Music Trivia, Chicago, Washington D.C., Phil Collins and more.

Published Aug 11, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve is feeling himself and won't stop singing. Music trivia starts now. The Chief Love Officer has a "Boy Is Mine" type of situation involving a mother and daughter. Common professes his love for Tiffany Haddish. A couple has a viral video tied to that the crew discuss. Violence is still plaguing Chicago and Washington D.C. Twin brothers from YouTube listen to Phil Collins "In The Air Tonight" for the first time. Zelda Williams gets savage with Trump's son on Twitter. Today the show wraps the way it started with music trivia and Steve singing. Enjoy!!!

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Today's show is pre recorded, y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things and it's through good together. Please I don't join join me. You gotta use that turning you are you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out, then turn the water the water go. Come come on your back. Uh huh. I shall well, Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Arvey got a radio show. Man, Old man. Old Man symbolizes just one thing to me. Man, It's just a constant remind of exactly how good God has been to me over the years. And I thank him for it too, because I realize every day that I wake up that I would be nothing without him. That everything I am, that's any good in me, I owe to him. Now. Have I made some mistakes along the way? Yep? Bunches, bunches and bunches. And will I continue to make mistakes along the way yep? Not as many, hopefully as I have in the past, because a lot of stuff I know better now. But you're still going to make mistakes now, you know, Hopefully I've limited the amount of intentional eras in my life. I've wiped quite a few of those out. But from time to time, because we're human, we're going to make a mistake every now and then. The trick what it is, y'all, it's not to let the devil deceive you into thinking that once you make that mistake that that's it. You can't do it. You're falling off the wagon. You can't reboard it. That's the biggest trick that he uses. He makes you think that if you keep stumbling, that you can't run the race. It kind of reminds me of a marathon runner. From time to time I watch him on TV, and you'll see some people who finish the race, you know, in a in a nice pace. You see people finish the race sprinting towards the finish line. But every now and then you'll watch a marathon and you'll see a runner and the runner is in really, really bad shape. The key is they finish the race. See, you don't get disqualified in the marathon because you stumble. You don't. They don't. They don't take your opportunity to finish the race because you keep falling. That's not the key. The key is finishing. And a lot of times what the devil does is he makes you think that because you keep stumbling, because you're swaying from side to side, that you know you out the race. Well, that's not the case. And see and then this thing called life, let me help you understand something. Everybody falls, Nobody sprints to the tape in this one. Nobody just runs free and clear as some people running faster than you, and all like this. And some people gonna get to the end before you let them go ahead. And when the end come, the end come. I ain't in the rush to get to the end. But in this race, though, when you're stumbling and you're falling, it's a part of it. No one gets through this race without stumbling and falling, swaying from side to side. So don't let the enemy deceive you into thinking that it's over. I try to be encouraging to people because I don't want people to get stuck on this thing, you know. And my walk is very different from a lot of people's walks. And then I know a lot of people who walking in faith the way I'm walking in faith. But my thing in the morning is just to remind those that is not a perfect walk man, that it's not something that's set up where you're gonna be skipping through life scot free without any pitfalls. You know, I keep saying it over and over and over again because, like I said, when I was in DC, my boy Hondo said this to me, and it just kind of stuck with me that the road to construct, the road to successes always under construction. You have to figure and count on the setbacks and the pitfalls. But it's those people that that that that fight through will be the victors in the end. You cannot give up, man, Stop going somewhere sitting down every time something goes down. It's going to go down. It's a part of it. It's going to happen. It's going to occur that are going to be setbacks. If you go and sit down every time there's a setback, that's not how this works. It is designed that way. If success were easy, everybody would be successful. But success is just reserved for those who are willing to fight through, who refuse to settle for mediocrity, who wants something more. Now, don't get me wrong. Success is defined by each individual. So what I may consider to be successful. You may not consider that. You know what Bill Gates considers successful. I might not consider what Michael Jordan considers successful. I might not consider what you consider successful. Your boss might not consider. You have to define what that is for yourself. It may not be monetary at all. You know, your level of success could be tied up in community service. It could be tied up in family. It could be tied up into church. Your level of success could be tied up into boys clubs. It could be any number of things. Whatever your level of success is, you have to determine what that is you and the best way to determine that is to get in touch with your maker, who created you, to find out what your mission and your purpose is so he can put you on track. I just had this conversation with my son and we were talking about getting on the path that God has set up for you. So how many times we find ourselves fighting through life because of so much uncertainty, because we have no idea where we're headed. It's like one of my own sayings that I have at my mentoring camp for boys is is that a boy without a male role model is like an explorer without a map. See if you don't have a map laid out in front of you of where you're going when you wake up every day, that pretty much explains the feeling of confusion. The laxidaisical attitude, the lack of purpose, to not understanding your mission because you don't have not gotten in touch with your creator to find out exactly what your path in life is. What are you supposed to be doing? The moment you can identify that is the moment that you get started waking up with purpose, with the sense of direction. When you kill the sense of I don't know what's next or what to do. Now, there's going to be some confusing moments no matter what happened, it's going to be some uncertainty, but at least you'll know where you're going. So if you're tied a waking up feeling loss, abandon confused, don't know what to do, don't know what you're supposed to be doing, refer back to your makeup. Because when He created you, he had a plan for you. When he created you, he had a path for you. Now we've made some decisions to get off of both of those, the mission and the path. But God can get you right back on track. Do that today asking what you're supposed to be doing and listen. God has all the answers if you form the relationship. Okay, show, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, It is time for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Did I say it's time yet? Yeah? Even I wasn't ready. Steve Harvey more the show. Hey, good morning Steve. You're ready now though, baby, Yeah for show? Callin Pharrell, We are ready, Good morning, Steve. Looking over here, that damn Junior morning. Everybody in the building. Nephew, Tommy, Yeah, you ain't in the building. I'm right here, yeah, right here. Please good don't go, Please, please don't go, baby. I'm begging you so please, please don't go. Ah. I I love your soul. It was hard the hard singer, Babe, I love your soul to please, he said. The OJ's Yeah, Steve, you almost on the radio. Stop guess it, groups you young ass. If I say that I know that's Jay's brown. What if I say that he hit ain't bad? Sir? He stopped right away. Why did you say you were bad? I just said Junior was worse than you. Junior, total different era. Though. I don't say that shirt. Oh, I was just getting Steve. Steve Web said, if