Good morning and welcome to the ride! Show nothing but love. The Chief Love Officer definitely has the comprehensive balding solution. Steve had something to say about the MJ/Drake comparison. Big Brothers Big Sisters of America President and CEO is here to discuss a bold goal. There is a video of 49 criticizing the actions of Border Patrol agents in Texas. Junior cannot help but talk about Ben Simmons. Are two week notices still necessary for quitting your job or nah? What is up with a couple's trip to Vegas with your ex? Carla answers that in Reality Update. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve thanks all the young men out there that are doing the right thing.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all a suit looking back to back down, giving them just like the milling bus things and it's not true. Good Steve Hartley Joy, you gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out, the water, the water. Come, come on your thing, I show. Well, good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. I need everybody today, everybody that's listening. I need you to catch fire today. I want you to catch fire today. You want to phrase it another way, I want you to catch on fire today. But I need you to catch fire today. I need today to be today that you stop complaining and you do something. Do you know why a lot of people can't move forward in their life because they complaining about their past? They always complaining, man about something? Is that explains the reason why they are. Let me help you with this right here. If you are steady complaining about the reason you are, you know, if I hadn't have met this man, if I hadn't been involved with this woman, if if I hadn't have had this baby if I had to never went down there, if I hadn't got arrested, if I hadn't it this, if I hadn't it if I had to just finished school, if I hadn't a hey, hey, hey, stop stop all that stuff that you're complaining about, everything that you keep allowing to resonate with you as a reason to justify and explain you not being successful. Can I share something with you about all of that? Guess what it is. You didn't got past all of it. You didn't had the baby, you got arrested, they didn't kill you, You didn't finish school, but you still standing. You met that man, he gone, He involved with two other women. Right now, I got three other kids. Guess what. You still here and the baby's here. You got over all the injustices that were done to you. You got something happened to you when you as a kid. You're an adult now somebody did something to you when you was a little boy. Guess what you were a man and now some things happened to you that you haven't found closure on. The person that you're looking for closure from has moved on. Can I tell you that everything that has happened to you? Do you know you've gotten past it? So why are you steady complaining about what has happened to you that has caused you to be in this position? But do you understand that it's prohibiting you from moving forward? Stop complaining today, catch fire, Let your pass be your past. I've told us to you a hundred times on this radio, but I'm gonna say it again. Bishop Jake's told me something man that helped me so greatly. You can't drive your car if you're gonna keep looking in the rearview mirror. That's why the windshield is huge. The windshield is huge. The rearview mirror is this tiny thing that sits up there. Now all is far. It's so you can see stuff that's coming up on you. All the review mirror for is so you can assure yourself or listen to this. The review mirror is impt there to assure you that you've cleared something. See. That's what the review mirrors for. So when you pass it corn you want to switch lanes, you can glance upday and it says, okay, you're clear. Now you passed it. You can switch lanes. That's how all the review mirrors for it. Ain't for you to stare at and dictate your life with what you're tripping for. Man, catch fire today today, man quick complaining about everything that had happened to you? Life is ten percent. What happens to you is ninety percent. What you do about what happens to you? What are you going to do about it? So what I got all this? Look, man, your story ain't no deeper than nobody else's. I can tell you I was homeless for three years. It's people been homeless for thirty years. How long I'm gonna ride that out? Man? You know I can't do nothing right now. I fell on hard times and I lost my place to stay. Why are you staying now? See the majority of people are staying somewhere right now. I was out there. I didn't have nowhere to go. I'm in a shelter now. You was under the bridge a week ago. You're in the shelter. Now. Why are you still crying about the bridge? You're in the shelter now. Man. You know how you find your purpose. You get in touch with who created you. Because when God made you, he had a purpose in mind. Now we've ignored it and we haven't tapped into it. But we all had a purpose. You don't, and it's sometimes it take people longer to discover the purpose. Colonel Sanders was frying chicken with a recipe that he was telling people was the best chicken in the world. Ain't nobody believe him till he turned seventy? Why you think the dude does only Kentucky fried chicken signs is old. That dude ain't twenty up there he oh, he oh, But you know what, he had been frying that chicken for forty some years. They just found out about it when he was seventy. But he didn't give up his purpose in life. This dude was just frying chicken. See, people keep looking for their gifts in all kinds of places when it's right there in you. You ain't got to go to school to find your gift. You're born with the gift to God, God for you. You'll go to school to tack it on to something else. But your gift was already given to you. You were born with that. You don't have to go to college to know your guilt. Your college allows you to enhance it, it, to find something to attach it to and Hopefully you get a degree that attaches your gift to a vehicle where it can work. The problem with college is we go to college and we attach it to what we like or what we might be passionate about, and we or the gift we have. You know how many people and graduating from college ain't doing nothing they went to college for. Come on, man, you know why, because you're discovering life, your guilt. You discover what you was born to do. I wasn't bought you know what I mean. You know what my major was in college? It was advertising. I can't be in no death, drawing, no picture for nobody. But now guess what I can wake up every day and guess what I can tell you. I advertise. I've been advertising my career. Come see me live. Come see me live at Madison Square Garden, Come see me live at Phillips Arena. Come see me live at Joker's Comedy Club. Come see me live at Percy's. Come see me live at Ellis's Tavern. Come see me live. Come. I've been advertising the whole time, but I had a different purpose in mine because I went and I talked to God. And this is how you do it. You go talk to God and say, hey, God, look, okay, this is the deal. I've been struggling here. I'm over forty I still haven't found my purpose in life. Okay, so I can quit wasting any more time. Would you help direct me and guide me to my purpose? I know you created me to do something. I just haven't found what it is. And the reason I haven't found what it is because I've been doing things my way. I ain't been checking what you confirmed with you on anything. I ain't locked in or tried to settle it up with you. I've been just doing my thing. Well, my thing has gotten me as far as it can get me. How about you takeover and do your thing now? Can you direct me in my path? I'm an open book. Treat me like a piece of clay. I'm telling you, man, if you go to God, he'll give it to you. But see you have not because you asked not. How many times have you asked God for it? This ain't no magic trick, y'all. This is the deal. You got to catch fire today. Catch fire today, I am. I'm excited about today. I've got a lot to do. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people who apply peer pressure, people who are loving, and the few of you out there who are hate us. May we have your attention. Please? Hate does you no good. Please stop. You are wasting valuable time and energy what could be focused on the progression and the uplift of your life. But when you share hate, please know it is returned. It is the law of attraction. So before you do any hating today, please know that the law of attraction is in full effect. You cannot give hay without it coming back to you. Spread love to everybody and let some love come your way. We on the Steve Harvey Morning Show about to spread some love, won't it he It is Shirley Strawbaby, I love you, Steve. Good morning caller for real, I got nothing but love for your baby. Good morning crew. Kill space, commonly known that Julia Morning Up Morning Family. Hate. Put age on hate, put it many hate, turns your corners of your mouth down with you. Yeah, I'll hate it. Don't make no sense. I look at the internet, man, and I think of the people who waste their time like trolls. I've just never understood trolls, man. So you sit around and you go on everybody's page and you try to say something negative. What's the advancement in that for you? And then when I try to find you, your page is private. So now you a troll, a hater and a coward, which makes you even less effective, which caused me to stop looking at them up right. Yeah, yeah, man, you know, I got this one woman that follows me, and finally I just blocked him. I don't I don't kill what I post. She got something to say. It just went on for the longest and it was the same woman. I hate you. I know your past. Wow, this woman everything. I know your past. You can act like a Christian ni if you want to, but I know your past. That's what being a Christian is about. Every Christian has a past. Everybody. Yeah story. The problem with you, lady is your past is your present. See that just amazes me. Man. I'm so happy and proud of people when I see them overcome and change it, getting better, rising up from the ashes. Yes, man, that's what it's about. You know, that was a time where we all couldn't walk, but we walk in now. Hello, all right, all right, coming up, thank you Steve for that. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning show time now for ask the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. This one's from Sinclair's Cello. Sinclair in Chicago says, I'm a twenty seven year old single man and I need your advice on my balding head. I know you make oaks, but this is not funny to me because I'm not even thirty years old yet. I've started to wear baseball caps a lot more, and I barely brush my hair because I'm scared of brushing more out of it. My girlfriend is saying to just let it go and go bald. But what do you do if you don't have a nice shaped head? Um? I've been called waterboy all of my life because my head is bigger than most. And should I just fight the bullet and shave it? Yeah? Man, you can have a big ass ball. What what was that You're gonna have a big ass ball? Heare? You just break it down the facts? Yeah, ain't no, ain't no, ain't no, ain't no way around this dog day. You know. Look, I did all of it. You can get some row game. You can get you some black stuff. You can hide JT. You know my former ball do listen to. You can get a flocking gun. You gonna go to work. Man, you could spray your hair. They got everything right now. But at the end of the day, dog, you twenty seven and it's going it's it's cause it's gonna go. Yeah, and they have not found a cure for ball in this yet, didn't men That dude gonna make a million dollars. Now they got them things out there, now, them lace fronts and all that for men and all that stuff. You can go get one of them, man, But I don't know, man, expensive, Man, you don't want to keep paying for that? Well, you know if you don't, well, okay, then we come on, ye, come on, come on, walk over. You know it's all right over here. But Steve, you have to say though, when you first went bald, you weren't sure about the shape of your head, right, you were real happy once you shaved it off. I remember that morning you called off. Yeah, you were cool with it. Yeah, But like here was the deal though, Now you don't even have to do that. You can get a computer rendering of your head. Yeah, they got that. Now they take a picture, they'd give you a computer rendering of it, and you can see what you would look like with no hair. Okay, all right, yeah, yeah they got that. Now they got everything, you got options, yea. But now he already no, he got a big head. He's been called water. Yeah, so he just got to come on. Yeah, thank you? All right, Yes, already has a girlfriend. All right, we're moving on. Kaylin And Saint Louis says, I'm thirty three and I have four older brothers that think they can control me. I've always been attracted to older guys, so I've secretly dated guys that my brothers know. For the past few months, I've been dating my second to the oldest brother's best friend, and he's keeping me a secret. Now I'm trying to figure out if he's using my brother as an excuse to keep our relationship on the low, or if he's got something else going on. I'm old enough to do what I want, So what's the worst that if I tell my brother, his brother gonna beat his friends. And that's what the deal is. That's what the deal is. Because brothers, men have a man cold law. Don't do my little sister, dog, don't come over here with your mess. And then your older brother knows him really really well, so now he knows where the skeletons is buried, you know, he know all the other chicks and how recent these other chicks were and any other thing. So that's what he worried about. But you can talk to him about it and say, hey, man, you're gonna go sit with my brothers and explain to him that we love each other. But I don't hear love in him, y'all just seeing each other. Yeah, just now, And you have to keep asking yourself to all these older men that you keep day, no want to keep you a secret, and you want to keep them a secret. Wise it's such a big secret. Yeah, all right, Miriam. In San Diego, my husband and I are in our early sixties, and my husband likes U takes our four year old grandson to soccer three days a week. After practice, the other day, my grandson asked if Joshua and Miss Kelsey could come over. He said, Joshua is his friend and Miss Kelsey is his granddad's friends. If Joshua played soccer like him, and he said no, Joshua plays karate He says that Joshua comes to soccer practice and they get pizza afterwards. Do I need to find out who miss Kelsey is? Or do I ignore this four year old m So you're gonna break up your family over a folio? Oh wow, that's a man answer right there, because I'm hidden answers. So you gonna sit up hill unless some folio with imaginary friend name? All up? What we got? Yeah, that's a you got to be kidding me. Don't talk to me no more like that. And I'm not taking this boy to soccer practice no more. If if you do, I'm going with you. How about that, I'll take them to soccer practice. I don't meet missus Kelsey. All right? Moving on, your men stick together, don't you? All Right? Here we go, Boxy and Toledo says, I am a thirty eight year old single woman and I need to get things, some things off my chest. Down at my job, I'm almost six feet tall and I sit in a cubicle all day trying to be a happy camper. But every hour I need to relieve myself, stretch my legs and have a cigarette. I sit across from Darren the man Karen, and he has always got something to say about the time I spend away from my little desk. He said, I smell like smokestack and my music is too loud. If I catch Darren out away from work, can I curse him out? Yes? Yes, a matter of fact, Listen to me, there's a way you can do it at work. I've done it before, which is probably one of the reasons I don't have no jobs. Listen to me, lean over in Darren's ear when ain't nobody looking, lick your lips and put your lips up against his ear because he gonna think it's about something else. As soon as you put your wet lips up against his ear, say if you keep blanking with me, almost slapped the sugar honey iced tea out you face. Thank you to Cello coming up next, run that brank back after this, you're listening to the same Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and trending headlines. Wendy Williams has been admitted to the hospital for her COVID battle. She's COVID and a psychiatric evaluation. Also, Drake invests in a hot chicken chain and speaking of chicken, if you would bought chicken in the last decade. You get paid from a class action lawsuit. Really, we'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now Junior is in for the nephew would run that brank back? What you got, Junior? Is that your housban That's that's the one run that brank right? Is that your house? Yeah? Probaly so a long try to reach chair. This is Karen. Karen. Listen, my name is Mark. Are you married to Jason? Yeah? Okay, all right, I got the right person. Listen. I don't I don't even know how this lad to you. My um, Like I said, my name is Mark. I followed my wife today and I right now I'm at a park and I'm almost certain that my wife is right now. I'm about two or three hundred yards away, but I'm almost certain my wife is holding hands, uh with your husband, Jason? Sold on? Hold on, you see my husband at the