Neighbors, Broke Millennials, Parenthood, Comedy Roulette, Mind Your Own Business, Cutting People Off, Closing Remarks and more!

Published Jul 3, 2018, 2:45 PM

We say some insulting things under our breath when we greet our neighbors. Find out why millennials are broke. Parenthood changes us and we become our parents. Comedy Roulette is back and we can tell when your nerves are bad. As adults, there are certain things that we should not do anymore because of the age factor. Does being in a long term relationship cause weight gain? In Closing Remarks, Big Dog hits us with the hard reality of why we must cut people off and more.

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Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all bat all suit looking back to back down, giving the mos like the mozing buck bus things and it's cub y'all. Do me true good to Steve Hardy listening to me, to other for sto bar quickly to listen. Moby don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, well by joining me said you gotta turning in the love do Yeah, you gotta turn you to turn turn lobby, got the turn out the water, the water, comey, come on your back at it. Huh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. God is in a blessing business. I'm in the receiving line, man. That's a good feeling, you know. I thank God for waking me up in the mornings. I really really do. I thank God for the spirit that he wakes me up with because I finally, but I finally figured it out. Such a blessing that shouldn't be taken for granted. The fact that you are up today, the fact that you just got off work and you're driving home, the fact that you got a job to come home from the fact that you got a job to wake up too. Whatever it is, the fact that you can see, think, here, smell, walk, talk, rhyme, reason, whatever it is, it's a blessing. Man, It is a blessing. Every time he wakes you up, it's him saying, hey, I ain't through with you yet. Hey, man, still got still got some work for you, still putting you into the plan. And you know, um, I was talking to a partner of mine last night and an analogy came to me last night of what my life has been like. And I was just going over my story with a friend of matter, all the some of the things I had gone through, and he never knew it because he said, man, you never told me that. We were just talking. One of the things I remember, and it's kind of equated to my life, was when I was a little boy and should go to the store with my mom and she would let me buy a jigsaw puzzle and uh, I love getting the jigsaw puzzle. Custom man. It was it was that was just interesting to me. You know, for those of you to grow it back in the day, you know, it's kind of cool because you know, I was telling my partner, you know what, no video games to play another. So in the wintertime, a jigsaw puzzle was kind of cool to me. It gave me something to do. And what we do is my mother would spread out a piece of newspaper on the section of the floor, or spread out some newspaper on the end of the table, and I would buy a jigsaw puzzle. Now, for those of you, a jigsaw puzzle comes in the box. Now are no instructions. It just comes in a box and it's simple. You're gonna dump the pieces out in the pile and you're gonna try to put the pieces together until it looks like the picture that's on the cover of the box. That's as simple as it is. Here is the deal. I would select a jigsaw puzzle based on the picture that I liked and if I thought I could do it. Now, if the jigsaw puzzle ift the picture looked too crazy, if it looked too intricate, too detailed, I didn't want that puzzle, you know. And the thing was, back in the day you got a jigsaw puzzle, you had a hundred piece puzzles. Four hundred piece puzzles. Man, then they say a thousand piece puzzle. You go, oh, man. So those were a little difficult for me when I was a little boy, so I didn't want that. As I got a little bit older, I had more challenging puzzles, you know, for fifty five hundred piece puzzles. But I always picked a picture of something I liked and wanted to see happen. So it's very simple. You get the jigsaw puzzle, you get it home, you open it up, you dump it out on the table. You flip all the pieces over so you can see them, and then I would try to sort them based on the colors on the box. If it was like a a black section, I take all the black pieces and slide them over there. If it was some flowers, I try to find all the pictures with little jigsaw pieces with the little floor, and I separate them. And then I started putting it together. And the way I started was I try to build the border first, because I knew all the straight edges had to be side by side at one point, so I'd go like that. And it was funny, man, because it's related to my life. I would start putting the pieces together of the picture I saw that I liked, and that would be my picture. And oftentimes when I got through with the puzzle, the puzzle would be about maybe two ft wide two feet high, something like that. I liked them about that side. Sometimes I get a little bigger one pin on the size of the piece of stuff, and I would make that puss. A lot of people didn't like jigsaw puzzles. The majority of people I knew and my friends didn't like jigsaw puzzles because they didn't like the work. And I had a partner that used to come to my house and see mine and get mad, and he'd go home and started wanting he gets too difficult along the way, and then he'd stopped go back to it, and his puzzle was left unfinished a lot of time. As a matter of fact, none of the boys on the street like jigsaw puzzles. But me. What happened was, as I got older, I wanted more difficult than challenging puzzles, but I wouldn't go too far. I wanted some nice stuff to happen. I had a picture of what I wanted for my life, but I didn't want to go too far because it was so challenging and difficult. I had I couldn't see myself at all of that, and I didn't have the time, the knowledge, the expertise to figuring all the intricate details. And I discovered something when I was talking last night. That's what happens in life to a lot of people. You get bogged down with the details of coming up. You said, all that pulls are crazy. Next thing you know, you crumbled it up and put it back in the box. So you go halfway and you get stuck, and you get to the part where it ain't a lot of different colors. It's all the same, and that's a little bit more challenging. So that may stop you. But it's somewhere in the jig saw puzzle that it gets very difficult and challenging. The bigger the picture you want, but then what are happened in your life? It's just like what ha happened in the jigsaw. Once you get comfortable and you don't mind the challenge, you could get a bigger picture. But here's the key to it, though, if you put God in your mix. See the picture that I saw all for myself as a boy is not the picture that has happened to me as a man. Because along the way from boyhood to manhood, from the time I was tending, you understand what happened along the riding there was I started putting God in the mix. And so now the picture that I have now is not the picture I saw. It's the picture that God saw. So what I'm saying this analogy is the picture you have may be difficult to complete, but if you were to include God in your life, put God in your jigsaw puzzle, God will not only help you complete the puzzle, and he gonna add some pieces, he gonna do some favors, he gonna show some mercy, and you're gonna look up and the picture that you're able to end up with or be totally different and much more complete, much more beautiful or bigger picture than the one you had. Because there's no way that I could have saw the life that I have today back when I was a boy. And it amazes me when I hear people say I always saw this for myself. I didn't do that. I didn't quite see this for myself. I don't know how you can have the ability to see what God really has for you. But man, he's a masterful jigsaw. Man, he's an incredible puzzle completer. So, if you got a puzzle that's challenging to you, what's the picture that God has for your life? If God were in your life, if you completed the puzzle, what would it look like. It'll be a far more extensive puzzle, and it would be a far more beautiful piece of scenery than you could have ever imagined. And guess what, He ain't through with me yet. That's what's amazing and exciting about a relationship with God. God could take your jigs all puzzle and fix it. Ladies and gentlemen, everybody your attention, please, we are in full effect this morning. Shelly Stowberry. Hey, good morning, Steve Harvey, callin for real. Good morning. What's up? Boss? Well? Well, well are you in full effect? Are you still down? Seventy junior in the building? Seventy junior back? Jeffany Brown? What up? Steve? High that? Well? Well, well, well, well