I just said the OJ, he'll stop. What But Junior, you do think you don't know it? You don't know everything? Well, you know what I think. I think we should have a trivial game, a game like race, and have it. I think Carl and Shirley, she asked musical questions only of Junior and Thomas. Ain't no need to include me? No, because you know mops. Stay asked what it depends on? Matter nothing? Now? I don't think you could if it was the nineties, you couldn't beat Julian When what was that? The era? Great music is gone? It ain't hear it ain't then? It ain't that damn show? Ain't the two thousands? What do you think the best era? What's the best decade? Seventies? Sam, it was nothing greater than the seventies. Eighties was still oh? The eighties? Eighties was moster hits? Now? Yeah, seventies birth all of it. Let me let me take you through the seventies right quick? How much time I got? Give me some seconds? Thirty seconds? Pebo Bryson, Yes, Al Green YEA, Marv and Gay Yes, Luther van Drowsy Yeah, doors altd ya oh James h huh yeah, you need moro? What say something? Say something, say something, say song. We gotta go coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour and get ready for Ask the CEO. And I think this music thing is gonna last for a little bit too. We'll see right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, time now for Ask the Clo. Listen if you need advice from the cello or the cloth as Tommy calls him, Uh, the TIF love Officer. Hell yeah, submit your questions to Steve Harvey FM dot com. Steve Harvey in the building. Are you ready, sir? All right? This one is from Kendrick in Atlanta. No, not Kendrick lamar Well. Kendrick says, I've been in a great relationship for three years with my girl. She's got a great body, mind and spirit, and we have great sex life. We have a great sex life. Her twenty six year old daughter is the spitting image of her, but a lot more freaky. I've never seen anything like it, and she got me caught up in a situation that I want to stop, but I can't. We've been having wild and crazy sex in her mama's house whenever we can. It was fun at first, but it's exhausting now and I don't want to get caught. I had a talk with the daughter and it ended up in an oral exchange. I needed to avoid her altogether. What can I do? They then new dog just would for you. If you don't end this immediately, it's gonna come to the light. It's probably gonna come to the light anyway. Somebody gonna know this is a no win situation, sir, especially if you're crazy about the mama. But if you was crazy about the mama, you wouldn't be doing it with a daughter or something. And do it all the way up, you know, do it? Yeah, go go ahead, father Tommy's dumb ass advice and just going to ride it all the way out and then pay the literally ride it sexual way out of it, you know, or sexual way further. Somebody's gonna end up pregnant. Oh I hope not, Mamma. Okay, um Kendall and omaha, uh wow, omaha. That's the first. Kendall says. I'm twenty five years old and I think my best friend may be a racist We've been friends in seventh grade and we are roommates. Her twenty seven year old brother is so fine and he's always been flirty with so we finally hooked up. The sex was amazing, and he told me I should break the news to his sister. I told her that her brother and I hooked up. She told me there's just no way her brother would date me, and he could do much better. She stopped talking to me after that. Is she grossed out because I hooked up with her brother? Or is she mad because I'm black and he's white, both of them? Either way? Either way, she don't think much of you. She said he could do better. Now, you can relate that to your color or your character as a person. Either way, it's the same if a person don't like you, a character your person. I don't like you because the color of your skin. Either way, she threw with you because you just slept with her brother and their roommates. You know she threw with you. She don't see you as right for her brother. Is she erased as possible? Very possible? But you know she don't want you with her brother regardless. Now you can all so look at it like this. Most women who have a brother don't think nobody good enough for their brother, really, right, right? They get real protective. So it could be just that, you know, and so now you know he say, break the news to a girl and tell her you told her. Yeah, now you find out how she feel about you. Now does that stop you from seeing him? That's up to you. Might run into something else when you go over there and tell her. Tell her daddy that though, and their roommates, Steve, don't forget that part. If she is racist, she didn't get it by herself. Hello, see you at the dinner Sunday. Guess coming to dinner? Right? All right, chief love offer. We're moving on, Jayden. Don't not on your head? Huh, don't don't go in the house with nothing on your head? What do you mean like what? Nothing like that? You know? Oh? Tied up in the front. You tell me I could weep? All right? Uh? We're moving me real. You need help. J D is an iHeartRadio app listener. J D says, back in August of twenty fifteen, I met a young lady on a dating app. After going to dinner and hitting it off, she asked me how I felt about children in turn. She told me she was four months pregnant. I didn't care, and we dated for almost two years. I helped her take care of the child that I have no biological ties to. The first chance she got, she went right back to her child's father. It's been three years and I would still take her back if she came back to me. I dreamed of marrying her and having a family. I feel used and confused. How did I mess this up? Where did I go wrong? She did what she wanted to do. To say, your fault. You can't blame yourself for this woman going back to her ex and all like this here. You can't blame yourself for that. It's just like women who always want to find something wrong with them when they do go off and do something stupid. It ain't your fault. She did this. This ain't you you, And don't take her back because she can have another episode. Just going about your business. Man, you can meet anybody to have family with. That's what you are, not just anybody, but you. You can find somebody, treat you right, love you and all this and let her go. Man advice, you can give her the hell of a conversation you had a four months pregnant too, so yeah, I don't know how you work your way through that, but oh wow. Yeah, and he was the baby's father for two years, not no more. All right, well, why why we have a little time with the baby's daddy for two years? Yeah? Yeah he got yeah, yeah, all right, Well while we have a little more time, Steve, if you and Junior want to get back into your music, named the coldest artist you can and our toppy you already know I'm going joas Why would you five see that? That's a band? Right, yeah, that's a hope what we was too? That was your best group? That's my group. You gotta know one we had Tony Tony tone Yeah, Commodore shut down, you know, playing with you come on, come on, all right, uh, let me go kid your family. So I love that album. That ain't even the same? All right, look at that nephews in the building to run that brank back all day you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne is standing by with today's national news and the latest on the investigation into that horrific gas explosion in Baltimore, plus an entertainment news. Um, well, we have a lot of stuff going on. Let's just say that. Okay, we'll talk about these stories. It's just a whole lot going on this morning. We'll get to the nephew right now. Would run that prank back? Much? An invitation to the party. An invitation to the party. Let's go get hey, Tommy. While you was out, we had held a vote that when you announce your pranks, that you don't announce it more than two times. An invitation. We just like it two times and get out to the party. The reprank. We all said that, and by we, he means him. Yeah, I know, Junior said something. Paula says something. Shut up, Junior. An invitation to the party. Let's go time, let's go. Hello. Uh yeah, I'm trying to reach Danny. Yeah, what's up then, Hey, Danny? How you doing. My name is Paul Man. How you doing today? Rob? I'm good, Man, I'm good. What's up? Hey Man? I wanted to reach out to you man um about your wife. You you you married to Nicole? Right? I want to make sure I got the right person. Yeah, yeah, again. My name is