods. All of a sudden, it's concerned that I totally agree with you. This is the time I definitely agree with you. Say what this is about? Every man wants to say that, and that's what I say. For the say do you wait? So what do you as the only wife here? Do you guys think that Nesta wants to say that to me with everything in him? You know what you want to say? Sir? When the hell you gonna cook something round here that ain't gonna kill me? No? Surely what he has thought that? Yeah, he thought that. Really? Okay, then, believe it or not, there are times in a relationship, and I've been in a line when a man really don't want to hear what you got to say at all, at all at all. Okay, now I understand, I get that, okay, But to say it like you said, it's what you say? No you say, I said, it is something you want to say to your wife? What you to your wife? Or spout? But you can't be cause you're skating right you just this is what my husband is thinking all the time. Not all the time, Shelly, We thought that when y'all be right, there's something I want to say. No, come on, are we ever gonna do it? When I want to do? Huh? You the one pick and choose all the damn time. Hey, that's yeah. Wow, you guys really have stuff on your You said what I want, yes, but you're afraid to say it. I didn't think you would say that. Okay, I got one, every man. I want to say what you think you can cook that meal? But you cannot. You ain't never got it right? The hatred that I have built right now for you guys, I think we have not said it all right, come on, see you have more dang something you want to say to your wife, a significant other that that that you're too scared to say. Oh, just like your mom? God, I got one? Okay, yeah, Tommy first, just because you have any damn hot flashes don't mean I don't have it. Okay, m M, I got one. I can Yes, that dress makes your butt look bid? Okay, yes, No, I don't want to hear that I got one? What what? Hell? No? Like what you got on? But we gotta get out of here because we laid already. She's only changed baby. You like this? Oh yeah, come on? Yeah? We God, oh you you nailed it. That's it. Right now we're saying, we're saying what we want to see this. How scared you are? You're trying to man. Okay, let me make some hear here. The girl I had for we got married, knew how to cook some damn going about Tom Man. You can't say that now, but you can say what you see. It's all the same, Harold, sh I'm fool I got one. Wait till I've seen that. So okay, I got one. Every man is wonder stand you ask me if she's fine, and now my answer, yes, she is fine. Hell So this is what you guys are holding in. Okay, all right? Is there something you want to say to your wife or significant other that you're too afraid to say? Uh, steve, anything else to get off your dress? What? I guess you got one right quick time. I don't love you like that. I don't don't I don't love you like that right right there. I don't love you like that. I'm just taking one. Yes, that's what. Yes? Oh god, Oh I wish I never had met Hills. I got one to close it out of the zoo. I wish I had never met show. Go ahead, Jake, go ahead. Okay, sometimes you just do that too hard. Okay, that's all I'm say. Yes, come on, this has to be like like that movie. That's that's out with Teraji p Henson. What men want? You know she could read their thoughts. Yeah, thank god every woman read her husband's thoughts. I hate all of you. I really do. Right now, oh man, I really do you know? All right? Coming up next it is the nephew would run that prank back. I hate all of you. See Tommy and Jake today right now you're listening, all right, so it's time for run that brank back, nephew. Uh huh. This goes back to all the cheer Mama's chiller mom. That's called ah you Mama's out there screaming on Saturday. People stand you too much. We just want to watch them. Know we can cheer for our babies. I know it's your baby. You can call it cheer here it is chier Mom's hello, hello, hello, hello, yeah, can you hear me? I'm trying to reach sorry Angela, just a second, let me count it down. Okay, Hi, who are you trying to reach? I'm trying to reach Angela? Oh yeah, they see Hi Andrew. This is Chip Chip. I'm the new camp director for the cheerleading camp for the summer. Oh hi, Chip, what can I do for you? I just wanted to give you a courtesy call. Your daughter. You've got her signed up for four weeks with the camp, right, yeah, but Joe, Yeah, this is your guys third year being a part of the camp, yep, and she's really excited. She loved coming to the camp and we think it's a great thing for how to be involved in. What's that? Okay? You guys just finished the whole cheerleading season two? Am I? Right? In the competition season? Yes, it's coming off of that, right right, Okay, Well, we're getting ready for the summer and everybody's excited about coming out and being a part of what's going on. So here's what I wanted to give you a little bit. Like I said, I'm the new camp director. I was just starting at this job. I got a few notes that that we're giving to me about about, so I wanted to give you a call and see if I could talk to you about it. A few notes giving to you about Yeah, just a couple of notes. I don't think it's anything that we can make sure it's okay. What kind of note? Well, it's been brought from my team and that some of the parents whose daughters are out there as well, there's gonna be there this summer, A little concerned about her being on top of the pyramid, that she's uh is getting a little heavy, should she uh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait ho ho you calling me about some some other parents and said about how big my child is or how much my child ways? That work? What I wanted to let you know, we're gonna put as a base. Oh no, you ain't gonna put no base. I don't alat to pay my money. And what you say? Your name is Chip? And um, how long have you been the director? Because I was just up there two weeks ago and they told me that she was gonna be the same position that she was last year because that is what worked. That's the formation that worked. So I don't even know what the world Supposedly that some of the girls are complaining that she's too heavy to hold up. So that's what seems to be the problem in there. They're not getting a strong enough tier men. And now wait a minute, wait, wait a minute, I know, well she ain't the biggest one. I felt have you been myself? My child is not the biggest child out there when it because I would see you have not