MLK Day, Steve Birthday, B-day Wishes, Christ Introduction and more.

Published Jan 17, 2022, 2:00 PM

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all all looking back to back down, giving them like a million bus things and it's not me true good stett join. You gotta use that turn you gotta turn to turn them out. Love got the turnout to turn, turn the water the water. Come, come on your thing, I shore will a good morning everybody. Y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now wanted only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, here we go. I was working out. I was talking to a buddy of mine, and I was telling him something that Bishop td Jake's told me one time I heard him say it. He said, oh, I would hate to die and not do the thing that I was born to do. I would hate to die and not do the theme that I was born to do. Man, oh man, oh man, man. That hit me like a like a like a pile of bricks man, because it made me feel so grateful that God has allowed me to live my life this way now. And I'm talking about grateful for all of it, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and I have had all of them. The person you see today, it ain't always who I was. It was on the inside of me, but it hadn't externalized itself, if that's a word. It hadn't been brought out. It was in here, but it was under development. Who I am today was a process. But like I said before, don't trip Hem through with me yet. Even today, I'm still an imperfect soldier for Christ. Today I still fall short oftentimes, but I'll tell you what, I'm ever grateful for the life I have. And you know what, I want to encourage everybody today to explore your possibilities. I mean, man, explore your possibilities. Why would you not want to find out, discover, or know what it is God got for you? Why would you not want to achieve or accomplish all of your possibilities? Now, as I ask you this question, I want you to know that the devil is busy, that he plays mind tricks. So as you hear this, I already know he's saying to some of y'all, Yeah, Steve, that's easy for you to say, but I didn't get myself in this situation right here. Ain't nothing too hard for God? Nothing nothing. And see, so as you listen to me, try to try to get your mind open to this. Why would you not want to explore all of your life's possibilities, what's possible with your life? And I'm talking about from right where you are right now. I'm not asking you to change, I'm not asking you to do anything. I'm telling you this is a fact that God can get you from right where you are right now. Broken, misled, misguided, misunderstood, mistaken, all of that, misfortunate, all of the missus you've been talking about in your life. You know you. I missed the lottery, I missed my ride. They fined men, I missed the deadline. I didn't get it, miss pop. People just miss stay self to death. If you've been all in missus, God can get you from right where you are. God a home run hitter. I'm here to tell you that he's a home run hitter. He's a put him over the wall whenever he wants to, all the time. And you can be a recipient of some of these home runs. He'll put the bat in your hand. But you got to sway now, listen to me. You got to stop feeling sorry for yourself. You got to stop holding yourself down with beating yourself up. He won't hold you down about it if you don't hold yourself down about it. But I'm gonna tell you one more time. The devil is busy. So what the devil do is He makes you think you ain't worthy. He makes you think that you've done something so despicable that you can't come back from it. He makes you feel like you're so low you can't go up high. He knocked you down, and make you feel like you've been knocked down harder than anybody else. You can't get up. He rolled you so deep down in that ditch you can't see over the edge. God can come get you from no matter where you are. I'm telling you, man, you ain't in no hole too deep for God. Magic Johnson to tell you that. Listen to me, you ain't in no hole too deep for God. Steve Harvey can tell you that you ain't in a hole too deep for God. Tyler Perry can tell you that. I can name you some people. Bishop Jake can tell you that. I could tell you. Kenneth Olmer can tell you that. Bishop Kenneth Olman, I could tell you some people. Kirk Franklin can tell you that. Donnie mcclarkton can tell you that. I just know some people personally man that then't been in a hole. Joel Oldstein can tell you about it. I know some people man been down, been in a hole so deep. I bet you. Paula Deane can tell you about it. See. But but you know what, then here we go, see we see see you know, see we don't. We don't like to talk about that because now we want everybody to pay extra hard for some mistakes they made when clearly and excuse me for being a new Christian, but there is a pred that I've been saying since I was a little bitty boy, and it took me till I was a grown man to understand it. Forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust passed against us. So see, it ain't my job to hold nobody down, to keep my knee on somebody's neck. Who am I. I'm gonna need some forgiveness in a second here, probably today. See so all this, you're holding people down with the way you feel in bout them. And she shouldn't have said this, and she will never get it. I'll never support this again. Man, Get up, Get up and get real, You're for real. You think you ain't fit the need forgiveness real soon you ain't fna make a diabolical mistake in your life. You don't think you are. I have thousands of them, probably gonna make a few hundred more for I get up out of here. So I've decided to be in a forgiving business because I want God to forgive my trust passes as I forgive those who trust passed against me. You understand, see excuse me for being a new Christian. I get I get tired of talking to pistol, to people man supposed to be saved, and talking about dead Christian. I don't want to type religion. Man. I ain't in that no more. I ain't in that. You can call me wrong if you want to saying how you want to say. I ain't in that no more. I ain't in all that. You can feel how you want to feel about me. But I got proof that God work in my life. You know, I can't hardly get it out Sometime when people ask me something about deeper on the inside of me, about my soul and how I used to being, and my journey and my trip. Because people don't know the trip I've been on You main't been on one worse than me. But you know what, you ain't in a hole too deep. God can't get you out of. And I wish, I want, I want people to remember that man, God is a redeemer, He the great I am. So if you ain't got nothing, now what you asking for? You know you might not have nothing because you ain't asking for nothing? Could asking God to get you out of debt and ask God for a life of abundance. Then you take the money and you get out of debt. You keep asking to get out of debt. You keep being in debt to get out of Come on, man, what you're asking God? Fault? I'm just tripping to day, That's all. I'm sorry. I apologize. You're listening show, ladies and gentlemen. It is here, It is upon us today. It's a special day. This is a national holiday where we celebrate the life and legacy of doctor Martin Luther King. Got it? Yeah? Now, his actual birthday is January fifteenth. Today is January seventeenth. So I must bring this to your attention, for this national holiday is really about today's Today was the birth of the one and the only that damn Steve Harvey. Now that's a lot of other people that's got this birthday that's famous. Michelle Obama got it, Duayane Wade got it, Benjamin Franklin got it, Mohammad Ali got it. But they ain't got no radio show, right, and Ben wouldn't have been good on the radio. No way we hit coming on here. All these scientific