Naked Reality Show or Nah 3.08.17

Published Mar 8, 2017, 5:30 PM

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Y'all know what time. If y'all don't know, y'all bag all suit all looking back to back down, giving them just like amazing buck bus things. And it's tough, y'all. Do me true good to tea Steve how guy listening to me to each other for stub quickly listen mony, I don't join yeah yeah by joining me have same way. You gotta turning a love go, yeah you you you got to turn to turn turn my lovey got to turn out to turn water wan go, comey, come on your back at it. Uh huh, I show well a good morning everybody. Y'are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show, got going for you today. I got going for you today. O kid, You're not because this is coming purely from self experience, purely, and it just happened to me. You know, I was going through something that I've been going through for a long long time and just weary of it all. And I've been talking to God about it, and I mean for for years though, for years, and I've been saying, Okay, enough is enough, you know God, I'm really I'm really tired and so. But you but you know what, h after it was over. You know, I kind of laid in it for a little while. You know how you've been going through something for so long and then even if it's over appears to be over you you still kind of laying it a little bit, and you know, you have a a while. Man, I can't believe I've been dealing with this this long, even though even though it's over, or you threw with it for that particular day or what or whatever it is you threw with it, it's over with for that day of that period of time, you know, but it's over for whatever. But I I found myself going, you know, man, I can't believe it's lasted this long. I was just talking to myself and I had to catch myself yesterday. And maybe you've been doing the same thing to yourself. But man, I had to take an inventory yesterday. I really did, and it really tripped me out, and I said, I'm gonna share that with everybody today. You know, have you ever counted how many times you made it? This is really good for me. I don't know how you do it, but this was so good for you for me. Have you ever counted, Steve Harvey, how many times you made it? And so that's what I started doing yesterday. And that's what I did this morning when I woke up, was getting ready, I was actually taking an inventory account of how many times I made it. How many times, man, I didn't have it rent and somehow I came up with it. How many times I didn't have my house payment and somehow I came up with it. How many times I was out of money, did not have enough, didn't didn't see no way, but somehow I came up with it. How many times I got sick? I thought, well, man, this is right here. I don't know what I'm gonna do, but somehow I got my health back. How many situations I have found myself in? That was I thought at the time. Detrimental and diabolical and man so sinister at times, But look at me, somehow I made it. I look at all the accidents I've been in, but he kept me. I made it. I think about even the simplest times of like stepping off a curb and almost got hit, but I made it. I was just tripping the other day. I was I was thinking about the times that I've been hit by a car and it could have been worse, but it wasn't. And I made it through that too. I was thinking about, man, when they count you out? Do you know how many times I've been counted out? He's done? He ain't gonna be nothing, He ain't nobody see what I told y'all, look at over that they counsel this. He offered that he out of here. He ain't gonna make it. He didn't got fired. Man, You know how many times I've been counting out? You know how many times they didn't wrote me off? How many times have you been written off? Man? But here you still stand? You know you have a tripped on it? Taking inventory y'all of how many times? Count the times you've made it sound get a pin dude like I did. I just started jotting stuff down. What about the times? Man, when nobody was there to encourage you? But you still here though you have a tripped on that? Ain't nobody called you and told you good day. No nobody called you and told you recently thank you. No one's called you and told you how much you meant to them, how much you've done for them? A man that you can make it never give up. Keep your head up, man, keep grinding. But you still here even when nobody have you counted the times man, that you made it anyway? You counted the times that you felt like quitting. How about that one you felt like giving up? You kept going? How about the time this is a good one right here? How about the times man, when when when when everybody was standing around saying, ain't no way, ain't no way, Steve, Man, I can't tell you how any times I've heard it ain't no way, and then somehow there is a way. You know why, because he makes away. You understand? You know how many you know how many times I've heard this one right here? Steve, listen to me, Man, nobody ever before has done that. You can't do that. How many times you've heard no? You wan when you know anybody that done that? You can't do that. No one has ever done that. I made it anyway? You know they don't normally or we don't normally allow this, but in this case, for you, we're gonna make an exception. How many times have you heard that, Oh, I think I'm on to something. How many times have you heard in your lifetime? We don't normally or they don't normally allow this, but we're gonna make this exception in your case. How many times you've ben't heard that? Have you ever counted the times that you made it? You know everybody out accept me? How how can that be? You know you're the only one that got through this? Congratulations? Wow? Man, I don't I don't hardly see this too many times. But do you realize that normally this is what happened to people. But man, y'all don't know how your name came up, but here you are. Wow, it never happens like that. You have accounted those times. I was doing it yesterday, I was doing it this morning. I was just taking an inventory of everybody of how many times I've made it. So what I learned yesterday was when God gets you through something, when he pulled you out on the other side, no matter how difficult or how long it took. When He gets you out on the other side, why don't you get up, dust yourself off, and start trotting what you laying there for man, wallowing in it, going over it, recycling it in your mind. So many people can't move forward because we keep recycling stuff in our minds. When clearly, it's time to move on. It's time to let go. It's time to go and see what God has for you. Stop looking at what you lost. What you lost was probably not yours to have in the first in the first place, Do you know the things I've lost? I'm not talking about losing the love of one or mother or father, nothing like that. I'm talking about innate objects or situation. Do you know the things I've lost? Man, I look back on it. Our wasn't supposed to have him in the first place, or they was doing me no good. I wasn't even what wouldn't mine to to lose, but I claimed I lost it. Come on, man, taking inventory, everybody. Start looking at the things man, that God has brought you through. Start looking at how many times He allowed you to make it. And get glad about waking up in the morner. Man, Get glad about your life. Start feeling something positive about your situation. You cannot expect God to continue to bless you if you're not grateful for the things that you have. Why would God sitting down here looking at you, upset, angry, laying in the waller of what you are not grateful for? You just can't find the scene to find no gratitude in your heart about nothing, but you steady asking God for something. So now you think God is crazy? You think he gonna give you some most stuff to not be grateful for. Are you kidding me? Why would he do that? He's too full of too much mercy to send you through that over and over and over. The more I give my child, the more ungrateful they are, the less gratitude they show. But I'm gonna keep dumping it on them so they can keep feeling ungrateful and then show like a gratitude. Guy's not gonna do that to you. Come on, man, have you ever counted how many times you made it? I started yesterday, ended up this morning. When I gonna break, I got some most stuff to throw on the list. I can't count how many times God had got me through something. But when he gets you through it, we didn't get up and get on about your business. Don't lay that in it. It's over, it's done, you made it, you survived it. Let's go, let's go. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show, eighteen eighteen minutes after that, I welcome to the ride, y'all, Steve Harvey Morner show. Yeah, you gonna have somebody bust out saying to the church in case thing. Yeah, since the Allen Pattison god dog, and she thought she had one of them rich gospel voices. No, this is my seedy. Oh nothing, Lord Jenkins with a Meryl Street. Were nobody seeing that show? But it was about a woman. You don't stop my joke about that. But it was to get your girl. Man, that was a joke, Steve, I'm sorry, Oh my god, did not just say that? No, No, it's all right, No, No, it's all right. I understand, I understand. I know how people do when they do something ignorant, they try to throw the blame on somebody else. A tweet in the middle of the night sound familiar. Just I'm in the middle of producing the joke ignorant statement about class car is movie. Ain't nobody seen Florence Foster Jenkins. It was about it was Meryl Street. He's a class card. He did talking about the world's worst singer. That's all. I Have you seen the movie, Tommy? No, No, I haven't, Sirley, have you I mean, Carlin, have you seen the movie? No, sir Junior Have you seen the movie Cat Dog? Have you seen the movie Mississippi, Monica, Mississippi. Have you seen the movie? Okay, now, so I ain't the only one ain't seen the movie. That's no, I'm just saying it was. That's what her movie was about. She got nominated for Best Actress. Don't no what you see? So you bled out anything? When that the Lord God is watching, I wish you would, to wish you would. That's a good as movie because stroking, stroke, stroking, stroking is about so oh my god, that's the way we start Wednesday. That's how you drop it off. You're really going ahead talk going off the deep end. I ain't on behalf of the morning. No, No, it's just you. Don't. Don't drag them all into it. It's just you, Okay, on behalf of me say that. I just want to say that we have noticed. Just I not we I Well, I'm lying now, Okay, I have noticed, and I'm pretty sure some other people have to the decline in a weirdness preparedness on your parts. I don't know if you're suffering from sleep deprivation. I don't know if this is early signs of what are you talking about specifically, Well, you know, no early signs of what? Uh, Tommy, you're trying to force me to say what? No, Tommy said that. Oh no, I did not, Tommy, Tommy, what early signs of fourth? You were about to say, early signs of dimension? That's what you damn that is what I was gonna. Oh, that ain't what I was gonna say. But oh, Tommy, oh did you let that out the back? Because I wasn't even gonna say because I don't even know what the hell that. Oh no, I don't. I was gonna say all times you dirty, your dirty. I was gonna say that because I don't know how the hell I know where it is? If you know all timmensmen, stop, well, which one is it? Are you cleared up for? That's Tommy said that. I could not say that. Tommy said it. Now. See you always want to jump on me. You always give Tommy a pack. Tommy said, dimention. No, wait a minute, now, I'm not gonna that's what we say on this show. Sometimes stupid is a compliment, and that was not a compliment. No, Tommy, No, Tommy, who are you said that? And Tommy is stupid? We all agree with that. But Tommy said it though you had demention before. Yes, you did not say dimension before. About a month ago you said it, he said, I demension, Shirlette Joy, you ever heard me say that about you? I have? You know? She gone now she made it. She mad at me. Yeah, she laughed. The stupid ass dude. She walked out. Oh my gosh. Uh so you don't know how to be you don't know how to play fact. You go too far though, Tommy, you don't want to say that with your swong with y'all. What a stupid Tommy. Okay, you are right, I'm fine, Tommy, you don't care. Can you remember what happens Tommy? Tommy said, I know better, I know whenness. No, you don't know better? Is retaliation because you said I stepped on your joe. No no, no, no on the us the joke go this and turned into way more. There's nothing funny about having to meet don't think so at all. No, there's nothing funny about dimensions because if you gotsion, dimensions are sizes where how big is the problem? Show? Right here? I think we all need a break. Right here, we come back from the break. I'm good to slap okay, when we come back from the break at thirty four after the hour, about the girl, she right the girl, I'm right here. I was trying to stop because y'all stop, let her go go ahead surely saying you really not gonna act like it's something to say you remember how to take us. We'll be back. You're listening, alright, thirty four minutes after the hour. We're back when we come back. Now, these are comedic moments, folks. So whatever it is, man, we do any damn jokes when we come back? Yeah? Whatever? Oh man, you know we're back all the morning as we united front. Why wouldn't we love each other? Back in love again, lt D. Every time I move, I lose when I let love in, every time I turn around, I'm back in love. I get mixed emotion. And sometimes you feel so satisfied. But excuse me, I'm only humor. Sometimes I love it. What are you gonna say? Go ahead? I don't know, Tommy, I ain't say not not. I'm your friend. You know that. I ain't said nothing. I know it wasn't true, Tommy, Thank you? What are you kidding me? He the only one been talking? Why do you keep giving this ignorant boy, a past boy what you're talking about? Though, surely because people don't know in they should have tuned in earlier. We started the show at six. Tell them what they tuned in. We're telling what they missed. Tom Well, go ahead, get in trouble. He said I had dementia. I said you had no damn dimentions. I said you were suffering from early signs. And I couldn't come up with the word fast enough and Thomas said the dimentions. And I don't even know what it is dimensions. You know what measurements? I was gonna say. Then he said, well, how big is it? When you said dimensions, it's about sizes. And then he said the problem I thought it was early stages. People would have explain it. It just never works. And then Tommy just kept on with it. Now I didn't hear Tommy say anything. It was just always forgive his stupid ass. I'm maybe I forgot what you no Tommy. You said, you asked, Shirley, do you still remember how to take us out? And then you said it was early signs speaking of mentions, and then you said, I'm just trying to figure out how band the problem is all that was Tommy. I don't recall that. I don't thus the problem. But Steve, on the other hand, I remember everything you said and ask God dimensions the wrong damn thing. Exactly the point you're listening, Steve for eight minutes after that hour, we're coming up at the top of the hour. MS ain't gonna be here with today's national news. Never doe a moment in the Trump administration. You go to sleep and wake up. This is the most exciting administration. This is the most new. This has been the real first one hundred day. Yeah, it's not boring. This will go down history as the most news worthy one hundred days in the history of all presidential elections. Oh many many are tapping. Why apping from the previous president or in the over office. I'm an immigrant. See if I can't get some help, because I'm gonna tell you right now, damn sure ain't work out for them for the eight because of the music. Maybe if I go in as an immigrant, I can really get myself. Let me what what do can I get anything? No, you can't get government program or I gotta passport, do a green card? Help or anything? Work? It's a passport hide in a green car. I gotta look into the rights. You want global entry with I want globally. I want to find out the rights because I may be able to cash in on something. All right, I got this for your the preacher's wife. That's that run that prank back the preacher's wife. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach your sister Angela. Sister Angela, please, how you doing. My name is Brother Clayton. I'm calling you from greatest Baptist Church. How you doing this morning? I'm fine, I'm fine. Yeah, listen, I know that your husband, Reverend Reverend Jonathan, is actually one of the candidates that we may be choosing to be our pastor since our past pastor has stepped down. Yes, yes, yes, I'm I'm very proud of my husband. I think you make a very good candidate. Is a matter of fact. Here at the church, we've been asking a lot of the deacons and and and assistant uh ministers here have been asking different questions different things that they would be doing once they became pasted. You know, like your first one hundred days, what would you try and change here at the church, or try and make better so to speak? Yet, but what you need to speak to No, not right now. What what we decided to do? Uh? Sins Angela is actually called the wives and asked them a few questions. Okay, that's a look different, and we don't we don't want to take up too much of your time. You know a lot of times. Uh. If a pastor is stressed at home, nine times out of tend, he's likely to be stressed at the church. So I guess, my, my, My biggest question to you is is your husband stressed at home? H No, not that I know of. Eats regularly, he's on a good diet. You know, he goes to the doctor regularly. It's just physical. Um, pretty good at home. I don't have a reason to believe that he's stressed. He certainly hasn't brought anything to my attention. Okay, No, no, I don't, I don't. I don't, I don't, I don't. I don't think you follow me, since Andrew, what I'm saying is he's stressed behind closed doors? Is he stressed in that fashion? Um? I'm not. I'm not too sure I follow you. You say behind closed doors? What exactly what you mean by that? Is he is he stressed in y'all's relations. Is he stressed? Are you asking me about my personal business presence? Well, what I'm saying is if he's stressed at home, he'll be stressed at the church. And if he's stressed at the church, then the members are stressed. Then the congregation is stressed. So the stress start with you. Excuse me, if you won't make ensure that he's all right at home, he's gonna be all right at the church. I'm sorry, brother, what was your name? Brother Clayton, Brother Clayton. I appreciate you um conducting whatever interviews you guys need to conduct with the candidates wives. I do think that's pretty much personal territory, and I really don't want to answer those kind of questions. It's not personal since the angela win is so many other people involved. See, That's why I'm asking you the question, is your man stressed behind? I could assure you, yes, that my husband