The crew open up the show talking about past cast members. The Mississippi runoff election took place yesterday amid racial controversy. Ava DuVernay inks a huge $100 million deal with Warner Bros. Toni Braxton sat down with Jada Pinkett-Smith. There is a study that shows when Americans typically get down. Miss Carla's Reality Update the early edition has Kim Kardashian at the center of the discussion. Uncle Steve has some suggestions for black folks in regards to travel. Closing Remarks today talks about change and what it does for us and more.
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Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them move like amazing bus things. And it cost me true good. Steve har listening to me together for Steve please, I don't joy yeah, joined me to be with me home. You gotta turn, you gotta turn turn, turn, got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on your baby that uh huh, I shall well, good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now wanting only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show? Wow man, how good has God been to me? You know? Today? Let me get right to it because I'm I'm kind of feeling this today, and I'm pretty sure that's just quite a few of you who go through the same things today. Today was just a little tough morning from me because I didn't want to leave home yesterday. You know, I wanted to stay home a little. I just gotten home, you know, I gotta go again. And sometimes, you know, just the weight of all that you have to do just gets on you sometimes and sometimes you don't feel like doing it today. Huh. You know, I'm just talking to those who feel this way every now and then, And I'm assuming that would be everybody, because I don't know nobody who can just ply through this thing without having those days. Well, what do you do when it gets hard to stay up? What do you do when it gets hard to be positive? What do you do when it seems like things aren't happening for you fast enough or in the time frame that you thought it was going. What do you do? And the reason that I guess I chose to speak about this this morning is because I'm having one of those days. Because I had one of those days yesterday. It's just a tough day. I really can't explain. It's nothing really in particular bad happened. It's just I think the weight of all that's going on started to feel heavy to me. Not being able to sit down with my wife and talk some of these things through so she could help me out. That kind of got to me yesterday because she had to go take care of some business. I had to go take care of some business. But she got in it was late, you know. I got in it was late, you know, And so I guess so so it sort of pushed me into this thing. Now I didn't have nobody talk to about it. And so what do you do when when you have days like that, when it's hard to be positive, when it's hard to stay up. Okay, here's what I had to start doing this morning. Now I haven't completed it. Can I just be real with you, I haven't completed it. Excuse me, but I am processing it out because I know what to do, because I've been here hundreds of times before. See. That's that's the cool thing about getting older. That's the cool thing about life, is that you gained experiences along the way. You know, been there, done that. I didn't had that pain before. I know what to do. You know, if I sprained my finger, I know what to do now. You know the first sprain I had, Old Lord, I thought it was broke. I thought I gonna be handacalf. I didn't know how I was gonna fix it, Old Lord, what I I can't write? No mold. Now maybe I don't have to go to school. I was working all kinds of stuff I when I first sprained my finger. But now if I sprained my finger, I know what to do. So since I've been in this position, in this hole so many times before, and God has always gotten me through it. I decided I've got to start the process today. Here are some things. Now. I'm gonna get to the big one last, but here are some things that you can do immediately to start pulling yourself up. And one of the things I do is I remember the plan. I just sit down and consciously remember the plan. Sit down and I consciously think about the goals I've set. I go over see. I've gotten mine down on an iPad so I can pull them out anywhere I am and pull them up. And I've got two lists that I've made. I've got a list of things that I know I can accomplish if I just keep working hard and if some couple of things just fall into place that I can see. Then I got a list of things that I'm planning on accomplishing. And then I have a second list. And the heading of this list is called only God can help Me Now. And on this list, it's things that I'm aspiring for or things that I'm hoping to that in order for them to happen, I absolutely have to have God's help. That's my favorite list. It's the list that I have of the things that I don't see No way it can happen. I'm just operating on faith and the hope that God hear me, and so sometimes, man, when you gotta when I have this list of who only God can help me, now that list is stuff that I cannot see. I'm just operating on faith that God is so much bigger than me, that he's so much more capable than I am, that I can actually acquire some things in my life, as He's proven to me time and time again up to this point, that He's willing to do for me if I'm willing to just give him some of my life. That's only why I can't explain my existence today. You know, I began the conversation with my wife, how do I write a book that becomes so wildly successful? That would be God. That's only God. Because if you can plan to sit down and write a wildly successful book, I would have Benden sat down and did it, and so would you, So that would be God. How it got purchased to become a movie when that was not my intent when I wrote the book at all, Again, that would be God. Right, there has to be because if I can't explain it, and it is by no doing of my own then who did it? So when I get down in days like this, I remember the goal. I remember the plan. I remember the journey. I think about of all the things God has bought me to how did I even get to this point. Yeah. I might be having a little bummer of a day. Yeah I was a little down yesterday. Yeah, my bio rhythms is off, whatever they want to call it. Yeah, I'm just having one of those days. I feel a little bit heavy. I need a vacation real bad. I need some time off to just go and regenerate. But right now, man, I ain't got that. So guess what I do. I gotta start remembering the plan. I gotta start remembering the goals. I gotta start thinking about all the things that God has done for me, and he has bought me this far, and the blessings that I have instead of what I don't have. And that's what I'm in the process of doing this morning. And on the commercial breaks, I'm gonna pull out my iPad and I'm gonna go over my two lists, and I'm gonna read my little list of what I think I can accomplish, and I'm gonna really read that only God can help me now, list, because that's the list that's big. That's the part where I've been telling y'all, I said, quit telling God how big your problems are, and start telling your problems how big your God is. See, And that's why I got to sit down and do this morning. And then sometimes, man, you got to stay still. That's the other part. You got to stay still. You gotta quit moving for a second, because sometimes it feel like you're running on a treadmill and you really ain't you going somewhere, but it feel like you're running on a treadmill. Well, when you get that feeling, sometimes you got to stay still. And then when you stay still, sometimes you gotta fight to stay positive. Sometimes you gotta fight not to let the devil win. You're in a fight, mam. I told you this. Now you're in a fight now. So trying to get you to get on that positive train so he can get you off the faith train. So God's delivery package that's coming to you built on your faith that you can he can shake your faith and get you to thinking negative and then he wins. See, So when you start feeling negative, just know that that's the other force trying to throw your off track. And when you get through it all that He is the key, the big one. You want me tell it to You got to pray, man, You got to pray. You gotta take it to God. You gotta say, hey, God, look I'm having one of these days. I need your help. I got business to take care of. You got blessings in front of me. You got stuff you to ship to me. You got blessings and packages that's on the way. I need to be sitting on Faith Streets so I can receive the delivery when you get there. What I don't want to do is be it on be on Doubted Way or or Lack of Understanding Parkway, or Pity Parkway or some street like that, and the package keep going by. I need to be standing and sitting on Faith Street so when you drop that package down to me, I can go on and get it. You feel me. You gots to pray. You got to stay still, You gotta fight to stay positive. You gotta remember the plan. You gotta go over the goals. Come on, man, God and brought you too far, Come on, pick yourself up today. I'm talking to Steve Harvey this morning, Hope, y'all didn't mind you're listening, ladies, gentlemen, everybody Today is Wednesday. Good morning everybody. I'm back, I'm refreshed, I'm open, I'm I'm here, I'm healthy, I'm grateful, Ladies and gentlemen. This is the Steve Harvey Morning showy ain't good morning, Shirley. Good morning, Steve, welcome back again, calling parrel is hump day. What's up crew, Hasty one and only Junior boy? Morning up? My road dog back? Yeah, Tommy, tom you got me humping