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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them back, just like the molding buck things. And it's tough to be true. Good to the hardy listening to me together for stolen Hoby, Why don't you joy? Yeah? Joy in period. You're doing me, honey. Say you gotta turn Yeah, You're going to you. You gotta turn you to turn love, turn you love. You got to turn out to turn the water the water go comy, come on your back. Uh huh. I show will a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, do tickle me when I said, but I do like I say always. It just is a constant remind of of how good God has been, of all the things he's brought me through, all the challenges he's allowed me to overcome, all the times he's forgiven me, all the times he's allowed me to get it all wrong and turn around and get it right. And I still got a lot of challenges in front of me, still got a lot of changes. I probably need to make some of my question to you is what's stopping you from having the life that you want? What's stopping you from having the life that you want? I don't really know a person that doesn't want a good life for themselves or for their families. Now, I know a lot of people who have been beaten down by the process, who because of some mistakes and some setbacks, some mishaps, a set of circumstances. Uh, sometimes just life just deals them a hand of cards and and they just figure it's all defeat. I know a lot of people who have given up on achieving the life of their dreams, but I know they still want them if they could get to them, But they just allowed to settle for so many reasons. So who I'm talking to is you today, what's really stopping you from having the life that you want? What's really at the core of stopping you? What is that? Is it your friends or your associates. Is it the fear of what you think somebody else will think of you if you decide to change. Is it what I used to call the call of the wild? Is it the fact that you keep thinking that the thing that you're doing that's providing you these momentary moments of pleasure that really ain't really good or healthy for you. You don't want to stop doing that because you've got just a little bit more something else you want to do. I call that the call at a while. You know, it's just out there the streets is calling you. Them lights is calling you, you know them, girls is calling you them Guys that's on the wrong side, keep calling you. You can't seem to make a decision by the right guy. You keep picking the wrong guy all the time. What is it that stopping you from having the life that you really want to have? So whatever the reason you're choosing, that's the reason that's stopping you from having the life that you want to have, it's no good because at the end of the day, here's the real deal. See, God is available, and God is available for all of us, and God has a plan for all of u. And God wants the very best for all of us. That's the truth of the matter. So now what we're gonna do to get started having that life? First of all, if it's your friends, I want you to understand something. Your friends can't save you. A lot of your friends offer no real help for you. Most of your friends don't have the answer themselves. I mean, it's just a wide range of reasons, and misery love company. So usually when your friends are in a bad position, they kind of like company in that bad position. Your friends ain't going to church, You're gonna be their friend. They don't really want you to go to church. You know, your friends don't pray, so why would they offer up prayer as a solution to you. You know, your friends don't really really get the fact that if you treat people better, people would treat you better. So what's that? So your friends are a lot of times the reasons, you know, to peer pressure of what and then the thought in your mind of what they're gonna think once they find out I don't do what they do anymore. Who cares what they think other than you? I mean, really, you can't let what somebody thinks if you stop you from having the best life you wanted to have. If I went by that theory right there, I wouldn't I wouldn't even be on this mic this morning. I would have never become a stand up I would have had I listened to the people around me who clearly told me when I quit my job to pursue this boy, don't you quit your job? You got a family, boy, don't you do this? You ain't got no bit dad, ain't ain't no security in that. Get yourself a job. Go down here and with your brother, go to work over here, go to I heard all of that. I didn't let that stop me from pursuing this. Why would you allow that to stop you from pursuing your relationship with God so you can have the best life you could possibly have. You gang bang because they convinced you that this is the family situation and love that you don't have, And they've convinced you that this is your only way, your only source of getting over And then you drum up these ignorant reasons man for staying with it. But they sound so good when you're listening to everybody else you're surrounded by, telling you why we gang banging, Why we're holding this blockdown while we slang in this thing here right here, Why we're letting it go like this here. You keep listening to them when all in your heart of hearts you know this ain't right, You already know, but you allow that form of the call of the wild, that wanting to be accepted by a group of people who trying to get you to accept the way so you can further their progress. To even prove that you're worthy to be around them, you got to commit some type of crime to even prove that you're worthy to be around them. Then when you get busted on the crime, what happens to that? Where your family? And now they don't come down there to see you because guess what, they can't turn in their idea to deaths at a law enforcement center. So now your homies can't come visit you. And then you know your family back out here, they ain't taking care of your family because it's all about them. And then you learn that what is it to stopping you from having a life that you always wanted to have? What is it? Why are you a repeat offender? Why do you keep checking yourself back into that institution? Why? Man, why won't you get it together? Why won't you give God a try? Why won't you disassociate yourself? Why would you continue to be a part of a revolving door system and becoming the farm system for these institutions that ain't got nothing for you? But you keep going back in there, and then every time you go in there, and then your little homies or your gang banging, little little silly little friends. Try to make you think that's a badge of honor. There's no badge of honor. Man, that's one mode. What's one more scratch on that record, That's one more That's one more nail in that coffin. That's one step closer to that third strike where you ain't gonna ever get out. It's one step closer to that graveyard. You keep on. Why would you not give God to try? Why would you not go and see what your life could really be? What is it that's stopping you? What is it? Because see, I got news for you. There's nothing like waking up free. I don't care who you are. There's nothing like waking up with the joy in your heart. Now, if you ain't gonna be free, get the joy in your heart, the satisfaction of knowing that you're accomplishing something with your life. Help somebody behind them bars, get in the program. Show these young cats when they come in a better way. But don't you dare sit there man and just ride it out, and man, just just go and get the fullest life that you can have. What you know, what it feels like to wake up and be on your a somewhere, knowing that you have something to accomplish, that you can change somebody, that you can stop somebody from going down the road you went down. It's a whole lot of ways to make your life better. But why would you not go and have the best life you can have? What is it that's stopping you? What is it really really? So you think that Satan really has your best interests at heart? That della thing your mama kept telling you about praying, you wasn't listening. It was you. But you know, it ain't ever too late to get back to that, and ain't ever too late to get back to where you're from. It ain't ever too late go back home. It ain't ever too late to turn around. It ain't ever too late to get your life together. It ain't ever too late to seek God, and it ain't ever too late to pray. Don't forget to pray, don't be ashamed to pray, and don't be too proud to pray. Because prayer changes things. Prayer change people too. I'm a witness to that. You're listening to morning show. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to the ride. That's right, it's to see you happy morning show. It's the nephew, that's right. You know that voice, the nephew holding it down. It's Monty, y'all, Yeah, it's Monty. That's m O E and t eat Monkey. It's Monty and welcome to the Monty rad This is the Monty Rat Monty Rat difference. Then two, the music, the Monty You're difference. I'm not different. I'm the saying. I'm being stupid. You can't say yo, d's now time of the morning. Call it? What to do? How are you doing? I'm good? How are you happy? Happy? Monty? Every month? That sounds so crazy. Stop saying that. Shirley book, Uh, good morning, Hey my girl, Shirley Strawberry nephew holding it down? What's going on? Everybody in the village? What's happen everybody? What is going on? What a weekend? This is Monty? This Monday? To me, I'm not going tomorrow. No, I'm not going to Tea and Jay. You usually this weekend. What's wrong with Monday? It's Monty? You said it right, trying I'm fine, you know it's difficult for me, but I try try to hang a good weekend? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, wonderful. Well okay, as you know, we're going to Paris, okay, not a packing yeah god, but I finished, except for my toiletrees because they use those this morning. But well, we hope, yeah, you're taking a toilet. We hope you just leave here. I saw Joe Wallace's mama spend the weekend with her. You're not gonna do it. You're not gonna do it. The first movie out, Are you kidding me? Was like, okay, you got me. I'm thinking I didn't mean you guys were that close. Okay, when I tell you this is her best work, it was. I was so proud of her. She was so good. I mean, when you want when she walks on the screen, she just takes it all up. It's just so good. Friend my friend too, but his mama is good in that movie. I'm just so much fun. Did you see yeah? Yeah? Oh yeah, I had to go see that. Yeah, I called a Thursday night. Yeah. Do you like it? I loved it? Great guy, Yeah, I loved it. Okay, great, that's really good. Season is still the truth? Ltte? Oh is he is? He? Okay? Good? But he go through now he go the great one to do, tell me all the great ones to do. Yeah, he's going through you gotta see. Okay, I have tickets, but you know, and I'm not going to a little way because a lot of people have not seen the movie. But he hooks up with a white woman and just you know, just yes, tell you y'all could go see this movie in Paris, in a different language and in French. Yes, all right, listen, Oh this is Judge what it's just my man? We wait, Oh my goodness. All right, listen, it's time for something funny when we come back. Okay, we'll talk about bitterness, breakups, how not to be better when we come back. All right, stick around, you're listening to Steve Show. All right, Steve still out. The crew is here. It is time for something funny, right, and now we're gonna talk about simple steps to help you menade your broken heart. You shouldn't be bitter relationship, you should be every everything, holdships. If you don't in right, somebody should be for angurance. A vengeance is mine, said the Lord here seven done. So talk about your latest breakup or your last breakup. I'll say, oh it was horrible, it real horrible. Yes, because I like to get even. I like to get even. Believe all listen, I got right here and you don't want no more problem. Oh oh, Carl, I shovel, I show up on your job. We break up. When I say we break up, I have you know what I'm saying. If I have not said we break up, we still go together. The honest is on you right time something. Now you are back, boys, Okay, my girlfriend husband is what broke us up? Yeah, you know she's gonna You're gonna she's gonna tell me my wanted us to have a heart to heart talk, come clean and put everything on the tape on the table. I say, well, what does that mean? I tell him about us and everything? What make you do that? You know what? He's absolutely right side, he says, broken up more relationships than anything. Always, Yeah, they should about being selfish. I wanted to clear that everything talk. But you know what, it's funny that you guys say that because women stay in relationships way longer than they should, because they're always stay relationships after y'all and left, relationships still be there. We're emotional and we don't want to hurt your feelings, you know, we want to let you down easy and all of that kind of stuff. Yeah. Sometimes so sure you gotta you Guys sometimes with women were saying in the relationship because we've just invested time. Yeah, we put it all this time, and then we're gonna break We break up and then you go with somebody else. I'm just saying. And we don't want to get with anyone else. We hate the whole process of getting learning someone new, but we with somebody done next day. Yeah, exactly, that's the difference. Yeah, that's what you're saying. But I don't want you with anybody else. Wants I break up with you? Not for a while, that's already happy because that hurts my spirit, the spirit spirits involved. Yeah, to see that you have moved on. Once I decide, Once I decided, and we're not together, that should be a great period time before you see anybody. You know what I'm saying, I don't need to be out with somebody. In seeing you with somebody and she's look because that hit Try none of that, especially after a certain age you're like whatever, Okay, So let me ask you this, Jay, what's the best way to break up? The best way? When I said so no, No, we generally speaking to face or you know young people. Now, well, now there's people are texting. Yeah, that's that's that's the whippy way. Yeah, that's why she crazy. You might need to text hunt. No, wait a minute, but men like crazy. You all like crazy. We don't want to crazy it on the way out. Oh you want to draw then? Yeah, texting is so impersonal. It's so yes, I'm gonna I'm actually gonna break up with you like Game of Throne. The raven gonna bring the note. That's how you're gonna get the bed's gonna show up with the note, rolled up the crest. Put the crest on it, your family crest. We're done. So well, you brought it up. Nephew, you brought it up. I don't see. I gotta step out of the conversation because I don't watch that show. Everybody else watches. I lost it. I'm the only one when they when the dragon showed up, I'm like, I've had enough. I gotta that's when it got good. That's what everybody is. I saw them talking about on MSNBC. My friend Jacket. She was trying to explain it like it came back with last night. I don't know, you don't. I took the little guy being in charge about all of that, the smartest, the smartest, the wars and the fighting, and then they start raising dragons. I'm like, okay, I'm not wrote a dragon or dragon breath. I've been with dragons breath. But let me say this, Thrones is pretty much the best show TV. Pretty you guys do let me everything got me watching Power, watching Power. I don't have the time to invest in another show. It gets in my spirit. What do you watch? I watch Power, and I'm all, that's a lot of news, the news and weather. I'm on it. How when you get older, you watch it? Love it yourself at home? I'll just yes, what do you watch? I watch Power? Not definitely I watch Power. I watch throw House, the House of Cards and rat down of It. Those are my four favorites. Weather, the News, Law and Honor, and Power. Watching the old run back Jesse my favorite duo. Coming up, Church Complaints. It's Monday. You know you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Here we go coming up at the top of the hour. Were gonna have National News with with Sam. She is in the building. We're gonna talk about the Emmy nominations. But right now, right now, it is that time. Reverend adnoid Uh, Deacon def jam also in the building, church complaints and church. What happened yesterday? Good, good morning, and good money. Get welcome to the j P j J. That's the jack pot joint j Roselatin change ching Holly haelllujah, hallelujah. Yes, as you know, pastor is out. But of course his brother, Reverend ad Noying is Ian with us uh and he's been actually preaching all of the sermons since past it has been out. Good morning, reverend, and not to you. You know, when you have your belt poop and like the hood of you breathe, it makes you dry. You mars seen your Standn't tried that. I've tried all of that. Don't you stake you cover up with stuff I've not tried original. I've been living with this. Go right ahead, shrap. Do you have anything that you can moist? And I've tried lifting. Hey, I've tried it. They have some special dry mouth that mouthwash they have to waste the day. But it all right, all right. Try to eat your box. Just eat the box that eat you about this. Go right ahead, shrip so I cut you alright, We're gonna start with complaints as well. It's uh rever that will be mixing in church announcement. Yeah, we complain and announced at the same time. All right, listen, rearing that nor you have to make a decision. Pass the pop. Squalte Johnson from Pop I'm sorry, I'm gonna say that again past the pop. Squality Johnson from Short House Baptist Church. You know this is where all the members are little people. Yeah, they would be visiting us for three PM service. Now here's the problem. They have seventy five little people after Pop Squally wants us to get little bibles and little pews for them to sit on during the during the service. And we really it's up to you if you're gonna purchase this or not, but um, we really don't have room like that for these types of people. It's gonna be great. He's also working on We don't know if we can get it to see we can help Kurt Franklin come out and speak to that. Yeah, he is God's little is Christian God little. I have a church. I have a church. You know, it's gonna be great. Have a little you know, people have a little service. It'll be sort it okay here church us. But if you have not received your T shirt from Deacon Conroid, trust me you won't. You won't see your money or your T shirt. Just don't keep hoping and praying. It's not gonna happen. You have not received your T shirt from him. You're not gonna get your money or your T shirt. Does some telling you hope, well maybe I'll get No, you're not going to printed them out. I don't think your hands at all. I just want to make everybody knows you're not gonna get neither one. Go right ahead, sir. Let's see brother brother staggeredly lightfoot, Yes, lost both of his thumbs in a garbage disposed accident. Now he is asking for the church to pay to get his two big toes moved to where his thumbs were. Now it's thirty