It's a real good Friday and Big Dog opens up with a little bit of what to expect from Family Feud this year. The crew is asked what about the job or life keeps them feeling young. Jussie Smollett and Steve Harvey are among the nominees for this years NAACP Image Awards. Oscar winning writer Jordan Peele is riding high from the success of his recent film Us. President Trump could not stop himself from talking about Jussie Smollett at his rally in Michigan. Today's version of Ask Steve is very unique to say the least. A 5th grade girl in South Carolina lost her life after a fight in school. We also have Parenting Talk with Steve today and we get into parenting methods and still cover the college admissions scandal. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog explains the power of positive thinking and more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all bat all suit back to back down, giving them move like the milking buck bus things and its cubs. Y'all good it. Steve har listening to movie together for stum Please, Mommy, I don't joy by joining me. You gotta turn, you gotta turn turn turn, got to turn out to turn the water to the water. Got me come come on your baby dad. Uh huh. I shall will a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice. Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show today? Is it? Everybody? Okay? On a real positive note? Today? Is it? Today? Is the day? You know, when I was in high school, you know, my mother was a Sunday school teaching until she passed. I would walk out the door every morning on my way to school, and my mother used to say, listen to me, son, hey, don't forget. Today is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. And you know, I ain't think much of it. You know, it's just my mama being religious, you know, mom, spiritual woman. So you know I just took it as that But as I've gotten older, man, you know that's registered more and more with me. You know, today is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. That's pretty cool, man. I mean, what better lesson will you get throughout the day than the fact that he allowed you to live and see another day. See sometimes, Man, when you're young, you don't pay no attention to that. But all you got to do is keep living, keep watching some people that you know not be here anymore, go to class reunions and they're smaller, see people that you really loved. It meant a lot till you leave this world, and all of a sudden, man, immortality starts to matter a great deal to you. Some of us learned this lesson sooner than others. But I know when you're young, man, you know, you think you're gonna be here for a while. You think you got time to play around. You think you got time to get it together, You got time to make the mistakes, and you got time to chill. But man, oh man, almost every full blown adult that I know will tell you and have said these words right here many times. And I went see the reason I'm saying this because I want you to hear him, because you're gonna use them. Man, if I only knew then what I know now. Do you know how many people have said those words right there? Because in time, man, you gained so much wisdom. Oh but it ain't like nobody didn't tell you though. See that's the hooker. Somebody told you back then. Hey man, it's best to buckle down now, he said, Hey man, you better quit wasting time. Hey man, don't stop taking your foot off the gas pedal. Hey look, do your best at all the times, you know, stop stop worrying about that. I'm telling you, son, In a minute, them clubs ain't gonna mean nothing to you. In a minute, that going out all the time ain't gonna mean nothing to you. I can't tell you how many times I heard all of it. I can't tell it to you. I can't tell you how many times I repeat it to my kids. But man, today is a different day, because today is the day that the Lord has made. So he gave you a shot today. If you woke up this morning, or if you're finishing your day on your shift, he gave you a new day. Nothing bigger than the fact that he woke you up today. Now, why don't you do something about that? Why don't you take advantage of it? How about today? How about if you start today? How About if you stop hesitating today. How About if you stop delaying it today. How About if you stop procrastinating today. How About if you make today to day that you go forward. I mean, man, let's all just decide today, let's go forward. Let's put forth a maximum effort today. How about today? I mean, really, man, what you're doing you look man, take advantage of this blessing of waking up. Do something today. So many people are in the dolgeoms of life, or are living in a rut or just merely existing instead of thriving simply because of one one thing. You just won't do it today. If you would just start the problem, says man. Start that business you always dreamed of. Go looking to that other job you always yearn for. Go get the training you need to get the promotion man, going back to school. Man, go see what you need to do to lift yourself to the next level. Stop waking up every day seeing high it's gonna go, and start waking up and do something about how it goes. If you make one step, he'll make two. But you can people talk about all the time, man, it seemed like you're always getting a blessing. Oh man, when you're talking to a person, listen to this. If you're talking to a person and it seems like there's always a blessing coming his way, let me tell you what that person doing. That person is putting one foot in front of the next. That person is putting forth some efforts out there. And that's the only way God can bless you. God can only bless you with your efforts. He can only put his finger on the thing that you are doing or attempting. That's all he can help you with. He that are no jobs, walk walking up to your door, knocking on your door. But if you're beating the payment, if you're sending it in the apps, if you own line, scouring somewhere to work, somewhere to get a job, then God can touch somebody's hard to hire you. But if you're sitting at the house every day, smoke everyday, drinking, but you wonder why you just can't get a job. The couple times you don't want out there, you got to. If you ain't got a job, you gotta go get one every day. You got to go look for one every single day. You can't take no days off. How about today? How about today? If we decide today is the day that we're gonna make the move. Today is the day that we stop delaying, hesitating, procrastinating. Today is to day that we take a step in the direction to do something for ourselves, for our lives, for our family, for our wives, for our children, for our community, for our school. Do something today, for crying out loud, man, stop sitting in your own life in just a stew of misery in your own life. I'm gonna tell you something. If you are in a state of confusion, if you are troubling, if you're stuck on what to do next, you let me tell you what's happening. You're not doing enough. That's what it is, man. See when I get in a place, man where I don't know what the next move is, it's because i'd un usually stalled out. See, this is the way God works. This is the way He's worked for me. Every time I'm busy and I'm about the business of always trying to live my creed, which is ABC. My motto is ABC always be closing. I'm always working on something, something to close something. When you're so busy with the business of improving yourself and doing with yourself and becoming the best you you can be. God is always working on your behalf, behind some scene of something that you're in the process of tempting to close. But because you're not doing all you can do, you're limiting you. You are because if your decision not to give you all in all, you're limiting the opportunities for God to put his finger on things and touch them on your behalf. I don't know if the average person really understands or knows what it takes to truly be successful on whatever level you're talking about. But whatever that level is, I don't care what a dollar amount you've got attached to it, what level you got, if you have made the decision that you're going to be successful, I think that a lot of people, the average person does not know what that means. Whatever level you've decided to be successful on, See, that's your level of faith, that's where you see your life at. Well, guess what you got to maximize your efforts to even get to that level. So listen to me if you want to be successful at your church, if you want to be successful in your relationship, if you want to be successful down at the day cassing, if you want to be successful at your college, if you want to be successful on your job. Guess what it's gonna take all you got in that world to become a success. I don't know why people think that. If you don't want to be what somebody else say, you ain't got to put forth that effort. Na, I ain't wrong. You've got to put forth your maximum effort at whatever role you're trying to accomplish. Lord have mercy. Man. How about today, though, y'all? How about today today as a good one. Let's make today today. Let's get out of that. Let's get on with it. Stop hesitating, stop delaying, stop procrastinating, start today. Watch God have something to put his finger on there. And that's all you're trying to do. Man, To line yourself up with God's grace, you gotta put out a lot of effort so God can put his finger on something. You feel me today, I shall hope you do, because I'm on one today. Let's go. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, monkeys, Cheetos, Zoo Animals, Ranger Tames, Rhinoceroses, Eddy Cuckoo birds Man, have your undivided attention. The zookeeper is in the build. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's called the Morning Show because our specialty is waking people up on a what on a good note? On the words of Jane Brown on the Good Foot Ladies, Jentimer, Sherley Strawberry, Happy Friday, Steve call a fool real Steve Harvey, what's up? Crew, Junior morn everybody, mornin up? You tummy your dog? Friday Baby, let's get it. I'm so sick. Lady Sirie Man, I don't know what she'd been talking about that at the time. I know what she always said to me. I don't understand what you're saying. It's because I wasn't talking to you focus because mine just come home sometimes. I'm sorry. How can I help you? Can? I wasn't talking to you, So she's eavesdropping. Yeah, I think Sirie be Dippert. Yeah, So what's going on y'all? Friday Friday? Oh, yes, how are you feeling this morning? I'm good, I'm good, goody doing something different? What what are you doing different? Nothing to do family for you today? And then tonight I get on the plane. I gotta go to Florida do an event for buddy of mine. And then he said he wanted to play golf. I've never played golf with him. I didn't know he played golf, and so I'm gonna do this event for him and his wife's Saturday. And then he asked me to stick with how to play against Sunday. So all right, I play cool, So hopefully that will work. That's two weekend, two weekends in the road now. I was working last week though, yeah lay oh yeah, okay, I thought you meant like two weekends off now, No, I just playing, playing a little bit of jiars off, you know what saying? You know how family with you going? Oh it's pretty good, so good, it's pretty pretty good. It's gonna be some funny stuff this year. Oh good, every year. People love people love you. I mean, it's crazy, man, it is really really it's it's been one of my It's probably my biggest television property ever. There's no doubt about it. Yeah, my biggest TV property ever. Wow. I remember when you announced it on the radio, when he got it, remember that? Yeah, yeah, But what you can do now you could just go to YouTube and go to that family for your channel and Holly, just look at the history all the year, the great moments. It is some funny stuff. I saw. I saw Richard Dawson. I think in some old episode maybe of some old TV show or something I was watching or that was on I should say, And I just it took me back to Family Feud when he was the host and he used to kiss everyone, and I was like, my, how times have changed. In the mouth, kiss him in the mouth. You can't get rid of all right? All right? Coming up at thirty two after the hour, Jobs to keep you young inside of something funny right after this you're listening to all right Steve stand and Sold twenty nineteen in Punta ConA in the Dominican Republic, October tenth through the fourteenth, Special guest Anthony Hamilton, Doug e Fresh, Kid Capri As, Jake, Tony Roberts, and Genuine Man I ain't seen on Jay in the wild. That boy used to be so ignorant. Man is still ignorant. Man, I haven't seen Man. I'm gonna be really, that's gonna be really cool to sit down with our nails. Man. I ain't seen him in I haven't seen our nails in years. Man. Wow, I can't wait to sit down with the fallen and stuff. Man. Let me tell you what this food. He had finished the concert one night being on as Jay went walking through the lobby of this hotel in Houston, and old lady was vacuuming in the lobby and she had bad feet. It just looked like, for some reason, her nurses shoes. She hasn't these white orthopedic shoes like nurses shoes. Well, yeah, there's the thick soul and all that that. They're just a little big that damn on. This Jay took his shoes off and I don't know how he did it with his feet in his shoes back man, and started imitating this woman vacuum. I don't know how that food got his feet in him dawn shoes backwards. I was in that lobby hollering, man, how did he do that? Man? He stuck his feet in his shoes back and the look and the toe park was coming out the hill and he was vacuument for best man. Ladies called Junior Sirley Mississippi, Monica, my wife Mardrid. It's all gonna be happening. We got a party and see day cruise. We gotta showtime but deal Polo Night hosted by yours truly. We got the Phone Party, which features all you can eat and drink for free at the hotel. It is all inclusive, room serving free, all the drinks is free. You got a limitless resort credit twenty four hour casino. What over one thousand rules are sold already, folks, This event will sell out. Reserve your room now. Go to Steve Harvey saying insoul dot com. Steve Harvey saying insoul dot com. I'll call right now, y'all. Eight hundred listen to me. Get your pencil out, eight hundred, Get your phone, cameras out out. Can't take a picture of this, I forgot Get your phone out one eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five. That's eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five six eight four twenty eight, twenty five October tenth through the fourteenth. Time for something funny. You're ready, all right? Every Monday. Poland's oldest DJ, Virginia Schmidt's I don't know how to pronounce in it s z m yt. We're just gonna say. Schmidt packs her CDs. She packs her CDs, her her mixer, and laptop, and heads off to Spin for a packed dance floor of mainly senior citizens. I love it, I love what it wasn't Yes, wicked, wicked. She entertains about a thousand people at the Hula Coola Club, smashing stereotypes and empowering seniors as she plays everything from disco and rock to samba and ballots. She says, I do not fit the stereotype of an elderly person. I don't see any reason why my age should determine why my age should determine my life norms. So I think that's interesting. So here's a question for the guys. What part of your job keeps you young? Or what job would you want to keep you young? I can tell you definitely what keeps me you? You fellas what I start first? Oh, go ahead, go ahead, the younger. All my jobs, man, I love all my job laughing, all the laughing I get to do all day long, man telling Joe's laughing. That's what keep me young. Good answer, good answer. Stupidity being able to just be stupid, just just you know, just letting it go. Oh, yes, you're strong with that. You're strong because you you would think you would want to mature. But I don't want that. Don't be silly, Carla. I want this stupid right here. I want when you got it? You got all of that, anybody, that's all you? All right? Steve? What keeps you keep? Fine off and ignorance or fine off and ignorance. When I first met you used to say that, I love it. I let it out. I don't have high blood pressure, I don't have stress dog to do all that. I ain't hand the ulcers and all that. Oh we cussing, okay? Cool? I agree with Junior though, the laughter of it all, I mean, laughter is it? Yeah? You know? But I mean, you know, we got to give different answers, Shirley. We can't all say laughter. What you're not do is make us think that Junior's the most brilliant know three of us. That's not what you well with that question. I know he tried. I saw him because he didn't have that answer. Firthday, he won. He won that round. Junior won that round. Stick Okay, we had it. What was wrong competition. It was a competition who Shirley did? Did sure? I like Junior's answer to answer. I want to ask you what you like? I just love to answer because so. Yeah, we laugh a lot on this show, and it's just cool. That's all you You're trying to make it into something. Mister Harvey. Mmmm. That keeps me y'all st We'll keep y'alling. Yeah. Yeah, and he is the king of that the ladies. Yeah. I mean, like I said, I agree with you, laughter, um, laughter, playing music, just keeping up with what's going on. That keeps you young. Yeah, being able to being able to wear whatever you want to wear to work and stuff. It's cool. You know you could dress anywhere you want to dress. Fly. You know what, tell me you let's see a quarterback six sex don't keep you Okay, we gotta job. Yeah, we'll do it at the job. I'm just saying. Coming up next to crazy man you heard him would run that prank back right after this you're listening to. Coming up at the top of the hour and enter him. At news, we'll talk about the star studded fiftieth Annual NAACP Image Awards, hosted by our friend Anthony Anderson coming up this Saturday in Wood. Yeah, right now, though the nephew is here with run that prank back? What you got now? I told you before Charlotte's tying or the pizza. You understand I'm saying art in the pizza's serious, serious business. Yea. The most important thing about it is no and Jovie. Steve said it's the favorite food here, and he said, like it on a yeah, I mean pizza. Yeah, he sounds confusing. She she's talking about pizza toming not Andrea. But you say your attitude, I ain't got to lose wrong, Wow, I'm not fitting to lose nothing. You need to Pelferoni, by far, is the best ingredient on a pizza, by far, that's your opinion. What's your junior meat? Yo, ain't. What's your favorite ingredient? Pepperoni? What's yours called, Shirley? You know what? I like basil on my pizza now, basil basil, and so that's how we ate it in Puntakana. Are you talking about the margarita pizza? Yes, I like basil. Put some basil on there. It's so good. It's so good. Basil. Isn't that a leaf? Yeah, yeah, it's really good. We ate pizza every single day in Puntakanna, and you know that because they had the best pizza in the world. I didn't get one slice of pizza. No, that pizza? What? No, I didn't get Where was the pizza that dud We ate pizza every single night. No, I didn't at Thealian. Yeah it was in the front, pizza in the front. Oh. No, I never made it up to the fall you. No, I got mobs soon as I don't left my damn room. I never made it to well. I kept trying to get out the back though. No anchobies, baby, no and shoby? Hello, hey man? Who? Who? Who? Who is the person I need to talk to about? I got a pizza that's been messed up. Who do I need to talk to? Well, you could talk to Micha. What's going on? What happened in pizza? Nobody puts some nancobies on my pizza? Black people I don't even know eat No anchhobies? Man, Who who? Who? Who would do that? Who would put answer channels that settled down with the language that pal all right? You know, if you got answer bobies on your