is not stressed at home. If I get your drift, he is not stressed behind closed doors. Brother, and I would appreciate you if you don't call what these kind of questions are you asking other candidates? Why these kind of questions? Well, I was the one uh, dedicated to call to give you a call. And that's the question that I decided to come up with because I want to know if a man is gonna be stressed, because if he's gonna have tension at the church, then then the congregation is going to have tension. The church just gonna have atention, and the church cannot move forward in the direction on My husband and I have been married twenty to five years and they've been twenty five good years. If you get my drift, Okay, he is not stressed at home, and whatever goes on at home, my husband has sense enough not to take it to the church. That is not something he's gonna do. So you don't see that about anybody else being stressed at the congregation in the pulpit nowhere. Okay, we asked together at home, and I appreciate if you don't ask you those kind of questions. But sometimes, but sometimes a woman does not realize that that a husband is stressed. You understand that there's a possible way that you don't know that he's stressed. So how can you get Let me get your phone. A matter of fact, let me get your full name. What's your first name? Let's just go with Brother Clayton right now. Could you please answer this question? How can you guarantee that he is fully not stressed? Brother Clayton? How calling the Lord real quick? Hold on, Brother Clayton. I'm an honorable w I'm a woman who stands by my man. Okay, but you are asking me some questions that very personal, very private, very confidential. You are asking me questions that that that a question is the safety of my marriage? Okay, my husband is not stressed and if I don't send him away from my home stressed? Okay, how do you know? But what are you doing to make sure that this is less stressed? Clayton, I'm about to end this phone call. Okay, now, if you know, we're not gonna end this phone call unto that we know we I need to know the Reverend Jonathan is not stressed at home. They put they assigned me to talk to you, and that's what I'm going to do, and I'm going to leave. He is not stressed. I don't know who told you that the man is not stressed. If he had to stressed around you, I bet you. I bet you he stress because you're stressing me right now now we're both stressed out. How can we understand that that man is not stressed? That's the end of this conversation. Do you understand me? Give me your full name right now, give me some intimate details, and then I'll give you my cross the line. You wait till my husband gets here. If this is gonna cost him, candessy, does this so be? We'll find another chunch. I'd have some choice words for you right now. I will give you my name right now. Do you have a pen? Yes, I'm gonna writeing right now. The letter n N is in Nancy. I know how to spare n E P h E W that nephew. Your name is nephew Clayton. My name ain't nephew Clayton. My name is nephew Tommy. From the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your husband, Reverend Jonathan. You said, this is nephew Tommy. This is from the Steve Harvey Morning it's your your husband, need to prank phone call you, lond I'm gonna kill it. Oh didn't trust me sent me this morning. I can't believe I let you, you know, prank before. Oh my god, Tommy, I will tell you if this was twenty five years ago. Brother, I cut up a storm. I'm so glad I'm a safe woman. Well, listen, listen. Can I ask you one more thing? What is the baddest radio show in the last The Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, Now you have the opportunity you told us to meet this young man. He is doing big things. We love him. Just one couple of Grammys. This story is major headlines out of Chicago. Chance the Rapper. I don't know if you guys heard about this, but he donated a million dollars to Chicago public schools. Now that's getting in there helping the situation. Chance the Rapper was that Chicago's Westcott Elementary School to make the big announcement. Take a listen. Our kids should not be held hostage because of political positioning. If the governor does not act, CPS will be forced to end school thirteen days early, which means over three hundred and eighty thousand kids will not have adult supervised activities in June and could possibly be put in arms way. While I'm frustrated and disappointed and the Governor's in action. That will not stop me from continuing to do all I can to support Chicago's most valuable resource, it's children. Today, I'm proud to announce that I am donating one million dollars to CPS to CPS to support arts and enrichment programming. Isn't that amazing? Yes? Major? That is beyond Yes it is. And he's so young, you know that's beyond major. After the story broke, Chance received a lot of praise for his generous donation. Uh Michelle Obama tweeted a message to Chance, thanking him for giving back to the Chicago community which gave us so much. Mrs Obama added that you are an example of the power of arts education. So true, so true, and yeah, big ups the Chance for that. Well, let's get it all. She's here with today's headlines and the latest on the President. Good morning, miss Saying, good morning, Steve, Good morning everybody out there. This is Andrew for the News. President Trump says he's absolutely committed to the new Republican health care legislation now the House of Representatives, the measure designed to replace Obamacare, and Trump thinks there'll be a positive legislative response we're gonna do something that's great, and I'm proud to support the replacement plan released by the of Representatives and encouraged by members of both parties. I think really that we're going to have something that's going to be much more understood and much more popular than people can even imagine. Well, some conservative lawmakers say they're opposed to the bill because they keeps some elements of the Affordable Care Act intact, so they're calling it Obamacare two point oh and they're promising to fight against it because they say, well, we campaigned on getting rid of Obamacare, and this is very much like Obamacare, so they don't like it. And Democrats are against it because they say that it cuts money from lower income people, it keeps them from getting health insurance, and it puts a lot of power back with the insurance companies, which they say is very negative consideration of the new healthcare measure. By the way, scheduled have been later to begin later on today. Wiki leaks has published a huge array of what they say our secret government documents, all allegedly from the Central Intelligence Agencies cyber espionage Unit, and Wiki leaks says it's exposing the CIA's entire tool kit for digital spying. Wikily says it's redacted thousands of the spy agency's actual targets. However, WikiLeaks accuses the CIA of creating its own electronic surveillance agency without any accountability. WikiLeaks says a disgruntled former CIA contractor was its source. In blocks the Mississippi SA, at least four people killed, thirty five others injured. Yesterday, when a train stuck struck a tour bus. Authority say the bus may have been stopped on the tracks when the train barrel through, pushing it some three feet down the tracks off. You will say the number of people on the bus of Peter been senior citizens, A lot of them. Sad news. Turner Classic Movies host Robert Osborne has died. Osborne was eighty four. He was at Ted Turner's Classic Movie Network since the beginning, back in introducing the movies and laying the audience in on all those backstoryborn Thanks for joining us. This is the third Man. Now. Something you may not know about the Third Man is there were actually two versions of this film a British. This is the kind of stuff. He would always say, let us in all the little dirty backspores. We will miss Robert Osborne. And today is National Nasty Day, National find Out what your Name Really means Day, and it's National Women's Day internal also a day without Women's Day. A lot of women have taken off today, that's right, or they're all supposed to take off from house where too. So guys, when you get home, you may have to do your own dishes and cook your own meals. Now back to the Steve Harvey Boarding Show. All right, thank you for saying what you got. All right, we've all heard the phrase different strokes for different folks. We've all heard that growing up and yeah still to this day. Well pretty pretty much. Uh means we all have different opinions about things, especially about things that either turn us on or turn us off. Now here's a question. What do you find attractive that others might not find attractive? Do you like a person with a raspy voice, let's say, or do you like someone that wears rocks her hair? True? Short? Can you say raspy? Boy? You mean like Monica? That's a little different. No, not like Monica, but just kind of a deep she has a way, you know, like if you catch Monica it is kind of section. But you have to catch her just right, like when you call it and she's sleepy. Hello. Yeah, it's kind of nice little thing, but she if we wid awake though, she got some volume behind it. That's when it changes a little bit. Hello, it goes some Hello, what's going on? Hey? Miss? It just starts to change. So that's partly one of the question. Here's part two. Would you be on a naked reality show if they called you, like dating Naked or Naked and Afraid one of those kinds of shows. Uh? The only one in here that could possibly say yes is you know who? So just ask him. Well, we