look who the wind blew in? Do him first? Huh? Do him first? Okay, hold on, okay, So this is Tommy after the pranking? Huh did I do it? What was that? Everything you thought I was gonna be? You've been gone? Praise me, Am I the king or not? You're the king? You're the king? Was it stupid? Yeah? Huh, Well where you can catch me at the place well down that tickets on sale now, be ready. Stupid is coming to times what he's doing every day you've been gone. Ain't got no idea how many tickets and left, but you better get them for they sell out. Probably won't, but come on anyhow, whoa did I do it? Every day? Tom y j Tim Tomins? All right? Bobby doing some planks? Yeah, best of you can pick him up at Walmart church folks need last two volume seventy eight and wearing it out every day? Tim me every day? Nothing else to do? I mean, you know, man, you weren't here and we were doing the prank, so somebody had to introduce me and act like you heard him and so. And I got so many complments, man, you signed your light time. They actually thought she was him. Man, that show. I didn't pay no attention. Why he praised itself like that? You know he donna be praising himself here? And what is what is room with Junior? What's what was he? Sev o lesson? Will Let's just say you could beat him today, right, now I invited him all over to the house to participate. Hey man, my security God called me. He's a Mr. H It's a lot of cars in the front of the house, just checking on checking, all the cameras. Who is all the people laying in your grass? They get it's time for something funny coming up. We'll be back at thirty two after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, it's time for something funny. And Jay, this is about stuff you say to your neighbors under your breath. Please explain. This has to do what we see our neighbors all the time when not that fond of them. Sometimes so we speak, but under our breath, with saying little things, little little insulting things like hey, hi, do you need kind of done? Keep keeping keeping in one? You got one? Jack? Jay? Oh, how are you doing you? Oh? My man, you need some curtains? How you doing? Franklin's good to see it. I hope the boys stay home this time. It takes vacations. Let's see us come. My nephew, Perkins, how are you good? Good? You should do something with that damn restriction. I don't know. Skennedy, Hey, I done? Will cross the street, that smelling den. Don't kill how you guys doing the jake with too? Stupid ass kid kid stuff, we say to our neighbors under its gotta be sick. Come on, Smith's good to see it all right now. I wouldn't be pushing my MoMA dead. She got to do something. Three pep, hey, how are you good? Good? You can stop your fat as wife from swimming naked on probably the hell out my dog to night going. Yeah, how you your phone claws on block and don't know nothing more? Four card is a mess. Stuff, we say to our neighbors under our breath. Come on, sell us boy, I see you have a good with the day. So glad he cut my grass, killed my flower, spoke to me and cut my grass. Wow, that's bad. That's a dragon right hey Johnson, it's good to see y'all. Alright now man, now now we're good. Were good right now? I know a baby when to eat paper. That baby eat paper. You gotta tell me no more. I know that baby eats piper. Baby, he's smarted. Now you gotta bring up. Now we're good stuff, birthday stuff, we say to our neighbors under our breath. Tommy go Leonard, Hey, nice day to day, good good, good night? Damn policy, No, you said you called him stuff We say to our neighbors under our breath, elo irman, how y'all doing, Tell y'all put your bomb in the hole that yeah, like people don't do that. Hey, Mr Mitchell, what's going on? Yeah, I'm good. You don't see that dog doing your yards? You just don't see stuff. We say to our neighbors under our breath. We stop, Curtis, Hey, case's going on? All right now? Ain't the end that that damn line ain't killing that way too much? No, I don't even know how they touched both they stumped. All right, now, I'm good man, Come on, nephew. Stuff we say to our neighbors under our breast, kindly, kindly, y'alls looking good, looking, real good, and come over with his lyne though you come over with that damn I'm telling you that you know what, damn you, you know what? You know my you know your damn stup propably line means something invisible, but it means something, you know what. That man, that's my line. All right, I think we have time for two more Jay, and then Steve closed it out stuff. We say to our neighbors under our breath. Let's go, hey, hey, what's going. Yeah, I'm good, I'm good, I'm good. I who she wi that night he got into a fun Yeah, okay, yeah, come on, Steve, close it out stuff. We stay right, un hey could invite me over to the little stink and everything. I know, I know you ran out a room. I came over. All right, guys, thank you, that was good. Thank you. Coming up next is the nephew and run that prank back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show right now. It is time for the nephew to run that prank back. Come on, now, you gotta prank foods? What you got the air conditioning man? Okay, let's just leave you to that. Hello, I'm trying to reach you, Mr. I think that's the name. What's this in regard to, uh, just about the air conditioning unit? You did some work offf Force over on uh my household off Street. Do you remember coming out there last week? Yeah? Yeah, I remember, yeah, right, my Uh it was a lady that my wife, she let you in to come right there is their problem is the problem that is not cooling? No, no, no, no, it's cooling everything fat. I want to tell you, uh that you did you did a good job. But I got a question for you now. When you was at the house and you was working on the A condition out there in the backyard, did you did you happen to go on the side of my house and pull out and used the bath room right there on the side. Did you go in and you do number one on the side of mind? Well, what I'm saying is that my wife tells me that when you were there, that you you went on the side. She was looking out the winners. She said that when you was there that you uh and went and used the bath room on the side hole. I did what not to what? Right? You? You? You? You and you did number one over on the side of the house. Not is that something that you did? Say? Man, Look, you got to understand something, all right now. I apologize if that did happen, but you got to understand something. You know, we're down the south man, and you know we're talking eighty five, ninety and ninety five, greet weather Man. I got to stay high trated. I got to drink a lot of fluids. So you know, with me being the age that I am. I have to drink a lot of fluid and the tend to pass through once and once again. I said, I apologize. I understand all that, but you know what, I can't accept no apologies like that when I got a man this got on the side of my house and then man, I'm apologizing to you and you're coming off on me like that you do and on the side of my house in front of my wife not looking at young man. Now, if your wife shown me it was really she needs to see some type of because you never really ain't doing something you know that happen? Oh you think you're talking to you watching me anyway? Do my work? What is she hold up that she got to look at the old man? Look? Look, look, all I know is I don't want to know man at my house in the huse side of the house, back yard. Nothing. Look, man, let me tell you something. Dog, let me tell you something. I'm the only person and house you understand me. You ain't right the ship out there looking at me. Look your fun I'm a professional, Okay, I do my job and I take my job with pride. Okay, it's not being professional. There's something that I did that's that water running through me. Right, okay, but you don't. You don't at no other man's house. And you at my house and my wife sitting there looking at you. I have to wonder, now I got a problem with that or what you need to help? Come with your wife looking at me? And if that's what I did, you know what you need to be at home and getting something to look at other than looking at me. You don't tell me what I need to do about my wife. You don't go to another man. Man, you know what I'm about to lose it all right now you're going you're gonna make You're gonna make me lose a quick. Let me let me get my dad, God, let me get my book. That's all yeah, right here, you damn right, And I'm you know that's that's from the shoot. You You don't at another man's house. You don't do that and people my wife looking out the window, and I bet you knew that them blinds was open. Yo. Manna isn't the real up fit with these accusations? All right? Now? Look, you had you had what it? Now you are? You know where I'm making you. I will show you what I want you to bring your