and then I'm so old baby day big doggy dog is wins the baby. Let's get it put you're hump in the back. Yeah? Yeah, Well, so what's going on y'all? Are you? Y'all ain't ask me nothing, y'all ain't invite pimping back? Man? You know what I heard? Do what say? I probably shouldn't even say this, but did you hear to get pimping here? No? This this I heard sister Old Dale's upset because she's been replaced by pimp man. No, don't take that offensive. Hey, you tell Olddale to call Eugene. You know what I'm saying. I mean that happens. It happens. Man, that'd be funny to bring them back. They're being funny. Man. Before the end of the year, before we get out of here. For this year, we are to do a special reunion last day, a reunion show. You know how they do the Housewives, bring everybody back dumb, Oh, Country Brothers, Country Brothers are to come back, man, Old Dale, Pimp been Roscoe deaf jam Who who is dumb? I forgot dumb? But we gotta had a white dude. You gotta bring the white dude crowd. Yes, what about the African guy? Oh? I forgot about mama characters politically correct at all? Yeah, if we want to keep working here, I think call ain't gonna like this. But Momo and tom Boy what slave? What? I remember that the greatest slave actors of all times. Let's save that for when we get ready to leave permanently about forever. We're never coming back that show right there, y'all gonna want to be at that. I'd probably say goodbye for three days then leave it for who got next? Yeah, like we did when we left LA that was a week long. When we live Yeah, when we left, Yeah, we act like he left and we were still you're right about that. Oh man, all right, Steve, listen some we'll talk about it when we come back. But some sad news out of mines out of Mississippi. Um, dang it. Yeah yeah, yeah yeah. So coming up at thirty two after the state of Mississippi voters have a new senator and it's not who you think right after this you're listening to show, all right, The Mississippi special election was yesterday Democrat Mike Espy against his opponent, Republican Cindy Hyde Smith. Sp supporters want at Mississippi voters to turn out like Alabama voters did for Democrat Senator Doug Jones beating Roy Moore. We all remember that. Well, Um, the President held a couple of election eve rallies to promote that Republican Cindy Hyde Smith as a truly incredible leader and asked regarding Democrat Mike Espy, uh, which I thought was crazy he when he said, how does he fit in with Mississippi? Excuse me? You asked that question. Isn't he a Native son from that? Yeah, He's a Native son exactly, exactly, exactly. At least Mike Espy has tons of political experience on the national level, local level, state level. Yes, so Steve, this runoff election was about race and new elect Senator Cindy Hyde Smith herb remarks about endorsing public hangings and lynchings. I mean, seriously, what is this world coming to this country? What is going on? Well? You know, um, this rhetoric comes from the top, and it's been made to be okay to verbalize anything that you want to say. Whether it's politically correct, whether it's a separating, whether it causes pain, whether it's bigoted, racist, it doesn't matter. It's been made to seem okay. They relate to that. Well, he said it. Now, if the president can get away with saying the stuff he's gotten away with, why not, right, let me try so you expect he'll Billy hank to to restrain his tongue when the President of the United States number forty five does not at all. Yeah, No, it starts a wave, though it starts a whole waves. Hey man, everybody joins in. Everybody's saying what I want to say. Trump was talking in Mississippi the other day. Did you see the black dude with the ponytail? He was there too. Again, dog, he said all the relies. He's he's every last one Arizona. They go, no, they flying him around the black dude. We're gonna tell but when we're gonna pu you know, man, I was just thinking that, I gotta say it for real, dog. I mean, I just want to like pull him to the South Brothers and just go, hey, man, really, come on when y'all finish, I'm gonna come back. And that damn pony. It's still all right for a good as woman. They It's still all right for that, isn't it. I mean, he's he's pathetic though, man. I mean, look, man, okay, cool, let's say you're a Trump supporter. I got it. But to be used like that, we're gonna put you front and center as obviously token black wow, and we're gonna make you the face of black people blacks for Trump. Take the ass off. Really, you know, it's just it's I mean, what can you say? What can you say? We gotta get out and vote. We've been saying that forever and ever and ever. I mean, it's real, our vote mattersote And I think also too. I mean, it couldn't have just been the black people they voted for him. He had to have white people to him to to win. Now, yeah, you know, well, you know that's m that's with any election today exactly. And when the when the reporters were out asking, they asked the black people, and they asked the white people who were they going to vote for? It was down the line by race. All the white people said they were going to vote for Cindy Hide Smith and the black people that were there that were in line, A few that I saw that were in line said, esp. It was definitely down racial line. So is it just numbers? Is that what it is? You know what I mean, there's just more of them than it is black people. Is that what it is? From black people? He has to have other races that have to vote for him. And then, like Steve said, that's all the elections. But actually, but it can't just be black people that are outraged by what she said. I was just gonna say that, you're absolutely right. Does it does not it matter that she said that she wouldn't obviously, No, it doesn't. It doesn't matter when the president said he had grabbed women by the people. Yeah, it didn't matter what he said about the wall. It doesn't matter what he said about the immigrants. It didn't matter that he took babies from their mothers. It doesn't matter what he said about the Native American woman he referred to as prophanas. It didn't matter that he made fun of disabled people by mimicking the way they talk and gesture they handled this dude, man, It has not matter it Sea. I'm just really like, what I'm doing at this point, y'all, to be honest with you, is I'm really focusing on myself and positioning me and my family to be able to cope with whatever comes down from Pennsylvania Avenue. Because it's coming down. It's a lot of sugar honey iced tea up on the walls right now, and it's dripping and it's dripping. Yes, it's stink and it's coming down the wall, and those of us that ain't at the top, you need to get ready to either wipe the wall off or get to ask get your ass out the way of the drip stain that's coming your way. And that's what I'm spending my time doing, just getting my family in the position to get out the way. Now, before you say, with Steve, you got the money to do that, you can position yourself with. However, you are to be as least affected by the rhetoric coming out of the White House as possible, because you have a say in that. Now, Mark Luther King said it, man, can't ride your back, Lets you be, don't come on. It's very sad though it can say you endorse public lynchings and become a sent man. Yeah it is. And you can say the tear gasses when you can say the tear gasses, okay, yeah, we used less dangerous. It's a less dangerous, less dangerous tear gas. It's okay, Yeah, it's something that's just not right about that. All right? Coming up next, the nephew is here. We're gonna change it up a little bit with the prank phone call. He's gonna run it back right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, and entertainment news Aber du Burney has signed a big multi platinum TV deal. Hey baby, we'll talk about that in just a few Right now, the nephew is here to run that prank back. What your g nev my daddy's boat. That's my daddy boat. Are you angry? My daddy gave me that boat? For you dad, my daddy boat, my daddy boat. It is hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a mister Wilson. Please, mister Wilson, how are you today? Who is it? My name is Williams. Well, listen, we've been getting a few complaints, sir about some things on your property there all. Who are you with? Uh? Actually I'm with the homeowners Association. Wanted to reach out and give you a call today. Oh well, how are you doing? Pretty good? Listen. Um, got a few things I kind of want to discuss with you here that seemed to be a problem that's taken place in the neighborhood there. Um, it's been brought to our attention down here at headquarters that you have, um, a few things on your property that are are not functioning that really shouldn't be on the property. Uh. You have two cars supposedly in your driveway that are not being used, been sitting there for quite some time. Well, yeah, well one of them I'm currently working on. I'm almost I should have it repaired. I'm just waiting on getting wait, wait and get a little extra money to get it take care of the other cars just function and I just don't drive. But I have more than one car. Okay, Now you you also have a camper that seems to be has been there for at least eight months now, that's that's sitting there. Is that correct as well? Yeah, yeah, I'm I'm working on getting some storage for that. But it ain't really been there eight months, just maybe around about six to seven months. And uh, you know, I'm looking at our past records and stuff. It seems like there was a complaint before about the you know, keeping the yard, uh pretty cutting all