already know his answer. Nephew. I'll dude, I date naked. I ain't gonna do naked and afraid though I'm not out there in the jungle with no but I date naked. Yeah, I think I don't think you should be on camera naked either. Show. Ain't nothing wrong with my naked It's come on, man, you got to be joking now, yo, naked you remember I found you naked? I had to come get you using the be in a pool or baby. You remember that? I remember that? Yeah? You remember that time when a big slab stints had went out in her chest, and then you reached over on the headboard and on the nice stand and got your cell phone and called me. Remember when I had to come in or roll big slab off. She was on top of her and she fell asleep on top of and then I had to rope coming in and roll off, and both of y'all was naked. I've had some interesting moments, but twenty minutes though, get off, you get some juls. Hey, I'm sorry, but she hasn't he likes he's married. Now do you know one thing for show? With your answer? The same way is your show? That's what you say, I don't want to see? All right, So that's our question for today. It's a two part understand the question what do you find attractive that others might not find attractive? Someone with a raspy voice, ultra short hair, small boobs. Part two, I like short hair, short hair sets. Okay, well that's the answer to the question. Then part two you answer that as well. Would you be naked on a reality show if they called you come on? I don't like that part of the question right there. I like the what is it about? I like the one part you like the other part. Yeah, you know what we should do family for you naked? Have a look? What do you think and you hosted naked? Well, well you're gonna pay in your name. See you don't one got options? What do you mean, Sie like Tommy can pen his name tag on either his chest or his ass. Let's go, let's go. We are any time to go to the break head high you could actually see it from the front. Surely ain't got nowhere. Surely you could just you and call it. Could just y'all don't even have to pin y'all name tag on. Y'all could just put it, put yours in a picture frame and just prop it up. Okay, we're not playing a family you naked, that's a But tell me you didn't answer the first part of the question. What do you find attracted and others? Wide back? Oh yeah, oh yeah, what about you? But hey, we'll hold on, hold on where your wife ain't got a wide back? So you gave up the wide back. I gave up wide back. She got that. I like that? You know where six team J said? Anybody like I don't want lighting a right coming up? Next thing right down coming up after the our Butterfly is in the building with a better fly blog. I like a woman with a really cute You're some ugly tun up. We gotta go to break. You're listening to the stew alright coming up next? You know who is here with the blog, the butterfly blog. And uh today he's talking about who knows what and no one cares, so he's next care I don't get money, Stephen Charlie, Carli Junior time he good morning to every wine to beautiful Wednesday on good morning Today. The blog is about men's capri pants. That's what it's about. Capre pants and getting ready for the summer and getting your capre pants. And I'm I'm designing my own fashion where the capre vance will stop right above the knee and some of them will be below the knee. But these are gonna be capre pants. Some of them are going to be um steven. What do you call the um sear sucker. I'm gonna have some sear sucker re pants and jacket to match. See a socker. Well you're gonna do it because I'm gonna make something for you and Virginia. But sear sucker capree outfits is going to be a hidden see a sucker Capre pants for the summer, okay, and they're gonna have a They're gonna be really really killed carline. They're gonna have a draw string that they'll tie um, you know um instead of about um. Some of them won't be like vest where you won't have sleeves, you know what I mean, so you can just wear your arms out. So if you got your arms and you're doing all you push up some stuff like that, and you're ready for the summer. This Capre outfit is going to be the thing. And I want everyone that's listening to now, car Pre outfits car Pre pants for me and is the thing this summer. So get your man time. I'm gonna have the boys here. I'm gonna get them sign but car Pre outfits is what you're going to want. And we completely skipped spring. Yeah this is gonna be for spring. So we were almost there. But Stephen, do you like your sucker material? You're not into searsuckers? Stephen, I've seen you with some searsuckers before. You have it. You have had it. You have some serious Yes you did, because I'm you're not playing. You don't have any Seals Socker gold fans. Well, we have to get your time of out. Tell no, I gotta just take me out your bit and go ahead on. So you don't want to be a part of that Sear sockers. What is what is? What is it called Sear Soccer. That's the name of the material. I don't worry about it. You're gonna get something. I'm gonna have it outfit for you, outfit for Stephen, and an outfit for a time, and I want you guys to wear it. Okay, but this is gonna be the new thing, and you guys are gonna be the first ones on the scene with it. You're gonna love it, and you're gonna love it. And whenever you guys did like Steven when you do um red carpets, this is why you want to have on Searus Soccer made by you in Antwine Park. I s E A f E A okay, all right, okay? And that stuff? I love it. I love it. I love it. Carla and Charlie, are you guys interested? I could make you out of something to give you want something to match you me? And like if I make our nest out some serious sockers you want me to get you something to match. Sure, sure, I'll try it. Don't I don't do that. And if I get tis, I'm gonna make your uh listen to me, y'all, make your husband make no stuff for himself. Can see no, No, they don't know. They don't. Tosh really ain't gonna look right in and none of that. Take to your side on him, Toss, ain't fing to do that. Even Tosh don't need to be in that. They're not gonna be tight small wearing that a matter of fact of nest too cool for that. Take him out too. I'm telling you be nesting, tars. Ain't wearing thy wearing the little cargo, passing the little killing. We got families and families where I see a soccer so they got kids. Ain't nobody sitting there and take kids with cargo plans? No damn stings on with some serious soccer. Ain't nobody wearing that, but you sad here with that? I see a socker hater and we ain't doing it. You're gonna put this. Ain't nobody putting uting on? Get your ass back, and ain't nobody wearing your little chilled ass outfit? Anybody looking like No damn cartoons. It's not about by you, Jane. It's over. Thank you, thank you for you're listening to Steve Harvey morning. All right, here's the question of the day. What do you find attractive that others might not find attractive? What do you find attractive the other others might not find this? You know, feel the same way? Might be short hair, might be a rasping voice, small boots. I but whatever it is, Uh, here's part two. Pretty much, it's Mississippi Monica attractive and that dog. Why would you say that? I know, I'm just saying attractive, ramspid voice, ultra shot here and small boots. But yeah, you know what don't see? No, no, no, she ain't got no howard Monica Monica asked. Let me tell y'all, I don't mean. I didn't mean like, but I meant. I meant Monica the person Monica is wifey material. And I'm y'all going, what we ain't gonna do is have people thinking because the girl find now she got a lot of top notch qualities and I almost got her married out of here. You need y'all messing this up. Shut your damn almost got her line. Do these got somebody with their sights on them? I just we just need to keep working it. Okay, So what do you find attractive that others might not find attractive? And part two? Would you be on a reality show if they called you? Eight seven? What do you find? You know? I like pretty? He lobes s. Here's a question. What do you find attractive that others might not? Oh? I'm into hands and arms? I love arms. What about you? Call all head? Hey, al right, call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, we'll be back to take your phone call with your mission. All right, we're going to the phones. Here we go the question what do you find attractive that others might not find attractive? What do you like that maybe others won't find as attractive as you? Okay, Uh, it could be anything you heard, big noses, be words? Uh, that just done? Oh yeah, and that's the right. I can't say that. Okay. What do you find attractive that others might not find attractive? What do you like what I'm saying? Ankle? Yeah, you can't act right? You see an ankle? What turns you on? That that it doesn't turn everyone on? And and the second part to that question, would you be on a naked reality show if they called you? Give us a call at eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, we are going to the phones. Let's go to line it too and talk to Chris out of California. Krit was happening, Man, give me the question. We okay, okay, this is We're gonna have to go with this from right here though. Let's do it. What do you find attractive about others that some others might not find a tract? What you like, Chris about the women? Right? Well, my brother, I'm gonna hit you with the code is whenever some people will look at the girl, they'd be like a man, I need this back front of five whatever I need for you to have no muffin top on the right, not the left. You can