NBA Finals, Louisiana Abortion, Donald Trump, R. Kelly and more.

Published May 31, 2019, 2:00 PM

Hear yee and Hear yee The CEO is charging the crew with things.  Uncle Steve receives a thank you letter from a member of The Steve Harvey Nation in North Carolina.  R. Kelly faces 11 more charges related to sexual abuse.  Game 1 of The NBA Finals went down last night and Drake is seen being hella petty.  We have the craziest situations that are straight F'd Up.  All Donald Trump can say is Russia, Russia, Russia.  Louisiana governor signs controversial abortion bill.  The Kansas City Zoo has a code red as an elephant escapes its enclosure.  Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO talks about trusting in God and letting everything else fall into place.  Have a great weekend!!!

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all bat all suit back to back down, giving them move like the milking buck bus things and its cubs, y'all to me true good Steve has listening to movie together for Stu Bar Please to Moby, I don't join by joining me. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn turn, got to turn them out to turn the water the water got me. Come come on your baby, huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only. Steve Harvey got a radio shop. Yeah, man, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Trying to do something with it too, man. Uh you know, um, I was having a conversation the other day with a young person and they were telling me how they felt that their life was stuck, that their life was in a rut, that they didn't know what to do next. And one of the things that was causing them this sadness or this depression. I mean, they really really into something right now. One of the things that was causing it was the fact that they had made a list of things they wanted to accomplish by a certain age and that age, they just had a birthday recently and they were looking at the list and the list hadn't been fulfilled, and because that list hadn't been fulfilled, they were really really sad about it. You know. Um one of the things that they had on the list was marriage, kids, And I don't know everything else that was on the list, but that was one of them. And because she had reached a certain age and she wasn't married, and she didn't have the kids, and she had just celebrated her birthday, she's gone into this u mode of sadness, whereas really really taking a toll on her and us. As I was learning about her situation, I was thinking about it, and I just wanted to share this with you all this morning. That one of the things about making a list about what you want, which I happen to be a proponent of, I do it myself. I have people have dream boards, I have a gold sheet I have. I've been doing it for years. It's a It's a wonderful way to set goals and to keep it in front of you as a constant reminder. And I always go over this goal list every day, you know. I mean, I go over it all the time. Every day. Sometimes I miss a day here and there, but mostly every day I pulled my gold sheet out and I look at it, I read it. So I was going to these rallies and I was learning about, you know, people who were successful in how they kept their mind writing positive. And one of the things I learned was to make these dream boards, these lists, these gold sheets, and in making a gold sheet, and you make the sheet according to what you want, think about one thing when you made your gold sheet, about what you want it? Does your goal sheet have on it what God wants from you? Did you ask in any of this what was His will in your life? You know? Look, man, what we want oftentimes is not what He wants for us. And you know, if you're fighting against what you were created for, if you're fighting against his will, I mean, what do you want to happen? See? Don't be so hard on yourself when you look at your goal sheet and you look at what you've not become what you thought was a great idea. Don't be so hard on yourself because you just made a minded mistake. As do most people, we oftentimes make our goals and set our goals up without ever considering what is it that God wants from us. We keep talking about what we want without ever finding out and knowing what it is God wants for us. Well, guess what, man, Maybe you're fighting against the grain. Maybe you're just a salmon heading upstream. That's a tough fight upstream. Not all salmons get up to the spawning grounds, you know. Some of them don't make it upstream, you know. But all of them, nearly all of them, except the ones that's killed by pray. When they're spawned, they go out to the ocean. That's cool, because you're going because you're going with the grain. You're going downstream, you're going with the flow. That's but when it's time to go against the grain, it's tough. And a lot of us have just been going against the grain for all of these years. But you know what, listen, man, I did it. I know a lot of people who did it. Very few people get it right from the very beginning. Man, you got to stumble through life sometimes sometimes you got to fall through life. You gotta make a lot of mistakes, man, But these mistakes are not failures. You know, when you fail at something, don't look at it as a failure. Don't look at yourself as a failure because you're thirty and and your goals ain't reach that you had on your list. That was your list. What about the things that's going right. Stop looking at what you're not, Take some time out and thank God for what you are. How about the fact that you keep waking up to be thirty? You know you get depressed. It about these birthdays? You really want to throw yourself in some depression. Miss a birthday, You really got a problem. Now look at where you are. You keep reaching birthdays. That's a glorious blessing. You keep waking up. You got your health, You've accomplished something. Something on your list is done. People spend too much time on the negative side, and you're just throwing yourself into depression. So what you want to be married by a certain age and you wanted to have kids. Okay, cool, you could have done all that with the wrong person. There's a blessing in not being married to the wrong person. There's a blessing in not having kids and nobody to help you raise it. There's a blessing in that man talking to somebody who can tell it to you. You can marry the wrong person. If you want to, I'm telling you you're gonna be up in some mess you can't count on. So instead of being angry because you're not married, you don't have kids, why don't you thank God demand Maybe he spared you from some misery here. Maybe you could have married the wrong person, Maybe you'd have kids and you're not really ready to be a mother or a father. You gotta look at the upside, man, Quit looking at what you don't have. Take some time to thank God for what you do have. When you do that, you make more room for blessings to flow into your life. I'm not saying how God thinks, because I really don't know, but I'm telling you, if a person comes to me, and I always give a person something and they never appear grateful, or they never say thank you, please, no, you can quit coming to me now. I don't know that's how God works, because I've gone back to him several times without being grateful of thanking him, and he's feeling my basket up again. So I really think he's not like that. But I can't make the call for sure. But I think at one point in time, me, just just me talking, i'd be a little ticked off at somebody who was always taken, taking, taking, and never showing any gratitude. At one point in time, I would just stop the flow of the take. You know, you just you can't take no more from me. That's what I would do. Now. I'm not calling it like that because I ain't him, but I know he's merciful, He's full of goodness and here and here, and he'll forgive you again. And thank God he does that because he's shown enough done it for me. But wow, man, take some time out today and be grateful for what you have, stop complaining about where you're not, and think about where you are, and then take it from there. And then next time you make a list, make sure on that list you have God's will. What does he want for you? Does God create give everybody a gift and a talent. Some of us never apply gifts and talents. We head off in another direction. Then you wonder why your life ain't where its supposed to be. Have you ever thought about what God gifted you to do? Have you