eight hundred pot toe. So when you do the math, uh, he's asking that we pay for both of the toes to be moved where the thumbs are currently missing. Now he said he'd rather have all his fingers and be missing two toes. So it's it's up to you. Reverenend. No, you have to control control. Why are your hands stink? Because everybody? Are your hands so straight? We can help him out. Well, well, he gonna have to shave them to uh two toes because they too have ready to be up there with the other. While the nail on hill Thorp so long right here? Why they smell like free though. I'm sorry and footba anyway, we go right here side he Sunday sounded like a good idea at the time, but it did not go well. It did not go even though they were sitting in the back. We had some problems. We did something like out there on paper, some of these ideas on paper, putting in the back nobody else didn't work out at all? Not what was anybody busted? Oh? Love of people, that's the word I used to buster. Go read ahead, let's see here, assist the normal. Jean Ratcliffe, who is eighty two years old, just got her g E D. All right, and you will be walking with the summer class of twent and seventeen. Now. The proud of me is that she's wanting to get a full scholarship from the church. She says she's majoring in social media texting, and uh Instagram, faithbook, all of those and she's mad in that, but she wants to get a full ride skyld of him. But he's going to have something snap cha chapter chapter Snap. She ate it too and got that we're so proud of that. We have decided to just wait this one up. No need Russian if you just wait, she s Church us, our prayers go out, prayers put him on the praylers. Deacon Simmons, he learned the hard way that I'm there, church member Off sexually known as Cinnamon can fight. Um, yeah, he learned the hardware Cinnamon can really fight. He was accompanied by his two friends Nutmeg in Parica, Africa, known as the Spice Girls. They kids as let's go call him the space girl God Brother Lemnu all rocket Mot. I'm sorry, anybody all right with me? Brother lemnu are rocketm has lost I guess the top eight teeth and four of the bottom teeth. But he is asking can he still be over the candy after after churches? But this is a prime example children of what sugar will due to. Yes it is, yes it is. We have what what more Church announcements on the Africans who constantly used the phrase in my in my country, I was a king heard that a lot, you know, you know my country and king Okay, yeah, but I'm just riding Uber. Okay, King Uber, can you just take me to the airport, you know in my Gundy and the king Yeah, okay, King over, keep your king over. You know in my country that had many goods, many wives. I am okay, let im king Ober, I need to get to the airport. That kid. Africans at this you're listening hard Morning show, all right, listening Deck today with today's national news and you know it's any season again. Nominations have been revealed. This one is the most divers in years. I mean really, I maybe ever, maybe ever, Carla Over although Saturday Night Live was the leader with twenty two count of twenty two nominations. Night Live y twenty two nominations. In addition, Our Girl, Leslie Jones hot Off hosting the b ET Awards, is up for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series for her. Like her, hip hop artists are well represented in multiple categories at the sixty ninth Annual Emmy Awards. Chance the Rapper, Snoop Dogg, Common, and L. L. Cool j are all up for various honors. Chance was nominated for Outstanding Original Music and Lyrics for the Saturday Night Live skit Last Christmas in case you missed it. After the nominations were announced, Chance tweeted, Mama, I got nominated for Emmy, Thank you SNL Yeah. Also Atlanta Love That Show, Blackish, Love That Show, Master of None. Each picked up nominations in the big categories. Donald Glover, Anthony Anderson, Congratulations Anthony, Yes and uh yeah, and in zs a Zz and Zari will go head to head in the Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy category. Viola Davis Here she is again. We love her. If you win, don't cry. She can act her but anyway. She was nominated for Outstanding Lead Actress for How to Get Away With Yeah, Yes, Yes, Yes Yeah, and Regina King snagged it up for Outstanding Supporting Actress Cicily Tyson, Wanda Psyche, Tracy Ellis Ross. But there are a few snubs Queen Sugar, Yeah it's the rays hit show, Insecure and actress from Empire and Power is going to be Mad nothing again not surprisingly, no love, no Love. I didn't see anything on Power. I know for sure that taking some of them image from setting that lave and gave Yeah, power, I don't. I don't see anything, Shirley. I'm gonna keep researching on power. But I just did not green. You know. That's my show down on Queen Sugar. Yes, and Omari hard Wick. Yes, maybe they're not watching. What's up with that? We watched that in that lave. Yeah, just be fair. Let's be fair. Stephen Colbert love him will host the Primetime Emmies on September. Yeah. He's funny. He's funny. All right, that's all I got. I mean, we got to look for uhift to be a little upset. Don't worry about it's the best Saturday night last night. Yeah, yeah, it was so good. It was so good. It's that time right now. Let's swing it over to National News with the one and only miss A and Trip. Thank you very much, everybody. Okay, that's right to here we go. This is a trip and yeah, I was a little upset to about how or not getting anything. I'm a power girl on myself. This is a trip with the news, all right. Funeral services were held in Austin, Texas this weekend for the Young Black College graduate beaten to death by at least ten white men in Greece. Authorities say that twenty two year old but Cary Henderson had just attended TAMED a business finance degree. He was in Grease working on a photo shoot for his new clothing line. Witnesses say Henderson had words with a Greek man in a bar, that that man hit the promising black entrepreneur with a head with a bottle, that they tussled and were thrown out of the bar. Video that shows McCary running away from a gang of white men in the parking lot, grabbed, kicked and beaten to death. So far, eight men, some Greek, some Serbian, have been arrested. Cops in Great Britain have arrested to teenagers and slapped them with fifteen charges related to five acid attacks that took place in London last week. Authorities say nearly four hundred acid attack robberies and rip offs have taken place in London last year, and lawmakers are now looking to beef up both police powers and the penalties for such assaults. Some victims have been disfigured for life. Looks like Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell's being forced to do what he has city wouldn't. Occardell says the vote schedule for this week on the Republican healthcare bill will be postponed again until Arizona Santor John McCain recovers from a weekend surgical procedure. Doctors reportedly removed a blood clot near McCain's left eye. The GOP has a fifty two majority in the Senate, but they need fifty votes to even start the debate on the measure, let alone pass it, and two party members are ray say they're gonna vote against the bill, So without McCain's positive vote, that would give the party leadership only forty nine votes and they can't do anything. By the way, Former President Barack Obama has written an essay posted on Facebook and that he says that the newly unveiled Senate measure is not a health care bill, but rather a massive transfer of wealth from middle class at the poor families to the richest people in America, and he says the bill would be harmful to anyone who might get sick, get old, or try to start a family. The city of Richmond, Virginia, honored the first female bank president black or white this weekend. Maggie Leena Walker, the daughter of a former slave, was the first woman of any race, okay, any race to charter a bank in the United States, which Mayor LaVar Stoney says makes her very special. This is woman, community leader, newspaper publisher, and the first female bank president in our nation's history. Was their home grown American hero. The ten Footstall Bronze Monument has been erected to honor Walker and becomes the first enrichment to be dedicated to a woman. Maggie Leene Walker was a teacher, a successful businesswoman who later in life became a champion for people with disabilities. Oscar winning actor Martin Landau has died. He was eighty nine years old. You may remember him from the Mission Impossible series and from Edward and Toss to the box office this weekend, no real surprise war for the Planet of the Eights. Your children, I'll ask you what did you do in the greatest war? And you can tell them they tried lace and the Ape Saga bought it over fifty six million dollars over the weekend, and word of mouth is good, so I was expected to do good next weekend. As well, back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show to when he was after the hour, Eugene the Butterfly. You're listening to the ste Harvey Show. Here we go. It's that time you need to stop what you're doing because you're got to ruin. Put your hands that gabber for Eugene Butterfly. Good Martin every wine, good morning, good morning, good morning. It is a beautiful Monday morning. Shirley Carlay, Butterfly, Tommy and Jay Anthony Brown, good morning. I'm trying to have a whole different spirit. So good morning, good good news. So I don't know if you aut know in that, but today is World Emoji Day. That's what it is. So you know I have by my favorite em Like I'm getting an emoji made for myself. It's