have the muffin top, you can have all that muff and all you want, but the right side got to be straight down into the pen boom, right, because that let me know that you've been doing that dip walk your whole life. You're a little healthy right here, right, You've got it now. If you got it on the left, that's cool because that's where they put the babies at Anyway, that's for holding the babies and in the ball or whatever, or a featbelt on them yeahs or whatever. You know. It's a seat. It's actually a handle and a seat. It's a handle seat, it's a feat handle, it's something. It's it's all that together. It's a double leveling side. It's a seat handle. If you got it on the right side, if you got muffin on the right side, that's that old slous you lazy, But you don't never want that like that. But if you've got one muffin top, it's gonna be bigger than the one on the right. That left side gonna be nice and fitable, but the one on the right it's gonna be just a slicer. And you know that that girl right there got that seventy five cent bounce back. If so file out of work for quarters out of a bow, you get them all back in your hand in Chris, what about what if I being on the Naked Reality show, if they called you, oh, man, I already told my boy said man, I already made n't want to take this out. If you ever need to call before Reality show Nation, man, I need you to go back in time and go get Flippers the dolphin, right, and it's gonna be me and Flipper. We're gonna do a whole naked reality show. We're gonna go see you the Seed. It's gonna be called Him and Flap with flaps slipping all for free and nobody got to pay the seed. It's gonna paperm you create the no time. It's even on on and select. This is all We all got the wrong person on this phone right here. He to put some thought in just loving this man, all right, Chris is different. Say Flipper for me one more time, Chris, it turns out the naked in the for you I can take the pictures of because he's still better than Hey, y'all keep them calls coming on. We come back. After the break of Timmy the Food, got a all prank phone call called paper clip. That's right, that's right. No, that ain't proud you're listening morning show. I tried forty eight minutes after that. I'm coming up at the top of the out we got your strawberry letter. I'm telling what it is. But come on, fool, what you got paper clips? Paper clips? You ain't been paper clips, paper clips, paper clip. I'm trying to reach for ronic? Could hi Ronic? How you doing? My name is Philip. I'm from CORP. How you doing? I'm good? Thank you? How can I help you today? You were with the company here? Um uh see you just left about what six months ago? That's correct? Okay? And you left with a severance. I'm a right, that's right. I'm sorry, Philip. My name is Philip. Philip. I'm actually calling on some security questions and wanted to reach out to you. Now you you own your own travel agency, now that's correct, okay. Um, Now you actually left with the severance when you when you left the company at that right, that's right? Okay? And how long were you actually with U? I was there eight years? I'm sorry? Whom things do? Again? My name is Philip. I'm with security And what can I do for you? Philip? Well, we got we have you. You you started this business? Now did you started before you left? Philip? I started this stigments after I left there. Let you started it after you left there? That's correct? One month? One month after you left there? Okay. So the reason why I'm giving you a call, and I've been you know, we've gone through some security tapes and things of that nature. We're missing so many rims of paper, We're missing thousands of paper clips, We're missing so many office supplies, and it's been brought to the security's attention that it's targeting that you are the person that has taken all of this this uh office, I'm sorry, Let me let me get this right, Fiver. You are calling my place of business after me if I have used paper clips and paper I have customers in my establishment right now. I can't talk to you about this, okay, ma'am Listen. I know that I'm sorry for calling your place to business, but I want to say that we're after the point of actually picking you up behind items that have been taken from the company. So I wanted to call and see if we could get it taken care of over the phone. Now you gotta go. Then I'm gonna have to actually come out to a business, and that's something that I'm trying not to do. You know what, hold hold on? What that? If you hold that? Who is this on my phone talking about from damn paper clips? I have been gone from there for six months. Are you calling me now about some paper and someone? Paper clips? Man, we're missing at least five thousand paper clips. You tell you I have been out of that company for six months. I worked for y'all for eight years, and you won't let me go. I didn't take anything from you, okay. Have you ever used any paper or any paper clips outside? Have you done that? Of course? I used paper every day. I run a business. Okay, But you're using our paper for your own personal business, your travel agent or whatever it is that you have. You're using office supplies. That right there is against the law. No, I will go and buy you some damn paper clips. Okay, Well we don't want paper clips. Man. Now we've given you a severance play, and for my understanding, it's been a substantial amount. And right now it's gonna be filing charges and taking you to court over these paper clips and paper. I'm gonna tell you what you can do with that five thousand paper clips. I paper clips them together and hang you out for by yo, I ain't steal the damn paper clips. You're gonna call me six months later talk about some paper and paper clips, ma'am. I don't want to go back to the book fill up. I'm sorry, this is some fill up. So are you wanting to return all the merchandise because it looks like I didn't take no merchandise. I don't have to steal nothing from y'all. I work for you for eight years. Coming about for eight years. You stole paper, paper clips, you stole off the supplies, scissors, masking tape. You have taken markers, pens. We got it down to know what video taste you got. Fill up. I ain't steal nothing from y'all. I was employee of the year. You won't gave me at Severn tackies. How dare you call me six months later? You can take them paper clips and shove them up your behind. Excuse me? Are we done here? No, we're not done here. So take your video tape and your paper clips and your scissors, and you know what to do with them. No, No, I don't man. No, listen. What we're gonna have to do is you're gonna get served right there at your travel agency. Where are you locating? Men? Know what? I'm gonna give you my address because you come over here. I got some scissors for your philip. I don't have time for this. You want my address, you can come on over here, look it up Google me. We want our paper clips back to me. Come get them then, matter of fact, give me your address, Phillip, I bring them to you, Philo, damn paper clips. I'm a Christian woman, and you have me on this phone custin and fighting with you. I'm not fighting with little paper clips. What's your address? Cellup? We're listening over five thousand paper clips and we need those. Now, what's your address. I'm gonna bring your damn paper and paper clips to you. How about so you are you are guilty of using the paper aren't you? We all used paper fillips. I don't feel, which means guess what. It's against the law, which means you have something. If you have taken one paper clip, it's against the law. And were walking on you got pens in your car? Feel that's a corporation? I bet you do. I work for the company. I'm trying to run a business. So you're stealing to give me your voice's number. You're calling my damn phone talking about some pens and paper clips. Here, wash your mine, Give me your address. I'll bring the pens and paper clips. You ain't gotta what you do? Think? So many pens and so many paper clips? But I was just business. Don't call my phone within I'm talking about something. I'm gonna play decision now. I'm gonna go ahead and order to believe. I'm ordering the police to come and pick you up, okay, because I'm trying to get the problem. Taking care about the phone. Bring the police and you come with them. Come get it. I got something for you when you get here and bring them. You're calling me about some paper and paper clips. I've been going from here for six months. Damn you have stolen paper clips from the company and we want a paper clips. Bring your over here. You want to get being paper clips and I'm gonna call my man so he can kick your oh here if you won't, you want the address, you want the address up. Come on, I'm a professional. I'm trying to run a business. I gotta walk away from my customers and get some about from pens and paper and paper slip ups because you stole over five thousand play for your faith and then you also you better be ready because you're stowing some stuff for Tommy and he's been over here. Wait a minute, we wait. Tommy says, you're stolen a bunch of hair stuff. I don't know nobody name. No, you don't know nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You don't know him? What's your name? I say, do you know nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morty? Yall? Do you know him? You gotta be kicking me your girlfriend? Doorg the you got me to pray? Fonk call you. I'm gonna kicker. I'm I'm gonna get her right now. I'm gonna kicker. Come down you. You made me step in the back room. Want you hey? Let me ask you somebody, what is it? Bad? Is? I mean? The bad is radio show in the lad Steve Harvey Morning Show is on. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is strawberry letter. Subject. Was I right or wrong? He's Stephen the family. I am twenty four year old female that is well established for my age. I have my own house car, and I am a registered nurse. Anyway, I met this guy a couple of months ago, and I was interested in him. We would hang out from time to time and I really enjoyed his company. But it seemed like the only thing that would become of this is friends with benefit benefits. One day, out of the blue, he said his birthday is coming up and what am I going to get him. I quickly mentioned the friends with benefits and he said, no, it's not like that. I want more. I want to get to know you as a person. In the whole time, I'm thinking he's just saying this to continue to get the goods. So the next time he came over, he ended up trying and getting the goods, and after it was over, I got upset, left the room and came back and told him it was time for him to go. He had gotten what he wanted and there was no reason for him to still be there. Uh to be here? He looked confused and didn't know where the attitude came from, but he got up and got his stuff, and before he left, he said, I'll talk to you later, and I said, I don't think I'll be communicating with you anymore. I feel bad now, was I wrong? I mean, I don't know where you where You're wrong? I mean, what do you want out of this? You know? Do you want a relationship where someone cares about you and loves you, or do you just want to be some man's boo, you know, with benefits, his friend with benefits. So maybe you know, since you feel bad now now that he's gone, maybe you'll take the time to consider him. Um, you know, he said he wanted to get to know you better, and uh, you know, it sounds like he wants something with you to me. Maybe you'll realize now that it is you and your attitude and your fears and your insecurities that are holding you back from possibly having a good relationship with the man. Stop tripping, you know, Steve, Well, I mean, I don't know, Shirley. I think this is a classic case of not getting the clear understanding of what everybody's in it for. See, you can't create new terms and then become unhappy with the terms. Are you twenty for your old female? That's well established for your age, and I'll admit you really are. You got your own house, a car, and you're a nurse. Okay, sister, you're doing really, really well, extremely well. You met a guy a couple of months ago. You're interested in it. We would hang out from time to time and I really enjoyed his company. But it seemed like the only thing that will become of this is friends with benefits. Okay, see hold on, see you hung out from time to time. You really enjoy this company. But it seemed like the only thing that would come out of this would be friends with benefits. So what that means is that hanging out was more than really hanging out. Y'all were sleeping together. Okay, now you've discovered that it looks like all this is gonna be is some friends with benefits. Well, you're using the term benefits because you're obviously taking the term out the book. And I explain to women the reason you hang on to your cookie because it's a great benefit. Now you got a friend of yours you called a friend, which everybody's definition of friendship is different, and now you're saying that they have benefits with it. And then one after day, one day after blue, he said his birthday was coming up and what am I gonna get him? Uh? And then I quickly mentioned the friends with benefits and he said, no, it's not like that. I won't or I want to get to know you as a person. The whole time I'm thinking this, he's just saying it. Continue to continue to get the goods. So in essence, lady, let's just tell the truth. You were passing out the goods to a person who didn't know you, and you didn't know him. That's really what this is about. Man. I hate to keep doing this and hammering this message home, but my goodness, I want more. I want to get to know you as a person. You're sleeping with a dude you don't know because you passed out the benefits before he proved himself worthy of the benefit package. I have no other way to explain this to you except you have done this to yourself without having any standards as to what a friend is to you or him, and any standards for when you pass out your cookie. So you just passing it out like it's a bowl of skittles on the coffee table. Everybody, come here and get a handful. All right after the break at eighteen after the Hour, Part two of Steve's response to Today's Strawberry letter. I can you. I can love you. I can I can love you bad wondering why you don't love me the way that I love you, and baby I loved because I won't never you know, my little boy, I can I can't love you that she can I can't I can love I can't love you back, and she sometime can your own but will make it, will make it through the storm, and none of I will find to make sure that you don't get for me. And you're all the reason while the say I can love you, I can love you, shame, I don't make you. I'm don't baby when you can't make some mass ship. Yeah, I can't love you bad. I can love you, and she if I told you you once, I told you twice to be throw the booty like a groupie for most eyes on the truck ice, get your bonus like the bouche and love with you since the days that you say, now what watch you played Columbo for Cosso checks us out Colossus, turn your castle to Bronson? Who do you loving? Who you wanna be? Hudding tipping on your Ninja Hanso with Tunish and brother? Why you go? If I need to Jane funding because you fitness every blood to my witness under pressure, I lie for you, lie for your bugle by the lie for your bite, had hive for you because of you. I'm intempted, Trillian. Let me get Billy on simly TETs Billy. But you get in the shivering and come back to dopy like that's everyday good. You're listening to Steve Hartley Morning Show. All right, I got pottoo to strap left, come where all this stuff? People need help out there? Good and stupid. Yeah, that's it's better, right, Hey, Steve, Fam twenty for your females established from age, got o own house called Rigidly. Anyway. I met just got a couple of months ago. I was interested, and we were hanging out from time to time. I really enjoyed the company, but it seemed like the only thing that would become of this as friends with benefits. One day, out of the blue, he said his birthday is coming up, and what am I gonna get him. I quickly mentioned the friend with benefits and he said, no, it's not like that. I want more. I want to get to know you as a person. The whole time, I'm thinking he's just saying it's continue to get the goods. So the next time he came over, he ended up trying to get the goods. After it was over, I got upset and left the room. Came back and told him moves time for him to go, and he had had gotten what he wanted. There was no reason for him to still be here. He looked confused and didn't know where the attitude came from. But he got him got of stuff, and before he left, he said, I talked to you later. I said, I don't think I'd be communicating with you anymore. I feel bad now I was I wrong? Sure, He's absolutely correct and saying where you're wrong. I don't know what do you want? Okay, let's say you ain't read the Let's say the friends with benefits is a common term. I must admit I've heard that many times before, friends would benefit. But you didn't discuss any of this. You know now? You know? Then at the end of the letter, you know? I feel bad? Now? Was I wrong? You feel bad now? No? No, no, no, no, cee cee seen. Let me back up a little bit, little, a little twenty for you. Let me help you understand something. You felt bad when you was writing this letter. You felt bad for what caused you to wrote to write the letter. You felt you felt bad after he asked you what he was getting for his birthday. Uh, then you got mad because you had to remind him, hey, we're just friends with benefits. Then You got mad because he said, no, I want more than that. You got mad because you're thinking the whole time he's talking that he's saying all it is just to continue to get the goods. Then you got mad because the next time he came over he was trying to get the goods. Then you really got mad because after it was over, which means he got the goods. Now, who are you mad at? You mad at him because he because you gave it to him. It's all y'all do. See, that's all y'all do. Y'all ain't been talking, getting to know each other, learning each other, y'all been getting together, passing out benefits. Now you're mad. Now you don't came back in the room with you're crazy self, because this crazy you sleep with the man you give in. You got upset and left the room, came back, told him it's time for him to go, that he had gotten what he wanted and that was no reason for him to still be there. Did you not give what you wanted? See, women amazed me with that statement. You got what you wanted? But who did you not give what you want? So you keep dumping this on the dude. It takes two to do that thing. So now you got what you wanted. You could leave now, did not you get what you want? Take it? Get out? Now you get out? He looked confused. Your damn right, he confused. Every man on earth would be confused. Well, you mean get out. We were just doing what we always do. When I come over here, I I'll talk to you later. Now I don't think I'll be communicating with you anymore. Yeah, he's confused. Guess what you confused? You confused, ma'am. You have to get yourself some