Paul Man. I know Nicole. Nicole knows my wife. My wife is Regina and uh, you know, we know, we know Nicole real well man, we just trying to uh we trying to actually see about getting getting you guys, uh come out and uh maybe maybe go out on a double day. Man, we all go out into town. So you know my wife Nicole, yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean she she, um, I got your number out of Nicole's fall and okay, hold on wait wait wait what you mean you got my number out of Nicole's phone? You you got you you you. I'm not understanding what's going on though, Okay, lie, let let me let me try to break this down to you. Man. Uh, myself, my wife, Rugina, and the Cold. Uh. We we've all actually been hanging out lately, you know then the last last six weeks or two months. You know. Now, you ain't hanging up with my wife. Okay, My my wife with me all the time, bro, So you know you might want to you might have her own number. No, no, you you you Danny right, I'm Danny, okay, and the Cold is your wife. The coal is like about five foot four or five foot five, light life, yes, my wife, but you ain't. You ain't hanging out with him? Okay, man, I'm trying to explain to you what's going on. And now if you want to listen to me school, I'm just trying. Okay, here, here's what's up. Get to your point man, Me, Nicole and my wife have been swinging. That's some bull. That's some bull. You know what you're walking up throne? Petough You just some bully, you you you know, just just just some bullet. Hey man, some buy I want to go. I wanted to call you and tell you what was going on and see if you wanted do you know my call my back the bone number for show? Trust me, Let's just break this down. How many Danny is it? Dog? It ain't that many? So I mean, dude, I mean, you're gonna be in denial? Are you're gonna go? And except when I'm trying to tell you, I'm trying to comfort me. What I'm trying to bude you to come hang out with me and the girls? You know, do you wanna? Do you want to? I mean this might be something you might like if you tried, man, because I mean, we didn't have a lot of fun with the color. What what the you mean that fun with me? You ain't no guy fun with the pole? So what you're trying to tell. I mean, you trying to tell y'all who we had fun with? Nicole? I explaining you. We We're gonna explain my No, that explains, man, This one buys Okay. One, I know my wife and I know she's a boy like that. And I never heard no, I hain't never heard of you. And you're my wife and we've been a up of a year, so this some bully. Okay, Well, here's something something you need to understand. Man. You know your wife. I understand nothing. You need to understand your wife. But I know what to I know, I know, I know the coone. Now I be cold. You know what where are you at? I'm I'm rolling through the city right now. I got to work. I gotta do. But I'm just trying to see. I needed to put my eyes on you. I need to put my eyes on your mind. Okay, A man, do you want to come do what we be doing? And so you trying to tell me that my wife and been with another woman? Yes, man, is beautiful. Dog. You gotta see it. Man, you man, dog, I'm just trying to keep it real with you. I was just trying to let you man, let you know what was going on. See, I'm thinking you might want to be a you know, you know, try it yourself. You know, That's all I'm thinking. Man, I ain't. I ain't trying to start nothing. You know what. More, I don't know know them, guy, Paul, I don't know them more Eno, and I don't know why you called him my phone? And I tell you what, when my wife get home, I'm a fine. I'm for this. Some boys this some boys man. Okay, problem, okay, dog, calm down though, Man, Now, can you don't call my mother number out of here? You're gonna tell me to calm down? You tell me you getting my wife? Your wife's thinking with my numb My wife was another one day man. And Timmy is the one that told us that Nicole was down. He who taught me ain't got nephew, Timmy from the Steve Arvey more on this show. Hey, nephew, time me man from the Steve Arvey more than show. Your wife Nicole got me to pray phone call you god man, that ain't even funny. Wow, Wow, you're all right, You're all right man, man. I'm pleased. I'm pleased. I'm glad. This was just the morning show man. Y'all just met me. But look here, man, somebody by somebody gonna get your You gotta little shan policy. I gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Ain't number one man show? It is? Say the name of the plant three times? Seems so much goods on your nervous don't suck up the whole minute through. I'mpping to fight over a minute groups with Junior. Come on, go ahead, j okay, uh Brownstone yep, the emotions thought he had one. I know I have you did you did that cold? I love Brownstone? Brownstone was cold? Junior, go ahead, Junior, Okay, black streets All right, listen, you're playing with your ass man coming up at the top of the hour, hold it on and National News holding up. You're listening to show well today's election day. Guys in the following states Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Minnesota, South Carolina, Vermont, and Wisconsin, please please please get out to vote. If you're not registered, please go to When We All Vote dot org. Guess what, It only takes two minutes to get registered to vote. Two minutes of your time. Okay, please do that now, different states, I have a different elections summer, during primary summer, having general elections, runoff elections. Yeah, but November third, we vocus. Yeah. Time for today's entertainment news. Now, this is according to a People magazine, Common says he is in a happy relationship with Tiffany Hattish. Take a listen. She's a wonderful woman, a queen and just a beautiful person. Man. You know, I just care for a lot, enjoy her and I'm grateful to have her in my life. So yeah, I'm happy. Man. Ah there you god black love Steve. That's called proclaiming, right, No, that's it, man, that's sit he in a man, say that out loud. You know what can you say? That's cool? I love comment. Man, He's one of my favorite dudes. Man. Yeah, you're happy for he happy. I'm happy. Yeah, we're proving for both of them. Yeah. Yeah. We want them to anybody that's been in the house since March to night and steal in love. Man, I take my hand off to you and that includes you. Oh oh of course of course. All right. And other entertainment news, Carol Baskins from The Tiger King remember her well, She says she has a own to pick with Cardie B and Megan the Stallion. While the video, yeah almost broke the internet, Okay, Carol was upset about how the big cats were portrayed, even though exotic animals were photoshopped in the Animal Activist. That's what Carol Basking does and is. She's worried that the video will glamorize the idea of rich people having tigers as pets. That's always been the case, right, ain't y'all having men? Most people got t hello you had. If you cared about the tigers, why don't you set them all free? Why they all down there? You're making money for people to come through your spot and sense right, Man, Get up out of him. Yeah, you up the tigers and all they did, and all they did was photoshopped from tigers. Yeah publicity. Yeah, that's what it is. You had them in that tan people's own off and everything because they really wild animals. Man, get up out of him. Of all the stuff you could have tripped on that WAP video, you picked out them damn fake ass tigers. There's so much to go on that people killed me with the said nothing about the effect that video might have on young girl. Now, we gotta get them tigers. That's what I say about them. Peter asked people. They care more about animals that they do people, Peter asked people. Peter asked people. They can't no sense, man, They care more about animals far more. They don't raise their voice about Black lives matter, Peter, don't raise their voice about nothing, no injustice, none of that. But to do something to one of them damn tigers. And here they come. Man, They got photo shopped in. They didn't have to feed them, They didn't miss no days or work from anything. And if you want to know the truth, the motor didn't even know there was a damn tagas individual. It came out. That is such the truth. Now what I was focused on. All right, listen, it's time to get caught up on today's headline, Steve. Let's go, ladies and gentlemen. This a and trip. Thank you very much, everybody, And this is a trip