Good morning and welcome to the ride! We definitely get clarification today. A married woman is caught up and The CLO has to explain something to her. Pastor Motown offers his two cents about a purchase made in Colorado. Fool #2 murders another one in the spirit of the late great Biz Markie. Yeezy went from Wyoming to The A. Have your ever had inner monologue just slip the F out? Let's just say Uncle Steve's Olympic report is hella ignut! Let's give it up to the aunts and uncs on their special day. As the show was wrapping up today, we heard J. Anthony Brown saying, "Don't be looking @ the radio."
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things and it's not true. Good together, Please, I don't join jo. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. You got to turn out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby, huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Well, I gotta tell you something, everybody, and this is great news for everybody that I'm on. Share something with your principle of becoming successful at whatever level you choose. It can be successful in the relationship, successful in the family. Successes may be considered to you becoming a homeowner, It could be being debt free. Your ideal of success could be sixty thousand a year, fifty thousand a year, one hundred thousand dollars a year, doesn't matter if you're considering it, if you're wanting it, if you have a desire to become successful. I want to share with you the very beginning of that. If no one's ever done it, I'm going to say the beginning of it today see scripture makes it very clear for us you don't The only thing you need to become successful is already inside of you. It's not an external need. God wouldn't do that to you. He puts the core basis of everything you need inside of you. So if you discover it, if you tend to it, nurture it, fertilize it, and water it, it grows, it branches out. Then it reaches out externally and it starts grabbing things outside of there to make it even bigger, stronger, better, last longer. But in the very beginning, you don't need anything. It's all within you. And if you cultivate your relationship with God, it comes out, it flourishes. Now, let me tell you that thing that I'm talking about is a God given gift that He has given to all of us. We all possess it. It is all within us that everybody has a guilt. Had somebody told me what I know now back then, I would have saved myself tons of mistakes. I just didn't know the principles. I had to learn them all well. One of the principles of becoming successful is your mind set. You got to get your mind right now. This mindset is simply a decision that you can make. I can't get it for you. I can tell you what to do, but you got to make the decision. You that's listening, have to decide. You know what. I'm gonna go on and get at it. I'm gonna stop renting. I'm gonna become a homeowner. You know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna stop living check to check. I'm I'm gonna put a budget together. I'm gonna stop stepping out on my family. I'm gonna go home. I'm gonna get it together. I'm gonna stop using when you make these decisions. That's correcting your mindset. Now, the closer connection you have with God, the more help you get sustaining the mindset. How many times have you started to do something and you stopped? How many resolutions have you made at the New Year and stop by February? Over by me at January? Done in March? Because if you don't have a clear connection with your creator to help you carry out the other force out there, that evil force is designed to get you not to reach your goals, get you not to come to resolution with whatever the resolutions are you made so he can So you can consider yourself not worthy or failure or unable to do something. But the more things you are able to accomplish, the greater your confidence goals grows. So we got to get your mindset together. Your mindset is a decision that you have to me. When you make the decision, you can begin the process. Your mindset is also a will of yours, a will along with the decision, a will, a willingness to do right, a willingness to change, a willingness to be better. It's going to then cause you to have to make a decision to make a change of direction. Don't go where everybody else going. You got to go your way. Now, you can't follow the crowd. You got to take a less travel path. You cannot do this without changing your direction. You can't keep hanging with the people you've been hanging with if you want to be different because they're not. Then you have to develop an obligation to yourself. You've got to say, you know what for me and my family, or if you don't have a family, for me, I owe it to myself. I have an obligation to myself to be the best meat that I can possibly be, to be the best self that I can possibly be, to be the best father, the best man, the best husband, the best wife, the best mother, the best daughter, the best son, the best student, the best employ ye, the best owner. You have an obligation to yourself to give yourself a shot at the best life you can. That's an obligation. You owe that to yourself. Why would you not live the best life that you possibly could. You have an obligation to yourself. Why would you teat yourself like that? Why would you take yourself and never allow yourself to see the goodness that's already in you, to have the abundance that's been promised to you, to go and explore all the riches out there that's available to you. And but one of the worst ways that you can rob yourself of the joy of your obligation is to keep comparing yourself to somebody else. Because guess what, Man, that ain't your life. You ain't jay Z and Beyonce, you're not You're not open. Instead, man, that's not who you are. Quit looking around at everybody else. That comparison of everybody else to keep you broken, it'll keep you unhappy. You won't even be able to be grateful for what you have because you steady talking about what you don't have. That's not the way, man. You have an obligation to yourself to be the best you you can be, not the best them. You're not them. Stop trying to be them. Be the best you. It's cool. You got a nice little house. That's cool. You know how many big houses is empty and feel with hate and resentment. I'd rather have a smaller house feel with joy in it than to go to a big house. Man Prince got a line in a song that says, I realized, in its best disguise, or pretty house don't make a home. Man. Don't you know I know how true that is? So I'm just trying to tell you now. Another part of the mindset is taking dead aim at your life's goals and ambitions. What are they? What are your goals and your visions? What do you see for yourself? What do you dream about? If you knew you couldn't fail at whatever it is you were attempting, what would you go attempting? See? That's what we need to be after. It's a mindset, y'all. It's a decision it's a will, it's a change of direction. It's an obligation to yourself. It's taking dead aim at your life's visions and goals. Come on, man, you got to get your mind wrapped around this thing. You owe it to yourself to live the best life you can be. Come on, man, talk to God. God got something for you. You just gotta check in with him. You're listening tow ladies and gentlemen. Beyond this place of raft in tears looms, but the horror of the shade, and yet the minutes of the years finds and shall find me unafraid. I don't know why I chose to do that stands up from invictus, but I did. It's not mine, it's from Invictus. So I just want to say that's it, and I'm done, ladies, legitimate chet Strawberry, Hey, good morning, so soon we just got here. You're done? Yeah? How's everybody doing today? Top top Welcome back, Carla, Thank you, good morning? What's up? Crew? Welcome back? Than welcome? I will, oh Carla a lot. What I'm miss Here's a question for you. Just take a wild guess who was the most ignorant while you were gone? The man name on the shop. Surprisingly, no what but he ran a close second? So who was about the nephew? He got irritated with it. He got irritated with it. Now you were so ignorant you got on your uncle's next. Oh he can't stand my stupid. I accept his stupid, but he don't like man. I had to remind him. So just ignorant, ignorant. You know what did it though? Tell me when you said we were talking about I forgot