Molly Whopped, R. Kelly, Church Complaints, Window Shopping @ Toys R Us and more.

Published Aug 23, 2021, 10:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Fool #2 justifies the actions of an old playa that got new teeth. We get a friendly reminder from The Jackson's about the importance of the vaccine. Fool #2 got something with this Last Week's News thang! The King of Pranks has a school story for us that is near and very dear to him. A white dude got molly whopped in Pittsburgh. Is it cruel to take a baby window shopping @ Toy's "R" Us or nah? Comedy Roulette contains the things a woman can say to man that cannot be topped. Today the show wraps up with a billion possibilities.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know. Y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them like the milling bus things and it's not doing me good. Steve Hartley, I don't joy. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your baby, aha, I said, ah, I show will, Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got the radio show. I feel it's necessary to explain what I say in the morning because somebody asked me, what do you mean by that when you say that in the morning. When I say huh, it's in response to David Hollister opening the song by saying, go ahead, big Daddy, go ahead, I said, uh huh. I show will. Then I say good morning everybody. Because I was raised at Ray, You're supposed to speak when you come in the room. I'm coming in y'all's room, whether it's your bad room, the room in your house, your car, your office, you know, wherever you at. I come in the room, or God speaks, I say good morning, everybody. You are listening to the voice. And then I got to introduce myself because as a performer, I always felt my best when I was in introduced. It's knowing. Why would you walk out on stage anybody introduce you? You know you can't get the round of applause. It's just it's horrible. So I say, you are listening to the voice want and only Steve Harvey. Come on, dig me now. Now that's old school. I got that, but that's I was once again, dig me now? Is I want you to feel what I'm about to say. That's all I'm saying. That's not a bragging thing. You know, you're listening to the voice wanting only Steve Harvey. Come on, dig me now. I'm just asking you to feel what I'm saying in the morning, because it's part of a promise that I made to God. See a long time ago, I told God if he allowed me to make it, that when I got there, I would tell everybody I know how I did it, and I wasn't gonna shortcut it or shade him on it. I say, if you allow me to make it, if you give me the strength, the courage, the wisdom, you gave me a gift if you let me apply by it, don't destroy myself in the process. Forgive me for my sins along the way, continue to hold and rock me when I need it. When I make it, I promise you Lord, when I get there, I will tell everybody how I made it. Well. This started back in LA when I got on the radio and I was making it okay. I was doing okay, but I had to keep my promise to God. My promise was, if you allow me to make it, I'll tell everybody how I got there. I have to tell you that every day because if it was not for that grace and mercy, I wouldn't even be here able to fulfill my promise, because I've done enough dirt in my life. Man to not be worthy. He could have easily walked away from me a long time ago because I had show walked away from him. See, and I didn't walk awa from him once. I walked away from him a bunch of times. But guess what he forgave me a bunch of times. I'm a living example of hundreds of chances. His forgiveness and his mercy is available for everybody. It's the only reason I get on this show every day. The only reason I have the blessings that's coming my way. It's the only way that the things that keep happening in my life, man, that I have no explanation for, it is because of His grace and mercy. See, anytime something good happens in my life and I can't explain it, that's usually him, he exhibits to me. Remember, I'm a forgiving god, man. Remember, So when you fall, Steve, don't lay down now, don't you lay down there. Don't you let the devil fool you that because you'd have made some mistakes that you ain't that you can't do it because everybody gonna make them now as none perfect, no, not once. So get up, keep moving, keep pushing, step on what you're laying there for. Your daddy didn't raise you that way. Look, man, my father was just about manhood. I'm gonna just tell you. My daddy never had a conversation with me about church. He beat me for not going, but you know a couple of times, but he wasn't about that wasn't his message. That was my mama's job. My mama taught me about being saved, about loving the Lord, about giving your life, about the teachings of Jesus Christ. My mama was a Sunday school teacher, so I got all of that from her. My old man ain't had none of that for me. My old man talked to me about one thing all day long, hard working manhood, and when you're gonna get that if you don't get nothing else from me, he gave that to me, so I got it. See, so, my father, you say, excuse my language, but you ain't gonna sit there like no little punk up in here. You ain't an what you're finn to do. You fin to get up and go do what you're posted to do. Now, stop all that wine and some little punking gonna get the movie. That's how my father talked to me. Now, I'm just telling you real. It worked for me though, And before you start emailing me, they had nothing to do with homosexuality at all. It's just that was his turn for a man, not acting like a man. That's all it was. It had. It was not a gay reference at all. I want you to understand that before you start emailing me. So my daddy wasn't calling. That was not a sexual reference for him. My father talked to us. That's what he meant. I knew exactly what it meant. He couldn't admit. No, hedn't even know nothing about that. My man clueless when it comes to that right there. So when I was getting down and feeling bad about myself, my old man, he taught me this toughness. Man, he gave me this grit, this doggedness, this go to work and work hard. That's why today, when God does bless me with something, he ain't got to wear about me not working hard because that's in me. And when I get tired, I asked that same God for strength to keep on doing so I can do the blessings he got for me. So when you ask me how you gonna do all this, Steve Harvey, I don't know. I ain't got to figure that out. All I got to do is show up with the same amount of faith for being showing up with God handle the rest of it. See y'all, hey man, let me tell yourself. I don't see how you do it. I don't either, can I can I get hey man, news flash? Let me hear. I don't see how you're doing all that, Steve. You're doing this, You doing that you can. I tell you something I don't either. I just wake up with the faith man and trusting that if He gonna bless me with it, he must be gonna show me a way how to get it done. See I ain't tripping on that part. See I. Once you take yourself out to how to business, you can go on and get with it. But see, if you're gonna trip yourself out with the how to, you can't think like God can think. You can't figure like God can figure. So now you're sitting up in here gonna Lord, I want this to have him for me? Then I don't know how I'm will do all that. Well, guess what you and the way? Now? See you? Now you in the way because see God ain't ask you to figure out how to? He said, ask and believe. Then he said faith without works is dead. That's my solution. That's the concoction that I'm functioning on. All I got to do is accept the blessing, keep the faith, be willing to work and believe God can do anything but fail. Why would God bring me this far to leave me? Why would he bring you this far to leave you? So? Why I get up every morning I have no choice. I got to get up in here the rap. When I'm running late, man, I try to ply through here. Sometimes I don't make it. Man, I gotta do a rerun. But I ply through here because man, Steve, you're gonna run out of something to say. No, I'm gonna just keep thanking him. Now. You can't run out of that, can you, because you owe him that? Matter of fact? When I get through talking, I really ain't thanked him enough. Morning Show, All right, everybody, it is Monday, Monday, Monday, Monday is here again. Yes we weren't expecting it, but it showed up in a damn way. But we're gonna deal with it. We're gonna help you deal with it. I am j Anthony Brown, and to help you deal with Monday is Sherley's Scoutbert. What's up, Sherley? What's going on? We can do this, Jay, we can do this. Good Morning. I got more help on Monday, Baby, more help on Monday. That's miss Carlor for rel y'all. What's up Calor what's up? Jay? What's up? Crew? Let me go up stairs and wake this eighth grader up. It's the first basken happen and I give you so much joy to wakes upody morning. Don don't it look I'm up. You should be up, speaking up, up, speaking up. Is my main man, my writing