park with with your wife. How long have you been following him? I followed my wife this morning because I just was still in like real weird about you know, something going on. And I followed her and I'm at the park right now, and you know, this. I think this is I think she's with Jason. I think she's with your husband. What tide? What type of car you do you see? Jason alexis? What color is it? Um? White? Okay, that's him. So he suppose came with the work today and this Sunday and there to him overtown that he's supposed to be doing at work today and he's at a part with your wife close to them. So I'm not close to him, you know, I tried to stay back. Oh wait wait wait, wait wait wait wait, hold up, she just kissed him. He just gets who my wife just kissed your husband? What did you say your your wife's name is again? My wife name is Veronica or Ronica? Okay? What that? Uh? They are Langley Park. I'm at Langley Park right now. I'm I'm about two hundred yards away from them, and I'm looking at she just kissed him again. I cannot play this man. I know, well, you're not telling me that your your wife is kissing my husband. Well, how did you get my number? That's sold? Up? Back? Then up? How did you get my number? And who are you? Like I'm saying? My name is Mark, a buddy of mine named Fitz Fitzgerald Fitz knows he knows Jason. I don't know it's Gerald. I don't want to know how you get my number. Fitz gave me your fit. Fitz told me he knew Jason, and some kind of way got me your phone number. I don't even know who we got your number from. All I know is your husband is kissing my wife right now. That's what I know. Okay, you're just sitting there watching give me the no, but we're gonna change this. Right now, you're sitting there watching on some spectagathert. I gonna bust all it because I don't play that. Because he said he had to work this morning some of the overtime. Don't have time that. Who does that in the park with somebody who colds in the park anyway, you can't see no ducks. Give me, give me the address to this lightning park. Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait there getting the blanket out of the car. Now, who does that? I know, well, he ain't no romance to type a guy. He's neverna take me. But they're getting the blanket out of the car and going deeper into the park. Cannot believe this they're getting the blanket. What what't no? She no sheet? No, I'm looking at Give me the PI wine and wine glasses. Mark gives me the this the bar you're on some white boys. Stop, I'm trying to go out. Bust that up. I don't have time for that calling me I all started and now watching your wife. I'm not gonna watch you know. I'm gonna hand him his ad. Okay, let's stop this right now. Take your over that to the park and give him the phone. I don't have time for this. You're sitting up there watching your wife with myst you calling me? What come you you? Okay, I'm say what you're supposed to be up there? Get on that because the bobbs there, I'll be slap that. And I've been handing him his cap. Go hand him the fall, take up that ad in the phone. What your hand? I'm trying to see what else they gonna do. That's what I'm trying to do. I say, you didn't seen it enough. I don't let point that be over that door and putting out a guy that what you want to wait for him? Take Hans over to hand him the phone. I know, Bud Jason ain't even know part for nobody. I'm got mine at home. I am on our fair child, pregnant with a baby. But I don't get I'll go up the whoop is why I'm pregnant? I know? Well say they didn't know park for Nope, don't hand in the phone. I want to let me, let me go, let me stop out the truth. They drinking wine right now. I don't give up about that gold hand in the bar, walk over in hand and the phone. All right, you do with yours. I don't play about mine? Oh man, they chi Mark Mark Mark. I don't know who you ever go handing him? Go handing him and phone. You're sitting up down watch him with your week? Who you anyway? Um, that's my wife. He went he with my wife. You must be old because if you was one of them to go yoke up black, one of them got on this. Who does that you? I'm watching him at the park. I'm telling you now, whopping at when I say it, I'm whopping your wife did up whopping Jason, And I'm gonna slap your calling me with this. You should have to call me. Got my blood pressure star huff when you should up to watching my urban joke. But you supposed to be all on top of that. Yeah, when I'm saying, you got that coming too. But I'm gonna find this Langley Park right off the ball because I'll be up there. I'na show you how Okay, okay, hold on, hold on, hold on, somebody want to talk to you. Give on the phone. Hello, come on? Was this this Tommy? Tommy? Who this nephew Tommy from the Steve Harpy wanting to show your husband? Jason got me to prank phone call you. This is something. You almost made me have my baby help in this house this morning, and I got two moments though Jason got me to play folk. He's no better than that anyway. When he come home. Oh yeah, we say, little man. My wife is a no nonsense she ain't. She don't take no drama, none of it. He told me. You know this, because I was like, what man said? Then watch still live at the park. What man does that? This is placey? But you tell him? I got him? I got it. Hey, I gotta ask you this, baby. I'm gonna think, what is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah, I'm gonna get Jason with this, no charmy, I'm gonna get you. I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna name the baby tom Me tell him that for a joke. Tell them you're gonna name the baby Tommy. Yeah, tell them Jackson that I'm gonna name the baby tom Is that your husband you want to gadget? Yeah, I'm talking about man. Kind of man as you sitting up in hill watch it. Give him no get them? Yea, go over there. I'm on my way to Langley Park. Yeah, it's the address. Give me the address. The break all this up. You weak? You weak? She is that flaying big black yod. You gotta be one of a high yellow yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You must be light scared. All right, thank you, Junior're coming up at the top of the hour. We'll have some entertainment news for you right after this. You're listening to the morning show. Talk show host Wendy Williams is in a hospital for COVID and a psychiatric evaluation. We all remember when that interview back in twenty twenty, when Wendy told doctor Oz that she was not taking the COVID vaccine However, she was recently diagnosed as a breakthrough case. It is also rumored that Wendy had been drinking every day and she is receiving a psyche evaluation while in the hospital. But the good news is she is improving. So that is really good news because she's scheduled to be back on her show October fourth. I think it is so Yeah, we're pulling for you, Wendy. Yeah, get better and uh yeah, get back on TV. You know. Now switching gears. Now, Drake has purchased a minority steak in Dave's Hot Chicken. Dave's Hot Chicken, the fried chicken chain that is already backed by investors like Samuel L. Jackson, the chairman of the Boston Red Sox. Drake will own less than half of the company that currently has locations in California, Portland, Dallas, Chicago, and Las Vegas. Congratulations to Drake. He's doing big things, big things that's so big that they're comparing. Yeah, they've compared what now? Oh oh, this is a I just said. Drake is doing big things, so big that people are now comparing him to Michael Jackson. No, you know, no hot chicken chain now, just his music, just the part about his music. Yeah, not the chicken. These are two different thing. No, not quite there yet, no music level bad boy. People arguing that bad boy greatest now whoever? Argan don't know? Yeah, exactly have you? Did they see Michael Jackson performed? Yeah, it's been a debate, ste No, it's not a debate. What are you talking about. We're talking about one of the greatest living performers of all times in the history of entertainment. Drake is a bad boy. I like him. His business acum is out of sight. The dudes, his streaming and all that stuff is bar none. Number one, you ain't Michael Jackson though, it ain't Michael Jackson. Five immediate, it ain't. It ain't Billy Jean. It ain't. You know how Michael Jackson was Michael Jackson since I was a little boy. Hey, Mama's a pearl? Was the first forty five I walked up street and ball ninety five cent stop? What not? Long this boy been great or living? When he passed? Did you see what the world did? Yeah? Man, Drake cold, don't get me wrong, but y'all sometimes man, people forget history and what made people. Y'all have not nothing to do this here. And if I hear Kanye say he was the greatest artist of all