Naked on Zoom, Name Change Cleveland, Dr. Ian Smith Interview, Truckers and more.

Published Apr 13, 2022, 5:33 PM
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a son giving them like the million bucks things and the subs not true good to mother st Please, I don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn be hurting you. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn You got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your thing, U I show will come on. And everybody you're listening to the voice, now come on. Digny one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show one more time partner, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, How amazing is that? How good has God been to me? How good has he been to you? Just check yourself sometimes, just sit up. Just let's run a survey. Just look at your life, where it's at. It might not be where you want it to be, but that's probably some decisions you made. But really, though, in spite of all the crazy mistakes I didn't made, I mean, man, I look back at some of the decisions I didn't came up with, and and man, it's it's it's just amazing He let me live. I mean, it's it's and and and to exist the way I exist. That's nothing but grace, mercy, favor. All that is. That's what my mama praying for me when I wasn't praying for myself. It had to be it, because, man, I can truly tell you I have made enough mistakes man, stuff you would never even know about, and recovered from them all you can too, and I don't care what you've done. Marvin Sapp has a song out that says he saw the best in me when everyone else around me could only see the worst in me. You know that that's an important song man, especially you know. I want to talk to men today because man, being a man is so so difficult. Please know it has been my quest ever since I was a little boy. My father had one ambition, son, I don't care what you do, but when I get through raising you, you will be a man. That's all I want you to be. And he never care what I did for a living, and it never made a difference to him. You're going to be a man. Manhood is difficult. Now, ladies, just listening to this, I'm not saying womanhood ain't. I don't know what it takes to be a woman, so you know, but I do know exactly what it takes to be a man. So you know, sometimes when you talk to people on the radio, you have to preface things because people are just go he trying to make it look like womanhood. Ain't. No, That's not what I'm doing. I'm just talking to men today to explain to them that dign by the self and struggling trying to figure this thing out, that you are not alone in your quest for manhood. That is difficult, but I gotta tell you, man manhood is that kind of difficult, and it becomes even more compounded if a young boy does not have a male role model. I've said it a thousand times. I'll say it again. A young boy without a male role model is like an explorer without a map. While I have a suggestion for everybody that's struggling with manhood and all of the men out there that are men, This messages for all of us, and it's for me too. You know. I was listening to Joyce Myers the other day and she made a statement. She said, sometimes you gotta do the right thing even when it feels wrong. You know, one of the difficulties of manhood is pure pressure and the misguided principles of manhood. See what God wants us to be as men and what we believe manhood is sometimes two different things. Give you an example. I wrote this book for women, right and I was telling them the three ways that a man shows his love, and I call him three pas. We profess, we protect, and we provide. Every man who is a man, that's how he exhibits love. When I talk hockey comforting with our great nurturists. But when it comes down to to it, what we all want to do, what is in our day DNA, is to profess our love for something you as a woman, to protect you as a woman, and to provide for you as a woman. That's in our DNA. Now, sometimes that gets messed up, and I'll give you an example. Sometimes when a boy doesn't have the proper, real role model in his life, he takes that principle of love that we all possessing us every man, the professing part, the protecting, and in the providing part, and we misplay it. That's why gangs exist. Gangs exist off those three principles. What's the first thing a gang member do. He professed, he claim a hood. That's the first thing you do this is my neighborhood. I'm duces trade, I'm triple h, I'm due de duke, I'm purple, I'm red, I'm blue. The first thing they do is claim that's professing. That's how we show our love. But it's misguided though. Now we professor and something that ain't even good for us. Your hood, your game, your click now, guess what Now we got to protect it. So now as a protection part of our love, here we go. You come down here, We're gonna do this to you. You go over there, they're gonna do that to you. You protect your hood, This your turf, This is all you got. You ain't nobody coming down here with blue own. Can'tybody come over here with red on. You can't come over here with purple on. You can't come over here with black and gold on. And we and we protect that because that's in I DAA. And then what's the third thing we provide? So guess what the game need money? Guess what we do. We're selling drugs, we're selling women, we're selling guns. It go back to the same thing. Man. I don't know how God gave it to me that way when I was writing a book, But he showed it to me along the way. That's how men love well. When you don't have a role model in your life. Guess what now that love is misplaced, it's misguided, it's off track. Ain't no man, and told you that really you're supposed to take this love and give it to a woman. You're really supposed to profess, protect and provide for a woman, not your gang set. Now you professing your hood, wrapping a color. You're protecting your territory, shooting people driving by, coming over you on your street, and then you provide. Now you are here selling drugs and guns for the same thing. When a boy does not have a male role model, he has a misguided way of looking at manhood. Here's a deal. See, God created all of us in his image. That means He's put some of our DNA in him. That's why it's in your DNA to profess, protect, and provide because guess what, that's what God do for us, because we His children. I'm just talking to men right now. I'm just telling you, man, I had to wake up about five years ago. I wasn't doing what God wanted me to do, and then he shook me. He said, Man, I'm gonna bring about some changes in your life. I'm gonna cause some things to happen that's gonna put you in a position. And this time you're gonna listen to me, because if you don't, you're gonna keep living in this pain you've been in. But you put yourself in this pain. I own no blame to no one else but myself. Please know, I know that. And that's how you really get to manhood, when you figure out what you hadn't done wrong. You can't blame this on none of your exes because you're a man. You can't go my ex dear this. No, No, you're a man, pardner. You got to take responsibility for yours and yours alone. If you got kids, you got to get to them some kind of way. Write him a letter, send them the money. If she won't let you see it, front of money, whatever, Send them money to a mama. Do what you're supposed to do as a man. Do what God want you to do, man, because he's not letting us off the hook for what we're supposed to be just because you ain't doing it. And if you do it, you turn your life around. Just holding that the fellas today. That's all sorry about that. You're listening show, ladies and gentlemen. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Girl. You know, there ain't nothing I won't do for you. Girl, don't don't ever adopt my love cause it's true. Baby, Hold low to me. Oh, it's just a simple thing. Yeah, I've been just driving. It just won't hit you. Ye got jack Jack Jack Jack love me. That's one just hits you. Wow. Ain't never just you, ain't never just happening where you just be driving and you just bust out by yourself. Damn the key, Damn who want to hear it? Damn where the song start? Hold it on? Very hard to do when love's gone. That's no lie, just anywhere in the song. Yeah, and just give it to him. That's how we started the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Ain't no telling how we're gonna get it to you this morning, Strawberry, that was good morning. He'll no holding holding on? Oh On Jones, Wow, olaf Rel, Mouth of the South, Mississippi, Monica, the musical, uh No, Knots of Junior and Nephew Tommy Top Top Junior. Just wait a minute, so are you that even that hard. What's up? That's why he went hard because it was like, I can't ever ever musical moment. Okay, well let's have it there a finger? So who was the god? Was the first song? Baby? Hold on to me? Oh oh that's edit and Jared? Who was? Yeah? Okay, father's son. Yeah, you say something else? I have slapped you, so slap your father's son. He's bolding all that. He was on the road with Jerio. He's bold. Yea holo. Let me see, let me see, I thank us some let me see. Now you got to get this this? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, alright, lords coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, the nephew is in the building to run that prank back right after this. You're listening to show, all right, it is time for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got for us? Nev about to turn your lights? Ah, turn your life dog if you would. You don't know how to turn off the phone? Come on, cat, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to find Gerard. Please get us. Hey Gerard, how are you doing? This? Is uh Mason man, I'm the guy that turns the lights on and off. If you haven't paid your bill, and I'm hoping here at your house. I actually get ready to turn the lights off, but I'm trying to. Uh, it's a courtesy car we're supposed to give. If people can pay their bill before we turn them off, then we collect and we keep moving. He said, you said you who you? Who are you a getting? I'm Mason exactly, so you say you got to do what. I'm getting ready to turn the lights off because the bill hasn't been paid. I'm getting ready to turn the power off. Are you here at the house? No, I'm at work. Okay, Well, listen, is there anyone at the house that can make a payment? Make a payment? The payment right now that I have is two hundred and twenty one dollars and thirty six cents. Is that right for what the lesson? For the electric bill? Yes, sir? No, no, sir no, sir no, no, there's nobody at the house, and I don't think I owe that much. Well, that's what I have right now. It's two hundred and twenty one dollars and thirty six fin See. See my wife she already paid that sick. Okay, well, they don't have a record of that. I'm in your driveway right now. I'm getting ready to turn this thing off until the payment has been made. We'll see that nobody on right now? Okay, Well, if no one is here, then I have to follow through and continue and go ahead, and and and and turn the power off until everything is rectified. Oh oh, you and my driveway? I mean you drive sir? Is there anyone here? How far are you from here? I'm at work. I can't get off right now, but you gotta get out my driveway. No, no, sir, I'm not gonna be able to leave the driveway until I actually turned the power off. Can't travel my power off. I got food in the frisgerator to my kids. Got fish, you know, come home? Man? Well, what do you mean you got fish? What does that mean? I can be there in thirty minutes. Give you the cast right now. What what do you mean when you say you got fish? This fish tank? Oh? Fish tank? You have a fish tank? Okay, well, sir, I understand that, but I'll be there in thirty minute. You stay right there, don't touch nothing. Okay, So I can't. I can't be yere thirty minutes. I can't wait that long. Thirty minutes. I'll be there with cash and I'll pay you with a two hundred. What we don't we don't accept cash, sir. We're gonna need a money or I'll have time to go. I'll be there with the cash thirty minute. I can't take cash. Are you listening to me? Sir? Are you listening to me? I'm listening to you. I can't take cash. I need a money order. I'll beat there thirty minutes. Okay, sir, I have to cut I have to turn your power off if you're not here. I give everybody ten minutes, ten minutes where they can pay it or we can actually turn it off. Now, you tell me what you want me to do. I'm gonna call my wife real quick, ir, real quick, so I don't have time to call you. I don't. I don't have time for that. First of all, sir, I'll get me up sting ill wife the mess up bills, okay, first of all, okay, okay. If she doesn't mess up bills, then what the hell is going on? I don't know. I'm gonna call her real quick, little getting straight okay, Okay, Well, sir, I don't have a real quick time. What we have to do right now, is I have to do this I have to do to turn your power off. You get it turned off now, listen. I can come back and turn this thing right back on next week. It'll be a hundred dollar reconnect. First of all, you get need to get the out of my yard. First of all. So I call y'all. I'm here because I'm supposed to be here. I'm here because you haven't paid I'm prayed to be I'm gonna call my wife to look at this right now. I'm here because you haven't paid your bill. I paid you my bill. My wife paid my bill. Well, I don't even know she paid it because you don't know what. Damn, you don't know anything. What hold up, sir? Trust me, a wife paid the bill. It's my stick in your system. Get out of my yard. Now? Are you at Avenue? Yeah, that's correct, But I'm in. I'm in there that I'm in the right place, sir, And you haven't paid your bill, and I've been ordered to turn it off. I tell you what, tell you what? Tell her I'm gonna do. I'm gonna be that thirty minutes. I love that. I'm not gonna be in thirty minutes. Okay, you talk about you are you listening. I'm turning this off in the next five minutes. Not touch my A wife paid the bill. Leave my lessons paid the bill. Now, maybe your wife is out lallygagging doing something else. Who who whoa who hoo hoo. Hold first of all, you keep keep out of this all right, Okay, you don't want it brought in. I doesn't want to keep telling me what she has done, what she has done. Lesson, listen, keep my hey, That's why I draw the line. I'll be there thirty minutes. Me and you could talk. We're gonna continue to go back and forth with you. So I don't have thirty minutes. I got ten minutes, you understand me. I gotta I'm gonna leave right now. I'm gonna getting the call right now. Okay, I'll be there thirty minutes. So I don't have thirty minutes. I'm turning it off. You can call downtown and get our headquarters to turn it back on, and we'll come back out here. And it's a reconnect. It for a hundred and fifty dollars. So I got to come up with three hundred. Oh hell, listen. Your bill is two hundred and something dollars, and that's gonna be one hundred and fifty dollars. Reconnect me, no hero, no that Hey, I'll be had in ten minutes. Just okay, Well, sir, and I've told you before, you have five minutes to get here. No, listen, listen, listen. Let me call my neighbor real quickly. Oh hold, let me call hold up, let me call I don't have time for you to click over and call other people. Sir? Is there somebody that can give me a money order? Right now? Yeah? Yeah, right now? Get your money order in five minutes. Okay, Now, who's gonna do that? I don't know. I call my wife. I told you your wife is the reason why you're in this situation. I'm gonna report you to your super a. You gonna mean what I'm out doing my job. You should report your wife for not doing what she's supposed I'm gonna do. Let's tell what you say. If do you want your lights on off when you get here? I want my lights holding Your lights are getting turned off in the next two minutes because your wife didn't play the damn bill. I don't tell you excuse me. I donna tell you. Listen, keep my wife's name out your mouth. I'll tell you what. You know what my supervisor would tell you. I don't know what you tell me. Tell you that you have been talking to nephew Tommy from the Sea Harby more to show you just got right. So your co worker got Joseph got you. I'm gonna get into man. Don't do that no more that man you had me. Hey, I got one more thing to ask you. Man, what is the baddest radio show in the land. Come on, man, Steve Harvey Morning Show. But the last time you had the light turned off a minute? I've always been at the inappropriate moment. I came here one time he hit the switch and it ain't come on, and I kept hitting the switch. I had a little apartment. I kept hitting the switch. I'm walking on now, what's wrong? Right? He didn't take me long, and your lives it don't take black people long, all right? Thank you, nephew. Coming up next, asked the CLO with the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey and the building ready for your love question? Right after this, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, and entertainment news. J Lo and Ben Affleckt are engaged again again, but not moving to bel air just yet. Okay, hold your horses on that one. And Black China is suing the Kardashians for millions. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it is time to ask the clo. This one is from Nadia and Tuscaloosa. Nadia writes, my college bestie and I fell out a year ago over my ex. They became the best of friends all of a sudden, and it bothered me. My husband saw her recently and asked what was really going on between us? And she told him. He's mad, thinking I still want my ex. How do I convince him that's not the case here? Well, you know what, Nadia, you kind of messed it up because you know you, you and your college bestie fell out over your ex, but you got a husband. See you save that for last, So I don't see, really what you give a damn what your ex to do and your bestie. But when your bestie told your husband, now your husband going with damn what you're mad about that for? And he's correct, find you something else to be mad about NAUGHTI that ain't it. That ain't it? So how does she convince her husband that she doesn't still want her act? You know what? I'm through with this. I don't care what nobody do. I was more upset with my friend than anything because she knew if I can't I want her to take on my feelings. I can't stand him. I want her to not stand him and for her to be my friend. And then all of a sudden becomes that's what I'm upset about. I don't give a damn about him. That's facts. Okay, all right, okay, right there, all right, here we go. Brielle Haye who I hate, Yes, hate with me, hate with me? Right Brielle and Pensacola says, I called my husband's phone several times while he was down in our basement because I needed his help to flip our mattress. He said he missed my calls because his ringer is off. I noticed it's been off for a week and he said it's his phone and uh, not up for discussion. Why did he get so defensive and rude? Oh no, yeah, talking about what's doing down he downed in the basement and phones off what's he doing? You know? Is that where his man came at. Maybe he was down there getting some peace your mattresses. You know, you ain't said you want to do nothing with the mattress. You didn't needed some help. Flipping the match is flipping it on. Flips on the mattress. Now you want him, come ahead, flipped the damn match. I don't really know that he's doing nothing wrong. His phone is off and but you at home. But Steve, he said, it's his phone and it's not a poor discussion. I mean, really, that was a stupid thing to say. Just say, hey, baby, I'm sorry. I've been cutting it off. I cut it on, I cut it back on my bad. Sometimes I just don't want to hear the ring, you know, so I just cut it off. I was watching the game or something. I ain't want to be disturbed. That would have been your answer. The dog in my phone, I ain't for discussion. Oh it but it is, though, Yes it is. See that's what you don't. We're discussing it now. So she said, why did he gets so defensive the room? He should have been his job and stop talking about that phone. He just got to stop talking about that phone. Dog. Hey, we'll talk about talk about that phone. Why we got answer the phone? You answer the call because she wan in the bedroom trying to flip the mattress. Well, let me ask you a question time. Yes, as someone ever called you that's in your house called you in your house? Yes, they have, and it gets on my nerve. You know where I'm at my nerves too. But when she called, I gossa picked this phone up. Okay, thank you, sir. I'm not saying but it don't matter what they don't want. What's she doing back there? I ain't doing nothing. I'm gonna saying I've been doing. What is it? We're moving on an argument at the house anonymous and Flint says, I'm married, but I've been sexting with the man that's younger. I send him nudes. I send him some nudes and he said he wants me bear down there, so I went and got it waxed. I have never been completely bared before. So how do I explain this to my husband I have I don't. I have no idea. I don't know what to tell you. I don't know what you've been doing. I don't know who. I don't know if you know what the ladies it is, I don't know. It ain't really my business what you do now now, But I you know, I don't know how you know. You don't gonna say though, oh okay, we're doing it like that now, oh oh we bad rashlet it depending on how old he is, you know, because she says she texted sexy with a younger one and he want to see it down now. Now. Obviously y'all old, cause shavin ain't in y'all's manual of things to do. So you know, if you old people it, you know, it just you know, looks a little different. I would assume I don't know what's going on down there, no mold like I used to. You know, I used to know what the trends was. I don't mean no trends no more. Yeah, you know you ain't seen but one in a while. I don't. Yeah, I don't really know about trends, no mo. So I don't know what they're doing and what they ain't doing. I was still no, no, no, no. When I was out there, it was a new thing. Was just you know, flipping clean you know, everything and seen everything was you know, I was there for the change. I don't know if things have gone back or nothing like that. I wish I could help you, but I don't know. Like I say, the trends, Yeah, I was doing the transition. Yeah, I saw the transition, and I appreciated it too, because it just brings things a lot more, you know, presentable, He saying, you know it was lack of confusion. You know all this here, But then you know I've done one again. You know just what was different? You know, I thank the Lord for it too, you know, glow that time in your life, boy, God that I lived, you know, from I must admit, from growing up in segregation, what to waxing. I just want to thank the Lord that I saw all the change. I didn't have a sale phone till I was damned there thirty Thank you, Lord, I saw all the change. You are not gonna sivil right the situation right? This is so, that's all march on this thought. I didn't come across the bridge. I haven't done seven times around the Justice Center without yoking. I hadn't done all of this crazy set out at the counter downtown at Christy's. But my mom quite folk didn't feed us. We set fire to the place. I was there for that. Yes, I broke out of window Rose and blooms and stole the green leather jacket. Foth sides is too big. Yeah, thank you. I was deaf. Law I was there for that sexual revolution to transition scared me at first. I didn't all right, listen coming up, Sorry about that to our audience. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news for you right after. This is pretty Oh you're listening to morning show, all right. In entertainment news, Jennifer Lopez casually announced her engagement once again to Ben Affleck. She did this on her members only website. Jennifer showed off her rare, very rare and beautiful green diamond ring. I didn't even know they made diamonds and green. Her diamond ring is estimated to be upwards of ten million dollars. J Loo said green, it's her lucky color. Nearly twenty years ago, you might recall Jen and Ben were engaged, but it ended after rumors of Ben and cheating. Jay Loo has been engaged six times, and she's walked down the aisle three times, and a lot of numbers, a lot of number of do until you get it right, jay Loo, that's all right. She moves on, Okay, she moves on. And remember the mansion, the bell Air mansion they were trying to buy she and Ben for like over fifty million dollars. Well, um, that fell out of s grow. They were going to buy that together, fifty five million dollars mega mansion. It's unclear exactly what changed their minds, but they won't be buying that Bellair estate, so they're just gonna look for another one. That's all. They should buy the uh Fresh Prince mansion. It's probably on sale right now. You know, Fresh Prince of Bellair, a lot of Bellair. You're just getting that Bellair together. We got what got a ranch for him in George if they want that plenty role j what you want on that? All right? And this story has been brewing for a while. Black China's trial against the Kardashians. You know reality star Black China, Well, she is suing four of the Kardashians overclaims that they abuse their power to get her number one hit reality show Rob and China canceled. The trial starts this Friday, April fifteenth, and Black China says that momager Chris, and daughters Kim, Chloe and Kylie all played a role in getting the show canceled. China's attorney has referred to Chris as the ring leader and accused them all of carrying out their illegal activity in secret while repeatedly lying to China's face. China earned about ninety two thousand, five hundred dollars per episode and implied she's stuggling financially now and she's had to give up three of her luxury cars. Three of the luxury cars. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's seeking forty million and lost earnings from the Kardashians and another sixty million for future losses from the show. Well, I don't, I don't, I don't. I don't see how that's gonna work. But the only thing she could say is is that they use their power to say, if you keep letting her put her show on saying these things about us, we're gonna end our show. They could have said that, but you can't. You can't charge them for that. Well, if if that guy said, I'm not saying that's what guy said, I'm just in here talking. She's not gonna win no money on this right here. I'm sorry. Now, if you got number one show and they cancel it? What you what you? What? What do that say? Okay, so from somebody that's got a show that ninety two episode, whoa, he was doing really good right there. But well, oh really you're saying, be grateful, ready to love host? What it was a blessing? That's almost I wish you would give me nine got taken that, don't get I WoT the ninety two. It's almost. I'll take it to shoes. What you're talking about at all? Please understand it's good money now, there ain't nothing to sneeze at. Every week, Yeah, you can count on it for twenty two weeks. No wonder she that's only three of her luxury cards. That means she has more. But you know, I don't think I don't think that you got to say nothing like that. I don't think you should be saying I got to give up three luxury cars. You know you have been better off. Say it says I've had to give up my cars. I don't have anything to drive now. You can't say I gave up three luxury call in the driveway. Feel sorry, no, no, right right, all right, So that's entertainment news. We're gonna switch gears here now to national news. Very serious story. It was a horrific scene in the Sunset Park section of Brooklyn, New