NBA All-Star Weekend, Kim K, R. Kelly and more.

Published Feb 15, 2019, 3:00 PM

We are back from Valentine's Day and Steve shares his experience.  Junior then follows up with his special date.  Jussie has more developments in his case.  R. Kelly has new allegations that have surfaced.  Junior VS Steve.  Are You Smarter Than Junior?  Junior and Steve talk about NBA All-Star Weekend.  Is Trump adopting a dog for the White House?  21 Savage is facing deportation.  Kim K and Kenny G had a moment courtesy of Kanye.  Closing Remarks today are about Asking God, plus more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back I don't have a suit on looking back to back down, giving them move like theming buck bus things. And it's cost me true good it, Steve, listen to move to coether for steam bar handy, I don't join join me to be doing me. Have you gotta turn huring in the moment, you gotta turn to turn them out, got to turn out the water the water. Come come on your baby at it. I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, I got a radio show him just trying to give God some back, just some back of what even gave me, just a portion, you know. Just I'm just trying, man, to to show some type of gratitude for all his blessings. I'm just trying to, man, just just get it right sometimes, you know what I mean. I mean, man, you just can't do what you want to do and just live wrong all the time. Man, you got it at one point in time, Steve, come home. Man, come on, man, you could do better. I know you can, you know saying and you know what I had to do. I had to stop saying I'm gonna try to do better, and I just had to say, hey, man, I'm going to do better. You know, trying it's just to put forth and effin and if it don't work, well okay. But if you make up in your mind that I'm going to do something, then trying isn't enough. It's getting it done is the only thing that matters. Sin It's the difference between doing and trying. We're gonna try to win the game, or we're gonna go out here to win the game. Now, trying to win the game means that you could lose. But when you got in your mind made up, most athletes will tell you that they go out there with the full intent and purpose of winning and winning only see they don't put the second place finish on the cover Sports Illustrated. Second place don't get you there. You got to win. And now take it out of the scope of athletics, but keep it in that type of type of analogy in life. Man, you just want to You want to win in life, don't you. I mean, at the end of the day, don't you want to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated. The life don't you want to be recognized for your hard work. Don't you want, you know, to be recognized within the bonus structure down at your job. Don't you to have your plaque up on the wall down at your job. I mean most people do. Some people could care less. Some people don't care about looking good or being their best. And that's cool. But I ain't talking to them though. I'm talking to you. I'm talking to those of you who want to be the best you can be. You know, people kill me when they're getting mad at people there and he Brown knows and he hall up on an employee of the moment man, the dude doing his job to the best of his ability, and he getting recognized for it? What they got to do? It all that you're talking about because you ain't up there. There's an amazing man, how people describe other people's success. He's so lucky, lucky, Hey man, don't they kind of get you a little bit when people call you lucky When let me tell you what luck really is, y'all. Luck is when hard work bumps up into opportunity, When hard work runs smack dab up in the opportunity. Some people call that luck, but hold on, let's let's think about this. If you wasn't working hard, an opportunity presented itself, what would you call that? What you call that a missed opportunity? What you call that wrong place at the wrong time, or you missed out on that? But see when you've been working hard and the opportunity presents itself and it bumps up into each other. Now people want to call that luck. But hold up here, go to part though the day ain't paying no attention to. Yeah, that opportunity came by, But if you had not been working hard and the hard work had not ran up in the opportunity, what would you have. No, sir, it's not luck, it's work. It is work, because as a scripture that says faith without works is dead. Look, I know I use the same ones all the time, but them the ones I know. I mean what you want me to, You want me lie to, You want me to come on here and tell you man, I've been studying the Bible. I haven't. I haven't. I haven't, I haven't. But my mama was a Sunday school teacher. She taught me enough. Though now I know different between right and wrong, just like you do. You ain't gotta you know it, kuss me when people write a strawberry letter? Am I wrong for this? You know? Gooding? Well look at let's read your letter. Are you wrong for this? You know you're wrong? What you don't need that's to be, you know, But I'm gonna do this anyway. Well, e see, go ahead, though, do what you want to do. But you know what, y'all, here's the best advice I can give you. This is what I really came to talk about this morning, but I got sidetrack because I listen, you know what, get get out of your own way. So many of us are blocking our own blessings. Were just in our own way. We are in our own way. And one of the most dangerous ways you can get in your way is to do it your way, to get it figured your way, and to lock in on your way. And this the way it's got to go. Do you know how many people are blocking a blessing? Do you know how long I blocked mine? With that mindset right there? This is how I wanted to happen, This is how I wanted to go down. This the way I'm gonna go about it, And this what's gonna happen, lock loaded fire. So I was dead set on doing it my way. Have you ever talked to people man, Well, it's just the way I do it. Look, because it's the way you do it, You think that make it the right way? You think jazz because you'dn't thought on it long and hard, and that's what you really want. Do you really think that your way is the right way or could that be a better way? See? Until I started listening to God and started paying attention to his way, man, I was spending my wheels. Man, I was out here so determined this how I was gonna do it. But you know I had to learn how to get out of my own way because just because I could do it my way didn't mean it was the right way. I had to get out of my own way. Just get out your way, man, Now, what what does that mean? That means, see, set your goals, That means have your dreams. That I'm saying, set your goals, man, I ain't saying don't set goals. Listen to me. Set your goals. What is it you want to happen? What is it you'd like to have, What is it you'd like to be? What do you aspire to set your goals and set your dreams. Now take your goals and your dreams to God and ask God to show you how. Man, you can save yourself a lot of pain. Listen to somebody who did it his way for so long. And when I finally got out of my way, out of my own way. When you've heard old people say, let go and let God, you've heard him say that I didn't. I didn't get it, but I got it. Now let go and let God. And it's amazing little saying. Though now you know you may not get it now. It took me a bunch of years to get it too. But when I took my goals and my dreams and my vision to God, and I said, God, this is what I hope for, this is what I aspired to, This is what I want to be, This is why I would love to get to. Then I said, help me show me how. Point me in the right direction, Let me follow your footsteps, guide me and give me a spirit of discernment. Show me who wrong? Because I meet people every day. Ain't up to no good with me? Every single day? Oh man, man, I can't believe I run up into you. Man, the Lord told me something's gonna happen to me today. Well, see, I talked to him every day. He did not mention you to me. He ain't said nothing to me. He didn't tell me what was gonna happen in mind. Now, I don't mean it can't happen because I'm open to it. But it amazes me when people come up to me. Man, the Lord wanted me to tell you this. Hold on, man, I talk to him every day, every day, some days more than others. I ain't perfect. I missed sometimes, but I'm on a daily basis talking to him. So really, man, I'm and and please know I'm listening it as well as I've ever listened before. But but get yourself together, though, see no your goals in your dream and then let God show you how to do it. He'll do it. You know. It's so important everybody, that you get focused, that you aim for something, that you dream of, something, that you aspire to something. But it's the most the best thing you can do. After you do all that, Man, get God involved in it. Man, talk to him. I mean, why would you not what you got to lose. You ain't got to go down there and make no big scene and run laps around the church and run up there and throw yourself on the altar and scream and flip over and throw money in the air. You ain't got to do that. This you and God, man, This you and God. You know you got to serve and praise him the way you do it. You gotta let anybody else tell you high's done. It's a personal relationship. People kill me if you don't do it this way, if you don't come here to this church and you don't run around in this circle, and you don't get flipped in and you don't, Hey, man, you better go have a relationship with God. See what that's about. You understand? Nobody throw you off with all that? All right, all right, y'all talk to him. He loved to hear from you. Today. You're listening to show ladies and gentlemen, Steve Harvey Morning shows on Alive, Open and Well. Good morning, Shirley, Good morning, Steve, Welcome back, HALLI for Rell, Happy Friday Day and Junior. The best mentor in the business is Morning Up, Alive and Well. I want to thank y'all for letting me to take off yesterday. How I'm Valentine. I had to because you know, I work all the time, so I had to give him a