My Brother's Keeper, Camel and Lambo, RiRi, Fool #1's Whereabouts and more.

Published Dec 2, 2021, 11:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! The "D" is silent and the Northpole is guilty of gimmick infringement. The CLO really got himself a Strawberry Letterish kinda day today. Where is Tommy damn it? Will the hump make it on the plane with it's stooopid owner or nah? We get a glance at The Sweet Life of Steve Harvey. CNN cut the wrong person. DAMN! It's gettin' good now ATL. RiRi is officially a national hero. Fool #1 is playing hooky and Steve is done! Today in Closing Remarks, Steve tells us about what he REALLY good at and it's not comedy.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things and its sting not through good the harp together for I don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn hur You gotta turn to turn them out. You got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby, huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one and on it. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay. I want to share something with you that I had to come to the realization one time, and even in the reinvention of myself right now, I've had to come to that and I want to share it with you today. Give it to you. I want to tell you about something that a lot of people do in their life and I want you to be aware of it. Here it is, don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong. You know I said, don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong. You know. The reason I'm saying this is because people have a tendency to once they make a decision about something, or once they decide to go a certain path. They go against all everything, anything anybody says, anything anybody might do, any other ruling they may come across. They shun advice, They don't listen to counsel. They just I made the decision. I'm gonna do it anyway. Don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong, you know. Now here's a sure fire way to tell if you're wrong. If you don't see any movement in the direction you've chosen, if you don't see anything going right in that decision, if you feel as though you're interrupt if the wall you're climbing seems so insurmountable that you ain't even moving an inch, and every time you turn around you keep getting knocked by down, knocked back down. Don't get stuck on yourself. You know you could be wrong, you know. See, that's why it's important for people to always be open to the reinvention of yourself. You know, you cannot be afraid to reinvent yourself. In other words, you can't be afraid to change. Change is necessary when it comes to growth. There is no growth without change. The more you know, the older you look, that is no growth without change. If you're heading in a direction. It ain't nothing going right in your life. It be the wrong direction. If you're climbing and you're making no headway, could it be the wrong direction? Could you have possibly made the wrong choice. Don't get stuck on yourself because you didn't made the wrong self. It's okay to forgive yourself. It's okay to let yourself off the hook. It's even smarter sometimes to admit that you were wrong. You ever met somebody ain't ever wrong. Have you ever met somebody you talk to? They ain't ever wrong about nothing. Man, They just it's their way or the highway. It's this is my way, this is the I know people like that, stuck on them power trips and all like that. You know what I had to learn how to do. I had to learn how to let them go on them power trips. But listen to this. Though you're not taking me on that trip. Though you're going on that trip by yourself, I'm going in the right direction. I've decided to stop the way. Okay, listen to this person. This person, I decided to stop doing business the way I was doing business. I decided to stop to allow business being done around me the way business was being done around me. You know what, you know, the best decision I made was to allow for God to have some say so and to offer me his direction. I have found him to be a better driver than anyone else I know. I have found him to know more about the man he made than anybody else who's merely associating with me. I have found it to be a fact that my maker knows more about the vehicle he created than does anybody else. If you if your Chevy break don't you take it to Chevy. You don't take your Forward when it break down to a Toyota dealership. They not gonna know everything that the Forward dealership would know about the vehicle. You know why, because they're not the maker of it. So now, why are you litting you letting your life being led, controlled and guided by somebody other than your maker. I'm just asking you to let's all take a common sense look at this. So, if going to your maker's the best way, the best decision I made in my business was take over my brand myself, and to allow the maker of this brand see without God, I'm none of this. I'm none of this. I want you to clearly understand I ain't none of this without him. I wish I could have the guts to reach back there and pat myself on the back for what I've accomplished in my life. I wish I had the guts. I wish the nerve of me because I know for or fact that there is no way that I could have manufactured the life that I have. I could not even have thought of it. It's no way I could have told you that this was the route I was gonna take and this is the outcome because of it. I had no idea, no clue. The one thing I had, though, was an unshakable faith in God. I had an I just kept believing in him. I kept believing that he had something more for me. And then when I touched base with him and asked him to show me what it is what he had for me, Tada, the magic show began. Because you know what he did. He took all my natural abilities that he had given to me, This gift that he gave me, that he poured into me at birth, that same gift that he poured into you at birth. The moment you go to him and let him show you that gift, and then guess what. Once he takes what he naturally put in you and put his super his superpowers on top of that. Then you have some supernatural things going on in your life and you may not be feeling me. I'm cool with that, but I didn't have some supernatural things happen to me. Every day I wake up some supernatural the man, the rewards of my life, the awards of my life, the accomplishments, the how I'm working now, how I manage it all, all that ain't none but God. That ain't nothing but God. You can't even explain this schedule to people. Sometimes when people ask me, Steve, how do you do it? I go, well, it's what I manage my time. Then at the end of when I get through, I say, hey, man, you know what I need to tell y'all for real, it's God. I don't really know, but I'm letting him manage me. So he handling it. He ain't gonna put no more of it than I can bear. Listen to me, y'all, don't be afraid to reinvent yourself and remember this. Don't get stuck on yourself because you could be wrong. You know, you absolutely could be wrong if you don't tie this to your gift. You will be struggling the rest of your life. You're listening to Ladies and Gentlemen, Steve Harvey Morning Show us. Here as usual, our first guest this morning, Roscoe Wallace, involved in the three trillion dollar lawsuit against the entire music industry. Here to explain to us another hit that he claimed, Ladies and gentlemen, the legend, Roscoe Wallace, ros go every day, Baby, I don't want to thank Steve Harvey man believing every knowing what they know, and knowing how he loved and no music way you do and then and know who I'm he is and everything everything I'm using for rebelling, That be a wonderful thing. Right here, I got another hitting and then goes shocking. Now here we go, well ranger lang lango langa lang langa danga langa langa langa langa langa range langa langa langa lang danger langa langa langer. Jangle bell jangle bell jangle all do wait? Oh what fun it is to right? He don't display dang jingle bell jangle jangle ling? Hold the way? W what fun? Right? Right? You know what? Horse? Whoa la? You know that question? Now did you write wranglel Is it supposed to be ringing ling ling? Or did you write it? No? No, No, I wrote it was. It was actually dangle jangle bears, Oh not jingle bells. Jangle bells, jangle bell You know you know you don't kind of like the movie Jangle the sign jangle okay, jangle bell but you know white people got hold to it, changed it, won't change it. Jingle Bells lost all his soul. And part of my lawsuit that you don't de soul the soul melody? Hell, no soul? What does that mean? He's you kind of like deep bone in the fish. You took all the reason that made it a fish out if you de bone the fish, whether you got right, I ain't got no right there. That ain't a fish. That's for late Roscoe. It was originally titled the One Horse Open Slate. No I know that. How do you know that? Because I wrote it? Hell, I know that. I told you the white folk got to it and renamed it jingle ben. Did you see how much I put in the water hark in the One Park Open? I said, why are you thinking we got it? Okay? But for me, I would like me to d sol it a little bit the way we know the traditionally, the