back over here. Feelings exactly that yas on that on that on that, go go on on stream. I'm gonna come over and I want that for you. I got something for you. Will you take me? Just regard my pfism and I'm gonna come show you with me. Look, man, what you don't do is at another man house and that's what you did. And you know it ain't called for now. You could have had that apologize, man, I had to go. I told you I drink a lot of fluids in this heat. Man, what else do you want me to do? I want you to keep your flui until you get to the service station down the street, but not in my backyard side of the house. And my wife looking out the window making if I did I apologize, if you can accept it, in the hell with it. Look at You're gonna me off and make me do something up and I'm telling you not, man, I don't told you. I don't apologize you. I would come on that kicking okay you you dude, what let me tell you something? Kick you because from the age of your while your wife is young, and I know you don't you can't deal with no old school I can kill young. You're gonna you're gonna get your today. You hit me, You're gonna get Let me take you street to come. Let me tell you that I got one more thing to say to you. What you're listening to me freak freak damn it. That is Nephew time. If this is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, you just god pranked by your boy name know what I'm gonna get with his and he know I got a hard computation. I don't need this my life, man, he said. Man, my boy be out there fixing a conditions that he doesn't think. He said, Man, let me tell you something, he said, be frustrated to begin with, he said again MC call man, because I got nine to got to do the date. Hey, man, you like, yeah, I'm I'm I'm light, not this you. I might not you and that Steve hard from Dawn Foods in the Morning. I didn't say, y'all care. Come on, man, I don't know how I sit back riding laughing and you get people. Y'alln't got me with the same. Oh man, I enjoy y'all show man, y'all good dog gone work. I appreciate men. I got one more question to ask you, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Well, you know the Steve Morning Show. There you go, shot, all right, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Millennials are going broke. I think we all have millennials. Yeah I don't have. Yeah you have a genny, Yeah you have one of those, Carlin. We all have millennials here. They say they're going broke because of social media, though, according to research by Alian's Life, percent of millennials that's compared to eight percent of Gen xers and seven percent of Baby boomers say they've spent money they didn't have because of something they saw on social media. Yeah, yeah, with our money, right, not keeping away with right Facebook. But we have jobs, we can buy it our kids. Uh all right. It seems lots of millennials feel pressured to keep up appearances, with nearly fifty percent saying they're influenced by their friends posts of lavish vacations and lifestyles. Now, according to the survey, social media has become the millennials financial Achilles heel, All right, yeah, you agree, not have that problems on a polar road. And if you saw it when you were cutting grass and collecting bottels and all that stuff to get money, it was a whole different story. It was a hustle, yeah, or you got allowances. I think it's more reactionary spending available to young people now, compulsive spending. I mean, you know, I think they could just press a button and it's done. Yeah, you know, it wasn't though we had to get up, go to the store find it all. Like it. You can just do compulse it buying and you can press a button and press a button. I got that, or I got that, and I got that and next thing, you know, no, you don't have that. And I think that's a big cause of it right there, the accessibility of everything, and it's so easy to do, and we didn't give him a credit card to do it. That's the problem because the parents, you guys live a better lifestyle than how our parents did, so you're able to give your kids. Yeah, you know, I mean you gotta give him a debit card because that's everything set up on that, you know what I mean. You don't want Tom carrying the cash, so you give him a debit card. But you've got to teach them and that's the struggle. Uh, my boys are better at it. What Morgan is really good with money? Put Morgan and her husband are very very self sufficient. Carling and her husband are very self sufficient. Brand is out, she's self efficient. My oldest son, I don't have to concern myself with him. Lauran went and damn well, the two that's always had it good. Yeah, yeah, them two right there, ain't handle They ain't handled dog. Are you still in the given situation of their lives? Meaning if they don't have it? I am out? Yeah. Yeah. My daughters, Yeah, I mean, you know, if they come to me with a situation, I'm gonna help before I have to let them have to go to some man. You know, I'll help him before they have to go to some man, because then I know that comes with some stipulation. One of my daughters just text me today. You know, they make me sick, don't the way they text? Hey dad? You know what? But put Yeah, it's really not a lot behind the big and that they do because it's so short. It's not But I don't but don't text me hey dad, question mark. I'm busy, but they text like they talk hey dad, and then they wait on you to go hey girl, and then they go what you're doing? And then it took me forever to find out what w y D was. So I said, walking down, I love it. I love our millennials. And then they're gonna go back and forth like that, and I don't have that kind of time. So I ignored the hey dad text, what do you want? You know, because I don't have time to take back go hey you, how you doing today? How you that w y D? I ain't got time for that. I wish they had what we had, just the J C. Painted cat. You better get busy, my daughter said, what could that do to get you? Call somebody else? All right, listen, we have to get to miss Anne. Ladies and gentlemen, Miss and Trip. Good morning everybody. This is and Trip with the news. Okay, not funny, but millions of Americans are dealing with a serious summer heatwave right now. Folks dealing with scorching temperatures across the south, Midwest and the East coast. In fact, in Minneapolis, one of the newspapers put on the front cover that Minneapolis was like Saudi Arabia with lakes horrible news. A three year old Idaho girl who was attacked over the weekend on own birthday party and boise, has died. The man accuses stabbing her in the ark and several other children and adults for absolutely no reasons charged with first degree murder. The children ranged in Asia from three to twelve, and police say the victims are members of refugee families from Syria, Iraq, and Ethiopia. A man in Cleveland has been arrested by federal agents for leglely planning a real Fourth of July blast. Cops say that Demetrius and Nathaniel Pitts told an uncover agent that he was scouting locations and hopes of parking an explosive latent vehicle that would blow up during Cleveland's downtown parade. Pitts, who's an American citizen, now charged with attempted support of a terrorist organization. The Feds say that Pitts initially came under surveillance in twenty seventeen after expressing a desire to join Al Qaeda. Pits faces a maximum for twenty years in prison if he has found guilty. Looks like President Trump is sticking to his promise to announce his pick to replace the retiring Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy next Monday. The interviewed and met with four potential justices of our great Supreme Court. They are outstanding people. They are really incredible people in so many different ways, academically, in every other way. Jump says he's looking at five to seven candidates in all. Former movie mogul Harvey Weinstein facing a new predatory sexual assault charge in Manhattan involving a third woman. Weinstein already pleased they're not guilty to similar charges involving two other women. If convicted of these new charges, Harvey Weinstein faces up to life in prison. Joe Jackson has been laid to rest and in the same southern California cemetery as his son Michael. That's a forest Lawn memorial park. Joe Jackson died last Wednesday in Las Vegas. Joe Jackson was eighty nine years old. He has survived by his strange wife Katherine, eight children, and dozens of grands. A new study finds that coffee drinkers may be less likely to dive in early death than non java lovers. Get that good I drink coffee every morning, and finally, today is National Eat Bean's Day. Nasty. Back to more entertainment at today's trending topic. Twenty minutes after the Hour and Steve Harvey Morning Shows. You're listening to Dave Harvey Morning Show. We're in the middle of this segment called I'm Becoming