facts ain't got no joke. If they want to hear it, probably had a slave or something. I don't hear him on the day. You never know, you don't know it from that era. I can't see him outside. You know, you know, you know, I ain't really show he chopped that tree down. Probably something black dude chopped the tree down for him. That was George Washington. That was another white man, which is why I didn't do well in school. Junior. What's up? All right? It's your birthday? Man, what's gonna happen today? Big down? What you're doing? Well? I can't tell you what I'm gonna do today, and I can't tell you where I am today. Yeah, I don't. I don't know the background when you know the background because I put up a green screen back hill, because you can't see what's going on you don't want to share. I can't do that today because y'all you know, you know, y'all happy for me, but everybody ain't. Which you're not worried about haters on your birthday? I know you're not worried about haters. You sixty five, my brother, could give less than hats from now on, less than all haters from now all. Man, please don't even waste your time on me. Don't don't even waste your time at sixty five. I don't give less than all flying about what you think. I'm under no circumstances. I'm going The rest of my life is dedicated to the people who love and respect one another, who love and respect me, who love and respect the culture, and who are willing to do things to move it forward. If you don't fit into that category, after today, on this blessed day of my sixty fifth birthday, don't say sugar honteded No, don't say sugar honted iced tea to me, no more? And I mean that. Okay, everything in you and everything all right, birthday boy, Thank all this attention though, man, all right, coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour, this is a revelation. As I was saying, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll play some highlights of doctor King's most famous speeches right after this. You're listening show right now, Here's a drum majorst speech on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. An instinct. It's a kind of drum major instinct, a desire to be out front, a desire to lead the parade, a desire to be first. It is something that runs a whole gamut of life. So before we condemn them, let us see that we all have the drum major instinct. We all want to be important, to surpass others, to achieve distinction, to lead the parade. Alfred Adler the Great, a psychoanalyst, contends that this is the dominant impulse. Sigmund Fraud used to contend that sex was the dominant impulse, and Adla came with a new argument, saying that this quest for recognition, this desire for attention, this desire for distinction, is the basic impulse, the basic drive of human human life, this drum major instinct. And you know we begin earlier to ask life to put us first. Our first cry as a baby was a bid for the tension, and all through childhood, the drum major impulse or instinct is a major obsession. Children ask life to grant them first place. They are a little bundle of ego they have innately the drum major instinct. Now an adult life, we still have it and we really never get by it. We like to do something good, and you know, we like to be praised for it. Now, if you don't believe that, you just go on living life, and you will discover very soon that you like to be praised. Everybody likes it as a matter of fact. And somehow this warm glow we feel when we are praised or when our name is in print is something of the vitamin aid to our ego. Nobody is unhappy when they are praised, even if they know they don't deserve it, and even if they don't believe it. The only unhappy people about praise is when that praise is going too much towards somebody else. But everybody likes to be praised because of this real drum major instinct. Do you know that a lot out of the race problem grows out of the drum major instinct, a need that some people have to feel superior a need that some people have to feel that they are first, and to feel that their white skin ordained them to be first at it. And they have said over and over the game in ways that we see with our own eyes. In fact, not too long ago, a man down in Mississippis said that God was a child, a member or the white citizens counsel. And so God being the child a member means that everybody who's in that has us a kind of divinity, a kind of superiority. And think of what has happening historism. As a result, this perverted use of the drum maje instinct led to the most tragic prejudice, the most tragic expressions of man's inhumanity to man. I mean, not only does this thing go into the racial struggle, goes into the struggle between nations. And I would submit to you this morning that what is wrong in the world today is a the nations of the world engaged in a bitter, colossal contest for supremacy, and some doesn't having to stop this trend. I'm sorely afred that we won't be here to talk about Jesus Christ and about God and about brotherhood too. Many more years, somebody done bringing into this suicidal thrust that we see in the world today. None of us are going to be a round because somebody is gonna make the mistakes through our senseless blunderings, of dropping a nuclear bomb somewhere, and then another one is gonna drop. And don't let anybody fool you. This can happen within a matter of seconds. They have twenty megaton bombs in Russia right now that can destroy a city as big as New York in three seconds, with everybody wiped away in every building. And we can do the same thing to Russian China. But this is why we are drifted, and we are drifting down it cause nations are caught up with the German major instinct. I must be first, I must be supreme all A nation must rule the world. And I am sad to say that the nation in which we live is the supreme culprit. And I'm gonna continue to say it to America because I love this country too much to see the drift that it has taken. God didn't call America to do what she's doing in the world now. God didn't call America to engage in a senseless unjust war as a war in Vietnam, and we are criminals in that war. We've committed more war crimes almost than any nation in the world. And I'm going to continue to say it, and we won't stop it because of our pride and i Arragan says the nation. But God has a way of even put nations in that place. Everybody here, here's a fact of no matter, doctor Mark Luther King Junior's speech to drum major Instinct speech. It was actually delivered at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, on February fourth, nineteen sixty eight, and throughout all of his years of public service, doctor Mark Luther King Junior encouraged everybody to participate in community service. You're listening Harvey Morning Show. Welcome back to the ride. We will continue with more of doctor King the drum major Instinct speech. Nobody is unhappy when they are praised, even if they know they don't deserve it, and even if they don't believe it. The only unhappy people about praise is when that praise is going too much towards somebody else. But everybody likes to be praised because of this real Drum major instinct. Do you know that a lot of the race problem grows out of the drum major instinct, A need that some people have to feel superior, a need that some people have to feel that they are first, and to feel that their white skin ordain them to be first. They have said over and over the game in ye that we see with our own eyes. In fact, not too long ago, a man down and Mississippis said that God was a child, a member or the White Citizens Council. And so God being the child a member means that everybody who's in that has us a kind of divinity, a kind of superiority. And think of what has happened in historism as a