girl some time. We had a wonderful time. Man, what you do because you know, we always like to hear the stories. Nobody does it like you, Steve. I probably can't tell y'all the name of the restaurant. I don't want nobody going down there messing it up. Okay, I'm not, y'all. But I called a restaurant that was one of our favorites and we hadn't been in a long long time, and so I called down and made some arrangements to get a private room with a separate interest interests, and so had it set it up with all flowers and candles and everything. And I had a table side uh waiter somalia because my wife loves wine, and a table side chelf. And he made us about fourteen to sixteen different dishes, you know, just small bites, you know, small sides. Marjorie can order some food. I know, with Marjorie, we don't even look at the menu. We just let Marjorie order everything and the wine and every really married to a big girl, Yeah I am think so, yeah I am for real. But now she don't eat everything she ordered. But she gonna order though, yeah, like like yeah, but you know if she if she ate it, yeah, i'd be married to me girl, and and and I and I love her the same, you know. You know that's right. Just be a lot most that much food on the table. Well mean you know they come take it off, you know every time, you know, if they just bringing the dish out of time. And so it was a private well its coloring table, side chelf and private area. It's just real nice just me and because it's very nice to sit and have dinner with service and not have to worry about talking to nobody else, just her. So we had a really really nice time, you know. All right, So I appreciate you'all understand that. And I also just want to say this. I appreciate everybody's love and support all y'all that mattered to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. That's because we love you, boy, We love you. We love you. That's right. So you got big plans for this weekend? Not yeah? Family? Yeah your stars today. Yeah. As soon as I get off day, I gotta go to work. Yeah wow. Yeah, our animal weekend is off, so it don't stop it's just a weekends off is over. I'm going back full times. What was that noise work? That's it? Well, you know, I want to know how your Valentine's was, Junior, because you're you're the single one in the cruise of we come back. Yeah, we're gonna find out how Junior's Valentine's Day was. We'll be back at thirty two after the hour right after this you're listening to show, all right, Junior, we want to hear how your your Valentine's Day was. We know Steve always sets it out really beautifully for Marjorie every Valentine's Day. But yeah, yeah, but how was yours? Junior? Well know what they wasn't like us. You know I had that private room and everything. Now we was in there with everybody. You know, we was at regular restaurant. We went down to the space called Smitty's. Uh, you know that's what she liked. So you know it's like a pool hall. You know, they got pool in the back, got wings over here, but everything ever packed. But that's what she liked to do. She's had to play pools. I wanted that shot some pool. She won every game. You know, they didn't really know, love like that. Oh you don't even know her. I come at it down here, La, you know, real cool chick, you know, but she a pool Shaw so you know this is the spot they Smitty. She said, come on, we're going to Smitty. I just put on a suit, you know. Now, yeah I'm in I'm in a suit at Smitty's pool hall, getting whooped. I'm talking about this ain't even fun tone the pocket, fick move move, it's nine balls, sad fucking fie. I said, this stuff taking all the fun out this day. And she came by Shirley and grabbed my behind. I didn't like the way that failed when yeah just just hugged me at okay, So did you get us Awa? Yeah? Uh, well when you went to pick her up and everything, did you take her fly? She picked me up really agress, really different time date. I didn't know what kind of car does she have, Junior? Oh she has a what sense uh what they call a thing that like they call it tesla tesla thing. Yeah yeah, yeah, but but I'm just saying, you know, just way she's aggressive. I've never dated aggressive woman on Valentine Day and this how did go? You know, like I wasn't even ready to kiss you ever got pulled in. I wasn't even ready two kiss. But it wasn't romantic. Are you saying it wasn't romantic? It was very exciting. I was exciting, but but you know, like when I got dropped off, I just didn't feel right about that. What do you mean? Well, the way she let me out, She's like, you're gonna get out now. I was like, that's it. You ain't coming in? Nah? What fuck? Ain't you gotta be the work in the morning. I was like, okay, all right, all right, thank you so much, Cheryl l Yeah, okay, not underwood, Okay, nice though, I really enjoy it. Thank you so much for the pool lesson. How'd you meet this aggressive woman? Man? I met her? I met her. I met her over here at one of the restaurants of the Balls and everything. Can't tell you something, sure, yes, I can't tell you something. The kids. I didn't really like it. Why I thought you liked all that? You No? No, she kids like a pool stick. It's straight, straight, straight, tongue just hard, just like just shot in the back of my mouth like faid colder pocket sh But what does she have on does she have like a sec she red corner pocket right there in the back hute poked out the back of my cheeks. Well, Junior did. How was she dressed and she having like a sexy red Oh yeah, she wore all black heels and everything. Okay, you know, I just didn't know she take you fast like that? Oh okay, you know she wanted them to type. I don't think we're gonna be going out again. Well that's not It doesn't sound like you have much decision making. Well she might, she called, I might have to go, but I don't really want so that's all I feel. I don't think kids though, the kids? Yeah, what was corfuck? That was in back of my mouth? That fast? Wow, Carla, I knew you had a good one. Oh yeah. My husband gave me these beautiful, beautiful roses flowers from Beautiful and then we went to dinner and then you know, it was a nice Valentine's night, thank you. Yeah, mine was really good too. I I enjoyed myself. I had had a great Valentine's Now it was kind of low key, we kind of like Netflix and chilled kind of night. Yeah, yeah, but I like that. I enjoyed that very much with the flowers and everything. You know. Um, of course we ordered dinner. I didn't think I had to say that. Yeah, yeah, of course, Yeah, I don't need a reckon of perfectly five whatever. Start experimenting down here, digging out this cropt, trying to figure out what is all this stuff that stuffed together hanging in neft. Though. It was good, though, we had a great time. I was happy. Yeah, yeah, nice Valentine's Yeah, very nice. Yeah, I'm a little tired. All yeah, let's corner, Junior, rack them up. All right, Well, Junior, I'm just saying I'm happy. You know, you're going out on dates since you know what. I'm happy about that. Yeah, you know, you to see what happens, you know. Yeah, Well, you gotta bring her around so we can meet her for y'all. I know, y'all. What y'all y'all got them? Question Johns you're our little brother now, Yeah, y'all question Johnsyby having What does she do for a living? Yeah? I don't even really know, but I know whatever it is, it's aggressive and it might involve pool. It might have pooled. Is she taller than you? Yes? Oh heels? Yeah, okay, but she nice though. Oh that's good. She's just a little aggressive. I like that. Well, what did y'all eat? Yes, Smies, waynes fry, Smitty's special sauce, whatever that was. It sounds like it was hot. Yeah, yes, but she would she wouldn't even bother it was me needed to walk. That's type of one. I have cocktails. I couldn't focus on having drinks with her. Too many other people that I wouldn't familiar with. I don't know. I know gangster is what I see him. I don't need to be drinking while I'm in him. She was comfortable, No, just pudo. Yeah, I'm overdressed as it is, right, But you are playing a nice, quiet, romantic dinner. Yeah yeah, but you know, well maybe you can play the next the next day, Yeah yeah maybe. Well this is good, but we have to meet her though. If it starts getting serious, I know, bring it to the fan. Yeah, we have to meet her. H definitely, all right, Carla, how you fitting color? I'm probably gonna need another cup of cars hanging there? Girl hanging to sit up straight? All right? Guys, coming up next, Junior, you're in for Tommy this morning. Tommy's out We're gonna run that prank back right after this you're listening to. Coming up at the top of the hour, we have some entertainment news Jesse small Let in the News opening up about his attack, plus Miss Annazon Deck with our national news for this morning. Right now, the nephew is out, Junior is in with today's run that prank back. What you got, Junior. Valentine's Day Delivery, Oh you just like to now Salentine's Day Delivery running cat. Hello, Hello, my name is Eric. I gotta hear you guys a call. I gotta delivery. I gotta make there tomorrow for Valentine's for who Kendra? Kendra? Yeah, Kendra lives here, that's my wife. But I didn't order. I didn't order anything for her from from for her from Valentine's Day. I'm supposed to be there between seven and seven thirty, you guys, the first on my list tomorrow morning for Valentine And I got like seven eight boxes here. That's uh, that's coming to you. All's play So all right, I can let me, let me, let me ask you this are you at six West Don Is that you? Yeah? That's me. But again, there's there must be some clerical error typo because, like I just told you, man, I didn't boxes in Canada. It's about seven boxes. But I mean, I mean, let's just looking at the total here, that adds up about six hundreds something, not dollars. I mean, I got flowers, no partner. We're just gonna I'm just gonna take her to dinner and we're just gonna do our thing. But there was there was. There was no delivery schedule from me. No, especially not it at seven o'clock. No partner, you