ever thought about doing that? And stip skip what you want? I wanted to play in the NBA, but I gotta tell you something at dribbling and shooting and running all at one time, throwing me off a little bit. You know, it's so I'm doing what I do. It's pretty cool. You can look at it that way. Okay, you're listening. Show Hei yahiya, Come one, Come all, gather yourselves around your red house as the beginning hell, by decree of the king original king to be exhat the following people I have by charge with treason, Shelly Strawberry, treason trees and shut up trees and close your mouths before you are stoned at the center of town. You the way to start the show. Check Outstrid. It's never started this way, and you find out your punishment after I announced the rest of them calor around what is happening. I guess your grace charged with a salt and matter at what Yeah, June yours eight morning. Your grace charged with with breaking and entering basement when we hurt you, when you got cut on the glass. She said. We said that must be gentleman. Ladies and gentlemen here, by decree of the King, charged with being sicker than anyone else. Ladies and gentlemen, the man who's going to get in line in front of children at Disney with the sick badge around his neck will chad down that wide. You're going to be charged with hatred of little ones, and last, but not least, the final charge. As I guess, hell lettle what the little one Ladies and gentlemen charge was not rising to the occasion due to high respection. That is enough, funny, ladies and gentlemen. Homo smiles, Hello my lord. Now here's the punishment. You all are charged to do the entire radio show without Steve. This mart tall of you have a nice day out. That's not gonna happen. Yeah, I know he was guilty. Hal you're the judge and jury trying to leave. Can you see Steve a dragon, Yes, actually screaming, flying in the wind, screaming I'll be I'll be holly loud, and in that damn dragon, you wouldn't know who was talking. All right, listen coming up at thirty two after the hour, Steve, your favorite segment is back, asked Steve, right after this, man, Come on, you're listening, all right? This is kind of a not really an asked Steve. It's more of a comment from one of our listeners. It's an email Steve from Steve Harvey FM. This is from Carl in Charlotte, North Carolina. He says, hasty, man, I really appreciate the morning inspiration. Dude. I am not putting you on a pedestal, but you should have been a preacher. Whenever you speak, it's things that pertain to stuff that happened to you, and that is what makes you so transparent. I am a fifty one year old African American and I did two bids in prison, which totaled over fifteen years. I've been out for nine years. A lot of what you say really keeps me grounded. I've always wanted to meet you because you are so real. Thanks for keeping a brother encouraged. I learned years ago if you just reach one, you've done your part. Big ups to you and the crew and God bless That's from Carl from North from Charlotte, North Carolina. May appreciate your call. Yeah, no, thank you. Man hanging there too. It's gonna be all right. Yeah he's nine years Yeah, you could preach in Daly, man. I probably I probably shouldn't be a creature though. We're just gonna go and put that out there and the first time you've heard of that. Oh no, would you you know, just let me do what I'm doing. That went, I gonna be under no pressure. You know you would do well because they mean somebody go to the bathroom. You're gonna cuss. Why are you talking? And don't have a call you have to? Yeah you have to be called? Yeah, yeah I have. And then your baptisms ain't gonna be real friendly, y'all. See you holding people down alone, you might drown somebody. I'm not going down in there with my suit though. Work it out. We're gonna change the runs like our church. We're just gonna do spray bottles. You it's not gonna be good. The welcome ain't gonna be friendly. Yeah, we just gonna have like old Windex bottles. And you know what if some of the parishioners want to, you know, take pictures with you and stuff that they ain't gonna we got. We're here for that. Hey, we're trying to go to heaven. You don't go take no putures. Come on, next point, I see him smanging out. If enough people don't join the chair, jay, forget that. Get the all friend short. Yeah right, what about the call to to, you know, to join the church. What about the invitation? Yeah, y'all cant about members. Just put your mother shouders would get on his neck, shouts, and the senior choired. Yeah, the senior choir would never get a chance to say ever ever call members out. No, no, y'all, Oh, come on, let's give some young people to chip to yourself. You would turn into show time with the Apolotuh you start, you started encouraging your congresstion to start. Uh, you know, if you were going to do this, I think you need to work on patients because you know you your tolerance levels. Tod y'all listen to me, Listen to me. I can't be no pastor, y'all stop, this is going in this right here. First of all, I haven't been called. Then if I go in there, I don't really know all the rules of pastor me. I'm probably gonna break them all first Sunday. Yeah, but you can learn, you can definitely learn. I learned, but by the time I get them figured out, I ain't gonna hand no congregations. Yeah, that's what it is. No cigars in the pool pit and you have to wear robes. What pastors wear robes and no covering up my suit. Right, And the most important thing, you can't cuss. That's the number one that's the number one reason why I don't want to be a pastor. I don't want Look, I'm already going to heaven. Gonna have to explain something. What I can't do is go up there with dark marks, cussing in the pool pit, you know, cussing out parishioners walking around standing at women. I don't need that, Okay, yeah, okay, So think you're right, you're right, Yeah, you're right. You can't ask no church for you. Yeah, we got a clear body people. You know, I appreciate I do. One thing he said that I do do is I use myself as an example so other people can see in me that you can get it wrong and be okay, absolutely, that you can fall and get up, you know, and that you know when when they write you off, that they don't write they're not the architect of your destiny. Yeah. You know what. One of the greatest examples of that, Steve recently is when um, you were at the Miss Universe paget, Remember when you made the mistake Miss Colombia and all that I mean that was like the biggest news news. Well, I'm saying most recently, what else? No, no, no, he's no, no, that that was most recently. I mean, nothing else has come up. But I'm just girl that we know about that. You want to discuss, Yeah, we want to stay on the damn in it. But I'm just saying, you recovered so beautifully from that that, Yeah, you just can't let it. It can't bury. You can't worry about what they say gonna happen to you because they don't. They don't write your stories, right, So I don't let nobody to tell me what my story is when they not the architect of it. They ain't my God. Damn, they don't even know what God doing. And that's a cold thing about everybody and everybody's life, y'all. Relax, No one knows anything about your life like God does. So what people say, why I was reading the scripture says what people do for evil, God does for good. That's a true statement. Man. I can't take because your haters is gonna do stuff for you that's intended to bury you. But I got news for you. Buried in plant. It appears to be the same thing. But it ain't buried. That's buried. You say, oh you well to something, did you hear Jay Pastor and you But that's not being a past tour. You know, when you're doing better hours, I'll tell you to hang in there. But Dan and doctor all right, listen, coming up next. The nephew in the building would run that prank back. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, and entertainment news. R Kelly is facing eleven new charges in Illinois for abuse and sexual assault. We'll talk about that in entertainment news. Yeah. And Power Star, Yeah yeah, Power Star actor Rotimi aka dre In Power paid fifty cent one hundred thousand dollars from a debt he owed people barn that kind of money. We'll talk about that is calling people who owe him money. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, Right now though, have you here would run that prank back? What you got now? Lunchtime date? Just don't call me If me and your wife having lunch and we you know we do with you, Why are you why are you calling it lunch? You at home? Some damn exactly. You're constantly blowing her phone up. What do you want y Ain't you gonna see her? What you get home? Let us have lunch in peace. Damn it? All right, dude, that's what I'm talking to. Please, let's call this woman lunch time date. Let's go. Kay. Hello, Hey, I'm trying to speak to uh Alan, it is Alan? Who's this? Hey? Alan? Yo? This Derek Man? Check us out. Bro. You Rachel's Rachel's husband, right, yeah, yeah, that's all baby. What something wrong? No? No, no, no, no no no. I work this like I said this, Derek. Now, I work with your wife Rachel, right, you us you're a supervisor something. I mean, you just just at work something. I mean she's doing a good job and everything she ain't better? Oh no, no, no, everything straight, man, Ain't nothing wrong with the job. Everything's cool as the job. This this right here, man, is like what I noticed. Man. And if you know, it just seems like every single day, you know, while she's on her lunch break, it seems like, you know, you would call and and and uh and then blocked up the whole hour of a lunch break. And actually, you know, just be real, man, I'm just trying to come correct with you. It just seemed like you just cut in on all the time that I have that I had with her. Well whoa whoa whoa hold hold hold up on me, hold up, hold up, broke. Wait you what the are you doing at lunch with my lady sons? Like I said, you know, we just we just spending time, you know, doing lunch time. But it just seems so rude. You know that rude? Rude? You you Okay? First of all, that's my lady. Okay, I can call her whenever the I feel like calling that. That's what I pay for that phone deal I bought that iPhone I could get calling whatever. Please all right. Secondly, you ain't got no business being with a married woman alone at lunch. This ain't no date. You're supposed to be at work. No, we are at work. We call im saying we call workers. You know. He seemed like half the whole time I'm sitting in front of hub, you know, we're supposed to be having lunch together, and she talking to you the whole Uh. Okay, what what's your name be? Getting my name there? Derek? Derek? All right, Derek you work at the same building up because you you would work right now? Huh yeah, I mean. Yeah, I'm mean at the job and y'all work in the same flow because I can find to come and see you. Team might to jump off way way different for you straight up. Okay, So let me ask you something, man, What is a big deal? Understand? Okay? You look like you don't see her. You look like you don't see her when she gets home, you know. So why is it so important that you waste a whole hour of lushine holding up you wasted? Ain't ain't wet. I'm talking to my lady. Okay, you understand that. Why don't you go out and get and then you ain't got to worry about sitting up in front of me. Lady, that's my wife. I walked down the aisle with that. We got kids, we got a house. We take care that he helped me hold it down on this you you you ain't you know it's like you you don't ever want to come in and do but they got always want to come into somebody else's wife. And why won't you do this? Take take this advice and see what it works. Have it works for you. Go to club, church, library, grocery stole, wherever, find your day and you get you a chick. You gave her for a minute, you call her for a minute, you rollman suff for men. That's what real men do. You know what I'm saying. That's what I did. That's how I got my Rachel. That's stuff, that's my heart. You're trying to sit up there in front of lunch with us every day for the past year. I'll tell you what, bro, It may not be today, it may man get the marrow, but soon soon you're gonna see me me. You're gonna have none of this phone conversation. It's gonna be a face to face. You know you knew through all I say, Man, I ain't trying to come between y'all at all. All I'm done, Okay, Like I'm saying, I'm not trying to come between y'all. I'm just saying, it's every day you call it. Man, what do you want life to plos to talk to every guy day? That's what a real dude. You know what I'm most about that because you was You ain't no real all you know about it trying to high that some street. You don't know what it is to put in work like a real man, dude, to actually hold down a home, pay the bills, everything, the family, the kidsen fixing the yards and fences, and you don't know nothing about that. All you know about it, you know, roast wife can't even go to work without like you, trying to step ahead and don't mean no guy, because but that's okay. Like I promise you, I'm gonna be there. You're gonna see me, and I'm gonna see you. You know, I'll tell you what this house is gonna go. It may not be the night, but it's definitely not gonna go past tomorrow. Between now and then, you're gonna see me, and I'm gonna see you, and I can't would what's what's your son? Heard me in school? I would come to see yo by tomorrow. Son. I mean you Derek. That's your name, right, Dereka. My name is Derek. Yeah, you don't. I always want to be smiling facing my wife's face. I'm gonna do Rachel when I see it. He can Please believe that. Please believe that. Talked to about a little friend at lunch and like the hell getting my nub anyway, I got you know how to Rachel phone. But that's besides my first phone. John ain't that cool? I don't. I ain't never heard of no dance before the day. And what's sudden you calling me talking about you? Was at lunch every day with my wife and you know it's a friendly lunch date. Just word it. Really, I don't know how you just do friendly? I know about all that. You ain't fulling me. You got know like you who prey on Mary women all the time because they like you. But that, like I said, it's gonna change, promise you he does. Here's here's what you don't know. What you don't know is is Tommy Tommy be pushing up on the more than memm Tommy. Tommy is always pushing up on her. Tommy the one you need to be worried about. You a Tommy who me? Who the Tommy dog dog dog nephew Tommy. Man, check this out. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your wife Rachel got me the prank phone call. You own't believe y'all did this mean? Man? Man? I should have come down to your man. Man I am now, I was gonna you know, and I think I'm burn that building down. You don't even know her Tommy, is this reprediction? Somebody gonnack you up for real? Y'all? You just played you, but may y'all trip it? Uh hey, man, check it out. You gotta tell me this man, what is the baddest radio show in the lay only the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man. Of course, I got a right to have lunch with her till my say, and he has a right to call you as her husband. Okay, he's having lunch. I had a right to call him and let him know he interrupted us. Thank you something between okay, thank you? Never getty getting cold because I'm on the phone with your ass at the top of the hour Entertainment News right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. A ton of new abuse charges were filed against r Kelly on Thursday, including eleven felonies. Uhr Kelly is facing up to thirty years in prison for each felony if he's convicted. The Chicago Sometimes notes that the charges are more serious than those in the four cases that were filed against him in February. Now. According to the legal documents, a victim listed as JP, who was under the age of eighteen, was allegedly sexually assaulted by the use of force or threat of force sometime back in January of twenty and ten. Also, there are more sexual abuse charges related to alleged victims between the ages of thirteen and sixteen. Yeah, Kelly will reportedly be back in court next week to be arraigned on the new charges. He is currently free on one million dollars bond related to the February charges. This is crazy in the ways, my mommy, everybody ain't laying you know, man, this is sad all the way around the board. Man, it's sickney. First of all, young young I just wish it was a safe place for children to just grow up and be children, you know That's what I mean. Look, we all got kids. We all want our children to be safe. And then it's sad because if you're a person that needs help and you can get it uncovered, then man, get some help. But man, it's it's it's sad because now everybody has to suffer, and the biggest sufferers