how we got on kissing and you said people don't kiss anymore? You know, Carla? That was it that set Steve off? When what does he get that from? What became his own ignorant mind? Because nobody run up on kiss nobody on Steve. Steve, let me ask you a question. Which is more irritating stupidity or ignorance? Which one gets? Stupidity? You know that stupidity ignorance? I know what that is. So what's the difference on this show? Ignorance is knowing you doing something, but you do it anyway intentional, and that's not from ignorance. That's just you being ignorant. When you stupid, it's when you're doing stuff and you don't see nothing wrong with it. We got both of that. We got both of that. Well, she didn't ask me did we have both of that? She asked me the difference. I just described the difference between me and you who stupid? Who? You want to take a guess on which one you are? Well? Why can't stupid respect ignorant? Though I don't like ignorant respect stupid, I don't. No, you should respect ignorance because it's what you should aspire to. So stupid should not. Gonna go with stupid, I'll go with stupid is too too, too low on the total pot. Can't be you can't be stupidly ignorant, I mean nor see right there, perfect example of how stupid we got. Coming up next, it is as the CLO at thirty two minutes after. We'll be right back. You're listening to show. Okay, it is time for CLO. We're gonna ask the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building Taylor in Virginia Beach Rites. I'm in my late twenties and I got married when I was nineteen years old because I got pregnant. My husband's white. I'm black and Asian. When my son was born, he was very brown skinned, so my in laws wanted a DNA test. Turns out my husband is not the father, but he's never said a word about it to me or our son. My son is eight now and his biological father has been asking to meet him for a very long time. My husband freaks out whenever I bring the subject up. Is it wrong to keep my son from his father? Absolutely? Absolutely? Is? It? Absolutely is? One absolutely is the fact that you've told you. Look, I don't know if you told your son that he has a different biological father, but is it wrong to keep your son from this man? It absolutely one is, And there's no no debate or question about it. It is wrong and there is no justification to it. None. Well, I admire your husband for standing up and taking it and standing up and being that stand up guy, because he is one hell of a dude. Yeah, your husband is. And I understand him not wanting to ruffle a boat and all this here. I understand that. But this boy should know his father, and his father should know his son period. All Right, Taylor, It's gonna be difficult and challenging, but those that's the rule of life. Yeah, yeah, all right. Moving on to Chevelle and Montgomery, Chevelle says, my husband and my mother are thick as thieves, and I think she's allowing my husband to cheat on me. My mother's house is the gambling spot in our community, and all of the drunks hang out there. I saw on Facebook that one of my husband's excess was at my mom's recently and posted a pic you're with my husband in the background. I cursed my husband out, and he said it was innocent. My mother told me I overreacted, did I? Well, if it's your mama's gamblet's about your mama. Your mama making money, she ain't fit running. I'm just gonna keep it one hundred with you. Yeah, it's bit bigger than that picture. Then that gambling and buying a looker. You know how it is in the hood of speakies is after I joined, everything closed, they go over there kind of like a like a no budget basement tavern and it's a gambling house. Ain't no where you can go gamble casinos. So no, I think it's absolutely I don't. I don't you know your mama you I don't think your mama is allowing him to cheat I don't even know if cheating is involved in this at all. But your mama got a gambling house. What is his ex is doing over there though? Both Well you know, I mean she over gambling, buying drinks. Yeah, mama trying to make money? Weird about this? Facebook? Yeah, my husband's over there with his ex. All right, Sophia and Alburquerque says. My husband is twenty nine. I'm twenty seven. He works as a retail manager and I work from home with my own sex video chat room. I make a lot of money and my husband doesn't mind it since it's all online. I've been able to help buy us a new house on my earnings, and I wanted to work more hours so I could pay off my student loans and build up our savings account. Then I plan to get a decent job. My husband won't allow me to take on more hours. We're still young. So am I wrong for trying to stack money? Good question? Well, you're not wrong for trying to stack money. You just have to ask your question. It's stacking money? Is at what expense? I don't see how he's okay with it up to this point. Yeah, but and now you want to do more hours. He don't want you to do more hours. I think you've accomplished a lot with it right now, you know, kind of like a drug dealer that finally gets a rap record deal. Yeah, yeah, you know, you just got to quit selling dope at one point in time or you're gonna get busted. Now. I'm not saying that what you're doing is illegal. I don't know nothing about it. I ain't never been on one. But what is you saying? Where you can buy a house? Though she made enough money that she could buy a house. No, no, no, Sherley, that's not the question. He's saying. What is he What is she doing on this show? What is you talking about? What as you say? I'm trying to figure out what you could say to me, to me help make you buy a house online? A lot of money? Lord? Who are you talking of her student loans? Yeah, she's saying a lot. What she's saying she's looking, Yeah, she's saying a lot. It's a video video sex video chat room. A lot going on. All right, we're moving on Money in Tampa says or a Money in Tampa says. I'm forty eight and I've been married eleven years. But my wife and I live in separate houses. She never sold her house, and in the beginning of our marriage we argued more than we made love, so she basically decided we'd live in separate houses. It has worked out fine, but our family and friends think we're nuts. Lately, though, my wife has been going to bed really early, in changing the lots in her house. I think the distance has made her forget about me. Should I tell her it's time to end this arrangement? Yeah? I think so. She didn't change a lot. She's going to bed young mar No, damn one. Y'all just know each other on paper, going to be ad early, changing locks. Don't even come over him, Ques, not because now she don't want you creeping in that night. Yeah, m so what should he do? What should he do? Gonna file papers, she gonna sign them. What y'all together for. Y'all ain't got to worry about who get the house. Y'all both keep your own house. That's the biggest cut. Is that house looking if somebody lost foe? Yeah, just go, don't even worry about that. She gonna keep her house, You keep your house. Irreconcilable differences, y'all get divorced with seven fifty y'all ain't got no asset? Yes, all right, thank you Cello. Coming up next, church complaints with Rebend Motown Teacon depth Jam. Right after this You're listening morning show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna standing by with our national news for today and an entertainment news. Kanye has moved into the Mercedes ben Stadium in Atlanta. Plus with him that ain't tell house you don't take your ass home got bigger in Wyoming. First of all, I know he was hot as hell and in him leather pans. I know that fact. Can he breathe? All right? Plus in entertainment news, we'll talk about first forty eight, the viral video that has resurfaced. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. But right now it is Monday. You know what time it is. Time for church complaints with Rebend Motown and Deacon def Jam. I'm on pass we we we we Yeah, boy awkward suspiciously to make more deficius of the ever vessels or floridic here as we punctuate, m anticipated and opulate. But going fourth in this union safe. Sometimes I just got sometimes I want to be a member myself. I know that somebody couldn't. Mel Lord, go ahead, all right, passing, let's get down the business. Sister Martha Davis is claiming to be sanitizing the congregation. Now you know, we're back into church now. She puts sanitizing on her hands and then slaps members across their forehead with it. They're gonna have to talk to as she's slapping everybody in the congregation with sanitize? What is putting it on the forehead? Post due Deacon. I don't know what that is, but I guess he thinks that's sanitize. I don't know what I'm passing. Well, it's not, oh press of declaration right now? Let this or cease and desist? All right, that's what I'm talking You know that a real legal term. This? Okay? All right? Past Our brother Victor Phillips went to Denver, Colorado this past weekend. Now everdently he purchased marijuana there and uh, but he knows it's not legal here. Now he's at baggage claim right now, watching his bag go around and around. Or Kara said, he's scared to grab his bag. He's asking if you can come and pick his bag up on the terminal age, Pa watching it, watching that bag. He's not grabbing the bag because the dog has balled for the time. I suggests, who is this not Deacon, that's brother Victor. Phillips suggests, brother Victim, just come on, let that go. How much we did he buy? I don't know. You know it's legal in Colorado. How much weed did he buy? I would say about five hundred dollars war power, five hundred dollars worth. It ain't worth it. You got to let that go. Where is he coming back to? What city is he in? Ah? He is in the Carolinas. I believe Pas. Oh, you've been pick up four five hundred dollars easy? What Jada hundred in Colombia? Jake got leave three thousand at his house in Vicarious phones all right past it. We got a situation due to COVID. The choir is gonna need a bigger roads. Every one of them has grown twice the size that they were, and we're gonna need a lot of materials. So we need new robes because they've gotten bigger doing COVID. We're not gonna do that because the reason why we're not buying new roads. It's because it looks like there's a second run of COVID going on and I don't want to spend no money on these roles. And then we got the old num rods up so is yeah, let you wait and see how much COVID stick around. We may not have to buy many roads at all. They keep getting it. There were so tight, ain't the choir roads is now looking like chef jackets. All right, fast and listen where there's a call for help out there. There's a restaurant called Nothing but Wings and they have filed for bankrupts that they are asking for the church to support, basically our support to get them out of the red but Nothing but the Wings have file for bankrupts. Well, nothing but Wings ain't gonna work because there's wings stopped, both of the wings. Jeff Wings, wings only wings and things wings and Bill. Now they down there with Jeff Wayns here, you're gonna be stay with the conference. They ain't got Bill nothing down there, No side, no sides, just one Jeffy you fried fried pickles coast. You can't ain't get schlaw baked bean, Jeff Wayne, nothing but Wayans. They got to look at the competition. The competition has other things on the MIDI you can't get iced tea at Jeff Wayne, No nothing, you can't get water. But and the hot sauce comes into the individual package that you got to tear with your teeth. Have a hot sauft bus haul up in your mouth. I have nothing to drink to watch that. Let me let me move on past it. Listen, brother Charles Burns. You know he has five kids, and then he also has six nieces and nephew. Uh, they called him uncle daddy and uh, he just received five hundred dollars per child for the child tax credit and that gave him fifty five hundred. He's asking for the church to match that fifty five hundred, Uncle daddy. What is we matching it for? I don't know. I don't know why. I don't I don't understand that pass. We don't do matching forwards. You you had to feel out your or COVID exempt paperwork to get matching fuards. Black folks don't do matching forwards of any kind. Most can happen you with black folks. You get the same ass. Yeah, now you can't get that. Now we were doubling that we were double of asswhip. Now I know that if you want this last one the members won't you to make a new rule. Since we're back in church physically, Please stop the madness with this. Uh these baby hal weaves. Sister Lauren Simmons, you know she didn't really have no hound her head. She has a whole head full of baby hair. Now you have to he's scanning all the kids. He has a whole head full of baby hat. I'm not really bogged by that at all myself. Yeah, I think this wonderful sixty five year old woman has the hair over eighty. Yeah, come on past the preach pass. Quite fascinating to me, all right, coming up next at the top of the hour, entertainment in National News. Right after this, you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. All right. So, last week, Kanye West held a listening party for his new album Donda at the Mercedes Benz Stadium that is the home of the Atlanta Falcons, and apparently Kanye, who is of course from Chicago, has enjoyed himself so much there that he's not quite ready to leave. According to a report by TMZ, Kanye is currently living in the stadium and plans to do so until he finishes his album. The release date for the album Donda has been pushed back to August six, but worry, the Falcon season opening matchup against the Philadelphia Eagles isn't until September twelfth, So there's he's got to finish it in that window and then get out. Uh. And then the resurfaced viral video. So where's he going to stay in Vegas? Sure? I mean where's he going to stay in the stadium? Where's the Yeah? Yeah, in in one of those suites. I would think I've been Super Bowl in there, and I did to be loved in there. I've been in the owner suite. Um, you don't think you can live there. I mean I've lived in the castle. I think, hey, yeah you live. Yeah. I'm just saying you already gotten money. I don't understand that ranch in Wyoming, like bro, bro, Bro, that ain't tall cotton living. Now some of the stuff that ain't in there. There's a bunch of refrigerators in there, but it's pretty cavernish. Dog trust me, hot dogs don't run his ass up out of day. So he go to the bathroom. He go to the one whe got eighteen stalls. Where does he shower? You gotta walk down and you go to the restroom. Oh well, baby, Steve, he's going to shower y'all in the locker room where the players are, where the players where the shower and all that. Nice. Oh mighty one going there with no thirty two damn shower him. But you didn't know. He likes things kind of barren. He doesn't like a lot of furniture and stuff. You know, you saw it. Kind of Yeah, he likes all that. Kim Kardashian was there at she wasn't all four kids, Chloe. That was nice of them to come just shaking it. Don't look at your daddy, just don't. Don't even look at your daddy. Well they say he has a chef and he has living quarters there and it's it's working out. Yeah, Monica just sent me a yeah, chef to prepare his meals. Um. So when they dropped the kids off, they dropped them off at the stadium. They have to stay the bleachers, run down down the field and see your daddy run. I don't want to stay. That's so crazy. He was so into the ranch in Wyoming, and now he's at the stadium. Come on, Kanye, so y'all saying y'all wouldn't do it, that's what it says. Stevens definitely saying, man, I mean he could be a minimal minimalist all he wants that in my life. I'm not going but we're not doing that. I didn't have everybody down now. I don't give a damn I'm not doing that. Stay in no damn stadium. When you called the seamen ass floors, all these mention, look out, here's this damn football field. Man out of here. Both wrong, man, ladies and gentlemen, miss ann trip. Thank you very much everybody, and good morning. Well. One more incident involving a racist teacher, this time in Missouri. A high school teacher has been fired for calling doctor Martin Luther King Junior Day black Privilege Day to his students. The same teacher, John mcguffin, they say, also used the racial slur during conversation about rap culture, and on another day, mcguffin claimed that he had never seen racism in the United States anyways, guys out of a job. The Sentence for Disease Control reports it more than sixty four thousand new COVID infections on Saturday. Own doctor Anthony Fauci says that the new Delta variant is so contagious that the health community is thinking about telling even vaccinated people to start wearing masks again. By the