seen these chimleyers and if some baby so moost I felt. Okay, hang on, Angela, I want you to calm down a bit. No aint, nobody gonna calm down because I'd not already paid my money. And it is that I'll be talking about what parents. What Harrison said? Something? Is it? Uh? Is it Carrie Man? I'm not. I'm not gonna state who it is, but let's just say it was several Harris has got something to say about my child and her position on the chileadings schuad. Because if you ain't saying the funk up no names, then I'm gonna listen what you're calling me about. I'll tell you one thing. When she get out fell I didn't pay my money, she bet not be on no base. She better be in the hour. I guarantee you that. Right. Nah, I've been hanging with the Seilers and nobody said nothing to me about and her weight and all that. Okay, Angela, can you hear me? I just wanted you to hear me. Clearly, I haven't seen these young ladies yet. Once I see them, I will critique what I think. You don't even need to be calling me because you ain't even seen nothing, so you calling me with something. He says, she's from some other parents that's been skinny and grinned in my face, and they now wanted you and nothing to me. They don't been in my house. We didn't have parties over here with the competition every weekend, every other day, and they shouldn't say nothing to me about my baby. I tell you what, why don't you call your girls on the three way? Mister Chip? If you can't call him on the three I got them, I call him on the three way. Okay, okay man. All I wanted to do is make you aware of the possibility that she may be a Thank you you have made me aware. And I guarantee you that if I bring my big yellow up there and come to the practice, I guarantee you she won't being a face. How much you want to bet on that, mister Chip, Look, you're gonna quit holler and me and I told you I would try to take a look at these girls. But I tell you what your thought is gonna be a face or she's gonna be a back support, whichever I decide. She's started to do. Who enough? Do you think you're only that mister chill, No, that's not it's gonna go down as a matter of fact. As matter fact, miss chief, are you at the registration table to day? I'm here now while people are registering your Sorry, let me turn this around. I'll tell you what. I'm on my way up there. Why don't you and the parents that's been complaining, Why don't all y'all come to the table and we're gonna have come to Jesus meeting about Well, it's gonna be but this coming up season, because I'm not going to tolerate this. I've been told you, i'ven't paid my money and this high is going down? Game? Wait, what what is it that your weather? Game? Way or night? What does they have to do with her chip meeting? Doude? You agree that probably bigger than most of the girls on the team, not biger than most of the girls on the team. Uh Momi. Daughter's visited and she wasn't no base. Last ship they hiked up up on. You gonna get up too. We all just gonna be big impromped up in the air. I haven't turned around and I'm here to tell you the traction table, So let's be with it. I'll be waiting before you get here. There's something else I need to tell you. You ain't gonna tell me something. All you gotta do is to have you and the parents around that table when I get there, because I'm on my way up there right now. Then y'all can say all y'all gotta say in my face. Well, before you get it. I just want to let you know, man, what this is? Nephew timing from the sea. Who this is on this phone? Wait? Wait, wait, waving hollo ho? What did you just say? This is a nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'll be good. Oh lord, Rochelle, there's another parent named Rochelle. She thought for y'all are good friends out there? Oh? She got Oh so she want to break out? Huh? All right, we're gonna see the season start my start of uniform. She'tna be able to perform a fact we looking for hers? How about I want to break out me? Oh man, hey, let me ask, baby, what is the fat? I mean, the baddest radio show in the leg out, the hardest show. Who is this right here? Hold on? Who is this right here? Let me ask? She's up? I mean that's the sexy nephew. No, that's Thomas. That's not a few, that's Thomas smiles dot com cheeks tight. He pulled his face back, looked like he got a face left bad. That's what I mean. All right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are this sensitive crew that we are, crew that we are. We're all admit to something. What Okay, I am the one on the show that likes to keep the most mess oh by, I want to volunteer for that because for me it's exciting. Like if I see any two of y'all about to go at it, I show you do. Oh you are the head. Can let me ask you a question, Steve? Is that healthy? Do you think that's a healthy onely? Do? I do? I do? Th best way for us to operate as a company successfully is to get it all out. I love when the the the argument or whatever the disagreement has died down and then keeping it walked away, thought of something, come back and get it started all over again. You don't throw a bomb or ain't no doubt, thank you and That's what I'm here for, guys, to make sure that we have healthy, healthy relationship. You know, nobody's harboring any sentiments and ill wheel towards one another because we get it all out. You want to get it for exams? Right now, come on, let's get I'm thinking between Junior and and Jay. I think the two of them being the sikest people on I think the fact that they go at one another so remitiously, I think that's actually healthy. It makes me feel better knowing he growing that. Junior. Y'all, y'all stop name now, Junior, what if you had to speak at his funeral after that? What would you say? First of all, I go kick the casket over see you're not gonna be sa Wait a minute, hey, he has not been a supporter. It is true, Jay, It is absolutely true. He was gonna have the sticker sell walk right, and remember that they had noticed they had the flood. All I said is well, he said, well it's raining, we can't have the walk. I said, why can't you have to swim? And so he got really upset about that. Yeah, you know, but here's my thing. If I do die, I have left instructions that my funeral be cold as I mean, it's gonna be in an ice box. So he dumb it. Wow, guy, but this is all day, This is all all day love. The Jay will hit you with a mic standing intesting improvement. I have heard that he will hit you. I was with he met Memphis when he did some things happen laugh a