of that kind of stuff. And I'm just looking at past complaints that I have here. Now the biggest one that I have that that's concerning your property, sir, is uh, supposedly in your backyard. Now there's a you have an old boat that's in your backyard. Yeah, yeah, but I don't see that boat bother nobody. Well, well, I mean it's it's it's kind of a sore eye for the people. I think. I think you guys backyards actually bump up against each other, and you guys have a chain link fence between the two of you all, and I think the boat is must be just a sore eye for the family that's behind you all. Well, you know, I don't see myself getting rid of that boat. So I got a cover on it. Everybody else got a boat. I don't see. What's the problem is, Well, okay, here's here's what's actually happening, mister Wilson. What's gonna take place is this. Now we're gonna give you a fourteen day extension. Fourteen days actually to move the car that is not functioning, the camper as well, and definitely the boat we need. We're gonna need those three items. We'll search. I ain't gotten no, we moved boat. I just told you I was working on so well do you hear my stories? Called? Now the boat, now the camp, I'll get that, take care. But the boat, the boat, the boat my daddy gave me, and my daddy gave me that that that's the only thing my daddy gave me before he died. Now now I'm not moving that boat nowhere. The boat won't get fun if I take it down that to the water. It worked, sir, and I understand it wholeheartedly. You know, I'm basically I'm just a messenger I have. I'm gonna have to get the non functioning car that's not working properly I'm gonna have to get that out within the two week notice, as well as the camper and definitely the boat. Now, I gotta get that out. That's gotta be gone. I'll tell you what I ain't moving. I'll tell you that will plant what you're gonna do, sir, You gotta either move the boat. I'm gonna have somebody come over and haul all of these things away. Well, i'll tell you what. I got thirteen reasons why you won't go over and touch that boat, and I got two bad two to thirteen twenty six. I got thirteen and then I got another twenty six added on to that why you won't bring Now I'm want me to tell my dad to vote because my dada gave me that bowl. I'll be dad, any of you. You know, I'm tired of you with me instead cross Street because I'm not at liberty to give you the name who's reported my phone, So you haven't liberty give me something because I know you know eight months and ain't nobody said saint to him? So why the hell y'all me about how to vote in the backyard to my dada gave me, sir, the language is not necessary sir. The bottom line is I want to camper out. I want to bote out, and I want the car that's not functioning move for the two weeks or I'm towing it out. I'll tell you when I give you a personal invitation to come over him, put the boat, the campus and the car, and I I will beat you like that's what beat you, sir. H Wow, I'm gonna allow one car to stay. I just want to make sure that you know that I've given you the statement over the phone, letting you know that what what has taken place here in the state that will take it. But I ain't move my daddys boat. You're gonna move your dad's stinking boats. Let me don't bring the loan, but you bring somebody, sir, trust me, trust me. If we come there, we're definitely gonna be bringing authorities with us. My might will go to jail because I love my daddy. Ain't now I want you. I'm gonna touch my daddy's boat. That's the only left me. I got one one thing I need to say to you, sir about this in a situation, excuse me. All I have to say is this, this is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your brother. Man got up? I got up? All right, man, that's your brother told me, he said, Man, he'd be going eddie with the homeowner soldier. He said, Man, just call him and tell him he got to move all this too, he said, but most of us, Oh, tell him, y'all gonna haul off that boat. He said, he would kill you behind that dog on boat. But I love that they know that, they know that push. I got one more question for you, though, Baby, tell me this. What is the baddest radio show in the land, the stead my daddy boat? Thought about a man in the boat? Yeah, frank phone marriage question of time? Sure what they do a good ass when work for the subject. You know what, if you really want to catch me slipping, it's probably gonna be like Monday. That's when. That's when my guards are down. Monday Monday you can catch right for Monday night football. You can catch me. Other than that, I'm on I'm on prank phone. Call ass whooping elect You just want to tell me that you're vulnerable on Monday night. Well, I'm always at the house. You ain't gonna kiss me out. You don't kiss me out. That's that's but I'm good. I'm good. Let me tell you, holl of y'all something. The day somebody try to jump on me about these pranks. If any one of y'all with me, it ain't swinging with me, you can rest assure our relationship is over, gonna be over. Ain'tybody fighting for you? Sign me up first. Pranks have brain brought great charge to this show. You cannot see it and act like you ain't gonna fight with me with these fight with you because we're family. But I'm gonna let you taste two of them. Oh you well, hold on, hold on two of them, two of them. Two good punches could actually knock her brother out. Yeah, we've seen one on social media. But what what what what are you saying? You don't no reason that should have over all the years of franks, But you, my uncle, though, after after you see somebody swinging towards me, you would at least be trying to stop that. No, I got an entertain a couple of all right, we gotta get out of here, guys up. Next entertainment news, Ava Duvernet just signed a big TV contract with Warner Brothers, Girl Power. We'll be right back. I'm Pregny the Queen. You're listening Morning show all right. Before we got to today's entertainment news, Carla has a special announcement of her own. What you got, Carla, Well, let me just say this, y'all. Happy birthday from my husband, Tosh. It's his birthday today. Happy birthday today. I love you. You didn't hear I was just asking. I said, pregnant boy, didn't you just I just celebrated my fifty at last. Baby, It's possible, Okay, it's possible. Jackson, Jenna Jackson. I mean, I do have baby fever, but I'm not gonna happy baby once again. Happy birthday to my One of my grand babies had a fever. Yeah. I didn't stick around for that, all right? Thank you? You want another baby? You've been saying that for a while, I tell you. Yeah, Like my mom used to say, get you another puppy. Okay, some goldfish? Get something? All right? In today's entertainment news, according to Essence dot com, guys, it is time to put even more respect on Ava DuVernay's name. Uh. Miss DuVernay signed a multi year multi genre overall deal with Warner Brothers. It is worth upwards of one Are you ready for this one hundred? Are you ready for this million dollars? Wow? Hey, I'm just gonna tell I'm gonna cancle. I like wall and when we get together. She already about me recent but he made Selma, the movie Selma. She's on the own network. Are you talking about the producer? Yeah? Yeah, oh yeah, yeah, Queen Shugar Queen Yeah, oh no, she's a bad girl, I know. Yeah. The collaboration will reportedly allow Duvernee to create everything from comedy and drama series to documentaries and digital content content for broadcasts, for cable and for streaming services. And she's not the only one though, there's more. She's not the only black created what Tommy, Now, that's it. I'm going to put its common thing together and comments ab Duvna and say, hey, listen, I'm a nephew times from Steve hard mun show. Me and my uncle have a project that I want to piss to you and Stevens you know you want to be the executive producer. You and your uncle don't have no project? What we know? That's what I'm telling No, I would I would I would want to try to do something. Uh huh oh it didn't happen. I can't got to worry bookod by time. May they ever get together? I'm gonna hit it. I'm hit a production, so you're gonna be missed the dun you hit whatever? All creative property to go through me so she don't get Junior, lad name Junior? What you called me? Drop space? So fast man act like I never knew him? People, So let me tell you who else is balling in this TV game. Power TV show creator Courtney Kemp, you know from Power she signed, She's She's powerful and she does Power signed the multi year partners show up with lions Gate, while Blackish TV show creator Kenyu bars Kenyu Barras and Mega producer Shanda Rhimes both negotiated huge deals with streaming giant Netflix. Yahya yes, And before we get out of here, the creator of a SpongeBob SquarePants, Stephen Hillenburg, passed away on Monday. Yeah he was. He was battling a LS and we'll be back. Uh, Steve, please introduce miss Anne right here, ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Tripp, Thank you, Steve, Thanks everybody. This is entreput the news. Okay, you heard about it a little bit this morning from the crew. Voters in Mississippi have voted to send a white woman who said she'd attend a public hanging if a certain supporter asked her to to the US Senate. She won the vote. Sydney Cindy Hyde Smith was a point to fill out the remainder of the Senate term of Fad Cochrane, who resigned because of illness. She wanted to run off yesterday against former US Agricultural Secretary Mike Espy, who is black. Meanwhile, cops in Alabama are offering their sympathy but not much else at this point. To the family of the innocent young