my parents, and Jay and Steve Harvey are letting us know that they're saying things to the same thing. We haven't come up with nothing. That you got one you got one scratch on that wall, scratch on your head. You better say it because that's mean. Now put a scratch on that wall. It's just scratch one scratch on that wall. That means you really want to scratch on your behind that wall. How about this? I don't know if it could be done, but I damn never got beat to what I thought it was gonna come up. I will beat all all the black Hawks. You said that, I will be like all the black I don't know. I don't know you could go down that. You standing in that refrigerator. Don't like your box? What's what's the time living on that? No, you gotta get in and get out. I like somebody needs to tell me why all these lights is on? I need to know that that that's my husband. Yeah, I need to know WHI lights is on? Yeah, we're becoming our parents. I'm tired. Called Julie, you're making Yeah, okay. This this is dedicated to calling. This is Pat Bolton's love my mama. Huh. If you can hum me, you can hear me? Man? Yeah, about to make me cray if you can you can. Oh, this is one special. The mama was a heavy, little heavy, you know, left heavy from the stock aside. So this is her patterns. Don't make me run after you and she couldn't run anyway, but don't make me run after you. You know you didn't want that. Let me gonna walk back and take this because it ain't gonna be nice. That's one is dedicated to Shirley's mama, Miss Helen. Sit down. Everyone has seen you did get out of this wound looking in my mouth when I talk because it ain't nobody talking to you? Is This is grow for coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty four after the hour. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time, guys, for comedy roulette. Here are today's categories. You probably pretty much know the rules, right Jake, explain it quickly? You want to run it down? Man, just we already done this. Damn people new if you get new liss here we wasting turn with your nerves. Nerves bad. That needs to be one man, your nerves and day give us subjects wheel for the subjects on the wheels, fund the wheel, where stop we can do the damn thing? All right, here we go. That is on the wheel. Man, al right, here we go. Number one there in jail again to you always take more food than you can bring from a party. Three whatever your uncle is, your daddy? That one for. Look dude, it's time for you to cut all of that off. Now let it go. And number five. Man, your nerves are bad. Rolling wheel and do the last where it starts. Oh, man, loves that's that's your nerves are bad. Yeah, that's what we're doing. We're gonna see now we're gonna find out who really funny. Go ahead, Jake. Man, when you say hello to somebody and they go hello, what do you mean by hello? Hello? What man's got to be hello in the morning? Why can't it be in the afternoon. I'm tired of people speaking to me here in the damn morning. I ain't got started on my day yet. Every time I look around, somebody, good morning, good morning. What's so damn good about it? Come on, come on, I tell you. I'll tell you when you bad. You know your nerves bad. When any sound you're here and you jump fars like a call backfire with you up to this table. Your nerves is bad. You ain't sounds scare you. Come on you when you at the funeral and you asked the path how long you're gonna be? Man, we're gonna be with this man? Put on down now, all right? Come on, see your kids walk in the room and go mama, daddy and you turn up? What bad hell? Calling me fault? When you have people standing outside your office, gonna know you're gonna ask him? No, you ask no, You're going to ask you go ask him. I ain't gonna ask him. You ask him who we're playing comedy rolet itself a man, your nerves are bad. I'll tell you. You know your nerves bad when you're sitting there shaking, smoking a cigarette. I don't know what you're going through, but your nerves is bad. I don't know what the evidence is, but yours is shaking. Let me tell you something. When you at your house and you buy yourself and ain't nobody else in there but some ice moving the glass in the seat, and your ass run through the pit of your dough. When I opened your nerves, this is an honor of our fearless leader, Steve Harvey, our world for y'all. Man, Your nerves is bad when you think all your co workers is lying on Is that? Come on, ja, man? Is bad when you're outside your boss is office taking bets on what mood here gonna be in the day. I got five on it? All right? Coming up next you tell me as a brain phone call, I'll tell you what. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after I got ready for today's strawberry letter. But up next, nephew, what do you have for us on the menu today? PSC? What was this? Don't want to know what I mean? Prostate? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a uh roger. My name is Greg. I'm a p S c UH. I got you on my schedule. I'm supposed to come by your house tomorrow morning about seven fifteen. I just want to give you a call and give your heads up and let you know we will be there about seven fifteen. From my understanding, you go to work. Who I'm a PSC, sir, I'll be there. I'll be there tomorrow. I got you on my schedule for Monday morning, and I'll be there at least about seven fifteen. For my understanding, you go to work at seven thirty and uh, my procedure is only gonna take a couple of minutes. But I wanted to give a friendly call and let you know that I will be by there tomorrow morning. What's the PSC, p FC? What's a PC p SC sir, P s C. I will be there tomorrow. I've been in business probably for the last uh, I guess about thirteen fourteen years now. What is PSC specialist? What you do? Oh? You're not I'm sorry you're not familiar. How you got me on SU Why are you trying? I got you on my list here. I don't know who puts you on here, but it's been paid for and everything for me to come by and do my job. And like I said, only taking a couple of minutes, and I'll have you on your way. How do you get my number? Say again, how did you get my phone number? So everything I have I got. I got twenty stops tomorrow and I got you scheduled as uh as my as my first stop tomorrow morning. I don't know I got your phone number. I do have your address. Are you at drive? Yeah, that's my head dress. But I don't want my schedule for nobody to come to my house in the morning. I gotta go to work in the morning. I know I'm gonna be you right right, my understanding, Well you for my understanding. You pull out about seven thirty and I'm gonna get the seven fifth things. Like I said, you know, the procedure only takes about two three minutes, and and we said about every about my information, you know, when I leave home and everything. Who is this, like I said, my name is Greg, I'm a I'm a PSC and I'll be there. Okay, you'll you'll see me tomorrow. I'm sorry. I just want to give you a friend a call here on Sunday and let you know that I'll be there. I'll be there by seven fifteen and we'll get you taken care of and then I'll let you get on the way to work. You still ain't telling me what I was supposed to What you're supposed to be doing, sir, A p SC is PSC. I'm a prostate checker, and what I'll be doing is coming in and checking your prostate tomorrow. Oh hell, now, you ain't coming here and check my prist stay. I gave my prodctate check. But my doctor, who was you talking about? Come to check my prist stay not at my house. Main't come and check my And you know what, I get this all the time. I get a lot of people that that are in denial, a lot of men that that that claimed that they fine. I heard my pricetate check just at the beginning of this year. Man, you don't need to come to my checking my PRIs state. So a lot of people, a lot of men are in denial saying that they got it checked and they got it. A lot of times we find out they haven't. And and and there has to be a reason if I got you on my list and it's paid. Somebody has paid a hundred and twenty five dollars for me to come out there and check it. Well, you should be happy you paid the five dollars just to let's job you have to do then, because you're not coming check my prost state, sir, I'm gonna check it now. I'm gonna be back there tomorrow and I'm seventh. I'm putting my rubber glove ball with a little bit of jail on it, and I am going to check the proper state and then I'll let you get on the work. Well, I'll tell you what that rubber glove ain't gonna know where near me home. But I tell you what you've ed over my eyes if you want to, it ain't gonna be pretty, and it ain't gonna be nice with you in your rubber glove. When I'm done with you, don't be coming about my high time by checking my price state. Sir, sir, do you realize that this is the leading calls the black men? Do you realize I