lot, allegedly, j allegedly, there's no film on that. We're all very very sensitive, very sensive. Now you want to know who throw the most punches at Tommy thought, oh you're looking at really throws and Steve just takes the alley hoop and dumb you throwing the holly hoop And I don't go and get it now that right there would be Now I'm now I'm a pop power forward now because I just love seeing him snap off. I just pushing his button. Why but he's gotten so much better but a lot. Because he's gotten better, that means I have to go harder. And I think, you know, he's finally reached the point where he's really doing what he wants to. So he's happy. And now you know what, you know what, Joe Jr. He really is. He's in a much better place. And he's to it. This is the happiest he's and he's not home much. That is the main that was gonna say. And he's been in a lot of movies home much. That's the side she just did. Come on, he's been in so many movies. Let's talk about that. It's secure. That was That was his unliography, the story of his life. That's too. What was like doctor Yes, Hearts? He was in Media Boo, the first one. Yeah, he was in Think Like a Man. I think he said that was? What about that karate movie? He was in that weak low ass kicks. There was some hot kicks. Kick the all you was doing was kicking me and my stomach. Oh my god, I forgot about him. No we haven't. But he is much happier now. And guess guess who started that? Folks. Surely, surely, surely you started. I started about the movie. Yeah, yes, you did. I own it. So you started, Then you back out and just do last because because if I started, you were sure to finish it. That's what I appreciate about you, though, Shirley, is you laugh it's about my friend. You're laughing at your free laughing. Yeah, Oh god, Ellie but you do sound happier, man, much happier. Yes, sir, thank you, thank you. I'm in the man. All right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to stew all right, So Steve, you hear Jay, he's back, but today he's also here to tell us. Steve, I think the whole room is going to be shocked by this and everyone listening. Uh why he might need a wife? What what jayld listen to me, man, Yeah, don't mark us down nowhere. But my life is My life is not together. Let me tell you why, Steve. I looked at my kitchen drawer. I've got one damn fork I have, Steve, I have three spoons. A wife wouldn't let this happen. I have a butcher knife that's dull. All my cups are from Papa John's. I don't have a My life is gone to hell. I don't have a can opener. I have a wine opener with the two arms. One arm is broken, Steve, I need help, Okay, Yeah, I have some soft teams from six months ago that is still softest bread I have get this now. I have ketchup mustard and honey. But the end lid condiment packs. That's all I got. I might have to do this. I have something in my refrigerator. I have no idea what it is. I don't even know what that is. It's in there, been there for a while. I have one pillar, it's flat. Two sheets. You need two sheets that are niche matched, all right. I have one white, one blue, one red. I just have towels. I washed in the shower and I just drw of with towels. I have no face clothes, none at all. I have steve. I have no toilet paper. I have no wet wipe. I have no dog. You need a wife, boy, Okay, you ain't got no wet white. You need no tis. Yeah yeah, you already ain't got no facet? What wi yourself? I do have you do? I have to You need to burn all you need to do? You need to burn. You take all your towels on, all your all your body, anything that burning. I have a bunch of soaps, shampoos, and conditioners and mouthwash basketfuls got him from hotels. So funny the way you need to wipe, Jake. It's time to come on, Yeah, come on, come on, Jake, you gotten that one? Damn fall? All right? Wow, Jake can't can't wait for the wedding. All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, guys, right now with this hour's comedy segment is j Anthony Brown? What is this? Jake? Stuff he did with no one? Stuff we all do when nobody's looking. Okay, we're a whole different person when nobody's looking. This is stuff we do. All right. Here's one. You ever get the wrong man? You know it's the wrong man? Would you open it anyway? Yes? Wow? Just where he worked at he makes this? Here? Yeah, it game to my house. I'm opening it right. You ever look at somebody's phone so you can guess they pass code? Anybody? Anybody? Oh here, Yeah, I ain't never did that. No women, the women's are saying no, surely too, I don't need to look at the phone. Don't know, y'all. Man, Oh no, yeah, ain't gave it? Yeah, Timmy, I don't know. Oh, dog my kids, no man, Wow, y'all y'all are together. I've never been that together. Dog My killers dad on thee. Yeah I don't know. Okay, yeah, everybody in my family know, my parents. Cool. Wow, there's something open. Wow. No, that's never. That's just with this marriage. You're so honest. That's just that's what dismarriage. It's just a recent it's a remake that second marriage right there. Let me tell you, if you pick this phone up, man, it was like listening to a tape on mission impossible. As soon as you touch my phone just starts smoking. Okay, okay, that's the thing we do with nobody's looking here. One is this your own house? But you drank j straight out the bottom? Hell oh yeah, yeah yeah, I just did that the other day out the kids juice too. Yeah, y'all wrong for this man drink after kids. I see if it's the end, If it's the end of the container, that I can no, No, it was it was fresh. Yeah, just open it. I won't took me in. I took a swallow. Hell I bought it, yeah, before a German factory. Okay, here's another stuff we doing. Nobody's looking. You ever go to somebody's house and looking at medicine cabinet? Hell yeah ye that Oh yeah, I quit dating the girl cause of that yourself something. Well, if you got three bottles and I can't pronounce man one of them out here, because obviously you have something that I ain't really because if it don't say three bottles or something with long names on it and I can't pronounce them, I got to get out of here, Max Seiling, Who yeah at at all? No one? She can't keep still y'all wrong for if you look at that, yeah, and you see or tube or anything I'm out here that ain't gonna be and and the label ain't on it. Yeah, oh they took it out. If I see, if I see gulls in there, any end type of gaus wrapping gulls, yeah, I got to go man. Oh yeah, okay, listen, might be kind of weird, Okay, okay, what you just got some good news? You go to the elevator in there by yourself, the doors closed, You do a happy dance by your damn self. Yeah, yeah, shouldn't do that working Okay, sure they did not, surely do. Just have a marvelous twork. Tark's don't hurt anyone, all right, last, but not least scratch yourself real good when ain't nobody looking. I mean get up in there, I mean uphand I mean head back, Jake, and look over there as somebody been looking. All right. Up next, it is a nephew with a break phone call. Right after this, you're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's today's Strawberry letter. H subject, he's pulling out tracks and giving me whiplash. But yeah, but the nephews here with today's prying phone call. This right here is dumb it down. No, dumb it down. Okay, what teen fifteen years old? Dumb it down? You don't get to go on springbreak. You gotta come on in. Wow, you can't call people. But I think he I thought you knew. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Kisha, please speaking. Who is this all right? Kusha? This is uh mister Roland Barn assistant principal here at academy or your daughter. Aisha goes, yes, what's going on? Is everything? Okay? Everything is trying to uh well, let me be honest, it's not fold right now. I wanted to call and actually have a private conversation with you about Aisha. Oh good, all right, tell me what's going on? What's going on? Aisha? Well, as you know, um, spring break is gonna be coming up in March, you do not, right, Yeah, I'm aware of that. He's looking. Yeah, well, we have a bit of an issue here. I have done some research and I'm looking at all of the kids and how they're going, how well they're doing when the school works, and I used it doesn't seem to be doing well as she should be, uh living up to the expectations of the academy. And what we're gonna have to do this spring break is I used to will not be allowed to take a spring break with the rest of your kids. We're gonna need her to come into school. And there's several kids that are not going to be able to go on spring break, and I used to happen to be one of them. There's at least forty to fifty kids that will be coming to school that entire week that spring break is the most of the kids are out on spring break. You have to be mistaken. I mean, my daughter is a straight age student. She is actually the only I used at the academy, man, and I you know, I I've looked at her her grades in the past. She's had some great, so wonderful grades in the past. I don't know what's taking place this semester um that she just seems to have drop the ball. And what we want to do is, you know, keep these kids focused. As you know, you have to be accepted to be here at this particular school, so you know, it leaves me no no other outlet but to have her come in and we're gonna buckle down and try to get them back on track. So I wanted to personally give you a call and let you know what's going long in I Easa here at the academy and we're We're just terrible. This is absolutely terrible. I mean we are here already in January and I'm getting a call that my daughter is not doing good. And now you're gonna tell me that she can't go on a spring great trip in March if she I mean, as far as I'm just string my daughter straight, as straight as she's an amazing student, she does really hard work, she always afford to going to school, and I get a call today that she can't go in March, Well, I mean, you gotta be kidding me. I'm you're saying going somewhere on trip. Are you are you scheduling I'm not going she's going on a trip. I'm giving her full permission to go on a trip. Okay, Well, unfortunately, I'm re question that she's at school. So I don't know if your trip costs you a lot of money or if you can get a refund. But I'm calling you letting you know I need her there on March eleventh in the classroom so we can buckle down and try to get her back on track. No, what I'm telling you, I pay for the trip, and she's going on the trip. I'm sorry. And then I call because it's so late in the game. I'm sorry, she's going on a trip. No, she's not going on a trip. She's actually gonna be coming into school and she'll be on March eleventh, from Monday to Friday. Now, I don't know who you're talking to. That's my child, I'm telling her. But she's your child. But she's my student. And right now, all of my students are gonna be that are that are not doing well in their in their classes, are gonna be there during spring break and they're gonna get their business together. What are you will telling me like you're reprimanding me like I'm a child. Okay, she's gone. No, she's not going on a trip, and you're telling me what you're trying to override my position, and that's what's not gonna happen. She has to be there. You might as well start looking for a refund because she's not gonna not be there, so I didn't need her there Monday through variety of spring break so we can get her back on course. Listen, I don't you think you're talking to I have the ultimate position over even you. That's my daughter. That's my daughter. I get to tell you you what I'm doing her. She's going on that trip. You're out of here. Happens out not sending my daughter on the trip. Sorry, not happening. I'm telling you right now, she's not going on a trip to is almost she's not. I'm gonna seek when I used to tomorrow and let her know where you're not good. Tell my daughter, damn thing. I'm telling her she's not going on a spring break trip. You know why because of grades that I'm not up to bar. She needs to be more concerned about her grade and not going and hanging out. You're all of gagging around. Where are you're sending her? No, it's not happening. I want all of my students with passing grades. I'm a one hundred assistant principal and all my kids pass well. Are you trying to convince yourself that you're important? Is I'm thinking me a break. He's like a baby. My daughter is going on the trip and that finally hear me. Okay, you know what I'll speak when I used to tomorrow morning. No you're not, Yes, I will. Now, here's the deal. I'll leave you this this Kisha. If I used to does not show up Monday through for our deal spring break, then maybe you're gonna have to find out used to another school. You're threatening me. Now you're threatening me. You're threatening to kick my daughter out of school because of the spring break. If your daughter's not here doing spring break Monday through Friday, then she's get out of here again. Please, I'd like to see you