York, Tuesday morning. Twenty nine people were hurt ten by gunshot on a busy subway train. A suspect wearing a gas mask opened two smoke canisters and then began shooting a high capacity handgun. When the train reached the thirty six Street station, the doors opened and smoke and people poured out. Five of the injured were in critical but stable condition. Police have identified sixty two year old Frank James as a person of interest in the shooting, though he hasn't been named as a suspect. James rennet a U haul truck in Philadelphia, where he lives, and the keys to that truck were found in his belongings left behind at the station. They later found the van in Brooklyn. So do they have him, No, No, they don't have him yet. They're listening for him, yeah, they're looking for him, right sure? Well yeah, yeah, Well, praise God, though no one seased so far, right, there's none deceased, shot and injured. Yes, So let's pray for those people and hope they recover them out of great, healthy lives with no long lasting you know. Yeah, that's what the President said. As a matter of fact, President Biden said, you're praying for the He's praying for those injured, and thank the New York City first responders. So we'll have more anyway, ain't gonna catch you got his name, boy? Yeah, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Everybody asked promise we got our special guests. We got an old family member on the phone, y'all. He's medical and died expert. He's a New York Times bestselling author, creator of several national health initiatives, and like I say, he's an old friend and family man. We should talk with him all the time. So this ought to be good man. Uh. He was a regular contributor on the show, so we're glad to have him back. And he's here back today to preview his newest book. Y'all. Set up, summer's coming. You're always trying to figure out what to do. We got it for your ladies and gentlemen. The book is called Plant Power. Please put your hands together for family member to one and only doctor and case Smith. Hey, fan, good to be home, y'all. Goodell, how you being? Man? Oh man, I'm blessed and God is good. I'm grateful and I'm Steve. You know me. I'm like you. I'm just out here just trying to change lives and for the better. And it's just I'm honored to be able to do it. Man, I'm honored. Well, I'm interested in this one right here because I've thought about this, and so now I got my man on here to give us the facts. Your new book is called plant Power. Now. The tagline for the book is flip your plate, change your weight. Flip your plate and change your weight. All right, now, that's pretty catchy, man, tell us about plant Power. Yeah, this has been the most personal health book I've written, because listen, I love steaks and ribs and cheeseburgers like everybody else. But I just felt like I was eating too much meat. And I know the benefits of plants, and I just wasn't getting enough. So I said, let me try to wean myself. I don't want to eliminate all my meat and seafood, but let me try to cut down and increase my plants. So plant Power is my four week journey of reducing me not eliminating once again. If you want to be being a vegetarian, that's fine, but this is about people who say, I'm somewhere in the middle, like I still want to have my chop brisket and that kind of thing every once in a while, but I still want to have more plants. And so I did it for four weeks. It was amazing, yell. I gotta tell you my energy level improved, my sleep improved, my thinking improved. And then I put this in my group. I got a Facebook group that's called plant Power and everyone should join it as phenomenal. The average weight loss, y'all in four weeks was ten to twelve pounds just by eating more plants. This has been a life changer for me and a lot of others I'm in. So what motivated you to research the plant based diets. Yeah, I just thought like I was sluggish. You know. It wasn't like I was feeling bad, but I felt like I was sluggish. Everything I had, like a steak or something. It took me a while to recover from it, and I just felt like I gotta make a change myself, you know. And then all the all the research Steve about plants, you know, reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels and strokes, and people were saying to me, doctor Ian, how can I reduce some of these issues I have, particularly us as African Americans without taking medications. And all the research man talks about how plants are just God's you know, nature magical. It's just it's phenomenal. So that's what really got me into it. And I gotta tell you the recipes because sometimes people just boil a vegetable and put it on a plate and you can't eat that. Well, I'll tell you what. Hang on the doctor Ian man, We're gonna find out more. We're gonna come back because we're gonna talk about some of these recipes. We're gonna talk about how you can flip your plate and change your weight. We'll be back with more with doctor Ian K. Smith right after this you're listening show. All I try to be back in our special guests this morning. As an old friend and family member used to come on the show all the time with national health initiatives and when he's got another one, got a new book, out. It's called plant power. And here's here's a catchphrase. Y'all flip your plate and change your weight. I'm making it. I'm texting right now, my nutrition. This taxing right now, my train on and I'm fitting to do all plants tomorrow, but I'm gonna give them a day to work on some stuff because I like my plants to sort a kind of taste like meat, and you can do that. So let me ask you, this doc, plant base has come a long way. I'm so, I don't know what your recipes are in your book, but you can kind of get that texture and taste in plants now, can't you. You can, But I gotta tell you something. I just want people to be a little careful because now it's a big marketing thing about meat substitutes, and a lot of these meat substitutes, unfortunately, they highly process them. And the person who works will tell you this. They put a lot of calories, they put fats, they put the bad fat, they put the saturated fats. You want unsaturated fat. They also add a lot of sodium and you got to be careful of that and bad oil. So what I tell people is listening on page thirty six. In the book, I talk about the things you need to look for when you're buying some of these plant alternatives or these meat substitutes. And I'm not saying they're all bad. I'm just saying you gotta be careful. But you know, you can find plant and veggie burgers that definitely taste and look like meat. You just gotta be careful what the ingredients are. Wow, I'm always you know, dog fight, you know, with my weight and everything. And yeah, we all especially yeah, yeah. Let me ask you this, though, what have you found to beat some of the most surprising benefits of following the plant based diet. Well, everyone thought that they were gonna have meat withdraw or they were gonna have all these meat crazy And let me tell you something. After about four or five days, everyone kept saying, Man, I don't really, I don't miss it. I still get the habit because once again you can still have some meat and some seafood. But no one missed it. And that was amazing how they just felt like this was great. The other thing is that there are a lot of people Steve who have high blood pressure, and some of them were coming off their medications. Cutting the medications than half loring, the cholesterol levels, all these things only because they just one thing. They just ate more plants and less process me. And let gonna tell you something like in the recipes and our Facebook group they post these recipes. One of my favorites, page two fourteen, spicy tie vegetable stir fry. When you eat that, you're gonna be like, meet what because it's just like it. It's so good and so filling you just can't stop eating. So I just want to tell people listen, open your mind, open your palette, believe in it. And I'm helping people, Steve, you know how I like to do, Steve, I got people who are doing individual counseling for free in our Facebook group at plant Power. So I just want to help as many people as possible, particularly us, be able to eat a little healthier and be able to reap the benefits. Wow, I like it. What do you think the case stands for? Inductor Ian's middle name kill yeah Kale kill Kale. But if you're from where I'm from, cabbage with the K say it hard? Hey? Doc? So look, man, give us the reason. Why does Steve Harvey Nation need to get their hands on this book. If it's very to go ahead, Yeah, it's very simple. Listen, y'all. We have got to eat a little better, not perfectly. I don't eat perfectly. I'm not advocating you eat perfectly. But if we make small changes in what we eat, what's at our table, we can make a huge change and how long we live, how betterly we live, how happy we are, And it's something that the whole family can do. With plant powers, you are not going to have to be a vegan or vegetarian, though you can be if you like to. With plant Power, I'm saying, just have balance. And when you lose that weight and start feeling lighter and having more energy, you are not going to want to go back to eating red meat every single day. I did it. I love red meat as much as anybody. So just trust me. It's easy. Join my group. Uh you know plant power and Facebook follow me an instat at doctor Ian Smith, spell a doctor out Ian Smith. We're gonna do this together, Steve, you know how to roll. We're gonna do all this together and change people's lives. Well, we got it, y'all. Steve Harvey Nation, Now you have it. Flip your plate, change your weight with Plant Power. It's available online in anywhere that books are sold. The book is called Plant Power by doctor Ian K. Smith. Uh, doctor Ian Man, good to see you again, brother, Thank you very much. Man Man love y'all, I got the again. Coming up next to it is a Nephew and the prank phone call. Right after this. You're listening Dave Harvey Morning Show. Coming up about four minutes after the hour. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject is he's hiding money in our raggedy house. But right now it is time for the nephew and today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Nef, We're gonna need a uber heurs uber really yeah, I mean it happens, y'all. Don't get happen. Don't it happens, Uber where You're gonna get it here. You're gonna get it here and get get if you want to get what you got to go, You're gonna get it here so I can get you there, all right, uber Hurst cat dog. If you would hello, Hello, I'm trying to read Sean please Yeah, this means suck. Hey Sean, how are you doing this? My name is Brian, Um. I got you on schedule. Um, you you ordered the Uber for tomorrow morning. I'm I think you're okay. You are? You are your schedule to go to the airport, correct, absolutely, yeah, okay, all right, And I want to make sure you you wanted to SUV. Yeah, I wanted to SUV. Okay, and that's ninety two eleven West. Um, what is that, Holman? I need two eleven went the Roman drive? That's correct? Okay, all right, all right, so I'll be outside tomorrow morning. You were talking about seven seven am pickup? Correct, that's it, you got it. Everything's on point, okay, all right, so listen, I wanted to let you know this man. You you order the SUV, I'll be there tomorrow. Um, I'll be there probably a little bit before seven am. You know when you guys order Uber way in advance, you know, we try to get there almost like a car service and make sure we get you where you gotta go. And I know the traffic is gonna be a little crazy, so um, you know I'll be there on time. I'll be downstairs waiting on you. All right, I'd appreciate it. Now, listen, I'm I'm I'm an SUV, but it's a kind of a little different. So that's why I kind of the reason for the call. I wanted to kind of give your heads up that I am an suv. So I just want you to look for the uh, the black hurse that'll be outside hurts. Yeah, I'll be in a black hurse tomorrow morning. Seven am uh Okay, okay, it's a suv are urs. No, No, it's a hurt. It's a hurt. Actually, what's happening is is I have another drop off at the airport as well. You know, there's a I mean, it's it's it won't affect you at all. There'll there'll be a body in the back, but that has to we're trying to get that to the airport too. But you know, like I said, and a matter of fact, is that body wait a minute, held on? Yeah, yeah you want me? Man, No, no, I ain't start riding on my body. Well, there's a I mean, there'll be a body, but actually it's just causing you less. You know what I'm saying. So you don't have to. Man, Well I'm supposed to lay down and lift this mother, So what what you're talking about? Man, dude, ain't ride with the body hang on, man, listen, you wanted to suv. I'm not ride with the body. Dude. You're tripping. Cancel this trip. I get another over. I'm not riding with a body, dude. Okay, if you cancel, that's gonna cost you fifty dollars. Fifty dollars, oh man, yeah, like you just downloaded the here's the deal. I know for a fact when you cancel over just five hours, I'm canceling. That's gonna be five hours. I gonna no fifty dollars, it's gonna be fifty dollars, sir, it's a different one. You have, my man, you can pay me a thousand dollars. I'm not riding with them. You feel me the understanding. You understand you now. But do you want to get to the airport or not? Look, why don't you lay down next to the body and you drive yourself there with the blighty like in the path to just see I'm not doing it. Tell me what the problem is. I mean, obviously you're used to driving around with bodies and that's not my thing. You know what I'm saying. What's the problem. I mean, you're gonna be in the front of the hurse. You're not gonna be in the back. We'll put in the back with your luggage in the back. I mean, that'll be fine, right, you're my man. You're tripping, man, this is a crazy you're calling wrong with this crazy book, Dude, I'm not doing a none of that. What part of that? Don't you want to stand? I'm going to get you there on time, sir, But it's going to be in a hurse. That's all the difference is. Man, you'll be riding the hurts. Well, I'm supposed to be laid out, and you understand right now you got me fucked up? What kind of phone call? Is this? What I mean, what's what's the problem. Obviously you're used to rolling with with dead bodies or hearses and all that. Since when it over start rolling with hearses to pick up regular live more, because to get them from place to place. This is some crazy. I don't want you to think when when did you think that it would just be cool or as a regular picking up a body and just driving around in the street. I don't know, man, I mean, you know I got two jobs. You know what I'm saying. I do you know? And also you know, work for a mortuary to you know what I'm saying. So you know, but my vehicle is is certified and approved it so I'm able to use it as an suv as so you you calling them is and you gave him ride to live more and they don't have no reaction, no reaction to riding around with them embodying the back well you know, uh, sometimes there's a few people acting a little you know, it's a little different for him. I get it, you know, but like I said, the only reason why I'm calling you, you don't get that because you're trying to hit me with a fifty dollars in charge that I'm not I'm not going for and you're trying to get me to ride with him and that body. Dude, I'm not doing that. So I'll tell you what, brou I'm gonna tell you this right here. I'm gonna get all the phone tomorrow and seven in the morning, me and Tommy gonna be there. So be looking forwards here, who's Timmy the body? No, No, Me and Tommy gonna be there tomorrow morning at seven mayhem. You know what I'm saying. Just be ready for that. Then you're Timmy gonna have a problem. Okay, okay, all right, tell it to Tommy thought because see Tommy, don't Tommy don't take this too kindly, So tell it to him in the morning. Who's Timmy? Hen Now, okay, you don't know who Tommy is? No, I don't what it's Tommy? Okay, do you know Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning So do you know nephew Tommy? Come on? Man? Oh man, oh man, that's hey, hey man, come in and no, man, your boy. You gott a boy named Chase that you work with. Chase gave me your number, told me to get your call. Oh man, Yeah, I'm gonna put that in a hearse man. Oh hey man, you gotta give me one more thing. Man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey man, I pick you up a set my beat there the rs rad goody right whatever, Man, they ride good. It's a smooth ride. It's a nice ride. Man. Let's it ain't really bumping. It's just a smooth, smooth ride. Y'all ought to do it sometimes y'all want to scoop y'all up. A'tybody want to rip? Nobody want to rip? Are you gonna get one eventually? I don't need right now. Rush ain't gonna know it whether you want it or not. I ain't gonna know it though. Yeah, yeah, okay, nobody want to scoop him up. No, we gotta all do it as a as a radio show. Let's just get into hersing. Why don't you just do it yourself? You're so exciting? Yeah, show us twitter too, Come on ride and then tell us highs fell us the picture? Yeah, y'all think I won't get back that late? Out the ride? All ride? I ain't scared. I bet you won't next to a dead body? How much I bet a thousand dollars you won't do it? How long I got to be in there? How about that about robbing the block? No, about twenty minutes? No, that's too long. Fifteen fifteen minutes, three minutes I go round the block? Come right? Don't get my answer about of that? No, no, no, no, no no no. I want you to be able to share with us to the feeling of it. I want you to give you ten minute. I'll tell you what. Ten minutes laying down back. Then, fifteen hundred dollars. We can go down at a Memphis to that what's that? What's that? What's that? Funeral home down that memp I get very right. You ain't got to go to you ain't. You ain't got to go to Memphis. We'll have funeral homes everywhere. You ain't got to go to Memphis. Trust me, you ain't even got to get on the plane I filmed, and you got fifteen hundred dollars ten minutes. Lay down in the back. Let me see strawberry letter coming up next. Let you sleep on it. You're not getting money in our raggedy house. We'll get into that right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letters to Steve Harvey FM. All you have to do is click submit Strawberry Letter, and we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now, and it might be yours. You never know, it could be it could be yours. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is strawberry letter, Thank you nephew. Subject he's hiding money in our raggedy house. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a forty nine year old married woman and my husband is fifty nine. We've been married for six years and this is my first marriage and his second. We dated a good while before he asked me to marry him, and when I accepted his proposal, I told him that I didn't want to live in the house that he and his wife and kids lived in. He rented out his house and we bought a fixer upper house in a great neighborhood. I wanted a new house, or at least one that was in great condition. He promised me that he had some great contractors that would make my dream a reality. The house is so old that we still have Linolean taught linoleum tiles on the kitchen floor. Icon acted a professional company to get a flooring estimate, and I wanted to replace all the laminate countertops in the kitchens. It had been six years, and I saved up money to do a few little things. He hemmed and hawed, but he eventually helped me pick out our flooring. He didn't offer to help me pay for anything, because he said it with my impatience. That led to the renovation. A few weeks later, we were packing up to go to my parents' home temporarily while our floors are getting installed, and I just happened to be peeking in at him in the bedroom. He carefully pulled out a big envelope, pulled a big envelope out of a shoe box, and I saw hundreds of dollars. I ran into the room and tackled him and grabbed the envelope. All he could say is that he had to keep a stash because I loved spending his money. I don't know how he thought it was okay to hide this large sum of money from me. I'm wondering if he planned to leave me in this raggedy house. Is that he's not interested in doing any upgrades? What is he up to? Well, before we get to that, I just gotta say, the visual of you busting in the bedroom and tackling your huff But it's just a little funny. Okay, that visual is funny, And I mean you ask the question, what is he up to? Who knows what? Mister secretive is up to and why is he being so shady with this money. I'm all for having all for having your own money and not having to always ask someone your husband in this case, for cash, and of course there's also the house money and the film money. But just something about this doesn't sit well with me. I mean, first, you say it's been six years since you've been in this fixer upper and nothing has been fixed up. And didn't you also say that you saved the money yourself, with no help from your husband. He said it was your impatience that led to the renovation. I don't understand that statement. What is he talking about. It's been six years since you guys have been in that house and nothing has been done. I mean as his house too. He seems like he would want it remodeled. I mean, especially the linoleum floors. You know, the only explanation he had for stashing is that you love to spend his money, his money. I mean, it's our money you got. You guys are married. You know you're spending money on the house. You saved the money for the house. Is he trying to say if you knew he had the secret money, you would have spent that on the house or something else. I'm so confused with that statement. I mean, what is his stash money for If it's not for the house. He sounds just very cheap to me, very selfish to me, And he doesn't have any intentions after six years of fixing this house up. I don't see that. So, so, now that you know you've caught him with this money, you need you need to find out what he's up to. We don't know what he's up to, insists you know, if you guys are gonna stay married on a joint bank account for the house, for the renovations. It's been six years, let's go. You know, both of you should be contributing, not just you. It's his house too, and it's his chiefment. It is his cheapness, why his first marriage fails. These are some of the questions you need to ask him. If you find out the answers to this, maybe you'll find out what you know, the money he stashed is all about. Other than that, I don't know. This is crazy. You know he needs you, You need his help. See I don't know about this letter right here. I'm a little bit thrown off. See he's had money in our raggedy house. But the name of this letter to me is somebody lying slash. We ain't here the whole truth, I don't think so. See, we're just not hearing this whole story. I don't think because something is missing in this story. It don't sit right with me. But you know, one of us Uncle Steve's favorite things to do, and one of my skills sets is to dig under the circles to find out what's really going on. Ladies and gentlemen, Let's go under the skinnon to find out what's going on. Now. She forty nine. She her husband is fifty nine. That's a ten year difference. Been married six years, my first marriage, his second. That's a little tale tale right there. This yr first time. He hadn't done this before. He seen the movie before. In other words, we dated a good while before he asked me to marry him. When I accepted his proposal, I told him I didn't want to live in the house that he and his wife and kids live. Did so guess what he did. He rented out his house. He honored that request. That was a big one. This man already owned the house, but you didn't want to leave it. He said cool. He rented out the house and he bought a fixer up our house in a great neighborhood. I wanted a new house, or at least one. Dad was in great condition. He promised me he has some great contractors and he would make my dreams of reality. The house is so old. We got linoleum tiles on the kitchen floor. Our contracted a professional company to get a flowing estiment. I wanted to replace all the laminate countertops in the kitchen. And after this, I'll tell you what happened why you ain't gotten a kitchen yet. All right, Steve, hold on part two of your responses coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters subject He's hiding money in our raggedy house. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Morning show. All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject, he's hiding money in our raggedy house. Yeah, you're hiding money your raggedy house. Because we don't know the whole story. But you've been married now for six years. He's rented out the house. She told him you didn't want to live in with his formal wife and kids. Head so he rented it out as a good husband. We're doing He bought a fixer upper. You kind of wanted the new house. He told you that he has some friends and stuff and he get it fixed up. Well, you wanted the new house. He said he had some contractors and the house is so old that y'all got linolean floors on the kitchen. So you contacted professional come to get a floor next ment, and I want to replace all the laminate countertops. It's been six years. I've saved up money to do a few little things. He hemmed in heart, but he eventually helped me pick out the flooring. He didn't offer to help me to pay for anything because he said it was my impatience that led to the renovation. Now less, it's where the letter gets tricky. It's your impatience that led to the renovation or was it his lie that led to you having to save up to get the renovation? To see now we're about to peel back somebody skin on this onion right here and put tears in your eyes. I think it's because of the fact that he's been married before and you ain't he seen this movie before. Now you're telling me that you've been saving up a little bit of money for this laminated float, right, and he wasn't gonna go for it. Whose kitchen is that big? How much that float cost? So I don't know how much you had to save, but it's a kitchen float. I don't know what you saved. I'm not pass a judgment. I don't like to do that, but you saved up your a little bit of money. But we're talking six years though, So what have you been doing and what have y'all been doing with the money for six years? See, you've been buying something, and I think you may be buying some stuff that ain't got nothing to do with nothing. And he saw his money slipping away like he did with his previous wife, so he started stashing money before she get our hands on this right here too. That's what I think happened, you know, And then I see, here's what here's what led me to say that. A few weeks later, we were packing up to go to my parents' home temporarily while your floors were getting installed, which means the floors was in the process of getting done, right, I just happened to be peeking in at him in the bedroom. He carefully pulled a big envelope out of a shoe box, and I saw hundreds of dollars. You, being a gold digger that you are, ran into the room and tackled and grabbed the envelope. Dove on the man. Now he was surprised because obviously you blindsided him. He didn't see it coming. You make his head jerk back, slob or wrap around his head a little bit. He know what was happening because you tackled him in his lower back because he had that envelope down low, count that money. All he could say is he had to keep a stash because I love spending him money. That's the key. See, for six years, he'd been watching