NAACP Image Awards, Beyonce, Funeral Co$t, Botham Jean and more.

Published Mar 29, 2021, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Fool #2 kicks off the show and he talks about house warming. Bitterman stands in for The CLO and has something to say about someone's dead relatives. We have a special edition of Church Complaints because we have Rev. Adnoid in the building. Sharon Osbourne will not be on The Talk anymore! President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris opened up the NAACP Image Awards last night. Fool #2 talks about the things that he buys from the store that he can't open. A street in Dallas, TX has been renamed to Botham Jean Boulevard in honor of Botham Jean. The fellas talk about what comes with a $35,000 funeral because The Strawberry Letter triggered the discussion. Big Dog wraps up the show with an announcement involving the upcoming Verzuz battle between EWF and The Isley Brothers.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things and a stub me true good to other. Please, I don't join join me. You gotta turning you, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out of the turn turn the water the water got come come on your baby, ha ha, I share will Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now wanting only Steve Harvey Man old man, got a radio show. Yeah, I do. God so big to me, man, I just have to tell you about it. I can't help it. It's rather obvious to me how big, how good God is. He's absolutely tremendous. He's off the chain. He on one, he'd be clowning, he'd be just showing out. Man. I'm just over here, just on receiving it. You know, if you're out there, start your mission today, Start your mission today? What are you waiting for? Why do we as people delay what we want or delay the process to begin what we want? Our hopes, our dreams, our desires. Why won't you start your mission today? Why don't we all decide together that just individually. Look, you're listening. You got something that you've been dreaming about. You got an ambition of yours that's not yet fulfilled. You got goals you haven't accomplished yet. Everybody has them, everybody's got on them. Everybody's got something that's that's on the table that they haven't yet attacked yet. What are you waiting for? Start your mission today? Stop the procrastination. Now, the procrastination is only hurting you yourself. If you got a goal or aspiration, a dream and you fall off track momentarily, you can get back to that because God knows where you're left off. Now. You may have to accomplish a few more things since you stop for a long period of time, but God know where you left off, you can get back on track. I look, man, this dream of being on TV since I was a kid, and it got off track. Now it got off track. I just kept it as one of the dreams. And in some real dog moments when it looked like it wasn't gonna happen, all I was hanging on too was just the hope that one day it could. But that's what faith is really about. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. But faith gives you the confidence to keep hoping. Man, Sometimes it just keep hope alive. Sometimes you heard Jesse Jackson said, just keep hope alive. Sometimes, man, it's just the hope. I was hanging on the hope. And I'm talking about when it got real ugly and funky out there for me, when it looked like I wasn't gonna ever make it, and all of the facts was in and everything pointed in the direction you're not gonna make it. You then't really messed up this time. Then I sat there and I just hung on to the hope. But man, that's what I'm saying. If you got a dream on aspiration of vision or something, when you fall off track and you want to go get back in line, God holds your place. See. He held on to that from me. He knew I was off tracking out the line, but he said, okay, here's where we stopped. You want to be on TV that when you get it together and you quit tripping and you come in your turn to me, I'm gonna hold your place, put you back in line. Then we're gonna finish your journey. That took me a lot longer to get here than I wanted to. But then it was necessary because I needed all of the mishaps to happen to me along the way. So when I got on the radio one day, which I did not see coming, Steve Harvey got a radio show, y'all. That's why I say it every day. See, because of this radio show that I didn't see coming. Now I have stories to tell, I got experiences to share, and I can tell you about me better than I can tell you about anybody. And I've been through enough where it's relatable, where enough people can go. Man, that happened to me, appreciate you saying that that's what it was for. See, I get it now. See at the time, though I didn't like what was happening to me. At the time, I was really in total disagreement with God on a lot of stuff He was pulling off on me, But in essence I was really pulling it off on myself. But through his grace and mercy, he kept me through all of my mistakes, all my bad decisions, all my miscalculations, all my misfires, all the times I knowingly stepped out there and dieed wrong. He forgave me, he said, because, man, if you ever come to me, I have a plan for you that it is going to be far and above. It will supersede everything you've ever dreamed of. That's what I did. I just got sick of me, good and sick of me, and I turned it over to God. And then God started working and here I am today. Now see threw it me yet? Nope? Have I arrived jet? Nope? But guess what the journey is cool? You know. It's like I was talking to this young brother the other day about comedy and he's really good stand up. You know, this young dude is really good. He said, Man, what is this I feel every night before I go on stage. I don't know what it is. I just wanted off me, I said, sir, listen to me, you young dude. This thing that climbs on my back every night before I go on stage. I don't know what it is. It's got something to do with pressure, It's got something to do with anticipation. It's got a whole lot to do with the fear of falling. He said, What you mean by that? I said, every night I walk out on stage, it's like I'm about to go and step off a cliff. I said, it's a sickening feeling. He said, man, but you do so well. I said, that's because the parachute opens. I say, but I want you to understand something. When I first walk out there, it's just stepping off the cliff. Now these jokes provide a parachute which slows my descent when I jump off the cliff, and I turned it into a glide. And then I take the audience this way and I swing them back over that way. We might swing out to the Colorado Rockies. We may go down to Miami with this joke. We may take it on out to LA and I just swing back and forth till I land softly. The crowd cheers. The night is over with, I said, but it's been too many nights though. When I walked off that cliff and I pulled the cord in, the parachute didn't open. I said, Now I'm just free falling out there for thirty minutes. Ain't no jokes working. Ain't the parachute didn't open. I said, so see, that's what it's like for me. And then you know what I found out. If you don't walked off the cliff in life, and you ain't got no God in your life. It's like not having a parachute. You step off the cliff and you just free falling. Now, I see we all Now that fall gets you closer to the grave, right, see all heading to the grave from the moment we're born. But the cool thing about a relationship with God is when you step off the cliff and you got God here a parachute. You're still going down, but it's a nice ride, and God just helps your your descent appear more like a rise and then more like a euphoric fall. Instead of not having no God in your life and you just walking off that cliff every day, free falling. Ain't got no cored you steady pulling, you, houling the whole way because you've messed around with yourself, and ain't let God come into your life and provide a parachute for you. I would rather have a parachute since I got to jump every day, than to not have one. God has been like a parachute from me. Ask me why where that came from. I can't tell you. But like I always say, most good things that happened in my life that I can't explain. It's usually him. You're listening. Alright, alright, alright, alright, good morning everybody, Good morning everybody. It's yours truly, Gently Brown and Steve Hobbin, Morning show. Am now a resident