try that. Give me a break, scure s. I think this conversation is old. When my next conversation will be with Aha, that's what she's going to spring break. She's staying in the school. If he do something about it. I will have people picking it outside your your school here talking about nonsense. My daughter does great in school and she's going on a trip and that's it. Who breach and stall Monday through Friday? Start spring break? You talking to? Who are you yelling at like that? Are you mine? I swear the guy about going that kick your what's wrong with you? You? You're out of control? God? What he's talking to? You know what? You know what? You know what I told me about you? Do you know what? Telling me? What didn't he tell you? She told me to pluck phone call to his nephew, telling me from the high pressure over here. Oh my god, are you good girl? Yep? That's awesome. Oh my god. I was really good to go over there. You up. I can't believe this, my god. Okay, I gotta ask you something. Yeah, I mean the baddest radio show in the land without a doubt, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, well coming down, nod do that dirty? Is that dirty? Yeah? Dirty? Well? Then then mission accomplice. That's all I need, the baby, mission accomplice. If you're trying to do it, baby, yeah, wait till y'all here doing tomorrow When y'all hear this. When I made it through with my ws, it was difficult when I made it through. Tomorrow, y'all gonna here the wall workers, the wall work workers. Whoa, the wall workers. It's wall workers worker, not the mall workers, right, wall workers, wall workers, the wall workers tomorrow. Check it out. You're not trying not to say it during the prank. You're not gonna say anything, Steve. You're just not You're just gonna be quiet over there. All right again, coming up at the top of the hour, Strawberry Letter. H subject, he's pulling out tracks and giving me whiplash. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, it is time for the Strawberry Letter. Now, ladies and gentlemen, if you have issues in your relationships, if you have problems with work, with sex, with parenting, all of that, Uh, why don't you give us a letter? Send us a letter. Email us Steve HARVEYFM dot com click submit Strawberry Letter and we will definitely try and help you out with your situation and be able to help you. Yes, we can't help you right right? How utterly help me? Well, slea, Yeah, it's like the lottery. You can't win if you don't play. You're ready, ready, bugle, hold on time. We got it for you. The Strawberry letter subject. He's pulling out tracks and giving me whiplash. Here's Stephen Shirley. I'm in a new relationship and about two months ago we started our sexual adventures. He is an amazing man in and out of bed. I am twenty eight years old and he's ten years older than I am. I love our relationship, but I have one major issue. He likes to pull my hair. To be more specific, he likes to pull my weave while we're being intimate. A couple of nights ago, he pulled my hair so hard that my scalp was on fire the next day and I had whiplash for the past two days. Or bring it, my darn neck hurts. I will admit that when he's messed up my hair or loosened up one of my tracks, he had no problem paying for my next install. I'm not one of those girls that is into rough love making and kinky stuff in the bedroom, and I feel like hair pulling may be just the beginning. He is amazing in bed, so I don't want him to stop what he's doing. I just want him to be more gentle. How should I bring this up to him without offending him. I don't want him to think I can't handle myself in the bedroom, especially since I'm younger. I also don't want sex to be boring for him. But he's hurting me, plain and simple. The hair pulling needs to stop immediately. How should I tell him? Please help? So many things wrong in this letter, but the number one thing for me. Men, come on now, you know you cannot mess with the black woman's hair and or out of bed. Okay, those are the rules. I believe that is in the Bible. You know we spend countless in the salon. We spend countless hours in the salon waiting a long, long, long time for our turn in the chair. This is what we go through. Okay, not to mention, we have to go by the hair store. We have to haul all these bundles back to the shop, sit patiently for the install even sometimes take meds because the pain of the braids underneath the weave are too tight. We lose our edges dealing with these weaves. So listen for your man to be pulling your hair. Sometimes your tracks out and stuff that's a lot going on. Who cares if he pays for the next installed, for your next deployment. We don't care about that your scalp, your head is on fire. Sex should never be that uncomfortable, all right. I gotta tell you that it should never be that uncomfortable. It should never be hurtful. It should never cause you any pain like that. So forget about not wanting him to think you can't handle yourself in bed because you're young. That's not what's important here. Think about yourself, how you feel, and what you want. And you have a voice and you need to use it. Okay, tell him that you enjoy sex with him. He's amazing. But this hair pulling stuff, it has to stop. It really hurts you, and you would like it to stop immediately because of the whiplash. Okay, you can't go through life like that. It's not that serious. Steve, Well, you better make me proud. I don't know she's covered all the hair objects. That's right, that's what it's. I just probably need to get to what you need to know. A little girl. You mess it with this girl? Oh man? Then your letter you said a couple of nights ago and pull my hair so hard my scout was on fire. The next day, I have whipped lass for past two days. My damn neck hurt. I would admit that when he's messed up my hair and losing up my tracks, he had no problem playing for my next install. I'm not one of them girls into rough love making and kinky stuff in the bedroom. And here's the key line. And I feel like half pulling may just be the beginning. Well, I'm here to clear this part of the letter of it is just the beginning. Oh, it's more where that comes from. So y'all just been at d trying to see how you're handling the hair pullet. Now you all have been crying in the letter, tell about your neck hurt and you got whipped lad. Oh it's more coming. Oh, it's more. It's way more. That hal pulling is in the beginning beginning. Let me tell your listening stuff that's coming. Neck choking. Connect