got it. There's something wrong. Well you are you you're not gonna be there? Are You're not gonna be there tomorrow morning? Sir? Oh yeah, I'm I'm gonna be here. But as far as accepting a delivery that I didn't order and didn't pay for, that's not happening. Man. Well let me tell you this. I got flowers, two boxes that are lingerie, several boxes that are sex Choice, all that stuff. I have all that stuff loaded to be the liver tomorrow at seven am. And oh, dude, obviously there's a communication breakdown between you and me, player because I didn't order that, and right, but I have the But what the problem I'm having is that you're telling me I'll have the right address. You know the name of the person Kendred, which is your wife. Right, yeah, yeah, so far so good man. But as far as me ordering that, dude, I'm not. I'm not. I'm not accepting it because I didn't pay for it. I did not mean. I mean, it's already it's already paid. Let me let me just look at the name here on the h here it is here is right here. Okay, we got Devin. Who would you to say, I've said, Devin, that's that's who made the purchase. Oh no, no, no, no, okay, that's my wife's ex husband. So eithern you and him or in cahoots with each other to do this and and try to upset me. But guess what you succeeded. All right, So I'm gonna make this as I listen to you, so you listen to me. This is what I want to make abundantly clear to you. I understand you have a job to do, but if you bring those roses and all of that stuff past my house tomorrow, this is what's gonna happen. Those roses, those storms, I'm gonna put them somewhere so far up your rear end that the only way that they see sunshine is when you open your mouth. So do not, I repeat, do not. You and Devin, y'all can take this and you can do whatever y'all want with it. Y'all can play with the sex toys, y'all do whatever you want to, red roses, tuttles and all that other stuff. Y'all gonna do what you need to do. Not show up at my trib tomorrow because it ain't gonna be a happy Valentine's Day for nobody involved. That's what I'm okay. But here's the deal. As a deliberate person, I am obligated to make the drive. I have to make this job or then I don't get it. You know, I get chewed out that I didn't do my job, because that's something, okay, So what would what would you rather be chewed out or half towards up your rear end? Since you let's hold down. Let's slow down here. What you gonna do is holes you bring? Okay, all right, I won't do the flowers. I'll use the sex toys for you. So you got a choice. Music got flowers? You you? Let's let me let me say this flowers as professional as possible. You I'm trying to be as cool as possible, but you ain't listening to me. Do not bring them? Do every Okay, you can drop them off at the curve, then you get credit for and whoever walked past and up and down the street, they can pick it up. But do not come to my front door and ring my doorbell asking me to sign and accept nothing. And it ain't have to drop them off at the door, sir, dude, I'm telling you now, I gotta drop him off at the door. The problem I'm having is you telling me you're gonna stick some flowers up like now we got a problem. Just listening to this whole scenario, I'm just curious. Is it possible that maybe Devin does something for her that you don't do? Hey? Man, you what? What's where are you going at? Was this all I'm telling you is demanding your business and don't make this drop? Why am I doing that? Devin? I'm sure I'm just that. Why am I don't do this stuff that Devin has purchased for her? And why you need to ask Devin? Because Steven show his faith up over here you can take it home and give it to your girl if you want to. I'm not giving my girl or anything that I didn't buy far. I'm not doing that you think. So if you if you're not gonna get your girl or anything that you didn't buy far, why am I going to accept something for my girl that I didn't buy far? I ain't A'm telling you that you gotta accept this at all. I'm saying, how do you have to make relate if you bring my hounds? I got accepted, and I'm telling you now, don't he bread to my house? Maybe maybe mister Devin know what she looks. She looks like obviously she him no more. She most of the flower delivery person, just like he heard that husbin. I'm whooping. That's all I got to say. Two words. But you're bringing some whooping, so you might as well come on now so you can go home after you get this whooping. Okay, okay, okay, let me let me say this. At the end of the day, I'm gonna say this is Tommy already told me she's gonna do something like this. He told me that who do you say? Who the hell of me already told me you was gonna act like, who the hell is timmy nephew tim Me, Isaiah, this is nephew timm me for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And guess what, Isaiah, your girl Kendrell got me to prank phone call you. You know what, you Kendre Devin. All of y'all can show up tomorrow and all of y'all gonna get portions of this Valentine to day. You gotta give brother chance to cool down, not man. I to my sweet one and only kindred with all that is in me. I love you, baby girl to death do us part, and it almost came early, but I love you. Huh what Valentine delivered? That is yeah? Okay, yeah, yeah, that that's what you got to do your half Valentine. They delivered. Am I the greatest? N Yeah nobody, You're the King, Thank you? I love you. Ain't here. Valentine's Day must have been a bit much for him, all right, Uh channing a little Kaleen, Yeah he is, He's in Kaleen all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment news, Jesse Smalllett opens up about his attack two weeks ago and the NAACP image award nominations are here. We'll get into it right after this you're listening to show. Jesse Smallette opened up to GMA's Robert Roberts and told his story about his alleged racist and homophobic attack, which occurred in Chicago a couple of weeks ago. Small Lett gave a very detailed description of what happened. He also answered a lot of the questions that critics and doubters have had about his story. Smalllette says is disappointing that his attack wasn't captured on video. Take a listen. I went down to where it happened and I walked them through exactly what happened. And I looked up that I saw that there was a camera directly on the light post that is in the intersection, so I'm like, there it is. And then the deta to told me that the camera inside of the casing was facing north, so they didn't have it, and that was disappointing. Yeah. Jesse also said that he gave police a description of their body type and believes that the guy who said one hundred percent that the two men and the surveillance photo released by police are the attackers. Now, according to Yeah, he said that. Now he was that that's them, he said that. Now. According to TMZ, the Chicago police raided the home of the persons of interest and seized two laptops, five bottles of bleach, a red hat. Both of the men were reported to be extras on the set of Empire. Also yeah, also, multiple sources have told Chicago ABC seven Eye Witnessed News that police are investigating whether Jesse Smalette and the two men staged the attack. Now, that was the latest thing that came out, allegedly because Smallette was being written out of Empire. However, a Chicago police spokesman by the name of Anthony Googliemi says that there's no evidence to support that report from ABC seven I witness News in Chicago. I can tell you right now that really I don't only know how that would make sense. Yeah, that somebody with stage getting jumped on to save your role on a show, right because you thought you were getting written out. Yeah, but how does that make any sense? And he's such a prominent character, it just doesn't make me live. Yeah. But but Fox exex came out and said that's definitely not the case. They weren't planning on firing him or anything. Yeah, he's a core part of that show. Yeah he is. He is a major story liner. Yeah on the shows. Yeah, yeah, this case. Yeah yeah. And we'll keep you posted, of course as the news comes to us. Yeah. The nominees were the NAACP Image Awards were announced and Regina King, Chadwick Boseman, Jessie Smallett and It's a Ray are just a few of those up for recognition. And congratulate to our very own guests, who Steve Harvey. Okay, dude, you were nominated for Outstanding Game Show Host for Family Feud, which you start today. Congratulations on that. You didn't know, You didn't know, because this sounds like surprise. Yeah, I didn't know. They don't content you. Wow, you've been working that hard getting the hands up. No, maybe I should fire some people whatever. That shocked. Yeah, I'm in I'm in the news in the damn way. Well be forsothe we congratulations Steve, Outstanding Game Show Host for Family Feud. The Image Award celebrates excellence by people of color and movies, TV, music, and literature. The fiftieth Annual NAACP Awards as on March thirtieth on TV one. Congratulations again. Now it is time Steve for today's headlines. Ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Shrip, thank you very much, Steve. Thanks everybody out there. Good morning, This is a trip with the news. Yes, it is now both the as Senate and the House of Representatives now that they have both ratified the new border wall compromise agreement. The President is expected to sign the measure into law later on today and stave off another government's shut down then, though, in order to get over the full amount that he wants for his campaign promised boarder wall. At ten o'clock this morning, President Trump is reportedly going to declare a national emergency so that he can simply take money already earmarked for other things like renovating the Army's Camp Le June stuff like that, and use that money. Democrats say, however, that using a declaration of national emergency just to get some money test the limits of the presidential's authority and how Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she might fill a legal challenge President that the President is setting here is something that should be met with great unease and dismay by the Republicans. And of course we will respond according when we review our options. And paulas Pelosi says that the president, if he does declare a national emergency just to use government as a piggy bank, that that would set a dangerous president, as you said, for the future of other commander in chiefs who could do something like that. Also, William Barr has been confirmed as a nation's new attorney general. Barr held the same position in the administration of hw Bush. Colin Kaepernick fans rejoice. That's because the Colorado Spring Sports store that stopped selling Nike products just because of the campaign they had featuring the Gifted, a quarterback who's still unemployed. Well, anyway, that company is now out of business. Kaepernick melt in the national anthem, you know, call attention to the police murders of unarmed black people, and the owner of Primetime Sports didn't like the fact that Kaepernick was being featured and that Kaepernick's T shirts were flying off the shells. Everybody was buying him. So what he did he got rid of his entire Nike inventory and now he's out of business. A website reporting that Bravo TV network listen to this has just given the green light for a new reality show featuring legendary model and restaurate tour b Smith, her husband Dan Gasby, and his mistress Alex Lerner, who've been talking about this story on the show. Mto says that the show is going to be focusing on the quote fabulous life of Alex and Dan and how they lovingly care for Barbara while spitting their time between Barbara's homes in New York City and the Hampton's. Barbara Smith was a millionaire, a top Black model, a restaurateur, and TV personality with her own line of home furnishings. However, ten years ago she was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's disease. Sad News, music and polder Michelle Legrand has died at age eighty six. Y Oscar winner wrote music for a number of movies like The Summer of forty two and Brian's Song starring Billy d williamsment James con Remember this it's a sad movie. I cried my eyes out. Well, let's not cry. Finally, today is give Some Love Day and I sam in love. You just believe on in love the uz you best believe. Get back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Everybody, and good morning. You're listening to the String Show. All right, here we go again with these R. Kelly videotapes and stuff man. Their new allegations now against R Kelly. Investigators are looking to a newly surfaced video featuring R. Kelly and a young girl v A VHS tape was submitted by a whistle blower who was being represented by Michael Abanati. Michael Abanatti is the same lawyer who represented Stormy Daniels in that case. Abanatti claims that his client can id both Kelly and the girl in the video, who are seen performing multiple sex acts. They are also some disturbing references to the girl's age and their dynamic, including referring to her private parts as fourteen years old and her calling R. Kelly Daddy multiple times. The man in the video also apparently has a mole on his spine, consistent with one of the singers marks. Apparently, the whistle blower has known Our Kelly for decades and has met the girl a few times. The singer's lawyer says they are unaware of any new evidence against Kelly. Avanadi as I mentioned as the same attorney who represented Stormy Daniels last year, if you would call back. In two thousand and two, R. Kelly was arrested for child pornography for a very similar video and wound up being acquitted six years later. One issue back then was that no one could prove whether it was our Kelly on the tape. Jesus, Yeah, he does, he really does. Does Anybody? Is anybody saying how old this tape is, how recent it is, or they're saying VHS tape was submitted so you can it's back then it Yeah, yeah, but when the tape when it happened, she was fourteen years old. Yeah. See, I think I don't. I don't know how law works in these cases right here. I don't know if there's a statue of limitations. It's just you know, it's just repeatedly. Yeah, he needs to be stopped the same thing though. Man, it's not it's not good. It's it's not good in any way. It's just not good. No, no, no, I mean, it's not even a lot you can say about this. And I mean, you know, until I saw this special on it though, the series that they did, I didn't I didn't know it was at that magnitude. I didn't know. You know, I heard it, but I didn't know. Yeah, you know, I didn't go to court read documents on it. I just didn't know. And you weren't alone. A lot of people said the same thing. Yeah, yeah, this is awful, This is really sickening. Yeah, all right, we're gonna move on hopefully. Um, you know this situation will be handled. Okay, coming up at thirty four after the hour, Junior and Steve are gonna play are you Smarter than Junior? But yeah, you guys are gonna play are you Smarter than Junior? So get ready, okay, the movie. Okay, well you're just get we get in the mood. You get in the mood, all right, I am right after this you're listening to all right, Steve? Uh since his coming up basketball season, the All Star Game is coming up in all of that, you know, yeah, this weekend art. Yeah, and since Junior you know, so so knowledgeable about sports and everything, and you are too. Of course, we thought we'd play a game of are you smarter than Junior? All right, so we're gonna ask the questions and were trying to see who I asked the first. Yeah, yeah, come on game show host. Come yeah, nominated? I'm don't you know your sports? Here? Let's go all right? Here we go? Are you smarter than Junior Steve number one? Which NBA team is the first major league team to be named after an insect? Charlotte Hornets? Okay, Which former bad boy of the NBA had a brief relationship. Yeah, I mean, what is Doctor Jay's real name? What is Carmelo Anthony's wife's name? What is the regulated height of an NBA goal? What is the foul called when a player touches the ball on its way to the goal? Goaltending King James is a nickname Lebron James. Which which NBA legend's real name is lou Alinder. Which Orlando Magic player had a seven year contract for forty two million dollars? How many points? How many points is a free throw word to one? What NBA legend was nicknamed the Black Mambat? Which rapper, actor, and producer is the creator of the Big Three Bastball League. Yeah, all right, that was good. That was really good. Man. You got me a lot, You got me on. Now, well you chopped me down like I did too. I know, I knew I was wrong. Now, I didn't wouldn't read it. I don't just gonna say field goal, you don't try to jump it? Yeah, I didn't do. You jumped one a moment, bad Boy, you got me. That was fun though. That was way different, wasn't it. It was? Yeah, yeah, that was that was engaged. He'd been uh, well, hold on, U well you know a right, here we go. Which NBA team is the first major league team to be named after an insect? That was a tie? Charlotte Hornets is the answer? Which former bad Boy if the NBA had a brief relationship with pop star Madonna, Dennis Rodman is the answer. Kire got that one right. What is doctor Jay's real name? That was a tie? Julius Irving? What is Carmelo Anthony's wife's name? That's a tie? La La? And okay, y'all trying to call that? What is the regulated height of an NBA goal ten feet? Steve? You got that? What is a file called when a player touches the ball on this way to the goal called goaltending? Steve got that one. This is when we thought Junior fell off right here, Carla file something like call it a foul? You hit a player. King James is a nickname of which NBA player Lebron James. Steve got that which NBA which NBA legend's real name is Leu Alsinder. That was a tie. Kareem abdul Jabbar, which Orlando Magic player had a seven year contract for forty two million dollars. Junior got that one right. It was Shaquille O'Neill. How many points he is a free throw worth? Uh? Junior got? I mean, Steve got this one right to Ji said too, But Steve got it right with one point which what NBA legend was nicknamed the Black Mamba Kobe Bryant. Junior got that right. Number twelve. The last one, which rapper, actor and producer is the creator of Big Three Basketball League. That is ice Cube, also known as O'shay Jackson. Steve Harvey got that one right. That was good, guy, Yeah, that was really good. That wasn't fun. Yeah, So the score is, uh, you tied for four, Kier got three, Harvey got five? Whoa yeah? Why Steve? Yeah, old man coming through, baby right, old man coming through. But Junior you shut down though on well, you know you said it was a hYP question him one time ain't gonna do that because they ain't. That's a dump man, that's somebody. Yeah you might have, but it was a little spring ball. All right. Next, actually backwards, Junior is in for the nephew with the prank phone call for today. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today. Subjects Can a cheater ever change? Can a cheater ever change? That is the subject. Right now it is Junior in for the nephew with today's prank phone call. Junior, what you got? I ain't ready for this today? Are you killing me? Tommy? Is sleep? Its security? Go once again? Sleep? It's a kid it god, rut it kit security booth man? Help you? Hey, uh this circuit I can barely heat. Is this Is this a security booth down by by the gate? Yes, sir, this security booth. Yeah, let's some man. It's some people next dough to me. They they keep I'm hearing a bunch of scuffling and stuff going on. But I ain't, you know, I ain't really show what's happening. I know, I know, I'm hearing this lady scream or something. Man, But I I just okay, so you can give us the unit number that you're in. We could have somebody come right over there and check that out. Hello, sir, sir um Hello, yeah, sure, okay, yeah, I uh, I gotta I gotta sleeping disorder, man, So I'm okay, honest, people next dough to me? Man, they was, I mean, they were sitting there. I heard this lady screen and I just didn't. I ain't want nobody to, you know, start shooting or nothing, because I know they was arguing pretty pretty heavily then I heard it. I know they must have been fighting because I heard something. I understand, Sir, sirry, what what unit are you in? Hello, sir, are you there? Hello? Hello? Hello, Yes, I'm here. Are you okay? You do you're security guy? Right? Yes, sir you called us about ten minutes ago and we've been trying to find out what unit you're in. Well, yeah, man, the people up here, man, they are, and I'll be I'm hearing more people over that night and they've they're fighting. Man. I know I'm here too. Is God be too mean? And they're fighting This lady over sir. I hate to interrupt you, but tell me the unit. The unit, sir. He some kids over that to sir. We need to know the unit so that we can come out and investigate. Hello, Hello, sir, Hello, Hello, hello sir. Huh hey, hey, look I cannot do this all day. I am trying to work. I cannot be around with you on the phone. Could you please give me your unit number? Shut argument? Man? I know you. Yes, you have said that they don't argument. I heard you when you said that they will argument sir. If you just give me that unit number that either you're in or the union number you hear the no it's coming from, we could have somebody to come over there and check that out immediately. So what the union number are you in? Again? Sir? Do you do you do? You? Do? You hear them? Argums? See let me put I only hear you snor. I need the unit number. Let me see. Listen, I'm gonna put the phone up. Do you hear yes, sir, but I don't hear the unit number. I need the unit number. Without the unit number, we're just having a conversation. Hello, hello, Hello, Hello, sure are you there? Yoh yeah? Oh ay man? You checked on the people. No, sir, we have not checked on the people because we have not been able to get the unit number from you. Sir, dude, this fall Please every time you get here to stuff fall, please come hell, you got to hear it. Keep falling off? Hey man, Come dude, this guy following a sleep on the phone. I think it's unit out of him to keep falling asleep. Hello, sir, Love, Sir, sir, Hey man, I don't know what unit he's in. Keeps falling asleep every time I asked you something. If he falls asleep. He keeps telling me that over that fight, but I don't then he won't tell me to you. I don't, sorry, I don't know to you. What's the would you wake him? Sleep? Hey? I got a guy on the phone that he says if they get here, some screaming over his highest unit, but keeps falling asleep. I don't can't get him on, get him to tell me what the unit number? Hey, dude, come in listen to this. Listen. Hello, I'm gonna need you to wake up, sir, SIRR Could you please give me the unity? I gotta ask you something. How come y'all all y'all. Do just sit on y'all to watch cars come in and out that door instead of helping people that need help, like you want the number. You shut your housing at me. You didn't do your damn job. You read a cop. I'm a read a cop. I'm a rend the cop fall asleep. But just give me the you don't number? Please, I give you the number, new yo, the number? You ready for the n the number? Are you? Are you listening to me? Yes? Listening to you, sir. Death is a few timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got crank by your co worker, y'all crazy, y'all. This is not funny, man, This is not funny. Y'all got me out here walking around this complex looking for people's hollering and screaming, and you're sleeping every thirty five. Put it okay, Let me let me ask you something, man, what is what is the baddest radio show in the land? Show Junior? Did I get him the greatest? Come on? But hey, hey, you're the best I've ever seen that. Say it again? You you the best I've ever seen? That? Is it? Any way you can put some more owing, man, Let me try You're the best I ever seen. Come on, Oh, you're the king of pranks. Baby. See see what I did? Was I called a security guard. That's what you did. Ben told me he was sleeping. Yeah, let's leave it. Security guard. That's how I got it. Let's called the prank. Yeah, that's how I got the prank right there. Everybody don't do that though, true. See, everybody don't do what I do. See what I'm saying, that's how I do. Because I'm the great ever done it. I need to give you my problem. I don't hear nobody saying Rick smiling, can't do what I'm doing. The other boy. I can't do what I'm doing the other boy. Everybody know who you boy? The other boy? That boy. Come on, now, I'm the great that did. Y'all pick me. I'm gonna have to go ahead and do it right here. I just shut you're killing me this weekend. Yeah here I am. Yeah, all after twice, it's funny tonight. And to Mars also that then in the cut in the cut, yea, uhh yeah, stupid, it's coming to town. I just tie yeah, come around once again. Come on, y'all, y'all, y'all, y'all stop this. Let's not even going all right, thank you? That is not a competition? Will you home like it is? No? Surely my comedy career staying on his own. This that's true time trying to get his damn he's doing a good job. Yeah boy, funny, he's selling down. He's doing good. You just don't even watching for what I'm gonna do. All right, look, we gotta go. We gotta get to this letter. Thank you, Thank you, Junior in for the nephew. Up next, it is the Strawberry Letters. Subject can a cheater ever change? Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. It is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice I'm talking about on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We are here to help you. That's what we do. Okay, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right now. All right, we're ready, all right, what's that time? She is my free and strawberry shirty shibby shirty. Strawberry was his strawberry left. Did you say strawberry Shirley, Yeah, well you know who. It's just funny. I'm good, I'm good, I'm good. All right, subject can of cheater ever change? Here's Stephen Shirley. I've been in a relationship for nineteen years, but we are not married. I stayed in this relationship because I do really love my guy, and we have five kids together. Since day one, he has cheated on me, and I was young, so I let him get away with it and hopes that he would get it out of his system. While things got worse over the years, and now he has four outside kids with four other women. His family knew about the other children, but nobody ever told me about them until recently. He swears he has stopped the cheating, but he is still up to his childish games. And I heard he took another woman to his mom's around his family over the holidays. When I asked him about it, he told me that I don't have the right to question him about what he does when he's not with me. Wow. Then he blames his behavior on my wrong doings. Over the years. He found out that in the past I would talk to other guys on the phone whenever he and I were going through a bad spell. But I never cheated on him. He says that I'm not a cheater. He knows that I'm not a cheater, but he likes to throw that up in my face. I still want to marry this man so our children can have both of their parents in the home. I don't want to be with anyone else, and I have nothing left to give anyone new. Whenever I mention leaving him, he acts up and goes crazy, but he doesn't do anything to show me that he cares. Steve, this man is thirty seven years old now, so do you think he will ever change and get it together. I am willing to accept his other children and make it all work. Am I being foolish? I need your honest advice? Wow? The disrespect that is in this letter. I mean, you know, there's just you know, a couple of ways to look at this. One of the ways is the way you want things to be, you know, the way you imagine things to be. But this is not the relationship you're in. The relationship you're in is how things really are. You've been with a man for nineteen years, You're not married to this man. This man is cheated on you for nineteen years. You have four outside children this man does with four other women that you know about. And then the disrespect. He's just disrespecting you. His family knew about the other children. They disrespect you. He's taking the children and other women around his family. That's more disrespect. But you're still staying there nineteen years. You love this man. You wanted to work out so your children can have both the parents in the home. For what, he doesn't respect you. He even told you you don't even have a right to question him about what he does when he's not with you. What you've been with this man for nineteen years? Come on, come on, this is so crazy to me. I mean, this man is thirty seven years. Do you think he'll ever change? No, No, he's not gonna change. Why should he? Well, what's the incentive to change? When he can do whatever he wants to do with home, he wants to do it and still come back to you and you'll take him back. You're willing to accept his other children and make it all work. What incentive does he have to change and be a better man? You're certainly not giving it to him. I mean, really, this is a case of low self esteem here and all of that. I mean, we talk about that a lot on this show. You're allowing him to do it, and you have for nineteen years, So why change now, Steve. Great answer, Shirley, really really great answer. I feel the same way. The problem system as that. Look, I've been in a relationship for nineteen years, not married, so he's never planned on committing to you. You stayed in the relationship because you really do love this guy. We have five kids together since day one. He's cheated on me day one. He's cheated on you through the five kids. Now, I let him get away with it in hopes that he would get it out of his system. That ain't high man, get it out of his system. He get it out of his system. When you stop letting him get away with it, it further ingrains in his system. When you allow him to get away with it, you've accepted bad behavior from him, and since he knows you's accepted, he just continues to bad behavior. But you were young, you didn't know how to do it. So I'm not mad