of the at L. Y'all. What's up everybody? What's up? Shirley Straw? How are you doing? WHOA? Welcome to the A where the players play. That's what they say that morning. Good morning. What's up, Carla? I'm in the A t L. Baby? What's I heard? You in the ATL? Well, look at you, dirty South you're doing it. But I'm in the H town. So okay, alright around that an hour an hour way in the flight between. What's up, Junior? What's going on? My rating? Buddy? What's up with you? Man? Jay? Welcome to the A. First off, Dog, we ain't got time to celebrate. We got shows to right, we got we got business, Jakes. We gotta go now, we got time to something like it's going to work. Let's go to work. He's the king of all pranks. What's up, man, I'm in the ATL what's going on? Timmy? Welcome to the ATAR. I reside in H Town and right now, the rest of the week, ladies and gentlemen, I have no longer Thomas smiles and nephew timing. I am mister ready to love, all right, mister ready to love. That's what we put some respect on his name, right, I like it? I like, yeah, that's gonna respect. Damn it. Put it on that. Everybody knows that you are a lover of company. I'll put it like that, you love company. No, they don't. No, they don't know that. Don't even out the universe. So when's the housewarming? Don't let me put this out of here right now. Don't bring your ass to my house because I will not let you in. Don't I don't. I don't play that at home and at the clowns say homie, don't play that. I don't play. I don't. I don't like people who just in the neighborhood. So I decided to drop by. I don't like none of that, none of that. I'm not with, none of that. I don't do parties, none of that, none of the hell to the no, no, why is that? I'm curious. I don't know. I'm gonna let you in on a secret. I'm nice to people, but I don't like people. How about that. That's the way I am. You got it lit the loneness looking out the window. Everybody, are you that guy? I'm not even looking at the window because if people see me home time, it ain't gonna want to come in. So no, I don't go to the window. No I don't win the game. Everybody. Let me tell you something. I know. I know you can see my car in the yard and my door open with just the screen, and you know, having the old houses, and I still won't let your ass. And if I don't know you coming, you can see me. You can see me walking around in the house, and I won't let you see somebody move, Jenny, won't even acknowledge of what you. Jake, don't like company right here? You like coming around? No, I ain't really being gonna. I ain't battish Jake. But don't come back here either. I don't know. I got a cheap ed room apartment. Sure that I turned one room into a meeting room, so you can't sleep both, all right, Listen, guys coming up at thirty two minute, adapt to the hour. We're gonna do a little bit of a ass. Bitter man, man, bitter man. Right after this, you're listening show. It is time for bitter Man, asked bitter Man. All right, so what were you saying? What? We just continue to how the opening was. None of this is to help nobody. Okay, maybe he'll answer a question and I can get something out at it. Nah, you're not you're not. You're not gonna be fulfilled with these answers. I'm afraid to ask. I never thought about it that way, with these damn answers. Okay, all right, jay a bitter Man. This one is from Sonia and West Hollywood. She says, I'm new to LA and I've moved in with my cousin and her boyfriend three weeks ago. I worked nights and I'm usually home by two am. I got home Friday night and eight or nine people were at the house, sitting on the floor in a circle. There was a lady in the circle and she was speaking to the spirits of of people's dead relatives. This freaked me out, and I want to move out, but my cousin needs my part of the rent money. What should I do now? You gotta help goes. It just goes to show what people will do to get your ass to move it. I mean they'll go to no ends. And if you if you come home and they're having a seance and talking to dead spirits, Basically they're saying to you, why you don't see this what they're saying to you, They don't want your ass there. You know, they got eighty nine people in a circle. I'm sure they can chip it on the rent. So they just don't want your ass there. That's all that. Yeah, you wouldn't inside into the circle. You understand why you wouldn't invite people. God, get your get your ass out. Just how wait a minute, somebody's coming through yours all right, good man. This one's from Tamanni Tamani in a Memphis Tamani says, I'm forty two and my dad and my stepmom do not get along. I'm close to my stepmom and I'd let her stay at my house if she needed a night away from my dad, But I try not to get into whatever they're fussing about. Last week, she called me and was going off about my dad sleeping with some woman he met at the casino. And the lady must have been a nasty woman because he has given her some type of because he has given her some type of infection. I don't need to know all of that. How can I set boundaries with my step mom going forward? Oh? Okay, first of all, listen to me doing it. I'm gonna help you on this. There's a sab. You need to get it for your daddy right away, right away. Okay, you're daddy. A sab, a cream that you Daddy needs to get his hand, some ointment right way. Okay, even you writing the letter is getting worse. So there's a cream, some ointment, spray sad that will help your daddy. What you need to do is focus on helping your daddy light the way. Get get that cream. I think there's a patch that you can wear that will clear all that up. But daddy needs daddy. Daddy needs help and the right guys and the right you need to reach in them in that cabinet. Get that old thing of penalicilling and bring that back and let daddy help take a couple of them. You know, I'm always a couple of more penicilling left in the bottle. You know, Hey, if it's not good on his stomach, timing mixing in a biscuit, you won't never know that the guy put your daddy need one of these commercials. Got a ball TV all day over, Privai privilege, You need one of these needs. He needs some test recyclean up what he needed. We're moving on right now. I think we get good point still in Kansas City, bitter Man says. My husband and I are sixty one years old, sixty one years young, and we still enjoy hanging out and having fun. My husband is a social butterfly, and he has to be at every event. He goes to pro basketball games, a Kentucky Derby, the super Bowl, the All Star Games, festivals in Jamaica, and all kinds of events. This takes time and a lot of money to plan and go through with, and we just don't have it like that anymore. I need him to sit his behind down and stop wasting money. Will he ever grow out of this stage? Bits her man. No, No, he's not gonna blut. This is what it's called. I know you know what golf is. Anybody know golf? When you play golf, play the first man, then you play the back nine. Your daddy is on the back nine of life. Okay, on the back he's on the back nine of life. He got maybe four five more holes to go. Let your damn daddy enjoy him steal and just your husband enjoy himself because this this is the back nine. And when you played the back nine and hurrying up, you're hurrying up. Yeah, well he's finding money. I don't know what she having. He keep finding He keep finding money to do what he wanted to do. If you were at the super Bowl and the Kentucky Derby, come on, ye, all right, he got some money you don't know nothing about, right, all right? Last one bitter Man, Last one Perry and Chicago says. I'm a single dad. I have an eighteen year old son that I'm allowing to remain in my home until he finished just his college prep cup classes. I found out that he's been sinking his girlfriend in the house late at night, and they record themselves having sex in my house. My son plugged his phone into my laptop, so the video was saved on my computer. I've already given my ignorant son a stern warning when I really wanted to fight him like a man. Am I supposed to tell his girlfriend's mom about this or not? She's nineteen? No, No, a nice house, a nice house with food and alcohol and is warning there is a place for a young person to have sex. That's what they go overdo. That's what I don't know. Why are you surprised? Why you got a nice place? Yeah? Why are you tripping that says let's have sex