partner, my seat buddy, Miss Junior in the house. What's up on you? Jack? What's up? Everybody? Morning, morning, morning, Monday, and get it. Let's get it, Let's get it. He is the King of Franks, not king the king of pranks. I'm talking about my main man. Time of timead what's going on? It's the Thomas Mouse top of the morning. You know what I think. I think we already just changed. Let's just eliminate next next week. Let's go from Sunday to like it. I'll just get rid of money. Monday comes back to damn soon. Look how lonely take Tuesday to get here. But Monday just show up real quick, man, Come on now, I like that. I like that a lot. Or let's just get some more days. Make it nine days in a week. You know what I'm wall then, but we're gonna I want to. I'm making a bigger weekend, like a Saturday one Saturday two, right, Friday one Friday two, you know, like, just let's just stretch the weekend. Let's get some more days. But days Saturdays, no, because they're losing man's Saturday night. It's just out of the one s the two. You know what, we already got people with a drinking problem, and you give them two stakes. Sat Man, I do a second. I didn't know what to do with the first year, given another day to stay in the house. We need more days of the week, and we need we need some more food. We don't have enough like we need no, we need more animals. I mean, I don't got tired of cows and chickens like we just need some and fish. We need more animals. Don't you want to go zebra? You want some zebras? That next never get you through the week. A zebra neck will get you through the week. Man, Your raft neck get you through the year? Are y'all crazy? You ain't ain't go vegan? Go vegan? But you know what I noticed about vegans. You know what I noticed about vegans and U they got some of us thanking breath. You ever not to be eating meat. There's something else up in there, man, It comes through the masch Tommy, I don't know what's going on. Ya heard have y'all heard the one what they tell you Like, Man, you gotta really try this buffalo cauliflower. It takes it like, yeah, cauliflower chicken. It ain't even close. Nothing nothing on this earth takes the place of chickenhing. No, we have thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna do some ask bitter man. He's not here to help you right after this. Oh lord, you're listening show all right, guys, it is that time. We don't question it. He just does what he does he do. It's time for asked bitter man? And Jay, what do you have to say to this? I have to say that you're sitting there waiting on help. Well, when this is over, you'll still be waiting. Okay, that's all I gotta say. Go ahead, share it here you go. Oh this is an interesting name. La Crystal like that in Montgomery. La Crystal says, my stepfather is a hot mess and he's got women all over the city and my mother doesn't know it. Mama is a sweet Christian woman that feeds the hungry and takes care of drug addicts that are trying to get clean. That's how she met my stepdad. He's been clean for seven years, and she helped him build his self esteem and got his teeth fixed. Now he thinks he's a castanova. I don't want my mama to get hurt. So should I confront this fool? No? Not at all? And what and what do you expect a man to do with a brand new set of teeth? Really? Forget his ma to get what? What the grinning in folks face? I mean, there's nothing nothing for him to do but show off them teeth. I mean he got to be grinning twenty four seven. That ain't your business. Let him. That's what you would do if you didn't have no teeth and you finally got teeth. What you're gonna do? You in folks face? You said it best. Everything is funny, overlapping, overlading. Wad what time is it? I you gotta do? I let to say the time? Were you so all for some teeth? Stupid jay? You got no health there? Sorry, you got no Okay? Joyceon Delaware as we move on right something in my mid sixties. My husband died last year, but we were separated when he died. His family is giving me a hard time because I am I was still on his insurance policies, and I own half of our house. I had to handle all of his arrangements last year, and I sold his sports car. His brother thought he should have gotten the car, and his sister thought she was in his will. To be honest, he didn't have much when he died. Yet they look at me like I'm sitting on a gold mine. Now, how do I cut these people off my back? I let him keep looking, Let him keep looking. That's all you gotta do. Let him and let him keep looking, and just them don't don't cross this, don't okay, you look all you won't. You can talk all you want, but you ain't got a damn thing coming. Your brother didn't have nothing, and you ain't gotten that in coming. You gotta be strong. When did people leave you? You gotta be strong, yea to the other side of the family, because they wreck your whole life. Yes they will, Yes, they will do it. I'm t they will do it, man, they will do it. Yeah. They always wanted me to have that rocking shire. Yeah, you stop lying in He always wanted me to have that big back, Keith. You know he didn't tell you that. He always wanted me to have that he always I'm coming to get in the frigerated you you bring your hands over. Come on what happened when me and him talked about that deep freezer for years. Man agreed that I was gonna move that day. I just had moved to. Jake said to try to. He had that old time washing machine on the back porch. He said, when he leave it, that was gonna be mine. No it ain't, and damn ain't gonna be yours. No, I remember that space. You remember that space, Heather. He kept in the background that he had an old time oscolating fan, and he said that you had. All right, We're moving on. Chris for himself, philm Michigan says two weeks ago, I got into a fight in a restaurant after our server dropped a tray of water on my wife. I politely asked him to take care of our meal, and the manager offered us a free dessert and started talking slick, so I cursed him out. He got in my face and I hit him. We got into a scuffle and the security guard broke it up, and the manager said, my wife and I are banned from the restaurant. He was out of line. So how can I fix this? Okay? What you think you think? You go, okay, this is yeah, then look at this. Let's break this down. You whooped the manage the ads, and you really think you can go back getting it and eat? Really you think that I own a restaurant. If somebody whooped my ass, they can't come back to that is it? Some suffers are given, some suffering something don't come back next We no, like, I ain't gonna recognize you when you come into Dolly. I will know when you call for uber. Yes, I'm like, hell no, don't you take anything over there? No? Oti the no, and he shouldn't want to eat. I'm doing like many, like many on the hill. That's what I feel, making many don't burn this. She ain't got no Pennis over the platinum, right, you're really not hoping today? Shay alright? Or hey and Los Angeles says, I'm fifty four years old married to a fifty nine year old retired corrections officer. She recently retired, and she's put her whole life on a schedule for insidence. This is crazy right here. For instance, when I come home from work, we have to eat dinner right away. I changed my clothes. Then she takes a shower, then I have to shower right after her. She no longer lets me watch TV in bed, so I have a few hours to watch each night. Lights book, it's lights out, that's right. I feel like she's a warden and not a wife. How do I stop this before it gets worse? Man, you need to follow the rules. At least you know when you're gonna get some. It's just it's in the schedule. Okay, you hit it. Look when that comes up, and you know when you're gonna get some, and just enjoy your life. Man. Everything else is just great, But just follow the rules. Button, follow the damn rules. That's all you gotta going out in the yard. I'm gonna give you thirty minutes in the yard. Thirty minutes in the yard you as a inmate dog. Yeah, all rights on your food, Thank you. Man. Coming up next, Sea Ignorance continues that it's as it always does on this show, with church complaints. Reverenday Deacon depth jam. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anne is standing by with today's national news with the latest on the rain and flooding. Is Hurricane on Ree made landfall And in entertainment news, vaccinated Reverend Jesse Jackson and his wife are hospitalized with COVID plus another entertainment news more shocking testimony from the r. Kelly trial. Wow, We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it is Monday and time for church complaints with Deacon Depth Jam and Reverend Adny. Yes, I am Deacon Deaf Jam and you are into the j P J J. Matt is the jack hot joined our jurus alum change change that's riot and not joining me of course, is the one and only my partner in crime, Reverend ad noy Do. All right, I'm fine, I'm fine. Every time I got this, I'm actually having a good day. I'm having a good day. This is a good day, Vix, vapor of You haven't tried it, Vix. I've tried, Grease, I've tried. Put everything up in there, nothing out, nothing ready. All right. What we're gonna do is we've been having some problems at Bible said it. So what we're gonna do, We're gonna speak so people I understand from the books what they are missing when we do it. Now, would you like me to start this? Add no, Arty, go ahead, start you read from your book, and then I'll read from my book. All right. This is from the Book of Duval. If you would go to the third chapter, it says, I'm living my best life. Yes, I ain't going back and forth with you. In words that I loved that passage. I love that he stood up living. In other words, he's telling you the life that he's living is the best life he's living. And he's not gonna go back and forth and back and forth with you. In words, I love it, and that's what and that's what they'll make you go back and forth. And he said I can't do that. Why Why did he say that? Why did he say that? Man? Because he lived in his best life exactly. I'll be reading from the book of Brown, from the book of Brown, the book Brown Apostle Brown, where he says, get up all for that thing and dance till you feel better. In other words, and other words, you've been on that thing too long and it's time to get up all for that thing. That you get up worse you get off the thing, dance Do you feel better? Say that one say that, he said, he says in the book, he said, right, he said, get up. I don't believe you're listening. He said, get up for that sing wow, Get up over that thing. That means you own the thing, whatever it is, Get up off it and dance to you feel better. Go right ahead, and you read from your book. You read from all right, let's let's let's let's let's let's let's let's let's let's let's let's let's let's go from the the hip hop Testament. There you can look in the book, a bell be of the fault, the old great apostles, great apostles, let apostles right there. And now you look at the fourth chapter. It says there never trust a big butt and a smile. That's what it said. It says, now what that means right there? What that means right there, I reverend is you can you can trust a smile. But if if there's a big butt alone with it, those two don't go that alm. Do you understand where I'm coming? But He's is you can trust a smile. A smile not gonna hurt you, will hurt you. It's some big butt that'll do you in that will that will do you in every time. I'm gonna keep it. I'm gonna keep it on that book right there. What you're reading from Bill, I'm gonna read from bib bib Bot. I'm gonna be a little Another passage in that book, another passage it says right here, when they said smack it up, flip it and then rub it down. I break it down, smack it up. And then once you smack it up, what do you do? You flip it? Flip it said again? You say it again, say it again, and then and then rub it down. Then rub it down, smack it up, flip it. Those are great apostle. You go ahead and read now you read now what we're gonna do now we are going to go from the Old Testament here. Let's see, this is from the book of Pendergrass. Yes, turn off lights, turn them off, and light a candle. That's what it's saying. Now, what people don't understand what this is not about? Romance the light Bill was getting out of control. That's what this was all about. What did he say? What did he say? He turned off the lights and light ain't candle? That ain't nobody just trying to turn off the lights and light ain't candle, that's what he said. That's somebody trying to conserve energy. Right there, I'm gonna be reading from the Book of Genuine, Genuine, so genuine. When he said, is there any more room? Know? He said, have you heard this? Pass your sister getting ahead of me? You're getting ahead of me, sister, He said, have you heard this the book? And you read the book that you know what I'm about to say. He said that any more room? And a sister, sister, please don't get ahead of me. Can't you watch it? Anymore room? Because he looked at him genus he wants to know, he wants to know any more room? Yeah, in them, Jane, that's when you ask Uno. All right, we're going back to the hip hop testing and let me see. Let's see. It's the third book. It is the Book of Smalls and the Book of Smiles and it and it reads I here's the passage. It says, thought he worked hells until I handled my bills. Do you do understand that? So he working? Here? What you said? He worked hells until I handled my bells? That's the book up biggest smiles right now? Thought he worked here behind until I handled my bed. Such a great passage, such a great I'm gonna be reading from an apostle. I don't know who wrote this, I have no idea. I think it's Scias Santana where he says, let me see you walk, walk walk. You can talk all that trash, but let me see you walk. In other words, in other words, he said, you're talking. You're actually talking, and I like to talking. But what I need to do, what I need to do. Oh, I don't believe you with me today. Come on, I don't believe you. Listen what I need you do, and let me see your walk. Whop, let me see your walk. Go right ahead, pous to go ahead. All right. We have one of our one of our Caucasian apostles here. We're going to go to the Book of Collins. It says I can't feel it coming in the air tonight. That's what it said. I'm gonna say it one more time, coming in the airmy nba tonight. Oh man, let me get this last Let me get this last one it. Let me get this gut from the book the Book of Usha. Don't nobody kissing like you do? Bang bang bang bang, bang bang, bang bang. Thank you. That's church complaint. Coming up entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In today's entertainment news, seventy nine year old Reverend Jesse Jackson and his wife Jacquelin have been hospitalized in Chicago after testing positive for COVID nineteen. Reverend Jackson is vaccinated against the virus and received his first dose back in January during a live broadcast as he urged others to get vaccinated at the time. Despite having been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, Reverend Jackson has remained active and has advocated for COVID nineteen backs scenes for black Americans now, according to m Sen. Earlier this month, he was arrested outside the US Capital during a demonstration calling for Congress to end the filibuster in order to support voting rights. Prayer of healing, of course, going out to Reverend Jackson and his lovely wife Jacqueline. Yeah, it's brave with him. Yeah, And this story makes you think that maybe they need to rethink and maybe speed up the third dose or especially those that were vaccinated early, which is our elderly population. Back in January and February. Yeah, so yeah, I get many. Yeah, we gotta take nine most shots. If they got him around whatever pills shot, whyever you want to do it. Yeah, we're praying for Reverend Jackson is absolutely absolutely quick and speedy recovery and other entertainment news during the R. Kelly trial, well, it has had some shocking testimony. Chris G. McGrath took the stand. The doctor, who is a faculty member and Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine UM, testified about his twenty five years social and professional relationship with Kelly. Doctor McGrath said he started treating him for STDs as early as nineteen ninety four, occasionally making house calls. He also said that he prescribed herpes medication as early as two thousand and seven and uh now to review. Prosecutors say that Robert had unprotected sex with two partners and didn't disclose the diagnosis his diagnosis. Those allegations fell under ten of the charges Kelly faced in federal court. Even though Kelly had had health insurance, he never paid McGrath for treatment. He would, however, invite him and his wife, Jean to parties dinners and pay for his flights to concerts around the country. So you didn't pay your insurance, but you paid for them to go to concerts. Well, the fact that did they go, did they accept that? Yeah? You know that. Well, he probably kept promising them, I'm gonna pay you. I'm gonna pay you. I'm going to pay you. You know, man, did you see those videos on social media of the prosecutors going to the courthouse all the carts of evidence cases? If they get your wi in one, two, three up Krogel with them back, Yeah, moving their stuff from the mansion. All right, Jay, it is time for today's headlines. Please introduce. All right, everybody, it's time for the news with miss ann Trip. Thank you, Good morning everyone. Well, yes, the Reverend Jesse Jackson and Missus Jaqueline Jackson in a Chicago hospital after both being diagnosed with COVID nineteen. However, both were vaccinated. Their son, Jonathan says that both are responding well to treatment, so we're very happy about that. And that's even though the civil rights icon, as you know, is afflicted with Parkinson's disease. The Reverend Jackson is seventy nine, his wife is seventy seven in Tennessee, now about twenty two people