pizza, he just must have gotten mixed up with another water. I'll send you another pizza. It ain't a big deal. But I ain't asking anchobies. Man, what a matter of fact, let me ask you, so, what the is the ant shoby? Any damn way sardine? That's what a dan Schoviy is? Okay, pal take sardine. Hey, hey, hey, let me tell you something. Man. First of all, what's your name? What is your name? I'm Gino. I'm Gino. So you're the owner of the damn pizza places? Yeah, I owned the damn pizza place. And I don't need people calling me and cursing in me because there was a mistake, and all mistakes happened. Now where things go on in this life? And then you're getting some anchovies on your pizza, right man? Okay, So here's a deal. I didn't had a bunch of guests coming to mind or all the pizzas, and every last one of them got anchovies on them, you know what I'm saying. So I got an issue with it. I have spent over fifty dollars with you with these pizzas in the right wrong that nobody likes anchovies, No black people, you know, manchophies. Man, Okay, hold on, I'm I'm a want certain I've served anchovie pizza black people before. Okay, the black people that I know don't eat and shobies. Okay, well, then we'll send you some pizzas without any man chovies on them. You know what, I don't like your I don't like your attitude. You know what, man, you you didn't come to me to so much attitude to start with. You wouldn't get no attitude. Okay, okay, look at it. Don't get your ass what okay, don't get shot? What do you talk? You know what did you just did? You just threaten me? I said, don't get shoot? Why do you think you're talking? Who does do you think you're talking to? Face? I'm talking to Geno the owner, right, please, the real that's right, that's right. You don't tell me you gonna kick my phone? Okay? Found you know where the picture is? You know you just come down, do you do you? Okay, that's it. I'll tell you what. Man, in the next three to five minutes, open to walk down there and kick your little fine putting man showies on here and having a little pumpous attitude like you think you can't get joy, you come on down here, okay and we'll see. Do me a favor. Go yourself and the once you rowed in on. Okay, I'm bringing it on down here. All right, we'll take care of it. There. Stops talking, Anchovies up, it's all right, pou okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, cool, all right, cool, okay, okay, okay, you'd like to say, okay a lot? Do you your words? Okay? You need to have somebody there which you when I get there, because I promise you, yeah, you don't shake it in his boots pound me and my aunt. Chovies. We're sitting here scart out of our minds right now. Okay, dealt with clowns like you my whole life. Please let me tell you this it do you do? You know who you're talking to? I'm puppeted something, an idiot who don't know how to talk. That's what I'm talking, tough. No, you're talking to Nephew Turkey from the Steve Harvey More the show. Mister Gino. You just got a fright. You're telling me I'm throwing a bombs all over the radio. You're dropping the bombs all over the radio. Baby, who I want to know who did this to me? Because they're getting some f pomps. You have a guy that works for you, he says, he works five to close, and you gotta you gotta Drede that works for you. Yeah, I gotta Drede that works for me. And Trey is gonna be spending some time in a walking freezer. Uh. People don't need anchovies. Huh. Black people don't need the anto. Baby. Hey, I gotta ask you this, miss Zeno, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Your show, The baddest radio show in the land is the Sieve Harvey Show with Morning No. One can't tell you, man, I'll be sad. I'm gonna send you some pieces. I'm sending that station, dozens of pieces with anti double antrovies on every one of them. Are you going keep on in the jam, putting it down, putting down, working on a new Frank c D Soon or late out we'll have it done and you guys will take a listen to it. Yeah, all right, do something different. I'm gonna do something stupid though. Saturday, April the thirteenth, y'all do, no, na do. I'm gonna be stupid in Glennside, Pennsylvania, Me and the beautiful Samore that's Kenswick Theater. We will be there doing two shows, seven o'clock and ten o'clock once again, Saturday, April to thirteenth, Glennonside, Pennsylvania. And we're gonna tickets on sale right now. Huh okay, I can't wait to um you come to LA Yeah, yeah, yeah right, sir. April nineteenth, Friday night, Knoxville, Tennessee. Me and my man Bruce Bruce teaming up. We're gonna be at the Knoxville Civic Auditorium. We gotta show you don't want to miss eight o'clock. Tickets are available at all ticket Master outlets Knoxville, Tennessee, at the Knoxville Civic Glory. You're signing, like Bruce Bruce. I'm not playing with y'all a plan. It's funny. I'm putting the band again. All right, well listen, can't wait for that either. But coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment news right after this you're listening to all right. In today's entertainment News, the fiftieth Annual NAACP Image Awards are this Saturday in Hollywood, hosted by her friend and family member Anthony Anderson. Now, Jesse Smallett is nominated for an NAACP Immage Award for his work on Empire, and it looks like he will make an appearance there because he is in la He is in la U. Yeah, and he should. Yeah, Anthony Anderson told Variety magazine. He says, I hope Jesse winds. I'm happy for him that the system worked for him in his favor because the system isn't always fair, especially for people of color. Straight yes, yes, yes, and other nominees include jay Z. Jay Z will receive the President's Award, Representative Maxine Waters will be honored with the Chairman's Award, and Steve, You're also nominated congratulations for for Outstanding Game Show Hosts for Family Moods. Yes, yes, yes, uh huh uh huh. Look at that. That's wonderful, Steve, that really is. You've been nominated. You have how many Image Awards do you have? About a hundred more? You have a lot? You have a whole lot. Maybe it does. Wow, that's a lot, a lot. Yeah, that's a lot. Yep. But yep, you're nominated this year for Outstanding Game Show Host for Family Feud Ump Image Awards. Well, let's see you, yeah, Rady, I'm sure, Yeah, I know. Ain't my boy Anthony got one? Does he have a game show? Oh yeah, it's a seasonal yeah, straight oh straight hand? Oh yeah, oh yeah. Those are those are like summer summer replacements shows kind of right, Yeah, a thousand dollars pyramid for Michael Stradan. That's the show. And then to tell the truth, is that Anthony And because Anthony and his mom is on theres. Yeah, well, um, I'm happy for you, Steve and all of them, you know, congratulations to them all. But we want you to win, you know, if they don't win, call me biased. Yeah, yep, I was glad he ain't gonna be there in case he don't win. There, we don't want that. You ain't been back to an award show since that moment. Hey, but remember his speeches. He used to tell people, you know, fix your face, you know, in case the camera's on you if you don't win. He was giving you know, advice to stars and stuff when they shows, like he used to do it all the time at the Hoodies and uh and yeah, do as I say, now, low and behold. He lost that. He was he was nominated for Family Feud against Ricky Lake right a few a few years ago. Yeah, that wasn't it. What was best game show? It was best game I lost that one too, Best talk show host I lost that to day. I lost best Game Show to a show that had been counseled. Yeah. But the thing about it is is, though, is that the camera was on your face. Oh my kids, text me, damn, it's your faith too late. All we did was go to Steve Harvey FM for more behind the scenes than red carpet updates for the NAACP Image Awards and a king congratulations Steve. All right, let's move on time for today's headlines, Ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Tripp, thank you very much, everybody in good morning. This is answered with the news well. In the wake of the Justice Departments summary of the Robert Muller Report, which, according to the US Attorney General William Barr, found no collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign, the President's tweeting that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adams Shift should resign his post. However, Shift responds by running down a list of those admitted Russian Trump contacts, from Donald Trump Junior welcoming the Russian offer of dirt on Hillary Clinton to Trump's former national security advisor Michael Flynn secretly discussing the lowering of sanctions against Moscow. You might think it's okay that the campaign chairman of a presidential campaign would offer information about that campaign to a Russian oligarch in exchange for money or debt forgiveness. You might think that's okay. I don't, And how Speaker Nancy Pelosi pressed again for transparency. Eighty percent plus of the American people say they want to see the report. Four hundred and twenty members of the House of Representatives Democrats and Republicans voted yes, show us the report and that's it, so he will see what happens. The Democratic led House of Representatives voted to challenge the new Pentagon policy yesterday that bands transgender people from enlisting and those already in the military from serving openly. That's right. A policy is set to go and effect April twelfth. Five House Republicans actually broke ranks with other GOP members and join every voting Democrat to support a non binding resolution that says we repudiate this. The Republican lawmakers say the policy allows transgender service persons to still serve, but only in the sex they were born as if they want to do that, they have to leave the service. Facebook's as it plans to start treating white nationalism and white separatism as hate speech. Beginning next week, both will be banned on news fees and Instagram. Facebook officials say that after talking