at I'm just telling you what happened. Well, things got worse over the years. Of course they got worse over the years because he's had no check and balance, ain't been no conselt, quinches of repercussions for none of his actions. Well, you've got worse over the years. And now he has four outside kids with four other women. Wait a minute, man, dude, you haven't made nine babies. No, no, no, huh no, four outside kids with four different women. Oh but you mean with his other with his five children he got fired with huh. He got four outside children with four other women. You haven't made nine babies with five women. Come on, dog, dog, what's what's wrong with you? What is wrong with you? And you? And you thirty seven years old and this day and age condom ain't never what? Man? You? You just an idiot? He's an idiot. Yeah. Now his family knew about the other children, but nobody ever told me about them until recently. Now he swears he stopped the cheating. What after nine kids? I mean, how much child supposed how much you making? Though he stopped the cheating, but he's still up to his childish games. Wait a minute. He swears he stopped the cheating, but he's stealing to his childish game. I already took another woman to his mom's house around his family over the holidays. Okay, this is woman number five. She gonna have a baby too, because that's what he do. He didn't have four other women, and four of them got kids. Man, it's something wrong with this dude. We come back. When I asked him about it, he told me I don't have the right to question him about what he does when he's not with me. Well, no, you can't question you, because when he ain't with you, he making babies. All right, Steve, we're gonna have part two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hours. Subject can a cheater ever change? We'll find out right after this you're listening show, Let's recap Steve Today's strawberry letters. Subject can a cheater ever change? This lady been with this man nineteen years. They never got married. He hadn't stayed in the relationship because she really loved the man, and they got five kids together. But since day one, he hadn't cheat it on him. You let him get away with it and hopes he get it out of his system. That ain't how we get it out of our system. We get stuff out of our system a lot quicker when there's consequences, checks and balance. Well, things got worse over the years. I knew it because he ain't got no checks into Now he's got four outside kids with four other women. It's fair. I'm knew about everything. Blah blah blah blah. He swears he stopped his cheating, but he's up to his childish games. I heard he took another woman over to his mama's house around the family and the holidays, And when I asked him about he told me, you don't have to right to question him when he would you do when he's not with you, you can't. You ain't got the question what he's doing. You already they walking around, they need Pampus, they need to ride to school, they need lunch money. You ain't got to question him about what he's doing. He got proof of what he doing. Now he got a fifth woman he didn't take over to the house. Told him, you ain't got the right the question. Then he blames with my behavior wrong doings over the years, said, you talked to other guys whenever you're always going through Bassville, but you never cheated on He knows I'm not a cheater. But he likes to throw that up in my face. Here is the kicker. I still want to marry this man so our children can have both their parents in the home. He's never home. And let me ask you something, little girl, because I really feel badly for you. What do you want to marry him for? Listen to me. The whole nineteen years has been horrible for you. Nineteen years, nine kids that you know about, five yours, four other kids by four different women. But you still want to marry him? Why so your children can have both parents in the home. He not at home no how, And I don't want to be with anyone else. I have nothing left to give anyone new. Whenever I mentioned leaving him, he acts up and go crazy. Okay, stop mentioning it. Yeah now, But he doesn't do anything to show me that he cares. He doesn't. The reason he doesn't show you that he cares is because he doesn't. This is a self senate, egotistical bad person, Steve. This man is thirty seven years old. Do you think we will ever change and get it together? No? Why should he listen to me? There's been no consequences if all these kids ain't got him to straighten up. Yet these nine babies that he really supposed to be paying for. If that ain't got him straightened up, I don't know what you can do. I'm willing to accept his other children and make it all work. Why you already got five in your own? Wait a minute, you're going to accept his other children? What about the other mothers? Is this for old people? They ain't just kids. These other people got money. These kids ain't all sitting around at the daycaret waiting on him and pick him up. It's for other women you got to bring into your life. And I'm willing to acceptance other chiefs to make it Am I being foolish? I think so? I don't think he's going to change. I need your as he when he told you he wasn't through cheating you. Right after that, your next sentence was, but he's up to his childish ways because he's a child. This man posedly grown a man. Keep acting like a child. You can be a little boy and become a father. Being a father don't make you a man. He's out there fathering children. He ain't a daddy. To know, anybody can be a father. It takes a real special man to be a dad, that's the answer. Can a cheatah ever change Yes, this one's not one of them, and she can't change him. He enjoys cheating, He enjoys unprotected sex. He must like kids. He got nine of them. He thirty seven years old. He got nine kids. Let me show you. So y'all been dating nineteen years? He thirty seven? How long? What was he twenty two? Like, eighteen, eighteen and nineteen Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right. S So he was eighteen years old. He sported made a baby every other years of his adult life. Every other's year he's produced to child. So he's gotten a woman pregnant every year and every nine months. This dude and't produced a child. Wow, but he takes him around his family. Yeah, I mean you know him. You probably got the stage man got her. He gotta have a winning bag on a kid. You gotta have kitchen in there everything. Yeah, he ain't got that little minute man ain't enough people here. You got out moaning that he didn't. Probably bought an old school bus or something. I had room. Guys, Look, lady, your self esteem is is in the crapper. Like Shirley said, you've got to pick yourself up somehow. You need some prayer and some counseling, and you need to find yourself and find the good in you, because there's a lot of good and you could be miserable by yourself. You probably would be happier because you wouldn't have to worry about him, worried about somebody said something one time. Life is too short for me to be waiting on you to act, right, Yeah, Yeah, that's too bad that she's sitting around waiting on him. All right, please email us your Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey f M. Coming up in about ten minutes. We're gonna talk about basketball and the NBA All Star Game this weekend in Charlotte. Right after this, you're listening, all right. This weekend is the NBA All Star Game weekend in Charlotte. And the last time the All Star Game was in Charlotte, that was back in nineteen ninety one. And right now, North Carolina's native son, Michael Jordan, it's very happy that the festivities are back in Queen City, Charlotte. Right. Junior Absolutely tonight kicks off the celebrity game with Steve Smith. Need some people playing in the game. Steve Smith's playing a long time Falcon Steve Smith. JA be smooth, Oh good, Yeah, Celebrity game tonight, the Celebrity game. Yeah, the Celebrity game kicks off to night you know Friday night on Friday nights. You got the Celebrity Game tonight. No, what celebrity game? NBA All Star Weekend. Are you paying attention to the show, sir, No, I didn't even know this All Star weekend? What I didn't? Quick, Dog, I promise you listen. If we've been talking about it this morning on the show, I ain't heard. I ain't know it this weekend, played a questions. Yeah, I know that, but I ain't know All Star this weekend. Yea. I swear to you, Dog, I swear to you. I had no idea All Star games this weekend. Played in the game this weekend tonight to kick off to night Celebrity game and night Star Celebrity Game is going on to night. You are something special, I'm sorry, I continued, Junior. I know all right. So we got Steve Smith played in the game. Your friend Smith play? Yeah, he Smith is playing j B one month j B. Smith you don't love J. I love jb Man, I love J Commercial. Yeah, he's funny, J. I love j. They got a host playing the night too. Huh doctor Oz, Oh my good game, your friend Steven. You don't think you can get in one of the game. Look, I don't know. I know I won't be getting more. I can promise you that two trips up to flow Man and I'm y'all gonna be looking at me. Ste don't go down to the other end. Should have been a coach, Steve, you could have been. Yeah, I probably cuss too much. Tears Ja tears, jend he playing to night Man, even Quavo. Quavo can ball. Now, okay, got game. He got a real nice game. Somebody told me he did. Oh man, he's probably gonna be m VP. That's my pick for MVP. Really oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. And Tennessee hometown, he wrote. James Sean Julia came on the should the talk show Brother from the Waferhouse. He yes, yeah, he played. He's playing in the game. Man, that's a good that's cool, man, I like it. Yeah, and this this ain't even really fair for him to be there, but he played Ray Allen he that ain't even really fair, man, because Ray could probably still he probably can still play. This might be his warm up and his return back to the NBA. But then on Saturday night, man, they got the three point Contest and the Slam Dunk Contest. Uh in the three point contest, you have you know you got the usual suspects, Klay Thompson. You know you got uh Steph Curry, Steph in it? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, you know you're gonna have James James Harden. Oh he in it? Oh everyone who he's mentioning is in it. Okay, it was surprised. Did you know, is he? I've been NFL Honors. I ain't got time. You got none of this, dog. The NBA asked me to do something with them. Boy, I know them boys here, but I probably enjoy I like the NFL Honors though. It was really really really cool, man, I would love dude. I wish I could j J Dunk contest. Oh yeah yeah okay, So Junior, go on please, So you know on Sunday, as you know, this weekend, it is also a weekend the game All Star game that it was this weekend though, did you know that now Sunday. They're gonna have team the ball. Okay, who's lebronze team? Oh? Who, I don't know who's on le bronze team. Everybody, everybody, it's you know they're picking this year now't like his West first East? Yeah, they picked last year. So his his team and the Janni's tea, the boy we cannot say his name, the Greek free, the Greek freak. Yeah. I think Steph Curry is on his team. Really, he's not on lebronze team. I think he's on. Yeah, it's gonna be a good game, I tell you that boy. Nasty man. I'll be watching them. Boy out of Milwauker. Yeah, man, the big seven foot Greek boy. Yeah man, he nasty man. He got moves and handles, man like he's six four. That dude. Now you know he was a little bit more athletic, uh than Magic, But Magic made up for any athleticism. Magic awareness of the game was just greatness to watch. Man. But Magic was the first big man six nine I saw with the handlers. But this boy seven feet man and he got some nice hand Well. Look here is who Lebron got his starting five. Lebron got Kevin Durant. Okay, James Harden, James Hardened, Kyrie earth Boy, get him back, and Kawhi Leonard into it and he started. Yeah, that's his starting five, right, and then who is Greeks five? Let me see Greeks five? Kevin Durant, Yeah, man, James Harden, Kyrie, Yeah, can't carry all right? Now? Who is kl Kawhi Leonard so Gianna is the Greek freak? Got Steph Curry, step Joel embiid oh, Joel By, Paul George and Kimball Walker. That's starting with him. That's he starting fire and Kimball, Kimball Walker. It's gonna be a good game, it is, Yeah, all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, President Trump says he would feel a little phony having a dog. We'll find out from the crew. I know the dog happy about you? Because people are wondering, why doesn't you know because normally people the president has a dog? Okay, person, Yeah, all right, well, well we'll find out. We'll come back right after this. You're listening. President Trump says he would feel a little phony if he had a dog. Okay. Lara Trump Uh recently encouraged her father in law to adopt a dog, and um, so you know he's said, yeah, I'm not really into dogs like that. I agree with him. Here's a person that don't really like taking care of people. So last thing he knew is damn dog. Yeah, that dog would be so missubmission. Yeah, yeah, it's not for real. He used to sing a dog in the White House. But yeah, yeah, we really are. If man don't like him, man's best friend, Man, don't nobody can nobody whether Donald Trump got a dog or not? Please man. Yeah, it's too much going on anyway. They used to seeing the dog getting the White House. Yeah, I mean we are. Yeah, yeah right, we got no room, no dog in this White House. We got so many damn criminals up here. We didn't replace the dogs with inmates. Man, we got criminal charges. Manner for it, plead deal getting taken from him. He doesn't Trump Din told five thousand lines since he'd been in office. Well, these people like because they thought that we're gonna get pardoned and stuff, you know, so they didn't think about it. Now the yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah it is. Yeah, so no dog, huh nah, you still have your dog, Steve, you like dogs now, huh uh? You know we have dogs. I'm not I'm not really a dog person, but our dogs are really really well trained, so they're very, very tolerable. You know, I just wish, I just you know the thing about having a dog, it's a lot of responsibility. The vet bills is amazing. Yes, to use the bathroom, you still got to take him out, yeah, or else you got to walk him. Yeah. He cannot feed himself, so you got to feed him. Yes, responsibility. I got out. I'm tired. Man, I didn't I'd have raised my kids all. My kids can feed their cell work eat, they know how, they all what. Yeah, I don't need nothing, Carl. You still have your dog? Right, fancy fancy Yes, big bear, big dopmen walking around the house. Oh you do have your dogs? Yeah? Yeah, I've seen bad. Yeah, you a little bit, you a lot. Where was bad when we were at your house for your birthday? Oh thank god you had him put up? Yeah you put up? Thank god, because surely you don't like that. No, but you know what I'm I'm trying this year. I've made it a decision to try to like dogs, to try to get over my fear of dogs. Okay, sure I did. I did I'm you're scared of all dog little dogs. Yeah, yeah, I am, and I The thing about it is is that I like them, but I have some sort of unnatural fear, and um, they always sense it and they are always all over me. They love me. But I'm gonna try and get hypnotized or something to get rid of ittiz. Yeah, because you can get hypnotized. It's called fear of dogs. It is called cenophobia something like that. It's a phobiabia. But that they happened to you, Shirley, it's a little bit. I mean, you know, they were just loose. Dogs were all over our neighborhood. And you know, we lived in the third floor floor of our apartment building in Chicago. The second floor had a huge, gigantic, very mean, ambitious German shepherd who would get out and chase me. I never got bitten or anything like that, but it was very very close. Yeah. Yeah, dogs were all over the place. So yeah, I just I never had a good experience with them, but I like them and I want to get over it. So I'm gonna get hypnotized. I'll let you know when it happens. I don't know if my life Yeah, I don't know. If I don't, it'll make me get a dog. I don't know. I'll have to see. I have to see, because like Steve said, it's a big responsibility and su you do not need that, you don't think so No, No, you don't need to own the dogs. And you ain't even gott over being scared and sitting on the wall going down. She didn't win out of town and yeah, that's what I want to do. That. That's my biggest fear of touching them. What Junior, I hate you. What did you just so Nesto and the dog ain't eating both of them? Well the dog food, that's simple. Write you to scrip open a bag and pour it right, look anything for the dog that took anything. But I know, I don't know. I just want to get over it. I'm tired of being afraid. But you're gonna have to pat the dogs. Dogs need love and attention. You got him, Yeah all that, But I mean that's part of I would think that would be part of the process. That would be part of the process to learn how to touch them and love them and you know, people cuddle with them. Yeah. See, you don't need to own a dog. To do that because if it don't work out for you, now, you didn't bought this damn dog. Now he just over there in the cage. Oh, he and maximum security. I wouldn't put him in one hour a day for your exercise. I wouldn't put him in a cage. Or you have to fine, you have to put your dog. I know people that don't put dogs in cages. Our dog has He stays in the room at night. Oh okay, yeah, yeah, just in a little bit, he's gonna be roaming the house. And now, what do you mean in a little bit. You know, you've got to get a little bit older. Oh when he gets told. Yeah, that's what. He's a great dog. Now do you kiss your dog and all that? I know people kissing my dog? Did not put him out nowhere near me. I don't let him nick my hand, your ass, kiss my dog. I hugged my dog. Hua, Yeah, I hold my dog and everything. Does your dog sleep in the so it's a little bitty dog. I don't have a big dog like Sea does. Does your dog sleep in the bed with you? No? Oh, Steve, I wish he's not. He's not allowed in the bedroom. Our dog is trained not to get on any furniture. Oh okay, no, don't put your paws up on it. He's trained. Huh you're a dog man, yeah, uh, Caesar. What's the guy for the dog? The dog Seeson Milan. He came to the house to train him one day. We ended up using another trainer, but season Milan told us the biggest mistake that pet owners make dog owners is they try to treat them like they're human. Yeah. Yeah, they say that dogs really enjoy being dogs. They want to be a dog. That's what they are. Naturally, that makes sense. They like discipline, they like because they like him, please masters. So okay, well, thank you for saying that. That makes me feel better. All right, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to all right, guys. The last two weeks have been a rollercoaster ride for twenty one Savage and his team. Now ICE has dropped one charge against him, but he's not in the clear yet just yet. BuzzFeed News reports that government attorneys dropped an aggravated felony charge on Tuesday as grounds to deport the Atlanta rapper. It's been confirmed that twenty one Savage does not have a felony on his record, as a prior conviction was sealed. Now, immigration officials will make the case to kick twenty one out on the basis of the travel visa he overstayed over a decade ago. After bonding out on Wednesday twenty one, Savage is awaiting a deportation hearing and uh, while, guys, this is apparently in line with President Trump's new policy, which is to deport anyone in the process of applying for citizenship and let them back when and if that that application is approved. So there you go, Steve, Well, why not, Yeah, really, I don't. I don't talk about what deporting this kid does. He's making it. He's a productive citizen over here, Yeah, or any of the DOCCA people. You know, you know, it's so many. It's just you're