way it's been jingle Bill, Yeah, ingle Bill, that's the Christmas Carol jingle oue way do it? I knew it? Okay? Here I wrote it like that white boat always whiteness, jump up. They ain't nothing but bleach. They're just bleaching everything. They blue je drop. All right, all right, Roscoe, thank you. Coming up at about thirty two minutes after the hour. We're gonna run that prank back right after this. And where is Tommy by the room. You're listening Steve Morning Show? And here we are. We're about to run the prank. Bradcast. Tommy ain't here. We'll find out where the hell he at. But you know, you know you ain't nothing when you're missing in. Do you back? There's the frank? Can I buy your free? What are you saying? Alied equipment? This is training on how I can I help you? I'm trying to reach Dale. Dale's the manager, right, Yes, Dale is the manager. How can I help you? Okay? Is Dale available? Is he there? He's actually with a customer. Is there something that I can help you with or pass along the message? Okay? So y'all allied equipment? What what? What? What exactly do y'all have there? I'm gonna make sure i'm calling the right place. Oh yes, of course. Um it's a restaurant supply company. Um, so we have you know, everything from freezers, refrigerators to your basic restaurant supplies. Okay, do y'all do have freegans, because that's what I'm trying to do. I'm what I'm trying to do is, uh, I've run out of freezer space, and I'm trying to see if possibly you know, my back is up against the wall right now. I'm trying to see if I can possibly uh put something in one of you as freezes for a couple of days until I get freed up on this end. So that's why I wanted to see if you guys would allow me to do something like that. Is that possible? Um, sir, Sorry, I'm a little confused. I don't want to buy a freezer. You just want to put something in one of our freezers. I just want to put somebody there for a couple of days because I have a freezer, but mine is completely full and I'm trying to see if I can put something you alls freezer until you know, for a couple of days, and then I'll come back and get it. Um, I'm so sorry. We don't do that. Um uh. If you wanted to come by and purchase a freezer, I'm having to help you, but we don't allow outside vendors to put things in our freezers. That's yeah, I'm sorry. Okay, Well I was sold. If Dale would hear what was going on, he might he might be able to help me though. Okay, Um, you said your name was Kevin. Okay, Kevin, if you just hold a moment, I will see if Dale can take your call. That's that's what the hell I asked in the first plate. Okay, then hold on a moment. Hey, this is down. I can't help you. Hey, how you doing this? Is uh? Kevin Kevin, and I've been on the phone with uh the sales persons. But let me tell you what I'm trying to do. Man. I'm um, I'm trying to use your You have a lot of walk in freezers that you all sell, right right we do? Yeah? Okay, So what I got is my freezer is completely full, man, and I'm I'm my back is against the wall. You can't highly recommended to give you a call. Is it possible for me to, Um, I need to keep something frozen for a few days. Uh, it's only going to be like two days. My my freezer will be uh you know, half empty in a couple of days. I just want to just need some somebody to just kind of help me out here. Is it possible for me to bring something over there to keep keep it frozen for a couple of days? You know what we got at the show room, you know, with different displays so you can see what different kind of refrigerators look in your resta ry. But I mean, if you want to come and take a look at one, I could have you in if you're interested in buying one. But no, no, just there for show, you know right right? No, No, I have a cooler, I have a freeze already. But like I say, nine is just full. In a couple of days, it won't be And I really got to get this this stuff on frozen. Man, I'm gonna be in trouble. Like I said, I'm im my back against the wall over here. Man. And um, I can't remember who recommended you, but you can't highly recommended that you might be able to show me a little love on this look. I guess it comes back depends on what you need, how much? How much do you have that you need frozen? I mean I don't even know what you Well, well, I got um three bodies that I need to get um to keep, you know, to keep frozen. Man. You know we run the mortuary over here. This is bows body. Yeah we got three people bodies. Yeah, yeah, we got three bodies that and like I said, my my freezer is fuller. Man. But in a couple of days, you know, these bodies, you know, the funerals would have happened, so we'll be freed up, you know. But right now I got I got three bodies coming in the day that I got to get in the freezer. Are you crazy? Are you damn mind? No, no, no, I'm dead serious. I'm dead sire bro. So I'm like I said, you can't highly recommend it, you know what. I'm just trying to get somebody to show me a little love. Man. You got those freezes, you don't have nothing in them, you know, I just needed for a couple of days. You gotta be out of your mind. We're not talking about ice. This is at chicken wings to report shoulder. He's a people. You are out of your mind, man. But but listen to me, Darren, Listen to what I'm gonna you understand how serious is is. I have to keep them frozen. That's the reason why I'm calling. I'm needing your help, man. Yeah, I understand that. Look, if you want to, I'll have you come in to buy your own freezer. You can put your own bodies in your own freezer. How much fun to show off my shoulder room with frozen bodies and the freezer. But just just don't just don't show that. I'm going for a couple of days, you know what I'm saying, don't just don't show it. Always just come you know what? You know here, what we could do. We could put the bodies in there, just cover them up and people don't want to know what it is. Yeah, and then I get a buyer that comes in and the cover falls off it and I got a frozen dead body and my freezer. Is that even legal? I don't know. Man. All I'm saying is there's a deal. Man. You can't highly recommended. They told me that you would probably show me so love. I'm actually you know, getting ready to load up and come your way. Dude, you keep those dead bodies away from my store. I'm telling you right now, I can't hook you up on this one, all right. I just can't do it. Okay, But we shouldn't load up and come that way though, man. So you know what I'm saying. It's I mean, what am I supposed to do? I have no you know what you want to come talk to me. You want to buy a freezer for yourself, and you want to freeze your dead bodies on your own. I don't care. I'll tell you a freezer. I got no problem with telling you a freezer. But you're not bringing the bodies here. It's just not happening. So here for Alonzo. If Alonzo calls you and green lights it is it, okay, then I highly down. Alonzo's gonna call me and tell me to put freak at body and wait on our showroom floor freezers. But guess what Alonzo told me? What did a lions? I'm telling you, Alonzo told me to give you a call. He told me to give you a plat phone call. This is no from the Steven Show. Come on, Are you serious? Yes? Yes, I'm having my chutter. Oh oh jeez, that guy. Well you just you just got franked by your GM baby, that's why happening right here? All right, man, give me one more thing. You gotta tell me. This is right here Dale. What is the baddest and I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. It is the Steve Harvey Morning Show, My friend, I thank you Stephen for the nephew. Coming up next ass the cello. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Steve Harvey Morning Show is in due. Bye. We're having a ball. Thanks and only, Steve Harvey. This is a working vacation for us. We'll tell you what we did yesterday. We'll try to find Tommy. Also coming up at the top of the hour and Trending Entertainment News, CNN has suspended our dude, Chris Cuomo indefinitely because he gave his brother, former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo some help. We'll tell you about it. Plus miss Anna standing by with the latest. Okay, all right, yeah, okay, but miss Anna standing by with the latest on the investigation into the school mass shooting in Michigan. Here we go again. This is America. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it is time for Steve's favorite segment. Asked the clo all right, Steve, here we go, Chief Love Officer. This one is from Dancy in Silver Spring. Dancy writes, I'm a thirty year old single female living at my parents home temporarily until I close on my house with my fiance. He doesn't live with us, but he's at the house a lot. And the other night he was over late and we started fooling around in the dead. My dad woke up and we didn't hear him until he walked in on us naked on his couch. I thought he was going to have a heart attack, but he managed to calm down. I am so embarrassed and I can't look him in the eye. Now. How can I ever get past this? No, you will be a good pa front of your dad? And yeah, how'd you posted to say? No? This is this is one that you don't get over. No, No, this is this one right here. How you gonna get back? You just keep not looking at it? But daddy, that's it? Oh? Hold, what your daddy am? I? Oh? Hey, daddy, how are you doing today? I thought I was your only dead But Daddy, we didn't hear daddy. I'm sorry. I know you didn't hear me. Now why I came down here? I heard it, y'all. Can we just move on, get to the next one. No, you should have waited till you move out. Ya know my cows. Now, I got to get this cow to be done it here. But daddy, we are getting married, getting made made two different. Well, Daddy had to me, you're not really looking at me in my eye and staying anything. I'm looking at you in your eye? You want looking at me? No, I can't. Yeah here, No, daddy, Okay, did you tell mama? Y'all? Oh, okay, we're moving on. Marnesia and fort Meyer says, I'm in my late twenties and my co worker and I are in a relationship, but his wife works with us. I have been trying to be respectful to his wife, but she has a very nasty attitude, and I have gotten written up for having my nails too long at work. She finds patty reasons to pick on me, and I've had enough. I told my boyfriend to get his wife all my back or I'm going to end up getting us fired and he will be in divorce court. She talks to him crazy at work too, and I don't like it? Should I curse her out and quit? Or Grinn and Barrett? The way? She's the girlfriend of this man's married who is day Ball? You better not say nothing to curse the boss out because you're sleeping with her husband and you got a lot of nerve? Are you crazy? You don't like the way he talked to her? Wow? Right? So should she curse her out and quit? Or Grinn and Barrett? Stay there, girl? First of all, see nothing about this question is right at all? Should I? Yeah, she's tired away she talking to me? She's so disrespectful. Oh oh oh she's disrespected. The sleeping with her husband. Yes, yes, the ultimate disrespect. And now you want her to be respectful? Lady? If I will you, I would forget that you wrote this latter. Yeah, I will go get me another job and I will stop sleeping with that man. Yes, all right, we're moving on. That's all the help we can see can give you. Samya and Mobile fifty seven year old married woman. She's in love with a man that she goes to church with her husband knows that they had an affair years ago and they went to counseling. But this is not the same guy as before. She hasn't had sex with a new guy yet, so she praised daily for strength to resist him. She asked her husband if they can visit other churches, and he refused to switch. How can I keep seeing this man and resisting temptation? What should I do? Oh? Oh, you have tendency? Yes, yes, oh, temptation husband, Yeah, we're all faced with it. But every time she faced with it should do something. Body, Yeah, that's the difference. See what she knows. She knows it's temptation to her is I'm going to act on So now how do I not act on it? Because once you tempt me, I must yield to temptation. Because she sees him all the time, right, and she has tennis? Yeah, yeah, what should she do? You know? Kind of like, you know, kind of rhymes with grownish blackish, you know, it's right in that grownish blackish ever, you know, and she trying to stop acting that way, right, so it's black black you know, Oh, you know, right, But she don't want to be that no more. But so she's trying to fight what you are. It's good to fight it though, it's good to clearly. But you know in my heart of heart just what I do. I'm just telling you right now who I am. You can ask the Lord about me. He made me this way, me and my husband been the counselor wants. There's another one coming to here now, and I'm not really sure he gonna go back to counseling with me the second time, because I'd do hit. But she does pray daily, she says, for the strength to resist him. No, she's not, she's not. She'd wrote a letter, you know, praying me and writer Strawberry letter. She's even asked her husband to visit other churches, just getting me out of here, right. Yeah, but if you go to another church, might be somebody fine over there. You fit your seven years old sit yo down somewhere, or you mess around and go to hell. You're getting close to the gate now. The pearly gates are closing in, all right. Moving on, Mary Anne and DC says, I'm a forty nine year old divorced woman and I'm going on a girl's trip for New Year's Eve with my two married girlfriends. There's a guy that I just started dating, and he wants to come on the trip and get a separate room to bring in the New Year with me. The girls aren't bringing their husband, so they're telling me that I shouldn't have my guy there. Do you think it will ruffle his feathers and make him uninterested if I tell him he can't join me? Should I plan something with him and do a trip later with my girlfriend? Well? Girls like to have a little girl time today's self. But now let's do the math hill. Both they're married and you ain't. Probably why you ain't, man, avery time somebody want to do something with you, you won't drag your damn girl for you. Okay, Okay, see where are you going with this? Yeah? See your point? Now, what you could do is cancel on your girlfriends and go somewhere with this dude. All you need to find out if this dude is worth it all the time, and you might, and if you work some time, then y'all schedule something on your own. Yeah, but then if he ain't with you on New Year's Eve, you've been to find out a whole lot more than Yeah. Yeah, but the man that won't be in time with you on New Year's East usually kind of sis, that's a big weekend to tell Oh, that's right, all right, thank you. Clo coming up at the top of the r will have some entertainment and national news for you right after this. Anybody heard from Tommy, anybody you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Okay, so we all watch. CNN anchor Chris Cuomo has been suspended indefinitely Steve by the cable news network. This happened Tuesday, a day after the New York Attorney General's Office released a trove of text messages and transcripts of interviews that revealed his deep involvement in helping his brother, former Governor Andrew Cuomo, respond to a series of sexual harassment allegations. In a statement, the network said the transcripts, text messages, and other exhibits released in connection with the Attorney General's investigation of the former governor's governor shed new light on Chris Cuomo's involvement in his brother's defense. So CNN released a statement saying, when Chris admitted to us that he had offered advice to his brother's staff, he broke our rules and We acknowledged that publicly, but we also appreciated the unique position he was in and understood his need to put family first and job second. However, these documents point to a greater level of involvement in his brother's efforts than we previously knew. What okay, so damn what y'all see? The problem with Democrats is they played all these rules of righteousness that to other people don't play. Tucker Casson supported Kyle Rittenhouse the entire time, with money for his defense fund. His ass still on TV. Yeah, his ass still on TV. Steve Vanion ain't in jail. Everybody in Trump ain't in jail. See Mary, y'all see y'all sitting up here. You don't know how to protect you. It's his brother. What he's supposed to do another level improvement. Man, let me tell you my brother get in trouble. I'm there for him. How are you gonna tell him you can't help him? Though? It and CNN with all this self righteousness. I'm telling you, if he was on Fox and had helped a Republican, that would be no ramification you are. The Democrats have got to stop this self righteousness because you play in the game. You're taking a spell of personality off the air. Who is good for your network, good for this country, good for the Party of Right and trying to get things done the right way and exposing things the way down? So what he helped his brother? Yes, and he's an attorney, Chris is And if you don't help your brother, who are you? Yes? And their mother is still alive. How are you gonna look at your just my brother and you an attorney. You should help your brother, but you wanted him to do. CNN need to get off this self righteous thing because I'm telling you Fox wouldn't do. Do you know how long Fox stood by Glenn Back? Do you know how long they still about being right? Oh? Yes? Do you know how long they still about them boys? And they have some serious accusations. Do you know how long Fox stood by Donald Trump? With all that women that came out, all the women, all that stuff. Here's lawyer went to jail, Flynn, damned it, went to jail. Everybody around him. But but now no man, and they didn't helped him every way you could. I'm sorry, man, this is a bad move on CNN's part and they're to be shame of their self, trying to act all righteous and holy, y'all not and you playing with people that ain't righteous and holy. What you're playing that game? Fault. Yeah, there's his brother. Don't give a damn what he'd do. I mean to me, this is a no brainer. Yes, I'm helping and a bit yeah, I already okay, Yeah, all right, Steve, let's cut to the headlines with stan ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne true, thank you very much, everybody. Well, here