that choking is in here. This's what you think. Yeah, yeah, hammele loocks. You're gonna be in a hammele loock. You're gonna get loved on your wrist up by the base of your skuller. It's gonna be ankle bending. Your ankle is gonna be behind your neck. I hope you're ready. You findn't get Holy feel you don't get one of your damn here took off. Oh the hair pulling, it's just the beginning. Little you don't like Roth Sayson kicking stuff. He's just trying to see how you handling. He paying for installs. He's gonna have to be paying for teeth and lifted stuff. You're gonna have to get your face restructure this boyfriend to come in here and do some banging you ain't really familiar with. Also, there's gonna be some tongue in Helen. See, you haven't been in here, and Shelley, I don't expect you to like my response. You've done all the little hal comments. This ain't about Hal. This is about this could get a little more different. And obviously you're gonna sit there and act like you're unfamiliar with it. But you all have had a man in heale your tongue. No, yes you have. If you haven't, you miss it. It's actually good pass in heal. You're gonna end up getting bent and twisted. It's gonna you had to go to Contortia school. To continue relationship with this man right here, you had to get into some type of circus training if you're gonna stay with this man right here, sut the so late. I strongly said, yes, you take something like yoga. You definitely got to get it, because downward dog is coming down dog. Gloria stands is comfort well that part two of Steve's response coming up a twenty mission. You're listening to show. All right, Steve, come on, let's go with part two of your response farther than you should because of the level of intensity that this man is able to go into now with all this hair track pulling. She's afraid that this is the beginning. She don't like rough sex. I don't either. I don't like pain in my game. But you're gonna have to get another man because he do pain, because after he hurts you, he want to pay for You're gonna you're gonna mess around. Get one of your little nostrils told it ain't gonna tell her what's gonna happen. Yeah, you don't, I put out. You probably need to leave this man right unless you do like I'm telling you to, dude, and get into some type of circus training. Get you a neck put in your backyard and a trap piece practice. Get a trampoline because he gonna dive off of something. You're gonna want to know how to handle. There's something that I strongly suggest that you don start doing at the jim. Try to do toe thrust because it it'll help you give you escaping powers. You can get away better. You gotta strengthen your toes so when he's coming towards you, you can tote thrust. Be right about the way. It's things like that that you want to do, and you know a lot of stuff. Try to lose some weight. I don't know what size you are now a matter of fact, I take that back. Gain some weight so you can handle it better. Put some weight on. Be heavy. That way, all that tossing is limited. That's the beautiful thing about full figured women. They really fine and all with it. They got what you want. You know, you just gotta handle them different. But you hand them wrong, You mess around and get handled, and maybe that's what you need to do. Just put on some weight for his ass, and next time he coming there with all that hair pulling, you turn around, pull his hair, get in the gym. You get in the gym and get your upper body right. So when he pulled your hair, you pull his hair. Whatever he do you, you do the same thing here. If he ain't ball headed, pull some my hair from somewhere. Na, How you like that? Wow? Yeah? Pull his eyebrows out. That's very to some of the pluck his eyebrows of them grabbing mustairs, hair and pull it out. I'm telling you right now to put tears in the pull out some nose hair. And that's what I think you should do. That's my response to the not the covered all the stuff about the hair. I don't I don't have no hair. I don't know you had hair before you half a hair? Right, he pulling your hair, you pull his head. You bite your tongue, you bite his tongue. Y'all just be in there, bleeve. I thought all women had the hair tied up when they come to be. Come on till be tied up? No comment, yay, no comment? All right, Steve, we gotta get out of here. Email it's your Instagram, that's your thoughts on today, Strawberry letter at my girls, Shirley. It's all good, it's all good. Remember to submit your letters to Steve Harvey FM. Click on Submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we'll come right back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time for ask Steve. We have a question. Yeah, now listen to this. Yeah, a one question one yeah, yeah. This from well, this is from a twenty two year old. This is from a millennial. So um and and his name is also Steve, your namesake, he says, Hi, mister Harvey, I work full time and I'm currently in school to become a psychiatric mental health nurse. My faith is strong and I know that with God, anything is possible. So my question to you is, on your path to become an entertainer, did you ever doubt yourself, think your dream was too big, or think about giving up? And how did you strengthen your connection to God and never lose hope that your prayers and hard work would pay off. That's a great question. Well, you know, look, no matter who you are, we're human, and you're gonna have moments of doubt because it's so difficult to make a success of yourself. So there's gonna be times. Man, what you're gonna be faced with the man that I make the right move? Man? It's this working man? Is it ever? Is it gonna change? Is it gonna get better? I mean, you know I'm living in that calm going Man. Is it gonna get better? Man? Did I make the right move? Man? Should I go back home? Man? I mean, you know you're gonna have doubts along the way. Sometimes you're gonna doubt it. Or let me say to you this way. It's going to be so daunting at times that you're going to be faced with some things that appear to be insurmountable. But here's what I always had to do. Whenever I got to moments like that, I thought of the ultimate dream that I had for myself and my family. What am I really shooting for? And I think what people have to do is you have to be conscious of the size of your dreams. You have to have dreams so big that not getting your dream is unacceptable because the consequence the alternative, the alternative to not receiving your