to nonprofits and academics, Facebooks concluded that support of white nationalism or white separatism cannot be ideologically separated from white supremacy or organized hate groups. There are calls to remove John Wayne's name off an LA area airport. The LA Times columnist named Michael Hiltzik wrote a peace urging John Wayne Airport to be renamed in light of the comments that Wayne made in a Playboy article back in nineteen seventy one. In it, the Late Actors quote is saying, I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. He using Andy Gaysler also, and he said that Native Americans were selfishly trying to keep the US for themselves. Federal judge has block programs in Kentucky and Arkansas that imposed work requirements on poor people seeking Medicaid benefits. And finally today's National No Hard White Day because barely no homework either. I don't know now. Fact in the Steve Harvey Morning Show you're listening to show, Oscar winner Jordan Peel is riding high after the massive massive success of his latest creepy hit movie called Us. It starts a Black Family. The movie shattered previous horror movie records with an eighty eight million dollar opening weekend. Yeah, Peel, kell, Yeah, he really is. Congratulations to him. He kept it real. While speaking to aspiring film students in Hollywood, Peel admitted that he doesn't intend to cast white men as the lead in his movies anytime soon. Peel said, it's not that he doesn't like white dudes. It's not that he likes them. He's just seen that movie before. Jordan. Yeah, he said that. Jordan went on to say, I feel fortunate to get to cast black people and that I can go to Universal and say I want to do a twenty million dollar horror movie with a black family, and they say yes, Yes, mister Pelle. Power to the people, Run me and Timmy here to do them. Yeah. I think he's gonna do the Twilight Zone coming. Yeah, that should be good. Yeah yeah. People are calling him a genius to calling him he's brilliant, the next Alfred Hitchcock. I mean they love man. You know, I got an idea for a horror movie. Really, it's me at a spelling b I'm getting scared. I'm getting scared. Come on, and I'm up against a bunch of kids. But I'm still the same size I am. Man. I got that little chain card around my neck, my gnun bony. But I'm not willing to admit that I can't spell. But every time I spell something, I walk off and just kick the mic over, like nailed it. I like it. That will be horrifying. Yes, well again, congratulations to Jordan Peel. You know he is very fortunate to get cash like people and to get to say yes to black actors and things. You know, that's a really great thing. I love it. That was That's pretty good though, walking and get twenty million. Yeah, Tommy, could you be in a scared move because I don't know how to act scared. Yeah, it's gonna be called lightening, not to be confused with grief light from Richard. Yeah you got me. Y'all know Tommy's afraid of light. Oh yeah, be called a lightening, all right? Coming up at thirty four after the hour. Last night, President Trump talked about Justice Smalltt at a rally in Michigan, and Chicago wants Jesse to pay the city back the money he owes them. Man, ain't nobody. You can't do that to that brother. We'll talk about it right after this. Get out of here. You're listening to. The Chicago Corporation Council, who handles civil claims for the city, fired off a letter to Jesse Smalltt demanding that he paid the city one hundred and thirty thousand dollars that represents, among other things, Steve Overtime paid for the cops who investigated the case. Well, yeah, yeah, that's unfair. It did, okay, seenia. Right now, what they're doing to this guy doesn't make any sense. Because they were convinced that he was guilty. There prosecuting office dropped all charges. That's it. It's a rap. It's over. No charges against the young man. Now, y'all want him to pay for the city. No, man, it's been a week. They want immediate payment. They're they're giving him a week. That's a sore loser. Yeah, that's what this is. Uh. Yeah, it's just doggish the way they're doing it. Well, even President Trump chimed in. He blasted Juss at a Grand Rapids Michigan rally last night. Take a listen, and it's getting to be that time, very important Macca country. You heard the other day, how about in Chicago? He said, He said he was attacked by Macca Country. Ye, of that one, maybe the only time I've ever agreed with the mayor of Chicago. Ill. Baby, that's a terrible situation. That's an embarrassment not only to Chicago, that is an embarrassment to our country. Oh jeez, there's a lot of nerves country. This dude is he has no and and then the people they just start booing. You know, this dude picks the most trivial items to focus on where he can get his base fired up. This is so true in the scheme of what we have to do. If you don't get your ass over there and try to stop this nuclear attack threat we got from from this dude over North Korea, if you don't sit down, man, and try to find out a way to fix these problems we got in this country. Man, without always blames. They don't have a plan for healthcare. They just want to see. Now he just wants to fix all of his campaign promises up. He wants the wall, he wants he's got the no collusion going, and now he wants to get rid of all Obamacare. So many Republicans are against that. It ain't funny, but this dude has hell been on saying idea what I was supposed to do. Let me tell y'all something, man, If we are not extremely careful, if these Democrats don't get they act in order, and I mean in a hurry, because this dude is gaining points, man, and we're not doing anything. Y'all know who ain't fitting to be president on the Democratic side, Quit talking to the add no, no, no, listen to me. You know who can't be Trump. That's what you've got to get to focus it on. Because they're focused already on twenty twenty putting him back in office. They're not talking about removing him and getting somebody else. They're focus is getting him back in office. If you don't think that he's gonna run this tax bill up, y'all. Tail If you don't think he gonna bring up this no collusion, If you don't think he ain't gonna mention the fact that that unemployment rate which he keeps taking credit for. If you don't think he's gonna talk about jobs, and if you don't think he gonna talk about that wall, you're sadly mistaken. He's building a case for reelection. And what are we doing? Nothing? We're doing nothing except trying to stop him from doing what he's trying to do. Man, we're in the world of trouble. Y'all. Won't fix this mess up right now? Sick of this. Democrats are just not smart. Man, I'm just gonna tell you that, they're just not smart. Do you think the people that are running some of them gotta know I'm not good for this race and drop well. I mean, unfortunately, that's not how the process works in a democracy. It's just not I mean, we know that. I mean, you know, we can't eight of these people no good in hair where they're not fitness. We're moving on up next. It is a nephew with the frank phone call. Right after this, Jesus you're listening to the Steven Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's today's strawberry letter, the subject the cookie drove my best friend crazy. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got next? That ain't my brother, baby, That ain't my baby? Mean we Okay, that's it, Hunt, That's self explanatory pretty much. That's pretty much speak for us. That ain't my brother bank. Okay, we're gonna run it here. It is, don't worry about It's something I need to take care. I talked to man, I speak to Terry. My name is Darrel. Damon is my brother. I don't live in Dallas where y'all live at. I'm the one that live out of town. But we didn't have a family meeting and talked about it. And uh, I know Travis is your son. He eight years old. But the problem is the reason why I'm calling you, Terry is called we didn't found out that Travis ain't none of Damon's child. Travis ain't none of damon child when he'd been paying you child support here for the last eight hold On, you said, I'm Darrel. I'm damon brother, and who gave you this information? We are to found the information out. We actually gonna go down there to the courthouse and get all this stuff rectified. But we didn't found out that Travis ain't ain't none of Damon's child. And he've been sitting up here sending you money seven to eight hundred dollars a month, and this child ain't even here. Now. I hate for Travis to find this out, and he gonna have to find it out, but he ain't fified a why are you calling me? Look, the family didn't had a meeting, and I'm the one that they decided to make the phone call and tell you what's going on. Now, I don't you you you don't have a damn thing to do with this. You You ain't nobody daddy over here. So I'm not sure what you're calling for. Who God made you keen or wanted you to be head in charge? To call? But that it's not gonna work out. But let me why why are you doing this to my brother? That's what I'm saying. For eight years, the man been sitting you seven hundred seven dollars a month and and this ain't even his chime. You know, why why am I even talking to you? I'm not really sure. Your brother need to call me if he has any problems of questions. You have a good ding Hello, you don't hang No damn phone up on me. Damon told me the last was hard headed anyway. Now, look, you know what you got the wrong one baby like you, I'm trying to not lose all my religion today, but you're about to make me lose it. Y'all. You don't know who you over here. So like I said before, my fun your nephew that you're trying not to claim over there. I don't know why you came from wherever the here. You said you came from the Dallas to try to I came from California down here to Dallas, and I'm telling you need to take your bath. I'm back to California because down here if you don't know me like that, No, I don't know you, but I'm fend to know you. And