time, if I'm there, I'm gonna push his ass. Ye, I'm gonna push his ass. Dog, I'm not getting let this Michael and wrong don't and this ain't this ain't Drake talking. So I already know that. But y'all Michael Jackson, Yeah, yeah, that's up yet misdirected that one. We can buy a ticket and go to a concert every faint. Don't look at certain ticket sales. We ain't talking about album sales, music soul. Just look at the concert ticket sales and the world tours. Yeah, yeah, yeah, everything this dude's performances. Okay, Steve, you're all good, Michael, Michaelael, It's all right, It's okay. Um, all right, well we started the story. I'm talking about Chicken and Drake. But um, speaking of chicken, we gotta say listen up, Steve Harvey Nation, if you purchased a chicken in the US from January first, two thousand and nine through December thirty first of last year, you may be eligible to claim a payment in the one hundred and eighty one million dollars class action lawsuit involving several poultry producers in the country. What ten years? What a chicken to? A recently filed class action lawsuit claims that the price of chicken has been rigged and overpriced for the last ten years. Rigged and rice, listen to me talking about one hundred and eighty one million, and they're talking over ten years span, and all the people who bought chicken to be so small. And I don't care. I'm you don't care. You want your couple of dollars, Carlo, Yes, all that chicken? Oh my goodness, over ten years. I got some of my freezer right now. Many companies in the chicken industry took it upon themselves to regulate the supply and demand chain as well as a price the chicken is sold for. According to court documents, you can be a part of the settlement class if a you purchase a chicken between January like I said, two thousand and nine and December thirty first, twenty twenty. The definition of chicken is given as whole birds or hole cut up chickens within a package. It also includes white meat parts like breasts and wings. In organic Wait a minute, Steve, Organic and free range chicken are excluded. Okay, you can't count them. Now you got to have Now, you got to have proof of purchase, no problem. You know, you got to have all your receipts. And then they only gonna give you what they think the price the overcharge was. And when I tell you it's gonna be since this is not what you think, go here and get your money. Well, coming up at twenty minutes after the hour, we'll have more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to a video of Vice President Kamala Harris criticizing images of border patrol agents on horseback while dealing with migrants at the Southern border has been viewed more than one million times on Twitter. The VP made the announcement. I made the comments after video and photographs emerged of horse riding agents using long horse reins chasing hagrant patient migrants along the rio. Grand take a listen what I saw depicted about those individuals on horseback treating human beings the way they were horrible And I fully support what is happening right now, which is a thorough investigation into exactly what is going on there, but human beings should never be treated that way, and I'm deeply troubled about it. And the whole point is that we have to understand Haiti. I mean, talk about a country that has just experienced so much tragedy that has been about natural disasters, and we really have to do a lot more to recognize that. As a member of the Western Hemisphere, we've got to support some very basic needs that the people of Haiti have to get back up, Vice President Kamala Harris, she's right, yeah, we're all out, absolutely right. But the Republicans gonna have a problem with that. Yeah, And you know why they're gonna have a problem with that, because the person being chasing Will is black. It's black. Absolutely, ain't no white people getting chased in Will, no where, not in the United States. Not about no border patrol or nothing else. What are you kidding me? From Europe? Dog, they come here all the time, illegally toddled masses of them all right, Uh yeah, those images are it's hard to get those images out of your mind, and they bring up things from our past and from our ancestry all of that. But here's an update. According to the Department of Homeland Security, those agents are no longer allowed to interact with the migrants. That's good news. And they have been placed on death duty so far. Yeah, they should be fired. Yes, yeah, I think they should be fired as well. It's like they still have their jobs. Though they still have jobs. They still have their jobs, right, you know, riding around like cowboys whipping dogs? What were doing? I'm telling you, man, that's horrifying, it really is, Steve, those images. I mean, what did you say, talk about triggers? You know, yes, that's yeah, you know, that's it. Yeah, we can I mean, you know, look, these people were seeking yeah, either asylum, yeah, hands at the American dream, to escape the devastation of Haiti. It's a number of things. But whatever they did, none of that required being whipped and ran down by a horse. Where you going? Where can they go? Right? You in the damn desert? Where they going? International? You can't hide? All right, We're gonna move on and switch gears here. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll have a special guest from the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America organization. Right after this. You're listening to eight folks, you know, as the largest youth mentoring organization in the country, Big Brothers and Sisters of America, has a bold goal for the future to deepen their impact on the young people served and expand their reach to more kids who might need them now. The goal is to encourage each kid to plan for their future with a mentor whose impact will last a lifetime. So Jordan us Now is the president and CEO Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. Please welcome to the show, mister artist Stevens. Hey, good morning, Thank you for having me on the show. Man. This is great, man. I'm such a fan of mentorship. I'm such a fan of this organization has changed the lives of so many people. And in the past year, young people have experienced social isolation and a lot of emotional trauma, you know, with all that's been going on with the pandemic at all, and many kids do not have the access to Wi Fi, daily meals and adequate shelter, but most importantly, they lack social emotional support. So currently thirty thousand kids are on your waiting list, with five times more always waiting for a minute and girls waiting for a minute, and most of them are young black boys. So let's talk about that. Where is the village of support? Where does the village of support come in? And what can we do to get more mentors paid with kids? Yeah, well, well, Steve, let me let me just shoot that that fandom back to you, man, because I'm a huge fan, and I was telling my family about coming on the show, and I tell you felt like the world it ended because people fall up the celebration. Man. So I just want to give a shout out to y'all and all the great work that you're doing. You know, here's what I'll tell you and everything you said, it's so important, so critical right now, and what we know that's happened in local communities. This is what we see he communities every single day. If big Brothers six sisters, is that kids are facing it right, Families are facing it just like you said, you know, going through a pandemic. But it started before the pandemic. Because we all know, like seventy one percent of the kids that we served from community of color, sixty percent the kids we serve in single family households, fifty five percent live in poverty, twenty five percent a parent that's incarcerator in the parole system, now here's the thing. None of those numbers define who they are. We know that. But what does define them in so many cases of having access to opportunity and the right mentor in their life. And that's what our sides were doing every day locally, and what we believe in is this idea of the village. And we all remember it, right, I remember it growing up. You remember it growing up when we went and did something, we went about five six blocks away, got in trouble. By time we got home, our mama knew about it, Grandma knew about it, Daddy knew about everybody knew about it because there was this connection and community. So what we're doing is saying is absolutely there's that one to one mentorship that we do so well, that so many organizations across this country do well. But it truly takes a village to raise kids. And we got to get back to that idea that we're all responsible for each other and particularly each of our