a um it's a nice little yellow emoji with a rumper. Wait do you see it? But I'm getting it made. It's yeah, it's the here, but the here gonna have a rubbo. You gotta see it. I'm getting it made because you can't find that like that. What's your favorite? Carla? Well, you know I love the lips, Carla. That's not really an emoji. That's just but I love the one to with the yummy like you ate something good? I like that one too. What's your when the eyes roll up in the head? I love that. Yeah. And they tell Anthony Brown, oh I love Dodo. It says it all good news. SMI have you seen a commercial for the emoji number two? Number number two. That's it's a movement behind that one. It's a movement that keep pencil. I like the one with the shades. That's cool. Yeah. But anyway, so things are getting really really you know, I'm getting I'm about to hit the stage, so I want to let you out know that Saturday night. Oh my god. So if you're in Philadelphia around the way, we've got to be in Delaware, and I'm so excited. We at the Grand Opera House. It's Southern fried kind may this is where this is where I shane. Oh my god. But it's really it's really my show. I really just you have to come out because you give you just see how I just once I embraced the stage. It's mad. I mean they got a lot of comedians and stuff on the junior and Tommy on there, but nothing can compare to Eugene Antoine perkuson grace in this stage. So are you ready? I am more than ready. You ain't ready for the wrong but that's been hit this stage. It's it's time. Is going to be on the stage with you. Yes, he'll be on the stage. You said you were working on your Why isn't your brother mentioned and your announcement? He could mention himself. You need to hug one another, Tommy, Tommy, you want me to hug you, hug hug your brother. I'm not hugging him. I'm not gonna do. Its just trying to fix your live guys. I don't like him. Hey, coming up Janny Brown in the building to murder yet another hit. We'll be right back. You're listening, alright, we are here. He is here. It is time for Jay Anthony Brown to murder another hit. What. First of all, everybody, please follow me on Jay spot Comedy. You can hear the weekend show that we do know Ja Spot Comedy. This song today. Big fans of Kurt Franklin, we all are affectionally known as God's Littlest Christian. To you, he's the greatest talk singer of all time. You don't call him that, Yes, we do. The song. The song The song right here has to deal with Kurt Franklin's background singers. Oh well they are great, Yeah they are, but in the song right here, right here, they're kind of complaining as too, because Kirk don't really sing. Oh okay, they do all the work. Oh so here it is. What's the call? Oh this is what song is? Just see I'm getting paid, getting paid. Yeah, come on, can we go now? Coming back the sun song? Here we come all out only alright, let everybody can see you all right, and they watched me. Let's come on, everybody, let's jam s where the is that you listen to? Seeing the harmonies and versus to you do not really well in the head, trying to like China for he come, he's not make the list, Moe. He does the dances you're doing round until shot dance shine round to tell me I'm not sure for watching breaking amazing and get each other Outlet get me studios get He don't showing to other sex of alutely hepn run around, jumping up and down every song that's the chopping, every check it out. He owes it all, but he can mind sick. You don't get no ship get last shine that's going on the round me to tell me shut shut up, break it down. Man, You know you wrong, stupid little man made do all the work, come on a lotn't take a lot of work to do that, Kirk and gon't get you. I did a little upset. I did that the same girl stage, trust me working write a song home. Yeah, you definitely getting ride all that family family for sure. Love him, love him, love him well. Well. Speaking of artists, Jay your boy jay Z and his four or four four album Congratulations number one number one on the Billboard charts. Did you think it wouldn't be though? Really? Everywhere the buses, everywhere, Yeah, extending his reign as a solo artist with the most number one albums along with Bruce Springsteen and Barbara Streisan tied for a second with eleven Curtis fifty cent. Jackson was recently uh said he said he was recently asked about his feelings on Jay Z's latest platinum album, four for four. Fifty stated that the album was too smart for the audience. He said that hits his album would be more melody driven and dumbed down because music now is less sophisticated than when he got into hip hop. Wow. Okay, so he liked it, but he was just saying it was too complicate. Yeah, he wasn't hate Another hit from Blue Abby dropped me some mo Blue Ibby Spring phone call, coming up with the nephew right after this, you're listening to the Steve Okay, alright, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after the hour. You know what time it is. It's time for strawberry letter today. This has to be the most ignorant strawberry letter we've ever had. Okay, subject I'm saying, we've had you know, you know, we've had some classics. Uh, Tommy, you're gonna love this. Oh this this is all you. This is you've written all over. Subject. Please let him cheat in peace. That's the subject. Oh I don't exactly. You just made my case and my point. Okay, But right now, coming up next, it's Tommy spraying phone call. What you got Tommy? You married your brother? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach to your common is Hi, Carmen. My name is Keith keeping from calling you from insurance group. Hi, how are you good? You and your husband? Uh? What is it? Harvey? Harvey is that right. Okay, you guys actually put applications and actually winning and get your physicals done for life for insurance, right, Yeah, yeah, that's correct. Okay. I actually I am calling you from the insurance group. I have you alls, lab results and everything as far as your physicals and blood tests and things of that nature. Is there any way I could possibly talk to both of you guys at the same time, you and Harvey. Is that possible? Um? Well, sure he's at right now, but I can get him on the side. Okay, it will be Uh it'd be kind of easy if I kind of explained everything to both of you guys at the same time as if that's okay, okay, so wrong? Uh No, nothing's wrong. I mean I think I need to just try to bring a few things that you guys attention. But I think you know, after that, it's pretty much you guys decision on what you do. But I just wanted to let you know a few things about you know, the results and things of that nature, Life insurance, the whole nine yards. Okay, Okay, let me step talking to him on the phone. Hello, hey babe, Hey sweet a. Right, Um, look, I got the insurance people on the line. They want to get both of us on the phone, uh, to talk to us about the insurance stuff. Hey, Harvey, are you doing this is keep keep from the insurance group? How are you? Hey? Good with that? Nikki? Good? Good? Listen. Um, I wanted to give you guys a call and kind of follow up. You guys did physicals and blood tests and the whole nine yards, and I wanted to give you guys a call. It's kind of better if I talked to both of you guys at the same time. So do you have a minute that we can actually use a kind of get some of this information out to you. Yeah, yeah, Yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna break right now. I'm good. Okay, great. First of all, we've gotten all your your lab results back everything, and I kind of got a few questions for you guys that I'm a little puzzled on. How long have you guys actually been married two years? Okay? Now, prior to being married three years? How long did you guys know each other before you got married? About five and a half, five six kids? Okay, you guys have been knowing each other pretty cluse nine years now all together? Yeah? Okay, are you actually from the same hometowns. You grew up in the same hometown. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we grew up I mean if I'm I'm sorry, is this question? I mean, is this about the insurance or well, I mean there are are two things that's that actually uh puzzling, Carmen that we need to this this this is actually didn't want to bring you, guys. I mean we have to. I have to actually give you this news. Looking at our records, looking at all the test results, and let me be the first to tell you that we run these resul over and over and over trying to make sure we are completely a hundred and right. Okay, it's a problem with the test. Well, looking at our test guys, Harvey Carmen, it's indicating that you guys are related. And nine times I attend you are you guys are siblings? O man? What? And I understand the shot. It took me too everything. I had to make this phone call. I did not want to make it. But looking at our records, and we went over these records over and over and and and the blood works tells us that you guys are actually siblings. Man, what are you? I'm actually you don't know what this is not a This is not a laughing matter, not a joking matter. You know, Like I said, I did not want to call with this information. What you did make the call? Man? Look you, I don't know what You need to go back and and and double check your records or something. Because we've been married three check with the laugh man, can you check with the laugh and like paul Us back, Harvey and I knew those questions would have come up, and we we went over it. We went over it and over and over it. Y'all need to go over again because oh mabe, I got this. You made the call and this gotta