at my mom's house. Yeah, there ain't nothing you can do by this? All right? Never, thank you, bitter man. Not okay. Coming up next, Church complaints with Deacon Depth jam and Reverend Adnoid in the building. Right after this, you're listening with Steve good Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna's standing by with our national news for today, plus an entertainment news Sharon Osborne. Well, talk no more. We'll talk about that, and we'll also talk about the fifty second annual NAACP Image Awards. Right now, it is Monday, you know what time. It is. Time for church complaints with Ticking Depth Cham and the special guest, Reverend Adnoid. Here we go. I am Deacon Depth Damn And as you know right now, Reverend Motown is out, but sitting in with that's the Reverend ad Noid. I will give the churris complaints and Reverend ad Noid we give the church announcements. Everybody. Could you explain that again for those who don't understand what we'll do it, do it what we'll I'm doing church complaint, I am doing complaints. I am giving you what people have been complaining about you. You are making announce mens adult you will do it. So could you do it one more time? Because a lot of I got it, I got it all right? Good, Here we go the Anya will Colic Green cook off. It's still schedule for this coming Saturday. Now, red Man, maybe you can do this. Since Motown is not here, we need somebody to talk to sister Marylyn. We do not want her entering into the competition this year after she put raccoon meat in her in her greens last year and didn't tell nobody until all the greens was gone. So don't Nobody won't know Coon Green, So I need you to nobody's gonna have to talk Green, absolutely right. Nobody, nobody, nobody who wants Coon Breen. However, I tasted him and I did not know that was coon meat. I didn't, man, I put some hotter than the mofile. That part. It tastes like chicken. We don't want her back. You're right, but that we don't want to back church announced the church. Isaatta King ISAA King, no relations, Isaia King, no relations. The meat ball eating Champion of twenty twenty one will be doing a Zoom questioning answer right after zoom service. She is the League Boat Champion of twenty twenty one, and she'll be doing a question and answer why service right after zoom service. No relations. Go right ahead, sir, alight, moving right. We got a problem. Cross eyed Dwayne pulled up to the church and the entire Nigamore was out there cleaning the flower beans and getting the eye the church back together. But he yelled about the car, I'm gonna whoop you ask when I get out this car. Well it was cross hide. Wayne didn't nobody know who he was looking at. And the whole deacon lay and the church grounds is a mess, so I need We're gonna have to have somebody to talk to Wayne. But he looked at nobody had who are looking at and everybody got scared and left. And in the bad part about whooping Wayne's ass, he won't know who whooped his ass because he's cross aided to him. Never you'll never see it, never see it, never see it. Coming right, ain't mooning ready? Lott Smitty Perry schmitted Perry. No relations, no relations to Tyler, no relations, no relations. Prayers go out to him. He passed away over the weekend because he choked on the raising net, and our prayers go out to the family choked on the raising net, and our prayers go out to him. Yeah, he's so if you want to go by, no relationships, All right, Well listen, the Easter egg hunt is cancer. Sister Carlin, you will be glad about this. We were informed that brother Jermaine Live brought twelve snake eggs and painted. Then no, you know he's been mad at brother Derek Moses who called. You know, he caught brother Derek Moses with his wife Tania lives in the Chick fil A line kissing in the drive too, So I rather had no. We're gonna need somebody to tell the kids at the East end. Hunt is postponed until the next east because of the sneaks. That's good, all right, here we go again, Justina Harvey, no relations, no relations, no relations at all. It's suing the funeral home, Kenny's funeral home because they did not remove the grin from their grandmother's face when she was bed and she had a strange had a strange grin on her face and up family something fish. She was smiling when she left here, and when she left it wasn't a fool smile. It was like a grin, you know, grinning like yeah, like how you doing? Like how you doing? Grin? You know? Ready, ready, all right, latest, let's see it weekend. The Tripper d broad Dry starts April first, and we have two members who are not participating. We know who they are. Of course, Mississippi Monica doesn't measure up to the task, but these other two, are you all gonna step in and help out on this drive? No? No, I'm busy that day. I'm booked up. Yeah, that's a no for me too. She speaks for the group. Go ahead, go ahead, I add no. Kenneth Parker Spike Lee, Kenneth Parker Spike League, no relationship, relationships, no relationships, none whatsoever, no relationship at all. What's the name again, Kenneth Parker Spike League, no relations has decided this is gonna become alone. So let me explained what he's doing at his church. He's the he's the pastor at the y'all come Baptist Church. He decided to have a zoom Eastern eggs hunt where he will let the kids died the egg at home and hide him the damn self and his ship. If you if you don't find an egg that you hid, if you do want, if you that you that you and he went he went off the bibble. He said, shame on your dumb ass. Just what he said, shame your dumb ass. If you don't find it, if you don't find you don't find an egg you hid, you do it all right on the way out. The Gospel pool party is at three pm on Sunday after Eastern Services over. We want all there are new rules that will not be any but Kinni's allowed. No Bikinner's allowed. Due to COVID. Our whole congregation has gained a lot of weight due to COVID. All right, all right, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news. Right after this. You're listening to this Dave Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, So in today's entertainment news, Sharon Osborne will no longer be seen or heard on the CBS daytime show The Talk I'm sure you heard about this, yeah, woomed. In a statement, CBS says events of the March tenth broadcast we're upsetting to everyone involved, including the audience watching at home. As part of our review, we concluded that Sharon's behavior toured her co host during the March tenth episode did not align with our values for a respectable, respectful workplace. We also did not find any evidence that CBS executives orchestrated the discussion or blindsided any of the hosts. At the same time, we acknowledge the network and studio teams, as well as the showrunners, are accountable for what happened during that broadcast, as it was clear the co hosts were not properly prepared by the staff for a complex and sensitive discussion involving race. During this week's hiatus, we are coordinating workshops, listening sessions, and training about equity, inclusion and cultural awareness for the host, producers, and crew, and going forward, we are identifying plans to enhance the producing staff and producing procedures to better serve the host, the production, and ultimately our viewers. Wow the Top return with original episodes on Monday, April twelfth. Wow We stand behind. Yes, yes, yes, yes we do. And the March tenth episode, of course they're referring to as the one where Sharon was yelling at Cheryl because Sharon had huh would you say, Cheryl, well, how did you leave? I mean, I guess she has the longest tenure there, so maybe, yeah, I guess for all intents. Yeah, for rotating, it was her Carrie, then with Carrie and then Sheryl and I think they were the main three that were kind of rotating. And then they welcomed the new two other two co hosts this season. So yeah, good for good for good news for Sheryl. Uh yeah, you know, hey, you know you're yelling at her, professor very good. Could have got real ugly professional with her. Yeah. I mean if it were the other way around, we have to think about that. If that were the other way around, Cheryl would be fired. Yeah for commercial break, Yeah, she was. They would have escorted her. Yeah. Yeah, So we gotta say shout out to our girl, Cheryl Underwood. We'll be talking to her, of course in her regular sum this week