understand that black men three out of five black men and a lost every year, So you ought to be very grateful that someone that's sending me by there to check it and make sure you're okay. I'm grateful that I can pay for a doctor that I go to every every once a year. Man, you don't want have to turn to my hot time by sticking on rubber glove. But me, man, it's fun with you, sir. So I'm not gonna sit here and go back and forth with you. My job is to give you a friendly call and let you know that I'm coming, all right, not tomorrow more. Listen, I don't want to hear anymore. Tomorrow morning, I'm there seven fifteen, and you're gonna get your prostate check whether you like it or not. Where you buy, don't buy here, then I shall be here. You buy her back? Thank you bad enough to come over here and check my prostate. You buy it, I'm gonna check it. So you just be ready at seven fifteen that you're gonna get your prostate checking the case. Cool. You come on over if you want. You You know my address and all my AA time I go to work and everything. You you buy your back, don't know me if you want to, I don't care. If I gotta come over there, sir and hold you down and check your prostate. I'm coming to check your prostate at seven fifteen tomorrow morning. I'll tell you where you bring your mat over him. You do you think you know who I am? Would I need over here? You come on over here, and you do what you gotta do. You're gonna be checking something else beside of me. You're gonna be checking you on you buy it. I don't know over if you want to ship, I don't get your pot of hell. Be coming to my house to that baby you have. Somebody's talking about I need it prostate check or something. Somebody on the phone, somebody need a post something. You bring your Yeah, I'll tell you whether I'll be here when you get here. You braying will be tomorrow. See in the mor you won't walk you over here. You might be wheeled away from this if you want to. I'm gonna have my glove on the morrow, and I'm gonna be checking your proper stays. Tell you in the morning who you want to tell about checking the price stay. You're gonna be checking on price stay because I'm tell you where I got something. You come over here. You've been your bad You think you're bad enough to come off and check some I'm over here. You come on with it. I got one more thing I need to say to you all. You're listening, But what there you got to say to me? Now you told me it's not what just you got to tell me? Not? Are you listening to me? Just baby going over here. You're gonna be here and I'm gonna be over there. But I got one more thing I want to say. Are you listening what you got to say to me? Man? That's his nephew taught me from the Steve Harbit Morning Show. You just got pranked by your homeboard Who who are you? Who you say you are? Again? Hey man, this is nephew timming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man, your homeboy got me to prank phone call you, Chris J. Harvey that time me man, Roger boy, y'all about to make me go out? I don't want to Who the hell don't come out? Somebody how to do a post check on regular bastions like that? Yeah? Yeah, so got me man. I'm gonna get him back. Boy. I can't believe you do me like that. I'm gonna go over there and check his price. State. You only think you get here checked on the regular. I want to have somebody to come check mind. Hey man, I got one more thing to ask you, man, what else? What is the baddest. I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey warning show man, Steve Harvey Morning. So just doing my duty, that's all. Just doing my duty, that's all. You didn't get it one day, you know, not yet. But I'm praying for you though. That statement. It's just eating in his mind. I don't know, no doubt. Yeah, I know it's not. No, it's not. At least time me at the end. Let them off the field. Oh yeah, we just leave. You'll miss out there hanging. You don't apologize. It's a joke of nothing. If they're in to see these people and he's the one that's gonna see him. Yeah. Has anyone ever said anything to you, Steve about these looks or anything? But Jake, don't don't put the frank anything. What if they say, but wasn't it was. I had a couple of moments, just one million. But you know, you know, line, I hate morning anything, Steve. I thought we was cool, We're all cool. What changed cool? It was too far? Uh so what do you do? Just walk away? Yeah? See I thought we was cool? What's going on? Plast good to see you looking good? Then you're looking good man, how the wife, my good family, good man man, God bless you man. My Strawberry Letter is up next at four minutes after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time for today's Strawberry Letter. If you're in the situation and you need some advice, all you have to do is go to Steve Harvey f M dot com and submit your Strawberry letter, and Steve and I might read your letter on the air. All right, let's go, Tommy, buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is to Strawberry letter. Alright. Subject. My husband lives with my brother. Dear Stephen Shirley. I have been married for five years, but my husband moved out three years ago and moved in with my brother after he got into a big argument with my son. My son really didn't know my husband that well when we got married, and he thought that my husband was using me, so he didn't like him. My husband tried to come back home twice, and my husband and my son disrespected him both times, so he said he would never come back. Despite our living situation, my husband and I still do everything together. We make love all the time we um, but we have to go to hotels. My husband says that he loves me very much and I love him as well, But years later, he still refuses to move back in. So I moved closer to my brother's house to make it more convenient for us to see each other. He and my son are doing a little better now. When they see each other, they speak and shake hands, but that's it. One of my husband's female friends told me that he talked about coming home soon. She knows him very well, so I got excited, But he said that another one of his female friends told him if he moves back home, she will never talk to him again. So he says, to avoid conflict, they'll just stay where he is. I pray daily that he will change his mind. What can I do to get my husband back home where he belongs. Stephen Shirley, please help. You've got to be kidding me, right, You've got to be kidding me, Tommy? Are you are you pranking us right now? I mean, this is your husban have been, your house, your son. No one has any control over what's going on in your marriage, but your son, who shouldn't even be at your house because if he's young or old enough or grown enough to um to disrespect your your husband and fight him, then he should probably be on his own and out of your house. Now your husband, on the other hand, uh, something is going on with him and his so called female friends because he's taking to what they're saying and uh not listening to you, his wife. He'll just stay where he is because one of his female friends will never talk to him again. Okay, so what this is really crazy? So to avoid conflict, he'll just stay where he is. Yeah, he likes staying with your brother because he can come and go and do whatever he wants to do and then have you, his wife on the side, convenient whenever he wants you. It's a perfect situation for him. You, as his wife, needs to um set some boundaries, some rules. You either he either comes back or it's over. Why are you making it so easy for him? Why are you allowing him to do all these things? It's his son, and it's your son, and it's him. This is your life. What are you gonna do? You need to talk to both of them, Steve, this is crazy. Yeah, this letter right here. I agree with most of what you say and Shirley. But let me say this first of all. The whole problem in his letter, the damn boy hell he in charge? Who stayed well when he ain't paying for nothing. Now, unless your son is real big and your husband is little, ain't no boy running me out no house unless I took it as an opportunity to get out, which could be the case. As you said, your husband moved out three years ago, moved in with your brother. Now he got the big argument with your son. Yeah, you know your son didn't know your husband that way women got man. He thought my husband was using me, so he didn't like him. How old is this boy? That would help if I knew that my husband tried to come back home twice, my son disrespected him both times. See me and this sun, we're gonna work this out, because what you're gonna stop doing, a little boy, is the disrespected me thing. That's what that's first thing, all right. So he your husband said he would never ever come back. He said he would never ever come back. So here's here's what the deal is. Your