Travis been to know that my brother ain't his daddy. No, I don't know you know, you need to talk to your brother again. That's what you need to do. And you don't need to be talking to me. You've been to send us all the money and my brother didn't sent y'all. I and when I do, look and I sent when I sent all that eight years worth of money back, you're gonna send it ever dying back because it belonged to my brother. That ain't my brother. Child. Now, we ain't got time to be going on on Maury Pover showing nothing to find out who you know what? Like I said, you picked the wrong one. It'd be your best been not to call me anymore. You actually it is a good thing that you call because if you came knocking on my brow, you to got you to day. No you go, that's my second thing I'm thing to do if we can't rectified over the fall. I don't have a problem coming over there knocking down some does and getting some questions answered, because damn it, this ain't Damon's baby. Obviously you must wish it was yours since you're taking so much entry. No, it ain't mine, but but it ain't Damon's either, And we got to had any and looking for from But I'm sorry this was taken over here and Damon, where we continue to play when he oh, Damon, don't open that's with your brother's mad I want to play. I'm sorry, he's gonna continue to play, and you can call wherever you want to come, do whatever you want to do. So go back and tell your mama and everybody else who's waiting for this meeting to let them know it ain't having me. Look, my mama ain't got nothing to do with it. Mama been. What's your mama? You say, your mamma, Now, y'all got to get us. She's the same way that I'll see where you get it from. You're like just like her mama knows it, y'all from nosing people my y'all, damn business. That's a grong man. That ain't. My mama said it from the get go that it wasn't Hunt that it wasn't damon ChIL. I mean, your mama's a two faced lock because you ain't what your mama said. You ain't been to sit here and bring my mama up in this well. If you know so much, then you back, come back on my ballays, come nack on my ball if you want to. We didn't done. The man. Seven hundred and fifty dollars times twelve times eight is seventy two thousand dollars. That's how much money. And my brother didn't send you, and that's how much we want back. And I need you to get the working on this money. Nah, okay, why don't you come over here and get it. Don't get your whoop today, Terry, come on over here. You don't see you on your things if you you in Dallas when I don't care nothingbody but I'm in no Dallas. This ain't canna for you. So what I don't even know what they here? I don't why, I'm I don't even know why away for my time talking to you. Like I said, your brother is a week if he got to call you, y'all had am meeting and you got to be the one to call. I'm not really understanding. Look, I got one more thing I need to say to you. As you listening to me, you know you do know my damn nerves. That's what you're doing. You respect me? Are you listening to me? This is the nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got brank. Oh you just got pranked by your sister Tanya. Baby? Why she said talk to her about her baby, daddy and that baby. Yeah, I don't play with the Oh my god, let me ask you this, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land show. Ain't my brother's baby? I guess not. You play where too much? Timmy, cust me out all you want to that ain't my brother's baby. But then it is always the family member that gets into that. That baby don't look nothing like it. I need a DNA to you need one, Maury Povis you are now, Oh my god, that's where that's where you see it all right there? Still? Oh I love it. Not the person that's on there and they take off running. He's not the fall where you be going back there? Are you trying to get out of the way. You're trying to get out of the camera. They ran back there so many times they lay set cameras up back then. And then what about the time is when this guy comes out, it's not his baby. This then another guy comes out, they take the test, it's not his baby. Then another being you've been busy, you've been doing it, didn't They put the baby on the screen and the baby be like, well, who is are you my daddy? Look at him, Lavonte, look at it, look at him, Lavontae, just like you, I know. Then they take the light detective tests. Yeah that's wrong. No, no, no, not the light detector you. But then Maury gets up with that brown envelope. Yeah or love it. After the fourth person they ain't found a baby down, I like with Morris says wow, all right, tell me where are you gonna be? I'll be at the Kenswick Theater, Shirley. I'll be at the Kenswick Theater along with the Beautiful some More Saturday, April to thirteenth, Baby, Glennside, Pennsylvania. We will be in the building. We got two shows, one at seventy, one at ten and tickets are on sale right now. Don't miss out. If you're living in Glenside, Pennsylvania, get your tickets there on sale right now. Following a week later, Baby, April nineteenth, Friday Night, Knoxville, Tennessee, Me and Brus Bros. At Knoxville Civic Auditorium. Tickets availble to all ticket Master outlets. Me and the one and only Bruce Bruce will be in the building having fun. Never been in Knoxville, Tennessee before, but I'm on my waist stupid. It's coming to Knoxville. Y'all. Don't understand me. Knoxville Stupid is on the way. Tell him, Junior, how all right? Thank you? Ne you up next, it is today's Strawberry Letter, subject the cookie drove my best friend crazy. Not that he d I don't know why even a letter. Oh okay, Dn, Well, it's a little twist to it. It's a little different than what you well, if you just look as face value, I agree. Going on the subject, all right, all right, we'll get into the letter right after this. You're listening to Steven Show. All right, guys, it is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please please please submit your Strawberry Letter too. Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air. It's like we're gonna read this one today right now. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter, subject the cookie drove my best friend crazy. Dear Stephen Shirley. Every time I say that, Steve, you go, Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a twenty eight I am a twenty eight year old woman, and I have a male best friend. Well, I had a male best friend that I have been friends with since middle school. In twenty sixteen, I had a bad breakup and my best friend came over to console me. We were sitting side by side on my couch and he leaned over and kissed me. It felt so good to be held and kissed so passionately. Well, one thing led to another, and I ended up giving him the cookie. We were shocked at how good it was, and we and we did it a few more times before he left the next morning. After that it was over. We knew that we could not be together because I'm not his type and he's not my type. So fast forward to twenty eighteen. My best friend is married and I was in a really good relationship and I told my best friend that my man and I were talking about marriage and I wanted him to meet my parents. Out of the blue, my best friend started sending me inappropriate text messages talking about that one special night we shared nearly four years ago. I was so shocked and I told him to let it go. He said he can't let me get married, and he asked me if he got a divorce, would I marry him. I told him no. Well, a few days later, I went to my parents' house with my boyfriend, and my best friend showed up there. In front of my boyfriend and my mom and dad, my best friend professed his love for me and told them about how we made love was a twist, okay. He then dropped to his knee and he asked me to marry him exactly, Carla. My boyfriend excused himself from my parents home, and he broke up with me the next day. He said, he said that I should I should have told him that I slept with my best friend. I don't know how to handle this. I want my boyfriend back, and I'm furious with my so called best friend. What can I do? Please help? WHOA? I honestly don't know if there's anything you can do. I don't know what you can do. I mean, man, I mean he spoiled everything, and your your boyfriend broke up with you. I mean you haven't. You haven't even mentioned if you've spoken to your boyfriend, if you've tried to call him, if you tried to explain to him. None of that I mean, you know, I guess you can try calling him, you can try explaining it to him. Your best friend was so out of line to embarrass and humiliate you like that in front of your mom, your dad, your man, everybody. That was just not the way to do it if he was in love with you. I mean, it makes it does make it look like you guys were still involved. And I definitely I don't think you were wrong in not telling your boyfriend. He said you should have told him. I don't think you should have told him. I don't think you should have told him about sleeping with your best friend because it was, after all, four years ago, and you asked your boyfriend, your best friend, to let it go, but he just couldn't let it go. He went on and got married and have a han't had a life. He doesn't want that for you because he wants you. How selfish of him. But I don't know if there's anything you can do. You gotta, you know, try to reach out to your man and your ex and see, if you know, if he's willing to listen to you and see how it was. I mean, he just that was just something to blindside him like that at your parents' house in front of everyone. I mean, that's humiliating. So you know, he's got to get past that. If it's true love between you and him, you might be able to fix it. But I don't know. I don't know. There's always hope to keep hope alive. Steve, it's something missing in this that it is, and I'll tell you soon as I get to it. Got a lot of cookie time. Had a friend, male best friend middle school. He had a break up. Best friend came over