later this week. And other entertainment news, Um, let's see some thieves broke into Beyonce storage unit. They did it twice. The culprits made off with more than a million dollars worth of Beyonce's belongings, including expensive handbags and dresses. Following the initial theft, which reportedly targeted three storage units, three more units in the same storage facility were broken into less than a week later, allegedly by the same people. What among the second hal were handbags, kid toys and h just you know, some sentimental stuff like pictures belonging to a Beyonce nothing which they have nothing speck up for rich that's right. Where is the storage though? We talk about it? You you know that sound like that somebody? Yeah, but what you going to see Beyonce handbagging? Right, it's taking hard formation, video costumes, we don't know, and got a little blues toys and stuff. Come on, yeah, all right, guys, we're moving on. Jay. It is time now for today's headlines, staffing and trip. Thank you very very much. This is a trip with the news. The Mayor of Nashville has declared a state of emergency in the wake of the flash floods this weekend that killed at least four people. This weekend, between seven and ten inches of rain actually felt. More than one hundred people had to be rescued from submerged cars and the roofs of their homes and trees. Even this latest spate of bad weather comes on the heels of several tornadoes that touch down in the South and Alabama and Georgia, leaving at least five people dead. Asian and Pacific American members of the Congress traveled to Georgia over the weekend to see four themselves the three spots where a gunman murdered eight people week before, the last six of the Asian women. Local authorities have not classify the massacre as a hate crime because the suspect, who's white, says he was trying to rid himself of a sexual addiction. However, California Representative Judy Chiu says the shooter had to drive for at least thirty minutes between two of the locations, and she says that looks like hate to her. It is clear that this was a deliberate journey. He could have gone anywhere if it was a sex addiction or just a bad day. Robert Aaron Long faces several murder charges. Security is tight in Minneapolis today with the opening arguments schedule in the case of Derek Chauvin, that's the X cop, of course, accused of murdering George Floyd. Mister Floyd died last May twenty fifth, after Chauvin pressed his knee into mister Floyd's neck for close to nine minutes as Floyd pleaded that he couldn't breathe, even at one point calling for his mother. George Floyd's killing spark protest against police brutality, not just in this country, but actually in cities all over the world. They were also protests against police brutality. The trials expected to last for at least four weeks and be live streamed. Newly meanted Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock wants President Biden to strongly push back against Republican efforts to strongly against Republican efforts in over forty states to restrict voting, and he wants him to do that before he concentrates on revamping the nation's infrastructure. As comes after the GOP dominated Georgia legislature came out with a measure that even mister Biden calls sick. Early this month. Democrats in the House, though, did pass a voting rights bill and tied to h R one, which actually does target Republican efforts to restrict voting and includes provisions that would mandate states, for instance, to have same day voted registration and provide for at least two weeks of early voting. And old problem is they're going to need sixty votes to get over a filibuster in the Senate. That means they have to get ten Republicans to go along, and that doesn't look likely. And now a street and Dallas is being named after Botham Jean as being called Botham Jean Boulevard, the twenty six year old accountant watching television eating ice cream in his own apartment in September twenty eighteen when a white female cop named Amber Geyer she didn't know her own apartment from jeans, and shot the innocent man to death. She's serving ten years. She's appealing her sentence. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show, It is time now to look into the mind. Yeah, come on in, Anthony Brown, Oh lord, oh lord, oh lord. It is a problem that I'm having, And I don't know if anybody can relate to this. I don't know if it's because I'm getting older, or because I'm on the back nine of life or what. But I have found that lately I can't open a damn thing that I buy out the store. I got stuff that I don't. I don't, I don't. I can't the stuff that you twist off medication, I can't open. I bought some joy peels the other day. I just I threw them on the ground and just broke the bottle because I couldn't open off. And I don't know Joy. That's what I call them. And people at the pharmacy know what they are. I call them. Oh yeah, so you do like company. I don't know just when you when you when you're coming in, you take care of Joy. Then you gotta go. When you come in the morning, you gotta leave at night. You come at night, you gotta leave in the morning. That's the motto I lived by you on the wall. Yeah, don't don't bring it. And my motto is, don't bring the bag because you ain't gonna be here that long. But anyway, get it back, and neither am I. So it worn't out gonna be there. Jay. I bought a bag of candy or something as best we can. And it took me while I was riding in my truck. Took me for about to get that bag open. I could not get the bag or now I'm looking around in the truck trying to find something to punch in the bag so I can get in the bag. You have you bought something? Have you bought something from the store and it has a string on it like it looks like a string or it's connected and you try to pull it, you can't pop it. It's the strongest damn string I've ever seen. I don't know what I don't know what it's made of. I don't let me tell you. You can't bite it off. You aren't know. The hardest thing to open, man, that I bought and I don't know who put this on there, but that little protective seal at the top of that of a bottle of vizine. They need to be fired. To get that off. Took me thirty minute. I just walked around with red eyes and I can't get it open. I know it's to protect us from kids, But what kid go say? Can I have some vizine? No kid, ain't no season? Right? Yeah? How about the one where they have the plastic. Then you have to push and turn this way, and then you open it up and then there's another sealed on the inside when you take the damn tap off. Who the hell's that for? What is that? That's not just you, it's everybody. Thank you. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour. Last night was the Night of Black Excellence. We'll talk about the NAACP Image Awards right after this. You're listening to show well. Saturday night was the Night of Black Excellence at the fifty second annual NACP Image Awards, hosted by our friend Anthony Anderson. Yeah, President Joe Biden. Vice President Kamala Harris opened the show with a salute to Black history, culture and achievements. Congratulations one more time to our very on Steve Harvey for winning Best Game Show Host and Best Game Show for Celebrity Family Feud winners. Yeah, it's really cool. Yeah, well the same around here, of course, we are. Other winners included d Nice for winning Entertainer of the Year award for entertaining the country during the pandemic. He did do that. Yeah, Outstanding social Media personality, Tabitha Brown. That's business, that's right. Hall of Fame inductee Eddie Murphy. Congratulations Eddie, It's about time. Yes, yes, yes. Outstanding Actress in a Drama, Viola Davis. Outstanding Actress in a Comedy Series Issa Ray. President's Award went to Lebron James Outstanding Actor in a Drama Reggae John Paige, the Duke of Hastings for Bison, he won. Yeah. When does that season of another season come with that? So, yeah, it's going to be another season, but we don't know when. They're probably working on it. Now. That was good. Yeah, it was really good. Yeah. Outstanding Movie Bad Boys for Life. Will and Martin announced they are going to try to do one more more. Yeah, all right. The Jackie Robinson Sports Award recipient went to the w NBA League and uh, that was good to the entire w NBA. I like that and congratulations ladies. Yeah. And finally, the Social Justice Impact Award recipient, the Social Justice Impact Award recipient Stacy Abrams, the Queen. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, well so take a listen to some of Stacy's speech. Miss Abrams speech, I give thanks to those who came before, who use their hands and too often their lives to create the few. Sure we deserve the giants and the foot soldiers who never let their circumstances stop them from fighting to ensure that this nation lived up to its ideals. I stand beside the organizers and activists who refuse to allow the stubborn realities of systemic and justice to stop them from protesting in the streets, at the ballot boxes, and then the halls of power. I share this award with all those who champion progress, equity, and the truth of who we are and who we must become as a nation, one that defends and expands democracy, that protects justice as a current promise, not a future hope, One that delivers equality and equity, knowing that both are required and that together we are a nation of impact. Thank you again for this incredible honor. Yes, I love hearing her speak. When you hear her speak, you know why the Governor of Joy is afraid. Right. Yeah, Yeah, yeah, you can't. You can't stop, You just can't, you can't try it. Yeah. Black excellence for sure. Congratulations to all the recipients. Yeah to our Captain Steve Harvey for his Steve has so many in double kay of us one. He got no Yeah, Maxwell performed Jasmine Sullivan. It was a show. Yeah, it really was. And kudos again to Anthony Anderson for being an incredible host. So funny and crazy. Yeah, that's really really good. Stand up once before, you know, so he knows, he knows the stage. He's got time, he got time. Yeah, absolutely, very talented. But yeah, so we look forward to the fifty third in Double ACP Image Awards next year because this one is in the history books now. And it was a great show. It really was. What a way she did her speech right, and the President and Vice president to open it. That was great. All right. Coming up next, we'll have the nephew with today's prank phone call. That's coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. Get a load of this subject, guys, I smacked his mama in the face. Welcome into that. Yeah, just a bit. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. But you got for us in a make a Wish ministry. Oh, make a wish ministry, Go kid Baptist. This is Terrence. Man, help you please, Brother Terrence. Yeah, how you doing? I got your your number? You with the over the church you went to make a witch ministry. Yes, I am, I'm gonna help you. Well, listen, I'm I'm I'm actually uh, I'm I'm terminally ill, brother, brother Terrence. And I don't you know, as far as what the doctors tell me, it could be six months or another year, but I know my time here is definitely limited. You know. Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but we're definitely here to help you out with whatever you need or whatever we can help you with. So what can we do for you? Well? You know, I truly believe that sometimes people have and you know, I've seen one of the old movies they got with it got a bucket list or whatever they called it. You know, people trying to do things before they leave here. I guess I'm just sitting around trying to figure out what I could with what I wanted to do before I left this world and went on to what he asked for me next. You know, I don't believe in doing anything unless it's prayed on first. Oh yeah, if you don't mind, maybe you can you know, before I can tell you my wish. We prayed that the wishould come true. You you you're not doing anything like that. Oh no, I don't mind praying. That's what we're here for. Bow your head with him, Yes, Yr, sir, is your head by yes, sir, your sir, hell O the God. We come to you in the umeless way. We know how Lord, we ask you to touch this young man and every which way he heard, and then we ask you to deliver him for whatever is going on with him, and let him know that we the church is here to help him with whatever his needs is in his last days. And Jesus's name, I pray say Amen with him. It's gonna do it here. Now you a member of the church here of New Well. I was a member. I still consider myself. Remember it's just been quite some time, probably over the year and after two years, as I've been able to come, you know, through to my my illness. But definitely I will remember that. Well, that's all right. We're not worried about all that. We just here to take care of your last and final wish. That's what our minister is for. You know. We helps people with with with anything they need. You know like that. What what all I mean when when people call them won't say what all of you you are? What all of y'all helped them with? Well, we've helped them with their rent. Uh, take them to the store, help them with a utility bill, come out and cut the grass, anything like that they just can't do. Take them to the doctor's appointment. Anything we'd like to help them with, we do exactly. Then Okay, well I pretty much got those things taken care of. I think what I like to do between you and and and myself, brother ton of I've never told anyone what I'm about to tell you. I've never been with a with with a woman too. I'm you know, I'm thirty eight, but I've never been with a woman. Well, I guess that might be a blessing. You might you might be prere that's a good thing. Well, you know, but sometimes you know I give before I leave. I guess that's a desire that I have. And and and uh, what I wanted to ask you was there is a lady there at the church, and before I leave, I think that's the woman that I would actually like to be with. Well, I don't know if make a wish. Ministry can support that kind of stuff. But uh go ahead, let me hear. Okay, the lady that I'm actually interested in actually uh ich works at the church too. When I see she's nam a tall, she's about five nine and she's probably about a size eight, beautiful long leagues man and and and sandy type of hair, sandy color for sandy brown man. And I mean she looked like Calma. Hold on a minute, what's her name? I think her name Linda? Now hold on, that's my wife? What you mean go ahead and see? Wait wait wait, wait, wait wait wait Linda your wife? Yeah, that's my wife? You Sorrence, what do you mean? Listen? Y'all are a ministry now now, if y'all supposed to be taking care of people, don't make a wish and and taking care of what they want before they leave this world? If that's my wish, what is the problem? Listening? Here? You didn't cross every line there was about this man, so I don't give a damn about it. I'm you're talking about sleeping with my wife. If I see y'all gonna do something to you, they ain't gonna even be able to recognize you. So what the You talking about missing with my wife, son of a ca all miss Linda myself and see it. You know I have a problem with helping me make my wish come true. Go right ahead and calling you won't call nobody else. That would be the least call you make. I thought y'all were here to relieve people so they can enjoy themselves before they leave this world. You talk about sleeping with my wife? Are you crazy? But but if I'm tend to leave here, ain't nobody gonna know? But you want hut. I don't care if you die. I don't care. You ain't sleeping with my wife and your food with her. You probably gonna go ahead and die quicker than you need to. I thought this was a ministry. I don't feel you now you won't. They're telling me about daring. Y'all supposed to be a ministry that to help people before they leave a word what it is. But you talk about sleeping with my wife. You got an illness, But something must be wrong with your brain talking about missing with man wife. Ain't nobody don't even know? I've been what your wife wants? Something gonna there, ain't gonna be but the tool y'all. At least you would have helped me before I left. No, I can't help you with nothing. And let me tell you something. I'm not the preacher. I'm not the pastor, I'm not the deacon, I'm not none of them. But if you mentioned my wife, you're gonna know who I am. I'm gonna be the undertaker. Do you understand I don't hear what you say? But I got one more thing I need to tell you about who I ain't who asked you? Isn't it the go ahead? Let me hear this is you talk from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your wife, y'all