talking about the president whose wife were talking about that. Yeah, yeah, we're talking about the same president who's great great grandfather probably came over on the boat of some care about his current wife. Oh yeah, matter of fact, his last two Yeah, I work visas expiring, We talked, we talked about that same and you know, the story finally came out about all illegal immigrants that work at his call. Yes, yes, y yeah, I've been saying that, yes you have, yes you have, Yes you have. He's like, don't look at them. We ain't talking about them. Well, we'll keep you posted on this story. Um. And yesterday, of course, was Valentine's Day, and boy, did you guys see Kim Kardashian's Valentine's Day was unforgettable courtesy of her ball or hubby. His name is Kanye West. I don't see it? What do you do? And the legendary Kenny G. Okay, he was. They were in a room he hired to play his saxophone. Okay, in a room with a lot of vases, glass vases with one rose each covering the floor of this room. Kenney G couldn't even move, Steve. It was just roses everywhere, Kenny G playing in the middle of the room. I mean just beautiful. It was beautiful, beautiful. Yeah, it was yea and Kenny G was serenading Kim of course it was real. Yeah, just in their living room, I mean really just roses. Yes, yes, she loved every minute of it. And how how could you not? I mean, you know, Kanye, this was really romantic. Of him. He just decorated the room with the just beautiful, beautiful roses just filled the room. It was so pretty. Yeah. Yeah, she's given it up for her man too. This was an over the top surprise for her, handing him the Best Husband Award for what she says is one of Kanye's most thoughtful gifts ever. Yes, and very romantic. Nice way to go, yea. Yeah. I was a little concerned for Kenny G. I was like, dang, what if he moves a little bit left, He's gonna knock all those broken nowhere. But it was really sweet and I love that. I love that you had to put some thought into that. Yeah, shout out to Kenny G. He ages will Yeah he does looking good right, same hairstyle and we'll have more of the show. Is that ninety seven? Right after this you're listening to, Jussie Smallett opened up to GMA's Robert Roberts and told his story about his alleged racist and homophobic attack, which occurred in Chicago a couple of weeks ago. Small Lett gave a very detailed description of what happened. He also answered a lot of the questions that critics and doubters have had about his story. Small Lette says is disappointing that his attack wasn't captured on video. Take a listen. I went down to where it happened, and I walked them through exactly what happened. And I looked up and I saw that there was a camera directly on the light post that is in the intersection, So I'm like, there it is. And then the detective told me that the camera inside of the casing was facing north, so they didn't have it, and that was disappointing. Yeah. Jesse also said that he gave police a description of their body type and believes that the guy who said one hundred percent that the two men and the surveillance photo released by police are the attackers. Now, according to Yeah, he said that now he's that that's them. He said that now. According to TMZ, the Chicago police raided the home of the persons of interest and seized two laptops, five bottles of bleach, a red hat. Both of the men were reported to be extras on the set of Empire. Also really Yeah. Also, Multiple sources have told Chicago ABC seven Eye Witnessed News that police are investigating whether Jessie Smalleett and the two men staged the attack. Now, that was the latest thing that came out, allegedly because Smallette was being written out of Empire. However, a Chicago police spokesman by the name of Anthony Googliemi says that there's no evidence to support that report from ABC seven I witness news in Chicago. I can tell you right now that really I don't only know how that would make sense, Yeah, that somebody would stage getting jumped on to save your role on a show, right because you thought you were getting written out. Yeah, but how does that make any sense? And he's such a prominent character, it just doesn't make me live. Yeah. But but Fox exex came out and said that's definitely not the case. They weren't planning on firing him or anything. Yeah, he's a core part of that show. Yeah he is. He is a major storyline yeah on the shows. Yeah. Yeah, this case yeah yeah. And we'll keep you posted, of course as the news comes to us. Yeah. Uh. The nominees for the NAACP Image Awards were announced and Regina King, Shadwick Boseman, Jessie Smallett, and It's Array are just a few of those up for recognition, and congratulations to our very own guests who Steve Harvey, Okay, d you were nominated for Outstanding Game Show Host for Family Feud, which you start today. Congratulations on that you didn't know. You didn't know because it sounds like surprise. Yeah, I didn't know you. They don't cantare you? Wow, you've been working that hard getting the heads up. No, maybe I should fire some people whatever. Shocked. Yeah, I'm in. I'm in the news in the damn ways will be forsoe well. Congratulations Steve, Outstanding Game Show Hosts for Family Feud. The Image Award celebrates excellence by people of color and movies, TV, music, and literature. The fiftieth Annual NAACP Awards airs on March thirtieth on TV one. Congratulations again, all right, thank you. We will be back with closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this at forty nine, after you're listening to show last break of the day, Steve on this Friday, great show. We have fun. Yeah okay, And as Steve, our closing remarks are back as well. What you have for us here we go. Here's a suggestion here's what I came up with for today, a suggestion something I've learned that has helped me out dramatically in accomplishing my goals and attaining my dreams. I still have things I'm after, Steve, or have goals that have not yet met in dreams that I haven't seen come true yet, but I'm working on them and I know they will. And i know they will because I have mastered one technique of how to do it. I'm gonna share it with you right now. If you are wanting something from God, this is just for spiritual people. If you're not a spiritual person, you can go and do what you want to do right now. Only this is for people who believe in God. When I want something for God, when I'm trying to reach a certain goal or fulfill a dream or attain something, I never go about it without his help. You know, the things that I do on my own, I'm just doing them, you know, Like you know, I don't simple stuff, you know, like make sure I got water in my office so I could drink enough. Now I don't, I can do that right. But let's say I have an aspiration or a dream that's pretty big as are most of mine and as should yours be. You should dream as big as you possibly can. You should let your imagination lead you into the life that God has for you. Not. A way to do that is to first of all, ask, because the scripture says you have not because you ask not, And then you have to believe. You have to have faith that God can do anything but fail. The third thing you need is a work ethic, an unrelenting work ethic. There's a scripture that says faith without works is dead. So after you ask for this incredible dream or vision or goal that you have, and you put the faith in it, the belief, you gotta work because faith without works is dead. Okay, cool. Now, the best way to accomp your dreams and gifts, First of all, you should tie it to your I mean your goals and gifts. Your goals and dreams you have to tie to your gift. Everything should be tied to your gift. Now, if you want an airplane or go on special trips has nothing to do with your gift. But the route that you're gonna get to this goal and to this dream has to be tied to your gift. Okay. Now, once you do that, and you ask God for something that's impossible, be careful who you share it with, because sharing things from your imagination is not always in your best interest. Because your imagination is yours and yours alone. Other people can't see it, they don't see no way how. They just start shooting it down. But when you do ask God for this incredible thing, listen to me. The how too is out of your business. Let me repeat that. When you ask God for your visions, your goals, your dreams, your aspirations, and you believe He'll do it, and you're willing to work as hard as you can to accomplish it, that's all that's required of you. The how to is none of your business. Get out of the way. The reason there is no scripture that tells us as people to figure it out is because if you're asking God for something so big, you gotta leave it up to him. You gotta let him have let The how to is not any of your business. The how too is not up to you. It's up to your faith and your belief in a higher power. Stop tripping on the how too. It ain't your business. The reason the how to is not up to you I have found in My life is for this reason right here, because my ways and my understanding is not enough to get me to where I want to go. Be half entertained to where I want to go be have entertained. My ways and my understanding is not enough because I'm asking God for something so huge that I don't know how to get it, but I know that he does. You can't even fathom his ways. You can quit tripping, you can save yourself a lot of time. You can't google his ways. You don't know the route he's gonna take. You don't know how he's gonna touch certain people's hearts along the way. You don't know how he gonna move people into position to get you exactly what you need, when you need it, and how you need it. You have no idea what God is going to do and how how He's going to do it. So why trouble yourself with the how too? Because it ain't your biss. The how too is not up to you, and the reason is not up to you is because when you ask for something so great that you absolutely have to have God's help to get it is not enough. You won't apish Because for all Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.