way, organizes that this year's Olympics have made it clear that mask will be worn at all times, but that stance was restated actually yesterday by the IOCs market Adams after some athletes were seen taking off their mask and hugging each other. There is no relaxation and we would urge and ask everyone to obey the rules. You know, it's not nice to have, must have. It's important both for the sports, for everyone involved, and of course for our Japanese partners and friends. Senate republicanly Rob Portman says that negotiations on a bipartisan infrastructure deal continued over the weekend, and that while the first procedural test vote on the bill went south, lawmakers could take another vote on a slightly tweaked measure sometime this week. Work by the committee investigating the January sixth riot it gets underway today. Authorities in Floridas say there is at least one last missing and unaccounted for a person from the condominium that fell on itself a few weeks ago. The woman is a seventy fifty four year old woman from Brooklyn, New York, actually named Estella Heidia. Her brother says she moved down to Florida four years ago to work for a jewelry company. Even partially identified he Dia could bring the death toll to ninety eight. And sad news. Sad news. It's got to have some more sad news, which I'll bring to you tomorrow about a civil rights activist. Who've got Who's gone? Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Show. All right, come on, Steve, it is time to look into the mind of your friend. Let's go. You introduced the demented dog and bit of mind of Jay Anthony Brown. I'm all of that. You're own it. First of all, let me do a big shout out to the owner of Shades Lowe. Me and my daughters went over there, had a great time. It's a weird feeling to see your daughters put away that much alcohol. But I'm talking and I think one of them needs a twelves. That program I'm gonna call whose names, but there was a lot of alcohol cashing through that body. Also, mister Paul Doja, thank you for letting me come up on the stage and having a good time. Shade louns can let me sucking. And now, with that being said, Steve, could you do a little quick public announcement, maybe thirty seconds and tell people how important it is to get this damn shot. I know you said you. Ladies and gentlemen, all bets is off with me. Some people who are very very close to me who did not get the vaccination are in some serious positions right now health wise. It is nothing to play with. I've taken everything in consideration. Quit telling me about the Tuskegee Institute because no one was injected with anything at the Tuskegee Institute. Try experiment it was medicine with hell to see the degree of it. So let's get your facts straight. This is not a plot to get rid of you. Take your damn vaccinations before this thing strikes you, and I don't want it to strike you in a bad way. Go ahead, Jane. All right, with that being said, here's my song. Have you ever had a friend who didn't vaccinating somehow. Day was all in your face. Let me dad, but my situation. They said it won't take getting the needle hurt, but would you rather be on a ventil later? That's worse coming in, Steven and you start to sweating and you ain't winning goten the vaccine yet. And I'm telling you the truth. I have a million. Then that ain't enough proof. Don't even give me that. You kind of blame me like I'm stupid. Yell you do want to vaccine? Will you shift think again? But we can him my resent? Oh baby, you should get into that scene, that scene the shop because we don't want to shoot to do baby? You don't want to that scene? Will you should think again? Gets? Oh baby, you come on, you need to that scene. He has some class and shot up in your ass. Oh baby, you I have no words. Coming up here. Four minutes open hour, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I think we need to regroup right here. Will be back right after this. Jay. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, so this is Monday. How about a fun Monday question for you guys? Here? It is have you ever had a small brain malfunction on the snide inappropriate remark you meant to say to yourself actually came out of your mouth, you know, like we always say inside boys outside boys? Did I say that aloud? Stuff like that? So, Steve, I know you have but we'll yeah, we'll get to you last. So what have you blurted out in public that you thought was just one of your inner thought monologues? Jay, I'll go first. I was having a party this one time, which I don't like parties at my house, but I let because the person I was dating have a party at the house for me. A party ship in at nine thirty and the party ship be old, Yeah, nine damn thirty, you've eaten? You've heard music? What m Yeah? So I thought I was talking to her and I yelled out, when't they taking their ass home? Everybody had the party heard me, and that ended the party. The party did intended, well, that's what you want it, which is what I wanted. So anyway, that's I blurted it out. When the hell they going home? All right? Nephew, come on, I knew you have a few. Oh, I got one that I ain't never forgotten meals ago a little pool party. I said it. I said it, all right, I thought, I said to myself, no wife, Your wife is fine, Scott, you live to tell that story, all right, all right, come on, Steve, I know you have one. I got a bunch of them. But I was about I was about sixteen. It's about sixteen, and we was all in the backyard barbecuing, and uh, you know, it was time to eat. So you know, they had a little table set up in the back and you just kind of went around and you know, pull a little sirea wrap off and took a dimp, you know, put put food on your plate. And I'm walking around and put the food on the plate, and I just said, man, I can't stand these damn baked biddings. My aunt was standing back there and said, that's because there ain't no damn baked beans. That's chili. Who the hell makes chili? Dam summer time? Your baked beans was so trifling. I said, I can't stand it. Baked beans can standing back being stay chili alight? Basically about any outside voice, just something you said aloud, but you really thought you were saying it to yourself. Come on, Jake, you know another Okay. So this other time we were having a party. I let another party at the house, and so the wine was really cheap wine, you know, so I yelled out, who the hell bought this cheap ass wine? You know, I thought I was saying it to my inside voice. And the lady who was at the party said, I bought that cheap ass wine, and I'm gonna just take it home. I'm like, okay, I apologize. It's not that cheap. To fix it. I said it. I said it said some things. Yeah. Yeah. At my mama house, a lot of big family, big family gather and I don't know, I'm like, who the glass woman in the kitchen who said that out loud? I was a little boy. This when the first time I called about eight, maybe nine, Yeah, eight or nine. I had just got a whipping, and I was in my room, roob in my leg and I was going, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. And I thought I was saying it soft enough. My daddy walked in the room said you hate who. I just started crying hard. Coming up next to nephew with today's frank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject should I punch her or pray for her? That is the subject. We'll get intoday just a little bit right, punch and prey. Right now, the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got for us? Enough? You married yo brother? You married yo brother? Let's go get Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a yr Common. This is she Hi, Carmen. My name is Keith, Keith. I'm calling you from insurance group Hill You good, you and your husband? What is it Harvey? Harvey? Is that right? Yes? Yes, Harvey. Okay, you guys actually put applications and actually went in and got your physicals done for Life insurance, right, Yeah, yeah, that's correct. Okay, I actually am calling you from the insurance group. I have you alls live results and everything as far as your physicals and blood cuts and things of that nature. Is there any way I could possibly talk to both of you guys at the same time, You and Harvey. Is that possible? Um? Well, sure he's at work right now, but I can get him on the phone. Okay, it would be uh, it'd be kind of easy if I kind of explained everything to both of you