me the phrase sho no, y'all tell me you roll a y'all ain't recording. This is man's recorded every last bit of Lord Hammer last. Ain't gonna hear this is I got one more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the boo radio show in the land, Steve Harving Morning Show. Come on, man, come on man, wish I'm with you timing. They need to get a new guy because he's not really committed to this at all. He knows to help people, man, He helped people, yeah, right into cussing. He didn't build up to it. He went right into cussing. He knew that was his worst Yeah, so you knew that was his wife. He went right into it. Man, it's a rap. Yeah, yeah, yeahs here, everybody gonna hear Friday Night is jumping off. You don't want to miss me. It is the premier up season four, Ready to Love on the own network. That's right, Ready to Love. We're doing a Texas style one more time, and I promise you you are going to love this season. Got a whole lot of surprises, a whole lot of curveballs. Get ten men, ten women looking for love, and Tommy would navigate you for the entire season. Who in nine eighth Central on on this Friday? That's right, that's that good Friday. You don't want to miss it. I have a big surprise Friday. Did Friday's Night? Pap don't want to miss you? Could tell us? I get you a hint. It's all own, all right, we can't wait up see congratulations on your fourth season coming up. Strawberry letters, subject I smacked his mama in the face. We'll get into it right after this. Yeah, you're listening to Steve Morning Show, all right? Guys, well guess what the wind blew in? Yeah, I'm here. We need to know what I need to know. That go ahead. So I got up this morning. You know I don't have to drive in cause I have. We worked from home, right right. But when I woke up for a minute, just for a minute, not the whole time, I thought it was Sunday. So yeah, I just thought it was Sunday. You know, yesterday was Sunday. I just doubled him up. You know I ain't on the weekend in the end, you know, you had two Sundays. Huh okay. And so then all so I went back in there and I la, Jay needs to shut his assert. I went back in the room and then I kept going, why's all these people coming around? Now? That's when I realized, boy, this ain't Sunday. This Monday. Then people work here. You gotta get your ass up, man. So here, I am I say one thing? Can I just say one thing? Not really, I just want to say one thing. How come I'm here? How come I'm here on time on my room two days and I can't say nothing. That's what I don't under I'm here two days don't qualify you for any comments to people who come five days a week. You're a part time and you don't even get benefits. You don't even get benefits. Yeah, you ain't even on the billboard. Well see you're here. It's time from the Strawberry Letters, so you won't be confused about the dates and times anymore. Monday. If you need advice in relationships, dating, works, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry letter and we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. That's right, Hold on tight, we got it for you here. It is a Strawberry letter subject I smacked his mama in the face. Okay, all right, Dear Stephen Shirley. My husband's father just passed away. So we went to his parents home to make the arrangements with his mother and his sisters. With everything that his mother and sisters wanted for the funeral. It was going to be over thirty five thousand dollars. His father did not have life insurance, so the thirty five dollars would be coming from the family pockets. My mother passed away, thirty five thousand would be coming from the family pockets. My mother passed away five months prior and I received a nice lump sum of money, and because my husband knew I had the money, he sat there and told his mother and sisters that we would pay for everything. I told them we would chip in along with everyone else, but certainly not pay the full amount. And my husband started squirming and argument broke out amongst his mother's sisters and I, and a lot of nasty words were exchanged, so my husband went outside to smoke. Out of nowhere, his mom called me a low life bee and slapped me. Next thing I know, his mother and two sisters were throwing blows at me. I pushed them off of me and one of the sisters ran to get my husband. His mother came right back and punched me in the chest. I had had enough, and I reached back and slapped the taste out of her mouth just as my husband walked in. He immediately jumped in my face and I tried to explain what happened, but he didn't want to hear it. He told me I should have never raised my hand, and to his seventy one year old mother. Well, we never recovered from this. After his dad's funeral, he moved in with his mother. He told me he's too ashamed to be with me after I beat up his mother. He believes their side of the story, despite being married to me for seventeen years and knowing that I'm not like that. Oh, and I paid for the entire funeral. How do I get my husband back? Here's a better question. Did you have to hit his mama? Though? Really self defense is a justifiable excuse, but he's not buying it because it was his mama. How do you get your husband back? You ask? You mean, how do you get your mama's boy back? And because he is a mama's boy, you might not get your husband back. I hate to tell you that, but it sounds like he's made his choice. He chose mama, and he's not interested in the truth. I wish you hadn't paid for the whole funeral and just chipped in, Like you said, that's money you will never get back. And I'm sure you were trying to make it up to the family for the fight, and of course to your husband for hitting his mom. But it didn't work. A lot of people just believe what they see in front of them and not the story that goes with it. I'm sure it was shocking for him to see you haul off and slap his mom as he walked in, and for him to totally take their word over yours his wife of seventeen years, was even more shocking to you. It takes a real man, I say, to stand up to his mom, you know, speak up for his wife and all of that. I just say, I know you're in disbelief. Not to mention love, but you might have to think about your parents plans for the future. Steve. We don't have a lot of time here, I know. Well, I smacked his mom in the face. I'll be damned right as he walked in, timing the same old go good. I'll tell you why. All right, we'll have part two of Steve's respond coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. I smacked his mama in the face. Is the subject? Steve is back and we'll be back right after this. You're listening to all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap the Strawberry letter for today. I smacked his mama in the face. Is the subject? Lord? Well? The subject? I smacked his mama in the face. The problem is it was right when he walked in, and he didn't get no before. It wasn't in no text all he saw you hold and slapped here, damn mama, dare say, I don't know if you ever seen an old person gets snapped a surprised Uh, your husband's daddy passed away, and y'all went to the parents' house and make the arrangements with his mother and sistant. Everything his mother and sister wanted for the funeral is gonna be over thirty five thousand dollars. That's pretty That's that's pretty good fuel. Now, ain't gonna lie to you. Yeah, that's the high ass funeral, y'all. Yeah, I don't know what y'all got going on, flowers. You know, we need we need to cut back on some of this. Seeing this is how he don't know grand You know only what you got silver doors on it phone, you know, black dogs, basic dolls on the casket is googled all in pearl handles and all that. You know, we're gonna throw dirt on top of this thing, you do know that. And his father didn't have life ensuring. So the thirty five thousand gonna be coming out of family's pockets. Well, this woman's mother had passed away five months ago, and she received the nice lumps of the money. And because her husband knew I had the money, he sat there told his mama and his damned sisters that we was gonna pay for everything. I told them we would chip in along with everyone else, but certainly not pay the full amount. But my husband started a squirman. Now what this woman did was absolutely right. See, you don't let all the other kids off the hook and all this stuff pitch in this your damn daddy. They ain't pitch