be wrong. So what you need to do is make another call and call the lab and call us back and let us know that you either you know, they made a mistake of you talking about me and my wife and I understand it hard, Harry. Let me ask you this is it possible, you know, and this is just a question. Is it possible that your dad and maybe her mom maybe knew each other at some point and you're saying by my mom and dad, that's some straight look at you need to haven go back and do whatever you need to do. But I think you, like you say something like that again. I think my body's gonna be coming down that beat you. I'm saying, like that, hold on baby, old baby, baby baby. I don't know baby, I got this hold on hold, I got a baby. I gotta baby, I gotta how he's gonna call me with you. I don't know you from d like that, But that ain't I'm doing, sirs, bringing you the result or I should bring me results in personally that I want you. That's what I'm talking about. Beating. Sorry, even if you beat the messenger at the end of the day, that's still your sister. At the end of the day, I'm gonna want you like I don't care what you're talking about. Nothing. He ain't my damn brother. I got it. I'm gonna find out whatever jupal you in. You're gonna call me something about we brothers. That's my wife. I understanding that some somewhere down the line, somebody made a mistake and you guys, a brother and sister got married. I'm not at fart for that. Well, let me tell you that, don't sho make the mistake of calling he's on one of these alms again in your life. I got one more t I do need to get what you've been talking about. This else you got to say. Now it's gonna be the only other touch resone I have, ma'am, is that this is Nephew tom Me from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend. I told you a like I got one thing. I got to ask both of y'all what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Harvey more to show. Come on, give it, tell me, give it, tell me too much. Delaware, y'all better get ready, Delaware. The Nephew is coming to town Southern Fried Comedy this Saturday night. You take It's on sale right now. That's Delaware and Philip Delphia, everybody around the way. And then next week Huntsville, All Alabama stand Up Live. The Nephew was coming coming to stand up line. Alright, alright, alright, alright, alright, Well tell me stay right there because I have something for you. Um. Check out this story. A father of the bride went up to give his speech at his daughter's outdoor wedding as a storm was brewing. You know how they say there's an awful storm coming. Well, anyway, Uh, the storm was brewing, so after grabbing the mic, a bolt of lightning struck the ground and traveled through the microphone cord to the father of the bride. His name was j D. He was uninjured. As the father of the bride explained, it was like I was holding lightning in my hand. But my wife Maggie thinks it's all thanks to him changing out of leather boots. Uh, that we're hurting his feet into rubber soul sneakers. So so so that's what she's Uh, sometimes God sends you a son doing it. Oh, Jay, I told y'all you need to get Why would you be on a microphone outside? Yeah? Get the speech? Can you imagine the law is at work? Michael, Yeah, sit down, all right? Coming up with Strawberry letters subject please let him cheat in peace? The most ignorant letter I think we've ever had on the show. We'll be back. Yes, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's that time. Let's get to it. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is strawberry letter. This is the kind of letter you leave you love. You ever read this yet? Why because you wrote it, because you're involved in it in some sort of way. Oh man, this has to be the most ignorant letter we've ever had. Okay the subject, Please let him cheat in peace. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been dating a guy at work. After dating him for ten months, I found out that he was married and has three kids. I forgave him for lying because we were into each other and I wasn't about to let this minor problem mess up our relationship. He is in law enforcement and we often speak sneak off to be together. I will admit that the role play is a lot of fun when he's in uniform. His wife is always busy with the kids, so we eventually had sex in their house and their cars, in my car, at his friend's house, at hotels, and in my apartment. I even gave him a threesome with another woman for our one year anniversary. Everything was going great, and everything was going heard. Everything was going great until recently he told me that his wife caught him cheating with another woman, not me, so we had to lay low for a while until he gained his wife's trust back. I was mad about him cheating on me with the other woman, but I forgave him. He told me that his wife forgave him too, But I truly don't care about his wife. I'm okay with being the side chick, but recently I've been seeing less of him since his wife caught him cheating, and it's starting to suck. I just feel like his wife needs to let him cheat in pace. It's not like she's going to do anything about it. She's not going to leave him, so just let him cheat in peace. We've been together for almost two years now, and I don't want to give him up. What should I do? Should I wait for him to be able to sneak around again, or should I leave him alone? Oh? My god, you're in heaven now, aren't you. You're you're loving this. You're loving this, right, I knew it, I tell you. I mean, I've already said this is This has to be the most ignorant letter we've ever read. Has to be the most stupid letter we've ever read. Uh, this is the most disrespectful letter we've ever read, the most low self esteem issue letter we've ever read, and on and on and on. It's just some straight foolishness. I mean, I have to ask you, did you read the letter before you send it to me? Because this what you're doing in this letter, I mean, the ratchetness of it all is really crazy. You broke all the rules. You don't do it in in a in a married woman's house. You're putting your life in danger when you do that. You don't do it in their car, you don't. This is craziness. I mean, it may be exciting to you, but this is just so wrong. It's just so wrong. And and I understand why he's backing away from you. He sees you're crazy. He definitely sees it. And yeah, he's not just cheating with you. What you thought you were exclusive, you thought you were special. No, you're not special. This man is just a cheater period. And his wife keeps forgiving him time and time again. And you're just going all out, just putting it all out he has. Yeah, I mean, you're making it way too easy for him. You're just really his side piece and he cares nothing about you, as you can see the way he treats you. Should you wait for him to be able to sneak around again? Why do you want someone that can't proclaim you and and claim you in public? Why do you you know? What is that you you get off on sneaking around? Should you leave him alone? Absolutely? You should leave this man alone, get a man of your own. Jay, In all my days, I've never heard or listen to someone so ridiculous and so stupid and so low down, so disgusting. I mean, it's just unbelievable, how disgusting when you read this letter line by line, How disgusting and low down and unforgiving that this guy is. How how how greedy the greed of him to be so damn You got a wife and a side piece, but that ain't enough for you? I do dode doe, I'm talking straight. What is your problem? Why are you so damn greedy? What is your problem? I'm so disgusted with this man right here, right here. I've never he's got a wife of a sad piece. It's that not enough for you? You have no words, don't you have no shame? As disgusted as you are moments that you're cheating with. Yeah, I'm so disgusted with y'all. Know what to do. I've never seen you this way, Jane, Jay, I've never seen you like just breaks my spirit. Wow, all right, time to go to the expert now, M Surley, I know you're basking in the glow of it all this lady. Yeah, finally someone who gets it. Yes, I want all the men right now to just stop where you are and let's just give her a standing ovation. Please, please, bravo, bravo. Oh my god, I love she is a true number two. I ain't mad at you, girl, Oh my god. You have been tested and proven and you are a trull to you, a tate trull toe, true number two. You've gone through it all, found out what married with kids, rode it out true too, called him with another woman and it what you what you rode it out true too. I love it. He is now on punishment and you're waiting in the cut that side troll toe, y'all. Can let me tell yourself all your tubes out there, you can learn from a woman like this. You hit me this lady, if you're listening to me, get in touch with me me and you're gonna write a book. Act like a man, think like a side piece. You got it going on, girl, You'd better work your jelly because you know what to do. You know, at Christmas time, you ain't gonna see him on Christmas. It's Christmas Eve on the twenty six. You know that because you're a true too, you know. And Thanksgiving, either y'all go on Friday, turkeys together on Wednesday, or y'all gonna eat left overs on Friday. If you're a true te you know what you're doing. You know this coming Labor Day, you know it's cook out time. You know he can't get down. But you know after labor they on Tasday. Here he comes with some real and a few slices of brisket. He's a true to girl. Let me tell you something. All your wife, he's out there. Let him cheat and peace. What does the last sake? Let him