reported dead, as many as sixty people missing in the middle of that state, hit by record rainfall Friday into Saturday morning courtesy of tropical storm on re on Remay Landfall, and Rhode Island. Yesterday, the President has approved emergency status and aid for New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, authorized FEMA and Federal Emergency Management Agency work, in other words, to coordinate disaster and relief efforts. In a televised address on the White House yesterday, President Biden updated nation on the evacuation efforts in Afghanistan. Mister Biden says close to four thousand people were evacuated this weekend by US forces. Another four thousand or so airlifted out aboard thirty five coalition vehicles or coalition planes, bringing the total number of evacuations to over twenty five thousand people so far since Afghanistan fell to Taliban last week. Past week has been heartbreaking. We've seen gut wrenching images of panic people acting out of sheer desperation. They're frightened, uncertain what happens next. We have almost six thousand of America's finance fighting men and women at the Kabul airport. Our NATO allies are strongly standing with us, their troops keeping century alongside ours and Kaboul. It'll be plenty of time to criticize in second guests when this operation is over. But now now I'm focused on getting this job done. And the President also hopes to host a summit meeting on the situation maybe tomorrow, and will convene the G seven group of the world leading democracies so together we can coordinate our mutual approach, our united approach on Afghanistan and moving forward, we are uniting with our closest partners to execute the mission at hand and to bring international pressure on the tally bomb with respect to the treatment of Afghan people overall, but including Afghan particularly women and girls. And the President's reiterated than any American who wishes to leave Afghanistan will get home. Meanwhile, while mister Biden's being knocked for the way the evacuations going at Homeland, security advisor to former Vice President Pence has a different take. Oliver Olivia Troy accuses the Trump administration and Republicans of distorting the truth, and she writes on Twitter the ex President actually sought to prevent Afghan refugees from entering the US. Finally, sadly, actor Charlie Robinson has died. Charlie Robinson was seventy five. He was perhaps best known as Mac on the sitcom Night Court. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show, Come on, Tommy introduced your the Captain team, Tommy President and CEO Captain all of that. Ladies and gentlemen, it is that time. We're about to take a ride. Buckle up and hold on tight, because we're going to deep, deep into the mind of the one and only Jay Anthony propping head. If you won't do full up on me, if you want through, it's all going down to the Jay Spot, y'all to Jay's body is wide open Tuesday Night. I got mister Alex Thomas and friends. Here we go, Here we go. It's time once again for last week's news with yours truly James ze Brown sung by Jay Anthony Brown. Stop in the name of Love, and I'm talking about COVID and the Delta virus. And it don't look like it's gonna stop until we We're gonna be rebody and go get your damn shot. I lost it. Sorry I lost it. Yes you did, CHICR. But we love you anyway. You came in dead last, damn run a race, but then I got high. I wan't gonna run and run a race, but then I got hot. She was not hot. That's just the joke. Ak. We still love you. Next is my girl Emma Rose. Somebody's sleeping in my bad looked like her boyfriend a E had sex with the whole damn alphabet. Damn twelve people. That's a lot of people. That's like, we are the world. We are the children. Rock the boat, rocked the boat. That's right to live. Music is shotting on the gram, y'all number one. I love my mama. She's my favorite girl. That's what Marlon Wayne said why he didn't marry his baby mama because he wants his mama to be his favorite girl. That's all right, Marmy. We love you anyway, as long as you take your your beat. Hey be why this goes out to all your baby mammas, just goes out to all the baby mamas. I hate you so much right now. I hate you so much right now. That happened to Trump at his own damn rally when he told his people to go get vaccinated. They were like, moved trumpet get out the way, Trump, get out the way. Moved Trump, get out the way. Upside the head sits upside the head side the head sit oops upside the head and oops is right? I think Biden me the big mistake when he pulls the truth out of Afghan understand whatout a planning, without a plan at all, left all those people behind. But you know what, in the words of Salt and Pepper, what a man want, A man want, A man want a might a good man and for me, for me is always a good week. It is always a good week when the Cowboys lose. We love you Cowboys fans, but I gotta sing this fan, why don't you pick up yo feeling? Because it's been the new with your shoon j Nthony Brown with the Steve Hobby Morning Show. Watch that did get up all that is going on inside of this Okay, coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll talk about dropping your kids off at college. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys, it is time for back to school. I think Carla mentioned that earlier she has to get her daughter up today to go to her first day of school. A little yeah, wait wait wait, yes, wake up too early, baby, sleep all right. First, we've been seeing a lot of posts on social media, on Instagram, on Facebook, TikTok about dropping kids off at college. Now, this one guy posted, my sister had to drop one of my nieces off at college yesterday, and she and my brother in law were both a hot men us, crying and everything. But my niece, on the other hand, couldn't wait for them to leave so she could start her college experience and just kick it, you know. So this goes out to the Morning Crew. Were you Were you happy to see your parents finally leave after they dropped you off at school? And Part two? How do you keep tabs or spy on your kids while they are at school? Wow? Oh, my pops was crying when I pulled out. Really yea, yeah, my pops was cry But you know, my pops was crying for a whole nother reason. You know, I had taken a theater scholarship to take him and all them years I was in in drama in school and stuff like that. I had no idea that my pops was a theater major at Southern University. So I'm you know, he was like, you living my dream, boy, go get it. I hadn't hear, you know. He dropped out his school to help his mom take to help my grandparents take care of my ten siblings. So it was the oldest. So yeah, so yeah, my Pomps was crying. He was crying. I'm not what he told me that. Still, I was crying all the way to school. Everybody crying. I will be I will be crying when I dropped sitting they off next that's next year. I will be in tears. Well, I went to a trade school with fifty miles from Columbia, South Carolina, and my mother was crying, But those were tears of joy. There was were definitely cheers and joy to that was that I was leaving and I was out the house, and she was so happy that I was going away, you know, to become a tailor. And she was just crying and laughing at the whole the same damn time. Man, It was just joy for her. And she was there when I graduated, so it was cool. It was cool, but but like you when you when you first put all your stuff up time. I don't know about you. You put up your stuff up in the room and you go, damn, I'm here by myself. Man. Yeah, yeah, it hits you. Man. Nobody telling you, yeah, telling you what to do. Man, this is you know, I had a roommate and this is man, this what I'm gonna do next? You know, but didn't you adjust you that first day? Is something? Man, it's something junior. You got dropped off. I got dropped off. I didn't want my parents to leave. I didn't if you say at prayer, yeah, because they caused the problem. Because see when you pull up with two cars full of stuff and then my mama hop out and say you you you you, and you go take your stuff to this room. Now I got a problem. I don't know these dudes to plush strikes. Then they're gonna say, all right, now y'all take it to get something eat. Hey, they're gonna want my ass. Soon as you pull off. You made a move all my stuff in the door, and then that don't even know me, and then y'all leave it where y'all going. It's a fight about to jump off. If I brought the next twenty minute but thank god day by homeboys. To this day, we still tight. I mean, we actually have to all be in the same bay area and you don't even have across the hall for me. Man, But my mom made to move all my stuff in the dorm, and I was nervous because I was like, man, if I had to pack this heavy chest up here for somebody else, Man, I'm the leave. I don't want them to leave. It was fun, It was fun, I think for me. When I moved in, my mom cried. But you know, my best friend was my roommate and our moms were best friends. So when they