dreams is unacceptable. And you've just got to dreams so big that your dreams are bigger than whatever problem you're having. So dreaming big is not the problem because God is all out there in the big dreams. Heart is in to make your dream come true. Business, So I want you to just stay. You have to stay prayerful man, throughout the journey. A prayer changes things, and prayer gives you a relationship with your creator that allows you to have the strength that you don't have in your weakest moments. Allows you to be your strongest because it connects you closer to him. Your weakness is where He gives you the strength. Hey man, go ahead, all right, Steve, all right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to show. All right, guys, it is time Steve for comedy roulette. You're ready. Jay explained it again. Let me break this down. We have new listeners who don't have any idea of what we're doing comedy. Very simple. Give us five subjects, five anything you want. Put them on a wheel. Yeah, spun the wheel. We stop. Yes, spun spun it around as in to be spun around as a spin. That's totally different. Red spun it around. Witch stop. We'll do the damn thing here we go? All right? Number one things you say to yourself when you're mad at someone. Number two, you know it's time to go to the store. When dot dot dot. Number three stuff you don't like to watch, but you watch it anyway to keep them happy. You know we all know about that or him whatever. Number four. Number four, you know she's not coming back when okay, number five, people who never chip in, come on, let's go cat, let's spin. Whoa it came on? Number one. Things you say to yourself when you're mad at someone. Say to you yourself when you're mad at someone. Okay, here's something you say to yourself when you're mad at somebody. I'm gonna let it go this time, but the next damn time, Oh, it's gonna be hell. Up, it's gonna be hell Just when I always say to myself when i'm mad at other people, I'm trying not to go jail. I'm doing my best. You say I'm calling my best right now, I'm trying not to go to jail. You're really mad. No, now you're mad court dates everything I'm trying. Come on, nephew, you know what, you know what? That's all right? Drink that water. Then I put up in that drink that drink. That all right? Things you say to yourself when you're mad at someone, Steve better go ahead on you better go head on? Now this is black. That's all that is. Thing you say to yourself when you're mad at somebody. Lord, please work with me, Jesus, please please, father, Father, take me down so I don't kill us. That's why I always say that I'm always mad somebody. That's just something you said before to somebody. That's why your ass broke. Now that that hurt, Junior, that hurts, But you say it to yourself. What you know what? That's that's that's why I got another woman cross. That's right here. I ain't got to go through this. This is you say to yourself with your stupid It sounds just like who ever heard you say that it was two jobs, but it was one of you. Oh my god, I'm talking. My mom was talking to me than you say to people when you mad at him. Won't you go ahead and die? It's gonna get up out of hill about Facebook? All right? Come on take us on. No, no, no, I got you this say not my family. I'm calling crime stopping. They gonna get a tip today. You will, Yeah, show glad that ain't my bag. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after you're listening to Steve show Boy. When you look back in the history books, we're gonna have a lot to say about the year twenty twenty. But we've turned some negatives into positives. I mean, one is we're all still here, right, We're still here. We're still standing and very grateful. That's right, Carla. But Junior, you managed to really do it and go rogue, tell us what you did? Oh, you know what I did? Um, you know, I know it's twenty twenty, COVID nineteen and all these things, and we really are blessed, you know what. But there were there were some things that uh, some families, don't you know, they needed help this holiday season, you know, and you know I roll, you know, well, you know, man, I paid for a few Christmases, Tommy. That's all I did. Really, man, you know, it's really cool. It really does make you feel better because it's some other fans out there doing way worse than what I'm doing. And you know, I found some single mothers and I helped them with some Christmas. That's all I did what what? What? What Christmas calls? Junior? What a Christmas? Running? The what I did? What I not on Steve dude? The what I did thousand per family. That's good though, That's really good, Junior. And you know, I'm gonna tell you it really instantly makes you feel better. I don't care what it does again, and I just feel afraid about it. And then knowing they're gonna have the kids are gonna have a Christmas and you know the families, they were really grateful. So I just went wrong that way. That's how I do it better. You know, Roll, you better get out of here and go roll though. You know what I meant is the season to go roll. Baby. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening show all right to Steve. You here, Jay, he's back, but today he's also here to tell us, Steve, I think the whole room is gonna be shocked by this and everyone listening. Uh, why he might need a wife? What? Jay? Listen to me? Man, Yeah, don't mark us down nowhere. But my life, my life is not together. Let me tell you why, Steve. I looked in my kitchen drawer. I've got one damn fork I have, Steve. I have three spoons. A wife wouldn't let this happen. I have a butcher knife that's dull. All my cups are from Papa John's. I don't have a My life is gone to hell. I don't have a can opener. I have a wine opener with the two arms. One arm is broken, Steve, I need help, Okay, yeah, I have some soft teams from six months ago. That is still softest bread I have. Get this now. I have ketchup, mustard and honey. But the dual condom and packs that's all I got. I might have to do this, Steve. I have something in my refrigerator. I have no idea what it is. I don't even know what that is. It's in there, been there for a while. I have one pillar. It's flat. Two sheets, two sheets that are niche matched all right. I have one white, one blue, one red. I just have towels. I washed in the shower and I just drive with towels. I have no face cloths, none at all, I have, Steve. I have no toilet paper, I have no wet wipes. I have no dog. You need a wife, boy, you ain't got