cheating and peace. That should not be bothering you. He's happy. We're gonna have part two of the Nephews Crazy Response. We'll do more on this letter when we come back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, listen uh the subject for today's please let him cheat in peace? May I remind you if you have any relationship issues, please give us a write us, give us an email at Steve Harvey dot com. We will help you out of your relationship dilemma. If we can, Okay, if we can. We're not miracle workers over here. We'll do the best we can. Uh So, so please make sure you reach out to us if you have any issues, just like this woman did. She says, Um, Dear Stephen Shirley, She's been dating a guy at work for ten months now. She found out he was married and has three kids. So she forgave him, and she said she's not gonna let that minor problem, you know, stand in the way. And they're great relationship and not his wife and three kids. Yeah, come on, now, what he's in law enforcement. They often sneak off to be together. Um yeah, yeah, and she likes a man in a uniform, you know. She said it makes it more fun that way. Yeah. And his wife, you know, hey, she's always busy with the kids. Yeah. Well at this point, you know what I'm saying. So she's the nerves, Yeah, she's yeah, she didn't she she's always off with the kids. So they did it in the house. They've had sex in the house in their cars, so she just had it. They just had in his head and his hand and okay, okay, see that wasn't clear in the letter thank you Jay. They've had it in her car, at his friend's house, hotels, and of course in her apartment. Listen for his anniversary, Tommy. Tommy loved this. I heard him, you know, when I read it the first time. She gave him a threesome with another woman when they made one year anniverse a gift that you give. Come on, come on, shut up. And then everything was going great. I mean, this is everything was going great until recently. He told me that his wife caught him cheating. But was it with her, the writer of said letters this one. No, it was with another woman, not her, Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, so they had to lay low for a while. Yeah, now you want to be had not she not got in the game, the wife. Oh so so eventually he won his wife's trust back. He was mad about she was mad about him cheating on her with another woman, But hey, she forgave him. Come on, he's a great guy. You know. He told me that his wife forgave him too. But truly, I don't care about his wife. She says, Um, I'm okay. This is Tommy's favorite line in the entire letter. Right here, I'm okay with being the side check. Can I can I talk now? Yes? Go ahead, ladies, don't frown at this. Learn from this. We're side eyeing. We're frowning. We're doing. Just learn from this because guess what is go happen? Okay, it's go happen. I love this, lady. This is my hero right here. Girl, let me tell yourself. I want to meet you so bad. I want to get you your own TV show. I do American side piece, you know what I'm saying, like a reality show, you know, not not not American American side I could just see me a hood together. We're gonna be Look, I'm gonna have you at Bonds and Noble for your book saying it all of this is gonna jump off, girl. Problem with time in Schuston, They're gonna sund or trust me, what's the name of the book like a lady, like an say understanding franchise? Yes, yes, let me tell you something. All you all your wife is out there. If you want to beat number two at her own game, then you got to give him that type of anniversary gift. That's how you anniversary to compete with the side piece waves stop stop it, but give him that kind of anniversary. I hate both. Yeah, yeah, you guys suck for real. There it is right there. See this is when you walk in the room and anniversary is playing for the s and the side pieces there alone, well whoever else she invited, Now that's our anniversary. That's that's a gift right there, socks naked and the tie cologne when everybody Nike, that keeps on giving that what it is for me? Yes, all of you for is that for me? I wanted one of these all my life. This is what I wanted next anniversary of the one after that and one after that. So you leave your favorite letter ever right, but cheat in peace, stopped competing with the side piece. You ain't gonna win. Stop, You're not gonna stop. You do what you do? You in court? Why's court? Except yeah, get it. It's called half. That's what it's called. Everything. You gotta yea yes, you know you want to play, let's play. You don't know how to have fun? Nah, not like that. We're trying to write a book here, Hello, writ book and I'm gonna get half of that too. I'll even help you. All right, I'm done, all right, but I love Hey listen if it's real quick. Surely, if it doesn't work out with you, baby, and you don't feel like waiting on him, there's too many people that would love to have you in their life. All right, get in the way. I like that, yeah at all. Her only problem in the letter is the fact that he has a wife, and it's a minor problem. She said, yeah, it's all minor. Surely, let me get the one Tommy's tips two thousand three at yahoo dot com. Baby, he hits your boy t O M N Y S T I P S T zero zero three at yahoo dot com. It doesn't work out, I'll let your boy, That's all I'm saying. You can't let them like this get away. She needs to be an instructed What this because she dropping knowledge and what's not smart? Ja? Oh yes, she instruct what she gave a three. Oh she's smart. Wait excuse me? Wait, take that m and run with it. Oh he did that even you O. I'm gonna do the best that kid with it might not be happy. Track again, what the mess continues? It continues. This is a very messy, ignorant show. Weekend Confessions coming up with the Nephew eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve is the number to call if you have something to confess, because what, nephew, I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. And if you're the lady that wrote the letter, please call us. You're listening to Steve Show, all right, thank you, nephew. Don't forget it is your time to shine once again, nephew, because this is your segment Weekend Confessions. If you have a confession and you want to tell the nephew about it, call us right now at eight seven seven twenty nine Steve, because what, nef, I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. That's all. The booth is open, foolish, The booth is open. Yeah, I don't use your real name. Come on up with something different and I like cat like Margarita, Yeah that work, don't roller coaster to Johncelyn you know anything anything? Yeah? Or a bishop konnac all right. Floyd Mayweather says he isn't bothered by Connor McGregor calling him boy. Remember when he did that last week to Floyd stands for me boy? Calling Floyd boy definitely made a lot of people mad. I mean a lot of people were upset about that. Yeah, we were all like, he's gonna take that. But the one person who was unbothered by it all was Floyd. The way Floyd sees it, Connor is just quote giving the fans what they want to see. That's what Floyd said. A lot of people say Connor McGregor is ray, but I don't worry about that. Racism still exists. Take a listen. Racism still exists. But you know, I'll try to take something negative and turn it into something positive. You know, we all known there's only two type of boys, a white boy and a cowboy, and I'm not neither. I'm just joking, you know, funny. Like I said before, I'm not upset at all. You know, Connor McGregor, Um, it's a tough competitor. I'm a tough competitor, and it's about getting a face but they want to see, and it's about getting that chick, about making that money. A hundred million dollars or something around million dollars. Yeah, that's crazy. Who was a hundred million, Connor? Yeah? Like three right, three millions, and it's like an astronomical number, like stupid money. Yeah, It's like I never see that statement. If you don't nobody need that much yet, I will. I will flow that hund a million. I ain't lanted. Yeah, yeah, I get okay. The fight will be August six. According to odds Shark, McGregor is a seven to two underdog against Mayweather. Money's all my money's unfo money. I checked on trying to get two tickets. Well, Tommy, the hundred million dollars is not going to make itself. Okay, people, people, people shop Jay the nosebleed by twenty five hundred flo I gotta get his This are the same people to make that shame and it don't it shouldn't cost that much whatever. It don't take all about it. In the economy, people are going to buy tickets. That's gonna be paper view too. Yeah yeah, right yeah, I'm having a fight party. Right all right? Do you ready enough? You time to go to the phone. Let's go all right, let's get it started with weekend confessions. Let's go to line one and talk to Panita from Mobile, Alabama. Anita, Hey, I'm good. How are you? I'm fans you, I'm good baby. What's your confession? I want to take um, your your phone is bad, baby, girl. Confession's getting a little better where something like that? Right okay? Got on her and at three kids, I heard that husband? Does that sound like what she said? Right? Okay? She got yeah. I want to hear how she got him phone. He took the phone too. Lines here, Lauren, I'm taking a good Let's go to Lawrence from Florida. Lawrence Man, Lawrence, Tommy, how are you doing? I'm good Man, how you doing this morning? And Tommy man Man. My confession got me threshed out to listen. Uh. My job was the job that I had. I lost my job, but it was a big part of my cash flow, a bigg part of my lifestyle. Helped me