we go. Just what I thought I was out, they pull. Yeah, it's happened. Doctor Anthony Fauci says the US as his first case of the omicron COVID variant. The California and San Francisco Departments of Public Health have confirmed that a recent case of COVID nineteen among an individual in California was caused by the omicron variant. The individual was a traveler who returned from South Africa on November the twenty second. The individual is self quarantining and all close contacts have tested negative. The individ Jewel was fully vaccinated and experienced mild symptoms, which are improving. At this point, we knew that it was just a matter of time. Before the first case of amicron would be detected in the United States, and here it is so Fauci's reminding people to get vaccinated, get a booster shot. If it's time, get your children inoculated, wear masks, especially in an indoor public spaces. Okay, Black Hollywood is shocked, angry, and calling for justice. And yesterday's apparent home invasion murder of eighty one year old Jacqueline Savant, the wife of ninety year old Clarence Savant, called the godfather of black music, could already say that Missus Savant was shot in the head by robbers inside her Beverly Hills home yesterday. A security guard also shot. Police Chief Mark Stainbrook says this one cuts deep. The Avant's family's contribution to the world of entertainment and to better communities across Los Angeles are unmatched. There are no words to express our profound sorrow for this immense loss, for Jacqueline's husband, Clarence, their children, the entire Avant family. Former President Bill Clinton his wife Hillary expressing their condolences, as are Magic Johnson, Foreign President Barack Obama, Tyler Perry, who's vowing to make sure that every available resource is going to be used to find the quote subhuman who did this? Missus Savant's husband, Clarence. He's ninety again. He's responsible for the careers of Michael Jackson, Jimmy jam Baby Faced, Bill Withers, and so many others, considered the most powerful black men in the music business, and was in fact inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Second time may be the charm for voting activist Stacy Abrams throwing her hat in the ring for Georgia governor a second time. Several TV stations removing the Doctor Oz show now that he's declared a run for the US Senate seat in Pennsylvania. Oz's show is being pulled off stations in New York City, Philadelphia, and Cleveland. He prepares to run as a Trump supporting conservative Republican. If he wins the seat, he'll tip the balance of the Senate back to Mitch McConnell and the Republicans. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show. Okay, Steve, we're in Dubai. We've been here for several days now, we're all here as usual. The question is where is your nephew who who's in charge of call me trip? Yes night we were all together. What happened? I mean, seriously, though, where is it? It's not Monday like in the state. We can't find him in the states, so why don't Why would he come all the way over here? He called? Did Steve call me back? Man? I keep hitting you up. You you ain't picking up. Don't call me back. I'm in a situation, all right. I didn't. I ain't told you, but since I've been here, I didn't. I didn't find me a camel man, all right. They just spoth do like the best time to get you one is the best price. So I got like a camel that's like half of half the price, man, and the best time to buy one is in December. So now, uh Emirates. You know they say you can take animals on the plane, you know, because they got a dog on the on the pharm but not here, telling me I can't bring the camel on the damn plane. And then the dude I bought the camera from its saying that you can't you know not you on um ain't gonna give me my money back? So I need your help, man, call me back all right, but I'm trying to get this camel back to the states. Hit me up. Did you call him that? You do? What? Why would you think I'm gonna mess up all these relationships in a good wheel. I didn't build over here. You think you think I would have gotten that the camel plane. I'm just I'm ignored them. Can't calling him back to Steve. He should be at work. He got another one another. Yeah, man, I wish you, I wish you would pick up the stand phone. Dog, I'm trying to talk to you. I know I'm running late, but at least pick up the phone. All right, So listen, I got the camel things situated to due. Gonna give me my money back, all right. I'm from the head over to this junkyard and check out these Lamborghinis. These as v lamb Morgini's man, they got one of them, got a couple of scratches, and they need a new motor. So I'm trying to get it to dude, gonna give it to me for I don't know less than half to what they normally cost. If you want to go in on it with me, you let me know, all right, but hit me back, you gotta you gotta at least call me back, Steve. Damn, all right, I'm late, but I'll be here all right, either one from a camera to the Lamborghinis and a couple of scratches. But it's half to right. That's cause it's half to call. You know, I don't I don't even have no time for I'm just you know, I've never been more. Did you return this call? No, I'm not getting involved with that. My name I got, I got good reputation over here, I got friends over here. But we don't know where he is. Steve, you have all them kids, everybody, all of that. Don't sound like he endangered me. All right, We're gonna try and fine temmy. Hopefully I'll make it to work. So ignorant coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, Steve, call him. You're listening to show? All right? So Steve, we're here in Dubai. It is beautiful, just beautiful. I mean we're talking about how much we're enjoying it, and I mean we had a beautiful lunch yesterday. It was just on the beach. It was just relaxing. It's nice to get a break from home. You know, no negative news, right, you know, no politics, nothing, happy ahead. Everybody out at the expo. Oh, yesterday took everybody out. You know. They posted a lot of stuff out there from the expo. They saw. It's a huge, huge dollar investment that they built this expos city. But they're going to repurpose it after over to become a part of just Dubai Center. Yeah. Yeah, you know, I got I got friends that have offices out there in it. Uh, it's just a great thing. Today. The tourism board took us to the name of that hotel is Bush La Bush La Bourgeli Rob Landmark. Yeah, it looks like a sale architecture, the food, the restaurant, the beach club. Dope, dope, dope. It looks like a futuristic city so out in the back of oldam swimming pools and everything everything. Yeah, thank you Lord for giving me this life when I was old enough not to mess it up. Thank you Jesus. You know that's that's that's a real scripture that your latter days will be great. Yes, somebody asked me recently or if you could go back to any age with what would you go back to, I said, sixty three, just last last year. Yeah, that's all. I think we can rerun that one. You wouldn't want to go back to your twenties, not my twenties. No, And so you know, it's just been a wonderful experience. A lot of guys went up to the top where the hell of pad was. We went. We took a two of the Royal Suite and Queen Hotel. Yes, it's pretty amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing of the world. We were on top of the world. Sir Monica kn't get it. And you think about how does the king live, how as a queen lived. We were actually in their quarters twenty four carried gold shopowers, your majesty. Okay, it was unbelievable. Just get in. There is just bling everywhere, I mean beautiful, beautiful beauty. And the views, oh my god, breathtaking. Yeah, taking the Persian golf, just beautiful private beaches everything. Yes, thank you. Yes, you're the best bus ever job. I mean, yes, it was really beautiful. And all the celebrities that are here so much fun, so down your earth and personable and everything. I mean, Chris Tucker, Anthony Anderson a con Malik Yoba, Yeah, Ivonne Orgy Yes from Insecure, Molly from Insecure. It is her birthday weekend and she is turned off one time for the birthday. Girl. And what's the um, what's the R and B st R and B star? That's he's a star over here. Oh my god, I can't he tell me his name. I can't set the tip of my tongue. I can't remember. But he was a great guy too. I mean, you know, he acts like an R and B star, dresses like an R and B star. Really, I mean just everything, just top drawer, beautiful, lovely. We had a good time. We had a great time. Steve. Yes, the party continues in Duba, I said, top drawer, top show. We took Sherley's drink from her, thank god. She tried to have a cocktail at lunch and she had one sip and Steve, give me that because that's not But I just like it because it's so pretty out in their pool. Get back here. But anyway, coming up next we'll have a brank phone call, but it won't be from the nephew because he's not here. Girl kind of order, Yes, Steve, get your nephew. Frank phone call. Yeah, Frank phone call with Steve on the intro, and you know how well he does intros. Coming up next right after this you're listening to. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject is baby making clinic. But right now Steve is in for the nephew with today's Frank phone. The reason I'm in for the nephew is because we don't know where he is in Dubai. This happened leaving message. It's not got no time for this mess right here. The name of the prank is eight and two. Yes, yeah, hey, I'm trying to get some also, uh yeah this Sam Di Sam tryam okay? Sam all right? Hey yeah uh okay. I thought it was announcing, Okay, it's it's it's Sam. Yeah, Sam Man, what's up? Okay? Uh Hey, my name Calfit. I wanted to reach out to your high at you about uh about uh your girl, right, your girlfriend? Yeah? Yeah she is Okay. How long y'a I've been together. We've been together about about tending the years, about what's going on. But listen me and holiday at each other for like the last few months or whatever. I wanted to reach out to you. You know, she didn't want to call you. She wanted me to call you. I wanted to tell you that, you know, she didn't decide that she wanted to start hanging with me. She wanted me to come up to the house and pick up stuff up. Oh yeah, oh yeah, really, maybe that's what's going on you calling me. She then told you to call me and tell me basically what I wanted to do, saying and just our man and man talk with you. Just let you you you that's that's what that's what's going on right now. Don't do it because right now you're just talking a bunch of what's up? Now what I'm saying any other days, you know, I'm already making room for her at my apartment. I'm just trying to come. Listen. That ain't none of it. It's whatever. If you want to come and get come do. But it ain't going out. We ain't. We ain't going out without a fight. I'm not tripping. I'm not tripping with you, and I'm not tripping with her. But you come to my house. Somebody getting from my house then it's going down, me and you, Me and you, So what's up? You're coming and get out because I'm on the road right now in these shucks, but dob meet you out. So if you're coming and get us, come on reading. Okay, okay, hold on though, hold on, let's back up and see. Like I said, I'm trying to lest you know where then when you gotta have no problem I want to do is come in the house and get her stuff and pack it up so I can get it over to me. You're just gonna come into my house and I've been with I don't need you. You think you're just gonna be We're just gonna be teachers in Queen. You got me. I'm telling you, do you come to my house's going down? And that just then she needs to be a woman. Why don't you bring it to me? Why she didn't bring it to me? You know what I'm saying? What fuck? Whatsout? What y'all want to be together? Nouvel? She ain't no more. All I know is she was feeling me. That's all I'm saying. She was feeling me, you know. She she's telling me. I mean, dude, you have a problem with her league, because that's her choice. You know what I'm saying. If she claims she want to be with me, that's what she won't. You know, I ain't knocking with nobody, do you under staying? But what I'm trying to tell you, she's telling me she want to be with me. So I'm just trying to get you to lift. Is it better for me or her to go over there? Why you ain't there? Ain't get our stuff? Dog? All this you saying? Now, I don't. I ain't got the rational lot thing with you. She needs to be the one telling me on it is and saying she can't do it. And you man, you man, you know who that what you call from? Man the man? Come get up. That's all I'm saying. Come hey, hey, Samantha, Samantha, Hey hey man, hey hey hey man, my name is Sam. Man. I ain't gonna tell you that no more. Already told you that when you called, when you first called, okay, Sam, so listen, okay, way you know what. I ain't even gonna go back and forward. You then shows me I'm gonna come get up. Hey. All this you talking? You're still on this phone with all that Joe jacking. If you're gonna come get up, I hadn't invited you. So if you want to bring your so over, you come get it. Tom Maiden too old. I've WoT ay two of them. Yeah, but I'll tell you this isn't much to it them back them them two down. They don't want to me no more. They don't want to walk with me no more. And like I said, tell her something with you. She ought to be woman to know what she's behind in the back in the background telling you to come tell me from me. Think that's the man I'm gonna and you came because you can like a too, I'm gonna so what Okay, Well look here, let me go say this to you then can I can I tell you what she called me? Man? You tell me you want to tell me really what she told you? But what what fuck? I just want to tell you she told me to prank phone call you. This is Nephew Thomas Steve Harvey Morning Show. A man, Sam, you all right, I'm just stay man. I'm just say man Man Nick Hill, Man, I ain't me ready. Hey, I gotta hear you say one more thing? What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. And Steve Harvey's show man. Well, one thing about it, he can prank is missing an action behind. Yes, so we don't even know where he is for real at all. This is as Oh, but they just stopped thinking. Robert watter Man and you know many Chris and everybody knows y regular to everybody. Oh man, twenty three days, twenty three days. You know, you know, I'm ready to go. You know, you know what I mean that big lawsuit, you know, one of the people at the beginning to show no about this hill. I mean a huge three trillion dollars lawsuit. I'm shooting the entire music industry everything, you know what I'm going through and doing it and everything. And I want my money for all the rights and rawaltising and publishing and everything. Everybody stole these hits. Wow, So what I mean Christmas? So what kind of road? Every song that ever was a big hit. And I'm really going after you thought it was just black, But I'm going out of white folk too. You have some white people on your list? Oh, yes, man, Like what what song? Oh I'm rude, I wrote a hit. Oh you ain't nothing but the hound dog. Oh wow, hum around. You ain't no hound dog around. Why you think women called me a dog now? Because they didn't call them dogs back then. They were just a song. I wrote it, Elvin, give it to Elvin. H h You knew Elvis? Yeah, well I didn't really know who Elvis. I knew his daddy, Oh dad, Helvis, of course he Elvis pretty what they called calling people old people of me and it was free and your little brother, whoa old people? You get the older you get, the more you peep. So I know I I'm gonna need that mom. I'm gonna need that money for that one too. Right now, there's so many hids. How many Christmas songs? It's in the lawsuit that's listed pretty much. A hold on, I know you couldn't have written Silent Night. Well hold on. When I wrote it, they changed it. Here we go here quiet nine, it's cold to nine. It was a song all Brian, whoa you know it? Nine? Yeah? Round up anybody that's a Vergin. Seriously, get your mama's get your child. So you wrote the Christmas song Silent Night, and the other day he said this Christmas by Donnie Hathaway didn't Oh Donny and Layla his name specifically Layla Harry. Anybody we have with thank you. I'll check with down little Zara. He be Morning all the way up to Christal almost stop and do something. Okay, Well, thank you, Roscoe. It's always good to see you. Hate it three trillion, Hey, Roscoe? Oh you flirting all right? Coming up next Strawberry Letter, the subject the baby making clinic. Wow, we'll get into that right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. And you never know, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Could be yours. Never know, introduce it, stee. Oh. He would go to ladies and gentlemen, Strawberry and letter. He probably wrote Strawberry Letter twenty three two, didn't you, Roscoe? It just made me think, all right, here we go, subjects baby making clinic. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a thirty nine year old married woman with six children, and one of them is a newborn. My husband is two years my junior, and three of my children are his. I was married before, so the other three are by my ex husband when I was married. When I married this husband, he joked about wanting ten children. He's not American, so it is his big tradition in his lineage to have lots of babies. I swear I thought he was only joking. He's not bringing in enough money for us to afford that many children. We're at six, and he's begging for more. So I have been dodging him since I have my baby eleven months ago. I told him it's not customary in our country to badger your wife and chase her down for sex. He called his mother recently so she could lecture me about the blessings of having lots of babies. We got into a heated debate because I told her my marital business was not up for discussion and I'm not a baby making clinic. Then my father in law got into the discussion and suggested that I allow my husband to have another woman in our relationship to fulfill his wishes. My husband was laughing NonStop in the background, but I didn't think any of this was funny. Now I see that I've married an immature man that doesn't see the big picture. Yes, babies are wonderful and I love all of mine, but that's a lot on me and we do not, I repeat, do not have the money for any more babies. What is most troubling to me is the fact that he's entertained the idea of having another woman coming to our marriage to have his children. At this point, I've had one failed marriage, and I don't know that I can keep this one from cheating. I can't raise six alone. I can't raise a six alone. So do I stay and deal with this or send him back to his parents. I don't know what you mean when you say send him back to his parents or his parents over here as well. But yeah, this is a mess because you've had six children and he wants more so and you guys can't afford more. That's a lot, a lot. I know there are women in the world who've had a lot of children. My grandmother have fourteen kids. You know all of that, So I know there's a lot of that going on. But you you're right, you do have to be able to afford these kids, especially now, you have to educate them, clothe them, all of that. It takes more than love in a marriage. And you know, to have more kids just because you know that's a badge of honor. You just want more kids, that's different. You got to consider the wife and all of this, what she has to go through. It doesn't seem like you, your mom or your dad are considering you know, her steak in all of this. So this is not a good look. If you don't want to do it, you guys should have discussed this before marriage. This should be such a major issue in your marriage now. You should already know this going in. If you change, you got to talk about it. This is hard. I don't know what you're gonna do as far as having kids, I having anymore. It doesn't sound like you're going to. So it doesn't sound like your marriage is gonna last If you don't, Steve, don't give it down. I don't even know why we're reading this to him now. Baby making clinic, i'ld have been through it. Yeah, I don't know how you have babies. I take my hat off to all women having babies. At thirty nine ye old woman got six kids and one on a new boy. She got to be tied my husband two years my junior. Three of them is his. I was married before, so the other three your ex husband. You married this husband. He joked about wanting ten kids. Obviously he wasn't joking. He's not American, so it's a big tradition in his limit to have a lot of babies. I swear I thought he was only joking, and he ain't bringing enough money for us to afford that many child. We're six and he begging for more. So I've been dodging him since I had my baby left. Mostly I told him that it's not customary in our country to badge your wife and chase it down for sex. That's not you, that's you. That's what you. The only false statement that you made, and this is ty letter I know you said. I told him it's not customer in our country to badge your wife and chase it down for sake. We have two married women on this show that have been ran down and hunted by their husse I just want to say that to you, and you don't hit him to nine a damn down. I can't tell you how many times they've been scooted it up on and you thought y'all were just gonna spoon, and a spoon turned into a facher. Yeah, well that's I can tell you right now, Baby, that that you just said is the damn I have chased it and badge it and chase down sex for years. He called his mother and told me, lecture me about the bless and have a lot of baby. You gotta heat of the bakers. I told your marital business not for discus. You absolutely right about that. I'm not a baby making clinic. You're right. Then, your father in law got on discuss suggest that you allow your husband to have another woman in our relationship to fulfill his wish. Well, I wasn't part of the original arrangement of manage that you all had. And I don't know what country he from, but I get into that in just a minute. My husband was laughing now stopping the bathroom, but I ain't in the background. But I didn't think any of this was funny. So now I see our man, an immature man that doesn't see the big picture. Oh he sees the big picture. He just he don't want he want to see it his way. Yeah, babies is wonderful. I love all mine, but that's a lot on me. And do I repeat, we do not have the money. Well, you're the only one that has power to make the children money. No money, wish, won't gotta have hope, I can do that. All that's fine to Danny, But you don't want to produced the baby and you don't want it to guess what gain you ain't got to do. It's to meet him mostes, but that he's entertained having other women coming to our marriage to have his children. Oh really, Oh I don't think that's gonna happen. So when we come back, I will explain to you the other half of what I'm thinking and feeling about this. Okay, when I come back, all right, Steve, thank you. We'll have part two of your response coming up a twenty three minutes after the hour, and the subject of today's letter baby making clinic. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter, subject baby making clinic. Well, here is lady thirty nine years old and man just due two years younger than her. We don't know what country he from. But he won a lot of damn babies. Now the woman already got six. She don't want no most so she's been ducking her man. Okay, naw, she ain't now, she said in this letter, I told him it's not customer in our country to badge your wife's and chase her down for sex. That's the only lie she told in this thing. It is very customary to chase and badge your wife for sex and hunt her down and nudge her and try to provoke her and plead and army crawl up on it. There's all types of ways and try to get to Yeah, start at the foot of debate. Yeah, just crawling in to be trying everything. Then your father in law said that I allow my husband have other women out of relationship views wishing and look, I don't know what country from, but I've traveled the world, so I'm assuming there's a couple of them that I can think of right off the top. Multiple wives exist in Africa a lot of times. It's customary. There are some Muslim countries that allow for more than one wife, but all of it has to be agreed upon by the wife to get into it. Nobody can make you except it usually has to be agreed upon. I'm pretty sure that's some exceptions to that rule, but that's just it. I personally don't know nobody doing it, but good luck. What's troubling to me is the fact that he's entertained having other women coming out marriage and have his children. At this point, I've had a fair marriage and I don't know if I can keep this one from cheating. I can't raise six and long. So do I stay and deal with this mass or send him back to his parents. All you have to do is put your foot down and say we're not having any more children in this marriage period. And if you go off and have a child with someone else, this marriage is old. Now. The little money we do have, I'm going to own all of it called child support. Yes, and because we're married, you're gonna end up paying a lot more than you think. You already don't have the money. So now go somewhere if you want to. This is what we're gonna do. Okay, are you feeling me now? And now here's the other thing. Go outside this to dge if you want the next time you shut your ass threaten him, I like it. The next time you close your ass. You better just sleep with one of them shut the other one better be on me. Are we clear about this? Christ Crystal Clear? Feel me, understand me, don't doubt me. Okay, I swear I kill you and your whole damn family, your mama included. Oh but I like the way she shut her mom down. Here his mom down. I don't like your mama. No, yeah, I like the way she did that. But the baby's grandma. But she said we can get another grandma baby here that long. She said, my marital business is not up for discussion to the mama. That's it, okay, all facts. Yeah, and the mom was the one that suggested they have the husband have another wife. Yeah, oh huh so it's cool. Ain't no problem. I bet we don't have no more babies up in him? Well the father did not the mom. Yeah, yeah, the parents, one of his parents. Yeah, I'll kill you daddy. I'll kill your daddy. I will turn in his head. I'll kill you daddy. I kill you dad in your mom. I stylish your mom. I'll kill your mama first. I make your daddy watch. I'm gonna kill everybody your family. Try me, try me. You don't know who you man, had these three babies, and I'm not gonna have another one. That's it. And you're gonna get down to this drugstore and buy yourself a pack of convince. But okay, how would you feel though if they could afford it? And she you know no, I feel the exact same way, because I think a woman's body, the woman's decision is solely up to the woman. A man, come on, all he won't, but you can't produce this baby. I am for women's rights when it comes to their body. I don't care what the man won't. You can't have the baby. Yeah, you don't know how hard agnancy is, man. Women be going through stuffing to bring some of the children into this world. Yeah we do about to fitting center, stretch my about all that shape for your pump? An here, you ain't even got no money in here? You tuning to me? Somebody? Everybody have popcorn? And that we tired eating pop Run him my damn popcorn and blown the sandwich. You make another blown the sandwich in here, and see what happened? Now? These are the kids thoughts. Yeah, stick in here, center, we're gonna we don't need a more damn brother sister sharing this iPad called six of Us and she just had a baby eleven months ago, not even a year old. Mama tell her, I want to use the iPad, baby baby, just let him use it one more time. He got no iPads sent up and hit his boy and he get to watch his TV show on third weekly, your TV day third sitting up in here. Man. She thought her husband was six kids and anybody, everybody infrigerator got their own shell. Everybody puts their name on the name money solo. You and here you got your own role of toilet titia and you get one role of marf going here and use it if you want to. Yeah, yeah, brand your Tarletitia to the tarlet keep it in your room. Mama waieis for soda on it? Where I just you just be down at the gas station. I really hope this works out for her, because that's a lot, a lot, a lot. That is a lot. Yeah it is all right. He's all for that. Yeah he is, and his parents too all right time. Now, um you know to hit us up, post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM and it's Graham and Facebook and check out The Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, we'll have some trending headlines and guess what a new mayor, brand new mayor in Atlanta. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to Steven Show. All right, Steve, we have to have to say congratulations to Atlanta's brand new mayor, Andre Dickens. Andre Dickens won the Atlanta mayoral runoff and becomes the sixty first mayor of Atlanta. Congratulations. We all know that Andre Dickens and candidate Felicia Moore we're in the runoff from the November second election, and there was a bit of drama with this runoff. You guys, hear about this. TI posted on media takeout stating that the candidate Felicia Moore was going to shut down Atlanta strip clubs if she was elected and to vote for Andrea so. But then Felicia Moore's team said the TI's rumor and that article was fake news. Felicia Moore did not support closing Atlanta strip clubs. The votes are in, though, that didn't cost Yeah, this guy is actually a good guy. Yeah, Yeah, what I learned to about I thought this guy was pretty qualified, you know. I liked that he came from the right part of Atlanta. Yes, it right vision for a land. He strikes me as a very very sharp brother. So I was really happy for him. You know, I think he had the right backing behind the right people. I just kind of pay attention to who backs who, and when I kind of see that your backing is coming from some people who I think might not have the best interests of the city in heart people, you know, I get a little bit concerned about that. So I thought he was He was a great pick and a great candidate, not saying anything negative against the woman at all. I just didn't like some of the supporters because I'm able to been in some business meeting and I just heard some people tell me, yeah, we wanted to win because of this that now, and I was going, that's really shake it to me. So I'm glad the brother won. Yeah, so we have to say congratulations to Mayor elect Andre Dickens. And once again, it was nothing that this woman said or did, because I never met her anything. I thought she was a fine person. I didn't like some of the things I heard from people who were backing. That's all I'm saying again, and they could have been lying. They had everybody backs for their own selfish reason. So I'm not saying anything negative about the sister because there was nothing negative to say about it. But I am happy for this guy right here and the guy. We got a mayor named Dre. Mayor named Dre. It's getting good. Now, what's up Atlanta Day. Yeah, you'll have to get to work right away though, a lot of things going on at Atlanta Crime. They've got to fix this problem with these malls. Yeah, they've got to get that. They've got to get a grip on Lennox Philps shops a buckhead. They've got to fix that. You you can't let the few people out are there making it bad for the good people who would be in there having enjoyable times with their family. A mall should be a family fair, that's right. I have commerce the city in the business and yeah, no, no, nobody wants to do that. So they got to get a grip on that. Yes, yeah, all right, So congratulations, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, we are in Dubai. We'll tell you more about it right after this. You're listening Steven show. Okay, so Steve Um, did you ever find out? Did you ever? I know we've been working. I don't care. He hasn't texted you or anything. No, he called you earlier. I dare call you. He loved a voicemail. I don't care. Well, Steve, it is your nephew and we are out of the United States. We're Why isn't that you cannot pick up your phone? Man? What is it with you? All right? So listen, this rental car guy Tesla is completely stopped told me, and I don't know. I don't I'm want to extend the car, but I don't know where to plug it up and it's supposed to plug it up somewhere, all right, But I'm trying to get to work. I'm trying to tell you why I'm late, which you can't pick up a dan phone. Come Steve please? Now, he really testing and he don't know whether this is who I'm having Jason for When we first started the show in La, Lord, your worst man about dealing with this? Like here, you really test before? Get he left message? Hey dog, look check it out. I ain't gonna make it, man, but I got something. I got something good. All right, check this out. I meant these people from um uh, oh my god, whatever, Lebanon. All right, I meant this dude from Lebanon. His daughter is dropped dead gorgeous, Steve, so listen to me. He I trust me. I got some my mind here with the movies and shakers. Check it out. His his his daughters dropped dead, gorgeous and she Actually he's asking me, ken I get his daughter into the Miss universe padge. Okay, all right, now he's telling me if if we hook him up with that, he gonna give us a castle and Lebanon. Come on, come on, baby, moving and shake us. Baby, I'm out here talking to him. So check it out. You know you talk me, well, don't check out. That's what I'm doing until I got to have everything right, and I gotta had a paperwork. He drawing up to paperwork. Now, okay, we put her in there, so you just have two people in there from Lebanon. You know what I'm saying. You work that out. You worked it out, but we're goin to get a counsel. See what neph you're doing. That's what I'm telling you, baby, We're gonna handle it all right, and I ain't gonna make it today. Let me let me do this right here. All right, y'all, y'all handling, I got I got this over here. We got a counsel. All right, I'm gonna sign our name. I'm gonna sign your name and we're straight all right. Hall of fame, the stupidity, the level. He just wants you to her in miss Universe, to miss Lebanon, what you're gonna do, But you're gonna get a castle. He's moving and shaking machine on twelve today. It's a second. You got ten days to put this woman in machin. What do he think they've been doing? Up and hit a dumb pod? What castle? You know? I was thinking that I really want who build a castle? And lever? Okay? Who told you they was gonna give you a castle? Food? He said he's getting paid for work. He's following up. That'd be great. He's moving and he put my name on that. But I could hear you that ain't must He said he was outside your name. Did you give him permission to ever sign your name? No, it's in business. It's called power of attorney. You have to produce that document for it to be Legitima, I'm not even concerned about that. And he said he wasn't gonna make it. He did say that, And I'm saying on the radio, I don't want no damn castle. If we can take that to court, I cannot believe me, Tommy, We're ind he was fine yesterday last night. Yeah, hanging out. It's Steve's rude. Who don't don't you have a driver? Yes, don't you have a drib? Yes? We have our own drivers? Individuals. Would you rent in a place where you don't know the way to do? He can't even read the signs on the front right, Yes, yes, but who would think he would come over here and do the same thing that I was over there? Oh yeah, stupid traveler and stupid as a Paris support. Yes, yes, it's apparently so. All right, enjoy your castle, Steve. We'll have more of than Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after right after this. You're listening Steven every morning show. All right, it is time now for tell me something good news. And guess what our girl, Carla Rihanna. We love Rihanna. Yes, well, miss Rihanna is a national hero. Now Rie was in her home country of Barbados this week when the island country officially cut ties with the British and declared itself a republic. Yes, Lord as nice, no more bowing down to the queen over there. Okay, yes. On the same day that Prime Minister Mia Motley recognized Rihanna as the national Hero of Barbados, and yes she is. She is. Who's more famous from Barbados than Rihanna? Right right? The Prime Minister also praised Rihanna with the lyrical reference to one of her hit songs, saying, may you continue to shine like a diamond and bring anna to your nation by your works, by your