children in this approach, because that's what's going to make the difference here in helping young people to really thrive and row and develop in the ways that they need to in this country. Yeah, now, listen, Steve Harvey Nation, we're gonna do a push right now. But on a personal let me say this. You have no idea the impact you can have on a young boy or a young girl's life by just spending some time with them, by just talking to them on the phone, by just returning a text, by just giving them some form of encouragement. This is not about money. How much money you make and can you afford to take them on y'all's family vacations and all of that, That's not what this is about. Of course, we need money and we need a donation from everybody who can afford it, but we need bodies. We need men and women. You don't have to be famous, you don't have to be wealthy. You just have to care. So listen up to Steve Harvey Nation. Each one of us has the ability to change a life. All it takes is one person who cares. Big Brothers and big exists of America is making a difference and they need your help. So sign up to be a mentor or donate today. And all you got to do is visit b BBS dot org. Just go to b b b S dot or to become a mentor, or to donate. Thank you for having me, Steve, and appreciate all the work that you all are doing and continue to be an advocate man like you're doing. Much love, Thank you man. Coming up next, it is Junior in for the nephew with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject the subject does he still have feelings for her? We'll get into that and find out if he does. And just a few but right now, yeah, we want to know this one right. But the junior is here for the nephew with today's prank phone call. What you got for its Junior? Okay, sure that. I'm gonna say this two ways. I don't know which one you comfortable with, but it's my aunt's bike or my anus bike, whichever one you want. You're not making this no fight my aunt's bike on my anus bike running Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Bond. Hey man, this this this k dub Man. Listen, dude, dude, do you know somebody to live on? Yeah? My mama, My mama stayed on Hey, who is this? Hey? This this K dub Man. My auntie, Miss Tindsley, she lived on now my auntie say you came over here and stole a bicycle and some other stuff out of her garage. Okay, hold ull. First of all, who is you, man? I sold a bike at somebody garage? Who is this? Who is K? I don't know no, Ka dub This is Ka dub Man. My auntie, Miss Tendsley, lived down on the street from your mama, and my auntie just got you telling me you the one came and when and took a bike and a tool box or something of the garage. Man. First of all, I don't even know, no, damn, miss Tendsley. And second a, I don't steal your your auntie, Miss Tendsley, say I stole somebody. Put the point on the phone, man, put your amy on the phone. I ain't stole nothing from nowhere. I ain't gotta she can't talk my any can't talk to you. Why she ain't she said, I stole so no, my ain't my auntie death. She signed language me and told me that you don't want to stole stole the bike your auntie death. And she told you she sign language you and said I stole the bike? Why do you get my numble? Hold on, hold on, okay, she said, quit all that damn lying. You know damn well, you're the one that stole the bike. He man. Hold so your auntie, it's cussing me. I threw you in sign language. You're telling me that I have stole the damn bike. Say man, First of all, I hell you even get my number? Man? I got some number? The street asked him from miss ain't your mama? Miss yeah, miss my mama. Okay, okay, well look man, the people down the street up, but then the new YO number. I told them I needed to talk to you soon than I ain't. He told me that that you was the one that stole the bike out to Garad. Now, look, I ain't trying to can you can't kick that, can you? Sig was back to your ain't it? Yeah? I was back to her tell her that I said, I ain't stole no wife. How about that? Tell you ain't I ain't stole no damn Right now, man, grown man, I'm trying to tell her right now. Wait a minute, okay, hold on, she's saying something. She said, yo, black lying and you know that well you got that. They look him. Man, you your death. Ain'ty that street with nobody on this street? It felt for mom Vama. I'm a grown man, so I gotta steal a bike for deafitely she must be dumb too. She's deaf fan dug She's like, I stold something, Dan, I don't even know, y'all. Ain't deafinitely dumb, dude. Okay, my ain'ty donna novel lie in the tensed saint that that that somebody took some that dog. She's telling the truth. I ain't it gonna be lying and just to be lying. Whych she just gonna lie on you? Why she gonna get you out? Man? You know what, I don't know what's going on, but I ain't got no reason to steal no bike. Now, I'm i gotta car that ain't paid for I got. I'm a grown man. I'm trying to get cused in my fun. So I'm gonna coming to somebody. Garrod Instill, Mike as you crazy, you're crazy this He is ain't get out of my line with that. Hold on, hold on, hold on, my ain't it talking? Wait a minute, man, I'm trying to see what she's saying. You say that black, No damn well, he took that bike and he better bring that damn bike looking, man, I don't know you stood on my line. Man, I ain't took no bike. Ain't he his lying? Do easy even, Hey dog, you're gonna tell you something. You're gonna respect my ainting. Hey, man, you gonna respect me. You call my phone with that. I mean to trying to get my money together. You calling someone who aren't you? What are you? I don't know this is. I don't know know I'm gonna man, I'm k dub everybody, No K dub. I ain't never heard of no more k dub on in my life. My Mama's been staying on for fifteen years. I ain't never heard no ka dub. I heard no miss Tensy, I heard a by no death lady. I ain't seen no bike. Get the off my line, man, Man, she see you gonna make me go down and still something out of miss house if you don't bring that them bike back. Got me bring somebody to my mama's. You want to tell on my way over there playing somebody to my mama house. My family is gonna be old for you. That just ain't you guys who held them now and that gave you my number? Everybody you got me so well, throw this up. I'm that's truth up. You come by my mama house. You're back now stepping my mama. Glad you come by my mama. Play you work. You got me stuck. You're gonna turn me to the dark side. Come on my way right now. No, we set on the phone. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, Wait a minute. What you say, ain't I ain't say nobody scared of your Oh Craig, say tell yo death, I ain't need to bring up outside and I was blet you she hid him licks. I'm gonna be putting on your yo. I'll bet she's gonna be undeath today. I bet you get cured when you see me whooping ya man? He literally, I ain't coming by myself Homely, Commy gonna be there with me. Commy gonna help me. Whoop your way? Who the time to tell me? Who? Tommy man nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your mama, Miss bureau us right there, man, Mama, my mama, No I don't like nobody with a man. God, your mama, your mama, My son loved me to dell. He don't let no he take care of me. He don't let nothing go wrong with me. Nobody mess with me. He said, how you got to do it that act like you're gonna do something to his mom. Man, Well, I don't see anything. I don't see it because of like id man. God, I'm in the mirror. Sweet, I'm man for read y'all? Did this a man? I just want to go. I wasn't myself. Oh you mean tell my mama? She wrong for that too, Dude? What's up Max? You? Whatever you do, you have to change. Boy, you have to change you just like me before you love your mama. Ain't man? Hey, I gotta ask you, man, one more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land? Man without a doubt? Man, Steve Harvey Morning show Man, get a few timing, Man without doubt? Hey, Man, tell mis BRR. I said, Hey, all right, I go, I go drop off a little two out the dollars she wanted. She want to play games though, you know, man, don't like now. I love it. He had a lot to say, didn't he. He didn't care. After a while, what her condition? Will she canna be undeaf today? And I'm besiding your black hold on, hold on, she's saying something. Oh, man, hey, can you sign back to your eighty for me? You cannot mess with everyone. He was not to be played with. He was not about this bike. He's a grown man. And he said, I got a car. What I look like custody man? Step on my mama grant and you go by my mama to the dark side. He got warmed. Yes he does. Yeah, my new favorite last auntie bike man man crazy. Yeah, that's that's it for me. And his anger escalated and it hit optimum