black man who was shot and killed at a suburban Birmingham More shopping wall on Thanksgiving night, two people had been shot. The cop was shot and killed. Amantic Bradford Junior is on paid leave after being initially hailed as a hero until it was discovered that mister Bradford was not the gunman and that in fact, the gunman was still at large. Mister Bradford's father is a former longtime employee of the Birmingham Police Department. He says his son had a concealed weapon permit, and that his family wants to see the cops body cam video. Now. Thoris say there's a new information on the mass shooting early this month at a bar in Thousand Oaks, California. Thirteen people died in that when you may remember, including the gunman identified as a former marine who took his own life. However, Ventura County Sheriff of Billy Yaubs says that while they know that the shooter, twenty eight year old David Long, fired more than fifty rounds during the attack, he says, the question of why did all this remain As to the motive of the suspect, We are no closer to determining that today than we were at the onset of the incident. Investigators are analyzing information from the suspects family, friends, and witnesses, as well as evidence collected from his home and from the bar. The G twenty summit begins to Dame Buenos Aires, President Trump already saying that he's going to most likely move ahead with his formally announced plans to slap more tariffs on Chinese goods. In fact, the President tells the Wall Street Journal that he expects to raise levies on two hundred billion dollars in Chinese imports to twenty five percent. Now he's not leaning, he says, towards granting Beijing's request to delay the imposition of those tariffs. Either Trump's additional tarifs could result in consumers having to shell out more for things like laptops and Apple iPhones because of all the tariffs and all the parts that that machinery takes entails rather, dictionary dot com says the twenty eighteen word of the year is misinformation. Misinformation defined by dictionary dot com as false information that is spread regardless of whether there is intent to mislead anybody. The folks of the website say they selected the word misinformation as a call to action against the fake news, which they say has been driving Americans choices, their behaviors, and their actions. Dictionary dot com says the word of year again misinformation. Finally, today is National letter Writing Day, so I'm gonna down right, this is an antwerp with the news. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the sty Show, all right? Jada Pinkett Smith, Jada's mother, Adrian Banfield Jones, who's been divorced three times, and singer Tony Braxton. They were candidly discussion discussing divorce in the latest episode of Jada's Red Table Talk. Tony revealed that she and her ex husband, singer Carry Lewis you remember him from the Group Men condition, they split over money issues stemming from her lupus diagnosis, which forced her to cancel shows. Now take a listen as Tony talks about how she felt about that divorce. I hated being divorced. I hated everything about it. I hated having to surrender to the loss. Everyone said, you don't even at the acceptance stage. I'm like, no, I feel like a loss. I'm waving the white flag. Yeah. She said she hated paying a spousal support as well. She hated that divorce is heavy. It is it is, Steve. We've both been divorced. So what are you bringing me? What advice? What advice can we give people? What's the best way to do a divorce? Steve? That's not it, Tommy. You know if you could not do it, that's probably that. That's a Tory song. Never lie. It's just it's hard to keep somebody, don't want you. Yeah, hard to keep somebody that don't want you, they're already gone. And somebody sent me a text one time that said life is too short to wait on somebody to act, right. Wow. I like that. And so divorce is tough, man, especially if his kids involved. Yes, that's when it's really tough. I really can't advise nobody nothing, so trying not to. I'll tell you what I was describing my divorce the other day. It was like I had climbed over a four hundred foot prison wall and fell from the top, and I was laying there waiting on the guards and the dogs to come take me back in. And it took me a minute to get up on my feet and start running. Wow. It was like it was like I was free. It was like being institutionalized. I was free, and I didn't know how to be free. I felt institute lives. I kid you nothing. Was it a game of Wall? Game of Thrones? Wall? Was it that time? Yeah? Yeah, like the Wall, the Wall, the Wall. You're gonna be sent to the wall, to the nth don snow then, yes, Game of Thrones back in April of next year. Yes, wow. All right, well listen, we're gonna move on coming up at thirty four after the hour. Tis the season for getting it on? That's right, I'm talking about who she listened. You're listening to show the season guys were getting it on. A new survey found that fifty percent of Americans say they're little, you know, friskier freakier during the holidays, and about seventy percent of respondents revealed that they typically get busy on Christmas Day. Yeah, I've been here. Will better be some frisk up in here, some frisk and cake? You've been not open that box and go down stairs? Ya? Tell me? This story is Taylor made for you? Because you're just talking about you talked about and we talked about it Monday. I was saying, y'all know, I said, you know what you know? Am I wrong to want to do it? Why company is there? And we having Thanksgiving? Let's so let's let's speed it up to Christmas. If we're opening gifts and and enjoying Christmas. If we slip away for thirty minutes, is that all right? I mean, it's my house, ain't it. Can I do that? Yeah? But are you at your permission? I'm just asking y'all to give me confirmation. So when I asked huh to meet me back here, it's okay. I don't think the confirmation you need has to come from us, right, you know what? You know what, let me do this. Let me just speak for every man. Ladies, if you're listening, y'all married, when when your men, uh, when it's eleven thirty twelve and he cut your arm and y'all both into bed, that's a sign, baby, that's a sign. Don't don't hit me a pull away from me that that that hurts my No, I'm not, I'm not. I'm not saying that's happening at the shot. That's happening all over the world. Listen, when we when we when we just when we just touch your arm or your side, guess what we we we we know we're gauge in the temperature. But it's bad. When you slap somebody's hand back, that's you know, Yeah, we're not actually trying to just cut off. Ain't no rubbing on you because we're trying to cut it. You know, I ain't the only one getting this slap back. I know I ain't the only one on you. It just did Wait, we probably sleep, Yeah, okay, but if you're getting rubbed on, Yeah, I have been accidentally hit in my nostril. I mean really, just I have, man, this this is just really that was the bread win around him. Can you help my situation at the time? What's your situation? Like? When I buy the gift? You know, you come back and pick it up. That'll mean get right back in the car. Wow, that do not mean? Now, I got you exactly what you asked for. I got to receive the man kissing me on the cheek and walk your head back out the door and I hit an engine, start and drive off. How did you know? Yes, you know what I'm saying. I got these silk gemas I bought for Christmas morning. That's sweet. You didn't even looked at him. Yeah, you know it might be time for you to come on end dog. Yeah, dog might have smart you know, come on in and what old dogs don't look old horses don't look good in the field I'm working, They don't graze the same. We just gotta come on around. Oh all right, well listen, Oh you got one you need to come on around. You got one particular. Yeah, but we're just getting in the call on Christmas Day, that got stop? How long has that been going on? About four years? Or Christmas? I'll be back. I gotta go by my mama. I gotta make my rounds. Yea, I gotta make my ride. So she just leave, takes the gift and leaves you. She doesn't say I'm coming back or anything. Nah, or you don't go. Why don't you just go with her? I was in silk pajama. Sure. Oh yeah, I'm so glad. I don't make holiday rounds. No, man, I'm so glad. Yeah. Yeah, I can't stand there. Yea, why we go? I just don't. I just at home like I'm just cool at home. Man, I'm good. All right, well, listen coming up next, Thank you, guys. Coming up next, Nephew Tommy's prank phone call. That's right after this you're listening show, coming up at the top of the hour. Guys, Right about four minutes after I got to the eight strawberry letter for you, the subject I can't call her husband daddy. Right now, Nephew Tommy is here with the prank phone call. What's your guy? Naph Come on, surely y'all in here. Y'all have heard it a minute days. What's that three minute remarks? Where have you heard that? At the funeral? Running this prank running running? Well, yes, I'm trying to reach a brother Keith please, Yeah, this is Keith, Keith. How are you doing? This is Lawrence over at il funeral home. Okay. We are the ones that have the uh doing the funeral for sister Dolores, and that is uh your my understanding, right yeah, okay, And as you know, the funeral is uh this coming Thursday. Yes, I'll be that Thursday. I'm giving you a call because it's been brought to my attention, uh that you were going to be giving remarks for the funeral. Is that correct? Yes? Absolutely, Okay. I wanted to call you because we're getting ready to print the