everybody. Authorities say that the coronavirus cases in this country have now surpassed five million, with up to twenty million cases worldwide. And now for the real bad news. Scientists say that the coronavirus is like none others. The Chief of Emergency for the World Health Organization, Mike Ryan, says that it doesn't follow seasonal patterns of other viruses. For instance, it was expected to retreat during the summer months. This virus has demonstrated no seasonal patterns of such so far, but it is clearly demonstrated days you take the pressure off the virus, the virus bounces back. That's the reality. That's the fact. You can call that a second wave. You can call that a second spike, you can call that a flare up. You can call it anything you like. But whatever you call it is something, he says, we still have to checked ourselves from. Apparently all year, President Trump was hustled out of his White House briefing yesterday because of a Secret Service agent who shot and injured a man who was near the White House on the street, actually outside the White House perimeter. That's where it was. They say. The suspect reportedly approached an officer and told him he had a rifle and then started running toward him. The Secret Service agents shot the man. He and the officer were taken to the hospital. Apparently, the President was never really in any danger. By the way, the President is now tweeting that Congressional Democrats should give him a call. The tweet comes a couple of days after Trump signed a few measures imposing executive actions aimed at the coronavirus relief packages. I told you about them yesterday. Well, Trump's orders and memoranda have significant limitations apparently, and will likely face legal challenges. However, the Treasury Secretary, Steve Manustian tells CNBC that he still foresees some kind of deal. I heard Pelosi over the weekend in Schumer and I think they're willing to compromise. So again, if we can get a fair deal, we'll do it this week. But the President needed to take action. He's not going to sit around. Trump's accusing democratically user being hardliners who don't want to compromise Democrats to use the Republicans of the same thing. The former Texas police officer found guilty of murdering her upstairs neighbor last October is trying to appeal her conviction. I'm talking about Amber Geiger. She wants to either be acquitted of murdering engineer Botham Jean or charged with the lesser crime of criminally negligent homicide, which would make her eligible for role. Geira claims that because she got off on the wrong floor in twenty sixteen, entered the wrong apartment and assumed the victim was an intruder, that she had a right to use deadly force. That's the argument she's making. Jerry Farwell Junior out for now as head of the evangelical Christian Liberty University. Folwell's on indefinite leave after posting a couple of photos won with his pants unzipped with a pregnant woman next to him with her pants unzipped. And he's also gotten in trouble recently because he was showing images of black face in a KKK. Finally, Today has loved the skin. You're in Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show where brown skin you're listening to show. All right, guys, So there's a funny black love video trending. This one. I don't know if you guys have seen this, but it's of a woman. She's on the floor. She's actually sweeping the floor with a teen tiny little paint brush. Okay. The caption says, my husband asked me to come downstairs when I'm done sweeping the house, so we can talk about the money I spent on ten Amazon packages I received today. So wife, yeah, so you know it's gonna take her about a week to sweep the whole house. Right, She's down sweeping the floor with this little bitty paint brush. She has no intentions of talking about those packages. Who can relate everybody? Yeah one got one yesterday, but just somete for my life, for my cigar life. Okay, Amazon they got and did I read the Jeff Bezos made about seventy one million dollars during COVID. It's possibly that's in the last four months. Yeah, just in the last four months. But I'm just saying, because we're spending so much money on him. Look, oh Amazon is yeah, okay, so you know I've been in the house. I do my own pedicures now, so I don't go to the salon right now. So anyway, I bought this thing. It's called a steady petty and its shaped like a triangle. It opens up, you lock it in, you put your foot on there so you don't have to bend all the way down and stuff. It's kind of just like it is when you go to the salon. You put your foot up there, So I really think I'm giving myself a professional pedicure. Now. I just got that yesterday. Yeah that's good. That's cute. Day before that, I got a yoga Matt just saying I got what do you saw doing yoga? Okay? Wait, I don't care you just about the I got the mat cute? What about you, Steve? What about? I got something known of y'all? Got what what? I got? Twenty foul cans of Lysol spray disinfected. How did you get that? I didn't get it on Amazon? Oh oh, let me think the market cases with fauld cans of lysol disinfected, So let me get to them. Now. You know what I learned in the COVID There is nothing equivalent to lysol disinfected. Oh okay, yeah, all right, Well congratulations Steve, you win. Coming up at thirty four, Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we're gonna get serious. We really are gonna get serious and talk about what is going on in Chicago. This is madness and Washington, d C. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the String Show. According to the Black information network. Chaos and looting broke out yet again in Chicago the other night after a police involved shooting. Crowds of rioters broke store windows downtown. They stole merchandise, they said, vehicles on fire after news broke of an officer involved shooting earlier in the day. Chicago police blamed the rioting on misinformation spread Regarding the shooting, They say police responded to reports of a man with a gun and were met with gunfire as they approached him. Officers returned fire and struck the victim, who was taken to the hospital in an unknown condition. The police department says this is an example of police react acting to rumors without having the full story. Wow um. Also violence in DC over the weekend. A deadly shooting is under investigation there as hundreds of people gathered for a cookout near Fort Circle Park when several people began shooting into the crowd. Police say one teenager was killed. This is so sad, and twenty others were wounded when gun gunfire erupted. Why why is there a hundred people cooking out exactly exactly exactly do they doesn't make any sense, man, Well people are doing it if we know. It doesn't mean Yeah, I agree, I agree, it don't make no sense is to shoot it right exactly. That is the part that really don't make no sense. People began shooting into the crowd, just a crowd of people, so you opened fire. I mean there's real problem. Yeah, yeah, you know, man, and like, um, that's coward it is. And the tough part about doing stories like this for people like us is we do the story and we don't have a solution to it. Yeah, because it's more than just policing. That's the issue in these cities, of course it is. Yeah, that's it's the real deal. It's lack of opportunity, the hopelessness that's fostered because it conditions are so deprived. These so many young people have no hope of participating in the American dream. Yeah, and it's understood that way. The reason you have zoning, the reason you have certain zip codes they get redline and things like that, is because they can get you in this area. They can control what you buy, where you shop, and how you live and if they can keep you in the oppressed sector. Now here's the upside to this. There are many people, all of us come from the hood. There are many success stories coming out of the hood of people who overcome and do really really well every day, but right, but there is a number that creates these stories that the media sensationalizes and blows up and becomes the headlines. And there are no stories about the young people who overcome, who win, who get out, who go to school, who end up with great jobs, who have careers and at the post office and or or a plant or a home deep or anything like that. And then it becomes a trifling shame. And then until we change the way taxpayer dollars are dispersed at the