husband says he loves you very much and you love of him as well. But years later he still refuses to move back in so I moved closer to my brother's house. Oh that's the solution. You don't move in your brother's house. You just moved closer to his house. That's smart. That's a marriage to make it more convenient for us to see each other. Now here, my son, they're doing a little bit better. When they see each other. They speak in shake hand. Okay, that's the start. But here's the problem though. When you do see him, you go to hotel. So what the hell did you move closer to him for? And y'all still going to the hotel? Why is your son running your life? My next point of contention, your collars shug a lot of female friends WHOA and they got pulled too. His female friends got more poor than you, and you the wife I have to share something with. Your husband is a bachelor. Seriously, your husband is a bachelor should be the title of this left. My husband is a bachelor because he lived by his self with your brother, who I bet you ain't married. And he can come and go like he pleads. And he got female friends. One of him has told him if he she go back, if he go back to you, she won't talk to him no more. So you know, what he decided. Oh, she's not gonna talk to me no more. I gotta stay in this brother's house. Now, when we come back, I'm gonna share another fact with you that no one has thrown out in this letter. Please, ma'am, be sitting down. I'll be right back. We're some more unveiling of the letter. Alright, you hurt, Steve. Well, we'll have part two of his response coming up at twenty three after the hour. You're listening, Steve, Come on, Steve, let's get your response to part two of the Strawberry Letters. Marriage. This man. This man don't get along with her son. Her son is in charge of her life, in the house and everything. The man leaves every time you try to come back. Twice the board disrespect him. He leave again because the boyd think he uses So he moves in with your brother. You try to keep the relationship together. You move closer to your brother. But he got female friends telling him not to go back. He says he's coming back, but it's been years now he still ain't back, and one of his girlfriend told him, if you go back, I'll never speak to you again. So the whole down confusion. He said he's gonna stay away. M hm, his your his female friends have more pool than his wife. The new name of this letter I've re entitled it is your husband. It's a bad Okay. Now here's something we haven't explored in this letter. I need your undivided attention. Please, I need everybody to take a seat your husband. It's seeing your brother. God, anybody thought of this right here? Your husband and your brother. Could they be seeing? I want him know. I don't know this, but he showed like staying with your brother more than he likes staying with you. Didn't we have a strawberry letter like this once. I don't know, but I just wanted to throw that out there and put that in the mix. People think we make those letters up. In the words of Bill Withers, who is he and what is he to you? My friends feel is they're appointed duty. They keep trying to tell me that I ought to not let you just walk on me. My brother. He set me right down and he talked to me, and I'm sure he meant, well, yeah, But when I talk was through, I said, brother, if you only knew, you'd wish it, you in my shoes. Oh, you just keep on using me until you use me up now here at your brother's house, getting used up for real. Something is a miss in this Latin and I think is your hood. Alright, See, we gotta go. You know that email as your Instagram. That's your thoughts on this strawberry letter from today at my girl Shirley switching gears. Now all right, Carlos Steve, you guys are dog owners dog lovers. Yes, there's a recent outbreak on the dog flu. Okay, I didn't even know there was such a thing. Uh. Puppies across the United States have literally been getting sick as a dog. I mean literally getting sick as a dog due to K nine flu. Uh. This this past year, more than a hundred dogs have tested positive for the virus, including seventy two in California alone. You lick you Okay, you're buying the kids your rid. They don't have it t T. You're laying in the yourself. That's how they greed each I don't go to college, that with a trade school. But if you have a habit of constantly licking, you'll sl How do you have to stand like I got your mouth all around somebody else's tail tail and you'll smell somebody Else's what you're bound the kids, that's their thing. That's what animals do. Well, if they got something, you're gonna get it right away. Stay current tact points you close. There are cases in Georgia and the southeast parts of the country to uh. Yeah, but but here's some good news. So I do have good news for the dog lovers out there. The dogs can get vaccinated. Okay, yeah, they can't like humans. Yeah they can. They can take your ye. Dogs with the flu have the same symptoms as humans, coughing, sneezing, running nose, and eyes. They have the same symptoms. Yeah, and they can spread the flu to other dogs or cats by barking, but they can't split. This is in case you're wondering, they cannot spread it to humans. To be out of here, so flash, just take care of your pressure. Do you want to go? Do you want to go? And do you want to guess what you ain't going? If that's the dog, you're a dirty blood. This black dude right here watching here, he's gonna start. I'm gonna range my like I'm gonna be hard as I can't right in his mouth while he up gets Kate, I mean you want in your mouth? I know you do. And now you want to go what's your next school? Parrets? Good, you're not going? What's be because you have the flu? No, ugly Jack, poor dog? So mean, don't we get anything? Yeah, you can take him to the vet and get some fancy. You gonna take her to the bed. I don't want my baby to get sick. You're gonna take your dog to the vet to do what for prefstion, to get evascination or for her to get checked out? To make sure they have a vascination? Yeah, I just said that. Yeah, they can be descinated. Yeah, you should do the same. All right, Today it's crazy comedy segment. In about ten minutes at forty one after the hour, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve Jay is here with things that have a cut off age. Jay explain, well, well, well Steve actually has. It's just things Shelly and everybody. There's a cut off age to everything everything you do. Some people some people just ignore it and just keep doing it. But fronted up like this should have a cut off point. The name name. We're wring me to look out there and see you doing the name name, the whip or the name name and you fought it really thirty five? Thirty three, yeah, thirty three you add stuff doing the whip and the name. Here's what you can't do. If you over thirty five, you cannot go see the me goes to four so you can listen to him. You can't, but you gotta take your keys with you. Just went way too old, way too old. People sitting next to mom. Here's something that has a cut off age. And we don't have to cut off age, but just listen to this. You cannot wear crop tops if you have a muff been top man or woman ship that's cut out too short. Like you exec elliot, you're well, you're not. That's a good like it. Just a little bit of muff you can't do it. I don't mind a little muffing on the woman, but on the name. Man. Dude, dude, if you're over, you got to stop using the word lit. You're over twenty five, yes, Shirley, you got to stop using the word little day stetic if you aver fifty five. If you're still using the word coprosthetics, that's cop asthetic, man, man, that's cop asthetic. You can come on out, Come on. If you're four years old and you're in a stroller with your legs cross and you can pull yourself along in the stroller, the ass needs to be walking. You got something for the babies, Here is one. If you're over eighty with a walker and it's gotta come, hold a fanny pack or play some hold of newspaper tennis ball for a grip. Damn it, you're gonna take something off just too much. If you over and people are still considering you ratchet, You're not ratchet. You're actually stupid. A man over farty with two change and his name is not to change on the outside. You are empty and still wearing any form of nugget jewel nuggets? What about the set? You a nugget set? His one, Monica Sherley. If you're over fortified, each finger nail can't be a different compa. They've been doing it the polished whatever. You all don't know. We might not know, we know that. Let me tell you this though, don who's in charge of all of our social media are digital programming and all of that. When you mentioned nuggets, she looked over like, oh she could think of was like chicken McNuggets. What you were talking about? Yeah, nugget. Watch she's like nuggets, Yeah, nuggets are still she thought you were talking about it, McDonald nugget the nuggets set. Let me see which one was my favorite. It was between Amigo's party and Muffin top Crop. Yeah, I like four years old, still in the stroller. Yeah, you got your leg crossed in my head. You don't get the it's so Steve, I got a question. So I can't say, let what's the cut off age? Cut off ages? The thirty five over thirty five? You know what? You can't say Jane Trump. You can't say Trump remember Trump? Remember? Or that's up there with Turkey. Yeah, we couldn't say monk with I couldn't say what monk with? Don't be monking with me and don't mean around. You can't say that I'm going to see the mega see me, don't see me? Junior to me? Take something, Junior? What am I doing watching? What is that? Do? You're sitting in there looking over your glasses, old lady watching the me over going there? Ain't don't don't go down to embarrass yourself, do that? Y'all ever seen your monica look over glass lady was looking at the met But but but with a foam dress on and some pumps with the ankles. Yeah, but with a low kitty kitty he alo. You cannot go see to me. We got cut off age. Yeah, everything they have definitely coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at seven after the hour. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. This segment is called none of your darned business? Kay, please explain? Okay, it's very easy. You need to stay out other people's business. You see something going on that don't bother you, that don't concern you. For instance, you see somebody steal somebody's order at starbuck daniell just take it right on the end, you know what, And they take it then you're damn budes your name anywhere they put your name on away? Yeah, you don't know what that person going through it left him head that call. They got some mold back there. It's fourteen dollars a cup. Anyway, let him at that name is on the cop and don't change inside the cup. And it ain't but an eight cent loss. To stop, write it off, write it off? Want to tell you what you know if it's the fifteen h and you go to your mailbox, uh, and you see somebody else opening somebody else's checks, that none of your damn bites I ain't got, you know what the fifteen You know the check coming ain't totly gonna take the money they did ye when you get Yeah, you you at the mall, uh huh. You see your best friend's wife uh huh switch cars to get out of her car and get in another car and they drive. That ain't none of my damn That ain't ain't gonna do with me. You know, she might be test driving. I don't driving. That ain't jill business. Other people didn't happened to me before. If I'm standing in line at the bank, uh huh, and I go up there and I and I'll give her a withdrawal slip and she give me too much money, right, that is none of my damn bid Count your blessings and go home. Excuse me. Yeah, you're gonna get into a whole lot now you that extra time walk away, and that ain't your bill. I hate to say that stealing. Okay, No, that's not stealing. You gave it to him money was given to him. But it's not your money. I didn't slide her a note. I slid her withdrawal. All that's legal. Now, how much you put in now, that's none of my biss Now if it's not enough, it's my bills. Too much, nobody, I just I won't spend it for your fine. Right, you at work and you know one of your co workers arms is oning smoking. Tellin't your business? Just don't sit And that's dumb. I take that point your friend towards the business. Why they're they're going through? Just like that coffee dealer. You wouldn't say over the smell like hot gars. You wouldn't slode, come deodor over there. You wouldn't do that. You wouldn't anything. When you were in the parking lot and you see somebody back in do enough and I'm talking about heating good. But then they look up and see you and they driven right down. Now, you wouldn't get there like that way. You forgot to me information that ain't they ain't not you at your ass gonna be in the witness protection program called the police. What you came for? I'm at I'm at the dinner table. But the dinner table next to me, got about eight people that having dinner. They didn't order wine and everything. I know the waiter from the rack of a big till they leave two hundred dollars on the table for the waiter. The bus board come by and slide the two hundred in his pocket. Look at me, and I just threw both my hands up. That ain't none of my damn bend. That ain't none of my damn that't But but you know he didn't got tired. Yeah, he ain't moved up to wait to wait again. He tied. He's been busting them tables. Man, seeing all that money on that table, Yeah, he's tired of it. You had a football game. You in the middle of the row. Hide dogs, hell hot dogs? Hell huh? A man six people down order the hot dog. The hot dog get past. Before we get to the man, somebody else eat it. Two people spit into it. You know it's going down that he's already been into it. Hot dog man. Gotta make him no got one. You have seven right, you're in the back where they have the drinks, sodas. Right, you see somebody get a drink drinking, Get a drink drinking, Get another drink, drink, and they go up to the counter with a full cup, say I had one, Solda, how does that concern you? He down three in the back, out of all over all, three of you're not going to tell the guy at the cash register. You're not gonna say any Alright, guys, you number three in line at the A t M machine. One guy lead, a second guy step up. It says on the screen, would you like another transaction? Which means the last guy did not clear out. You know what I'm saying. He didn't finish his transaction. So this man go back in this man bank account and get to three. And I'm watching it. But that ain't not of my damn bold with stuff that ain't your business, we'll get you hurt. Coming up, it's more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, this is your man, Steve Harvey. Here's a question, don't laugh. Do you think you're smarter than my nephew Tommy? You could qualify for listen to this one million dollars go to Steve Varvey FLM, get too details on how you can play smarter than a few Tommy. Here's a deal. If you're smarter than Tommy, you win a hundred dollar gift card. You have an opportunity to open the safe and win. Listen to this again. One million dollars Now Tommy wins. You get a twenty five dollar gift card. Go to Steve Varve FM for details. The winning starts this Tuesday at seven a m. Six a m. Central. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. A new study out of the University of Queensland Guys, Queensland, Australia, determined that being in a relationship makes people fatter. Okay. The study found that those were the long term partner weighed on average twelve point seven pounds more than single people what what, and showed an average weight gain of three point nine pounds per year. And it could be that eating with someone leads people to eat larger portions and more calories. Or it could be that since they don't have, you know, they don't have to impress anyone. Uh, couples just kind of let themselves go. Yeah, what's it. It's when you out there running them. It's actually reduces calories. Yeah, when you out there, listen to what when you out there running them, you're running them, that's exercise, that's work. You gotta get over here, back in here, answer that phone right quickly, dabble and knocking off the table. You gotta run down here, dry your car, haide it into bushes around the corner, walk back over to the house. Your weight gonna stay down. Excuse me the table, Yeah, the dove over a table to answer that phone. Oh us to get this fune. No, you can't be picker. You can't be You know you're constantly looking at the windows and who might show up. You don't know, you may plan you you're nervous and you ain't hard to have come. Yeah, you know you can't have company over. You don't know we're gonna come over. Yeah. He stressful and you lie. You can't eat on the tail because you gotta cap your mouth for that. And I got nine to tell. I can't be sitting up in here eating and you gotta remember that you can't. You can't eat. You gotta go over there and eat for that person. Run over that man. You can't lie and eat at the same time. It's too much. That's why single people are tremble. It's just it's possible that you can't lie any out of you can do let's do it. All this stuff that you're running from, I run to it. Don't don't, don't don't accept this that you can't take the challenge. Man, you know what you're doing. Take your take your phone at night, put it in your draws, and you know what do you go back to the house and get your phone? Oh yeah, over eight cars trying to get there. So wait, what are you saying? So you're on your way to work. Yeah, you half way to work. You discover you left your