programs for the funeral and let you know that they have taken you off for the remarks because they say that you're not going to be What do you mean taking me off? Well, what I'm saying is they say that you're you're not going to abide by the two three minute rule that they have for remarks, and they wanted they've they've taken you off and uh uh who who who is they? Who? Who come out come off? Who who? What's the name is launch? I'm launched. I'm the actual funeral director lord? And who who told you to take me off? Uh? One of the one of the family members I'm assuming is who who made the adjustment? And an adjustment that ain't no adjustment, that's that's changing the whole program. Who else is on the list? I mean there's quite a few family members doing different things, Uh throughout the funeral? Say so, how did you get to my name? Is what I'm trying to figure out that they said. Let listen to me. Listen, listen to me. Listen to me, brother, keep listen. Tell me what they said. It is that you weren't going to abide by the time. You weren't going to do your remarks in three minutes or less. Listen, listen, listen, listen. Monty raised me, he put me through college. And you think I'm ben I've Beenna goes there in her funeral and be under two minutes. Well and listen, listen, keep brother, keep listen to me. Normally, when we have these funerals, people who give remarks, we have them three minutes or less. Okay, I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what mister Lord, don't list. Is she lord the list? We have a sealer. Yes, there's a ceiler that's singing her name off the list. Take her off the list and put me where she supposed to be with my time and her time. Is Bobby Joan too, Bobby, Yes, Bobby Junior is given remark that's that's that's Delors's, that's mister Lawes's son, right, Yes, every son, the one that been locked up. He just got out of tail. The truth be told. He the one Dawn and then put her in the cot. You needn't take him off the list too. Give me all that time, because I mean, if Inglen take nothing that Keith, let me let me let me just say this to you. I cannot take she law or Bobby Junior off. I can't make any alterations to this program unless they say that. Actually, sir, you already you already taking you already taking people name off. You're taking my name off. But but they they orchestrated this though, who is they? Who is they? They? For having my whole problem? They try to take me off my hockey pro am? Who was day? Sir? I'm not gonna get into a family matter. But until they say that you can matter. Sure, I'm not gonna. I don't want to. I don't want to have this turn out to be bad and we want to have a great homegoing for sister Deloyder. Okay, damn right. And if I don't get to say nothing, I guarantee you, I guarantee you it's gonna be a truthful one in there. Somebody else don't get things and the call for tooth. I guarantees that if I don't get to say nothing, that my monkey funeral, moranty didn't pay for the college. I didn't put six thousand, but in the funeral. I bet you, I tell you this. I'll tell you this, mister lord. I bet you whether I don't want the program, I'm not. I bet you, I say with the fol I want to I'll bet you that much. You tell bay that I didn't. I didn't put me through college. I put money on the funeral. I called around a few. You ain't putting no money on the funeral. Tell them they can't be on the program. A man keep they when they decide who who Who's own it? If they changed the format, then I will call you back. Who who the is thege that's what I'm trying to get. Get you understand who is back? Can I can I tell you something? And I don't want you to get to I raped Okay, ahead, go ahead, go ahead, man. I just want to say this. Keep with them. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got breaked, just gotten breaked by your cousin, Bobby Junior. You boom, I'm Bobby Junior. Up. I'm kicking Bobby. I know that my love pleasures all I ain't got fund be playing man taking me on damn program. I'm oh, Bobby said, y'all grew up black brothers man, and you was you was basically another son of mister Lord's. That's right, Yes, yes I was. Man. Oh hey, let me ask you this man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harry Morning Show. Anybody ever been there. I'm just I'm just saying that, saying who is dated? Who is date? All I'm saying, dog is they say, and you're not going to bude by the three minutes and they didn't took you out the program? Who is date? Is? What I'm liking is that. Oh man, the funeral is no joke. Yeah, they go over every Yeah, no joke. And three minutes is long because we talk every day, so we look at clocks and the time. Yeah. Yeah, so to talk for three minutes, that's a long time. But they don't know that. Yeah. Have you been in the funeral when they had to cut the line off? The line was so long. Gosh. Yeah, come on, man, I went to the past. See all these people that are standing. They came on up there to the mark. He said, Nah, that's it. Yeah. If the spirit moves you to go a bit, it's too late, too late for you and your spirit. Yeah, get the person number folded you all of a sudden, jump up and run up. It's too late, right, you know Robert and I. Yeah, all of those goods right, all right, let me put it out there. Columbia, South Carolina. The Nephew is coming to town at the Comedy House. That is this Thursday. That will be tomorrow night starting, and then I'm going all the way to Sunday. That's one Thursday, two Friday to Saturday, and one on Sunday and land and the cut is d Troit mischa gin. That will be December eighth, LaBelle Crawford is in the building. Uh. John Witherspoon is in the building. Earthquake is in the building, Dominique is in the building, and the one and only Rodman in the building. Nice. See I didn't cut you off at the Fox Theater. Thank you, sir. That's a great show though, right you got to coordinate with yes, all right, thank you, nephew. Coming up the Strawberry Letter subject I can't call her husband daddy. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Show. All right, now, guys, it is time for the Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationship, dating, work, or sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter and we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like this one. Tommy, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter, Thank you. Subject I can't call her husband daddy. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a twenty eight year old female and I have a fifty seven year old male mentor that I work with. He has given me great advice and helped me through some obstacles in my life. This is the first man that has ever treated me with respect and did not try to sleep with me. He is like a father figure to me, and I call myself his play daughter. The only problem is his wife. He knew that I do not have the only problem is his wife. He knew that I did not have any plans for Thanksgiving dinner, so he invited me to his home. He never talked much about his wife, but I figured she would be just as sweet as he is. I took a bottle of moscato with me as a thank you for the dinner invitation. His wife greeted me, and she was polite, but not very talkative. She was finishing up dinner while my play dad and I had a glass of wine and watched the game in the din. I must have given off the wrong vibes because his wife seemed to get irritated with me quickly. It didn't help that I had on a crop top and leggings and they were dressed nicely. The next thing I knew, his wife stormed into the din and started going off. She started with what is this play door to mess? It went downhill from there. My play dad did not defend me. Instead, he fixed me a to go plate and asked me to leave. I was shocked and hurt, and I can't believe he let her go off on us like that. I think she owes me an apology. Now he's been distant at work and I don't know what to say to him. I hope that we can still have a cool relationship. Stephen Shirley, how should I handle this? All? Right? Now? Listen, I know you're young, You're only twenty eight years old, but really, though you know the letter you wrote made you sound pretty innocent and sincere in the fact that you feel he's a play dad to you. I'm gonna give you the benefit of the debt of the doubt for that. But you're going about this in the entire wrong way. Okay, you don't go to another woman's house dressed like that, a crop top and leggings. I mean it was dinner, Come on, not just any dinner. This was Thanksgiving dinner. People usually dress up, you know, if they invite you out, you look presentable. Haven't you heard the saying first impressions or lasting and all of that? What was his wife supposed to think? Which you looking like that. I mean, as my mother would say, fanning around her husband. And then you go into the din with him to watch the game, just the two of you. No, No, Well, why weren't you in the kitchen with her, you know, at least trying to help her out? Why didn't you offer even if she said no, you stay with her, you know. And what she did is but a lot of wives would have done, quite frankly in this situation, because it just doesn't look right. You guys in the den watching the game while she she owes you nothing. She doesn't owe you an apology. You're not going to get one, so stop looking for that. And you can believe he got an earful after you left about who are you? What's his play daughter? Mess? I bet you are playing with her. You're all of that, playing around all of that. That's why he's been distant at work. Okay, And he will probably say that way if he knows what's good for him. So for