consoli. Y'all got to talk and looking at each other, kitching real hard. Next thing, you know, y'all naked, y'all ain't known look couch, just asking me anyway. He ended up giving him the cookie. Here the part we were shocked how good it was. I'm never shocked by that. The goodness of it is legendary. It's famous for being good. Yeah, yeah, damn, they're all cookie is good. Yeah. I've had some bad cookie before, but even that cookie was pretty good. Yeah. I've had some bad cookie before, but even that cookie what's pretty good. Women are different. The fact that you ain't do nothing but be there exactly. That ain't my fault. Yeah, all I got to do is put in a little more effort. We're gonna get the home plate. You just all don't. After it was over, we knew we could not be together because I'm not his type and he not my type. Really, ain't what y'all saying last night? Now, twenty eighteen, your best friend and got married. You're in a good relationship. Told my best friend and you and a man were talking about marriage. I wanted him to meet my parents. So out the blue, your part had best friend started sending me inappropriate when he ain't that chip. Let's just say, your best friend started sending me inappropriate Texas talking about that one special night that we shared nearly four years ago. I was so shocked. I told him to let it go. He can't see when you told him he was getting married. Then he come to Texas. Now this was let's do this one more time, just one Jeff, that's some damn Jeans, James, the great great James. Yes, Yes, yes, I thank you, brother. You just popped in my soul that Jay. I appreciate you. All right, hold on to that, Steve. We have to take a break right here. We'll be back with part two of your response to twenty three after the hour. Subject of today's Strawberry Letter, the cookie drove my best friend crazy. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Come on, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry letter. Subject the cookie drove my best friend crazy. And best friend instance going all good, and then she had a serious breakup. He came over to cook solder sitting on the cow. She got to hold each other, gissing real hard. I'm talking about real heart. She said it felt so good to be kissed so passionately and aggressively. Well, that aggression led to nick naked nudity on account. Yeah, I ended up giving him the cookie. We were shocked and how good it was, and we did it a few more times before he left the next morning, repeat, repeat, so stupid just reading now. After that it was over, we knew crew couldn't be together because he ain't my typeing I ain't his type. Yeah, sheol did a lot of times to figure out y'all wouldn't each other time for somebody ain't nobody to type When sherl was shocked that it was that damn good. A lot of sampling I don't know fast for twenty eighteen, best friend married. I told him I'm in a good relationship. I told him my best friend, that my man that I was talking about getting mad ourselves. He wanted meet my parents. Out the blue, my best friends started sending me in appropriate text mission talking about that one special night. Even you said it was specially in the letter just now, you said it was a special night. He trying to get it one more time before you getting married. You're talking about this special night we shared four years ago. I was so shocked. You know what you you You're You're gonna take a lot of surprise. You just keep getting shocked in this Damn. I was shocked that he was sending me these inappropriate We was both shocked that it was so good. You know, you ain't the little angel you're putting out to be on this thing, right. You know, I'm trying to tell you all that repeat performance before he left, you know, four years ago, four years ago. Well, he said he can't let you get married. And he asked me, he said, if he got a divorce when I married him. I total him, no, he don't know. Well, a few days later, I went to my parents' house with my boyfriend, and my best friend with his punk and showed up wow in front of my boyfriend and my mom and Dan. My best friend professed his love for me and told them about how we made love. Yea, your mama, yes, right down crazy. He would have got stumped at my house the violence of it all. Can come in here and tell me what you did. My daughter dog in front of me. Now, her boyfriend sitting there, The daddy is standing there, the mama standing there. He get down on one knee. He then dropped on his knee and he asked me to marry him. Well, we got a problem. Now, ain't you married? Yeah, ain't you married? Her? Daddy should have stopped your ass. My boyfriend excused himself, y'all excuse me, get the hell out. Yeah, that was crazy. Excuse me from my parents' home and broke up with me the next day. He said I should have told him that I slept with my best friend. Well, I don't think you should have told him that you slept with your best friend because it was four years ago, tonight of passion. You figured it was over with Now you ain't no humpty dumpty, stupid ass gonna come back out of here. All this propos and when he's married as I don't know how to handle this. I want my boyfriend back, and I'm furious with my so called best friend. What can I do? Here's what you should do. You should tell him that it was one night you were thrown off and you did sleep with your best friend. But nothing has happened since it was four years ago. And the reason I didn't tell you because I never ever thought in a million years it would come up again. I didn't know this damn food was gonna come old Mama dale House and get on his knees. He is married. I have never had an affair with a married man, nor would I ever. I want you to forgive me because I love you. That's what you need to do. Now now that we got that out, you and your daddy are to ride over your best friend. How ran that do? Bill? Whoop his ass? Can see what question? Steve? What's what's her? Her boyfriend thinking? Right now? Where is he with all of Well? He crushed because see this happened in front of his her mother father. Yeah, so he gona wait a minute because obviously they don't know. Hey, Clars Claire, you know mother? Here claim how you doing, daddy? Here Claire. Everybody know Claire. That's by good boy right here. So the boyfriend is feeling like on the outs because he went over there to meet the parents. Yeah, right, so now he go over there to meet the parents. Then here come the ex boyfriend on his knee proposed. Now your boyfriend going, well, damn, I thought I had someone, really don't have. Hey, look we threw you should have told me this was your dude. You don't let me get up in here, and I have made a fool out of myself. I'm in barns, totally humiliated because all y'all know what. Everybody know. Everybody but set me. I meant everybody for the first time. And that's it. You can get him back, tell him you made a mistake, But don let me ask when he left the house. You don't think he called his boy and said, you ain't gonna believe what the hell you ain't called? You gotta tell us something he did? What dog man, I thought you were gonna say when he hooked up with someone else, you know, like an X or something good. That's it. I'm glad, glad he hurt. Yeah he's hurt. Yeah, that's very hurtful. All right, old cook though, all right, we gotta go, guys, email us or instagram us her thoughts on today's strawberry letter at Steve Harvey f M coming up in ten minutes, asked Steve. Get ready Steve, right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey show. All right, guys, it's time for ask Steve. You're ready, Steve always Shirley, Here we go. Remember to keep your answer short. Uh, what did you, Steve? What did you absolutely hate at first but then grew to love? Yogah hated? Yeah, that's me too, yogurt and avocados yoga? Okay, all right, that's a good answer, and you love it now? You eat it now? Yeah, I don't eat it anymore, hardy, But I grew. I grew all me Yeah, rish yoga. When I first tasted yoga to dan and yoga. Remember you said food in the bottom. Somebody bought me. One didn't tell me the fruit was at the bottom. I was in college beating in that damn sour milk. I damn to speak yogurt all over that girl, she said, starred up. Damn Come on, junior, as Steve, all right, what will you not even try once? What would I not even try once? Math? Well, thank god, I just said, damn man, I thought you were gonna say something like skydiving or game. I ain't fit to try sky diving. Never were not fitting? Putting no meth in here, my teeth looking all bad. Well, you know, Viola Davis just did her first skydive. I saw that, Yeah, and she loved it. Yeah, I asked Steve folks and say, focused, Shelly, keep your answer short. Let me let me get a good win in. Uh you you you you big time celebrity. What two celebrities do you always mix up? You know you'd be getting names wrong and everything, but celebrities. You always speak all the Latino girls Arianna Grande and the other one. Yeah, who Arianna has a long, long ponytail. I don't know that until you always mix them too up? Beautiful and they act yeah, oh they ain't beautiful? Oh yeah, all right, Carla? Who upset you last? Steve? My kids? How did I know he was gonna know? I was thinking maybe somebody at work or something. Kids? Huh you know my last? All right, Well you want to move on? That was a yeah, yeah, I think so yeah, all right, Steve. Other than that, y'all's kids and got on my ners pretty day. Y'all going through paring notes, and I think all of us, why did you have to bring that up? Okay, we're in the middle of Steve. Because Steve, you're sleeping now. Um, you're in bed, it's nighttime. What's the most terrifying thing that woke you up? You had a nightmare of something? Now that damn dog or wasn't in the cage, and the dopek ain't moden. He waped his ass upstairs. I'm laying in the bed and he started licking my hand. I thought I was peeing on myself. I jumped up so damn I felt that morsture on the back of my hand. I thought I was on