result, this perverted use of the drum mage instinct led to the most tragic prejudice, the most tragic expressions of man's inhumanity to man. I mean, not only does this thing go into the racial struggle, goes into the struggle between nations. And I would submit to you this morning that what is wrong in the world is the the nations of the world are engaged in a bitter, colossal contest for supremacy, and some doesn't having to stop this trend. I'm sorely afred that we won't be here to talk about Jesus Christ and about God and about brotherhood too many more years. Somebody done bringing into this suicide who thrust that we see in the world today. None of us are gonna be around because somebody is gonna make the mistake through our senseless blunderings, of dropping a nuclear bomb somewhere, and then another one is gonna drop. And don't let anybody fool you. Oh, this can happen within a matter of seconds. They have twenty megaton bombs in Russia right now that can destroy a city as big as New York in three seconds, with everybody wiped away and every building. And we can do the same thing to Russian China. But this is why we are drifted, and we are drifting now because nations are caught up with the German major instinct. I must be first, I must be supreme all. A nation must rule the world. And I am sad to say that the nation in which we live is the supreme culprit. And I'm going to continue to say it to America because I love this country too much to see the drift that it has taken. God didn't call America to do what she's doing in the world. Now, God didn't call America to engage in a senseless, unjust war as a war in Vietnam, and we are criminals in that war. We have committed more war crimes almost than any nation in the world. And I'm going to continue to say it, and we won't stop it because of our pride. And I Arragan says the nation. But God has a way of even putting nations in that place. The God that I worship has a way of saying, don't play with me. He has a way of saying. Is the God of the Old Testament used to say the Hebrews, don't play with me Israel, don't play with Smith Babylon. Be still and know that I'm God. If you don't stuck your reckless course, I'll rise up and break the backbone of your power. That can happen to America. Every nine then I go back and read Gibbons Decline and fall of the Roman Empire. And when I come and look at America, I say to myself the parallels of frightening. We have perverted the drum made instinct. Every nine then, I guess we all think realistically about that day when we will be victimized with what is life's final common denominator. That's something we call death. We all think about it. And every nine then I think about my own death, and I think about my own funeral, and I don't think of it in a morbid sense. Every nine then I asked myself, what is it that I would want to say? And I leave the word to you this morning. If any of you are around when I have to meet my day, I don't want a long funeral. And if you get somebody to deliver the ulite, to tell them not to talk to you now every nine, then I wonder what I want him to say to Tell him not to mention that I have a Nobel Peace Prize. That isn't important. Tell him not to mention that I have three or four hundred of awards, that's not important. Tell him not to mention where I went to school. I like somebody to mention that day that Marderin Luther King junior tried to give his life serving of us. I'd like for somebody to say that day that Mardein Luther King junior tried to love somebody. I want you to say that day that I tried to be right on the wall question. I want you to be able to say that day that I did try to feed the hungry. I want you to be able to say that day that I did try in my life to close those who were naked. I want you to say on that day that I did try in my life to visit those who were imprisoned. I want you to say that I try to love and serve humanity. Yes, if you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice, Say that I was a drum major for peace. I was a drum major for righteousness. And all of the other shall of things will nothing matter. I won't have any money to leave behind, I won't have the fine and luxurious things of life to leave behind. But I just want to leave I committed life behind, and that's all I want to say. If I can help somebody as I pass along, if I can cheer somebody with a world a song, if I can show somebody he's traveling wrong, then my living will not be in Vaine. If I can do my duty as a Christian arc, if I can bring salvation to a war who wants wrought. If I can spread the message as the master talk, then my living we'll not be in vain. You're listening Morning show? All right, Steve? So today is your birthday. You're turning sixty five today you are sixty five. How do you feel? I mean, you look great? What are your plans today? Tell us about it? Well, you know I'm gonna be can't even tell you secret. All I can say, cut your Instagram over what songs you get up right on? Probably on Margree's pages. I'm not posting that. Damn. It's gonna be fit. It's gonna be lit. I'm using all the tims problem using old It's gonna be funky, it's gonna be lit, it's gonna be cool, it's gonna be super catch A fragilistic asked me all like dooshers ally, Oh no, it's gonna be jib turkeys for to be all that dog. I'm gonna be all old school today. I don't care how you feel. You know what. I'm staying so grateful man, let's start there. What are you gonna wear today? Oh? You know, I got probably birthday. Then I might have to ask them because I'm messing the most of them. Like today, I'm playing on doing most of most of just draws today. There you go, bros. Good playing on just you know they're laying around. You know, today gonna be a lay round day. Okay. You know, I got a lot of people that's gonna be waiting on me, My wife, Inn, the range, some stuff. So a lot of people just gonna be waiting on my hand and foot today. You know, almost smoke about you know, bro Levin Sigall. You know, back to back to back to back. You know. Yeah, okay, well what you know, what you want to do? You want smoke weed? What you want to do from you know, because I don't smoke weed, So you know, cigars and probably gonna have a glass of Scotch at one point at all. Okay, you got that. Hi already had long, long talk with God about this, appreciating it for letting me make it and everything, and so I've done that part of it. The rest of it is just gone. And you know, let them see me. I want somebody to see me today. What they see you see, well, I don't care what they say, but when they as soon as they look at me, I'm gonna look off I'm not doing like, okay, okay, like here it is if I here, okay, like call me, call me like you're trying to get my attention. See he just looked right off crazy. That's it. Yeah, that's gonna do it all day. No eye contact with me. I'm not looking at nobody. I'm not making eye contact today. Well, that's good. You should do your birthday however you want to do it the birthday, big dog. I do want to say, though, that I do not understand why I'm working on my damn birthday and it's a national holiday. I do want to say that though we have to do the show. Yeah, but this is your show. No, I didn't have to do the show today day my birthday. We can barbecue late if you want to, but I don't know where you're barbecue. Dog. You can't, Bob, you can't. Well, I'm gonna get it out of where are you at? And Tommy to get your uncle? Nothing time, look at the time. All right, birthday boys, Steve. It is time now to move along today's headlines on this king holiday, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne trip and good morning everybody, and happy birthday Steve. Ya working on your birthday. I've done it. It's no fun. Okay, it's early in the morning, and let us