your sake, I hope this was a lesson learned about you know, how to act around someone's wife. Okay, Steve, Okay, Shirley, everything you said correct. As a matter of fact, you told her the correct way to behave you gave her some good advice clothing wise, where to said? All right, come on now, let's just gonna tell the truth. This old ass, out of shape woman jealous insecure you over here with the leggings ow. She can't find no leggings that she can't well that look like the ones you had. She can't find it. You know about your ass over here own thanksgiving? He like a father figure to you. He fifty seven, she probably the same age, a little lot of shape. Ain't what she was mad about it? So now he invited you to his home. He ain't said nothing about his wife. Most men don't bring up crazy people. Yeah, we don't go man and show enjoy talking to you because this helper our live with. He would never say that, but I figured she would be just as sweet as he was. I took a bottle of moscatto with me to took a bottle of muscatto with me as a thank you for the dinner invitation. Now let me explain something to you. Hood people ain't really up on moscato. You had to take something else. I believe you. Morgan David Man of chev Andy Greens Harvey's Bristol Creek, Yeah, something like that. Yeah, some Harveys Bristol cream cold up. Yeah, to take some spanyardo. Oh I heard that spanyard. You had to take something that's really cooling, something where she would go, oh, wine in a box. But you know you're over there with your little uppity cute ass talking about some bott of muscato. Nobody in here drank mosquito. We never had no mosquito before. What she gotta be that where you get this from? Gonna bring a bottle of mosquito with these tight as pants on. I can't get a mosquito between them pants and your ass either. Gona sit up in there and drink this little cheap ad bottle of mosquito you rung. Why don't you bring some off with it? His wife greeted me, and she was polite, but not very talking. She was finishing up dinner while my play dad and I see now, listen to me, key word. She was finishing up dinner. Listen to me. She wasn't in that washing dishes. A big ass was still at the table eating everybody else too. She and that finishing up dinner. Yeah, I thought she meant she was still cooking it. Yeah, she was still cooking it, Steve. Put the purposes. She was finishing up dinner with my play dad. I had a glass of wine and watched the game in the dinner. You don't watch the game after you week? All right, Hang on, Steve, all right, we'll come back with part two. I think at twenty three after the hour. The subject is I can't call her husband daddy right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letters. Subject can attitude is about nasty. This letter is about nasty attitude from a certain woman. And I'm just trying to draw attention to what I think this attitude is. Young girl, still got it going stuff, still sitting up, older lady at the house. Everything that failed. So don't get mad at me, because I'm in here giving you another angle. This is an angle of a strawberry ladder that I'm doing. My mama was a full figured woman, so that ain't what this is about. I loved my mama before I loved anybody. This is about this evil health for right here is evil because this lady thought that he was gonna be sweet just like her play daddy chief in to be your play mama, though shouldn't have been here. The only problem his wife had invited y'all and Thanksgiving dinner. He did because he never talked about his wife, because he's scared of him. Why would you bring that up? Why is he afraid of his wife, Steve? Because something wrong with him. She's been sliding off as the years go back. She's only fifty seventy. You've seen some fifty seven year olds and look eighty. You have seen a lot of fifty seven year olds. Look seventy. I think that's the case. I took a battle of muscato over there. That's way too bushe for hood people. Here. She come in here with this battle of mosquitoscatto muscato. Ain't nobody bought you no damn bottle of Mosquitoless? She thinking all the wine she could have had, any green free ball of coat, could have bought a forty of Mickey's all up, and you set up here and bought this cheap musquito. His wife greeted me. She was polite, but not very talkative. She was finishing up dinner while my play Dann and I had a glass of wine and watched the game and it did you know, we don't watch the game to after we eat. And you got a glass of wine and that watching the game. She adn't that finishing up dinner. She was sitting there at the table eating another plate. Listen, my husband, herman know I had three servings. Three servings. Now he didn't took your skin ass in there watching the damn game. What does she have on, Steve, leggings and leggings and a crop top to her, tell me where her belly was out. She's sitting up in there. It got a housecoat on from Walmart Thanksgiving dinner. Yeah, that you just slide over your head. It's a one piece. Sometimes it's a tent. Did she take them curlers out and then call that now she are? She tried to look all right, now you're not sitting up with your play dad had a glass of wine watching the game in the din, just the two of them. But they ended den. They wasn't in the bedroom. They ended damn den. Well, then she said, I must have given off the wrong vibe. I'm tight ass pays you damn right, you did, sitting up being here with these leggings on. Because she's sitting over there with a pair of dockers on, looking just like leggings. Doctor I. She said they were dressed nicely. She said, I had on a crop topping leggings and they were dressed nicely. Okay, Because his wife seemed to get irritated with me quickly, it didn't help that I had on a crop top and some legga. They were dressed nicely. Next thing I know, she stormed to the den and going off, she stayed with what is this play daughter? Mess Yes in the den, she didn't say, and it went down what is this play daughter? Sugar honey? Ice tea? Sugar honey, ice tea. You ain't no damn play daughter sitting up in there with your own ass playing. It went downhill from there. Your play dad did not defend me. He can't can't take her for you in her house Tilding and came up in here, raising hell, what's her name? Tilda? Tilda? Tilling came in here? Damn? Then then instead he fixed me to go play and ask me to leave right there. I told you the food would finish. He didn't, got some fall and made her playing baby baby, you're gonhead to go go now. I was shocked and her because she invited her to dinner here, everybody take it to go plate something to remember the day back. I was shocked and hurt and can't believe he let her go off on on us like that. Wait a minute, no, no, it was you. He can't stop at What you cannot do is defend another woman to your wife. I think she owes me an apology, and where you think she's gonna give you this apology? Because you're better not take your add back over there, because all this was was a warning shot. You just set that long enough. You'd been you'd have been on the news. You'd have been on the ten o'clock news that night. This is Houston letter right here now. He'd been distant at work, told you he was scared of her, and I don't know what to say to him. You can't say nothing to her. I hope we can still have a cool relationship. That's over you, Stephen Sherley, How should I handle this handling like it's over? Never tell you you better not take your ass back over there right now topping leggings. For sure, you go over there. In the choir rule, we get that same ass and some doctors immediately right now, don't go back over the time about she owe you an apology? She ain't an apologize. I've very rarely ever seen old black people to apologize and they house. Now. My mama got mad, and my daddy one time said slick, tell tell her you saw I ain't telling the sugar hunting sugar hunt. She want to hear apology. You can't gonna say that the dam but I ain't. Felisha, Look, we got to get out of here. Steve, please, how you asked me? No sugar hunting iced tea? Like? Please email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today sugar hunting iced t If you won't, that's Steve Harvey FM coming up in ten minutes. Ray J calls b AS on Kim Kardashian's ecstasy claim. Oh oh, right after this, you're listening? All right, here we go. Carla is here with the Reality Update early edition. What you got, Carla? Okay, so listen to this. So Kim Kardashian, she claimed that she was high on ecstasy while filming her two thousand and three sex tape. It's you know. Her claim is on home about the tape. I got challenged by her partner on the tape. I got that run here. Well listen to on Sundays Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Kim confessed to taking ecstasy twice, once when she married you know, your guy, Damon Thomas back in two thousand. You know, she was married very young, and then again while making the sex tape. Now, according to TMZ, ray J is not buying it. He insists that Kim never used any hard drugs or alcohol, and that she was fully aware of what she was doing and was one into it. Yeah, coherent me, everybody looked coherent. I've been wat Yeah. So now Yeah. Sources close to Kim says she's telling the truth and she has nothing to gain game by making the story up. They also says that she's learned from these experiences to just say no to drugs. So, you know, ray J is I guess he's just offended by the suggestion that Kim appeared, you know, to be enjoying herself only because she was on ecstasy. I watched because of him for the six times I watched tape. I'm just trying to take Everybody looked like they