you spend money on all types of stuff. Now you come up, but you on a floor. Now this man going, wait minute, man, hold on, I've been chipping in. We've been doing this here. You got me written out this house that I already paid for. Now you over here. We were trying to do something else, but you just spending money. You mess around after six years and save the money for a damn flow, and now you in't here tackling me for cash. See how that look? He thought it was okay. I don't know how he thought it was okay to hide this large sum of money for me. I do because he didn't want you to spend it. That's why he was hiding. I'm wondering if he planned to leave me in this raggedy house. Is that why he's not interested in doing any upgrades? What's he up to? Well, it seemed to me like he's up to what you ain't up to, trying to save a little bit of money because he said you'd be spending all his money. And a man will do that. A man will hide some money if you think you're gonna spend it all. Every man I know haven't done. But what about the line about her impatience led to the renovation? What does that mean? They've been in the house for six years and they still haven't gotten it renovated. I said when I read the letter, I don't think it's her impatience that's led to the renovation. Bore, It is his lie that led to her wanting to do the renovation. The woman got every right to want to fix her house up. Most women like living in nice home and this representative of a woman. When people come over your house and your house saved, right, the woman takes the blame for that, not the man. Thank you. What she in here doing, how she got all this food, and how she who decorated this right here? What I understand it, that's not her fault. He lied and said he was gonna fix the house up. But what happened was as he was trying to save, he was just watching her spend. So now, hold up, I can't take what I'm saving and renovate this house because she's spending all other money. Let me save some of this money, which would I would be spending on renovating the house. But since she's spending all the money, we ain't gonna have no damn money. That's how she found him hiding the money in the envelope. But now she didn't manage to save up a little bit of money get this flow done after six years. But he got to flow money in that box. He got to flow money and wall money in the box. I think what happened here is we have a spending problem which leads to more divorces finance than even infidelity. And y'all will get you will get left in that ragged ass house. If you keep spending money like that whole damn letters your fault. He needs to help her fix up that house, all right, love, so she can make him a home. Please leave your comments on today's Strubberry on Instagram and it's not about Facebook and Instagram on Steve HARVEYFM dot com and check out the Strawberry Letters podcast Underman. Coming up next, it is Sports Talk with Junior. Right after this you're listening show, It is time now for Junior and Sports Talk. What you Got Junior All Case Shirley. The w NBA Draft was the other night. Ryan Howard was selected number one from the University of Kentucky by the Atlanta Dream. First time that the w NBA Draft was in person in New York since twenty nineteen because of COVID and uh now, Brittany Gronner is still being held in Russia on drug charter. She's been in since February. The w n base says that it's still trying to fight for Brittany, but they understand it's gonna be a process. Phoenix will still pay the Phoenix Merker is still gonna pay her salary, which brings me to a question. You know, like if one of us had got kidnapped or taking houstage or you know, being detained, would you still pay our? Would you still pay our with salary? Just want Yeah, your money is cut off immediately. You didn't even give it any thought. I just thought he would think about the team like mother, Like, I think that's great. Still gonna pay her and just wanna see her morning show if we get detainers, I'm gonna I'm gonna need you as a hostage to really want to get out. But I'm not feel to do keep supplementing bad behavior. You're not where at least I'm getting paid. No, no, you're not. Get your ass out of their hell and get back to work. Yeah, I'm trying to motivate you as a hostage. Lord, I'm still getting paid. No, you're not. I just wanted to know type of boss I have. No No, No, your ass needs to get free shitting up in that comfortable like you just all right with being a hostage. Oh no, we're not up in here eating free food over and you're not well. Get to see her lawyers twice a week. Another news baseball is back And did you know this? I didn't know this, the Cleveland Guardians that changed his name from the Indians. Indians is gone. Indians is gone. We ain't gonna win, Cleveland coal Mins, Well what you want to call it? Whatever you want to Hey, when when in the win? So what what? And call it the Cleveland Champions. We're not gonna win. And then also lastly NBA news, Frank Bowl has officially been fired from Lost La. He finally heard the dude we heard already. He just got it yesterday. So Frank is out. It ain't his fault, it's really not. I think he's a scapegoat. But the way I would play them, I would I would have Westbrook as a sixth man and that when that when Rest Westbrook come on on the floor, I would let Lebron or a d sit down and let it be the Russell Westbrook show so he could get back to who he is. And that would be his greatest contribution to the Lake of Basketball team. If they don't, if they don't run, because he's not gonna be effective as long as Lebron on the floe, because it's Lebron's team, all right, Junior, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, a man gets caught naked on a work video conference call. We'll talk about that when we come back, right. I can understand that though you're listening to the same Harvey Morning Show. A New York City housing authority official has been suspended for thirty days without pay after being caught naked in bed with a woman during a work related video call. A seventeen second video posted on YouTube of what was supposed to be a routine video call for staff shows the male employee, who works as an administrative housing superintendent, completely naked, lying next to a woman as his stunned co workers watched. There were at least the upper level managers and superintendence on the video, and when the woman appeared in the video, all you could hear was oh my god, no, no, it is right. So uh. The question the question for you, Steve, is out of all of us working on this show, who would you expect this type of behavior from? You would not know, you would nothing stupid like what what? But you use the word in a sentence. I ain't gonna do nothing stupid like that, But see what other form of stupidity would you do. I wouldn't do that. He didn't get fired. He just got suspended for thirty days with understand man. But I want to thank the Lord that video conference and just starting because if there was any footage of the stuff I used to do on phone call, thank you Lord. I'm with you when you're right too. So did he accidentally leave his zoom? Yeah? I don't know how. Yeah. Yeah, he's naked and bad with the woman here. He had to forgot to have turned it off, you know, he forgot to turn it off. Is there footage of this anywhere? Because is there footage anywhere? Monica? Can you send it to me? He probably ain't in shape, though, what does that matter? Most super embarrassing? Ain't in shape? Would you be embarrassed? Though, I know you would. Would you be embarrassed? Well? Putting on the angle you caught me at? I got, I got, I got a couple. Might be proud, Yeah, I got proud and posed now but if you catch me roll or it could be all so quite in bed you're laying in the bed on the video. See you got your look at this phone, put your hand your chest. We gotta post that by somebody, somebody to look at him laid out all over his chip. But you still it looks like you're posing. It looks like that's that's how I lay nicking. You can't just be up there and ain't ready call. You know, your girl might walk in. You know, you don't want to be to end the incindaway. You want to have your knee by your chest? Hi, just stumach, you want to hear your knee up by your chest? Hi? Just on the video call. Yeah we have on the pillar. But looking back over it's kind of like you won't kind of like do this here you wanna have You keep demonstrating and you want to look back over your show. Oh we are going to post these What is the look back over me? What? What does that mean? Posting your hair right here? You know, so hold it? But why do we have to see that back of your thigh? Oh that's that's the money shot, ye, back of my thigh. That's the money shot. The han good side. Yeah, all right, coming over in twenty minutes, we'll have more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. The national trucking industry is down by eighty thousand trust drivers and that's why our goods our services and our packages have been delayed lately. Well, Walmart is doing something about it. To combat the national truck drivers shortage. They are granting new truck drivers up to one hundred and ten thousand dollars during their first year on the job. That's really great news, isn't