myself. God, I got to get up. I jumped up and saw this damn dope woman pitching that He got scared. He ran run away. I'm gonna man, I don't I can understand. All right, your turn? All right? Uh, what is the one thing we all should do but most of us are too lazy to do it? Say that again, what's the one thing we all should do but most of us are too lazy to do it. Morning meditation, m M. Get up a little bit earlier and meditate on the morning. Set your prayers out, put your thankfulness out. I'm guilty of it myself, but I just started doing it. That's the smartest thing I started doing recently. Great answer that great? Ready to start your day? M all right, big? What confuses you? Well? I think this is it? Oh, I don't understand. You know what confuses me? Haters? Yea, Haters are very confusing to me because I don't understand. If you don't have your life together, which is probably why you're a hater, why would you blog some more hatred to let us know just how further back you really are. I'm confused. I'm really confused, man. And then you such a big coward. Your ass got a fake page at a private page. Now you are coward, even you a secret closet coward. I'm that confuses Okay, okayward hater, gohead? Yeah that was that? Was it? All right? If you could be any nationality, what would it be? Oh? Black? Oh no, I wouldn't trade this. Do you know the enjoyment I've gotten from being black? That's race, Though nationality is American. You know what country you're from, what nation you're I'm into race right now. That ain't what calling me. If you could be any race, I would be black. I would never trade in this, as difficult as it's been a large portion of the time, having the perspective that I have, the grit, the hustle, and the soul that I have, Oh dog, I would not want to be nothing else. Just the fact that I can prove them all wrong on behalf of us. Yes, all right, thank you, Steve. Another edition of Steve coming up at the top of the hour. Oh, this is such a sad story right here. South Carolina fifth grader dies after school fight. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show. A fifth grade student in South Carolina has died after a fight at her elementary school this week, a devastating outcome that left her community shocked with grief and spurred a discussion about just how to handle painful issues of bullying and violence in the classroom. This is such a sad story. The student, Ranya Wright, has had gotten into a fight with another fifth grader at Forest Hills Elementary School on Monday in South Carolina, and she collapsed, according to officials. According to officials there, which is about an hour west of Charleston, emergency workers who responded to a nine one one call found Ranya unconsci but breathing at the school nurses station and rushed her to the hospital, the authorities said. By Wednesday morning, her mother said in a Facebook post her baby girl had gotten her wings. It was unclear, yeah, yeah, yeah, it was unclear what led to the fight. The other student was suspended, school officials said, and the authorities are investigating and autopsy is scheduled for today. In a Facebook post on Tuesday, Ranaya's mother suggested that bullying may have been a factor. Now some are saying that teachers don't want to break up the fights or get involved because they might cause injury to a student trying to stop the fight, and they definitely don't want to get sued or lose their jobs. And we got to offer condolences to that family. Sad and office. That's a horrible thing that you send your child to school and your child never comes back. I know, I know, yeah, can you the fifth grade? I mean, my daughter is in the fifth grade, and I just what is going on? Something I think look, I don't have an answer for this, but this is what we've got to do. I think, okay, the cyber bullying, the bully. There has to be a way for a child or a friend of a child to anonymously report this type of stuff. Every school should have several suggestion boxes in it, or email something whatever they would do nowadays, or you can type in anonymously the fact that you may feel like you're being bullied, or you have a friend that's being bullied, and you know, look, you can't get caught up in it yourself, so because you don't want to turn on you, but you gotta have an anonymous way of reporting these incidents. And I understand that the child has an email and may not want to do it because then their name is out there and they got it. But there's a lot of people are here to recognize this, who would get involved if they knew how. We've got to find a way, man to give these children some type of and like I say, look, I don't know the answers, but we gotta give these kids some type of way to reach out anonymously because the problem you got now across this country and hoods and stuff like that it's this ignorant term called snitching, when people don't even understand where snitching came from. That started with inmates, the mob. Gangsters can't do the time, don't do the crime, keep your mouth shut, you don't turn your boy in. So when you get caught, you just gotta eat it. What's happened is in prison you can't turn in an inmate to ad. That's called snitching. So many people have come out of prison that they bought that inmate mentality back to the streets. So now they've enforced a code of ethics that belong to thieves and criminals and made it a part of our everyday society. It has now become the norm. So now snitching is for everybody. If I kill somebody on the block, you bet not snitch on me. So now our neighborhoods become incredibly unsafe because we've taken on the mindset and mentality of the criminal element, which has a no snitching policy. But now because so many criminals are back out on the street, they've taken it to the streets. So now we have a no snitch policy in neighborhoods that police can't solve crimes cause ain't nobody telling, but the people in the neighborhoods are scared to talk because these people are still out there. So it's a catch twenty two. Until people can feel safe about reporting crimes, about reporting incidents, about reporting bullying. We are in this state where now we're losing children to cyber bullying and bullying. We've got to find a way and like I say, I don't know exactly what that is, but we've got to find a safe place where other kids can report it. And the kids is being bully can't report it, yeah, without fear retaliation making it worse. You're right, imagine what these other children in this classroom felt like how they felt. You know, this is terrible. This is terrible. Yeah, it really old years old. This is wow. And then the teachers don't want to get involved because they can possibly hurt the students or get sued or lose their job. That's the other part we have to address. When an adult can't step in to do the right thing without fear of a lawsuit of losing their job, we're in a world of trouble. Yeah, because even if you want to do the right thing, you can't right because a parent's gonna be like, you touch my child and put your hands on my child. It's all of that. Yeah, you know, so from an educated point, this is a This is a crisis. Yeah, this is a crisis. Not the president, right, thank you. While as talking about Jesse Smullett, this dude's ridiculous. Yeah, you have so much other stuff that you need to concentrate on. So much the city of Chicago can handle that, they really can. Yeah, so much stuff. This country needs leadership, so so many issues that are affecting us. I don't know this story really get home to me because I'm a mother of a fifth gador. She not just can't imagine sending your baby, taking dropping your baby off at school. She gets into a fight and two days later she died. This is craziness. Come on people. Yeah, and they don't even know. They're not even sure what led to the fight. No, No, they're not sure. No, not so far. But you know, and so was suspended. Yeah, she became unconscious after the fight was over. Yeah, she collapsed. She collapsed. She collapsed during the fight. She collapsed during the fight. Yeah, she collapsed. She gotten into a fight with the fifth grader. Wow, Um, Yeah, yeah, unconscious but was breathing. We right, we gotta say condolences to her family for their loss, and we got to take a break right here. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And yeah, serious condolences to her family. We have to come together, We gotta come together, Ranya. Right, is that young ladies child's name? Fifth grader? Wow, all right, we'll be back with more Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to people are still talking about the scandal involving the rich parents bribing college officials to get their kids into schools, the best schools. Well, then there was such a thing, as it was called helicopter parenting. This was where parents who parents who hung around all the time making sure their kids were safe. That's called helicopter parenting. Now there's snowplow parenting, Steve. This is this is where parents push every obstacle a kid could possibly have out of the way. They push that out of the way. That's called snowplow parenting like a snowplow would do with the snow. Well, anyway, the parents push every obstacle a kid would have out of the way, and they want to make sure that the kid never has to deal with failure. What huh, don't never deal with Yeah? Come on, come on, Steve, really, really really, if you raise a child to not have to deal with failure, you're creating a failure. Thank you, thank you. That's all you're doing. If you try to raise a child to keep him away from failure, all you're doing is raising a failure because when he goes away from under your care, he's gonna fail. And what happens to a person who fails, who's had it removed his entire life? What's what happens to this person? And then you double the problem because the older you get, your mistakes come with much much dire consequences. So now the mistake you made at fifteen years old that bothered