left Toria Now we looked at until I walked across the campus and my advisor looked at me and said, you want to join us in class or should I call your mama? Said I'm coming, I'm coming right there, right there. Good times, good times, good time. So next year, timey Sydney, next baby girl. Yeah, you got to be crying, I know. And we still we still ain't picked the college yet. We still oh you got time. Though she has her pick of the letter. She can go anywhere. She's straight days. That's a cool feeling. Kind of won down the street, kind of don't I'm worried, all right, all right? What he's kids though, Yeah, we'll talk about it. First day of school, you guys, you're your best and be safe. Please be safe. Coming up next the nephew with a praying phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject is at number one or number two. We'll get into it. We'll get into it a little later, but right now the nephew is in the building with today's praying phone call. What you got for us? Nev you hit my car? You hit my car. You know you did, and you know you diat. All right, so we're not gonna be we were not even go back and forth. Here we go. You hit my call. Let's go get Oh you waste rym. It's a lot of place. Hello, I'm trying to speak to a dels. This is she? Do you live in an apartment number seven eighth? That depends on who are asking. My name is Herman Wales. I live in building three, apartment one on five. Do you live in an apartment number seventy eight. What you want with where I live? Look, man, do you drive a camera or toyo? The camera? Light blue? One? Yes? All right? Your next dough neighbor then told me that you ran into my car. I got a being as a block one of two thousand and five C two forty. Now I got light blue scratches on my neighbor told you what your neighbor. Matter of fact, his name is Brian Kendall to the little across the hall? What the cross adem that little cross the hall told you what? Man? Listen, all I know is he say he lived in apartment eighty. He lived next dough to you. You live in a supposedly apartment seventy age right here in Cambridge Court apartments. Now all I'm saying here he told me your car is which is the light blue car hit my back into my car? Now, I ain't trying to create no problem, but somebody got to fix my car and I got light blue scratches on my bends. Uh. Last I checked my light blue clamming. Wasn't the only light blue camera they made? Ma'am you're the only light You're the only light blue car. In the parking lot anywhere, the only light blue car in the parking lot. Right now, I ain't gonna say I've been the only light blue car in the damn parking lot. Man, I'm done. Look and I'm in the middle watching tea. What can I do for you? What do you mean? What can you do for mean? You didn't hit my car? I ain't touch your damn car. If you got some cameras out in this parking lot that saw me hit your car, no, I don't have no cameras. But then I believe this conversation is over, and I don't give a damn what's across that man across the hall told you. Look, let me tell you something. You didn't hit my car. Now you gonna do it out? Hold on? Hold on? Player? Uh is you yelling at me? I'm not yelling at you, But you didn't hit my car. You the only touch your damn you're the only light blue car in the parking lot, the only light blue car in the parking lot. Nah. And as a matter of crrect, my car ain't eat me in the parking lot. My sister bar my car go to the stop. What is it possible that your sister is the one that hit my car? Now? Nah? What okay? Is your sister? When is she coming back? Maybe she hit my car and didn't tell you she hit my car. Now she ain't hit your car. She ain't hit your car because she would have told me she hit your damn call. Look, uh, I said, ain't nobody to hit your damn car. My car ain't got no damn scratches on it. What you ain't gonna be at me? You won't give a what kind of scratches you got on your car? But I can't do a damn thing about it. And even if you did, let me just be clear, I ain't got no insurance, no way, so I can't do nothing for you. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, let me tell you something you ain't got to tell me. You ain't got tell me more. Fine, and as far as I'm concerned, this conversation is over. Wait a minute, let me ask you call it back. Mister. You act like I ain't got about You had them scratches on your car all ready, and you ain't going to use me as no more an excuse to get you no new papers. I had no scratches already on my car. Yeah you had him. Oh yeah, you had no I'm gonna tell him an insurance and just if he come over here, Nah, because you're gonna be using your insurance. I now re told you ain't got any don't make me come over to your apartment. No. Seven. Standing in the door. I'm on my way to the doll Nah, I'm standing in the door. Come out, come out. Look, I got thirty five hundred dollars worth for scratches on my car that you need to pay for. You the only you're the only worth thirty five more one hundred dollars. So you already doing better than me? What? What? What? What? Look? I not ready told you. I'm tired of talking to you. I'm watching TV and you ain't got stiff talking to me about. I need to talk to you about this car. Lady. Listen to your call. My car ain't bumped up against your call. I ain't even park next to know BMW's late. It's a bens Ever, it's a BENC two forty, a black Give a damn if it's a being seven seven to seven, I can't help you. They don't make a seven seven lady. Look, you know what can I say something? To you. No, you can't say you know what you can say to me. You can say by I just want to say one more thing to you, one more thing. I'm gonna give your one moment and fine, go ahead on all. I want to say this, nephew, timing from the Steve Harvard Morning Show. Your sister robbing out of DC, putting me off, make me you know what? I don't even have y'all show. I listened to the show on the inn a knee and this boy, Oh you wait till I talk to her? All right, mister Dale, will listen before you go. Can you tell me what is the baddest radio show in the land? The Steve Harbor Morning? So all right that you taught me you knew you didn't run into nobody? Damn I hit nobody because I'll be trying to talk myself out there, falk. Won't nobody hit me? You know? All right? You're talking about the cross side blanket and blank cross the hall. That's what you're talking about. Across I'm the only light blue came in the parking lot, right man? Well, y'all get the Ramo noodles all over. The play got out? Did you hear what I said. She go back, ha, what what what? What? What? What? Alright? Keeping stupid keeper, stupid man. All right, let me let me try to run out of my love calendar here because I got a little sum something. Let's see West Palm Beach, Florida, twenty four to twenty fifth at the Improv. That's September twenty four, twenty fifth at the Improv. All right, you got that down. That's for y'all. Down and flod Detroit, Michigan. Yeah, Detroit. Uh, that's October the sixteenth, nephew coming through. All right, let me let me look at let me look at my numbers. Ain't gon a Schucker, It ain't o what November? Should I go that DAP? Should I go that DP? November? Yeah, November twelfth and thirteen? Where we at we are, Jacksonville, Florida. The nephew coming to town, Jacksonville, Floda twelfth and thirteen. Oh somewhere I've never been before. November the twentieth, Dayton, Ohio, Dayton, Ohio at the Convention Center. Yeah, Nephew, Timmy and friends, it's coming to day Ohio's get your tickets when they if they're gonna sell and come check out the nephew dating. I ain't gonna see y'all. Y'all ain't know seeing me, so let's do it. It's a date. Let's do this together with Man's Day. It's a date in Dayton. It's a date in Dayton. Okay, the twenty of the November, the nephews coming to town, and then I'm gonna get yall that whole later on. I'm give y'all that old New Year's Eve line up. I'm talking about it for a city run, y'all. Ain't ready, y'all, I ain't ready, but it's gonna happen thirty thirty first, first second, Wait till I tick you. Yeah, I ain't tell you that right now, but wait till I tell you coming to town car. I ain't got no tickets for you even tell you. I'm so glad you mentioned that I do have cousins in Dayton. Oh my daddy's sad. Where you going again? When you twy November twenty Okay, holla at your girl who's they won't be ipp you know what? People ask for two tickets or even four tickets. I'll just be puzzled by by friends you think you can get us ten ten? Are you serious tickets? I was gonna ask for eight? Is that it's not ten? Carla, it's not ten. Listen. Listen people, when you ask somebody for tickets for is the limit? So everybody listening for is the limit? Don't go. That's a hook up ticket to all Right, Well, thank you, Nephew, Congratulations on your tour. Coming up next, Strawberry Letters. Subject is it number one or number two? We'll find out when we get into it. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Carla, before we get to the Strawberry Letter, let's let's shout out New York. Yeah, I mean, we really want to shout out Saturday Night Monica, Mississippi. Monica wanted me to remind everybody about out all of it. At least over sixty thousand, seventy thousand people vaccinated attend the you know, New York concert. New York was coming back at Central Park. Career. Did you guys see that l el j Buster Rhymes, You saw Junior Fat Joe. It was good, Okay, it was good. Everyone was out there. They were vaccinated. It was mandatory for them to have been vaccinated. Vaccinated. Yeah, and I saw Don Lemon on stage taking the selfie with all those people, so we want to shot them out. We know that New York has gotten hidden a little bit from unread the hurricane and it was bad weather before the concert. Remember when Diana Ross performed at Central Park, it was Central Podcast. The guy, the guy who wrote with us on the Steve Harvey Show named Chris. He was one of the writers on that show, so shouts out to him too. He's a native. Yeah. Yeah, we love New York. We love a big love, open to d We're ready, We're ready to go. We want to see some plays. That's what we want to see. Thank Yeah, I love New York. Yeah, all right, time now for my Strawberry Letter for today. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could beat you here that we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like I'm gonna We're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up, ahol on tight, we got it for you here. It is a Strawberry letter. Subject, is it number one or number two. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am a twenty nine year old single woman and I've been dating a twenty nine year old man for four years. We have an on and off relationship and we broke up over a year ago, and he met a chick and she fell in love with him quickly. He said it was just casual sex, but when he and I decided to get back to together, she wouldn't stop bothering us. She caused problems in our relationship all the time, and one night she went to his house drunk, so he made her some coffee and let her sleep on his couch. He told me she snuck into his bed in the middle of the night and they had sex. From that one encounter, she ended up getting pregnant and he felt pressured to marry her. A few weeks later, I found out I was pregnant too, and he hit me with the news that he was marrying this other chick. He said it was just for the baby. I asked him, what about our baby and if that meant that she is number one and I was number two. He said it wasn't that simple and asked me to give him some time. He was all excited when he found out I was having a boy. He said he wanted our son to be named after him. That made me hopeful that we'd be a family one day soon. She had her baby two weeks before I did, and he called to tell me it was a boy and that his son is named after him, so we would have to find another name from my son. I told him I did not ever want to speak to him again, and when my son was born, I texted him to let him know and he didn't reply. It's been weeks and I haven't heard from him. I don't understand how he chose her and her baby over us. I have made sure his wife has seen my son, since he looks just like his daddy. How did I go from being number one to number two to not being in his life at all? Oh my goodness, this hurts my heart right here, stuff like this, because I really really really want my sisters in these disrespectful, crazy relationships to get it. You gotta take a step back and look at what's really going on and what's been going on for four years of your life. You were with someone who did not claim you. First of all, you should never have to ask this question, are you number one to number two? Because if you have to ask, that means you're number one. You're neither one. Okay, that's right, you are now not now, nor have you ever been number one? Okay. He doesn't treat you like number one. He's never treated you like number one. You said the relationship was off and on to begin with, and while you're off, he got with someone else. This was over a year ago, and he has a real relationship with them. How do we know all of this because he what married her, all these things, he named their son after him. All you have is a sexual relationship with him. I mean you know that's it. And how do we know this because you got pregnant. So now is the time for you to realize that he's been lying to you all along and that his future does not include you period. It just does not. It never really has except for you know, when you guys were on and he came over to have sex with you. So at this point you need to stop worrying about being his number one or even his number two, and you gotta put yourself number one. Okay, you need to be number one to yourself respect, yourself, get your self esteem, ups. Don't let any man, or him or anyone else treat you like this, and take this man to court and get some child support. You're gonna have to move on with your life, okay, because he's married to her. And that's it, all right, Tommy. I don't think you're number one a number two. I think you just somebody that just made some crazy, crazy decisions that didn't go well for you. This brand him. He don't want you, he didn't make you shouldn't know that by now, right, he don't want you. I hope he doesn't take it. I hope he takes care of his child. Well, here's what I didn't understand. I didn't understand this that this girl went by his high. He gave us some coffee. And now I ain't coffee supposed to keep you up? Ain't there? We're comfort due? Yeah, yeah, don't coffee keep you up. That's why she was up in the middle of the night. That's why she went in the bedroom you had from coffee. She looks how to wait? All right, This is what this one was really going. Also, now you got two babies. Here's what I don't need to understand about any of y'all. I don't understand this unprotected sex that's going on, and now it's two babies at the same time of this brother. He just going back and forth between y'all and you haven't realized it. You know what you gotta do. You gotta do this. You gotta have some respect for yourself. You got the lady up. You got to forget about him. You gotta raise your child. Enough said. All right, we'll have part two of the Strawberry Letter coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour of subject is it number one or number two? We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, let's recap today's Strawberry Letter. The subject isn't number one or number two? A twenty nine year old woman wrote in she's single. She's been dating a twenty nine year old man for four years. They've had an on and off relationship for those four years. They broke up about a year ago. While they broke up, he met a chick, she says, fell in love. The chick fell in love with him quickly. He said. It was just casual sex, but then the two of them decided to get back together. And then this other woman that he met while they were off. While they were off, wouldn't leave them alone. She kept bothering them. She got pregnant by him. He decided to marry her, and then the woman who wrote the letter found out she was pregnant as well. The man told her to name the son that she was having after him, but come to find out, the wife also had a boy, so she named him after her husband. So this woman who wrote the letter is confused. She wants to know is she number one? Is she number two? Why is he lying? Why is she out of his life? He didn't text her back when she told her that the baby was born or anything. So she's trying to figure it out. But there's nothing to figure out. He has moved on, and that's what you need to do. Jay, What you got. I' gonna give you some numbers real quick. Okay, I'm gonna give you some damn numbers. Number one, that man has moved on with his damn life. Okay. Number two is number two? He not thinking about you or that damn baby. Number three. Once you get a number, you've been in a place where they give you a number. Once you get that number, that is your damn number. You can't change that number. You are number, you are number you probably number eight, you number eight. You ain't even you ain't even two, three, four, five, six, seven or eight. Number four. That man's got his hands full with the baby that he has. He ain't got time to take on another baby. Number five, I wish you woug over there in clown. Your life is in hell. Nine, Leave it like it is, move on with your not And I'm sure that baby probably even look like him. It probably doesn't even look like him at all. You just saying that won't know what that baby looked like. And he was absolutely right. You did sneak into bed, you did put him on. He wasn't up all that. He put your ass on the couch. They say, I know you in the bed. That isn't his fault. That your damn fault. You need to accept some responsibility. But where you are right now in your life, that's number six. Leave that man alone. That's not his baby. Move on with your life. That's it. Number six. I'm