guys at the same time as if that's okay, Okay, some wrong, Uh no, nothing's wrong. I mean I think I need to just try to bring a few things to you guys attention. But I think you know, after that, it's pretty much you guys decision on what you do. But I just wanted to let you know a few things about you know, the results and things that I named your life insurance the whole nine yards. Okay, okay, hold on, let me shoo if talking, get him on the phone. Hello, Hey, babe, Hey sweet art Um. Look, I got the insurance people on the line. They want to get both of us on the phone to talk to us about the insurance stuff. Oh hey, Harvey, are you doing this? Is Keith Keep from the insurance group? How are you? Hey? Good with that? Nicky? Good? Good? Listen, Um. I wanted to give you guys a call and kind of follow up. You guys did physicals and blood tests and the whole nine yards, and I want to give you guys a call. It's kind of better if I talk to both of you guys at the same time. So do you have a minute that we could actually use to kind of get some of this information out to you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna break right now. I'm good. Okay, great. First of all, we've gotten all your your lab results back everything, and I kind of got a few questions for you guys that I'm a little puzzled on. How long have you guys actually been married. Well, we've been together back two years, okay, now, prior to being married three years. How long did you guys know each other before you got married? About five and a half five six kids years? Okay, you guys have been knowing each other pretty cluse nine years now all together? Yeah, okay. Are you actually from the same hometowns? You grew up in the same hometown? Yeah, yeah, yeah, we grew up. I mean if I'm I'm sorry, is this question? I mean, is this about the insurance or well, I mean there's a few things that's that's actually uh puzzling, Carmen that we need to this. This this is some news that I actually didn't want to bring you guys. I mean, we have to, I have to actually give you this news. Looking at our records, looking at all the test results, and let me be the person to tell you that we run these results over and over and over, trying to make sure we are completely one hundred and fifteen. Right, Okay, it's a problem with the test. Well, looking at our test, guys, Harvey a garment, it's indicating that you guys are related. And nine times I'd attend you are you guys are siblings? Man? What? Ok And I understand the shot. It took me. It took everything I had to make this phone call. I did not want to make it. But looking at our records and we went over these records over and over and and and the blow work tells us that you guys are actually siblings. Man, Are you serious? Man? I'm actually you know this is not a This is not a laughing matter, not a joking matter. You know. Like I said, I did not want to call with this information. What you did make the call? Man? Look you, I don't know what. You need to go back and and and double check your records or something. Because you've been married three brief check with the laugh man, can't you check with the laughing? Like paul Us back? Harvey and I and I knew those questions would have come up, and we we went over it. We went over it and over and over it. Y'all need to go over it again because I don't make no dam babe, I got this. You made the call and this gotta be wrong. So what you need to do is make another call and called the lab and call us back and let us know that you either though they made a mistake of Are you talking about me and my wife? And I understand it, Harry, Harry, Let me ask you this is it possible, you know? And this is just a question. Is it possible that your dad and maybe her mom maybe knew each other some point and what you're saying by my mom and dad that that that's some straight look at You need to have go back and do whatever you need to do. But I think you much. You say something like that again. I tell you my baby's gonna be coming down the beach. I'm saying that like that, hold on baby, old baby, baby, baby, hold on baby, I got this, hold on, I gotta baby, I gotta baby. I gotta say how you're gonna call me with you what you'd you from people? Dude like that? But that ain't all I'm doing, sir, is bringing you the result or I should bring me results in person, and I I wanted you. That's what I'm talking about. Hey, sir, even if you beat the messenger at the end of the day, that's still your sister. At the end of the day, I'm gonna want you. Look, I don't care what you're talking about. Nothing. He ain't my damn brother. I got it. I'm gonna find you off whatever jupicle you in. You're gonna call me something about brother. So that's my wife. I am having that sude Somewhere down the line. Somebody made a mistake and you guys, my brother and sister got married. I'm not at far for that. Let me tell you that he's in one of these numbers again in your life. So I got one more result. I do need to get hold what you've been talking about. What else you got to say? Now that's gonna be worting me. The only other touch result I have, ma'am, is that this is nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend. I told you, ain't like. I got one more thing. I got to ask both of y'all what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey morn To show. Come on, baby, you play way you went in, you went in. Jeez, you set it up. You're gonna go in. Say go deep. You know I don't go in shallow. I go in deep jump every everything seems deep to a shallow person. Oh, don't accept that. You don't have to accept that. Hate a ration man, magnified man. That's all good though. That's how you do it though, when you want to. That's you know, your little teaspoon of stupid this morning thought, I drop it on you. That is stupid and ignorant at the same up together. That's it. Stignant, stignant. I like stignant. Yeah, stupid and ignant. Sign I love it. You can get your right here, baby, two cans of Stignet's cold stick here. You're just sticking it over here. Man, you okay, you'll be all right. Sure, he just I don't know, he just he my stupid bother here. What you know, when he does something stupid, I'm I applaud him. I showed himself. No no no, no no no no no no no. When I do something ignorant, okay, I don't ever do nothing stupid. Ever I'm trying to be I'm trying to be an ignorant supporter. But you just I'm gonna keep it sticking that. You keep it. You just keep it. We're good. We'll we'll we'll understand we respect each other. How about all right? Nehew, thank you, thank you. Coming up next Strawberry Letters. Subject should I punch her or pray for her? We'll find out and get into it right after this. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. Well time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey. F them and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one. You hear that right here, right now. You never know it could be yours. Yeah, you never know. Buckle up, been hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry letter, all right? Subject should I punch her? Or pray for her? Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a fifty seven year old single mother and I am all up in my daughter's business. My daughter is thirty one years old and a professional woman. She's stating a man that I can't believe she would ever be attracted to. He's a forty year old single father with two sons that are six years old. He owns a car wash and makes a good living, but he's flashy and loves to be the center of attention. He's always been respectful to me, but I have a problem with how he tolerates certain behaviors from his twins mother. Let's call the twins mother Rita, and my daughter's boyfriend is Tony. Rita has vandalized my daughter's car and she's tried to fight my daughter in public. One night, when she and Tony went out for dinner, I tried to tell her that Tony is too ghetto and he's used to ghetto girls, but she is crazy about him. Last week, my daughter was at Tony's house by herself and Rita walked in on her. Tony said he gave Rita a key to his house because she needed access to her twins. My daughter locked herself in the bedroom because she was afraid of Rita. My daughter called me and I sped over to Tony's house to help her. Tony was there trying to calm Rita down. I got my daughter out of there, but not before Rita swung