state level instead of it going to communities who pay the most taxes, where these communities can never come up. Until we change the way state funds are allocated, it will forever keep the less fortunate less fortunate. Part of that involves, yeah, filling out the census. People who haven't filled out the census. Census people are coming to your homes now and they'll have their masks on, but please fill out your census report so you can get some of these things that Steve is talking about. Its resources. Yeahs, it really is. And of course vote, you know, don't be so hopeless that you don't vote. I mean, that's what happens a lot of times because people don't vote, they don't feel like their vote matters because of things like this. This country isn't a crisis. Yeah, it really and truly. People are the violence, the pandemic, that's the unemployment. Yeah they We need better leadership, y'all. We need some leadership period. All right, we gotta go, guys. Time to switch gears too, because coming up next, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to morning show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today. The subject my fiance is a social butterfly. That's right, my fiance is a social butterfly. But right now the nephew is here for today's prank phone call. What do you have for us today? Now, just try to say it one time for Steve twice, oh twice, two times, try twice. Try to bring my breast back. All right, thank you for play. Hello, I'm trying to read Olive. Yeah, this him? Hey, you married you and age and Madison? Right, yes, I am. There's a problem with it or something. What's up? No, no, no, no, no. My name is Ricky Man. Have you heard about the last person that she was engaged too? Well, she kind of spoke briefly about you. Okay, you know what man. First of all, let me just say this, congratulations. Okay, let me let me be the first say that. Congratulations for y'all getting engaged. And I hope it worked with y'all. Okay, Okay, here here's who I call. Uh. We got we got a situation at hand that we kind of need to clear up between you and I. So what is it? And me and you got a little conversation we need to have about property. Well we're talking about property? What property? And the property we lived in? What are you talking about? This is my property? Okay. Now I'm not talking about your house or notthing like that. Oh I got some property over there that belonged to me, and I'm trying to figure out how we can rectify problems. Well, I'm quite sure if there's something not to pack up or whatever, you can come and get it. I don't know proper, what do you have over here in my house that yours? Okay? The ash the ashbo breast that she had belong mean the breast bread. I bought her some breast implants. Man, I ain't know nothing about no breasting plants. Okay, you might not know nothing about it, but the bottom line is I spend ten thousand dollars on some breasting plants, and I want my property back, buddy, man jee No, man, you're not getting back. What are you calling about? Pressing plan? I ain't gonnahing about that many, man, I understand you, I knowing about it, but I'm calling you like a man explaining it to you know. I'm trying to let you know. You know, I bought her some breasting plants. Now that's my property now, just like just like when it don't work out with with uh an engagement don't work out, you want your ring back? Well, I want my breath back. Oh no, man, if you had gable a ring, you can get that back. But just just man, what do you I mean? Come on, man, you ain't get back. Hey man, I'm getting them back. Oh I'm gonna be over there every other week being happy with with what I didn't bought. No, No, that ain't. That ain't what's gonna happen. No, no, no, brother, that ain't gonna happen. Now, I don't know what you're calling for about, doubt ten thousand dollars, the breasting plags you ain't getting. You come over here if you want to. When you with somebody, when you lose them, you lose every damn thing you paid for. So if you brought us and you're them, you should have about when you got married. You know what I'm saying. You should have waited then bout to damn tell them mine. I'm gonna be over here. That's what I'm gonna do with your breast and plans. So your money was well spent. You ain't get back. Move on in your life. Hey, man, you don't tell me whin and win. When I supposed to buy, I buy someone I feel like it. But the bottom line here is them, them breast belong to me. Now, No, it's gonna work. We're gonna somebody gonna pay me ten thousand dollars one way or the up. Oh no, no, you ain't getting nothing back here, man. You got to move on with your life. Man, when y'all broke up, y'all running together. No motive left with us. She walked away with him, man, that's it. That's over. I'm sorry. Let me say something to you, man, I'm coming over there. I'm coming over there and have a conversation with Madison about this, because that's who ever dently. I need to talk to you. No, you're not talking to nobody over here. You're talking to me like you say, man, the man. I'm letting you know. Man, your loss, your loss. Man, you don't get nothing. I can't even get my number. You get money. Let me get your number so I can call you back when she on the way home. My number on the breast, the number on the brush, two thousand dollars. That's your number. Yeah, okay, Well I'm gonna check it. I'm gonna show check it, and I'm gonna look at it every day because you ain't getting nothing back. Brother, Then mind your lost. Man, it's over. Let me ask you this, man. Have you even bought the ring from out of year? Yeah, I've bought the ring. That's what you do when you get engaged. I paid. The ring is bought, brother, Why I must ring calls about nine thousand dollars. That's a nice ring, Fete. The breath calls more than the damn ring. You're a cheating man. Man, you man, I mean I was about the ring you talk about. Look, dude, she going then breasts ain't yours no more? Man, you don't get back here if he was wing a pair of shoes or something, ikey that back? So what na? What na? Hey? Man? All I'm gonna say is this here. I'm goin to come over there and have a conversation with Madison about my breath because the breath bloss to me. You're not coming over here and getting no said, she ain't even here, But you can bring your over here. You come over here with your chest pushed out, I'm gonna push it back in for you. Brother, don't I got two breaths over there? You tell them the five thousand dollar and I want both. Man, Look, you ain't getting who g is you? You call EVERYX girl friend you break up with walking back. I called the ones that I'm in bold breast for thank you. That's a good damn wedding gifts. I guess he don't. Hey, man, don't don't let me tell you something. Don't you touch my damn breast? You and mean man here, Man, I don't know who the hell? Man, Hey, you can get on my line. Man, Who is this? I'm the person that on the breast. Do you know who this is? Here? You on on nothing over here? Man, You didn't took the loss on their brother. You ain't took a straight loss on their man. You got partner? Who is this? Man? He lost it? I ain't calling my phone. I'm gonna tell you right now who this is? His Pottner? Yeah, I don't want who is this? This is nephew Tomas Steve Harby Morning Show. Your girl Madison got me the prankfall called you? Oh man, what you ain't? It's cold when you cold? Man? Ain't somebody but temn me? Is it? They real? Are twa here? I know you're sopping to know what you marry. I don't know why are you asking me? I'm still what you told much you bust the man? You still got me? Must up real? All fake? You sound like that where y'all cold? Man? Y'all y'all need to stop that. Man. But I listened to you last people. You gotta laugh my stuff. I never thought i'd get got y'all. Well, what's the baddest radio show man? Steve Harving money sell that's the truth he got me, good man, You got me, good man. Y'all tell me how y'all feel. A man gotta right to get his property back, don't he right? You're gonna get hurt. Dog. But if I paid phone, if I paid phone, yeah, yeah, and we want we wound him like man, Hey, you should have gotten married for your investors. Now move on with your life. Uncle baby, listen to your move on with your life. That's all run into something you ain't counting. I'm just I'm just saying, shouldn't a man be able to get his property back when things like this don't work out? That's