dying. You don't think it's his baby. He don't know that in his damn baby he put on the couch. Next thing he knows she in the bed. That any way he put you, he puts put you on the couch. Why are you that he's marrying on the couch. Yeah, that's the one he loved. Did he married who he loved? Yeah? He don't. He don't love you. Who's saying that? Sound we don't love him? Who say? Hey down? Yeah? Let me let me just tell us lady this, um, you know I'm with you first of all, everybody great, great answers, because we don't know what number you are, but you only gave us to to choose from. So we go off or number one and number two. There's a litmus test for this, and we gonna gain you a litmus two. We're gonna find out if you're a number one and number two, we're gonna throw the question back at you. Now, I breathe with surety. If you went first of all, if you have to ask, probably number two. And here's why. Number one don't know nothing about number twos, but U twos know everything about number one. What you think I'm lying? You just sat here and wrote us a whole letter with info about number one, a whole letter you know about the marriage. Matter of fact, you made your favorite a number two because you had to take the name you want it and give it the number one. You were number two. I don't look notice number one didn't write in. Number two wrote it because number one don't know nothing about you. She may suspect you around, but she don't know, so she gonna get married. And let me tell you another thing. Men, tell No. Umber two is believable lies. I'm doing this for the baby. That's why I'm marrying hoof. You believe this man gostelling for the full fledged church. Pat to the rim and say, I'm only here because we got this baby. Go ahead, reb bring the vials on. He loved number one. That's why number one get to go over there, fall asleep, sneak in the room. She didn't sneak, She walked in there. She didn't never on the couch. She was never on the couch. You ain't even now. Why would she be on the couch and you ain't there? He was dash. She might be on the couch, but you weren't there. You believe another lie. I put on the couch. No she did. She took a coffee cup drinking on the side of the bed with him. Didn't They had sex and he was at home. We tell you believable lies. Not here. You are trying to fail. If you're a number one, number two, I suspect, like Jason, you might be number eight. We don't know what number you are, could be two through ten, don't know. But you n number one though, We definitely know because number one don't know nothing about number two, but number two know everything about number one. I bet you don't call you unless you're out of town. They've been in this, we'll say, just relationship for lack of a better term, for four years. But this is the years that's over. That's oh yeah, that's they broke up over a year ago. That some experience. It's come on, tell it's some experienced number two. It's a number two, been out there thirty years a number two. Yeah, but cold at it. Thought it though, and and let's let's go and say this. You can't have like George Farmer had a bunch of Georges. You can have some them kids can have the same name. If it was like five George Farm, we gotta get out of here. Ye name him the second whatever you name him before it's talk with Junior. In forty six minutes after right after this. You're listening time now for junior sports talk. Junior what you got? Thank you Shirley. Well, first of all, did everybody know Birmingham Labor Day weekend? We're bout two weeks of white show tickets is moving. Get your tickets right now to start. Don't come on favorite places come to town, get your tickets right now. I go to stardome dot com. Come see your favorite play cousin that start off two show Friday, two shows Saturday, one show Sunday. But now for sports talk or an interesting weekend. We've had it in football season and I don't know if y'all saw this. Uh, there wasn't just action on the field in Pittsburgh between Pittsburgh Steams that Detroit Lions, which ended in twenty six to twenty. The Steelers won, but they also won in the stands too. Did y'all see the fight that happened in the stands? Yeah? Did you see that? You're gonna learn to keep your hands to yourself as an adult? Yeah, okay, as an adult. Now, this white woman snapped the black band in the face. Everybody saw it, Well, I didn't. The stand then the buck man pushed her and now her husband tried to jump in and defend her. Well you know how that went, because you know you got to protect her honor. You cannot watch your girl get pushed and you you don't do nothing you gotta do, but you know you gotta do something. And the man already. Man, you gotta be ready, You got to be ready. But soon he jumped in. I'm talking about this brother koled him within about thirty about thirty round, first round KO thirty seconds maybe, and the dude got knocked back. He him so hard he knocked him back in his seat. He was sitting, he was sitting back down. Did just did you hear somebody behind him yell though, Jad he got knocked out. Somebody said somebody find his glasses. Yeah, let's get him out of here, Get him out of here. Man. That was crazy. Man, I said, many old woman and got your ass wolf Man. You could avoid it. That Jay, he just would talk him and said, man, what she do she slapped you? Let me talk to you. What you're slapping? Fuck? No, no, don't put your hand. I'm sorry, brother, because you know he's been getting knocked out. Start apologizing right away, because he didn't. It was I'm are brother. She's gonna learn to keep our hands to us. So you start messing with folks. You just show last either game. I know that, show last one. Can't he got somebody else he can't take no. Also in other sports and other sports, track nuwe y'all saw a track starch place and the women's one hundred meter race at the Nike Prefontaine classes in Oregon. You know we wanted to see Chakari run after she couldn't race in the Olympics after a positive marri wanna test. Take a list. This is why race. I'm not done. You know what I'm calling You want to talk because I'm here to stay. I'm not done. I'm the sixth fastest woman in this game. Whatever. They can't nobody ever take that from me. You know right man, you know them Jamaican's gave her that weed. You know. Get out of here. You all are not gonna do this coming up and a comedy roulette right after this. You're listening. Time now for comedy roulette. Guys. Set it up, Jay, please, here we go. You put three stepjects on wheel. We'll make it funny wherever it stops. Watch us do it. Watch us all right, here we go. Today's categories are things a woman can say to a man that cannot be taught, all right, cut your due, all right. Also things you say to someone when you break something in their home. Sorry, just won't cut it, okay. Things step dad say to step kids when their moms are not in the room, Like I like that one, I really like that all day. You like your puppy? That's the one, y'all win? Oh yeah, alright, here we go, Here we go. A woman can say to a man that can't be top. Let's go, yeah, alright. Things a woman can say to a man that cannot be top. It rhymes with itch, but they put stop acting like a little stop acting like a little, now to do it right there a woman. Things a woman can say to a man that can't be top. No, no, don't get mad, pay some rent alright. Things a woman can say to a man that just can't be we got b d Oh my god, here we go. Comment that things the woman can say the man that cannot me, your mama is mo man than you. Damn that. Things women can say a man can't top and you've been like maybe trying to jump in come and give their opinion and help come back and say, excuse me, only employed people should be talking time at all. Did you get some glory going out the room? All right? Let me see things A woman can say to a man that just cannot be here. This is a little boy thing, lord, really, that's what you're coming out here with. Serious. A woman can say to the man, and can that be top? If you think I'm lying, ask your brother is ruless a woman? We always do, though we always love him as a woman. A woman can say that a man can't talk. Hey, listen. If I was you, I stopped talking for I called your probation office. I really would. I shut up right now, I shut I shut up right now. A woman to say to him, but link one car crying now. The woman can say, some man that cannot be toime, damn, that was quicker than last night. I standing, guys, We'll be back in twenty minutes after we all need a break. Right at you? You're listening to show and tell me something good news. After filing for bankruptcy in March of twenty eighteen and then closing their stores by June of twenty eighteen, Toys are Us trying to second attempt at a comeback Yeah right store. The brand is team with Macy's and plans to open a toys or a shops in four hundred Macy's in twenty twenty two. Customers can already start their toys or a shopping online, Big Shore huge. That was hard to pay the rent on that