at me. I used to teach kickboxing, so I was ready for miss Rita. Tony diffused the situation and asked my daughter to explain to me what's going on. We went outside and my daughter said, Rita has some mental issues and she acts out sometimes, so we have to pray for her. I know my daughter is sheltered, but not this darn naive. I told my daughter that Tony is feeding her a bunch of bs and she needs to wise up. Should I let Rida beat her butt one good time so she'll ride, she'll wise up? Please help? What, mama? What let Rita beat your daughters? But no, don't do that. Rita is crazy and please don't let her crazy behind get it at your daughter. She could really hurt her. I mean, you know, thank god you did take kickboxing, so you're ready for Rita at that time. I know you would, mom, but you shouldn't have to fight your daughter's battles. This trifle men, like you said, we'll call him Tony doesn't care anything about your daughter. He'd put her in harm's way, he's the one that's allowing this to happen. I agree with you that he tolerates too much from Rita. What is going on with him and Rita besides her being the mother of his twins. I think Rita's just way too bold, too comfortable for there not to be something else going on between the two of them. And again, thank you, because you took kickboxing, you never know when that might come in Handy. I think this is a wrong man. I think this is a wrong relationship for your daughter. But until she sees it for herself, and she doesn't because you said she is crazy about mister Tony. But until she sees it for herself, there's not a lot you can do, mom, but rush over there when she calls you. Rita and Tony twins, they share kids together, so they're always going to be around. Your daughter is always going to have to deal with this problem. But there are no boundaries. Your daughter hasn't said any and Tony, who should be setting boundaries, hasn't. He just lets Rita run a muck. Rita has no respect for your daughter. She's no respect for this relationship. She just walks in with the key whenever she feels like it. So your daughter needs to realize that she's in over her head with this man and Rita, and unless she's willing to stand up for herself and stop hiding and locking herself in the bedroom and all that, she's fighting a losing battle. I just think you know this guy doesn't deserve her tony, and your daughter needs to move on for sure. I'm sure you'd be happy with that, mom, Steve Well Shirley, I disagree, Okay, I disagree. I don't like the mother in this letter, and I don't like the mother's assessment of the situation. Should I punch her prey for her? Did steven sherl out and fifty seven year old single mother, I'm all up in my daughter's business, being right there, all up in my daughter's business. My daughter, thirty one professional woman, she's dating a man I can't believe she would even be attracted to. And why not. He's a forty year old single father with twin sons that are six years old. He owns a car washing and he makes a good living. But he's flashy and he loves to be the center of attention. Okay, what does that mean? He's always been respectful to me, but I have a problem with how he tolerates certain behaviors from his twins. Mother, What what do you mean you have a problem with how he tolerates certain behavior. So let's call the twins mother reader, and my daughter's boyfriend is Tony. Here we go. Reader has vandalized my daughter's card. He didn't tolerate that. That's nothing he tolerated, reader, Crazy ass reader, vandalize your daughter's car as she tried to fight my daughter. The man didn't tolerate that. Crazy ass Reader tried to fight your daughter in public one night. When she in public one night when she and Tony went to dinner, I tried to tell her that Tony is too ghetto and he's used to ghetto girls. What does that have to do with him tolerating anything from his crazy ex. Last week, my daughter's at tony house by herself, and Rida walked in on her. Tony said he gave Rida a key to his house because she needed access to the twins. Your daughter don't live that hold on Rida used to live there. I'll wait, We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up. At twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters subject should I punch her? Or pray for her? We'll find out when we come back right after this. You're listening, all right? Come on, Steve, Let's recap today Strawberry Letters. Subject is should I punch her or pray for her? Fifty seven year old single mother all up in her daughter's business right there, right there, bad letter daughter thirty one professional dating a man. I can't believe she's attracted to it. And the reason she can't believe it because a man is forty year old, single father with twin sons six years old, owns a car, washer, makes a good living. So what is it you don't like? But he's flashing. He loves be the center of attention. He's always been respectful to me. Okay, that don't mean nothing. But I have a problem with how he tolerates sudden behavior from his twins mother. Then you proceed the list of go down a list of things that I don't see how the man is tolerating He let the twins mother mother's name reading, a boyfriend named Tony read the vanalized my daughter's car. The man didn't tolerate that. She tried to fight my daughter. The man didn't tolerate that. It's just read her asses crazy. Then when they went to dinner, I tried to tell her Tony's to get on. He used to dating ghetto girls, but she's crazy about it. Well, what does that have to do with Tony tolerating the ex's behavior? Last week where my daughter was at Tony's house by herself and readA walked in on it, Tony said he gave Reader key to the house because she needed access to her twins. Okay, now you know people have different arrangements. Reader don't live there, and so he didn't gave us crazy health for the key to come in here when he got the kids, check on the kids. Blah blah blah blah blah. I don't know what that arrangement is, buddy, She got a key to his house. She might have lived there before with the kids. Anybody ever thought of this right here? But my daughter locked herself in the bedroom because she was afraid to read them. Ain't got nothing to do with what the man tolerate. Though, my daughter called me and I spared over the Tony's house to help, but Tony was there trying to calm Reader. Down. I got my daughter out of there, but not before Reader swung at me. readA asked crazy. Yes, Reader swung at you, that's not him tolerating or behavior. Why you think Reader his ax because he no Reader? Crazy crazy people sometimes, I'm just saying this. Sometimes crazy people have good sex, ohzy. Sometimes. Yes. I used to teach cook kickboxing, so I was ready for miss Reader. Tony diffused his situation and asked my daughter to explain to me what's going on. We went outside and my daughter said, Reader has some mental it sounds like and she acts out, so we have to pray for her. No, I'm pretty sure Tony didn't ask you to pray for I know my daughter is shelter, but not this dog go naive. I told my daughter that Tony is feeding her a bunch of bs. He may not be telling everything, and that she needs to wise up. Should I let Reader beat her but one good time so she will wise up? Yes? Yes, Now, how you gonna stop it? Because one time she gonna be over there and Reader gonna get that whipping in for you. Get you spared over that this time because she locked herself in the bedroom, Reader gonna roll up on the one time. She's gonna be getting that dog on bed. Why does why does Tony just let her just come into the house and just run them up, just do what she don't. He don't just let her. He gave her key, He gave her key, she got boundaries, but she oversteps him. She vandaliza girl's car. That ain't tony fault. She tried to fight the woman. That ain't Tony fault, see you man, Sureley, because she got a key to the house. That's what doesn't seem like Tony is stepping up defending this girl. Tony just stepped up and defending I don't see what he knight not defending the mama. De Lenna is from the damn mama that's up in the thirty one year old business. She ain't got all the facts Tony and asked her to step outside and explain to your mama what's going on? Over hill Steve, if this was your daughter, this ain't my daughter, I said. If it was and she was with some clown that you didn't like and his ex was doing all this, you know you'd be you'd have something to say. You know you would either. But Suley, she may not want a daughter with the man. I understand that. But everybody comes with some luggage, yes, everybody. He got the crazy ex. I know this letter right him. See, that's why I'm saying. You can't write this dude off because this ex is looped. That's what I'm That's what I hate to see people doing. Well, you write, you're writing him off because his ex is crazy. Yeah, because he doesn't what is he doing to help to stop all this? He doesn't seem to be Yeah, And that's what I said. No boundaries, and he doesn't seem to be trying to help his girl. That's what I see in the letter. That's not what I see. You can give all this. Oh wait, let me explay something. Boundaries you can get, you can get court orders, you can get racket seal, you can get all this. They can do what they want to do. And it ain't got nothing to do what you allowing nothing. She's just in a crazy situation. The daughter, this crazy woman. But the mom ain't go bear to save everybody, So I don't. Well, well, we agree to disagree. We agree to disagree. Okay, thank you, all right, thank you. Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. At Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, we'll have some sports talk with Steve and for Junior. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, ladies and gentlemen, we know that Junior is out, but guess what Steve is in with sports talk? Hey, Steve, what you got? Well, the Olympics is on everybody, and everybody knows that I watch all ignorant ass things. Yeah, I have more facts about the now. Carlin has sent me some things about the Olympics. But I have some things that I will be sharing with you. USA wanta gold medal and fiscing and got a bronze and silver medal in the men's and women swimming. Uh, that's the boy with the bow, the eagle and the shock on his chest. He didn't already won one. And then the white girl, the name that starred with the air sheeting one one girl. No, I'm just telling you what that Kevin Duran, damon little ass and set them lost to France. The most humiliating thing I've ever seen. What they over there fault, Sorry ass, go over there and let them kids whip them. Friends ain't good enough to beat them, ain'tybody on their team, but Rudy Gobert and you said them let them board win. All right. Now here's another one. Coreal whip everybody ass in fencing, and I want you to know that that Japan. No no no, I meant archery and the archery. And then I gotta tell you this here Japan with type hand China ass and it's nithing to play China in the mixed doubles table tennis. And lord, the little five foot Japanese girl and whipping everybody as I don't know her name, but Lord, that little girl right here stronger than the dudes over there. So I'm cheering for her. I'm hoping Japan beat China, you know whatever. Also in gymnastics, Simone Bows had a rough first day and one any damn way, so now she will be representing in the qualifying round along with Jordan's childs is Childs and Bows, the two black girls and the little or Asian girl with the black dad and she in two and I don't know, and then the twenty four year old white girl that was a runner up in Rio Denisio in Brazil. Really well, you know the same she anyway, she made the Olympic team and she and that good and they the two white girls with the red suits than one just say, and it's really really good. I have more Olympic news if you want it. I'm Hella, I'm Helen. I got some moat. All right, Today's National Auntie and Uncle Day, and we're gonna talk to everybody's favorite uncle, Steve Harvey when we come back at the top of the hour. Yep, Uncle Steve. Right after this. You're listening morning show, all right. So I didn't even know this was a thing, but today is National Uncle and Auntie Day. So Steve, you're everybody's favorite uncle. Two questions, Any advice you want to give your nieces and your nephew And do you have a favorite auntie or uncle's story? My favorite uncle is my uncle Donald, hands down. And I loved all my aunts except for Agnes the only one stop always Agnes fat are always hate for never encouraged me. You know, she should give everybody nickel for going to the store, right, But because I studied, she didn't want to give me no nickel car, I ain't got all day to weight on you to come back here with this food down trunk. Figure out what says says say? I said, Oh, I couldn't stay in her ass. But anyway, yeah, I wanted some advice to my nephews and nieces out there and send a millennial division and everything. Look, I know that this generation, and I applaud you off for being the most tech savvy and aggressively thinking generation that has come along in a while. I do want to say also that the Black Lives Matter movement has become the most relevant movement to move forward the ambitions of people of color than when Civil rights movement. I want to say that. I also want to remind you all that still that has to be a work ethic applied. I think the element that's missing from this generation is the work ethic of your superiors. That's not to knock what you're doing, but so many young people have benefited from online and struck it, hit it with some type of e commerce, little hustle and asking for money and go fund me pages and all these here. That has got everybody trying to find that magical way for themselves. Nothing substitutes and replaces hard work. There is no elevator to the top. You have to take the stairs. I wish I could get young people to understand, man, that if you could take this technical savviness that you have and this technical advancements that you have and put my generation's work ethic with it, this would be an unstoppable generation. But it's too many, far too many trying to trying to hit it rich quick look for the next wonder moment online when you waste a lot of time when you could be just putting in some serious working and making yourself some real money. That's my advice. I mean, that's what I'm learning from these young people. Man. And like God, even in my own children, you know, they always got these bright ideas, but then at the end of the day, I'll tell them, hey, look y'all, you can have these great ideas and I'm gonna support it, but you can have to put some work with this thing, and you can stop thinking. You find to strike a bitch next next week, one of my kids told me I'm gonna make eighty million dollars this year. The child who what I said? It's February, I know, but I'm fitting to sign some deals. Okay, all right, and then you and can I sign them too? Well, needless to say, it's not working out that way, But I mean it's good to have ambitions and everything, but some of these unrealistic timelines are bit. Look, it's okay to make eighty million, but understand what I've learned, it take a long time, make a lot of money and keep it. Where's the disconnect between our generation and their generation and the hard work aspect? Well, it's just you've seen so many people hit it. But that's all only the ones they highlight. They don't, they don't highlight the failures. Instagram is the highlight reel of people's life. I did this, I did that, I did this idea that let's come back and talk about it because there's some more to this. All right. It is National Auntie and Uncle Day. We'll talk more, uh from Uncle Steve, and get more of his advice right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, we were just talking about National Uncle and Auntie Day. You were giving our millennials and our gen xes out there some advice to your nieces and nephews and a great generation, a great generation. And I applaud them like I say, I commend them for being tech savvy, and I really commend them for this, for spearheading this Black Lives Matter movement because it's been the most relevant movement for advancement of people of color since Civil Rights movement. I've never seen anything like it in these young people, athletes, everybody's involved. Man, They've got some young leaders out there that's female and male, and I think that's new. I think it's day of a gifted group. I think the disconnect that I see is because this generation only shows the highlight reels of people's life, and it has people who don't understand that these highlights reel are merely highlights. That there are hundreds of millions of people who don't hit it one