point when he said, I'm gonna go with your mama's house steal something. Yeah, that's what You're gonna come to my mama house. It got real lit then. Yeah, all right, Uh, that's the prank phone call coming up next It is the Strawberry letter with the subject does he still have feelings for her? We'll find out right after this. You're listening to show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and if you need advice on relationships, on sex, on work, parenting, dating, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. All right, ladies and gentlemen in his time for the Strawberry Letter with my great friend Shirley Strawberry. Thank you my good friend junior. Subject does he still have feelings for her? Dear Stephen, Shirley, My husband and I have been together for almost twenty years. When we first started dating, there was a female friend quote unquote that was in his circle of friends. I don't think I didn't think anything of it for a while, but there were red flags that kept just popping up, and there was a certain vibe that I kept picking up whenever they were in the same space. Eventually, I asked him if they had ever had any type of intimate relationship, and he denied any dealing with her. He said they've always been just friends. Years of the same type of vibes or energy between them made me ask again if anything ever went down between them, and again he denied it. I know my husband and I could sense he was lying. I contacted a long time mutual friend of ours and asked him, in a roundabout way, how well my husband knew this woman. He connected a lot of dots from me without even knowing he was spilling the tea. He said that my husband and this woman had a sexual relationship first and then tried to be in a monogamous relationship, but that didn't work out, so they just became the best of friends. I confronted my husband, but of course he stuck to his lie and said I was being paranoid. I couldn't tell him I knew for a fact that he slept with her. And the thing that bothers me the most is that even today, when she's around, he's constantly scanning the room to see where she is. I've never been paranoid a day in my life, and I know what I see and what my intuition is telling me. Does he still have feelings for her? Is he still messing with her? If they are messing around, can I beat her tale for smiling in my face while stabbing me in the back. Please help, Well, the answer to all of your questions is probably yes. You know, it's been twenty years and they used to mess around. He might still have some feelings for her. One thing is for sure, you're never going to get the truth from your husband. He's gonna take whatever he did to the grade. He's not answering you. And thank you. I gotta say thank you for paying attention to the red flags because so many of us ignore the warning signs. You asked him a few times about her, he just sticks to that same lie. He's denying it. Nope, nope, nope. But your intuition and a friend told you something different. So at least now your feelings are validated. You feel like there was something between them. They did something. As far as what happened twenty years ago, that was before you. You gotta let that go. Okay, you gotta let that go. But if they're still going at it now, that's a whole different situation. And here's a question. I mean, I have this question. How is it that she's still around after twenty years and you've suspected this all this time? Why are they still friends? Why? You know, since you're asking a lot of questions, I have questions for you. Why do you guys go where she is? You know? Why haven't you guys, cut her off if you think all of this, because if his eyes are still following her around, yes he has some kind of feelings for her, and it sounds like he's acting on that feelings and that's what you're feeling. So that's what you need to deal with, not twenty years ago, but what's going on right now, Steve, I disagree with this entire letter. I don't know where you come from, Sherley, with this mess you said into you know, come on, I know you were with the husband and his life. What life? Come on? Come on, let's go through this letter step by step and see what we have. My husband I been together twenty years. First started dating. That was a female friend that was in his circle of friends. I didn't think anything of it for a while, but there were red flags that kept popping up. Okay, let's talk about these red flags. That was a certain vibe I kept picking up on, whether on on whenever they were in the same space, what vibe. Eventually I asked him if they had ever had any type of intimate relationship, and he denied any dealers with her. That could be true. I'm just looking at the possibilities that could be true. He said, they've always been just friends. Years of the same type of vibes of energy between them made me ask again. Years of the same vibe made you ask again. And I'm gonna use this because since she's so vibrational, I'm gonna ask you a question later on, since she's such a vibrational person. So it made her ask again if anything ever went down for them. He denied it. I know my husband, and I could since he was lying. He was lying about what him and he said no, So she said, I know he lying. Then I contacted a on time mutual friend of ours and ask him in a roundabout way, how well my husband knew this woman? How how round about can you ask these questions that she all of a sudden say she got answers too. He connected a lot of doubts from me without even knowing he was spilling the tea. What now you walk away and say that you know this woman had this man had a sexual relationship, but you was asking what in a roundabout way that he connected the dot I don't think she had. Steve. Hold on, Steve, we'll be back of your response. Yeah, you got more, I know. At twenty three minutes after the hour. The subject does he still have feelings for her? All right, we'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject does he still have feelings for her? What are you talking about? You say that y'all been dating, y'all been together twenty years? First are to day knows a female friend in his circle. You ain't think none of it, didn't you say? Red flags kept popping up because there was a certain vibe that I kept picking up on when they were in the same place. Remember this conversation about she's vibrational. Now, eventually I asked him if they had any type of interim relationship. He denied any dealings with her, said they just friend. Now listen to this years of the same vibes or energy. Nothing. This is all her vibes and energy. Nothing, no damn proof, just energy and vibes from miss vibrational, Miss cleo it is who wrote this letter? So now he said they're just fred all right, and it may did you ask again if anything went down? He denied it. Now you say, you know your husband say he was lying So you contacted a mutual friend of yours a long time and asked him, in a roundabout way, how well my husband knew this woman. Now listen to the answer. She got it. What she says was in a roundabout way. He connected a lot of doubts from me without even knowing he was spilling the tea. He said that my husband and this woman had a sexual relationship first, then tried to be in a monogamous relationship, but that didn't work out, so that just became the best of friends. What a long time friend told us? And how did you ask these questions? It around about way? What he didn't know he was spilling the tea? How long is he ten? How surely? How easily you don't see a woman pope and you just supposed to be your boy? May get about it here? This man cold all day long, both of them as what she thinks, and that's he's probably looking upside her head. He needs to check his boy. I confronted my husband, but of course he stuck to his lie and said I was being paranoid. Yes, yes, she's paranoid now yes, And he stuck to his story. Why because it ain't no damn proof you talk, but shunning you said it happened twenty years ago. It out to stay in the past. What she drumming this up for if it was? But that is no proof. This is his say in court. This is his sake. His eyes are following her out of the room. Girl, We ain't got to that part yet. So what his eyes is following around? The rule? So he wasn't following her around the room. He didn't follow her around the room. And that don't mean they had an a fact. I couldn't tell him. I knew for a fact that he slept with her. That's not a fact. It's called hearsay, lady. The thing that bothers me the most is that even today, when she's around, he's constantly scanning the room to see where she is. Maybe he from the hood. He just looked, you know, look and see what's going on a high stop. I've never been paranoia the day in my life. You are