secure the bags. My girlfriend really enjoyed it, and I recently proposed to her a couple of days ago. This is my fiance now. So we locked in. You know, we made plans. We're talking about houses and credit scores. It's it's looking good. You know, I'm I'm thinking, you know, I mean a really good place. I'm trying. I try to cap it off with the world Star video. You know. At the job, I get into an issue with a staff member. You know, he said some things I didn't like. You know, I'm feeling myself. I'm in a good place. I think I'm gonna cap it off with the world star video. That that's that's not how it works out. You you you made a world star video at work. I tapped to you know, I tapped to a start a fight. You know, I instigated it. You know, I got a little loud, I got a little rowdy and THEA. This was this past Thursday. And okay, okay, okay, Lawrence, you got you gotta you got a hold on for me long. We're gonna go to break but you stay right then, then how the story straight when I get back? All right, all right, all right, you ain't working, so just hold on. We're coming back. Then. I didn't need That's why we got him. Hold on. He was feeling good. He wanted to make a world star video. He thought he could make world star. We'll be back with more weekend confessions you're listening to. All right, let's get back to these weekend confessions. If you have one to confess to the nephew eight seven seven, Steve is that number. And I think before we left we were talking, Lawrence. But right before we get to Lawrence's nephew, Jay had a confession. I have to confess, Tommy, you saw the George Wallace's mom in the movie. You saw it this weekend. I saw a Planet of the Eight same time. Anyway, what did your confession? I have to confess. I don't even know. I don't even know this this little character's name. But in the movie there's a character in there that has on a jacket, and when he comes on the screen, I swear to god, he looks like somebody you know. And once you see him, you can no longer concentrate on the damn movie because looking at it the light time he steals it him. Yeah, we gotta you see it in Paris. We'll go see it in Paris. So I'm definitely going to see it again. Probably. All right, all right, thanks j Alright, let's get back to line too, Cat and talk to Lawrence. Finished talking to Lawrence from Florida. All right, laws Lawrence, Okay, you did something at work. Let's let's jump to it. Yeah, I did something there work. Let gonna get right to it. What I did. Let to me getting fired. So so the time mine is Thursday. I'm engaged Friday, I'm fired. So we're over here on Monday, and uh, my fiance she has no fluid. I'm an employer right now. I'm looking at some applications trying to figure out how I can fight may Weather. See if I can get the cash flow back up. He hard to get ahold of. Let me ask you are you Are you up getting dressed like you going to work today? Uh? Go ahead, go? Am I talking over you? No, I'm asking you a question. Are you up getting dressed like you're going to work today? Yeah? Yeah, I did. I did all that. You know, I dropped up at her own jobs. You think I'm I'm about to go through the same thing. I'm on my way back home. I'm figuring out what serial I'm gonna eat to go fill out these applications. So let's go. Okay, So make a fan. What what happened at work? Why you lost your job? So we have a staff member, and you know I always keep it quiet at work, you know, do my own thing. We have an U staff member that, uh they they're not a brother. They think they're a brother. They slipped the N word out the other day and it was like a saw that boo the camera's back, so you know, I try to make a thing out of it. Ain't nobody had my back. Ain't nobody actually do the world star in the background, you know. So I'm just looking like like I'm just out here trying to fight somebody in the middle of Can I ask your manager he ain't even hear the N words, so that they're playing around like it never happened, and I get caught up over the altercations and can I have a question? You got a question for you? The question is you got fired? Right? Yeah? Okay, did you win the fight? The fight never happened. Had it happened, I would have won us. That's why I'm looking into yeah, making it's at it's the l man man brother man. Lawrence took the ol man. You took the if you're gonna get fired and leads handing that but whipping on the way out that he tried to start the fight and get it going. But the other guy didn't take the bait. Is that right, Lawrence? That's right? He didn't. He didn't take that. He didn't take it correctly. You know, had he after the word that was correctly, you know, it would have been scenario he called your in word and you got fired and this is an outrage. Are we marching on this time? Different kind of inn word? If you get a job? No, brother, I need to yeah, yeah, put it out there. What do you do? What do you What do you do? Lawrence? What kind of work you do? But it's uh, we got the app out. It's a remote for you. That's top. You use your cell phone as a remote your computer? Okay, what are you do that? Quiet? Yeah, it's it's in the tech field for sure. So how do people get in touch with you, Lawrence? If they want to looking for We don't want to talk about it because his wife probably it's soon to be fiance. All right, Lauren, Well, I hope he. I hope he gets a job. He's nothing because he's getting ready to get getting married when you lost your job. Yeah, he needs to tell her because he seems like he's trying to go through with everything. God, this is crazy. All right, let's go to line for a nephew. Talk to Mike out of Philly. All right, I'm headed that way. What's up, Mike? What's going on? All good man? Talk to me? What's your confession this morning? Let me ask you something, man, How long am I post away? I know, Uncle Steve, you've got this book out to say. You know, women paused to wait the ninety days. I've been waiting on almost six months. So let me tell you what happened. I really liked this girl. This girl really nice, beautiful woman, got a nice job or everything, work for the post office, so she hals crazy anyway, anyway, um, her sister and her girlfriend, it came over my house last night. They'll we had a nice little time. We had some drinks. There's some things we shouldn't have done. I mean, not free someone for them or nothing like that. But you know, I got a nice little time, had a nice little kid together. Now her name is Penelope, Well that's the name. I'm a giver because I don't want to put her out there like that. Penelope is the one that I want. So I've been waiting on this girl for six months. No sex, no nothing, barely want to touch, barely want to kiss. Now her cousin Andrea, who's all over me, you know, telling me that Penelope is this Penelopie is that? But I still I still liked the girl because she's a nice woman. She wanted the first woman, as far as I attitude, as far as the way she dressed, as far as her job. Everything good girl. So I don't mind. Like she said, I listened to You'll show all the time. He said one time a good dude. It's going to wait for a good woman. Yeah. Well he's going to have a patience to deal with it. And that's what I did. But speed it, speed it up, Mike. We're running out of time. Alright, but cousin change to the trip. Knocked on my door last night, so we got short. We wind up having sex. So now Penelope come to my house start this morning. Alright, Mike, you got a hold and Pelop got a hold on. You're listening show Weaken Confessions, Welcome back. It is crazy. This story was long, yeah, but we we have to recap. Let's get Mike back on the line. Cat Mike had a Philly online for Mike. We can confess. Yes, all right, Mike, let's recap real quick. Penelope, you've been kicking Penelope stopped by the house that to night. Uh you got when you got one young lady. She's You've been with her six months. Nothing has happened. Let's move let's move it real fast. All right. Well, like I said, Penelope, Andrea and Kim they all friends. Well, Penelope and Andrea they cousins. They came to the house last night and we got a little tipsy when you're partacting something, you know, herbal something that's you know what I mean. We did that thing and be sitting there chilling. Now Penelope is so pressy that she shad down. Well I'm just gonna say, she ain't down with the week, so she left, but Andrea and Chi state So me and Andrea Chim got all messed up. She passed out, and me and Andrea wind up doing things. Yeah. Well the whole time though, her cousin Andrea telling me, you know, Penelope is this, and she's that, and she's not really into it like this and into it like that. But surprise, surprise, Penelope comes to my house this morning, just before I'm ready to leave out the door and leave at five o'clock in the morning, she come out. She come in my house this morning, ready ready to do the thing. This is not is still in the house, but it's Penelope, the six month girl. Yeah, Penelope is the one I've been waiting for for six and at the house still sleep. Andrea said, at the house right now, I'm at work. Okay, So did you let Penelope in this morning? I couldn't. I had to look. I had to school her back out the door, you know, because she came in. She came in aggressive, like she's just ready to give it up now. But read Lord, that's God sent it to you. And what you do, go to work? You turned it away, okay. So so what you're gonna do now, Penelope? I'm not But if she find out that oar, Oh my god, I don't know. I got something about to lose a good girl for no reason. Well, you gotta hurry up before, and you gotta hurry before Andrea saying