it. Walmart is doubling the average salary for long haul drivers and has also launched a twelve week program in several states to help its warehouse employees earn a commercial driver's license. So in you know, one hundred ten thousand dollars, it's a great starting salary. So it's great. Thank you, Walmart. Way to go. Yeah, Mom, still gonna say, ain't no job. I think all of your family, Junior. Yeah, have you guys ever considered driving a truck? Truck driving? Have you ever done that? Steve, You've done a lot of jobs, Well, I do. I wouldn't do it long haul. I was just doing local deliveries. Yeah that work out? Well, I ain't. Ain't. None of my jobs worked out. What happened there happened there. I'm just not a good ass employee. You know what. You can't talk to me an account of way. I ain't. I ain't thing to take it, fat ass dude, Bob Cook talking told me one time, if you stay with this job as long as I have in twenty five years, Harvey, you will be me. Uh. Let me get out of here tomorrow. I'm not coming up, coming up with thirty three minutes after the hour, we'll do a round. I would you rather right after this you're listening Steve Morning Show. Time out guys for would you rather? Would you rather soak in a tub of hot dog water? Or would you rather sit in a jacuzzi with fifteen people? Well, when I'm when I'm in the tub, I'm making hot dog water. So that's us, that's straight out. If you're offended by that, nephew, yeah, let me go get in the hot Well that's because you don't. You didn't. You didn't get the joke, So just do that. Don't kill a joke, Just say you didn't get the joke. If I'm sitting in the bath tub, I'm making hot dog water. But you know, mister mister killer joking, I don't want he's so busy, he's hell busy being the damn germophobic. Now you don't get in at your hands up and there within fifteen people. You don't know, all right, I've never I've never climbed into a hot tub at a resort while people was in it. Now I've been at a resort and nobody was in it, and then some people came and got in it. I got them get out. Yeah, that's right, that's right, all right, I'm just not finn being no tuble water and look over and there's another dude, and then we never do this here, all right? Moving on, Moving on, guys, would you rather have an X over for Easter dinner? B? Would you rather fast from eating all day? That means be ye be gone fast rather than have your dinner. I've had the day fold at two two days, so fast, I kim damned to get suicide. Yeah, I'll be so. Yes, your ex don't give a damn you rush to the hospital. Have you ever stayed with somebody you couldn't stand for a period of time? Do you know what hour feel like? Yeah? Two hours? Easter dinner? That would be the most unholy meal I've ever eaten on Easter. All right, Keeping on that eating subject, would you rather eat twenty four Easter eggs in a day or an entire green bean casserole and tire. Yeah, you better give me that green being castle gonna pay's boy, you do demand. It's gonna be with you for a month. Would you rather wear a tight muscle shirt on stage? Be tight muscle shirt on stage or perform barefoot b B. Yeah, my feet ain't bad, but my body with a tight muscle shirt on it's damn. It's come. That's the show right there. Yeah, all my material would be about me. That's today's round. I would you rather Thanks, guys, We'll be back with the last break of the day and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening here, we are, guys, our last break of the day on this Wednesday. We got to say a special thank you to doctor Ian K. Smith who joined us after a minute. It's been a minute, but he came back to um talk about his brand new book called Plant Power, which is available online and wherever you buy books. It's all about flip your plate, change your weight your plate. Flip your plate, change your weight. The name of the book again is called plant Power. Thank you doctor Ian for dropping us. Catchy, Catchy. It is huh, flip your plate, change your weight. Mm hmm, that's what we planted. Yep, I need to flip my plate bowl fun. Yeah, I was just suggesting. I kind of listen to it though, because I'm going to do it, because I just text everybody involved with my program and told him I want to change two meals a day to all plans at least two meals a day. You know, but you know, good good, it's never nothing wrong with that. But I'll tell you something else that can help y'all too. Here's my closed remarks. I want to remind everybody I was Oprah's had been on TV for years talking about dream boards, and um, I'm The first time I saw a dream board was in nineteen seventy four a friend of mine named Marvelous Marvin Harton. I was in his dorm room one day and on his mirror he had what he called a treasure map. And on this treasure map he had things on it, and to graduate in four years. That was his plan, to play Jamaica sci fi. That was his plan. And he had several other things, but he had a treasure map. He had timelines on it, and I've never seen that and I stopped him. I said, hey, Mamas, I said, what is this right here? He said, this was like a treasure map. Man later to learn it was what's called a vision board. He said, but this is how I put the things in front of me, my goals and hopes and wishes and aspirations. He graduated in four years. He is a member of them maka sci Fi, and he's retired now. He worked in the defense for the government, and he's retired now. I watched this cat pretty much do all the things he said he was gonna do. Well, that was the first time I saw vision board or what he called a treasure map. What I later discovered was they would call vision board, and I started mine later on in life. I wish I knew what my friend knew in nineteen seventy four, but I didn't. I just didn't. And part of what I want to talk to you about is it don't matter when you learn it, as long as long as you learn it, because the application of wisdom, faith and understanding is never too late for that it could be the right time for you. The fact that I didn't have a vision board didn't stop the fact that I should have them. Well, right now, I'm probably on my sixth or seventh vision board. I just had my son come over Sunday. We set outside, cooked outside of the kitchen, and I had him redo my vision board. But Sun was talking to me, said, wow, Dad, do you know man, that everything you put on your vision board you have to change because it comes true. And that's what I want to talk to you all about the power of that vision board. Don't think or don't underestimate the power of writing it down. Don't underestimate the power of putting up a visual Now. I'm a picture guy, so I do very well with pictures demonstration. If I had known that about myself in college, I probably could have graduated. I probably could have been an okay student had I understood that I'm a visual learner. I don't like words and then try to recall and then tell you back on a test what I read. I ain't gonna really remember all that. But if you got some pictures and you put it in the form of a story or my ass is good at that. But what I've learned is the power of this vision board for you is a spiritual thing. And don't think it don't apply to you and the fact that you ain't never had one don't mean that this ain't the time for you to start to have one. I put my vision boards on my cell phone because I I have nothing in my hand more than I have my cell phone. So when I my home screen are what you call it through wallpaper setting home screen setting, every time it pops up, it's my vision board. Because I'm always on the phone talking business plans. All is here. Every vision board I've ever had has come true, and it's come true in a way that I didn't really think about it. Because on my new vision board, I put two very important things on that God's will and the way that I ensure God's will is I incorporate a lot more prayer in my life. And the other important thing I put on there is God's timing, which requires my faith because I've learned to stop asking for God telling him when to do it or how to do it. I trust in his will is better than my knowledge or understanding, and his timing is gonna be different from mine. So I put that on my vision board. I put dollar amounts on my vision board. I put vision for my foundation. I put vision that I have for other people. I have vision for how I want to change people's lives. I put all of that on that, and it comes true. I put on that. Companies that I want to do business with. I've had to take them off because I'm in business with them. I'm telling you, man, the power of vision board. Don't overlook it. Go online and learn how to make a vision board if you need to. But you can start with a list of stuff. But I like pictures because I'm a visionary guy. I'm telling y'all, man, start using vision boards and look at them every day and just read it. I'm telling you it comes true. It requires your faith and belief in it. And that's really the beginning. Now, if you're willing to put the hard work behind it, boom, all your dreams can come true. That's probably vision board. You really need to think about that. Those my clothes remark today and one other thing, talk to God today. He would absolutely love to hear. For all Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show,