go. Martin Luther King Junior's family, by the way, was in Arizona yesterday leading a march through Phoenix to urge Democratic Center Christian Cinema to quote urgently pass federal voting light rights excuse me verting rights legislation. Cinema and West Virginia Joe Mansion you know, are considered moderate Democrats, although some members of their party feel that both harkened back to the time when they were so called bullweevil Democrats or right wing even racist members of the party who in recent years have joined the GOP. President Biden traveled to the City of Brotherly Love yesterday to honor the Reverend Doctor Kings his legacy see an audience in Philadelphia. He wanted to press their lawmakers to back the passage of new voting rights legislation, a concerted action to fight against white extremism and also for greater economic justice. The President first Lady volunteered also at a hunger relief organization. Meanwhile, Alabama Congresswoman Terry soul is also pressing for unwavering push from voting rights. She tells MSNBC. She doesn't want the members of their party to focus solely on the often unsupported Joe Manchion and Christian cinema, or even the current political wins. We must not be deterred by two senators or even by the sixteen Republican senators that voted for the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act in two thousand and six and now will not vote for it. That's right, she says. President Biden. By the way, again the Dalilah, and she says now that the President Trump for President Trump is claiming that white people are being discriminated against when it comes to getting the coronavirus treatment. The FBI says the gunman who took hostages inside of a synagogue in Texas on Saturday was a forty four year old British citizen named Malik Faisal Akram. The President's praising federal and local law enforcement for their work and bringing the ten hours standoff to an end with all the hostages unharmed. Ahram was killed. At first they wouldn't say how, but apparently police did kill him. And now they say two young people, two teenagers, are under arrest. They're very youngster. Their ages their names are not being given either ages, but they are under arrest them. Don't know why or what connection they had, but at the time the federal agents said that there was no connection between Akram and any necessary group or anything. But he did want a woman who is sentenced a neuroscientist from Pakistan currently serving an eighty six years sentence with terrorism. They want she wanted he excuse me, he wanted that woman released. And that woman I think they said was his sister. That heavy winter storm battling the South over the weekend, I wanted just to shout out AKA the members of Alpha Kappa Alphre Incorporated. This is their founding weekend. Back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Happy birthday, Steve. You're listening to all morning long. We are celebrating Steve Harvey's sixty fifth birthday. So, Steve, on this King Holiday, what does the legacy of doctor King mean to you? How do you feel about what we're going through as a nation right now? The systemic racism, social injustices white is voting so important? I mean, well for all of us. You know, our people bled and died for the right for us to be able to vote, and for us not to vote is a complete travesty, and we have to pay tribute to the people before us in the civil rights movement. You know, I can't even just go down the list of names of people who who stood for us to have rights, you know, eating at lunch counters. You know, we're we had our different water founders, we had different bathrooms. It was so different. And even though we have these things now, we still have to keep the fight up because there's a fight to make America great again. And their version of a great America is not the America of today. They want to make America something that it used to be, and for us, I can't think of a period in the past where it was better for us. So we've got to get out there to vote to make sure that those people in the minority cannot rule us who are in the majority. And you know, doctor Martin Luther King was all about the peaceful movement and everything and non violent protests. We still have to continue that. But the key is protests. We still have to protest. We still got the kneel at football games, we still got the march in front of police stations. We still have to walk for Black Lives Matter. I'm you know, the fact that we've been here these hundreds of years and we still marching and asking for equal treatment. It's really alarming. It's really alarming. And the question just keeps beckon into me. Who are these people who are dead set on making sure we are never equal? And I can only just say that racism is alive and well in this country and it really his ugly head up even more four years ago, and so we've got to make a concerted effort. We've already proven that our vote changes things. In the last election, it was us who changed the election and they know it. So now it is us who they are trying to suppress the vote in. It is us, trust me, because they saw that it was us who made the difference in Wisconsin, in Detroit, in Philly, in Georgia, in Arizona. It was us. And now they're trying to make sure us don't influence the election again. But we're not going to do that. We're voting from now. You have awakened the sleeping giant. Please go to when We All Vote dot org to get information on voter registration. The midterm elections are coming up this year. Yes, also coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna check Steve's voicemail birthday shout outs. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Happy birthday, Steve. Today is your day and it is time to check out the voicemail. Your voicemails. People love you and they want to say happy birthday to you. So we have a lot of birthday shoutouts and messages for you. Here we go, Hi, Steve Harvey, I just wanted to call and wish you are very blessed and happy birthday. I listen to you every morning, been listening to you for many years. My favorite part is after the strawberry letter is read and you got jokes. I'd be laughing so hard. I'm crying inside of this truck. I'm sure the people have saw on the side of me looking there like is she crazy? Looks like she's just laughing to her So but if they only knew he put up Steve, You're the greatest. You rock. Blessings. Wow, thank you. Really nice birthday. That was my aunt who called it. We got more, get more. I want to wish Steve Harvey a happy birthday. This is Miss Jackson at the birthday Steve Harvey and I blessed, prosperous new Year. I just want to wish you a birth halfy birthday. I love you, I love hearing to talk to you. Thank you May halfy sisty filth birthday, Steve Man. That's a blessing. Enjoy your day. I hope you make one hundred and four, but right now I'm the most important thing as you made sixty five. Enjoy your days, Steve, and whatever you want to do. If anybody don't like it, you're telling a call you have a happy birthday. Anybody did you say called Tiffany Flemming? Yeah, gonna mess with me today. Hey, y'all, I'm not gonna be on the show the whole day this morning. What what what are you talking about? I gotta go get on this plane. Where are you? Yeah? Well right now I'm home, but I gotta get on this plane. I ain't gonna be here all morning. I just want to tell y'all that have birthday to me, Happy mom Luke King day. But I got some wet to go. I got to get this ball and started. So I'm just telling more calls, more love for you. How about that better help and playing And mister Steve, this is Slim's arsenal from Lafaette Louiskena. Happy birthday. I hope you seem anymore. Hello Steve Morvy, my name is a dog. Happy birthday, feud. I watch you every day. Hey, what's