something. Andrea got to go. She needs to get the stepping now. She had a good evening. She got to go. And you ain't in love with Andrea. Andrea got to go, not at the Lord, out of this, okay. So now tell Andrea what happens just between y'all. We ain't gonna talk about it, nor mo. And then tell Penelope what time you get home tonight and going on ha to get fitness. We're good, come up and put her out. Yeah, Hey, man, you're in a good situation. Mike, I don't know. You ain't really you know you're a good real quick way to make this other girl come around is to find out you banging one of her friends. Oh my, getting Okay, it's crazy. Hey, Mike, you can work through this board. But but andre I got to get out of that house, all right, So um Tommy, Benita callback remember shoots with Still Okay, come on, hurry up, do it all right? Line one cat Benita from mobile. But she had a bad phone the first time. All right, baby, you gotta go real fast. You got like twenty something seconds. Okay, still got this ragged phone. Don't call me back on the same phone. Call me from a land land. But Nita, I see why you're going through what you're going through. Hey, I don't know, abody know what you're saying. You can't communicate with you. Text me what you're going through. That's all I can say. The communica. I wanted to hear her story. That was gonna be good. All right, we'll be back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Oh man, this crazy show. All right. Yeah, we're in the middle. We still have calls. Right, they're still coming. I really want to hear, but need I hate we can't. He got a bad phone. Yeah yeah, everybody probably says that, Yeah, we can't help. Okay, let's let's go to line six. Here. Here's the name. You can't pronounce, but we want to hear his confession, Willie from Augusta. See he can't. What's up? He can't say that? Man? What's your confession? Well, I got a confession, but I got a story to wait. The story. I'm gonna keep it, keep it, keep it short itself. Come on, I got it. I had a bread over the weekend. We did all things, and she didn't win to hold her favorite daddy and the whole family bottles, not baby Daddy. Okay, now it's hunt baby, hunt baby Daddy together. I don't think so, but I know not now. Okay, So she told baby Dad the whole family. You must have really put it down down. She didn't want to spread the word like this. I had to do my thing. Okay, So you're gonna you're gonna see you again. I just want you to know baby Daddy has never lost the sight. That's once you know that, Quilli, You're gonna see her again. It's Willie. I want I got an old lady. Oh okay, okay, okay, and you old ladies. She lived in the same city, y'all living. Yeah, we all live in the same city. Okay, Now do your old lady? No, huh No, they don't know each other at all? Okay do they and they passed? They passed. Probably don't never cross, right, No, they don't never crowsfair, they don't know crowf So why you can't have both of them? Then with it? Can it work? Trying to figure out everything? That's why I got to write this book. I got right to this book because people know how to get through this the problem? Why can't he just have everything? Everything? Willie? All you gotta do is take it slow. You can make it. I don't have. What you got to do is oh, girl over there, got to be quiet. You're running a MiB too much. That's the first thing I don't tell her. Don't tell nobody. She wouldn't tell everybody. Yeah, that's not gonna happen, Willie. Alright, good, yeah, yeah. We don't brag on yourself too much when it because but what I'm trying to tell you, you got to be good and quiet at the same time. I'm glad you can't keep you exactly, so you're gonna have to find a way to keep my mouth shot. Oh you gotta keep it moving. Find you somebody else, find me somebody else. Already already thing, what's wrong with you? Man? Thank you, Willy, I love it. Say to say his name again, Tommy will Yeah, we had a couple more. We did have a couple more. Oh man, we can't get to them all everye wan when we come back, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll do that. We'll do that. Okay, Uncle Steve ain't here. I'm running things. We're gonna take a nothing when I come back. All right, all right, we'll do that. Take another one, oh man. Okay. Game of Thrones last night and power it was so good. Alright. Uh, we'll be back to take one more phone call with weekend confessions. When we come back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, our friend Ed Gordon is doing something very special. We'll tell you about that. Yeah, we'll tell you about that in uh just a few minutes. But we have to go back to the phone for weekend Confessions. Let's go to line three and talk to Melvin out of Indiana. Melvin, Tommy, my man, my man, what's going on with your brother? Man? Me and my wife we've been married for thirteen years. That we just needed a little spice and I took one of the ideas and we took one of those late night drives. Man, naked there you go. Boy? You did you did? You did? You did the neck stroll? You did it? Man. It was about one thirty two o'clock in the morning. Man, I ran in past hers. She was cool with it, and we did it. Man, wasn't it fun? Man? By the time he got back home, I was like, you actually, Jack camer Man, my boy, see that, Shirley. You see, Shirley, My my inventions work, Shirley. You see the terrible people are following your advice. Well, at least they didn't get stopped by the police, thank god, or anything, you know, the flat tire anything. So how far did you go, ma'l? But how far that far? We just did like a little twenty minute, you know, twenty five minute rides and came back. That's a good rod, though. Put those naked butts on the seat. The value of that card has gone. It's appreciate. It ain't nothing wrong with a nice but naked cruise. Just nice crewilus, just nice. I'm just saying, when you try to sell that, hey, ma'l tell everybody what they're missing out on, man about not doing the butt naked cruise. Tell the man when you're just cruising in your car with your lady to one o'clock in the morning, tell them how I feel. Man. Man, it's the windows down, so that air was just hitting everywhere. It was just freeze. It's like you're actually flying. Man. There you go, somebody I got to write my book. Man. Yes, thank you so much, Melvin. I appreciate it. Let me tell you something, once a month your wife be jump in there and just get your butt, your button nicker cruise on. Man, just get in there and y'all just roll. Really, they've been just around the block, man, a couple of times, and keep doing it. Our promise, it keeps that spite going. Thank you, sir. What's your book going to be called? I got I got that. I ain't thought about it. I got I gotta be creative with that. It's gonna take a minute, sir. Okay, I just thought you had one. All right, here we go. Yeah, yeah right, listen, I'm Steve Harvey nation to follow this with that. But our family member and journalist extraordinary Ed Gordon, we love him. He hosts a star packed celebrity World special. It features interviews with the biggest African Americans in movies, TV and comedy. It's going down tonight Monday July seventeen, ten pm Eastern on Bounce TV. It's a star studied Ed Gordon special featuring from Power, Ghost himself, Omari Hardley, Queen Latifa, Michael Strahan, Jada Pinkett, Smith, Cedric the Entertainer, d L Hugely, and more. It's a star studded celebrity World special. It premieres tonight, uh, Monday July seventeenth, at ten pm Eastern on Bounce TV. Congratulations to the Ed Gordon. Yes doing this thing right? Yeah? That's cool brother, right? Yes, yes, yes? When is Ghost going to get out of jail? That would be my first question to Omari Hardly that when nobody gonna tell you that? Right now? Yeah, we have to watch that for sure. I'll catch up today. Oh you gotta watch I haven't seen it, Yeah you haven't, don't want to watch it. It's good, it's good. I'm ready to get out of jail. We've been do it again. Tommy is spectacular again, yeah him and did it again? Did it again? Extraordinary? Yeah. Yeah, they weren't protected at the chance of that. It's a lot going on. You got to catch up, man, come up today. Yeah, tom is still being the Tory's too dark. Yea letting up. M He did night. I love was a nice kill last night. Somebody important died last night. And the way it was, the way it happened, it was the way it happened. And and Tyrek goot Son is so out of control. He's so I know y'all don't But I like that little boy man gangstuf own. Yeah, he's a great little actor. It really really is. He's a great young actor. I appreciate him very much. Yeah, he really really is. Oh oh, jail that Yeah, he's gonna be running by the time. Yeah, because came in fifty cents character. That's that's his goal in life. To turn this guy, this young guy into just a bug man. Put all the trust in him too, man. Yeah. And Angela, Angela got in into Tasha's head a little bit last night. Really yeah she did. M won't you just tell ja everything? I don't care, but you can't ruin it for me. I mean, I'm not one of those la la la la. I'm not listening to you. I'm I'm so, I'm so that person. J don't tell me anything. I just want to see it. It was good, Okay, that's all I yes, suh. See George's Mama that you and your friends play, I mean, the best work. I'm thinking Oscar. You know that you can't get an oscar? You do know that she can't? Yeah yeah, if not an oscar a bag of chias, but you know. Thank you guys, we love you. Thanks for listening. Bye bye. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Team Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning showm