understood what's going I watched take four to six times. Give a damn if you didn't understand. Didn't she say you could tell she was on because her jaw was quivering or something? Yes, yes, she said her jaw was quivering. Oh no, no, no, my job quiver too. Yeah, that was ray JJ saying, Junior, he said that was me. Yeah. Yeah, let me something. My jaw quiver all the damn time, man, I didn't. I didn't hear a whole lot of stuff quiver. Your jaw ain't the only thing that can quiver, you know, the back of my heel quiver quiver. So there you gout. Ray J is calling her out on a calling bs on that. That's according to TMZ, I've actually gone blind for a small short period, Steve, I have lost my hearing? Boy, how did you tell me about? What did you telling about? All right, listen, I've been dead for twenty four hours. I was holland so loud. He ain't know out, Holly, I've actually forgotten how to walk. You understand what I'm saying. Wait, let me hit Steve ye. Enough more Kardashian News. Guys, Yeah, we got it, Kim kar alright, Steve enough, are you gonna do that through this entire story, all right, Kim M everybody? Yeah, yeah, you go boy and get in there. All right. So, as I was saying, Kim more Kardashian news, Kim Kardashian showed off her hubby Kanye West private seven forty seven on her Instagram story. But Steve, the fans were not happy about this. They were more concerned about their carbon footprint than the luxury jet. Okay, this is according Yeah, he has a private seven forty seven, private seven forty seven, according to Yeah, what's what's your numb on yours? Dog? What you got? Kanye got a seven forty seven? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, what you got a three eighteen? What you got that's the same thing Trump got. Yeah. Yeah. It's a plush double decker Boeing seven forty seven. It can actually set up to six hundred and sixty people when it's used for a commercial flight. But for Kanye, all that space is for his double bed suite, his marble bathroom, his lounge area or is him said on the buddy that must have been chartered for one time only? Yeah he owned it, girl, Now I don't think so well. What I heard was that Adidas gave it to him. That's what I heard, and then I heard too surely they said that's unclear they did if they chattered the plane for them or not. So yeah, we don't know. Yeah that's a big plane. Yes it is a seven seven. Um they have guest rooms dining. I know billionaires that don't have that plane. Okay, so well, okay, okay, Well that I do not know. I know some African Americans with some planes, and they got some beautiful planes. Let me tell you something. Some folks out there, Boy whoa with some stuff in the air that's really really nice. The one person I know yours, well, I think if I think, if you come up with it Adidas Steve Harvest suit, we'll be on our way. I really do. I think Adidas that have us right? Uh really? Man? Anyway, people are mad because of the amount of gas it takes to run the plane. Uh you know they they're saying it just seems unnecessary to them. Uh you know all of the stuff they just gave away five hundred thousand dollars to um wildlife fire reliefs and then um, then they're doing this. People don't like it. They don't like it, so they think it's for the grand I think it's stunting purposes. Kim Kardashian all our story. Yeah, I don't know how to find the stories. You just hit the circle. Yeah, I know they wouldn't know ecstasy. I know that. I know everybody would come when he was on that take. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show while Steve checks it out. Right after this, you're listening to the stew All right, Steve, come on. You shared with us a little bit about your trip to Abu Dhabi yesterday. What would you like to ask? I want to know. Yeah, up, I want to know. Huh. You know I'm a foodie. So the best meal you had while you wrote the best meal I had in Abu Dhabi. To be perfectly honest with you, we ate at Zoomer. Zooma is a restaurant that's pretty famous. I think there's one in Miami. Zoom in Miami. You can day around the world. Zoomer was It's a Japanese restaurant, sushi, a lot of sushi everything. So that was really really good. Um, Zoomer. We was there, Okay, Okay, I told you, I don't know, but a couple of things. It's Umi Umi. I've eaten that Zoomi before. Another excellent restaurat. Yeah, that was pretty good. But my favorite restaurant in uh was at the Image Palace, and I don't know. It was a Chinese restaurant, Hawkasan. That's it. Hawkasan Man the best duck I've ever eaten. Really. The Imrige Palace is this actual palace. No, that's the name of the hotel. Hotel, it's called the Imrige Palace. It's right across from the Presidential Palace where they have the meetings. It's not whether there's no president right now. Ye should we as a morning show go over and have a week or two in Divide? No, because they have laws about on the radio, like it's certain languages and stuff, and you ain't gonna be doing what do you mean, Steve? And that's why you're not going? Why can't we go? Because I can't quit custom of a trip of going to us everybody. I'm just wentn't on the air, you know. I let you have it in whatever country though what that got to do with it? I know one thing. We might not speak the same language, but I bet you sugar hunted. I iced tea translates every where I've been it works. So Akasan was excellent. I ate at a Lebanese restaurant. I didn't care for it as much. I didn't think the food was as great. But I've had a Lebanese restaurant in Dubai that was outstanding, okay, But the one I ate at in Abu Dhabi I didn't care for that much. But um, I would probably prefer to live in Abu Dhabi as opposed to Dubai because it's a little quieter, but it's still so clean. It's just say, man, there's no crime. And like I told a guy, the ambassador, I said, man, I can't remember waking up and not having to worry about any form of safety. I walked by myself a mile and a half two miles around the compound, and I didn't have to worry about anything. There's no crime, there's no looking over your shoulder, here comes somebody. It ain't none of that. Didn't you tell us before about someone leaving their keys in the car or something. Yeah, dude, bro, nobody gonna take nothing belong to you. It's the craziest thing. And It's just felt so incredible to be able to walk somewhere and not have to worry. And I'm I'm never able to do that. I don't let men, what do you? And people don't know this? So when you do, when you go to a place like this, what do you do for fun? What is fun to you? I mean for me, I have fun like I do anywhere else, like chilling. For me, fun is doing nothing. You know, I work so much. The sheer joy of sitting by the pool eating yeah, I ain't on yeah man, I was like ordering food and eating Arabic coffee. My favorite thing is Arabic coffee in dates there. I love that, man, Arabic coffee in dates. You know, I got my cigars wherever I go. But you know, and just feed up man shorts every now and then. But just chilling, man and just doing nothing, that's really fun to me, you know, I mean, you know, meeting people. I enjoy meeting people from other places that I can learn from, you know, people with position and stuff like that. Yeah, I mean, you know, I mean, but when am I gonna meet anybody else? You know what I mean? People? Well, you ain't got no regular friends? Yeah, I don't know nobody. You know, I don't go nowhere where. Everywhere I go somebody over there, somebody, and so you know, I get a little crazy when I tell people that they think you're arrogant. I'm not arrogant at all. It's just the people that I'm around or at these places that I go to, are people that are kind of important, whatever their job title is. And I can learn stuff from about their culture, about their life. To ask questions about what I do, I learned from them. So it's just being able to sit around and and just take a breather. It's like really fun to me. So you could really live over there. I could live in Botswana. I could live in Abu Dhabi very easily. Best. I'm curious about people. Oh no crime in Abu da ain't nobody doing. That's wonderful. You got to worry. Don't even worry. Bro. All right, we're about to throwing nothing. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to see if you were telling us about your experience, your travel in Botswana and Abu Dhabi in Dubai, I think, oh, if I could suggest to people saving your money. It's if you have to go to Africa before you leave this world, you should go to Africa. You should go back to where you're from. It's it's a critical trip for black people. It's so important. Man, I can't express you. How does it change you? Why do you say it's a critical trip. The way I describe it is it's like going back home to a place you've never been. It's very familiar. Every African I said that too, said, oh my god, oh my god, what must that be like? They don't have any homicides or shootings in Dubai. Look at it. None And why do you why is that? Steve? Why? Well, that's a big part of it's a Muslim country. You have to respect the culture. Women are expected to dress a certain way as to not create I mean like even at the mosque for prayer, they have a women's prayer room and a men's prayer And that's what it's life. And for black people, even though all of civilization started in Africa, that's a hard sale to some people. They don't know how to accept that mankind started in Africa. But for black people, you have to go go online, go to the websites, find a discount, get a ticket. You've got to go to Africa. Man, it would change your life. Let me ask you this. So me and my wife took a bunch of relatives to the Bahamas and we said, twenty twenty, we want to take a bunch of relatives to Africa. But I know nothing about where to go. It's so huge. It's a continent that's so big, it's where with over fifty countries in it. Exactly where do I go? If I have two weeks to go. If I can go to Africa for two weeks, where do I go? I mean, I'm not an expert at it. But of course when you say Africa, people automatically think South Africa. But it's so much more to that, as I've had to learn talking to Africans about the different countries, Nigerian Synagogue, the Congo, up Africa. I mean, it's just so much now, um, But you know, I would sit down with a travel agent and look at options and make a decision for your family. But uh, you have to go see South Africa, but then you need to go and see some other parts. But it's so vast. I mean, in your life you may not. You can't see it all. That's how vast of a continent. Africa's a continent with fifty to over fifty some countries in it. So it's people that's there that ain't seen at all. I don't see how you could. I don't see how you can see it. It is the most breathtaking scenery. Wow, it is shockingly raw and beautiful. And you'll see stuff in Africa you can't see. You know what, all the animals three and Africa ain't animals and just animals and sickness and hunger and war. It's so much more than that. Man, we've been lied to about what Africa releaves. Wow. We'll have more of the Steve Every Morning show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Mississippi special election was yesterday Democrat Mike Espy against his opponent, Republican Cindy Hyde Smith. Spy supporters want at Mississippi voters to turn out like Alabama voters did for Democratic Senator Doug Jones beating Roy Moore. We all remember that. Well, Um, the President held a couple of election eve rallies to promote that Republican Cindy Hyde Smith as a truly and credible leader and asked regarding Democrat Mike Espy, uh, which I thought was crazy when he said, how does he fit in with Mississippi? Excuse me? Can you ask that question? Isn't he a native son? From that? He's the native son exactly, house, exactly exactly. At least Mike Espy has tons of political on the national level, local level, state level. Yes, so, Steve, this runoff election was about race and new elect Senator Cindy Hyde Smith her remarks about endorsing public hangings and lynchings. I mean, seriously, what is this world coming to this country? What is going on? Well? You know, um, this rhetoric comes from the top, and it's been made to be okay to verbalize anything that you want to say. Whether it's politically correct or this operating, whether it causes pain, whether it's bigoted, racist, it doesn't matter. It's been made to seem okay. They relate to that. Well, he said it. Now, if the president can get away with saying the stuff he's gotten away with, why not, right, let me try so you expect he'll Billy Hank to restrain his tongue. When the President of the United States number forty five does not at all. Yeah, no, it starts a wave, though, it starts a whole wave. That's he gets bad. Hey man, everybody joins in. Everybody's saying what I want to say. Trump was talking in Mississippi the other day. Did you see the black dude with the ponytail? He was there too. Again. He said, all the relies, he's he's every last one Arizona. They flying him around, the black dude. But when we're gonna poop his head? You know, man, I was just thinking that you no, sorry, I gotta say it for real, dog. I mean I just want to like pull him to the South brothers and just go, hey man, really come on, and when y'all finish, I'm gonna come back and clip that damn pony. It's still all right for a good as woman. It's still all right for that, isn't it. I mean, he's he's pathetic though, man. I mean, look, man, let's say you're a Trump supporter. I got it, but to be used like that, We're gonna put you front and center as obviously token black wow, and we're gonna make you the face of black people Blacks for Trump, take that ass off. Black for Trump. Really, you know, it's just what can you say? We gotta get out and vote. We've been saying that forever and ever and ever. I mean, it's real, our vote matters, you can't. I think we did get out of vote though, And I think also to mean it couldn't have just been the black people that voted for him. He had to have white people to him to to win. Now, yeah, you know black well, you know that's that's with any election today. Yah. All right, thank you guys. Coming up next to Steve with today's closing remarks right after this you're listening to all right, here we are last break of the day. Um, Steve, you've been gone for a while. We've missed you. Uh and you know it's been a minute since you've talked about success in your closing remarks. So I mean, let's just start from the basics. Yeah, let's see, Yeah, let's get to it. Just yeah, Well, the basis of success is, first of all, you must learn the principles of success. Successful people lived by a set of principles. It's certain things that successful people do repeatedly. You just gotta memorize them, learn them, and incorporate them into your world. That's really how it's done. It's really not a magic trick. But you just have to get to the point where you know how to do it. You know, like there are things that let me, let me, let me, let me, let me share something it. There's a lot of things that successful people do that's just different. They create and they pursue smart goals. They make decisive and immediate action. Successful people focus on being productive, not being busy. Successful people make logical, informed decisions. They get information. Successful people avoid the trap of trying to make things perfect. You know, a lot of people never get started because they want everything to be lined up just right. Successful people don't do the Successful people work outside of their comfort zone. If you want to be comfortable, you're not ever going to be successful. You gotta be willing to go outside of that comfort zone. You know. Successful people focus on making a small continuous improvements. What throws a lot of people off, y'all keep trying to make these huge leaps now, man inch by inch. Anything's essential, make small continuous improvements. Successful people measure and track their process. They progress, They keep a record of their progress. They track it so they can see where the loves and the valleys and peaks work. Successful people always maintain a positive outlook even as they learn from their mistakes, because mistakes is a part of it. Man, And successful people they spend time with the right people. You gotta change your association with your people. If you want to be successful, you got to get around some like minded folks. You can't stay with the same crew and get successful. If you stay with the same crew, you're gonna be just like the same crew. Association brings on participation, there's no way around that. And successful people maintain a balance in their life. It's God first, family second, education third, and then business. Now, don't give me twitted. You know what I mean by God first and family second. But education third don't mean you necessarily have to go to school. It just you have to educate yourself to the thing you're trying to turn into a business. You got to become knowledgeable about it. They don't mean go back to school. Those are the things that make a person successful, you know. And then can I give you a real simple piece of advice, the Book of Proverbs. If you have not read the Book of Proverbs, man, you're doing yourself a serious injustice. The Book of Proverbs is filled with two most important things you need in life, wisdom and understanding. If you gain wisdom and understanding, it will unlock and give you the keys to so many problems you're facing. It will give you the knowledge and the wherewithal to handle what's happening to you. The Book of Proverbs, man, it's one to me to me now, one of the richest books in the Bible. Now you may have your favorite. I'm just telling you what's mine. But what has gotten me to this point today has been the Book of Proverbs, the book of wisdom and understanding. If you can gain those two things, it's more valuable than silver and gold. A wise person and a person that's able to to understand, decipher, shape it to where it fits. That's what wisdom and understand it does. That's what I would suggest that time for a question. Yes, absolutely so. I'm I'm blessed. I keep getting even more blessed, and things are looking upward. And but I feel like I am growing away from my friends because we are living two different lives now. Yeah, but I don't want to lose my friends. I want to hold on to him because that's all I got. Well, I might make it. I might make some new ones, but well ones I had when I had nothing, I don't. I don't want to lose them, but I feel like I'm slipping away from Let me ask you a question, how do you lose a friend? I just think we're growing apart. That's I think my my, my life is changing. And absolutely that's because there are certain people in your life for a season. It don't mean you lose them as friends. It's just you've outgrown them. Everybody come with you can't go with you, and it's okay. Man, I got a lot of friends. Man, I can't fool with like I used to. I see them, We cool, but we can't run together. First of all, they can't go on. No where you can go unless you pay for you can't hold on see you. In order to grow, you got to go for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey f M dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.