now, Yes, she is Shirley. This has been going Shirley. This has been going on for years. This woman has been on this same vibe, red flag tip for years with no proof at all. Does he still have feelers for hub? Is he still messing with hub. If you're so damn vibrational, what is this letter fall? You know you can vibe everything, You can vibe red flags all this here, but you can't vibe that they seeing each other, husband at home every night. He ain't got no credit card bill showing up. You didn't write in here about no money missing out didn't count. You didn't write in here about no unaccountable hours your man. You ain't wrote about no liptick on, no collar. That's all that's proof. And everdes you ain't got none of that, none of that. And if they are messing around, can I beat hortail for smiling in my face while stabbing me in my back? What you're gonna jump on this woman phone with no damn proof? I can't his golden her? You know? So what she knows? Yeah, and you know how to water. Yeah, we have to and women to be friends so nice. So now this is something she's allowed for twenty years, but now she got red flags about it. Yeah, but she's so vibrational, she don't know if they steal. Messing rhyme, Stop saying that. That makes me sick. All these vibrational people got everything vibe you vibe everything but the damn answer. All right, listen poster comments on today's Strawberry find what you could probably find water on the farm too. On today's Strawberry Letters Steve RVFM and a instagramm and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter Podcast, Donda Man. They're coming up in forty six minutes after the hour, we got Junior. What have we learned from new story fellas Rajoel Live exactly? Yeah, all right, Junior with sports coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, We've got Carlin's Reality Update. But right now it's time for sports talk with Junior. What you got Junior. NBA Basketball Stars training camp start next week and yeah, yeah, it's that time of years. Yeah, first first preseason game I know for the Rockets is October fifth, So we got NBA basketball coming back as well. But here's the biggest story right now, because we all know what all this happened. Ben Simmons, all right for the Philadelphia seventy six, says he has no plans to play for the seventy six and he will not be reporting a training camp. We all know. Philadelphia was eliminated by the Atlanta Hawks in the second round of the Player last season. In that series, Beings would not take a shot in the fourth quarter came up missing the whole series. So he says he wants the trade. PHILIPI said, they want the same thing. But yeah, you know he can't go back. Yeah he know. See this is the technique of you. He gonna get out in front of him first say I don't want to play. Okay, well, Philadelphia wants fair compensation. They just say, hey, we were trying to trade you. Trust we were working on it. We all in the office. Earland Folk Camp start, We're trying to get you out of here. Because they just that Philadelphia don't want to play. There's a lot of people being don't want to play because Philadelphia is a is a sports town. They don't play about their sports. They don't play by the Phillies, they don't play about the Eagles, and they don't play about the seventy sixers. If you don't want to play that, I'm quite shore Doc Rivers and Joelanbad and the city of Philadelphia don't want you to play. People would take that boy because he's super He tells you just got to get him out of that out of that arena. Yeah, he got to go. Man. You know, his free throw was a problem in the in the in the in the playoffs last year. That was one thing. But he just said he is not gonna play another game for the Philadelphia seventy sixers, which I found. You know, hey, Mann's that I do not understand how a professional basketball player can't shoot a free throw. Well, listen, man, work on your game in the off season. That free throw line, don't move. The basket is the same size the ball is. It's damn If you're a forty fifty free throw shooter and you're a professional basketball player, that's sad, man, and you bring nothing else to the game. Ain't like shock Shaq gave you his Yeah. But but Shack worked on his free throws too. But dog, but when he he giving them hell yeah, yeah, I can tell you right now for the death, it's a lot of thing. Peop don't want you to play Gino's Fini cheese steaks. They don't want you to play. Sunny Is don't want you to play. That's that your rocket don't want your ways to play. The landmarks. Yes, all right, Junior, thank you. Coming up, coming up at the top of the hour, Carlos Reality Update. Right after this. You're listening to Morning show. All right, here we go. Come on, Junior, introduce our girl. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, it is time for Carlos Ferrell's Reality Update. That reality stranger voice, Junior, thank you what you say? Stave that? Don't do that? Chios. Don't you gave it all you had? You? I was horrible. All right, let's get going real households up Potomac, Candice says, Mom, Miss Dorothy, she just all up in their marriage. I mean she's at the house talking about the couch and the sofa and the throw pillows and her opinion on the decor and the house. She just too much. So we know that Candice is a singer and she invited the ladies to be a part of this video that she's putting out for her song. Well, Candice's husband, Chris, is her manager, and things on the video set was they weren't too organized. The cars didn't show up. Certain cars was supposed to be in the video, so Candice had to had to ask the ladies to use their cars. Range rovers and stuff like, hey, can we use your car? Yeah, so it wasn't a good look. So all that was happening Miss Dorothy, Candice's mom, She's whispering to Karen and just accusing her daughter's son, her son in law, of being a house husband. She said he quit his job too quickly, and then she implied Shirley on the low key that she still might be paying their mortgage. You know, missus Dorothy was doing the most Yes, yes, yes, Karen could not take all that information. But anyway, So after this episode air, Chris, He's put out a tweet about his mother in law and he said, trying to recall a time that I ever had a conversation with my mother in law about my financial status and bank records or life experience, but please speak on it. Then he tweeted and followed up with at this point, it's really f everybody, and don't ask me for nothing. So Chris is sick of his mother in law, missus Dorothy. All right, So moving on, let's go to Love and Marriage Huntsville. So Titia and Marceau they invited the couples to Vegas. They went on a couple's trip and yes, they invited Martel and they invited Melody. So they're all in Vegas, these couples. They're all staying at a huge a nice house, a big house in Vegas, and you know, things got a little heated. They were all in hot tub. Melody had not arrived yet, but they were all in the hot tub. And then Titia and Kimmy, you know, they've been having issues their sister in laws, but they've been having issues, so they squashed their issue. They were arguing about Kimmy. They were just all there, just chilling. Who do that? That's there's family though. They were just beefing about her son that works for them and their business, and you know, they felt like he wasn't being professional on some instances. But Kimmy defended her son and said that she does tell him to be professional with their business with her sisters rather in law's business. Yes, you ever been at a public pool, like at a nice hotel, and when out in the hot count and then when other people come get in and then y'all get right out? Yes, yes, all facts, yes, yes, yes, And then quickly I heard you, Shirley, And then quickly so Melody arrived. Martel they you don't go on a trip, a couple's trip with your ex because I'm telling you they had a big blow up, a big argument. It was a couple trip with your ex. Yes, she was there and her ex husband was there. So would you go to Vegas on a couple's trip with your ex knowing your ex is going to be there Vegas with mine? I wouldn't even get on the same damn escalator you talking about. It's real fresh. We'll be mad with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In trending job news, it seems there's a growing trend and employees doing it in a not so vocal way. In fact, they're leaving without telling anyone. It's called ghosting coasting, okay, And it's when an employee takes a job, works a few days, and then just stops coming in without giving anyone notice. So, Steve, I gotta ask you, have you ever quit a job without giving notice? And you've got a little notice from that's the professional thing? Yeah, I didn't, never