up Steve? Hey, this is Eric bir Be Al Alabama. I just want to wish you a happy birthday and also congratulate you on your proclamation of the E one twelve Street. Please don't know how you love your mask A very bail, very nice. Did he say he's out of Mobile, Alabama? Yeah? Yeah, Eric, you know eb I know he did reference home. Yeah, man, dude, he think I don't remember him? Soon that can't be for you. Now you're a big star now and everything you want us to hit star sixty nine or something. I don't know. I don't know how to do that. Well. I appreciate all y'all, man, thank y'all so much. Being wonderful. Oh my day about to come to a close though soon we'll Steve, before you get out of here, even though I know you say you gotta go, But what what are some of the best things you know Besides the fact that you made it to sixty five, What are some of the best things about sixty five? Some people say humor as you get older, healthy. Yeah, I'm I'm fitting. I'm fitting to start caring less. Oh, care less about mess. Okay, that's gonna be my new phrase. I'm gonna care less about mess. I don't have no time for that no more. Man, And I really started making that affirmation in twenty twenty two, but I've just decided, Man, I'm gonna care less about mess. I really I don't fit to call stuff out. If you get up in my face with some mess, get ready, get ready, because I might not take that in your face though. Ain't nobody done that? Just who did that? Tommy? I'm talking about haters. Haters always try to get in your face. I got something fun when all this happened. All right, tom don't nobody walk up to me, like right up to me to my face. Oh no, that would consider that's too much break. We're moving on. Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening Harvey Morning Show. Happy birthday, Steve. Today is your day and it is time to check out the voicemail, your voicemails. People love you and they want to say happy birthday to you. So we have a lot of birthday shoutouts and messages for you. Here we go. What suck, Steve Harvey. Man, this is sky Loo Camacho Man hitting you up. I'm wishing you the bestest, happiest birthday, brother. I appreciate everything you say every morning. I listened to you man. You change, you change my life. Man, Thank you so much. I'm so grateful to you again, from mister La to wherever you at, Homie, I love you. I listened to you. Keep it up man, Happy birthday brother. Good morning, mister Steve Harvey. I was first like to begin by wishing you a very happy and blessed birthday because you deserve it. You inspire each and every one of us every morning. I also like to thank you because it hadn't been for you, I would have written my dissertation. You are in my acknowledgements because your five eight m inspirational messages got me started every morning. So I want to thank you. I want to know that I appreciate you so much and we love you and continue doing what you do despite that. They sayers God bless you. This is from me, doctor Michel to Teresa Varconi. God bless good morning. This is Terry Turner from Anniston, Alan Fama. I just want to say happy birthday to you, Sir Steve Harvey. May God bless you to see many many more, for you are truly a wonderful person and a blessing to a God. Bless you. God bless your family, and God keep all of you. Bye bye, Steves. I just want to wish you a happy, happy, happy birthday. Thank you for being amazing and inspiration to a whole lot of people. You just don't know how amazing you are, if you probably do, but I just want to let you know. I'm pretty sure Marjorie's gonna have fun, fantastic birthday for you and set for you, but we as your fans, want to make sure that we want to show love. So Happy birthday. From Sabrina from Sallassee Slaughter have birthday. Happy birthday, Uncle Steve. This is Malcolm Wallace on a Pontiac Misson. May God continue to bring as much sucsess man and everything that you do. Man. I love you, man to the moon and back you my guy, man. I love a show. Keep doing your thing, mister Steve Harvey, Peace and blessing. Happy birthday see Harrie from me and me from Atlanta. Have a birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, see Harvey. Happy birthday to you. May God blashhoes, make up, blashhoe make up blesh you don't you sixty fir birthday, make slashhoes and many more. Good morning see hardish your boy, Johnathon Wiggs Man, listen to your show every morning. Man. You so inspiration to me. I just want to tell your happy birthday man, Happy New Year. I hope everything goes with it for you, my love. Have a good day man, Happy birthday, Steve. It's Kyla Russell from Compton, California here live in Vegas. Just want to tell you happy birthday. Keep doing what you're doing for the brothers out there. I'm twenty five and I just want to sell you an inspiration man, your birthday and enjoy yourself. Well. I appreciate all y'all. Man, Thank y'all so much. Being wonderful. All right, Steve, this is a segment we're gonna call asking for a Friend, because you know we all have friends and they want to know stuff about you. They ask the stuff all the time. Okay, so my friends ask me, well, how much money does Steve have? Okay, you know that's a question that's you know, being proposed often to people like myself. Let's just say, you know, I have enough to do some things. You know, I have what's called option money, meaning that I have options. I just call it option money. You know, I've had option less money before, but I now have option funds while I have options. That's how much I have a you gotta ask. I just have option money. That's all it is. It's not a suthing number. Don't I don't want to mess your day up or nothing. You know, Junior, you gotta you gotta question for this. This is not even for me. I would never ask you this. This just from a friend. I never would say this, Jenner. But they just wanted to know. Will you and cat William ever have dinner? Well, I'd have Denner with him, you know, if you know, if he wanted to, you know, wanted to talk. But but but what he can't He can't say nothing crazy after dinner though. He can't do that. He can't do that because he gonna immediately find out what the size difference in me and him. Can't do it. And uh, that's all I'm saying about that. Next question, Yeah, yeah, yeah, we have dinner, but make sure you wants to eat what we're serving. A buddy of mine wants you to listen to his uncle's band Lining in the Tops. They out of Memphis. Yeah, and uh, they're getting ready. They all in their sixties. They get ready to start their own group, Line and the Tops. Yeah, right there, right there. Yeah, I'm not listening to that because you're in your sixties, you're fitting to start a group called Lonnie in the Tops. Yeah, and anybody got time for that? I don't know record deal for sixty year old people out of Memphis with a group called Lonnie in the Tops. First of all, ain't nobody down record name Lynnie, no dame, No, let's just start there. Nobody named Lonnie in the music room. Ladies and gentlemate, come on now, put your hands together for Lonnie Linna and the Top, not the Foe Tops, not the Hot Tops, just learning and the Tops. You ain't gonna know none of them. Anybody nobody name? All right, I got you got asking for a friend, what you got. If you could change anything about your past, what would it be? All my marriages with both and I could have skipped both of him. You're just sixty five and just saying whatever you want after dribble, ask me anything you want to two marriages both by That just went straight to Margree. Oh god, that was kind of my question, but I'll phrase it, Okay, something different, No, something different. So asking for a friend, Steve, they want to know how can they meet you know, a rich, successful man like you? Oh, you can't, you can't, you