stuff. Man, Yeah, yeah, take my nephew and niece, my niece and nephews in there. Let him go run wild. My mom used to take me in there. We didn't buy a damn thing. We just went there taking the baby window shopping. I used to saying that. So I don't want to grow up. I'm a towards rude. I don't want man from bike suon chain to I don't want to grow up coming back. What was the giraffe's name? What was the jail free Jeffrey? Right? Games? We love all right truly? So guys, what was your favorite toy of all time? Do you have one favorite? Draw? Oh? I got my real quick skates with the key, Skates with the key. I take you back, all right, That's all we have. We'll be back in thirty three minutes after right after this, you're listening show. All right, guys, it is that time. We don't question it. He just does what he does. You do. It's time for ask pitter Man and Jay. What do you have to say to this? I have to say that you're sitting there waiting on help. Well, when this is over, you'll still be waiting. Okay, that's all I gotta say. Go ahead, share this. Here we go. Oh this is an interesting name, La Crystal, I like that. I like that name. In Montgomery, La Crystal says, my stepfather is a hot mess and he's got women all over the city and my mother doesn't know it. Mama is a sweet Christian woman that feeds the hungry and takes care of drug addicts that are trying to get clean. That's how she met my stepdad. He's been clean for seven years and she helped him build his self esteem and got his teeth fixed. Now he thinks he's a castanova. I don't want my mama to get hurt. So should I confront this fool? Not at all? And what and what do you expect a man to do with a brand new set of teeth? Really? Yea, but go grinning in folks face. I mean, there's nothing for him to do, but show off him teeth. I mean he got to be grinning twenty folk seven. That ain't your business. Let him. That's what you would do if you didn't have no teeth and you finally got teeth. What you're gonna do? You in folks face? The best? Everything is funny. What time is it I you gotta do? I let's say the time you so all for something? Stupid Jay? You got no help there? Sorry? Okay, Joyce in Delaware? As we move on, right. So, I'm in my mid sixties. My husband died last year, but we were separated when he died. His family is giving me a hard time because I am. I was still on his insurance policies and I own half of our house. I had to handle all of his arrangements last year, and I sold his sports car. His brother thought he should have gotten the car, and his sister thought she was in his will. To be honest, he didn't have much when he died. Yet they'd look at me like I'm sitting on a gold mine. Now, how do I cut these people off my back? I can't let him keep looking. Then let him keep looking. That's all you gotta do. Let him, let him keep looking and just set them. Don't don't cross this dough. Okay, you can look all you want, you can talk all you want, but you ain't got a damn thing coming. Your brother didn't have nothing, and you ain't got nothing coming. You gotta be strong. When did people leave you? You gotta be strong to the other side of the family because there the wreck your whole life. They will do it. I'm testing they will do it, man, they will do it. Yeah. Coming up, it is our last break of the day. Dude. You come in here every day. When we out every day, there's no more. Also, at forty nine minutes after be our we'll close out the show right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here we are last break of the day on this Monday. Monday is out of here for us. We wanted it to go. Now it's gone. Yeah, it's gone. Yeah, It's gonna be better when it becomes Monday Night Football, then it's gonna be Yeah. I can handle money. You know what I want football. I want somebody black singing that song I really do, like Shirlie Wilson, Are you ready for football? Like Charlie Willson, somebody man. Yeah, you know, just somebody, anybody. I'm tired of that lady, you know. But before we go, Before we go, I want to ask you guys a quick question. If you were a billionaire, what ridiculous service that you love would you have in your house at all the all times? Like Jeffrey Bezos, for instance, has a new soft serve ice cream machine in one of his houses. M I like that. What would you have, nephew? I hope he ain't get the one from McDonald's. That machine don't never work. What would you have about if I got a billion Shirley, I got to have what Eddie Murphy had in coming to America. I need my own bathers, you know what I mean? Raw bathes every morning, about five of them, just just washing time. Yes, and when you when you drive me off, you're gonna wipe me hard. You blow it. You bl block that, you block that d block. Okay, and Junior, what about you? Oh that's easy. Monday night football at my house, just me and my family watching the game. Y'all watching on TV. But it's gonna be here at the house. To be at the house, I'm going out back. I got a football staying them in the back I got they come here every Yeah, y'all want to watch the games in the back yard. They got right out there out there, everybody out there out there, juniors Monday night stadium. Yeah, I got a billion dollars right. First of all, I'm gonna hire billionaire three hundred and sixty five of these people job because the job pays one hundred thousand a year. Because and that reason I got so many, because they're gonna quit. And I'm talking about royal butt wipers, That's what I'm royal. You know they're not gonna stay long, so I know you know they're gonna quit the job. And I don't like the hours. Okay, hour, yal, I don't like the hours. Okay, well you quick, then you quick. We gotta get but Jane, we gotta yea yeah, yeah, I don't like the way you're doing your job anyway, all right, until you get a light, I'll never know when I have to come to work. I don't want that funking job. Don't question Jay just called him up like you got thirty minutes to get here. It's traffic where you got her? Fired her? Don't don't. Don't have me sitting here. Okay, my legs better not getting them. I'm telling you that, Jake. You don't care. Jay, don't care. This was a major day in your life. My son graduated. I don't give a damn about the son graduated. Just gonna get it. You're probation if you do a lot of money. Man, I'm at the altar. Yeah, because they got quit. We know you're gonna have a problem at them. Man, what about you ladies? Really that's exotic as Jay's. Yeah, I don't just say this. I want a masseuse. I want to missuse. Really, Okay, that's what I want. That's it. Okay, Yeah, I need that. I would one. I'll tell you. I'm want a couple of things. I want to chef twenty four hours a day. I'm talking whenever I ring that bell. I yeah. And a manicure, pedicure. I need all that all day long, bla am all of that. Last you know what I really need though, what you need to just haliber just she just I think with a billion you might be able to get it to me. I'm shooting my shot, and everybody in the family gonna have to understand now that you're gonna give her a whole billion times in a half of it. Would you give it a whole billion to be with Helleban? You don't love it that much. You love her? I mean a fourth of it? Maybe, Jake, you know what, I give you a whole billion. I know the announcement I'm gonna make it if I do have a billion. I know the entire following list. The following people can kiss my behind. Listen for your name starting in the a's here we go. You see the great challenge that they've been doing on Instagram. Oh my god, I've been watching too much TikTok create. It's a challenge when you take milk creates, you stack them about eight high and then make steps on each side, going up and going down, and people are busting there behind. Yeah, I saw what guy there shaking, just shaking his faith. I wouldn't try. I wouldn't dread that man, No, not no. What makes you want to do that though? Why? I don't know why these people want to do this stuff. Who thinks of the stuff? That's what? And then we just started doing it. I was not a sister with the heels on it. Yeah, she did it. Yes, yes, she made it. And you know what that means? We were in the house too, damn, Loan, that means what about the scholarship challenge? Yeah? What is this one? I don't know this one. But they get on camera and they just tell they they stand there with their grandmother on camera. They're thinking, these people that given them the scholarship, they wouldn't have to go to school for what you and they're doing a scholarship. Man, they grandmas today and they tell them about they get the scholarship for the work they grandmother did as a prostitute. And it's just funny to see their grandmother. I want no prostitute. It's okay, granted, it's okay. We're getting the scholarship, all right, Jake. You gotta get out of it, James, and everybody will see you tomorrow right nearly on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. What that damn that? Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.