standards, so you have none. Now you want a guy to respect what you have no standards, But you want the respect of a woman with standards. A man will only give you the respect that you command. All right, Today's Strawberry letters posted on Steve Harvey dot com. You can tweeter, instagram me your thoughts at my girl. Surely they're coming up after the break at thirty four after the hour, ms And will be here with this hour's headlines. And we want our girl Fantasia to get well soon. About that, I'll tell you about that. You're listening to Steve Harvey, alright, y'all. Ms And is up next with this hour's National News. Okay, Fantasia our girl. You know, we love us some Fantasia. Well, anyway, she was recently forced to cancel her Memphis, Tennessee concert on Sunday last Sunday. This was after she suffered second degree burns on her arm earlier in the day. What happened was Fantasia was sleeping on her tour bus. She accidentally knocked over an aroma therapy vaporizer that um, you know, she and a lot of singers used to, you know, to keep their vocals vocal cords moist and ready and all that, and the hot water spilled on her arms, so she has those burned. She had to cancel the show. Yeah, it's pretty bad, right, but her rep told People magazine in a statement that at this moment, our plan is to resume the tour in Los Angeles. Um, and she thanked all of the fans for their kind messages of love and support and is looking forward to getting back out on the road. So that's good. Yeah, yeah, yes, she yes, that's hot. I can't stand. I'd rather take a cut then burn. Oh yeah, you can give me the cut now and burns, man, I don't you know. No, that's hard, man. I didn't knocked over some stuff before. I feel what you shown. Shut up, all right, pull it together and introduce ms and please lazy gentnament here, cheese, here, the talented miss and trip. Thank you, thank you, everybody. Good morning, everybody. This is entered with the news. Okay. President Trump says he's proud to support the House Republican proposal to replace the Affordable Care Act. However, the plan may be already dead on arrival. That's because it already faces stiff opposition from not only Democrats, right wing Republicans feel the measure keeps certain parts of Obamacare, even though the GOP campaigned on gutting the whole thing. In fact, they're calling it Bamacare Light or Obamacare two point oh, so then they're they're dead against it. According to The Wall Street Journal, ex President Obama is living over President Trump's accusation that he tapped his phones last year. Mr Obama reportedly feels that the accusation disrespects both him and the office of the presidency. Hey guess what, Guess who had a change of mind. Looks like Dr Ben Carson's had a change your mind. In the wake of the outrage led him claiming that slavery in America was some form of immigration. People like Whoopi Goldberg yesterday on The View wondered how the man didn't know that blacks were kidnapped a history book. I mean, were the slaves really thinking about the American dreams? Because they were thinking, what the hell just happened. Carson has since posted a statement on Facebook staying, in part, immigrants made the choice to come to America. In contrast, slaves were forced here against their will and lost all their opportunity. Maybe he googled this. The two experiences should never now say, he now says, be intertwined or forgotten. Back in by the way, you know, Dr Carson used his interpretation of slavery to make another claim. Carson said that Obamacare was the worst thing that had happened to this nation since slavery. He said that remember that, remember that, and we were like, uh then, even back then, we were okay, hey. Wiki leaks has published a huge array of secret government documents, all allegedly from the Central Intelligence Agencies cyper espionage unit. Wiki leaks says it's exposing the CIA's entire tool kid for digital spying WikiLeaks says it's redacted thousands of the spy agencies actual targets. However, WikiLeaks accuses the CIA of creating its own electronic surveillance agency without any accountability. Grammy Award winning Unsigned Chance the Rappers supporting our Kids donating a million dollars to Chicago Public going to be getting together ill soon to discuss for the funding. Also with common and Today National find Out what your name means today and Internet as Women's Day. Yeah, it's is also a day without a woman at work even in house as housework and certain don't do houseworth, don't do anything, ladies, just right, that's right, clean his house. Nine. That's lost your mind right there, that's stay there. Yeah, I gotta go to by now Boarding show. I'm gonna wash my back when I get out of y'all. Miss thank you, missing very much. We appreciated and now we're going to the phones. Will be back eight seven seven. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show, all right for that. Minutes after that are coming up next. What do you find attractive in people that others might not really notice or find attractive? You know? M m okay. I like a woman that's got like one crooked tooth in the back of home. Mom, what you know we're kissing me, So when we're kissing, my tongue run crossing like that, Like I like that didn't give me something to do eight seven seven You know you know you know that way when you're kissing, you know, you give you something to do. That to regular old kissing. Let's see if I'm going back there and reach it to so call us with yours. All right, we're going to the phones. Here we go the question what do you find attractive that others might not find attractive? What do you like that maybe others won't find as attractive as you? Okay, Uh, it could be anything you heard big noses, beards, Uh, that just don't Oh yeah, that's right. I can't say that. Okay. What do you find attractive that others might not find attractive? What do you like saying? Yeah, you can't act right? You see an anchor turns you on? That that it doesn't turn everyone on? And and the second part to that question, would you be on a naked reality show if they called you? Give us a call at eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, we are going to the phone. Let's go to line three. Talk to T out of Nevada. Yes, yes, what's going on doing here? Ain't T. What do you like that's attractive out people that other people may not fund track? I like that that nerdy girl one that nobody really pays at taking two. But when you come up out of that that take the glances off and let their hair down, then she's a totally different woman. Like that competition. So I go for that nerdy girl. That nerdy girl. Wow. Not because they they gotta go to work. You gotta do what they do. But those are the goods of the guys. Don't pay attention to I'll get eliminate your competite. What about the naked reality show T if they called you that, but they might need a whole lot. I wouldn't have a problem with that, But, like I said, some things out of my control at that point. If you know what I'm yeah, I know what you mean. Yeah, we all all the reactions. Yeah, I can't help that. I'm sorry you think she fine? I reacted what you want me. Let's get a little blur out of that black circle. Whatever y'all need, he said, emoji, Yeah, that's this moved. Yeah, just go in and put that up. Give me about ten minutes. Thank you, thank you. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're going to the phones. Here we go the question what do you find attractive that others might not find attractive? What do you like that maybe others won't find as attractive as you? Okay, Uh, it could be anything you heard, big noses, beards? Uh, that just don't Oh yeah, that's right. I can't say that. Okay. What do you find attractive that others might not find attractive? What do you like ankle? Yeah, you can't act right. You see an ankle turns you on? That that it doesn't turn everyone on? And and the second part to that question, would you be on a naked reality show if they called you? Give us a call at eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. We are going to the phone line five. Cat. Let's go to Roleetta out of California. Rolta. Okay, Rolta, Hi, Roleda, Hi slowly Hi, seemmy Hill. Guys. Hey, ro let me ask you a question, what do you find attractive in people that other people might not? If I have to say in the man because that's the only thing I'm attracted to bear m because that brings out the sexy in him. Yeah. His beard, his beard. Yes, my husband, when you are getting ready to celebrate twenty years on the twenty ninth of this month, and we've been together twenty eight years and he is sexy as all outdoors and that beard is that's something to me? Right? Is it real full or is it close shaving beard? No, it's safe. He looks like uh elba. I mean he don't look like love me. Yes, he does. Well, you mad, Steve, because they're that looks like it was ill wood. You hear the haters on the show, don't you. I understand that's okay though, that's right, all right, So what about the naked reality show? If they called you oh no, no, no, that's the definite no noe. Okay. I could never live with myself with that one. I have four children and two brand kids and a church family and it would never go over. Never. Twenty million. Everybody had to get over. Hey, let me say your something. I'll send them all the email. I'm still your damn daddy. No, because you think about that's just like the naked to you on the internet. You don't know where that that reality kill is gonna go. It's gonna be on YouTube and everywhere else. That could last for years and years and years. Okay, well thank you, cat said