you in when your mama died. So and the husband started screaming. Then army argument broke out with his mother's sisters and her. A lot of nasty wares was exchanged. So my husband went outside the smoke. Now he outside smoking weed probably, and then out of notewhere, his mama called me a lowlife b I tca you lord be ah, just call this girl that, and then slapped me because your damn husband dead. Why I got to get slapped, y'all ain't got his shoes. I'm not paying the whole damn thirty five it ain't my daddy or husband. And the two sisters. Next thing I know, his mother and them too ignorant as sisters were throwing blows at me. I pushed him off me and one of the sisters ran to get my husband. So then go outside to get the husband. Right as the husband comes in the damn house, I didn't got tired of all this mess, all this pushing on me. His mother came right back, punched me in the chest, dead in the chest. Sucker punch you dad in the chance like your name Floyda or something, you just haul off a sucker punch you dad in your damn chest. You had had enough. You reached back and slapped the taste out of her mouth, hauled off. She seventy one. She ain't been slapped, and she seventy one. She probably ain't been slapped since she was about twenty eight. How far back did she reached back? She slapped her with her right hand. She touched her left elbow with her hand. That's how far she caught raps And she hauled off and slapped her old ass. And but you slapped the taste out of her mouth. Flavor spit went round the side of her nick. Just as your husband walked in. He immediately jumped in your face, and I tried to explain it what happened, but he did want to hear. He told me you should have never raised my hand to his seventy one year old mother because he would have never done it. And you understand as well. We never recovered from this. After his daddy's funeral, he moved in with his mama. He told me he's too ashamed to be with me after I beat up his mama. He believed they sided the story. Despite being married to me for seventeen years and knowing I'm not like that. You ain't liked that? Well, who was that that knock? You ain't liked that? Who was that woman that had your dress home? That haul off? And doctor taste out his mama? Mama? Oh, and I paid for the entire funeral. That ain't happening. How do I get my husband back? Shirley's right, he's a mama's boy. He'd made his choice. You're not gonna get the money back or the husband back. But if I were you, I would write a letter and send it to him and tell him exactly what happened. Then if he don't believe, then let him stay in the bush, all right, Steve, listen, sounds like we're gonna have to do a part three here. I think that's coming. But in the meantime, please post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey f them on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on to Man coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, Part three of Today's Strawberry Letter. I smacked his mama in the face. Three right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Apparently Steve is not quite done with today's Strawberry Letter. I smacked his mama in the face. So this is part three of my Strawberry Letter for today. I smacked his mama in the face. What else you got, Steve? See, they went over to the house, called her husband. Daddy died, right her father in law. Now they're all over there with the mama, the wife, the sisters, and him trying to work it out. Funeral costs thirty five thousand dollars. That's a lot for somebody. Well know, they ain't even famous. You know, you throwing a celebrity funeral, you know, you got screens up with graphics going by volto showing up. You bought in. She was trying to boys the man, it's so hard to say goodbye. I got the singing the n B selection live. You spending too much? Damn money man, don't nobody know him? Well? They ended up. Y'all got an argument. Your husband saw this argument, he went outside. Now hit the part you don't know. Your husband saw this argument. He know his mom and his sisters. He left. He left because he know they finished start ripping. Let me go outside getting me a cigarette. Man, I don't need to see this here because I know they finning. My wife asked. He probably knew that, so he left you in there. That's bad. So in other words, he left you in there to fight his mama and sisters. By your damn self, he knew they was gonna jump on you. They get at ask people. They didn't fought at every other funeral. They didn't Dadda funeral then Floyd funeral. They han't fought on Netta's funeral. Come on, they fought down it. Uh, your cousin knocks funeral. Now you know gonna hear well, they're gonna go blows at your dadda funeral and here she comes. They jumped on it. Now, I know it ain't right. I know this, but sometimes you have to hit the old people. You gotta bust their ass. Sometimes you gotta hit old ass back their day. Oh you know, got to minta or something like that. You know, you gotta snap the ass back into it. So you got to punch their ass. You got allshimes or something like I topped. You gotta hit him and they go whoa, and they're making you member stuff when you get sucker punch man, No, might have to do that. And you all know this just got your ass whipped up in here. Now your humble he moved it punk ass here within that way. He wanted to be all time because assistance and told him, if you take your punk ass back over there, we're gonna whip your ass when we see you at Christmas. Christmas. Yeah, so you've lost your money. We'll be back with more of than Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Uh, this s trouberry letter got good to you guys, and uh, this is a thirty five thousand dollars funeral, So what were the plans? The strawberry letter was a smacked to his mama in the face five thousand dollars. What is these whole ass people trying to do? This is a celebrity Way five funeral. They should have been throwing the funeral. What what is they wanting? Yeah? What kind of suits? You think? I wasn't there, But here's some of the things they probably wanted at the funeral, which caused an argument. We don't want does we want real Eagles to fly over Daddy's grave? You know we won't real market damn Eagles. Yeah, yeah, we wasn't there, but for thirty five thousands, somebody in that house said, we want Daddy to come out the flow? What what? What wad come about? The float? Thirty five thousand. We're gonna hook up. We're gonna hook up a phone in daddy casket in case he come back, he can call us. You know what I'm got. Contrary, No, i'majy thirty five thousand. They tried to bring back the same muse that poor Martin Luther King down the shot. We walk in the same mus pulled Maula Luther King casket down the street. This is our daddy. Yeah, thousand dollars. I wasn't that. I was not there, but hit something. I'm shure they probably want it. We don't want Paul barriers. We want that casket to be momote control remote control so we can frol it remote control them and if we're driving in without Paul, and that's what jake for thirty five thousand. They wanted Jackson State Marching Band to come in leading the procession, to lead him down thirty five thousand, thirty five thousand, right in the middle of it. Here come beyond the out of another casket performing live Why right there, Queen Bee Baby, that ain't no grim hair. Aware he worked down at the post office. They're gonna pay the military to coming due to twenty one gun salute. Yeah, we wasn't never here. Some of the stuff out they wanted. They didn't want Reverend Sharpening. They wanted Reverend run to come in and do a hip hop version of over Daddy's funeral for thirty five thousand dollars. That's what they wanted, way too much for the funeral. Yeah, money for thirty five thousand dollars. They thought they was actually gonna see their father a scened into heaven A lot of money thirty five thousand. They actually wanted Jesus to come back and take him on home escorted by the law. A lot of money. That's a lot of money. There's a lot of slash world I got. This is gonna cost a lot of extra money. But they wanted full high power drones flying out to the grave and lor body, damn show my daddy ain't rodding and no hearse drove the city. We're love daddy and no damn hearse. All right, we'll have more. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and more trending stories coming up with twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show and trending News from our home station, k r NB Smooth one oh five point seven R and B. A street in Dallas, Texas has been renamed in honor of both him John Remember him. He was an unarmed black man who was sitting in his apartment eating ice cream when a former police officer will she former now Amber Geiger entered his apartment and murdered him. Both in John's family was there in Dallas for renaming and dedication dedicating the street. The Jean family will be back in court in Dallas in April as Amber Geiger appears in court to appeal her prison sentence. She is serving a ten year sentence, so she's appealing. She's appealing, Yeah, the sentence. Um, yeah, absolutely, she wants to be out. You know, I guess you killed a man in his apartment eating a bowl of ice cream in his own apartment. He do that. She kept her hail in jail. You can blee that police. Police. That ain't a nice place for police. Yeah, and and people for ten years was not enough. And then you kill somebody. She got to be in protective custody. Man. But they but what they get into it is she catching it like she posed to them? Yeah? Yeah remember yeah, well well ye remember all That's good. That's beautiful. Not the We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Well. Saturday night was the Night of Black Excellence at the fifty second annual NAACP Image Awards, hosted by our friend Anthony Anderson. Yeah, President Joe Biden. Vice President Kamala Harris opened the show with a salute to Black history, culture and achievements. Congratulations one more time to our very own Steve Harvey for winning Best Game Show Host and Best Game Show for Celebrity Family Feud winners. Yeah, I was really cool. Yeah, we'll stay around here, of course we are. Other winners included d Nice for winning Entertainer of the Year award for entertaining the country during the pandemic. He did do that, right, Yeah. Outstanding Social Media Personality Tabitha Brown. That's right. Hall of Fame inductee Eddie Murphy. Congratulations Eddie. It's about time. Yes, yes, yes. Outstanding Actress in a Drama Viola Davis. Outstanding Actress in a Comedy Series Issa Ray. President's award went to Lebron James Outstanding Actor in a Drama Reggae John Paige, the Duke of Hastings for Brion. He won. Yeah, when does that season? Does another season come that? Yeah, it's going to be another season, but we don't know when. They're probably working on it now. That was good. Yeah, it was really good. Yeah. Outstanding movie Bad Boys for Life. Will and Martin announced they're going to try to do one more on more. Yeah, I think, I think, all right. The Jackie Robinson Sports Award recipient went to the w NBA League, to the entire w NBA. I like that, and congratulations ladies. Yeah. And finally, the Social Justice Impact Award recipient Stacy Abrams, the Queen Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, ex Governor of George. Let it's amazing when you when you hear her speak, you know why the Governor of Georgia is afraid. Right Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can't. You can't stop pray. You just can't. You can't try it. Yeah, black excellence for sure. Congratulations to all the recipients. Yeah, to our captain Steve Harvey for his Steve has so many of us know. Oh, Maxwell performed jas And and Sullivan show. Yeah, it really was. And kudos again to Anthony Anderson for being an incredible host, so funny and crazy. Yeah, coming up, it is our last break of the day. It is the last break of the day, and of course we will have some closing remarks from our n double ACP Image Award winner for Best Game Show and Best Game Show Host for Celebrity Family Feud. Mister Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening to Steven Show. All right, here we are, guys, last break of the day on this Monday. It's been a good Monday. Yeah, uh yeah, I mean it's been fun. I've had a good time today. That was a crazy letter. It's a crazy letter, his mama in the face letter. I can't even tell you how I wouldn't I wouldn't have paid for that. I wouldn't have paid for it. Right. Well, she tried to do that to get back as to forgive me her husband because her husband he tripped. Yeah, he moved out. I'm not moving out though. We couldn't find out what really happened because you're personal though you already know your sisters. Yeah, in seventeen years, and how you don't believe none? Your wife said, like she just made up a lot, Like why would she just haul off slap your mama? Right? They accepting to this girl punched in the chest, right, And why would you leave your wife when she's arguing with your family? Because he knows Yeah, you know, hey, y'all, I got an announcement to make gohead Dave Ladies in jail him this coming Sunday. On Easter Sunday, the verses between Earth Winning Five and the Osley Brothers will be hosted oh by none other that the music legend himself, that damn Steve Harvey. The Verses live when Ronald Osley, Verdean White and Earth Winning Fire Philip Bailing the Boys signed off the Swiss Beats yesterday, he said, King, you got to do this. Many you got to do this, he said, Man, I got I got fifty people sending me that thing you did on your radio show. He said, King, you got to do it. I gave it a lot of thought. Yeah, I'm gonna go ou. I'm gonna be out. I'm gonna go out to La. Yeah, and I'm gonna sit between Earth Winning Fire Whoa and Ronald Osley and host to me the greatest Verses because of what these people mean to me, what Earth Winning Fire mean to me. I grew up on Earth Winning Fire. I was loving Earth Winning Fire from when I was a senior in high school. That my first album. But that damn ron Eyes boy, I got work to do. Y gonna put it on the lay away, Huh. I'm talking about tween the Sheep boy. This you thing you so, man, I'm gonna cited. I'm looking forward to this Sunday Night versus battle. I don't know what I'm gonna do. Are you gonna make it your work on Monday? The question Monday morning? Probably not too much. I think I'm gonna le tonight. I think Sunday night, man, I really think I'm gonna kill myself. No, no, I'm I'm anna overjoy myself Sunday night. Yeah, I'm gonna have stories. Yeah, I'm gonna be the sole teacher. I'm explained to you the lyrics of this music. They gonna tell you how the songs got created. I'm gonna tell you where I was to start, start tweeting, start instagramming. What should I Well, it's gonna be east. Gotta change. See, you just can't wear one outfit. Yeah I don't. I ain't. I ain't. I don't know if you can change on the versity. I got it, I got it the change. I got it. Yeah, I had that change. They don't got what you should have seen. Change clothes. I ain't got no more seventy clothes. Something has to have something. No, no, no, listen, listen what I'm gonna say, check this out. You should the bottom the bottom party. Your outfits should be the Idler Brothers, and the top part of your outfit should be Earth Winning five. See, I can't none of the stuff I WoT but I saw. I can't get a damn thing owned that I would in. I can't wear that Marcas in vest I'm trying to get a customed though, Steve, Nah, I can't. I can't do that shit. We get it now. You can see my realms at that concert. You don't even know if I got You know, they don't look the same. Come on, all I know is I'm not wearing a top. That's all I know. Okay, Yeah, I am coming as himp as I currently can get. I don't fit gonna say Osley Brothers and Elements. Okay, I'm gonna sit there the internet, I think. So, I'm gonna really try to promote this thing. Man, I'm telling y'all this versus spread the word, the Osley Brothers, the legend Ron Osley and the greatest group ever formed, Earth point in five. And sitting in between it a man who has loved them both with all his heart and soul. That Steve talk about himself and the third person. I'm logging on to watch this. I'm so excited about this, man, I don't even know what to do. This is gonna be exciting it and I ain't promoting nothing in a long time, tuning and absolutely free. The real Steve Harvey wonder Love will be hosting the verses. The TV show host, he's not gonna be there. The game show host, he won't be there right that in word's gonna be sitting up there with his damn chests out. For all Steve Every contests, No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FIM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.