of the victims. Yeah, that's the biggest ones. Now. Is that any remorse for R. Kelly, because man, you would hate to you hate to see this happen to a person of any kind, somebody's son. But dog man, we gotta get help for these people. It's it's this is so true magic for these victims, man, these girls, these women, you know. And based on his interview we saw with Gail King, I didn't see remorse at all. Non imitation. When you're a parent and you got a daughter that's fourteen years old. Man, I'm sitting over here, I'm like disgusting. Man, you would have lost your mind. Man, Yeah, that's sick. Don't doubt about it. You know, if you do something to my underaged daughter, if you do something to my overaged daughter, I don't um when I see you. Yeah, okay, that's all I need to say. You're gonna sing your last song you Robert. You know, man, I hate this is happening because this brother could have avoided all of this. Yeah, he could have avoided all of this by not doing But I say this all the time, man, God fires a warning shot. Then when you don't listen, he takes a little meat off your ear on the next shot, And then if you don't listen the next time, the next one is in your teeth. All right, we're gonna switch gears here. Steve and go to headlines. Yeah, ain't, Tommy. We're in the teeth, right, We're in the teeth. We go to headline guys. Okay, well we go to head I know your mane well whatever, and gentleman miss and whatever. Right, this is a trip with the news, okay. In a surprise announcement, everybody, President Trump says that's starting on June tenth, he's slapping a five percent tariff on all Mexican imports in order to pressure our neighbor to the south to do more to roll back the surge of Central American migrants trying to gain entry into the US. Trump's accused the Mexican government of failing to do enough to crack down on the surge of folks coming and seeking asylum from El Salvador and Derris and Guatemala. Trump insists that the percentage of the tariff is going to gradually increase, by the way quote until the illegal immigration problem is remedy. That starts June tenth. Virginia Governor Ralph Northam continues to deny that he's one of those people in that blackface in his nineteen eighty four medical school yearbook picture. A former investigation into the matter by the Eastern Virginia Medical School has failed to determine definitively whether Northam is the person with the black and face picture next to another guy in a clan robe and hood. Northam, you know, as a Democrat, originally said that it was him in the picture and that it was wrong to do it. There were calls for him to resign, but he now says it wasn't him in the photo and that he's sorry about how he originally responded. Alabama Republican Roy Moore says he's running again for the US Senate. That's despite a tweet from President Trump telling he can't win. Roy Moore is the married former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court who lost his last Senate bid to a Democrat, Doug Jones, because of accusations of years and years of sexual misconduck involving young women and girls. There's a good chance of the sexual assault and harassment case against Hollywood mogul Harry Harvey Weinstein's gonna end up much differently than the one against Bill Cosby, especially where it concerns jail time. That's because, according to The New York Post, Weinstein's attorneys are working on a forty four million dollars settlement that would include money for his legal bills as well as doe for his accusers, some of whom would get about sixty grand, while a few us would get as much as a half a million dollars each. A new section of New York City September eleventh Museum was dedicated yesterday. Former Big Apple Mayor Michael Bloomberg officiated, we are dedicating this memorial glade to all who became sick or died because of causes related to the attacks, and to all the men and women who took part in the rescue and recovery effort that ended seventeen years ago. Memorial glade consists of a grassy clearing on the southwest corner of the plaza that's flanked by several huge stones. Well, Malaysia says they don't want it. Malaysia says it's sending an estimated three thousand metric tons of non recyclable plastic waste back to where it came from the West. That means US. Malaysia is the latest country to refuse to take unrecyclables from the US. The United Kingdom in Canada, Malaysia some other developing county countries feel there being targeted to take in all the West garbage because China banned their import of plastic waste last year. Actor John Voight he's calling President Trump quote the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln. John Voight's the star of Midnight Cowboy. He's also Angelina Jolie's father. He once called former President Obama the anti Christ. Voight's released a video where he addresses the people of the Republican Party saying, I know you will agree with me when I say our president has our utmost respect and love unquote. Today National Smile Day. Smile, just smile, smile, smile. It's Friday. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show? All right, Junior, what you got NBA Finals. Let's hear it's what's happened? Can I get Can I get your grace in here? Are you looking for me? Yes? I just want to hit not the music. We are the law. That's it. Tonto, Toronto to me exact Toronto. One man over Golden State Game one last night, rolled over the Golden State Warriors like we wa White Walker did y'all see Drake showed up and then courage Toronto wrapped his jersey. Yeah, that's that dirty, that's classic. Daddy played for us. That's dirty as hell, Drake. But I didn't see him on the floor though, Joe, y'all didn't see him. He's on the floor in the jersey. I love it. He was. You didn't see us. He had a Dale Curry jersey. Cliff Daddy play for love it. I love that, man. I saw I saw a clip where Draymond had some words. Yeah, yeah, spell but Draymond, you don't want none of that dark skin boy. Yeah, friends, Drake boys, they're friends for real. Well not if you win my daddy jersey and I'm on other team. That ain't really no, not that. But Toronto take Game one. Was looking at a Drake like you just gonna win my daddy jersey out of you. That's all about the same time. Does this swear? Anybody's opinion about the final? Do anybody want to change sides Toronto? Oh dad, I'll say I would venture to say. I would love to say Toronto make a run of it. Huh but oh hell, stealing, stealing down, that's not happening. Thanking Joe, Yeah, wishful, thank you. I guess I just was asking abody grace your grace if it goes up too Oh, Raptors, how would you feel that about the North I was I would feel a bit tank. I wouldn't feel a lot more hopeful. I would be honest with you, I would think, oh my god, they actually have a chance. All right, listen, coming up at coming up next at thirty four after the hour, Steve j Anthony Brown, tell me and Junior, Uh, they're here with something called that's fed up. You know what that means? Yes, all right, we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steven Show, Junior what you got? Oh, Kay'll tell you what a guy I got to Steve Hervey Morning Show and Walmart Family Mobile. Want to send five winners and a guest to hang out with me in Los Angeles. You'll tend to taking a family few and get a meal with me. I'm a Fejian. To enter and get rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. Get everything you love about Walmart in Mobile, twush Walmart's lois price for g LTE unlimited plans, and start saving today with Walmart Family Mobile. All right, Junior, thank you. Okay, Steve J. Anthony Brown is here. I'm gonna let you explain this, Jay, go ahead. You're saying a lot of situations that are fed up. You know it when you're in it. It's very simple. You've seen it. You've been at Junior giving them an example example, Like like to me one time, like my girl, all I had a birthday party, right, girl wanted all this. I bought all the gifts. Later on at the party, had it. She opened the gifts. She loved it. But as soon as her daddy walked in, shit thanked him. That's stuck all the shopping I did. Yeah, yeah, that's hepped up. That's you in the clubs. D you slip ship talking talking low talking. This girl you buying shrimps, sandwiches, fish basket dranks. She thrown him back. Yeah, she just thrown him back. You can you gonna have a good time? The ball player come in. She leave with him. That is took it this