all. I'm like a ring or, you know. Come on, now, these are living in someone's body. No, the same way we went in there to put him in. If somebody had told me that you was gonna turn out to be this right here, I was helping raise you that time I lost you in that store, I just left your up. If I didn't you timent just what you was going to see everyone's first credit card. I told Tommy we was down there looking at the crafting tool. I told him, I said, hiding this tube box. They hide and go seeking. Yeah, you know the big dad and Tommy got in and I shut the door and I just went off and I can't tell nobody. My daddy said, what Tim said? We can go? I don't know. Don't you know? That was not nice? This was every week it was something and B gets something. Boy. My daddy found him in that tool cabin to beat Tommy ass right there at sea Us. But I didn't do it anything. Yeah, why didn't he get you? Because we was ready to go. I act like I ain't nowhere. Well, I can't find it nowhere. Then I went I think I hear something over here. My daddy beat his ass, And where were you going down? This? Boy? Tommy, you should have spoke up for yourself on now up. But you guys still love each other. You're still together. Oh you know now? But if I can, if then anyway I can get him back, I'm damn sure. Gonn Tray, Well do you bett, mister prankster? Hut? Yeah, you tried to brank them. You guys, work on your relationship. Coming up next, Strawberry letters subject My fiance is a social butterfly. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today's election day for primaries and other general elections in Arkansas, Georgia, Connecticut, Minnesota, South Carolina, Vermont, Anne, Wisconsin. Polls are open right now. Go to uh go vote and get registered when we all vote dot org. It only takes two minutes to register. Okay, two minutes to register, So do that. Get that out of the way so you can vote today in those states and then you can vote in November for the November third election, Okay, the big one. And it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Okay, and buggle up, hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject my fiance is a social butterfly. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm twenty eight years old and I live with my fiance that's thirty two years old. We have one child together and he will be the stepfather to my son from a previous relationship. I love this man with every bit of my heart and soul. He is an amazing father and an amazing man. But here's the problem. We've had issues where Xes have texted his phone and I found out about it, and I brought it to his attention. He still has them as Facebook friends as well. I have told him, if we're going to start a future together, our past have to be left behind. I asked him if he would delete and block all his exes so we could move on. I told him no other woman should have the same access to him that I have. He flipped out and said, I'm insecure and I'm trying to cut him off from the world. But I only asked him to do this one thing for me. We also had an issue when this girl came to our house to do this hair to do his hair, and I've found out that he's still texting her behind my back. I confronted him about it and we moved past it. But the other day I found out that they've been sending each other messages on social media. He's always the one who's preaching about us communicating about everything and working things out, but the moment I bring up anything he's done, he gets defensive. And he tells me I'm the problem. He always flips the situation around and put it on me. I found condoms in a toolbox in the trunk of his car, and I threw the box away without telling him that I found that. After seeing the condoms, I realize I have a bigger problem. Should I press this issue before I marry him or should I leave him now so he'll know I'm serious. You're right about one thing. You definitely have a bigger problem. I'm at the end of this letter and I'm still trying to figure out how he's so amazing. All I see is that he's a great dad, and that's a good thing. That is amazing. Other than that, I'm at a loss for all of his amazingness. All Right, he's still communicating with the exes. You don't like that, he called you insecure and accused you of cutting him off from the world, and worst of all, you found condoms in his toolbox. Now, what do you think he's doing with those condoms? I mean, listen, you cannot marry someone you don't trust. And this is going on. We say this so much on this show. Before you've even made it to the altar, you don't trust this guy. You don't trust him as far as you can throw him. That's why you're in his phone, and that's why you're talking to him about all these exes and all this marriage for you guys, I think is a disaster waiting to happen. I mean, you don't want him to talk to his exes. He doesn't want to stop talking to his exes or apparently sleeping with them. That's how the condoms figure into this. He doesn't like you confronting him about it and all of that. I don't think this is a good way to start a marriage. It's just not and definitely not a good relationship to bring a baby in, whether he's an amazing dad or not. Steve, first of all, everything Shirley said, I agree with one thousand percent. She's spot on, So you already know when you write. And once I agree with what Shirley has to say, I don't really go back into that. So now just look at let's look at another the way. You know, if you don't believe fat meat greasy, then let's just find out if greasy meet it's fat. However you want to do it. You're twenty eight fiance thirty two, y'all got a child together. He's he will be the stepfather if from previous relationship. You know, loving with your heart and so amazing father, amazing man. But we got issues where exis have text his phone and I found out about it, and I bought it to his attention and he got him his Facebook friends. I told him, if we're gonna start the future together, our pass have to be left behind. That's a fair. That's a fair. Most people can't move forward it with the future because they keep hanging on to the past, even with mistakes. That's why it's important that you never allowed mistake to define who you are. That's what you did, then that's the mistake. You may ask God for forgiveness, get up and move on. So what you're saying is really for I've asked him if he would delete and block all his exes so we could move on. I told him, no other woman should have the same access to him that I have. That's fair. He flipped out and said, I'm insecure, no man, Ask him, can you start contacting all your exes? Ask him? Can you could talk to all your exes freely like you want to and let them have access to you the same way them girls got access to him. I promise you he ain't gonna like it. See all this raining going on, it's really P. So all this all this raining that's going on is really P. But he's trying to tell you it's a gentle soft rain. It's P. It's pet that what Pete? It's not. It's a shower, but it's a golden shower and you're the recipient of it. And this is not nice for you. I'm just being real with your sister. Shirley told you right, but saying now, I got to get you to see it another way. Now you insecure and I come back. I'm gonna tell you why he said that. All right, all right, Steve, thank you. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters, subject my fiance is a social butterfly. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. My fiance is a social butterfly. Twenty year old lady living with just thirty two ye old dude supposed to be a good dude, But they got a problem. He's in contact with all his excess. They texting his phone. You found out about it, You bring it to his attention, and they his Facebook friends as well. And then you said, fairly, if we're gonna have a future together, then we got to leave our past and behind, asking me he would delete block all this excess so we could move on. He should do that for you. That's fair. I love you, you my future. I'm gonna delete my past so we can move on. That's fair. He should do that. I told him no other woman should have the same access to him as I have. He flipped out and said I'm insecure and cut him off. But I've only asked to do this one thing for me. Okay, Now my question is these people that he's texting that you found out about, what is the text about? Because it seemed to me like he a little bit more than a social butterfly. Okay, all right, Now we also have an issue when this girl came to our house to do his head. All right, let's pump the brakes. There's a woman that has to come to your house to do his hair. What kind of hair he got? Where a woman got to come to your house to do your man? And hell where he got a perm? Locks? Curl locks of braids, locks of braids. Okay, I've never had it, so I can't speak on it. Some of them look good. Maybe your man need help keeping here but here this woman come but now? And then you found out that he's texting her behind your back other than half? What did these texts say? You haven't said that, Okay, I confronted him about it and we moved past it. Then you say that they've been sending each other other messages on social media? Is he coming coming back due to hal What is these locks coming loose? Are they clip ons? What is they still talking about in these texts? What do you know about clip on? Really? A football player had him and then he was running and one dude grabbed her, had a full over, but he kept running. It didn't hurt when he snatched them out. So yeah, okay, he always the one who's preaching about us communicating things work out. But the moment I bring up anything he's done, he gets to fixed me. He tells me I'm the problem. You know why he does that because the best defense is a good offense. People who flip it all the time. Note that the best defense is a good offense. So now he throwing it on you? Now you didn't found some condoms in a tulbox in the trunk of his car, and I threw the box away without telling him or that fix it? Whoa? That was the last box of condoms doing the COVID. WHOA. Yeah, you found these condoms in the tuolbox. You threw them away without telling That's a good idea. Yeah, after seeing the condoms, I realize I have a bigger problem. Let me ask you a question, man, what are condoms for? Right? Condoms are to protect you during the act of sex. They do not double as party water balloons. You don't slip them on your fingers when you're trying to fix your car. They ain't finger gloves. Their condoms. They serve one purpose and one purpose only. Thank you. So now should I press the issue before I marry him? You're marrying someone who has condoms in his tool box. You're marrying someone who refuses to stop communicating with women, his exes, his hairdresser, everybody, and he got condoms in the box. Now, I'm not telling you, your man, he's cheating. I'm not gonna tell you that, but you do the man, and your question is should I press this issue before I marry him? Really? Surely say the best? If you don't what you think gonna happen right after y'all get married, Why would he stop doing anything? Remember this about marriage. What's going on before the marriage will continue afterwards. The only thing that done the changes after the day of the marriage, at the appearance of the left hand third finger. That's it. You have a situation and you have to decide what you're going to do with it. Yeah, I'm not going to tell you what to do, but you add it up. I don't know what all these texts about, but he gets real upset when you don't want to let him cut himself off from the world. Excuse me, what are your mum? Tommy wants to know why she's in his tube box? Ohs in there? It's just wise you in the tube box? Yeah right, because she's trying to find the tape measure because she wanted to measure just something. And she ran up into the box at count and all twelve them wasn't in there? And condom in two years I put him in the two box. She ain't gonna come in here. Well put him in there. Yeah, So that's it. I don't know what to say to you. Yeah, the decision is on you. But you've heard our advice and sometimes I use them to stop leaks. Though sometimes you use condom to stop leak. That's exactly that's exactly why you use Did you just not hear him say one purpose and one purpose? That's exactly what you use the FAU. All right, post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast too on demand. Coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. We'll have Sports Talk with Junior right after this. You're listening Stry Morning Show. All right, time now for Junior with Sports Talk. Sure that we ain't got much. We ain't got much sports, but the little bit we do have, we got an NBA basketball talking about to day, Uh NBA warred starts. Draymond Green was on T and T with Ernie Shack and Charles R. Ken. I was surprised to see that. Oh but did you see what he said? Uh? He said. Devin Booker, who plays for the Phoenix Suns needs to leave because playing for Phoenix Suns is not good for his career. Now they find Raymond fifty grand for violating the NBA's tempering rule, which states that a high profile player can't urge other players to lead the organization on national television. But he said just not good for his career. He should he should lead. And he's absolutely right that Booker should leave because ever since Kevin Durrett left, they need somebody over there. That's all he doing. He just recruited. Yeah, he recruited for the war. I'm what he's doing. But it cost him fifty thousand dollars. Now, if we take up a collection, they could probably get Devin over there. Well, they got a great team when they're healthy, the Golden State, they're strong. Man. But I was surprised because I know Chuck and uh Draymond had a lot of words, man, so I was glad to see they had squashed that. Yeah, he was He was good too, man, He was really good though. It just we made that one statement cost him fifty thousand dollars. But I don't think they should do that because they would have to a lot for him to have his opinion as a sportscaster. But I think for him though, right, because he still plays in the league versus the other guys that don't plays. I don't know. I don't, I don't, I don't. I don't know how they get charging in fifty grand for saying that. That's a lot of money many of the rules. But if he were to leave, they would lose so much more money though, right, Oh, tell me what you say. It was the rules? Oh when you start going by rules though, oh, oh you do the NBA rules? Oh? For good life, all this relationship advice he passed out, mister Reddy for love unless you, oh this bay right here, man, Ruth, Tommy ready for love? Unless you ain't, Tom that'd be a great show for you to do it, so good. Ain't ready for love unless you a college football to Big ten and Pact twelve. They are now think gonna postpone this college season in football is balled good, it's gonna try to do it in twenty twenty one. Oh, they postponed in college football. Man, I don't know who we're gonna do this. Man, what happened? So what happened? If this show last year? Though, Junior, that's that's so messed up. Yeah, that's jacked up, man, it really is. Man, but the spring in the horrible situation. Yeah, alright, yeah, all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, we have some good news for you. Tell me something good coming up right after this. You're listening to morning show, all right, time for tell me something good. Here's some fun good news. Steve, twenty one year old twin brothers Tim and Fred Williams uh document listening to eighties music on their YouTube channel. They recently got to listen to Phil Collins in the air tonight for the first time. You saw. I love it all right. Take a listen to their comments like y'all sleeping on, let him up, he ain't going ain't gonna lie you got man? I ever seen that woman? I ain't never seen nobody dripping beat three minutes in a song. That's funny. That looks good man, that's that's that's doesn't doesn't that is true. I never seen somebody trying to be on the Let's wake him up. I love them and let me tell you something, man, I love them dudes. I actually want to reach out to him because I have an idea for a bit with them. But them dudes, man, it's so they listened to Michael McDonald's I Keep forgetting uh huh for the first time, boy boy, these dudes was discovering what music really is. It's like it's for what he said. You know, y'all be tripping with us. We're young. We're young, man, they'll be tripping with it. We don't know this man. They listened to Stevie. I listened about five songs of that. They like Stevie Wonder, Superstition. They said, I hadn't heard of this man, but I don't know what assist. They said, Man, I haven't heard of this man, but I don't know what he did. They played Superstition. They went, oh, man, he man, listen to how he's singing. Man, Man, this R and B is