time, who ain't one hit wonders, and that don't have that birken bag that's not really their birken bag, that's not really their jet, that's not really their call, that's not really their skin. They got filters that's really not their waistline. And they got all these young people thinking that they got to go and you all it is and they can hit it quick. Yeah, there is no elevator to the top and that's what And I'm going to share another reason with you too. If we have chick okay, more advice from Uncle Steve, a national Uncle and Auntie Day right after this you're listening to, all right, this is National Uncle and Auntie Day. And we were just you know, just at Steve sweet with more advice from him to his nieces and nephews. Go ahead, Steve. Well, you know we've been talking about this generation and sometimes how we have a disconnect. And I've commended this generation and I'll do it again for being as tech savvy and as forward thinking and progressive as you all are, having made more wealthy people that I've seen come along in a long time, and also for Black Lives Matter movement, which has been the most significant movement since the Civil Rights. Here is a slight disconnect, and it is because your parents didn't have the knowledge of technology. It doesn't mean that they don't possess massive amounts of technology, because as technical as you are, we still got to get down to how to become successful, and as technical as you are, we still have to get down to how to gain life experiences. And some things will never ever change. And don't write older people off because they don't know how to go online and do the or they ain't got social media. Don't write them off like they are without value, because they bring a value to the tables that you can't really put online. Like I was talking about success, and like I'm talking about experience. You can't google success or experience. I don't care what you do. And all this older generation comes with something bad. They come with a work and work at and a wisdom and a know how and a fight. They know how to fight, they know how to see a task through. So I wish that young people, some young people would kind of remember that and be a little bit more respectful for that generation or to in front of you, and realize that a lot of those people, like the generation in front of me, paid the weighty. They paid the weight they made it possible for you to even have Look, man, I was talking to one of one of these people that worked for me. His little brother has never known anything but a black president and a black vice president. They've never known anything else. They don't know that him becoming president was a miracle. Yeah, And so you know, when you're born thinking this is the way it is, you don't have a real idea how it is got to be right that again, you don't have any idea how it is got to be because in order for something to be is, it's got to be. A war was now and that was was why. And that's what I wish they would always remember about that older generation. All Right, thank you Uncle Steve on this National Uncle and Auntie Day. All Right, we'll be back with our last break of the day and some closing remarks from everybody's favorite uncle Steve Harvey. But Tommy has some at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening to show. All Right, guys, here we are our last break of the day on this Monday. Yes, is the last break of the day. Full week of hard work, thank you God. Wow, a full week as we go into a full week of work as we go forth, as we go forward for a hard And this relates because Steve was just talking yes, yes, because he's right, the work, the work has to be done. Can I can I? Can I say something? You know, you got to say what I was gonna say. You're gonna say Happy National Uncle's Day. You're gonna say I say that, That's not what I No, No, you said it, But no, that's not what I was fence to say. Now, what I'm trying to say he gave some knowledge and wisdom and all of that last correct, Yeah, okay, But I just want to say this. I just want to say this to a lot of y'all out there. Uh, get your own damn uncle. You know a lot of y'all. You know you want to lean on man, and how what I got? And and but look at your Where is your uncle? What the hell is he doing? Who? Who is your This is not yours? Find you somebody your friend to look up to, Okay, find that you don't have that where you're trifling ass uncle, that you don't have what you know? What is he doing? He's not giving you advice, he's not showing you, encourage you how to make it through life. He's not showing you anything. And that's why you won't. Man. But you can't have that, Okay, and you can't. Yeah, every Yeah, go ahead, go ahead, Jake. Not only do you need another uncle, because that's not your damn uncle. Okay, it's not your damn don't be looking at the radio. It's just not your uncle. I said, don't look at the radio, So the realization is kicking in. It's not your uncle, okay, damn it. Not only that, he's not your rich friend. Okay, he he's my rich friend okay, not yours, not yours. And if you don't have one, then shame on you. Shame on you, my uncle and his rich friend. Okay, that's what it is. What is? What is? What is your uncle doing? What is your auntie doing? What? What are they doing? Okay, let's spot let's spot like that. What is your look at your life? Do you have a rich friend? My phone? Is that my phone? I'm the blame? Oh okay, okay, I don't have one, Jake, blame me, Tommy's okay? Cool? Who is yours? Who? What is yours doing? So tell me? People hate on you because Seves your uncle. Are you upset? But are you mad at me because you don't ain't doing it? Damn? What did you see Steve on? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, you think you because Steve on the Yes, he's on the yacht. And here's something, here's something right, here's somethingwhere we want you all to really know. This's what we want to know when you when you when you see us and you walk up on us, and you talk to us for about five minutes, and when you talk to us about five six minutes, and then you know, finally, after five or six minutes, we really get to why you walked up on us. Okay, then out of your back, out of somewhere, you pull out an envelope or book. Hey, can you get this to Steve? That's why you rolled up on me. No, I can't, I can't. I can't take your envelope, your book, your letter, your your chiki that you made for him. I can't take any of that. Don't bring me a damn thing to Steve. Okay, not nothing, not a cake, not a back cake. It's not an idea, not a peach cobbler. I'm not taking it. Get it out of her face. What Jay, we heard he likes red velvet? Would you could you get this to it? So Tommy, basically you want to tell people he's not your He's not. I mean, you're just this is just and you're not gonna get any new uncles. You're not so. I mean, you have what you have, you know, and you're stuck with what you have. But don't be mad at what I got. Don't be mad at what I got, but it's not out yours? Yes, can I say? Usually usually, you know, during this segment, Steve has closing remarks, your own closing, rich We're closing. But it's positive. It's usually this is positive. You should not go through life thinking this is Can I see why this is positive? Can I see what I'm listening? Because some people were thinking that that was their uncle too, it's not thank you. Some people are upset that they don't have a rich friend. You don't, so we don't orcher some things for that. Yeah, you know what, let's do this uncle? They do they surely, let's do this. Let's just have a day called Raggedy Ass Uncle Day. So they have been to celebrate the uncle. Then crate that day. Yeah, we're celebrating uncles and auntie national uncle and aunt and we'll add on poor ass Friends Day. Do you want to just yeah, I would like to say something thank you that Marjorie and I do accept being Uh, y'all's aren't an uncle. And we see y'all out there and we know y'all say, hey, uncle, Steve ain't Marger. We got it. We accept that it's part of it, and uh, that is good. But I but I ain't your damn friend, so quit. Don't ask me for nothing. Thank you very much. Well, Happy Nashville until uncle and untoday. Y'all have a great day, everybody for all Steve Every Contests. No purchase necessary, void we're prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening Steve Morning Show