phone. You get that phone. I'm gonna be late. You gotta get that phone. I might get fine. And whoever you work for will understand. White. Hold on, let's ask. Let's ask the boss. Is this true? Boss? Oh? We don't. We don't understand. We don't understand what we know what's going on? You have left your phone? Saying again what Stave have left your phone? Everything? Oh you should have here, act like you go back home. That all heil were don't worry. Steve was just as calm. Everybody worried about Tom. Oh my god, we haven't heard from Tim. Y'all stop all this Daves. Something could have happened to him. I'm gonna call his girlfriend. Don't do that. They happened recently with Jay. Yeah, never called anybody's girls coming up. It's more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. At thirty three after the hour you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, We're in the middle of this segment called I'm Becoming my parents, and Jay and Steve Harvey are are letting us know that they're saying things to their same thing. We haven't come up with nothing new. You got one, You got one. Scratch on that wall. Scratch you betta say it? That mean now, scratch on that wall. It's gonna be scratch Yeah, right, wratch on that wall. That means you really want to scratch on your behind you that wall? How about I don't know if it could be done, but I damn never got beat to what I thought it was gonna come out. I will beat all all the black. You said that, I will be like all the black. I don't know. I don't know you could go that. You're standing in that refrigerator. Don't like the box, So what's what's the time living on that? No, you gotta get in and get out. I like it. Somebody needs to tell me while all these lights is on. I need to know that that's me, that's my husband. Yeah, I need to know. Wow, all these lights is on. Yeah, we're becoming parents. I'm tired called Julia. Yeah okay. This this is dedicated to Calin. This is Pat Boltoner's love mama. Huh if you can hum me, you can hear me about to make me crack? You can you can hear me. Oh, this is what mama was a heavy, little heavy, heavy on the stock aside. So this is her pattern. Don't make me run after you, and she couldn't run anyway, but don't make me run after you. You know you didn't want that. Let me gonna walk back and take this because it ain't gonna be nice. This one is dedicated to Shirley's mama, Miss Helen, sit down. Everyone has seen you do too. You did everybody a little show that you get out of this room looking in my mouth when I talk, because it ain't nobody talking to you. This is this is ground folk talking up. Yes, yes, we are becoming looking down my throat while talking. What you got, Steve, keep on keep on acting cute. See how cute your daddy? Thank you is what you get from work. Whoa slick, get in here, we slick, don't cut out? All is cute? Okay, your mama said, and your daddy hit home? All right? Coming up Steve's closing remarks at fort nine after the hour. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Give your closing remarks, are back what you got for us today? You know what, I just want to remind people because it's it's a tough thing to cut people out your life. It's a tough decision for people to make because the average person, uh you know, that's a positive nature. They like positive things around them, positive energy, and it's difficult. We you as a positive or decent or caring person, has to be faced with the decision to cut somebody out your life. And I've had to do it many times, and I'm faced with the decision again even this stage of my life. That are people who I really should not have around me now. Because I have a sense of guilt, I continue to keep them. You know, I come up with excuses for them. You know what they're gonna do. You know, if they're not here, what would they do if if if I remove them, what happens to them? Well, I mean that's because you're caring person. But can I tell you how much that ain't your business. M It's really really not. It's not your business, nor should you make it yours, because what will happen is if you guilt yourself into holding on to this person, you will continue to possess that nagging, gnawing feeling that you have every time you around them because they actually bring no real value to you. Oh they bring you a lot of promises. Oh, they bring you a lot of Oh man, this is man, I got something big I'm working on. Oh you hear that all the time? Or I should appreciate you. Lord, I don't know where I be without you. You've been. You've been such a blessing to me. You know you're gonna get it all kinds of ways, and that makes you feel even worse about the inevitable decision that you know you have to make. But let me help y'all understand something right here. People can be manipulative. People can be very very manipulative. And when a person know they're getting over on you, they say the things because they know you're a decent person, So they say that things to you to keep in the forefront of your mind, and how decent you are. God bless you. You've been a blessing to me. Lord, I don't know what I do without you. I thank God for people like you. Well, when do I get to thank God for you? When do you become such a blessing to me? When at the point in this relationship where every relationship should be give and take, When do I get to take something out? Because right now all I'm doing is given. I'm telling you, y'all, I know how you're feeling about cutting these people out your life, but you have got to because if that as a person in your life, that's just on the receiving end of your friendship and give you nothing in return. They are on the receiving end of your paycheck and give you nothing in the return. They are receiving end of all your goodness and favors and give you no goodness and favors. You no longer have an obligation to that person. You really don't. And I remind you of something that Bishop Jake said, Sometimes you have to let people go so they can be freed up to their own destiny, see, because they keep tying their destiny to yours. But see God didn't give them your destiny. They got their own destiny. You know, unless you're with your wife and your children, their destinies ain't tied to yours. And once your children get a certain age, your destiny don't belong to them no more. They have to they, as Marjorie says, their wings work. You gotta let them get out there and get the flapping so they can fly. So as you make your list of people who bring you nothing but bad news, they have to go. When you make your list of people who every time they call you they just won't something, they have to go. They have to go because they're slowing you down. They dead wait, they're sitting on the wagon and they ain't pushing. They ain't getting out the wig wagon to remove no rocks and to brie out the way. They ain't trying to fill a pothole for you. They don't even repair wagon wheels. They just own your wagon, sitting there, legs up and just chilling you out on a rope, just pulling. You. Got to get rid of them people. The other people you have to get rid of is sometimey people. Because you know what's so hard about sometimeing people, Because you don't never know when their time gonna be because they sometimey. So sometimes they're cool and sometimes they ain't. And on the days when you need them be cool, that's what that's one of them, some days where they are. So now you got on these sometimey people in your life and you've been going, well, they're cool over here, but they ain't cool over there. If the people in your life ain't cool everywhere you take them and every time you talk to them, you got to get rid of them too. I'm sorry. Now that's gonna shorten your list, But what good is to listen if it ain't a good list? Stop just trying to have a list. It's like people in a bad relationship. So you're gonna stay in the bad relationship just so you can say you're in a relationship, or will you free yourself so that you can be freed up to your destiny to possibly be in a good relationship. But you're never getting a good relationship if you're gonna stay and sit in the bad relationship. What you has proven year after year after year to be of no substance and no just no goodness for you. It just does nothing for you. But you're gonna stay in it just so you can say you in a relationship. That's crazy, man, that's crazy. So y'all think about it. Those people that you gotta cut loose, You got a tough decision, but you have to do it. God to bless you for it too. And guess what, you have more, more free time, you have more money and everything when you let them go and you don't even have to deal with the aggravation to them anymore. That's an amazing thing. So it's my closing remarks. Just want to remind you all that have a great weekend. Everybody m for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.