boy this board and paid child to pouring to the boy's atene. Didn't he find out that's his best friends child? You know that. But he ain't letting his rights go because his graduation. Your boy calls your girlfriend looking for you, but you didn't told your girl you was out with him. Dog? What are you calling her phone? I was looking for you, dog, I saw your number. I was busy. Tell you call her phone? Man, I told you, man, don't call don't that's ft up. I tell you another one. I tell another situation up. You told him to stop talking to her because she had two minute drakes. He didn't listen to you. Ain't lead together. He called you two weeks later talking about dog. Remember to check outa the club with Yeah, the one that wasn't cute. I said, yeah, she pregnant, I said, dad, stop talking to her. Leave ye. Just this one hit for the ladies. Lady, you know what I'm talking about. You doesn't made yellow with fruit in it. Fruit in it? His mama come over, heah black, This ain't the best jello you ever made in your life. It isn't as good as my mama jello. That is completely. I looked at him. This was helped up for everybody. Right here went the beard on the election night and woke up and Trump was pressed man, yeah, come on, man, and it's still you nine. Your aunt ask you to help her unfasten her braw You go back now and you start crying because you can't find the snap baris under the fat that's half dump in there. What is you doing back? Then? Get this brawl off for me sling his love snapping. Now her back look like a can of biscuits where you put the spoon. That's all right, guys, we gotta get out of here. Thank you, guys. Up next is the prank phone call right after this with the nephew. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject I need him to go a little bit longer. Uh yeah, right now, nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got nef? Let me ask y'all something. How many y'all have done this before? I'm just killed and I know who I work with? Many hear the call? How many y'all to hear the call? And then pool just kind of bump one and then kind of no, yeah, I'm telling about paralleled and then they're too tight and it kind of grazed it. Just ask yeah, I've been hit, Tom, Yes, I don't tow a do off and killer and kept going. Yeah, I didn't have no money for this. I didn't have no one sh I ain't even have liability. No, I hadn't keep going man nineteen seventy five. Yeah, I got out. Go. Here's a little to do for fun, Steve. Just leave a note on the card. Sorry, I hit your cart and stand back and watch them walk around. Man, that is so, let's run it, y'all. You hit my car? Oh, you waste all over the place. Hello, I'm trying to speak to a dels. This is Do you live an apartment number seven eighth? That depends on who asking? My name is Herman Wales. I live in building three, apartment one on five. Do you live in an apartment number seventy eight? What you want with where I live? Look? Man, do you drive a camera or till you the camera? Light blue? One? Yea? All right, Your next dough neighbor then told me that you ran into my car. I got a beans a block one of two thousand and five C. Two forty Now I got light blue scratches on my neighbor told you what your neighbor. Matter of fact, his name is Brian Kendall. I'm taking the cross side a little across the hall. What the cross side? That little across the hall? Told you? What? Man? Listen, all I know is he say he lived in apartment eighty. He lived next door to you. You live in a supposedly apartment seventy ages right here in Cambridge Court apartments. Now, all I'm saying is he told me your car is which is the light blue car hit my back into my car? And I ain't trying to create no problem, but somebody got to fix my car and I got light blue scratches on my bends. Uh. Last I checked, my light blue clamming. Wasn't the only light blue camera they made. Ma'am, you're the only light You're the only light blue car in the parking lot anyway, the only light blue car in the parking lot. Right now, I ain't gonna say I've been the only light blue car in the damn parking lot. Man, I'm done. Look and I'm in the middle of watching tea. What can I do for you? What do you mean? What can you do for me? You didn't hit my car, ain't touch your damn car. Is you got some cameras out in this park lot that saw me hit your car. No, I don't have no cameras. But then I believe this conversation is over, and I don't give a damn what's a cross? That man across the hall told you. Look, let me tell you something. You didn't hit my car. Now you gonna hold on? Hold on? Player? Uh is you yelling at me? I'm not yelling at you, But you didn't hit my car. You the only touch your damn the only light blue car in the parking lot, the only light blue car in the parking lot. And nah, and as a matter of crack, my carn't eat me in the parking lot. My sister bar my cars go to the shop. Well, is it possible that your sister is the one that hit my car? Now? Nah? What okay? Is your sister? When is she coming back? Maybe she hit my car and didn't tell you she hit my car. Now, she ain't hit your car. She an't hit your car because she would have told me she hit your damn call. Look, Uh, I said, ain't nobody to hit your damn car. My car ain't got no damn scratches on it. You ain't. Then I don't give a what kind of scratches you got on your car? But I can't do a damn thing about it. And even if you did, let me just be clear, I ain't got no insurance, no way, so I can't do nothing for you. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, let me tell you something you ain't gotta tell me. You ain't got telling me. Fine, and as far as I'm concerned, this conversation is over. Wait a minute, let me ask you he call it back. Mister. You act like I ain't got about You had them scratches on your car all ready, and you ain't going to use me as no more an excuse to get you no new paints. I had no scratches already on my car. Yeah you had them? Oh yeah you had no I'm gonna tell him an insurance or just if he come over here, No, because you're gonna be using your insurance and I re told you ain't got an lay. Don't make me come over to your apartment number seven. Standing in the door. I'm on my way to the doll now, I'm standing in the door. Come on, come on, look, I got thirty five hundred dollars worth for scratches on my car that you need to pay for you the only you're the only worth thirty five one hundred dollars. So you are already doing better than me? What what? What? What? Look? I already told you I'm tired of talking to you. I'm watching TV and you ain't got STI talking to me about. I need to talk to you about this car, lady, I got thirty cut your call. My car ain't bumped up against your call. I ain't even park next to no BMW's late. It's a bens whatever. It's a ben C two forty, a black give a damn. If it's a being seven seven to seven, I can't help you. They don't make a seven seven damn. Lady. Look, you know what can I say something to you? No, you can't say you know what you can say to me? You can say by I just want to say one more thing to you, one more thing. I'm gonna give your one moment and fine, go ahead on all. I want to say this. Nephew Timming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your sister Robbin out of DC put me off. Make me. You know what, I don't even have y'all show. I listened to the show on the internet and this, Oh you wait till I talk to her. Hey, mister Dale, will listen before you go. Can you tell me what is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, nephew, taught me you knew you didn't run into nobody. Damn well, I ain't hear nobody because I'll be trying to pull my stuff out there, foss, So won't nobody hit me? You know? All right? You're talking about the cross side like I ain't cross the Yeah, yeah, I'm the only light blue car in the park right now. Ever missed. He was not having it. He's very set. You're not gonna get no money what you trained right, but at the beginning called for y'all waist down the rain of notices on the flower, right, get it together? You what, that's another f up situation? Classic baby, classic classic Hey. Um yeah, I'm down to one ninety two right at one ninety two, headed to that one eighty five, headed them. You're talking about losing weight, losing weight. I'm on my weight. Wait a minute, you just announced that you were gonna lose like what yesterday? You lost all that weight and one day. Ye who what did you think I was? When I want to? You can't keep on with all these lives. I don't know what time, Tommy? What you down to? One ninety two boy? For your hya? Oh gosh, about six and one, nine and two? How much time you got, Tommy? I got to twenty four ft two pounds. I better not drink no water for your tape holding all that? Oh my god. All right, all right, nephew, thank you. Um up next, and it's today's Strawberry Letter. The subject I need him to go a little bit longer. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening stave Hart Show. All right, it's time for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. That way we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one today right now. Buggle up, put hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter, thanking if you subject I need him to go a little bit longer. Dear Stephen Shirley, My husband is a great provider, and what I love most about him is the way he loves the Lord. We dated for three years before we got married, and we've been married for two months. I love him dearly, but we have a problem in the bedroom. When we make love, it's usually a ten to fifteen minute session. We do the pregame stuff and it's wonderful. I hook him up and he hooks me up before we get started, but when it comes getting it on, he is done way too soon. I have a problem with him finishing too fast and not making sure I'm finished before him. I'm disappointed every time and usually have to finish myself off after he falls asleep. I can't live in this marriage without being satisfied, and I'm not a cheater. I don't want to make him feel bad by telling him that he's not lasting long enough in the bedroom, and I'm not pleased with him. I have a lot of tricks to show him, and I want to blow his mind each time like I used to when we first met. I am sure it's one of the things that really attracted him to me. I need your help on this one. Should I just be happy that his pregame activities are on point and get over the fact that he can't last over fifteen minutes. I want to give him subtle hints, but I don't know where to start. What is a normal time frame for sex? Because it could be that I'm asking for way too much. Steve, that last question was for you, please hell cool problem? As you directed to the two, I got some fight all right? No, no, To answer your question, there is not a time limit to making love. I mean it can go as for as much time as you like or for as little time as you want it. It's it's up to the both of you guys who are involved in in in this situation. You should be happy. UM, I'm glad you're happy with the four play or the pregame activities as you call it. Um, happy, you say, but not satisfied. Um. You know clearly there's a problem UM in the bedroom with you guys. You want more and he's giving you. I guess all he has or all he thinks that you want. Fifteen minutes. Okay, maybe that's all he has to give. UM. You know, maybe you guys should cut down on the pregame activities and and do more on the main attraction. Uh, you're getting you know, you're just getting started and he's finishing up after three years of dating. It seems like you guys would have worked this situation out while you were dating, because you don't talk. You don't say that you weren't satisfied. When you were dating. You said that you used to blow his mind. So what happened. You got married and now you guys are settling in. You're getting to know each other. You got bills, you realize that you're going to be together till death do us part, and you know, and all those things. So you guys have only been married for two months. You have to get settled in. You have to learn each other. You have to learn how to talk to each other. That means finding a way to tell him nicely that you would like him to slow down, take his time, that he's it's happening too fast. Okay, I almost said it, that it's happening too fast. That's what you need to talk to him about. All right. You guys are married for the long haul. You can talk to him. You can teach him. I did. You can teach him, all right, especially if you guys of each other and you say you do Steve, come on, you know, come on, I appreciate your answer. Shure, Yeah, you know, come on, talking on, this is gonna get out of what was really happy here. Pomeboy ain't cutting it. It's all to it. You know. It's a ten to fifteen minute session. Now, I need to ask you a question. It's this ten to fifteen minutes inclusive of the pre game. You know that's where you say you take care of him and he take kids. I don't think so that's we haven't done this. Now you want fifteen mot na. See, we got a couple things we need to talk about him now after all this him fifteen mote. I'm gonna be honest with you. He putting it in because it's fifteen minutes, a hard label intensified. I'm talking about back cracking. Yeah, yeah, I'm talking about your butt has locked up. What I'm talking about your tricepts. It's pulsing at a point and you damn nil damn Neil can't stay up. No, I uh, you've obviously spent. You need to count all these minutes or the pre game has to be counted, because you may be in a forty minute session in pre game. Yeah, you know all this is to you. Take care here, he take care of you. I don't know what they mean. I got a good idea of what I'm hoping it hoping it is not about yo old you want me up before we rest. I'm gonna you're not in this letter. I'm just saying we do the pre game stuff and this is wonderful. I hook him up in here. He booked me. Oh well, here, everybody hooked up. See we alls hooked up now? So what is we crying for? So let me go a couple of things. I'm gonna give you a suggestion as to what you do when we come back. I have a series of suggestions that you should try so we can get a better grip on this time. Y'all stay right here. I got the truth for you. All right. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. We'll get into it when we come back right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject. I need him to go a little bit longer. Yeah, I bet you do. See this woman say she got a husband, great provider. Love everything about him, especially the way he loves the lord. Dated for three years, got married, being married two months. You love him dearly, but we got a problem in the bed room. When we make love is usually of ten to fifteen minute session. Now we do all the pregame stuff and it's wonderful. I hook him up. He hooked me up before we get started. See all is hooking up before you get started. And now after that you say he finishing too fast and ain't making sure I'm finished before him. I'm disappointed every time, and I usually have to finish myself off after he fall asleep. I ain't living this man without being satisfied. I ain't gonna Cheatah, I don't want to make it feel bad about tell him he ain't lasting long enough in his bed room. I'm not pleased with him though. Now I got some tricks I want to show him. I want to blow his mind each time like I used to do. Who me first, I'm show that's one of the things that really attracted him to me. I need to help on this one. So should I be happy with the pregame activities because they are on point and get over the fact that he can't last over fifteen minutes. I want to give him some hints, but I don't want to know where to start. What's a normal time frame for sex? Surely said it ain't none, and it really am. But because I could that I'm asking for too much, Steve, that last question was for you, are you asking for too much? No, you ain't asking for too much, but you might be too damn much. Well, I don't know. I don't know what you're in that doing. Now that it would have had to be a little bit more explicit for me to tell, if you know, are you asking too much? But here's what I do know. We got a problem because now the group has said that the ten to fifteen minutes that y'all are actually in the act of love making on the what you consider I guess the final final moment is ten to fifteen minutes. The problem is is that you do the early stuff, the pre before you get hooked up and he get hooked up. Now I understand that, But now here's the problems you have. Number One, start on your own. Yes, go ahead, Yes, you start your own to wherever you need to be. Open up the chip bag, bus open the snacks, get busy, order his own. The next thing I want you to do is let him know when you close, yes, come on boy, And then he come on in. Yeah, baby, I'm good. Come out, Harry, Harry up, not Harry read down. See that way when he come