live. Give me young dudes. I love the dudes, man, they're just not discovering R and B. Eighties. Dog, if they heard the seventies, they lose their mind. The eighties. And but I think the eighties for them is about as old as they can go. Because he's ninety eight, you know. But when the play in the air tonight and that drum dropping, he looked at his brother sir, he just held each other on the what's happening? I like how they was just kim pausing the song. Man, this man, okay, okay, I ain't never seen nobody drop a beat three minutes into the song. That's how cold that jam? Messman, I don't know anyone who doesn't love you could play this for thirty minutes of the concert jam thirty minute. I just think of Miami Vice ils so hard just now not to cuss. It took everything in me not to say the big one. I wanted to blurt that out. It called for that. Now that's a jam, man, that's wow. You know man, My goal is to sit with them as the sole teacher, Sem and Fred h huh, and you know, not not in a derogatory way, but just to enlighten them. That's her lyrics. Yeah, that's just sick with him and go, hey, man, now check this out. Tell me something y'all been going through. And then I have a song, because seventies and eighties had a song for everything you was going through. Every ye yeah, all right, we'll be back with more stories on the Sea Herby Morning show at twenty minutes after where you're listening to show and trending Twitter news. Zelda Williams, the daughter of late comedy legend Robin Williams, attacked President Trump's son Eric Trump over the weekend. Didn't hear about this? Wow? After Eric tweeted an old video of her father mocking Joe Biden, Eric Trump tweeted Robin Williams just savages Joe Biden and shared the clip in which the comedian pokes fun at Biden. Zelda responded in a tweet, writing, while we're reminiscing to further your political agenda, you should look up what he said about your dad. I did promise you it's much more savage, she said, gentle reminders that the dad can't vote, but the living can. I love all of that, all of that Williams daughter, boom, while you searching Joe Biden, look up what he said about your dad. Your daddy saying about the five black boys in Central Park too. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, alright, this is down five. Need to look up what your daddy said about them, all them little Latino kids that got separated from their parents. It's in the Netflix special Car Immigrations. Oh man, it's what they did to them people. Maw and are continuing to do is inhumane treatment. And you're saying this to Eric Trump. That's you're looking up. Yes, let's talking about people's daddy. Is now all right, We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to Steven Show. Okay, before we get out of here, let's end the show. Uh. Before the way we started the show, Steve, we were talking about music. Okay, Junior, I'm gonna be kind, I ain't gonna get mad, don't I ain't gonna get angry. Don't believe. I'm gonna take my time, and I'm gonna softly say my response. But for those that didn't hear it, Shirley was saying, y'all comparing eras of music? Is that what it is? Yeah? The Juniors the nineties, nineties, seventies, eighties and eighties, seventies and eighties. Okay, yeah, okay, so it's fair. This group was was They had a lot of groups come out this group, but new edition you got you know, Junior Junior. New edition was cold. Yeah. Man, the new addition still was cold. Bill be able to vote all the Bobby Brown. They was cold. Oh my god, they was cold. They could still toward to this day. Uh huh. And Philip Arenas there we go. I'm just gonna just say that, damn okay, temptation. Yes, you know that ain't fair, right, that ain't fair. But boom boom, boom boom, but new edition emulated in the true look at this food this man, see are you smoking a cigar? Put that thing out in the morning. It's for y'all. All right, come on, and another one. This one of my favorite arm B saints in my ear too. Man. Oh you're going with single voice singers. I'm just gonna just man, you're gonna lose this. I'm just nice, okay, But why cannot act like Joellavert didn't didn't come out John of Eddie. So that was damn near fail. And that's Cleveland and was a personal friend. I used to go buy his house. My first opening act was with the vote down and Chilis. But when I love jeral Vert and I still listen to him. He tried to hurt me with that one. He did, he did, so now I'm at to staying your young ass. What you're gonna say is daddy who made Gerald d get it? Who Gerald copied his voice after that damned vot. Okay, because you gets so aggressive, I'm still making hits. All right. We're getting out. We're getting out, coming up our last break of the day, in our last breaking down, I'm gonna do the close remark, but I want you to do two three more and you know we'll be back in forty nine minutes after. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, here we are last break of the day. Looks like you have some more in you, but you have to calm down. Now. We're doing music. Trying to hurt me with Gerald though from the seven hit it all right, so broke him back down. He rolls up strong, but slapped him back down. These dudes here, man, these dudes had had hits. Okay, okay, I'm gonna tell you right now. This dude name he had a group called Yes they did gro me me who jown They got him? Yeah? Yeah, there were some bad boys right there. Okay, oh yeah, okay, Pizza my love, come on with it, big dog. What you got this is easy right here? You know I could just let me know when y'all wanted, Well, that's a that's a that's a three person group. So you need a three person group, A three person group. That's because he said three members in the group. Yeah, I was talking about guy. Yeah, you know, just a group, Scott be a group? Can't three people? Three people? Get your hands stung with the supremes. But I'm not gonna do that. I'm gonna go with the guy. Here we go, ready with that ready group, small group, n V I s l E. Why brothers, I can't with you all right? As the brothers like sighting, fighting power you like? Yeah? Ok on before closing remarks, try to get a single sing I got one. Oh, I'm gonna hurt this point. Pretty much is responsible for the nineties. No, I know who you're gonna say, already know he means a lot to me too. I'm gonna put the initial right here on my plate. Okay, baby faith, Oh okay, nah, not only kiss, he wrote, out standing dagger, Steve, you got you gotta pick your big lip up now, come on, don't know who you play it with. You don't even know. He didn't say I got options. I ain't even gonna tag you with the heavy hit us, you wanta go with baby fast face? Just something that you told me stayed in my hand. Oh my lord, and I'm so into you. I'm sot you. I don't know, Junior, come back what Tommy Junior is still in there with baby boy. I just I just said the doctor j votes. I love baby Face, baby Face cold. He wrote a lot of hits singing Peebo Bryson. Come on, now, I'm what You're only right? Try one more, Junior, please try just tried you all right? Come on? Is this a single artist? What you want to be a single artist, whatever you want to do? Okay, see this right here? All right? I love this brother's voice because he sang hard too. Come on, okay hard sank tyrese. I'm not gonna lie. You can't tell Verry white h oh dog skinned people very white? Something wrong with me? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, okay, all right the last one because that was my next pick though, go ahead, okay, okay, describe this one. Okay, this brother here, This brother came out around two thousand, uh first R and B saying I saw with Jeane Zone and Timberlin. Yeah, okay, okay, come on, jahem, I'm just I can't say I don't know what happened, but and when he started? Yeah, right there not you know you could just go straight to the grass. Oh, since we talk, my hard singer over, game over, you get I get teddy thing? Thing was h teddy song? Steve, go ahead, turn them off. Light of a sexy moved Steve, tell him the around t's voice. I like it. Get out and vote, yes, don't play weedy. We gotta get rid of this food. Get out vote. Let's take a shower, shower to get him. Vote before you go to vote. I watch your body, you wash mine you. Hey, y'all we get you got the vote. I got called him in the music. I've got to tell y'all the vote we got to get for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening today Harday Morning Show