can't. Just want tell the truth. Let's just tell the truth. You can't, you can vote, can't? You can't? Where you ain't? So far? So what's been? And what you think? Then? To change? I ain't being stands standing you with nothing, just where they at? They far a few between and you can get in line too, because you ain't the only one. I want to meet one. So if you meet him, the question becomes not do you get to meet him, but did he want to meet you? I am killing new dreams. I'm just where you want. Who do you want to meet? Asking Tiger Woods? Really you've never met Tiger Woods is the only person I've never met that. I want to sit down a half denal with the only person I've met. Everybody else I've ever wanted to God has gifted me that. I met Mara Luther King I've sat down with I mean nothing nothing, I mean. I met Mohammad Ali, I met, I met Mary Luke King. Jesus I would have been eleven he'd held him school. Yeah, that was. I met Richard Prye, I met Muhammad Ali, I met Jesse Jackson, Al Shafton, Michael Jones, Shack, all the cats, everybody ever wanted to meet, Steph Kerry, step Carry Daddy. I'd met everybody man, I met all over all. Right, Well, it's your birthday. We're gonna be talking to your all. Morning Chick fil A with Kanye How was that? Who was interested? That was an interesting as day? Boys? Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show on this King holiday right after this. 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And I want to thank God once more for allowing me to be here with you. You know, several years ago, I was in New York City autographing the first book that I had written. While sitting the autographing books, the minute black woman came up. The only question I heard from her was you Mardin Luther King. And I was looking down writing and I said yes. The next minute, I felt something beating on my chest. Before I knew it, I had been stabbed by this deminuted woman. I was rushed to Hullum Hospital. It was a dog Saturday afternoon. That blade had gone through, and the X rays revealed that the tip of the blade was on the edge of my air order. The main uttering and one suchs punction. You drowned in your own blood. That's the end of you. It came out in the New York Times the next morning that if I had merely sneezed, I would have died. Well. About four days later, they allowed me after the operation, after my chest had been opened and the blade had been taken, to move around in the wheelchair and the hospital, they allowed me to read some of the mail that came in, and from all over the states and the world. Kind letters came in. I read a few, but one of them I will never forget. I had received one from the President and the Vice President. I've forgotten what those telegrams said. I'd received the visit and a letter from the Governor of New York, but I've forgotten what that letters say it. But that was another letter that came from a little girl, a young girl who was a student at the White Plains High School. And I looked at that letter. I'll never forget it, said simply, dear Doctor King, I am a ninth grade student at the White Plains High School. She said. While it should not matter, I would like to mention that I'm a white girl. I read in the paper of your misfortune and of your suffering, and I read that if you had sneezed, you would have died. I'm simply right in you to say that I'm so happy that you didn't sneeze. And I'd want to say to Night. I want to say to Night that I too, am happy that I didn't sneeze. Because of I had sneeze, I wouldn't have been around Hid in nineteen sixty when students all over the South started sitting in a lunchtouns, and I knew that as they were sitting in they were really standing up for the best in the American dream and taken the whole nation back to those great weals of democracy which were dug deep by the founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. If I had sneezed, I wouldn't have been around Hid in nineteen sixty one, when we decided to take a ride for freedom and end its segregation in it to state travel. If I had sneeze, I wouldn't have been around here in nineteen sixty two when Nigros and all been at Georgia decided to straighten that box up. And whenever men and women straighten that box up, they're going somewhere because a man had roger back unless it is bent. If I had sneezed, I had sneezed, I wouldn't have been here. In nineteen sixty three, the black people of Birmingham, Alabama aroused the conscience of this nation and brought into being the Civil Rights Bill. If I had sneeze, I wouldn't have had a chance later that year in August to try to tell America about a dream that I had had. If I had sneeze, I wouldn't have been down in Selma, Alabama to see the Gretain movement there. If I had sneeze, I wouldn't have been in Memphis to see our community rally around those brothers and sisters who are suffering. I'm so happy that I didn't snead, and they were telling me now it doesn't matter now. It really doesn't matter what happens now. I left Atlanta this morning and as we got started on the plane that was six of us, the pilot said over the public address system, we are sorry for the delaye but we have doctor Martin Luther King on the plane and to be sure that all of the bags were checked and to be sure that nothing would be wrong on the plane, we had to check out everything carefully, and we've had the plane protected and guard it all night. And then I got into Memphis and some began to say the threats I talk about the threats that were out or what would happen to me from some of our sick white brothers. Well, I don't know what will happen now. We've got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn't matter with me now, because I've been to the mountaintop. I don't mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place, but I'm not concerned about that, nah. I just want to do God's will, and He's allowed me to go up to the mountain, and I've looked over and I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you but I want you to know the night that we as a people will get to the Promised Land. So I'm happy tonight. I'm not worried about anything. I'm feelit. Dinner man, Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. You're listening show coming up. We're gonna play some excerpts from Doctor King's I Have a Dream speech. I am happy to john with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. Five score years ago, a great American in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of Pope the millions of Negro slaves who have been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous day break to end the long night of their captivity. But one hundred years later, the Negro steal is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty, in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself in exile in his own land. So we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. In a sense, we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our Republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promise or inote, to whichever the American was to fall air. This note was a promise at all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promise, or in so far as her citizens of law our concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back mark insufficient funds. But we refuse to believe that the Bank of Justice is bankrupt. He refused to believe that that are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. So we've come to cash this check, a check that will give us a pun demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice. We have also come to this hell of spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling, offer to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time arise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time