in. Now whatever he got left is meaning for him. Can't hit the whistle again. But wait, that's her whistling down because you know she don't she that she working, She didn't worked that it's about to about to go down. Then, uh, get to set your clock up. When you get started, you hit the time. Then when he coming now it'll look like you went longer. Oh man, don't you him? And now now all this is your alternative if you don't want to do that, if you're tired of finishing off stuff with yourself and he finishing. Here's a couple of other suggestions. I'm gonna just say these real quick. You can take up painting. Go down there and sign up for a craft class. Go down there. I think he used the old school. Just some old school crafts. Let's mass traineeah Michaels, Yeah, you know, going then start collecting hot wheels and it just goes walk hours and hours and ours. You know, it's fine toys that people don't see no more. You know, make a train, you know what I mean. Put some stuff around your house, little trees, little station. Look, get some little dolls and stuff. It was just stuff you can do. Hey, go outside, do some yard work. Good out di shit, going outside and do some yard work. Or here's the other option, the third set. Have you ever thought, sweetie, that you just really really good? Huh? Has that crossed your man? Yeah? That girl? That what you putting on this boy right now? Ye can't no man take it cause you all that Dante Wilding people. Damn. Yeah, you just you just don't knockout blow all right, I'm not Yeah, Email us or instagram us your thoughts on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, or you can check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour and trending political news. President Trump said that Russia did not help him get elected, and the President also announced tariffs on Mexican imports to crack down on migrants. We'll get into that when we come back right after this. You're listening, all right, here we go. In a series of tweets yesterday, President Trump tweeted I had nothing to do with Russia helping me get elected. Take a listen, now, Russia did not help me get elected. You know who got me elected. You know who got me elected. I got me elected. Russia didn't help me at all. Russia, if anything, I think help the other side. What you want to ask is this, do you think the media helped Hillary Clinton get elected? She didn't make it. This was all about Russia. Russia, Russia. They don't talk about Russia anymore. I'm like, Marsha, Marsia, Marsha, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia is a mess, and really spend things. I tell you, It's just amazing how the Republican Party just it just acts like whatever whatever. Yeah, they know they know God will he lying. Yeah, but they've decided he's our guy. He's our power, he's our position, he's our money. But you know, Steve, you know how when you come on the show and you're in one of your crazy moods and you start saying crazy stuff and we're like, uh, you can't say that, don't do that. Okay, he doesn't have that. The president doesn't have that. Yeah, going to do You're not gonna draw a conclusion with me with no damn Donald Trump. I'm just saying it's same thing. He doesn't have a pull up power. Yeah you don't. Yeah, we wouldn't let you do that. We just wouldn't let you do if you gotta hell all fans, we protect you, Okay, all law I know. But he doesn't listen to anybody though at all, even if they told him, he wouldn't listen. You're right about that, girl. I'm sure he's been told and they're just like, just let him do it, all right. In other political news, the President tweeted that he will impose the five percent tariff on all goods coming into the US from Mexico, saying he wants to crack down on migrants and illegal immigrants. The president there is asking to meet with mister Trump today. That's President Lopez Aberdar obradoir nod listen, it matters. I don't know if the tariffs will work. Understand him trying to push for some tears to get something done. But if if you stop, if you stop food or trade from coming in out, you're going to worsen the ply to the members of the country and more than gonna try to come over. Yeah. So I don't understand how that's the answer. I'm not sure how that works yet. I don't know. Well, I don't. I don't get it. That's his solution. Anyway. Coming up at the top of the hour trending serious news, Louisiana's Democratic governor signs the abortion ban into law. We'll talk about it right after this. This is sad you're listening to show. Louisiana's Democratic governor John Bell Edwards signed a bill on abortion as early as six weeks of pregnancy on Thursday. This is a move that makes him squarely in line with the leaders of other conservative Southern states, while provoking anger from members of his own Democratic party. Those who oppose abortions are pushing new restrictions on the procedure and hopes that a case will make its way to the Supreme Court, and two new servative justices appointed by President Donald Trump could help overturn Rote versus Wade. And it looks like that's what they're going after anyway. That's let's tell you what they're doing. Let me tell you what they're doing in Hollywood. You know, Georgia is passing this law. Right, they're trying to get right the Avengers, Marvel, all the movie people have stopped and are canceling making them movies in Georgia, stopping the money. Huh. Yeah, that that's the movement that's going on out here right now. They're gonna shoot no movie now. That's I got that info today, and the word is going out and because Marvel has already said that's it, we're not going there to make movies anymore. Now. They get a lot of tax credits when they go to Georgia, but they're stopping that. Yeah. Now that's gonna hurt the economy, George, Georgia gonna reverse says, because when they see that money getting up out of there. Yeah, and that's a lot of people, the employees too, for the work you know, in the state as well. You're hurting a lot of people by pulling movie productions. And listen, man, because listen, you can't this clearly, and I don't understand. Okay, cool, let's look at them. They're trying to act like this is a moral issue. But I'm sorry, man, Yeah, you you can't be the people who are screaming morality at me when you allow immorl behavior to reside in politics the way it does. I'm sorry, man, it's immorl to let these children die at the border. It's immorral to separate a mother from her child. It's immorl man. It's to dye in school gun safety and with no gun. Hello hello, all of this is moral. So I think that this country has to look at that when you make all these claims about or you know, you know, just being in moral and everything, you gotta look at the whole thing. I'm sorry, man, these people are not in a position to tell me anything about morality when there is none on a repeated basis. Example, well said, ladies, how many black people have to die at the hands of some illegal use of force by a police officer before we do something about that. How many churches got to be walked into? How many synagogues have to be walked into and sprayed? How many children in school have to die? How many people in movie theaters? How many people in mals before we take care of the morality of this Second Amendment clause All but the moment you talk about a wan deciding to do something with her body, Now, all of a sudden you want to get moral. But I got news for you. It's the hypocritical party. Body, listen to me. Republicans and conservatives get abortions, yea all the time. These This is not the Democrats going to get abortions. This is everybody. A woman has to write to decide what her body is going to do and not do. Why men even voted? Why is these judges talking? Why Trump got something to say? Why it's this boy on CNN that's the Republican Uh? What is it that ran for president that couldn't win? Rick santorin here fighting for abortion to save the heartbeat moment? My man, But man, listen to me. You're backing a president. Wait a minute, hold up, moral, I didn't pay the strip off. I had a playboy, but in my wife house taking her over a tool? Or where my wife do her read in her house? Moral? Moral? Okay, yeah, all right, we'll have more of this to preach morality. I ain't listening coming up right after this, you're listening to the Morning show. In trending animal news, there was a tense moment at the Kansas City Zoo on Wednesday afternoon when guests