so with that money twenty million and hold you for a while too. Yeah, I don't have I have twenty million. I don't have a car value for sale. Girl, the story I got twenty million? Now what about the story? My moral times? I haven't been naked for free, got no got a bank account. Let me ask you something. For twenty million, would you do it naked on a hundred million one time naked? Because I don't give it away? Yeah, that's me. I sent it. Ain't got to go on awhere. I'll send it. I mean for a hundred million, I would be up against the camera. Yeah, I'll send it to the seven hundred club. See it crazy. Let's just don't get it out to work video of Mr Hart. Yeah, I send it to w tb in and everybody here to right, don't even worry about it. Sorry, and here's your ten percent give me lord, thanks for calling baby all right? When we come back from the break at eighteen after the hour, Pastor Motown Deacon deaf jam in the building. Oh you're listening? String show coming up next, pastor motown Deacon death jam. Yes, you don't want to miss it? What would I do without? I am reverend, I am deacon deaf job. Together we are the leading constructus how of the jackpot joint of Jerusale. That's a roulette slot machine. Hallelujah. Yeah. Come on now we have some concerns directed at the church. Yes out, yes, sat yesad past It's been read here that they are thinking about putting a t M machines in the church. And the question rises, is is it tacky? Or is it okay to have the a t M machine in the chat show? Is it tacky? How to having a t M machine at the church? That's right, which leads us to our text for today. That's right. Come on now, we got to have money? Don't you a t M for Jesus? One more time with the text we got to have money? Don't you write that right there? You are concerned about a TMS in thet hound. What is you wearing about it? Fuck? You're putting them everywhere else everywhere from but putting the law try to get his become the problem You have no problem with having won the star. They got it down now with all that sky high chips and over priced soda pops, and you're giving it to seven level like it ain't no problem. Gas stations got them. They got him in a strap club. What somebody told me they got him strap club. I've seen im force, I've friends have inflwed me. Strip clubs got him is so high balls got that's right drinking. Why can't we have in a t M at the church? I got to drive to church to see box I don't chuck drives to the church to see Boxer gasses for the pastor through all the turn like it did for you. You ought to be able to swipe for Jesus. If you can't dig deep for the Lord, who is you digging deep? Folks? That's right, that's right. Every time it's time for God to get his here comes some devil out the background trying to stop. You can dig for a center, but you can't dig for Jesus. You're gonna mess around. Somebody gonna dig your grave, that's right. But you're too tight to dig for Jesus. Somebody somebody digging a hole for you to fall in. Now, somebody setting the trap, but you can't dig for this makes it easier, have to pay your time. That that that that dad's a wall. Went out there, somebrown setting a hole of for you. Now you're fitting to fall in, but you can't get Jeez, you know how closer you're gonna get where you need to be when you swipe. For Jesus you there is a man out there, ladies, that's laying in wait behind got holes dug for women everywhere. Second traps trying to capture your mind, body, and soul. Just mostly body to say that they're digging deep in their bag of tricks, but you can't dig down in your pocket, get out your a T M card. But cheeps, I don't think they realized past you how what it takes to run a cathedral Like I was, Oh, we got lights, come on here now, ah, somebody got to pay for the pe. We just got seatbelts put on the pews just in case you're shouting is out of order. We're putting extra money. We got extra money going out for cleaning, cruise, scraping bupper gum off the bottom of the pew because you're trifling. Children ain't got no how We've fixed it so your bad children can have their baby's seats, that their car seats attached to the pew and sit right there. We're trying to raise money for the Senior Citizens Qua, so they quit coming up in here dressed like they're going to a brake sale. Come on here now. We've created an entire hot section, so you and your big hat can sit somewhere and not being nobody's wall. We didn't had the wine and the baptismal pool because two minute fat people to join the church. We got Sister Quincy stuck down in that two weeks ago and just shut down the water. That's not what he meant by overflowing. That's not what he meant. Our church got an a t M. And when we come back from the break at thirty four after that, they gonna have back to back jam. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, alright, thirty four minutes after that, I welcome back to the ride. Let's get to these back to back jails. Come on, cat alight, we come back just time for one more thing. We'll tell you about it at after the break at forty eight after the hours, So don't go away you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Showy alright, coming up next. We got just one more thing. Call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. I just want to hey, y'all, we're back. Let's keep going to these phones. Do some interesting phones. Yeah. I love our audience. I love them. Shirley, you never said what you like. It's such you asked us earlier. Again, I'll tell you again. I like arms. I like hands. A woman has to have nice fanger nails. Do your nails. I don't like. That's just me personally. You know. You can do the natural look if you want to. That's cool. Every nine men, but put some paint on it. I like paint. It just looks like it just looks so feminine to me. I don't want your hand look like my hands. Put something on your toes. Don't let this. She come up and I don't know which foot is mine? Yeah, yeah, need needing the he's got the color on. I don't care if it's black polished, you know, but put some polish on your you know, I don't care about that one finger nail a separate color. You can do that too. I'm cool with all that. Man, Please do your damn hair were in the half. Oh no, no, no, no, that's one thing. No, do your hair, do something to it if it's I've seen a lot of chicks with natural head is gorgeous, but comb it do that. You know these looks that the ball players are playing, or it's half shaved on the side, and it's just any kind of way in the top. Not a female now, man. I like the natural look. I love I love natural hair. Man. Just pick it out, make it something from something, just any kind of what your way? Uh uh? Not at me, not sitting across the dinner table. I have to eat. Let's go to the phones. I'm just saying, Candice out of California, Candice, how are you guys? Good? What do you find attractive that others might not find attractive? I find attractive a man with a nose, a strong nose, and in the eyebrows. That's me all, Steve. I'm looking down at it right now. Your cross side with you. I ain't even got across side. I just looked down and I'm on both sides. Yeah big old strong, No, yeah, strong does and some eyebrows. You gotta gotta have some nice eyebrows. Alright, yeah, I like it. You know what else I like on a woman? What's that pot belly? What? Really? Yeah? You know, just a little you know like this heard this comedian on BT. He like a woman that's got booty do? Yeah, booty do. It's when her stomach looked just like her booty. Alright, this is what about that reality show, the Naked One? If they called you, if the money is right, I would, but I would have to change churches right after that. Yes, I would have to change churches. I'm I'm over one of the choirs in the church and really Kansas, Yes, but you would do it, though, you'd be right out there if the money was right. It has to be right. I would have to literally change churches and get off the pastor's team and all that. Girl, are they gonna be surprised if they see you though? Yeah, it wouldn't wouldn't be the same. Wouldn't be the same. Wouldn't be the same sister Candice on Sunday morning. Wouldn't be the sister Candice. We appreciate your candid brother. Steve will walk right up in there, just chest out and everything was happening at praise him. What's up, girl, I know that's right exactly. I stand up in devotion getting out of the garden. I passed members, visitors and friends. I want to thank the Lord for last night, my appearance on NECKD Reality. I thank the Lord for all my blessing. Yeah, it's for keeping me and making me strong and and you know, just you know, upright and righteous. And I was that last night, alright. I want to thank all the saints who email me anonymously wishing me well, encouraging me to make sure I'm on next week. I'll be here and on behalf of Russell. I would like to say thank you, thank you, thank you, Ken, Sister Kendas, thank you for your call. Appreciate it. Yeah, let him use you well. I said it windsday. It's been a great great hey, Shirley, And I'm to reiterate. It ain't reinterate, No, it's not. Everybody says that, but it's not that, but it reinterate. I want to re reiterate. I want to information. I want to re init I want to put it back out there. I want to read it. Read it's a rate. It's a rate. Reiterate sounds like do you okay? You wanted to reiterate what I don't forgot. Everybody hap a weekend. What happened? See that? What happened? When you do that? All right, we don't start. We gotta go. All right, we gotta go butt up, but up, but for all Steve Harvey Contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.