quick sends a racial injustice to the solid rock or brotherhood. Now is the time the reality for all of god'st It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment disweltering summer of the Negroes. Legitimate discontent will not pass until that is an invigorating altumn of freedom and equality. Nineteen sixty three is not an end, but a beginning. Those who hope that the negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening. If the nation returns to business as usual, there will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the negro has granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds a revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges. But that is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrong for deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy first for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. You're listening show right now. As promise, we're gonna play some of doctor Kings. I have a dream speech which he delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial back in nineteen sixty three. One day, right now in Alabama, little black bars and black girls, we'll be able to join hands with little white bars and white girls as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day every valace shall be exalted, every hill and mountains shall be made Lord. The rough places will be made clean, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the gore of the Lord shall be revealed in all shall see it together This is our hope. This is a piece that I go back to the Southwes. With this faith, we will be able to hear out of the mountain of despair a stone of hoop. With this fame, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this fee, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom, together, knowing that we will be free. One day. This will be the day when all of God's children be able to sing with new meaning, my country tearsity, sweet land of liberty of bur sings land where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim's pride. From every mountain side. Let freedom ring in Americus. To be a great nation, this must become true. So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the heightening allegantes of Pennsylvania. Let freedom ring from the snow cap arc is of Colorado. Let freedom ring from the crebacious slops of California. But not only that, Let freedom ring from storm Mountain of Georgia. Let freedom ring from lookout mountain of Tennessee. Let freedom ring from every hill and mole hill of Mississippi, from every mountain, fire and freedom ring, and women happened. When we allow freedom ring, When we let it ring from every village and ever hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all about children, black men and white men, jewels and ten piles, protostants and catholic we'll be able to drawn hands and singing the words of the old Nigro spiritual, Free at last, Free at last. Thank goddam, you're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right, Today is King Holiday, and we have talked about registering to vote, volunteering and serving others for today. Today, January seventeenth is also a big birthday for Steve and a lot of people. A lot of people were born on this day. First, of course, shoe Steve, you're turning sixty five today. Our forever first Lady Michelle Obama. It's a birthday today, basketball great Duane Wade. We have to say happy birthday to the legend James Earl Jones. I didn't know it was. Yes, the greatest of all time, the goat. Muhammad Ali would have been eighty years old today. Also, our beloved golden Girl Betty White, who just passed away, would have been a hundred years old today. I mean, it just goes on and on. Steve, who knew all these people were born on your day? More birthday shoutouts Rapper, Little John Ray j Yeah, okay, okay, mood, Yeah you're not the father, Mary Polvid, Jim Carrey, Chaba Ray Chabah. And finally, a little radio baby. We love her so much, Tasha Carlo's baby, fourteen years old today, the young all the names you call that. She actually got a future and a bright one too, right one. Yeah, she's the only one in the group that's got stuff to look forward to. The rest of us is just holding on, holding on. Franklin, I forgot to mention him. Yeah, one hundred dollars feels y'all, you know what you care about? Yeah, but I do have a special for Benjamin because I collect them, so I like that. So who in that group have you met? Of course you've met our forever first lady, Michelle. Ain't way, I've met Mohammad Ali I've met first Lady Michelle Obama. Got sit up, it's my birthday. I ain't got sit up? And Finn want too. I'm chilling. I met Michelle Obama, met Dwayne Wade, I've met Muhammad Ali. I met Betty White. I've met Jim Carrey. Wait wait White? Is she just as sweets? Yeah? Man, she was. She was always ignorant to me, though. I just was fascinated of how quick quitted she was. I mean, she was always sharp. I never saw her not sharp. Yeah, it was amazing. I was always impressed in her nineties. I saw that, you know I had on my show. I talked to us the interviewed before. It was always fascinated to her. I met a lot of those people on the who else was on that? I met lud John, I met ray J. You know ray Or ray J met me, and loud John met me. Was an honor for them and showed in me. You know what I mean? I mean, I mean, I mean now, I'm just gonna keep it one hundred on my birthday. You know, I ain't got I have less time, less stress for mess in my sixty fifth. So it was an honor for them to meet me. Let's just tell the truth. Let's put some order to this thing. Now. It was honor for me to meet Mohammad Ali. Was an honor for me to meet James A. Or Jones, an honor for me to meet the Sale Obama? What no honor for me to meet John Raging? Honor for him they asked to meet me. You know, I'm gonna keep the one hundred now. You know, you gotta putting me up where I in this group. You know, I'm your, You ain't mine. You raging, you know, I like raging and everything like that. But you know, and we no honor, nothing like that. You know what about Mari Povig, Yeah I met him. You know what, no honor you know for him to meet you, though he was you know something you need to be going over here thanking the Lord right now. Jim Carrey, Jim Carrey to me, you know, like Jim Carrey, but you know what, no honor. You know, peer group, some of the people in the peer group, who else was on that list showed up? Never met him? But when he do it or be his honor? You job. Yeah, I'm turning true. I'm turning truth from my who else share on that year. Who else? Benjamin Franklin. We know you didn't meet him, made him care deeply about it? No, all right, we'll be back with more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. Crazy you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. The King Holiday is a day of service, so we got to ask you, what are you doing to serve others? Steve, you and your wife are always giving back and mentoring is so important to you. That's not doing that today though you're not mentoring. I'm just gonna keep it real with you today. I'm not doing none of that today today as a day of service, but this is my be I'm not doing nothing today. Serve me. What do you want to be served? What do you everything? Drinks? Bring it cigars, food, food, Gonna have German chocolate cake today's Marjorie made that. My mama used to make me a German schot cake every birthday. I've had a German cholate cake every birthday sixty except in my other marriage. What do you drink? What do you drink with your German chocolate cake? Milk or what? Water? Coffee? Water? Yeah, keep it healthy a little bit. You don't drink water with cake. What you don't drink a lot of milk. I know that milk I drinks, you know every nine in. I like a good cold as