heard the words code red announced by park officials. It turns out that an elephant i said an elephant had escaped its enclosure in the Africa exhibit by climbing slept to get your hands zo code red, orange, yellow, blue. That should be the name of it cold, get your hands out the zoo. Yeah, this elephant escaped by climbing a wall and gaining access to an area that it shouldn't have been in due officials say the animal never made it into a public into the public area, but guests were quickly ushered out of the park while the elephant was corralled and returned. Yeah, you know how many people out of trample don't corand into zoo? Coand zoo broke held loose, Broilda influ hold don't they're talking about that big as elephants outph wall. I know that's crazy. I'm not going back down to damn zoo. So they returned the elephant to its enclosure, and officials say the visitors were not in danger. They didn't. They asked him back. All right, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and Tray News coming up at thirty three after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show, all right, Junior, what you got NBA Finals. Let's hear it? What's what's happening? Can I get Can I get your grace in here? Are you looking for me? Yes? I just want to hit not the music, We all the law. That's it Toronto, Toronto to me exact Toronto. One man over Golden State, gay one last night over the Golden State Wars like we wa White Walker. Did y'all see Drake showed up and then Courage Toronto Raptor's jersey. Yeah, that's that dirty, That's that's classic. Daddn't play for us. That's dirty as hell Drake. But I didn't see him on the floor though Jila didn't see him. He's on the floor in the jersey. I love he was. You didn't see us. He had a Dale Curry jersey. Cliff Daddy played for love it. I love that. You know what man? I saw? I saw a clip where Draymond had some words. Yeah, yeah, spell but Draymond, you don't want none of that dark skinner again boy? Yeah, friends, Drake boys, they're friends for real. Well not if you win my daddy jersey and I'm a team that ain't really no not that but tame look and that at Drake. It's like You're just gonna win my daddy Jersey out of you. That's all about say time. Does this sway anybody's opinion about the final Do anybody want to change sides? Toronto? Oh? Oh dad, I'll say I would venture to say. I would love to say Toronto make a run of it. Uh huh, but oh hell stealing, stealing down, that's not happening. Thanking joe y'all, wish for thank you. I guess I just was asking anybody grace your grace if it goes up to old raptors, How would you feel that about the North I was I would feeling been tanking. I wouldn't feel a lot more hopeful. I would be honest with you, I would think, oh my god, they actually have a chance. All right, that's it in sports. We'll be back with our closing remarks in our last break of the day right after this. You're listening to all right, Steve, here we are, last break of the day, last break of the week. It's been a good week. Yeah, absolutely, yeah, a lot of things going down. A short week because Monday was the holiday, and Steve, time for you for closing remarks. Let's go you know what, um again, I like to use things that are happening to me in my life to encourage people that might be going through some of the same things in theirs. It's just a couple of piece of encouragements I got this week. So many people have reached out to me man given me love. It's far ways anything else that's going on in my life. I'm actually surrounded by a lot of love and prayers, and I'm actually actually really not even privy to a lot of the swirl that goes around me. Like I was saying the other day, God's peace keeps me in the center of the hurricane, and I do understand that there's a swirl going on out there, but it's none of my business. I can't stop the world, but I cannot participate in the swirld. And by not participating in it nor acknowledging it, it has it has no room with me. If you stay the center of the hurricane and the swirl is going around you, if you're gonna stay, if you don't step out into the swirld, you stay in the center. It's peaceful in the eye of hurricane. The problem is when you get caught up in this world a couple of people sent me something. I'm going to share a couple of them with you. You talk about people in your life that you need to kind of get rid of. Somebody sent this to me says, sometimes people have to be escorted out of the VIP section in your life, and you just have to put them in regular seats. Sometimes people have to be escorted out the VIP section of your life and you just have to put them in some regular seats. Sometimes we place too much importance on people, period, and we give so much people so much importance that they now have to say so they have authority, they got ruled, They get comfortable all of a sudden day in a position and they don't even really mean. There's no good so now here they are they in your life? You then gave them permission to sit in the VIP section, but you know, sometimes you need to escort them out. You say, you know what, you're no longer welcome in the VRP section. You could take a seat right over here. Those are the only seats that's available. I got the view ain't that good from over here, But those are the only seats that's available in my arena. As a matter of fact, security, Could you escort them out? Please? See what I don't do is but I can't stop some people. I just I let people sit up in the stands and say what they want to say, because they're not on my stage in my life. You're not on the same stage I'm on. So why do I allow your insults from in back of the room that I can't hardly nobody here but you and your little fourteen followers. So I've learned that that the credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with dust, blood, sweat, and tears, not to those cold and timid souls in the stands who know neither victory nor defeat. I lived like that, all right. Next thing I'm gonna share with you, I'm gonna share with you something about somebody told me about trusting in God. And this is what they sent me. And this is really nice, and it says I asked for strength, and God gave me difficulties to make me strong. I asked for wisdom, and God gave me problems to solve. I asked for prosperity, and God gave me brain and braun to work. I asked for courage, and God gave me danger to overcome. I asked for love and God gave me troubled people to help. I asked for favors and God gave me opportunities. I've received nothing I wanted. I received everything I needed. Trust in God. Do you know how rich those words were to me today that someone sent to me, Because what that says to me was Steve, you gotta trust the process, man, I don't care how it looks. What you're asking for. God is working on your behalf. Now. It might not look that good to some people. It might not even look that good to you. I would imagine those on the outside looking in this look kind of crazy. But you have no idea the what God is working. So when you ask God for strength and then God give you a bunch of difficulties, guess what to make you stronger? So you ask God for wisdom and God give you problems to solve. You asking for prosperity, God give you a brain and some braun to go to work. I ask for courage and God gave me danger to overcome. I ask for love, and God turn around and gave me troubled people to hell. What it is I asked for favors, and God turn around give me opportunities. I've received nothing I wanted, but I received everything I needed. You got to trust in God, man. You got to trust in the process, y'all. We are all in the middle of the process. We're being processed. God ain't through with none of us. God ain't through with you yet. Do you know if God was through with you that you wouldn't wake up in the morning. But as long as you're waking up, you got to put a smile on your face because I mean, He ain't through with us. Man. God is processing us. We all in the process. You got to trust the process that God knows what he's doing. I'm over here grinning because of that. Cool because guess what, I know. He's working on my behalf. You know why, because he processes me. You know why he processing me because He ain't through with me yet, ain't through with you. Those are my clothes. Remarked, y'all have a good weekend. I bet you out drop that Mary been drawn. Whoever said today, thank you for all Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.