had no professional job. I thought you worked it forward and yeah, the one professional factory. That's professional. Still a professional situation. Not for me. When I worked at Jim the Electric Lincoln Electric. Hey, y'all didn't give me no notice. I came work and they gave me a pink slipt You don't come in the mall. Okay, cool? Next time I want. I ain't playing on coming in the mall. I ain't giving out no pink slips where Steve he ain't here. I'm gone, y'all done that? Plenty of time, plenty of time. Steve. Wow, I've had eleven jobs. How many of them did you quit without notice? You had eleven? I well, I've been fired opportunities, but you took them about half and half. Yeah, you just don't like that authority. All right, we'll be back with We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Harvey Morning Show, ain't folks? You know? As the largest youth mentoring organization in the country, Big Brothers and Sisters of America has a bold goal for the future to deepen their impact on the young people served and expand their reach to more kids. Who might need them now. The goal is to encourage each kid to plan for their future with a mentor whose impact will last a lifetime. So Jordan does now is the president and CEO Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. Please welcome to the show, mister artist Stevens. Hey, good morning. Thank you for having me on the show. Man. This is great, man. I'm such a fan of mentorship. I'm such a familiness. Organization has changed the lives of so many people. And in the past year, young people have experienced social isolation and a lot of emotional trauma, you know, with all that's been going on with the pandemic at all, and many kids do not have the access to WiFi, daily meals, and adequate shelter, but most importantly, they lack social emotional support. So currently thirty thousand kids are on your waiting list, with five times more boys waiting for a minute than girls waiting for a minute, and most of them are young black boys. So let's talk about that. Where is the village of support? Where does the village of support come in? And what can we do to get more mentors paid with kids? Yeah, well, well set me, let me just shoot that fandom back to you, man, because I'm a huge fan and I was telling my family about coming on the show, and I tell you, felt like the world is ended because people are go hold up to celebration. Man. So I just want to give a shout out to y'all and all the great work that you're doing. You know, here's what I'll tell you and everything you said, it's so important, so critical right now, and what we know that's happened in local communities. This is what we see communities every single day. If Big Brothers pix is that kids are facing it right, families are facing it's just like you said, you know, going through a pandemic, but it's already before the pandemic. Because we all know, right, seventy one percent of the kids that we serve from community of colors, sixty percent of kids we serve in single family households, fifty five percent live in poverty, twenty five percent have a parent that's incarcerated in the prolosed system. Men and women, you don't have to be famous, you don't have to be wealthy. You just have to care. So listen up to Steve Harvey Nation. Each one of us has the ability to change in life. All it takes is one person who cares. Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America is making a difference and they need your help. So sign up to be a mentor or donate today and all you gotta do is visit BBBS dot org. Just go to b b b S dot or to become a mentor or to donate. Thank you for having me, Steve, and appreciate all the work that you all the doing and continue to be an advocate man like you're doing. Much love all right, thank you again mister Stevens for the fine work you do. Coming up, it is our last break of the day and of course at forty nine minutes after the hour, Steve Harvey's closing remarks. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are, guys, our last break of the day on this Thursday. It's been a good Yeah. I want to say thanks to mister artist Stevens again from Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. Is good thing doing great work. Time. That's our music bed in the background. Ladies and gentlemen, hey mad at the lake. No love all right, whenever you're ready enlighten us with some closing removes harming. You're three us first one. You know what, man, what if I could have seen I could have seen like Luke, you would have changed the whole trajectory of my life. Oh, I'd be I'd be in People Magazine Sexiest Man. They had to create a whole new category for me, People's People's Sexiest thank he man, you know, the sexiest thankful. I wouldn't give it down how you felt about me. That's all I do, man, That's all I do. I wouldn't give it that we'd be doing interviews, man, I just bust out. Dude boy. Anyway, Hey y'all, let me let me say something um to young people. UM, I have really stepped back and take up good hard. Look at where we are today, and we got our share problems. But instead of talking about the problems, I'm choosing today to talk about the upside. I'm seeing a few more young men in the hippop culture step up and and really really man become some great dads out there. I'm noticing that, and I do take notice because we get berated so much and beating up about what we aren't that sometimes we don't stop and tell these young people what they are. And when I see these young cats that's making this money and hip hop or athletics, but when I see them stopping to take the time to honor their commitment as fathers, it's it's worth noting. And I don't want to single anybody out, but I text a man the other day who I found out this young girl. He was a father and he's such a good dude and the girl was really nice. And I called him to congratulate him, and he said, Uncle, I'm gonna go all the way. Man, I'm gonna take that next step. He said, I've been watching you and listening to you. But it's not just me. There are fine examples of fathers and men out there, not just me, and that's not what this is about. But I just wanted to stop and take the time to say thank you to the young men out there that is doing the right thing. Now for all of your sister to have a different story understanding that. But once again I've decided to take the position to day to talk about the positive because also along with making moves to become better father, better men, better dads, also want to congratulate this younger generation on the Black Lives Matter movement, how you all have stepped into the forefront. I was watching Godfather of Hallan the other day, Great Serious with Forest whitterkin It and it's crazy, man, But they were talking about the same thing in sixty four, sixty five, sixty six that we're talking about today. Voter suppression was big in the sixties. Voter suppression is big in twenty twenty one. And you know it's crazy. I was around for both of them, even though I couldn't vote. In the sixties, I saw it. I heard my parents talking about about it. The difference now is these young people are not only active, but they can unite with the press of a button calls social media, and they're doing it in a big way. The entertainers, the athletes, the truck drivers, the bus boys, the dudes that are coming up, the people that work. They're at Target, at Walmart, they're everywhere. They're coming out of high school, they're college students. They are awake. They are wide awake. And see the problem that the Republican Conservative Party has now is in all of your efforts to shut us down, I got news for you. It's not going to work because we are wide awake. This generation is not playing anymore. They saw their vote make a difference last time. When I looked up and I saw the picture in Atlanta of all these people in this apartment complexities, apartments were facing each other. They were all out on their balconies celebrating when Biden and Kamala Harris won. They were all out on their balconies celebrating when Georgia was declared finally a blue state. I have news for you. We're not going back. We have found out that our power is in the vote. Oh we're gonna steal protest. That's not gonna stop, because protests is valuable. But now we know our vote counts, and our vote is the real game changing. And I'm gonna get everybody up in the Steve Harvey Morning Show is committed to getting the vote out in every single election from now on, not just the presidential but every last one of them. So please understand all of your efforts to block voter rights, it's not going to work because we are awake. Y'all, have a great day. We'll see y'all tomorrow. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.