you didn't really hurt you. You can't make that mistake again at twenty five because it's gonna cut you up real bad. So us to magine it. Only it only matters how old you are when you make the mistake. So now when you're twenty five and you're making these mistakes for the first time with no experience at having handling fail you before, what do you think we're gonna be dealing without here, right, your ignorant ass baby. But Steve, why would a parent not want their child to experience the failure? Of course, you want your kids to succeed and be great and do great things. But that's a part of life. That's a part of life. Failure. They don't get it. They don't get it. One. You have got to allow your children to feel and understand and experience the process you got to go through. You got to do something. Lessons in life. You got to learn from those failures and those mistakes. The greatest lessons you learned are from failures. Yeah, my daddy always taught me. Boy, the best lesson ain't no, ain't the best lesson is about when you fire one, when you pay for one. Man. Oh boy, See, let me ask you the question, you guys, do you think it's because as we want to do it differently from how our parents are. My momma, daddy didn't show me this and tell me this and do that, So I'm gonna do it this way for my think they did it right, Carlin. And That's what I'm saying. And we had the hard way, and so we want to make it so easier for our chead and we're making it two easy, right, We're making it too easy, and they've become entitled because yeah, go ahead, you've already given your children a better life than the one you had. What else you want to do, and there's nothing wrong with wanting that for your child, right, and then we all have done it absolutely. I can't tell you yeah better. I can't tell you last time I've seen a kid doing a chore. That's true, child, No, that's true. I'm not saying this just regular. Yeah, all right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. Wash those dishes you're listening to show, all right. In today's entertainment news, the fiftieth annual NAACP Image Awards are this Saturday in Hollywood, hosted by her friend and family member Anthony Anderson. Now, Jesse Smolette is nominated for an NAP Image Award for his work on Empire, and it looks like he will make an appearance there because he is in la He is in la U. Yeah, and he should, yeah, Anthony Anderson told Variety Magazine. He says, I hope Jesse wins. I'm happy for him that the system worked for him in his favor, because the system isn't always fair, especially for people of color. Yes, yes, yes, And other nominees include jay Z. Jay Z will receive the President's Award, Representative Maxine Waters will be honored with the Chairman's Award, and Steve, you're also nominated congratulations for Outstanding Game Show Host for Family Food Yes game yes, yes, uh huh uh huh, look at that. That's wonderful, Steve, that really is. You've been nominated so many? You have how many Image Awards do you have? About a hundred? No more, you have a lot. You have a whole lot. Do Wow, that's a lot, a lot. Yeah, that's a lot. Yeah. But yep, you're nominated this year for Outstanding Game Show Host for Family Feud UMP Image Awards. Well, let's see it's game Yeah, I'm sure. Yeah you know, ain't they My boy Anthony got one. Does he have a game show? Oh yeah, it's a season all yeah, straight straight hand. Oh yeah, those are those are like summer summer replacements shows conduct right, Yeah, a thousand dollars pyramid for Michael Try that's the show. And then to tell the truth, is that Anthony Anderson's because Anthony and his mom is on there stories. Yeah he was dark. Well, um, I'm happy for you, Steve and all of them, you know, congratulations to him all. But we want you to win, you know, if they don't win, call me biased. Yeah, I was glad he ain't gonna be there in case he don't win. The want that. You ain't been back to an award show since that moment. Hey, but remember his speeches. He used to tell people, you know, fix your face, you know, in case the camera's on you if you don't win. He was giving you know, advice to stars and stuff when they shows like he used to do it all the time at the hoodies and uh and yeah, do as I say, right and behold he lost that he was he was nominated for Family Feud against Ricky Lake right a few a few years ago. Yeah, that wasn't it. What was the best game show? It was best game I lost that one too, Best talk show host? I lost that to Lake. I lost best game show to a show to have been counseled. Yeah. But the thing about it is is, though, is that the camera was on your face. Oh my kids, text me your faith too late? All we did. All right, we'll be back with our last break of the day and of the week, and then Steve will give us some closing remarks as well. Right after this you're listening to all right, Steve, here we are last break of the day on this Friday. Uh, let's have some closing remarks. Come on. All right, Here's what I was thinking. I was talking with Junior earlier today in my dressing room. He came in and we were just talking, and you know, we were just talking about just life. It was somebody else's didn't dress room to ask you, man, what was the what was what was a couple of big things that happened in your life? And I was thinking about when I was about twenty years old, twenty twenty one, Yeah, about twenty one, I got into Amwai and Amway was a big moment in my life because they used to have these conventions that you had to hate this money to go to. And I was trying to be a direct distributor and a diamond and an emerald and all of that. And George and Don Hale and they were making so much money and living these wonderful lives. Bill Britt and all these people and I was going, Wow, man, I gotta do that. So I went to a couple of the conferences. There's a lot of rale raw, but it really positive though. They turned me onto two books. Now, nothing is more powerful than the Bible. There's nothing out there comes close to this Bible. Whatever your religious reading is, the Torol, the Koran, That's what I mean when I say that. But they turned me onto two books that changed my life. It was two books. It was the Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peel and the Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz. Now, the first book I had read, the ever self help book I ever read, was The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peel. And I gotta tell you something. That book is still for sale today. If you've never read that, you should because it teaches you how to train your mind to think positively. It shows you the power that you can unleash in your own self. This is something you can control. The power of your mind is controlled and operates at its absolute peak performance when it's operating from positivity. You can't beat yourself when you're being positive, not negative. Positive. That book, The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale began to change my life. Now took a while for me to connect all the dots, but it started me alone the way. I didn't know that I could do it all the time, even when I was feeling dark and gloomy and down, that I could fix it myself. I had to learn that a little bit later on. But you can absolutely fix yourself with the power of positive thinking. That book changed my life. It taught me that these positive thoughts generate positive results. Period. Negative thoughts generate negative results. If your idea of making money is selling doping robbing banks, the result from that of selling doping robbing banks can be nothing but negative. Somebody gonna try to hurt you, you go into prison. That's it. Period. Now, when you think positively, positive things start to come your way. Not to say that nothing bad will ever happen again, because it will, but let's be real. Life is gonna keep coming, but you can handle it. You can deal with it. And if you have a positive outlook, you'll get through that too. And behind every dark cloud there is really really a silver lining. So that was the first book. The second book is called The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz. Oh my goodness. Now, let me tell you what this book did for me. This book changed my life because it told me about the magic of thinking big, that it requires no more brain power to think big than it does small. You don't have to conjure up any more brain sale, no more units to say Volkswagen Rose Royce. They both take the same amount of effort. You can order to food the same way. I'm all the salad, I'm all the chicklings. It don't take no more brain power to think bigger. It's simply a mindset. Now, the combination of these two books really was a game changing for me. And I'm saying it to y'all because sometimes I like reading stuff outside of the Bible. I just really do, just being real with you now, because I like hearing relatable things with today's language in and stuff like that. It just helps me. But both of these books, I'm telling you man was written from basis of the Bible, and it brings just one scripture to mind, that a man is as he thinking. That's a scripture. We'll check this out. The power of positive thinking is directly related to how a man thinks. So once again, the Bible is right. A man is as he thinking. The next book the magic of thinking big. Guess what the scripture says, A man is as he thinketh So, if you're thinking positive and you're thinking big, guess what happens to you? You suddenly can become a very positive big person. Hello, ding ding ding ding ding. The damn bails ought to be going off, folks. Success is a mindset. And let me just throw this in. That's what my Vault conference is all about. Out here in La May seventeenth through the nineteenth. Go to Vault Power Empowerment. Go to Vault empowers dot com and check it out, y'all. Vault Empowers dot talk. Those are my vol That's it, rapid alright, not everybody for all. 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