actions. Yeah, but being the national hero, that's a big deal. I mean that it's big. Rihanna's only the eleventh in the country's history and the first since nineteen ninety eight. Oh wow, So they don't pass this title out or award this, don't take it lightly lately. And Rihanna looked beautiful too. She did this statuesque you hear little room and every remind be expecting with athe Oh that's going around on Socichamadia, the Facebook and the Graham well, you know, they seem like they really do like each other. Fancy we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steven Show. Okay, Steve, we're in Dubai. We've been here for several days now, we're all here as usual. The question is where is your nephew who who's in charge of time? Yet? Yes he was, we were all together. What happened? I mean, seriously, though, where is it? It's not Monday like in the States. We can't find him in the States, so why would why would he come all the way over here? He called? He did that message, Steve, call me back, man, I keep hitting you up. You ain't picking up dog, call me back. I'm in a situation, all right. I didn't. I ain't told you. But since I've been here, I didn't. I didn't found me a camel man, all right. They they this is supposed to be like the best time to get you one, the best price. So I got like a camera that's like half half the price, man, And the best time to buy one is in December. So now, uh emrits. You know they say you can take animals on the plane, you know, because they got a dog on the on the form, but not he telling me I can't bring the camel on the damn plane. And then the dude I bought the camera from its saying that you can't you know not? He on ain't gonna give me my money back. So I need your help, man, call me back, all right, but I'm trying to get this camel to back to the states. Hit me up? Did you call him back? Dude? What? Why would I call? You think I'm gonna mess up all these relationships in a good wheel. I didn't build over here. You think you think I would have done that the camel. I'm just I've ignored that. Call him back, Steve, he should be at work. No, he got another one another voice. Man. Yeah, Man, I wish you, I wish you would pick up the stand phone, Doug. I'm trying to talk to you. I know I'm running late, but at least pick up the phone. All right. So listen, I got the camel thing situated to du gonna give me my money back? All right, I'm in the hand over to this junkyard and check out these lamb morghineis he's as lab as b Lamborghine's man, they got one, don't got a couple of scradus and they need a new motor. So I'm trying to get it to Doe. Gonna give it to me for him. I don't know less than half to what they normally called. If you want to go in on him, women, you let me know, all right, but hit me back, you gotta you gotta least call me back, Steve, damn. All right, I'm late, but I'll be here all right either away from ham to a Lamborghini and a couple of scratches. But it's half to that's caused. It's half to call. You know, I don't. I don't even have no time for him. I'm just you know, I've never been more. Did you return his call? No, I'm not getting involved with that. My name I got, I got good reputation over here, I got friends over here. But we don't know where he is. Steve, all right, Jesus okay, Tommy whatever man coming up in forty nine minutes after the Holy everywhere he goes, it follows him and precedes him. All right, coming up, it's the last break of the day. We'll have some closing remarks from the one in Elie. He bawled us out over here. Give it t yes, Steve Harvey. Right after this you're listening to what why are you sighing? Because Dubai is so beautiful. We can't stay here forever, Carla. We have to go at some point. Yeah, but I don't in a minute. I love it over here. Yeah, it's so great over here. The weather's beautiful, everything. It looks like a futuristic city with all this wonderful architecture. If you're an architecture student, if you're into architecture, you should come over here for real. Man, these buildings, yes, the beach. I mean, we could go on and on and annie about the beauty and majesty of this, this beautiful place and the Dubai and the people so nice, so kind, so clean here, just everyone is so nice and friendly, and we just love it over here. And quickly, if you haven't had a chance to see our pictures and you know the videos and all the fun we've been having and all the beauty and what's been going on, you can follow us. You can follow me at lips Bar Carla on Instagram, Shirley at My Girl Shirley on Instagram and follow Mississippi Monica at Mississippi Monica you can check us all out your girls out here. Just kick it in. We followed the way we've been having fun. We really really haven't. We had to say, guys, yeah, Steve's being awfully quiet now, but we just want to say thank you Steve again for such a beautiful trip, such a just a beautiful getaway. We had to work, but this is fun working, fun vacation, so we're gonna give it to you. Let you do your clothing inspiring remarks like you always do, and thank you were lucky. Yeah, you know, man, I was thinking about us and I had gotten into a conversation with a few young people yesterday at work and we were talking about becoming successful. And they asked me, they said, mister h what do you think is wanted the key components to being successful, and I wanted to try to share with them in a different way than I normally do, because you know, people think I'm repetitive, but the principles of a success are not going to change. You can find more clever ways to say it, but they're the same principles. And I told them, I said, you gotta get good at suffering. And they went what, And I said, yeah, if you want to be successful, you're going to have to get really good at suffering. They said, please explain that, because don't nobody want to suffer. I said, that's true, nobody wants to suffer. But in order to be successful, you got to get comfortable being uncomfortable. And they were young, and they were just really honestly asking me, but why are you saying that. I say, because everything you want in life, everything you consider success, it's on the other side of some discomfort. You've got to break through the wall of discomfort in order to get to whatever it is you want. I don't care what it is. If you want to win the strong man contest, you got to get uncomfortable. If you want to win a gold medal in the Olympics, you gotta get uncomfortable. If you want a college degree, you're gonna have to get uncomfortable. You want to climb the corporate ladder, you gotta get uncomfortable. You want the top position down at your job, you got to get uncomfortable. You want to make the track team, the basketball team, the baseball team, you gotta get uncomfortable. You want to one day get the world record in the high jump, you gotta get uncomfortable. You want to break you saying boats record, you gotta get uncomfortable. I don't care who you are or what you do, but if you have any aspiration of being successful, you gonna have to get uncomfortable. Because let me tell you something. If you stay in your comfort zone, that's exactly where you will failed. Stay there, Stay in your comfort zone, and watch what happened to you that you're gonna fail in that thing right there, because there is no success in comfort. Getting successful and having something in life and wanting more in life. It's so uncomfortable. That's why I told them early on, I said, you got to get good at suffering. So imma tell you something about Steve Harvey. You can say whatever you want to say about me, but I'm good at suffering, and you got to say, well, that's a stupid thing to get good at. Okay, call it stupid if you want to, But I got good at it. And what makes me be able to sustain and fight through all the things that have happened to me because of God's grace and his mercy and his strengthening me but the strength he gave me, he gave me of the ability to suffer. Well, oh, Steve, hardly know how to suffer. I have set within this thing with nothing but me and God so many times, so many days, so many weeks, so many years. It wasn't nobody but me and him. I've learned how to suffer. If you don't get into learning how to deal with suffering and discomfort, you're not going to be successful. I'm sorry to tell you that I wish there were another way. But everything that you want in life it's on the other side of some discomfortable, something discomforting. You got to break through the wall of discomfort. You got to break through the circle of convenience. You've got to break through the moments of suffering to get to what you want in life. You want to keep your relationship together. You got to get in there and get uncomfortable. You got to start talking about the things that y'all don't really want to talk about. You got to open up the can of worms that you wish would keep the lid on it. Before you get uncomfortable, you need some God, don't wait till you're uncomfortable to call it. Start that relationship. Now those are my clothes and remarks. I hope it helps you. In the meantime, we got to go because I got to go to work. See y'all tomorrow. Bye. Ill. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.