glass of milk. Move milk to cow milk, Vitamin D with the cow on the cotton. Yeo. I'm just gonna keep you one, honey, they're nine in. I just drank me a damn glass of milk. My doctors have told me not to have dairy, and I want to glass any damn. A matter of fact, I'm gonna have a glass of milk today with my cake. Marthy, ain't no service for me today. Quit asking. Yeah, it's one of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. At thirty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to morning show. Happy birthday, Steve. Today is your day and it is time to check out the voicemail. Your voicemails. People love you and they want to say happy birthday to you. So here we go. Okay, Steve Harvey, I just wanted to call and wish you are very blessed and happy birthday. I listened to you every morning. I been listening to you for many years. My favorite part is after the strawberry ladder is read and you got jokes, I'd be laughing so horrid. I'm crying inside of this truck. I'm sure the people have sawn the side of me look in there like is she crazy? Looks like she's just laughing to herself. But if they only knew. Keep it up, Steve, You're the greatest. You rock. Blessings. Wow, thank you. Really nice birthday. That was my aunt who called it. We got more more. I want to wish Steve Harvey a happy birthday. This is miss Jackson at the birthday Steve Harvey and I blessed, prosperous new year. I just want to wish you a bird halfy birthday. I love you, I love hearing to talk to you. Thank you bye. Happy sixty fifth birthday on Steve Man. That's a blessing. Enjoy your day. I hope you make one hundred and four, but right now the most important thing is you made sixty five. Enjoy your days, Steve, and do whatever you want to do. If anybody don't like it, you're trying to call t to Slemment, you have a happy birthday, man, enjoy your day five. She say, called Tiffany Fleming. Yeah, mess with me today. Hey, y'all, I'm not gonna be on the show the whole day this morning. What what what are you talking about? Yeah? I gotta go get on this plane. Where are you? Yeah? Well right now I'm home, but I gotta go get on this plane. I ain't gonna be here all morning. I just want to tell y'all that have birthday to me, Happy mom Luke King day. But I got some wet to go. I got to get this ball and started so calls. More love for you? How about that? Better help and playing, mister Steve. This is Swim darsonal from Lapiete, Louisiana. Happy birthday. I hope you seem any more. Hell, I'll Steve Morvy. My name is a dog. Happy birthday, sweetheart. I watch you every day. Hey, what's up, Steve? Hey? This is Eric Bell Fromobile Or, Alabama. I just want to wish you a happy birthday and also congratulate you on your proclamation of the E one twelve Street. Please don't know how you'll all right, love your mess, very bail, very nice. Did he say he's out of mobile out? Damn? Yeah? Yeah you know, eb I know he did reference home. Yeah, man, dude, think I don't remember him. Something that can for you. You want us to his star sixty nine or something. I don't know, I don't I don't know how to do that. Coming well, I appreciate all y'all. Man, thank y'all so much. All right, Steve coming up closing remarks right after this. You're listening show. All right, So as we close out this king day, can I say something here, Shirley, Yes, we talked about clothes, and now I was supposed to be gone, and I don't know how I let y'all talk to me and stay in here. This is not how intended for my birthday to be. I was supposed to be done. Want to hang out, hang out with y'all every day? Yeah, but what was you going to do the rest of it? I mean, the morning is still got some morning lamp, you got the afternoon, you got the evening. But what was you gonna do working on my birthday? That ain't supposed to happen? People at home, they celebrate national holiday. We didn't bought ass in him. Well, let me just get this out. Let me just get this out. And I know nephew has a question or something for you, all right, Just please go to when we all vote dot org to register to vote. Today. All right, let's service, let's do some all right, you help us with some service today. No, I told you that I'm doing something, so I'm not mentioning nobody today. I'm not providing a service today. I'm not doing nothing for the community today. You know he wants not just not today. It's my birthdathday. Yeah. You know you don't see other people on their birthday out there doing community pass our plates and all this year, everybody doing all that sitting up in the hill man my day on birthday? What about me? Let's do some meals on wheels today, meals on wheels. Man, better go somewhere and get you some need. I'm doing none of that today. Passing out no turkeys. No uncle, I'm not passing out no turkeys. I ain't we ain't doing it today. It's my birthday. Him doing nothing. I ain't helping you, you know whatever. I ain't got no clothing remarks for you today. I'm not what. You don't want to motivate people motivation? Not on my birthday. I'm off today. Motivate me. Say something to help me move me along. Somebody say someday progress my life. You know, my life got to movement to it too. I ain't just scoped, you know, I got things I want to do. You know, hey, I've talked to the Lord. If you ain't talking to him today, here's your opportunity. Won't you tell us to jump today? How about That's what I'm saying. You know, just jump on over here and help me. You know, I get tired of trying to help people all the damn time. People ain't the same people every day, Begging people that jump, bigging people that prayed more, Begging people to do right, Begging people to stop being scared. Man, take your scary ass somewhere and get it together. Counseling, go get it and sick all this hip? Okay, how about that time? No hold up? Just trying to help people all the time. It gets exhausted. Same damn listeners every morning. Ain't jumped yet, Man, fly, jump fall, Just get off the cliff. Somebody kick them, do something, man, Motivate people to help them. Pray, please push. That's why you ain't got nothing now, because you ain't prayed. Got to beg you to talk to God. He loved to hear from you how many times I got to say that? All right? So let me do this speaking to God. Let me can I pick the clothes and remarks? Let me do that? All right? All right? And I'm pulling from I'm pulling from. Don't trip. He ain't through with me yet. Which is one of the greatest stand up specials I think is out there, which is my uncle Steve Harvey. This is introducing Jesus Christ, greatest evil. If I had the pleasure of bringing out Christ, this is just how I would do it. It ain't got to be the way you do it. You might not think it's just right, but this is how I would do it. Ladies and gentlemen, It is my honor to introduce a man who needs no introduction. His credits are too long to list. He has done the impossible the fool time after time. He had out of a major in Bethleham, Jerusalem by way of Heaven. His mother is still headlining in the Catholic Church today. He's gadded is the author of a book that has been on the best seller list since the beginning of time. He holds the record for the wall Fred that's fish fry He fed five thousand hungry souls with two fish, five loads of fred. He can walk on water turned water in the wine, no facial effects, no camera tricks. He has a head shot on every church fan across the country. Even before the Kings of Comedy, he was held the key of all Kings, ruler of the universe Alpha in a bega beginning in the end the bright and the moon itself. Some saying he's the Rose of Sharon, and some say he's the Principal. People. Get up on your feet, put your hands together, and show your love for the second coming of the one of them. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.