no wet white. You need a white, no tont tissues. Yeah, yeah, you already ain't got no FaceTime. What did you wipe from yourself? Which I have? You don't have to do laundry. You need to burn all you need to do. You need to burn. You take all your towels on, all your all your body, anything that you burn it. I have a bunch of soap, shampoos, and conditioners and mouth wash basketball got them from hotels. So why you need a wife, Jake, It's time to come on in, dog, Yeah, come on in on. She gotten that one dam fault? All right, Wow, Jay, can't can't wait for the wedding. All right, we'll be back with the clothes. Uh. Today has been a good day. Um, we'll be back to closing our show. Yeah, with Steve's closing remarks coming up at forty nine after the hour. Right after this. You're listening all right here we are last break of the day. It's been a good day. Uh, thank you all for listening as always. Steve, come on and take us home with your closing remarks today. I have some really really good information. I'm really really please with this line of thinking. Because everybody has them, everybody has to deal with them, everybody faces it. It's just so many people lose the point of it. You know, the thing about going through something, I think you can go through something better if you know there's a point to it, you know what I mean. People go to the gym to work out if they're trying to get to a certain point. The moment you don't see the point of it, going to the gym becomes ridiculous to you. It becomes harder to you because all of a sudden it doesn't make sense. So what I want to show you is how to look at the point of something. And the thing that I'm gonna talk to you about is something that everybody faces when they're trying to be successful, because everybody is going to go through some difficult times everybody. I don't care who you are, You're going to have some difficult times. Everybody is going to have some challenges, challenges, difficulties, setbacks. You're going to have this. But listen to me, all of this is part of the process to succeed. When you are presented with these setbacks, these difficulties, and these challenges, I want you to understand what they actually are. They are actually test. Everybody gets tested. The reason you have to have the test is because tests are presented to you to see if you're willing to go through the process. It's merely just to see if you're willing to go through what it takes, the challenges, the setbacks, the difficulties. The tests are just there to see if you are willing to go through the process. Now, in being willing to go through the process, it assures you something that when you pass the test and you reach your goal, that you will have a level of appreciation for it. I'll give you an example. Somebody use your car. I don't recommend that they're not gonna take care of your car or way you do, because they didn't pay for it. They're not making a note on it. They didn't have to struggle to get the down payment. They didn't have to make sure their credit was right. They didn't walk in the bank and get turned down a couple of times, didn't go back and fix their credit. Now they got up. That's why if you rent out your room to somebody, they're not gonna take care of your room like you take care of your house, because they didn't go through the process to get it. All they wanted was the room because they didn't have to fill out the credit report. They didn't go down here. They don't have the mortgage. They don't know what it took to have to own this house. That's why they didn't take care of their yard, as they written. Some people who writ don't take care of property because it ain't theirs. Now that's not all writters. I'm just talking about the case of some. Because when you go through the test, it causes you to have an appreciation for now. The tests are necessary. The test teaches you things. The test provides you with a lesson. Tests are merely lessons. You're gonna see these tests again, and when you see them again, they won't appears nearly as difficult because you've already taken the test before and you've already passed it. The test also strengthens you. All these tests you haven't it's strengthens you. It's like lifting weights. Oh, it's heavy right now. If you put them fifties in your hand, that's heavy weight. But if you keep lifting fifties after a while, you can lift seventies, but them fifties. But guess what them fifties did that was so hard that you felt like dropping and you need a spott it. They made you stronger. Though the tests make you stronger. The next thing that the test does for you is it makes you experienced. Because now that you have these tests under your belt, you know something you can turn around and share with people how to get past the tests because you've seen them before. This is the reason that you have challenges, setbacks, and difficulties because you are being tested. So when God gives you the thing that you're asking for, you will have a level of appreciation for it. You will have learned the lessons that it takes to maintain it. You will have been strengthened by the process, and you will become experienced by the process. Here is the last and main thing that the test does for you, These tests that they're presented to you. Old people have said it a thousand times. Cannot have a testimony without the test. How can you share this experience with anybody? How do you tell a young person what to do if you ain't been through nothing? How can you teach me how to play golf and you don't play golf? It's impossible. You can't be the swim coach, and you can't swim. I'm sorry you can't. You got to have gone through the process. It's the process and the test that gets you to the point. But you can't have a testimony without a test. You'll have nothing to say in your life. If you've never passed any tests, you will have no story to tell. So all of you that are being tested, you're working on your story. Now. What story will you tell your children? What story will you tell your grandchildren? What story will you tell young people who need menery? What story will you tell people who they can look up to you and they think you got something? What story will you tell? You've got to be tested to make it happen. Pass the tests, deal with them and you'll be fine. Those are my closing remarks today. Yea, I have a great weekend. Thank you. You have a great weekend too. Great closing remarks. Yeah. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show